Radio in the Civil Air Patrol

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Radio in the Civil Air Patrol The bulk of UTC production today is on special units designed to specific cus­ tomers' requirements. Over 5,000 new war designs were developed this past year. These designs ran from open type units to hermetically sealed items capable of many cycles of high and low temperature and extreme submersion tests. They included units from 113 ounce in weight to 10,000 lbs. in weight and from infini­ tesimal voltages to 250.000 volts. It is impossible to describe all these thousands of special designs as they become available. Our staff of application engineers will be more than pleased lo discuss your problem as related to special components. \l~!Til,.IPAtiJFO:fflI,1,£2. EXPORT DIVISION: 13 EAST 40th STREET, NEW YORK 16, N. Y., CABLES: "ARLAB" vember, December, January, FOR RADIO MEN February and March! (Deadline: Midnight, the last day of each IN THE SERVICE! month.J We will send $1.00 for every serious letter received so even if "WRITE A LETTER" you should not win a big prize your time will not be in vain. As you know, the Hallicrafters with them on every battlefront. Your letter will be our prop­ make a wide range of Radio RULES FOR THE CONTEST erty, of course, and we have the right to reproduce it in a Communications equipment, in­ We want letters telling of actual Hallicraft~rs advertisement. cluding the SCR-299 Mobile experiences with this equipment. Good luck and write as many Communications unit. We are We will give $100.00 for the letters as you wish. V-Mail letters proud of our handiwork, proud of best such letter received during will do. the iob you men have been doing each of the five months of No- ~ ~L__. \.u j. ,~~ Q \)ts ... (~, BUY MORE BONDS! -the l.alli~--=~rtl!rs l:"D- CH IC AG 0~ U.S. A. 2611 INDIANA AVENUE • CHICAGO, U.S.A. MAKU$ Of THf FAMQII~ HR·3?? (;9MMIINl<;ATICJNS TRIICIC 1 The World's Largest Exdusive Manufacturer of Short Wave Radio Communications Equipment 2 D!ii devoted en~irelg to AMATEUR RADIO PUBLISlIED, MONTHLY, AB rra OFFICIAL ORGAN; BY THE AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, INC., AT WEST HARTFORD, CONN., U. 8. A. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL AMATEUR RADIO UNION CONTENTS lIOWAlUl P. TILTON, ,ylBOQ C1mtri'/n;ting EditoF, V.H.F. It Seems to Us . 9 Splatter .................... 10 WALTl';ll E. BnAOL!lY, wlll'Wa Aeroanalysis and V.H.F. Techniques Hollis M. French, WlJLK VERNON CHAMBERS, WlJ ..sQ• u r,cim,cai Information .Service Superregeneration . Loyal S. F'ox, ex-W2AllB 17 Radio in the CAP . 'I'/Sgt. Karl H. Stello, W3IVZ 20 Loun1i B. D1111:ss1m Frequency Measurement in the WERS. Philip Bliss, WIDXT Editori,u Aoaistant 23 In the Services . 26 Measurement of Antenna Impedance Harry E. Stewart, W3JXY 30 Gold Stars ...... 35 ,1dvertiBing A Differential Microphone F. Cheyney Beekley, WlGS 36 F. CaEYNEr BmEIUJJ:Y, wlus · Prisoners of War 38 .4dvertiaitio M anaQer Missing in Action . 38 t:irci,lati<,n Silent Keys . 38 DAVID H. HOUGHTON Happenings of the Month 39 Cirm;lat,on M anar,er Women as WERS Operators W. C. Walter Jordon, WBSLC 40 IhLl'll T. BlUUl>IN, w.lBAW U.S.A. Calling! . ............ 42 A.11~t. Q'irculation Mtl1u1qer A Signal Corps Report on Enemy Radio Equipment . 43 The Saga of the 299 • . Cy Read, W9AA 44 •on l,avs' of ab,ence A Transceiver for Mobile WERS Work W. E. Bradley, WlFWH 48 On the Very Highs ... E. P. Tilt~n, WIHDQ 51 OFFICES Hamfest in Khaki- II Capt. Spencer Allen, W9JGL 52 * One Ounce of Prevention . "Sourdough" 54 ·as La sane Road WestHartrord 1; Cou11eetlout. A Ham-Made Free-Point Tube Tester Subscrlptlou rate In United Sta.i..a ,. · Hollis M. French, Wl]LK 56 nml Possessions. s2;5operyear, p0i1t,: Experimenter's Section 59 p"ld: nu other c<,untrles, $3.00 per ' /\ year, postpatd.Slmdecop!es,2/'icen'IS. ":' :: ·, Stravs •...... 60 m:.retgn remittances anoUld b.e by In•. · Hints and Kinks tel'Illltionat postal or expresa money. order or b».nl< dralt negotla.ble In the Automatic Bias for Battery Tuhes -···• Sel'vicing Receivers~ .u. s. arid tor an e11utvaJent am9i.lnt S-Meter with Left-to-Right Scale - Keying the Receiver In­ in u. s. runds. put for Code Practice - Removing Loktal Bases - A Method !entered ss second-olass matter.May .... 2!!, 1919, at the post office at Hart,: of Rejuvenating Electro(ytics 62 ford, Connecticut. under tile Act of Correspondence from Members 64 Match 3; 1879, Acce1,tance tor mall~. Ing at special rate M po.stage pro­ Operating News 68 vided tor In section 1103, Aot ot Honor Roll ..... 68 October 3, 1917. 11.uthorlzed Septem­ ber 9, 1922. Additional entry at Meet the SCMs . 72 Concord, N. H., authorized l'ebru• The Month in Canada 72 arv 21. 1929, under Act ot February 28, 1925. Addltlonll.! soo-· Amateur Activities 73 ond-class entries to cover sectlonll.! WWV Schedules . lldltlona authorized March 20, 19ll6; 86 Ham-Ads ..•. , • 112 Col)Jrlglit . 10.43 l>Y the. Al).).erioai! Radio' llei.ay' League,· Irui; .;l'.'ltle .... QST's Index of Advertisers 114 · registered' at.Onlt<ld;.Statll!i... PAtenJ. Office,'· . QST's Annual Index for 1943 117 Another Future Speaker~ al~~~ ad uvr:u/ This new speaker, recently developed• by JENSEN engineers, is but one of many improved types now being manufactured for · military uses. Thus another loud-speaker is ready for expanded fields of operation after the war. 4 e, r atgt:iat {51 roducing automatic radiotelegraph apparatus .. : is ed McElroy"s* own success saga. And the creed that drove him on-NEVER BE SATISFIED WITH MEDIOCRITY. This same spirit prevails throughout the McElroy or­ ganization where inquisitive engineers never copy and never imitate. They create, design, build • . • : Typical of the work they do is the new McELROY MODEL SR-900 SL-990 ••. a superior commercial recorder includ­ fng an automatic noise limiter and signal leveller. Em­ dying new principles of design and operation, it will ord clean, readable signals at speeds up to 350 rds a minute under the most adverse conditions. ~r-, inquiries are invited, U a McElroy engineer can , f service to you, ask for one. ,/t~9'.fU,..p-·CHAMPION RADIO TELEGRAPHER FOR MORE THAN 20 YEARS MANUFACTURING CORP. 82 BROOMLINE AVE., BOSTON, MASS. 5 Section Communications Managers of the A.R.R.L. Communications Department Rf":porta Invited.. All amateurs, especially League members, are invited to report communications activities, training plans, code claBSes, theory-discussion groups, civilian-defense building or planning each mid-month {16th of the month for the last :30 days) direct to the SCM, the administrative official of ARRL elected by members in each Section whose address h, given below. Radio Club reports and E~ergency CoOrdina.tor reports representing community org3nized work and plans and pro ess are especially desired by SCMs for inclusion in QST. ARRL l,'ield Organisation appointments, with the exception of the Emergency Coordinator and Emergency Corps posts, are suspended for the present and no new appoint­ ments or cancellations, with the erception named, will be made. Thia is to permit full efforts of all in Emergency Corps plans. 11-------------===--=~··.\TLANTIC DIVISION_==~-~----~====~=--- Eastern Pennsylvania WJBES Jerry Mathia (i208 Master St. Philadelphia 31 .Maryland-Delaware-District 9701 Monroe St. ,1f C'.nlumbia W.lCIZ Hermann E. Hobba Silver Spring P. 0. Linden, Maryland Southern New Jersey \VJGCU Ray Tomlinson 623 E. Brown St. Trenton 10 Western New \'ork WSMC \Villiam Bellor 186 DorseY Rd.. Rochester \Vestern Pennsylvania W8CKO E. A. Krall 703 Broadway East McKeesport --,,~--,-,-----------,,,=~~--.,,.-cCENTRAL DIVISION_...,._=-,-,~=-,,----,=------- lllinois• W9QLZ George Keith, Jr. Box 22-A, R.F.D. 2 Utica Indiana W9EGQ Herbert S. Brier .385 Johnson St. Gary Kentucky W9ARU Darrell A. Downard 116 N. Longworth Ave. Louisville 12 Mkhigan W8DPE Harold C. Bird R.F.D. 2 Pontiac Ohin \V8CBI D. C. l\,fcCoy Normandy Lane, R.R. 7 Davton Wisconsin WQRH Felber. Jr. 1625 N. 18th St.. Milwaukee 5 --,,,-:-:,:,:-;-;--:-;-------..,.,.r:m,,,.,,,---r.:=DAKOTA DIVISION ~our&: t;:~~:: ~~6~t {i'.°i'f.~c~fl:ride - m):Y~~~fo~\ve. 1,\~;;,Fails,SoutliDakota Northern Minnesota W9FUZ Armond D. Brattland Birchmont Drive B~midji Southern Minnei,ota W9YNQ Millard L. Bender 608 N. Huron Ave. Spring Valley --.,\~r7ka_n_s_a_•---------,\°"V"'s""G"'E"'D""·---,E,.,.,d,-,,B'{!_LTA DIVISION '1503 Bishop St, Little Rock ~i:~~~';;~i ~JRN }}'.·J·. ~~!;1.;':fn, Jr. f.ti'lfa!}~r~:erson Hotel ~?{oWDort Tennessee W4SP James B. Witt R.F.D. 6, Shady Dell Trail Knoxville -~E""::a-•-te_r_n""N~.-w~,~,o-r~k------,w=2TL~U,,.----,,R""'o""b... e.~rt,u=~E~~"Ji>:v:' 510N-....,,5T1~1~s-o-.H~'~o,,.lm-....,S~t-.----,:;""·'<,--,oti~'a ______ _ ~;.Ji,.;;, ¾~;;nJ:,;!!~d ~J~fil'; ~i/;'i;JJ't;~B~.k m~~~~~1s1,ve. :tt;.";ti'fequa, L. I. ---,to-wa----------~W~9~A=li~D~---,A--,-rt~i~~be1?!"1510N ____________,M=it_c,..he"".1'1-v""i~lle ____ _ Kansas W9AWP A. B. Unruh 1617 S. Seneca St. Wichita Missouri* W9OUD Mrs. Letha A. Dangerfield Box 245 · lA!e's Summit Nebraska \V9POB Roy F,,.. Olm.~ted 101 Arikari Ave. \Vann.eta ll---,,~.. .,-,nn-ec_,,tl-cu""t,--------,w=1"K'"'Q"""Y,---~:~Nl\i:~ DIVISIOr.:,.,!8"".""w"","n-ow--,s~··t..,_------,,w"'e- .•.,.t~H~a-v-en--,1~6---- Maine+- \VlAQL G. C. Brown 379 No. Maln St. Brewer F;astern Massachusetts \V1ALP Frank L. Baker, Jr. 91 Atlantic St. No.rth Quincy 71 5t. ~:!teH~~!bi:~husetts ~}¼-¥ 1T~:.~o!Ot~i~~tEvan1 'fft{~:fj~:1J~~ ~~~~d Rhode Island \VtHRC ~:layton C.
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