. twite I 4IS K.tKOAD «T. ADV. WE»TriELD,V.I. 07090


Beoond ClaM Poitage Paid Published SEVENTY-EIGHTH YEAR—No. 48 ftt Wtitflcld. N. J. WESTFIEL.D, NEW JERSEY, .THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1966 Wvery Thursduy 24 Pages—10 Ccnu B of E Acts On Bus Bids, Seek Approval Rejects Five Nursing Home In a special meeting called to act on school transportation bids Tues- Of Pool Plans A variance recommended by the Board of Adjustment which would day night, the Board of Education A North Scotch Plains Ave. location tor a proposed community swim- permit the construction of WestfieM's first nur-sing homo was granted accepted four and rejected five by the Town Council Tuesday night to the Westfield Convalescent Center ming pool complex will be recommended 4o the Town Council July 30 by which will be readvertised for re- the Recreation. Commission. which plans to bulk* the ISO-bed facility at 1475-1525 Lamberts Mill Rd. ceipt July 29. The variance wai required to meet PHA standards and entailed revision Acceptance of this sste es well as the tentative report submitted to It also noted that bids for four the commission by a citizens advisory pool committee headed by Kenneth of «w orlgfaal rite plad. — : — routes exceeded the $150 , limit Lyng was agreed upon Monday Also approved *ta a Cacciola Place received torseve n additional routes. rlSyCrOlinO fairS individual family membership fees, variance to the WeatHekt Commu- Parents of these students willbe ad- * D will be determined by pool consult- nity Canter whkti will damoUab a vised of the subsidy plan under A All P* 1J an's' C°nstruc'ion of the pool com- which they must present toth e board ator« tMUdaqg adjaeeot to Ha prei- Property Fund \l fYl± r lClQS p;cX| in one ^ !our ^3se^ recom- ent location and buW an addition twice a year certified bills for stu- dent transportation not to exceed mended in Die report, would be de- to its factttta at Me Weet Broad St. WfAn^aAov Nifrrih ')0I"!anl "P0* efficient membership. Approved on Drat reading were er- Reaches $3S,535 the aJtoted (150. fT CUHCSUtty lUglll' Ths rccoiiuncmdcd site or the poo! *MOwa eefabuaMcar one-way Jraf- The Community Development Cor- These routes involve 17 pupils to complex is on approximately 19 ftc on "raatfteW Ave, from South poration campaign for *»,«0 to pur- Mt. St. Mary's and Hartridge School. Highlighting next week's events acres oj property partially acquired Ave. to Mr* St In * aoutheriy dj- chase property alga m*fcfle-iaoome housing'project mars nual playground fairs, to be hcW on Green Acres program. Additional at Surno*:A*e, aad fart 8t •here. *, haitway point thai week, with a total of 138,535 io subscriptions tion Commission for playing (leldf taWed. . .-.-...- •• and other activities in the future. H. Kenneth Matty* tnjceurar, re- for the youngsters to set up the var-The proposed park is bordered by cm- ports that *2l,335 in cash has been 'Brook, three to St. Agnes, one to id food North Scotch Plains Ave., We*t **tim-*-m\*mi'A.m'm**** or*- inMfeted. last month by Mayor TM» a *Mr af tte taHHtte* t« acMera te»4 utiotaiiea af anaoty. and St. Benedict's Prep will be pro-were cancelled by Hie director at The Recreation (jpmmieakti will would prwinfefcrpwpvlftefcr. the WdeniDf, aew- ocwfcs to raise enougenoush funds U>to at-ac- William R. Nortaever, »reala>Bt at the heard at traateea, baa .«aaaaaaH"that Edwari PeweH af leaver vided with bus ticket* for puMc the last minute because of the con-also xecorrrmwd Uist if the Town atelMW^iiraTfl.facWfea oo North 4. FranUin which were released last week dur- bill for the North Scotch PWaa Aw an tlat raotc.' ' •-.'•' IUJMUJ-UIJI membenhka with the Swimmobile on Move Mobile Coliege Information School, $1S per diem plua $1 pering the annual balloon ascension site. Ao^ptrt iditowlni pubic bearing amount fit donation detarnWng vot- diem for each additional cMM added contest traveled to various destina- A ttifrd recornmendatl«n V> coo» wa»:••'«••; ordtMtna providing to aw etrtuf, are aought by toe corpsr- To McKJnley School Center H«re fOBOITOw to the list; Bergen School Bus Trara- tions. Post cards have been returned cil would ask that subscrJben if, tktomfca In •« partkn ,oT Crove St, etiso. Acaupoa detalla* «ubaor*pi porUtUoo, ooe hafirt»cwppw1 pupa to from Staten Island, Sandy Hook, poo!'memborshiip be given In* ac- Om raaUent avpaatwl (« apeak oo Una amounW mti matttnn tnaweHooa The WestfteM YMCA "Swlm^no- j^ mMit Tba trailer oeolaina oolleeV .WeaMaW High School, $6 per diem. Linden ond Carteret. T*e winners tion u> pay. fees either to full with) the maaaure, tat; na, Robert It. appaan on page • of tola Hrat aec-cue m curranay wnosng up a two m» i«nn< hv Uaioa cafciloit. vncnuna and ether orintv>«ne to Wiiaoo, |3 per diem and onewifl be announced next week, ' their -applicatsans or under < o> Carrajtal, ob^ad apt to the aid* «« << todays Leader. week vfeit at Coiumbug School. Hot, Cranford. w« raafca a ad matortata, film aaripi *a« rtew- fcandkapped to EdJaoB Jr. High Tomorrow Rooseveft teen center [erred payment plan raquirina; a , p fckool, »6 per dkm. partial sum wrtli appVioaAkirvand I -^— weather ha. cacacd •*mbiUMJfat-jj$**i,, Laog <* EBiabalB,;Unfcai will be the site of the National Hula «dj «» rejected for TUwtee 10, . Hoop Contest. Sach playground wffl remainder due by June 1. ' CDC(Mfe«$4,000 yKtw*Hr toatru«««ran d

> DUfeaT; i: Oi tii Hi'^ilii''

a library, Idr • saodad and 'Coimbua were chwen today. tcrpartot ThMJulaauwni tt CWumbua School. Performing to the beat of rocfc^and- September, when tt it hoped that the far anrmy at 111 Bterthtf PI., a t»mm+»M* M aa wWth the emh (ton airfcn? atw w*H be b«W on Sat- bershipr ramadefed necessary for urday and Sunday from 12 to 5 p.m. proaramf•beyond tUgfa actoaL..' be moved to the tfhrd ftoor. to pile up points by gyrating through SUnrmaa, «bo objected to eddi- atraettaa af fvajr mlAnVJafeme such events as "hip'n flip," "the (Continued oo pftge t> ttanat cbatae* by Na diapaaal aer- haamkf uiU hi alwii; A» a«if- The Swlnvmobife is alao acbed- The CoBeee Informatton Cenler Dr. ivtnm said* the project stems uted for a two week visit to Frank- from the report of Goy. Rxruud J. stork," "kill the buzzard," and vie* for irau c«pplna», aakad what Uaaal (• aaMa.are cfataaiaUted will be at the WesUMjaComriiuitty Youth Council "wrap the mummy." Four winners atua>-tba.torn fead made of the la tae arva.' • •. hn School from Aug. 12-25. Follow- Center, Me West Broad St:, irbm t Hu|hes' OJmmkfko on Civil DU- ing this, the mobile pool will spend p.m. to 8 p.m. (Continued oo page V will be chosen by a panel Of judges. Lightning Hits The CPC alter la MteeM (a he ; To Hold Battle Tropbiea wiH be presented by Ruttl that tte towa aaarawd at aa Af. IS t—l*t tf the final week of toe summer sea- The project is sponsored by Union Tte son at a location yet to be an- V. Hill, director of recreation. All 3> . . . the cwiacU, whh* few aMgcd Ha College, and Is financed by a *pec»l Of Bands Tomorrow the playgrounds will close at 3 p.m. Clark St Home riijintlaa te the red>\Wa|intat nounced. The Swim-nwbfle ts under grant from the Bsyway Refinery of the direction of Robert F. liebrich, the Humble Oil and SefWng Com- Rabbi, Youths The Mayor's Youth Council wiH so that children may attend this apensor Its biggest summer event, event. Yesterday sflcnoot'i eJccWoaaf assistant physical director at thepsny and the Baywajr Chemical storm cau»« ElectMLssGlenn g*****-™**-* WeattieU Y. Plant of the Bnjay Chemical Com- the Battle of the Bands, at 7:30 lThc summer playground roundup In Israel tomorrow. Competing wiU be The >H be held in MMowastdn Park to the home of J. A. Lord Jr., afl pany, LJodea. . W Clark St., when ti«htninf etrwck Council President ~ ThU center la directed toward Critic*! Itass, the Smbky RoadMde co Aug. 7 Children will exhibit art The attic, accordmg to young and •«• •* U«to-«««t band **» °* created throughout the^mmer. kBat Barbara Gtam *m barn **.#*?>- laaaaV^ *' t the wttner «( both the -Martin D. Burke, was •teotad prerldwt of the We*/kM ^-BJM, an Wdghborhood OouoaH. Other new l i?p,fi€wmk I' v There j be de- on the bandstand durine the water damage throughout OH tatatt. ilttkBiB ar«: Vk*preaidant, Hn ^ Several firemen were overcome by . Ceaatanei Myrtct; aecrctary, Mr» < came profram inhlchhaabewuiedtethepaatwth ". events. . heat exhaustion whfle fighting the r about the means 'Wecd^ekf. Field trtll be blaze and were given oxygen. En- i Patricia NO0M; aad traaaurer, alaaaaaaaaaV « > and toward assisting current high «ra. dorta Jacket*. : ,•/'• To augmea wtivWe, gines remained at the scene tor few school students In planning their as spores, music hours. A wire leading to the bouse Ha* Oem arid tf* twiacH «riM \ high school careers so itiey can gain cotUMte to prafnete the g«oeral t. in v,^^-,----—., the camo prcsram provides Jntegret- Airman Ziegler on Duty was burned in two and a tree in ttie ? «ir*:«ce Into college, and toward ed living with- Israel teenagers. The back yard also was struck by Ught- ««tfare of people of tar income ki ^| *"»^iaaaaaa" • recruiting more duadvoitafeEl Airman Gregg G. Ziegler, son ot the Weahfeld community duriog the Jt^^a^-a^, < bass camp i* Kfar Galim, tst agri- ning. young people into programs prepar- cuiturai yoiith village. However, RIcliard Brunn Advisor Mr. and Mrs. H. Ziegler of 1902 Firemen received the Claa* St. ing them for college," Dr. Iverson Rabbi Kroloff» grwp will tour Ww Grandview Ave. is on duty at Mia cail while responding to a report at •aid. length end breadth oC Israel. They To Vietnamese Army Tremg AB. Vietnam. 1 p.m. of «moke on Pierson St. dl, affiliated witt Mae Uiuon County * j*- ^ The mobile College Information AoU-foverty praftam, hae initiated • wj!l study 41K language and htstory Army First Lieut. Richard C. Airman Ziegler, a corrosion con- where a (ire was discovered in the Center has visited Elizabeth, -Plain- trol specialist, as a member of the aeverai project* to date, oduding a .^: „ cf Ifracl as well as the Biblical basis f Mr. and Mrs. Her- back yard of a home, and may have field, Linden and Rahway and tetcr oF the land. Pacific Air Forces. been caused by lightning. Wife* and CMxkta-n.. «aami> day »d pro- Z2X&&*? I* this summer will visit Boselte and S Hawthorn Dr., was «uramcnt of « playgtwind and rnuW- cW% -s^S^^aaaaaaW < Sluderts taking part from West- July 9 as an advisor in •Before his arrival m Vietnam, he branches wore reported downed by aerWce center .on the atreet ^£:J1«, s~ field are Gary BreKman,. Franci Advisory Teem SO, t/Yich advises was assigned to Sheppard AFB, Tex. Hie series of afternoon stom* on iMai 01tw» ejujMwed the counol i .' *m HTtarr-t*^ 'Iteks. Mark Rothman, William Rob- the Vietnamese Army's 0lh Infan- The airman is a graduate of West- Faulkner Dr. and Clark St and appredatton to indlvlduato, orjanl * »r?% the corn-75 to 100 per cent ra the number of Senior counselors were Nancy askjn 'Park. del, has spent the last year in the mun»a>s it serves said the develop- people who will come to us withCampbell, Mari-lyit Mottcs, Sue Cal- Tonight's -selection will include: Unitad States fotlowing a previous ment program wiH provide for ihe problems and seek counseling help lab-an. Kris Jones. Nancy Federow- "On the Malt"—Goldman; "Lust- JMwonth tour M duty with Special necessary rewvation # emrn^tiitHl rotrms,- in prwi* a devetopirient progratr) *c*« Sefawer, crstls,. awrf Mm sfc-'—S

_# •

aw mm it atol af MMW «W ttf jMtW aai «ML> WESTFfELD (NX) U3ADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 10B8 8t*rlou« (imsfUtJii m Ui \v\w\huv ttw hy Io fclso 4 1 Valerio Named town linn Uu* pluHil l« -fix ftm" lit* hy by reiv ' project rfas1 ftsm oVrife Vtesiilent Appears l Ihiit ji .sliisfy 1im! Umw nttnld H» ^i*o:. Tbomos it WHH \.hr Uiwn'n fmtjijwi Ifuri id dit'ecto off ComrminJty In Ohio Production Merck V.P. for !Eccsn^«lc Mites Christine May£i\ daugiitar of mostly to ih» Uix\u\ywti U\m\ what YFCS Inc., BlizBbeLHj Dr. Mym The olccLtoti IJ\i« In' 11)0 Heiglits, tfntan Cout#; Oswald and Su&tvon operetta:, "fJio G(^do- Merck & Co., Inc., was unnuunced «n Itui Rectind pstti^, Hoaeue Brartolt, 1 totfny by Loo Fernandez* flip divi- Hera ' at Mmrnt Onion College, Alli- entii wwk. HmM\ Plants anci Wesl- ance, Ohio. Opsjiing tomorrow, tfio sion's executive vfcc president antl Goklhij^, WJH> £*[ipi"M't*(! ni B,, of Use Sumnter of Iteu'vice pro- general manager. (wni Hdftnl of oparotta will also be sh&vm Aug. 3, Mr*. Mkiriati C, ject iHt KHzab&feh; Dr. Lyther Rob- Mr. Valfriu has been directo th Ihiti HUMTNO 01! e, and 11. Unit Hie wi'HA'oi^i'r.s nrw n s erts -of Wie

adnll«bl Urban Coali- admlnistrnticm of tiio division L'o. f Alimh^n cteHs High school, Av^. SMU! Pr«si>^ct R!. ApocOiU gifts commitice lo Mount Utitort! CoHege md a lep An loners Krnchmtc in chemistry (Md ami Uo.selle, ami Hubert V. Bswboisr, ex- •of Fortlhnm University, Mi1. Valeric source of coiuiihitoi In mini N 1A IstiHsi n new skvtltm gr«Kia*e .rf KM**rtam <3*bbs Secre- comtnuniiies iu i4w ucwi WIVH (i^fenHKl imlW TtK'fkluy* when joined liu! Merck arjjanJmtiw- In Commission. taHls Sdiooi. She has appears* - t llJ4fl ttTtor four yews (if service as IVnsit on priwi'ic propwty Ht ilu- (fmHu'il wHl ottnilram Tmsdny trf 50 years of -vieti lo i>uop!o with problems. vicrti^ly in ihe pJays, "G^ys Army Air Force officer, in his Uahway Avc, woa W» WIJPCO of un night's imnMJn^ and it tan »cl on bids Dolte," "threepenny Opera," u eareiir, Mr, Valerio h n .s udtlitioiiasl complute hy nei^bi>ars of i for rwnctvaUanH io the SoapyVandalism " imrf "KtKi Me, Katb," held a number of positions in mar- Hie ia'roa. Tlioy ww« ittfonntnt tfoat fltfield JM«r»orl"«l Lll>r keting and Use Merck research di- the. owner hud IWHUI tesucnl « sum- A *i*rvk't* station te not Mobile College Mrs. flaiph' P. DeOkeo ol 787 v vision, iwid was executive secretary mons io deitr »]> Ills ipii>p^ty. in tin* ceiH-rul l>ti«lni- sR KIMTO umlct* woocl TeiT. reported to police At New School /';,'., of litu company's IUMV products com- pHmt) cfiivcorn wus thethe fl«w zoning ortttuttitce, but «oa- (Continued ton page 1) that $aturiday night vandab Miriam Korofctett of. 1485 BoyntwT jniUui? immediately -pmor to his as- he hod incurred for gmnmn conforming use Is i»*e ea- detergent on shrubs, brake sigmtiml to idle -Intcr-natlona-l divi- globulin shots for fah family \rh\uh a WestfieW hfgh school sCu- wos pre.sonl nl Uw time the newtubUstmient «f college information l sion, was out of town when true inoctila- oivlitmnco was -ndopUxl, Tiw sbnilon, centers in ghatto tteighbortwods. steps ami damaged $ number of dent, is among 24 New Jws^r.teeh*, Mr. Valttno and his wife, the for- ve!"e offei*ed by \foc State operated by C'finrifs Contloy, 'has In acfdhtfon to advisory committees plants oft im utttmdlrtg the New School 'for ;; mer Ann Carlino, have three of Health litst mot^h lollovv- been tn bustticss flt Mve slhj 30 years. in each -cotrimunfety vkited by the Research Summer Instate children, iag- the discovery of hepotlils cases According to Humble officials, the mobile College Informatfati Cesfcer, LEADER WAMV ADS PAT for Yquhg Adutts, J Training Cruise {Midshipman 1/C Eugene M. Ps-o- copio Jr,t USN, son of Mr. &nd Mrs. \E. M. ProcopJo »E 631 Benson PI, is undergoing a six week summer train- ing cruise aboard the guided missile —W!HEft-m W, Phillips semises USS Topefca, with the Med- "CAPTAIN SCARFACE" — alias Mark Weber was one of the pi- itenranean Sixth Fleet, Gene, a mid* rates who participated in the raid on Washington Playground IBIE sblpman in the Naval Reserve Of- Wednesday. The Nasty Pirates opposed (he Bad Pirates in a treasure ficer Training Corps, is 'a senior In hunt in which they found hidden clues leading to a treasure held by •the csUege of Engineering at Cornell leader Carol Henry. The morning was climaxed by a Pirate Parade, ; Undversityt Ithaca, N. Y. with Nancy Jane BQSCO winning fir si place; Mark Weber, second place and David Weber, third place.

rRANSFERRED? Mr. Lyi^, diairman oi the citi- Plans zens' Advisory pool commiit«c HOMERICA, INC. will help met with fclie tawn-hired consu* (Continued foam, page 1) presented lihe reeommendafrkKnts to the Recreation Commission, His you find your next home the -project's success would be en- committee had studied the proposals p.. listed. nnywhere in the United and agreed that the North Scatch More ttaan ££$ farmHies already Plains Ave. slie was the most pnac- States WITHOUT have expressed an interest m be- bical cf three locations crig-tnaliy CHARGE. coming members of i&e proposed fa- ^because cf location ac- and topography. cility, and these and a*hers who OBJECTIVES: To Mp you fin<* send -coupons which have bean pub- A site in the fwturc Brigbtwxxi .. >L I your n9rt horn* with a mini- park tract, aho partially purchased mum of effort, lime and «x»lished in tiie Westfield Leader will through Greett Aci>asj luiKlst was pens*. If you plan to move tc be contacted prior to tfie general found to have iasuflicient property •• V an unfamiliar city, or jutt io canvass of the community* This suit-able fcr the pool eoonptex be- I—•* r»loeat# near your preienf coupon appears again today on page cause of a ravine Irave^isiutg the home, H0WSRICA, INC. will B of this section. land am! it was felt that the cost help you find the right house. of the project's c&nstmction £here (•- In the right neighborhood* in Initial phase ot the proposed pool might prove the new area I complex would contain a 50-meter Aa area in Tamaques Park, SCOPE: Operation throughout pool 25 yards wMe eCHt&n&ng eight etmskle-Fed, is not as readily acces- the United States enabiei lanes -and ranging from 3& feet deep sible to water, deetrietty abd sew- Hom«rica to furnish you wtlH at the ends to -a 4% foot depth in erage 1sm0s whkii would be neces- i&vy lot the complex aiid the cmn- detailed information on the miifie; a ctiviag tank with 1- • I hovtet which fit your require- miftee was beaitant to destroy the i- titeter, S-*n«ter and learner's last ifrjto area of vafi^i fcitn-ben left Men Nam •"' ments even before your first bothJs: two adjacent kiddie p'oots, in the* 'community. ' i \ %. >v - vlttt'to the new oreat *^ [1 1" .one 6'to 12 indies' deep and the REMEMBER: Homerfco work* othdr 12 to 24 Inches deep; &ttji aU- , SPQttTCQATS, SJtACKS & V tinly for YOU! AM of their season men's ared women's i Fence Damaged Special group of famous name clothing, token from our regular Itotk. 5«# th»tt effort* —* research, reports and Alao Included in the plans are sun- advice — an exclusively on Damage to & apttt TSM feme et and many other Sales Day specials. ning areas, picnic and (senior efcti- the home of Mm. G. W. Riehardson behalf of the prospective zen areas, a control desk, forking buyer. They have n? connec- for about 350 cans and a bv&tm of of 5 Tamaques Way was reported WHITi OINNH JACKITS - special group. PRE-SEASON COAt SALE tion with the setter. It Is thetr Monday to police. $29.95 trees. Entrance &*!$ exit w«*3d be were to $37*50 .- SAVI ISO ON HNl CAiHMtftl COATt responsibility to guard YOU* provided foam North Scotch Pkans NfcHtU MCKITS -special groups Interests. Ave. with an addHional exit on West wer» $28.-$40, ._... — $15.-42,50 .. . hond tatWwi »Y »«fry Welt Ill Play Cast Mode of fine caihmtre — In blue, black, «r%y or For further details, pfeastf coll St. NIHfcO SUITS ~ tpttmt group were $79.W-$85. B Lllll l >45.-$5O. our local representative, The 'second phese ot the Kuotob cf 839 KnoHwood SAVI $15 ON MlfllH »W COAT« MiN'S SUCKS - special • \ Peortoll and Frankenbach, would entail covening £he 50-meter ferr. was a meniber of the cast of ... by SM* U^h tee,, 115 Km St., WesHieldpoo, t for 12-moMti use, a thb^i pliese "Johnny Afipileseed" presented yes- were $ll*-$45 «... 50% 201-232-4700 or call us would provide an additim&rf 25 yard TUXIDO T*OU$«S - special group Handsome htrrfngbonei. f terday by tbe Mentclalr State Col- direct adult p0ol on the property and the w«r* $ 18,95 • •- • rtr WJ0 fourth alternative watrfd b-e the win- lege Theater Work^wp. Uie Owr Cortyenient Chore* terizing of this latter pool instead of the lazier one. on costs of aJI four phases Council Savings of cofisttfiottan are expecAed io be provided by the pool* consultants (Continued foam page I) Taken from our regular stock — lorry not all lixes In all wibhtn the near future, but it is es- timated that-the ittittflJ fhm& of con- had no jitr^lietbn exce{>t for licsn- NKKWtt* : si-ng soawiiger^ mtier Board of wiU coat rou^ily $750,000. CABANA Sin yPRHS ilMIlt Health jretguktioas and $hat H is "ft $2.50-$3 $f.*f, a/*i oo Smart stylsi and colon. 3.00 . 9 JS, %/UM Sh«H il««V*, *o\\d Reg. to $28.. 30% 4.00 r 5/U.OO WirtfoU 5.00 ....,.„.., , a/$r.oo SUMMM PAJAMAS SPOftT Shorty sty! j. Short sleeve, button down Short sleeve, tamws n«me, Reg. to $6, , $369, 3/$I0 Reg, to

MANHATTAN BOXtft SHOUT5 M At MAWAY fHtftTS JAC IIIWTt You're bein Short »l««v« BD. Ore**SMrtt. Smort styles ond

KNIT SHIRTS KNt? SHIITI 0O1F JACKITI L soft soaped Imperfect If a Han. Short steeve si Nylon, In 6 colors. Reg, to $30 50% OFF to $12 MM

NUNN-tUSH SHOtS MiN'S HOSE WOAWTS WIAR We Americans spent over $130,000,000 last year on specialized Special group, not all sizes Jn Famous name, many color*. Check owr Country Clothes bath products; including bath oils, bubble-produce items, salts, all style*. Reg, to $2 • $1.09, */%% for *avmgt to 50%. tablets, talcs, etc.. It appears that in our quest for cleanliness, Retj. $19.95-26.95 $UJi we want more than rub-a-duMub soaping. The same carries over into shirt laundering . . , and that's why so many won't settle for anything less than Pan American's "personalized services." Savings on Boys' Wear—See These and Many Others You'll bubble too when you see how expertly we launder and iron your shirts . . . with just the amount of starch you want. DRESS SHIRTS, short sleeve, DRESS SLACKS, *ummer weight, So why not drop off your shirts at Fan American and watch reg. to $6 $3.85, 3/11.50 r#g* to $12 ..4. * J0% Off your shirts bathe in luxury. SUMMER PAJAMAS, famous name, OUTERWEAt, summer weiahl, reg. to $5 $3.15, 3/9.00 sel. group, r«g. Io $15.... 50% Off Open 7 A. M, to 7 F. M. Monday through Saturday JEANS, SWIM WEAR ft IERMUDAS, Expert cleaning of delicate fabrics, gowns and knits reg. to $8 ... $5.50, 3/16.00 reg. to $8 ,.20% SPORT SHIRTS, short sleeve, SUITS ft SPORT COATS, ml group, reg. to $/ . * < ..***.*..<> *•, . * 1.99 reg. to $45 .;.,...10% ABOUT OUR FREE 90 DAY CHARGE PLAN 207 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD e 2334171 Open Monday Evenings Til LEADER, I •• l» •MUI I •• TIII3 WB8TFIEM) JUI*Y IWiH a T . I Community Center Introduces Richard Morasli Tor iwo mo«Wt« a JIOIIH; from Vietnam , wlm will New Bank Mgr. *k Imsvt* tri, tiointt, New Concept in Bay Camping 'Mrs, Amerteo DaSUsfimi» iSt Navy f«!towi§iK J(H4 Gt'jMKtvlow Ave,, will n\twn um (mm WtwIMd Mi«1t A When the ftag is raised each morn- backgrounds come togefelKsr* undor N, Mra'fifiih, formerly httH htjen nppofdiicct tm itwinc Uifa •weekro- "ftiw, frolic an$ solf-devfclepment" leara lo lovus, un*darsiBml and re- to Uie rank ol J\>tty at 'Nortkiver C#mp, i\m Westfield spect one another. At the WestfJetd it wan 4iraKNtnc(Kl today. Community Center's Day Camp, on Comntuirfty Center oxir slogan is A #ruduj)4o of Wih^cjyan AstrnnmiU' moate, whlTo up •an 83-acre site nestled in the railing 'Tim Fellowship of Uie Wortd Begins with a B.A, dcgjvc, Mv. The cost $255 o«cj|4 But thoro arc no Ms ©Tfehe picturesque W«tdnmg in Qm*9 Neighborhood,' We pmctice Cildhank'fl- college tratmeo nla last Tiiumdfiy ami yA in tips, Mountains, accoixtiftg to Edward .1. Ms at NorUhover Camp," In 1SBS. Sluice iJicti 4KJ iias UU LF^ A. X. Smith, ,^CSW, executive director of In 1966, Mayor Hetet H. Mul- Qi the 23ixi Stned bmneii ond die Center, reafiy made arrangements for fibis in U>o Loafi and Crad-il dopnatmcjit,. Tire Community Cwte ©ap Damp i»w day csonp service to become He also 'attended New York Uni- is for children seven to it years of avaJJsWe to Westftetd resists at versity Craduate SeJwoi of Business LOOKING FOR age, who. «pe transported to tiw a SO pw cent stibskty provided by campsite by chartered bus Monday Ohrfsfcodoro House, ine, WestfteW Mr. Mora^t is married in tite for- DISSATISFIED MEN tlwougfc Friday where tifcsy &vte and residents, trough Ahe Coromtmity mer EUzabeth Tweedy, and they live play In new facilities deseed along Center, & tnemfoer agency of the in South Safem, N. Y,, wil^i their early American hiatortoal United Fund, may attend Camp at son, Jeffrey. & 'less than $2 per day" foe. Unu«yal opportunity, unlimited earnings, drlv« and to Mr. Smith, "It is Registration for Period II, Aug. 1 determination only requirements. No Investment or most satisfying to hear tfw happy, to Aug. 26, wilt fre field tomorrow excited vvkss of our youngsters as and Monday from 9 «s,m. to 3 p.m. Walsh Named to New experience needed. If interested Call 332-2703, tftey eagerly run to jtieir five ftilly- at #he Westfaeld Community Center, BVILDINOS OF HISTORICAL INTEREST and other facthlles are shown in &e above picture showing Position at Magazine equipped camping units, cmsHfcirtg 558 West Broad St, Farmer informs- of the Pilgrim Setofcmrot, Colonial various facilities at the WestfieJtf Community Center Day Catnp at Nerthwer Camp, MariineviHe. Regis- Mademoiselle magaafrwj shas an- : turn and a camp brochure may be Hamtet, Pennsylvania Datdi Com- obtained by calling the Center, tratlait lor the next period Itegtaft tomorrow at the C enter's office mi West Broad St. nounced the appointment of Rafbard munity, Indian. V«fta«e and Western Walsh of 2 iPalfcstone Dr. as business Town. Words carrot deoct&e tiie manager. This is a isew position at beautyr . .detail «id *itffe*itleiy. of Buys IS Locomotives Dow Murks 40 Years the magazine. «*»«* iiW*;' What ;tw*ter way can Pat Meyer Entry I College "Survival" NOW at ARTHUR STEVENS! youngsters leant if tfwir American For CNJ Commuting With E'Town Water Co. •As •busmesp manager Mr, WaMi * • ... . f will assume fnew duties m the busi- beri^thitt fey tfvinfc fotforir in the State Department of TV-ans ttit* Mutlfel, enrxiing wn-iron- In US. Road-e-o Course Aug. 5-9 A Wcistiield employe of the Eliz- ness area -as well as supervise the Our Store-Wide Summer m*nt?Hi5reihe. games,, arts, crafts, pontation has approved the •acquisi- abeth Water Co, ireeetved a recog advertising sfcaff, sales tion tof "13 toeanotives tram General sonjt and..fiaftceft take on a Pat Meyer of. 155 Harrison Ave. •For .Uiose ppospeoKve college stu- nit ion p&i A\m week marking his P^ ^** ctdm* of sigTufk^ftdB to them. When Motore lor, improving commuter op- will compete next monlfc with teen- long service waUi 1i» company, Wal- iivg of the youotf«ter». return fo; ischoofc in thewattone on the Central S the «Hmtry for G. Dow, Elizabe&htewn's cus- NewJweey;- tfbts "How Walslt has served ias Madem- s the title of America's safest end to Study in CoMege" course to be tomer rclatioas was cited obelle's adveitisk^ manager since SEMI-ANNUAL . The 3.IM0 horsepower k>comativ«i ftfl/3«& 4^k:ih provide most stalled girl driver, Slie 7 to 9 Aug. 5 at for the completion o£ 40 years 1969, when Sbreet and Smith Pub- * a* will be ptwehawd «rom GM's Etec- New Jens«y in the 19S8 utility, lishers merged with Comte Hast Pub- trwwtive- Divfc?«*l lEMDl by the the West£&id 'V could be a "life- National Jaycee Safe Driving Auto saver/* taccordiing to John Vemon, lications. Prior to tat lime, be was are Norfolk k Western Chesapeake & Road-E-0 in Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. Mr. Bow, wfeo ives at 946 Hipiey two Olympic-sizedpooh, drama, mu- youth dik^ior. N toe nigors ^y^h^ as^staat pro- field and E World War II lie served with in*. HarV Wngatara from all re- acquired 21 locomotive* of tfcii type and an opportunity to t o u r the feg^ ^ i^t^ ^^ stadei}t advfeer the Eighth (Fighter Command in Eng- ^/ and the past three yean. ' States as youth salety spotos- at Purdue wfll instruct Uie coarse LEADER ADS land. An avid wateroolarist, Mr. man for Uncote-Mercury mmtoa of again ^is aanmer. M his role as ait Walsh terms himself "a Sunday * INFANTS BOYS' ' GIRLS'CLOTHING Ford Motor Cotftpany* adviser, Mr. Lynch has acquired a J RESULTS painter." , t asms* natk*m\<* con- U Jaiowiedge of the s sponsorep d byy Lincola-Mercury dealers ttiroughout the country in t*s tht^ S^ave «» security of cooperatiop n with toe U.S. ^ clasees. GRAND OPENING t?» top boy and fttrl contestant in 1A f«t to com- *« TUESDAY. JULY 30 '""-•• CompetKiaB «t «» National Aiito ^ consists of m ittdepth and ar- as weU Larry's Kosher Deli teat oo nU« of *to road, a ^es h Infants' and Children's Appcmi of briOnd-the-wfeeel «as1» over » dif- *****Mo^tor Reitaurant — Appetizer* — Catering ficult o&Sacfes course, an oterved p 233 L Broad St. W«tfldd drive te i^y Kving ports and Auto Hoad-E-<) was begun in IS52. Sincce tto/neadto/dyy fomiUuon iUuon im - ^^f ^/f f This Beautiful Pearl agem time p^tlc^ated. This j*arJa* *** Y-^- «r Y.M.CA. A course 400,000 teeoajfers from 2,.T0O com- fee is required one week before tlie EXCLUSIVELY YOURS FOR ONLY J3.50 mwtJties coinpded m local Bead- course and only ihi&h scht»l JE-0 programs. J ates WHEN YOU SAVE $100 OR MORE AT WESTFIELD FEDERAL

PRIVACY Iff *ec*9t*t§ «f •€» oi EBT#- NEED SOMETHING COPIED? •f tfct m*i litra vtokt lawkf ra?i while givlag pr* Hovt it don« in minur«t! • unms • potwf • CHAtn • ti»otT$ • mm • OMWiNOS # SHCIWCATIONS Succeu Celebration COPIED WHILE YOU WAIT ^ ON FAMOUS XEROX 2400 FOUOWYOUR 25 Copies v , . , $1.99 50 Copies . . , . $2.49 BERSE BROTHERS 100 Copies . , , ; $2.99 200 Copies . * , . $3*99 Your original can b« lyp*wri|ttn, hand drawn or printed. You'll g«t sharp, cHip copl»». Of** *r 1,000 C«s4«s In Mtnutvsl Cam. QUICK COPY CENTER NOtTH AVI WISTFIELD IOUTH AVI., IANWOOO 293-1030

r Does teaching in an elementary school TDMOVi •••:

-:-.-£•.:* interest you? ,••. . . .

limited Mn§ pnjpwn for Mnaj aw jraBtanM Jutt ploying it cool!

•-<: lo it iMiiBrv ocynNi at raw Yen L k h t I h I-.1- 11" t rt * "t • h -- ~ • Unfversify, Program will be biild Ifi He's so relaxed because WtstTwW, HI rrogram eorti anrf HJpetyfa we're moving his furni- lor participants am supported by from the U.S. Offict of education- % ture* No worries with our expert help. So beat Application* must be received by Au|ui*2, the heat.. . phone TO- DAY. PRIE moving ad- For further Information and application, vice. write or call: Dr. George ManoJakes, Director Tri-UnJversity Project School of Education, Press Building, Room 52 ^ York UrwitefsM r J 1 -i. ALLIED f * t C - -'I THE (NJJ M3ADKK, THUItHDAY, JtJKY SS# 1IMI8 J om*e wtould 'be tm iiwfiri of both those cminiles huvn never 'would foo tnonoy n^oi only t ivlef tbp^tmont OBITUARIES At Air Pollution Conference -ptaseo on 4hoati psylng-'putiont^ conirlhuioil to IVfuhletta'g -own -Uut -an Jin- wo alrendy spewtflng im such emu 'Uoift SomcNPsct and amount for of itiomsy fw ap- •ohdrily coming fmm bfltli Hew York and C=htirdi of caro. -Hu to but Soin^avsot comics, Robcrl J. Sinilh Dr. Ayres Speaker This Week nted from the field wtri \\f\t\ attemlwl Uu Toronto, no eliaiee but tottiok' tnotvtes kt county-bpused hospi- •viiikh <]o not U to «WJ A Mnss of Iho Angfls \«ia t'niHufai, t.'hureh School, v SCIIWJI fl!f tMedletoo, at Dr of Irom 1002 liwwigb 1963 un- •iwiy «b Hit ]iuul!c:i| t ippllocl by iJJie (New Jer- eoa, Somonset •otlKsr New hospitals lio'c talny monnlivg for Holier! ,1, Kniiih, with t!iu Dominion Bunk trf Ladd ouguraled such jj»r on effort tiho United Sates Army fcofri j n KtM'itk ill tlu sey fU'seareh OIKI Teaching f mud Infant son of Mr, unri Mrs. .Mm I1. In l!HHl JHKI t'ttmp 1o Nt w 'N^di^ic in 1»4fl, Br, Speea' fe a ^"e^tow of mnusiii Air «l!ni'!(iu lU'Sfneeh Con- of tho New Jomoy Tttbetxu- ported out ilicit Muhlenbeaig iHospd- said ihat tiic Uuioo y costs 1121) (N)li?mnii PI,, foliowhiK 'harl l>{M>in iTeasnror of thu the AmtHiloon College <*f Obstetrics u Sivls -I{^KpirM»ry Dfsease Association tal h»d of $187,590 to 1987 of $210,638 to Mitfaleih .services frwin the l>oi»li»y W;u- lU'licf In Wetffiolrt, :i i wnd Gymtwboffl and © pwst dilfef 0! for ward tare, Respite a ..$2i0tft2B berg Hospital 4n 1967 wi^ tSus ifo inciiibcr of Jho t'luvnriui-n Sook-ty * the s ip of the Amer- its alfilinit s. He toaa Had many iwss artmF tL'jHi Mcdiciti cinisfhyscma other A, The ha\>yt L'IKJI! wtu'ks old, WHS i!lr*»ch»r nf of tPreelna*d&m, Union County made |>y ihe Union Couniy found jtppuriittiy dt^id in his wih Old Qmnl *MK! of 1-lu? SI. VSiiccni's- Hospi- aceotmied Jor $115,600 of to OK non-pi^lt Tuesday morning Ut'.spiU? t'lTarta of t\ Utm\h\# Club uf OnyiwHi, [ l:ii, New Ojiy wtH sjKfttk on Now a member $ the New Jersey lass, OuUrf-county patieints ftals in 'Unkn County. Suieii fcha Wcstliuhi Hcseiuj STHIIKI iwt\ po- is survived by IVIK wii'erat- t/fypcoxfenattiy 10 cammtB^taes tenterg Hospital whore h« iutfl ton of Toronto; six grcHUlehHdren and ilnoome olher than Iw^pilal fa^ee, vsaan in thetwo Mnhiei\I>Bi"ig Bospftai serves rushed A MrmUmlo of GoifyslHirg 63 yww. 'Hie coiirtso will toe sponsor- only meam *ii© hospital woulr. Last year flth\ Ays^s ccm- ward care would be to increase its •communities. For example. Dun* fant is survived by a nisior, Otl-her- s ctHiiiucku! a'osearch OIT }>ul- ductetl a pilot counso on "Acquhted charges, ctien ebntt-ibuted $500 end One o! ihe Tenons ino M.: I wo bribers. Michm?! P. Jo Ann Hmiziker -nl SI. Pulmonary Phfltetotogy," «^so at St. $55,000 In 1967. However, such DAZE and Timothy .1; His patermri giiaml- Hospital, :md St. VI«cont's Hospltwl has traditionally priaiUons 9 in Class : tual cost of pattat care to the hospU Springfield and his nuUoma! grand- k that the hospital *s io-ffcoi,- Even though PlsinHeild conbri- At Airlines' School pntients sregardfess of the eommuiti- very auMr to. the borders of parents, Mr. ami Mrs, Joseph P. Wheels, Tires Missing 4ies Trom which tiiey eome, .How- ibuted $55,000, MuhlerrfMtig stil sus» Rugan of Madison. Somerset "and 'Middlesex eownties Miss Jo Ann Hunz-ikcr af HVfoun- Donald Smith, «m employe of West- ever, after August 1 the Hospital will Ojalrted a lass <^ $112,876 tot *Jie in- to Inside has been graduated from *nd, therefore, se^ns -to be ife iog- cogent ci#e of ipdainfieki resident. field Malor Sales Ca.t North AveM be unable to accept the ioat hosi>iM foe people living in William J. Freiberger Eastern Airlines stewardess school reported 4» police early Monday burden of the non-emergency a comment rcgardjng *ihe in iMiaml, Florida. these areas. However, as badd that -two wheels and or dinic patients who came Irom out, while Muhienberg Hos- policy, liflAt said *hat Memorial services for William communtties that do wot, through p John Fnwbespgw, SI, of 415 South In addition to receiving Ivor wings, at $88 had been taken pital &as far many yeara served ijihe hosptife^ regretted the necessity Mi&s Himaiker ivas -not only the a vehicle. parked there, ih&k avwi governing J)o^es «r Irom tiibuto 4o indigent paiient caaie. ness thai the job market, as it becomes more competitive, Church. Mr, Freiberger, 'husband of son CHW" by her classmates For the boards of te Without k, lie s^id; having Ahe most poise, -ch&i'm «wid annoimeemetit was made fcyEd - places more emphasis on higher education. ' • ' ., ainj. Martha Ellen Frdberger, died conscniaUty in hor cio&s. iMembcM's H. Ijadd Ul pi^cieik of July 16 m New York, t Statistics show that a college education Increases earning 1 of each graduating class name a Ho^pifeai at 4be regul^ Bora In East Chicago, Ind,, Ms . "Gibson GteV by secret ballot. The Alters Ward monthly n>ee6^g of the Board of power. However, tending a child to college requires plan- Ft^elborgor had lived m Westfield winner is announced at graduation Governors held Monday, ning. A child plans for college by doing wetl In school. The 10 years. He was a partner in ibs ceremonies. parent, by seeing that the money is available when it is iaw firm of Brltta and Freiberger •Ladd said, "The ttosprtiaft will con- needed. And more and more money Is going to b# required; Miss Hunzitor is the daughter of Patient Policy tinue to aecept 9$, bona fMe emer- 'In Mtllbwn, a«d was retired from ! about 76% of the four-year colleges Have increased cd»i.t itlie Internal Revnue Service, IfliLcH- Mr, &nd Mrs, L, T. Hunziker of 119 gency patieote whose might foe Wild Hedge La., to an ttvetrwheljining iwcr& patients. The Hospital wilt care.' hstdd cited the spiralling east at ehJttS'a htftk brfwt* rolt««4 serves -In 28 states* the District a! hospital care «nd expl^iroed that School #f Law in 1951, was asi Air continue; as 'it has always done in GOOftE AND "25 '-- I in 13 1-ih ft Columbia, , fifextco, Puerto •the past, to acceot all emergency tit a iii'creased expense of 3« , I En -10 1 in 7 Force captain dieting World War II. Bieo, -Bermuda ai3d 1he Bahamas, FVWOW 8$ •• 1 fir T was a member of the Liens Club • 4& \, 1 1n 5 X Sn4 l WtttE of Westfie!d anti the national state What does this mean? It meant that good infepfions mm and county bar associations. Victory Names Miller SCHEDULE SIXTH WEEK'S not enough, ty is a tremendous financial burden fo pay for. In addition to 'his wife, he is college out of current income. And what if two or more chil- survived by .three sons, Charley Chief Engineer PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES James and David, ail at home; a dren are in college at the same iime? There aren't thot maiiy •daughter. MafUnu ako -at homer U. Louis Miller of 353 Orendq Cir. 5WIMM0BILE AT F&ANKtIN JULY 29 - AUG. » jcholarihips and competition is fierce for thow that «r# three brothers, Clifford Preibcrfiep^ has been -named chief engineer ofj available. Student loam am not paying for college but Victory Enginee^ng Canporation, MONDAY, JULY 29- merely delaying the time of poyment, ortd often pyUing the (Harold Bates STKI Walter Bates, all 8,-30-10:30—Temnfe instruction -at Tamaques cmtfts of Bast Chicago; *hree sisters, Mrs. Springfield, with responsibilities in- burden on the child's shoulders. .. . . 4 Ciudiiig fjnanagejneivt of new 'products 9:GD —A'U new persoimel for crafts—WteB Baby Station John Parchem ajtd Mrs, George 10:00 -"Staff Meetk^g in Council CSifflnbera as weU^as lstbor>s^kyt applications Why do 6 out of 10 parents who wont a college fund Sufak, doth of Eaaf Chicago, md 1:00 —All playgrounds open. Oraft oi the week: Piaster of Mrs. Kussess €ox ot Orlami Park and packaged soMd state controls. prefer to use life insurance? because the co*t ton be spread t The am^uncement was matie by parfc • ... ever many years, and should the breadwinner live, die or -IL Jftonk J/'MasEUch, vice preseicient l:00-2:00—TwirHng st Washington & Edlsoa teen center become disabled the money wilt be there when ft it needed. Another sffli, WHtiatn John Frei- and general jrsan'agei'^ 2:0O-3;0O—Tw&#Rg at WMson & T^mvaques berger, 4md in 19&4.. J r 2:00- 4:00—Bas&efcbaH Cfe'tric at Roosevelt teen, center A life Insurance funded colfege edueaHo* can change your M$ller s posftfen Is a H College dale into happy days for your children. one by VECO. a . 1:30-2:3er-' Art for Fun"-Jaoosevdt teen center by Grab's Funeral Home. 2:00-3:3fr-"Art for Fun"—Edison 'teen ceatet* today. Display Here 1:60- 2:00—TwMing at FVaoikUn and Cotomfcus 1:30- 2;3&-"Art for Fun'^Wash Albert W* Rice ty drove *he Sunoco 1:30 —Model and DoH Shaw—Grant Special on wew vatiAt Sioon todayy at 2:30- 3:30-"Art for F«n"™<^lumbite Funeral services were held Sun- SUTWCO station at South Ave, and 1:00- 4;0&™Graphic arts wOTk^iop at Edssen *ee« oesiter day afternoon in the Presbytmaw I Cum-ber^nd Si.t in the U. S, 2:0»- 4;©0—Basketfoali clinic at noosevelt teen center Church for Albeit Wesley Bice, 7Sr Racing championships winning first 2:00 —-P3ayg4*ound@ close of 80& F~"Art for Fun"—Jefferson 1:00- 2:00—Twlnlmg at Jefferson aiid 1:30- 2:3fr~('Art tor Fun"—Grant 1:00- 3:00—Archery at Hoosevelt 2:60 —Puddle tennis tmi'manrent-Boys at m 1 M* * glpJa at Jefferson—Checkers DEDICATED TO DIGNIFIED SERVICE Hopscotch •tournament—WMEon 1:00- 4:00—Gra-pbic arts workshop at Edison teen 4:00 —Pksygimtnds close 6/, FKIDAY, AUGUST 2

8:30-10:30—Tennis instruction srt q -i. 9:30 —G-rounds Open 10:30 —Softball games—Franklin at Cotatbus, Jefferson at LJUCOIEI, Tamaques at MeKin-tey l0:00-12;0O™"Art for Fun"—Wilson r™ 10:30-n:30~TwiL-]|ng &t McKtoley & Lincoln

>[-•-.-•. •.»: • 1:00- 2:aO~Tvvi.rlli?g at Columbus and Franklin

-.^j;- JV 1:30, —Ev-erybody's Birthday — ail grounds .^_- I*- '- 4:00 —All playgrounds dose who'd want a new dress .*••• •—v --•

-h--.,r 1 1 M '•3? ' 'L^.1 ' I i . • • l ' — v-i !••••>- •_. -1 I m".LV...-- -I""L i 'mi if it were just like your old one?

K--y Mow tntKH fun wotsfet be fen In fashion If «li

ed? This system would eut down on shopping •\ Bui ft would also eut down on your individuality. lit turn, standardization would cut down on advertising, thmtf be a cutback in production. Ami if we workad hard to do »o, w» Wright wreck tfte economy. FUNERAL DIRECTORS WouWt we be better off to teavft thingi the way they trftf WISTFISLD CRANFGRD Tocte/s advertising is already polked by the world's detective ... the American consumer* William A, DoyU Fred Hf Grey, Jr.

318 E. BROAD ST. 12 SPRINGFIELD AVE Fhon* 233-0743 Phone 276-0092 THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE WESTFIEID (NJ.) tEAPEH, THURSDAY, JULY 25, Iflflg , Pago 8 Scouts iii Conn* Reports Vandalism Comma tui, Attitudes & Platitudes Jetty Marcus Sat. Briggs Cited The Cfoteftttto is a ytwikly Four patf ftls of SeiW Gk\ SfcwiU. A town sprinkler was broken and i tvt HM» Kintholoc Air including two from Uio Washington o light post bent at fii)0 P«nr»yivan- As AF Editoi Bam', Kinross, 'Mte. A ptiujlu* wns liock Council tore, Reported from ia Ave,( according to G report re- H-w«i*di»l»?t4i FW' 1 tifcwmnilcm Mountainside end Sanwsrvfito Fri- ceived by poJfcti Moratey morning .John It, , «on «f Mr. "hision'.H ', whlrti won day to participle in a roundup an- from Budolph J, Otutnno of BOO am! Mrs. Jolm Brlfffin of IMS Sum- enmpment at Camp Sectley, Shortm, Ave. 1 mit Ave(, has tan t'ltwl by Hn Couti. LL S. Ah' Portie for "except loniil Tin s 4he tivird for IIKJ pa- LEADER AUS PAY ioti-niaHsl\c nehievemcrtt ns wiHw j per in the i>n#i six ymuv*. of The (MBflffln for ti\& -period dur-: a former wlWor of Tlu* GtiloMn, Ing Ihc -nttwsimper contejit" spon- s^t-viiti tn IML capacity during Uio -l>y Uio Aerospace J)ufp.nso recent conlcsL.

- 1 . m ^ rLtbcrn Allen Sate!

Right now .. . or your Koot! What a wonderful time- to discover our Ethan Allen Gallery, the mosf impresslv* collection in all New Jersey! Save on custom covered chairs and sofas, charming dining' room and bedroom furniture* into Ml**** »r hm «t «CMM*S>> CHARCOAL SKETCHING occasional tobies , ; . Colonial !*• frwtbrt Mt* chiWmi af *tirtaus nge .groUpi aa all the! playgroup this "year- SHEEPISH TIGERS have done no wrong, but perhtpi accents for every room, now The. creative tttfents of the c hi Wren wilt bd tfiplayrf ot the Ptto- they're thioklog about escaplog from Uielr ———*™ sale priced. At all 6 stores. p#rc«itt«te ground Art Exhibit which wfll Nheld ln Mh«bi»a*kin Park anita* mtftr vthicte M 7th. Working inttiitly on their still life sketeliei SK mtmter* McKintey Playground. 1 H." i i - * Doyfc As K of C Head n i •WPliam A, Doyle was lnstaileda« v .>>£&•

^rand fcniglit *rf 4h> KWwalflB'ld CottncOl i^c-is No, 1711, Kr/^Ms of C&hunb^s, FHr day nlgbt by 'Disk'^ct Decutv Frank

wpent DejHity .J. ;*: • •> Eugeae «a«maft; ehan-ceibr, Jehu A. Appezzato; warden, Itebeft San- tc; fiman^iai secretary, EFr-aincb ^ ^ rmmtkmi; revcfifoig se'cretsry, ^. J J. Sie^iga; te^asm^f, Thomas H k R «tian|i -Row g outside cuard, Jefeti Corals; tur«r,,Oeorgo Guifotfsi; and fee tfere# •?-; -* ^ ;i lwmt PGK. , Grrod Kr-if^ Doyle announced • \r^ that 41^ six pekt > "-;-. be nmJer 0ie general If Henry Chisho&n, with s**t> chair- >**5r , men Attbur Erewn. Hector Dioa, ifohti -Brenfen Jr,, Thomas t HobBr^t Dwytfr an4 Ilcibert This was $te a«cmtd tifbe 4tei ihe fesfeaaatioft w^ floen to the general public. A social period followed at the COddwnws Lounge. •i e

•?.'• t •" -••:

>*• r «yat Re*wve*' Ettramptnrat i-e Lamce Cp4r O«wge C. Zadkey ol WesUield has fceen oUeiK^ng the an- nual £wo week$ trair.ln^ of Marine Reservists of the «h Motor TVans- port BatUttoA fea»d «t Port Nrw- ark, His as^fenment at Camp Le- |oeoe, N- €.. bat been to tranftiott other ."oMtan Marinee1' of the Re- •erve who were alrWted from aU parts of the country to Ste

Zackeya cwnMntftnl rrtumed to Port Nawark

Thrifty taxpayer! ap^ly thtir in- come UK refundjt to the p«rch»»e o* U.S. Savkigi Bondi. Jut c)mk the ippropriate box on your Ubt form,.




L "" "- ' FIIIR! A RARE CLOfEOUT BUY ON CARPET RIPRESCNTATIVE5 of (1 THREE MAJOR THAT REGULARLY SELLS FOR 12.9$ S?. YOU CANDIDATES, UNION TOWNSHIP YOUNG RlPUtUCANS A uniqu* safe, on« you'rt not likely to see again tfi o I0119 time! Mfroc?# Paly*sf«r In Mock a sculptured random-sh«artd pil#, quality carpet thot sells for 12,95, and Koos bought TILIPHONI TO out Billow's entir* overstock? It** trie toughest, yet fushist, fiber yet! Unsurpassed for SHOP AT HOME! fong weor and «asy core: shrugs off spiffs because it'* non-obsorbent, bounces beck from the heaviest traffic because its norvmot, rro-wrinkie resilience is locked in! And Poly- Trie Union Hofbrou P?ck your color in your ester is non-static: no shocks, no magnef-like gr\p

Sting the teenagers


WILLIAM A. CLARK NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O, EDWARDS JAMES J. DAVIDSON C. B. SMITH, JR. DANKER & DANKER, ATW REALTY Inc. Re n!t AV ASSOCIATES BARRETT & GRAIN Rt altar "DOWN nv nua 496 South Av«. Elm St. REALTORS AND Roaltort AD 2*3500 Mt*mh*r of tk* AD 2-9300 ELM St. and NORTH AVI. SUGGEST . . . AD 3-5555 "TWO COLONIAL* OFFICES" Hultlple FRANKENBACH | hi*ttum 149 ILMW SHSET WeiHieid Mountalntldt 111 U«tttv«l A I NO. of The AD 2-1800 A0 3-1800 WISTPI1LD IT'S NIW - $36,000 L RWTAiS ***** IT'S IN WESTFilM) DORIAN ID. SHOAL V-ory few avallRblo — fur.nltthwl SEE OUR UNIQUE iintl unfurnlfthed. In •Wfl*t(jetrff ftyatcm Ciutrmlttff homo In esttibllHhecl FIRST TIME OFFERED we may bG al>le to help >tto*«h I WINDOW DISPLAY HANDSOME COLONIAL nultfiiborn»od» cnll«t a treat, WATCH THE WORLD I'MWuud St., u ntml m He iruoa, I^replace in larjro living liOMIJ NCRVICM room, illnhiff roam (U x I&>. $29,9001 frontr GO BY - 115 Elm St., AD 2-4700 OF HOMES FOR SAIf 4 BEDROOMS ~ EXTRA LOT madcrit Kitchen wltii \nUiiu\ ana how wlmluw In living room, eating HIHMJO. Opei; porch, 4 bed- momni nl*:o 'ot. won't last long HIM IT IS f and griule level family room Yes, It's in Westfield, priced PROJECTED |N COLOR with Hlhilntf tflftHs doors to 4RHA FOR HANDY FOR COMMUTIRS just $29,900. Plenty to see, Mi gardcin Vour entrancn bftlt for It's at the crossroads, so uti Htt'tiiiL level, ihu& up a, tturroumlod hy UHl n*tlvo tioea TALL SHADE THHS IMMACULATE 3 BIDtOOM MUlrtt tu iho 15 ft wtdo Hvlmr someone wiil always be THIS KATiONWID* loom, dlnlnR1 roam mid kitchen. hi an fdual ttottrhborlKiwl, tlsia owner offere thla passing your door; never a H0M13 ISSUING SERVICE THHUB! bed roomat 2^1 batha, iy' nplc and *pan 3 bed* NEW LISTING 10 year old tiomu, Lftrsa foyer COLONIAL room Colonial home in a dna dull moment And the house hamlHome home phis tlio oxtra untmnoe, tejty-windowed l|vln« laundry on Knitle( baBcment lor A NICE SELECTION • work bench and storiiero^ Coto- area partioularlr itself — older and very spa- bulldtng lot may bo just the room, dinine room^ mo^rn kit' VA WTHS for Baleamen uuin« the OF "COLONIAL BEAUTY" ohen, family room. Throe at- tiliil in deatiin attt you huvo bean Iti bl IH bathH* rial l*nlnR UHfi00— AVIlHon School. Pretty raj50, deep lot and a^uin, addt- Clii with 4 line |jodrooinH, dinette, Hltehen and Horeoned ItrtlnioitiH Heal norob, Bssement and gnrfttfe. show you whatever is avail- % hfr, rt**iw IMHV rooff gut- tioiml choice building lot which MOUNTAINSIDE SFUT 2 CM GARAGE ,. ters am! leaders, Lot about US' front J— 2t9 elec- able when you come in. As 1 mt-itt , , , MIM*IIMNH1 couM he sold Immeaiatety or Charming 7 room home' with •trie service —— oil heat —- cont we. prepare this copy we f*i»3-vnnl . , , JIHtittt brlek *lre|iJiier fireplace in Itvinfr room; 15* den, EXTRA URGE YARD 1160 a year with hot water. T Fin^ quality ranch, f save*eiir im»r« tie- , % bat ha. garage, Tfixes under 1686! Near t then there's one, unfurnished worth a phone transportation. 118,500. PIAYHOUSE (JILBi ATWOOD ,..,.S-TT41 at $335, Another is listed at . Beautiful column-front N«1^nt*e Icltcrhen with hrvmUtnttt ureii '*Hutt » tery p«r*ottft3 t Q«iUlHf adjacent c^iy den; large for* neaped % acre. 3 bedroom*, 6 roGfUB — bailt 1S62 — • 1A6 COLONIAL PlRKCTtON I blithe — nice condition. In $31,500 ntw Hitting mal rtlnlnx robmt Runny modern 2 baths, iaripe kltch«n, living Proud homeowners have EDWIN O. EDWARDS n kitchen, POtTR G&NBHOUS BUILT IN 1961 room with Hreplace, dining Scotch kept this older home spic The i EEDHOOMS. alt on 2nd floor 4 BtDROOMS I* on upper level. Panelled 11 % Elm SI. (m»et«r in H x IS). SH baths d&n with sliding KIHUH dopr KC- and span. No: longer need- fl perfect Mettle* Utr *M* filuB extra facility In baneittftnt 2H BATHS ees» tn targe patio and addi- near large recreation room. At- tional terse playroom^ or 4th ing such a spacious home, ami carelaHy 4*f nv niuint»tn«il tltrr* AD 3-3555 tached sartifff). I*nd«cap«ia lot TIWINDOUS bedroom. Halt bath, laundry 146' front, For your Must Mat! R»4 furnace room, 2%-car ga- they are moving to on two li«*h NEW ilStlNG •raise* Only t FAMILY ROOM 1 ONI FiOOR UVINtt apartment and offer theirs Tl*«re In » i-diiiiortnlite 4CM "MOUNTAINSIDE RANCH" rage at ground luvel. Walking \ mill u iiiEiyroutii OK the ttr*t r. OVRIOOKINO MUCK MTIO distance to 3 bu* routfls, to for sale at $29,500. if you've {UHIF , , , The modern ktt- Dorfft SWIMMING POOL 2 CAR OARAOE NYC, ai5« B tnJn. drive to either $»,500 chen In ii mml#l of «mve- H. •!»•**....AD Fanwno(I or Westfleld train «t*' been househunting yow fiietu*e and Hat* ir«««l tnmitj- ,, $40,900. A DMA* HOUSE POt THEtlon. One, hour door*to*ilopr enttfiir «|iuc« . , . Uu let urn C. 1. SMITH, Ji. commute to Rockefeller O«ii- O» H acre — 3 bedroom* —.8 know thai ii'* only now and tell jtm more nfaout thl PARTICUUR BUYiR I , Uir, 2 blocks away from hlffhly baths — i car gitrtit, Fir** then we can offer you a 4- home, here, TM* I* MAY WE SUOOIST YOU regarded grade and . Sl#h place In ilvtw room, iarffe 18* I* I—3 bed- - • COUECTOK'S HIM It it elicit , , . rooms, den, 2 bathe, Jlvlns URd SKI? UVA LUSCIOUS PAHKWOO0 f OF MALTOft room, dining room, finished rec- Country club area. Gg reation room with bar in base- WanhInston could have »lept SCOTCH PUINS ment kitchen wHh eating area, here (but we-have no reason to And it certainly looks good • • • «t 1 #t m # for **iromtler-tliM)i- Located in Qrafct School area. C* believe hedld), Rentored, utttte- r- .' enough to eat \ Lovely lawns $39,900 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL f«mll>% New Hat* |38,&0O. Call ly Hevolutionary w»r, large U need we any mtire! You mil st «B« this lovely horn* — beautiful trees. And such Ten ytttrtt yttuvta* «**» *»•** rooms, authentic center b*lt to appreciate the Hpactoiisnfcirt a pretty ^ floor home in this t*litu* threi* In* ti room Colo* Colonial on almost 2 rolling nri attractive ncttlnsr tn 6ne of ntiii hi»in«~iu-tev«*t ha** t*** IS ft-crea, with pottd, pool and ca- tir fltife Fan wood residential delicious Scotch Plains set- im»Nl0H Mtmce for a fnurth tmna, all electric science kit- areaw. Two flreplncea *—: peckr M|t ta?drtHmt * . . Then* KFC R1NOLE AGENCY chen-and modern Z% batha, 260 ting at $43,900. Entrance tvru tiled bulb* M*n« «* <**^ ™^^r;;U amj> ttorvltc, 3 flrfplaten. Mini- |cypre«8 den ™ about 81' IlvInK NCH mum one acre MOffi* where dqine ro4m( pretty tttnlny roam, irith hall* separate dining room; er ttfinmin) mttl n I.IVIVfi RflOM WITH 4. bay —;»creflned porch. »tckl*rn- powder room . * » Is ACK, FAMILY . SI*F, values exceed $109,000. A rare $27,900. 1 AlWr* flnd at 972900 ted kitchen — r«cre»«dfi room firoptac* in the living room, riNiiftton »M thfr l«rjt« HO OH, NEW K11-CH- na l.nr B«TIB« «tlached. May 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Jal- II y room there I« A ***» Thl* vlevly kept we tell you more? ; l or plity room and it WITH riSti WWIKIWE rftneh i» l**ea**rt «n STANLfY J. IIH R*aff*r / • r ousled porch. 2 car garage, AHU*. hAHGB pirt'tilar utrret Jit«t STOf UHi (At WOLS hV TILBO F1HHT FliOOR away rr«»N tt«k«H»l null imrk. m ft I stance to all/Schools SS1-777S attached. tie Immediate The ttmtvinporary lKterfc#r POWDER HOOM. Iltf thrr« frednwm* 31 12G,";0f). Be the first to kce thin newly listed four bedroom, * • • and one-half bath Cape Cod, In convenient Scotch Pi ft Inn FOUR HEPROOMH A\n TILKU neighborhood. Uvinur room with fireplace, large eat-In t, £«nced rear yarrt two car garage. Priced to ll oNf noot uviw TftANSFftftlD ? 4: CHARM IN Will* BATH OK HEC«M> F1.O0H. with , heantnl celt* r THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. »MI«I wall , . * RIAITORS INSURORS S ttMOOMS + 0« Too bad, for we certainly SHACKAMAXON AREA HK(HKAriO?f ROOM, AT* 926,900. Four bedroora Colonial In the Uncoln School ttrra, Liv- TACHKtt ClAHACiE, i ing room with wood burning flr^piacn* 15' dinfntf room, 232-0100 lATMt - 3 CA« 0 AJt are loathe to have our good FOUR BEDROOMS fciXTHA J.OT. plot with *rre» ; lapire family sUe modern kitchen, wftlt to wall curp^tlns fthmlHu Sivre to l lnduii*?d, Sept* let poBBeeaion. Just In time to move in citizens move away. But, if $44,900 mmy for school, yoy must, why not coll us, |,90ft—Uoay Cape Co4 for tlie first hotise purchaser who wsnU $27,600. Don't miff* this lararc fftmlly home »o convenient, public a lovely nefgrhborhood and other young people. Two bedrooms os it is quite possible that fluted trannportation at the corner- 24' living room, Brut floor and bath on the flr«t floor: nicely finished dormef«d second-floor ;Yott wilt iov* thtB center hull MAGNIFICENT COLONIAL den, family slit dtnlng reom, I2r screened porch, eat-fn with two bedrooms. Full basement, attached garage, located in ranch with part cut atone lac- we can help you find the nearby Sc. p\s, f i, •,• -. int. Thn isrSe property In well ty llvlay F4M»»iF 5 HDiOOMS kitchen, Tnre* twin niued bedrooms on the »ccond floor, right home at the new loca- "POtlST ARiA" 2 car garage. Sept, lut rr«emed «na close to icliool*, welt TThere are % fireplaces, one in tion thru a Realtor In that The WB1IAVJBSHK4.ENTLY Wi,ooo. |24,909~Ju8t over the W«stlle!d line In Sc. Pis. within w&Iklft* •piiciouii attr*ctlve llvln* room IM our pktor* Ad »n distance of store& and station. Cftpe Cod with lour bedroom*; ahd one In the very l«r«e b*n«« area, thru our Inter City Re- . * t'tte modern "Coin* HA1.1, (Ol.t>\]AI, iS THE two bath*; spacious eat-in kitchen, den, ipnf recreation room are*. location Service. the rtttr Formal"' dtnlnjr rooin, kitchen H>HK»T MECTIOK OP lot 1R locu- PETERSON-RINOLE AGENCY with breakrait renter *nd dl«h- tion. f*rt*ttar Amrr- 134,9$&—Colonial in mo«t convenient north Bide area. ff activity . . . A i n rfttihef, 4en, 3 bedroom*, t lenjt taterlvr Itmr rooms; \% baths; two-car detached farage; hot water h«at. bfttfta, done tutefully. Wall to wutild went to lie la CALL 323-5100 «tiy finw Flre»1a<>« in th* 25* Uvln* room; modernised kitchen; formal HOME IV wall carpeting Included. 1*h« DECIDING TO Sill? dtnlnr room; nld« <|enf *c. porch, Immaeulate condition, M den cpuld be 4th bedroom. Own- Hvifiic riHim with (B1ILT 1ST Jr. tit ran Included, er tranaferred. Located tn ptc- This can indeed be a serious ture«qtte Fanwood. W« Invite FOUR BEDROOM €. Tntr your inspection. mom with •*« ttver 6" step, and one that requires TWO i FIRST $38B&00™Irfv*l hom« on A quiet 4«&d*«n (thr^e tw(n-H(x«d» one alugte), Th* price Ineludes & separate lot1 HOMES FOR KENT' o Hoiidnr ^ a .master blend oE Colonial and contempo- of fiO x !&o it you do not wlwh the entire property. Well-treed ! first door d*m artd kitchen. %Jp* rm+in fur th« rary architecture on twt* acre plots, many with maKniUcent atairs, 4 g-oad efie bedrooms* A HOME WITH ACREAGE #1— views, it provides many of the advantages of entate living and gfrnibbed* Franklin School without sacrificing all the facllitlen and conveniences of Urban Top area. life including <-^y sewers and water. Transportatio3 n ta excellent EitfM room; 2 bath brick and fram* fioloniat The price tag reads $77,500 to N^JW Vork anil inofit «f New jersey both by rail and modern , , . Two tlltMl easy walking distance of Brisnner grade and FatiJ-Sc, Pis, for this unusuat property sit- JEFKRSON SCHOOL SHIT hway* Most important, Brook Hollow in located In historic school, IBanh of *he four sec>ond-floor hftdrooms ttxtremtly j 1 Peapack-Gtaftatone. Heref In an area of established private W1UIAM A. CLAtX uated on a countrified street thi Mtntiniitm , riding clubs and estates of financial and political figure*! Pun^lled fitnt floor den; beautifully Htzed kitchen; formal an thin HA\fH HAM,, of rmUcuifU prominence, the bucolic nature of the area i« assured room, J?eei> I^t, tft*3 b*»t In construction. in Scotch Plains, The resi- t ; MVI>C; HOOM. FOR- for ftetrarles. Hoth homeg and homesitea are available. The builder 4M t««(k dence, buitt In 1950, Is nice- MAL l>JSIVfi ROOM. UP-TO- will build u> yotir plane. Prieea from >59,O00- THE JOHNSON AOINCY, INC. ly situated on a plot of COMFOKTAILC THE-MISLTJB K1H FIK\ ASfW desirable property Is one of many handled throughout about 5 acres. There are 5 fnt J^'VKI, IJEHr» fOtH the country hy members of the Gallery of Homes orgsmtiation FOUR BEDROOM IIOOMS, 3VJ JBATHS, — in ttiiii cape the Boyle Company of BernarctevSHe, You may bedrooms and 3 baths. Defi- 1 obtain further Information from either of our offices* i h:vr:i, HK€ HOON ASPJ* ol* - l. CAP! COD 1 1SS-4TW nitely this property is "one- WB OR AlAll»*0ltOO*fi WlS Know that yon may safely place your home buying and ma Jae% W, Cwfnnt>..AV of-a-kind." $24,900 l in Oaltery hands — anywhere! A. Flyn Wlflla« A. Cfcfft.... .AH THIS IKIMi: IS Iflf J — Lawrence , iivrr the lint- in IPictupe-book, 4 bedroom home , * - M BARRETT t CHAIN In Scotch Fhiins, a -very good sublease at $450 p«r month. «f JUST iiSTIO kit* tt**n that | on a large tpee shaded lot Built in IMS, this attractive houae it LIf K «IAlTOi "TWO CQW3NIAL OFFICES" include* 3 tvll bHthfl, % half In the Westfiefd Gardens. the hatlis, fa.mil y mom, laundry Very deep lot, 4 bedroom, two 41 ELJM S H. CLAY milOMCHS, die room, basement, and two car hnth on tir«t nnrt IS Hi, Uraarf ft* AD 3-1100 ELSIE «TZ, INC., R*oltor da raff P. wall to wall carpetln* 2 bath residence wtth a sim! lintb 4ft* and draperies. Franklin Schpol. . „ - At AO 2*7403 WRHTFIELO Hi^h 46'&. By owner. Prlnetpals modernized kitchen that will to H. v, n. HALL, only, CaH 233-20S3 after 8 F.M. delight the Homemaker. AD 3-00*3 fh 2-7700 weektlays or ail day Fhnaeai tteorftt P. Hlrbarrf*. , 4HI-LE PAUfClNO AT WOTH OFFICEB and Sunday. $42,500, Drriie* B-t*M ...... WHY IITIM TO HOtiDA? Krfcliart ..,.,Afl3-7054 9m\f — Sarto .... .All 3-]«l» When there is thts lovely small ranch with just ftnouEh ground modernised Al1 for privacy and easy care; when tVierfc ts a toeautiful pool and Tudor located in parlc-liJte set* NANCY F. REYNOLDS s new pR«rmE*cE Judy tiTigr. S bedrooms, 2 % baths, -FIJI lUA^^V^mfiq patio a step &way with a woodsy area In the background; when AO 3-1100 there !a a living mom with firep3ace tor winter evenings dining' .Formal dining: room, living: AND arfca, two bedrooms and two baths and screened poreh oft the roortt, <|en, powdor rtioits and ASSOCIATES kitchen. We are sure you win like this Mountainside home as kitchen on flr**t floor, a facd^ much us we do —*• and we like It a lot! rooma and 2 buths on second Realtors M. A. MERCNER W, Vntter . .A» 3-38S1 floojr, 2 bedrooms on third floor, FRANKENBACH II. A. Woere, .Ir...... Afl 3-7P77 JKxtenatve air conditioning. Ex- cellent condition. Must be seen J. Irfo* ,, . ,41) 3 to h* appreciated, High $4V*, BQ2 F3a*f flrnnrf Street inorets We also have a nlc« selection bedroom hom^s far the Principals only. Call 232*5397 115 ItM STRUT «. H- Harrett. Jr., CPW MOUNTAINSIDE before noon or after 8 PJC, for 3326300 families. Give us a can for And A 201-232-4700 ranrh hnma sitxiaterf h!ffh on fteautSful lot with WESTF1KLD — Dutch Colonial tr^es- Nicely nroportiflnef] Mvtngr mom with within walking onsords and pi^tor^ wlnrtnw, full dtninj? room and h\^ kitchen aehoots, station has p for nix* 3 tfn* bfrlrooms; tUfr bath with shower ELSIE 1ETZ, Inc. Nancy F.Reynolds 232-0485 ""• •*"«• »««• tub, Mi hath off mawt^r h^fir^^m. Ground I^vel recreation shops, Elegant entrance hall, Helen Schmidt 232-809S * * * * ** u-i!h har ftnri flinlc *and another % bath. In addition, there !s 1?nt«-it V, Vm 2fi' Hvlfrff room with fireplace, , Alfhtld TV. 1 roomy besimp^ dintne room> ff*r a v^ry iarp ^ r^ftm for stnrap*\ w^rk room, nr another family Olga Grcrf 232-7136 F> 3-TT3B room, Tvvri $80 ultra modern kitchen, Beautiful |ty .\f.A.M. ^ VfT terraces, ii-car Price family room with flagstone 2:w-is-s» : - ^ t * floor F*tn*?n*JXJOIO with George Kinby. Parking evailabfe, Avon ProdmHH- Inquire now. Cull Group qrranaenKMite: Write Group night. Ctfrtjtin timo In Tflflfl8S8 2»—Nlaf w family «tEG kit** Fonrmt iHhthff room, » Call 383-2914, lft-l-tl f AtTGUST may be made in arfvi*nce. It i i g h # ti, two wmmn, AAA TIAWIC i*f ITV mul baih on Hfiuuml room" In base* fop men's clothing Apply 540-^Atody WiHIatna with Peter BOK seats: Avtailabte on .Inly ttl - Att«. II f m POSTII a*iftf |)HIH flfth ti&ilroom top i* T\vo eiti h In ttorson MaeKiiM!iMK! t Inc.I , 284 B, t\ojit,, O. CIJAIRR Vn Mine 81.t KtiKiih«th, 8B3-84ai. French Dressing of A bit of -Franco ^nd a bunch of in Sonkilts" for a ooh-la-ia arnived at Larry Dixon's ot* woman whu in HGiiouBly art opportunity for Incamoi g^p Dinner-Theatef last wight LOTS FOR SALE FOR SALE tlmn not necesMaryf netth-er Je i for two weeka when Andre Duvat's . IPIensB irlve detni!H at family, 4fFrench Without (Dressing'' beigk® MOV IBS lor rent with pro- n, jfnt\ • previous business n—Corner \6lt ifl > jector, cartridge typp .real. Any ptie, if aiiy., Reply P.O. Box their tour. extfluaivo residential, area* Call 33a- child can run the ferajuclor,JUrvis JU, i 531, Westfleltl. 68132, 7-3-4t Elm St.. WBRtflpJd. 1-24-tr •'French Without Dressing" is pro- duced by A^idre Duval who is also SCOTCH PLAIN! PKNWHVI.VANIA."— CHIP* foi 9*1%, immediat* • EMPLOY. WANTED 233 M75 womibil lot, 100 x i&O, onedelivery. Schmleda Tree Expert Co., the lead dancer. Featured vocalist boat'In Ideal laeitttott. PA S-9169, IO-1-tt CaU after 4 13,M. i.UJHT h&uHttf. C*llar«, attics, yiirdi Rene Mantel starred at the Follies 1 cleaned, tBwnn nk«d. Junk haul#d • Mittiaturt Golf • Archtry • ?-25-2t WAVR YOU a u«e lor these? Strong Bergere betas this ssuate&lde en- • Oo Kflfts • Wng Portf papy- Ul to hava you com* l^ at which Is silt to the "Merv Qtitlw*' ««l "Joe li day or eyeninar. Call AP £- * •• , - WRSTFlEr.n, north Biiie. near all them, 10-SI«tf 1 conveniences, furnished three room ' ' 8-SO-tf TV shows, Show taiftes ape apartment and furnished studio • THIS !.!•:<;K fl&rtlor wants yg Irving HartiMM repeats hit 8:15 and 10:30. . CRANFORD CftANFORD /ipartnteht, suitable gentleman. Call evenings, CaH-a»3-H85 after 11 AM i«*sm •• • 6-23-tf WORtD BOOK f sons! triumph of I a • t year 25 North Ave. BR 6-97?9 Cfioice at blndlnr»^~budset termt. ^ gutters and f For information call leaders cleaned, walls .and wood- the Mpttdawbrook Dinner Tb*a- •MTlNEtt ROOMS FOR RENT • AfclfcM, work clti&ftSa, feieierlor . painting. LEADER ADS a IliBUred. AD 273S2 tef, Cetw Grove through AUK 2nd ilG WEEK ... TODAY thru TUESDAY * •• * furrttshed room lo-i»-tr with private bathroom £or j?AftU&* 24 starring Mamie Van Oorea BRING RESULTS man, convenient northslde location. py dlnlnn; Reginald room emu. llffht wood, piua formal • WANT TO SHARE , • !•- Call 232-7545 7-H*tf dining; room fixture. Complete bed- room set Call 233-8673, *-86-3t girl seeking \VKN*'K1!OI,1> — "comfortable room. COW OK ,H0B»K manura, well rot- Nifte location near town. Call 233- to share With game in dtt fttrJh rich topp mil;; alao H1I dirt a re ftt by. Sept. h Ex- 0fi«6 after fi P.M. 7 or shavingshi . DliDelivered d anywhereh . c+Hange references. Pi-ease reply Box Chestnut Farm, call any time, 688- U2 g Wi e rpy SO ,V furnished rboift In 4S88, 5-3-tf care of Weiititeld Leader, private borne, oti 49 husj royte. Ga- ENCORE MSTAURANT and LOUNOl raire available. Call AD 3-358Rt 7-25-21 AlTtNSURO-tUZABnH, N. Open Dally 'Ul », 8at. 'til i WANTED if, %%, C*nHr ttlcmci, Uittoii HAMMOND QftGAN OFFICES FOR RENT CASH rOII HBPI'fl C1.0TH1NO, Hi- • LUNCH • DINNK • IATI 5UWH HIADGHIAtmiS ins habU«, booti, Bntiqu*»f carlo*, with lecretirUl «r¥ mrafture* ljr««pw*r«» gl»*i* chtnn, »# ,*nd private «*or-?tariiU tele- WolIT*, lit lltdiioik AY*. Pis *-!*&». Mrvtd In fh« •Itgon^ Granada Room thons fkfmwerlng1 available. ISK Minim m nmmlim Kmrnim— — Jtmm**#m lent for *al« rep, or iman b collet In n« or hob- CATF.RI?r« FOR OCCASIONS WW) PIAMO — .9444 bt«« io dliiptitr in J&rmt & Grain, J—AUraetlve stnaii pec- ALTINBURO MANO HOUSI , Realtor* (43 Elm St.) officr LOUNGE ond floor office, excellent downtown windows, l*I»*ie c»U or writ* Mr*. location. |42 inclntlen li^htiitnl heat, lift*" B, J*ie (CunirAr. Putter* CltUtter ISS after 6 P.Bf, 6-27-tf CAHVEI» and painted shore l>trttsf vfir|ou*t slues and mountings. Cdlt ft KMtrvatiWBt 9M-0770 STORE FOR ifNT 332-7153. • • LEOArNOTtCES HUWTBTS Casual ftTon, 'ATE RKKlim*CE — 6 Bllver- 1012 South Ave. TO * HROITflBd Hiore (3) one nvnlhibte, SftOO »f| ft, ptateU (lenittUBse apoons In case. 6 Estate t>C ySJORGK MfiRUKO; de- t • •' ._' 1 3 nilv«f-ptated teaspoons in case, like "i'..'...'.'.. •... *.". .. • 1 A bathH> double exit rtourfl. Ample uaed % Inch brfl»ft ff4 i Pursuant to the order of START C, •••s parkins, LOAHO &r «eli. Owhth mirrors, one, 10" square, one I KANANE, .Surrogate o£ the County D"x21" nliliitiK; KiasB vfk&esr asnorteil | of Un)ait,-~ made on thh e IIStfc 4ay of • *;r fruit bowl i July .,- 1S68, u n the with matchint g pitchar; large tap- . WALTI* • GARAGES FOR RKNT entry-typt l>lu«h t&bl#cloth lit tl«b;! l biwl ltt'ltt»:| * f» li^rttur (rl,i(«*l to^ the cred- THEATRES tiiwr» of. sn44»*w«#sMi*ia^A«^«JF.H!Mt to. 1-1 . 9 the subscrifa«F tinder aath or afflr- T*rj- - bW(i«k)V#l since 1S50; "their clAlrtiii and demands ^ Ml CONIHfIONID. odd china platen; limns table lamp. the opiate of said deoe»*Mkl ittm All bousht in ISnsland. Call S35 Within six tmmttis frcittt the date of 2ml 110 Wit* • WANTED TO RENT • 0064: • • • • • sfttd order, or they will be forever 4.KI barret! front ^roseewUtif? sr recov- Urn rattler 3 nr 4 raomfi, pea- tt-R 3-door, froat-free ering tlie same agnlnst the sub- T •on&bl« rejtt. Call SG4-7737. I year old, loss than half original scriber. • , , e*n t bt we, but H't 7-S-tt co»t, |t35; alao 30" aaa rang^, epot- Anna Merlino. l ?5 $2331923 of m we tkuv - f .Jack J, CamiHo, Attorney • AUTOS KM SALt • enttlHtti*nt; EI*etrovolce* 12 (433 North Ave, West NOW f EXCLUSIVE RESERVED SEAT

TRX, fn mahojrany Westfleld, N. J.,. • figures that move and station ernt corner cabinet, htftj> or after 7;3O 1= at Dtaeylaftd. Call 233-223?. \I>TIC:E TO table and accesnoriee, 1 232-3S29 aEt€r 6:39 PM fi«tnt« of ROBERT GORBON A»norlcan, iflfig, 2 door, ROBJ3HT w WIND fi cylinder, white, automatic tran»» H«atfr and defroster, ex- PIANO ^TTOOI- ahain $3Bj china to the orilar of MARY C. , k , ll closet, $20; reflitished OftK d ,_, , . j, _ , .KANANE, aarroeate of the County cellent ;tlreH, one owner, kept well. frtfrl d t set: sWftimarfl, round pedestal 1a f irnlofi^ made on the tmh «ay of PDBSHUWtttt Call AD 8-flTift after 6 P.M. table, she lailrterbaek chairs, Bet I j | A.D., 198S, upon the ftppliea- 1M3 Impaia u y ii tin* s|»lnuloi'or /OIIIIII. wtcker *>*\"V. carriftpe, $35; I t(Ptt of the wmiersiKned, as Executor factory »lr, P,S,, excellent wicker tftliJe, |S0;_wicli6r.nar. \ ^ thebs (Rt(i of snid ileceaaed. on'a owner. Call 233-&52G row €-feot table, #36^ fancy wicker 118 hereby Riven to the creditor*! of after . chair, f36: Jennr Wnd bed, |45j UR|f| deceaBe(i to exfiiblt to the for HOtffV fOUHtft-ttl, Y,3P, I n<^f|ber 11fti day o( "INSPECTOR CLOUSEAU" Poodlea anrt we have a reputation INiWUCTION Sniy A.B-, ififiS, «^on the app^catlon for quality which you may check of th« underftlffn^d, as Executor of with any veterinarian In W^atfteiA th# estate of mlt! ftftceftfle'l, motSce or l*lntnf)etd. O«r p«pp(e» are priced la hereby given to the creditors of from , ftOO. Mrs. Dottgiaft Artama, PRH rt^censpfl to exhibit to the smt>- "WOODtANi?," South Plalt^eld, i ^cftber tmdeir optth or affirmation AW their filftima anrl d^mandft tiff^lnst statft of E*n.t£ ^iecp^sei wtthln . minlatare white Poodle. ^^tha frt>m the ^Ate of Hai'* 233-8018 after 6 P M, t-ftft-tt , or thf^v will foe forever ftarrerl r TUTOtlMO from Tirnflprnt^nRT or p^rov^ring1 the ag^ninst the OVBRT ff j dreary? i*et x% kttten, Wfik^ Hfe f ho cheery. We have a few with f>er~ In rouCAMf homeS . ttl-t4*l somaity l>lus. Look no further^ just 11-l-tf Kanl&n, Attorney call 2OS B. H Orang-e, N. J. to good t Fees ?3t-12 NO BANDS, «r tmp* p!l AD 3Sfl in your how*, Dorl*n fll Cll t lei ettlK?, for ffettt HWTtTCBT OfVRN, thftt p y Tlirw ftftai a^eount of the . M "Wlttde, ANT1OUIS Snbttrhan Trtist Com- *trm***n*mm±^ tut m IIIBLI tax ,%vufiij H'ltCElO SI f "FRENCH Wlthouf DRESSING" Kxecutnr un^ler the Trfist Will •M chlmpiiiiee luket Iwr SOS Boulevard. Mr. 8. Bmftiia, ffrad^ A SPBGtACVtrAM FA»1»I*H' IMBVUK STHAlOHfT FROM j aahstaas, tjr of AtH«n* CoiiMf»»tort. AP !• TftKt^ment of GKnTRTJtHQ bureaus, 2O-3ft Vlctnrian other , i^ceitaefl, will he au- iitllk *tral«ht from die chairs, cupboard cherry tahle&t dited and Rtateii by the Surrttigate, disregarding |*6tf hraRv^-eopper — some period pieces. Mary C, Kanane, ami reported for Mut "MARIO" — J<»*«*»> Open daily noon to K P.M. except AP ffftttiempirti tn thA Unloti County Tuea. & W*d. (A^lvfsable ift call), Hehtral Ar>,, Cotirt—Prolate I>lvifltnn, on Alao will fruyv Puml^ye'si A u next at 3:30 AM.t Boate 15 (Sussex County). All Winner bated July 8, 1!iRR T? WHY MOTEAT WITH ASHOW? Subxtrban Trust Company, sraci M TUIS., of Ten rriom stop TQt A U CAtTI control di&t, build CLARK GABLE Academy - Snevlly. Ely & Williams, Attorneys, easy ways DtNNtR«n smtmin • METRO of Jefr&rsnn Sc-honi, in front • BLDG., CONTItACTING • MOVING A GINilAL J SHOWS NITELY-* NITiS A WliK IN 70 irnittiX SCREEN-STEREOPHONIC SOUND Ml" [ ROCOUffi *4 mi3f> from mall box^a write to: TUiS. THRU m. ^ • AND 10 P ttitn to emf of roari, turn left A MODERNIZING TiUCKINO to thlrri hnit^c^. Sai.yr« H^mes^a^l SAT. I A 11 P.M-SUN. 7|fp (1T20) fi^kfptonp with yp]lr>w fop, 1 When you receive a letter, SEAT TICKETS NOW AT BOX OFfiCI A day pxropt Tiwsday. CIALTT. ATA TYPES MASONHT BM*IT F. Mnmttw note the Zip in the return AND REPINISHING. SEIiF EM- ^ AUIH) VAN UMM address and add it te your §Y MAIL OR PHONE IFOff A! CROSS AND JNSUKE1D, AD S-2337. Ml WORT* **•*. has mnvffi to hmiiriin^ nt rt>n,r of A address book. The Perk Bnlldlnfc '22S T^nr>K Ave. .int to antl^n^n whop frnrn Rl- ant! repairs, ^ 2 Call your local Post Office PWICES THEATRE t (Hnr\ l^nos). p£H^ one-slate, tilfi; gutters, leaders. Alumi- Biff or email jobs. Piano«, A or see its National Zip Kwti 8 P.Sf. orrh B»U', vasliatand, num and plastic sidingr. Free #sti- ^5* --J?J*nitlir*- *tc- yre* eetlmates, MAR* RIALTO WESTFIELD *tert p;ittf rn matea. A. HopEel, PI* 4-OOSS. 442-8*74. 2-16-tf Directory. ROUTE 2 2 • UNION 1S4T grap^ HK Broad & Centra! Ave. 1 A.M. to 5:3ft RM, Kv^a., 3 Local Zips can be fonnd f anri Sunday by rtppnint- JOHH on th*» Zip Map m the ~. Mary anrt yt *Tttt SURGEONS <>*# psgex of



A lint Hod mzmbor of family membership will ha sold in August, pnlee Ju» not. boon established. If you wteh (JO be contacted, fill cut and ixten, Monitat-slilp ojKsn to WeslfieJd residents only.

» i < • 'IP ••••••••ll'tllll Mil '1 •

t 3 • • TSLKPIIONE .,, ,,,..




WM. A. PARKHURST MASS SENSOR0 iniide vacuum jtr can detect p «nce of a mountain or crater. Sclent lit iludlei device CONTRACTOR 1 Phono ADomi 3-1738 ito*. Mil! Lori* which ess be uied to an aircraft or orbiting satellite ! P. 0. Box 334, W«»tfi«i<£ Motinfeitiiifb, N. J, guidance fyitcm.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JEWELED BRACELET? Nothing of the kind, it's a OF WESTFIELD, N. J, V j roller bearing made of plastic. The industrial item was c/o Mr. H. Kenneth,Mathis, Treasurer displayed at a technical (air in Germany. WestiieM FederiiL Savings and Loan Association ARTS AND CRAFTS — Throughout the playground ie««i 30 East Broad Street SCHMIEDE art and handicraft materials ar« available to all playgrounders * WestfieM, New Jersey 07090 Throughout the summer, children work with Jerwy Loop*, Planter of Paris, mosaic Tiles, Corded Raffia, Gimp braiding, SUmttte ami I wish to support the activities of the Complete Moni Ferguson little KNOW YOUR stick craft*. Corporation by becoming a member as Indicated below: LEGISLATORS Voting Member* • Non-Voting Me mbert Modern Tree Service Miss America Contestant Founder—*5G0.0G Q Contributing—Less than |50. Here is a list of senators, congress- Sustaining—$300.00 Assoclate-450.00 Mom Ferguson, ime yeans otd, of • » - 1750 Dakota St., as & finalist in the men, state senators, assemblymen' Active—tlOOOO seventh aimu&l little Miss Amenica and freeholders who represent the Check In the amount of is enclosed. SCHMIEDE TREE at Palisades Amusement area covered hy The Westfielrt c BiU (Me. (Pledge Due October, 1968 Semi-finals will be held Sat- Leader. Save it for tore reference, The highest rate Aug. 24, with finals sched- the party affiliation of each of ice • -• EXPERT CO. uled to be teJevJsed Saturday, holder is denoted by H (Republics rO of return Aug. 31. or D (Democrat) following the indi- CALL 322-9109 vidual's name. in New The N. if. optonietne Association explain! that one out of every 23 UNITES STATES SENATORS persons with eyewear have "cod- Jersey Hon. Clifford I\ Caw, i . \ . V h. "'• " WHALEN'S GARAGE What do you do? You phone. (fee Hsaie Office BylHlng, :" . 07102 «2.»W ; W>\ AUIU tin Waihington, B.C. 20515 ; (o It5.MO. by F8UCi '• \. " a ptimantM igtncy of ihs l>.s:Qov»FB*i^lrt , • - .r "I-. «* NOtTH AVI., t AD M3W NEW JERSEY STATE SENATE C«ll for Hon. Frank X. McDermott, 312 EXECUTIVE DEMO Massachusetts St., Westfield Hon. Matthew J. RlnaWo, 142 Head- 1968 AmbaSSador SST 2 Door Hard top V-8, Air. ly Terr,, Union Hon. Nicholas 8. LaCorie, 56 Hill- PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY Conditioning, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Bucket Seats, White Walls, Stereo side Rd.> Elizabeth fi«iltort — Imurart Tap« Player Plus Much More. Wat $4513.85 NEW JEHSEV ASSEMBLY 322 : * i Ai»*mMyman-»i-Lari:« COM Now $3695.00 Hon. Charles J. Irwln, 630 Sherwood Pkwy., Mountainside Anemblyman from Dtitrlct *-C Hun. Fete? J. McDofloagb JIf, 925 Oak wood PI., PJa infield You Save $818.85 Hon. Hugo M, Pfaltz Jr., 118 Pros- pect St., Summit I TOO KGD6I 991 2 Door Hardtop, Bucket Seats, Dual Exhaust,

. - 4 - Power Steering, 4-Speed Transmission, 343 Cu* In, V-8r Twin Grip Rear, Radio, UNION COUNTY FREEHOLDERS Dlus More. Hon. Edward If. Tiller, Director, 502 Senator Eugene Wo» $3557.65 Locust Ave.f Garwood Han, Harry V* Ihbwnc jr, 5 Dart- mouth RdM Cranford Now $2940.00 Hon. Walter E. Ulrkh, 98 Colonia Blvd., Rahway lion. Arthur C. Fried, 623 Kensing- ton Dr., Westfteld You Save $617.65 lion. WlUiatn J. Aftern Jr., 214 & Michigan Ave,, Konilwoith jQVGllfl 2 Door Hardtop V-B, Automatic Transmission, Hon. Hugh C a Id well, 1238 Moffett m person AveM Piainfield Power Steering* White Walls, Radio and Heater. !"• r Hon. Charles S, Tracy,. 259 Ogdeti Was $3077.20 Way, Hillside t- -1 - H •>• Hon. Jerome M. Epsletn, 3 Argyl Now $2580.00 Ct, Scotch Plains Hon. Arthur Manner, 317 Pip infield Tuesday, July 30 7:30 P.M. TAMAQUES SCHOOL Ave., Berkeley Heights You Save $497.20 TOWN Or WESTFIEUI CENTER HALL SPLIT LEVEL Mayor Robert II. Mulreany, 736 Nor- SUSSEX ARMORY, 176 SUSSEX AVE, NEWARK gate LIVING ROOM "The Mark Council men Wardl TICKETS AT with Woodburning Firtplac* Of lion. Archer l>f Sargent* 177 N. Complete Chestnut St. FAMILY SIZE DINING ROOM Hon. Carl W. Pelersw, 310 Tuttle TOWN BOOK STORE SOUTH AVE. RAMBLER Owner Pkwy. SCIENCE KITCHEN with EATINO SPACI Satisfae* Ward 2 Hon. Waiter O. Perry, 144 St. Paul FIRST FLOOR PANELLED DEN with WJILMNS WESTFIELD, N. J. tion" Si FOUR TWIN SIZED 1EDROOMS Iton, James G. Skinnef* 1020 Wych- wood Rd, TWO ami ONI-HALF BATHS 369 SOUTH AVE. E. 232-2456 WESTFIELD Ward 3 534 E. BROAD ST. Across from Motor Vehicle Inspection Station Hon. Robert G, Ferguson^ 624 Carle- MANY EXTRAS ton Rd. Hon. John II. AterkJ, 1015 Boulevard SEPT. 1st POSSESSION Ward 4 Meet $2.50, $5.00, $10.00, $15.00 Hon. Morris Kamter, 29 Faulkner CALL TODAY Dr. Paid for fey -Weatfield Volunteers for McCarthy, 534 EJ. Broad St. Hon, Robert E* Savage, 683 Shadow- lawn Dr. TERMITE PETERSON-RINGLE AGENCY CONTROL, INC. 322-5800 any time SCOTCH PLAINS FA 2-4192 350 Park Av#. Scotch Mains msimw UT THE LEADER PRINT IT , , , THIS WRSTITOM) (HJ,> TtWIMDAV, JULY 35, MS 2, Social Qlub News of the Week in the Westfield Area

- -v. borah Wuertheie Linda Claire Jewett Bride Saturday Thomas Charles Married Saturday Glen D, Bliwise, To m •i . • Bride In New York Of Gary Thorn; Both Are Teachers To Joanne Garrabrant of Millburn Student to Wed Of Peter Kullberg Miss lim$a Otaiiire Jewett, daugh- Long Ytm Clu3?>ol in Chottiam Cherie Stanglein ter ol (Mr,. t ^w of Mr, jiinl Mm. Afliisn-! became the britfe Saturday ^July 13, Them of Itaton. / of M^tSbuim, usiid Tfsomas , The ceremony was performed at I-i«m(8!'cl •HHwItk! of 1407 ChiifK'J IHH, | of Peter KuHberg, «ro of Mr. m& Charles, son of Mi\ and Mrs. ] eleven o'doelc in the Prasbyter&ai Ohairies of 314 Lynn La, 'has !M Mrs. MmsMs Kullberg o£ VaWrla, Mr -; N. Y, - Church toy tihe Rev. Ricbaaxt L. Tlhe Rev, Loroy Webber, pasbor, i( A aiefoepMon followed at *he eleven o'clock ceremony was performed the eeremorty, which was ii Eleasantviite, N, V,, followed by a a-««c©ption at the Car- (MJSK Stanghnin wi$i a (reception fallowing in *h« Escorted by l^er father, 4^Me bdde riage Trade, East Orange. gown of 4vory organza iin a r garden of the home of the bdcte- The bnlde wafi attended by $fins, •ami groom's parents. cage silhouetite wiith an EJ. Paul Freitag ^ trvin^ton as ma- Alecon l^ce Mi bodice and baby t PilLslmn<.JiF l*ti.t whew n\w Escorted in marriage by h&t feron of ihonor and Miss Joanne n moiivJHC af MorUr Hoard, father, tiie bride wore a Itmg ca$> sleeves, the train was t»x pleat- Faust «f Monrlstovm, maid of taw wJ with laioe edgiiaig, *£anJ the >head- womun's ')nmot socivty. A-Kne xlotittt* swiss gown Qi'iidesmatds were Miss Oharlotte Mr, Jiiiwls©^ a giradunle of Wnrd- .tho aeekiaie with cotton pietee was aai Aletscon lace crown CJiades of Westfieid, slston of ^c : w&ih a floor 'length illusion veil She low Country -Bay Sdwiolh Is EIIIWKJ* hemline and short sleeves also bridegroom, and M,jss Rebecca Wiil- iirg Moravia» CoHegcs BcLhlohon^ • 'Were bamfed with silk orgiwaca raid sarrfod a cascade of tonson of Termessee, cousin oi ^hc Mrs, Fmitk AntJno»Ji of Pa,, wbwo lie is president of Oini- CHEIIIE D, STANGLE1N coi&m bonding. She carried a bou- bride, iMiss Kathy Wiiliamsoiv, an- croa Giimma Omega imlQi quet of mixed summer flowers. was. matron of honor. Brkiesmai&s o^ssr cousin, mas flewor gtel. Miss Linda OoeU of Orono, Me., were Mrs, W^Her Manuel of A Juito wedding 3s plainne atteiMianfcs wore French alike." blue silk organza gMis s Hem wore yellow peau de sole and lace defson ef San Antonio, lfek daugh- mud carried yeltow carnations. ter's degree from Dartmouth Col- 50th Anniversary Mr, Than also was # To Grad Student the bride-elect aird her fktttee lege. He Is now studying lor from Trenton State College and ister erf Mr. and Mrs. Wifi.Norris The brskte fe a graduate of Mtll- Anderson of I-amejw, Tex. were ^r-aduatedi from Wcsttown A ia__ - - . . M „ , teadiing mathematics in Ewing High btun High School e bride was attended by her «is-is ww attending Western MjcW«un T | 1 r PRECIOUS A mass mm offered at 7:15 a.m. I Roy ten Miss Patricia Anderson of SaUniversityn , Ksbamazw, iMicii., wham Misa 'F«lix fa a graduate of West- Safomttey on Jfoijr Trinity Church at iMr. m& mm. mom, parents olAntonio. Mr, Byam was W* man.the couple will 'live afttar a wedding field High School and (received a which Michael and Lorry Wade, 1 the' bridegroom, entertained at afor Ms son. trip to Bermuda, bachelor of science degree m edu- grandsons of tf» Laments, served Wfcamal party Friday night at the cation from Wagfler College in June. as often* boys. • ; Mountainside Iim, Hie bride attended Lamesa High Prior to tomarriag e Mrs, Beginning to SepteiBOer, Miss FetHx .;/•-' School and Trimty Coftese. Eirign entertained at a will teacfa kindergarten In PUtui- Mr. Laurent was the rural corier! FoUowing a wedding trip toBer -B>-am, a 19tt graduate of WwUkM by Mrs, Italph Brown at dot the W«ttfK4d $»i Office t*tw«eii I nuKte, the couple will Uve in Edison, High School where he was captain 19i? and I9j!4, when he retired. Since of the twimtagnK team, aba •Mr. Radlinann Is a graduate of then the couple has fcved fei Pantal tt*f*fA*W# ! graduated with a bachelor of Seton Hall Utilvcirsity and will re- rift. i«m. Lauwnt, the fcwn- «rnw«iecf degree from Wealeyan Unh^rsfcty in ceivo a masiears degree m sociology m- t Mindowoskin Plans > ••- Margaret Getty of Gar> oqd, and 2988 *nd is a member of DetU from Long Intend University in Au- tier husband were mamed in Hoiy -i ri -i Teen Party Aug. 2 .4- ^ •- Trinity Church Apr. fi, 2918. i * ..* the HaaUnti School el lam, A spring wedding is planned. Their six chiidnwi are F. A. Lot! San Fnan

- V te John J. •lof •vm coupte has 25 tfroDdchU- J. Cant is heading up as- sistfsl by James Neistm, Wiliiam &%i Reiidant* Win Honors Cant ami Mesdames Grgt» Wiisw, m «rf iiPiiar. Bridesmaids were Misa < • Margaret to of Smi«eiii> N, C, At Evening Courses KraJrara, WUIiam Moore, U A, El* del, G, H, Hylawier Jr., A. G, Pfeif^ Deri Kudulph of Los Angeles, Several Wwirtficld midento who , and her cousins- Miss Pris- fer, George Ke«n&nt C!iaries am students in the New Brunswick Scbramm and George Walter. —Paul Bofeertson photo cilia Cronuneiin of Montgotmry and te MRS. MICHAEL £. HAVEY tto? Misses Kathleen Lacy and Lei^i eveoins division of finders.Uiwer- *fiK?

Wood of Atlanta, Ga. •ity n»ve made the doan* list this 3£Si (Kathteeo Ann Fatter) ;ox

h Garden D«pt. to Make '( -VMWV-i- The attendants wore tons yellow rear; a® Alabama Rites for linen and organdy gowns with ifeoul* include Mrs. Patricia Ann Patients' Arrangements :&W Aglow with the warmth of summer \ -,h - :; tter bows of ye)W velvet. Ttwy car- I " "'.•••• ' tides, these stunning jewel* ore BETTY JOY CATION 3-I^K* , 210 Golf Edffe; Mra. Joanne rated daisies and spring flowe». The garden department ol the perfect birthday gifts for those bom Kathleen Foster, T, Ooftferth, SS4 NorthChestout St.; in August, styled with flair and •| - ; EU»be*h Pryw Fostw of Vicks- Mrt. Bum M«rton Henkei 25 Sun-WomatT« Chib of Westfield will burg, M*»*,, was flower tfid. At Off Betty Joy Catalon, make flower arrangexnents at 9:30 «joy to wear. Lt. Michael reception rice siris were Kathleen nywood I>r.; and Lloyd K. Taylor, a.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Moaeffie Scott, Joanne ScoU and Ro- Michael La Russo S» Downer St. Herbert F, EeJctort, 631 V«nnoni St. St. Johti't, Episcopal Church, berta Wood, cotwfefe ol the bride. Hie flower atfsange«aeots w^ be —McCutcheon Studioa Montgomery, Ala., wa» tiie ictikig Ann Wood and Su*ao Scott, also delivered io patients at Walsoo RATHIE Ell ^4^^ Thursoay, Ju)y 11, for live marriage cousiiw, aeaisted with the bride* Are Betrothed i out of Newark Looafl No, 475. Army HoBpital, Ft. Dix. of Atiss ICallkim Ana Foster, daugh- register. lieut. and Mrs, Thomas Catakm, Frre No date haa been «et lor the wed Mrs. Robert F. Day Is garden de- The most difficult secret for a man 16 E. BROAD ST. 233^)529 o*iivcrr ter of Mr. and MM. George KailsCokmel Havey served av his aoo'a 5M Springfield Ave., have announced partment ftierapy Foster of 0 Kent PI, to U.S. Air to keep is his own opinion of him- WESTFIELP, N. J, best man «• * prwy for wwthcr toe engagement ot their daughter, self ,—lfeoel $afcao!>—>INS Revdew Force Iieut Mxtwd Ehnore ttevey. son on military duty* Miaa Betty Joy Catalon, to Mkhael The bridosroom ste the *oo of Col. Groonian*n> were C»pt, Janies J. LaiRusso of Irvington, adR oi Mr. and Mr*. Jamea H. Havey of flbep-Havey and Wiiaajn Langiion Havey, and Airs. Aibert LaRusso of Breton pard Air Force Base, Tex. brothers of Hie bridegroom, George The five-thirty o'clock ceremony Jr. dud JJetit

* *• • • Partt She k empJoyed by • * ;%-.'^ 4 * i Wood, vufCrvgan bijibop at Atlanta, Lieut, Hewy Sperigter, Lreut, Artlmr ;•:*: ''•VV.V.V •_-N• - "* i ->%'••;-'•%•»%'•-.*> • Ga., ftnd «»eie of the feridfe A re-Coofflef, Chartes BergntaiK, Lee Brwtoi-Myers, iiilfeide, as Hie date •.'.'•: • -i >y ••:•.'' •-I ,^x^-: • * • * .%'. .'. * • * '> ' processing deportment .•_4 * *> ception followed 4t 4be Montgomery Brown, Spencer Stork and Quentin 555 n * i!t% * r M V>'.V.. * • 'V> ^r*" * * 'Vu • h * 4' • Cormnwlin Jr. ,<:*v,o4 1• ***\ T»-. «\V Country Club. Ii * graduate of Irving- .+.- • » • • 4- •.:» r * t^j ',*:- -'*SJ * , •>:#'.•-*.*> •K 1f*:**.•:t # •W' + . •:•%'1.4 *. • '.•S* •\ * t f» ."• .• • J.* :•:•;•' '.» > • •.1 ** %.'. .».*t.V-Wi'> \*r-* •»;• • *•N'. the coupie will ii^ a*. Wright Fat* High School and served six :»_» • iV.O •:• :-\ *_a * •- * * •:¥ •v • <* *i Given in marriage by her father, •:*%%*.• * > -i frv:ov:>>q :<£G • _• t».*:* ';:::>:>^-•;* *'_ :> croon Air Fort* Base, Dayton, Ohio, years in the U. S. Havy. fie 4§ •ft«:•_•* '*'^ *,or*• V k 4 the bride wore « gown oi white satin <*\*:t~»\*%U * * t <:•>.« .*%% -\^ ^- *('. v«_v »>-v.«:* * M- L a l •'•':-.• ••_• * • * i » fc '.- * •v.w •'':.'•: *••* *> prewewt !y employed at a ateamfitter # * • H where Lieutenant Havey & stationed. v • f 1 • h * • * %s • >• •:• * «• t 4 And pern tfe sole with taw sleeves '•••.* < M;•; .'. •_ ' •:•:• !.**' r'r .*><-*«"-" -•".*_» '* *••> O'-%'•' * i# •». * •-• * *•/.«.• *« .-*.-'• • •* • 1 k • v; y- V.%' > t .*.t'W/^v/.V4 •' -***•:• ' •and lace and seed pearl emfeosatag. ^r* ••» I-.vr,* - .%•' * * • • • »J 1 * • * • <:•. • "A • *:•:••• •:>i ' • •* She carried & prayer book of her L*« &• »• ' r h* • ^ #rat>dmolhert Mr&, Thomas Scott of **»:

•_»n Montgomery and ftlietf of the valley " * - - m m t .* * ;$» ::•:•• • **"**-<•» »>' <«V * A i • 4' . ^ • P V. and white swwfcbeart rwwr. L» * * • «_• :%\ ' i *:tB.\*> - ••V.'.' .* ' >- i-J -:•:<* .•» W^^:< • < .:>; » **-\ Miss Mary Fatriie Foster of West '.•.<

sister of U» bride, mm fa - a 1 » • ••A^

• _• • P *v SALE * tl • V.* ' • .».*• *

• :<••'%' i*> .*.' * i • • * t !_• *>" * •. * .'.• - * - r.'i i • • i i * • v- •' *:*' ." *•. • .^.» +.• • H - *.* * • *.»•:•:•: J • :.v;vv. p ' <• i i L*_* _-.< -v 1•.V- 4 : ** • >' •>' •_* ».« »• » • >.'; :-v-% *»•*•*•• ~»t •» .4 v • *:o "-'."•:, '.*> 'V-V • IJI itf rl *:• * • t.i •:-: zmm * r I L1 jrn n ••-••••• • • *_*:*- v *:* •I *•*»•' *:*;. * • V.-,-> 1 • 4- *' * * - .-:* • • .f " • t •-vv-v, W and ENDS *!•*-.-_<*\"»• V \*>v.v»r* .• n >,•/-••:•?: '"-'WO ' -V • - Handle with Sun-Bronze \ Tlie only tun tanner containing Liquid Prices Greatly Reduced moisturizer. Allows you to turn golden. Helps pre- * vent your skin from ikying, Making orpeeling.Regular Of Deep Tone with honey-colored tint 2.00 and 3.50. L Gift Shop for *k« whole Children's Men'a 1 MOA0 STRUT Luncfteon Private Party ioerrer s jane smith faculties AD a-1073

jj"-*....1....':: ••" Jou/ers 232-48CK) up to 150 12M39 CENTRAL At wWBPr i^^HI^ ISK^J^^B^BF '..*•" THE WESTFIELB (N.J.) LEADEH, THURSDAY, JW-V S3, tflflS People wtoo yearn for the good old Mr. aiwt iMra, FSart D3 iWlodrmm of deptfwien oducoWon ami Han days 0*3umo UwH ihey would 2ii Sumiywood i>r, has ixseij Imve indoor plmnhhig, to Uio dmrn'rt M for 41te *• * * and TV,—INS Review eatans .s^iitistur at iM^iHswv College, CtwA CiiWm n the completion plii'c^tnont on Hie (icon's list *w the tit fl PmslHrain Aii* and Debbie Organ, and Joey lemNl now a yunr oi graduate study at -theBridgeport, Corai., has been selected ri. •' . 1 spring term. HOTC Cadet" at the 74th Koch girl lender ran one gitma with university. for d&un's Hsl honor's foi the spdng y Field Day M IMgers the smaller chftdttm, while our'boy semester. * * # •Miehad was graduated from Wos- Richard H, EWej^nrst, Bowdpirj f Jo&y fcpttrdl, kept Hie equlp- ieycn University in .lime, 1907, -und * * * ami grounds in order, The little Micluiei ¥, MeCorry #r 105 Har-College 70, son at W. «md ftirs. is s|>endmg the summer us water- Hcwwd Elkirhcrst Jr. of 4 Ctmler- loaders did suefr a good |ob, W«s5i- front director -at tlm YMCA. Camp row ltd. w& Sa&ly A. Demarest of Three Loral Youths oty\ hook forward to» more then 730 Scotch Plains Ave. have been jbory LoM has been named 4o ti>e Wawayanda, On Aug. 2-1 ho reports dean's list for the second -semester. A*8f Colojado wore yetx tour oi" active duty. Mrs. Jacqueline Cdoletti, daughter jured Thursday nlgH when '& earJohnny Howett, tad sunprdstag re- Mark S. Vlsconty of 194 Lincoln Rd( A * * of Mf. -and iMrs. Vincent Kaelder of driven by Cad HaiTiis, 18, of 458sults from iiis isendoH. WWie fishing and Beverly Anne JOIHJS of 218 Vir- Howard Austin, son of Mr. and104 Gallows Hill Rd.» has been West Broad St., hit A utility pole on at Sandy Hook, a diurn spotted John- ginia St. Woodkuid Avc, Fanwood, after the ny's postcard attached io the de- Mrs. J. M. Austin of 72ft Shaeko- awarded a master of arts degree in * * * art education from Teachers Col- driver lost control. Hated seaweed covered balloon mason Dr., lias teecn awarded the Stuart Tisehlei', 115B Tice PL, an floating in the water. He was Rsice A-iumrai Prize (in chemistry at Ohio: lege, Columbia IMverslty, Mrs. Ci- Taken to Muhtenberg Hospital, economics inajorj has fraeit named where tiiey were ireated and re-enough to ffcdlvef ihe cai*d to John- III Westeyan University, A eh olettt received her untegradute de- to fhe derni's list at the •Ualvers'lty ny, Bob Andoiison, as*^aist leader gree from Pembroke College, wfawe leased, were 'Harris, who suffered major, lie has completed his jun-| o{ Bt'Mgepot't, COIM. a laceration of the forehead; Wii- at Washkigioiv received a call Wed- tar y«ar there. she was graduated •curii laude with * * * ham Bongesj 16, of 659 Maple Aw., nesday night otKHtt 'his balloon. It LATIN LOOKS AT LAW^Jo« DeUma of Braill, who hits t»«*n * * * high honors in art Mgtory, p A^n Barrett Reulf daughter of Mr, u bloody aiose and bruised left arm; was found in Cranlord. far i year at Rutgen Univertlty under the Partners of the AIII- David *\ Post of 2285 Bill Rd. While at Columbia, she attained and Mrs. Raymond Haul of 724 Nor- propam, vUjts WftLard Hwiwl* aeon ol tbe Rutgers School af and John Fisehtfr, 25, of Q19 Hiil- In the beat af 'WedneAy mortUrg, has been . awarded a Shoonover membership in Bl Lambda Tbeta, man PL, a&d Nan Louise Rosen- eresi Ave., split lowei- Bp, Law in Newark. Head af personnel &*? the municipal government of scholarship at Newark College, of •national honorary society lor women vinge, daught^p of Mr. ami Mrs. Piiaftjs raided Washington play- Maceio, BraiJl, DfLima *peat peri ol till time at Rutgers doing re* Engineei^ttg. Wiliiara Rosenvir^e of 672 Shadow* ground bokiiiig for two Host treas- in education. She will be a high ures. The Nasty Pirates and tt*e uarch on adntlaUtratlott In various divisions ol the State University. * *r * school art teacher in Summit, l:i ivn Dr., have been graduated from To be seventy years young is some- now C. Cruifcshank, son of Mrs. * * * AfafjDrie Webster Junior. College, times far more cheerful and hope- B&d iFu-fttes found the hidden clues Cruikshank of 1109 Tice PI., Julia Loy Weidman, daughter yWch were w$fr ieaiier Carol 1 I ^r . ... .1 _u Henry. Luckily the treasure was a ore refresh! ng one—Tootaje roii# for the on worn out pirates. Another big f of ;fche morning was a Pirate Rutgers flttfl a nemark- (B»t ueopte were Delima fl main Firat place dbbon went to Naocy ebto Brazilian are about to interest: i .. Jane Bosco. Second f^ace went to part ^ ,^Bpd.it. aweara that 1 wish the reprosent^lves of To The Man In. The Silk Suit. M^rk Weber aod Uiirx! place toDav - the irthery • - country in were more 1 id Weber, Otft>er Pirates participat- Joee DeLima of Aiagoas, like the peopte I have xnet here, ' love* ing m Hie parade ^enet Anne and Brawl i«a been in tiie United he said, noting thai there is a fair Carol fthodes, iMarybeth Kley, Su- three months an American amotint of aftti-Amwican feeling in san Keily, Jane Be^cber^ and Mon- Ym icouiilry. matched IN VIEW of the delicate nature of silk apparel, its who wnofe ica Svec, , f During **» past year, DeUma >as te'tei. sett upkeep should be entrusted to those accustomed to A LolHpop Hunt was at the head "I bope fin Jeani to low my cevn- done wsparc* oti atbnte*rati©« in oi Thursday's schedule. Two (earns, try as much as t have learned to various units of the State University from 89*50 cleansing luxurious fabrics. At G. O. Keller's the the T-ooUie Rolls and ttie LoiUpope, ami has taken in &>v«t*i» went m a hunt for the lothpops, love friend men* economics at NO EX^RA COST inherent beauty and texture of silk is gently pre- Each color of iiottlpop #vjd a point DeLinia replied; 'Tftwr Setter was tile New Brunswick campuses and CHARGE OR vMye. Having tiie most poiiKs at too late.' I've dd fatten to love in busbiess policy formufcaitkm ET ACCOUNTS served by hand . • . and the knowledge of fashion the €fid pi the hunt, the Lollipops your country." admirtlsti--ation at the Graduate won. wik soon return to Braril School of 'Business Administration MARCUS niceties expressed in the rolled lapels and ileeyet *,.o.Kii i iirs The good citizens ol the week were after a yam* spent in research and at the Nerwark Coiiegw of Rutgers, Dowia nod Debbie Orgtm and Lance studd y at $ SUiSUUe i.Untver.sit Utit y iin New touched •,, the snug fitting collar,., the carefully cleansed Cuneo. Thtir help was particularly N BBnmswk* 4wid Newaj4c, fay JFose'A spontaneous warmth and 206 E BROAD ST. tie>edad in cNming tiie srounde alter \m been in''*$$ coufltry on a scholar- good burner us be made himself siiip from' District 751 of Rotaffy available for cotwtant speaking en- WESTFiELD m crafts. The ct&Ms of the week were I lining. Minor repairs at no extra cost. WiSTKilO • II B. Bru4 •(. basket weaving for tlw older chil- Internatioraal.; as part trf the Part* gagements before Rctarians and ' ADams 3-0529 HAWHIIO • Cmr. Hvstli ••< Arm. dren ami cork cutke lor ti»e liUle ner« of the Alliance other groups, •--.•• open Motlaya to 9 p.m. i AT*. ones.' "r Partjwns of the Affiance is a pri RUTHEHFORD Call PL 6-0100. Out «f Town WX-2100 (No Toll) • 9M Washington Playground looks for- vately linanced ^Q^ain in ft RIDGEWOOD ward t-o its £ir#t girls' eoftball %vim MK-kkial America state* " South Amcfiicfln state or province Hill (Continued on next page) and providde a 'rf mMeriai aid

At age Cyarte Delima has his kaw from the federal urtvarstty . -New Jeiwy's t.. «ttd/*> noapi of per .= E •^. •• -i•». * *.• 17 \ ~\ lor, ^ .#£i# | .•I.I of Maeeio, the o^itei of Ala . lie also worked W a «ews

"i - - - n

Li' "; •> f l>ape«r roperter ^id is the otithor of .L - _ i- _ L-

I dlliAli • in! ^^ I^I BII^I • "'• •

; A-. • . '' " "•"•."•. ••"•:"" i • - •" ' .' ! a book on the social and pol^^jjcal -.-I • : • ••. •t,.v<~: We in Ataffoas, «mtwitrj*lng on the .... . -I i- . . l.v I • ' ' ^'l,*'1!1 ^ •• - !. • ^ conflict bpfcuwn generations.

ib r P

.••••••.•-••.•.•..• ••• .•-•*••., f' Y r . On Ws Anwrtcam sojourn, Dolinw

•-.-•--. has had a chance to travel to Flor- ?.. L: • '_ 1--V il -- —- I " •-.'. I. •- ida. Maine mA ^agana Falis. I

. - • - - .--..,-. '-S '-." i-. ...i:.-:. .' »:-.M , .i. . I,. • ' . '

.. .. • ••! , 'r. . -:-ij ..-. , ^.i.-;-?; •--. t -: . • . . - '- ^' ^"" •"• '-' '-•••.-. -^Ti" - ^'^ - iL "•"..""" tte«ded the irm *o Fkrida because of 1 ' »" ' "•-•"-• '-VJ1-, i nVi-'n^.^ !v J':"•-''•, -„• '•.':„•; ." • ' -^t M •. - ••• • ••. : *:• •••••- • ••^•> •--• • . • .. •• " . -i .1 • i • r. i 1 i^-- .^.- i \ • v • •••;'i'---. T- Z- ^ the coid he. said. : 1 r r -.•".--' • '•--" • ' •*••:•. iH' ' •"; *£•',< .-i\ Hk!(.-.Y "•*"= " • . - •-. ^. ,- • ... 1. F- -•/- "..'. I .-V •" . '\ .' . . . • -, -. . - .. .. : i ... .-...,..._..-; i ..

• •• •" - • - ••-/•:•• •.•-'•&•-•,> ' .-

' • •. •• • i- • •••'•••.•• ^ •-;.••

I ' - "• • r '"'... ""ii. •'••'•• ^ / ,^ -^.'-', ^ ' - ' . r J The American -winter was DeU- - - . - -- -,. . -.— - \ i .. .- i. . ." ^ ^J . 7 ^—*-* ma's maj(*- huitHe : • .,. J. WESLEY ROBINSON J - 1 \ •• •.•••-•• ••'• • • i". -•v .••' v •• .•".. •• e ' •••• ^ "In Alagftas, the wister tempera- 1 -•' ""= .';. "^ •" v-"'-*--'. :•. '•/"• ". •. , -' - • •- • \ • <•-• >:" •/•"•••• i .j1". ... ._.n_ - i. . ' .'. " betwew « and TO/ * » said f. • . • - . • • L'• •-- '!•• ...*?. .• • :i ^ - .1 - .^- - V 1 '.' • " " ' Z ' i' L " • • i\ t : . • • ". = - •-' . V: ;•- '•', "=":= ''• . :•" i1: '* - - : 1 found < Jw* my hands were •1 1 L -i • . . •• Ij k. .. • . r •, • \ '.* -- ' . : • 'l"- ~i -::-."" """••- " • . - ' • -• • cold pwd my vfl&e baania, •'. . I ojne jstudent''from Ats#ow had,to Army Commission r ? rttaim home in a . . J ''.

•• •..-••• I '. "'-1 ^ ' •- V ' . <- V -»**.i - • .•_••-_-• J. Wesley Robii^on "Om IMS IM> idea How was cwnmiRsrened a second

1 1 United States n until you have •- • . • •• -,^ ^. . --• • • .••' ..• ;«; i'h ".f r eiwrclses M/ be »ai«l, dneerMng tiis im- held •^ " -. r " at Officers Cm^dsAe

r of places I^fce '- ' - . O • ""''.. \\ •"'-.' . J • '- '" .' " - ^^ •• Yerfc New Jersey 'Military Train- . •. . -,. City'. A favorite «pot wm Maim ing Center in Sea Girt. J 1 -• ••" "_• -••-'•^.••'•:-•. -•'••"",-L" • '• •". • I'M'- -•'-' ••-' • " .'•• "i ' * which, he. said, T^cnMed him ol his Robliwon received his haste awi ad- .'•"•-•" K ^^UJ>^^C:^r^^'':x-'\^-r. \.--\,'*. - '. o

- '•- ~ •. •• ^ ~.i.." . •" • J1'-1 '"'•"• •"* *- • • .'•.-11-' •'..' • i"•" I ^ • i-_ ^ :"..'• •" • the 113th Infantry. 50th : v i . ^-.' • , -; |. -;'.' .. I ,! 1 ' |. \ - , -\M , y ' i '" • i i.... 'i i . i

•••;; •"."•• "j •• r-:C'-'-^? ••"^•7l^K-:'-::'••••••:^"^:" >-..";• ". . :. r Armored Division of Jer&ey City, ••,-.' .? - -j..-j.^: -:'.y:.:.-:^\-. •"•.-.--i-: •"•-•..• • •-."•' : • . ,r- • ./:•=-; J-->J.,-• r,?^ -;^-, ...•••••J , • .. L - - - - 'j '"• • •-•• .^ • ^ :•'••• i .'• r,- .. . • '• ' <- • • . i • Formeriy from Feamayivania, he I '- . • Addrea* Change moved to Mci^lai«fc*kie in 1951. Wes-

.- ...... r. - . . •• .T;^. •'-..- • . ..." ley, a graduate of Govern? living* Name Suimsuits Save! Week Needed For ston Regional Hitfh Schoui, Berkeley Height*, is currently «ttend^ig Union •_ \" i _

; i where lie k majoring in : chemistry. •/-••:•• ^.;' • ...... dtmninc their Robhwon and his wife,

1' " •" •'•','-. .=•"-• ••"••' •' • •'• the former Aon Mark? Dotl, iwve re •i • week hi atfvMce, »ai irMIr It is sided in Motmiaisw**R ««ce tt»eir fttofftle 9> ||* ton mtete U marriage. He is tte ««OOMI mn o£

. .. •• .•_—••• L •• . • _ ..r. - - j . i . h '\ »a en«»* yuper ft* a new • ' , • " ..i '• • r...- J . . | .•'-.': .•_••-*. : •' •.?-.>-•:-•, ••,'•"-- Mr. and Mi*. WiMrain fc*. Itefctoxm

""".•.-:.':: •, .:•...•;.•,'."^r/v'rr- • *'.;,':, .-•.";'•.". • ••. . c • . •" : ••• '• J •_' i. I ' i^' i" * ' - .'» • • * -• • ^ "' • ' • " • " • , H li tt*i pM*Me «* pre- L . t- .... ."..n-j-.."j-_r^ i. ;,...-. "..."•". " •' of 360 Omfarat Aw, . -- - , . .. • • .^- - :. . -. -s l.- •--,-.-.,-'•.:--. --..--.•- - . t • - • . •L .\ ... •-•• •: •• • . •: • : i A "i .i ..--.. •• . ; ' •/ " -••••» i!-i ••-••-; i1 ,':••••--i t ••'•'•••• .. •. • • :. _• • • vent tto afreaiy • • _ .^ • , "^ : ' • .- • •-.'. • I '- " • , '.'.V ' i' - - ' '

1 J J •'-• "i" '" • - Z-: -, ••"'" I"-''->-:i "•J.^'tvr" Vn"'^"'v •'<•"< V -" ' '• "''>'" '.'.'• • "' ' ' *"^>V ->• 1 :'"-.'"•. " ••-•-•• \:r':-\ h •-!--• V'° i:>^il; J'. - =•-• ••-•,' ••• .. •. - - paper mm ff*teg I* the Two piccc*$f ui reetaurateurs were , .••.••£.,;•;•..!•. iretg wHhMit tte w#eit*i •.•- TJ "- .. . . u fli. -• J • I"" • • "L_ •. : L\' ... - _ _ dKcummg tovmem, mam one r ' 1 • • . -.• i:,- • -,•• • • -^L ' i,' -. •. -•- -' •:• -A • - •-•• ••. 1 1 the originol •••-•• v :••.•• !•• r, • -,. ^I-L- - •- -• >• ^: • -• !»••; .-•,•<-• - • ,.-- "^ • **iiy one dropped hih head «pi| -• .••'-• ,• ••• i"-.^ .0,; • -^ .-_-•: -- • ••--•- ••-. .••,••.- . •"• . - - -•• •' ,•"• ' • ":;•' :>,i;*i.^..'(..if,.o :•;•-• •';'•.- •'••'? "•* .' ••.''• extra emfily announced, "Did you knew ••\- • ••-•>:-:C—-'-f•••"-} - •- J •'•'"•-1VK-. t ••••:••• 1 - prices! . • •- , '.'•-• • "iI- • -': • I-.1 .'.-•-. ^ ij • • • .• - • • 1 : : ••••"•.:':••;-:'v..^.^-v---^^:^v:,.;'1- •..•'...••..". ; aayvtent Ip iiw thai any mamwt daughter as hmmig f«f tiicae HAterMH ^ 'i • ••"."". • ;^ "£'—• .• "..".. ' . '.. an of fair?" are ptaRnlng t* He avay f«r lem- s-:-;: •-.• ^ • _ . " . ._ . .... -. i, ^~ 11 "Is that so," aaid *he other. -i ' - " 1 ^"" 1 .• " V "--»- -']'• '- --' ""' "• : ••-^' perlwis. i -..".'• -~. ^ r"~i "Who's ^terlng it?'^INS ' -: .'••.••: ^ , • • - 1 "• "•• 1 ^ • • • •" _ ~^- ^

I • " ' • -11 • ,"•'•)'!'.- :"•' ''."•' . ~ • • ^ • j • . . I • ".'-. • .' - Dune Deck, Elisabeth Stewart, Carolina, Gabar, «ic. . . . our •M > r •- ••. • i • • i - \ fm -m .: 1 v r. . i - .'• •_'

• ".. / ••• • •-

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.J - ^ • • •_ 129-139 CENTRAL AVE. 232-4800 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT T32 ELMEft STREET --U -I • . >rl .THE WRflTFIlSLD (NX) WADER, THURSDAY, JULY 25, IDflfl Pug* -irt, -Mrhmn , Caroline Whaley Flemington's Fur iho HttUUtm mum '/.nbvuiiii, Met Stars to Open 1968-69 Season O'Dcmnoll, Limit* Jonimr Tom 8witk, HiMprisfi from IUKJ Flc-rn- MurguiHH Kaetllng, Mwl, Uuim imil Wed in , Fashions for '69 itMiopH & -a wholo Of Opera Theatre of New Jersey I Ann JUiUsmbaeh, Myli^iiki Swtt'k, i>f s)n*'wb\ly dcsttfwKt fur for Un; menfolk; Onom stiws lioln Al- On Kashmir Trip Set New Trends To Semon M iduii'i Taylor, Dchhtc JHHI .Irl f Uonul nitttwiuri nn mbk, Aimska ami Jonomo lil-ncs- wiij ]«! f«i- Xhmmki\ Poiw* OjmlyJnk, Chris Nnr* -BoW new sty-los in ftira, rcflcc- tn Opera Theatre of Newris\ Holly and Dnviil 'lUwtt, MmnUi Carolina Bdbgs Whaloy and lanih, CumKJiMt wid Nor- Joraoy's fkist produot^ou of the 1!X>f(- Albert Alfred Thlbault Jr. worn tlvo of 41iG "in «wwp" nee, were wU MiB.i unplucked nuUta. Simojjstin, Suruli Cooko, M«nl3mt KM- unrveUod tikis fliafn^i when H>e F3t?m- (i() season, it was onnouncw! lias week siwi, lilrik i3«d -Pt^cr On>w.s D July 0 in tine OabhwM of lntrodtidn« l^lffli^ngton Furs' tiall l>y AHhm* G. Lloyd, t Saoned ttoatt to &ew Dofti In- htgton Fur Compa-ny staged a for '(H) wa.s Oau'-tii Lawroiiioo, O'CtMHior, and Ami SnkSt*r, Aft or dia, The ceremony was jMsrfomtexl lundwon and "Funs stage and televi^an -star, Gounod's Fmist w3U t>e s went wp ;!« one mnss *us\t»u- by i\m Rev, S, Geapfio wiifc the Rev. fashion ^iow ot (die Playhouse y iua* husband, Robert Cowlet, Symplimiy Hal, Newark, on Wed- S. Joshua •piwt in N«w Hope, Pa, ay's fommast singing iavor- nesday, Nov. 6. A special student to s«io whose balloon wonUi wt'll be etven dumiiig The bride's parents rare Mr. and Fashion wo*^ld dignitaries .and fash sluicing -ki "Tho Happy travel fartihest, ion editors of the matton's press Time." ofiornoon of Nov. 4. Miss AL- Mrs, WMiiom Edings Wfostoy of On Wednesday, Lisa fl\\tiif Barlini viewod Ptemington's new foil cr hancso, world renowned ROJH^QRO, McLaughHn* Brcmda SMnom Hobcaw Politrt, Mount Pkasaat, S, C, w^U sing (tbo role of Ma^guoride. Mr. formerly ot WestfteM. 1*he bride* Uonsf which should loud a!ed in 4ihe Wilson liuln Uo^p Con- groom is a son of Dr. ami Mm. A. A, dhe familiar role of Mcphistop^ieies, STORKCORNER test, Eiieh girl jjwf&t'med fivo HIUHIS Xb&ault of Windsor, Oitoio, Can The rote of -Faust will be sung by Ones of lihe -Hirst major fitr Eind was judged on oase, sustained Eugemio 'Fermtiidil, wefH known Euro- hooping and goivonH »k4H. in a close break with the toa'dHrion ifctrat fine pean tenor now residing iin Weat The bride wore a whKe furs wei^e the exclusive provJne of and Mrs. Cad Bauer of 630 contest, lisa Tale became Wilson fiowu «nd carried a bouquet ot white PI are parents of a daugh- Orange. Ann Fritz of Westfield, will \hiki Hoop Champion, Mowed by the mature woman—to be wo?ra only be SteteL carnations amd gladioli. She was at- on foimal oecasions^-Ftem>on's ter, bom Saitutxiay, July 13, in Barbra McLoughlin and Brenda Si- totKled by Mns, Robert Hiait of prise-winning designers have con- •Muhlenhorg Iiospiii|f Otfhor Opera Theatre produGtkms monson. New Haven, COJTO,, -and Mr, Kunt * * * sisfcenfcly fashioned garments appro- being plaaiied for the season indudo The contest liaixicst judge wotf was 4ihe brklegroonVs best priate for women of &\l ages, and Former residents Mr, and Mrs. Puccini's Gianni Schiccht, which will Jerry M. Tkiker of Newpurt Mm R. Morminger of Middlesex the stuffed animal s£i»w Oft Thurs- every activity and event. be perfarmed in English md Mm-day. As the pets were paraded by ; served as •we parents of a daughter, Jennifer LICIA AIJBANESE senet*s Manon, bofah to be given in **— Somorset Studios —Stellabott Studio This year, perhaps more than ever Jeanne, barm July 6 im Overlook Hos- their owners, 'Mro following winnera After a reception aft the Obeivii Westfield, and iPucoim's L&Boheme, \vcre selected; i&rgest, Doi'oUiy Wet- MRS, FRANK D. MODUGNO MRS, ALAN J. ROTONDI before, the company (has directed its pital, MPS, Manringer is "Uw former •to be performed in (Newark's Sym- IntencoaitiTiental Hotel, the couple scofcoh cteun- Cunrentily $he is telling «t Temple fstemingbon $$ offering a stunning is the forme Honorata Mereer. ground. Games against Franklin Airplanes, Wilson's luck didn't hold pian. The ioilowing t>arkieipatied: Miss Janet Kathleen Arbus, daugh- Qommtt, daugtte- of out as they dost &ng game in extra ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sta»tey Arbus University in PJiihidolphia. variety of elegant and oCf-beat con- * * * and Wilson are scheduled for July Cathy Ward, Patty Momf Gr-ace 5 Dr» and Mrs, (Mertrill B, Conover of ceptions fop the woman who goes , arid Mrs. Preston F. Kodak Jr, 24 and 25 t^espeet^vely, All games timings, 5-4, Wilson was winning 1-0 Mann, Brenda Simonson, Kim O* of 20£8 Prospect Ave,( Scotch Hatas, Mr. Tlifeauit has am honors degree : Easement, Pa., was -married to Ate places. A iNatturM Jaguar wrfkinB have aiuiounced tlie birth of their wiU be away and starting time will aJter 4he thipd imkig, but Jefferson Doaraell, and lit Aiigustimj. Oatfey become t$te bride Saturday of §rom a» University of Windsor, came hack with two ntas in tJie Frank IXwiato, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rotondi of 1473 Deer Path, Moim- coat (that icottld be used $or jogging, second cftriid, Cyathia taw, bom be two o'clock. Ward easily won *be championship, Windsor, Ontario. He also nofcfe a taiustde, at St. Thomas of Villa' too!) trimmed in brown-dyed Shear- June 10 in 'Rochester, N, Y, They bottom of *he danlng. Wilson came with Grace M^nn second and Patty Alphwise ModUgAo of 277 SpringKeld master of oils from ifebe UmvereMy of WILSON hack wifeh three in the sixth to take Ave. nova Church, Bosemont, on Satur- ed Alaska Seal with matching Seal also have a son, Pt^ston F, Kodak Mann and Benda Simonson tied for Toronto. He is a candidate for the,day, June 6, A reception followed .slacks and Jaguar mask, vied for in, Wilson's registration tot-al contin- a 4-2 lead. Again, Jefferson came third. The Rev. Andrew V. Jensen per* Ph. D. at the University of P«imsyi- at the Bei'la Villa Inn. honors with a semi-formal Natural ued to climb to 215 In spite of this back with two to tie the game go- fornwd tibe ceremony in St. Bar- Mrs. Kodak &s to former Joan ing into *he last Htttfng. Keditier The week of July 22 is South Sea in inrterna tkmal relations •Miss Carol Cofoean of Washins- German Stone Morten, and a black- ElHott, daughter of a*r. «nd Mrs.week's early closings due -to the htrt -Uwiomew's Church* Scotch Plates. yg fei India as a weythtt. Ba&keLs and cork dolls team could push across a run inIsland Week afc Wilson, &*sd will in- ton, D. C, was maid of honor for dyed Mink Raw sfci jacket, trimmed Robert E. lilliott of Westfietd. clude a Beach Party on Tuesday A reception followed at the Cran- FeUow. the Mde, and Miss Kara* Sloan of in Natuxai Opal Mink Paw wiUi were offered 4ti the craft® depart- their half of the inning, Jeffenson wood, Gamood , * * + ment this week, ami quite a. fewscored the wittttWig run in the final with a sand oasOe «ontost. a Ha- ^ Pa., &n& Uitis Barbara matching A son was born Thursday to Mr, wsimn ASveuture on We&tesday (Mm EAv»rd Canpenter of At- Rotondi, sister of the bridegroom, samples of line work were turned half of tiie inning with two outs. lanta, GB., was maHxm of honor for atkl Mrs. Ronald HeJter of 1303 Pine with hula affid Imnbo contests, a were b ! out. . Next week Wilson has a bye, and the brhie, wfrwe other attendants this fan Ss also char- Grove Ave. later in the week they play Mc- playday with Waslun^ton at Wilson Alton Wester of Kansas City, Kan., * * • On Tuesctey, the Wilson Warriors included Miss Diane tteitey and Miss by a variety ol traveled to Tamaques to (aoe theKinley playground in a contest at was best man, NIekoias Jerguensen irnn snug, iM>, and MPS. John Jenkins of 139 on Friday. Twlrli^t «* We*wsdays Janet Motter, fc of Heading, Pa., and Scott Steohen 'Myrtle Ave are psarenl© of 33 daugh- Tamaques Tigers in a Softball galme. the Wilson field. Was Sandra 1%e same ^looktd as if it would be On 'Monday* the pJaygrourkters •has been c3iangec| to tl to 12, The of Washington, D. C. ser-ved m ush- ter, bom Tliursday in Muhleoberg craft for the week w&I t»e gknp, Mission, Kan,, cousin of the bride, ers. body the t&kmfo A sow«le8» contest unfeil W^son combed *he school area in a iPea- and Mrs. Phillip LaFon of Claris, took, pushed across two runs in the mtt Hunt. In the senior division, Good dtiz«Bs for tlvis week are (Mm. Rotoodi is a graduate of 1 John McDermutt and Cathy Want sister of the bridegroom, Ohio Wesleyan Collekc, tHstawarc, 'Novelties deemed courant by the (Mk , .anki afe^. M. D, Waltner of fourth. Alike Kelly, th& Wilson pitch- Michael Taylor tied the group with Al fifodugno Jr. was his brother'* FterTwntfton forecastor-s this seaam Irving, Tex., (have announced the er, fceld on to Us 8lm two rtm lead36 peanuts found, followed by Tten OM iand is employed fey the federal McKlNLKY best man. Ushers wore Wayne Ar- government 'in Washington. included a dasliinj? iww etnpliasis on bMi ef tiieir fiist scNld, a son, to give Wilson thear Hist victory oi Swick wifeh 35, hems Sottmine with Week was ceitainly a bus of Scotch Plains, brother of ttie The bridegroom w a graduate of buttons of unique -designs and smart named Madon D, Waitner, He wtas the year, Ttoe lima! score was 2-0.33, and Kten 0'Donne Hi with 30. Mark riod gly Frey, John McDermotl end Bob The sky over 'WMson was filted the week was spent running, rolling la employed by Chubb it Son Inc., Rico, the couple will live in Rock- placed on "see toomglt" sheer lafce. teen. Also, tRack Bennett, with color as the Balkion softbails, throwing bardtK>ils, march- Short Hills. Mr Modugno, a gradu- ville, Cooovftr, Charlie Swab, reached Wilson at 2:15 on ing, exerting to 4ihe 4tAlley Cat" ate of Union Hitfh School, is asso- Bruce Cant and Jeff Zimmer. The following pkiygrotmtiers sent up aid naming back and forth to the ciated wJOi Alkn Waste Co., Whip- On Bahama Honeymoon Friday, iha Warriors traveled balloons: Kim O'Omeffi, Patty, pany. T across town to take on the Jefferson Grace ahd Tommy Motan, Diane, (Continued on next page) wedding trtp to Mrs. Jack l*tw of 8 ally UTote, "Sir, pfew» tend me one v., aw* O*forni.f the Mohawk TV., *pe«A their I to North H«Mt«kl. io ,Qttand Bahacna Ukand.' Un. Le- L And whtto youn i* it, .-:;' "/. ^t^vii-^A^rtr^v'^vVs^v^^.^

-v , The sooupfe mm mar* riod June 29 at Our Lady of Lourdes Boro Newcomers Church in •Mountainside, •. " > . ij i i TERRILL ROAD BAPTIST Bowl in Candlelight MHS, ALBERT A. HUBAUUT i I- (Caroline E. Whaley) The Mountainside Newcomers dub Mtttls* im ifcrrtil JitAtw Hlfh Scotch Plain GIGANTIC held « candieitfht bowling party re- cently at the Garwwd toe*. Tweny- Nassau Honeymoon Sunday: 9:45 a-,m., Sunday stiwol coupka towM on fftllwlit only classes for »11 age groups; u a.m.t eanttetig* toward britfitiy Mr. and Mrs, R. P. Harsrood are momdng worshop, iRev. Kemneiih K. pins fcrtfa» dtataooe. residing in Fitteburgh, Pa., following King, pastor, wi)l be pre»d*ing &t ven** afforded brtii morning and evening worship Women's Sale a wedding trip to the Mantagu o|)portunntty to Jm jsove bowling services; 6 p.m., training union; 7 nd wcialtoe at the same Bosch Hotel, Nassau. Mm. Harwond, p,mM evening worship; nursery prt^ time, After making two «tr*es in the foroier Vidd BatiMi, daughter vided at all st-rvicee. • row, Newwoer howler Boh of Mr. vand Mrs. K. P- Barnm of 553 Wednesday: € p.m., Mid-week ON RACKS Gmley tpant a tewanriou t room- Colonial Ave., and tier Kuband were prayer service at the Scotch Plains- «U whw a foul Una fauzaer n*tomarrie- d in St. Paul'* Church, July 6. Tmwood YMOA, lohtovoualy»ounded aa he approached RAINBOW COLOR ASSORTMENT the foul *» to* tow third time. A trophy wai awarded to Mr. and Mm, Juft* Tramontin of Gartiett, Roses from the groom... guests o< Mr, ami 'Mrs. Emil (Maz- of Mount*****, who ware towfefl* lor the evening. Other ds from Martin Jewelers. lers receiving awarcto included and Mr*. Kenneth Van Peat, and Mi* Jme&t flayer* Mr. Sim. Xeaneth CMser, and Mr. Mn. DoewW SeAdenfrau, ie evenintf ended wMh a buffet RED CROSS - JOYCE - LIP 1 STRIDE Native Wesrfielder i AMERICANA - SOCIALITES Studies Stuttering Guru-vy! COBBIES A nsHfw WertfwWer, nmpm of Mobife, Ate,, la one of wo student* «t (he Uwvmrity of thit, * • th» -NOW- labama's Speech and Hearing Cen- •99 r wing ia newly inataSted tetevi- gr»at of today AND on tape system lor reaewrch on th« Nehru mfut«r'i Ma**. daugMeti of formtr rwi- Values to $20.00 i . and Mrs. Robert W. TTwrnpson, » oondneting rwearrti Nehru suit, dark paisley senvattan." Mer lather is working Diaimowds ,. * m m«ch a part ot with Geigjr to Bahama and her love as roses »., print, 5-13. Most Women's Imported Italian Sandals *3.99 court reporter In the rotl»er John wiU attend Diamonds , largo Group of Kcdottcs $2.00 off Mobile Umvemty m* fall. *hek settaig be praittdpatientoi, Mr. and in tars. E. Thompson, live at maxon Dr. Maternal from p, Mr. artd (Mrs StUcted Group of Freeman and Hush Puppies reene, lotner WeadieSdecs, new i ve «i the aubortw of OhEoago, IH. Mariona sfcmiy tavtfves ha

L • . \"Y - ***• A THE H'ESTPIEI-n.fN..!.) LRAftKR, THURSDAY, JULY 25,

•"••% prtvnto fhKurnnra Industry- fn proxy fight*, those who try to TAMAQUES •won huVI at it:no and gfltno Tuesday, fl-o, wh«tt Ownt for- Tito JuKltitiitton was druflud nnd I . . "Uiko ovui1" , , .we playgi'ouod ofMniod ^ i p.in, mo now feltotl Jta tfam©, Unfortunately, the Jiitanduecd tho 'hill and held luuitiiiffti to di-wltfer who 'tlwy tiro and Playfields on Monday -and tlw ca^aft or UioMio return 0! tlioh *!iv!ale did not continue, Lkwobi tost mi ft (fi Jiini! of liksL year. 'Vho Sen- iluUills -to l)w stockboLdwa wos ]ntiy>tlncod, Tiio clilldnm Tills week's (Jnr.d Clld'/titiKJilp rib- a hafd-foupht gwno to -FbflnkWn Fri- lmyenioutof thu eonvi>any, enjoyed basket wuovhiff wliieh Is bons w«iy? uwaivled io Slwrou Vul* day, B-0, -Lhun^'fl Vfllkuit effort wan o«H lev Uris year. Hut the House «f hill \v\\\ UMiuii-o UIORO wiio considered mw of rfJio-nnn « 4>y ihu- fluwloai flwkHntf of ham previmis pngcl tfi mul Vtmty Jv»Uy, CfHwriiUihiLIons nlnHvc.s outicti'd -;i differ- Usidcr offws cuiH[H'omisc , wliut they \t\m\ lo do mwit. WlitMi Hni Olyn>i>icK wciw am On Tuesday wo sciiethtlod "A Stuff InsL wixjk. NiMritctora toodi twlri- fa* 0.5. Uie ttiffi!i'tiueo, ilti! L'uiitpzuiy ^IIKI otlier du4j Tlmo for Girls" imd i»old u "P««wy ot i/hu>oto iKloyfiround every HAIIISONA.WI1UAMSM. To ovitrcvino this impusse, we w-\\\ oiuil>lo 4hu stockholder io decide LINCOLN from U:15 to 12:15 and 1 on tlio nlhksUc fleklj wo Contest" in whtcft tl»Tco were successful tn getting the dead- ly whotha U is ill 9us in-ft tlwit piupiU'ijiK and liiiow-in^ iliui McKin- ing contestants: Long Ilnlr, Slwron fourth wt'k of i>laygiwmd ta last "Art for Fun" also continued fttot weok. (&|Ntcia! In Nnjoyed weaving and many ptoyg-roundora sketched stlU^ltfce in pftiwk. Many (orturwite *n seelntf some of Die legis- The goncwls ot that M was a closer to Uw Sen- lative projects on which we've tx'isi ifl u form much for piSvntely owned transit corn- enced Imia iuvofKTB had a oli&ncc a Thread end Needle Relay and a dccorablva baskets home to of Jrlic^G. tricotdwe ^to 1 sluiim In •March, 1002, wjifcU dev- ut..i,o. ,.«1N;i^n ponies* to toko part. Up to now, cit- working foi a slony Unm come to fru-astated ilie Now Jersey Coast. None (o show oil, Tiiu experts performed lialv Sow Rdoy. The ofterncon was ition in the closing days of this roth •Now fiitcceoded 4n ies wiioso -UwnsiL lines are not pub-such stusvts ^is swingliitJ iho iioop sj>efit working on baskets. The softball to am won Its first onnextpagt) of the damage from flooding was in- protnlsing 4be deferences 4tud lho Hely owned liave been very nearly •Congress. Just this past week sured koeausc U's impossible io ob- aramid Lhoir nuck, knt«s, ankles, On Wednesday monvlnft, Jolm Dl» iuei^lQtion is on the way to becoming excluded firoin U»e ffdet'al assist ll 1 Soiuite look ftnat action on Ihe tttin flood uusuranco. ai^ns; swirling It on one leg andNaiwll, laM-fts KiJ>g of the Flowers/ called Corpomtc Tukoover Hill law, It wlH pt'owde, for the first anco for improving 'commuter rotating il up and down their bodies was awarded first ftiaoe tn the sent it to the President In January of I0G3, I intiixluced Ume, a program-of flood i under this program. I witliout stoppcofj. Oat of Uie forly Wheels on Parade. Due to Uie in- a resolution calling for a federal for iiome owners duoUve as theSltnAc, AttUtony Toby, closed at 12 noon on Wednesday. of Hood ilnsuraivoe. faced with ilie prospect of baing past tfwk. Mosltvy, Wary Otcaicsc, was ixwsliod on Flow! htsur- Unfortunately, our annual Olym- and Interstate I^aiid S;ilus. The resolution was incorporated out because tliey couldn't ob- Giyrm, Gwe« Atoi*gui»f Cica- protection. Linda Ourch, Kris pics wore cancelled this y&ar due mlo ilu? Southeast Hurricane Disas- to uns&te eond^ons as a rasult of We ter Ik'iief Dill of 11W5. Tiw Depart- The liitcnstuto Land Sales Sill Week Needed For GurcJi, Victor Lr.wson and was drafted as A result of lteartttgs 'oonstructum Jri *^e Weetllctd Kec- s t>f Lho conference report with- ment of Houstog and Urban Devel- Glen Shcppard penroiined , Uie six I'ea't'lon Flcild, Cns to all in the next Iwo weeks. Then -H only opment made Uie study and rccom* b ytlw Subcommittee on 'Frauds mid Address Change stunts vriUi outst&ndmfi dextodty. Misrepresentations Among ll»e El- the playgroundera wflio quaUflcd for remains tot* President Johnson to mended ame£, one with lincoUi and graphy, moads, utilities and avail- States (or those tubscriben who the other with Columbus. Ihe team tabittty orf services. are pi sorting to be away for t*m- is eagerly waiting to play Wiiaoa The Corporate Takeover Bill was poraty periods. Washington next week, written as a result of iitformetion baboon ^acenskm went od which came to me as chairman »of well Thursday morning wKh only the Senate Securities Subctromittee. one balloon acddently bureting and Again, is main feature is disclosure. OF CONDITION OF one getting away without & postcard. In recent years, the so-ca^ed ten- The piaygrounders are new awak- der offer—that is an offer to buy Suburban Trust Crapaay ing tiheir postcards to be returned a specified number of shares of We^flrld 1M Ike State of frcffn far off places. stock an a company at & specified JrrKf>* nl the clone tit Elected as citizens of tiw week Mr. and Mm. WllUnra IF. Ant, formerly ot St. tool*. M*>.< have mer«4 prica by a specified date—is re- ANSKTS were six year old Amy Daly and Into Ihrfr nrw hump at IHflf* WoftAncre* *lr.f Muunfnlnaldr. Herbert W. placing the proxy fight as a means Caab, bAlancfifl with oth- V«ler •rxoilntrd Ike amir tnw tke office of Hnrrctt * Craia, Inc. er banks ftnd cash sixth grader Dennis Prkdo. of taking icontetrt of a company. Itemn In procenm of col- very special lection t 9f722,8#M« Next week will te Show Off week United Scuta* Oovern- ment oblltr^tlona ...*- IT»642f137*&# at McKinley with a Baby ahow. P«t Obligation* of & t a t« 0 show, Doli show, Teddy Bear Par- and political subdivi- sions 16,010,8*0.50 ade and Frisbee contest. Securities of Federal agenciea and corpora- 1.600,000.00 Other necurltle*

porate ntocks) 1&8.&S8.4? * *•* VJeral fuutlH sold aecurltl^t* pure under agreements to r«Hc)l - • 2,500,000.00 Other loans and dis- counts *.. 35,036^19.29 Bank premises, turn!* tur« and Ax*.uret-, and other &tB0ti represent* Inir bank premiaes-*- 940f32*-17 Real estate owned other than bank premised. *

TOTAL ASSETS... .$84,172(&g3.27 . rrvni of-

4rid aavlnKB Ae- poalta of Individuals, partnerships, and cor- Deposits of United State-i Government .,. Denoslte of Slater and polltlcnl sub JI vlilon*. 8,343,241.73 Deposit a of commercial J0.l« C*f titled find offlcerH' check", etc TOTAL, I» Jt.

••«•» F % for MEN Were 17.95 to 26.95 Reg. to 15.00 Picktd for We, James Phelati, Comptroller, Now 6 and Harold 3. Oompton, Treasurer nf th* ftbove-nameiJ bank do sol- ptrftctlon, MANSFIELD IWW 20 emnly swear that this report of BUY THE 2nd PAIR condition Is true find correct, to the bout of our knowledge and be- n*r. diamond by FOR ONLY JAMES Not every size available In every $tyle. t $1.00 8- COMPTON, diamond^ Treasurer Correct—Ait^ftt: MICHARb K. VAUKOTI, ROPR^T S. CORBTN, 209 full cut* PAUL C. BOSL*ANI>, Directors- State of New Jersey, 74)1 carats County ot Unlonr si: This Aufitat Sate it tht opportunity you hare draamad about ••• SPECIAL GROUP 8worn tn ami .lb m^ thi^ ifiih Oay of July, tho opportunity to purchaso a firw quality Fftminglovi and I hereby certify thut T am not 12 marquis* WOMEN'S U.S. KEDS nn officer or director of this bank ffacial kffi price n» tincerriv belrtw will not ^ tho foreiteabia future. So, bt wise... be amonf the first to Reg. 5.99 OAH/ W_ TftTMOLE, 1.77 carats Notary Puhl^. choose from our huge selection of Mink, SaMe, Alaska Seal, Now 3 Persian Lamb, Chinchilla, Broadtail, Beaver, and many more.. • T-25-U Our platinum floral, AT OUR VERY SPECIAL LOW AUGUST SALE PRICES FROM $110 to $8950 Cernptot* lta« «f Orthopedic Sfe*M A Rtd« In TK« Country $ 4450. DOCTOrS PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATElf FKtfD and SAT. NITE i l DANCE AND WID. v> ^v:\*y.^*«^l*:-:'.FW?;;S( %lj!; Whatever Am»wrrt of TIME, SfGU onH PATIENCI AIR CONDITIONED atest totfoeli- li r*quir«d w« giv» ft flladly ond reurtoeusly HIGHTSTOWN cacies COUNTRY CLUB the work* Two bends continuous every Saturday, Andy Wefts 10 pe, Cp&tein'A band and Jo* Mucha. Every LINDEN •wtsmnti OPCH SimOAT & CVEUVMY TO S RMM WCDWCSDAT ft FttMT CVEMNfiS TO W ML W*d.f F « m • u » Fri«nd*htB feweTtrs Oante for folk* 35 and over, 219 North Aw. Wnt • Wtstfitlt 163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2.5163 A dm. $1.05. Always fun here flemington fur company v m, in 9, tint \ lJ THE WESTFfEtD MJ.) L18ADBR, iffiMIlAY, 35, 1M* T

Playground of ibo iaatejr, i*^ the most on feeplaygroun d this wwfc. t. (Continued from previous wge) EDISON in #10 own art; wtifoft labor i wet'k strucLinn, tltemarkjahiy, «i pardiaps : '- •' GHANT • , ,t$» tot&st d»y $iis waunn* a com- Graft playground opened woek t>lj>ewn a FMiwood at- Tuesday and Wednesday momiift to ^care wMto a pettfeet ; Tuesday:$terwwi at i: 20, we ;!l!ei€ field to iiome piste our balbon aac&rakKi, whkh westf On/WetesiJsiy, wHte tther Off vity wall . We made baskets were Xcrccd to close, botli again «nd used some of the staiatt*. tip Ed;son ani HoostveH TWJII Ca- The children mad* ters-tot the ;h^at w-ith the-fe1 second fiil can&e holdei.s which iv\p ia Pttbt P>kto&^-be«GftL Again we h iW petfec*. and 8* wa- Wodlwtday and Thmaday, cut the needed because of the feat, were very frbn Itfie summer > Blow. The wtnoer irf our hula hoap FRANKLIN contest, held WtxfeWsdfty, was Ifary we^fe the* crsft was basket and ISO $ttf!diren.w8* i We had m extraopdinary event y«n or pt^ testate. thU week, Mori Mirtos, So* Ibtti* and Jo-Afln Levim ware recogrtfted wsxt page) • i. i'-

:.. * ".' i H

Mlas Hettjr Aa» itaee, I*t rf Nw Jenwy Belt testt one of i&e MhiblU of the lelephone company's Teuting tefes***e trtasmUsiow a» Miss Mary Ann Stratey, 18, and Miss Renee firm, l»f af N«w Jrr»ey "Comm«Blea4e." ffie toslayi la the 35-foot trailer, desigaed for use at ihonploj ceatm, lairs, civic M events a»d sekooto, tell the story of same slgnlikant aspects of Mie telephone tntstaess. Bell at tfett U\t$hwm oaroaaaTV C«nmunkp^/' The dtsatays te the air-co»dtUo«ei trailer teU the itwy of the teleylt—e h»»»ws. U iW ersat al a dUaiter,. the 3Moo4 iv»ll» can be qytekly ieaaveried Into a c*»ttr a*4 *«** to tac affected area* Bell Co.'s Travelling Show Premieres Today equipped with *B featuflss displays

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Mn. Jf»fc* A. foniterlr of S*. ktvmr *t ther . til* ftmiHr #w»«| kv JMr. miit Nrii purl 1


y * Jarvis Room

DINNER MENU •*••-! •PICIAL 54 Elm & • Wwrfl^W, N; J A ; ^

" ^X Hem* Mods) Swp 20c «ftfH CocktaH 30e

• • ' . .: •. -• . • - -• '• •'-'' •' -. - Qmpalruit Mem or Tomato Jules 20c . , -^ -, -

AtaM UA-*70 Shrimp Cocktail 65c ; wHh Dlnnar 5Sc (

•%. '-I •••

wwl1 •"^PB^S^i^B^^pW^Sp^- Sp 0-^^B^By BBSB^S SBBaB^BSBS^^B^P ^p.-Sf-S^ •i" 1 - . M#ot ttmf, ftrown Grovy ..— ....„.-». tl»»Mil cart thiy Minced Slrlolrt S«

r _ .•_ _ ' • STVCMNN^ J Crab Cutt«t SUted I Ham Siaak, Tomato .-...,..-...... —,.-.— • ^ • CtiiifWr Tonrtoto Souct Srowntd &•«{ Hash with M§4 Iflg-^.^-™.-^---,---™™ V35 HALF-YEARLY ROOM SIZE RUGS wish speed*. . . tor normal and defcafce fabria • Wagon Stsiak, Tomato Sai***.,,—..—,.-—-.——-.---- 1.35 WASH lilt* Mtro^iriy iMitf «KM tcMMfW «§•&» Wmem • MMHC ctiAK* ftHtr atttoimtically U»ps snt, Italian SpooHafli, Meat Saues (Ho V*o#table§).,-,.— - 1 35 * Qua cleans itself # 3 Msh-riM*.;: 2 watef lewlchoicw GrilVtd Fronkt and Bok»«« »»<»n» (No V jg«lobl«)..-«.. 1.35 to ISxlF ov*U mtd 6 #»rf finished, .. alt of heavy quality W«»ttrr> Omel«*t«- Sliced Tomato in fated line* Limited qumtitk*, with double jute backing, Size$ from 6x9^ '*-«* ^ fll ?s1 Askjpm^sjiK - ^V ^H^H up t& 12x21% 8 color* from which $o thoose, Regal Red, Amber Gold, ftayal 30x54P9 reg. 7.50. Blue, Tumbleweed, Grevn, Wheat Cold* 42x68", reg. UM. Bronze Olive* Butternut Beige, Green Arnold toll terved with Buttar 6x9% reg, 35.01 8xWt reg, 55.00. Choiet ol Two Y«t«!ob*as 9x12% reg, 59.50, , reg, 37 10x14% reg, $9t$Q. 9xl?f reg, 74,50 12x15' reg, 109.50. UxlP, reg. 92 n#§r 79.9 A r Delicious Pies 25c Layer Coke 25c let) Cream Bounds in sixes & and 9 . 12x15% reg. 119.50^ 12x18% reg. 149.50- 12x21\ reg. 164,50. T5c Tea JOe Milk 15c iuttarmllk 1$c \ reg. 49.50 _™. HAM- 139.99 Iced T«a 20e tod Colfa* in /ive color* • , • .m$ iferee weefcs for delivery on some -o- $ize* and voters. Safari Served off Dinner ... 13c Extra T V & APPLIANCE Cfcaf Sabcf - $tic«d Tomato — Cola Slaw 123 Ctntra) Av«. AU. SANDWICHIS AMD LUNCNIONS MODMAte Hit 9 -S |\ THE WBSTFIELD WJ.) LEADER. THURSDAY, TOY 25, 1988 from fl:30 to 6:30. The oMUlrwi wid ilked by (ho cltfdftn find Ifoey all «nd -Friday ut n tluo to lusmt, but fl» xmAAtetib pot, SoDtmion; Pliyllls Ivfomslki} Km io suffor tiin'ou^!! ii uU h gmnd Dermwly tJio wlnnor, 31-9 ov^er •their ke outi^oH were John Kipp liig jrinyground butions to H-ia ym? old daslitss: JJmmy Car- done, Ajj>p1luaticHi» of atl tlw iwsces- The basketball cUute is underway mirs ami Inter fehey 4uttf craft oc- into Afto «ky. Each bafttoon mn\ tliHXfiic; Pojor Paselu$l a n d Brodedck, fDliirM> Topollaski, Rox- wllli n oiw*ckn-ono tournament wfoteh (Conitnuod from previous page) Hit* ewn"hitf undue! with a pOHtcmxi tk'd to a string &n«! nagio; Pat Aliem; Mwk 'Mutii mvy \ngvmlkiiin wch aa "Uafay oil Oaokile; Bill KonsnU and Hedl; Ten'- uiwo Armstrong. Karan ^olilqasel, Bolford; iU&la Vcuczlflj Gtorfo and ^fidlno" manmged to huip Mr. will continue all soasoiv. Ti» win- gmvm with a lied score of vhM YMOSD bnltoon goes Wio fm'th K Our citizen of fe wwk was ri Mnfk and her pig; Sharon Oodor and tiw Chrukfi^mnkfi. K«thy Holt Ful-Um uttnln life HJOII4 — lloy wifH bo atMwuflced our -fitiuil •It t»t wins a week Uw t«a« am busily, nnd hear wris? Betsey Wetter ami The ^wdul ovent tor TUnrrailay Throwing — 5-7 year olds Cnicher King for ihe Day." Bui u Wednesday w»s The n;ii!mMi Ascension was well; The j^ay&round closed Thursday eni; Iliw'bnna Logman IHKJ Ivor i T#m Ddi^Badia and Phil jgood 11 mo was enjoyed !>y oil^ partJcpng in pivy&icii* $taess -* ad <4 *4 4 testa, -If 4hey pass) ttw w»qulrod He; John Lard fitfJsd lyndy Hciiroa, Cnolta for 4!ic wsuh IJKJKICUKI i>aa- lioHy Howe a«c! Duccoy of 8*10 sofibali tSrnnv; Mike Awa- events, 4lwy ore «warded a cortlfl- town -tottmanwnis wl>ioh were post- kcl weavJiiy. Many lovely basket cato liy Um Asnatoup AiUikrtdc Uivion. Ckuly Sma^H itnd Uio dogs tftedi dm to Hw closing of Iho strong; Laairy Ku|>Eur; JOD Deiia- w-fsra niudo for their •Xavanite «nis- HUda; NauMsy Monasso onvd (A.A.UJ. Itae ovenig tockide push- s at nooi\ igt "Tlic Best Ptiystyue"— nella; Mary Ann McClo^key; Kim Jojm Lord's Lady Barbara. "The vJdorious l>y ihe scores of 7-6 and A oombbiailoii ftofiball toam of Bt^ softbdl gam«, (Good tuck, 3-4,' Against Frankik* 4)liey came Sdtmiitft; 11-12 y«ar olds: Gloria Glite????). "Gldelst Dog"-Nancy Morasso's Pan- Holt, Katliy Holt, Roste Ventela. Roossvelt a^id ECHSOR Teew Centers eta, "The Best Behaved" — Peter back ftt-om & deficit of four rtuis to beat them tluuiks to the tremendous trudged eagorly to Fimwood Play- Baseball's Cookie "T*» A^l Ameri- pTiBaewteyTOB for Uve SUJC- ground fov UiPii'i* onttuai ^aine Brown, «nd eveayeme and every^iig was g^atulati^ss! Thieir next veniiire Is Better cluded a clown: foa&pReh, a circus and the good dfcizea was Cindy Pres- hot and- st^clcy, a bus Drs for these two dori ^IKI Chm Gray, playgrouneters w*o quali- ram. Hie ^>ecial event for Wednesday fied at Jefferson $&£ week and were momhig was *he Pet Stow. The to represent the playground hi the participants were Ann Martliw, Hox- Olympics defisitt^ deserve to be Armstraisg, Marie Zakuta, recognized. Despite ti« warm wea- Alaaintlb -iiivd Lori 'Mancila, ther last week 4foey faltMu% at- Muth, Prisdila Mu*h, Ken Ci-tended the Olympic pradjees. 54 Elm Street aiTocca, 'IUHh Qesn&t, iCanrai Pic- Boys, 5-7, who qimlified for the accl, ^Diaite TopoHnsfei, Ohris Gray, dashes ^inokide'd: Stew Hassekimn; IS PARKING A PROBLEM ? VMrian aaid Karat Scbjessl, Barit>ara Greg SchmiA; Pliil Heiron. ' ' - Girls 5-7, dasltes: Sharon Chis- a, Eiloen Adrermanf .'•-•.•• . -am,:, Beth Schmidt, Lisa Ullisot, Maryann i»lm; Measgas McNellis; Sue Bersh. y, Kairen 0ml CsreUiw 8-10 year olds nvti» qualified in the Broderick, L5s© Young, RobbieArai, dashes included: Steve Hargett; Joe ADams 3-0662 Brad, aaid Krasta Chmteshaak. DellaBadia; Wke Armstrong; Dave Marie Zakukx was ©wasrded a rife- boa 'tor ^ most weU-befoaved pet, Beth Tesla aiul BremU BoaAxs ih& tmzt original pets, Brown fead bbe ctitest pet, Mike

Mni^ had tffe odiEst pet Vivian •1. Sdraassl received a Bt^an for IJ&V- j ing the pet v4itch was appropriately (Uosnis 1 attired tor fee circus wetsk theme,

t* 1 Lisa ...youn1 g received V- -„ * '—-1.. 1. -L 1. J&M BRINGS YOU HIGH QUALITY AT LOW ^ •'. - PRICES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS - ALL THE TIME

CHOICE CHOICE PRICE SALE London Broi $1.49 Ib. Sirloin Steak . 99c Ib CHOICE BONELESS CHOICE Sirloin Steak $1.59 Ib. Porterhouse Steak . $1.19 Ib. Grade A Sliced Bacon—German Liverwurst TW17T T 17 Spiced Ham or All Meat Franks-—Your Choice 69c Ib. MADEM X O JLJ JLJ JLJ JCi GRADE A GENUINE SPRING Young Hen Turkeys . 39c Ib.Legs of Lamb 69c Ib. BAR-B-Q THEM EXCELLENT FOR SALADS ? * • .• Tickere Merchandise Country Spare Ribs . 39c Ib.Young Fowl 5-6 lbs* 49c Ib. uce Oriaina Price CHOICE - WHOLE - AS IS JAM FAMOUS Fillet of Beef . . $1.98 Ib. Ground Beef 3 lbs. $1.99

• FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS FROM OUI LA1GE SELECTION • GREEN GIANT STOUFFER'S Cut Green icons Walsh taiabit Beautiful Assortment of: French Grwn BNIIS Tuna Noodtvi CotMroJ* .,, Mixed V»fl«tabl«t Lobttcr Ntwburg. .$1,89 Peot • Casual and Cocktail Dresses including Ensembles Alaska King Crab .*.,./«. Sara Lee Chocolate or Golden Cake • Knitted Dresses and Knitted Ensembles Land C Lakes Butter 79clb, Maxwoll Instant Coffeo $1,39 Some Coats and Suits and Sportswear Fltischmann Oleo , 39c Savarin Coffee , lb,75c Good luck Oleo , #,. # ,. 4 for $1.00 Savarin Coffto ...... 2 lbs. $1.49 Whit* ioso Bleoch qt.39c Miff WwTllV **«.#«#•«*•»**«•»****>«• Premier Moyonnoiso ,,....,, +# ,, C|t.39c Sovarin Tta tolls, 48 .59c Do) Monte Orange Drink 46 oi, ...... 2 for 49c 8 Ib. 10 oi, SAtVO .,..., $1.99 # EM SELLE fctttei's Tomato luico 3for89c White Rose Apricots 3 can ... v,...... ,25c

105 Quimby St.r Westfield 233-0763 J&M SUPER MARKET ^^ fU MOOHtMH AVI THE WESTFIEtD QUA , THUftBDAr, 85

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.;- • •• .-•- v- . .;.• • -•; -• AND ALL THE FIXIN'S • .• , . .• - i • -. -1. - ... • . -. .. /-. _v_ ..-••'„ ^ ... 2 pcs. of ct • 'J : cole slaw, and hot _v^• • i• 7 "

I . K_ ^ = •1 dinner biscuit

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• ^ • . r ^ '• . 3 pcs. of chicken one pint cup mashed potatoes, gravy, M • -' V_ ".- i. •••:•'-- and hot dinner biscuit .-. COLE SLAW

. - -r -J ~ t . -.' THRIFT BOM one pint cup

•'• •:• 9pcs.of chl lust chicken C, " MASHED POTATOES FAMILY BUCKET one pint cup 15 pcs. of cl 1 pint of gravy and 6 hot biscuits BRAVY FAMILY BARREL one pint cup

•t • -•• 21 pea. of cl

just chicken •"•-*•=•

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COLONEL SANDERS RECIPE --. -,>•...'•. TMlafaC ^.1".-—;• • •

- '• •. = •• " v, V" V. •"- l-i Cu -.' i Keittwky Tried '- .'i' • -i i -i ll"

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."• ^n^"1"^^.. _'--*^L""'~ •'-• r* f - :-.-.'. . :;; 219 South Avenue ;•£• v=;fe=v

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-- • • ^•./-•-'•y-'.'L'i.--v i.v ••-• "•. v;-^«-^ .V. r^ .--' • 'v I: yjt •'i - !• Page 8 THE WEflTFIEMk (UJ.) 1I5ADER, THURSDAY, JULY 28, T0fi8 F M Trmtl- LEGAL NOTICES Honrt attack victims msy ntlll en- • h Tour of serted Village «idt\ will fomhiti one-half limn- mo- Jay tlto pleasures ot camping and L .!• ! ixwe talks for elil kktm. 'Hie li>|>fc to in.it •'• MJU-L will hi^i" -nl HHJ Union OHtnly vifco from HH5 ;io IltBO by \y fit 2 \xm. and piv>- v»iui recoivod ait appointment us t*urMti«.iu tn llio order ot ^.rwn, In i»ini,H! 0, KANANM, Htirrntfrito of tlio Coun- « of 1ht: "Village," postmaster of 41 soiled "Foltvillo" ty «f Utiimj, juiictv un tUo 12ih flny "' whk-h wiU be shtj^n on H uf wiik'h Uu- rollm 1 whi'di tics i Hie Fi-mt and •post office; and its (revival in 1H8Z July AJ\P 1 |l ft *t» upon I tin -"• by Ackcrman of Scotch 2S, at 3 p.«i. Tho fiini, a iravdh »!•'• t'^|j|(>M \\t\fi\ inirniiiu^'d, n=Jn! unii W«U'hnng MiHrofcuinw 'in ihc J»IH^(|, on ilrMt riiudluir by ilw JJhto Iirr»ok <>r Berkeley Plains, and its coitt m iuin<:e llware- tnkes tlic viewer o« an attto 1'ittiHPti ur sin' Tiiwn ui WfiHlihtld tit nutiro IH Itcruhy sivmt ta I after until 1008 as 4dic select "GJcn- trip L'hc State of Mlchigtm it aim-iliER- UvAtl July Us, isr.H mu! I torn of Hfllti ficu^u^HOt) to ex Heights m of the Wiiietag Res tlmt. tliu Hithi Cuinu'It win further hiiiit in th« HUtmiHih^r uncter sid(j Park" summer iH&ort. io irisLotHc 0r ftttul |HtMini;« "It tlM) IIUll flliy ill' AtlJ4rllHt, UiVi'S, nv nfflnmat^H th^lr flujmti ami Hr?« I'.W., Ill [III* CtJlllH'M 44|||lllHU'I% LEii) oHtnte nt , Mi'. Bnlctwhi Is ii long time trus- En Ihe evenzt of 'inclement weather. and Soo Locks, Blx montliB fr GonwuIogiciiJ Society of New Jer- tast&td in the Traiteide AVho mfiy hv hlt thcrt'lu tt'iU tlm Htitne ugamtit the on the subjected of Hie "' MMtilf HOOTCH of XraHskte, and Msg ijma H, KVKr T«W Ji programs, TllM MOMKN •••*•• HITt-Vllt, AXt) I.SNU- K OK ttoffti ^ rMHV Dan: "Hal! of tlvo women IVOTI-W I'MUt fI'J(K I-1 i OF .4 them* time trying to make a fool NAIO WlMlK. B1C IT OH1>AINBD hy tha Town out of some man," CouttcU oC tlju TUWJI oC West ft elt! in thu County nt Union HH toHows: LJONQIN Jan: "Yes, and the other half SKCT1ON I. Tlmt North Scotch Mon Nite spend ail afcefr tiirae trying to make vocn S««th Avo- THE WORLD'S nue itnd West Hvmttl Stro5ir bo im- PHECARIOUS PEKCH is a mam out o£ some fool proved In tho foi1f>wlng manner: MOST HONORED S FAMILY SHOPPING NIGHT Heview Con**tract!iitf Krnnlte used by a muezzin, catling uloiig both « , Moslems to pray. Usually WATCH® . IN ami Oiinv-Bfx fe^t aimrtt at iHterjjotitifms and ex- this it done from a minarei jVI ^nxntie block curbing! of the mosque, but some WESTFIELD in place. H; Neighbors h}—ConfttrucUuBT storm tlrrtin- poorer Turkish village* use atre fiicllHlcs where n^cMsary, MOST STORES OPEN TIL t:)—Constructing; Ttiftillli^rl rtmc- this primUEve method m\iim imvemont or full thtckn&ss Status imujK ^unt.Treto twivftmcnt be- m * the I'x^tlnK1 center Htrip What is it that gives ft roan an nlrof enl a nil lliu new c mnaculine elegance? Clothes? GroomtngT WO lKLVoment presently Of course. Often It's one of hJs acceafiafies— lff the p his watch, Tho handsome styling of a P.M. ter strip iwivement with new tiltu PRIVATE BEACH* CLMIODS SURf Loiigines18 solid 14K gold bracelet watch (PARK FREE IN WfSTWBD AFTER 6 P.M.) all excavuUtitf identifies a man of impeccable taste— whero TfcetresMury for tlie , retnovintf trees, fur- excellent judgment. And Longines Dresden Has Mora Of Everything Nice iitjti planting ne^v trees, Warreni world-honored accuracy keeps him punctual t\u* jjoqulKfttor* of any necesHiiry at all business and social gatherings* ih inul nil of Ilia work AttHlk* UXt, M, To Beautify Your Home to tho Eacfe p ATTRACTIVE RATEt StscrlON II. That all of said im- provement whall h# marts uml com- Writ* to Brochu* DRESDEN Curtain Shop pleted ttml^r the supervision of the Tnwn K7tR^iu*oj* a»d In accordance 9 &m St., Near North Aw. "Not yet, dear!" with plans ami niiecifleatlorm that have hc^n }trep^red for ^Etnie a*Mt Cfciifti iw »rttbti» milt ar€ ROW on flio with the fcftr 6 of the Town Krj^tnsei1 and are horoby Jiiatle smrt of thin ordl- WMT SECTION HI. Tlmt the owners of us L CMtmt • F, r • rBfl *-• all Utmls on the tine of said im~ HM4I4UI * -' " * "' *" provenn*nt are hereby •\ *'•'.-••• if" requtrcd lo muko tho *--..* I house conneetums with the v h J 4 • • .mrs. water o,ntl K"fts mains in safrf street wlierever «uch connections, If made or instrtHed, would requlra excava- tion into the pavement Jo he con* f?i] uiuicr Uil« yF*ltnance, That coianoctions he mmlc nt the own coat -and expense with" in thirty dftys from and after this ordinance ip iuioptol HIM! that in an>' of »MIrl footurinQ mako said i suifl jj&rloil of 'tim*», tho Town QUALITY of •WoatfUjM nhatl tauwe sueli r-im- ANY to be marM and i>ay the and ahtl OHK« thtireuf, anil SERVICE PLAIN "IV. So much of tha co«t: oC the vork which is New Jersey Stale Trans- ve IfeiMiptment allot m^tftn portation i|k1U>d towards the Towrs'n SKIRT .sharh e uf-. thu tost of the* improve- ment. WITHOUT PIEATS SBtJTIOS V. It in hereby rleEor- mlntid and dvcbirefl that the number of annual inatailtnenta In which the -rr-i BaeHHinents ti> he teVfcd un PLAIN of MM hi improvements inuy Brauflfuily he imlflt Is Hve £53, HlSOrtOX VJt It in hcr

r witch purposes SECTION VIII tt ts hereby deter- mined uml Htated that all moniea receive*! £rom the New Jersey State TrajiBportatlan t)ej>ftrtment be util- The ji to retlro outstanrllng Iboni ^in- UTMOST notes issued for this pur- SOMETHING BECTION VIII, Not more In $3,000,00 o£ the sum to be raised j QUALITY UIG iMBuance of- said notes may be LAUNDERED SHIRTS ON HANGERS nfcefl tu finance interest on obHga- and tlonft titled to finance said purpose SERVICE whether t^nitKirury ^*r permanent or AT NO EXTRA CHARGE to finance c-nx'liitierJnE1 or inspection oosftfl nn<] K*KHt txpensefl or to finance the cost of the iHwiiannc «f In answer to on ever-increasing demand HUE IttBION »hErt HUi.li ohllsntiony aw pr»v!H*M) in saUI local bnhrt-laur, M.JAA. 40A*3-ifl. ( production deportment has 1M«I "r«*#ngiM«ftd' M that upon ION IX. It m hcrohy dcrtnr- and rtcclarec! tliat tlic t?ur[ritl fi*I »*SH f«r tbfl pn E*tif>s« far request, we may now plact shirts en hangars. the llnanring **£ which said notes an? to hi! [^wiieri JH & period or U1^ (10) yvarn tiuud from the date Men's Business ea. FLATWORK SERVICE X. U in herzhy rtet<*r mi net} ami tlcchirtMl that tiie plemontal fieht wtti*^nn*Ht rec SHEET 30c PILLOWCASE ... 16c t*y Mid laiv It;*** ijtcn rlaiy tmu]e SHIRTS - 25c ROI^TKIi CASH ,,,, 2Oe f.1»M3 €IiOTH ,,,.,,., me np ami VIUHI in HIP nftlvv. of th-> Towti Clerk tjf ftaUl Town uhrf that surii SINGLE SHIRT 2Be Statute Is hn:rwis^l by thin nnll- UH«E BATH TOWEL 21*. n (F.OIII fte SERVICE wAN huiuro 1>y |8fltO0O4O0 ami Ihjit. Hi LAC/MIRY BAfi , UK- I)l<4tt fXOTIf ,,,. fi« flf>!<'« taithftriKed hy I his NO EXTRA CMA*GI CHENIUE SPftfAO $1.25 up )?y said law, Beautifully Laundered and Finished XI. ThUonilnanfe shall LOW-COST effect tireoty (20) days after I.tic first piiblk:atlDTi thereof after

AS OHI*IVl*f TC TO AMI^Ir THK f.'ODK OF T«K t«W» CALYPSO i urn HV I»U>I\*; -TO with any incoming combination order of while they T.U$t "OtH W^V fi'nUC white they r-u IT t^ir>ArNrein uy tin- To *-*Min/*n of tho Town r>r W^Htfi^lrf last FOUR SHIRTS and A FLAT-WORK BUNDLE latt thr c^nnty of fnion r»H follows: KKrTION J. Thr- f^Klo nr th^ Town of WV'aMiflrl is SuLr€'hy am^ruh'd by

Av*-niffi Finrl Kirsr S ON in a N rr. r\u t ll 9I*. UOf \ GARMf Nl\ fth thin ntrtinlinef ar^ htjrrhy rp- IBOUGHI 'rttf'd to th*J c^xient of sm-lt inoon*

(N BMOBf SRATION HI. Thiprinthinnr^ Hball I? NOON FT


1 A *A 1 C'liin'-jJ or 'hf "i'nsvn of w r--r DBY ClfANING t. NO EXTRA CHARGE BANK


/}••( i , i ('> I r i DRIVE IN i . GAfcWOOD •! STORE I i Ml nr * t M f r 11 ; r c ro fff. by J,rvr, THE WCflTPIEEiD (NJ.> tflADISR, iliCTWDAY, JCI.V Sff, Friendly Town" Visitors Here, Gordon Smith Attends family w&S nuyvo to Westfk«kl Loses Program on Care of Paintings Y Registration Pa. Music Workshop offa iloucJi*^ almost Jutse Strcteclcl, dlfaroctor of (Pefeio 4,a Urn modkial studortt, NefW Jcftisey "Division of (Motor 'Porry Zlmmonrwin «f tho hrsrrd Gordon Smii, son of Mr, and Include admissions, scholar- ford, prominent Ntw Jon^oy H ,, iKs woil nn This Weekend More Coining July 309 Aug. 13 Mrs, H, R. Smith of ?09 Blvd is far *h© ffoowtd sum M and loura, couns^Jitng, eur- an KxoctiUvo RW of uf oil pahii-ln^, iMwIels UIH! simwhitf M w «ota4a*f S3 *'Mend agencies and hospllaJs select the (the West Chester mudical^related susponakm of ^i» diver's it- N, ,F., n n for Mk4f •suiiwnpir «ti etns.st«. *L1H*HO *ncr Joe* ©laisie® Ooiege Sumrnw M-lgh Sehoeri Woa-k- few ood tip wHl Ax* •Jy " #uest® to homes ^ens to Chuntos C, West, 24, of 341 k at nro -Ju»lc! ul, <(il»« PjiviJion HuHtUriM In summer, according to siiop In West Chester* St., urater tlie state's paint p.m. Sunday ot Uiiu J'iiviiilan V'MOA today, tomorrow for falowtship J of 537 Leoox Ave. lite hosting chidnefi are Mr. -Gcmdon, ^w ldt far Injf tj-n Mclnf Ijnkti T^BHC itri 'Mountain- of Uitt Uiilim C'tuuiiy J nrk Bu&uritay, 'WH> iiJassos 'wbfcob will July 3 wiKati tie jikiyfi tiie violin and system. need pQj&ifotffoii am dl group trivet! test week Wl oilier Mus, Alex Beatiey, 'Wb*. and Mrs, * Dr, iCirfm 3'lso serves as associate side. This program, which is on of itta ore expected to FAtsegcr(ttki Mr, and Mais. Al-plitiio, wia return femns^ow. He Is Uw bi-niotit'lily Atjnuiiur arf {taitrafekm groujw 1 a sfcudent at Wosliiwid High SuiiooL professor of -phyisiology. Prior lo llwh, Jlyfog toft, tfunfc vacations 3IOKI July 30 dan JVlarkson, .Mr, &n& Mrs, Ilobert New .iGi^soy College «f Med- tho New Jctnsey Callage of Medi- by Academic Artists, Monthly ttiwt will huriwlo and Autf, 13> 1 A CuH m«mfo*sr«toH) far 'WastfiokJ Mr. and Mm, Foin- Dr. Kiahn ohic, will shonten the number of fa open to U» pttbllc at no . On 11 Wtrft'! cr«J4MlS (Mid W!Ul|AUW\ Ul dcnljfl Is weeded for itiese classes or mosi fotpilies keep, a koter, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce RoHn of yoara of me#^ instruction for ififilde Che btilldtnfi will l>o to Utitsv \)vcv\m\fAy t\ oourso fee & osa ivosf oufesMo of lor tho two-woelt. pufiSeated Mr. and &fins. Bum Dr. Kahn Promoted iti Georgetown new students.'* work by wiw Moncd. which 1 have -wtjU?rKtod Mr. SHmmcnuun's WatfMA t some on*fe^ai*:|h(ar guests fcaH, School ot Misii^ne and DemUst-ry, He Ik complied, ''tiw avor^e medi opon to Uio public, uro heJd Obtsurvaiion »£ »H bays uciivitias all summer. Among, are Mr. earned BA, MS iWKi PJiD degsues at at liio PiaviHon during JWH! < gf "Hie FVi^idly Itown prognam which At Medical School cal Muident at the sNew Jersey Col ! Irom grtactas four «wxi up we summer. lo bot h IKIUILS tttid jiin- and Mra. ©avW Bpeehitrctt M Pertoe sea aiwut 2.200 commum- New York lUwvefslty aiKJ is a mem- tege til Meciltane is bocom^ng more arts bold Mils W0ek, Achievement Or. Anfchur J. Ke&mt assistant dean ber of the Ameitan Association for 'Mir, Zimmerman, 1KIS done km n-!4f at inodosi fees. in 12 dtatsa atong lie eoaslorn j aixi more -a. studeiU with keen soda) bo i£ivaltabk> fallowing etttfi class, for the Ififth year.- ; for studrait Ntew Jcmsey the Advancement of Science, the 'As- restoration work for mn&y museums Artists Inc. h a vohm- seaboard tammget* for ^tmil'teA in atni is concerned «bout i&\ group of over 300 In iHlditfwi to ifoo awlmmfeig tn- The We^^kJ CounOtl of of Medicine and * sedation of Amertoan Medical Col- and pnlvato collections, will utilize fitrueiion gixwps, several open dago- subitrb;m areas to entertain city- t)een axlvianced to asscdate dean leges and *he Society cf Siigma XI own role in the aammumty," in every lawn Church "Wonwo: apwisaos the area tbildren ag«a S42, for two- an o!3 jMriroidflg and dcmonstraUi es Uwolvlmi gym work wttt &e avail- for studen* affairs at New Jersey In discussHsg hte new post Dr. some ol the mofchods and in Union County #$ weli as other able for boy« with futl Y mem&er- M«, William Cober week periods. Or, Kahn served ac a member oJ hi North Contaal Jersey. This was announced iod&y by DP.fGahn stated, "modem medicine Is Board «f Eowatioft in East ques involved in comEcrvation ships. From July 29 (through Aug.who Iwads (the council, tietr eon Greg Kulon W, lUwsan, Dem of Medi- attraeting a ienger mumber m New^ York, grade' if" it does not id vane*.— Dr, Kahn joined the college y-eaar, ^and modenMzatioii of the med- •hestne. with his wiife, -Ihe former iod 6n ihe came of paintings. ed as an essential of high character, classes Wednesday and Friday and j Some 80 New .Yorfc Gibbon.. . faculty in 1956 md be and hisical curriculum, aow under way at McVey msd their lour dii*iren, Zimmerman is? a member of —James Anthony Froude basic gymtiftstlc «i TMrsday. In

to ;tfam %ym activities, • > -•

i swkm will he avaii- > • for tfraxfe school boys every . -r t: -^ day at 11:30 ami Monday, Wednes- ^t on« fltntraUon tolls anothor . ... about fin* ffurnltur* at Hahna & Company" day and fWday at 4:30, Junior tiigh «tid high wdbooi tw» • r • -•

may parttc^uite In the swimming * • instruction and gym IIUWPRW. io ad- - iL -\.; dibkm «lw-iw«^eni wUl hawe open . , y.". gym periods ttoily finom 2 unttl 3:30 -•i - 1. K-* • . , !•*. •"' .1 • j !•.',• v ' * •••! -'--'. • . I- mid rocreatwoud wiin* Mondoy, : .J i •'. V. I •-' .' .' • '" - Wednesday and Friday from 6:15 •* - ;. F :. until 6. JtiKli achwl boys w^l etoo * + *•• ,

= T v I L • _ TH bave i«c trf «be weight w»m daily; * "~ i • .i • *.-, i i^-*"

The lipper gym of the Y wifi tw 4 •-!-!. .. Jtl i^^j^T -••-" 1 «, \st . •*' -V ckwed *wm Aug 23 unW Soptt 9 • ••: • - • • -

•• •, for tietintottng, Wte haoiUU court f J •I -.*••• > , i — r-c WESTFJEi. is presently dosed for rwwvatton -f win i^open near the «nd tf the

t ••

•I"1 V

i'-L',^ V -i :.- -•/;- r -. •.. . .• . - ^i . . - • Peter .' -, L.'-I \ • :• At Fort "••-•/

Army '^Oihw^ai .*»• i'tf W- to CWPW E, " *.^ - \

^^^^•^^^^ ^vs ^B^P* ^^H^P^^H-^^^^^^^^^^^P^F^^P^P^^^V^ ^L ~^^^ ^^^^^t ^^^^^ i ^^^^^^p^^^^^^*^^^^^^^~ ^c the Untie*,j«^'A*#^ . i -.-

. J He wm»pe«* .$» noat fcwp Ji *fae todays nwfcrii,

. t Mhi; ita - ' •*-.' der

i. . '---.-•^ -rl» Ikst-aid lor , .-t'.V*;:.,"•••-<•. rwtk>kigk»t - JC -i.' * tiw un of modem mria .' i. l witithh oeorttn rttt of proper phy»H»l diet, ra* «rf health twUte, w*U be ample opportunity to tiUtiie USA-TC- As maw *** varied rf

andiwigbtti IMIMiM. • ^ •L Foltowing the completion of - .r , Qflw, who Asttie «n .- • J - r Sd>fc^--rf


an additiooai right nwta •>*T?py.'.-" ^.' I' -I diher advanced *»tnKt*»;.« «Mi»- L. 1 "J • job itoiaiatag to qtiaWy Mm, in a •: • •- .

spedaiiiad tniiitary aktt. / -.. '•.-..,.'» . •-! t .1-.

'. i l) - 'I "

u* •. •- Borough Council .- • :w. - I OK* Land Purchase -i f -.::fPM^ The purchase of one and 1- -. acrat «I4*KI «*ned fay , .'...•' .i .(,:"' 'v i '^r'.j1,1^: ht'.ji"1* J.*1";:. i --.'.-

1 : ir V*#o4a Dreyer at the rear >of •• •. - •(.•••• •;"_:^:- ;.^:.-:"; .-.t^ -; \ - - • :T wood Sdwoi was auttartied last by the Moui**Jn«ide Boroutjh • •,.•-• F" " • • ... • _ , • J Purchase price The land wiU be wed for

:"-l •---••. •• * a and also will be ,f :• -m- .$•:.:. •• • <.• -.'...-"'," '..'/ -._".•"-.....--. .. :• T ' . j...... ^ » ^-. . i'.,.ii.jf.jJ..im. ,--. . K • : . • •-•"?"•.»• t •: i - • -J.. •.!.•';- ...... ; ^-^ - •, , -

kev future exparataa if needed. -' '-'-".' C

•- •••• T • \l L . -••• •-•. .! ^ ••"-••••-. -...., , _ . license Siw - , ,,••- - ' ' • i .• . "• . ^ • , • . ,

suspension of the driving •- - - '--•. - -;,: = -.-\:,^:--^ :.,.^; f . '. •• >.. ••;' • .- - -L •- ••:."%'..-^/tV.-J::' •::,:£*: .'.^^-..^ •.'.•.•;-•;.•.^ •-

. -p . -•••-••• ' •:::- ••- \ • • •• ": : L.'-.- J • . ^- - * -.• • • of Robert L. atacaMh. 31, 0* _ [ = •• •^"-•V^V:;:^"1>:-

.. "- ••Z:'--:.i-•••> -. ••• •••.-•'( .•:"'•. -. l^ -•-* -:•-:••- : .-'• • -."• 818 East Brwd Si for six maatte - -. --W^" : •*:--J-Smr\:: -i .' •^-•.^..-. .-•^'.-' 'I' •: • •••-"_' •.../•' i • • i "• .. •:. ,\" i • ; --1. . ". . - . r... 1 JIBS . • ..--;~\y.;.- •-,' I--:^-. -.•* • i, v, -.\.\ .:,.,„•- '. been announced by Mta Juoe •• - .• • •-••*. • ---: •, -, "•••• t\;.:• --0*-\-: •> -, . •

r . r . 1 •• -• -v? i •?' • .fl" ." " : . Strelecki, director of the N, j.'tt- - : • "> -,•*•;.•-.: -•;•••.•...- r -, ,•• • -• - ^ • ^.-. vtsxn of Motor Vehicle* ^ convk*«d of


InlSuence of intoxicating iquor In --• "-• -• .]-.- "•-;^? ::-: -r •': •

11 I L • I' "I ^ -• '• I •;"".' . ' ' 1 • •• •• •• i t •• IJ i i • l .•:'> ...... •v- . -\-~ •: ... \ - • ir-\ •-•.•:• . • -" •:'-,*• .-t; ••- • ^. ... • • • • ••••;;-. ••-• •• _ -. r r -i LEADER ADS . J wAtrw&mpzfv; •_•_•-•_'J^.}-< fl.\ -•!•.••• •-

•_ *!_ - - .=..: i- BRING RESULTS .,- - '..•-;^-:.^- :J .'.'. •- - -

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• i> • • •- ^' .•. -•• •• 1 .•;">.• w-Vk- ":-: ••^•1 pressive •?. -.r-^ v..'c: " -•/•:• __ sale M

i '.-••;- '.- •>-• • i . • • I - 1 •'• p . • BUILD BETTER Hahn Compony innumera -•• •: M".S -v" •"••' -^ '-'' •• .. -:- vv-.-yy .:•• -•• • = -• COMMUNITIES furmture Hands ^- ." -. Citizartsftip Jnvolvis motm . -^ . . -

. L •' than cisdng a ballot, attend- teful ." . .. I •• . ing • civic cJub mesting, and ..'it. .1. , obeying th« law. luxurious adlo CitlzaMhip m«»n» whoia-

\ *\#>' •••• Martfld, day-to-day $yppariof : •• ••-v- "• -• - both govern m«nt and the civic (amp • •• ./••/•• .•:•?». ••'. ,•. , .: -of. '•-•.•.-"'•'• ••" '-•••- : - • • -" •net philanthropic agencies : . . . -. j.-,.iiw.ii i i. . . _ . . .^ • • -,-• which work for community im- bedd - - -• -.*'••-. jl^Vi - "•-- ' '-

•. • ••• '..••-•'-•.•.••.• • - •-• • • - ::••.' ? i1--^ ••: - provemsrit . •- -. :• •• • •--. i" v .-i (name of agency or proftel) - - •- •.;••• -•'•;•"•.•••: :. benefits youf community and ade draperies and .\«po«e« *—tjirectiy or indfrtctly—&an«- **•£.. I..tp:\k- fits you and yours. And yqur help is appreciated, dd

1 -f. -: _"---• ana deserved, . v-1. -•.••.•• .•- --•-•- z. . f won't you?

-. - -

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1 - - ^' } v •-• -•- ••-.•• .. •- - y . i - •


> -: - -•:•:• ^•71, '/'/"' 2dt X- ^^P—^" j—^-^- ' r. u^-^'.i.- ..-_•••••••-.-•- • L*'^ ^ •:' •" ? -•,!" , ua-.J:,n,,-"'^i i' -L^*"."I •-•• *---„. - e THE WBBTWHLft (N.,7,) LEADER, THURSDAY* JULY *fi, IMS THE WESTFIELD LEADER Life In The Suburb* JR// Al Smith Leslie to Head 8 urtd Jt^Jd, 4, A native of NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Bttach,

Alf lltAU MtMHIH THE DRIVER'S CMt *. U&te « m&iMA, for poai yeat* maoftgo** of wjitlplnent Cadet Albert Byrne Ji*. SLAI U 3 FEELS GOOD and tekUUes Wnte^ol f«p ilolmaott ft At Pa. I^GTC Camp DON KNOW WHETHER Automobile drivers tffl& wielr pas- of 1 m^i3truil Division l of L, Byiiw J¥«* mm of LAUGH SORE sengers should eaJf Mliitowy Reservation, CIJC Mr, Leslile, a #eaide$ife oi 32 Gan- Semtoar, sponsored by Chicago ! Quality of Niuv Jersey Motor Club, G3VTs flssletant diteetor tet-ibury La.f dts a Pii Se4a Kfl(H>a fthe eneampment^ he la NiHV JtM y six weeks rt training In l<;ilitoj'iftl of automclslve safety englneeaing, graduote ol Stanford Undver^ty, fie WAT/TEE J- publisher Tltomss Fisher, said -fdiat U ear oc- fa cwrentfy afeo sevvihg as a volun- 'leadership, tiftto mairkmiwi^iip, phy- GAIL W, TJUMBU cupainks would poafctilon W»oraselves teer tn the Atmuffl Mo«pijb^$ A|>pedl sical condlbitfti^ig and c$m military In advance of a coilistoti t^iat coufefei't to New iBrutwwtek and itt «ie subject! be avoided, they'd ireduce their field YiMOA Fund Wye, , Upon successful completion of «utti" chances of susts^ing setious Injury In his homo icommunity Mr, mer camt> and g^duai^» froin col- THURSDAY, JULY 25,1968 by as i^ucli as 80 per cent. Is director of the Grasshopper Boys lege, fas sins eligible to be com mis- Aityone who to traveled on a -U.S. Baseball League tint! diainrtan ol the stored ®s & second lieutenant in the MIXED EMOTIONS airline In the past knows er 1 portion of the steeriing wheel and newsf views and reviews of special interest to She community's high , My wife died at 5:30 a.m. At least day society turn our backs on anything the government— moyfoig thefar bodies forward against of ihe new shouidtfr belts, a front school - college age group — and incidentally' to these concerned with I have two lend memories, a local, county, state or federal—wants to give us, perhaps the wheel. Other safety authorities seat passengw sitould #m forward HEATING Oil tiiese age groups. •EDWARD M. HAYES against it, i^teatl of the ctaalibc^-d, because it seems like we are constantly paying these gov- Almost a dozen young people representing as m&ny different colleges say the same thing, but add that the 15 Inis ltd., Summit driver slimed also rest im forehead The VJ&, Public H«ffUh Service •rinw erning bodies more and more, (The average total tax and universities will contribute fco the special page — end most of them against fois homds (wfeioh isre on the reeon^mends that you wear iight- this year is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $3,500 have gained their initial exposure to the world oC journalism through ifoe wheel) a split second before' the colored -w reflective clothing or ac- FUOMANN OIL CO per family!) Westfield High. Sdhool newspaper, Hi's Eye. Bobo is Home! crash. cessories when out walking after A wide variety of features, including interviews of young people with dark. But the fact remains that in-town student bus trans- purposeful summer careers and experiences, wilt be included, as well Editor, Leader: Fisher recominefltfcs that froni^aat portation was less than half the cost per student for the *as comments on politics We strongly believe in fair play—and are sure that (the business distract at a

* * * l parents of private school students are too, because it's •La C. Pevcy, Peter C. Ten- A ]i*r£c number of ft^ks we Calif. T;i V u their tax money that also goes to support aueh legislation. Eyck, Brent G, Wallace und Thomas about no Saturday mail deliveries, But when there is so much need for money to be spent S. Rk-hey Iff selected far newJy- but 'tot's look at it Urn way, it adds \ for education in the classroom, it seems unfortunate to fomied Berkshire Boys Choir at up to a care-free weefcand. No more Deadline Set tetox, Mass. M M waste it on getting to the classroom. creditor ta*%-dues to get you AH-town 'tennis tournameavt $s spon- down, esqumally those stamped, ** sored by Westtiefid Recreation Cotn- '"Dsird & E'msl Request." Stuff Me For Admissions tbi^ can iadd sffcrakes tt> your golf Incidental Reading game. George P. Lyncs, director asi6>on, Eng- Federal grants received by state and local governments If elevated protective devices ca?n- lish Mteratiipe, $*»} Western Euro- in New Jersey in fiscal 1967. This was the highest cost not be eOTustructecf in fth»e critical pean Wter-ature- vs. benefit ratio of any of the states. spots, *nay I then -humbly suggest FIVE ptittimg Jn li^ght 'wheate there are none The U. S. Bureau of Census confirms that New Jersey let the rrujtomists' an«J pedestrians is low state on the Federal aid totem pole. Its figures it mit show that in fiscal 1966, New Jersey stood 50th among By FREB W. KOKE It is Indeed taikjusie^ x?f fcbe mrtdsar* the states in per capita revenue from the Federal Govern- ^'Ih England mini ities to -ask anyone ^to serve as a ftraffie-eiimiting policeman under ment for both state and local purposes. -skirts -are tax. evaders." Over there OPEN VINGS CCOUNT •they have a 12 Va per cent purchase these prlmittve cowMttoiw. What is TODA ** tax on skirts longer than 24 inches even more remarkable is ho find from waist to hem, and ahem, you these melting men wmxmplmmng "It's only a fraction of the dollar drain, but upward maintaining a good disposition. of $13 million a month is mailed to Social Security bene- •and I know very few skirts «wne imder that category today. Anything •We have a good, 'alert, sympathe- ficiaries living in foreign countries. There are 180,000 of •shor te p in ski rt dwn te ckssified r and dependable police force here them, with recording the highest number, 36,000. as children's clothing and not tax- in Wesbftebi For which we are most able. grateful Let us r distress. it does in the U. S, Still, if that $13,000,000 a month Since n?im lengths, aecordmig to ding •a«n offi-oi-ad mnas^rer t'mce work, if AMELIA L. SMITH were being spent in this country, the economy might be you ca=n gtt it 1 run from 13 to 20 708 Bciilevard . . . more stable/'—Taylorsville, N\ C. Times. inches, {.here are an awfu-i lot of

•'• :•; J: :*i w^men goin^ around parading &s Crateftii (o Police "The people of the country are pretty much fed up k'.ridics. Birck m 1770, George Ul a tax co teas and t!:at re- K^l-tor. Leader: with the flouting of the laws, and the condoning of that, in sr-.str-nt revoluticn, so f Let m« thank a kind courteous flouting by enforcement officers whose hands are tied don't think Uiere H a«y duanee of pc Jcemam who with a wa-ikie-talkh by court decisions of recent years. A thief is a thief, an parHame^t ever puttfcng a tax on tacted his headquartffrs r>n^fi-&lcJ Ime in WESTFIELD MENU) PARK th& 4$y tttttw sonvtf Mf tote ft £h«ey v£i'# i& crttee1 MOUNTAINSIDE fetf" ®hM tfa$ #/£•> €titeAfrte$ t£ t THE WESTFIEU) e of- . A«4hony Sciibti, Westfleld po* A man couldn't tell tola two of their fellow .students who fered by Union Collcgo at «i,*n- lice officer, dins foen aw»»vi©d $12,000 This Is another in a series of eahol could be removed kam may bo using drugs, but Ihfey do moi More 4ban JO.QO& sdiool eliitdsm roy. Two astronomy compos for opart, He 'luted cuUiitg li!>e quesUyni and answer* on drug reoiefh of titohtfta* in 4i)e Cnaofand w^ool sys Prof. Swackliamer said Aug. i will 1 Astronomy: tlte Eartii and Q.—Our child says "ftaootal Used vis marijuana? wilt be LHwrfkfcotiai and tfiat they tern's FiMjeet Uplift, Boy Scout enc be the deadline to apply for courses in mrttemtioii Is alii right. Why not may octuaily be doing a feUmV Beyond," finaj*«xJ undtv Title III GAri Scout troops and service c&ifcs marihuana if used in moderation A—.As flf June 24, 1968, the AMA of the Ekmicntary and Secondary kv the interessliOTJ, 'Which is^opert to SAME DAY SERVICE student a feviar. ! i took the following position: Education Act, Activities ol Amateur Union College students as weE ss mid sensibly?" What do we answer? 1. €aamafrks is a dangerous dtag Q.—Do all drugs produce the name Under >£he Title III project, 30 Inc., inciiHfed monthly executive those from other colleges and tjnl- A.—Finat, we say -that and as such :is & {mblte i»aith con- ftnptoms? How can a parw* BUS: teafctoers were given &i- oommitiee medings, fcd-weekly meet- Wesrfield Studios use is against the tawf Next, cern. LJCTWIF llt-UA U2KJ S • \ verslties, Students ciiroomfely attend* Bible use Is diftaUt io aefofeve since e training in asfcronofny and Ings of tlw Tekscope Design Com- and Commercial 2. Utiliwitirjn iota out one of our mittee, weekiy m irrar grinding ckss- statement

-_ LI • •

r Martted

! •_ - I- •»- I Why should v h r P OMfil you give 15 minutes The foltowing '^,p - inade >n WwtfieW Court Iwt Wad. to f his man? nlgbt by Judge J«dtJ. Oa- * • . i

L I Cyn» A. ftukw, 5M Downer St., Jamvi R. Gibson flfi St. widafam ol our tart yamIn history, and ,';••: * • \ - ctobf.Hn8 with low ytarnrnd etaraiin K«ri i mm* m*em& 232-1400 rfeM i^i nH '•• Chrytlm .nd Plymouth.. M Models

vocation of Jtemtofar it? rnrt*», to ehoowfrom, with taatum Ilk* V-B or . * qg. , Ftflte, much much mom. All ckNur

4 ^i- j . y •".-.• -j- ^ •. - - w County Chryriar, Ply p "- 1 >r*upi«% for tM pariod of OctotMf --.. -, c - ii r '-i ^ ••.•, - • ^ Hay, 19W,whll* U.S. domMUo car tataa On**r oown mow than 1% for th* ami parietV *•> .... . *r rlf 1 before h. got ft1 '. * - >**r:' 'i *•• - " •v * over-

off the ar«, you know. Th«y 1090 8WTHA«. war Review - ,^ boils. A policy h«r« ... a policy ih#r«, and ofrtn *h»y tnd fay buying too mwcfi. that'i why w« crtatvd "Ptrional Hannlng Scrvlcv"... to toko Htf fcit or mJit ovt of ln*uranc« buying, And btcouit w* know of no ^oundtf way to grow than tffrouob «otitf!«d cll«nt». Coll oin* og«nt-H»'i an oxptrt in hi. fl»!d. Mok* an appotntm*nt with him. Thlt ' * plan r#qylr«» |u>r If minwi«i lo •xplaln. But wltfi li/yog 90 a Sport y long way toward purling your 3-door F«t Top hottM In ordor. PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA BROS. Mm In inturonc* *tne« 1165 576 NORTH AVI., EAST 443 NOtTH AVI., WIST , *, wntn w« quit getting Iwttor, WESTFIEID, NEW JM WISTFIILD, NEW JERSIY ^« »top b^lrtg good.

-: A i

- ' '

LAINFI L . • urs ay - Friday - Saturday JULY 25th 27 th

Thrt« p day* fivittf you wMfttomil larger nUction and mOr* tUp*h All this plut utual high qualify «ndl •«tall«nf wrvi makm DC NFIELD a wonderful ptac* to shop find pltnfy erf parking soawt convanwntfy t be an audience of one for an obscene caUer. Hang up. on* block of any star*. So don't mi« tho thrao The phone rings. Yon pick it up. Don't! Hanging op will usually discourage Urn from When whoever It is doesn't say anything, or does calling again. most exciting days ever . . . Wainfield Doys. Say something obscene, ot doesn't identify himself— Should the calls persist* however* pfease let yotir by 1h§ Trt« dfm-m * g ~ - ^ * -^ ft L t . .i .#a".J* j/^t F *1> Mm/ tew mvlfa it00fan m mm ju rug© THE WKSTFIRT4> (N..r.) LEAI1EW, THURSDAY, JUhY £5, IPOS

John Fitch; WE'RE AS NEAI

The Early Conception of the TO YOU AS By Dlimnc Itnitfur, Imnnriihfc men- rwwciul support., hitl llwy itinwd him RAPID REFERENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES tion wliHitT fiwjm Room-veil Junior Fiidi tiiil niaiutg^, ihongli, to Hlgjtl Hrfimil In the jiiitimil OAK lils- few people ijrtwosted erMe OP VffiSTFI&O Clements Bros Compltl* Qualify l anight cnH, an "inventor behind Ww -in -thoso ek&Uss. B«rrt» Auto Pkk-Uj> food Morkrt Jnvontor." \\y ilm Linio, funds were almost /AC • Prime Meat—Cmtom Oat fi»nr|0§ STATION RADIO TV till WNtllll Bunt >in Siiulh Wimlwi', Corns., in FHcli wn=s i*unmng into •ft A*«, W. • Horn* AlartH Food 1743, .Mm Fllvh wi\& tho st He managed to pay back his AND APPLIANCES . B. rrulti 4 1 •poor Fnrmor. John WHS a dt'hts, Uioutfit, and started work on LATEST IN COLOR.TV Inrial tad child, and ho wns nni nh!e to holp a third model. This model was 41w ON DI8PLA? AT Ot)H STOKT3S UNION COUNTY DARBY'S DRUG STORE FUEL OIL and ^232-0402 anuch wiih -the wnrfe in the fields, most successful and was put Into W8 SBBVICB WHAT WE fSBUU VOLKSWAGEN, lather resented his w use on the Delaware, but 856 Mounrciln Av«. as a 4\*«iiH, lit1 vv;is often unkind here were a Tew problems. First of COIOR TSIEVISION Irtc BURNER SERVICE io him. John tovod to study. the jstonmbont was too much of 139 tout* Ay*. W, Wwtfl.td Call 232-220O cvor, ami although ho had only two a novelty. People were satisfied 232-4660 VOLKSWAGEN CENTII 450 North Av«. E. Wtttftold years of school, ho was good at without it and were not yet ready • MOVING ft STORAGE jn-at-h. for such contraptions. John Fitch C«ntrol Av«. (Opp Qulmby St.) C»r» ! tWhen John was old enough -to look twenty years ahead o( his time. BUtlon nrau ana j 0 AWNINGS, SHADE! 1 + mucEl for work, !hc chase to become a sur- Second, the engine took up too much HENRY P. TOWNSEND veyor because of his skill in math- space 'and there wasn't enough room RANKIN FUEL CO. ematics. This job lasted until there for passengers. Third, people pre- ELM RADIO & TV, INC «-T4W Wettfi»fd Window Shop SARTELL'S , WINKMCH STORAGE was no marc land to bo surveyed; feraed to tnavd by coach. Headquarters for MM-M Whirlpool -T- KHch«« Ai# — rom then John decided lo work for a Fitch Allied ^iwtiier anodel and HfctnUton t^ < DEt.IVERT MOVJNG ft FACKINO stou'o clerk. Bo was treated Eiadly, auuned it the "P&i^evorajiee" btit it W«iit«rfl * 'Dtwmtm . €*u tra-mt Ml ««tCh AT*. W. WwtStU Hoo«r Vaouttm Clemn«r« cvutort iiiougfi, and soon left. was yanked f ram UWJ dock in a stomi KCA Color TV, R id I oft. Kto. . AS t-44M While John continued to look for and grounded. Because Fitch was t • I*. WwrtleM work, he met Mr. Hooker, a dock- too poor to salvage itr he just left snaker who was looking for on it there, OPTICIANS pmniico. The thought of *his kind After Fitch fead giv

- --*•' liowevw, 'he lost ills hard-earned skMf, Whan 4his at- • KITCHBK AID LXKOLKUlt — rORMICA # Wut American I A*. CO. money 'through g futtth InporUtf engine operated -a set of paddles an inveMion w$m$i irevol FLOOR WAXING Cryitml which, in turn, moved the boat. Al- water tramsportaWott Clt it worked, people were not WIG S At ON »nd aitaara PAINTS Interested »«B t* HruniwUb 14 ProtpMff H. nounccaneiit by June Strelecki, di- opp. VI r« RAMBLER, INC Moth* ra HO!f KIT WOHIC rector of the New Jersey Division Dial 332-0075 • frn Dtrtlia* Btwii of Motor Vehicles. Autheriiwd BudfAt 421 Horlfi Aw. t. Dlol 233-5372 la Trar 1 RAMBLER SAMOSET LAUNDRY Oavk SERVICE. INC. 656-1510 Part* — ft«p«lri • HEARING AIPS UJPHCRT - BRT CLt 3SI4 X«MMly «*4., Jmty CHy "Drlvi-In 9«r»lo« ROBBINS UStO CA«$ GOOD HEAIfNO |ifdbliih*cf 237-245* • CUJTAtftt, MLAFH1IS STARTS AT THI 349 South Av«. t V SUfllNGFIELD ALL! IOCAL AND IMPOITID MOTORS HEDAl LONG DISTANCI Advertise MOVING ROTCHFORD PONTIAC DECORATORS * A I.FA~R0WF,0 CENTER LUMBEH FONTTAO-TEBIFSHT * Zenith l ft Servtce UNSM8 • 8BDPPREADS III PACKfNO win ffpfid C«r# Sal«n — Service — Part* H^arlaat Aid* We SpedaUxe In Service of CLAIRB I,. AHRENS J. S IRVING COMPANY Cuitom Made LOUIS M. TOTTEN All Domestfc A Tmport^c! Cart COVER? • DRAPERIES* Ceptifie<1 Hearing Aid ^760898 sffi Of Every



and you ynvo us a stone. Hcnccroi'ilk WJ want w>U»lntr of yoti. We THiS COMMUNITY of .Julin, two. purl o{ 1 In* l,r.s- *KS it bUick TruH'hw wlHiln 4in ullcn naliom." Wow, ttlap, it WKins thai PRESTtYTEKIAN N(jii-Si*rnKni lillt'tl "Truth" !u \w iv.nl i Sermon of the Week ooaiuiiu*»lty is WLUIPK la uct&ji :hc fioLliu»io*it in»)|>OMx] by tlic Mccltiig IIcaw Kane in CIUM.Hiiiu »Sojnit'u dniirlit?s 1 CHURCH SERVICES Moonln Inside "WHERE THERK IS NO VISION" of 3look l^Wii . Tho shfldes of niyiit. Die dnrknare, Uw CIOJUKIJWSS, Indeod, conio upon R«T, J&lmor A. Tolcoii Jr. Art ami,' **> Rov. Jurat! WMUkix us, for we drannr crlelos woumt mn\seh^s. We build fem*i»fl which keep MlnUlfT rend I, by ap- July JO: 9:30 n.m,, jnoii'nintl wor- l-'ddy, U Litis: "Wo clussify Test: Proverbs 29:is (Kltig James Vawtoni "Whew Uwr© ie wo Vision Uic same ttteclsfon, Fow Join tfw iutt human family and know what it is pointment. , PIL^CJ* dcMoncliy and Ur. lleii- us* hut Tiuli to stumd in thn d^itUy of suns of Gad. Perhaps, pwhaju we uhall pedadi for Rev. — Arrangement! (0 be Societies in *bo past havo been ctacd soplcUca. (n our day ry MJiKt urn liouil, tills Mind luck or vision. Ferho[u -wo cltoose and shutl cltoosc ttio way of ignorance Key, Jolm Murphy at rectary two months ID id 1 1 1 4: 0:30 am., mumh^ wor- mus. IJL (Kvini , not Jiuinim," is ©ngwged In $ universal Mutiggto between closed and otxm soclcUos, The as iKifu^t- fi*oiii Uw iKuty o^ tjut'iul ciwuiji'. , JtfcXTOHY: 31U Flf«[ Street /aoce. ltubuii Van Sumira -JI( K.t'.sl. <;iiui'cK o/ Cllllsl, modern world is involved in the patae of now Wrlh, but die cannot K is tint my iu^k to moke pro;ntec3 (o you, of to paint * way picUuo Pbonc: AD 2-0332 forth. OhrbUuirtUy is on Uic aide of an npcu ttopltily, but if ClristumUy of wltatliutf l a. U u not hedged in by fences. It« unffoiated,, dyn- Ice liturgy, music and hymr>9 4. Let my people gol ship, Rev. Jay Laslicr and Uoufilas 7:13 and 8 am, unlev otherwise an- SCIENTIST TuUle. llw coii«rc2nl.ion. Setviccs conclud* amic, tr^Htiye, conim^n>cative, changing, flexible, spontaneous, alert, In UKT .in. alive, gro-wkig, serving. It is a free society, welcoming all attern»Uv»&— wse tS7 HUmr AT* Sept. 1: y:30 a.m., morning wor- the decision to To firxl Ks feet end go, First Friday Mtoim* *:30, 7:15 Inquiries ai'o wclconwd regard- courageoBuly lacing them and personally making dsdaions in regard to modern idiom at this service And you can telfei i Funwood ship. Tamhlni. Oliild care is pro/iocd during the ing Toinplo mcniUcrsiiip ^nd tJte to- them4 To jHit 4t snore concisely — the open society Is open to all truth. made because H i* ^ legitimate ex- Go, my peopde, go for &inday Services: 11 a.m. Wednesday waning testUaony worship s tal lcilig.pus i):'ofij'am for children Therefore it ia lucW about life. It is «wam of fct evW'ChanginE sHuatlon pression of -worahip In our day, a Go h«re aL home and oversea, and adulis, ;IN weK att nuraidi-y schari. OUR UDV uT LOURDES rd'* Pnyer, Hymns l«t Friday Mnni«t-e:30, 7: IS. FANWOOD PHE8BYTERIAN provided by a youth choir, « banjo, NovenB-Our Lady U Bllracutoui OF CHRIST sidered t>y mean* of question and prtblcn* of itetime, m »H their fcnptfofUiam, e dbMd iockty tim m in are taken from a new hynrnal en- and several gaiters. CHVRCH answer particH>afon is, "Empo^'er- e fiUut dr^an Tho iugsernwt of bifrtovr move* ov*r k, tea^-ing wr«ck- titled "Hymas for Now." The wordi Medal, Monday. « p.m. E. Broad SI. at Springfield Are. 74 Mtfiiac ATC, Swrth Following the two services last Jamet Fowler, MhAater a Priesthood for Effectual Ser- ag« and oifa* everywhere, and the aaciety in its pabh' i* h>lpteag beoauce of tftitee hymns, ali of wnich bava Sunday, the congregation approved L. Uynt John P. MJHir it !• etowdto the movement of history, ckwed *o the enroling future. b««n wr^tcti very rweoUy, moat Bible School . Sunday: 9:30 am., Sunday school; vice." the sale of property at 100 Eofltman Tuesday: 8 p.m., the Bible study .BtblteaUy, a passage that expreesea this insight to FimmU 29:10. as appropriately expraac man's need St. to the Genmt Services Adminis- Opens Monday 10:30 a.m., church service, guest Sunday, 10 -o' wrtns-hip ser for the eternal God agalofit the con- speaker; 6 p.rn./ywtb group meet- aid to be used during a question and tivmalatad in the King James Version, "Where there is no vMon Uie tration to provide for the expansion The Rev. B. N, Christenfien, pas- : the Roy. John P, Millar asnwor discussion will be, "life people perish," which *e confirotu today. An of tte Crantad Post Office. tor, announces that the Chriatian and ing; 7 p.ni,. ev&nwg ssrvkx. preach. .Nurs-ery oaie fs provided for i-s ttu- fo&owiaig hymn 4>Gp • TJwre wHL be servacea each eve- Everlasting in the Freedom of tho Vision has to do wift seek* what it, there. When Utf* «*«*« fa Uie t Mcssionary Alliaawe Cfcurch chi'-dren UDdtr three. The Sons rtf ficd." •< ning at 8 p.m., Monday through Fri- darkness, it is .not -the Ught we see, ibirt, rather, our fiumundkngB *s dis- tor Mo," which will be sung tihls conduct a two-week daily vaoa gaUon is inwted .to stay for a time day. Everyone curiitlly dosed by the Mrfrt. When God's Uglrt 5hlws into the ^tnid it is nol Sunday. Bible soitool, MowWvy ot tfcl^ow^hip ond irofre^hm^nt un- God who nun me* — not God's woncjer, Hb Bttfuty, or Ilia Love, but Let rny people «o! TViday, July » thnough Aug. 8, at Nursery facilU.it.* provided at der '.he 4rees foKcwin;? the service. More Church New* The voice said clear and low. Denman Ave. services. ID am., church scbool fcf nursery map sees with uUar cbrity Ihe (ruth about himbetf and his world, 1( > «ee the carnage ojf the battlefield, the wretctofoess of the ghettos, As Moses faced Ph&roah This year's Iheme will be God 5 (3 years) thrcueh third srade. A long, Long, time ££o. Son for Our World.11 Momung and FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Monday, thraugh Friday, Aug. 2: Page 8f Thi$ Sec ; ViotetK* smjd ]awl«Jit«M in (he citias, poverty in the mktet of At It* PUsa abundince. Starvation ki !«**•, mlwry. aufferira, heart-break, alteration, Go! «My people, go for me, evening sessions will be conducted Vacation church school for kinder- I'll take you out oC slavery 4n Btccordance with the following Mbibten; loneUne« and dehumHaiiBticm. H« wee* the W^rs flowfc« from the eyas R«. Ctarfc W. Kant garten through etath 0radc. Go, go for me, schedule: Age3 3-9 »:3a a.m. -12 Next Sunday: Holy Communion. of widow *hoje bwhajKh "Kny* dM ^ batUe. He vew 4he Uontol rfom- F Ker, Jutttf C. CHRISTIAN SCIO4CE ach4 of UKJn cNldr4n ^ **>' *»n youth, un/it to serve, became they live Rev. Philip R, BIBLE in a society that h» npl epn& Ttwse and roary other horrible things 2. Let my people gol to attend, CHURCH The voice said, sweet sand fow, Rev. Ian R, Pantn Car, C»vp«Hbivattc PL a«4 Clark Gt. YOU roan wetm wtm be U opoo'to all reality. To a viifcta bending tow, Sunday: 10 aW, departmctits of Rev. Walter A. R*»»l»g SPEAKS Thk i« the vMotk. But notice, the vb«n is a dagger tint pferces the Bear a ctntt the worid shall know Wultman Visits the church school, up to wd in- Vicar DirtSl A. W«oi aouK ttfe a ^rand ttu* mark* *» life. It is « dotty suffering of lnv«lv*mMi Individ- Gol My people, £0 for me! Atomic Gty cludng the sixth grade, wHl meet; Sunday, B:JO a.m.. early servite; cruoifixipi. One cannot be aware of ail that Is without knowing Ill tatee you wt of duvety. 10 a.m., worship service In the Sanc- tment p«r*on-*»- iMark It, Wa!tmun of SIS Embiee 9:45 a,m,( Sunday school and pofcv :• : f, .. • ' Go. go for me, tuary. The Her. Richart F. Hollo- classes; 11 a.m., tnatn service, The day-hy-ce. can know what he Is doing, and 3. Let my people got Vmm,, which foaUfees preach. on Today We 'Are Debtors." . yet a*y "w" io mMqr. «ut low mat haw that courare, uoat trf uo have . The vok* w» hoane and low, UUtn Svnrfay \ ftxn fwrifcy uadsr tho cowt.ol bVndneM. Harving vjm to oee^ • AA J«tut auftoe «o, CALV AKY FIRST CHURCHOF CHRIST . CHURCH XLCA) tiot; Through HUe.wMiaf r«rwi» 4*kw«w w.ore «Ue to fairly • But ttwWhote eactti te a«towi r SCIENTIST Tiw-'Mlwewnf,-"operated foirK U. 1W CMtnufl EL, Craaforl illy /orget ond ignore'oil that in. We bulU^s waU around us Aid Gol My people so for me! Atomic Eenrgy Commit ion by 4SZ S. BrMtfSL WHAT DOfS MEAN *hft fab* eeouzity ol that closed «truotyre we wy "the t«*t is not ° Go bring ****. lost bumonity Aandajr Srrvfce*—1* A.M. Thus we escape into ii#¥>rac«oe of the trtm tnanao vituoiioo. Anglican TW Rer. Are*M J. Bmmdnj Akuwi 1< A.M. INVOLVED?" Is (ha firat such instttuttan in the The Rer. Gort»u L, HtfT —JO A.M. Lot me call to your *U«ort» the wonU of tbe Apostts John:". .. the n&Ucn devrtcd to nudear Ifcfht has come into tbe world, and men Joved dariuwe rather ttuo light. To Preach Sunday Sunday morning worship services TetUm*tt7 SUNDAY MOftNiNO Hospital Honors are h0d at 9 and 10:45 am. Tr* '.U P.M. WNIW because tMr omb ww «Wl" Please graap what Jctm is aayfaig. He is itiritors *#»w how the power «f ttw sjqtag (bat HgM w in the worid, adequate ttak tor all aseftngp hut thot jt 1» Rev. fllcfcard f. H R«v. Arnold J Dattqutst, putor, is uYe sh^ know the truth, and the W«A mnioter of St. «tei«af«t> and St. atom Is utilized in medkute, indus- during the month vf July* not Ufht which man soedu. Man loves darkness, for in the dorfahwa be Residents' Son, try and •enkuttum. truth fhall make >ou free." These WVNJ 4he pan of lacfag up to hbnsteU and to tb wwU. Bather lhan live Mow'* Ohuroh hi tt» "Gortoate," The early service iottawa a 4o& wards of Jesus ae recorded k\ the mow* no preion> honrfnc—. darkneoa, tguoranoe. the thmn area oi Giaafow. Scotland, mass Mhenne with wwxfe And music Former Cuban will pi$adt at r*rat MethodUt of th* iimefl. Ifoe later ivrvke fol- la AnMrtc* WB ham* e g«*ra* nantaiptiim that eduaation ia th» anvw«r SHUCAL VIEWPORT to «wry pt was hum- Chnroh. Sunday, lows the ramal Uuivioal ««tticui. study oomnuttoB. Bofora the commktep ha« gee* tar «aivaoQfe wW sap, ored (or two rem of milidOTy eer. The Bcv. Hofcbway will come to k tb* B(W* nim* 09 to how w« Sundny church ochooi coorvenes at TERR1U ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH r\m MeHwM Ofawcti M a (0*5 for nursery and kfaideTgaiten k» not a «Bptaki by Brigadier f7«neral Fred* Houatng Aseoaktion to provide oveet, senUimWal action thet make* you wtaaoroe to «veryone. Lo\v «rto J. liufhei Jr., QonynanaJng e«n- Gen. l:ft-9), Aftw the Crw* homei lor caused by man's din/ God da -the layaTg bar« of (lie ftrotb. The Soriptun a»yi( "Yv ahaB anow the t tiave brein instituted oeparatton arebelog erected. 1*K Block Power nrwvemBrt a> asytatfi "We vftsHJTig him in I«4 and alao at- der is nd fnftr»Ily neutral, but re- knocked on your door and you d>d not open to u». We cried to you ar bread at Walter flwd. tended hi* church and was thrilled vcfils to us the '<>ns:<.utfcrir>fl and Throtigh hk» efforts &«v«ral oap«rfi ar.d mcouraficd to see tf» work Uut grace of God in order that many wnne piiepanaS And wbmiUed for doing.* might T^emt before it is destroyed publication «t mecbcal jaumab in by God'e fimri word oC judgment. Pock Up Your the *teld of sastroenterotagy. ft-.icr to t»Ls active doty assign- ment &t Wattrr Reed, the doctor Rev. Shaw Heads nod comptotod Ms internship and Laundry Wo«f I rqwkncy «t D. C, Gtuwr^E H«pvta], Church Group Waahington, D. C; &n odditronol The Rev, Alexander H. Shaw of year internal med- Council Secretaries a national or- Grace Chatch 554 Av«. • AD 34)255 car fay . * . leate icine ait Peter Bent Brigham Hospi- ganizdlion of Church Council Secre- HiWItl ty mml«rn air j tal in , Mass,; and two taries in America. Mi Shav was at th» GfhinitcTOteo Lab, George selected by his 325 coileasue mem- ' WtossnajloB UiawioHjr Division, bers at a recently completed coun- cil conference art Williams Bay, Our modern laumtry ttrvfc* of* A 19BS t0Kak>if OPEN MONDAY NIGHTS 'TIL ft? fl*irf ^ k 4 tU- THE W&STftKtD « 3. They will meet SayerviHe Legittn in tourmimi'M.. Uill ferMt tiefonied two sensational maLches, Scarlett Jjty Knlhm>hni* (1Q>, Peomli, 7S-9-46; Ralph Kimg, 76- AH H tan, Bayonrse &n& Sayorville to beevents, captudng the 1547 freestyle a 4 p.m. game Saturday. Pwoediog 8fl Jeff Pothistu HI .NIL* iiliitT HOini-fini.il vs, Rmtf Hratwwdcz sTtdDave Brown 0-30 IJOVH iliri!»«tsiroko; 1, Tom 8-639 Cla^s B: Bttl ©odtfe Jr., 87- 0 held this weekend in Livingston. The end breast&trake a^aces, Nine awin* Mar-Lin (iU SO/1, a, fltav« Bonder (10), will *>e a game between Bay- 1 vs. Speni. Scarlett, who plays mi ex- 19-«8; Jack Hawanth, 93-24—63; Ed p 4 1|>I » •> » 0 0 mulch iiFUT three lonjj sets, mcrs won •indivkiaal events and 3. «fiitt Ht»u;b (E), 0 cclicni defensive game, «4most iost Z ehampion will come trom ft-ilO CJErlM t>iu-kpti'nH«; * 0 & lot of pressure nn tarloU, Iwping Higblond, and John Bagger, Scott fW) ^7,i;L Fete If f « P til 3 ing frcmi Mm spectators' enthusiasm, CPHIJ? .TOUCH (13), an «aror IB 4iie fliot toning. No 0 Isfo long nwltta would ctftch lip the two contrasting styles of pJay , ftlarge Heinz, Wendy Heinx, Dolphins Tops 0 wtlli him, Scarlett was looking for Tennis Club Wins (12) 4fi.:L S, MuHe Will* was hit out of the MeW as he brought ©bout the most exciting Craig J *3.4, 2, Joel 1 I I I t 4 < I * 1 The most exciting first, round turn i-ithor tteep to one side of thethe We&tficdd Tennis Club 'tam 19J, ,U. iMnrcy Mca>Grmott (B>, 3KalbmHte. r (K), 3. Joan Atkins (*O. the Irene DuPres Memoda-l Trc^hy flver the Roeelle Legifln behind a 3 1 15-17 Baya !breantatroke: 11, Jim mufttrhws wore Chuck SehmftA of court OP just dropped it over the quite sucwssftd ;Usis season; 3 Ktufty Rurtnn (IH ). MTwdiirt (H) 13^,9, IK Jny h as 4be state's top $yndtvcon\ze& •stellar poK. :3. Eltsk Adeluur'(H). Steve Geivtitw drove in the winnin« rf swimming team Saturday, after add- ft k 0 various : malk&ics, with otiier ' m> \4A, St. Tarn X.u»ter CB>, 30-1. 0 Boytf DTwHoy relay: 1. Hl»h- cf Pleuswnl »nd Phil Jacobs of Wcst- siderable applause fcwn tflie gallery. run on a sacrKice fly 4n (fehe sixth • -r show >th« outstanding ability and Paul Hancock <y !DeBK« (U> .1OJ3, 2. JDUen fidd vs. Dave Gordon of Bkwmfidd. progress' of the fcturienls under the Knltutcher (B).-3. Amy Wa-lbreck- Tom .MiLi'tlnf Mut Bftk&) U^ Senior State Outdoor Oiampion- inning Great play by lho Wcstfietd Ttfkabli 8 Chuck and Dave received credit for set but tired from his previous er (B). ffl-UO Olrls freestyle reUiy; 1. Echo 1 junior development program, ' 1 {jftko {Fttuiti Ba^ser, iSally Jl sfiips held at Union's Brookside tofield kept Koselk? ffom scoring aa 3« lho longest match of fcbc tourna- matches. His volleys were not as •12 an^J under boy« diving : 1. Wornly Heinz, l*taa iBen^or) l:l*v&. 7 Cmlg Jones (E^ 7!2 «fl( 2. Jay Alat- they Imd men on bases in till twt ment, lasting tlireu and one 'half crisp. Scarlett fiben capitatised on The girls 18 and under squad de lil-113 Boya medloy relay: 3. Echo featcd Copper Spring with an over id und under Rtrlfl diving: 1, Marie k «1l T S Di The Dolphins captured first and sfcwo innings. AB R hours. Dave emerged os the ex-his opponent's weariness, forcing er- Ja AtaoDoimld) 0 "Walbreokar , 3, Dwtrdre Clancy IGK.HO. igf Handy Douirlas, Marie WtfJCbTe-aker, Diane spots m duet competition and American legion && Win- ri and Susan Schinit played singles for (K>, 3. Phil RaMlty (E); 13 Wat breaker) 2:44.6, (WoIff . - 0 won Iris first wt ratto quickly, but match. I t the team. The first doubles team over *rtrl» divlns: I. JtJUvne len- ?1'3^14 EBoyn mc 21.1, 2 iMuff dMolwwa (H)f a. HlgiiUnd 'nchr»uzed swim- 3rd bae* and Tom Hood and Steve hands and like to bake *he net. Their ien sand Debbie" Stiles. i.. X«ura WjtJbreciter ^B) 33*1, a. garot l) nvInK coach for im«iy yeans, pre- Gvntino in the outfieid. 1,0 MacConnachio (H), 3. Katie tH5-l7 Giirls freestyle Telty: 1. West Meld In -Uie second round there was iratoh tasted Wuee sets widh Speni Tfce boys 16 ami under team lost y ), Kcho Lritke (Amy Short, (Sally etaiab, viously was held fay *be Newark This wit! lie the fifth iime *n ^bcSpring «e!4 000 only one three-set match »nd that surviving the to Orange Lawn, &-& Steve •9-lft Buys free«tylje: U, Scoit Htliub Carol Scliueter, SueiBatitimer) a289 Ncrieds. It is awarttod, annuirHy to years that Weatf ieJd has !gooe to the easily defeated -Afe opponent by win- the syn<*r«uaed swimming teem stale tournament. TVice *iwy lost ning «v«ry game :D^Vrt>l place honors in tfaat divisim witti in ffarfcypwlled through in ttw last 1DS-73. 3. -Mary Otuwfteld. tfoefrr Kwimming of CMX'lK&iuva^kiu junior Olympic 'age group diving m&sm %us Car was t*e victory of set. The team from Change O-lrla ae and uhder free 1« M, Have Guest Day chatnpsonshHps hold last week at Van Leuvan dn the Men's Juntar Folk Dance, ^io*iwr teatti, Mon- ( won the. Second doubles on a There was extra excitement in theSchmtnm, Cant, Keenar. Brooker, New Jersey St^e GhampfowsWp iQirli.U-aa fl-e«42flOM. (M) iWlb sters, took <*ie tiibxt spot and in- Che Colonia Coun&ry Club, fault by W«*fi«ld to gate a meet as Mark Morgan of WiBcw Kragora. CTalhihnn, Ilylander. - Echo liake Country Olub women htild at Pdnc&ton. BoJe will be a Girls L3-M free 200 M (M) E Tory Jandk, Sets^ Hety, Jan- members hold a guest day last week Steve Schaiam won the 10 and Mark Smith placing fi motor freestyle in a tie- A special (Boys 10 and urm«r m&dley I«B At, lament The tow gross winner* Olub will bo host for an AAU divin ange, 32 »teo. Spook Smith and Pe E) Schramtn, Nau Uy, McfDanielt were Mrs. Oarrncn Bam& of tte and second Jn the 1M2 age group, high point of the meet occured Dawn Hstflgriftg and Naney Wtn- meet at which the Senior New Jer-tor Cook# playing first and twwmd IBoysk i;I-t!2, Hfodtey fi60 M (M)ble took second place in duet com- Metuchen Country Club with an 89 John Krakora, diving in his iiirst singles dost, Bwidy Robinson to Paul Healy.«f Mindofwaskln swam Bftlmcr, i-ynefl, Hny, Cermek, sey tow board championships will be Boys lil-H M«dley 2*0 »1 petition and Janet Scott and Carol and Mrs, K. It. SBarrett Jr. of the AAU moat, placed sixth In the first his third j&ig&s matdi by a smalt the boys fi AM unrfer, 25 meter free- ! event Mark Porter was second by decided. MiiKkwaslcin niesnbens &n Ktinser, 'Wilson, K Nauity* third. Nancy Trimble Mso hoet olub with an m. Net ^vunen guests are 'invited to attend the margin to gam ftie flnty *m^« vie style in 17.2 sec, setting both a second in both sofa and stunt were LMrs. M. Mathews ameng the B finaefcion of & point in thel3-14 tory lor W*stfl*W Craig Lvscn and events wth Sandy Moon lanrf Eay meet, WJi&h wHl begia at 5 p,mt Bill new pool and a Westffeld Outdoor competition. 'Duffy Bopp of *he New guests -with TO ml Mrs Cant, Y diving coach, will be meet Boug Feklnun Meoted their op Swim League record. Hedges of Echo Lake with 67, Hull plaobig ftHSh ^nd sixth, In the pomnts te thr** rfrts, twt Orooe Bat TC Mixed Doubles mtk Aquabeiles was first, in the lat> 15-17 &ge group, state ehampEcMi Don director. ten and Pete Amterson tart to ttielr Results: ter categories. Mm, Hedges, with W-21-67, Muitz woa top honors with EHc Van opponents in fltitaigfatsets ; Schramm, 2, F. First and second place finalists the stroke play tournament in Clam Leuvau and MwsawHapriwm Boy» 13 fcn 1 meet in Livingston. Egenes 97-24-73, ?Mrs. Jdm Wes'iield's lone entry fn Wie gtrte* At Echo Lake mo wmwii iwi events, Connie #adnier> «iove well 'Boys I^.IT, l. Copfiitt Hal in ur. Krakora Wins Camp met* *t Echo I^te Country <%* _' • • - h In Claw C, tiwwtnMR ware ftfav. f •and under free 50 .ft.r boya 1. ,..., , TJie WcsitfieJd V dlvons fiave been inst wwfc, Mm muhmn P: Mm- manafeftd Dsuf Cermank. i2. (M>. Gary Edward Down BB-3I-87. Mr« Rdfa«i an was the Glass A. wftmcr, Mrs. *riTis, -I. (W> Helen Becti- Tennis Championship Briton 101^1-70 and Mrs Kohert pall through ki tf» tost. ^ 2. . enjoying a successful summer sea- Eugene ^Hermann was second and Carol Hay SeMtJdbn Cray Joe Krafcora, 13, son of Mr. andL>av (* H&334O* Hm. Neii 7 free m ft., boye 1, CW) fBIU i E^portto t son. In iate June, Sctoatn and Jones Mrs. Jolm V, SU*tr, ithtrd. (Mrs. ue, 2. (,WW) ) EMM Afblta^wtttAfbltt ; «lrlH» Mrs. H. J. Krakora of WestfteW, 10B-36-72, ted the dm D Ercpre5ente Ann G'AIHICO, 3. (M) 14U (am* June StevofeCeorge OthafJ, fwis won Uie terans singles cham- and Mrs, J, V. dcPtaoqile 109-38-TB Hoff acker Wins Palmer. RcwlU: first round, J. Bott^J. Toronto, Canada and assisted ihefr ,. (Mrs. Clay V-am Bumi was iirst in a free 33 M, tooys, t, (At) Fail! pionsiitp at Camp Jlaequtt, Blairs* wan second, . Heajy, 2, (M) Peter HylainJ«r, 3. rtt d, N. Knaemer-J. Blackburn OF RACING Olasa B, and Mrs. C. W. Framlz «id town. Joe and lus partner, Steve 1 c team to victory against a Canadian (W) Jonathan Butler; giria 1. (M> M«. Robeai BouUtUer 4£ed Cor sec- Backstroke Title bora Masters, <2- (iW> «m*abeth 4, 44, M; R Duobp-S. Duniap d. Wilkinson of New York were also team, Scbram won the 10 and under and place. Mrs, J. FVanfcli» Cook Carmak. 3. Kyle Hflit. D. W^seer-D. Waanr, 6-1, ft-1. runnersup for the doubles champion- t- •• nMRrMr iBwf^K H ^•^W^F^i^B event and Jtiuss placed second in the Jay Koffacfa*, «wJinhm4ng fo 9-lfl *ree HS sM", boys, 1, (M) Jltty Lay Repeats As took putting honors, Mdpanlel, 2. (W> Tom Wei»l*yf ,3, id round: W ForcmoivK, 'An- ship, 11-13 event. Both -boys placed sim- ¥MCA, docked 58 Jim derson d. J. Bott-J, fiott, «M), ft*2; D. Camp Racquet is a tennis camp Oliinfleld, fl. Mlk« Oerm»k, 3. operated by Ctutrte Lundgren, well- Ash Brook Champ , iMlT, a large age groups <&vkig meet backstroke in the (W) Nor-oinn Swenson. artey-S. Yaeriey d. M. FeMimm- Farley Wine Junior 53-14 free 1GB At. boya, tie, , 7-5, fr3; X Sdvitf-Jf, C^ey d.member of the Westiield Tennis Sunday ai Ash Brook, defeating At ROB Bifbacher, a, f.W> Carl Swensoa, Cl«b, i» a first year StrychtmsW of Clark, S antf 4. f'US! [i'.,0:i'.if' school champion, IHJW at the Uni- In the weekly golf tournament for (Ray McDaftiefe «l Westf Wd V 3. (M) Kon ipennekamp. C. O'Nea-V. O'N«*1, 84, «-S; II, ok second to tt* 10 and under 5 »•*& tkreaflt 0B M, ^oys, 1. versity of Wtaconatot placed seewid junwrs at Echo Lake Country €ktb Jim Jinsotwn, a. (M) «ob Naulty, Althans«*-G. Efipo«4to d. C, Lesiic- ard frcotyle. I 3. CM) Sieve Schramm, in Uie opeai men's thigh board event last week, Joel Farky won. Ed , 1)1-13 torejist ^0 M, -boys, J. ©ob rL«^*!, «-2, 4A <-4; R. DurtLap there. McCoy has been training in Pave Sutler oT the W*stfiett -1 I^ynes, 2. V, T^or*H. Fenerty d. C. Kavwt- • *" i shortly to paTticipate -in the National » yvd freeatyte. Jpe WinliHin, 3. (iW> Marie Morgaft, McCafee weie tied for ©ave Morgan. augtv-N. Kavanaugh, 6-0, fl-1;G . ! 16-17 breaat 5« Hr bqys, 1. Oawrf- J. Stevem d, E, Ittoe-G Boeps Kilbjsuhcr, a. Carl Swenaon, OkayiyouVe won! '(V -i ^ B-10 butterfly ft& M, KUIH, 1. (M) DifW M, 7-S: Jenny fflmuker, 2. (iM) Laurie Anderwn-Forfinwn d. r '•• Sh, 3- iW} igusan Lfcroque. i3 butterfly, girl», 1. (M) fflleg illtthan. a. (W> IPeffBy achott. Youve waited 13-14 butterfly, girl*, 1. (Vf} Con- d. St^vera-Lukk, frfl, s-2; Al 3. Mary McCurdy, 8-JO buck C& M, jcirJa, ,!, > Mau- , frO; StevwM-OtbMi d. Taykr

J •• •• aliu^V* ' i ^*l*Ti- H Cant, 5. enecty, voursetf riaht into OffcOurdy. - OFF AND RUNNING by John 1. Day auto air conditioner The (ilumdalditeh Stakes? savings. i- NICKLAUS GOLF BALLS ma Model 140 Maximum cooling For Slim, Modern styling Quiet running Cost-saving operation OMT HJOOO C*I fea All Models •lode In tftft areal Savings you murt tti IS DMlVt. Ai ffWCMi •• OQlOTS- AI From *179 Coma Mm today. 1 Day Service INSTALLATION EXTRA

OPEN MON.r TMUIS., Ml. ft AM. f» 9 P.M. TUIS.r WED., SAT. t AM. HI * P (rood n*m« for % "p race" such as the National Stal- $843. Thirty marts were nomi- lion Stakes (filly division) at nated at #£,000 each, their Belnrwmt Park would be theproduce of that season to b« the Glumdalditch or, to mak« it atartsrs on payment of a |4,0GO easier on race announcer Fred entry fee. On th« day of the Caposaela, the Pcytona. race, Octob«r 10, four ye*r« The first such race, In which later, oniy 15 of tha nomination the eventual starters are nomi- fees had b««n collected and only il nated by parentage before they four horses started, but the W« born, was won by a daughter purse of $35,000 was a record at of Glencoe-Giantess named that time. Giumdalditch, whose owner, The 2-year-oItte that will eon- of Westf ieid, Inc. John KirkmanT promptly ye- test the National Stallion Stake* namftd her Peytona in honor <\t at Belrnont Park will have to YOUR AUTHORIZED FIRESTONE DEALffc the man responslblfi forthersce. run only 5 U furlongs, Ghamdal- Kalie Peyton, a Tfennfissee ditch had to i*un 16 miles—f^ur Av*. Laiep s •mvmhtx of of fopr tmUp eaehy Th mijiistet t C «rf iW &e #e rMi 343 South Ave. East AD 2*1300 Westfidd Jff NOtTH AVfMUf fH

0 ^ TIMB msmvmu* w.jj , wttmaMv, as, In this gume wei«; Turner, ofti mtal-oflconttfa ntitt Nomahegan Beats Copper Springs Merchants Break Play It Cool This Summer, From Jtib';s4pofa am\ WHM Byrnes Uto tiedilacoa was ospuolnlly fun JJO- iFfll»gan Swim Olub ojwh©d yH Iff HIM! If, 5^*»slvo 137-iHI lK H iitti! iisitloc. iM Af, fly, I, T, 1 run homo deep over tJic ileft n stivflin niul h>w «EHK re- \vl» over Copper Spufeuft. &wfenming Wofiifield 1 The advent of summer brings a liquids, OfLen 4jray iwro the offecl fintJ Utttlar, sffi W, fly, i, *M» field fence, twniM liil two doubles, dry white at fe&mo to Ma iirot MmmfeviiJ~VaHt and heW ft vl&lon of IUIO County Basobsll hud a pair of ItJia. Ai of visit km, K !iit U , , of .advice torn the Union County ttent, you should seek your" doctor's by $ subfltiHtftat irvopgiiu wlion tbo Hltlitlti K wllh a 7-4 6riU!»|)ti over the • Craig Jones amreti two runs Meorl Association; fteinembor* you was buhifi for IHuyn » nml HO, U W, -Cty, 1, T. •tor h pair «f advice before ploiining a girls from Puerto Itieo, liioro w«m final retoy was- swum, BhiHcw^n, <«, Ki, tn, (IrucnH, N, :L J. Division fading JSHzabeth Braves may be on vacation, but your lieart For all others, ii>o foregoing .Ji^iiinuMH N, iWestfield'a doesn't get one. many oanrplleallons Jn cotYimunk*ft-<- fflrlple toJue irtbban whinacs were ilo Makce ^iitners and activity owfa . 2 over auftfortol »re among tt«j 116 week-end oihlete, or a The Girl Scout Catiette Troop 673, Ubw from Son Juan lo St, 1 r J 1 3 I Colt on, OS* 8 fHfd Mfiaer, 10Q M, frcieHtyle *?c -.,, 6 eligible tot .M George C. Maxzeo om-em! aettvJst. B^ecially tf you ot Westfleld, tiwee leadens, *tnd a of the Virgin Islaitds we spent Bwyn $ niid under, $5 ac frea, 1, rehiy, Cow&i1 Hiprfivgfji, %L Kaenol, rf ,»....-,*-,,., 6 1 0 M, lkrtok, Nf.2. IC. Barta, C,% 3, 3 *106i00Q guaranteed are near or in mltldle-age and have S^iiffp Aide ftew to Puerto Rico June tlie day and sightseeing. H, UttelmrtlA, JCB, 1* WGRltfl, 4', Coltuli, R MuISnvoe. Murks Vh MMMH.MMI £ i I 17, for-ten days. Oar troop first Girls -y rtnI* T, , Mir y 0 Froni Pease AFB ll. CS, 2. D. Wariinter, N, a, Ho war I h p ,f. • ,> 4 Sable's Buck Ewi, winner of *be smokers, oppea? to fee on to San 3ttsn for Ore m ing his ships in ,the \my ix?low , T. tfynw, I*. 'Whuloii, 1 f •CHrte -1,1 uml /ii2,(50 M, *rca, 1. T. S 0 and 10, 30(1 ftr, trooatylo 7 li IH^emont Stakes; Cicadas Pride, Plains George C. Maz-prone to lethal hermt attuis , die days, speftdiftg phd day iit St, T\m inp wp . WiUiKre^', t ,...". 4t it who ttwk t^c JuvehUe at Beitnont as years of panning. It waft an experi- M, fflyt'iio, N. ( Bclioteliok o R.Mazzeo Jenwo4«trt Rto ,11, 380 M, freeatyle Holland p ,,•..-.. ,,•;, | i at bamboo, rtngs INS Review Girts Ttfi and jltf, SO M, ftreo, 1, K. llt 0 Ofcher. j^ies winners.-named to famiWar the you t^ink, and sudden, extreme hiti OS, «, J, #DcK«lth, CS, 3, L. relay Ni>mah08ran K, Oondrlllo P. flo! m es p * D F&Kte"ba»es de. Song B, l*lndla.w, SR. Sttuzyna, Monsky e .. *.,,,,.., 0 the Sapling, a slK-furkmg race lor activities changes ol iempeeaium can elfect ...... 1 0 of both sexes, incJude etamtned career ",d$ip£M^i«&ties in eveu the Mlihy heaat. H ••> Braves ,,..,..,.. 190 §&& 0^0 Daybreak Farm's Mr. Power, winner, &ph, tey.might , wish to serve, as. 'Moderation is the key in «very- M&rchanta ..,,.,..,, ,063 300 lOx—7 of the Jolfet State* .and t*iir

Cwpdre: How much are Mr, Gark* \ J. i. • . • : TVndoilaiiB at pair. to tf*Mn^rotter' s Cowpttbe: ttere'R five dollars, give made wiih the

votmtant ;-v< CJerk: What can you do with one

are also employees rf Eaop Re- s*de of.the horae going, the other Will keip up.—INS Review

LEADEK ,T - J«|l-lloosevelt, -in May , called lor the prodwetion trf 60,000 BRING RESULTS • year. - ^

. CS- »•**«., Jr.. fw .It* details how water co*tt. Summer • G*t a Ntif *urv«y of your Hoi Water Bachelor? If lfe# family's away and you or* lt«+ping bachelor quorltrt, M MHM as, imn Xt •']*«*ton ; Church News am., morning wwsliip iff tlio Sn«c I'tov. 1^. *t Stanford wil Scotch Plains wo News I Ills «cr-n«w 4^k* is "Scon FIBST BAPTIST CHllilCH Aiiy MJjwcSes Lately?" A lodgers' H '.'.'I 'I M " " T1 II - -...... -...——_. -.. •-- in Mm Sireut und cri'h room fa provided In the sieal condltioiiiiftg aiid other mlitary Wtlltam K. Cohi!rt i'as tor parish luufse duHflg MJO scpyJee. Rev. Robert W. f hatcher Aug. 19 Moving Date Set subjects, Tu^dtiy; 7:45 fyjnM Ai Atean, Coo Ujwn successful conviction of ( 9:30 Q.nin'fnoraktg wor- FcUawdrip roam; U p.m., Al Anon, For Raritan Rd Tech School summer camp etid gatadus&km from So^mon by die jpastor, ilie classroom; a p,m,, Al Aaon Family coHege, lie Is eigiblo to be com- Rev. WHH^sn K, Cober, on Uve sub-Orotipr Cue PcllowsWp room. Thte IK my hwa (tlumn1 r muy PJIIIHH — Atifl. ltt IKU? la come up wHii on equll'^bie sys- the U.S." Army. ChiH'ch school ckss*>s for young- £ CHAPEt fin for t-!to nuw tJinru leni For ttdroteskm bo Hie sdiool aCtcr fcotwc .sdu'd'iik'il Sw July a*; ni ii»t nut JH* i. rail') ntiwi it, ti> Jhink jiiKHii it. And shfp, (mtoBory); 7 p.m,t evorving 1 s, send mosst of iUiitl I Jed I limy IH dohitf ntwur j^ui'- y i\\i, im if you wmil (« tin- Suininer Encampment 414 E. Hrqod Si worship. t Jcib IV Ciunp Moving Co, of SC(K>O! graduate to college, but there dinnms of * Scotch Plains — Demus M. Starita, flie Rev. €anon Richard i. Hardman Monday: 1:30 p.m,, 1 HKIOWM WJW* fiWi>r4iMi U»» moving tivo otliers wiiore ^l^e opposite Is The Roy, John C. W the; fipiMi IHHIKC -H-HIUM te-MHisu WE SOJI «f Mr. aind Mrs, -Miebaiel Star- group. ffjritract uti its low bast1 Iwtl of $(>,- true. The Hev Jo*pph S. all feel w« \u\w a K»r vi'solablc nwnreh kmi) with slunk; «riul liimiiuidu. complex is about 1)1 per cent of students to college wl'M end ifi WESTFIELD t( The course began June 15 a£ Indian* aon; 8:45 a.m. and 10 a.m., holy •and display j^inUm mul ;ui Yms trmi got a coj>y «f \'our completed, wilh iiUiM'iar cbiails and up with many who do not get any town Gap (Military iReficrvatlon,, Am- communion and scsnman; 1-1:90 a^n., 1« MounUla Avenue » pi^si- Evening prayer ^ghtily «t 6:30 Rev. Jrnnw D, Cole If you am'I mulct* iJio optm OUU03, won mndo since July JO, when board boauty cultur-u course, cal comiifcioiiing and o<4ier mitey. Rev. M. Brtti Owrmy coma any day boforu or noon £ i inspected Uic KUG, Wilkinson Completes subjects, ; . Rev, Ace L. TMMw FIRST CONGREGATIONAL to iho (N^play gardens lop a took original target (kite for corn- AF Encampment Upon successful comptetkm of 9 a,m,( church school far ui'ouml, Inrf. no guided imn\ l%c Kt ports Theft was July 1, and \\\a board CHURCH ihroiigh *^ve yeas* oWs, 9 Scstch Plains — Charles H, Wil- summer camp arui g^aduattmif from vegetable iann will bo opci* Mlnllten: v Hev. n&cbanl L. Smith will Ch»n3es W. Wilkinson Jr. ol 1271 missiomxi m a second lieutenant in Here we are si-most at the end tra! Phwmsacy, corner of Ccnbulj Island, Another contractor, Devon fche U.S. Anny. ;. L. S. Stanford M» E. M*C«ti«igli preach «i 4fee topic -"News Is itfe* Products Co. of Trenton, -which is School Parkin Cooper Ed, 'recently completed a of July, -and in some ports ol tho Ave. &t\& Park Si,, io po U.S. Air Force Reserve Officers' Cadet SUuita is a 1964 ^adt^te Of Sunday: 8:^! a.m,( Summer choir cmintiry Mtd gardcailng season would lice last Wednesday night that a doing *he kitchen work, is also be- Seton Hall PrO'pariiferty Sclwol at hlnd sciiedute, and its latest voucher Training Corps field training en- be about over. le radio, valued at $26.50, Proposal campment at Pease AFB, N.It South Orange. His wife, Maryanne, However* in our Garden Slate we had been stolen from his stow. has >not yet bceji approved. lives in Kettermg, Ohio. Plains — Plans for con- DiniTig the eno&mpment, cadets The boaxl approved $74,000 in became familiar with' fihe life smd »#••»• ••»#•# . vouchers for the project. struction o£ a s&ident J>arkMg lot at ranwood^ct^ch sPIafens ^High Scshool activiitics on MT Fonce bases and Roberts Named General Pliiltp F, Luck, board secretary were rejeefeed 'Phusrday mM by tlie examined career oppontsmataes In Agent of American life since 196Gt resigned because of busi- Boaixl of AdjustaneaTl Itemed "with- which they might wis& to serve as ness pressure but will continue as officera. Laurence v. completed 'the courses spon- an English instructor at ia snUtty of of the school. Spaees were proposed Reserve Corps Camp sored by (fee life Underwriters ran s $6,600, ai^ the appokitmeaH of Made in front send to the rear of the sc&oel Training Council, A member of the Pawastk as part-time derk-typist at 3i»d alongside the adMiraig Ever- Scoftcti Plains — Johtt L, SOB of IMr. tand Mis. John F. Newark Chaj>ter of the National As- Complete BURNER SERVICE $2 j>er hour. green Etemorttary SCIKWI sociation of life Uwtewfter & 1748 Mountain Ave.T a student ait Mid Also approved were tine purchase It was tlie parking spaces ringing Tennessee StaAe University at Mur- is also active in tihe Jaycees kk of 715 yards of oarpefc ftwn Mont- E SCIKKJI to wfttefa rcsideats freesfeoro, is attending A-rany Re- wood iwd Scotch Plains. \i< 233-414 gomery Ward at $8,344.05, ifnstaHed, w objected. One of these siarve Offlc«ffs' Training Seta! at and the sale of tised machine tools "Bad" and -Mm. Roberto, ®ie far- rking areas would have been a BL B^B^JJ, N.C, - mer fftfargaret ^ohiwon and their SULK PLANT & Off ICE 2285 SOUTH AVE. WESTFfEtD to Vincent Fo&bre for $1,138.30. g strip along te Peer of homes * The admintetratkm was the eiKampnwrtt, ITO is re- children, Hobki Aim and DavJd live West a. ceiving six weeks of itra^nsE In in'Fan wood. ; B«-



ACCOUNTS Interest begins on the day of Compounded 4 time* a year Minimum initial deposit — $2,• !• Additional deposits at any time in unit l privilege Tok* Your Chokw on Earnings . .. Leave fhero in your account for compounded interest Now is the idea Receive o check by mail, quarterly, at any given address On request they will be automatically credited to your Cheeking or Saving* $1.00 account time to A GOIDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR INSTANT INTEREST I blast crabgrass! First Notional Bank of Scotch Plains This time of year crabgrass seeds are ripening by the mil- 336 Park Avenue lions. In a few weeks they'll be dropping to lay ibe founcla* Scotch Plains, New Jersey O7076 tlon for an even bigger crop next year. Enclosed is my check for $ (payable to First National Bank), That's why it's wise to hti crabgrass right now with Scoffs Please open a Golden Passbook investment Account in the name of; famous CLOUT. One application makes if curl and wither without damaging goad grass. A second application one -mm m-f^ *•*•• week later polishes crabgrass off completely — before If Address .,..., drops its seeds. So don't wait, get CLOUT this, weekend at Street a nice savings. Ctty State UM OM RIM MOM TOWM i Zip Code Social Security Number...... Open Sundays 9 am, to 9 p.m. Name of Purchaser * Save 50c! (Please Print) 5,000 sq. ft. bag, Reg. $4.95, NOW $4.45 Signature of NO CHAAOU Oft DiUVntMft ON SAU MOSC Address ol Purchaser Street

—* - •**-* 4- MEEKER'S City • State Zip Code