AUTUMN 2019 [email protected]

We in Coldstream have received this invitation to visit Bennecourt in April 2020: If you’d like to receive email A CELEBRATION OF 30 YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP copies of BENNECOURT TWINNING ASSOCIATION SENDS AN INVITATION future editions of the TO ALL COLDSTREAM FRIENDS (old and new!) CCN, please contact PLEASE COME AND STAY WITH US FOR A SPECIAL WEEK OF HAPPY TWINNING. us at the above ARRIVING ON SATURDAY 4th APRIL 2020, YOU WILL SPEND A WEEK IN email address. FRANCE ENJOYING THE HOSPITALITY OF BENNECOURT TWINNING FAMILIES. WE LOVE TO PRACTISE OUR ENGLISH SO DON’T WORRY IF YOU DON’T If you don’t use email, SPEAK FRENCH. ALL AGES ARE WELCOME FROM BABY TO GREAT this is the address for GRANDPARENTS. WE PARTICULARLY ENJOY HOSTING YOUNG FAMILIES. any items for future WE ARE ALREADY PLANNING HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES PLUS editions of the CCN: SPECIAL PLACES FOR YOU TO VISIT NEXT APRIL. 28 High Street A WARM WELCOME AND A FUN PACKED WEEK IS Coldstream ASSURED SO WE DO HOPE YOU CAN COME. TD12 4AS Tel. 01890 882791 The Coldstream Committee has thanked Bennecourt for their invitation and looks forward to celebrating 30 years of In this edition: Twinning friendship in April. We will soon be discussing travel arrangements etc so, if you are interested in joining us on this Coldstream Art Group News Page trip or just need more information, please contact Walk-It Dates 2 [email protected] or phone 07791 541668. Norham Christmas Fayre Page Coldstream Open Gardens 3 The Last Flight - Final Ladies Charity Dinner Coldstream Flower Show Page TillVAS meeting dates 4 Saturday 12th October in the Community Centre

Coldstream Energy Switch Page Tickets have been on sale since 24th August. Have you got yours? If not and you would like Milk Bottle Top Collection 5 some, please ask if there are any left from any of the organisers below. Community Centre News Page If you would like to help in any way either with setting up, donating to our auction or the Community Theatre News 6 incredible raffle, please contact any of the organisers.

Parish Church Guild info Page This will be the last dinner by this organisation, so let’s make it the best ever! Friday Handicrafts Group 7 Our chosen charities are the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation and The Margaret Kerr Unit. Coldstream Football Club Page Looking forward to seeing you there. Premier Cru Cycling Club 8 Linda 01228 525021 A Tribute to Dick Mitchell Page Sally 01890 882094 Last Flight Hudson Hirsel Awards 9 Susan 01890 882685 Ladies Charity Dinner Macmillan Cancer Support Page Carole 01890 882165 Social & Literary Society 10 New Rector at St Mary’s Page Don’t forget, you can read and download the latest editions of Coldstream History Society 11 the CCN online any time at Christmas Light-Up Date Page Coffee Morning Dates 12 Deadline for items for the Winter Edition of CCN is Friday 8th November

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019


Coldstream Art Group News - Civic Week Art Exhibition

The recent Art Exhibition held in Coldstream Community Centre was very successful. Visitors came from near and far to view 149 excellent quality paintings - more than ever before. Each year visitors to the exhibition are invited to vote for their favourite painting, and this year there were two winners each with the same number of votes. They were Gordon Thompson for his painting of Loch Carron, and Iain Harkess for Iris Blue. This is known as The Jim Page Memorial Prize. The raffle for the painting "Monument Pool", kindly donated by our own Brian Turnbull, was won by Mrs Anne Brydon. The Art Group is having a short holiday at the moment and will resume on 2nd Sept at 1:30pm in the Parish Church Hall. Anyone who is interested in drawing or painting is welcome to come along. It costs £20 per term which includes tea, coffee and a biscuit or two. For any further information please contact Gordon Thompson on 01890 882455.

Coldstream Pipe Band The Band has had a busy but enjoyable Civic Week. We hope you noticed some of the new kilts on parade. There are however still some more to be replaced. Grateful thanks to Hudson Hirsel for a grant enabling us to replace some kilts, pipe bags, hats, ties and socks. The band continues to meet on Monday nights in Coldstream School at 7:00pm for practice and tuition. Please contact Ian on 01890 882444 for drumming and Duncan on 07890 587578 for piping. The Band is organising a concert on 4th October with various local artists. Tickets will be available at the Newsagents. Future outings are, 1st September at Etal Show, Armistice Sunday Parade and The Christmas Light- Up on Sunday 1st December.

Interested in Walking? Join the

COLDSTREAM WALK IT GROUP! Walk It aims to help people become more physically active by attending low level and friendly social walks. AND IT’S FREE!! Why not join us throughout 2019? Every fortnight on Thursdays at 10:00am. Walks last around an hour. Meet at the Community Centre. Join us for free refreshments at the end if you like. Forthcoming dates:

September 5th & 19th October 3rd, 17th & 31st OVER 30'S BADMINTON November 14th & 28th EVERY THURSDAY Just turn up or phone Guy on: 07717 547861. In the event of a 7:00pm - 9:00pm walk being cancelled due to bad weather, call this mobile number where a message will be left on its voicemail advising Cost - £4.00 you of a cancellation. Or email: [email protected] ALL WELCOME! For more information telephone : 01890 885868 or just turn up at the Community Centre

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019


A Little Norham Christmas!! 22nd November 6-9pm Norham Village Hall

Tickets £5 in advance (incl a free glass of fizz and canapés). It seems a little early to mention the ‘C’ word but here it is!! A lovely evening for friends, fizz and a bit of festive shopping! Over 18’s only! Put the date in your diary….Tickets available soon from the Village Shop and The Masons Arms in Norham and Straight Lace, Castlegate, Berwick. All in aid of Northern Soul Kitchen and Berwick & District Friends of Dementia. Further information from Tory Craig on 07745 130987 or [email protected]

Coldstream Open Gardens 2019 On Sunday 21st July 2019, Coldstream Gateway Association in collaboration with ’s Gardens Scheme invited Coldstream garden owners to open their gardens for viewing. 13 garden owners took up the invitation and worked hard to have their gardens ready and presentable for the scheduled day. Thankfully the day turned out fine and sunny and visitors came from far and wide. Visitors started off at the Community Centre where they purchased their tickets and had the opportunity to taste and consume the tea and coffee and various sumptuous cakes before setting off to view the gardens open for the event. There was also an opportunity to purchase plants, which were kindly donated by numerous Gateway Committee members and other people throughout the town. The plant sales alone brought in excess of £200. The event was a great success and each garden had approximately 50-70 visitors. Judging from my own experience, the visitors gave very positive views and comments on the individual gardens and also of the town in general. We hope to hold the event on an annual basis and many of the garden holders who opened this year have already requested to put their names forward for next year’s opening. If anyone is interested to show their garden in 2020 you have 12 months to prepare. Next year’s Open Gardens is scheduled for Sunday 12th July 2020. Further entry information will be issued early 2020. So, on behalf of the Coldstream Gateway Committee, I would like to say a big thank you to those residents who opened their gardens (names mentioned below) also the band of volunteers who gave their time to assist in making the event a success. The total made on the day was in excess of £1,250 pounds of which 60% goes to Coldstream Gateway Association to help towards the town’s flowers for next summer and 40% goes to the charities supported by the Scotland’s Gardens Scheme. Open garden participants were as follows:- Anne & Ken Pritchard Wendy Foreman Graham Bell Malcolm Campbell John Dixon Drew & Kate Mole Bob Bolton Steven Lauder Rannoch Daly Jane Wigdor Allison & Denis Wheelhouse Christine & Keith Forrest Susan & Alan Vassallo Last but not least, a special thank you to Christine & Forbes McLennan in association with Scotland’s Gardens Scheme who organised the event including the creation and distribution of all of the promotional material needed to make the event as successful as it was. Alan P Vassallo Chairperson for Coldstream Gateway Association

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019


Coldstream Open Flower Show 2019 With Civic Week over, the next big event on everyone's calendar, we hope, is the Flower Show. This year's show takes place on Saturday 14 September in the Community Centre. If you plan on submitting anything, please make sure you read the schedule and adhere to any rules or special notices and have your entry forms in on time. The weather this year is in complete contrast to last year so we are hoping for a bumper crop of entries in the produce section. If gardening isn't your thing there is bound to be something in the Industrial Section that you can do (everyone can boil an egg can't they?!). Doors open at 2:00pm for everyone to come along and see the magnificent displays and marvel at the skills of so many Coldstream residents. Copies of the schedules can be found in many of the local outlets or phone Susan on 882562 for a copy. We are holding a fundraiser for the Flower Show on Thursday 26 September in the form of a prize bingo night. Eyes down at 7pm in Cornhill Village Hall. All welcome. If anyone would like to join our committee have a word with one of us on show day. You don't need to have green fingers or know your freesias from your fuchsias.

Susan Burnett, Chair Flower Show Committee STOP PRESS : An extra Class has been added to Coldstream Flower Show this year which does not appear in the schedule. This is a photographic competition open to children aged 15 and under who are being asked to enter a “Photo of Coldstream”. The young person judged best photographer will be awarded the Alistair Watson Trophy. Alistair, who sadly died in 2013, was a well-known and popular Coldstream resident who spent many years taking photographs for the Tweeddale Press. This trophy will be presented in his memory.

Till Valley Archaeological Society Northumberland & Eastern Borderlands

Website: Twitter: @TillVAS

2019 Evening Meetings, usually Crookham Village Hall, 7.30pm, Members free; Visitors £4 4th September – Talk by Graeme Young – “The Bowl Hole Cemetery at Bamburgh” 6th November – Talk by Dr Michael Stratigos - “The Crannogs of Loch Tay” 2019 King James IV Memorial Lecture, Sunday 6th October, Etal Village Hall, 2.30pm: Max Adams - “In the Land of Giants – a journey through the dark ages” TICKETS £6 : [email protected] Jenny Cant: Tel. 07964 840553

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

AUTUMN 2019 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 5 The next round of the energy auction will take place in October. If you switched tariffs last autumn through the Coldstream Community Centre you will NOT automatically be entered into the next round - you MUST re-register at the Community Centre's website. Go to www.coldstreamcommunitycom - hover over the "Community" tab then click on "Energy Switch" for background information on the process then click on "more info" in the top right hand corner to be taken to the registration process. If your current tariff expires soon and you haven't used this facility before to check for a better tariff, why not give it a go now? All the hassle of contacting individual energy companies is taken away from you and there is absolutely no obligation to accept the quote you are given. You can switch both electricity and gas or just one. If you don't have online access, the Community Centre can register on your behalf then you will receive any quotes in the post. You could potentially save up to £250.00 per year and at the same time make a little bit of money for the Centre (that roof won't fix itself). Key dates - 13 August - Registration process opens; 8 October - Auction takes place; 21 October onwards - Offers are issued to participants; 26 November - Last day to accept offer. If you need any assistance please call the Centre on 01890 883332. If your current tariff is good until 2020, look out for news on the spring auction dates. PLEASE KEEP DONATING YOUR PLASTIC MILK BOTTLE TOPS I would like to say a huge “Thank you” to all the people who have collected milk bottle tops and dropped them into my shop. I have received the following letter from the Rotary Club of Kelso which explains what happens to your bottle tops once they leave Coldstream: “On behalf of The Rotary Club of Kelso, I would like to say thank you to all the people of Coldstream who have been collecting their milk bottle tops and delivering them to Helen at Coldstream Crafts. Between Kelso and Gala Rotary, you have helped to raise £1,200 all of which will be given to local Cancer Charities. How does this work? Milk bottle tops are made of HDPE (high density polyethylene) which is completely recyclable. Every top collected is delivered to a company in St Boswells where they are shredded, pelleted and made into pipes, wheelie bins and bin bags. This company pays for our bottle tops. So, from now on, you can think of each bottle top as a coin in the charity box. Thank you so much for your donations. Please encourage others to do the same. Remember, the more we collect, the more we can help. Thank you.” £1,200.00 is a wonderful sum to have been raised and shows that if everyone gets together and does a little, we can make a difference! Please keep the tops coming and together we will help those who are suffering from this terrible disease. Helen Park

PLEASE NOTE: In next month’s Community News we will be printing our annual list of contact details for Coldstream clubs, groups, societies and organisations. If the details for your organisation have changed since last year, please let us know before 8th November so that we can print your up-to-date information in the Winter CCN. Bridge

The Coldstream Bridge Group will be restarting on Monday 16th September at 6:45pm in Coldstream Royal British Legion Club New members will be very welcome at this friendly club For further information please get in touch with Secretary Suzanne Atkins on 01890 883041

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

PAGE 6 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS AUTUMN 2019 Coldstream Community Centre News Back to school and back to The Community Centre? All the user groups are almost back to normal after the summer and all certainly will be by September. There is something for everyone from Archery and The Reivers Group to Pilates and The Handicrafts Group. They are all on the website, or call 01890 883332 for details. Other one off events are still being finalised and details will go up on the website and around the town when arrangements are complete. One we have got exact dates for is a Christmas Market which is to be held on Sunday the 17th of November where you can browse a full house of stalls selling home-made crafts, paintings, stained glass, jams, cakes and produce. Many stalls will be local to the town and immediate area with others coming from The Borderlands and Northumbria. It promises to be a great way to find unusual and not so commercial Christmas gifts. We received word from the energy switching facilitator that since the Community Centre started participating in the scheme back in February 2016 on behalf of residents, a total of £42,929.00 has been saved by all those who have switched energy providers. The latest opening for registrations commenced on the 13th of August and closes again on the 30th of September. Details on the website or in this edition The Community News (see page 5). Not a Community Centre/Trust member? Then why not join? Its free and it’s your community asset. If you would like to volunteer at events, or just in the day to day routine then get in touch at [email protected] – a warm glow should be noticeable immediately!

The Poppy Project 2019 - 2025 by Honour Our Troops

As you can see, the Poppy Project has changed its dates as we are now into the 80th anniversary of World War 2. The displays this year are being pared right down as we start over again and we don't need any poppies made at the moment as we already have thousands! The WW2 displays over the next few years will have a different feel as everything became mechanised by WW2. There will be a small display in the War Memorial Gardens over Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday. We hope you enjoy the building up of the displays again over the next few years. Thank you for your support, kind words and encouragement. Annemarie McCall

Coldstream Community Theatre We were so disappointed to have to postpone our Civic Week Production of “Good Evening Coldstream” due to the power failure which affected the Community Centre. We consulted with our lighting engineers, who strongly advised against trying to run the show using the generator supplied, as their experience in the past in such situations did not have a good outcome. Any damage to the lights, by going ahead against their advice, could potentially have been very costly to the Community Theatre. Our intention at the time was to put the show on some time in October, but sadly co-ordinating the cast’s commitments with an available date at the Community Centre is proving to be extremely difficult. It has therefore been decided to defer the production until early January 2020. To all those who bought tickets and would like a refund rather than keep their ticket, which will be valid for the show, please contact Joy Thomson on 01890 883911 who will arrange this for you. Coldstream Our apologies for any inconvenience and our thanks for your ongoing support. Joy Thomson

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

AUTUMN 2019 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 7 COLDSTREAM PARISH CHURCH GUILD Coldstream Church Guild meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the month in the Parish Church Hall and is open to both Ladies and Gentlemen. The aim of the Guild is to promote Christian fellowship amongst its members. The Guild is independent but follows the guidelines set by the General Assembly of the . The Guild Outing on 6th July was to Balmoral and 42 members and friends boarded the coach at 8:30am and set off. After a stop at Kinross for coffee and scones – their kiwi and apple jam is to die for! – we continued towards Balmoral being slightly delayed in Perth as the Scottish Game Fair had the cheek to pick the same day as our Outing! We arrived at Balmoral and enjoyed the pipe music of the Ballater Pipe Band before looking round the exhibitions. The gardens and walk beside the River Dee were beautiful. Then it was back on the coach to head back to Perth for our high tea at the Taste Perthshire Restaurant. After a wee while we noticed that we seemed to be getting nearer and nearer to Aberdeen which is in the opposite direction to Perth! Our trip turned into rather a Mystery Tour but eventually we arrived at the restaurant very late but received such a warm welcome from the staff that all else faded into the background! Back home to Coldstream rather late but after a most enjoyable and amusing day! Great kudos to Margaret Dixon for keeping a cool head and ensuring that the trip was such a success! Our next Coffee Morning is on Saturday 28th September at 10:30am in the Church Hall. Entry is 50p and there will be a raffle and cake stall. The new session opens on Wednesday 9th October at 7:00pm in the Church Hall. This year the subs are increased to £10.00 per annum with a £1.00 contribution per week towards the refreshments. While one speaker has still to confirm, we have the Rev John Sheilds speaking on his life as a minister and Pat Rowe is talking about her trip to Palestine. At our Open Night on November 27th we have Margaret Jeary coming to give her talk on Border Life in the 1850s and then it will be our Christmas Party and, if we have all been good, perhaps Santa will pay us a visit! All in all, a varied selection! Do come along – we are a very friendly group and everyone is made most welcome! Helen Park

SWI - We were busy with activities over the summer with a Carham Hall - Classic & Vintage walk around the Hay Farm area on a perfect summer's day in July Vehicle Rally with Car Boot Sale - (which included a fantastic picnic lunch) and afternoon tea at Ednam Monday 26th August

House Hotel in August. Four members also visited Pear Tree Car Boot Sale - Cars £5 and Vans £10 Community Pottery in Sprouston and were so impressed that they Public entry from 10:00am have signed up for regular visits. Our 2019/20 season commences on £2 Entry (Children under 12 Free) 19 September in our new location of the Leet Room in the Community Come along for a fun filled day for all of the family with Centre. The committee has put together an exciting and diverse Tea, Coffee & Cake available, plus Hog Roast and Burger programme and we start off with professional opera singers Susan Van and Ice Cream Van. All proceeds in aid of the Mackenzie-Park and Kit Hobkirk, following on in October with a talk Carham Hall Residents’ Fund. from Dinah Iredale on Bondagers (it's not rude, so if you want to find out more, come along and listen) and Christmas cake decoration in November. Our Christmas Party will have a different look to it this year (more information to follow). If you would like to dip your toe in and see what we are about before committing yourself to membership, please do come along to the September meeting which starts at 7:00pm. Visitors pay £3.00 per meeting. Members please note that subs of £27.00 are due in September (correct money if possible). Your competitions for the first meeting are "a musical item" and the letters are "DD". Use your imagination! Friday Handicrafts Group We are an eclectic mix who meet every Friday afternoon from 12:30 to 4:00pm in the Leet Room at Coldstream Community Centre. There is no membership and it costs just £2 each time you come and you get a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits at about 2:30pm. You don't have to stay all afternoon, you can pop in for half an hour or an hour. Lots of people learn new techniques and between us we have knowledge of most crafts. Some of us are currently working on a tapestry of Coldstream, which is a townscape, and everyone is welcome to work on it even if you have never stitched anything in your life. We are also selling materials such as fabric, wool, thread, tools etc so pop down and have a chat and see what we have to offer. You can be any age to join in and enjoy the banter as well. If you want to know more or have a specific question, get in touch with Elspeth on 01890 882211.

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

PAGE 8 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS AUTUMN 2019 FOOTBALL CLUB NEWS ITEMS WANTED FOR All football fans look forward to the new season with "A New Hope" to use the THE WINTER COLOUR Star Wars film title and the Coldstream fans are no exception. Season 2018-2019 EDITION OF THE saw the Club finish in a respectable mid table position and have an excellent COMMUNITY NEWS Scottish Cup run which brought victories over St Cuthbert Wanderers, Newton We are again planning a bumper colour Stewart and Strathspey Thistle before succumbing to Brora Rangers in the edition of the CCN which will be due to Highlands. Manager Jonny Fairbairn had formed a fine group of players and appear towards the end of November. through his training methods had formed a decent team. However Jonny decided Why not send something in for this edition either as an individual, a to further his career by going off to the Netherlands and Coldstream had to look representative of a club/organisation or for a new manager. After a rigorous selection procedure the Club secured the as an advertiser. The deadline is services of Paul McGovern and an assistant manager in John Brock. Paul had been November 8th so you have plenty of a player with both Hibernian and Partick Thistle and had much previous time to think about it. experience in the East of Scotland League. His reign started brightly with a fine 4-0 win over Stirling University. This match featured a brilliant solo goal from local Lowick Quilters Show youngster Owen Renton which must surely be a contender for "Goal of the 28th & 29th September Season". Unfortunately this was followed by defeats against Tynecastle and in Lowick Village Hall Glenrothes and a very heavy home defeat from Jeanfield Swifts in the first from 10:00am to 4:00pm. preliminary round of the Scottish Cup so regrettably no heroics this year in that £3.50 entrance includes competition. The Blues however managed to bounce back from that refreshments. Raffle in aid of Berwick Cancer Cars & disappointment with a 1-0 win away to Easthouses Lily in what was a rather Northumberland Air Ambulance. fractious match with the referee flashing a plenitude of cards both red and yellow. Everyone welcome! This win raised Coldstream up to mid table and, although the season has only just started, it is to be hoped that the "Azurri" can stay there. Away from the playing side of the game, the Scottish Football Association has advised the Club that floodlights must be erected for season 2020- 2021 or membership of that body will be terminated. Council permission has been granted for the installation and fund raising has commenced to pay for the lights. Any individual or business who might wish to contribute can contact David Lauder (Club Chairman) on 01890 882947 or 07514270100.

Coldstream Premier Cru Cycling Club What an amazing summer we have enjoyed on our bikes. The weather has been extremely kind and we have only missed one single day’s ride the whole year and that was way back in January. Our routes have been varied and we have enjoyed coffee stops in Selkirk, Wooler, , Melrose, Denholm, Duns, Horncliffe and all places in between. You don’t have to be a `racer` to join us. We meet every Sunday morning at 9:00am in the Court House Car Park and all that is required is a roadworthy bike, a reasonable level of fitness and a cycling helmet. No helmet… ride!!! We carry on throughout the year (weather permitting) and cover anywhere between 40 – 60 miles each day. We cycle to Kelso first and pick up more riders there at 9:30am … then we decide what our route will be. There is nothing too onerous or fast (we are only as fast as the slowest rider) and no-one gets left behind. If you don’t think you can manage the whole route you can drop out at any time but you will be amazed how easily the miles slip past when you are in company and travelling through beautiful countryside. It costs nothing to join. No subscriptions to pay and no annual fees. Just bring some money in your pocket for coffee and cake when we stop somewhere for a breather and a blether. (We know all the best coffee stops in the Borders!) Don`t ignore your bike at the back of the garage and don`t let it gather dust. Pump up the tyres, oil the chain and get out of bed this Sunday morning to join us for a pleasant, healthy bit of exercise. Once you have done it a few times you wont want to miss it! Give it a try this Sunday. You will be very welcome. Rob Smith

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

AUTUMN 2019 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 9 Coldstream Loses One of its Finest

An Appreciation of Richard (Dick) Mitchell 1936 - 2019

Dick and his twin brother Allan were born at Donaldsons Lodge on 2nd January 1936 joining older siblings, Fred, Betty and Jean. His early schooling was at Tillmouth and then on to Tweedmouth, getting the train from Cornhill. On leaving, he began an apprenticeship with Wullie Young of Coldstream as a slater/roofer. This was interrupted by National Service which was spent with the Royal Marine Commandos in Libya and Malta. He returned to roofing until his late 20’s when he joined the Royal Mail as a postman and remained there until retirement. He joined a syndicate of salmon net fishermen on the Tweed, sharing a beat at Milne Graden for several years. He loved the net fishing season and spent many happy hours on the Tweed. In his youth Dick played football for Tillmouth and he always enjoyed cricket. In retirement he travelled extensively with his sister Betty and her husband Tom Raeburn who sadly both have recently passed away. In happier times they crossed Canada, cruised to Alaska, travelled to Sri Lanka, Thailand and China, and sailed the Nile, with visits to many other places in between. Dick loved helping others and liked to be busy. He was a member of the Gateway Association and helped rear the plants, water the summer floral displays and generally helped out wherever needed. He was also a stalwart of the Christmas Lights, helping to erect and dismantle the displays for many years. When the Gateway Association planted daffodils at all the entrances to the town he carried the planting on towards Cornhill. When the path to Cornhill became overgrown he single-handedly dug it out and then continued on to Donaldsons Lodge. He also cut the grass at Cornhill churchyard for over 50 years. He worked for many years alongside Jock Law and Martin Johnstone on the renovation of St Cuthberts Church to turn it into our Community Centre. He very much enjoyed being part of what affectionately became known as Coldstream’s “Last of the Summer Wine”. Latterly he took up bowling which was a great source of pleasure. He enjoyed the company although he had good and not so good days with the bowls. He also supported Coldstream Football Club attending all their home games. Dick was a quiet, reserved man who didn’t enjoy the limelight but was always willing to help in any way he could. A few years ago he said he felt humbled when he received the Brown Scott award for Citizen of the Year for his long service to Coldstream, but it was very well deserved. His fellow workmates and the members of Coldstream Men’s Shed have donated a bench seat in his name in appreciation of all his good work for our community. This has been placed outside the Community Centre for anyone to use. A family member said that he would be deeply honoured. Dick will be sadly missed by us all. Coldstream has indeed lost one of its finest.

The Hudson Hirsel Fund was able to award grants to the Coldstream Girl Guides and to the Coldstream Men’s Shed this spring. The Girl Guides Association will use the fund to furnish all members with new packs issued by the national association in accordance with compulsory changes to their programme. The Men’s Shed will install much needed upgrades to their ventilation system and purchase two new pieces of equipment. Community groups in Coldstream are invited to apply for this useful source of funding which benefits our community. Do you need to purchase equipment for your club, or make improvements to the facilities, or, have you plans to encourage wider participation in activities provided by your organisation? Why not give it a go? Applications must be submitted by midnight on 1st November 2019. The application forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the Community Centre website If possible could you please return them as a PDF document to [email protected] Or, pop the completed application form into our post box at the Community Centre. If you have any queries, please contact the Community Centre or leave a telephone message on 01890 883332 or email us and the fund secretary will get back to you.

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

PAGE 10 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS AUTUMN 2019 NORHAM EVENT PILATES CLASS The Naturally Herbal Kitchen Workshop in Norham Village Hall at Coldstream Saturday 14th September 10:30am – 3:00pm Community Centre Starting on Thursday 5th An opportunity to learn how to use herbs and plants in your kitchen to do laundry, September at 11:00 - 11:45am in wash-up, clean counters, spray ironing, make beeswax food wrap to use instead of the Leet Room. Aimed plastic wrap and make a herbal kitchen candle to reduce cooking smells. specifically at those who have At the end of the workshop you will take home your kitchen candle, ironing spray, a orthopaedic concerns, such as little washing up liquid, counter cleaner, a beeswax food wrap sheet, a little tie-bag aching shoulders, bad backs etc. of laundry detergent and a handout with all the information you need to make these Helps improve posture, mobility products at home. and flexibility. Classes cost £5.00 Tea and coffee will be available throughout the workshop on a self-service basis and For more information, please the Mason's Arms in Norham are providing sandwiches and fruit for lunch which is contact Jan on 07741 530777. included in the workshop fee of £45.00. Book through or e- mail [email protected] or text on 07821 784265 Catherine Sanderson has run her herbal workshops in Berwick, Paxton Village Hall and at Paxton House. She studied for her Diploma in Herbology at the Royal Botanic Garden and now teaches on their Herbology courses. Recycle and Share: if you can, please bring along clean jam jars with lids, old kitchen cleaner spray bottles, and old washing up liquid bottles to share.

Macmillan Cancer Support – Coldstream Committee

We have had a busy year so far: Soup & Sweet, Male Voice Choir Concert, Car Boot Sale, Lunches @ Kelso Races, Teas at Kimmerghame Open Garden, Bowls Day and Teas at Ruthven Open Garden. The Committee thanks everyone for their support - we have sent over £4,000 to headquarters since January. A Golf Competition will be held on 15th September, please enter online through Hirsel Golf Club website. The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning will be held on 27th September in The British Legion Club at 10:30am. Finally, the Charities Fair is to be held on 26th October in Coldstream Community Centre. Any charitable organisation interested in taking a stand, please contact Lady Caroline Douglas-Home on 882303.

COLDSTREAM SOCIAL AND LITERARY SOCIETY OPEN EVENING on Monday 7th October, 7:00pm in the Parish Church Hall Speaker - ANDREW DOUGLAS HOME - “The River Tweed, its fish and fisheries over 50 years”

This Society was founded in 1902 under the name Coldstream Fellowship Association. The name was changed in 1919 to the Coldstream Social and Literary Society; but while that name has remained the same, the focus of the group has evolved over the years. We now have speakers on a wide range of topics and enjoy a variety of outings, shows and social gatherings. We meet every fortnight starting on the first Monday in October at 7:00pm in the Parish Church Hall until our Christmas Lunch in December. Our fortnightly evening meetings continue in January through to a Social Evening at the end of March. There is also a Summer Outing in June. Titles of our talks this season will include A Head Gardener’s Lot, Borders Search and Rescue, Shot at Dawn and Marchmont - a home for makers and creators. A full syllabus will be available at the Open Evening and members’ annual subscription (presently £10) will be payable from 21st October. Visitors are always welcome. For further information contact Alison Tams (882479) or Beth Tweddle (885992). We look forward to seeing you on 7th October.

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019

AUTUMN 2019 COLDSTREAM COMMUNITY NEWS PAGE 11 A new Rector at St Mary & All Souls Hi, my name is Chris, and I was licensed as the Priest-in-Charge of the Episcopal Churches Group (St. Ebba’s, Eyemouth; Christ Church, Duns; St. Mary’s, Coldstream) at the end of May, and I will officially take on responsibility for St. Mary’s in November after Rev. Canon Jeffry Smith retires. This will be a time of transition and change for all at St. Mary’s as they say farewell to Jeffry (his last Sunday being 27th October) after four and a half years of joy and service. For me it has been a blessing and a privilege to have shared something of the ministry with Jeffry over these last few months – helping me to get to know the people and how things work. I know he will be greatly missed. As I begin my ministry in the lovely town of Coldstream I thought this might be an opportunity to briefly introduce myself. I was born on Anglesey, North Wales and grew up on the North Wales coast. I found faith in Christ at the age of 18 in a small Independent Evangelical church in Kinmel Bay. I Joined the Royal Navy in 1983, married Pauline in 1985, and after leaving the RN worked in various Engineering and Engineering Management roles. Our son, Josh was born in 1990. In 1994 both Pauline and I felt a clear and definite call into ministry. This saw a move to Ringwood, Hants, where I studied undergraduate Theology. I was then ordained into the Baptist tradition and worked as an assistant minister in Ringwood and then as a minister looking after two churches in rural Somerset. I then felt called to step out of ministry and so re-trained, completing a PGCE with Southampton University, after which I taught in two schools in Southampton, teaching RE and IT up to GCSE and Philosophy at A-Level. In 2009 with Josh having launched himself off to Cambridge, I began to sense a strong call back into ministry, this time entering the Church of England. It was here that I completed an MTh in Applied Theology, serving my curacy with Carlisle Diocese. After this my first post was as Rector of a united benefice within Liverpool diocese, where I completed an MPhil in Applied Theology. Last September whilst on holiday near Kelso both Pauline and I had one of those encounters with God which we couldn’t ignore – where we clearly saw God’s call to the Borders – and we’ve not looked back. The three congregations and communities are lovely and we’ve felt so welcomed by all. We look forward over the coming years to getting to know people better and serving both the congregations and wider communities. My wife Pauline (left), Bishop John of Edinburgh (right) and me (centre) Coldstream and District Local History Society After a successful season last academic year, we are looking forward to hearing from speakers on a range of interesting topics. Meetings are held monthly from October until May on the first Thursday of the month at 7:30pm in our new venue, the Leet Room in the Community Centre. The speaker at the meeting on October 3rd is David McLean on the topic “Berwickshire’s Poor 1800-1914” Jane Bowen is speaking on 7th November on “The P S Pegasus and its wreck 1843” and Kenneth McLean will be with us on the 5th December to speak on the subject of “Calamities, catastrophes, the tragedy and disasters of Berwickshire”. Our Christmas Social is on 12th December, the venue and cost are yet to be arranged. All are welcome to all our meetings. Membership is £6 a year, due in October. Guests are welcome at a cost of only £1 per meeting. I hope you have all seen our new publication, a Coldstream Heritage Walk, produced with visitors in mind but of interest to locals too we think. Our website contains details of projects, research etc. as well as our new programme. The website address is We also have a Facebook page. Secretary: Lynne Burgess 01890 883947, 07766707330, [email protected]

Gentle Exercise Classes St Mary & All Souls Church

Every second Thursday 10:00 - 10:45am at Coldstream Please note that Sunday Community Centre. 27th October will be Low Impact, fun aerobics set to great music. Can be Canon Smith’s Final standing or seated. Come and sing along to the great tunes whilst doing your heart, posture and flexibility a world of Service in St Mary’s. good. Classes cost £4.00. For more information, please Please come along - contact Jan on 07741 530777. First class in September will hopefully there will be be on the 12th. enough room.

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019


Christmas Light Up 2019 - a date for your diaries Coldstream’s annual Christmas lights display will be switched on for the first time on Sunday 1st December. As usual, this event will be celebrated by the Pipe Band leading Santa Claus along the High Street to the Community Centre where there will be the traditional Christmas Fayre with Santa’s Grotto and many other activities and attractions. More details will be published in the Winter edition of the CCN but the date to remember is Sunday December 1st - don’t miss it!

COLDSTREAM OVER 60s CLUB On 27th June 44 members and friends of the Club boarded the coach for the Club’s Outing which this year was a Mystery Tour! After a meander through the Border countryside in glorious sunshine we arrived at our destination - Seahouses! What could be nicer on a lovely sunny day than fish and chips at the seaside followed by an ice cream and watching the boats unload at the harbour or a walk along the sea shore before buying some rock to take home? Everyone had a wonderful time and "Well Done" to Colleen Howard for her organisation - and for keeping it secret from all of us! The new season of the Club starts on 12th September at 2:00pm in the Bowling Club. This season the meetings are fortnightly instead of every week. This is due to the difficulty of obtaining speakers. The subs remain at £5.00 annually but have risen to £2.00 per meeting. This rise ensures that funds remain at the same level to fund the Outing etc. The season opens with songs from Mary and her Trio which is followed by An Afternoon of Photographs with John Straughan. October brings Mary Shields talking about her Life as a Minister's Wife and then Martin Atchinson and his music. Diana Findlay gives a talk on the Borders Older People's Forum at the beginning of November followed by "Shopafrolics" with Judy at the end. Then comes December with our Christmas Party on the 5th with entertainment by Tommy Grieve and that completes the first half of our season. I’m sure you will agree that an entertaining and varied programme has been arranged and we look forward to welcoming you back on the 12th September.

TO ALL USERS OF THE TOWN DIARY HELD IN MOFFATS NEWSAGENTS: Please make sure the British Legion is available before putting your booking in the diary. Please also, if you cannot honour your booking, contact Elspeth Bell on 882211. Thank you. COLDSTREAM COFFEE MORNINGS

24 Aug Riding for the Disabled Assoc. CT 02 Nov Breast Cancer Now CT 31 Aug Coldstream Playgroup BL 09 Nov Poppy Scotland (RBLS) BL 07 Sept Coldstream Football Club BL 16 Nov Coldstream Twinning Association BL 14 Sept Coldstream Lodge St John 280 BL 23 Nov Parish Church Christmas Fayre PCH 21 Sept Coldstream Gateway Association BL 30 Nov Town Trip BL

27 Sept (Frid) World’s Biggest Coffee M (Macmillan) BL BL - British Legion Club CC - Community Centre 28 Sept Coldstream Riders Association BL CT - Clock Tower (Eildon) PCH - Parish Church Hall

05 Oct Coldstream Bowling Club BL The Town Diary folder is held in Moffats Newsagents. 12 Oct Parish Church Guild PCH Please fill in FULL DETAILS of your coffee morning or 19 Oct PresentingColdstream BL other event. Any Diary queries should go to Elspeth Bell on 882211. In the diary, please don’t use acronyms for 26 Oct Annual Macmillan Charities Fair CC your club/organisation and please state your venue.

Coldstream Community News - Autumn 2019