COLOMBIA an export and investment platform in the Americas 2

The country has had a notable transformation that translates into a dynamic and stable economy

¡Today is a land of opportunities!


Colombia has 16 trade agreements, reaching 1.5 billion consumers



European Union United States Turkey

Israel South Korea Japan Caricom* Mexico Costa Rica Cuba* Guatemala El Salvador Honduras Panama Venezuela

Nicaragua* Peru Brazil Bolivia

Paraguay Pacific Alliance Uruguay In force Argentina Signed In negotiation

Source: Ministry of Commerce.


Colombia is the 31st largest economy in the world and the 4th in Latin America

Brazil 3,135 Mexico 2,307 Australia 1,189 Argentina 879 Malaysia 864 Philippines 802 Colombia 690 Vietnam 595 509 Belgium GDP PPP 2016* (USD billion) Sweden 498 Latin American Economies Switzerland 494 Singapore 487 Chile 436 Hong Kong SAR 427 Peru 410 Norway 365 Israel 297 Denmark 265 New Zealand 175

*Estimated. Source: IMF, 2016


Colombia- A dynamic and stable economy

Gross Domestic Product, Annual growth rate Macroeconomic stability index 2005-2016 World ranking 2016-2017


5.6% 4.3%

3.6% 53


3.3% .3%

2 56

2.2% 1.6%

1.4% 83



Peru Costa Rica Chile Ecuador Mexico Brazil Canada United Colombia 126

Source: Global competitiveness Index , 2016.


Gross Domestic Product Estimated growth 2017

Colombia, one of the 4.3% top growing economies

in 2017



2.1% 2.1%













Venezuela LATAM LATAM and The

Source: IMF, 2017 Image taken from: http://www.agenciadenoticias.unal.edu.co/typo3temp/pics/e16bc4deb4.jpg


Colombia is the 27th most populated country in the world and the 3rd in Latin America*


123.5 Population 2017* (million)

64.9 61.4 51.0 49.3 44.1 43.3 32.3 31.8 31.4 24.8 18.4 16.8 11.5 11.1 10.8 10.4 10.2 10.1 8.8 8.7 5.7 5.3 3.4

*Estimated,. Source: IMF, 2017


Remarkable reduction in poverty rates and strong growth of the middle class

Percentage of people in poverty Poverty Middle Class


30,6% 30,5%

29,9% 27,8% 16,3%

2002 2003 2004 2005 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: DANE (National Statistical Office)


Colombia is leading a sustainable growth in the region

GDP growth vs. Consumption GDP growth vs. Total Investment 2012-2015 - (%) 2012-2015 - (%) 4% 8.0%

4% Peru Colombia 6.0% 3% Colombia Chile 3% 4.0% 2% 2.0% Argentina 2% Mexico Peru 1% Mexico 0.0%

1%Argentina -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% Consumption growth (3 years%) 0% -2.0% -2% -1% 0% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% Total investment growth years%) (3 Brazil Chile -1%Brazil -4.0% -1%

-2% -6.0% GDP growth (3 years %) GDP growth (3 years)

Source: ProColombia based on World Bank data. Bubble sizing corresponds to the size of the economy.


Colombia - a destination with low FDI barriers

FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index 2015

High barriers 0.45

0.40 Latin American economies 0.35


0.25 Closed = 1 - Open = 0


0.15 0.10 Low barriers 0.05



Colombia - a top destination for safe investment

Legal rights index (0-12 best)

12 Colombia

11 Costa Rica Jamaica 10 Honduras Mexico

9 Guatemala Peru Colombia ranks: El Salvador 8 Barbados Panama Trinidad and Tobago 7 First in the Legal rights

6 index (Worldwide) Chile 5 Uruguay 4 First in the strength of investor protection Index 3 Paraguay Argentina Brazil (LAC region) 2 Venezuela Ecuador Nicaragua 1 Dominican Republic Bolivia 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strength of investor protection (0-10 best)

Source: Global competitiveness Index , 2016.


Doing Business 2007-2017 ranking

Colombia According to Doing Business, within the Latin Has implemented the most reforms in Latin American and Caribbean region, Colombia is: America to improve business environment

# of reforms #1 in getting credit Country Ranking 2017 2006-2017 #1 in protecting minority investors Colombia 53 34 #2 in dealing with construction permits Peru 54 24 Panama 70 17 #2 in ease of doing business Ecuador 114 13 Argentina 116 10 in registering property #3 Chile 57 8 Mexico 47 5 #5 in starting a business Brazil 123 4

Source: World Bank. Doing Business 2017.


Doing Business 2007-2017 ranking

Top 30 host economies in 2015 380 (USD billion)

Developed economies

Developing and transition economies



101 73 69 65 65 52 49 44 43 40 32 31 30 25 22 20 20 19 17 16 13 12 12 12 12 11 11

Source: UNCTAD - World Investment Report 2016


The agribusiness sector in Colombia


Agribusiness accounts for 6% of GDP

1% 0% Agribusiness 3% 6% Mining 6% Manufacturing industries 7% Water, gas and electricity supply

16% Construction 11% Comemrce, reparation, restaurants and hotels

Transportation, storage, and communications 3% Financial and business services

Social and personal activities 7% Non-deductable VAT

21% Import tax Taxes, except VAT 12% Grants 7%

Source: DANE, Constant Prices, 2016


Over the last 5 years, Colombian agribusiness exports grew an average 3.7%

Main agribusiness sector exports

Sector 2015 2016 Var% Share 2016 2.527 2.418 -4,3% 35,6% Fresh 1.285 1.301 1,3% 19,1% 803 915 14,0% 13,5% Oils 378 366 -3,3% 5,4% Confectionery products 301 315 4,7% 4,6% Sugars and honeys 364 283 -22,3% 4,2% Coffee byproducts 284 265 -6,6% 3,9% Fresh fruits 81 115 42,9% 1,7% Bakery and milling products 125 113 -9,9% 1,7% Diverse food preparations 89 93 4,0% 1,4% Others 646 618 -4,5% 9,1% Total 6.882 6.801 -1,2% 100% In 2016, Colombia’s main export destinations where: United States (38%), Belgium (6%) and Germany (5%).

Source: DANE, Calculations by ProColombia

PROCOLOMBIA.CO Competitive advantage of Colombian agricultural sector

Logistics privileged position: Access to the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, only 6 days away by ship or 3 hours by plane to the U.S. or 11 days away by ship or 9 hours by plane to Europe.

The availability of water resources in Colombia is one of the highest in the world according to the water resource information by country report by the Food and Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

Irrigation districts in Colombia: The irrigation districts are geographic areas with infrastructure to provide irrigation services. Based on their size, they are classified as large-, middle-, or small-scale districts, either private or public.

Source: FAO. Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. ProColombia Colombia is one of the countries with the largest supply of soil and variety of climates in the world for growing fruit and

Compared to other countries in the subtropical region, either in the northern or southern hemisphere, Colombian fruits and vegetables have one of the best quality in organoleptic terms, with better color, taste, smell, and greater soluble solid content and brix value.

Colombia has two of the most renowned research centers in the region: International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research, CORPOICA.

Colombian companies added value includes innovation on processes of the product, packing, traceability and social responsibility. In terms of innovation, pasteurized fruit pulps that do not need refrigeration, 100% natural dried fruits and organic processed products are available.

Colombian products have HACCP, ISO, BRC, GLOBAL GAP, FAIR TRADE, Organic certifications among others.

By the end of 2018, there will be one million more hectares due to the “Colombia Siembra Plan”

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia Agriculture in Colombia contributes significantly to its economic welfare and social development

In addition, Colombia has more than 26 million hectares suitable for agricultural activities. These hectares are source of natural resources that provide comparative advantages for the country such as oil and gas, minerals and biodiversity.

Of the total Contributes Its territory is with: The 6.0% GDP formed of agricultural rural towns sector Of the contributes Colombian with population lives in rural areas Of the total employment rate in the country.

Source: DANE and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia The main Colombian agricultural and food products exported by 2016, were coffee, flowers and

Main Colombian Agricultural and Food Exports in 2016

Coffee Bananas Oils and facts USD 2,417 millions USD 1,301 millions USD 915 millions USD 365 millions (share 35%) (share 19%) (share 13%) (share 5.4%) Top 3 Top 3 Top 3 Top 3 destinations destinations destinations Destinations 1. USA 1. USA 1. Belgium 1. The (40.1%) (78.5%) (26.5%) Netherland 2. Japan (10%) 2. United (46%) 3. Germany (9%) Kingdom 2. United 2. Mexico (3.8%) Kingdom (20.1%) (12.8%) 3. Japan 3. USA 3. Brazil (3.3%) (5.8%) (19.6%)

Source: DANE. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism Colombian exports of fresh fruits without bananas reached USD115 millions in 2016

Main Colombian Agricultural and Food Exports in 2016

Confectionery Sugar and honey Coffee by Fresh fruits USD 315 millions USD 283 millions products USD 115 millions (share 4.6%) (share 4.2%) USD 264 millions (share 1.7%) (share 3.9%) Top 3 Top 3 Top 3 Top 3 destinations destinations destinations destinations 1. Venezuela 1.Peru 1. The (48%) (30.2%) 1. USA 2. U.S.A 2. U.S.A (38.7%) (11%) (15.4%) (47.5%) 3. Ecuador 3. Ecuador 2. Germany 2. United (5.4%) (9.8%) (9.2%) Kingdom (10%) 3. Mexico (7.2%) 3. (7.6%)

Source: DANE. Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism 22

Opportunities in Agriculture

Cocoa Processed fruits and vegetables Colombian cocoa has Colombian exports grow from Colombia offers a wide variety of been named fine and USD 10 millions in 2015 to USD 35 millions in 2016. fruits and vegetables during flavor cocoa by the seasons when other countries ICCO. Only 5% of the have no produce. Companies world's commercial More than 15 companies have focused on transforming cocoa beans have this produce Hass Avocado in these products into pulped, title. 14.000 Hc around the country, dehydrated, concentrated, their expectations are around freeze-dried and frozen foods. 500.000Hc the next 5 years.

Source: DANE, Calculations by ProColombia


Colombia is one of the countries with the greatest potential for expansion in the agricultural area, there are available more than 17 million hc

• The availability of water resources (3.425 Km3 annually) in Colombia is one of the highest in the world (FAO*) • Multiple altitudes are able to offer different agricultural products throughout the year.

The Plan Colombia Siembra seeks to increase the agricultural production with 1,000,000 new hectares.


Opportunities in Product Migration

Hispanics represent 50+ million people of the total 323+ million Americans.

From these 50 million, the non- Mexican Hispanics account for about 20 million.

From these 20 million, are less than 1 million, representing only 0.32% of total U.S. population.

Future growth should be focused in making our ethnic products suitable to the whole US market.

PROCOLOMBIA.CO Real life cases Real life cases Real life cases 28

We promote tourism

We promote exports We promote the country brand

We promote investment and industrial expansion for internationalization


Worldwide presence of ProColombia

32 countries

PROCOLOMBIA.CO @FelipeJaramill0 FelipeJaramilloJ Appendix The national supply has several certifications

The HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) certificate shows that companies manage to control the hygiene of employees, the final product and all processes in general, ensuring the quality of the product to the consumer, adapting the infrastructure and establishing actions for the purpose in order to get optimal processing of food.

The Global GAP certificate is associated with good agricultural practices of different products, trying to globalize agricultural production, reducing consumer risk and showing responsibility for the environment.

The ISO 9001 certificate defines the requirements associated with quality management. ✓ AVOCADO During 2015, from the total sown land of avocado, around 73% green skin and 27% Hass.

Facts: Production by region

- In 2016 the main importers of Colombian were: the Netherlands(47.5%), United Kingdom (10%) and Spain (7.2%). 20% - Colombian admissibility to the United States has been under negotiation for the last four years. It is expected that by the 2017 the country has gain admissibility to the market. 52% 16% - The World Avocado Congress (WAC) in 2019 will be held in Medellin, Colombia. 13% - 2015 numbers showed that Colombia had approximately 13,530 hectares of hass avocado, with a production of 58,000 tons. TOLIMA ANTIOQUIA CALDAS OTHERS

Avocado production 2010-2015 (tons) Calendar of production

332,204 Country/Month Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 303,351 320,623 255,195 México 205,442 215,090 Chile Perú Sudáfrica Colombia

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Hight presence on the market Medium presence on the market Low presence on the market Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ AVOCADO

Exports of avocado in Colombia

Exports of avocado 2010 – 2016 40 18,201 20,000 30 15,000

20 5,543 10,000 1,760 Tons

USD millions USD 10 542 5,000 0.1 0.2 0.0 1.2 3.6 10.3 35.0 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons

Top avocado exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 Growth (%) Avofruit S.A.S. 863,047 7,680,349 6,817,302 21.9% Westsole Fruit Colombia Sas / Westfalia Fruit Colombia S.A.S 3,215,212 6,369,058 3,153,846 18.2% Tropy Fruits S.A.S. 45,231 3,033,952 2,988,722 8.7% Wolf & Wolf Latin America Ltda C I 1,430,369 2,884,452 1,454,083 8.2% Pacific Fruits S.A.S. - 2,811,205 2,811,205 8.0% Hass Colombia Sat 1,430,047 2,744,013 1,313,966 7.8% Eurofresh Colombia S.A.S 120,319 1,805,712 1,685,393 5.2% F L P Colombia S.A.S. 381,338 1,364,667 983,329 3.9% Hasspacol S.A.S 245,611 1,288,829 1,043,218 3.7% Ocati Sa 396,440 1,288,633 892,194 3.7% Other 2,151,665.69 3,769,356.83 1,617,691 10.8% Total 10,279,279 35,040,227 24,760,948 100% Source: DANE - 2017 From the total sown land of avocado, around 73% green skin and 27% Hass.

Total nacional 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Ha sembradas 30.006 35.373 40.510 45.070 47.762 50.292 Ha cosechadas 21.590 24.513 27.555 32.066 33.339 34.887 Toneladas 205.442 215.090 255.195 303.351 320.623 332.204 Rendimiento (ton/ha) 9,50 8,80 9,30 9,50 9,62 9,52

Estimado variedad hass 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Ha sembradas 5.200 5.880 7.213 9.300 11.000 13.530 Participación sobre 17,3% 16,6% 17,8% 20,6% 23,0% 26,9% total área sembrada Ha cosechadas 2.340 2.822 3.607 4.929 5.775 7.323 Participación sobre 10,8% 11,5% 13,1% 15,4% 17,3% 21,0% total área cosechada Toneladas 23.000 26.000 29.000 35.000 47.000 58.581 Rendimiento (ton/ha) 10 9 8 7 8 8

Source: Sistema de Información de Gestión y Desempeño de las Organizaciones de Cadenas - SIOC ✓ International demand of pineapple keeps growing at a constant rate in average 5,6%

Facts: Production by region

- Although global prices of fruit have decline, the prices of processed pineapple have shown an opposite behavior. - Main importers of Colombian pineapple in 2016, were: Italy (45%), 31% 34% U.S. (20%) and Belgium (17%). - Costa Rica continues to lead the export market, accounting for 60% of the world's pineapple exports, Colombia is starting to 16% become more aware of its international potential. 19%

Pineapple production in Colombia SANTANDER VALLE DEL CAUCA 2010 – 2015 (tons) META OTHERS 741,300 640,413 652,759 Calendar of production 509,419 487,425 444,686

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. Fresh Plaza and DANE ✓ PINEAPPLE

Exports of pineapple in Colombia

Exports of pineapple 15 2010 – 2016 20,000 15,182.5 15,000 10 4,882.6 10,000 3,209.1 Tons 5 1.4 1.8 2.1 9.8 USD millions USD 1,796.7 1,644.0 1.54 638.3 5,000 0.6 500.2 3.5 - 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons

Top pineapple exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Bengala Agrícola 438 3,884,048 3,883,610 39.8% C.I. Uniban S.A. 1,648,279 2,520,998 872,719 25.8% Casaluker S.A. 733,309 1,150,010 416,701 11.8% Agricola Guapa S A S 595,235 942,244 347,009 9.6% Savannah Crops S.A.S. 103,517 395,490 291,973 4.0% Flp Procesados S.A.S 0 219,954 219,954 2.3% Frutos De Los - Fruandes Ltda 142,682 196,686 54,004 2.0% Fresh Products & Logistics S.A.S. 4,185 134,514 130,329 1.4% Wolf & Wolf Latin America Ltda C I 0 59,903 59,903 0.6% Comercializadora Internacional Interamerican Business And Ma 0 56,000 56,000 0.6% Other 230,709 208,001 -22,709 2.1% Total 3,458,353 9,767,848 6,309,495 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ BANANA

Banana was the third most exported product by Colombia in 2016

Facts: Production by region - The Banana industry is one of the top employment generators in the county, with approximately 22.000 direct jobs and near 65.000 indirect ones. - The Colombian Banana tree is cultivated mainly in the departments of 34% 44.0% Antioquia and Magdalena - In 2016, Colombian bananas reached more than 33 countries. - Colombia offers bananas with organic, Global Gap, BASC, C-TPAT, ISSO, 8.4% Rain Forest and Fair Trade certifications. 14.1%

Banana production in Colombia Antioquia Magdalena 2010 – 2015 (tons) Valle Del Cauca Others

2,098,737 Calendar of production 2,026,811 1,997,422 1,977,218 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 1,878,710

1,770,899 High presence on the market Medium presence on the market

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ BANANA

Exports of banana in Colombia

Exports of banana 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 1,000 1,830,388 2,000,000 1,822,894 1,720,709 1,686,981 1,664,471 1,578,112 1,800,000 1,538,864 500 1,600,000

848.69 Tons 694.42 769.78 763.83 707.60 767.59 748.28 USD millions USD 1,400,000 - 1,200,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Top banana exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company 2015 2016 Growth (%) C.I. Uniban S.A. 266,266,195 351,896,741 85,630,545 41.5% C.I. Banacol S.A. 121,189,643 102,009,188 -19,180,455 12.0% Dole Colombia 95,449,658 93,913,950 -1,535,708 11.1% C.I. Banasan S.A. 74,818,411 80,056,984 5,238,573 9.4% C.I. Banafrut S.A. 69,508,992 71,729,199 2,220,207 8.5% C.I. Tropical 49,037,199 44,932,643 -4,104,556 5.3% Ci Coindex Sa 21,846,487 44,007,224 22,160,737 5.2% C.I. Banarica S.A. 24,620,960 27,075,556 2,454,596 3.2% Comercializadora Internacional Fullfruits Sa 10,421,797 9,415,821 -1,005,977 1.1% C.I. Conserba S.A. 8,873,666 5,841,737 -3,031,928 0.7% Other 6,247,326 17,809,759 11,562,433 2.1% Source: DANE - 2017 Total 748,280,333 848,688,800 100,408,467 100% ✓ PLANTAIN Colombian plantain is characterized by its excellent texture and taste, renown as an ethnic tropical food

Facts: Production by region 7.0% - Main importers of Colombian Plantain in 2016: USA (55%), UK (27%), 13.2 Belgium (13%). % - There is phytosanitary protocol for plantain and banana undersigned between ICA and Costa Rica, which guarantees acceptance of the product to the country. - Plantain favors the secretion of gastric juicies and is recommended for 73% people with intestinal difficulties. It has a high calorie content which makes it very energetic and it is an important source of vitamins (B and C) 6.7%

Antioquia Cordoba Plantain production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Arauca OTHERS Calendar of production 3,467,332 3,651,636 3,216,926 3,349,399 2,970,435 2,995,539

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ PLANTAIN

Exports of plantain in Colombia

Exports of Plantain 2010 – 2016 80 121,731.5 118,617.8 150,000 101,572.0 93,841.0 95,526.3 60 100,000 40 58.11 57.7 50,000 Tons 20 0.0 0.0 48.95 48.0 46.0 USD millions USD 0.0 0.0 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons Top plantain exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) C.I. Uniban S.A. 21,500,027 35,921,669 14,421,642 62.2% C.I. Banacol S.A. 10,872,386 9,535,316 -1,337,070 16.5% C.I. Conserba S.A. 7,669,754 6,888,921 -780,833 11.9% Ci America Exporta 2,331,643 2,163,952 -167,691 3.7% C.I. American Farmers S.A.S. 0 1,255,518 1,255,518 2.2% Dole Colombia 1,166,475 654,654 -511,821 1.1% Comercializadora Banur S.A.S. 1,068,329 580,912 -487,417 1.0% Asociacion De Comerciantes De Banano Y Platano De Turbo Asco 507,606 153,775 -353,831 0.3% Ci Agroser Integrados Sas 37,440 88,331 50,891 0.2% Marketing De Colombia S A Marketcol S A 0 88,262 88,262 0.2% Other 869,441 407,153 -462,288 0.7% Source: DANE - 2017 Total 46,023,100 57,738,462 11,715,362 100% ✓ LIME United States and Puerto Rico are the main importers of Colombian lime

Facts: Production by region

- Main importers in 2016: USA (24,1%), Puerto Rico (15%), Guadalupe (12,8%) and The Netherlands (8,4%). 29% - Colombian limes are mainly sold in the east cost of the United States. 35.2% - Mexico is the main supplier of this product in the US market. However, the low offer of this product in the first four months of each year enhance Colombia's opportunities to export this fruit. 11.7% 24.2% Lime production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Tolima Santander 136,505 Norte De Santander OTHERS 125,133 106,403 Calendar of production 97,524 82,464 80,873

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ LIME

Exports of Lime in Colombia

Exports of Lime 2010 – 2016 10 8.9 10,000 5,780.4 5,917.3 8,193.4

1,739.9 5 3,034.4 2.6 5,000 1,938.4 Tons 1,591.02.04 2.0 7.4

USD millions USD 6.2 2.9 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Top Lime exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Frutales Las Lajas S.A 979,556 943,650 -35,905 12.8% Copeagro S.A.S 612,002 731,074 119,072 9.9% Rosdel S.A.S. 222,730 720,741 498,011 9.8% Colexagro Internacional S.A.S. 408,576 634,560 225,984 8.6% Esmeralda Quality Fruit S.A.S 0 619,211 619,211 8.4% Wolf & Wolf Latin America Ltda C I 699,570 598,837 -100,732 8.1% Jeloemm S.A.S. 274,521 477,074 202,553 6.5% C.I. Citric Land Ltda 205,925 428,781 222,856 5.8% Fresh & Natural 126,639 317,414 190,775 4.3% Inversiones Pasto Verde S.A.S 65,730 288,995 223,265 3.9% Other 2,616,213 1,628,135 -988,078 22.0% Total 6,211,461 7,388,473 1,177,012 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ GOLDENBERRY Colombian goldenberry has a high demand on Europe due to its multiple nutrients, vitamins and antioxidant properties

Facts: Production by region - High demand on Europe due to its multiple nutrients, vitamins and antioxidant properties - Some of Colombian goldenberries have the “Fairtrade” and organic 23% stamp, which facilitates the entrance to international markets and 37.8% increase pricing. - Main importers in 2016: The Netherlands (53%), Germany (23%) and 15.7% United States (16%). - Access of goldenberry from two specific regions in Colombia to the United State Market does not require cold treatment. 23.4%

Goldenberry production in Colombia Boyaca Cundinamarca 2010 – 2015 (tons) Antioquia OTHERS

17,685 15,754 Calendar of production 12,024 12,873 10,590 11,133

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ GOLDENBERRY

Exports of goldenberry in Colombia

Exports of goldenberry 2010 – 2016

40 6,941 6,563 5,853 6,017 8,000 5,118 30 5,369 6,000 5,198 20 4,000 29.26 27.6 30.2 Tons 22.2 27.1 25.0 23.6

USD millions USD 10 2,000 - 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons Top goldenberry exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) C.I. Caribbean Exotics S.A 4,287,796 3,604,229 -683,567 15.3% Ocati Sa 2,878,497 3,217,254 338,757 13.6% Frutas Comerciales S.A. 1,906,377 2,897,191 990,814 12.3% C.I. Frutireyes S.A.S. 1,981,785 2,731,395 749,610 11.6% Colombia Paradise Sas 3,003,453 2,268,373 -735,080 9.6% C I Andes Export Company S A S 1,860,579 2,105,485 244,906 8.9% Novacampo Sa 4,219,690 2,006,179 -2,213,511 8.5% F L P Colombia S.A.S. 1,952,629 1,400,248 -552,381 5.9% Nuticol Sas 588,675 822,020 233,344 3.5% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 901,913 595,295 -306,618 2.5% Other 1,372,394 1,954,155 581,761 8.3% Total 24,953,787 23,601,823 -1,351,965 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ PASSION FRUIT FAMILY The Colombian passion fruit family is some of the world’s most exotic many of these fruits have incredible health benefits

Facts: Production by region Passion Fruit - Passion fruit peaks of production are between march and october. Main export destinations in 2016: France (32%), Netherlands (25%) and Spain Purple passion (17%). fruit 29% - Purple passion fruit is available year round. The main export destinations in Granadilla 2016 were: Netherlands (85%), Germany (5%) and Belgium (5%). - Granadilla peaks of production is November to January. The main export 50.6 % destinations in 2016: The Netherlands (18%), Canada (18%) and France 13% (12%). 8%

Huila Antioquia Cundinamarca Others Passion fruit family production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Calendar of production

164,174 165,628 167,126 170,628 139,170 145,222

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Posic utilizada: 0810901010, 0810901020, 0810901030, 0810901040, 0810901090, 0811909400 Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ PASSION FRUIT FAMILY

Exports of passifloras in Colombia

Top passion fruit family exporters 2010 – 2016 40 6,370 7,301 8,000 4,713 4,913 30 6,000 3,457 20 3,235 3,190 4,000 29.09 Tons

USD millions USD 25.24 10 19.26 21.45 2,000 12.45 12.77 15.37 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Description used: Passion fruit, Purple passion fruit, granadilla, Top passion fruit family exporters curuba (banana passion fruit) 2015 – 2016 Share Company 2015 2016 Growth (%) Ocati Sa 6,200,243 6,493,136 292,893 22.3% Jardin Exotics Sas 4,378,193 5,217,021 838,828 17.9% Frutas Comerciales S.A. 3,768,280 4,559,452 791,172 15.7% C.I. Caribbean Exotics S.A 2,224,351 2,468,449 244,098 8.5% C.I. Frutireyes S.A.S. 1,154,803 1,998,933 844,130 6.9% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 1,900,214 1,846,843 -53,371 6.3% Ci Verdefresh Sas 890,153 1,056,673 166,519 3.6% Colombia Paradise Sas 595,890 1,008,607 412,716 3.5% F L P Colombia S.A.S. 920,744 837,969 -82,775 2.9% Novacampo Sa 1,449,325 720,493 -728,832 2.5% Other 1,760,048 2,883,317 1,123,268 9.9% Total 25,242,244 29,090,892 3,848,648 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ Several native species of papaya are produced in Colombia, some aimed for the international market.

Facts: Production by region

- Most of the production of papaya stays for local consumption. 19.0% - Main importers of Colombian in 2016 were: The Netherlands (40.6%), Germany (25%) and Spain (13.4%) 14.2% - Several native species of papaya are produced in Colombia, some 54% aimed for internal consumption and others such as Hawiana, Tainun 13.3% or Tainus for the international market.

Cordoba Valle Del Cauca Papaya production in Colombia Magdalena OTHERS 2010 – 2015 (tons) 176,220 173,692 Calendar of production 165,788 167,549

157,619 155,290

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ PAPAYA

Exports of papaya in Colombia

Exports of Papaya 0 316.9 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 400 0 300 0 200

96.4 Tons 0.318 96.9 74.7 61.3 0.060 24.3 0.015 0.051 USD millions USD 0 35.9 100 0.114 0.087 0.106 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons Top Papaya exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Frutas Organicas De Colombia S.A.S. 4,082 21,809 17,727 43.1% Aldea Produce 2,400 10,235 7,835 20.2% Lopez Londoño Gonzalo Humberto 0 7,319 7,319 14.5% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 117 3,380 3,263 6.7% Fresh Products & Logistics S.A.S. 0 2,520 2,520 5.0% C I Andes Export Company S A S 0 2,160 2,160 4.3% De Hoy Sas 0 1,755 1,755 3.5% Comercializadora Gamul Soceidad Por Acciones Simplificada Si 0 640 640 1.3% Zea Amorocho Esteban 567 330 -237 0.7% Comercializadora La Santandereana 683 300 -383 0.6% Other 52,480 195 -52,285 0.4% Total 60,329 50,642 -9,687 100%

Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ PITAHAYA Yellow pitahaya has some incredible health benefits and the main buyers were: Hong Kong, Brazil and France

Facts: Production by region - Yellow pitahaya, is a brilliantly-coloured fruit, similar to the melon or kiwi in flavour. Its skin can be red or yellow in colour, and the 15% inside white or red. 34.2% - Main importers of Colombian pitahaya in 2016 were: Hong Kong (26%), Brazil (15%) and France (13%). 24.8% - Yellow pitahaya helps prevent memory loss and some cancers. Diabetics and digestive properties have also been known to eat pitahaya to control their blood glucose levels. 25.8%

Pitahaya production in Colombia Huila Santander Boyaca OTHERS 2010 – 2015 (tons)

10,621 Calendar of production 9,395 8,030 8,116 6,607 5,948

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ PITAHAYA

Exports of pitahaya in Colombia

Exports of Pitahaya 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 3 1,000 2.4 2.38 2.0 637.2 2.01 2 1.6 446.4 389.1

307.7 302.6 389.9 355.6 500 Tons

1 2.8 2.4 USD millions USD - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons Top pitahaya exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Ocati Sa 543,776 542,810 -967 23.0% Paraiso Andino 493,816 298,582 -195,233 12.7% Sociedad De Comercializacion Internacional Inversiones Marti 119,648 254,572 134,924 10.8% Asoppitaya 299,169 242,779 -56,389 10.3% Frutexpo S.C.I. Ltda 176,261 143,534 -32,726 6.1% C.I. Caribbean Exotics S.A 138,385 134,540 -3,846 5.7% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 131,049 107,638 -23,411 4.6% Frutas Comerciales S.A. 66,428 77,601 11,172 3.3% Heavens Fruit 51,204 77,525 26,321 3.3% Comercializadora Internacional Disant 0 75,886 75,886 3.2% Other 802,115 401,450 -400,665 17.0% Total 2,821,851 2,356,917 -464,934 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ Colombia has great diversity of with different textures, brix value and colors.

Facts: Production by region

- Main importers of Colombian mangos in 2016 were: Canada (35%), 7% France (29%) and The United Kingdom (16%). 8% - When compared with India and Brazil, Colombia has an advantage 36% in terms of import tariffs for the American market. - Grown mainly in the northern region of Colombia, near the Atlantic Coast, crops have spread to Cundinamarca, Tolima, Magdalena 25% and Antioquia.

CUNDINAMARCA TOLIMA Mango production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) MAGDALENA ANTIOQUIA 318,628 273,112 Calendar of production 247,257 258,679 201,026 201,765

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ MANGO

Exports of mango in Colombia

Exports of Mango 3 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 864.5 1,000 2 354.3 0.68 283.3 500 209.6 Tons 1 198.2 110.2 2.2 USD millions USD 52.1 0.4 1.1 - 0.5 0.26 0.6 - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons

Top mango exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Thisfruta Sas 63,379 747,834 684,455 33.9% Healthy Food Global Export 12,390 244,514 232,124 11.1% Frutos De Los Andes - Fruandes Ltda 244,655 197,925 -46,730 9.0% Ocati Sa 228,536 165,377 -63,159 7.5% Natturale 161,188 115,954 -45,234 5.3% Flp Procesados S.A.S 43,062 108,870 65,808 4.9% Comercializadora Castillo Estupiñan Y Asociados 11,655 103,719 92,064 4.7% Capercol Trading S.A.S 0 81,785 81,785 3.7% Botanic Republic C I S.A. 0 69,163 69,163 3.1% Agricola Varahonda 78,514 66,417 -12,098 3.0% Other 249,587 305,824 56,237 13.9% Total 1,092,967 2,207,380 1,114,414 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ TAMARILLO Tamarillo is native to the eastern slopes of the Andes, specifically from Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

Facts: Production by region

- Tamarillo should be eaten fresh and because of its high levels of fiber, vitamin A, B, C, K, minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorus, it is 30% also used industrially as raw material in the preparation of juices, 39.1% baby food, sweet preserves, jams, jelly, candy and frozen concentrates. - The production in Colombia over the last 5 years had a 6.4% 24.9% compound annual growth rate of 10%.

Antioquia Cundinamarca Boyaca Others Tamarillo production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Calendar of production 194,355 174,895 157,261 167,194 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 122,519 129,505

High presence on the market Medium presence on the market

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ TAMARILLO

Exports of tamarillo in Colombia

Exports of tamarillo 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 2 463.8 600 369.8 371.7 391.9 310.1 1 318.5 330.6 400 1.35 1.33 1.35 1.32

1 1.21 1.15 1.07 200 Tons USD millions USD - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons Top tamarillo exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Ocati Sa 275,456 258,473 -16,982 24.1% C.I. Caribbean Exotics S.A 228,785 168,496 -60,289 15.7% Frutas Comerciales S.A. 147,090 139,643 -7,447 13.0% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 118,917 93,194 -25,723 8.7% C I Andes Export Company S A S 59,618 67,225 7,607 6.3% Novacampo Sa 93,658 61,158 -32,500 5.7% C.I. Frutireyes S.A.S. 28,666 35,526 6,860 3.3% C.I. Fax Traders Ltda 1,711 34,248 32,538 3.2% Verde Puro 27,501 33,286 5,784 3.1% Natural Foods 27,035 22,754 -4,282 2.1% Other 138,413 158,554 20,141 14.8% Total 1,146,850 1,072,557 -74,293 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ SOURSOP Colombian Soursop flavor has been described as a combination of strawberry and pineapple with sour citrus flavor notes

Facts: Production by region

- The production in Colombia over the last 5 years had a compound annual growth rate of 15%. 37% - Many of the health benefits from soursop, are thought to be 38.3% derived from its antioxidant properties. - This fruit leaves have shown anti-inflammatory properties in 8.6% addition to its antimicrobial characteristics, making soursop a 16.0% versatile anti-inflammatory food.

Tolima Santander Antioquia Others Soursop production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) 40,038 Calendar of production 32,163 28,131 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 23,450 24,477 19,707

High presence on the market Medium presence on the market

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ SOURSOP

Exports of soursop in Colombia

Exports of soursop 1 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 300 285.5 0 200 108.6 60.2 0.24 0.57 0 0.07 0.13 37.4 100 Tons 0.02 0.08 23.1 0.36 USD millions USD 4.3 26.0 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 USD Tons

Top soursop exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 USD Growth (%) Thisfruta Sas 89,217 305,606 216,389 53.9% Ocati Sa 144,332 93,448 -50,884 16.5% C.I El Dorado 66,672 52,169 -14,503 9.2% Heavens Fruit 6,247 38,184 31,937 6.7% Nativa Produce Ci Sas 9,785 22,161 12,376 3.9% De Hoy Sas 1,565 11,960 10,395 2.1% Capercol Trading S.A.S 0 9,914 9,914 1.7% Natturale 19,012 8,190 -10,822 1.4% Fresh Products & Logistics S.A.S. 0 5,628 5,628 1.0% Botanic Republic C I S.A. 0 4,287 4,287 0.8% Other 22,363 15,109 -7,255 2.7% Total 359,193 566,655 207,462 100%

Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ The production of cassava in Colombia over the last 5 years had a compound annual growth rate of 5%.

Facts: Production by region

- Cassava is the third most important food crop in the tropics, after and corn. Esteemed by smallholder farmers for its tolerance to 20.4% drought and infertile soils, the crop is inherently eco-efficient, offering a reliable source of food and income. 11.9% - The cassava root was first used by Native Americans and may 58% have significant medicinal properties to treat several health issues. 9.8% It is an excellent source of fiber and vitamins.

Bolivar Cordoba Magdalena Others Cassava production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Calendar of production 2,259,832 2,325,987 1,980,881 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 1,800,486 1,874,465 1,899,294

High presence on the market Medium presence on the market

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ CASSAVA

Exports of cassava in Colombia

Exports of cassava 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 1 600 507.1 415.4 403.1 417.1 373.7 1 400 0 295.7 0.51 0.55 0.58 0.51 200 Tons USD millions USD 0.46 0 0.06 35.2 0.40 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Top cassava exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company 2015 2016 Growth (%) C.I Fruticol Industrial 394,032 289,063 -104,969 72.9% Productos Basicos Congelados S.A.S. 0 31,840 31,840 8.0% La Tocanita 0 25,291 25,291 6.4% C.I. Industria Nelma E.U 42,930 21,159 -21,771 5.3% Delicias De Frutos Delfruit Sas 0 13,121 13,121 3.3% Frandy Group Division Colombia S.A.S 0 5,250 5,250 1.3% Verde Puro 1,685 4,167 2,483 1.1% Frugy 2,849 3,312 463 0.8% Comercializadora Solo E Colombia 5,357 1,223 -4,135 0.3% Cortes Ruiz Marco Fidel 0 1,080 1,080 0.3% Other 65,557 786 -64,770 0.2% Total 512,409 396,291 -116,118 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ In Colombia, yam has been a basic and traditional crop for small-and medium size farmers

Facts: Production by region

- In Colombia, yam has been an important source of family 11% employment in the Colombian Atlantic Coast for the past 40.2% several centuries. 15.0% - “Ñame” is a popular yam like used in Latin and Caribbean cuisine. Yam is the common name for some 33.4% species in the genus Dioscorea. - Main importers of Colombian yam in 2016 were: United States

(78%) and Puerto Rico (22%). Bolivar Cordoba Sucre Others

Yam production in Colombia 2010 – 2015 (tons) Calendar of production 393,996 391,912 346,705 365,556 359,890 307,551

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE ✓ YAM

Exports of yam in Colombia

Exports of yam 4 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 4,000 2,471.7 3,347.3 3 3,000

2 971.9 2,000

3.29 Tons 2.66 USD millions USD 1 504.5 1,000 48.30.02 0.49 0.00 0 0.000 1.05 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons

Top Yam exporters 2015 – 2016 Share Company 2015 2016 Growth (%) Ci Tropicol 801,780 1,213,206 411,426 36.8% Wolf & Wolf Latin America Ltda C I 442,307 480,769 38,462 14.6% Comercializadora Internacional Market Foods S.A.S. 75,495 246,357 170,862 7.5% Exportaciones Jader Leguia Gonzalez S.A.S 211,175 242,850 31,675 7.4% Ci Productos De Los Andes Ltda 0 172,538 172,538 5.2% Exclusive Import-Export S.A.S 112,512 149,367 36,855 4.5% Comercializadora Sabana Verde S.A.S. 0 132,506 132,506 4.0% Servialimentos Del Noroccidente S.A.S 28,632 104,752 76,120 3.2% Fonseca Exportaciones 0 83,520 83,520 2.5% Sinufruit S.A.S 0 72,601 72,601 2.2% Other 987,598 395,768 -591,831 12.0% Total 2,659,499 3,294,234 634,735 100% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ FRESH HERBS In the last five years the sown area with fresh herbs had an average growth of 19% in Colombia.

Facts: Production by region

- Main importers of Colombian fresh herbs in 2016 were: United 21.0% States(87%), Canada (8%) and United Kingdom (1.6%). - In Colombia there are approximately 400 species of fresh herbs 43% and medicinal , 130 of these plants are actively sold. 20.0%


Antioquia Cundinamarca

Fresh herbs production in Colombia Putumayo Others 2012 – 2016* (tons)

15,658 Calendar of production 14,234 11,762 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic 10,206 8,102

High presence on the market Medium presence on the

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Agronet. and DANE. *Estimated ✓ FRESH HERBS

Exports of fresh herbs in Colombia

Exports of fresh herbs 2010 – 2015 (USD – Tons) 40 7,939.4 10,000 6,420.4 6,676.0 30 5,496.1 4,364 4,597 4,512.9

20 5,000 Tons

USD millions USD 10 16.68 18.17 21.26 23.47 26.86 27.66 31.45 - - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Top fresh herbs exporters 2015 – 2016 Company USD 2015 USD 2016 Growth Share % 2016 C.I. Agroaromas Ltda. 5.414.842 6.279.868 865.025 20,0% THE FARMERS SAS 680.375 2.802.972 2.122.597 8,9% AGRIFRESH 2.807.797 2.045.778 (762.019) 6,5% SAGRA 1.719.490 1.640.001 (79.489) 5,2% ESHKOL PREMIUM FOODS S.A.S 1.283.568 1.531.890 248.322 4,9% BIOHERBS C.I.E.U. 1.462.109 1.286.377 (175.732) 4,1% C.I. SEGAL S.A. 11.616 1.106.809 1.095.193 3,5% COUNTRY FRESH SAS 809.821 978.419 168.598 3,1% ORGANIC GARDEN SAS 898.876 863.335 (35.541) 2,7% NALPIHERBS SAS 95.464 822.295 726.831 2,6% Other 12.479.615 12.096.645 (382.969) 38,5% Total 27.663.574 31.454.389 3.790.816 100,0% Source: DANE - 2017 ✓ FRESH FLOWERS

Colombian fresh flowers production increased 6.5% in 2016

Facts: Production by region - Carnations, chrysanthemums and of Colombia have designation of origin, ensuring the characteristics and special qualities of the products are Risaralda recognized by consumers globally. Boyaca 0.5% 0.7% - In 2016, the major importers of Colombian fresh flowers were United States Other (78.5%), UK (3.8%) and Japan (3.3%). 0.7% - Colombian fresh flowers reached 72 countries in 2016. Antioquia - Colombian flowers are certified with Florverde® Sustainable Flowers which is 28.1% approved with Global Gap certification and Fairtrade. - Proflora, the most important event of the sector will be held October 4th Cundinamarca – 8th of 2017 in Bogota. 70.0% - The Association of Colombian Flowers Exporters ASOCOLFLORES, represents those flowers farmers who manage nearly 75% of Colombia’s total flower exports. Fresh flowers production (tons) 2010-2016 Calendar of production 235,441 236,785 233,849 Ene Feb Mar Abr May Jun Jul Ago Sep Oct Nov Dic

224,504 222,356 219,041 214,076

High presence on the market Medium presence on the market 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Source: FAO. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia – Asocolflores and DANE ✓ FRESH FLOWERS

Exports of fresh flowers in Colombia

Colombian fresh flowers exports 1,400 2010 – 2016 240,000 222,280 222,095 234,645 219,964 1,300 211,728 220,000 205,766 201,675

1,362 Tons 1,200 1,324 1,301 200,000

USD millions USD 1,285 1,229 1,240 1,256 1,100 180,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

USD Tons Top fresh flowers exporters 2015 – 2016 Colombian fresh flowers exports by product Share Company USD 2015 USD 2016 Growth 2016 (%) The Elite Flower Ltda 129,750,268 124,112,728 -5,637,540 9.5% Sunshine Bouquet Colombia Ltda 102,967,032 111,743,262 8,776,229 8.6% Floral Distributors & Services SAS 29,045,968 63,283,288 34,237,320 4.9% Flores Ipanema 61,022,764 61,594,247 571,484 4.7% Other Tropical and exotic flowers Flores El Capiro/Valley Farms 25,461,810 27,323,468 1,861,659 2.1% 29.9% 35.7% Amancay S.A. 19,831,328 21,607,951 1,776,624 1.7% Agroindustria del Riofrio Ltda 17,915,329 20,120,339 2,205,011 1.5% Flores Isabelita SA 16,492,565 18,637,557 2,144,993 1.4% Carnation Jardines De Los Andes SA 12,769,722 17,491,729 4,722,007 1.3% 11.0% Roses Hosa SA 20,423,386 17,449,054 -2,974,332 1.3% 23.4% Other 849,350,143 818,134,183 -31,215,960 62.9% Total 1,285,030,314 1,301,497,808 16,467,494 100% Source: DANE - 2017 Investment oportunities in agribusiness in Colombia

Packing house New crops Hass Avocado, lime , sweet pepper, General Hass Avocado, pitahaya

Phitosanitary treatment Certifications (cold, heat, irradiation) (Golden berry , Pitahaya and Papaya) All

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Colombia. Ica, Invima. ProColombia Colombian ports and airports

Colombia has a privileged location, in the focal point of maritime activity because of its proximity to the Panama Canal and at the junction of the main roads of world trade.

Strategic point of connection between North and South America, and between the East and West Coast - US and Asia.

Colombia has ports and international airports linked with the most important shipping and airlines in the world, being strategic point in global connectivity

Source: Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. ProColombia Main Ports in Colombia

• SPR Barranquilla • BITCO SPR Santa Marta • Compas Puerto Nuevo Major shipping companies in Colombia - 2016 • SP Palermo • Puerto • Port of San Andres Bolívar

• SPR Cartagena • Contecar • Compas

• Compas

• Turbo

• SPR Buenaventura • TC Buen

• SPR Tumaco

Source: SISMAR – Superintendencia de Puertos y Transportes - 2016. World sea connections - transit times

Londres (17 days) San Petersburgo Vancouver (21 days) (17 days) Montreal (9 days)

Busan (25 days) Barcelona Los Ángeles Nueva York (15 days) (10 days) Tokio (6 days) Shanghai (22 days) Karachi (29 days) Veracruz Miami (37 days) (5 days) (6 days) Calcuta Hong Kong (43 days) (33 days)

Callao (2 days)

Río de Janeiro (19 days) Valparaíso Ciudad del Cabo Sidney (5 days) (34 days) (21 days) Auckland (17 days) Buenos Aires (17 days)

Source: Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. ProColombia Main Ports in Colombia

Simón Bolívar Ernesto Cortissoz

Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Major cargo companies in Colombia - 2016

Almirante Padilla

Rafael Núñez

Camilo Daza

Jose María Córdova


El Edén

El Dorado

Alfonso Bonilla Aragón


Alfredo Vásquez Cobo

Source: Aerocivil 2016 Air cargo connections from Colombia to the world

VER LON (14h 10 m) (10h 40m) MOW YTO (17h) (8h 54 m) NYC PAR (5h 35m) (13h 20m) RMA LAX SEL (13h 45 m) (7h 40m) MIA MAD BJS (23h 35m) (3h 50m) LIS (9h 40m) (24h 40m) (13h 20m) TYO (25h 05m) MEX CAI (17h 35m) (4h 20m) HKG (24hr 15m) BOM (24h 30m)

BSB LIM (5h 10m) (3h 10 m) SAO (5h 50m) SCL (5h 50m) BUE ( 6h 25m) SYD CPT (20h 10m) (23hr 05m) Source: Colombian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. ProColombia