Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 77, No. 4, pp. 1917-1921, April 1980 Biochemistry Interaction between b5 and : Involvement of f66 (El0) and p95 (FG2) lysyl residues of hemoglobin (/reduction//titration curve/binding domain) GERARD GACON, DANIELLE LOSTANLEN, DOMINIQUE LABIE, AND JEAN-CLAUDE KAPLAN Institut de Pathologie Mol6culaire, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche MWdicale, U.15 and U.129, 24, rue du Faubourg Saint-Jacques, 75674 Paris, Cedex 14, France Communicated by Helen M. Ranney, January 10,1980

ABSTRACT In erythrocytes the reduction of oxidized he- teraction. The results clearly indicate that the lysyl residues 366 moglobin (methemoglobin) is dependent upon an electron (E10) and /395 (FG2) are involved in the formation of a func- transport reaction between and methemoglobin. tional cytochrome b5-hemoglobin complex. These two are believed to form a complex whose bonding is principally determined by charge MATERIALS AND METHODS interactionis between' acidic groups of cytochromecomplementaryb5 and basic groups of hemoghbin. In order to refine this model, three sur- Trypsin-solubilized cytochrome b5 was purified from rabbit face lysyl hemoglobin variants-namely Hb N Baltimore #95 liver as described (17).* Soluble NADH:cytochrome b5 re- (FG2) Lys - Glu, Hb I Toulouse ,66 (E10) Lys - Glu, and Hb ductase was prepared from human erythrocytes as described I Philadelphia -a'6(A14) Lys Glu-have been studied with respect to their reducibility and ability to bind cytochrome b5. by Leroux et al. (18). The activity was measured with In the two formler variants, the substituted amino acids are lo- the methemoglobin-ferrocyanide complex as a substrate ac- cated near the crevice; in the third one the substitution cording to Hegesh and Avron (19). One unit catalyzes the re- lies far from it. Substitutions of lysine for glutamic acid in po- duction of 1 gmol of oxidized hemoglobin tetramer per min. sitions ,66 and ,95 perturb the formation of the cytochrome Normal and abnormal were prepared in pure bs-hemoglobin complex and result in a dramatic impairment form by DEAE-Sephadex chromatography. The three variants of the cytochrome b5-mediated reduction, whereas the same in were checked structural in position a16 has no effect. We conclude that the used this study by analysis (amino Iysine residues in positions 6 and #95 are directly involved acid analysis of the abnormal tryptic peptides) to be Hb N in the binding of cytochrome b5. The three-dimensional struc- Baltimore, Hb I Toulouse, and Hb I Philadelphia as defined in ture of hemoglobin suggests that the cytochrome bs-binding refs. 20-22. Methemoglobin species were obtained by oxidation domain of hemoglobin is constituted by four Iysine residues of pure components according to the procedure de- surrounding the heme crevice in both a and ft chains. Similar- scribed by Kilmartin (23). Taking advantage of their slight ities with other interacting are discussed. difference in isoelectric point (24-26), we purified the valency hybrids (4a22'#2 and a!223+) by isoelectrofocusing (IEF), ac- Interactions between hemoproteins are involved in several cording to the following procedure. An oxyhemoglobin sample important pathways of electron transport, such as the respira- was oxidized to 50% by addition of small amounts of potassium tory chain in mitochondria (1) 'and the cytochrome P-450 ferricyanide, dialyzed against distilled water, and applied to monooxygenase pathway of the endoplasmic reticulum (2,3). a preparative Ultrodex flat bed containing pH 6-8 Ampholines In the erythrocyte, as shown by Hultquist and Passon (4), the (LKB). Once focused, the various species were eluted from the reduction of oxidized hemoglobin (methemoglobin) is ac- gel and stripped of Ampholines by mixed-bed resin chroma- complished by soluble reduced cytochrome b5 (5). In turn ox- tography (27). We assessed the purity of the valency hybrids idized cytochrQme b5 is continuously reduced by a soluble form by oxidation with CuS04, utilizing the property of cupric of NADH:cytochrome b5 (6). Hemoglobin and cy- to oxidize the 1 subunit selectively (28). The enzymatic re- tochrome b5 are well-characterized proteins and their amino duction of methemoglobin was performed by using a recon- acid sequences are known (7-9). Their three-dimensional stituted physiological system containing 0.15 ,mol of NADH, structures in both states have been determined by x-ray 0.4 nmol of cytochrome b5, 3.8 milliunits of enzyme, and crystallography studies (10-13). Recent studies suggested to us variable amounts of methemoglobin in 0.5 ml of 0.1 M [bis(2- that cytochrome b5 and methemoglobin can form a complex hydroxyethyl)amino]tris(hydroxymethyl) (Bis-tris), whose bonding is determined mainly by complementary charge pH 7.0, at 37°C. The reduction of methemoglobin was mea- interactions between acidic groups of cytochrome b5 and basic sured by the increase in absorbance at 576 nm. The change of groups of hemoglobin (14). Theoretical (15) and experimental absorbance was converted intogumol of subunit reduced per (16) studies of the cytochrome'b5- complex have min, using a A1 (oxyhemoglobin - methemoglobin) of 10.5 led to similar .conclusions. In order to refine this model we have mM-1 cm-1. In the range of methemoglobin concentration investigated the consequences of substitutions of basic surface studied, the velocity of reduction was found to be constant residues of hemoglobin. Three variants have been used for these during the first minute of the reaction. In the conditions used studies-namnely Hb I Toulouse 166 (E10) Lys - Glu, Hb N Baltimore 1395 (FG2) Lys Glu, and Hb I Philadelphia a16 in this study, this velocity was directly proportional to the (A14) Lys -- Glu. We report here the effect of these structural concentration of cytochrome b5 (in the 0.1-1 ,uM range), in- modifications on the cytochrome b5-mediated reduction of methemoglobin, and the stability of Abbreviations: IEF, isoelectric focusing; Bis-tris, [bis(2-hydroxy- the -protein in- ethyl)aminojtris(hydroxymethyl)methane; PMS, phenazine metho- sulfate. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page * The heme peptide core of cytochrome b5 obtained after trypsin di- charge paynient. This article must therefore be hereby marked "ad- gestion of rabbit liver microsomes that we used in this study can be vertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate reasonably assumed to be similar to the human soluble erythrocyte this fact. cytochrome b5 (5). 1917 Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 1918 Biochemistry: Gacon et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 (1980) RESULTS The dependence of the reduction velocity on metHb A con- centration is illustrated in Fig. 1. Similar curves are obtained for metHb A, a-oxidized, and d-oxidized valency hybrids. It is to be noted, however, that above 30 ,uM, the velocity of re- duction of the valency hybrids is significantly slower than that of metHb A. This could be accounted for by the presence within the hybrid species of reduced subunits behaving like inhibitors. Of special interest is the fact that, within the valency hybrids, the aA- and O3A-oxidized subunits appear to be reduced with the same velocity. All of these observations suggest that the respective reactivities of the two valency hybrids towards re- duced cytochrome b5 are quite similar.t In an attempt to define the role of individual basic residues of methemoglobin in the interaction with cytochrome bN, the reducibility of several available lysine variants of hemoglobin was investigated. As shown in Fig. 2, metHb I Philadelphia is reduced at the same rate as metHb A. Conversely, the velocity of the reduction is markedly decreased by Lys Glu substi- Oxidized Hb subunit, ymol tutions of the residues (366 and 395, corresponding respectively to Hb I Toulouse and Hb N Baltimore. The defect is even more FIG. 1. Kinetics of the reduction of Hb A oxidized species. apparent when the f-oxidized valency hybrids are used as + - +, metHb A; A -- A, a-oxidized valency hybrid 3+2+ A; and substrate of the reduction. As shown in Fig. 3, the velocity of o --- 0, 3-oxidized valency hybrid a2+#3+ A. Conditions: 0.3 mM NADH, 0.8 jM cytochrome b5, 7.6 milliunits of cytochrome b5 re- the reduction of the fl-oxidized hybrids of Hb I Toulouse and ductase per ml, O.1.M Bis-tris, pH 7.0, 370C. N Baltimore is dramatically decreased in comparison with that of the OA subunit. This suggests that the poor reducibility of the two variants is mainly due to the : chain abnormality. An ad- dicating that, as stated by Hultquist and Passon (4), the first step ditional indication was provided by the following experiment. of the reaction (i.e., the reduction of cytochrome b5) was not A lysate containing both Hb A and Hb N Baltimore was first rate limiting. Control experiments showed that, in these con- completely oxidized and subsequently half-reduced by the ditions, there was no detectable reoxidation of any of the in- cytochrome b5-enzyme system. The products of this partial vestigated species, normal or abnormal. reduction were then analyzed by IEF. As shown in Fig. 4, the The chemical reduction of methemoglobin was performed two Hb A valency hybrids are present in equivalent amounts, according to Kajita et al. (29) at 250C, using the following re- whereas in the case of Hb N Baltimore only one valency hybrid action mixture: 0.15 ,umol of NADH and 0.055 ,umol of oxidized band is visible. This species, which cannot be reoxidized by hemoglobin in 0.5 ml of 0.1 M Bis-tris-HCl, pH 7.0. The reac- tion was initiated by the addition of 0.77 nmol of phenazine t After completion of this work, a paper by Tomoda et al. (31) ap- methosulfate (PMS). The conversion of methemoglobin to peared in which the authors stated that the # subunit is more rapidly oxyhemoglobin was measured by the increase of absorbance reduced than the a subunit in the cytochrome bs-dependent system. at 576 nm. on The main reason for this apparent contradiction is that in our case Combined IEF/electrophoresis thin-layer we measured the reduction of the hybrids during the first minute, polyacrylamide gels was performed as described (30), with whereas Tomoda et al. carried out their measurements between 2 minor modifications (for technical details, see legend to Fig. and 52 min. In their case some concomitant reoxidation of the more 6). autoxidable a chain could have taken place.

C Ef 8

60- 0

E +

0 0~~~~~~~41- .. - _ 02- CD~~ ~ 0 2 ;,.;,-;';J. 04 FIG. 2. Kinetics ofthe reduc- tion of fully oxidized abnor- mal hemoglobins. -- ---3, MetHb I Philadelphia; 0 --- 0, metHb I Toulouse; AA,-- metHb N Baltimore; and + - 1 50 control metHb A. Conditions were Oxidized Hb subunit, umol the same as for Fig. 1. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Biochemistry: Gacon et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 (1980) 1919 to detect the possible impairment of this protein-protein 7 binding in the case of the lysyl-substituted hemoglobins. As il- E lustrated in Fig. 6a-c, when this procedure was applied to an equimolar mixture (on a heme basis) of cytochrome b5 and metHb A, a markedly delayed migration of both components CD was observed, particularly in the pH 6-8 range. The same perturbation was obtained with metHb I Philadelphia (not ~02 shown). In contrast, Hb N Baltimore and Hb I Toulouse dis- E played a clearly different pattern (Fig. 6 d and e). In these cases the migration of cytochrome b5 was much faster than in the 0 presence of Hb A. After a 7-min migration, the titration curves of cytochrome b5 and metHb N Baltimore or metHb I Toulouse appeared to be widely separated (Fig. 6 d and e), whereas in the case of the cytochrome b5-metHb A mixture, they were still close to each other around pH 7 (Fig. 6c). These titration pat- 20 40 60 terns suggest that the two abnormal hemoglobins interact only Oxidized Hb subunit, umol weakly with cytochrome b5. FIG. 3. Kinetics of the reduction of the D3-oxidized valency hy- Taken together, the poor reducibility of Hb N Baltimore and Hb I Toulouse and the of their interaction with brids. 0 - -- 0, aY+3+ I Toulouse; - - A, af23' N Baltimore; and impairment + -- +, a2+3+ A. Conditions were the same as for Fig. 1. cytochrome b5 strongly favor the idea that lysyl residues /366 and /395 play a critical role in the formation of a functional cupric ions under the conditions described by Winterbourn and hemoglobin-cytochrome b5 complex. Conversely, the lysyl Carrell (28), is therefore a /-oxidized hybrid. This further residue a16 is not required for the interaction to take place, as demonstrates that the abnormal subunit of Hb N Baltimore indicated by the normal reducibility of metHb I Philadelphia is reduced much more slowly than the normal subunit. and its normal ability to bind cytochrome b5. Whereas substitutions of the /395 (FG2) lysyl residue (Hb N DISCUSSION Baltimore Lys Glu and Hb Detroit Lys Asn) do not give rise to any detectable disorders in the variants (unpublished data In 1971, Hultquist and Passon proposed a two-step mechanism and ref. 32), Hb I Toulouse /66 (E10) Lys - Glu exhibits for the physiological reduction of methemoglobin in erythro- abnormal redox properties, namely an increased rate of aut- cytes (4). In step 1, soluble cytochrome b5 (5) is reduced by oxidation (21), which could lead to a nonspecific impairment NADH in the presence of a soluble of the reducibility. Therefore, the reduction of Hb I Toulouse (6). This enzyme has been shown to be identical with the so- by chemicals was investigated. Conversely to what is observed called NADH:methemoglobin reductase (or NADH-diapho- in the cytochrome b5-dependent reaction, Hb I Toulouse ap- rase) and probably derived from the ubiquitous microsomal pears to be quite reducible in the NADH/PMS system. Under NADH:cytochrome b5 reductase (EC (35-87). Instep the conditions used, the reaction follows pseudo-first-order 2, ferriheme groups of methemoglobin are reduced nonenzy- kinetics. As shown in Fig. 5, the rate of reduction of the I matically by reduced cytochrome b5. To our knowledge, the subunit is not significantly different from that of the A sub- mechanism of this direct reduction of methemoglobin by re- unit. duced cytochrome b5 has not yet been investigated. In our first In order to explain this defect of the cytochrome b5-mediated approach to this problem we demonstrated a direct interaction reduction, the interaction between hemoglobin and cytochrome between the two hemoproteins (14). The cytochrome b5- b5 was studied by using the IEF/electrophoresis technique methemoglobin complex was shown to be stabilized in the pH recently developed by Righetti and coworkers (30, 33). This range 6-8. This suggested the involvement of electrostatic in- technique, which .had allowed us to visualize the mutual in- teractions between basic residues of hemoglobin and acidic teraction of cytochrome b5 and methemoglobin (14), was used residues of cytochrome b5. According to this model the binding of cytochrome b5 to a and / chains should be equivalent be- cause the number and distribution of basic surface residues are pH similar in the two chains. Furthermore, the interaction between cytochrome b5 and hemoglobin should be hindered by substi- I.". m etH b tutions of basic residues of hemoglobin located in the binding A-, ~~. "C 21P2 ...... K. domain. A The results obtained here support these predictions. Within the valency hybrids, the a- and /3-oxidized subunits of Hb A appear to be reduced with identical velocities. In addition, two 6.95 ...... oxyHb Lys - Glu variants-Hb I Toulouse and Hb N Baltimore- ...... metHb exhibit low rates of reduction of their abnormal /3 subunit in the cytochrome b5-dependent reducing system. The possible in- volvement of the abnormal redox properties of Hb I Toulouse N Balt. in the poor reducibility of this variant can be ruled out because (i) as indicated under Materials and Methods, no concomitant oxidation could be detected during the measurement of the 6.55-o _ --~~...... oxyHb initial velocities of the cytochrome b5-mediated reaction; (ii) Hb I Toulouse is easily reducible by chemicals such as reduced FIG. 4. IEF pattern of the products ofpartial reduction ofmetHb PMS. Therefore it is likely that the dramatic defect observed A and metHb N Baltimore. The analysis was performed on an U1- trodex flat bed in a pH 6-8 gradient as described for preparation of in the cytochrome b5-dependent reduction of the variants is valency hybrids. _____~~...... related to a specific impairment of the cytochrome b5-hemo- Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 1920 Biochemistry: Gacon et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 (1980)

_. _ 0 ) E E 0 0 FIG. 5. Kinetics of the reduc- .7 r tion by PMS of Hb A and Hb I 0 0 Toulouse oxidized species. 0 -0, MetHb A; A-A, c00 metHb I Toulouse; 0 --- 0, ,8-oxidized valency hybrid a2 2 A; and A -- - A, (3-oxidized valen- cy hybrid a 2+f3+ I Toulouse. [Ferriheme]to is the initial con- centration of oxidized subunits; [ferrihemelt is the concentration of oxidized subunits at a given time of the reaction. Conditions: 0.3 mM NADH, 3.0& ,M PMS, 0.11 mM ferriheme (at to), in 0.1 M Bis-tris, pH 7.0, 250C.

reaction. This defect could be accounted for by the I Toulouse and N Baltimore is indeed impaired. Thus we con- perturbation of this protein-protein interaction, by the im- clude that the poor reducibility of the abnormal /3 subunits of pairment of the electron transport reaction itself, or by both. these two hemoglobin variants is due, at least in part, to a defect Due to the complexity of the reaction and to the heterogeneity in the binding of cytochrome b5. Because of the normal oxy- of the substrates (coexistence of normal and abnormal subunits gen-binding properties of these variants, their overall tertiary in the abnormal methemoglobin tetramers, coexistence of the structure is thought to be normal (unpublished results; ref. 21). /3-oxidized and a-reduced subunits in the valency hybrids), the Therefore the impairment of the cytochrome binding must analysis of the kinetic data did not permit us to discriminate arise from the substitutions themselves. This implies that the between the different possibilities. In contrast, the IEF/elec- E10 and FG2 residues are located in the cytochrome b5-binding trophoresis technique, which had already proved useful to area. If these lysines are directly involved in electrostatic in- visualize the interaction between cytochrome b5 and methe- teractions with carboxyl groups of cytochrome b5 (14), their moglobin (14), provided a direct and unambiguous demon- replacement by glutamic acid residues should introduce re- stration that the binding of cytochrome b5 to methemoglobins pulsive forces, preventing the formation of the cytochrome a b C

I - -~~~~~~ --4------T

5 pH 5 pH ,#W.... 7 9 7 5 pH 49 7 0 0 0 d e

* 4

7 5 PH. 9 7 .$5 9 FIG. 6. Titration curves of interacting cytochrome b5 and normal and abnormal hemoglobins. (a) MetHb A alone; (b) cytochrome b5 alone; (c) metHb A + cytochrome b5; (d) metHb I Toulouse + cytochrome b5; (e) metHb N Baltimore + cytochrome b5. The gel contained 6% acrylamide (ratio acrylamide to bisacrylamide = 25:1 wt/wt) and 2% Ampholine pH 3.5-10 (LKB). Each gel was loaded with 150 jig of each protein. Running conditions: LKB Multiphor 2117 chamber run at 13 W (600 V at equilibrium) for 90 min at 40C in the first dimension (IEF). Second dimension (EL): 7-min run at 600 V (constant voltage), immediately followed by Coomassie brilliant blue staining as in ref. 34. The linearity of the gradient was checked after each run on a strip of unstained gel and found quite reproducible. The bidirectional arrows and + and - symbols represent the direction and polarity of IEF and electrophoresis. The broken lines indicate the sample application trough and the intersection point of each curve indicated by vertical arrows represents the pI of each protein. ...~~. Downloaded by guest on September 23, 2021 Biochemistry: Gacon et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 77 (1980) 1921

5. Hultquist, D.. E., Dean, R. T. & Douglas, R. H. (1974) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 60,28-34. 6. Passon, P. G. & Hultquist, D. E. (1972) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 275,62-73. 7. Croft, L. R. (1973) in Handbook of Protein Sequences (Joyn- son-Bruvvers, Oxford), 1st Ed., pp. 34, 37. 8. Ozols, J. & Gerard, C. (1977) Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 3725-3729. 9. Fleming, P. J., Dailey, H. A., Corcoran, D. & Strittmatter, P. (1978) J. Biol. Chem. 253,5369-5372. 10. Perutz, M. F., Muirhead, H., Cox, J. M. & Goaman, L. C. G. (1968) Nature (London) 219, 131-139. 11. Fermi, G. (1975) J. Mol. Biol. 97,237-256. 12. Mathews, F. S., Levine, M. & Argos, P. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 64, 449-464. FIG. 7. Diagram of a hemoglobin subunit, with the heme indi- 13. Argos, P. & Mathews, F. S. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 747- cated by a rectangle drawn in perspective [after Dickerson (38)]. The 751. basic residues of both a and fl chains are indicated by the following: 14. Righetti, P. G., Gacon, G., Gianazza, E., Lostanlen, D. & Kaplan, 0, , Lys and Arg residues shared by both subunits; the residues di- J. C. (1978) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 85, 1575-1581. rectly visible on this view are indicated by e, those behind the plane 15. Salemme, F. R. (1976) J. Mol. Biol. 102,563-568. are indicated by 0. v, Lys and Arg residues specific for a subunit. *, 16. Ng, S., Smith, M. B., Smith, H. T. & Millett, F. (1977) Biochem- Lys and Arg residues specific for ,B subunit. istry 16, 4975-4978. 17. Omura, T. & Takesue, S. (1970) J. Bwochem. 67,249-257. b5-methemoglobin complex. Noteworthy is the fact that both 18. Leroux, A., Torlinski, L. & Kaplan, J. C. (1977) Biochim. Biophys. E10 and FG2 residues are located in the vicinity of the heme Acta 481, 50-62. crevice. Conversely, the Lys -i Glu substitution of Hb I Phil- 19. Hegesh, E. & Avron, M. (1967) Biochim. Bwophys. Acta 146, adelphia, which lies in a region remote from the heme pocket, 91-101. did not produce any abnormal behavior towards cytochrome 20. Clegg, J. B., Naughton, M. A. & Weatherall, D. J. (1965) Nature b5. (London) 207,945-947. These results suggest that the positively charged groups of 21. Labie, D., Rosa, J., Belkhodja, 0. & Bierme, R. (1971) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 236,201-207. the are cytochrome b5-binding domain of hemoglobin located 22. Beale, D. & Lehmann, H. (1965) Nature (London) 207, 259- in the vicinity of the heme crevice. From the distribution of 261. basic residues in a and subunits, it is apparent that, in the 23. Kilmartin, J. V. (1973) Biochem. J. 133,725-733. heme-surrounding region, only four surface lysyl residues are 24. Bunn, H. F. & Drysdale, J. W. (1971) Biochim. Bwophys. Acta shared by both chains, namely Lys E5, E9, E10, and FG2 (Fig. 229,51-57. 7). Because the a and subunits exhibit identical reducibility 25. Krishnamoorthy, R., Wajcman, H., Labie, D., Backef, C. H. & by cytochrome b5, it seems reasonable to assume that these Tron, Ph. (1976) Biomedicine 25, 141-154. residues constitute the main part of the cytochrome b5 binding 26. Nagai, K. (1977) J. Mol. Biol. 111, 41-53. domain. 27. Nozaki, C. & Tanford, C. (1967) Methods Enzymol. 11, 733- Similar conclusions have been drawn from studies of the 746. 28. Winterbourn, C. C. & Carrell, R. W. (1977) Biochem. J. 165, cytochrome b5-cytochrome c complex, in which four lysyl 141-148. residues of cytochrome c have been proposed to interact with 29. Kajita, A., Noguchi, K. & Shukuya, R. (1970) Biochem. Biophys. carboxylic groups surrounding the heme of cytochrome b5 (15, Res. Commun. 39,1199-1204. 16). Similar interactions have also been demonstrated to take 30. Righetti, P. G., Krishnamoorthy, R., Gianazza, E. & Labie, D. place between cytochrome c and various redox (1978) J. Chromatogr. 166, 455-460. (39-43). 31. Tomoda, A., Yubisui, T., Tsuji, A. & Yoneyama, Y. (1979) J. Biol. It is then tempting to assume that the same general mecha- Chem. 254,3119-3123. nism is involved in all these cases: namely, that the interaction 32. Moo-Pen, W. F., Schneider, R. G., Andrian, S. & Das, D. K. (1978) between complementary charged domains around heme brings Biochim. Biophys. Acta 536,283-288. 33. the heme groups close to each other, allowing the electron Krishnamoorthy, R., Bosisio, A. B., Labie, D. & Righetti, P. G. (1978) FEBS Lett. 94, 319-329. transport reaction to take place. However, the confirmation of 34. Righetti, P. G. & Chillemi, F. (1978) J. Chromatogr. 157, such a mechanism will probably have to await the solution of 243-251. the structure of the complexes by x-ray crystal- 35. Goto-Tamura, R., Takesue, Y. & Takesue, S. (1976) Biochim. lography. Biophys. Acta 423,293-302. 36. Kuma, F., Prough, R. A. & Masters, B. S. S. (1976) Arch. Biochem. 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