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Causer S Mrmv Un Ustench Llose to Titain T7 APn T7 causer Ps MrmvA un ustench Llose to titain NEWS SECTION THE WEATHER. PAGES ONE TO TEN he Omaha Daily Bee Fair VOL. XLIVXO. 104. OCTOHKH 17, 1014 TWENTY Oa Trains and at COPY OMAHA. SATURDAY MORNING. PAGES. total Slews Rtanda, Bo, SINGLE TWO CENTS. TORPEDO SINKS ALLIES HOLD OWN BELGIAN BATTERY IN ACTION This is a photograph of a Belgian battery reply- War Summary GERMANS REACH ing to German one engagement in Belgium of late. The the fire during of the humorous German naval forces have BRITISH CRUISER; censor struck out the name of th nlace wh;re the photograph was made. EVERYWHERE, IS scored strain. The Prltlsh admi- BELGIAN PORT ON 3 ralty announces that the cruiser Hawke was sent to the bottom In --- .350 LOSE LIVES .v'vjv . J..,"""H i.v t I I r-- V FRENCH REPORT the North sea by a German sub- ENGLISH CHANNEL u T!' marine Thursdsy. The French War offce an- ttkwke Wrecked North Sea by a in "On Our Left Wing the Action Con- - nounced yeeterdsy that the prog- Berlin Official Report by Way of German Submarine with Heavy ress of the allies indicated in tinues Vigorously," According Hague Says Ostend and Bruges Loit of Life. Thursday's communication had -- Are Both Taken. M' - , .... to Paris Communication. been confirmod. The field of ac- v: on the wing of allied ft UT I ONE OF CREW ARE SAVE: r' i . tion left the MAKE GAIN AT CERTAIN POINTS armies extends from the region NEWS DISPATCH CONFIRMS of Ypres to the sea. jArmnrncf TCarnh. m VanAvteil t Hot--a There was no official word Laventie Occupied, of Story from Amsterdam to London Had at Least Four Hundred East Estaires from Berlin up to late yesterday, ' " on Board. in Direction of Lille, by but news dispatches report that Press Agenoy Announces Confederates. the Germans marching on Ostend Capture, BESTS NAVAL LOSS OF BRITISH are within ten miles of their ob- jective, having occupied Illanken-bersh- e, STRAIGHTENS GERMANS' FRONT GERMAN'S ATTACK IS IN VAIN a town on the Belgian Other Crniseri Sunk Were Amphion, coast connected by rail with Oe-ten- d. Pathfinder, Aboukir, Hogue Hannescamps, Near Arras, Also Falls Allies Must Pierce Line to Make and Cressy. belief grows in London Headway Into Hands of Troops of the The Against Long Line Ostend will not be occupied that of Troopa, THESEUS ALSO IS ATTACKED Coalition. by the Germans until at least they have fought for Its possession. war- BRITISH DISCOUNT THE MOVE Submarine Fails in Move Against TEUTONS ADVANCE TO C0URTRAI It is reported that British ships will take part In the defense Sister Ship of Hawke. of Assert Capture of Ostend GERMAN ADVANCE RETORTED the town. Wat The French embassy at Wash- N gone Conclusion. JFIFTY SURVIVORS AT ABERDEEN ington lias say- Flahtlaa cnr the Mesne Desperate, received advices ing thnt the allies have captured Tliouah Overshadowed llpexa-flo- n TO CAUSE Smmander and All Offlrexa of the tr Henncsciimps, a town about ten CHANGE OF TACTICS on the Left Wing of Hawke Eicfpl Boatswain aad miles north of Albert. There Is the Allied Forera. All Rnglnnd Flxetted by Talk at CM no news regarding, the fight- Acting; Giuer Horn other ' ing on of bat- nSee and RaysJ Frewlaaaattaa with the Ship. Ill M.KTIX. the northern end the tle Una In France. Deala with Regnlatlann far PARIS, Oct, 16. "Ou our left The statement says Carryiagr af Letters. toRITIVH LOSSES IN OKTH SEA. wing the action continuoa vigor- Paris that KuHFlan troops have repulsed Ger- ously,," oonuminica-tlo- n BULLETIN. Cruiser Amphion, soak by bios an official Ivan-goro- man on Warsaw d. lsRiieti "Kvery-wher- attacks and BERLIN, Oct. 1 (via Tbe Hagus oy this evening. e Itttuser Pathfinder,, sunk torpado, e Ji . : ' e .. s In Husslan Poland, and that Baytamoar 10. 'J.,,.i':'.?s':;.. I V V V we, hnv held our own. At to London.) "The Germans occu- a.; " v'i a Is being fought of crutaara Aooukir, Korua aad Crta7. certain points we gained battle south pied Bruges October 14 and Ostend una dj aoamariaa, hakambar IS. have ground Prsemysl. Cxoiaar Jaawaa, tang oy torpauo, Octo-a- r October 15," an official statement ed lfr. and have occupied I.aventle, cast of Estaires in the dihection of Lllba. here today says. LONDON, Oct. 16. The Drltish "There Is no important incident to "An attempt by the Russians to rruiser.Mawke hs been sunk in th mention on the parUi of occupy Lyck (east Prussia) failed i other the RUSSIANS REPULSE JSorth Sea by a German submarine, front except an unsuccessful attack with the loss of their artillery and Out of a erew of 4 00 men fifty-on- e by the Germans in the region of S00 prisoners." vera eaved. aBsnsnsasssasBBs lWI:?';-- Malancourt, northwest of Verdun." ATTACKBYGERMANS was "' Th British cruiser or 7,350 tmmmtuu'"Jh.''-J- " i.mmmn' iaaai iniiHai sssjsara1sam BULLETIW. tons displacement. was 360 LONDON, Oct. It fet Hannescamps Taken. Advance of the Kaiser's Troops on 16. (7:ia p. m..) long, of 'sixty feet beam and drew WASHINGTON. Oct. of A Central News dispatch from Am- Hannescamps, the Vistula River Bank ii twenty-thre- e feet of water. It was southwest of Arras, by the sterdam says that fugitives wtio allies, and an advance by the Germans Thrown Back. have sister ship of the Edgar, Endlm6n. PRZEMYSL REJECTS Four Thousand Prisoners and from Audenarde to Courtral were an arrived at tha Dutch frontier Craf ton, 'ThoBeus- - nd aibralfar and nouneed In an official dispatch made declara that Ostend has fallen tako " ' NO IMPORTANT ACTION IN EAST trais launches'' li'ibii.-'- ' ' Rich Booty Taken at Antwerp public here by the French embassy. the hands of the Germans. RUSSIANS' REQUEST Tha dispatch follows! Its armament conaleted of to Flghtlnc Rare Believed Ho Far una, tn un tw?lva pounder!, The Germans have advanced from LONDON, Oct was tha W. s.nft Be Confined to Cavalry En lC.As ilva two maihihe gun and WASHINGTON, Oct. The' German plenty of wool, metal and cattle. The Audenarde toward Courtral. The enemy case Just a week ago with Antwerp, two torpedo Polite Demand on Commander of the embassy today received the following harbor works are undamaged. occupies a line of defense at Merotn, ;enrsl No General .tubei. It complement ia so It was today with Ostend. That is tven as 644 men. but tt may have had Austrian Fortress is Rudely official wireless report from Berlin: "The Trench attacks near Albert have Armentlers and Glvenchy. To the weat Aetloa Yet Benn. on beeji repulsed. of LaBassre It In In contact with our to ssy, its occupation by Germany la fewer' board wheu it went down. Refused. , "Official headquarters reports that' at The Hawke was eomnmtidcd, according - "The Russian advance In East Prussia troops between that locality and Arras. momentarily expected. Ostend being to Antwerp between 4.000 and ,0QS prleonera has failed. The Russian attack with A violent combat took place northwest of hlLLETIJI. the Britieh adrnlralty list of September, 15.-(- Vla Iran-fcorfc- PETROORAD. Oct. London, almost opposite the mouth of JW4, DIMITRIEFF SAYS HE IS LUCKY waYe taken and that among the war eight army corps from Warsaw and d to Vermelles, whloh In our the by Captain Hugh P. E. T. Williams, Lens resulted tlng S00-- Oct. between German and booty 'are ' cannon,, 4,000 tone of grain bavs been repulsed." favor. We have taken Hannescamps, and Thames, Britons centered their gaze anions' Its offloera were Commander Russian troops Is now going on within Pratt-Bar- k Austrian Reply Aaarrte Commander southwest of Arras." there . regardless of whether or not liernard A. vr and I.liutenant eight mUea of Warsaw, Russian Poland. Commander R. r.oaoman. Kinds Dlaralty to the taking city Robert It Heneatn Rlre Allies Keen Penndlna" Away. of the would mean M'r-- k 16. -- of-fl- ne Three Saak Thrte Ao. Affrontlnar Proposal Answer REFUGEES LOSE WIRELESS MESSAGE PARIS, Oct 1.-T- he steady hammering PARIS, Oct. The French War much from a military standpoint, or This 4eatructton of the Hawke follow Which It Heaervea. of the allies on the German left wing of made an official announcement this hasten, or protract the great war, now by about three weeks afternoon aa follows: the sinking In the the French battle front has brought them In Its seventy-thir- d day. North sea of the British Abou- VIUNXA. O't. 15. (Via Amsterdara and THEIR CHILDREN : within cannon range of the foits "In Russia, on the left bank of the cruiser. UNFAIR TOGERMANS almost The latest news Lon- kir. Home and Creiy., These Venecia London, Oct. !.) It was announced of- at Mets. In spite of this menace, part of Vistula river, the Russian troops during available in uccumtwd to the attack ut a German ficially hero toilay that on the afternoon the German crown prince's army hanss the day of October 13 repulsed the Gor- don early today said the Germans aubmartne, and with th?rn some sixty of October t the commander of the fort- Women Separated from Husbands Dispatch from Honolulu Telling of on doggedly to the positions It hsa taken man attacks rn Warsaw and Ivangorod. were within ten miles of tha city, British officers and 1.100 men ress Przomysl MI'ntnt. fight- "A battle Is going on south of Pria-mys- went to at received from General 'Whereabouts Vio- on the Meuse near St. The having occupied Blankenberghe, their death. and Offspring in Mad Flight of Gunboat Is a Radko Dlrnltrlff, In command of the ing on this end of the long bs.ttle line small town on Belgian Amoni Its officers at the time of the F.UKslan army of Investment, a request from Ostend to Dover.
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