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The Table of Contents is a total listing of Parts A and B. Part A consists of pages 040301(R)–043426, and Part B pages 043601–049907(E).



Quantum information

Continuous-time quantum walks on spatially correlated noisy lattices (5 pages) ...... 040301(R) Matteo A. C. Rossi, Claudia Benedetti, Massimo Borrelli, Sabrina Maniscalco, and Matteo G. A. Paris

Hardness of classically sampling the one-clean- model with constant total variation distance error (4 pages) ...... 040302(R) Tomoyuki Morimae

Quantification of multidimensional entanglement stored in a crystal (6 pages) ...... 040303(R) Alexey Tiranov, Sébastien Designolle, Emmanuel Zambrini Cruzeiro, Jonathan Lavoie, Nicolas Brunner, Mikael Afzelius, Marcus Huber, and Nicolas Gisin

Entanglement-enhanced lidars for simultaneous range and velocity measurements (6 pages) ...... 040304(R) Quntao Zhuang, Zheshen Zhang, and Jeffrey H. Shapiro

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics

Saturation properties of helium drops from a leading-order description (5 pages) ...... 040501(R) A. Kievsky, A. Polls, B. Juliá-Díaz, and N. K. Timofeyuk

P,T -odd and magnetic hyperfine-interaction constants and excited-state lifetime for HfF+ (4 pages) ...... 040502(R) Timo Fleig

Atomic and molecular processes in external fields, including interactions with strong fields and short pulses

+ Alignment-dependent population inversion in N2 in intense few-cycle laser fields (6 pages) ...... 041401(R) Huailiang Xu, Erik Lötstedt, Toshiaki Ando, Atsushi Iwasaki, and Kaoru Yamanouchi

Rydberg excitation of cold inside a hollow-core fiber (7 pages) ...... 041402(R) Maria Langbecker, Mohammad Noaman, Niels Kjærgaard, Fetah Benabid, and Patrick Windpassinger

Copyright 2017 by American Physical Society

(Continued) 2469-9926(201710)96:4:A;1-Y The editors and referees of PRA find these papers to be of particular interest, importance, or clarity. Please see our Announcement Phys. Rev. A 88, 020001 (2013). CONTENTS - Continued


Matter waves and collective properties of cold atoms and molecules

Observation of a modulational instability in Bose-Einstein condensates (5 pages) ...... 041601(R) P. J. Everitt, M. A. Sooriyabandara, M. Guasoni, P. B. Wigley, C. H. Wei, G. D. McDonald, K. S. Hardman, P. Manju, J. D. Close, C. C. N. Kuhn, S. S. Szigeti, Y. S. Kivshar, and N. P. Robins

Experimental signatures of an absorbing-state phase transition in an open driven many-body quantum system (6 pages) ...... 041602(R) Ricardo Gutiérrez, Cristiano Simonelli, Matteo Archimi, Francesco Castellucci, Ennio Arimondo, Donatella Ciampini, Matteo Marcuzzi, Igor Lesanovsky, and Oliver Morsch

Topological properties of a dense atomic lattice gas (6 pages) ...... 041603(R) Robert J. Bettles, Jiríˇ Minár,ˇ Charles S. Adams, Igor Lesanovsky, and Beatriz Olmos

Dimensional crossover in a strongly interacting ultracold atomic Fermi gas (6 pages) ...... 041604(R) Umberto Toniolo, Brendan C. Mulkerin, Chris J. Vale, Xia-Ji Liu, and Hui Hu

Collective many-body bounce in the breathing-mode oscillations of a Tonks-Girardeau gas (6 pages) ...... 041605(R) Y. Y. Atas, I. Bouchoule, D. M. Gangardt, and K. V. Kheruntsyan

Quantum optics, of lasers, nonlinear optics, classical optics

Quantum-limited measurement of space-time curvature with scaling beyond the conventional Heisenberg limit (6 pages) ...... 041801(R) S. P. Kish and T. C. Ralph

Non-Markovian dynamics of few emitters in a laser-driven cavity (6 pages) ...... 041802(R) D. Pagel and H. Fehske

Disorder-induced localization of excitability in an array of coupled lasers (5 pages) ...... 041803(R) M. Lamperti and A. M. Perego

Curved-space topological phases in photonic lattices (6 pages) ...... 041804(R) Eran Lustig, Moshe-Ishay Cohen, Rivka Bekenstein, Gal Harari, Miguel A. Bandres, and Mordechai Segev


Fundamental concepts

Oscillating potential well in the complex plane and the adiabatic theorem (12 pages) ...... 042101 Stefano Longhi

Ambiguous measurements, signaling, and violations of Leggett-Garg inequalities (8 pages) ...... 042102 Clive Emary

Asymptotic Floquet states of non-Markovian systems (6 pages) ...... 042103 Luca Magazzù, Sergey Denisov, and Peter Hänggi

Adiabatic evolution of decoherence-free subspaces and its shortcuts (15 pages) ...... 042104 S. L. Wu (), X. L. Huang (), H. Li (), and X. X. Yi ()

Exact path-integral evaluation of locally interacting systems: The subtlety of operator ordering (7 pages) ...... 042105 Nobuhiko Taniguchi


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Kramers-Kronig potentials for the discrete Schrödinger equation (7 pages) ...... 042106 Stefano Longhi Probing various formulations of macrorealism for unsharp quantum measurements (10 pages) ...... 042107 Swati Kumari and A. K. Pan Localization of a magnetic moment using a two-qubit probe (13 pages) ...... 042108 Jan Krzywda, Łukasz Cywinski,´ and Piotr Szankowski´ Nonequilibrium quantum bounds to Landauer’s principle: Tightness and effectiveness (7 pages) ...... 042109 Steve Campbell, Giacomo Guarnieri, Mauro Paternostro, and Bassano Vacchini Supersensitive ancilla-based adaptive quantum phase estimation (7 pages) ...... 042110 Walker Larson and Bahaa E. A. Saleh Double-time correlation functions of two quantum operations in open systems (20 pages) ...... 042111 Masashi Ban Data processing inequality and open quantum systems: Beyond Markov states (7 pages) ...... 042112 A. Türkmen, A. Verçin, and S. Yılmaz Deep learning and the Schrödinger equation (9 pages) ...... 042113 Kyle Mills, Michael Spanner, and Isaac Tamblyn Control-enhanced multiparameter quantum estimation (11 pages) ...... 042114 Jing Liu and Haidong Yuan Vector-magnetic-field sensing via multifrequency control of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond (11 pages) . . . . 042115 Sayaka Kitazawa, Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Soya Saijo, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, and Junko Ishi-Hayase Semiclassical construction of Green’s functions for multidimensional systems with barrier tunneling (13 pages) ...... 042116 Kenneth G. Kay Dirac electron in a chiral space-time crystal created by counterpropagating circularly polarized plane electromagnetic waves (14 pages) ...... 042117 G. N. Borzdov Role of atoms in atomic gravitational-wave detectors (8 pages) ...... 042118 Matthew A. Norcia, Julia R. K. Cline, and James K. Thompson Measuring molecular parity nonconservation using nuclear-magnetic-resonance spectroscopy (7 pages) ...... 042119 J. Eills, J. W. Blanchard, L. Bougas, M. G. Kozlov, A. Pines, and D. Budker Fermi problem in disordered systems (7 pages) ...... 042120 G. Menezes, N. F. Svaiter, H. R. de Mello, and C. A. D. Zarro Operational quasiprobabilities for continuous variables (9 pages) ...... 042121 Jeongwoo Jae, Junghee Ryu, and Jinhyoung Lee

Quantum information Quenched dynamics of entangled states in correlated quantum dots (7 pages) ...... 042301 N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev, and V. N. Mantsevich


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Error rates and resource overheads of encoded three-qubit gates (13 pages)...... 042302 Ryuji Takagi, Theodore J. Yoder, and Isaac L. Chuang

Clustering in Hilbert space of a quantum optimization problem (10 pages) ...... 042303 S. C. Morampudi, B. Hsu, S. L. Sondhi, R. Moessner, and C. R. Laumann

Second law of thermodynamics with (6 pages) ...... 042304 Li-Hang Ren and Heng Fan

Millimeter-wave interconnects for microwave-frequency quantum machines (13 pages) ...... 042305 Marek Pechal and Amir H. Safavi-Naeini

High-fidelity Rydberg quantum gate via a two- dark state (9 pages) ...... 042306 David Petrosyan, Felix Motzoi, Mark Saffman, and Klaus Mølmer

Noiseless attenuation using an optical parametric amplifier (3 pages) ...... 042307 R. A. Brewster, I. C. Nodurft, T. B. Pittman, and J. D. Franson

Dissipative generation of a steady three-atom based on Rydberg pumping (6 pages) ...... 042308 Xiang Chen, Hong Xie, Gong-Wei Lin, Xiao Shang, Ming-Yong Ye, and Xiu-Min Lin

Benchmarking the state comparison amplifier (12 pages) ...... 042309 Klaudia Kleczkowska, Ittoop Vergheese Puthoor, Lauren Bain, and Erika Andersson

Quantum annealing with a nonvanishing final value of the transverse field (7 pages) ...... 042310 Kohji Nishimura and Hidetoshi Nishimori

Optimally cloned binary coherent states (11 pages) ...... 042311 C. R. Müller, G. Leuchs, Ch. Marquardt, and U. L. Andersen

Imperfect state preparation in continuous-variable quantum key distribution (7 pages) ...... 042312 Wenyuan Liu, Xuyang Wang, Ning Wang, Shanna Du, and Yongmin Li

Necessary condition for local distinguishability of maximally entangled states: Beyond orthogonality preservation (10 pages) ...... 042314 Tanmay Singal, Ramij Rahaman, Sibasish Ghosh, and Guruprasad Kar

Resonator reset in circuit QED by optimal control for large open quantum systems (11 pages) ...... 042315 Samuel Boutin, Christian Kraglund Andersen, Jayameenakshi Venkatraman, Andrew J. Ferris, and Alexandre Blais

Fault-tolerance thresholds for the surface code with fabrication errors (9 pages) ...... 042316 James M. Auger, Hussain Anwar, Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia, Thomas M. Stace, and Dan E. Browne

Quantum gate description for induced coherence without induced emission and its applications (7 pages) ...... 042317 Sahar Alipour, Mario Krenn, and Anton Zeilinger

Thermal effects on coherence and excitation transfer (10 pages) ...... 042318 Laleh Memarzadeh and Azam Mani

Estimation of gradients in quantum metrology (20 pages) ...... 042319 Sanah Altenburg, Michał Oszmaniec, Sabine Wölk, and Otfried Gühne


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Transfer and preservation of entanglement in a hybrid optomechanical system (6 pages) ...... 042320 Qiankun Zhang, Xiangyang Zhang, and Lianzhen Liu

Verifying bound entanglement of dephased Werner states (7 pages) ...... 042321 P. Thomas, M. Bohmann, and W. Vogel

Experimental demonstration of perturbative anticrossing mitigation using nonuniform driver Hamiltonians (8 pages) ...... 042322 Trevor Lanting, Andrew D. King, Bram Evert, and Emile Hoskinson

Tight upper bound for the maximal quantum value of the Svetlichny operators (5 pages) ...... 042323 Ming Li, Shuqian Shen, Naihuan Jing, Shao-Ming Fei, and Xianqing Li-Jost

Role of coherence during classical and (6 pages) ...... 042324 Jin-Xing Hou, Si-Yuan Liu, Xiao-Hui Wang, and Wen-Li Yang

Optimal convex approximations of quantum states (4 pages) ...... 042325 Massimiliano F. Sacchi

Investigating Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering of continuous-variable bipartite states by non-Gaussian pseudospin measurements (13 pages) ...... 042326 Yu Xiang, Buqing Xu, Ladislav Mišta Jr., Tommaso Tufarelli, Qiongyi He, and Gerardo Adesso

Detecting metrologically useful asymmetry and entanglement by a few local measurements (10 pages) ...... 042327 Chao Zhang, Benjamin Yadin, Zhi-Bo Hou, Huan Cao, Bi-Heng Liu, Yun-Feng Huang, Reevu Maity, Vlatko Vedral, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, and Davide Girolami

Better bounds on optimal measurement and entanglement recovery, with applications to uncertainty and monogamy relations (4 pages) ...... 042328 Joseph M. Renes

Digital quantum simulator in the presence of a bath (19 pages) ...... 042329 Yi-Cong Zheng and Hui-Khoon Ng

Path-integral quantum Monte Carlo simulation with open-boundary conditions (9 pages) ...... 042330 Zhang Jiang, Vadim N. Smelyanskiy, Sergio Boixo, and Hartmut Neven

Continuous-variable steering and incompatibility via state-channel duality (12 pages) ...... 042331 Jukka Kiukas, Costantino Budroni, Roope Uola, and Juha-Pekka Pellonpää

Finite-size analysis of measurement-device-independent with continuous variables (8 pages) ...... 042332 Panagiotis Papanastasiou, Carlo Ottaviani, and Stefano Pirandola

Progress toward optimal quantum tomography with unbalanced homodyning (10 pages) ...... 042333 Y. S. Teo, H. Jeong, and L. L. Sánchez-Soto

Finite-size analysis of continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (8 pages) ...... 042334 Xueying Zhang, Yichen Zhang, Yijia Zhao, Xiangyu Wang, Song Yu, and Hong Guo

Applications of the modified Rydberg antiblockade regime with simultaneous driving (12 pages)...... 042335 Shi-Lei Su, Yongzhi Tian, H. Z. Shen, Huaping Zang, Erjun Liang, and Shou Zhang


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Coherence number as a discrete quantum resource (12 pages) ...... 042336 Seungbeom Chin Sequentially generated entanglement, macroscopicity, and squeezing in a spin chain (9 pages) ...... 042337 Tahereh Abad, Klaus Mølmer, and Vahid Karimipour Classical simulation of arbitrary quantum noise (7 pages) ...... 042338 Seyyed M. H. Halataei Single qubit operations using microwave hyperbolic secant pulses (7 pages) ...... 042339 H. S. Ku, J. L. Long, X. Wu, M. Bal, R. E. Lake, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou, and D. P. Pappas Strong quantum solutions in conflicting-interest Bayesian games (7 pages) ...... 042340 Ashutosh Rai and Goutam Paul Unified framework to determine Gaussian states in continuous-variable systems (15 pages)...... 042341 Fernando Nicacio, Andrea Valdés-Hernández, Ana P. Majtey, and Fabricio Toscano

Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics Investigating the electronic properties and structural features of MgH and of MgH− anions (6 pages) ...... 042501 L. González-Sánchez, S. Gómez-Carrasco, A. M. Santadaría, F. A. Gianturco, and R. Wester

Multiconfiguration calculations of electronic isotope-shift factors in Zn I (10 pages) ...... 042502 Livio Filippin, Jacek Bieron,´ Gediminas Gaigalas, Michel Godefroid, and Per Jönsson Magic wavelengths of the Ca+ ion for circularly polarized (8 pages) ...... 042503 Jun Jiang, Li Jiang, Xia Wang, Deng-Hong Zhang, Lu-You Xie, and Chen-Zhong Dong Multiple Auger decay probabilities of neon from the 1s-core-hole state (7 pages) ...... 042504 Yulong Ma, Fuyang Zhou, Ling Liu, and Yizhi Qu Relativistic configuration-interaction calculations of the energy levels of the 1s22l and 1s2l2l states in lithiumlike ions: Carbon through chlorine (13 pages) ...... 042505 V. A. Yerokhin, A. Surzhykov, and A. Müller Hyperfine structure of alkali-metal diatomic molecules (4 pages) ...... 042506 Jesus Aldegunde and Jeremy M. Hutson

Atomic and molecular collisions and interactions Higher-order theories for relativistic electron-atom bremsstrahlung in comparison with experiment (10 pages) . . . 042701 A. Mangiarotti and D. H. Jakubassa-Amundsen Lifetimes of ultralong-range strontium Rydberg molecules in a dense Bose-Einstein condensate (9 pages) ...... 042702 J. D. Whalen, F. Camargo, R. Ding, T. C. Killian, F. B. Dunning, J. Pérez-Ríos, S. Yoshida, and J. Burgdörfer

Theoretical study of (e,2e) processes for valence orbitals of CH4 using a multicenter distorted-wave method (6 pages) ...... 042703 Maomao Gong, Xingyu Li, Song Bin Zhang, Ling Liu, Yong Wu, Jianguo Wang, Yizhi Qu, and Xiangjun Chen

Electron-impact-ionization dynamics of SF6 (8 pages) ...... 042704 James N. Bull, Jason W. L. Lee, and Claire Vallance


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Characterizing Feshbach resonances in ultracold scattering calculations (8 pages) ...... 042705 Matthew D. Frye and Jeremy M. Hutson Energy-resolved coherent from laser-driven electronic in atoms (14 pages)...... 042706 Hua-Chieh Shao and Anthony F. Starace Inelastic losses in radio-frequency-dressed traps for ultracold atoms (10 pages) ...... 042707 Daniel J. Owens and Jeremy M. Hutson

Fully differential study of dissociative single capture and Coulomb explosion through double capture in p + H2 collisions (9 pages) ...... 042708 B. R. Lamichhane, A. Hasan, T. Arthanayaka, M. Dhital, K. Koirala, T. Voss, R. A. Lomsadze, and M. Schulz Nuclear dynamics in a positron-CO collision using close-coupling methods (12 pages) ...... 042709 T. Mukherjee Projectile-charge dependence of the differential cross section for the ionization of argon atoms at 1 keV (7 pages) 042710 G. Purohit and D. Kato

Electron scattering by the hydrocarbons C4H6,C5H8, and C6H10 (7 pages) ...... 042711 Matheus B. Kiataki, Diego F. Pastega, and Márcio H. F. Bettega No evaporative cooling of nitric oxide in its ground state (6 pages) ...... 042712 Lucie D. Augustovicovᡠand John L. Bohn Relativistic R-matrix calculations for the electron-impact excitation of neutral molybdenum (7 pages) ...... 042713 R. T. Smyth, C. A. Johnson, D. A. Ennis, S. D. Loch, C. A. Ramsbottom, and C. P. Ballance Dipole-dipole interaction in cavity QED: The weak-coupling, nondegenerate regime (16 pages) ...... 042714 M. Donaire, J. M. Muñoz-Castañeda, and L. M. Nieto Calculated cross sections for elastic scattering of slow positrons by silane (7 pages) ...... 042715 Alessandra Souza Barbosa and Márcio H. F. Bettega Fully differential cross sections for singly ionizing 1-MeV p+He collisions at small momentum transfer: Beyond the first Born approximation (7 pages) ...... 042716 O. Chuluunbaatar, S. A. Zaytsev, K. A. Kouzakov, A. Galstyan, V. L. Shablov, and Yu. V. Popov Nuclear stopping power of antiprotons (15 pages) ...... 042717 Kai Nordlund, Dage Sundholm, Pekka Pyykkö, Daniel Martinez Zambrano, and Flyura Djurabekova

Atomic and molecular processes in external fields, including interactions with strong fields and short pulses Observation of the motional Stark shift in low magnetic fields (5 pages) ...... 043401 Manuel Kaiser, Jens Grimmel, Lara Torralbo-Campo, Markus Mack, Florian Karlewski, Florian Jessen, Nils Schopohl, and József Fortágh Effects of nodal planes on strong-field ionization and high-order-harmonic generation in ring-type molecules (5 pages) ...... 043402 A. F. Alharbi, A. E. Boguslavskiy, N. Thiré, G. S. Thekkadath, S. Patchkovskii, B. E. Schmidt, F. Légaré, T. Brabec, V. R. Bhardwaj, and M. Spanner Excitation of Rydberg wave packets in the tunneling regime (10 pages) ...... 043403 B. Piraux, F. Mota-Furtado, P. F. O’Mahony, A. Galstyan, and Yu. V. Popov


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Medium-induced change of the optical response of metal clusters in rare-gas matrices (6 pages)...... 043404 Fengyuan Xuan and Claude Guet

Backward-emitted sub-Doppler fluorescence from an optically thick atomic vapor (7 pages) ...... 043405 João Carlos de Aquino Carvalho, Athanasios Laliotis, Martine Chevrollier, Marcos Oriá, and Daniel Bloch

Electron-molecule scattering in a strong laser field: Two-center interference effects (8 pages) ...... 043406 J. Dakic,´ D. Habibovic,´ A. Cerkiˇ c,´ M. Busuladžic,´ and D. B. Miloševic´

Spin polarization of electrons by ultraintense lasers (5 pages) ...... 043407 D. Del Sorbo, D. Seipt, T. G. Blackburn, A. G. R. Thomas, C. D. Murphy, J. G. Kirk, and C. P. Ridgers

Electron correlation in tunneling ionization of diatomic molecules: An application of the many-electron weak-field asymptotic theory with a generalized-active-space partition scheme (10 pages) ...... 043408 Lun Yue, Sebastian Bauch, and Lars Bojer Madsen

Probing double Rydberg wave packets in a helium atom with fast single-cycle pulses (8 pages) ...... 043409 Xiao Wang and F. Robicheaux

Effects of orbital and Coulomb potential in strong-field nonadiabatic tunneling ionization of atoms (5 pages) .... 043410 Ming-Ming Liu, Min Li, Yun Shao, Meng Han, Qihuang Gong, and Yunquan Liu

Deexcitation spectroscopy of strongly interacting Rydberg gases (6 pages) ...... 043411 C. Simonelli, M. Archimi, L. Asteria, D. Capecchi, G. Masella, E. Arimondo, D. Ciampini, and O. Morsch

Quantum entanglement in strong-field ionization (16 pages)...... 043412 Szilárd Majorosi, Mihály G. Benedict, and Attila Czirják

Ionization dynamics of polar molecules in strong elliptical laser fields (9 pages) ...... 043413 Shang Wang, Jun Cai, and Yanjun Chen

Photon-momentum transfer in one- and two-photon ionization of atoms (7 pages) ...... 043414 Mu-Xue Wang, Xiang-Ru Xiao, Hao Liang, Si-Ge Cheng, and Liang-You Peng

Coulomb-explosion imaging of concurrent CH2BrI photodissociation dynamics (8 pages) ...... 043415 Michael Burt et al.

Terahertz pulse shaping through propagation in a gas of symmetric top molecules (8 pages) ...... 043416 K. Hamraoui, P. Babilotte, F. Billard, E. Hertz, O. Faucher, L. H. Coudert, D. Sugny, and B. Lavorel

Photoassociation driven by a short laser pulse at millikelvin temperature (8 pages) ...... 043417 Meng Wang, Jing-Lun Li, Xue-Jin Hu, Mao-Du Chen, and Shu-Lin Cong

Third-order-harmonic generation in coherently spinning molecules (12 pages) ...... 043418 E. Prost, H. Zhang, E. Hertz, F. Billard, B. Lavorel, P. Bejot, Joseph Zyss, Ilya Sh. Averbukh, and O. Faucher

Symmetries in elastic scattering of electrons by hydrogen atoms in a two-color bicircular laser field (13 pages) . . . 043419 Gabriela Buica

Tailoring the pulse shape to efficiently populate atomic electron metastable states in a relativistically intense high-frequency laser field (5 pages) ...... 043420 M. Yu. Emelin, L. A. Smirnov, and M. Yu. Ryabikin


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Hyperfine interaction in the Autler-Townes effect: The formation of bright, dark, and chameleon states (13 pages) 043421 T. Kirova, A. Cinins, D. K. Efimov, M. Bruvelis, K. Miculis, N. N. Bezuglov, M. Auzinsh, I. I. Ryabtsev, and A. Ekers

Vibrational and electronic excitation of ionized nitrogen molecules in intense laser fields (6 pages) ...... 043422 Xunqi Zhong, Zhiming Miao, Linlin Zhang, Qingqing Liang, Mingwei Lei, Hongbing Jiang, Yunquan Liu, Qihuang Gong, and Chengyin Wu

Attosecond streaking with twisted X waves and intense infrared pulses (9 pages) ...... 043423 Birger Böning, Willi Paufler, and Stephan Fritzsche

Laser cooling and imaging of individual radioactive 90Sr+ ions (6 pages) ...... 043424 Kyunghun Jung, Yoshihiro Iwata, Masabumi Miyabe, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Tomohisa Yonezu, Ikuo Wakaida, and Shuichi Hasegawa

High-order-harmonic generation of a doped semiconductor (6 pages) ...... 043425 Tengfei Huang, Xiaosong Zhu, Liang Li, Xi Liu, Pengfei Lan, and Peixiang Lu

Control of three-dimensional electron vortices from femtosecond multiphoton ionization (9 pages) ...... 043426 D. Pengel, S. Kerbstadt, L. Englert, T. Bayer, and M. Wollenhaupt


Matter waves and collective properties of cold atoms and molecules

Fast and robust quantum control based on Pauli blocking (8 pages) ...... 043601 Tom Dowdall, Albert Benseny, Thomas Busch, and Andreas Ruschhaupt

Quantum dark solitons in a Bose gas confined in a hard-wall box (7 pages) ...... 043602 Andrzej Syrwid and Krzysztof Sacha

Dynamics of phase separation in two-species Bose-Einstein condensates with vortices (9 pages) ...... 043603 Soumik Bandyopadhyay, Arko Roy, and D. Angom

Symplectic Fermi liquid and its realization in cold atomic systems (14 pages) ...... 043604 Aline Ramires

Excitations and stability of weakly interacting Bose gases with multibody interactions (9 pages) ...... 043605 Danny Laghi, Tommaso Macrì, and Andrea Trombettoni

Localized Higgs modes of superfluid Bose gases in optical lattices: A Gutzwiller mean-field study (13 pages). . . . 043606 Ippei Danshita and Shunji Tsuchiya

Hard-wall confinement of a fractional quantum Hall liquid (14 pages) ...... 043607 E. Macaluso and I. Carusotto

Low-lying excitation modes of trapped dipolar Fermi gases: From the collisionless to the hydrodynamic regime (16 pages) ...... 043608 Falk Wächtler, Aristeu R. P. Lima, and Axel Pelster

Shortcut to adiabaticity in a Stern-Gerlach apparatus (7 pages) ...... 043609 François Impens and David Guéry-Odelin


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Trial wave functions for ring-trapped ions and neutral atoms: Microscopic description of the quantum space-time crystal (12 pages) ...... 043610 Constantine Yannouleas and Uzi Landman

Quantum simulation of Abelian lattice gauge theories via state-dependent hopping (14 pages) ...... 043611 A. S. Dehkharghani, E. Rico, N. T. Zinner, and A. Negretti

Vortex precession dynamics in general radially symmetric potential traps in two-dimensional atomic Bose-Einstein condensates (9 pages) ...... 043612 P. G. Kevrekidis, Wenlong Wang, R. Carretero-González, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and Shuangquan Xie

Anisotropic semivortices in dipolar spinor condensates controlled by Zeeman splitting (9 pages) ...... 043613 Bingjin Liao, Shoubo Li, Chunqing Huang, Zhihuan Luo, Wei Pang, Haishu Tan, Boris A. Malomed, and Yongyao Li

Quantum correlations and degeneracy of identical bosons in a two-dimensional harmonic trap (15 pages) ...... 043614 Pere Mujal, Enric Sarlé, Artur Polls, and Bruno Juliá-Díaz

Interacting in-plane molecular dipoles in a zigzag chain (11 pages)...... 043615 Qingyang Wang, Johannes Otterbach, and Susanne F. Yelin

Truncated Wigner dynamics and conservation laws (11 pages)...... 043616 Peter D. Drummond and Bogdan Opanchuk

Oscillating Casimir potential between two impurities in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate (6 pages) ...... 043617 Pei-Song He, Qing Sun, and An-Chun Ji

Correlations and enlarged superconducting phase of t-J⊥ chains of ultracold molecules on optical lattices (14 pages) ...... 043618 Salvatore R. Manmana, Marcel Möller, Riccardo Gezzi, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard

Path-integral Monte Carlo study of particles obeying quantum and classical statistics (9 pages) ...... 043619 William G. Dawkins and Alexandros Gezerlis

Flipping-shuttle oscillations of bright one- and two-dimensional solitons in spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensates with Rabi mixing (10 pages) ...... 043620 Hidetsugu Sakaguchi and Boris A. Malomed

Fidelity susceptibility study of quantum long-range antiferromagnetic Ising chain (5 pages) ...... 043621 Gaoyong Sun

Strong-coupling phases of the spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 Bose-Hubbard chain: Odd-integer Mott lobes and helical magnetic phases (14 pages) ...... 043622 J. H. Pixley, William S. Cole, I. B. Spielman, Matteo Rizzi, and S. Das Sarma

Dimensional crossover of Bose-Einstein-condensation phenomena in quantum gases confined within slab geometries (16 pages) ...... 043623 Francesco Delfino and Ettore Vicari

Implementing supersymmetric dynamics in ultracold-atom systems (8 pages) ...... 043624 M. Lahrz, C. Weitenberg, and L. Mathey


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Impurity states in the one-dimensional Bose gas (7 pages) ...... 043625 Volodymyr Pastukhov

Site-resolved imaging of a bosonic Mott insulator using ytterbium atoms (5 pages) ...... 043626 Martin Miranda, Ryotaro Inoue, Naoki Tambo, and Mikio Kozuma

Simulating Dirac models with ultracold atoms in optical lattices (11 pages) ...... 043627 Jean Claude Garreau and Véronique Zehnlé

Hofstadter-Hubbard model with opposite magnetic fields: Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer pairing and superfluidity in the nearly flat butterfly bands (7 pages) ...... 043628 M. Iskin

Two bosonic quantum walkers in one-dimensional optical lattices (11 pages) ...... 043629 Dariusz Wiater, Tomasz Sowinski,´ and Jakub Zakrzewski

Long-time expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate: Observability of Anderson localization (13 pages) ...... 043630 Stefan Donsa, Harald Hofstätter, Othmar Koch, Joachim Burgdörfer, and Iva Brezinováˇ

Magic tilt angle for stabilizing two-dimensional solitons by dipole-dipole interactions (8 pages)...... 043631 Xing-You Chen, You-Lin Chuang, Chun-Yan Lin, Chien-Ming Wu, Yongyao Li, Boris A. Malomed, and Ray-Kuang Lee

Quantum optics, physics of lasers, nonlinear optics, classical optics

Noncritical generation of nonclassical frequency combs via spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking (9 pages) ...... 043801 Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Giuseppe Patera, and Germán J. de Valcárcel

Increasing the density of modes in an optical frequency comb by cascaded four-wave mixing in a nonlinear optical fiber (4 pages)...... 043802 Khadga J. Karki

Quantum localized states in photonic flat-band lattices (11 pages) ...... 043803 S. Rojas-Rojas, L. Morales-Inostroza, R. A. Vicencio, and A. Delgado

Goos-Hänchen effect in light transmission through biperiodic photonic-magnonic crystals (6 pages) ...... 043804 Yu. S. Dadoenkova, N. N. Dadoenkova, J. W. Kłos, M. Krawczyk, and I. L. Lyubchanskii

Collective enhancements in many-emitter phonon lasing (9 pages) ...... 043805 Leon Droenner, Nicolas L. Naumann, Julia Kabuss, and Alexander Carmele

Eigenstate expansion of the quasistatic electric field of a point charge in a spherical inclusion structure (7 pages) ...... 043806 Asaf Farhi and David J. Bergman

Temporal and spectral manipulations of correlated photons using a time lens (8 pages)...... 043807 Sunil Mittal, Venkata Vikram Orre, Alessandro Restelli, Reza Salem, Elizabeth A. Goldschmidt, and Mohammad Hafezi

Efficient quantum microwave-to-optical conversion using electro-optic nanophotonic coupled resonators (9 pages) 043808 Mohammad Soltani, Mian Zhang, Colm Ryan, Guilhem J. Ribeill, Cheng Wang, and Marko Loncar


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Nonequilibrium gas-liquid transition in the driven-dissipative photonic lattice (7 pages) ...... 043809 Matteo Biondi, Gianni Blatter, Hakan E. Türeci, and Sebastian Schmidt

Spontaneous PT -symmetry breaking in non-Hermitian coupled-cavity array (11 pages) ...... 043810 Yan Xing, Lu Qi, Ji Cao, Dong-Yang Wang, Cheng-Hua Bai, Hong-Fu Wang, Ai-Dong Zhu, and Shou Zhang

Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of quantum emitters coupled to two-dimensional structured reservoirs (20 pages) ...... 043811 A. González-Tudela and J. I. Cirac

Mass sensing by detecting the quadrature of a coupled light field (6 pages) ...... 043812 Qing Lin, Bing He, and Min Xiao

Light diffraction by a slit and grooves with a point source model based on wave dynamics (13 pages) ...... 043813 Jian-Shiung Hong and Kuan-Ren Chen

Giant quantized Goos-Hänchen effect on the surface of graphene in the quantum Hall regime (7 pages) ...... 043814 Weijie Wu, Shizhen Chen, Chengquan Mi, Wenshuai Zhang, Hailu Luo, and Shuangchun Wen

Enhanced exciton transmission by quantum-jump-based feedback (7 pages) ...... 043815 Y. Q. Ji, M. Qin, X. Q. Shao, and X. X. Yi

Topological Aharonov-Bohm suppression of optical tunneling in twisted nonlinear multicore fibers (5 pages) . . . . 043816 Midya Parto, Helena Lopez-Aviles, Mercedeh Khajavikhan, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides

Non-Gaussian statistics of extreme events in stimulated Raman scattering: The role of coherent memory and source noise (7 pages) ...... 043817 Yashar E. Monfared and Sergey A. Ponomarenko

Nonlinear rovibrational polarization response of water vapor to ultrashort long-wave infrared pulses (6 pages) . . . 043818 K. Schuh, P. Rosenow, M. Kolesik, E. M. Wright, S. W. Koch, and J. V. Moloney

Two-photon excitation of rubidium atoms inside porous glass (6 pages) ...... 043819 L. Amy, L. Lenci, S. Villalba, H. Failache, and A. Lezama

Exact bidirectional X-wave solutions in fiber Bragg gratings (5 pages) ...... 043820 Nikolaos K. Efremidis, Nicholas S. Nye, and Demetrios N. Christodoulides

Effects of synthetic magnetic flux in a parity-time-symmetric system of three coupled optical resonators (9 pages) 043821 L. Jin and F. Xin

Temporal shaping of single photons enabled by entanglement (7 pages) ...... 043822 Valentin Averchenko, Denis Sych, Gerhard Schunk, Ulrich Vogl, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs

Squeezing in a nonlocal photon fluid (5 pages) ...... 043823 M. C. Braidotti, A. Mecozzi, and C. Conti

Quantum limits to gravity estimation with optomechanics (6 pages) ...... 043824 F. Armata, L. Latmiral, A. D. K. Plato, and M. S. Kim

Capturing range of a near-field optical trap (8 pages) ...... 043825 Mohammad Asif Zaman, Punnag Padhy, and Lambertus Hesselink


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Fano-enhanced pulling and pushing optical force on active plasmonic nanoparticles (6 pages) ...... 043826 Dongliang Gao, Ran Shi, Yang Huang, and Lei Gao

Photonic-band-gap architectures for long-lifetime room-temperature polariton condensation in GaAs quantum wells (25 pages) ...... 043827 Jian-Hua Jiang, Pranai Vasudev, and Sajeev John

Eigenmodes of spin vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with local linear birefringence and gain dichroism (15 pages) ...... 043828 T. Fördös, H. Jaffrès, K. Postava, M. S. Seghilani, A. Garnache, J. Pištora, and H. J. Drouhin

Dynamically reconfigurable plasmon resonances enabled by capillary oscillations of liquid-metal nanodroplets (6 pages) ...... 043829 Ivan S. Maksymov and Andrew D. Greentree

Landau levels for an electromagnetic wave (4 pages) ...... 043830 Vladimir A. Zyuzin

Revival of Raman coherence of trapped atoms (7 pages) ...... 043831 Gadi Afek, Jonathan Coslovsky, Alexander Mil, and Nir Davidson

Optomechanics with a position-modulated Kerr-type nonlinear coupling (11 pages) ...... 043832 M. Mikkelsen, T. Fogarty, J. Twamley, and Th. Busch

Circuit QED with qutrits: Coupling three or more atoms via virtual-photon exchange (10 pages) ...... 043833 Peng Zhao, Xinsheng Tan, Haifeng Yu, Shi-Liang Zhu, and Yang Yu

Simple variational ground state and pure-cat-state generation in the quantum Rabi model (11 pages) ...... 043834 C. Leroux, L. C. G. Govia, and A. A. Clerk

Resonance fluorescence in the resolvent-operator formalism (8 pages) ...... 043835 V. Debierre and Z. Harman

Controllable asymmetric phase-locked states of the fundamental active photonic dimer (9 pages) ...... 043836 Yannis Kominis, Vassilios Kovanis, and Tassos Bountis

Optimal control of non-Markovian dynamics in a single-mode cavity strongly coupled to an inhomogeneously broadened spin ensemble (10 pages) ...... 043837 Dmitry O. Krimer, Benedikt Hartl, Florian Mintert, and Stefan Rotter

Coherent perfect absorber and laser modes in purely imaginary metamaterials (7 pages) ...... 043838 Yangyang Fu, Yanyan Cao, Steven A. Cummer, Yadong Xu, and Huanyang Chen

Hybrid phase-space–Fock-space approach to evolution of a driven nonlinear resonator (22 pages) ...... 043839 Mostafa Khezri and Alexander N. Korotkov

Fluctuation theorems in feedback-controlled open quantum systems: Quantum coherence and absolute irreversibility (14 pages) ...... 043840 Yûto Murashita, Zongping Gong, Yuto Ashida, and Masahito Ueda

Accumulation effects in modulation spectroscopy with high-repetition-rate pulses: Recursive solution of optical Bloch equations (9 pages) ...... 043841 Vladimir Al. Osipov and Tõnu Pullerits


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Gapless surface states originating from accidentally degenerate quadratic band touching in a three-dimensional tetragonal photonic crystal (7 pages) ...... 043842 Tetsuyuki Ochiai

Generating quantum correlated twin beams by four-wave mixing in hot cesium vapor (6 pages) ...... 043843 Rong Ma, Wei Liu, Zhongzhong Qin, Xiaojun Jia, and Jiangrui Gao

Polarization dynamics in a photon Bose-Einstein condensate (9 pages) ...... 043844 Ryan I. Moodie, Peter Kirton, and Jonathan Keeling

Nonclassicality and entanglement criteria for bipartite optical fields characterized by quadratic detectors (15 pages) ...... 043845 Jan Perina,ˇ Jr., Ievgen I. Arkhipov, Václav Michálek, and Ondrejˇ Haderka

Reexamination of Kerker’s conditions by means of the phase diagram (7 pages) ...... 043846 Jeng Yi Lee, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, and Ray-Kuang Lee

Enhanced intensity-difference squeezing via energy-level modulations in hot atomic media (7 pages) ...... 043847 Da Zhang, Changbiao Li, Zhaoyang Zhang, Yiqi Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Min Xiao

General theory of wave propagation through graded interfaces between positive- and negative-refractive-index media (5 pages) ...... 043848 Mariana Dalarsson

Manipulating counter-rotating interactions in the quantum Rabi model via modulation of the transition frequency of the two-level system (11 pages) ...... 043849 Jin-Feng Huang, Jie-Qiao Liao, Lin Tian, and Le-Man Kuang

Gaussian optical Ising machines (6 pages) ...... 043850 William R. Clements, Jelmer J. Renema, Y. Henry Wen, Helen M. Chrzanowski, W. Steven Kolthammer, and Ian A. Walmsley

Gain-phase modulation in chirped-pulse amplification (10 pages) ...... 043851 Yijie Shen, Gan Gao, Yuan Meng, Xing Fu, and Mali Gong

Scattering properties of a PT dipole (7 pages) ...... 043852 K. Staliunas, P. Markoš, and V. Kuzmiak

Coherent control in quantum open systems: An approach for accelerating dissipation-based generation (5 pages) ...... 043853 Ye-Hong Chen, Zhi-Cheng Shi, Jie Song, Yan Xia, and Shi-Biao Zheng

Rabi-Bloch oscillations in spatially distributed systems: Temporal dynamics and frequency spectra (14 pages) . . . 043854 Ilay Levie, Raphael Kastner, and Gregory Slepyan

Relaxation of an ensemble of two-level emitters in a squeezed bath (9 pages) ...... 043855 Alexander Holm Kiilerich and Klaus Mølmer

Free-space quantum links under diverse weather conditions (13 pages) ...... 043856 D. Vasylyev, A. A. Semenov, W. Vogel, K. Günthner, A. Thurn, Ö. Bayraktar, and Ch. Marquardt

Modified two-photon interference achieved by the manipulation of entanglement (5 pages) ...... 043857 P. R. Sharapova, K. H. Luo, H. Herrmann, M. Reichelt, C. Silberhorn, and T. Meier


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Characterization of coherent population-trapped states in a circuit-QED system (5 pages) ...... 043858 Shavindra P. Premaratne, F. C. Wellstood, and B. S. Palmer

Channeling of from an atom into the fundamental and higher-order modes of a vacuum-clad ultrathin optical fiber (19 pages)...... 043859 Fam Le Kien, S. Sahar S. Hejazi, Thomas Busch, Viet Giang Truong, and Síle Nic Chormaic

Metastable decoherence-free subspaces and electromagnetically induced transparency in interacting many-body systems (10 pages) ...... 043860 Katarzyna Macieszczak, YanLi Zhou, Sebastian Hofferberth, Juan P. Garrahan, Weibin Li, and Igor Lesanovsky

Generating entanglement with linear optics (11 pages) ...... 043861 Stasja Stanisic, Noah Linden, Ashley Montanaro, and Peter S. Turner

Ultrabroadband gradient-pitch Bragg-Berry mirrors (10 pages) ...... 043862 Mushegh Rafayelyan, Gonzague Agez, and Etienne Brasselet

Asymmetric noise sensitivity of pulse trains in an excitable microlaser with delayed optical feedback (5 pages) ...... 043863 Soizic Terrien, Bernd Krauskopf, Neil G. R. Broderick, Louis Andréoli, Foued Selmi, Rémy Braive, Grégoire Beaudoin, Isabelle Sagnes, and Sylvain Barbay

Creating anyons from photons using a nonlinear resonator lattice subject to dynamic modulation (6 pages) ...... 043864 Luqi Yuan, Meng Xiao, Shanshan Xu, and Shanhui Fan

Surface-plasmon-enhanced quantum field entanglement through anisotropic Purcell factors (11 pages) ...... 043865 Hongyi Chen, Fan Zhang, Dongxing Zhao, Junxiang Zhang, Jingping Xu, Qiongyi He, Qihuang Gong, and Ying Gu

Acousto-optic replication of ultrashort laser pulses (7 pages) ...... 043866 Konstantin B. Yushkov, Vladimir Ya. Molchanov, Andrey V. Ovchinnikov, and Oleg V. Chefonov

Nonlinear optical polarization response and plasma generation in noble gases: Comparison of metastable-electronic-state-approach models to experiments (8 pages) ...... 043867 Anand Bahl, Jared K. Wahlstrand, Sina Zahedpour, Howard M. Milchberg, and Miroslav Kolesik

Tight-binding methods for general longitudinally driven photonic lattices: Edge states and solitons (16 pages) . . . 043868 Mark J. Ablowitz and Justin T. Cole

Fano resonances and fluorescence enhancement of a dipole emitter near a plasmonic nanoshell (11 pages) ...... 043869 Tiago J. Arruda, Romain Bachelard, John Weiner, Sebastian Slama, and Philippe W. Courteille

Parametrically driven hybrid qubit-photon systems: Dissipation-induced and photon production from vacuum (10 pages) ...... 043870 S. V. Remizov, A. A. Zhukov, D. S. Shapiro, W. V. Pogosov, and Yu. E. Lozovik

Resonant transport and near-field effects in photonic glasses (7 pages) ...... 043871 Geoffroy J. Aubry, Lukas Schertel, Mengdi Chen, Henrik Weyer, Christof M. Aegerter, Sebastian Polarz, Helmut Cölfen, and Georg Maret

Photon scattering by an atomic ensemble coupled to a one-dimensional nanophotonic waveguide (11 pages) . . . . . 043872 Guo-Zhu Song, Ewan Munro, Wei Nie, Fu-Guo Deng, Guo-Jian Yang, and Leong-Chuan Kwek


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Generation of quadripartite entanglement from cascaded four-wave-mixing processes (7 pages) ...... 043873 Shuchao Lv and Jietai Jing


Comment on “Spontaneous breaking of permutation symmetry in pseudo-Hermitian ” (2 pages) ...... 046101 Francisco M. Fernández

Comment on “Generalization of the Kohn-Sham system that can represent arbitrary one-electron density matrices” (3 pages) ...... 046501 Mario Piris and Katarzyna Pernal

Reply to “Comment on ‘Dynamics of slow light and light storage in a Doppler-broadened electromagnetically-induced-transparency medium: A numerical approach’ ” (3 pages) ...... 047801 Shih-Chuan Gou, Shih-Wei Su, and Ite A. Yu

Comment on “Generating a perfect quantum optical vortex” (2 pages) ...... 047802 David Barral and Jesús Liñares


Erratum: Simple and tight monogamy relations for a class of Bell inequalities [Phys. Rev. A 95, 012113 (2017)] (1 page) ...... 049901(E) Remigiusz Augusiak

Publisher’s Note: Two-dimensional grating magneto-optical trap [Phys. Rev. A 96, 033636 (2017)] (1 page) ..... 049902(E) Eric Imhof, Benjamin K. Stuhl, Brian Kasch, Bethany Kroese, Spencer E. Olson, and Matthew B. Squires

Publisher’s Note: Simple procedure for phase-space measurement and entanglement validation [Phys. Rev. A 96, 022117 (2017)] (1 page) ...... 049903(E) R. P. Rundle, P. W. Mills, Todd Tilma, J. H. Samson, and M. J. Everitt Publisher’s Note: Simulating superluminal physics with superconducting circuit technology [Phys. Rev. A 96, 032121 (2017)] (1 page) ...... 049904(E) Carlos Sabín, Borja Peropadre, Lucas Lamata, and Enrique Solano

Erratum: Thermalization of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in blackbody radiation [Phys. Rev. A 95, 042107 (2017)] (1 page) ...... 049905(E) T. Macrì, M. Ostilli, and C. Presilla

Erratum: Gain-assisted superluminal propagation and rotary drag of photon and surface plasmon polaritons [Phys. Rev. A 96, 013848 (2017)] (3 pages) ...... 049906(E) Naveed Khan, Bakht Amin Bacha, Azmat Iqbal, Amin Ur Rahman, and A. Afaq Erratum: Many-body formalism for thermally excited wave packets: A way to connect the quantum regime to the classical regime [Phys. Rev. A 95, 062124 (2017)] (1 page)...... 049907(E) Aurélia Chenu and Monique Combescot

The editors and referees of PRA find these papers to be of particular interest, importance, or clarity. Please see our Announcement Phys. Rev. A 88, 020001 (2013).