June 1981 Vol
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SECOND AIR DIVISION ASSOCIATION JOUR\A,-4 Vol. , No. 2 SECOND AIR DIVISION ASSOCIATION June 1981 Vo(zo ABOUT THE MEMORIAL by Jordan R. Uttal(Hdq.) It is most gratifying to advise you that 2. In memory of someone who has passed from a member of one of our groups who Evelyn Cohen and Dean Moyer have com- away since the war flew on the mission to Hanover on 12 Sep- mented with enthusiasm about the very 3. In honor of a special event in your lives, tember 1944, to the memory of a fighter large number of donations to the Memorial a birthday, wedding, anniversary, retire- pilot of the 392 Fighter group who fell Trust which have been received with your ment, the birth of a grandchild, a gradu- while defending the formation on that mis- dues remittances. All of us are most grate- ation, business promotion, etc. sion. ful to you who have contributed to our con- Since our September solicitation, we To purchase a book specifically dedi- tinuing efforts to keep the memory alive in have received 23 of these "Special Contri- cated requires a minimum of $15.00 I am perpetuity. The bigger the capital fund butions" which have been forwarded to sure however that I will have learned at the which we leave, the greater the income that England for books or cassettes dedicated to May annual meeting of the Board of Gov- will be available to truly maintain our "Liv- the individuals specified by the donor. Of ernors in Norwich that perhaps inflation ing Memorial" for the generations to come. these 23, the contributions break down as has raised that figure. If so, I will advise Please be assured that no contribution is follows: you at a later date. Whatever the case I will too small, and as you know now, we have 14 were in memory of individuals who have be pleased to handle your "Special Contri- been told that contributions to the 2nd Air passed away since the war butions" and carry out your specific in- Division Association are tax deductible. To 2 were in honor of special birthdays structions as to dedication. Checks for this those of you who have not already sent in 1 was in memory of all of our 2 AD war purpose should be made out to Second Air your dues, we urge you to do so, and to add casualties Division Association, and mailed to me that extra amount, whatever you can spare, 2 were in memory of individual war casu- in Dallas. Your donations will be ac- to our growing fund. alties knowledged by me, and either you or the At the same time we remind you of the 1 was in memory of an entire crew which family of the person honored will hear opportunity to make "Special Contribu- fell during the war from the Librarian in Norwich acknowl- tions" over and above whatever you have 1 was in memory of all the casualties of an edging the gift (without mentioning the sent in with your dues, with a specific dedi- individual group amount of the check) and wherever possi- cation to an individual, a crew, a group, an 1 was in memory of a recent death from ble, advising which books or cassettes have event, service connected or otherwise. The the surviving members of the crew been purchased with the funds. September issue of the Journal illustrated In addition, one of our groups has con- I will be pleased to answer any questions four different bookplates that are availa- ducted a drive to memorialize the recent or supply any information you may need on ble. We pointed out the possibilities such passing of their group adjutant. This effort this subject. Again to all of you who have as: raised $625.00. contributed we send our grateful apprecia- I. In memory of someone who was a war One of the most unusual was a donation tion. casualty Ketteringham Hall, Norfolk, six miles south-west of Norwich. This was the Headquarters of the Second Air Division from December 1943 to fime 1945 11 Second Air Division Association benefits of belonging to our Association. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE mini-gettogethers, Eighth Air Force They will help organize so that 2nd Division people may renew and OFFICERS OUR GROUP VICE PRESIDENTS maintain acquaintances. They will search President DAVID G. PATTERSON 28 Sore Court. Alamo, Calif 94507 This issue of the Journal is carrying unit history, so that all may profit from a Executive Vice President VINCENT D. LA RUSSA Association part 97 Grayton Rd., Tonawanda, N Y. 14150 "thumbnail sketches" of our better knowledge of that Group and its Vice President Group Vice Presidents, that you might get in history. And they will be especially inter- Membership EVELYN COHEN Apt. 06410 Delair Landing, 9301 State Road to know them better, and "meet" the per- ested in the 2nd Air Division Memorial and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19114. line, or Group is Vice President son on the other end of the phone its well-being, making sure their Journal WILLIAM G. ROBERTIE mailing address, whom you seek out when involved to assure that the Memorial P.O. Drawer B, Ipswich, Mass 01938 fully Treasurer DEAN E. MOYER you need information about your Group in continues to have the backing needed to 549 East Main St., Evans City, Pa. 16033 the Sec- Secretary MRS. MILTON VEYNAR WW II, its personnel, and about preserve it into perpetuity. 4915 Bristow Drive, Annandale, Va. 22003 ond Air Division Association. In addition, they will maintain contacts Our Group Vice Presidents each serve a with the Air Force, other Veteran's organi- American Representative, Board of Governors: one-year term, and are chosen at each zations, WW II historians and writers, the Memorial Trust JORDAN UTTAL 7824 Meadow Park Drive, Apt 101 year's Reunion by vote of their Group Press, political heads, and today's citi- Dallas, Texas 75230 members in attendance. The choice is made zenry, for the purpose of researching, ad- on the basis of their ability to inspire, to vancing, and disseminating our "story", — GROUP VICE PRESIDENTS lead, and their willingness to work hard for the Story of our Association now, of our Headquarters J. LIVINGSTON JONES 316 Ridgscrest Rd., Asheboro, N.C. 27203 their Group members, and for the good of "living" Memorial, of our proud part in 44th EIG HOWARD C HENRY, JR. the Association, during their term. This democracy and high human 1649 Portland Lane, Rossmoor, JarneSburg, N.J. 08831 preserving 93rd BG CHARLES J WEISS year, we are priviledged to have a strong ideals for the World in those critical WW II 21 Moran Dr., Waldorf, Md. 20601 355th FG RALPH A. McDONOUGH contingent of these key people, and I want years. Box 240, RD 2, Adena, Ohio 43901 to extend to each of them a warm thanks President has under- 389th BG EARL L. ZIMMERMAN Your Group Vice 8922 Haverstick Rd., Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 for their continued good work for the Asso- taken the job because he is proud of the 392nd BG J FRED THOMAS 8933 221H Biscayne Ct., Huntington Bosch, Calif. 92646 ciation. Our Group Vice Presidents are work, proud to be of service, and because 445th BG FRANCIS J. DiMOLA more than just "unit contacts", they are his sketch, 390 Madison Ave., New Milford, N.J. 07646 he wants to help you. By reading 446th VERE A.McCARTY truly administrative executives. They are and seeing his picture, you will know him a 740 Ventura St.. N. Salem, Oregon 97303 448th BG JOSEPH T MICHALCZYK the "backbone" of our organization; they little better, and perhaps find him a person 241 West St., Ludlow, Mass.01056 Association "tick". Their work any 458th BG E. A. ROKICKI make our with interests in life like yours. But at 365 Mae Rd., Glen Burnie, Md. 21061 is all unpaid, voluntary, dedicated. This rate, he will now be more than just a signa- 466th BG J. M. DANIELS 1306W Woodard, Denison. Texas 75020 year, the quality of their participation is un- ture on a letter, or a voice on the other end 467th BC KENNETH DARNEY. SR use his serv- 4510 Ridge Rd.. Baltimore, Md. 21236 surpassed. of the phone. He asks that you 489th BG COL. CHARLES H. FREUDENTHAL (Ref.) Just what does a Group Vice President ices; he likes what he is doing. Ask him to 8421 Berea Dr., Vienna. Va. 22180 491st 130 MICHAEL FAGEN do? each will, during the course of the help you find a lost 2nd Air Division friend; 1155 Spruce Ave., Atwater, Calif. 95301 exchange, and/or forward ask him about 492nd BG E. W.(Bill) CLAREY year, write, ask him about your unit; 2015 Victoria Court, Loa Altos, Calif. 94022 dozens of letters and articles about and for books, articles, or people he has contact our members, and non-members, who are with whose knowledge will enrich your un- GROUP CHAIRMAN searching for renewed contacts with long- derstanding and appreciation of your 453rd BG DONALD J OLDS WW II, or who are inter- 1403 Highland, Rolla, Mo.65401 ago comrades of Group, the Air Division, the Air Force. ested in their Group or unit's part in WW II You'll be happy with the results! history. They will research out new members, DAVID G. PATTERSON NEWSLETTER STAFF Editor WILLIAM G. ROBERTIE so that everyone possible may enjoy the President P.O. Drawer B,Ipswich, Mass 01938 Art Department EDWARDJ. HOHMAN 695 Richmond Dr., Hermitage, Pa. 16146 Photographer ROBERT T COLEMAN GOES ON 71 East Santa Chalice Dr., Green Valley, Ariz.