(Ceqa) Addendum To

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(Ceqa) Addendum To CITY OF SANTA BARBARA CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) ADDENDUM TO: CITY OF SANTA BARBARA’S AND IONICS, INCORPORATED’S TEMPORARY EMERGENCY DESALINATION PROJECT (SB-106-90) State Clearinghouse No. 9010859 Final EIR Certified March15, 1991 AND LONG TERM WATER SUPPLY PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (SB-97-91) State Clearinghouse No. 91121020 Final EIR Certified May 24, 1994 City of Santa Barbara Planning Division Santa Barbara, California (805) 564-5470 Contact: Steven Greer Prepared by: Dudek 621 Chapala Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 (805) 963-0651 Contact: Joe Monaco June 10, 2015 CEQA ADDENDUM: CHARLES MEYER DESALINATION FACILITY JUNE 10, 2015 PAGE 2 OF 87 CEQA ADDENDUM: CHARLES MEYER DESALINATION FACILITY JUNE 10, 2015 PAGE 3 OF 87 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 5 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND HISTORY ........................................................ 5 1.2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................................................................................... 6 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND REGIONAL SETTING ..................................................... 10 3 DESCRIPTION OF APPROVED PROJECT .................................................................. 13 3.1 OCEAN INTAKE ................................................................................................13 3.2 DESALINATION FACILITY ................................................................................14 3.3 PUMP STATION AND CHEMICAL STORAGE FACILITY ..................................14 3.4 BRINE MIXING AND SAMPLING STRUCTURE ................................................14 3.5 PLANT PIPING AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION .........................................15 3.6 WEST PADRE STREET PUMP STATION .........................................................15 4 DESCRIPTION OF THE REACTIVATION PROJECT ................................................... 15 4.1 OCEAN INTAKE ................................................................................................15 4.2 DESALINATION FACILITY MAIN SITE .............................................................16 4.3 PUMP STATION AND CHEMICAL STORAGE FACILITY (PSCA) .....................18 4.4 BRINE MIXING AND SAMPLING STRUCTURE ................................................18 4.5 PLANT PIPING AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION .........................................18 4.6 WEST PADRE STREET PUMP STATION .........................................................18 5 ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 VISUAL RESOURCES.......................................................................................20 5.2 AIR QUALITY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS .....................................22 5.3 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ..............................................................................38 5.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES ................................................................................47 5.5 GEOLOGY AND SOILS .....................................................................................49 5.6 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS .....................................................52 5.7 NOISE ...............................................................................................................55 5.8 POPULATION AND HOUSING (GROWTH) ......................................................58 5.9 PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES .................................................................60 5.10 RECREATION ...................................................................................................63 5.11 TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION .........................................................65 5.12 WATER QUALITY AND HYDROLOGY ..............................................................69 5.13 LAND USE AND PLANNING .............................................................................74 5.14 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ...................................................................................75 6 CEQA FINDING ............................................................................................................ 85 7 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 86 CEQA ADDENDUM: CHARLES MEYER DESALINATION FACILITY JUNE 10, 2015 PAGE 4 OF 87 FIGURES 1 Regional Setting ............................................................................................................ 11 2 Project Vicinity ............................................................................................................... 12 TABLES 1 Estimated Daily Maximum Construction Emissions (pounds per day unmitigated) ............................................................................................................ 25 2 Estimated Total Construction Emissions (tons per year unmitigated) ............................ 26 3 Estimated Maximum Daily Operational Emissions (pounds per day, unmitigated) ........................................................................................................... 27 4 Estimated Annual Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions ......................................... 34 5 Estimated Annual Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2016) ............................... 35 ATTACHMENTS 1. Santa Barbara Desalination Plant Reactivation Biological Assessment Report for Intake Repair and Maintenance Activities (Tenera 2014a) 2. Santa Barbara Desalination Plant Reactivation Utility Work Boat Anchoring Locations Subtidal Biological Survey Report (Tenera 2014b) 3. Archaeological Survey Report City Of Santa Barbara Charles Meyer Desalination Facility In Relation to the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Grant (Dudek 2014a) 4. Biological Assessment for the Charles Meyer Desalination Facility (Dudek 2014b) 5. Biological Resources Assessment Report for the Charles Meyer Desalination Facility in Relation to the State Revolving Fund (SRF) Grant (Dudek 2015a) 6. Charles Meyer Desalination Plant Reactivation Project Air Quality and Greenhouse Gases Technical Memorandum (Dudek 2015b) 7. Charles E. Meyer Desalination Facility Reactivation Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. CEQA ADDENDUM: CHARLES MEYER DESALINATION FACILITY JUNE 10, 2015 PAGE 5 OF 87 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND AND HISTORY In response to a challenging water supply crisis, the Santa Barbara City Council declared a Stage III drought condition in 1990 based on a projected water supply deficit of 47% for the water year 1990-1991. The City Council then directed City of Santa Barbara (City) staff to solicit proposals from private firms for delivery of alternative water supply in amounts between 2,500 and 5,000 acre-feet per year (AFY) no later than September 1991. The supplemental water supplies were to replace the potential loss of water deliveries from Cachuma Reservoir in the 1992-93 water years and replenish groundwater basins that were over-drafted on an emergency basis. Based on the proposals received, the City chose to move forward with the analysis and construction of the Charles E. Meyer Desalination Facility (Approved Project), located at 525 East Yanonali Street, to originally provide an emergency water supply. The decision to construct the Approved Project facility was a deliberative process that involved feasibility studies that evaluated alternative intakes and treatment technologies, plant capacities, and facility locations. The Approved Project was analyzed in two separate Environmental Impact Reports (EIR). The first of those EIRs, prepared in 1991, analyzed the construction and operation of the Approved Project as a temporary emergency facility (1991 EIR). After receiving bids, the City Council directed staff to negotiate a final contract with Ionics, Inc. to deliver a desalination project. The contract included the finance, design, construction and operation of a 7,500 AFY desalination facility (expandable to 10,000 AFY). The contract period was for 5 years with an option to renew for another 5 years. Construction of the Approved Project was completed and the facility was put into operation on March 2, 1992. Additionally, the City applied for and was issued a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the temporary desalination facility by the California Coastal Commission (CCC) on May 9, 1991 (Permit 4-91-18). The CDP was issued for a 5-year period. After operating for three months, in the spring of 1992 use of the Approved Project was discontinued when ample rain in March and April 1992 resolved the City’s drought situation. The City elected to place the Approved Project into a standby condition during the remainder of the contract term (through 1996), with the caveat that production of water could be restarted with a 1-year notice by the City. For the purposes of the environmental review in the 1991 EIR and permitting from applicable local and state agencies, the Approved Project was defined as a temporary, 5-year project. However, the treatment equipment was installed for a 25-year (active service) life-cycle and complied with all standards and building codes for permanent structures. After relief of the drought came in 1992, the City recognized that drought would be a reoccurring regional challenge. The City therefore began a review of its long term water supply situation. This was in part based on a 1991 election where City voters gave overwhelming support
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