The Third Sector and Public Governance in Greater China: Opportunities, Contents of the speech Challenges, and Prospects at The University of Hong Kong Ⅰ The Current Situation and Prospect of Civic . Several symbolic activities of civic engagement Ⅱ Engagement in Mainland China . Range and features of civic engagement Ⅲ. Problems existing in the civic engagement in Xu Jialiang mainland China Ⅳ. Several explanations of existing problems Professor /Executive director Ⅴ. The benefits of civic engagement School of International and Public Affairs, Ⅵ Center for the Third Sector . The prospect of civic engagement in mainland China Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ⅶ. Conclusion of some main ideas 1.Sun Zhigang Incident Sun Zhigang is a college graduate, worked in . On March17,2003, Sun Zhigang, had been sent to a detention center (Chinese:拘留所) Ⅰ .Several symbolic activities of only because he had no temporary living permit civic engagement (Chinese:暫住証). And then he had been beaten cruelly by the staff and died on March 20th. Sun is a 27-year-old young man 2. Dam Construction on the Nujiang River On September 3,2003, Some environmental NGOs One sentence on Sun Zhigang's epitaph: in Beijing protested against building a dam on the Nujiang River . He is deserved to be commemorated because Newspaper,picture exhibition,domestic meeting he pushs China's rule of law forward with his ,international conference life. On August,2004,Premier pointed out, be cautious of making decisions on those huge dam projects which caught public attention and are controversial environmentally. (first bend of Nujiang River)

3. Yuanmingyuan Anti-leakage Engineering Yuanmingyuan Park which is considered an historical relic, had been in the spotlight in November 2004, because a 30 million yuan project to cover the park’s lake beds with plastic sheets had never been sanctioned by the environment authorities. Before the project had been completed,one scholar found the situations and then environmental NGOs had been involved.

A first public hearing on the environmental impact of the project was held ,and More than 120 people including some from the Yuanmingyuan Administration Bureau, environmental NGOs and research institutions, attended the meeting in Beijing. On April 13,2005,hearing was been held in Beijing. 4.Xiamen PX Incident In March,2007,106 members of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference signed proposal that the PX project needs to be relocated. And Zhao Yufen who is a chemist in Xiamen university was the leader in this proposal. On June 1, residents in Xiamen walked to the Municipal Government, asking for clean air,keep good health.$b74124f348af3f1d352accd3

5.Wenchuan Earthquake large number of donation and volunteers The year of 2008 is the first year of China's civil society, said by Xu Yongguang, secretary of Narada Foudation. more than 70 billion yuan donation have been accepted at home and abroad. the number of volunteers to the disaster area in the way of committee of communist youth league of China in Sichuan province reaches one million. 6.Wenzhou train crash incident On July23,2011, train crash incident had happened in Wenzhou, causing at least 16 people died and one hundred and more had been hurt. main discussion in the website is to save the people first or open to traffic first. by newpaper, net-citizen,weibo, people doubt Yiyi, two years old picture from Baidu 7.Wukan Incident in 8.Independent Candidates Run for the people 's representative as Weibo The protests began on 21–23 September 2011 Platform in Beijing, Shanghai, chengdu, after officials sold land to real estate developers without properly compensating the villagers. They are writer, columnist, professor, student, and In September 22, several thousand people businessman protested attacked a police station . 1.Definition of civic engagement Civic engagement is a process,in which citizens and the third sector get involved to influence the Ⅱ.Range and features of social administration and public service in order to civic engagement safeguard their own right and public interest 2.Definition of the third sector The third sector refers to this part of society,which is non-profitable and has no power,and is different from the gonvernment and market sector. 3.Range and features of civic engagement 4.Features Firstly, at the beginning, very few people know about it and gradually more and more are getting to It concerns every aspect of persons daily life, know about it.such as Wukan Incident in such as environmental protection, land has been sold in a low price by the management,traffic safety, political right. village committee; some members of village committee corrupted; villagers got fewer from it Secondly, by the internet and Weibo ,news travels fast Thirdly, driven by economic interests, care for, environment ,human rights, and political rights. Environment orientation Economic interests orientation Publicity: Dam Construction on the Nujiang River Wukan Incident in Guangdong. (2003) land has been sold in a low price;one villager died in Yuanmingyuan Anti-leakage Engineering (2005) the police station Individuality: PX incident in Xiamen(2007) Care for orientation Wenchuan earthquake incident(2008) and Wenzhou train crash incident(2011). Fourth, individualization , organization Human rights and political rights orientation and high Mobilization capability

Sun Zhigang Incident(2003),Independent candidate(2011) There were three scholars provided a suggestion for Green Earth volunteers takes a positive modified regulation (Chinese: role in dam construction on the Nujiang 收容遣送) River the nation respects and guarantees the human rights Citizen’s personal freedom cannot be Infringed,citizens 18 years old and more has the right to vote and to be voted 1. Emergence events is happening in the causal way,and the institutional participation is low two paths of civic engagement formal institution and informal institution Ⅲ. Problems existing in the civic It is quite common if we have more formal paths engagement in mainland China and fewer informal paths. The reality in current China is formal paths don't work .People have no choice but the informal paths. Before

2.The extent of hostility between the the third sector citizen and government is increasing lack of the third sector's involvement no safety valve or buffer zone citizen government present

3. Lack the basic information 4.Some body are always absent in the governance. the third government Government is always the main body,and the citizen sector roles of the third sector and citizens are always neglected in the perspective of the government. 1.The measures of the political system reform is not very effective inner-party democracy, villager election, direct election for the township leaders have positive Ⅳ.Several explanation of existing Problems influence,but they can’t solve the real social problems. 2.Anti-corruption not carried out completely Publicity of the property is still not carried out all over the country 3.Citizen’s basic rights and bottom line of existence Ⅴ.The benefits of civic engagement is in danger right of livelihood (environmental protection) right of interest(economical,cultural and ecological right) Firstly,get to know the information. Secondly, to restrain the power of the government,and avoid the abuse of government power. Thirdly, to guarantee citizen's legal right, and make everyone enjoy the fruits of the reform and opening-up. Ⅵ.The prospect of civic engagement in Fourthly,to relieve the tense and conflicts between the mainland China government and society in order to make the society stable. Fifthly,Make the decision of public policy more scientific and democratic. Firstly,more transparent information Thirdly,to cultivate the third sector and make it more more transparent information makes civic functional in providing the public service. engagement more effective. Fourthly,to improve scientific and democratic decision-making of public policy. Secondly,more institution of civic engagement civic engagement helps people get informed of the institution building helps to improve the quality of necessary information and guarantee the civic engagement and citizen's cognition degree. public policy more scientific ideaⅠ:The contradiction between the demand of the civic engagement and social conflict is tense. Ⅶ.Conclusion: some main ideas the high demand of people's participation the variety and complexity of social conflict ideaⅡ:Civic engagement requires pushing It should be solved by the reform of election system the institutional reform,especially the political system and adjustment of the power structure. reform To adjust the administration system of the third The political participation right of citizen is guaranteed and sector, expand the scope of participation and achieved by the reform of political system. improve its ability. The social conflicts during citizens' participation are mostly caused by the failure in restricting the government's power, the low efficiency of the administration and corruption of the government officials. My information

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