Daily Devotion with Rick Harper April 6, 2020


“Our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases.” (Psalm 115:3)

The other morning as I sat down to have some time alone with God, I realized I was not alone. I was in the presence of an offended stink bug! Why, I thought, did God allow a stink bug to intrude on my Quiet Time? As I pondered the question, I was reminded of Jonah, who wondered why God gave him a nice shady vine and then appointed a worm to attack the vine causing it to wither and die. And then, God appointed a scorching east wind which, with the sun, caused Jonah to become faint and to beg to die. Jonah 3: 5-11.

As I thought more of God’s use of insects to accomplish His purposes, I was reminded of a story related in her book, The Hiding Place. She and her sister Betsie were devout Dutch Christians. Along with other members of their family, they joined the when Holland was overrun by the Germans in 1940. The Ten Boom family were particularly concerned for the Jews who were in mortal danger from Nazi tyranny. The Ten Booms are credited with having helped save some 800 Jews.

However, in February 1944 the Ten Booms were betrayed and then arrested by the Nazis. Their aged father, , died within a few days of arrest. Corrie and Betsie survived to be sent to a horrendous concentration camp for women in Germany – Ravensbruck. There they were beaten and starved. Somehow, a Bible was smuggled into their quarters and Betsie and Corrie began to lead clandestine Bible studies and prayer meetings at night. For some reason, the guards did not interfere. Eventually Betsie and Corrie realized that the tormenting fleas had become their defenders. The guards stayed out of the barracks because they feared the fleas. So, Betsie taught Corrie, be thankful in all circumstances - even ones that are unpleasant. I Thess. 5:18.

Betsie Ten Boom did not survive Ravensbruck. But, like Abel, by faith she still speaks. (Hebrews 12:4) Corrie survived the fleas and World War II. Afterwards she became “a Tramp for the Lord”, spoke of God’s faithfulness in dozens of countries and authored The Hiding Place which was made into a movie. Betsie and Corrie Ten Boom learned to trust and rely on the sovereign God in the darkest of circumstances. So can we.

Psalm 32:7 “You are my hiding place. You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”

Rick Harper, Elder at WBC