Reinvent Mathematics Education and You Change the World Gary S. Stager, Ph.D. ASB Unplugged Workshop Handouts February 2018
[email protected] @garystager APPLYING THE CBM THE MATH SOLUTION HELIX PROCESS OF MATH MATH MODELS QUESTIONS NEW KNOWLEDGE MATH ANSWERS Transform the math models Prepare the questions as math into math answers with the models ready for computing power of computers, or by Did the math answers solve the Think through the scope and the answer. Select from hand-calculating. Identify original problem? Fix mistakes details of the problem; define standard techniques or and resolve operational issues or refine by taking another turn manageable questions to tackle. formulate algorithms. during the computation. around the Solution Helix. DEFINE TRANSLATE COMPUTE INTERPRET QUESTIONS TO MATH ANSWERS RESULT Why Use Math? Computer-Based Math (CBM)… Because it's the most powerful way to get answers to a wide range of real-world questions. Several factors contribute to math’s …is building a completely new math power. One is its ability to describe a large number of apparently diferent situations in precise and standardized ways. Another is curriculum with computer-based because these descriptions come with highly efective methods for working out, or “computing,” answers. Math may look cryptic computation at its heart, while but it’s by this “abstraction” from the problem at hand that the same methods can be reused and refined on so many diferent campaigning at all levels to redefine problems. Math also scales well. Whizz around the CBM Solution Helix in a few seconds for everyday problems like “How fast do I math education away from need to go?”, or apply it over years at the cutting edge of research to solve problems like “How can I make a car go 1000 mph?” historical hand-calculating techniques and toward real-life What Is Computation? problem-solving situations that Clearly defined procedures backed up by proven logic for transforming math questions into math answers.