Neutron Diffraction Refinement of an Ordered Orthoclase Structure
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American Mineralogist, Volume 58,pages 500-507, 1973 NeutronDiffraction Refinement of an orderedorthoclase Structure Erweno PnrNcB Inst,ttute for Materials Research, National Bureau o.f Sta:ndards, Washington, D. C. 20234 Gnenrprrp DoNNnylNo R. F. MenrrN Department of Geological Sciences, McGiII Uniuersity, Montreal, Canada Abstract The crystal structure of a pegmatitic monoclinic potassium feldspar, (IG rnnonn) "Nao (Si,,*Al'*) t0"*(OH)o.1, from the Himalaya mine in the Mesa Grande pegmatitedistrict, California, has been refined with 3-dimensionalneutron-diffraction data to an unweighted R value of 0.031 for 721 symmetry-independentobserved reflections. Atomic coordinatesdiffer by no more than 3 estimated standard deviations from those of Spencer B adularia, yet the specimen does not have the adularia morphology, and no diffuse reflections with (h + k) odd have been observed.Direct refinement of the tetrahedral cation distribution shows that the Al content of the T(2) sites is not significantly different from zero (actually -0.016 with an e.s.d. of 0.029); in other words the Al-Si ordering in the tetrahedral sites is essentially complete. The mean SiO distance in the T(2) sites is 1.616A, appreciably greater than the values predicted by various regression lines relating bond distance to aluminum content. This indicates that the observed mean T,(m)-O, ?,(O)-O, and Tn(m)-O bond lengths re- ported for low albite and maximum microcline are consistentwith full Si occupancy. This ordered orthoclase occurs in gem pockets in a microcline-bearingpegmatite. The association suggestsstable growth of ordered orthoclase above the field of stability of microcline and metastablepersistence to lower temperatures.Perhaps because of more rapid crystal growth, the bulk of the pegmatitic K-feldspar ordered to common orthoclase, then transformed to maximum microcline. Introduction interestingaspect became apparent: the refinement During a continuing study of the occurrence of of the structureof this feldspar, which was classified hydroxyl ions and water molecules in minerals, a as orthoclaseon the basisof chemicalcomposition, valence sum (Donnay and Allmann, apparentsymmetry from the powder pattern,angle 197A) was per- o), formed on orthoclase,using published atomic param- betweenoptic axes (2V" = 63" i.1 and mor- eters (Jo,nesand Taylor, 1960; Colville and Ribbe, phology,indicated essentially complete order of the 1968). This summation showed a low value of the aluminum and silicon cations between the T(1) sum for the oxygen atom in position O", and, there- and T (2) tetrahedral sites, although the mean fore, a neutron difiraction study of a feldspar crystal Z-O distancesfor thesesites would haveindicated was undertaken to investigate the possible substitu- lessthan completeorder accordingto the published tion of small amounts of OH- for the oxygen in this regressionlines (Jones, 1968; Ribbe and Gibbs, position. However, even before our own negative 1969). The pulposeof this paper is to describethe results were obtained, a neutron refinement of a refinementof the structure,to comparethe results sanidine structure (Brown, Hamilton, Prewitt, and with thoseof studieson similar crystals,and to dis- Sueno, 1971) ruled out any measurableamount of cussthe implicationsour findingsmay have on feld- H in this feldspar species. Infrared absorption spar mineralogy. spectra of clear hydrothermal feldspar have shown no evidence of hydroxyl-for-oxygen substitution SpecimenDescription (J. Zemann, private communication, August 10, The neutron diftraction data were collectedfrorn 1,971,). a cleavagefragment taken from an overgrowthwhich As the investigation progressed,however, another occurs on perthite individualsfrom the Himalaya 500 NEATRON DIFFRACTION OF AN ORDERED ORTHOCLASE 501 tourmalinemine (Jahns,1954,map 8, locality20) in the Mesa Grande pegmatitedistrict, San Diego County, California. As in other granite pegmatite dikesof SanDiego County,long pendantsof micro- MICROCLINEPERTHITE cline perthite having quafiz rods in graphic inter- WITH GRAPHICQUARTZ growth grow from the hanging wall (Figure 1). Towardsthe core of the pegmatite,the quartz rods die out abruptly,presumably in responseto slower ORTHOCLASEPERTHITE crystalgrowth, and massiveqvartz aggregatesform GEMORTHOCLASE separatebodies next to microclineperthite (Jahns OVERGROWTH and Wright, 1951).Nearer the gempockets, micro- cline perthitegives way to orthoclaseperthite; these POCKETPEGMATI perthites are coated by a single-phaseorthoclase MASSIVEQUARTZ overgrowthup to I cm thick where they project into the gem pockets.Simpson (1962) suggestsa hydrothermal origin for the microcline perthite- quartzintergrowths from this area.Jahns and Burn- ham (1969, p. 856) proposegrowth of relatively Fro. 1. Cross section of an asymmetrically-zonedpegma- Burnham few feldsparnuclei from an aqueousfluid, with the tite dike. modified after Figure 58 of lahns and (1969). Thicknessof dike is measuredin meters' The clear, transportedthrough the fluid from an constituents single-phase overgrowth (labeled "gem orthoclase over- adjacentsilicate melt. The presenceof hydrothermal growth"), which coats orthoclase perthites which project fluids is further suggestedby corrosionfeatures ob- into gem pocket, yielded the specimensused in this study' served on distal portions of blocky perthites (cl The country rock is gabbroic. Simpson,1964, p.23) andby fluid inclusionsin the feldspars.The overgrowthpostdates the main epi- 19'72).A value of.0.47 percentRb'2O sode of corrosion;it occursin pocketsin associa- munication, by wet chemical analysisof the tion with gem tourmaline, beryl, qvaftz, and fine- has been found which the neutron crystal was ob- grainedmuscovite, which alsocoats the etchfeatures. specimenfrom (S. Horska, private communication,1972), Jahnsand Wright (1951) note the occurrenceof a tiined by the value of 0.49 percent clear variety of orthoclase("dental spar") among and this is confirmed analysis(Table 1)' pocketpegmatite minerals in the adjacentPala dis- Rb2O from the electron-probe trict, and mentionthat microclineis subordinatein Procedure such pockets. Experimental Table 1 is a summaryof chemicaland crystal- The cleavage fragment used in the neutron refinement lographic data on this crystal, along with similar weighs 48.356 mg so that on the basis of an observedden- It was information, as given by Colville and Ribbe, for sity of 2.563g/cm",it has a volumeof about 19 mm'' with its D axis approximately but not exactly SpencerB adulariaand SpencerC orthoclase.X-ray mounted parallel to the d axis of a computer-controlled,4-circle, neu- rasterscan images of a portion of the neutroncrys- difiractometer at the National Bureau of Standards - tron tal, at a scaleof 100 p 3.5 cm, givenoindication Reactor (Alperin and Prince, 1970). All reflections with 20 angle of Na and K inhomogeneity(S, Horska, private x2 -5" and within a spheredefined by a limiting by a communication).No variationsin A1 to Si ratio of tOO' and a wavelength of 1.232A were measured wbich first measured the intensity at the peak were noted in additionalelectron-microprobe analy- procedure position and at background positions on either side' If ses;no correlationcan be madewith the very subtle ihe peak intensity did not exceed the mean background variationsin extinction angle,well within 1o, that by at least 2a (o - (1,, ! It)'/"), the reflection was con- are found in the untwinnedovergrowth. sideredto be "unobserved",and assignedan upper limit of greater than R. H. Jahns and A. A. Chodos (unpublished intensity based on o. If the peak intensity was measuredby a 0'20step scan' If the peak data) consistentlyfind rubidium and cesium en- 2a, the peak was intensity exceeded1000 counts, the counting time was re- riched in the pocket orthoclasecrystals of the San duced in order to avoid spendingtime on meaninglesssta- Diego County pegmatites;one specimenof Hima- tistical precision. laya orthoclaseovergrowth contains 0.11 percent For each observed reflection the integrated intensity was RbzO and 0.014 CszO (R. H. Jahns,private com- determined, and from it a value of the structure factor, F' and 502 PRINCE, DONNAY, AND MARTIN Ta.eI.n1. Compositions and Crystal Data of PotassiumFeldspars Chenlcal Analysis Hlnalava Hlnalaya , Spencer B Spencer C weight percent orthoclase? orthoclase- aduLaria* orthoclase* s102 o).Jz tt tt (1 R 64.2 &zo: L8.25 18.45 18.5 18.3 Kzo L4,25 14,76 15.1 15.3 Na20 1.12 1.08 1.1 no UAU 0.'0s nll 0. 01 0.1 Sr0 nar nil 0.5 0.1 Ba0 0.25 nnt o.7 0.1 Rbr0 0,47 0.49 Hzo' o,44 H2o 0. 02 TOTAL 100.1 7 100.19 99.25 99.0 (K9. Formulabas€d on 4(st, At) (Kg.gaNa6.1gRbo.olp0.05) (K6.g6Na9.16tr6.94) (K9.9gNa6.19Ba9.61) 91Na6.66Ca6.91) per F,U. (r4artin & Donnay ' (s1:.01A19.99) (sr3.66r'11.s6) (s12 (s12 L97z):z=4 .96A11.62) .99Ar1.91) [07.96oH6.641 [07.950H6.64I [07.93(on) 6,62 I oe.oo Fomula welght: 275,80 275.27 276.72 277.05 wavelength used (l) I .54051 not glven not glven a (A) 8. s532(11) 8.554(2) L 561(2) b(i) 12.953 (14) L2,970 (4) L2.996(4) c (A) 7 ,2099(Lr) 7.2o7 (2) 7.L92(2) 90" 90" 90' B 115"073(9) 116.007 (r0) ' 115. 010(10) . Y 90" 90" 90" v(43) 718. 90(11) 7L8,7 718.9 Dga1.(8/ct3) 2,543 2.557 2.559 oo6"(g/cm3) 2. s53(1) 2.566 2,563 at 230c 2vo 63" 58,4' 43.6' Observeddiffuse reflectlons (h + k) odd t'llet chenlcal analysls by S. Horska, McGlll Unlverslty. HrO+ deslgnates H20 llberated between llToC and 1000.C. +Analytlcal data obtained by C. C. Hadldlacos on the electron nlcroprobe of the Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegle Instltutlon of Washlngton. *Data fron colvllle and Rrbbe (1968, Table 1). The glven forrrulae dlffer sllght1yi the conversion factor used by colvllle and Rlbbe ls based on 8 oxygen atons per ceil. optic axlal angles (i voi'fror Spencer (1937), /1A11 dlmensions for Hlnalaya orthoclase determlned by R. F. Martln, its standarddeviation, op, basedon counting statistics.At this (1951). The scattering factor for the tetrahedral sites was stage a systematiccomparison of pairs of reflectionsof the assumedinitially to be that for Si, which is 0.42 X 10-nm type hkl and, h*l was made in order to determine whether a (Bacon, 1972).