
Meeting Name Theft Issues Group (TIG) Meeting Number Meeting 03 Date Tuesday, 08 November 2016 Time 10.00 – 12:30 Location ElectraLink Offices, 2-3 Golden Square, London, W1F 9HR.

Attendee Company Catherine Carr [CC] (teleconference) Northern Powergrid Chris Harding [CH] (teleconference) EDF Dan French [DF] (teleconference) David Mitchell [DM] SGN Emma Hegarty [EH] (teleconference) SSE Gary Quiney [GQ] (teleconference) First Utility Ian Main [IM] (teleconference) Kevin Dunne [KDE] Utility Warehouse Kirsty Dudley [KDY] E. ON Leanne Cavagan [LC] (teleconference) Northern Powergrid Marvin Claire [MC] Paul Hart [PH] UK Power Networks Piers Merritt [PM] British Gas Sarah McKenna [SM] (teleconference) Northern Powergrid Tim Porter [TP] (teleconference) SSE In Attendance Anamari Bishopp [AB] (part meeting) Crimestoppers Tania Carrigan [TC] (part meeting) Crimestoppers

Sarah Jones [SJ] (Chair) ElectraLink

Fungai Madzivadondo [FM] (Secretariat) ElectraLink


Lauri Walker ISupply

Helen Armstrong Northern Gas

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Kelly Talton National Grid

Cherrelle Mclean Total Gas and Power

Peter Lowe Western Power Distribution

Michael Walls ESP Electricity



1.1 The group noted the introductions and apologies. 2 MINUTES AND ACTIONS

2.1 The previous meeting minutes were approved with the following amendments:  Minor tracked amendments circulated prior to the meeting. 2.2 ElectraLink took an action to amend the October meeting minutes. TIG/20161108/01: ELECTRALINK 2.3 An update on all actions can be found in appendix A 3 TIG MONITORING LOG

3.1 The Secretariat presented the TIG Monitoring Log. No new items were added to the Log. It was noted that the DCUSA Theft Assessment Calculator was approved by the DCUSA Panel and a page with the Calculator is being added to the DCUSA Website. 4 UPDATED DCP 278 CHANGE REPORT

4.1 The TIG reviewed the updated DCP 278 ‘Allocation of Users to the ETTOS Secure Email Service’ Change Report. It was noted that at the October DCUSA Panel meeting, the Panel members had advised that some sections of the legal text deviate from the CPs original intent. The group noted that the Change Report had been updated to explain why the legal text on payment claims and ETTOS additional services had been added to the CPs solution. 4.2 The TIG approved the changes made to the Change Report and noted that similar changes had been made to Final SPAA CP16 346. ElectraLink took an action to submit DCP 278 Change Report to the November Panel meeting and issue CP16 346 in the November Change Pack. TIG/20161108/02: ELECTRALINK 5 TSG WORKING ARRANGEMENTS CPS

5.1 The TIG further discussed the Theft Steering Group (TSG) Working Arrangements CPs. On the proposed CP to link the SPAA and DCUSA self-governance process the TIG noted that the Distribution and Supplier licences state that once a change has been voted for and approved by Parties it should be implemented into the codes. Therefore, it is not possible to introduce a dependency on the decision made under another Code. The TIG agreed that this to be dealt with on an operational level and added the issue to the TIG Monitoring Activities Log.

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5.2 The TIG agreed to progress with the Change Proposal on formalising the TSG. ElectraLink took an action to submit the CP to the DCUSA Panel on 09 November and issue the SPAA draft CP in the November Change Pack. TIG/20161108/03: ELECTRALINK 6 ETTOS MI REPORT

6.1 Crimestoppers provided their first Energy Theft Tip Off Service (ETTOS) Management Information (MI) report in the form of a dashboard and excel reports. SJ explained that some sections of the report had not been shared with the TIG members as they contained confidential information i.e. Supplier names and the number tip offs received or outstanding. Crimestoppers was asked to provide anonymised versions of the reports for future meetings. 6.2 On the dashboard report Crimestoppers provided an analysis of the Microsite showing the number of visits to the site and online forms filled out. It was highlighted that there had been changes to the click through rate where the ETTOS advert had been shown. 6.3 The TIG reviewed the MI excel report and highlighted that the total number of calls answered in October was 85%, which is lower than the agreed service levels. AB explained that the service level relates to the number of calls answered within 2 minutes and this service level was achieved. The data in the MI report relates to the total number of call answered and therefore shows the percentage that drop off before being answered. Members of the TIG felt that counting the drop off calls with the calls answered makes it difficult to measure the SLA as the service provider cannot control the number of drop off calls made. The TIG advised that the report show figures for the calls answered as this is within the service provider’s control. 6.4 During their review of the MI report the TIG also recommended the following:  Within the MI Spreadsheet the gas and electricity figures in the ‘actionable by’ column should be updated to show the separate figures for gas and electricity and not the combined numbers.  Commentary on the figures should be provided in the report and also clarification on the meaning of gas check.  Data should be provided in relation to all agreed service levels.  Clarify the information in the ‘Contact Type’ to show what is being referred to calls, on line reports or both.  The report should be updated to show the number of disseminated reports, incorrect matches, time taken to match the reports and the number of re-matched reports. The TIG also advised that Crimestoppers provide more commentary within the report explaining the reported figures.  Add the website report to the excel spreadsheet. TIG/20161108/04: CRIMESTOPPERS 6.5 TIG members expressed surprise that the majority of tip offs received so far have been both gas and electricity and asked Crimestoppers to confirm this data. TIG/20161108/05: CRIMESTOPPERS 6.6 PM pointed out that the report did not show instances where Parties received incorrect matches. The historic reports had incorrect matches however this was not reported in the MI report. Crimestoppers agreed to check the information provided for consistency and TIG members agreed to check whether any reports had been sent back to Crimestoppers as incorrectly matched.

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TIG/20161108/06: CRIMESTOPPERS/TIG 6.7 The MI report showed that in September a total of 122 tip offs were received via the telephone line or the online form. In October the total number of tip offs was 101. In addition, 12/24 instances of potential energy theft were reported via Crimestoppers’ charitable service in September/ October respectively. The TIG noted that all of the tip offs have been matched in accordance with the defined process and no calls have been referred to the emergency gas and electricity services. Additional information has been requested regarding the number of tip offs that have been returned to Crimestoppers for re-matching. 6.8 Crimestoppers highlighted that a number of Parties had not yet registered to retrieve their tip offs and some, although registered, had not logged on to the site to check for theft reports. The TIG advised that Crimestoppers provide a list of those organisations that have not logged onto the web portal at all, so that this can be escalated to the TSG. TIG/20161108/07: CRIMESTOPPERS 7 ETTOS MARKETING UPDATE

7.1 Crimestoppers provided their marketing activities update noting that currently campaigns have targeted Google and Facebook users. For Facebook the demographics are very broad, targeting anyone aged 18-65+ in the UK and then target people by their property interests or job titles. 7.2 Crimestoppers noted that the Google Contextual Campaign has three sub-campaigns set up, targeting audience within 25 miles of main UK cities and based on people interests such as sports, hobbies and real estate. It was noted that remaining Google contextual budget will be used to raise brand awareness levels. 7.3 It was also noted that twitter could be used for organic marketing activity. This did not form part of the proposal as this would not require funding. ETTOS Seasonal Advertising Proposal 7.4 Crimestoppers presented two options in their seasonal advertising proposal and noted that an advertising campaign during the winter months will help broaden audiences and increase reporting on energy theft. It was proposed that the campaign be targeted to specific locations and audiences using Google and Facebook. Crimestoppers presented the specific elements of the options as follows:

Option 1 Option 2

Time Period specific Christmas creative to run two creatives - a Christmas and from 1st Dec – 25th Dec (25 days) generic winter to run from 1st Dec – 31st Jan 2017 (9 wks)

Potential Results Impressions: 495,000 and Clicks to Impressions: 1,200,000 and Clicks to microsite: between 950 – 6500 microsite: between 2700 – 15,750

Budget £5,200 ex VAT £8,800 ex VAT

7.5 The TIG considered the proposal and agreed that a seasonal advertising campaign should be carried out, advising that in order to avoid missing out on potential theft this should be a national campaign and not just targeted to specific locations. 7.6 Of the two options presented, the TIG recommended Option 2 with a cost of £8,800 as the longer running campaign would have more beneficial impacts. The seasonal campaign will

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take place from early December 2016 to January 2017 so that it does not just cover the Christmas period. It was noted that this campaign would be used as a pilot exercise to understand the impact of marketing and therefore help define the scope for any future marketing work. 7.7 Given the timing of the proposed campaign, the TIG requested that this recommendation be issued to the November DCUSA Panel and SPAA EC meetings, rather than waiting until the next TSG meeting in January 2017. TIG/20161108/08: ELECTRALINK 7.8 In addition, TIG members took an action to provide details of their own organisations Christmas campaigns so they don’t end up competing with the Crimestoppers campaign. It was noted that that members did not think their marketing teams will be able to share this information. TIG/20161108/09: TIG ETTOS Year 2 Marketing Proposal 7.9 Crimestoppers presented the ETTOS marketing proposal for 2017. It was noted that the phase two objectives are to:  Continue with the education piece, but shift the focus from the softer approach Crimestoppers adopted in the launch phase to a more hard-hitting factual tone about the importance of reporting energy theft; and  Target activity regionally focusing on ‘crime’ hotspots. 7.10 The TIG noted the proposals for Digital Marketing, Partners Collaboration, and Offline advertising. During their discussions members of the TIG expressed that they did not want the ETTOS Service to mainly focus on marketing but rather on the reporting of theft leads. Marketing should be done as an added benefit to the ETTOS Service. Crimestoppers noted that bringing awareness to the ETTOS Services requires marketing activities to take place. 7.11 The TIG considered the proposal to focus on Hotspots and recommended that that ETTOS campaigns should be done nationally to reach a wide range of audience. It was highlighted that Network Operators and Suppliers are likely to have different locations that they consider energy theft hotspots therefore it is difficult to determine which areas to focus on. However, this would be discussed further by the TRAS Expert Group to determine whether any TRAS data could be beneficial to help focus ETTOS marketing. PH suggested that the government’s multiple indices of deprivation data could be useful as deprivation potentially correlates to energy theft activity. TIG/20161108/10: TSG 7.12 As a result of the discussions held Crimestoppers is to provide a roadmap for Year 2 marketing activities for discussion at the January 2017 TIG Meeting. TIG/20161108/11: CRIMESTOPPERS 7.13 SJ noted that the SPAA and DCUSA Boards will be considering their 2017/18 budgets in November. Therefore, some information regarding the marketing spend will be provided. Crimestoppers explained that the proposed winter campaign was a small campaign; a medium sized campaign would cost approximately £20k. It was agreed that the marketing budget for 2017 included in Crimestoppers’ original proposal should be included in the overall SPAA and DCUSA budget papers. Further considerations

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7.14 Crimestoppers suggested offline campaigns could be used to build the brand, however, this would be more expensive. The TIG agreed that more could be done by industry to promote the Stay Energy Safe line, particularly highlighting the service to staff members. TIG members noted that organisations will not include references within consumer bills as there is already a significant amount of information that must be included in bills. The TIG considered other ways of raising awareness of the ETTOS Service and suggested the following;  Check if Energy UK could add a link of the ETTOS service to their website. ElectraLink agreed to provide Crimestoppers with Energy UK contact details.  Crimestoppers to contact councils (particularly those departments involved in the enforcement of standards of living) and Housing Associations to bring awareness. TIG/20161108/12: ELECTRALINK/ CRIMESTOPPERS  DM to contact gas safe to see if they will add the ETTOS service link to the website. TIG/20161108/13: DM 8 NOTHERN IRELAND QUERRY

8.1 The TIG considered the query raised by the Consumer Council for Northern Ireland enquiring whether Crimestoppers would accept calls from Northern Ireland consumers and how this information would be managed. ElectraLink took an action to provide the TIG’s feedback to Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. TIG/20161108/14: ELECTRALINK


UKRPA 9.1 AB informed the TIG that Crimestoppers has put together a tracking spreadsheet using historic UKRPA data to monitor the impact of reporting theft. It was noted that this could be used to assess the impact in raising awareness. 10 DATE OF NEXT MEETING 10.1 The next TIG meeting is scheduled for 13 December 2016 at ElectraLink Offices, The Bloomsbury Building, 10 Bloomsbury Way, Holborn, London, WC1A 2SL.

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Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161011/05 Pick up the Ofgem guidelines decision with Ofgem and discuss issues ElectraLink 08/11/2016 - Ongoing an email raised such as enforcing disconnection, enforcing prepayment meters, has been issued to Ofgem and vulnerable customers and also smart meters. Discussions should be Ofgem have confirmed that they picked up from prior responses sent to Ofgem when the guidance on are looking into this. Supplier obligations was published.

TIG/20161011/11 Inform the TSG that a few partners have logged to partners site and ElectraLink 08/11/2016 – Ongoing – TSG issue an E-bulletin reminding parties of their obligations. have been informed and an e bulletin will be issued shortly. TIG/20161011/13 ElectraLink to highlight possible fraud issue to Ofgem. ElectraLink 08/11/2016 - Ongoing – Query passed on to Ofgem. TIG/20161108/01 Amend the October TIG meeting minutes with the suggested tracked ElectraLink changes

TIG/20161108/02 Submit DCP 278 Change Report to the November Panel meeting and ElectraLink issue CP16 346 in the November Change Pack

TIG/20161108/03 Submit the CP on formalising the TSG to the November Panel and ElectraLink issue the SPAA draft CP in the November Change Pack.

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Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161108/04 MI Report - Crimestoppers took an action to: Crimestoppers  Update the MI Report to show the percentage of calls answered within 2 minutes (excluding those that drop off before answering) the number of disseminated reports, incorrect matches, time taken to match the reports and the number of re-matched reports.  Provide more commentary within the report explaining the reported figures and ensure this covers all agreed service levels.  Clarify the information in the ‘Contact Type’ to show what is being referred to: calls or contacts (which includes online reports).  Add the website report to the excel spreadsheet.  Show separate figures for gas and electricity in the ‘actionable by’ column.

TIG/20161108/05 Crimestoppers to confirm whether the tip offs received are both gas Crimestoppers and electricity

TIG/20161108/06 Crimestoppers to check the information provided for in-correct Crimestoppers matches for consistency

TIG members to check whether any reports had been sent back to TIG Members Crimestoppers as incorrectly matched

TIG/20161108/07 Provide a list of those organisations that have not logged onto the Crimestoppers web portal at all so that this can be escalated to the TSG.

TIG/20161108/08 Issue the TIG’s Seasonal Advertising Proposal recommendation for ElectraLink Option 2 to the SPAA EC and DCUSA Panel.

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Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161108/09 Provide details of their own organisations Christmas campaigns so TIG Members they don’t end up competing with the Crimestoppers campaign. It was noted that that members did not think their marketing teams will be able to share this information.

TIG/20161108/10 The TRAS Expert Group to determine whether any TRAS data could be TRAS Expert Group beneficial to help focus ETTOS marketing.

TIG/20161108/11 Crimestoppers is to provide a roadmap for Year 2 marketing activities Crimestoppers for discussion at the January 2017 TIG Meeting.

TIG/20161108/12 Raising ETTOS Awareness  Check if Energy UK could add a link of the ETTOS service to Crimestoppers their website. ElectraLink agreed to provide Crimestoppers with Energy UK contact details.  Crimestoppers to contact councils and Housing Associations ElectraLink to bring awareness. TIG/20161108/13 Contact gas safe to see if they will add the ETTOS service link to the Dave Mitchell website.

TIG/20161108/14 Provide the TIG’s feedback on the ETTOS service to Consumer Council ElectraLink for Northern Ireland

AGREED CLOSED ACTIONS Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161011/01 Update the CP16 327 title to ‘Revision and Implementation of ‘The Gas ElectraLink 08/11/2016 - Completed Theft Detection Incentive Scheme’ in the TIG Monitoring Log

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Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161011/02 Confirm with Kevin Woollard (British Gas) whether he would be able Lynne Fallon Post meeting note: 12/10/2016 – to raise the CP on behalf of the TIG. Completed – CP submitted to the October DCUSA Panel meeting TIG/20161011/03 Confirm the legal text changes required to SPAA Schedule 33 SLC ElectraLink 08/11/2016 - Completed – Adam references with external legal advisor. Iles raised the draft SPAA CP

British Gas to raise the SPAA CP once the changes have been Lynne Fallon confirmed. External legal advisor updating the legal text TIG/20161011/04 Issue the TSG Working Arrangements draft CPs to the TSG for ElectraLink 08/11/2016 - Completed – Draft consideration at their meeting on 18 October 2016. CPs issued to the TSG for consideration TIG/20161011/06 ETTOS Microsite Crimestoppers 08/11/2016 - Completed  Crimestoppers to develop the marketing digital plans and provide more information on proposed marketing developments.  Add an additional KPI on conversional rates focusing on the customer journey.

TIG/20161011/07 Crimestoppers to put together a proposal for a winter marketing Crimestoppers 08/11/2016 - Completed campaign and the budget required for this.

TIG/20161011/08 TIG members to check whether there is linkage on their company TIG Members 08/11/2016 - Completed websites making referrals to Crimestoppers.

TIG/20161011/09 IM to provide Crimestoppers with UKRPA data regarding energy theft Ian Main 08/11/2016 - Completed – IM reporting. provided information to

Crimestoppers TIG/20161011/10 AB to add a section on partner engagement in the next ETTOS Report. Crimestoppers 08/11/2016 - Completed

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Action Ref. Action Owner Update TIG/20161011/12 Breakdown the reports in to categories of Suppliers, GTs, DNOs, Crimestoppers 08/11/2016 - Completed IDNOs and iGTs in the next report.

TIG/20161011/13 Investigate within their organisations to see if they have similar issues TIG Members 08/11/2016 - Completed and provide feedback with result of their checks to the Theft mailbox

by Tuesday, 18 October.

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