Diistig Room: ATTORXEV OK Had Tlecijeil to Keep up Their Individual Con- FORT STREET
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THE FACiriO THE PAOiriO Commercial A&bertiscr (Lmnmcrcial bbrriiscr 15 Ct'DLI-IU- li i. V I'L'BLIMIKU AT THE P. C. ADVERTISER CO. IInluln. Hawaiian I nlmuta. r'.v?ry S:itnfl;ty MonniiL'. IlntoM of Vclx-crtlasliif- ;. pawl I I taH n p ! I - 1 Tsia a abrrlplU. .N. iTpir:l i l m. i in Sm.t Cni. IJIb. - t-- r. t r ; --- " l r ! . 4 1 - Mnsslha. Itr.t Un rrrf li.llO. t I. ;!i.i!f i:.r',). in to :'. v ixi e 00 f 10 00 1 1 1 .. ;." I . ta War. IUOI. "H 11. h . .i (A) 4 IV tK' OO 00 ftt Jl l.!W ! .n."n J 0 4 mi 6 IK) T to 10 VI 00 'Jr L.ivti. il.ic ? i!.. S I " W T iO Itt no 00 20 ri rr.r- - f. r r ,;- -r -l prt ..f i li M , !.ir Ijim. (f.-u- r Ji ;. 4 ' n tv lo (xi 1A 00 !fu 00 S M r,n i v c t p. r r L'nt. .t tie. io im. r H O01 s lujnn . CO 10 O0 14 CO 00 I.vlu.t.-- I" : ..- . Y 1 Wuarirr t' f !0 40 00 .'icr If swan., a i l - a i(.-r-iuvi. T T V 7 oy 1 iiir.l tv.mxin . .. OO 1 J OO 1 OO --V OO 34) 001 M M pari ' kur.p w.u i . 'lalf Column . in.) oo ?4 oo 20 oo on 7 M pot o o wr.cri varies fr-t- r. a -- r.rs ot Dra-- li " papev. rut S boie Column. is OO u 00 4 00 6 00.100 00 1M 00 PaV.Sla li fCJMIOH tLIlll 1. AOUVi. A rraijine in the Kartrrn Vnitril Ptatea, IT Coaaiiit,m from all pair, :h- - Pacific will ZT Jrrr.ierr raa always b very tcvuMi-- 't I for the ir rani I y riK'Kn.( Urrecback or I'DJlad Mtalaw " Persons in any part of in- - f. ':-- . can I'.iniafe for aucb uuimii a they ih to tay aai tbeir rit,n mtl l r canii will loaerlrj a table, for tha liB paid for mil th aooar.t of icr,pt;.n J4 th paper ir rr alor ro erica pKtw inp CT Buainraa CrJ, vhrn ratraiD roa a Tiaa, arf 1 0.rnn:n.a'i'ii h ki I re Ir-- I. wt itrr.auts alh'wrl a dmroonl from tl.me ralra. wblrh arc for Iraoalaot caul It F II. lliruLDii. aJrrui-mrt- nl.cn aul or i SiarrJ quarterly. ISLANDS, 2 fin! ropiraof the A dtkri'ihkr. Ten Cents wbra cbarf4 JANUARY ISS2. ; XXVI-N- O. 31. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN NO. Fifieen Ct-ui- the IMIar. PACIFIC COMMKR.CI L ADVEKTMER C'1PAV. VOL. WHOLE mi). dotrn. One !t!;rb:in:nl. S E LKCT K TJ POET RY Jusinrss Cms. Itlrrhaniral. nsurnnrr Carls. Tkt Roy. J. M. DAVIDSON, WM. GEIMANN, J. D. LANE'S NOTICE. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE T E R N A 1 1 1 X A Tb. boy. ar home t tj " Xji . mI T I. II OT EL. It E T V E E X INSURANCE CO., r.inlnst .tfiw w IVIoroliAiit Nuuanu and S:n-is- . Attoriaoy rt Tailor. ly BUILDEB, Fort Honclulu. Thai orjr rural h ; wiX lyr 13 K i ihumaaa Slrrrl 3. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA jail OK LONDON AND K DI N It I! ItCU. Whtt L..rt and I .hot flitting Kline-.- , Steam Boilers, BOARDING HOUSE AND RESTAURANT ! ' ESTABLISH KD, 1809 Full of nn..pker Jr vl Furnaces, - I cT J, V.. t!if M. PHILLIPS & Co., NEW LAW OFFICE. KONG I. KEN Ai ACHAT. Mtvl v hither .!ii f ,r qnirt. C. (Arks) Allwrnry a aid Cwnia- - AND Manaccr. CAPITA L tt.O00.O0O -. IIOI.KM I.K J."KS. Iftth'r C"l the rity'a noi-.- Wit . and e sellor at Law and General Land Agent aud Collector, Arramulatril and I'sind, 1 ,OOT,84 tMI'KTKK B xita. he-- .Mm'i r'uroiihinB lr several Islands io the King Ranges Set, latr.lrd Ut. will practice in all Courts of the tut t rhnj- - it f'.r the tumult ancy Bl) No. KaahumaDO St.. Iluoolulo f ilooal. )ul II dom. othce. over Allen Rjlinoo'. Queen Strret. Ilouo .? r't milK I'XDERSICXF.O HAVE IIKKN AP Of IboM h'.rrll untry boy. ulu, II. I. BRICK and STONE WORK I'OINTKD AGK.Tt for the sandwlch Islands, and ar authorised to Fire apoo favorable Waking od with I ha.!..ing Done on reasonable ti'rms. Insure aKainat terma. sll H. E. McINTYRE BROTHER, HOTEL Klk taken in any part of the I. land. on Mroaa AMD vvoosv thr-ug- mm i AS. GAY, Wont OiOce. M.T.-.Hti.l- Early every summer Jar ; 4MKOCKKV M KKKI vrtiKK. J Address i Knima Square, or the EN Hu.l.linirs.and stored therein .Dwelling Hons Mt.tint? Corner of King and fort Mrcett. V janl 81 and furniture, l'imher. Coals, Ships In harbor with or without rbbtn. kitten. CJt'KV KVOR. AIMEA. HAWAII carg.ies or vsrru away , 1 tl Honolulu. 11. I. N B. Sur veys of importance on other Islands attended under repair. FnhtruloK th Jr. 3 At to. II ti Guests on J in l til EU. IIJrr.sCULAKUKK VU. Stumbling over fS.itincee, Entertained Either trailing JOHN S. McGREW, 2.L D., ' Thnrubtnn vliiui-- . .1 I an I l.Iuw ; F. T. LENEHAN & CO., N. F. BURGESS the American or European Clamouring 1 MLTitcsr:o:v u. MARBLE Tjuiorj" f.r suam daintiea, ahmy, , WORKS, i. vti: General Commission BETIIKL STRF.E1-- NEAR Travkin earth th paeua.. thr nh Can be ronultrd at bia Resilience on Hotel atreet, Importers and CARPENTER AND BUILDER, KING. Plan. Fire and Marine Insurance Co., between AUkea and Fort atreet. janl 1 Merchants. SHOP, NO. 81. KINO fTRKKT. 0PPOS1TK M.J ROSE'S. The and other klnlrel trial OF NEW ZEALAND. we ot(k1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IV GIVEX OX LL KINDS OF Fancied with ih ; riata sraacaac wm. a. lawia. ESTIMATES required; Offices and Stores titled up MAIM U THE RESTAURANT CAPITAL, t : t tio.ooo.ooo. Tbo biv. tho borrl l WINES, ALES AND SPIRITS, in the latest Eastern Styles. FACTURE RS ik, OF 1 Sally whiprmi an J I. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., Is an Adjunct to the Hotel. EST A It I . I S 1 El) A N AGENCY e HONOLULU. 0. I. J81 ly nAVINO lor the Hawaiian the uoderalgnev I! KKPUKIMJ OF FAFKY DESCRIPTION 310M.MCNTS, Rooms with Foard Two Iiollar ami a Half per day lI?nds, n- - are prepared lo accept Ore dwellingf, I wn. th.- - lln happy aurnmer : Sa$;ar Factors and Commission Agents, manner, and Konins Hoard 1', risks against in slorea. Done in the het poasihle at reasonable rate. with Three .lists per day warehouses and on terma. To-'t- I I tit rea.1 HONOLULU, kinds to order. Saws HF.ADST0NKS, TOMBS, Rooms without Board One per merchandise, l.ivi.ral.. Maruie risk .mile. them oVr. ja .1 i II. I. CHAS. T. GULICK, OAKDEN ORNAMENTS of all male Dollar day and upwards on cargo, freights, boltomr), profits and eoiumissioas. bow full of filed and set. Cottages Brarufrtn I'rror -- TA15LKTS, MAUHLK MANTKLS, In Connrttlnn with the Hotel at Special Lowes prau.pily aayatsl W wati h" I all ilar th rprnlci 1st v. sr S. B. Persnual attention will !e given to the moving of a' adjn.lrd sind ara. 'I'r. o Jan 1 81 8. WAl.KKR. & rtrxjTjic. j of buildings Having had experience in the Kanteni Kales. J. CHULAN CO., a GENT TO TAKE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TO kinds M ASH ST AND th Kr f " St t In taturr--, t j States. I feel coiiinleut 1 can five satisfaction to the most fas-- TOPS, and Tby crui LABOR CONTRACTS and JOHN M. LAW I.OR CO.. K H or 4 l l)Ktl.KR.MX 81 Ora-ful- . UUIUUS. Jan ay. poh.he l m-n- FORT CHINA f I'roprlrtor. Goods XZT Older lelt at my shop or resideuce will receive prompt f & ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, I to my 1I and in all Kiwi of Lry Hood. A lao. con Ceneral Business Agent. ifing in White Black Marble. fnw. Lti bbln'l knlttmif of alldearriptloo. Office in Makee'a Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu attienton. Bmi of rerprences civen - a nuMty of Mice, To no nif.th- r l agsln. stantly an hand, .uperior Hawaiian -- Residence, 218 Fort Street, Honolulu. trnt r'a u 81 Streets. Honolulu janl 81 ly OF LIVERPOOL. lanl Nil J 9trl, ll.olulu. ORBLE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AST OR HOUSE boyhxxl U thin lniiurtl Orders from the other islands folicited. Fr W. C. AKANA, ap 16, Cm MADE TO ORDER AT CAPITAL tlO.OOO.OOO. To ry mother' heart an I ey ; A. W. BUSH, THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY. Art'l mtnn ar txy t her for ftrr, of all deserlptlmi will ba AM IMl V DKal.CH. Chines and Hawaiian Lowest Possible FIRE INSURANCE Change a they may t yon an.t I. GKO:KR Orocery and feedst.Store. Rates rCectrd at Moderate Rates of Premium, tiy the miOersif nsd. S. WALKIH, XT or-ler- entrn.ted to me irHn ine other ialanda will be 3Ionanient3 J. To her. no linea rome abarply n arking 91 Translator and Interpreter, GERTZ, and Headstones Cleaned and keset.