THE KENYA GAZETTE Published Under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered As a Newspaper at the G.P.03

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THE KENYA GAZETTE Published Under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered As a Newspaper at the G.P.03 THE KENYA GAZETTE Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G.P.03 Vol. LXIV-No. 34 NAIROBI, 14th August, 1962 Price: Sh. 1 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZE~ENo~~c~s-(Contd.) PAGE 1 PAGE Appointments, etc. 864 The Co-operative Societies Ordinance-Closure of Liquidation .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 882 The Kenya (Colony and Protectorate) (Non-Domiciled Part~es)Divorce Rules-Appointment . 864 Bankruptcies . 882, 883 The Transfer and Delegation of Powers Ordinance- The Societies Ordinance-Registrations, etc. 883, 884 Temporary Transfer of Powers . 864 I The Companies Ordinance . 884 The Courts Ordinance-Appointments . 864, 865 I Loss of Share Certificate . 884 The Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Children The African Christian Marriage and Divorce Ordin- Ordinance-Appointment .. .. .. .. .. 865 ance-Licensing of Minister . 884 The Education Ordinance-Appointments . 865 Trans Nzoia South Rural District Council-Casual Greek Consular Representation . 865 Vacancy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 885 The Egerton Agricultural College Ordinance-Appoint- I The Fraudulent Transfer of Businesses Ordinance . 885 ment .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 865 1 Dissolution of Partnership . 885 The Kenya Broadcasting Corporation Ordinance- Notice of Change of Name . .. 885 Appointment .. .. .. .. .. .. 865 The Trust Land Ordinance-Setting Apart of The Advocates Ordinance-Appointment . 865 Land . 885,886 The Advocates (Examination for Admission) Regula- lions-Date of Examination . 865 The Regulation of Wages and Conditions of Employment I SUPPLEMENT No. 57 Ordinance-Appointments to Wages Council . Legislative Supplement The Prisons O'rdinance-Appointment, etc. .. LEGALNOTICE NO. PAGE The Trade Disputes (Arbitration and Inquiry) Ordin- 408-The Persona1 Tax Ordinance, 1957-Exemption ance-Reference of Matter to a Board of Inquiry . from Penalty . 805 The Police Ordinance-Closure of Police Station 867 409-The Probation of Oifenders (Amendment) 1 Rules, 1962 . 805 The Dairy Industry (Prices of Dairy Produce) Regula- 410-The Kakamega Township (Conservancy Ser- tions-Order by the Kenya Dairy Board . vices and Fees) (Amendment) Rules, 1962 . 806 The African District Councils Ordinance-Settlement 411-The Townships General (Amendment) Rules, Schemes . 1962 .. .. .. .. .. .. 806 412-The Trading Centres Ordinance-Abolition of The Electricity Licensing Board Order-Membership of Karatina Trading Centre . 807 Board .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 867 . 413--The Local Government (County Councils) H.M. Supreme Court at Nakuru-Cause List . 867 Ordinance, 1952-Nairobi County Council- Variation of Scheme of County Administra- The Weights and Measures Ordinance-Notice to tion .. .. .. .. .. .. 807 Traders .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 868 414-The Trans Nzoia North Rural District Council Vacancies . 868-870 (Hawkers) By-laws, 1962 . 808 Liquor Licensing . 870 415-The Trans Nzoia South Rural District Council (Hawkers) By-laws, 1962 . .. 810 Famine Relief Appeal Fund-Statement , . 870 416--The Nyanza North Rural District Council (Slaughterhouse and Meat Trade) (Amend- Colony and Protectorate of Kenya-Exchequer Return 871 ment) By-laws, 1962 . 812 Kenya Post Office Savings Bank Accounts for the 417-The Nyanza South Rural District Council year 1961 .. .. .. 872, 873 (Slaughterhouse and Meat Trade) (Amend- ment) By-laws, 1962 . 813 Transport Licensing .. .. ,. 874-877 418-The Trans Nzoia North Rural District Council Trade Marks .. .. .. .. 878-880 (Markets) By-laws, 1962 . 814 419-The Trans Nzoia South Rural District Council Probate and Administration . 880-882 (Markets) By-laws, 1962 . , . :. 819 THE KENYA GAZETTE 14th 1962 GAZBTTE Nolqcs No. 3665 GAZB'D'E Nolq(7E No. 3668 (CONST. 1 /2 /21) APPOINTM ENTS THE TRANSFER AND DELEGATION (JF' POW ERS M osEs HARRV MOTIGA to bo District Oëcer, Kisii District, ORDIN ANCE, 1955 Nyanza Province, with efect from 10th July, 1962. LNo. 31 of 1955) SAMwEL ONYANGO JoslAH to be District OKccr, Elgon Nyanza 'IYMPORARY TRANSFER oF PowERs UNDER Ssclqox 2A District, Nyanza Province, with elect from 17th July, 1962. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 2A of JOHN DAVID M UNYAO M ALINDA to be. District Oflker, Nandi the Transfer and Delegation of Powe'rs Ordinance, 1955, I District, Rift Valley Province, with esect from 18th July, hereby direot that, with efect from 28th July, 1962, during the 1962. absence of the M inister for Land Settlement and W ater Develop- ment, the Minister for Education shall have and mq exercise a11 JOHN KING MITCHEI-L to be District OKcer, M achakos District, powers conferred, and shall. perform a11 the duties lmposed, by Southern Province, with eqect from 23rd July, 1962. or under any Ordinance upon the M inister for Land Settlcment COLM PEARSB O'SHEA resumed duties Of Deputy Secretary and W ater Development. (Finance and Supplies), Ministry of W orks and Communica- tions, Nairobi, with efect from 29th July, 1962, on return . Given under my hand this 31st day of July, 1962. from leave. P . M . RBNISON , AI-IZRE.D 'klxcsx'r DE souzA to act as Regiltrar of Titles, Governor. Department of Lands with eflkct from 16th July, 1962. FRANCIS ALFRED LOYD, C.M.G., O.B.E., to be a Permanent Secrem tary and Permanent Secretary to athe Governor's Oœce with GAZBT'I'S No'lqcs No. 3669 effect from 4tl1 M ay, 1962. LCONST. 1/2/21) EDWARD FRBDBRIC TREVOR HANCOCK to act as Chief lnspcctor THE TRANSFER AND DELEGATIO'N OF POW ERS of Factories, Labour Departments with esect from llth July, ORDIN AN CE, 1955 1962. (No. 31 oj 1955) PROMOTION TEMPORARY TRANSFER 0F POWERS UNDER SEGION 2A MAURICE CAMPBELL ARGYLB, (FoR.) (ED1N.), to be îDeputy ' Chief Conseryator of Forests, Forest Department, with efect IN EXERCISE 'of the powers conferred by section 2* of the frqm 5th June, 1962. Transfer énd Delegation of Powevs (Mdinuanve, 1955, 1 bereb'y direct that, with efect from 7th August, 1962, dbring the REVERSION absence of the Minister for Defence, the Vinister for Legal Affairs shall havo and may exercise a1l powers conferred and W ILLIAM REx LANCELOT ADOISON, M.B.B., M.C., ceased to act shall perform a1l the duties imposed, by or under any O'rdin, ance as Deputy Secretary (Finance and Supplies), Ministry of upon the Minister for Defence. ' W orks and Com m unications, N airobi, wtth eqect from 29th July, 1962. Givqn under my hand this 8th day of August, 1962. By Comm and of the Govtrnor. P. M. RENISON, A. M. W EBB, Governor. Minister jor Legal AFairs. GAZBUB NorcB No. 3670 GAZET'I'S No'rlcs No. 3666 (J. (t L. 13 / 1 /2 /IV) (170'/2/2) THE COURTS ORDINANCE THB KENYA (COLONY / AND PROTECTORATE) (NON.DOMICILED PARTIES) DIVORCE (Cap. 3) RULES, 1960 APPOINTMBNT OF EX OEFLCIO M AGISTM TE Tll A HIGHER SIJBORDINATE COURT (z-.x. 451 o.f 1960) IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the APPOINTMENT OF PROCI'OR Courts Ordinance, the Governor, after c'onsulting the Chief PURSUANT to rule 16 of the Kenya (Colony and Protec- Justice, hereby appoints- ' torate) (Non-Domiciled Parties) Divorce Rules, 1960, the Governor hereby appoints the Solicitor-General to exercise within CoLlN MALCOLM CARRUTHBRS the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Kenya the duties wllo is a magistrate by virtue of his oflice as a District Ofhcer, assigned to Her . Majcssty's Proctor by sections 10 and 11 of Fort Hall Dlstrict, to hold a subordinate court of the second the Matrimonial Causes Act l 1950, .of the United Kinçdom, class in the said . district for so long as he is serving as a and declares that in the exerclse of the said duties the Sollcitor- District Oëcer in that district. General shal be known by the designation of Proctor. Governlent Notice No. 662 of 1928 and Gazette Notice Dated this 3rd day of August, 1962. No. 962 of 1957 are hereby cancelled. By Command of tbe G'overnor. A. M . W EBB, Dated this 7th day of August, 1962. Mînister jor Legal AFairs. P. M . REN ISON , Governor. GXZETTB No'rïG No. 3671 (J. & L. 13/ l J 1 /lV) GAZETT'S Ntm cs No. 3667 (CONS'T. 1 /2/21) THE COURTS ORDINANCE THE TRANSFER AND DELEGATION OF POW ERS (Cap. 3) ORDINANCE, 1955 APPOINTMBNT OF Ex O'FFICIO M AGISTRATE TO A HIGHER (?lo. 31 ol 1955) SUBORDINATE COURT IN EXERCISE of the p'owezs ton'felred by section 3 of tbe TEMPORARY TRANSFER OF POWERS UNDER SECTTON 2A Courts Ordinance, the Governor, after consulting the Chief IN EXERCISE of the powers coliferred by section 2A of Justicc, hereby appoints- ' the Transfer and Delegation of Powers O'rdlnance, 1955, 1 hereby direct that, with esect from 28th July, 1962, during W ILLIAM THEODO'RE PIKE the absence of the M inister for Lands, Surveys and Town who is a magistrate by virtue of his oëce as a District Oëcer Planning, the M inister for Local Government shall have and Kisii D istrict, to hold a subordinate court of the first class, m ay exercise al1 powers conferred, and shall perform a11 in the said district for so long as he is serving as a District th! duties imposed, by or under any Ordinance upon the ' Oëcer in that district. Mlnister for Lands, Suryeys and Town Planning. Dated tbis 3rd day of August, 1962. Given ùndcr' my hand this 2nd day of August, 1962. By Command of the Governor. P. M . RENISON, A. M . W EBB, Governor. Minister /br Legal AFairs. 14th August, 1962 THE KENYA GAZETTE d6j' GAzprrE Ntn'lcs No. 3672 ' GAZE'I'TE NcnqcB No. 3676 (J. (1; L. 13/ l /2, 1V) (EDUIEGIBD) THE COURTS ORDINANCE THE EGERTON AGRICU LTURAL COLLEGE (Cap. 3) ORDINANCE, 1955 APPOINTMENT OF EX OFFICIO M AGISTRATE TO A HIGHER (No. 21 ol 1955) SIJBORDINATE Cotm'r APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERMING BODY IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by section 3 of the % Courts Ordinance, the Governor, after consulting the Chfef IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred by subsection (2) Justiee, hereby appoints,- .
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