BOCA RATON NEWS Vol. 14, Nol 34 Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 12 pages IQtf Voters to decide today Speak up today! on two new council men Campaign was marked It by surprises


Four candidates for city council wiiid up a double-bar- reled campaign today when vot- ers troop to the polls begin- ning at 7 a. :n. By 7:01 tonight, two men will have been chosen to sit as councilmen in the City of Boca Raton for the next two years. ' : Attempting; to capture these two seats are Emil Danciu, James Foreman, Tore Wallin and Joseph DeLong. They ran in that order in the primary held Feb. 4. Danciu ran second behind elected councilman Sidney Brodhead and captured 2,996 votes. In his third place po- Report due soon on sition, Foreman was the re- cipient of 2,804 votes. Wallin won a total of 2,457 and DeLong came up with 2,213. U. P. sewer hookup Two other candidates in the Studio scene at ITV center. primary, Bernard E. Turner and Dr. Harry Sorenson, did The question of the city of tion has a capacity of about 25 not make the second ballot. Boca Raton accepting sewage million gallons per day and can waste from University Park is be expanded to additional capa- Charges and counter-charg- heading for City Council again,, es have flown thick and fast dur- city by installation of pumps at Classroom, TV teachers work The Council agreed to the the outfall station. ing the past week. Most of plan in principle in December them were brought about when "The present city waste wa- and authorized City Attorney ter flow is about two million Brodhead switched his allegi- Malcolm Anderson to draft an ance from Danciu and Wallin gallons per day and that anti- agreement outlining terms and cipated by the University Park together for success of ITV to his former adversary and rates. one - time running mate, Water Co., reach an ultimate DeLong. The middle-of-the- Anderson is working on an capacity of about four million By MIRIAM WRIGHT classroom teachers. The teach- eyed Cuban, Mexican and Puer- agreement now and hopes to gallons per day. Currently flow er arranges for models, pup- to Rican children. This makes road switch was not taken light- have a final draft shortly to {Last in o series) ly by most persons involved in • estimates are in the order of pets or cartoons if needed. A the pupils see that all Spanish present to Council, a magnitude of 250,000 gallons- Close cooperation between producer' - directoif goei ^«ver speaking ,^>eoplt are r©t Latins, ••he political campaign;.*:: • ••-"-.- " Possible rate'structure;.. a;-e daily. the '"television teacherc" and the teacher's script"ahead of She thinks it makes the pupils Three of the candidates seek- being studied by Black, Crow the classroom teachers has time and makes suggestions,, try harder to learn the lan- ing election have not previously Studies are currently under- and Eidsness, Inc., consulting way to determine what, if any, marked some of the initial suc- t guage, served on city council here. engineers for the city, and Gee cess of Palm Beach County's Mrs. Ida Wesley, who has Danciu, contractor - builder, facilities must be construct- 3 and Jensen of West Palm Beach, ed by University Park to imple- instructional television op- ] been giving television lessons is making his third race. He consultants to the University eration. has twice been unsuccessful. ment a hook-up with Eoca Ra- $ to children in the primary Park Water Co. ton's outfall system at the city There are 12 ITV teachers There are two large well equip- grades, often uses cartoons and Foreman, attorney - stock broker, is not new to the po- These will be submitted to waste water treatment plant on in the south county area, 12 in ped studios at Boynton Beach puppets to help bring out cer- Council along with the agree- Glades road. tain points in story telling and litical game, having served as north county, and six in west which are in almost constant ment for approval. As soon as that and other county. There is a lot more teaching the children such district attorney in Pennsylvan- use. The director sits in a glass ia for 10 years. However, this The original proposal, ini- aspects are cleared up, Coun- to lessons than for an ITV enclosed room on a platform things as the fun of sharing or tiated by the University Park teachers to just get up before the importance of being a part is his first attempt at a local cil will once again consider the back of the. cameras and by city council seat. Water Co., was immediately proposed sewage hook-up. a studio camera and make a punching communications but- of a family. She too uses some granted a stamp of approval by short speech to an unseen au- tons can talk to an audio or children as models. She feels, Tore Wallin, presently Black, Crow and Eidsness. dience. A great deal of prepar- video man looking on from oth- she says, that she is helping a member of the planning and In a letter to City Manager ation has to be done first and er glassed in booths. He can the small child learn the joy zoning board, is also making his Alan Alford, Dr. Fred Eidsness United Fund follow up work afterwards. With also make himself heard to of living together. The class- first race. recommended acceptance of the the help of material furnished the teacher and her cast. If the room children seem to get a DeLong is a campaigner of proposal. He wrote, "It is not the teacher by workshop teams lesson does not seem to be big kick out of seeing other many years in Boca Raton and unusual for municipal outfall needs workers the telelessons are prepared just right to him, he makes the children play parts in a les- (Continued on page 12) systems to accept waste water and the study guides sent to the group rehearse until it suits son and they seem to respond from other communities or pro- Boca Raton's first United him. quicker when there are models vide utilities" and cited var- Fund Drive will open with Mrs. Theresa Callahan, the or cartoons used all the ITV Returns ious examples up and down the a kickoff meeting Wednesday Spanish ITV teacher, uses teachers feel, Gold Coast. at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Ann Baker, ITV art For early election re- children in the county schools turns, call The Boca "In our opinion", Eidsness Paul Malone, campaign whose native language is Span- teacher, recently used the third Feb. 15-17 Raton News office, 395- continued, "waste water efflu- chairman, said more campaign ish, as models,, She feels she is grade pupils in Boca Raton ents from communities adjacent workers are needed for the Hi Lo Rain lucky to have three little flaxen School as models for one of 8300. Results will be drive. The meeting will be held Sat. 75 64 1.50 to the seacoast must be dis- haired girls and one little fair her lessons to illustrate curves available just as soon charged into salt water. in the Granada Room of the Sun. 78 . 60 0 skinned boy from Colombia as and straight lines. as returns are counted at Great Hall at the Boca Raton Mon.(noon) 62 47 0 "The Boca Raton out- models along with some dark (Continued on Page 5) City Hall. fall presently under construc- Hotel and Club. ^ag=*^^

Will the cars fit?

The extension of Palmetto Park road west (right) to Butts

road is rapidly nearing com- .•%-. pletion . . . but when traffic fi- nally makes it through, all the cars probably won't fit on Butts road (left). The crumbling, narrow two-lane pavement al- »•- ' *":' ready is in bad shape. At the • r- present time, it carries traffic westbound on Camino Real, '.'-.• headed for Glades Road and the & turnpike . . .or vice versa. Traffic between the turnpike -"V and downtown usually follows the Glades road-Fourth avenue approach to Palmetto Park ",'S. road. Related photo on page 5.

*• -. I 2 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 fr'tr.

Gail Holland checks the condition of the larvae through a microscope.

Peggy Gilbert, the instructor, transfers crab larvae into another tank.

Amateur biologists from Boca Raton High School are get- ting a chance to dabble in their favorite subject after school. Earning As part of a program to earn-while-they learn, the inter- ested youngsters are working 20 hours a week at Aquatic Scisncss Inc Their 'work at present involves research into the larvae while they stages of crab, an area that marine biologists consider vir- tually unexplored...... The program, has. been underway for less than a month, learn i but already staff members at the research; corporation are looking forward to expanding it.

Linda Kapsch prepares the algae for the centrifuge which prepares it as a food solution Donna Wyatt, left, and Maura Huron in the environmental chamber to get algae culture. for the crab larvae.

Dianne Rocheleau holds the star of the research project - mother crab - as Mike Vaillant, staff member of Aquatic Sciences, Inc. looks on. Kathy Wood removes a sea urchin to prepare a food solution for the larvae. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 3 At Society of Four Arts ******* * Gen* Taylor will lecture SULTAN & SONS Gen, Maxwell D. Tay- and in 1955 was ap- pointed chairman of the lor, former U.S. ambas- pointed chief of staff of President's Foreign In- sador to South Vietnam, the U.S. Army. He held telligence Advisory will lecture on "Viet- that position until 1959 Board. nam in Perspective" when he retired. Gen. Taylor has been Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 4 In 1961 he was. called awarded many honorary p.m. at the Society of from retirement by decrees and among his 3 SALE the Four Arts, Palm President John F. Ken- decorations and awards Beach. nedy and the following are the Distinguished Gen. Taylor, who is year named chairman Service Cross, Legion presently president of of the Joint Chiefs of of Merit, Purple Heart, Staff. At the time he Brcnze Star, Presiden- prices good the Institute for De- fense Analyses, was was recalled by the tial Unit Citation with ambassador to South Vi- President he was serv- Oak Leaf Cluster and * ! etnam from 1964-65. ing as president of Lin- United Nations Service Born in Keytesville, coln Center for the Per- Medal. this week Mo. on Aug. 26, 1901forming Arts. Nonmembers may ob- he was graduated near In 1968 he was ap- tain tickets* at the door. the top of his class in West Point in 1922. His IN PERSON only!... military career ad- vanced steadily and dur- RICK ing World War II he C' * worked closely with General Dwight Eisen- WE CANNOT hower in Europe. SUNDAY He was named com- FEB. 23 TELL A LIE... mander of the Eighth Army in Korea in 1953 7:30 WE ARE THE


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By HAROLD H. GREEN town the wonderful place it now Raton in 1963 the opening of the is in which to live, work and inlet has been a much desired To express in this column love. goal. As far back as 1959 Ar- my opinion of which two can- Certainly I will be awaiting vida joined with the city in an didates I believe should be with keen personal interest the agreement to contribute $50,- elected to the city council to- news of who the two winners 000 to "carry out the recom- day would, in my opinion, be will be. However I will mendations of Dr. Per Brunn presumptuously bad taste. How- be watching with even greater to resolve the navigational ever I must say that I deplore concern for the figures on how problem of the inlet". The issues the inference of some that a many of our qualified voters I have yet to hear anyone man's qualifications to serve actually voted. Our real prob- dispute the fact that a naviga- Boca Raton should be measur- lem is nor which of the candi- ble inlet would be a great asset ed by whether or not he is en- dates are elected to the coun- to the entire community. Time after time we have been assur- On the eve of election day — by the time this bated on its own merits, with some vigor but gaged in business and by what cil but overcoming the appal- age bracket he is in. ling apathy of people who have ed by people high in places appears in print, it will be election morning — virtual unanimity on the side of the objectors. that the job would soon be done. it's interesting to think back over the various No one has yet come fully to grips with the Whoever we elect is going to the privilege of voting but do have a very important job to not appreciate it enough to par- Time after time pur hopes have "issues" which have been raised during the question, the need or lack of need for new build- been raised by announcements campaign. ings, and the City Council has largely hidden do as the city's growth prob- ticipate in a government for the lems steadily increase in 1969 people and by the people. They that work would quickly pro- For the most part, they seem to be the its head in the sand on the question. ceed based on well organized Within the next five years, we can look for- and 70. But as he steps into are really asking for a dicta- same old issues which have been spoken of in office I am confident that he torship. plans only to be show down by elections past. And it's relevant to question ward, with some dread as taxpayers, to the foul-ups, of details. whether or not they are, in fact, issues at all need for: will be determined to do all o within his power to keep our Ever since we moved to Boca A few weeks back we were What is an issue? An issue, Mr. Webster tells — Additional recreational facilities. told that Arvida was going to us, is something which is up for debate, a mat- — Public cultural/entertainment facilities. pick up the entire tab for keep- ter of controversy, something which needs to — More municipal office space. ing the inlet well dredged for a be settled. — A new city library building. period of one year. Again we Well, there are a number of things around — Either vastly improved roads or a public cheered and the Boca Raton In- Boca Raton which need to be settled, legiti- shock absorber repair facility. let Improvement Association, mate matters of municipal business which are — A garbage disposal system that works. SDS...Senseless Destructive Students which has been fighting valiant- currently undecided, but for the most pan they — And a lot more. ly for the good cause, issued heard a lot of talk about the need for improv- While some of these have been mentioned a glowing statement that the ed roads, the desirability of retaining the city's they have hardly received the attention they wearisome deadlock of details character, the undesirability of raising taxes, deserve in view of the city's expected growth. was at last broken. So last week, the need for some improvement in municipal We've been saddled in the past with inadequate as we should have learned to services which have been cramped by the city's capital improvements and we look forward to expect by now, read the head- growth, and so on. seeing nothing less than sound, long range line "Council, Arvida inlet ne- Without exception, these are hardly matters planning from future City Councils. giations hit snag." for debate. Everyone agrees on them. Whatever When one considers that the city is expected WE DEMAND T#ATALL0M\ It's a good bet that the nego- differences of opinion may have arisen have to outgrow West Palm Beach within the next i DEMANDS B£ AecoMtzm tiations and frustrations will been largely a question of approach. six years, one need only look there and to Fort one day be ended and the job What could have been a crucial issue — Lauderdale for an indication of the direction our will be done. But I certainly expansion of municipal facilities such as an planning should take — or not take. WMTM$T




Aquanet HAIRSPRAY 13 OUNCE, Gravel truck nearly blocks two-lane Butts road at the western end of the extension of Palmetto Park road, construction at right. REG. OR HARD TO HOLD 99c VALUE 9 LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 IVTprogram a 'success B.YE-R ECKERD iPRUGS INCORPORATED MUTUAL FUNDS (Continued from Page 1) The classroom teacher helps tem is that they do not have STOCKS - BONDS Great teamwork is express- the student grasp the informa- enough television sets. There is TAX PLANNING Plasti© Mmim ed all through the ITV centers. tion you convey/ supposed to be one for every 275 V/o Rosada, Boca Raton, Fla. STURDY And rightly so for so much goes three classrooms in the schools Royal Palm Plaza 395-0544 . 59c into the production of each les- These are many possibilities qualifying for ITV. But in some VALUE son. The importance of this for the ITV network to be used schools there is one setforfive Tune in Radio Station WSBR 12:10 P.M. week-dafs LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 teamwork is expressed in a other than justforlessons. Last rooms. Most of the teachers for your stock market report. production handbook prepared Christmas, Walter Lock, pro- and principals feel that there gram specialist in choral mu- by the county. It tells the ITV should be at least one for every (Open Evenings)! teacher; sic, and Mrs. Dorothy Land, two classrooms. "As it is now program specialist in music, sets have to be moved from Don't WATCH The J "This team is composed, in developed Christmas specials room to room and up and down Plasti® Baby Pants addition to you, the classroom at both the elementary and sec- stairs and sometimes a class- early bird . . . teacher, your producer direc- ondary school levels. room teacher cannot get a set 4 PACK tor, the studio crew, station BE one! Bring your PRINT PATTERNS engineers, film specialists, In-service teacher training when it is needed. 1.00 VALUE artists, television coordinator is now being helped by the ITV "But sufficient experience Income Tax LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 and all members of the ITV program. And recently County has certainly been gained to staff. To have an effective les- Superintendent • of Education prove conclusively that ITV TO son . . . each member of the Lloyd Early, had a speech he brings to the classroom impact team must be used to the best made on integration taped and and experience to the children UNIT AX SYSTEMS advantage. televised throughout the coun- of a kind and to a degree un- "Your job is to convey in- ty. matched by any other teaching C@lgat@ T§®thbruih formation to the student . . . The greatest complaint by resource, Early emphasiz- MEDIUM your team is your chief support. classroom teachers of the sys- ed. OR HARD INCOME TAX RE6. 69c 2137° Featuring Accurate & Prompt serv^. LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 ice at, reasonable costs we stand" Students to hear Mautz ready to serve you year round... We are aware of all legal tax Robert B. Mautz of ter Wednesday, Feb. 26, mental - agencies and savings . '. . See Unitax Today . . . Tallahassee, chancellor 10:30 a.m. civic leaders are ex- ,^-^^—^-^—KS" of the State University His subject will be pected to attend. FAU if you're > GUARANTEE 1 EVER DRY ROLL-ON r System, will deliver the "The Role of Continu- President Kenneth R. hospital- S Accurate preparation of every tax principal address at the ing Education in Flor- Williams will preside. ized. Paid to you ( return is guaranteed, if you are 2.2 OUNCE first academic convoca- ida Through 1980." The like a salary. Low t charged a penalty or interest due DEODORANT The Dade Center is cost policy. Phone S to our error we will pay the 1.80 VALUE tion of Florida Atlantic public may attend. located at the Ida Fish- for facts. I penalty or interest. University's Dade Cen- Members of govern- er Junior High School, LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 1414 Drexel Avenue, R.K. "Bob" Buffington WEEKDAYS: 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. • 5.P.M Miami Beach. MEDi- ECKERD Established in Sep- ca$H DRUGS REAL ESTATE! tember by legislative STATE FARM UNITED action, the Center pro- MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPAN* SWEET 'n LOW Home Office: Bloomingtcn, Illinois TAX SERVICE vides day and evening 100 PACKS 505 S. Fed. Hwy. SYSTEMS JOHN B. DOLAN classes in degree-pro™ Deerfield Beach 833-1007 98c •(Professional Blcig.) gram subjects. Like its VALUE Phone 399-2443 46' Vice Pres.-Mgr. Telephone parent institution here, BOCA RATON DELRAY BEACH LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 the center gives in- 5ffi Avenwe Shopping 116 N.E. 6th Ave. Bateman & Co. Realtors Area Code 305 For Fast Results struction beginning on Plaza (U.S. 1) 1299 So. Ocean Boulevard 395-9355 the junior level. Senior Use The Boca Raton. Florida 33432 399-8284 N. Federal Hwy. ECKERD courses will be added BOCA RATON NEWS at 20th St. DRUGS this fall. > APPOINTMENT NECESSARY BOURJOIS LIPSTICK EVENING IN ASSORTED SHADES WE'RE SOLID IN SALES NEW HOMES NOW AVAILABLE 1.00 VALUE but IN BOCA RATON'S FINEST RESIDENTIAL AREAS LIMIT 1 WITH CO \ THRU 2/19




LAKE FLORESTA GOLDEN HARBOUR ROLL-A MATIC TUNJSON PALMS (WATERFRONT) MEMO PAD and fust a few minutes north of WHILE THEY LAST! 3-4-5 Bedroom models are available for Immediate Occupancy. 99c VALUE 37" Boca Raton on US 1 US1T 1 WITH COUPON THRU 2/19 OVER 20 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM

ALL MODELS INCLUDE: ECKERO' Wa//-fo-wo/J carpeting — Central Heat and Air Conditioning DRUGS DELRAY - GE Kitchen Range - Dishwasher & Many Other Features TYPING PAPER TELEPHONE AT MODEL 250 COUNT LINCOLN-MERCURY 399-4179 /fl>PL»«HCI COUP. EGKERD BRAND MOTORS ING. 79c VALUE LIMIT 1 WITH COUPOH THRU.2/19 DEVELOPMENT & INDUSTRIAL CORP- 2102 S. Federal Hw?., Defray Beads 41 S.E. 1st Ave., Boca Raton, Fla. 1/2 miles tSorth of Boca Raton 276-6331 itvenus 395-1211 399-5453 Miami 944-1912 'THERE IS ONE NEARBY*

fcv . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matlack (right) greet Mr. and Mrs.. Richard P. McCusker at ball committee Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miner (left) and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dodson view plans for ball decorations. cocktail party. Hospital ball decorations get okay from committee members

Decorations and balls charity ball plan. From Greenery also willl be program, and Mr. and have long become syn- year to year our people used to outline the band- Mrs. Frederick Peirce, BOCA RATON NEWS 6 Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 onomous. In fact there remember the ball dec- stand, and white and advertising. are some people who so orating theme and of- greens bouquets will to a ball thinking 'I ten use it as measur- grace the Cloister Log- wonder what the decora- ing stick to the success gia, scene of the before ANN LANDERS tions will be this year." of the evening. tha ball cocktail party. Boca Raton Com- And in the case of the At the ball entrance, munity Hospital Ball is hospital ball, none of greens will be inter- not exempt from the long the money for the dec- wined throughout a lat- list of balls whose theme orations will come out of ticed lower and inter- Is he allergic "to-me. each year has been car- the ball tickets or pro- spersed with white or- ried out with what one g r a m advertising chis. might term elaborate money. Decorations The decorations Dear Ann Landers: Is Dear Wendy: Your herself, "How many wi- knows this better than decorations. have been underwrit- theme was disclosed at a it possible that my boy- boyfriend might be al- dows did I include in my Ann Landers, My mar- The ball which goes ten by two local couples, cocktail party for ball friend is allergic to me? lergic to something you social life when my hus- riage was not a very into its seventh year Mr. and Mrs. Freder- committee members Lately when we are to- are wearing other than band was alive?" It's a good one but I kept my has more or less been ick Miner and Mr, and hosted by Mr. and Mrs. gether he breaks out in clothing, such as make- good question for mar- mouth shut and never through its own osmosis Mrs. Edward Dodson, Robert Matlack last a rash and starts to up, hair spray or per- ried women to ask them- let on to anyone. Of from polo ball to fiesta co-chairmen of the dec- week. itch like crazy. Believe fume. He should go at selves, too. God alone course I am lonely, but ball to hospital ball, all orations committee. The formal ball is me, this can ruin a ro- once to an allergist who knows whose husband I am also reasonably proceeds of which have "We decided on green CROSBY W. ALLEY mantic moment. will tell him what to will be next. content and far from gone at first towards sponsored by Debbie- and white," said Mrs. Rand Memorial Ser- REALTOR At first I thought it bring in for testing. - WASH., D.C. miserable. The last construction of the hos- Miner, " and a local vice League and the goal might be my wool sweat- If the tests reveal no Dear D.C: Your let- thing I want is to get pital and now main- florist came up with a is $100,000 towards the er, but the same thing allergies and the itch- ter is sure to prick the married again. So tell tenance of the hospital. masterful design." league's budget of happened when I wore ing persists, he should conscience of some and those smug women to Polo ball meant dec- All committee chair- $150,000 for operating silk and cotton dresses. consider the possibility jog the memory of oth- stop worrying. They are orations which included men are enthused about costs of the hospital. One day, as an exper- that the rash is caused ers. Please read the safe. a polo mallet, a hat and the decorations which iment, I took almost ev- by an emotional prob- next letter. It could be — DUSK a ball as the greeting will feature lots and lots Meyer Davis and his MLS erything off and he itch- lem. He might be' 'itch- your laugh for the day. Dear Dusk: I don't point at the entrance of of greenery dotted with society orchestra will ed worse than ever. ing" to get married, or need to tell them, Hon- the Patio Royale, Boca white carnations in a play for dancing, and Does this mean we can't he may be afraid of Dear Ann: Don't close ey, YOU did. And I thank Raton Hotel and Club. ribbon-like pattern on dinner is at 8:30 p.m. 342 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd, get married? Please marriage and "itch- the discussion on wid- you. Then came the now the dinner tables, cen- Other committee check with your consul- ing" to stay single. In ows without adding this defunct Fiesta de Boca tered with white tapers chairman are Mr. and Telephone tants and get some word any case, be careful with one last thought. As a Mrs. Sidell Tilghman, Unsure of yourself on Raton and the ball be- in silver candlelabrae. co-chairmen, Mr. and back to me immediate- those experiments, But- widow, I am accustom- dates? What's right? came fiesta or Spanish, "We took into con- ly. If you say to go to a tercup, or you might ed to being left out of and red and gold were sideration the red Mrs. Herbert Brown, doctor he has promised What's wrong? Should tickets, Mr. and Mrs. wind up with an addition- things by old "friends." you? Shouldn't you? Send the predominant colors. chairs and the Spanish 395-4404 that he will go. Thank al problem. But I get furious when One year Vienna came, dark, mirrqred walls of Richard McCusker, you for any help you can .-for Ann Landers' book- u wives whisk their' hus- ' let 'Bating , Do's and to the hotel, the Patio' the patio,' Mrs.DOdson give us. Dear Ann Landers: bands away from me at Royale was turned into ., said*;,.,; • ; /^: i:' ' — WORRIED WENDY > Don't;'' enclosing with Your reply to the widow cocktail parties and civ- •your request 35 cents an Adams Period gar- MEET THE "600D GUYS" AT who translated a for- ic functions as if I were in coin and a long, self- land of flowers and the Local girls in mer friend's sympathy a scheming hussy with addressed, stamped en- music for the most of Two join note as, "Get lost, evil designs. velope. the evening was Vien- HAUSER DODGE could only have been Most of the old goats Ann Landers will be nese. sorority Who's Who written by a woman such have hearing aids, glad to help you with This year the ball's mm SCHUITI as you — one who is emphysema, and are your problems. Send theme will be candle- Two Florida South- GERHARD'JAEGER Two Boca Raton girls happily and safely mar- loaded with liver spots. light and the decorations XARl MAUSER attending Marymount them to her in care of ern College coeds from ried. Who'd want them any- Boca Raton "News, Box will include white fugii Boca Raton pledged so- BILL NICHOLS College have been nam- 1 You said an interest- way? mums and orchids, ,-;. •" ;•• ed to Who's Who Among 3346, Chicago, Illinois, rorities during the an- ing and alert widow not There are more bad 60 6 54, enclosing a plenty of green vines, nual spring rush. - Students in American only hangs on to her old marriages around than a trellis entrance way Junir Colleges. stamped, self-address- Both pledged Alpha friends but makes new good ones, and nobody ed envelope. and once inside the patio Gamma Delta sorority They are Deborah Ann ones. You are partly there will be cupids and both are 1968 grad- Avampato, daughter of right. She'll make new holding candles entwin- uates of Boca Raton High Mr. and Mrs. James friends all right. If she ed with greens and car- Avampato, and Clara Noel Nation receives School. isn't careful she'll find nations. Mary Kay Cermak is Julia Brninski, daught- herself surrounded by But just how impor- er of Mr. and Mrs. W, droves of widows, majoring in math. Her H. Bninski. tant or necessary is parents are Mr. and LARGE SELECTION divorcees and maiden Claude Pepper award the decorating commit- ALL MODELS Both girls are sopho- ladies — all just as lone- tee of a benefit ball? Mrs. Charles W. Cer- mak, 1229 S.E. Fifth 2:00 - 8:30 M. - F. mores and on thedean's ly and isolated from Noel Hewitt Nation, merman, Boca Raton. Do mod patrons real- 8:00 - 5:00 Sat. list at the college. married people as she was presented the an- She presently teaches ly notice decorations Ave. 17:00 - 5:00 Sun. Miss Avampato is is. After awhile she'll nual Claude Papper Aw- at the Sunland Training and when they do is it Doreene Gail Mitchell among the five students resign herself to the is majoring in psychol- 1900 N. FEDERAL HWY. ard recently at a Phi Center near Gaines- to criticize the commit- DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA at the college who made truth — it is better to Alpha Delta law frat- ville. tee for the cost of ex- oly. Her parents are Mr. the list on a straight A go to the theatre or a ernity banquet. travagant beauty? and Mrs. John Mitchell, Telephone 278-0332- 732-8606 - 399-5322 average. And along with movie with another Nation, a 1st year law 398 N.E. Fifth St. 45 sophomores was hon- lonely woman than to Are the decorations sit home in a bathrobe. student at University of Births really worth all the ef- ored at an honors con- Florida, was presented fort in design and the vocation dinner last I hope the widow who week in Founders Hall. the award by Congress- Mr. and Mrs. John expense? wrote to you will ask man Pepper. He also According to Mrs. BocaTeecais was made a public def- Bion Boggs, 1031 N.W.- Robert W. Matlack, who ender in Gainesville Third St., announce the with her husband is Golf-Swim,^ the place to live. which enables him to birth of a son, Wesley chairman of the 1969 Keith, Feb. 11 at Beth- Come see these 700 try civil cases for In- Boca Raton Community Dine, ~~ lush rolling acres in the digents. Nation will gra- esda Memorial Hospi- Hospital Ball, "Decor- tal. Mrs. Boggs is the heart of the prestige duate in June and after ations are indeed an im- capital of S outh Florida. a stint with the service former Sharon Ruth Mc- portant addition to our Dance Glashan. Choose a magnificently plans to continue his reasonable condominium education with post gra- and LIVE i duate work. Mr. and Mrs. Clif- apartment—every one ford Barton Turtle, 180 overlooks the golf Mrs. Nation is the Boca course. The first building former Cary Kammer- Coconut Palm Rd., an- nounce the birth of a is sold out...but raan, a daughter of Mr. select a spacious and Mrs. Leon Kam- daughter, Susan Bar- Raton's ton, Feb. 11 at Bethes- Sign up for apartment in the second, third or fourth buildings Classified Ad Service da Memorial Hospital. SAVINGS BONDS new Mrs. Tuttle is the form- [FREEDOM SHARES now under construction, Phone 395-8300 er Tamara Behrens. and you receive: country] —A lifetime charter membership in the YOU DON'T LOVE A DATSUN club./ private country club. —No greens fees for TILL YOU DRIVE A DATSUN! two years after occupancy. Large one and two bedroom apartments with dens from S14,990toS2I,990,with 80% financing available. 4i If you go around and Exclusive agents—James E. around when choosing a Smith and Associates, Inc. reclining chair . . . you See the models on U.S. 1 at may be traveling in the 51st Street in Boca Raton. : wrong circles . . . Then visit the splendor of BocaTeeca just two blocks west. FLETCHER INC, * BILL DALY'S DATSUN * 5501 N. Fed, Hwy. Not only gives you the BEST deal, and the BEST service facilities, Boca Raton, Florida but - an unlimited parts department 5200 N. Federal Highway Boca Raton, Fla. 33432 Fhone (305) 399-5120 Phone 395-2133 7080 - 7700 S. Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, Florida 942-4747 Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 7 Girl Scouts await the final report on cookie sales drive By Sharon Blackwell dein Jackson. The following girls Brownie Troop 55 was were invested into The annual Girl Scout treated to a showing of Troop 55 this year-. Gookie Sale is over and dolls from all countries Elizabet Arosenius, Li- troops are eagerly from the collection of sa Alstrom, Christy awaiting checks repre- Mrs. McCormick, The Archibale, Dee-Ann Ar- senting the profit to the dolls are dressed in nold, Tami Bonner, Lin- troop for the many box- da Carlen, Renee Guest, es of cookies sold. A Colleen Long, Daun1 final report will Lichtenwalner, Pam be forthcoming from McDonpugh, Lauri Mc- neighborhood cookie Coy, Joan MacMullen, chairman, Mrs. Wo K. Sandra Metric, Ellen j Merrill. Penwright, Cindy Red- Mrs. William Tutt re- iger, Glorida Rod- ports that Brownie riguez, Tammie Rifen- troop #261 has taken two burg, Sharon Sumpter, field trips lately. On Anita Tanner, and Ka- Jan. 28th the girls tour- ren Troxejiy . • ' ed the Boca Raton News Plans'for the Jaca- offices, and last week authentic costumes — rand a Jubilee and for they visited the Polo even the facial features Girl Scout Week activ- Grounds. Co-leader for are characteristic of the ities continue. the troop is Mrs. Nor- country represented. The girls were delight- ed and very grateful to Sign up for Mrs. Kroids Mrs, McCormick for her time and effort in U.S. SAVINGS BONDS, will speak showing the dolls to the FREEDOM SHARES -V troop. Mrs. Maria Kroids, director of internation- al program of Parents Without Partners will A one armed toy soldier is responsible for bringing a prin- held at 7:30 p.m. in the church west building. Among the be guest speaker at the cess and a toymaker together in the play "The Toymaker" principal characters in the play are (left) Kevin Toman, sol- Parents Without Part- 20% OFF on all Decoupage Boxes is to be presented by the children's choir at First Presby- ners meeting Friday, dier; Bobby Stevens, prince; Jim Koser, emperor; Pat Rau- Feb. 21. The meeting terian Church Feb. 21 and 22. The play with music will be tenkranz, princess, and Alan Toman, toymaker. will be held at 8:30 p.m. Unfinished and Finished in the community cen- ter. GENE WAGGONER, Owner 190 West Camino Real Music prof PHONE: 391-2151 Camino Square Shopping Center S slates lecture

Prof. Basile Ria- Tuesday, Feb. 18 Crushed glass, community center, 1 p.m. 1 § boukhe will present a Our Novelty crafts, community center, 1 p.m. lecture on the analysis Elections, polling places, 7 a,,m. Delray vs Boca (shuffleboard final B) of musical examples of 1 Plastic flowers, community center, 9:30 a.m. Memorial Park, 1 po-mo orthodox eastern Euro- Rug hooking, scout hut, 10 a.m. Japanese Sumeli, Art Guild, 1:30 pom. pean music today at the .5; Tap and ballet community center, 2:30 p.m. community center. very best Job Corps, neighborhood center, 10 Sketch group, Art Guild, 10 a.m. Girl Scouts, scout hut, 3 pom. v. Kiwanis Club, New Oyster House, Boys soccer, Memorial Park, 3:30 p.m0 The lecture, open free m noon Bitty basketball. Memorial Park, 3:30 p.m. to the public, will be- 8 fabulous fakes, community center, 1 p.m. Organ lessons, community center, 7 pomo gin at 10 a.m. Riaboukhe toyou. Pinegrove vs Boca Raton (shuffleboard finals, Judo (children), community center, 7 pomo is a voice coach and a ladies), Memorial Park, 1 p.m. Boy Scout troop 337, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. graduate of Russian Hospital tours, Boca Raton Community Hospital Adult volleyball, Memorial Park, 7:30 p.m. Conservatory. He stud- This Perm Mutual Executive Underwriter is one of the very best. We Boy Scouts, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. ied voice in Florence, lobby, 1:15 pom. wouldn't send you any other kind, because we want your life and health County legal aid, neighborhood center, l:30'p.m. Oil painting, community center, 7:30 p.m. for five years, I Organ lessons community center, 8 p.m. has performed at La insurance programs to be the most effective that can be devised. County public health nursing and immunization Elks Lodge 2166, 140 N.W. 11 St , 8 p.m. clinic, neighborhood center, 2 p.m. o Scala Opera House in Indians vs Westinghouse men's basketball, high Milan and toured 1 So does he. He takes care to study your requirements down to the last Brownies, scout hut, 2:30 ponio Piano lessons, community center, 3 p m. school, 8 p.m. throughout Europe and detail, then fits together the precise plans needed to do the job you want. 1 o South America. Baton twirling instr., Memorial Park, 3:30 pomo Judo instr,, community center, 8 p.m. Boys soccer, Memorial Park, 3:30 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous,: open discussion, First 1That's one reason why he was able to set up more than a million doliars' Migrant legal aid, neighborhood center, 6:30 Pom. United Methodist Church, 8:30 p,m0 •_••• Almost three-fourths worth of insured peace of mind fc/fiis clients last-year. Another reason is wBoy Scout troop 333, First Presbyterian Church, Semans vs Sals (men's'" basketball) high school of all zoning; changes i • 7 p.m. 9 p.m. submitted to local gov- the quality and variety of insurance he has to offer. There again, Penn'Mutual Liquid embroidery, community center, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 20 erning bodies in the sends you its very best. Table tennis for adults, community center, 7:30 United State s are ap- I p.m. Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Dutch Pantry, 7:30 a.m. proved. Civitans, University Inn, 7:30 pom. Adult tennis instr. tennis court, 9 aomo Pinochle game, community center, 7:30 p.m. Creative crafts, Scout hut, 9:30 Coast Guard small boat course, scout hut, 7:30 Oil painting community center, 9:30 a.m. THE KENNETH M. MAWSON, JR. AGENCY p0mo Decoupage, community center, 9:30 a.m. Now Municipal Band rehearsals, community center, Royal Palm Woman's Golf Association, Royal Suite 213, Royal Palm Plaza 8 p.m. Palm Golf Course, 9:30 aom. Weight Watchers meeting, University Bowl, 9:30 Nationwide 315 Gold View Drive, Boca Raton Wednesday, Feb. 19 a.m. Rug hooking, scout hut, 10 a.m. Guarantees ^Boca Raton Women's Golf Association, ho- Adult tennis instr. tennis courts, 10 a.m, tel golf course, 9 a.m. Exchange Club, Pal's, 12:15 p.m. Renewal Adult tennis inst., tennis courts, 9 a.m. Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts. 1 Family service agency counselor, neighborhood p.m. on Auto center, 9 a.m. Novice duplicate Bridge instr., community cen- Story hour, (pages 4 to 6) Boca Raton Library, ter, 1 p.m. Insurance. i 9 a.m. Girl Scouts, scout hut, 3 p.m. Now, Nationwide Insurance will Liquid embroidery, community center, 9:30 a.m0 Girls kickball, Memorial Park 3:30 p.m. guarantee renewal of auto in- Enameling on copper, scout hut, 9:30 a,m. Children art, Art Guild, 3:30 p.m. surance for five years (after each County welfare workers, neighborhood center, 10 Nat'l Bank vs Kiwanis (termite bask), policy is in effect 60 days). To a.m. qualify, just pay the premiums I Memorial Park, 3:30 p.m. and have a valid license for every Bridge instr., community center, 10 a.m. Children's Theatre, community center, 4 p.m. driving member of your family. Dog obedience, community center, 10 a.m. Doby Brick vs Jaycees (midget bask.) Memorial Ask me about it. Slimnastics,1 community center, 10 a.m. Park, 4:30 p.m. D. L. WILKINSON Adult tennis instr., tennis courts, 10 a.m. Twilighters, community center, 6 p.m. Paint along with Chet, Art Guild, 10 a.m. Country Club Village, scout hut, 7:30 p.m. AGENCY Welcome Wagon, Coach House Harbour, 11:30 Ballroom dancing, community center, 7:30 p.m. 48 N.E. 1st Avenue ajm,, Weight Watchers, First Federal Savings and Loan Boca Raton, Fla. Friendship Wagonners, Deerfield Beach Country 7:30 p.m. 395-2290 Club, 11:30 a.m. Table tennis for adults, community center, 7:30 The man from Nationwide is on your side. Men's bridge club, scout hut, noon. P Rotary Club, New England Oyster House, 12:15 American Legion Aux., 160 N.W. Second Nationwide p.m. St., 8 p.m. Nationwide MuUinl tinurana: Co. State welfare worker, neighborhood center, 12:30 Jaycees, Chamber of Commerce bldg., 8 p,m. Home office: Columbus. Ohiu BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED HODEL the flRALElGH9f Jules J. Polachek FUN TIME! In recognition of his outstanding success during the past HEW CUSTOM BUILT HODEL BY year, this Executive Underwriter is being honored in an EVERY MORNING AT 11 A.M. advertisement which appears in the March 4th issue of fmmt Oik H@mas LOOK magazine. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, air-conditioned, At The large family room and 2 car garage. 1

2, 3, & 4 BEDROOM HOMES Boca Raton Available From $18,950 Plus Lot For further information about this or other Auction Galleries custom built homes, call 395-8778, stop by our furnished model at 1500 W. Camino Real, 98 S. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton or write P.O. Box 839, Boca Raton, Florida. MORNING SCHEDULE BUY NOW AND SAVE $$$$ Monday & Thursday - FREE Bingo with $100 cash prize Tuesday & Friday - Live music and entertainment! Wednesday & Saturday — Fashion shows. TWO AUCTION SALES DAILY - 11 A.M. & 8 P.M. HOST OFFICE BOX 839 •OCA MTON'FLOtlDA'. 1 TELEFHONE 395.8778 THE PENN MUTUAL Directions from U.S. 7 - At Howard Johnsons Y ALL COME! west on Camino Real to S.Vf. 15th Avenue NO INVITATION NECESSARY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY In Boca Raton Since 7957 Independence Square • Philadelphia, Pa. Open Daily 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. WELCOME TO OUR NEW IBM NEIGHBORS Life and Health Insurance • Annuities • Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans • Complete Group Coverages- S&WiWxW:*:^ 8 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 Wayman wins polo game for

• -<•,«• Milwaukee in 7th chukker

Gutierrez to Wayman play, • Gutierrez slam- close fn. Scherer slam- ber three penalty, 40 to victory! med a 60 yarder to Way- med it through the posts yards with an open That's the way it went man who tapped it and Boca Raton was out goal, Tongg hit the Sunday as Milwaukee through to score. Be- front at 4-2. shot, split the posts and took a sudden-death 7-6 fore the chukker was ov- However, in the same the game was knotted win from injury riddled er, Gutierrez stole the period, Gutierrez nar- at 6-6 as the sixth chuk- Boca Raton's polo team. ball from Boca Raton rowed the scoring gap ker whistle blew. The score was knot- and worked it downfield by tapping through a The seventh chukker ted at the end of six for a second and tying number two penalty shot victory for Milwaukee regular chukker's of score. from about 20 feet out. gave them the coveted play. In the seventh, Neither side was able A number two penalty, Spectator Cup which has sudden - death overtime to split the uprights in one of the more severe been a prize in the world period, Benny Gutier- the second chukker of in polo, is awarded from of polo for 33 years. rez, seven - goaler, play as action centered the point the foul was The scoring: slammed a 60-yard pen- near mid-field. At one committed. BOCA RATON 6 alty shot to the goal point, Joe Casey took Milwaukee's Hap Casey 000 000 0-0 mouth. Wayman tapped a pass from Allen Sharp knotted the score Tongg 001 001 0-2 it in to win the game. Sherer for the BocaRa- at 4-4 in the final sec~ Scherer 000 101 0-2 Boca Raton is vitual- ton squad and missed a onds of the fifth chuk- Oxley 000 000 0—0 ly out of contention for scoring goal by inches. ker. Following the 45 Handicap 2 *.«, Sunshine League hon- In the third chukker second warning bell, MILWAUKEE 7 ors with no wins and Californian Ronnie play went to the north Sharp 000 010 0-1 three losses. At this Tongg converted a num- goal. A melee of play- Wayman 100 001 1—3 point it appears Hous- ber two penalty from the ers formed at the goal Gutierrez 100 101 0-3 ton with two wins and 20-yard line to give the mouth. Sharp went Barry 000 000 0—0 Milwaukee at two wins local team a 312 edge through the middle and Sunshine League and one loss, will be and that's the way it knocked the bamboo ball standings: the teams to watch for a ended at halftime. between the uprights. Houston 2 0 crown. Coming back for the In the final chukker Milwaukee 2 1 Boca Raton, rated at fourth chukker, it ap- of the game, Gutierrez Boston 1 1 1,9 goals Sunday, was peared underdog Boca opened the way for Mil- Boca Raton 0 3 awarded a 2-point han- Raton might turn the ta- waukee in the first 20 dicap score to start the bles on the Suds City seconds of play with a Benny Gutierrez attempts the hook on Tom Milwaukee a 7-6 overtime polo win here Sun- game. The lead didn't team. Tongg, shooting a rocket-like blast . that Wayman but Way man's goal gave day. last very long. number four-60 yard split the uprights high in misses penalty, put the ball the air. The visiting In the first chukker of team took a skinny 5-4 Champ lead on the play. But Boca Raton was still not out of the con- Bobcats host test. Play went to the is back north goal where Scher- er hit a beautiful near- BOCA RATON The champ is back at FLORIDA'S NEWEST Florida Atlantic Uni- side neckshot to pay- CHAMPIONSHIP Belle Glade dirt and once again tied 18 HOLE COURSE versity this term. the score. Never upset in his Gently rolling fair- The lead changed ways and carpet-rich glide to the position of Belle Glade's Ram quarter of the contest, greens accent our but the Rams tied it up again with two minutes t water champion water basketball teams come part of here tonight for a pair in the fourth period and left on the clock. Gut- Boca Teeca Country skier of 1961 through the game went into two ierrez passed to Way- Club Estates. 1965, Jim Jackson has, of jousts as the lo- Phone lor cal season grinds to a overtime periods be- man who popped a tail Starting times: nevertheless, suffered a fore the lakers pulled it shot through the big or- few upsets in his pur- close. MEMBERSHIPS 399-5120 out of the fire. ange posts. AVAILABLE1 Pete Cooper, suit of a teaching The Boca Raton Bob- Golf Director career,, cats have two games on The Jayvee squad will With 50 seconds on the But now he's back on tap this week, the Rams take to the floor at 6:30 clock Joe Gasey and course, heading for a tonight and a trip to p.m. in the prelimin- Tongg teamed forces to bachelor's degree in Clewiston Friday night ary contest. The Var- score a goal for Boca K.Wi SUt St. ind 2nd Ave., sity game begins at 8 Raton. But a penalty nul- Boci Raton (% mile west of U.S. t) December and a mas- for the year's finals. 399-5120 , ter's the following year. Next week, Boca Ra- o'clock. Bill Lowe heads ified the tally. Boca Ra- His aim is to be an ele- ton will play Martin up the JV's, Garry ton was awarded a num- o o mentary school teach- County in the first game Ghormley is the Var- er. of the championship sity coach. His aim back in 1965, tournament. It is sched- after his retirement as uled for Wednesday Men's golf G0LFIHS ... world champion and en- night. Nine games will rollment at FAU, was be held at the local gym- tournament PLAY WHERE YOU LIVE!! to organize an intercol- nasium through Sat- Enjoy your residence bordering the legiate water ski club. urday night. C. Barker took Class lush fairways ol the beautiful ATLANTIS. A year after this was Belle Glade will be A golf honors Friday Country Club ... complimentary mem-. 1 accomplished Jim re- W-t-'. .'.. favored here tonight, afternoon in the men's bership still being offered with the ceived his greetings having beating the Bob- association at Boca Ra- purchase of property. from Uncle Sam, cats in a previous game, ton County Club. Whether you prefer a distinctive home, Going on active duty Allen Scherer puts the hook on big Harold "Chico" Barry, a 61-59. Boca Raton had Barker had a plus ten an elegant villa, a charming apartment or a homesits for with the U..S. Navy Sea- classic example of how to stop the opponent. been ahead in the third with a score of 63. the future ... you will find them all in ATLANTIS, a re- bees in October, 1966, In Class B competi- laxed country club community only minutes away from all the slender Delray tion, B. Eidson came in conveniences in the heart of the Palm Beaches. Beach youth forsook with a 69 for a plus IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY skis and books for two Bowling standings eight. Class C went to G. AVAILABLE iN TWO, THREE. AND FOUR years. The know-hoy Decker for 'his 72 and BEDROOM RESIDENCES STARTING AT $28,500. needed to show the Viet- St. Joan of Arc Holy Name Univ. Baptist 3 35.5 40.5 Humming Birds 59 29 First Bank 35 31 a plus 15. Take Military Trail or Congress Ave. to Unlana Road and the City namese how to build Team , Won Lost Christian Reformed 35 41 Hawks 49.5 38.5 35 31 John McBeath was the of Atlantis — or call 9H-1W> for information. Shooks 43.5 24.5 Univ. Baptist 5 35 41 Cardinals 48 40 Whistle Stop 27 39 houses superseded in Dolphins *" 35.5 32.5 Univ. Baptist 6 34 42 Blue Jays 47 41 ft 5 26.5 39.5 winner of the Valentine importance for a while Sails 35 33 Community 6 . 32 44 Swans 43.5 44.5 Rutenberg 17 49 heart on number 14 hole. the intricacies of bal- Tarpons 34 34 St. Gregory 32 44 Mynah Birds 42 46 High team game First Bank &. Wahoos 32.5 35.5 Community 2 16 60 Kookaburras -41 47 Trust 948; high team triple, ance and stance in ef- Snappers 32 36 Community 7 15 61 Peacocks 41 47 Boca Raton Printing 2689; ind. fecting a perfect slalom. Kintfishs . 3C 38 High team game and high Roadrunners 37.5 50.5 high Larry Brannon 236; ind. 1st In Class since 1898 triple Bill Berry 656. BUTLER Then came October, Marlins ^°.S 38.5 team triple Univ. Baptist 1 758 Sandpipers 32 56 And Isf in FUN !M 136S 1968 and Jim's release High team game Marlins and and 2125; men's ind. high Ted Pelicans 24.5 63.5 Church Fellowship League Dolphins (tie) S16; W3I1 team Miller 224, ind. triple Paul High teamgameSkylarks 613; MOTORS Where else can you get s» from service. But its triple Marlins 235S-, i'ld. high Althouse 601; women'sind.high high team triple Kookaburras Team Won Lost timing meant another and ind. triple Tommy Green, Helen Nightingale 187, ind. tri- 1696; ind. high Romayne Krall Trinity 64.5 15.5 miiee economy, 18- Safety ? 184; ind. tripleGertNovick 489. Advent 2 51 29 South Floridas Msst delay in his training for 211 and 531. ple Carolyn Steele 464. Zion 50.5 29.5 features, and stHI ftffe^ the teaching profession. Boca Raton Community Hospital Univ. Baptist 1 46 34 Complete Service Church Fellowship League Boca Ratoners League Community 3 46 34 Too late to re-enroll at Team Won Lost Team Won Lost Team Won Lost Dept. With a 61.5 14.5 Advent 3 45 34 the University, he join- Trinity Church Kreuscher Const. 60.5 27.5 Alley Cats 57 31 .*•*.' 50.5 25.5 Advent 1 42.5 37.5 $£5,000 inventory Zion Lutheran Univ. Nat. Bank 57.5 30.5 Lame Ducks 50 38 Community 5 42.5 37.5 ed the Cypress Garden Advent 2 4¥ 28 Rizzo's Cellar 52 36 Double Trouble 49 39 43 Community 1 41 39 Univ. Baptist 1 33 South Fla. Crane 51.5 36.5 XX's & xy's 49 39 Univ. Baptist 4 39.5 40.5 Skiers in Winter Haven, Community 5 42.5 33.5 Team #3 50 38 Katzenjammers 47 41 4? 34 Univ. Baptist 2 39 41 bringing home the bacon Advent 3 RP Restaurant 48.5 39.5 Qual Squad 46 42 Community 4 39 41 for his wife and two- Community 3 42 34 Ferguson Int. 45 43 Plus Or Minus 2 45 43 Advent 1 41.5 34.5 Goofers , 41 47 Univ. Baptist 5 39 41 year-old daughter, and 40 Nielson's Furn. . 44.5 43.5 Univ. Baptist 6 38 42 Univ. Baptist 2 30 Amsprad Metals 29 49 Sore Losers 39 49 Christian 36 44 marking time until he Community 4 3? 37 First Federal 38 40 Eckins 35 53 Community 1 38 38 Jumpin Jacs 35 53 Community 6 36 44 could resume his edu- 35.5 Tecnico 35 53 Univ. Baptist 3 35.5 44.5 cation. Univ. Baptist 4 40.5 Boca Nat'l Bank "34 54 Good Sports 35 53 St. Gregory's 33 47 A.F.T. Apes. 31 57 High team game Goofers 603; Community 2 17 63 #12 28.5 59.5 high team triple Alley Cats 1,- Community 7 15 65 High team game Rizzo's Cel- 705; men's ind. high and ind. High team game and high lar 721; high team triple Kreu- triple Jack Kuepper 215 and 586; team triple Univ. Baptist 1 786 scher Construction 2085; men's women's ind. high Middle Cur- and 2165; men's Ind. high Carl ind. high and ind. triple Tom tis 176, and ind. triple Vonnie Hill 234; ind. triple Paul Lay- 208 S. Federal Hwy, Pomp an o Beach 941-61S6 941-6157 Strembu 206 and 571; wom- Gutzeic 482. man 559; women's ind. high and en's ind. high and ind, triple ind. triple Verna Miller 199 BROWARD COUNTYS OLDEST FIAT DEALER Mabel Walker 199 and 540. First Bank & Trust Classic and 514. Team Won Lost Early Bird Bowling League Boca Printing 43.5 22.5 Team Won Lost Cisco Kid 43 23 Skylarks 63 25 A&P 35 31

\ ©elf In ieee . AT A FINE OWLKES CHEVROLET EXECUTIVE COURSE Unffsrsltf Park 4 Holes over jOO yds 1 Hole 270 yds. OeunSri GSMSS 1 Hole 2a0yds. Where Service Starts With The Sale 1 SNACKBAR - BEER - Perfectly Conditioned RENTAL CLUBS - Championship Course DRIVING RANGE. « Well Stocked Gotf Shop Green Fees $3.00 © Driving Range S Club Rentals 10 Play Book $25.00 » Remodeled Ciufe House Phone 395-3060 for a Bar & Grill Starting Time Go out Stare RcJ. #80&past GREENS FEES ..;. $7.00 TONIGHT FAU fo U.S. 441 (State Rd. ELECTRIC CARTS , .$7.oo 7) furn south 2 miles. Electric Carts Req. Phone For Starting Times 395-5460 • 399-4921 On Military Trail, University Park Harness Racing ^ in Boca Raton

Billiards and • • • .Never Ends POMPANO RESTAURANT * TROPHIES * AWARDS 909$. FEDERAL HWY. *FNGRAVINC- Telephone UNIVERSITY BOWL 942-3000 POMPANO BEACH PARK-8 P.M. '"Trie 5outh's Most Luxurious Recreof/on Center" Corner N.E. 20th St. and Dixie Hwy. Phone 395-5222 * Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS 9 Among the iftms rsnfsd frem us lust weak: Public Notices Public Notices DEL Scaffolding - Chain Saw - Generator- Tile Cutter - Wine Bucket - Ax - January 31, 1969 9 Adult Tricycle-Baby Furniture - AM 69-3 Houston polo s man of steel Concrete Pia ne-Snake-S antfer-Pinnp- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boca Raton, Florida, will hold a Public Which of our more than 600 items Hearing at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall, 201 West Palmetto Park Del Carroll, injured in the Houston Astrodome last week, went Road, on the 20th day of February, 1969, to consider arguments do you need for temporary use? for and against the following amendments to Section 25-84, down for the count but bounced back to finish the game. Cluster Development: (14,000 pieces of inventory) -fel. 395-1877 Section 25-84 — Cluster Development. 1962 N. Federal Hwy., Fifth Avenue Shopping Plaza - Boca Raton 1. A. The intent of this section is to permit such flexibil- ity, ingenuity, imagination, creativity, and provide performance criteria for planned developments which will: • • (1) Accomplish a more desirable environment than would be possible through the strict application of minimum requirements of the ordinance, Carroll (2) Enhance the appearance of neighborhoods through preservation of natural features, the preservation of recreational areas, and open space and scenic vistas falls in excess of the requirements of existing zoning, sub- division and master plan requirements. frsm . B. In order to accomplish the above, the developer of any tract of land of not less than ten (10) gross acres in any R-l-A through R-l-E district, upon re- tiers® . .. ceiving the approval of the planning and zoning board in compliance with the procedure set forth in this section, may vary the lot sizes within the subdivision from those required by the applicable zoning district. Under unusual circumstances, requests of less than ten (10) gross acres, upon the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Director shall be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board for recommendation to the City Council.

2. The permitted land use requirements of the zone within which the Cluster Development proposal is located shall EVERYBODY apply with the exception that: A. Open space requirements may be considered cause for READS THE building intensity increases and for this purpose the permitted type of dwelling units may include single . family detached homes, duplex homes or a combina- tion of single family, duplex and multi-family apart- WANT ment complexes. B. The total number of lots to be created shall not exceed But by 20% the number which could be reasonably created without the use of the Cluster Development Proce- dure, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning still District in which the subject property is located; and C. The minimum of 25% of the gross area, exclusive of roads and parking area, must be set aside as a com- holds mon usage area. D. Cluster proposals for the development of combination reins . of single family and multi-family residence use shall be considered only when the gross area of the propos- al is approximately twenty-five (25) gross acres. Un- der unusual circumstances, the Planning and Zoning YOU JUST CANT BIAT TH1 CLASSIFIED Board may approve mixed Cluster Development for a lesser amount of land. ¥OR FAST RESULTS-IN THE MARKETPLACE! E. When a Cluster Development is'proposed in a single family residential zone, 60% of all dwelling units proposed within that zone shall be for single family dwellings, of which up to 50% may be duplex struc- trues. F. The owner or owners of any tract of land comprising BOCA RATON an area of 100 gross acres or more, may submit to the Planning and Zoning Board, a Cluster Develop- ment plan which may include a minimum amount of commercially zoned property. The purpose of this zoning will be to service the basic convenience needs of those residing in the Cluster complex. The com- NEWS mercially zoned property cannot be contiguous to any gingle family residential use abutting the Cluster Development. The commercially zoned property must have the same architectural appearance and quality as the total Cluster complex and must meet or exceed all existing requirements for setbacks, appearance and parking. The Board may approve such a plan, 395-8300 subject to Council acceptance, provided it finds that: (1) Because of the location of the track some com- mercial zoning would be essential; (2) Thar adjacent property would not be adversely af- Call 399-6719 ; feetedr (3) Total amount of commercially zoned property does not exceed 2% of the total Cluster complex. 3. Where the land Is utilized by public utilities as easements for major facilities, such as roads, electric and gas transmis- sion substations, sewer or storm drainage lift stations and water distribution structures and is not available to the owner for development, including existing 50% of the area of existing roads or rights-of-way dedicated for roads im- mediately abutting the tract under consideration, such lands shall be considered as part of the gross acreage in com- puting the maximum number of lots that may be created under this procedure. CITY ELECTION All land which is not divided into lots shall remain open. For purposes of this section, the following types of exist- ing facilities may be considered as open spaces: RETURNS LIVE (a) Private recreational facilities, such as golf courses or swimming pools, which - are limited to the use of the owners, general public or occupants of the lots located From rise Studios Of within the subdivision. (b) Privately owned historical sites, including those con- taining historical buildings. 4. Applicants desiring to make use of the Cluster Develop- ment Procedure as provided by this section shall file an exploratory application with the Planning and Zoning Board which application shall set forth the area and the proposed plan, including preliminary location and grouping of dwell- ing units, open space, recreational areas, vehicular and BOCA HA?®ff pedestrian circulation systems. Upon tentative approval of the exploratory plan by the Planning and Zoning Board, the applicant will then file a detailed planning application for ap- proval of the Board and the City Council after public hear- 1IACH TOMP&H© BEACH ing. 5. A. All open space and recreation facilities shall be con- veyed in fee simple title by Warranty Deed from the Sponsored By subdivider to the Trustees of the development, who shall be provided for by Trust Indenture for each subdivision authorized under the Cluster Development Procedure, for the sole benefit, use and enjoyment of the lot owners, pres- ent and future, of said subdivision, or, B. All open space and recreational facilities may be con- THOMPSON MOTOR veyed in fee simple title by Warranty Deed from the Trustees to the City of Boca Raton for the use of the Bandages general public subject to the approval of the City Coun- cil. COMPANY C. The Warranty Deeds and Trust Indentures complying 732-801 North Federal Hwy., Ft. Lauderdaie with the provisions of this subsection shall be submitted are to the City Attorney for his written approval of the legal form and effect of said deeds and indentures. The said applied . Authorised Dealer For... deeds and indentures shall then be approved by the Plan- ning and Zoning Board and shall be filed in the land rec- ords of the City of Boca Raton and the County of Palm Jaguar M.G. - Austin -America . Beach simultaneously with the recording of the final plat of the subdivision authorized under this section and submitted in accordance with Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances for the City of Boca Raton. D. "The Homes Association Handbook — Technical Bulle- tin 50" of the Urban Land Institute, 1200 18th Street N.W., 7:30 - 8:30 P.M. Washington, D.C., 20036, will be used as a guide in in- forming the owners association of requirements for Trustees Deed and Indentures. TONIGHT More detailed information relative to this proposal may be obtained at the office of the Planning and Zoning Department, City Hall Annex, 71 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Flor- ida. CITY OF BOCA RATON CITY OF BOCA RATON PLANNING AND ZONING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT BOARD RETURNS Walter R. Young, Robert C. Rodgers, *?p The Iron Walter R. Young, Director Robert C. Rodgers, live Chairman Man goes Publish: February 13th and February 18, 1969- JERE PIERCE - DICK DOTY REPORTING Furnish Proof of Publication. X\ .*-V back to

work "Time means mon- ey to all of us and all IN FORT IAUDERDALI of the time you are out To Place a Classified of our newspaper, it is ad call 395-8300 and TV-51 costing you money.So! Come and join our 399-6719 Business Directory." 10 B Help Male 10 B Help Male 10 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 10 A Help Female 10 B Help Kale Public '68 CADILLAC Sedan SHIRT GIRL - PER- ORDERLY PAINTERS WEB OFFSET PRESS- DeVille, all DeVille MANENT apply at Mat- Physical therapy de- Need good brush and MAN APPRENTICE. No IN THE COURT OF THE COUN- experience necessary. TY JUDGE, IN AND FOR PALM equipment - factory air ty's Cleaners 1941 N. partment, permanent roller men for resi- Public Notices Public Notices BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA IN 391-1946. Federal Hwy. Boca Call Florida residence. 278- dential work in, Boca Excellent working con- PROBATE NO. 28,037 395-2440. Raton - Delray area, ditions. Fringe bene- '65 RED CORVAIR g 7300 N. Fed. Hwy. Bo- fits mechanical exper- JUVENILE COURT FOR THE St., in the City of Danbury in IN RE: ESTATE OF MONZA Convertible. 4 Part time Housekeeper, ca 395-7482. ience helpful. Apply Bo- STATE OF CONNECTICUT said District, It appearing to HUGH S. GEORGE, BOCA RATON NEWS and being found by the sub- Deceased. Speed, spinner hub caps, approx 3 to 4 days per needs assistant circu- WELDERS ca Raton News 34 S ORDER OF NOTICE scribing authority that the above new tires, GOOD SHAPE week. Take care of 6 lation manager for com- Shop welders exper- 2nd, Chuck Jesse o named Charles Walker & Sadie NOTICE TO CREDITORS $699. Call 399-6731 or yr. old boy. Call after bination inside and out- ienced in plate fabrica- John Morrison. City of Danbury, Cor.n. Feb. Lee Daughtry Walker has gone 395-7481 after 6. 4; 395-2196. Must have 10, 1969 to parts unknown, therefore. All creditors of HUGH S. side duties. Should en- tion, cutting and filling ORDERED, That notice of the GEORGE, who died on January own transportation. joy working with boys in apply in person - hearing of this petition be giv- 27, 1969, while a resident of '66 CHEVROLET STA- Petition for the Commitment en by publishing this order of BOOKKEEPER - SEC- 12-16 age group. Op- M&M Iron Works POODLES of the Minor Children of Charles Palm Beach County, Florida, TION WAGON One own- notice in the Boca Raton News arc notified that they arc re- RETARY for Decora- portunity to learn news- 33 N.W. 2nd St. AKC Walker & Sadie Lee Daughtry a newspaper having a circula- er. Good condition low REGISTERED Walker of parts unknown quired to file any claims or tor - Designer. Boca paper circulation and Deerfield Beach tion in the City of Boca Raton, demands that they may have mileage. Extras. Best POODLES Upon the petition of the Com- once a week two weeks suc- Raton area. 5 day week. grow with a rapidly ex- BOOKKEEPING OR OF- missioner of Welfare of the cessively, commencing on or against his Estate, in the of- offer 395-4748. Salary open. Send re- panding operation. No 8 weeks old $75 State of Connecticut is said fice of the County Judge of FICE EXPERIENCE. Call 395-2515 before the 12th day of Febru- Palm Beach County, Florida, in plies to Boca Raton experience required, District, stating that the minor ary A.D. 1969. '63 BUICK SPECIAL" Part time. Benefits and child of the above named per- the Courthouse at West Palm News Box BW 7. good pay while you son is an/are uncared-for, neg- Beach, Florida, within six cal- station wagon, 32,000 salary discussed at in- Elizabeth B. Madeley learn, company hos- lected or delinquent child which endar months from the date of original miles, new WAITRESS, BAR- pitalization and life in- terview. Call 395-3140 PRIDE WHITE petition will be heard on the Acting Clerk of the Juvenile the first publication of this no- tires. Mechanically ex- MAIDS. Experienced or eves. 942-3659, Mr. 10th day of March, 1969 at Court for the First District tice. Each claim or demand cellent. $550 call 395- surance plan, credit un- Roofs Cleaned 12:00 o'clock in the noon, at must be in writing a^ filed preferred but not nec- ion. Call Mr. Golden, Stevenson - for appoint- & Painted the Juvenile Court, 42 Main Publish Feb. 18, 25, 1969 in duplicate, and must state 8896. essary. For Breakfast ment. Furnish proof of publication the place of residence of the 395-8304. HOUSE PAINTING claimant and be sworn to by *67 CADILLAC Sedan and lunch, cocktails. Needed at Once! DON'T LOOK FOR A claimant, his agent or his at- DeVille excellent con- Apply NALU lounge Licenced Real Estate JOB! You can have a Lie. & toe, 941-0348 ZC-69-3 January 29, 1969 torney, or it will become void dition. Tinted windows, 1460 S. Ocean Blvd. sales person for major CAREER in retail sales according to law. Pompano 941-6600. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dated: February 3, 1969 factory air, new tires, condominium develop- with Floridas most pro- all electric and extras. AVON ' ment in Boca Ra- gressive Building Ma- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Zoning DOROTHY E. GEORGE, Call 399-7033 or 395- ATTENTION ton. Prefer experience terials Co.. Immediate WHITE Board of the City of Boca Raton, Florida, will hold a Public Executrix for the Estate 2197 eves. in condominium selling. position available, if Hearing on the petition of Robert W. Ingalls, at 7:30 P.M., of HUGH S. GEORGE, De- HOMEMAKERS ceased Excellent income with you're interested in ROOFS in the City Hall, 201 West Palmetto Park Road on the 20th day '63 CHEVROLETTM- Would you like to earn PftlHTED WITH of February, 1969, to consider arguments for and against the good future for right permanent, full time PALA 4 door beauti- $2 per spare hour? Let PRUNING PLASTIC rezoning from R-l-D to R-4 of that property described as J. CLINTON SCOTT Avon show you how. Call person. Must be avail- employment with excel- follows: Devitt, Friedrich & Scott ful beige all accessor- able now. Phone 399- ROOF COATING 40 S.E. First Avenue ies including air. Ex- 278-4972 for informa- lent chance for advance- INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Boca Raton, Florida 33432 3061 Ask for sales man- ment on the merit sys- PAINTING •: Attorneys for Executrix cellent condition. Pri- tion. vate owner. Call 395- ager. - tem. Salary commen- GRILL' and COUNTER surate with ability be- BRATTON ROOFS S.E. 14S_. jy First Publication: Fehruaryli, 1364. KITCHEN HELP 1969 GIRL. Experienced or ginning at $380 per WALL COATING I NEED A GOOD CAR. will train. Call Dobbs FRY COOK, BOILER month plus liberal com- (Also publish, February 18, 25 Small monthly pay- House 395-9906. missions arrangements and March 4, 1969.) ments. No cash down. MAN, COOKS HELP- YOU'VE TRIED THE REST Furnish proof of publication Earn up to $5 an hour. ERS, KITCHEN HELP- Lindsley RBC Lumber NOW CALL THE BEST No credit. Employed lo- Co. 1850 N. Fed. Hwy., cally. Write Boca Raton LUZIER COSMETICS. ERS AND DISHWASH- 335-7482 Notice To Creditors Subsidiary of - ERS. Boca Raton. News Box A47. Include Meyers. Call 278-5072 IN TilE COURT OF COUN- phone number for an im- after 3:30 PM Good starting salary, TY JUDGE IN AND FOR mediate reply. PALM BEACH COUNTY, 10 B Help Male company benefits, Superb FLORIDA; IN PROBATE, IB Motorcycles, Bicycles NO. 2S087 FIELD CLERK for large working conditions. Ap- RENT A HONDA Construction Co., Boca ply in person. '^Dining on IN RE: ESTATE OF Across from Polo Includes time keeping, LOUISE MULLF.R grounds 395-2029. NEW ENGLAND Deceased. payroll, clerical work The 5 A lost & Found and daily progress re- OYSTER HOUSE TO ALL CREDITORS, LEGA- Lost: Womans silver ports. Contact Mr. 1701 N. Federal Hwy., TEES DISTRIBUTEES AND watch, black suede band. Bruns 399-8880. Boca Raton Gold Coast EXPERT PERSONS HAVING ANY Vicinity of Royal Palm BAYOU RESTAURANT R^N\S! Proposed property CLAIMS OR DEMANDS Shop. Center. Call 395- AND LOUNGE GUTTERING AGAINST SAID ESTATE: 501 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. SERVICE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5162 REWARD. SERVICE DIRECTORY Boca Raton 395-1682 You and each of you are here- ACCOUNTING ENTERTAINMENT Any type gutter & down- That part of Parcels B and C of Block 68, Spanish River by notified that you are re- Lost - Jan. 10 Large quired by Law to present any male sealpoint Siamese Professional Account- MAGICIAN THE CASCADES spouts made to order & Land Company, Plat A, according to the plat as recorded RESTAURANT installed. 22 years ex- in Plat Book 16, Page 29, Public Records of Palm Beach claims and demands which you, cat between Boca Har- ing, Consulting and Tax SPECIALIZING IN or either of you, may. have 429 N. Federal Hwy. perience — 13 years in County, Florida, lying West of a line that is parallel to and bor and Delray Beach. service handled person- CHILDREN'S AND Deerfield 399-8300 So. Florida. Estimates 300.00 feet westerly of, when measured at right angles against the estate of Louise Reward. Call 391-1237 ally. Newly established at no obligation. to, the West right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 1, as Muller, deceased, late of said ADULT PARTIES. COACH HOUSE HARBOR County, to the County fudge of S B Personals office in Boca - 5 years now laid out and in use. - Palm Beach County, Florida, ac experience with worlds CALL 395-2235 ANY- 1500 N. Federal Hwy. 278-0721 278-5987 Bored? Over 40? Join Deerfield 941-3010 More detailed information relative to this proposal may be his office in the court house of largest CPA firm (Chi- TIME said County at Weet Palm Boca Raton's newest CRYSTAL LAKE obtained at the office of the Planning and Zoning Department, Beach, Florida, within six cal- cago) Call 395-2055 for MUSIC FOR ALL OC- City Hall Annex, 71 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, endar months from the time Adult Fun Club, 395- CASIONS parties - club COUNTRY CLUB Florida. appt. , W. Sample Rd. of the first publication of this 8635 between 6 &. 8 P.M dates. NORMAN Pompano 942-2533 CITY OF BOCA RATON CITY OF BOCA RATON notice. Each claim or demand AIR CONDITIONING PLANNING AND ZONING PLANNING AND ZONING shall be in writing in duplicate, GATEWAY WAIN' TRIO. Call 399- FAMOUS DOOR ORIGINAL DEPARTMENT BOARD and shall state the place of NATURAL FOODS Fedders air cond. Resi- 0533 or 395-8635. RESTAURANT residence and post office ad- dential, Commercial 1544 S. E. 3 Ct (in the OIL PAINTINGS Walter R. Young Robert C. Rodgers dress of the claimant, f.nd shall Natural, Vitamins & Robert C. Rodgers, Central & Room, Arcade LEARN TO DRIVE Cove Shopping Center) Walter R. Young, Director be sworn to by the claimant, Minerals Organically Deerfield 399-5455 Chairman his agent, or his attorney, and grown, dried fruit. Di- Electronic, 2029 NW 2nd WE help you get Driv- any such claim or demand not etetic Foods & Vegeta- Ave., 395-4611. ers License & Permit. PAL'S CAPTAIN'S Publish: February 6, 1969 and February 18, 1969 so filed shall be void. TABLE PICTURE FRAMING FURNISH PROOF OF PUBLICATION ble Juices. Service and sales, res- We call for you, EASY COVE YACHT BASIN 326 E. Atlantic Blvd. idential and commercial METHOD. 278-4140. Two year exchange" Joseph Carl Muller,. Jr. Deerfield 399-4000 warranty certificate. Joseph Carl Muller, Jr. Pompano 941-8120 central and room MASSAGES ' . RAMADAEW with every ^purchase ZC-69-A January 29, 1969 As executor of the Last C Child Care air conditioning, call SWEDISH massages Bo- Will and Testament of 1401 S. Federal Hwy. Tom Meyers, 395-2233, dy Beautiful Royal Palm Deerfield Beach' 399-8000 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Louise Muller, deceased. TIC TOC Private Central Air of Boca, for School. Infants to 7 Plaza Call for Appoint- RIZZO'S RESTAURANT ART NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Planning and Zon- KURZINGKR AND HONCHHLL years. Open all year. free survey. ment 395-0124. 5990 N. Federal Hwy. 540 S. FED. HWY. ing Board of the City of Boca Raton, Florida, will hold a Pub- Attorneys for Executor Boca Raton 395-8080 lic Hearing on the petition of the Planning and Zoning Board, 279 North Federal Highway 273 N.W. 15th St. Boca ALTERATIONS PAINTING Pompano Beach 94^5450 at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall, 201 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33132 ,395-5044. • R.C. Bennett MICHAEL SZABO ROYAL PALM Open Sundays j2-5 .on the 20th day of February, 1969, to consider arguments for Ladies & Men's alter- First publication: February IS, PAINTING CAFETERIA and against the rezoning from R-B-l to MC and R-B-l to R-4 THE GOOD BEGIN- 303 Golf View Drive of that property described as follows: 1969 NING NURSERY & KIN- ations. 1821-B NE 25th LICENSED - INSURED Boca Raton News St., Pomp. 943-5414. Royal Palm Plaza Publish: Feb. IK, 25, March DERGARTEN Complete INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Boca Raton 399-6021 4, 11, 1969 program. 198 S. W. 15th EXCELLENT TAILOR residential commercial Furnish proof of publication St. Boca 395-3997. All kinds of Ladies & 395-5949 to&a* 5.DE Instructions, TutoriiHj: Men's Alterations . . . "A good job at reason- IN THE COURT OF THE PROFESSIONAL Barton & Miller Clean- able rates" _, P 1 UAYNR INTERIORS COUNTY JUDGE,IN AND All ages. All problems. ers & Laundry, 2600 PAINTING, INTERIOR, FOR PALMBF.ACHCOUN- N. Dixie. Hwy. at 5 EXTERIOR 17 yrs. ex- L»L. HW I I11.W Boca Rato TY, FLORIDA IN PRO- M.I.T. 1943 Honor Grad. CUSTOM MADE BATE NO. 28,037 Harold Selleck 395-3303 Points, Wilton Manors, perience. For Esti- FRENCH LESSONS by 566-4314. mates Call 276-6343 af- IN RE: ESTATE OF ARE U FUSSY Creative" ter 5 PM. i AT A PRICE YOU CAN AFFORD HUGH S. GEORGE, native teacher, begin- Deceased. ners and advanced. Call dressmaking and alter- ROOFING DECORATIVE WINDOW SHADES Mrs. Yvonne Perkins ations 399-4038. GUARANTEED ROOF KIRSCH TRAVERSE "RODS NOTICE OF PROBATE 276-5694. ART REPAIRS BOAT DRAPERIES 1 day leak repair ser- TO ALL PERSONS INTEREST- Interested' in Italian lan- HAND PAINTED COMPLETE LINE OF FABRICS ED IN THE ESTATE OF SAID guage register now at PLAQUES & MURALS vice Ph: 278-0721 or DECEDENT: 278-5987 ANY TYPE LICENSED AND INSURED Phone 399-8845 You are hereby notified that Pompano High School 395-4166 399-1379 a written instrument purport- adult education. 2 ROOF. Res. 395-2621 ed to be the Last Will and Tes- ARTICLES FOR RENT tament of said decedent has been dollars fee for 12 weeks Tables, Chairs, punch ROOF PAINTING admitted to probate in said 10 A Kelp Female bowls, dishes, silver- EXPERT CLEANING Court. Drapery Seamtress full ware. Dixie Rents & You are hereby commanded SEALING & PAINTING within six calendar monthsfrom time Permanent Keel- Sales 395-7359. Gravel or tile. Proposed R-B-l to MC the date of the first publication ers Draperies. 3415 S. AUTO PARTS Quality roofers. of this notice to appear in said FULL CHARGE Proposed R-B-l to R-4 Fed. Hwy. Call 278-2877 Car, Truck & Tractor In Fla. 20 Years. Court and show cause, if any or 399-2837 Delray. LEGAL DESCRIPTION you can, why the actions of said Parts Fast! D&M Auto Lie. & Ins. 933-2779 Court in admitting said Will FULL TIME GIRL with Parts, Dick Heidgerd, TV ANTENNAS BOOKKEEPER R-B-l to MC to probate should not stand un- drivers license for 220 -S. Dixie, 395-2412 TV Color Svc, Antennas, revoked. Lunch Wagon Service, That part of the NW 1/4 of Section 19, Township 47 South, 133 NE 2nd Ave. Deer- installed, TV repaired Wanted immediately by Real Estate Range 43 East, beins more particularly described as fol- /s/JOSEPH W. HUMPHREY Also PART TIME GIRL field Beach- 399-8220. Bring your TV & watch lows: County Judge to serve lunch, no age BABY SITTING it repaired same day firm. Experienced through trial bal- Palm Beach County, barrier, no license service. CROWN TV Beginning at a point on the East line of and 50.00 feet due Florida Will take care of Chil- ance only need apply. All phase of North of, the Southeast corner in Independence Acres ac- needed. Call 395-0904 dren in my home days COLOR SERVICE CEN- books and payroll. Company has cording to the plat as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page (Seal) or 395-4172 Eves. TER 1140 E. Hills- 114, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, con- for working Mother. many fringe benefits. Excellent J-. CLINTON SCOTT COUNTER CLERK for boro. Deerfield. 399- tinue due North on said East line, a distance of 1138,76 References Available salary. Our employees know of this feet; thence S 51 degrees 48'13" E, a distance of 1439.25 Devitt, Friedrich & Scctt Dry Cleaning Plant. Ap- 395-0394. 2594. feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of N.W. 13th 40 S.E. First Avenue ply Klean Rite Clean- TV SERVICE ad. Send complete resume to Boca Street, said point being on a curve concave to the South- Boca Raton, Florida 33 432 Mature woman. Local east, having a tangent bearing of S 87 degrees 54' 18" ers 192 S. Dixie Hwy, refs. day or eve. Own *Star TV Service'*- Raton News Box V 6. W through said point; thence southwesterly on said curve, Publish: February 11, 18, 25 Boca 395-5922. transportation. Call REPAIR ALL MAKES. having a central angle of 20 degrees 30'51" and a radius and March 4, 1969. Color, black and white. of 1195.92 feet, a distance of 428.19 feet to the end of said WOMAN TO LEARN 399-5735 or 399-1859 curve; thence S 67 degrees 23'27" W on said North line of Furnish proof of publication. NEWSPAPER COM- CABINETS ~ ZENITH sales and serv- N.W. 13th Street, a distance of 207.90 feet to the begin- POSITION AND PASTE- ice, 2174 N.E. 1st Aye. ning of a curve to the right; thence on said curve, having OLDHAM CABINETS- Boca 399-2266. a central angle of 22 degrees 40'03" and a radius of UP IN MODERN OFF- 1095.92 feet, a distance of 433.57 feet to the end of said SET COMPOSING custom cabinets only. TAILOR curve; thence N 89 degrees 56'30" W to the POINT OF Classified ROOM. Permanent job, Builders welcome 942- EXCELLENT TAILOR WAITRESS TEAMS BEGINNING. no experience required. 1671. All kinds of Ladies & R-B-l to R-4 Apply at Boca Raton CAMERA SERVICE Men's Alterations ... 395-8300 News, 34 S.E. Second St. 19c Color Print. Cam- Barton & Miller Clean- New England Oyster That part of the NW 1/4 of Section 19 Township 47 South, Range 43 East, lying South of the South right-of-way line COUNTER GIRLS or era Repair, Free est. ers & Laundry, 2600 of N.W. 13th Street as now laid out and In use, and North of LADIES full time 11 AM Passports photos. The N. Dixie Hwy. at 5 the following described line: 399-6719 to 7 PM Apply in person Photo Mart. 942-6043., Points*, Wilton Manors, House Beginning at the Southeast corner of Independence Acres, Jolly Burger 865 N. CARPENTRY 566-4314. according to the plat as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page Federal Hwy. Boca. UN- Bookcases - Cabinets - TEFLON 114, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, run S RATES DER NEW MANAGE- Panelling - Plantation We TEFLON everything 89 degrees 56'30" E on the South line extended of said In- i 3 6 9 12 FOOD-COCKTAILS k dependence Acres to a point on the North right-of-way Lines Day Days Days Days Days MENT. Shutters & Doors. Bill from Cook-Ware to line of Meadows Road as delineated in that plat prepared 4 1.20 3.36 5.76 7.92 10.56 Work the same hours and days with a V by John A. Grant, Jr. under Job No. 100-292, dated Janu- 5 1.50 4.20 7.20 9.90 13.20 HOSTESS-CASHIER Peters. 399-1951. Boats, Guns, Etc. 6 1.68 4.60 7.92 10.80 14.40 BOCA TACKLE SHOP friend or apply singly and will introduce \ ary 5, 1965; thence with said right-of-way line in a north- 1.96 5.46 9.24 12.60 16.80 Partitions, paneling, easterly direction to a point on the South line of Florida At- 2.08 5,76 9.60 12.96 17.28 FULL TIME EMPLOY- 39.5-0969 you to a working partner. Lunch and dinner lantic University and the end of the herein described line. trimming, cabinets, 9 2.34 6.48 10.80 14.58 19.44 MENT no experience doors, closets, shelves, USED FURNITURE shifts. Earning potential (salary and grat- lO- 2.50 6.90 11.40 15.30 20.40 necessary, will train. More detailed information relative to this proposal may be ob- ll 2.75 7.59 12.54 16.83 22.44 bookcases, repairs, H. We buy - sell - trade uity in the $125 to $150 range) in pleasant tained at the office of the Planning and Zoning Department, City 12 2.88 7.92 12.96 18.36 24.48 Must be neat and pleas- Boca Quality Used Fur- 13 ' 3.12 8.58 14.04 19.89 26.52 Rissolo 399-0378. work surroundings. Free group insurance. Hall Annex, 71 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, Florida. Each sant. Good starting sal- niture 117 N.W. 11 St. Additional ary, good working con- CLEANING 391-3580. No experience necessary. Formal paid CITY OF BOCA RATON CITY OF BOCA RATON Line .24 1.08 1.53 2,04 PLANNING AND ZONING PLANNING AND ZONING ditions. Company bene- PROFESSIONAL Clean- WATCH REPAIR training program. Apply in person. DEPARTMENT BOARD fits. Apply in person. ing Services, commer- '68 TORONADO 2nd car. cial & residential. All JOHN REDDING - Fritz Walter R. Young Robert C. Rodgers, No accidents. All elec- NEW ENGLAND work insured. Special - Carlson - Dora Yodon- New England Oyster House Walter R. Young, Director Robert C. Rodgers, is. BEACON LITE 7707 N. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton Chairman tric. Low mileage. Give . OYSTER HOUSE any 9 x 12 rug pick- away price $4000 395- 1701 N. Federal Hwy. ed up & delivered $10. JEWELERS Beacon Lite Call for Appt. . Mr. Frank Gibson 395-8181 Publish: February 6, 1069 and February 18, 1969 2761 after 6. MR* SERVICE 399-8866 Shp. Ctr. Furnish proof of publication. Boca Raton 10 B Help Msle 15 H Boats-Motor or Sail 25 B Apartments for Rent" 30 C Business Opportunities 35 B Co-ops & Condominiums Sale ^B 35 H Homes for Sale Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969 BOCA RATON NEWS .11 CHEMICAL SALESMAN 23* Fiberglas "Sea- Furn. 1 Bedrm. & eff. Nursery - Kindergar- WELLINGTON ARMS SPECTACULAR 35 H Homes for Sale 35 H Homes for Sate or Manufacturers rep- bird", fisherman mod- apts. Air cond. 450' to ten Est. 10 Yrs, Profit- CONDO. 2 bedrm 2 bath GOLF COURSE VffiW On a quiet no-thru resentative that calls on el. 100 HP, I/O ready Public beach. Monthly able, fully equipped. BV FOR from $18,900 6530 N. street, 3 bedrooms 2 IMMEDIATE plumbing and hardware to go at dock. $1900 or seasQR 399-4453. 399-5207 Eves, Ocean Blvd., Ocean Rid- ROYAL PALM YACHT baths, central air and trade. For interview Call 391-1589. DELIVERY Efficiency apt. season- 35 A Lots S Acreage Sale ge, Fla. 732-2442. & COUNTRY CLUB heat, w/w carpeting, call 399-8879. Have your Boat, Marine ROYAL PALM This custom built home draperies, sprinkler 4 bedrm 2 bath with pool, Harware etc. TEFLON al. Between beach and BOCA VERDE EAST LANDSCAPE MAIN- intracoastal, call eves. LOT with 3 large bedrooms system, beautiful pine rugs and drapes. 3 Coated. 2 bedrm 2 bath, 3 floor and huge living room bedrm 2 bath pool. Call TENCE MAN and 395-0995. BY OWNER 3 exposures, carpets, trees, close to Mzner LANDSCAPE PLANTS- Boca Tackle Shop with high ceilings has a and High School. $24,- 399-6790. Furnished apartment Oversize lot. Very de-. and drapes. Covered MAN needed. Good 395-0969 sir able location. Call spacious pool and patio 000. Call OWNER 395- CAMINO GARDENS DONZI SPEED BOAT for rent for season in carport $21,900. Call facing east overlooking 5895. starting pay full time 395-2235. Owner 391-1332. NEW WATERFRONT employment. Free hos- Brand new, used 10 hrs. Boca Raton. For details the most beautiful part HOME 14 ft. 120 HPMercruis- call 395-1-515. WATERFRONT of the Royal Palm Golf JUST COMPLETED pitalization and life in- Excellent 92 by 108 ft. CONDOMINIUM MODEL Architect designed, surance plan Call 391- er plus extras! Boat Deluxe 2 bedrm 2 bath Course - MLS BR- SMALL EFFICIENCY. 1 residential lot perfect 1497-PG. Call for an At 1037 S.W. 12th Ave.,. CUSTOM HOME to be 1771. alone cost $4,700. Will in Boca Verde East at completed in March. sell boat and new trail- person. Completely fur- seawall. Direct access appointment to see this near Addison Mizner Service station attend- nished. West Camino to the Intracoastal.1 Boca Raton Draperies School. 3 bedrm 2 bath Pick your own paint, er $3200, Call 395-5501 and carpeting $22,500 home. and mechanic daytime Ofc. or 391-2085 home. Real Section Call 391- Fairly priced. family room, screened tiles, etc. 5 Large bed- only 8 AM to 5 PM 1502. Phone 395-2383 PM pool, sprinklers, w/w rooms, 3 deluxe baths 6 days. Good salary and 15 0 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Hart. plus large family room, Rock maple twin beds, DUPLEX NICK AMRHflN m carpeting and many ex- comm. good working deluxe kitchen, and util- dresser, mirror and SPACIOUS 2 bedroom WATERFRONT ~~ 757 S. Federal Hwy.- tras. • conditions. Ask for 2 bath, carpeting, Cen- „ Realtor • , OCEAN BLVD. TOP Colonial Building Milcor Homes ity room, large air con- George 278-3565 or night table. Excellent _^ 391-J166 ditioned work shop, 2 condition. Call 391-0643 tral air/heat, screen- FLOOR GARDEN APT. Boca Raton, Fla. 391-0940 399-5202 276-9351. Delray ed patio, walking dis- Use News Classified 2 Bedroom 11/2 baths _Phone 395-4044 CHATHAM HILLS car garage, pool and pa- American Service Cen- Nearly new walnut COF- overlooking the exclus- tio. Cannot be duplicat- FEE TABLE, 46"x 17" tance to shopping cen- 2 bedrm 2 bath furnish- ter 206 N.E. 4th St. ter. Adults 395-9316 af- LOT FOR SALE in Bo- ive PALM CLUB and ed. Central heat and air ed at todays prices for 10 I: Help, Male or Female Reasonable Call 391- ter 5:30 and all day on ca Raton Park by Own- beautiful Garden area. WEVFIELD conditioners. Sprinkler $74,500. Call OWNER INCOME TAX 0699. •••• weekends. er 942-3860. HEATED POOL. PRI- PARK system. Nicely land- 972-3457. TAX CONSULTANTS KINGSIZE HEAD- ESTATE SECTION VATE BEACH PRIVIL- scaped. For sale by BOARD, 2 COMMODES, 1 Bedrm apt., 2nd Floor. Owner anxious to sell Experienced in indiv- Furn or unfurn. Newly BY OWNER EDGE across the street, owner $21,500. Call af- KING SIZE! idual and small bus- white trimmed in gold. One Block to Ocean 80' dockage available, all 3 bedrm 2 bath home,' ter 6 PM 395-7150. $100 Call 399^1237. painted and carpeted, walking distance to You will enjoy the room iness. Top money. Full draped, refrig, range, x 105' Call Eves. 391- elec kitchen, w/w car- BOCA SQUARE or part time Boca Ra- SINGER Sewing ma- 1809. peting, drapes, awning, shopping in a nice neigh- to roam in this luxury, chine. Zig Zags, but- air, heat. Season or borhood $17,500 MLS 2/2 HOME $31,500 ton, Pompano area. DELRAY BEACH storm protection, par- custom-built four bed- tonholes, $28. UN- yearly. Walking dis- BR 1672. Family room," 2 car ga- UNIT AX SYSTEMS BY OWNER tially furnished, adults room three bath home CLAIMED FREIGHT, tance to Royal Palm SLONE REALTY rage, central air and in ROYAL PALM. Mas- GUARANTY BLDG. Shopping Plaza. E. of Nicest residential sec- - No pets, $26,800 Call heat with individual WPB 833-1007 2003 U. S. Hwy 441 S, owner 946-1819 or 942- 912 N. Dixie Hwy. ter bath is oversize and Fed. Call 395-9578. tion (Lake Ida) 2 large Boca Raton room control, w/w car- Ft. Lauderdale. corners and one canal 0487 Pompano. there are scores of ex- BOOKKEEPER wanted. BOCA'S Newest & fin- 3Q9-1223 pets thruout, drapes, Accounts receivable Only the finest in used lot. South east expos- tras in built-ins; his furn., antiques, etc. Buy est Annual rental Apart- CONDOMINIUM washer, dryer, frost and her electric eye bookkeeper, peg board ure. Size 100 by 110. ATLANTIC OPEN DAILY free refrigerator. All sell & trade. 5370 N. ments, unfurn., 1 bed- 5 minutes to beach, 2 NEW LUXURY HOME doors in garage. system. We will train. room, 1-1/2 bath, and CLOISTERS thisplus 6 tropical fruit Lew Montgomery Inc. Fed. Pompano. Look for minutes to shopping. DOCKAGE FOR YACHT Screened patio area with 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Lat- BOCA RATON trees. Call today. MLS 145 N.W. 20 St. Boca yellow cottage. Daily 10 Sewers, water, elec- 4 BEDROOMS & DEN heated pool - bar-b-cue est GE kitchen R/C air Elegant villa apartment BR 1785. 395-4414. to 5. 399-0531. tricity in. Lots way un- 181 Coconut Palm Rd Indoor plantings. MLS cond. W/W, carpeting, - custom designed two ROYAL PALM YACHT & BR 1791P - $79,500. Oval rug 6x9, leather derpriced $6800 to $9,- story living room, bal- SALESPEOPLE and Screened Patios, Pool, 800 to see turn west off COUNTRY CLUB For all particulars and COUNTER HELP full hassock, 3 pc ceramic cony, den, 3 bedrm — Adults, no Pets, model Hwy 1 at N.EO 8th St. See this fabulous home. appointment to see, call time. Experience pre- pheasant set, wall open for inspection. 331 31/2 baths - 3 terrac- Large patio &pool, gor- 450 E. Palmetto Pk. Rd. and go 4 blocks to Swin- es. This is truly luxur- WEIR REALTORS ferred but not neces- plaque and sconces. 1 SW 8th St. 395-5779 . ton Ave. then take N.W. geous kitchen and truly • Boca Raton 399-4440 Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed Hwy sary. Apply at W. T. twin bed complete. Odds ious with over 4,000 Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 CHILDREN AND PETS 9th St. West eight more beautiful bathrooms, ROYAL OAK BUY GRANT CO. 5th Ave. and ends. Call 395-1160. square feet; 2 car cov- formal dining room, 3 bedrm 2 bath - large WELCOME. Central air blocks to lake. Owners ered parking. Certain Beautiful 2 bedrm 2 bath Plaza, Boca Raton. RCA Portable 25 in. TV conditioning and heat- phone Pompano Beach marble & slate halls, central air and heat family room - plus a to please the most dis- built-in vacuum system, den for Dad. Large lot, 15 A Miscellaneous Sale 66" by 12 ft. gray car- ing, plus pooli 943-2834. criminating buyer. MLS charm, priced better WHITE FOX pet; motorized bed;pic- etc. For those who want trees, sprinkler system 3 Bedrm. 1 Bath-unfurnt BC-120P than $4000 below mar- "STOLE-CAPE" the best - come and see with it's own well and tures; typewriter on Efficiencies-Furnished CORNER Call Alta Knight ket. Lovely lot, trees, GORGEOUS-LAVISH! stand; 2 vacuum clean- LOT! the only new house good condition. Call to pump. WATER THAT 395-1890 or 395-1850 available on the water. Star-Lite Villas ers; water pic; knife tC see immediately BR. LAWN FREE. The BEST 399-2811 (24 Hrs.) sharpener. 800 Ma- In desirable Royal Palm FLORIDA SITES, INC. MLS BR-1409-WP 1677.. $21,500 BUY in BOCA rine Dr at N.E. 28th 2800 N. Fed. Hwy Yacht & C.C. Facing 26 SE 4th St. MLS BR 1757. Ladies Pastel mink northwest. Sewers & un- Boca Raton, Fla. UOTHERWELL East of Schrafft's. Boca Raton IVi REALTY RICHARD F. ROSS jacket in perfect con- 391-0083 anytime derground utilities. 35 C Apts, Motels, Hotels-Sale dition Size 8. Must sac- CHAIRS 757 S. Federal Hwy. Realtor 110/93 x 125/102. In INTRACOASTAL rifice. Call after 6 PM Office, executive, con- BRAND NEW APART- area of lovely homes. Colonial Building 399-6444 3950650 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. APARTMENT SITE Boca Raton 391-2382. ference room, reception MENTS. Deluxe and $11,500. MLS 162, For Boca Raton, Fla. GARVY'S SPANISH room, dining room, Zoned 80 units Phone 395-4044 391-0083 anytime SWAP SHOP, quiet. Pool. Step to details call LLOYD GOT RIVER AREA family room and bar ocean, short walk to Call Bill DaGamara SQUARE Every Sat. & Sun.Buy- LIVELY . . . Associate. BONNELL REALTY, IT! ~ ESTATES stools. fishing pier, shopping, . WEIR REALTORS 2 Bedrm 2 bath, utility SECTION # ers, 25 cents — Deal- INC. room, oversize garage, The lowest priced 3 ers, $2.00. Thunderbird ELCO INC. etc. Weekly, monthly, Weir Plaza Bldg. 855S Fed Hwy bedrm 3 bath home in . BOCA RATON chair manufacturing seasonal. Beach Side Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 278-3383 Delray w/w carpeting, reverse One of the finest resi- Drive-in Theater, 3121 35 D Business Property-Sale cycle air and heat, re- the Estate Section — W. Sunrise Blvd., Ft. 4055 N.E. 6 Ave. Gardens, 2019 N.E. 4th DUPLEX LOT older home with fire- dential areas. 3 bed- Ft. Lauderdale Court, Deerfield Beach $6,900 TOOMEY REALTY" frigerator, garbage dis- room, 3 bath, with nat- Lauderdale, 583-8724. Offers Spectacular place and large rooms 564-2742 399-4936. This is a 125 ft. ir- posal, screened in pa- $42,500 MLS 1778. We ural fireplace, huge GERT's a gay girl^ Open til 9:30 PM regular semi corner lot Investment Oppor. tio, awnings, storm bedrooms with lots of HAMPSTEAD VILLAGE" Call 395=1881 have other gorgeous readyfor a whirl after Monday thru Friday APTS. in Paradise Palms. Call panels, sprinkler sys- homes! closet space, central 35 5 Real Estate Wanted tem, corner lot, circu- cleaning carpets with Saturday til 1 PM E GLOUC HESTER ST. today MLS BV 309. ED GARVY - Realtor heat, built - in - bar- Blue Lustre. Rent elec- NORTH BOCA RATON WANTED — Listings of lar drive, well land- be-que on east facing DINNETTE SETS scaped. By owner. Call Call 391-0900 anytime trie shampooer $1. B.el- Boca Quality Used Furn. Deluxe furnished apt, 1 homes. We have a wait- screened patio, 2 car zer Hardware, 3198 N. Bedrm 11/2 baths, w/w CARtEN ing list of BUYERS for 395-816Q-. ROYAL PALM carport easily convert- Co. 117 NW 11th St. 391- ^.Appraisal ;&: Realty. Incr u Fed. Hwy., Boca Raton, 3580. -.-,.-,-.., ,:, ._.,.,,_ carpeting. Now till. 1 homes. List your prop- -' IMMEDIATE 4 Bedrm 31/2baths on ed to garage. Automatic 395-2120;- 450 E. Palmetto PK. Rd. erties with us. Our;MLS OCCUPANCY Golf Course Lot with a sprinklers for largelOO ,m ' CHAIJRS Antique Sheraton chest . Boca Raton 399-4440 service covers Boca BRAND NEW pool, $89,500. MLS BR ex 150 ft. lot. Extras in- '*i Executive type, confer- of drawers with reed- PRIVACY! WATERFRONT Raton, Deerfield Beach, 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 1618 PG clude refrigerator, ence room, reception ed posts. 2 antique Pompano Beach, and Ft. dishwasher, disposal, straight back chairs. Delightful Delray Beach DEN - POOL room. CUSTOM MADE Shores. Lot 75 by 115 Lauderdale, which in- Price includes lot washer & dryer - plus Phone 395-5843. sures prompt action. 3 blocks from Ocean - ELCO INC. New 4 plex building un- ft. homesite faces south *City Water & Sewers 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. chair manufacturing 1968 SINGER CONSOLE der construction. Avail- on a wide canal just off Ralph C. Jackson, Real- *Central air & heat, close to Boca Raton Ho- Slightly used Ziz Zag in tor 100 S. Fed. Hwy. Boca Raton tel & Club and Cabana 4055 N.E. 6 Ave. able April 1st occupan- Intracoastal. $6900. *GE Disposal, dish- 391-0083 anytime Ft. Lauderdale stylish walnut cabinets. cy - spacious 2 bedrm Liberal terms. You Deerfield 399-3132. washer, oven & range Club. MLS BR-1778 564-2742 Makes button holes, 11/2 bath apartments should see this! Phone FOR QUICK ACTION *W all-to-wall carpet- CAMINO GARDENS $42,500. Open til 9:30 PM sews on buttons, mono- located in Tropic Isles 946-0262 or eves. 395- List your homes, lots, ing New waterfront home Monday thru Friday grams, appliques, over- available for 1 year 5834. apartment buildings, *14x28 Screened-in under construction to be Saturday til 1 PM casts, and blind hem lease at $215 per month. COLIN McKENNA acreage. We have buy- Pool completed in April. Pick 757° S. Federal Hwy. stitches without attach- ers for Boca Raton, your own paint, tiles, UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Includes air cond., w/w REALTY *Sprinkler System Colonial Building- ments. All controls built Deerfield, Pompano etc. 5 bedrms, 3 baths, Boca Raton, Fla. ^5 Deluxe Solid State ful- in. Full price $52.20 carpeting, refrigerator, Ofc. 107 Professional *Fully Sodded Lot washer, dryer facilities Beach. *Circular Drive large family room, de- Phone 395-4044 *ly transistorized ster- or assume payment of Bldg. Shoppers Haven SEE luxe kitchen and util- eophonic high fidelity $6 monthly. For FREE and covering parking no Pompano (across the *Many other features pets please. EMILY C. ELSENER, FuHprice under $30,000 ity room, extra storage Come to the . consoles in beautifully home demonstration parking lot from Jack- REALTOR room built in, 2 car ga- SLONE REALTY so•35n B Co-opByrons &) Condominiums Sale;: handrubbed finished. call credit Mgr. til 9 184 N. Fed. Hwy. DON-ARROW, INC. rage, pool and patio. Deluxe BSR 4 speed rec- PM - No obligation. If Branch Office VIEW OF OCEAN 395-2227 Large one half acre lot YELLOW DOOR 6299 N. Federal Hwy. CONDOMINIUM Deerfield Bctu ord changer and 4 toll Call - call collect 399-8120 HOUSE OF CHARM with automatic sprink- 922-3528. Boca Raton 391-2640 Located on West side of speaker audio system to 35 H Homes for Sale In Royal Palm Yacht & ler system, boat dock be sold for storage and EXECUTIVE APts: A1A in Estates Section Country Club. You will and many extras. Call freight total $88 each. 1968 ZIG ZAG . . INTRACOASTAL of Boca Raton. Excellent 3 bedrm 2 bath. FUR- open the door to gra- OWNER 395-9138 after Can be paid for at $5 PORTABLES FURNISHED 1 BED- cross ventilation. 2nd NISHED OR UNFUR- cious living the moment 6 PM. monthly. These may be Slightly used, no at- ROOM APTS. One block floor apartment. Eleva- NISHED. Call 391-1940 you set foot into this inspected in warehouse tachments needed to from Boca Raton Hotel tor, laundry, storage CAMINO GARDENS roomy 3 bedroom & den, ROYAL OAK : at 2003 US Hwy 441 monogram, overcasts and Club, overlooking and undercover parking 3/2 plus family room, 3 bath home. Den can HILLS South, Ft. Lauderdale or make button holes. Royal Palm Yacht and all for $35. monthly as- air and heat. Formal be used as 4th bedroom. By owner, 3 bedrm 2 9 AM to 6 PM Mon thru Controls built in. Sews sessment. It's a 2-bed- dining room, pool, car- Modern kitchen. East bath completely fur- with one or 2 needles. Country Club. Seasonal and Sat. til 1 & yearly. MODELS room, 2 bath and the 2nd pets and drapes, many facing patio, rear en- nished. Excellent loca- Full price $31.80 or as- bedroom has plantation extras. By owner, like trance, two car garage. tion. Low rate mortgage sume payment $3.10 OPEN DAILY 10 AM- 15 6 Musical Instruments 5PM 1075 Spanish Ri- shutters and can be used new former model home East to, see. Just phone For information Call RENT AN ORGAN month. For FREE home as den or extended liv- $52,000. Call 391-1229 us. MLS BR-1401. Pric- 395-9278. No Brokers. demonstration call ver Road. 395-7256. OR PIANO ing room - MLS B-Con- ed at $54,500. Credit Mgr. til 9 PM 25 C Houses lor Rent do 106- priced at $27,- BUILDERS MODEL OWNER WANTS ONLY $2 A WEEK 4 bedrm 2 bath pool. ACTION! No obligation. If toll call UNFURNISHED 500. FREE LESSONS AND - Call collect 922-3523 Call 395-0657 anytime, EXCLUSIVE 13 BEDROOM HOME Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 NO BRIDGE TO 757 S. Federal Hwy. pLASTRiDGE WURLITZER HOBBY BANKRUPT STOCK Colonial Building bath home REDUCED 1 REALTY For rent on annual THE INTRACOASTAL $2,000 for quick sale. COURSE 6 new 1969 ZIG ZAG 757 S. Federal Hwy. Boca Raton, Fla. 224 So. Fed. Hwy. lease. Centrally heated 3 bedrm 2 bath and dock Boca's Best Buy! Cen- All rental applies if you sewing machines to be & air conditioned. Colonial Building -•- Phone 395-4044 buy. Your choice of Any sold for $35 each. May Boca Raton, Fla. $9,000 down and assume tral heat and air - 395-H33 Available April 1st. EXCELLENT $24,500 Frost-free refrigera- New Wurlitzer. be paid for $5 per month. $225.00 per month in- Phone 395-4044 RODERICK PIANOS- These nationally adver- 30 year mortgage. MLS tor, carpeting & drap- cludes lawn care, water. ON THE OCEAN BR1716W BOCA SQUARE CONDOMINIUM ORGANS tised machines carry a Beautiful brand new two eries, washer & more. For all details call New Price, $$25,500. Foot of Datura (119) full factory guarantee. HARRY GRIFFITHS. . . bedrm two full bath FOR SALE 832-3858 They may be inspected CONDOMINIUM and MLS 1726. For appoint- Associate . . . 3/2 Partially furnished Lillian Merz 395-7089 in warehouse at 2003 US WEIR REACTORS dockage, large screen- 2800 N. Fed.- Hwy ment to see, call IVAN MOVE IN NOW Boca Raton Hwy 441 South, Ft. Lau- Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed. Hwy ed balcony, heated pool Boca Raton home. This translates HAACK. . . Associate. derdale 9 AM to 6 PM Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 391-0083 anytime courtly elegance of the WEIR REALTORS Open Mon. and Fri. Til and NEW beautiful fur- Weir Plaza Bldg. 855 S Fed Hwy Brand New 9 PM Mon. thru Friday and 25 F Miscellaneous for Rent nishings. Rent reason- past into a refreshing- Boca Raton Ph: 395-4000 Sat, til 1 PM ROYAL PALM ly new design $24,900. 15 0 Pels for Sale DELRAY BEACH able, seasonal or year- On Golf Course #3 green MODEL DACHSUND PUPS 9 25 A Rooms for Rent Small shop plus 2 bedrm ly for desirable party. MLS 1683. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS! overlooking 3 fairways, SLONE REALTY New 3 bedroom, family weeks old. Call 395- Room" Available in love* 1 bath living quarters The beautiful WELL- 3 bedrm 31/2 baths, APARTMENT 8282. on US 1. Available for INGTON ARMS in Ocean 912 N. Dixie Hwy. room, 2 bath home. It's ly home for Bible Con- large den, large living 399-1223 tremendous pool and pa- Large, beautifully fur- AKC REGISTERED ference People. Close yearly lease. Ridge. Call Boynton room, dining, kitchen ieach 732-7686. tio area, alone makes it nished, decorator-de- DACHSHUND PUPPIES, to Auditorium. 395-1.185 and laundry room. unique. Beautiful car- signed model apt. 1 br., males only. Red with Room and bath in love- NICK AMRHEIN OCEAN AREA Large patio with heat- I'm located just walking peting and slate tile en- V/i Baths. At San Rema, »lack. Small breed see ly home. Kitchen priv- APARTMENT ed pool. Zoned air/heat. distance to the ocean trance are the best of the 13-acre condominium at Marie Chiavario 5800 Realtor and golf course. I have ilages. Responsible la-( 5«,i NOW $17,500 By OWNER 395-5248. the taste. For the two estate stretching horn NE 7th Ave., Boca Ra- dies or couple. Call 395- 391-1166 3 bedrms 21/2 baths- cars a big garage. ton. • Price reduced. JUST LISTED my Florida room over- Atlantic to fn*racoastal, 0138. 25 G Wanted To Rent That's right, a real val- in Boca Raton. Every Delightful Apartment Elegant and graceful, looks a beautiful out- ue at $35,000. Existing Affectionate full blood- Block from beach, pri- Working girl wants to across street from two large bedrms 2 luxury. Private bal- rent room or share door patio. I have car- mortgage of %22,- ed Beagle puppies look- vate entrance and bath, Ocean, near shopping baths, sunken living pet, drapes and all ma- cony, huge closets, cus- ing for good homes. refrig, off street park- apartment in Boca. Pre- 800 may be assumed and all conveneiences. room, beautiful drapes jor appliances neces- or increased without ad- tom-kitchen. Private Males and females 7 ing. $50 week Call 391- fer close to hospital. Owned land, no land and carpets, vinyl beach, clubhouse, On- Call 391-0803. sary to comfortable liv- ditional closing cost. weeks old. Love chil-' 0430. lease. Only $40. month floors. All the extras ing. To see me call Lee site marina. Magnificent dren. Call 395-4323. Won't last long. MLS 25 B Apartments tor Rent Local Businessman de- pays taxes, mainten- including sprinkler sys- Lathrop - Assoc. MLS BR 1720-P gardens. 24 hour secur- i5 t Pets, Grooming & Board DUPLEX sires 3 bedroom, unfur- ance, etc.l Flexible 2 tem and oversized cor- 1657. 391-2193 eves. ity. Ask for Apt. $134. PUPPIES FOR SALE 2 Bedroom 2 Bath, Cen- nished home in Boca bedroom floor plan. ner lot. See today. BR SAN REMO, 2871 N. frooming & Supplies tral Air/heat, w/w car- Raton area. Will con- Screened porch facing 1795 Ocean Blvd., (A-l-A) PET BOARDING peting, disposal, range. sider purchase option. south. Comfortable liv- 757 S. Federal Hwy, Boca Raton, Fla. Call Air Conditioned Unfurnished $180 ' a Occupancy wanted on or ing in fine atmosphere. RICHARD F ROSS 2800 N. Fed. Hwy. Colonial Building 399-3061 (no toll MARMACK month. 2431 NE 2 Ave, about April 1 Call 399- BC 83. MacLaren & An- Realtor Boca Raton Boca Raton, Fla. charge). 7598 N. Fed. Boca 391-0314. 8291 after 6 PM derson, Inc. 395-1333. 399-6444 395-0650 391-0083 anytime Phone 395-4044 12 BOCA RATON NEWS Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1969

TIRED OF RETmEMEHT? Council race closes today But you don't really care for full employment. 2401 N.W. 3rd Ave, First United Why not call for an interview today regarding (Continued from Page 1) polls. PRECINCT 207 •rfie financial field of stocks, bonds, and se- has served both as mayor and Local Registrar RuthLawson said 12,336 residents are shown The area between 20th street Methodist Church curities selling to select clientele. councilman. However, he has and Palmetto Park Road and been defeated in the last four on her books as eligible to vote BOCA RATON, FLORIDA Call Mr. Bogren at 395-0546 for Appointment,, in today's elections. west of Dixie highway. Polling campaigns,, place: Community Center, BYER How many persons will go Voting places and areas they include are: Crawford avenue. In Observance of Lent INCORPORATED to the polls today is anyone s PRECINCT 209 offers the following opportunities: Royal Palm Plaia Boca. Ratq^ Florida guess. Some political analysts PRECINCT 199 The area north' of 40th street The area between the city are looking for a larger turn- limits on the south and west, A SERIES OF WEDNESDAY EVENING out than that seen in the first and west of the Intracoastal Waterway, Polling place: Ad- West Camino Real on the north election because of the heated and Dixie highway on the east. campaign. vent Lutheran Church educa- LENTEN SERVICES tional building, 5001 NE 4th Polling place: First Presbyter- Each Wednesday evening a guest speaker from ROOF TRUSSES The Garden Apartment ref- ian Church, 600 W. Camino erendum, which was defeated, Ave. Hie community PRECINCT 200 Real. 7 DAY DELIVERY appeared on the first ballot in PRECINCT 210 addition to the seven.candidates. The area between 20th street TRANS-FLORIDA ROOF TRUSS INC and 40th street and west of the The area between Federal Approximately 51 per cent of highway and the Intracoastal WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARYS!h PHONE 912-0077 the registered voters shown on Intracoastal Waterway. Polling place: J. C. Mitchell School, W aterway on the east, North- Mid Week Worship & Holy Communion 8:30 AM 4000 N. Power Line Rd.-No. Pompano Beach FI a. the county books went to the east 20th street on the north Covered Dish Dinner |6:15 PM m and East Palmetto Pk. road on Lenten Service 7:30 PM the south. Polling place: First Complete UMBRELLA Protection Child rescued Methodist Church, 625 N.E. 2nd Guest Speaker - Father Brian Reddington • Travelers * Aetna • Continental Two-year-old Brian O'Hara was saved from drowning yes- Ave. St. Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church Group * Royal Globe * & PRECINCT 211 Delray Beach, Florida Lancashire * Boston terday afternoon when his mother, Nancy, plunged to the Nursery Provided . Insurance Co. bottom of the family swimming pool to rescue him. The area from the south city He is the son of Dennis O Hara, a Boca Raton policeman, limits, east of Dixie highway, JOHN D. TALBOTT 984 SW 7th St. north to Palmetto Park road, east to the Intracoastal Water- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd INSURANCE AGENCY, inc.| Mrs. O'Hara told Sgt. John Lamont young Brian was rid- 9:30 AM ing a tricycle|around the patio area while she was going about way, thence north to the north Church School 489 N.E. 20th St. Boca Raton Worship Service 9:30 & 11:00 Ph. 395-1511 or 399-1516 her usual household duties. city limits, bounded on the east She said she suddenly noticed every thng was quiet and went by the Atlantic Ocean. Polling Guest Speaker, The, Reverend Don Barrus to investigate. Her son was lying at the bottom of the swim- place: St. Gregory's Episcopal United Campus Ministry, ming pool, Church, 245 E. Boca Raton road. Florida Atlantic University Mrs. O'Hara dived in and brought the child to the surface. PRECINCT 212 formerly pastor, Trinity Episcopal Church A workman next door, Ross Phillips, heard her scream and The area bounded by West West Palm Beach, Florida listen to the ran to the O'Hara house. The child was not breathing. Camino Real on the south, the Phillips immediately applied mouth to mouth resuscita- city limits on the west, Palmet- 625 NE 2nd Avenue, Boca Raton tion. to Park road on the north and Meanwhile, Mrs. O'Hara's mother called the police sta- Dixie highway on the east. Poll- Clark S. Reed, Minister ELECTION tion. Sgt. Lamont said when he arrived the baby was breath- ing place: Community Center, ing and crying. H e was taken to Community Hospital for ob- Crawford ave. RESULTS! servation. \ WWOG FM MOTHERS 99.9 on your FM dial - VOTERS George B. Van Zee, Realtor ROYAL BALM SHOPPING PLAZA 307 Golf View Drive - Boca Raton Telephone 395395-1661 1 WE WANT ALL to VOTE Sgt. John Lamont carries young Brian O'Hara to police emergency For Classified Ads vehicle for transportation to Community Hospital. Mrs. Nancy O'- Hara is wrapped in a blanket after her lifesaving plunge into a Call 395-83 00 swimming pool. • TODAY ... DURING THIS FACTORY AUTHORIZED r If you con fake your children

I. G. Koelsch with you to the polls - We will have Funeral services ANNUAL SALE were held Monday someone there to cure for them morning for Irvin G. Now in progress at all Magnavox Dealers Koelsch, 61, 755 N.W. Fouth Ave., who died while you vote; or there will be Sunday. Mr. Koelsch, a retir- *;, Magnificent ASTRO-SONIC STEREO ed commercial artist, someone at community playgrounds to came to Boca Raton four ...the best way to months ago from West Minster, Md. enjoy beautiful music care for your children while you ¥ofe* He is survived by his in your home wife, Ann, Boca Raton; three daughters, Mrs. James Appleton, Ro- Your chester, Mich,, Mrs. John Mason, Hamilton, IF YOU NEED Choice Mass., and Miss Mary Jane Koelsch, East NOW Lansing, Mich. TRANSPORTATION Burial will be in Ber- lin, Wise. Astro-Sonic Stereo surpasses alt others—to bring TO VOTE you the full beauty of music—from exciting Stereo FM; drift-and-noise-free Monaural FM. powerful AM radio; records or tape. 50-watts vndistorted Why not get music power! Solid-state circuitry eliminates tubes and heat—assuring lasting reliability. Exclusive the very best... PHONE 395-3215 Micromatic Player banishes discernible record and Diamond Stylus \s&t—now, your records can last a lifetime. Two heavy-duty, high-efficiency 15" Bass 1969 Woofers plus two 1,000 cycle Exponential Horns provide remarkable tonal purity and unequaled or 395-0886 dimensional realism! And—all these magnificent fine- performance features are combined in beautifully designed authentic fine-furniture styles that will be color an enduring expression of your good taste. OR ANY MEMBER OF giant-screen - 295 sq. in. picture console CITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Magnavox solid-state Tape Recorder—with superb 4-Track, 3-Speed Stereo/Monaural recording and playback functions—is optional on many Magnavox Astro-Sonic Stereos. r • 8 Enjoy it now as a built-in deck. Available on Mediterranean If you are ill or you will be away I model shown. | SAVE $100 NOW $59850 Gliding top panels—in ajl models—give most convenient access to record player, all controls, plus large record storage area—:without disturbing top-of-set Feb. 18th, phone Town Clerk 395-1110 accessories. A. Ageless Mediterranean styling—model 3813, on concealed The NORD1CA • Z4541WO-9 Danish Modern styled I swivel casters. B. Charming Early American design—model 3812, on swivel Other Magnavox Stereo console prices NOW start console in genuine oil I casters. C. Elegant Italian Provincial—model 3815. D. Tasteful Contem- ma at$13850;and Portable Stereos-$649Q t } finished Walnut veneers for absentee ballot. porary—model 3811, on concealed swivel casters. and select hardwood solids exclusive of decorative (rim. Cabinet features Scandia styled base. BUDGET TERMS: $815.00 90 days (no interest) eoie-mecf aniel ZENITH COLOR or up to 24 months PULL LEVERS Lit/lag n PRICES FROM All major credit cards $299.95 HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER honored. • POMPANO BEACH 275O E. Atlantic Blvd. - in Atlantic Square - Phone 941-144.1 STAR TV 1-A and 4-A Our own Factory Authorized •BOCA RAT6N 3333 N. Federal Hwy. Phone 395-12O1 Pol. Adv. Paid pn behalf of Magnavox Service 2/75 NE 1st Ave. Homeowners by City Affairs Pompano 9:00 to 5:30 Boca 9:00 to 5:30 Committee Sydney MacLean, Chairman 399-2266