Family Private Collections Bryan
Family, Private Collections, Bryan P.C. 108.1 COLLECTION: Charles S. Bryan Collection, 1707-1862. 9 items. See: Barbara T. Cain, Ellen Z. McGrew, and Charles E. Morris, ed., Guide to Private Manuscript Collections in the North Carolina State Archives (Third Revised Edition), Raleigh, Division of Archives and History, 1981, page 73. Page 1 of 47 Family, Private Collections, Bryan Collection: BRYAN, JOHN, PAPER P.C. 368 Chowan Precinct, North Carolina 1722 Physical Description: Land grant. 1 item. Acquisition: Transferred from Miscellaneous Papers, May 15, 1961. Description: Land grant to John Bryan of 640 acres in Chowan Precinct on the south side of the Morattock (Roanoke) River, from John, Lord Carteret, April 6, 1722. On the reverse of the grant, John Bryan signs over this land to John Gray, May 20, 1726; and John Gray signs over (he same land to Nicholas Smith, Edgecombe, August 13, 1739. Page 2 of 47 Family, Private Collections, Bryan Collection: BRYAN, JOHN, PAPER P.C. 353 Bertie County, North Carolina 1819 Physical Description: Summons. 1 item. Acquisition: Description: The summons is to John Bryan, administrator for Penelope Swain, August 18, 1819. Page 3 of 47 Family, Private Collections, Bryan Collection: JOHN HERRITAGE BRYAN COLLECTION P.C. 6.1 – 6.28 Raleigh and New Bern, North Carolina 1716-1907 Physical Description: C. 2,300 items in five mounted volumes, 1 scrapbook, and 20 boxes, consisting of letters, surveys, land grants, plats, deeds, inventories, wills, bonds, agreements, accounts, promissory notes, bills and receipts, bills of sale, recipes, poems, newspaper clippings, maps, broadsides, licenses, genealogies, court records.
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