and : Emerging Worlds of the

White paper submitted in response to Voyage 2050 long-term plan in the ESA Programme

Contact Scientist: Ali H. Sulaiman

Department of Physics and 203 Van Allen Hall The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242, USA +1-319-335-0438 [email protected]

Image of ’s rings, Titan and Enceladus taken by the camera onboard Cassini- Credit: NASA/ESA

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Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Executive Summary

Some of the major discoveries of the recent Cassini-Huygens mission have put Titan and Enceladus firmly on the Solar System map. The mission has revolutionised our view of Solar System satellites, arguably matching their scientific importance with that of their . While Cassini-Huygens has made big surprises in revealing Titan’s organically rich environment and Enceladus’ cryovolcanism, the mission’s success naturally leads us to further probe these findings. We advocate the acknowledgement of Titan and Enceladus science as highly relevant to ESA’s long-term roadmap, as logical follow- on to Cassini-Huygens. In this white paper, we will outline important science questions regarding these satellites and identify the pertinent science themes we recommend ESA cover during the Voyage 2050 planning cycle. Addressing these science themes would make major advancements to the present knowledge we have about the Solar System, its formation, evolution and likelihood that other habitable environments exist outside the ’s biosphere.

Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...... 2 Why Explore Titan? ...... 2 Why Explore Enceladus? ...... 2 2. Overarching Science Themes ...... 2 3. Science Themes for Titan ...... 3 Titan’s ...... 3 Titan’s Budget ...... 5 Titan’s and Interior ...... 6 Titan’s Interaction with Saturn’s ...... 9 4. Science Themes for Enceladus ...... 11 Enceladus’ Plume ...... 11 Enceladus’ Interaction with Saturn’s Magnetosphere ...... 15 5. Titan and Enceladus Science in Context ...... 16 6. Titan and Enceladus Missions ...... 17 Mission Considerations ...... 17 Architectures ...... 18 Enabling ...... 19 7. Summary and Perspectives...... 20 8. References ...... 21 9. Core Proposing Team ...... 25


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 1 – Locations and scales of major satellites in Saturn’s system. Credit: NASA/JPL

1. Introduction Why Explore Enceladus? Why Explore Titan? Enceladus is another unique planetary From ’s glimpse of a hazy body. It is a small active that hides a atmosphere to the successful entry and global under its thick icy crust. In its landing of the Huygens probe, Saturn’s south polar region, the ocean material escapes largest moon, Titan, remains to be an through cracks in the . The escaping enigmatic Solar System body. Arguably the material forms a large plume of salty closest resembling Solar-System body to the that is rich in organic chemical compounds. Earth, Titan boasts a diverse landscape of Such key chemicals, in concert with ongoing and rivers that are kept ‘flowing’ by the hydrothermal activities and a tidally heated cycle - a striking parallel with the interior, make Enceladus a prime location for on Earth. Moreover, its thick, the search of a habitable world beyond the hazy atmosphere is sustained by a whole host Earth. Enceladus science is highly relevant to of chemical processes that create complex ESA’s goals in the next planning cycle and we organic compounds. For these reasons, we recommend the acknowledgement that advocate Titan exploration as one of ESA’s exploring Enceladus can make major science priorities in the pursuit of emerging advancements, as well as provide a unique worlds in our Solar System and its potential opportunity to answering outstanding to inform us about exotic exoplanetary questions on habitability and the workings of systems. the Solar System.


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

2. Overarching Science Themes atmosphere is thought to be similar to that of early Earth, making it an obvious choice for The exploration of Titan and Enceladus studies on the origin of . will address science themes that are central to ESA’s existing Cosmic Vision programme, The first signs of significant chemical particularly on habitability and workings of complexity in Titan’s atmosphere came from the Solar System. The remarkable Voyager images of the satellite, which was discoveries revealed by Cassini-Huygens, led obscured by an orange haze with a blue outer to the proposal of a Large-class mission in layer at the top of the atmosphere. This hid the response to the Cosmic Vision call with the surface from the visible cameras, and led goal of exploring Titan and Enceladus Sagan et al (1993) to suggest at Titan. (Coustenis et al., 2009). The proposal was Cassini’s instruments were able to penetrate accepted for further studies, however did not this with , and visible imaging, go further. Over the last decade, numerous and the Huygens probe descended through the NASA missions have been proposed to build atmosphere. From orbit, complex chemistry on the successes of Cassini-Huygens and involving neutrals, cations and anions (Waite explore these emerging worlds. In June 2019, et al., 2007, Coates et al., 2007) was found. NASA selected as their next New Some of the remarkable new results Frontiers mission to advance the search for from the Cassini mission included: the the building blocks of . unexpected presence of heavy negatively We advocate for these overarching charged molecular (up to 13,800 u/q) and themes since they encompass some of dust/aerosol particles (e.g. Coates et al 2011; humankind’s biggest open questions and Desai et al., 2017) making up a global dusty should therefore remain a priority in ESA’s (Shebanits et al., 2017); the next planning cycle. Missions to Titan and formation of a ‘soup’ of organic (pre-biotic) Enceladus would not only be a natural and compounds, including contributions to logical follow-on to the successes of Cassini- Titan’s signature orange haze, as shown in Huygens; it would provide optimal Figure 2 (e.g. Waite et al., 2007; Vuitton et laboratories to test questions pertaining to al., 2009); the unexpected impact of the solar these overarching themes, namely: (i) What EUV on the un-Chapman-like ionosphere are the conditions for the emergence of life? (Ågren et al., 2007). (ii) How does the Solar System work? (iii) Titan’s is How are planetary bodies formed and how do initiated in the ionosphere () they evolve? In addition to bringing multi- primarily by the solar EUV on the dayside and disciplinary Solar System science, addressing energetic particle influx on the nightside (e.g. these questions can enhance our knowledge Cravens et al., 2006; Shebanits et al., 2013). of exoplanetary systems and therefore foster It should be noted that while remote sensing synergy between Solar System scientists and provides excellent overview of Titan’s the rapidly growing community of ionosphere (e.g. Kliore et al., 2011) , detailed exoplanetary scientists. studies require in-situ measurements, not in 3. Science Themes for Titan the least due to the influence of the heavy negative charge carriers – molecular ions and Titan’s Atmosphere dust/aerosols. Titan is well-known for its extensive It was postulated at Titan that the high atmosphere (e.g. Niemann et al., 2005; anions would drift down through the Wahlund, 2005). Because of its composition atmosphere, as tholins, eventually reaching and complex organic chemistry (Waite et al., the surface causing the and falling in 2007; Vuitton et al., 2014), Titan’s


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 2 – Schematic representation of Titan’s complex atmospheric chemistry. Adapted from Waite et al., 2007. the lakes. The observations showed the Dusty in Titan’s ionosphere highest of anions at the lowest (e.g. Shebanits et al., 2016) (as well as altitudes (Coates et al., 2009) with the Enceladus plume, e.g. Morooka et al., 2011) showing similar trends (Wellbrock et al., deserves special attention. Dusty plasma in 2013). The first chemical models showed that space physics generally is a relatively new the low mass anion species may be CN-, field, relevant for moon-produced plasma tori C3N- and C5N- (Vuitton et al., 2009). in Saturn and systems, of Chemical schemes are only beginning to Earth (noctilucent , e.g. Shukla, 2001) provide theories as to how the larger species and Saturn (Morooka et al., 2019), cometary can be produced. Charging models may comas (e.g. Gombosi et al., 2015) and explain how species of ∼100 u could be interstellar clouds (Sagan and Khare, 1979). ionized and aggregated to form >10,000 u For Titan’s ionosphere, the dust in question (Lavvas et al. 2011; Lindgren et al. may have different names (tholins, aerosols, 2016), but only a few studies have looked at dust grains, heavy negative ions) but precise chemical routes for producing generally refers to nm-sized grains or larger, molecules >100 u. An example is the with masses of more than a few hundred formation of Polycyclic Aromatic units (e.g. Coates et al., 2007; (PAH) and more complex Lavvas et al., 2013). The lack of consensus on tholins, which are prebiotic polymer the nomenclature in fact underlines the molecules, from simple hydrocarbons and recency of the field. available as aerosols in Titan’s Titan’s dust grains form in the in-situ- atmospheric haze. It is clear the whole picture accessible ionosphere and are indeed of chemical chains connecting all species of impossible to measure with the available molecules is unclear. remote sensing methods. Dusty plasma is also 4

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 important for the energy budget as it increases even unperturbed (Bertucci et al., ionospheric conductivities (Yaroshenko and 2015). Lühr, 2016). Aerosols/dust grains in general Atmospheric evolution and space are also relevant to formation The surfaces and of (Anderson et al., 2018). Saturnian are continuously irradiated Key measurements: , visible, with the magnetospheric plasma, solar infrared and millimeter/micrometer wave photon, , and ring grains, all of spectra will remotely constrain organic which are responsible for long-term alteration compounds in Titan’s atmosphere and of surface and atmospheric materials on surface. High resolution mass/energy geological timescales (Giga years), known as spectrometers and Langmuir probes will ‘space weathering’. The space weathering differentiate and constrain properties of accompanies dissociation and synthesis of neutrals, positive and negative ions, electrons molecules in the materials, followed by and aerosols/dust grains. Radio modification in surface and atmospheric will resolve structure of the atmosphere. spectra. Summary: Titan’s atmosphere is an Titan represents the epitome of a non- excellent laboratory to study pre-biotic stationary interaction and only through a organic chemistry that directly ties into the detailed exploration of its environment (with question of the origin of life, and it is one of a space weathering perspective), can the the available sites to study dusty plasma, a escape mechanisms and the amount of rapidly emerging field in the space atmospheric loss to Saturn’s magnetosphere community. and interplanetary space be appropriately addressed. The understanding of present-

Key scientific question: What is the escape conditions for Titan will contribute of atmospheric chemistry and cloud greatly to the elaboration of more realistic formation at Titan? hypotheses about the evolution of Titan’s atmosphere in the past and also the Titan’s Energy Budget importance of atmospheric evolution in relation to habitability. Titan is the largest moon in the While represents an evolved Saturnian system and the only moon in the system embedded in the solar wind without a Solar System known to harbor a significant global , where most of the atmosphere. The moon lacks an intrinsic atmosphere has been lost, Titan represents a magnetic field and its radial distance from the system that, even without a global field, is planet at 20 Saturn radii (1 Saturn radius = protected by the Saturnian magnetosphere 60,268 km) places it very close to the nominal (most of the time) and the presence of a thick distance of the subsolar outermost boundary atmosphere, with a composition similar to of Saturn’s magnetosphere, which is not static that of the early Earth. Thus, understanding in response to variations in the solar wind the relative contribution of the different dynamic pressure. This means Titan is at escape mechanisms is important to further times inside the , and enhancing our current understanding of at other times outside making it fully exposed atmospheric evolution in the Solar System to the solar wind. All of this adds to a very and the conditions for habitability both in our complex plasma interaction, where the moon Solar System and in and can encounter not only the corotating plasma . During the Cassini era, several from the Saturnian magnetosphere, but also shocked solar wind (e.g. Wei et al., 2009) and


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 3 – Energy and mass balance at Titan. Adapted from Sittler et al. (2009). studies focused on understanding both the Summary: Titan’s atmosphere and surface neutral escape (e.g. Tucker et al. 2009) and are subjected to large variability in the escape (e.g. Coates et al. 2012, Regoli et ambient plasma and magnetic field by al. 2016). However, current datasets are virtue of its orbit radius, continuous neither sufficient nor instructive enough to galactic cosmic rays, interplanetary dust, separate the complex interaction due to the and solar photons. Altogether, these make large variability of the upstream conditions. the physical and chemical interactions of Titan and its environment inherently non- An early Earth steady state at varying timescales. The , composed mainly of N (~94%) and CH (~6%) has been 2 4 Key scientific questions: What is the likened to that of the primordial Earth, response of Titan’s atmosphere to extreme making this moon a natural environment to solar wind events, and how does it study processes that took place during the compare to quiescent events in the evolution of our own atmosphere. Modelling magnetosphere? What is the energy budget has shown Earth’s early atmosphere may of Titan’s atmosphere? Does Titan have an have been rich in and methane equilibrium state? How similar is Titan to (Tian et al., 2005). Moreover, key organic an early Earth? molecules in terrestrial prebiotic chemistry, such as hydrogen (HCN), Titan’s Geology and Interior (HC3N) and (C2N2), are formed at Titan (Teanby et al., Titan has one of the most diverse 2006). surfaces across the Solar System, mainly due Key measurements: Plasma, neutral, and to its active methane cycle, which is dust measurements will constrain influx and somewhat analogous to the water cycle on escape of material. Magnetic and electric field Earth. Titan’s complex surface has been measurements will measure current systems modified by a variety of geological exogenic that may arise and help constrain the energy and/or endogenic processes. Some of the budget of the system. exogenic ones include impact cratering and aeolian/fluvial and/or lacustrine processes, 6

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 while the endogenic ones include tectonism Titan, there are still open questions regarding and potentially cryovolcanism (e.g. Elachi et the formation and evolution of the surface, its al. 2005; Porco et al. 2005; Jaumann et al. chemical composition, and the interactions 2009; Le Gall et al. 2010; Lopes et al. 2010; between the surface, the interior, and the Wood et al. 2010). atmosphere. September 2017 marked the end of the Cassini mission; by then, ~65% of the Titan’s surface investigation is surface had been imaged by the radar complicated by its atmosphere. The thick and instrument with a spatial resolution in the dense atmosphere of Titan can only be range of 300m – 4km, and only ~20% of the penetrated remotely in specific windows at surface had been captured by the Visual and near-infrared and radar . Before Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) with 2004 and the entry of Cassini in the Saturnian a resolution better than 10 km/pixel. It system, bright and dark Titan features therefore remains terra incognita. The were observed in near-infrared images taken analysis of VIMS data provided significant by ground based and the Hubble results and insights on Titan’s nature. Space (e.g. Coustenis et al. 2005). However, the aforementioned resolution is The 13 years of Titan investigation by Cassini not adequate for thorough and detailed and Huygens’ landing on the surface in 2005 investigation of the geology of a planetary eventually revealed a remarkably Earth-like body. In addition, the optimal use of surface surface in terms of , with data with Cassini instruments were made dunes, highlands, dried and filled lakes, river through the combinations of radar and VIMS channels and more. The Cassini investigation data, which unfortunately were very limited also unveiled Titan to be an organic-rich due to the spacecraft’s orbital constraints. In world (e.g. Janssen et al. 2016; Malaska et al. the future, such synergy between instruments 2016; Hayes et al. 2018). Indeed, while would be of great value for a better Titan’s crust is made of water ice, it is covered understanding of Titan’s geological history almost everywhere at the surface by a and evolution. sedimentary organic layer of likely photochemical origin. The sediment materials The Cassini and Huygens data, the are eroded, transported, and deposited from multiple years of data analysis, laboratory sources that are yet unclear, and organized to studies, and theoretical and experimental form landscapes that vary with latitude (dunes modeling prompt the science goals for the in the equatorial belts, plains at mid-latitude, future planetary missions to Titan. Below are labyrinthic near the poles; Lopes et al. a number of key features and processes at 2013; Solomonidou et al. 2018). The role of Titan. the methane cycle in the landscape Impact craters distribution on Titan is yet to be understood. The abundance and size distribution of In addition, even if sedimentary processes impact craters usually provide into the seem to dominate Titan’s surface, some relative age of planetary surfaces. Titan, features also suggest tectonism and compared to other Saturnian moons, displays cryovolcanism. The pursuit of the study of a very limited number of impact craters on its Titan’s surface composition and its surface, indicating a relatively young and connection with the interior may unveil active surface (e.g. Wood et al. 2010; locations that are of importance to Werinsky et al. 2019). Even though some and the search for life in the studies have provided constraints (Radebaugh Solar System. et al. 2008; Neish and Lorenz, 2012; Lopes et After the Cassini golden era and despite al. 2016), the surface age of Titan still remains the great number of ground-breaking uncertain (probably between 200 Ma and 1 discoveries made by the 127 Cassini flybys of Ga).


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 4 – Diagram illustrating Titan’s multiple layers from the

atmosphere down to the interior and how could also be

transported from the subsurface ocean to the surface of Titan. (Image

Credit: A. Karagiotas/T. Shalamberidze/NAI/JPL

Winds Plains One of the major geological processes on 60% of the surface of Titan is covered by Titan’s low latitudes is the aeolian (wind) plains that appear uniform at the resolution of activity. The dark, organic-rich terrains that the Cassini radar (300 m at best). Future dominate the are giant fields, missions will have to unravel the mystery of which are hundreds of km long, a few km these features, which likely hold important wide and about 50-150m in height. Strong clues on the evolution of Titan’s surface. winds occurring at the seem to control their direction (Charnay et al. 2015), Lakes but local topography and ground humidity Titan is the only other planetary body in seem to play a role too. Further investigation the Solar System to possess bodies of liquid of the dune morphometry and composition on its surface that are stable in time. Cassini would help better understand Titan’s observations of Titan have revealed three seas and geology. and ~650 polar lakes, 200 being empty and more than 300 filled or partially filled (e.g.

Stofan et al. 2007; Hayes, 2016). Modeling

suggests the liquid composition to be a

mixture of methane and with the 8

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 contribution of dissolved nitrogen (e.g., and potential cryovolcanism. Liquid water Sagan and Dermott, 1982). However, Cassini can also exist at the surface for a limited time, data rather suggest a dominance of the e.g. after an impact or a cryoeruption. All methane (Mastrogiuseppe et al. 2014; 2018). these suggest conditions potentially suitable It remains to explain the fate of ethane which for life as we know it and future missions is produced in abundance in the atmosphere should investigate Titan’s chemistry and by photochemistry. In addition, most of search for biosignatures. Titan's smaller lakes are characterised as Key measurements: High spatial resolution sharp-edged depressions with raised rims and radar and infrared spectrometer will map ramparts surrounding some of them (e.g. Titan’s surface. Complete coverage will be Birch et al. 2018; Solomonidou et al. 2019). achieved by an orbiter. Mass spectrometer The origin of both and, more generally, the will determine chemistry of Titan lakes. formation mechanism of Titan’s lakes will determine depth of a Titan sea. remains unknown. measurements will characterise Tectonism & Cryovolcanism Titan’s interior. High-resolution and high- Titan’s tectonism and cryovolcanism is sensitivity will identify still, after Cassini’s exploration, under key molecules in search of biosignatures. debate. Features on Titan such as linear dark Summary: Titan is arguably the most features, ridges, mountains, and Earth-like Solar System body. Its methane (Porco et al. 2005; Radebaugh et al. 2007; cycle draws an analogy with Earth’s water Mitri et al. 2010; Lopes et al. 2010) suggest cycle. The abundance of organic material, tectonism (Scheidegger, 2004) followed by water and energy source due to potential exogenous processes. However, Cassini cryovolcanism qualifies the satellite as a imagery is insufficient to understand the prime candidate for a habitable world in origin of the observed surface deformations the Solar System. (, crust cooling etc). Another surface process that has not yet Key scientific questions: What are the been identified, but is speculated, is characteristics of Titan’s habitability and cryovolcanism. by cryovolcanism what potential biosignatures should we has been proposed as a possible look for? What is the composition and replenishment mechanism for Titan’s distribution of materials on and beneath (e.g. Lopes et al. 2007) Titan’s surface? What are the lakes made and a number of plausible cryovolcanic of? Is the interior active? landforms were proposed on the basis of their morphology (e.g. lobate flows in Sotra Titan’s Interaction with Saturn’s Patera) and/or because surface changes were Magnetosphere observed (Solomonidou et al. 2016). However, there is no “smoking gun” for Titan’s orbit radius of 20 Saturn radii cryovolcanism on Titan and the idea of places it, most of the time, within Saturn’s cryovolcanism as a possible shaping process magnetosphere, and embedded in the rapidly remains controversial (e.g. Moore and rotating, magnetised plasma that flows at Pappalardo, 2011). Future missions will shed ~100 km s-1, much faster than the Titan orbital on the exchanges between the interior, speed of ~6 km s-1. As the plasma flows past the surface, and the atmosphere of Titan. and around Titan, magnetic field lines that are Astrobiology ‘frozen’ into the moving plasma drape around Titan harbors a combination of complex the moon, thus forming downstream lobes in hydrocarbons and organic molecules in which the field generally points towards Titan addition to a water ocean beneath its ice shell in one lobe, and away in the other. The 9

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 5 – Sketch describing how Titan’s plasma interaction depends on solar wind pressure. Under nominal solar wind conditions, Titan interacts with Saturn’s rotating magnetosphere (A). When solar wind pressure is high, Titan exits Saturn’s magnetosphere and is exposed to the solar wind (B). Figure adapted from Bertucci et al. (2008). magnetic field configuration arising from this Fossil magnetic field type of interaction depends on the field and Later, Achilleos et al (2014) used a plasma conditions upstream of Titan. model of the plasma sheet (magnetodisk) to study one fly-by in detail. They found that the Before Cassini, the common perception magnetospheric flux tubes that flow closest to was that the upstream field would be oriented Titan may carry with them the imprint of a north-south, the equatorial direction of very different kind of upstream field Saturn’s dipole field. The Cassini mission, compared to the imprint carried by plasma in however, has shown a very different picture. the far-Titan space. This is because the Saturn’s disk-like plasma sheet continuously upstream field is continually changing. This flaps up and down past Titan, with a period change in magnetic ‘imprint’ could become close to what we believe is the true rotation even more pronounced if the boundary of period of the planet – around 10.7 hours. This Saturn’s magnetosphere moves inward or flapping does not come from any tilt in outward past Titan. When this happens (albeit Saturn’s magnetic equator (Saturn’s internal relatively rarely), Titan transitions between a field is almost perfectly aligned with the magnetospheric and a solar wind regime, a planet’s rotational axis). Rather, it arises from process first discovered by Bertucci et al. a rotating wave-like pattern imposed on the (2008) in the T32 of Cassini. At T32 sheet by rotating systems of electric currents closest approach (CA) to Titan, the magnetic in the magnetosphere, flowing on field lines field, remarkably, had a southward extending ~10-15 Saturn radii. As the plasma component. By contrast, the ambient solar sheet moves, the upstream field changes, wind magnetic field surrounding the CA being dominantly north-south when Titan is interval had a northward component. The near the centre of the plasma sheet. These southward component near CA is consistent changes were characterised by Bertucci et al with the draped field that would have been (2009), who surveyed Cassini seen, had Titan been continuously immersed data during spacecraft flybys of Titan. in Saturn’s magnetosphere throughout the encounter. But at CA, both Titan and Cassini 10

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 were, unambiguously, outside the viable candidate for induction. Any induced magnetosphere. In fact, Titan had been there dipole moment would be expected to change for at least ~15 minutes, just after spending up direction during Saturn’s , at which to three hours in the magnetosphere. Hence, the time average direction of the ambient the field that was imprinted on Titan’s magnetospheric field changes direction, due ionosphere during its magnetospheric to the displacement of the mean current sheet excursion survived there for at least 15 from above to below the equator (for the minutes. The time range of the (external) equinox captured by Cassini). Wei et al. magnetic imprint on Titan was found to be (2018) have recently reported finding a ~15 minutes - ~3 hours, hence constraining possible reversing induced field signature the lifetime of the imprint fossil field at Titan, through comparing pre- and post-equinox and raises the intriguing prospect of field data from Cassini. This suggests that ‘magnetic archeology’, where close flybys of further characterisations or constraints on the Titan could potentially reveal details of induced dipole at Titan are needed for finally ambient fields to which Titan has been answering the question of whether an exposed up to about three hours in the past. electrically conducting region, such as an ocean, exists beneath the surface. The interaction between Titan and the magnetosphere is bidirectional. While the Key measurements: will incoming plasma and magnetic field defines measure the fossil magnetic field of Titan and many aspects of the interaction at the moon, measure any induced magnetic field the presence of the moon itself affects the generated in Titan’s interior. Electric field local magnetosphere in ways that are yet not antennas, magnetometers and plasma fully understood. The model of the spectrometers will measure any potential interaction, as described by computer electrodynamic coupling between Titan and simulations (e.g. Simon et al. 2015) predicts Saturn. the existence of a pair of extended Alfvén Summary: Titan’s interaction with Saturn wings (standing Alfvén waves) that connect is both highly dynamic and bi-directional. with the planet’s ionosphere. However, these It is unclear whether Titan has an wings have not yet been detected, most internally generated magnetic field. probably due to the limited spatial coverage of the Cassini flybys. Key scientific questions: How exactly Internal magnetic field does Titan interact with Saturn? What is the A study of Cassini magnetometer data power transfer between the two systems? Is there an induced magnetic field generated in in the near-Titan environment by Wei et al. Titan’s interior that might be associated with (2010) demonstrated that the upper limit of a a subsurface ocean or a weak dynamo? putative permanent dipole moment would be 3 ~0.78 nT RTitan , not significantly different 4. Science Themes for Enceladus from zero. The lack of a magnetic dynamo inside Titan is consistent with the Enceladus’ Plume incompletely differentiated interior suggested by Cassini gravity measurements (Iess et al., Cassini has also dramatically 2010). The existence of an induced dipole revolutionised our view of the small moment, arising from the penetration of a Enceladus, of ~500 km in diameter, orbiting slowly varying external field into a at 4 Saturn radii. It was discovered that strong subsurface conducting region, remains an plumes emanate from warm ‘tiger stripe’ open question – the variation of the features on its south polar surface (Dougherty magnetospheric field on the ~29-year orbital et al., 2006, Porco et al., 2006). These plumes timescale of Saturn, for example, may be a of water vapour and ice grains are thought to be the long-suspected source of particles 11

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Figure 6 – Illustration of the interior of Enceladus showing a global liquid water ocean between its rocky core and icy crust. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech. making up Saturn’s E-ring, and also the about 50° (Iess et al., 2014). These findings dominant source for neutrals and plasma in hint -water interactions in regions Saturn’s magnetosphere. In-situ observations surrounding the core of Enceladus resulting in here revealed primarily water vapour and chemical ‘footprints’ being preserved in the trace amounts of -based neutral liquid and subsequently transported upwards (Waite et al., 2009), as well as water- to the near-surface plume sources, where they group positive ions that slow, divert and even are eventually ejected. Furthermore, the stagnate the magnetospheric flow (Tokar et detection of nanometer-sized silica particles al., 2009). Directly over the plume sources, indicates ongoing high- (>90 °C) charged nanograin populations have been hydrothermal reactions associated with observed that are related to the tiger stripes global-scale geothermal activity. (Hsu et al., but dispersed in their motion by Saturn’s 2015; Sekine et al., 2015; Choblet et al., magnetic field (Jones et al., 2009). Negative 2017). water group ions, possibly with additional Tidal forces species consistent with hydrocarbons, are also The brightness of the plume of seen. Enceladus has been shown to depend on the Ongoing hydrothermal activities orbital of Enceladus (Hedman et al., Repeated Cassini sampling of 2013). Since Enceladus’ orbit is slightly Enceladus’ plume ejecta, simulations and elliptical, tidal stresses will act on the moon laboratory experiments have concluded and the cracks in its south polar region will present-day hydrothermal activity at either be more or less open depending on the Enceladus may resemble what is seen in the distance between Enceladus and Saturn. deep of Earth. The detection of Hedman et al., 2013 showed that the plumes’ sodium-salt-rich ice grains emitted from the brightness is several times greater when plume suggests that the grains formed as Enceladus is around apocenter (farthest away frozen droplets from a liquid reservoir that from Saturn) than when the moon is around has been in contact with rocks (Postberg et al., pericenter (closest to Saturn). A change in 2009). Gravity measurements suggest the plume brightness may be caused by a change presence of a subsurface sea at depths of 30- in the size distribution of the grains and not 40 km and extending up to south latitudes of solely to their total mass.


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Several studies (e.g. Saur et al., 2008) detected by remote sensing – after Earth and have shown variability in the amount of water . molecules ejected from the cracks in the icy crust of Enceladus. However, the correlation INMS also detected molecular between the orbital phase of Enceladus and hydrogen in the plume (Waite et al, 2017). the modulation in the ejected material has Ongoing hydrothermal reactions of rock been difficult to confirm (e.g. Hansen et al., containing reduced minerals and organic 2015). The Cassini observations of the plume materials have been invoked as the most have raised many questions about the driving plausible source of this hydrogen. Waite et al. processes, the time modulations, the structure (2017) further postulated that the relatively of the plume, and the dynamics of the ejected high hydrogen abundance in the plume material. signals thermodynamic disequilibrium that favours the formation of methane from CO2 The water that is ejected from the south in Enceladus’ ocean. This state of polar region of Enceladus creates a neutral disequilibrium is exploited by some forms of water torus around Saturn, along the orbit of life (chemolithotrophs) as a source of the moon. Subsequently, transport, chemical energy. H2 are used by photoionization, and electron impact some of the most phylogenetically ancient ionization of the neutral material creates a forms of life on Earth (Raymann et al., 2015), plasma disk at the same location. The disk has while on modern Earth, geochemical fuels been suggested to vary with longitude such as H2 support thriving ecosystems even (Gurnett et al., 2007), local time (Holmberg et in the absence of sunlight (Kelley et al., al., 2014), season (Tseng et al., 2010) and the 2001). solar cycle (Holmberg et al., 2017). These asymmetries found in the plasma disk are still under investigation. A complicating factor to finding a clear modulation in the plasma disk is that the source of disk material, i.e., the Enceladus plume, is also varying. Astrobiology The Ion Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) onboard Cassini sampled Enceladus’ plume and found , along with various other organic compounds, 40 and very probably Ar (Waite et al., 2009). Figure 7 – Composition of Enceladus’ plume Since ammonia acts as an anti-freeze, its as measured by Cassini’s Ion and Neutral presence is strong evidence for the existence Mass Spectrometer (Waite et al., 2009). of liquid water, given that the measured exceed 180 K near the fractures from which the jets emanate (Spencer et al., That said, while Cassini has flown 2006). Temperatures were measured by through and directly sampled Enceladus’ Cassini’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer plumes, it did so with instruments that were (CIRS), which detected 3-7 GW of thermal 20 years old and with very limited emission from the south polar troughs and capabilities. The aforementioned discoveries confirming an internal heat source. This cannot categorically confirm evidence of makes Enceladus the third known solid biological processes. More complex and planetary body that is sufficiently highly sensitive analyses will recognise long geologically active for its internal heat to be chain molecules and amino acids that are uniquely interesting targets in the search for 13

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 life. Even more complex analyses such as south pole are nanometers to micrometers, identifying the chirality (left-handed right- however, the overall negative charge in the handed) of amino acids will be very plume is carried by the nanometer to sub- instructive. Nearly all amino acids on Earth micrometer grains (Dong et al., 2015), and are left-handed since biological processes they are in the dusty plasma regime (Morooka requires this basic consistency for to et al., 2011). fold. It is therefore expected that any - Key measurements: Modern chemical based life will “choose” a particular chirality, spectrometers will identify long chain i.e. all left-handed or all right-handed, rather molecules, such as essential amino acids than an equal mixture of the two (Creamer et required for biological processes, with the al., 2016). capability of discriminating between left- Dusty Plasmas handed and right-handed chirality. Chemical In the plume, the exhaust from the spectrometers will also identify other south pole creates a different plasma regime, important compounds, relative abundances dusty plasma. When the ice particles from the and oxidation states that are key ingredients fractures immerse into the ambient plasma, for biological processes. Infrared and they acquire charges. The charge state of the ultraviolet spectrometers will monitor the particle varies depending on the surrounding plume gas, its activity and dust distributions. plasma condition. In the dense plasma, as in Dust analysers and plasma spectrometers Saturn’s inner magnetosphere, the electrical (electron and ion) will measure a wide range potential of the dust becomes slightly of the size distribution of grains. Plasma negative (Kempf et al., 2006; Wahlund et al., spectrometers and Langmuir probes will 2009), and the grain charge number varies measure electrical potential of the grains, as from single to several thousand (e.g., Horanyi well as electron temperature and ion speeds. et al., 1992; Yaroshenko et al., 2009). The Gravity measurements will charactertise charged grains from Enceladus in Saturn’s Enceladus’ interior. magnetosphere are under the influences of Summary: Enceladus has ongoing both gravity as well as electromagnetic hydrothermal activity from its tidally forces. When the number of charged grains is heated interior. The plume emanates from large and inter-grain distance is small the southern polar region and has been compared to the plasma Debye length, measured to contain water, volatiles and charged dust particles participate in the organic compounds. The plume originates collective behavior, i.e. dusty plasma in from a subsurface salty ocean. Altogether, contrast to dust-laden plasma. the knowns of (i) an accessible salty ocean, A number of Enceladus flybys by (ii) organic compounds, (iii) energy and (iv) Cassini provided direct measurements of the hydrothermal activity make Enceladus a dust and plasma in the plume regions. The prime candidate to explore habitability charged grains have been directly confirmed outside the Earth’s biosphere. by the Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) (Kempf et al., 2008), the Radio Plasma Wave Science Key scientific questions: Is life present in (RPWS) antenna (Kurth et al., 2006), and the Enceladus now? What is the chemistry of plasma spectrometer (CAPS) as high energy its plume? How does the chemistry evolve charged particles (Hill et al., 2012). The total over time? Does the chemistry contain charge number of the grains has been inferred signatures of biology? by the Langmuir probe and the magnetic field measurements (Morooka et al., 2011). Combining these measurements concluded that the typical size of the outgas from the


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Enceladus’ Interaction with Saturn’s Magnetosphere Electric current system The coupling between Enceladus and Saturn is in many aspects similar to the one observed near Jupiter’s moon Io (Neubauer, 1980). It includes the existence of accelerated plasma and magnetically field-aligned electric currents, associated with Alfvén wings, producing auroral footprints on the Saturn’s atmosphere. Indeed, two striking observations of the Enceladus auroral footprint have been reported by Pryor et al. 2011 and observations of accelerated electron beams associated with plasma wave Figure 8 – Artist’s concept of the coupling emissions (Gurnett, et al. 2011) and field between Enceladus and Saturn creating an aligned electric currents (Engelhardt et al. auroral footprint on Saturn’s atmosphere. 2015) have been also reported near the moon Credit: K. Moscati and A. Rymer; JHU/APL at the edge of the plume. Space weathering Since the plume is located near the As introduced earlier, prebiotic south pole of Enceladus, a north-south polymers are synthesized in Titan’s asymmetry in Enceladus’ plasma interaction atmosphere. Such a process could also happen and the Alfvén wing system is introduced. on Enceladus’ surface because there are The south pole plume launches Alfvén waves, source materials, e.g., ammonia and tholins, which are partially blocked by the solid body already suggested from surface reflectance at of Enceladus. This leads to hemispheric ultraviolet wavelengths (Zastrow et al., coupling currents along the Enceladus flux 2012). tube and associated discontinuities in the magnetic field (Saur et al. 2007, Simon et al. Space weathering inhomogeneity 2014). In addition to the spatial asymmetries potentially exists at Enceladus because it has of the interaction, the plasma interaction is an inhomogeneous magnetic field induced by also time-dependent due to the diurnal electromagnetic interactions between variability of Enceladus’ plume activity (Saur Saturn’s magnetosphere, Enceladus’ surface, et al. 2008, Hedman et al. 2013). plume, and subsurface ocean (e.g., Jia et al., 2010). More recently when Cassini sampled Saturn’s topside ionosphere, Sulaiman et al. If we successfully associate (2018) reported observations of plasma characteristics of the space weathering with processes and strong electric currents the cumulative dose of irradiation, the demonstrably linked to Enceladus. The duration of weathering can be estimated from detection of such phenomena when Cassini the surface , i.e. more weathered was so close to Saturn underlined the surfaces have been irradiated for a longer nonlocality and spatial extent of the ever- time. The absolute duration of weathering, in present coupling between Enceladus and turn, tells us the duration of the induced Saturn, thus indicating these two bodies are in magnetic field that modifies the weathering. continuous energy exchange between each The induced magnetic field duration other. This magnitude of this energy, constrains when the interiors were molten, however, remains to be quantified. started pluming, and simultaneously induced the magnetic field. 15

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Key measurements: A magnetometer will 5. Titan and Enceladus Science in measure the strength and direction of the Context electric current and Alfvén wing coupling Saturn to Enceladus, as well as measure any The scientific themes summarised in induced magnetic field. Plasma spectrometers the previous sections are relevant to a wide will measure the beam speeds and range of disciplines within physics, chemistry associated with the coupling. Electric field and biology spanning micro- (e.g. antennas and magnetic search coils will fundamental chemistry) to macro-scales (e.g. constrain frequencies and powers of plasma evolution). Below is a list of some emerging waves that arise as a result of this interaction. and fast-growing fields that are relevant to the Altogether the fields and particles suite will exploration of Titan and Enceladus. constrain the power of this coupling. Highly sensitive ultraviolet spectrometer will Exoplanets and exomoons remotely detect the auroral footprints on The rapid growth of the exoplanetary Saturn’s atmosphere, that have only been community is reflected by multiple selected detected very few times by Cassini. In-situ European and international missions, such as plasma measurements will quantify incident Plato, , ARIEL, JWST, etc. The plasma flux and composition irradiated to exploration of Titan and Enceladus will Enceladus’ surface. Ultraviolet, visible, uniquely complement these remote infrared, millimeter/micrometer wave spectra observations by providing an in-situ will remotely detect distribution of space perspective to the knowledge of exoplanetary weathering activity. and/or composition, structure and formation. Summary: Saturn is persistently coupled to Enceladus through a large and extensive Ocean worlds and Astrobiology system of electric currents along Saturn’s magnetic field lines. As Enceladus orbits The topic of ocean worlds in the Solar Saturn, it traces a circle of dynamism on System has witnessed a ‘boom’ in the last Saturn’s northern and southern decade with the selection of ESA’s JUICE atmospheres that are magnetically and NASA’s Clipper missions to the conjugate to Enceladus’ orbit. The . The potential to understand combination of spatial asymmetries on ocean worlds through the exploration of Titan Enceladus’ surface and temporal and Enceladus is limitless. These moons variability of its plume activity means this together offer a diverse range of topics in this interaction is highly non-uniform. area that include: (i) Bodies of liquid of Enceladus is prone to space weathering by various sizes (e.g. lakes on Titan, ocean on incident plasma, which might be capable of Enceladus), (ii) Surface and subsurface synthesising organic compounds. bodies, (iii) Depletion and replenishment of bodies (e.g. lakes on Titan), (iv) tidally heated interiors, and (v) Chemical and geological Key scientific questions: What is the processes (e.g. rock-water interactions). strength of Saturn’s interaction with Combined with JUICE and Enceladus? In other words, how much findings, the exploration of Titan and energy is transferred between the two Enceladus will bring strong constraints on the bodies? How is Enceladus’ surface affected presence of liquid water further away from by space weathering? What organic the than previously supposed by the compounds are synthesized by the space standard habitability zone models in the Solar weathering process at Enceladus? System, and would provide essential new constraints for the search for habitable worlds


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 outside our Solar System, in exoplanetary the and the interactions systems. between dust and plasma are missing links. It is postulated that dust-plasma interaction The recent selection of Dragonfly, a must influence the nucleation of grains as mission that will send a mobile robotic well as their subsequent agglomeration. The rotorcraft to Titan, for the NASA New Enceladus plume and Titan’s atmosphere are Frontiers program, testifies to the interest of the sites to investigate the nature of charged the international dust and its interaction with plasma, and may community for Saturn's largest moon. Titan is give hints to addressing questions on one of the most compelling astrobiology planetary formation mechanisms. target in the Solar System and Dragonfly will assess its prebiotic chemistry and habitability 6. Titan and Enceladus Missions visiting multiple locations at the surface including dunes and a young crater. Mission Considerations Atmospheres Payload The diverse scientific opportunities The combination of Titan’s chemically highlighted in Sections 3 and 4 call for a range rich atmosphere and highly variable space of instruments, most of which can participate environment affords a vast spectrum of in more than one experiment. In-situ atmospheric dynamics, chemistry and cloud instrumentation is required for direct formation phenomena that can be explored. In sampling of Titan’s atmosphere and lakes, tandem with comparative datasets of other Enceladus’ plume and their interaction with Solar System bodies, a large parameter space Saturn’s environment. Their capabilities can be constructed from which and include, but are not limited to: Mass exomoon atmospheres can be characterised. of ions and neutrals, plasma Origin and evolution of the Solar System analysis (ions, electrons), aerosol and dust detection, electric and magnetic field The satellites around giant can direction, frequency and power. Multi- offer clues of how the Solar System evolved spectral remote sensing instrumentation is in time. For example, the mass-distance required for the characterisation of Titan’s relationship of the icy moons suggests a atmosphere, their surfaces and interiors. possible linkage to the origin and evolution of These capabilities include, but are not limited giant planets’ ring systems (Charnoz et al., to: Radar imaging and sounder, ultraviolet, 2010). Moreover, the circumstances allowing visible, infrared, millimeter and micrometer the capture of small objects into satellites do spectroscopy and imaging, gravity not exist in the current stage of the Solar radiometry, seismometer, thermal sensing. System. Understanding the properties of the These instruments have strong European irregular satellites around giant planets heritage from previous, existing and therefore provides a unique window to look upcoming missions such as JUICE, into the past of the Solar System evolution. Cassini/Huygens, , BepiColombo, etc. Dust in the Solar System and planetary formation Titan and Enceladus hold the likelihood of hosting biosignatures, thus making Dust and are the fundamental planetary protection considerations elements for the formation of and necessary. Fortunately, collecting samples planets. Recent studies consider the effects of from Enceladus’ plume means possible magnetorotational instability of plasmas. biosignatures originating from the moon’s However, the evolution of dusty plasma in the interior can be obtained without penetrating absence of the UV ionization at the center of the surface. This greatly mitigates risks 17

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 associated with planetary protection, as well where they explored the possibilities of a hot as mission complexities and costs in general. air balloon (Titan), mini-probes (Titan) and For this reason, we argue that Enceladus penetrators (Titan and Enceladus). In June poses the least risk for the search for 2019, Dragonfly was selected as NASA’s biosignatures in the outer Solar System. next New Frontiers mission. The mission will send a robotic rotorcraft lander to Titan in Radiation order to explore prebiotic chemistry and Saturn has relatively weak radiation habitability. Such heavier-than-air flight is belts, thus making radiation considerations made possible by Titan’s thicker atmosphere manageable. The outermost edge of the main (1.5x that of the Earth’s) and smaller radiation belt is situated at 3.5 Saturn radii, gravitational . which is planetward of Enceladus’ orbit (4 Saturn radii) and Titan’s orbit (20 Saturn A recent concept of a versatile aerial- radii). aquatic robotic provides the capability of in-situ near-surface atmosphere and Architectures surface liquid observations (McKevitt, 2019). L-class or M-class (Titan and Enceladus The operation has heritage in robotic work Orbiter; Bioinspiration and Biomimetrics) inspired by observations of the natural world An orbiter with a probe/lander would – the field of bioinspiration and biomimetrics. cover all the identified scientific goals. This A ‘plunge diving’ manoeuvre, inspired by the will ensure the spatial coverage required to gannet seabird (Liang et al., 2013), involves fully map the surfaces of the satellites and the aircraft plunging nose-first into the characterise their interiors using gravity and surface of Titan’s . The vehicle is capable induction measurements. A Titan orbiter of relaunching and ejecting a mass of liquid would also serve as a communication link collected from the area of launch, as shown in between Earth and a probe/lander on the Figure 9 (Siddall and Kovac, 2014). Through ground or lake. Titan has a relatively large this, measurements of the compositions of mass and is far enough away from Saturn to Titan’s lakes and near-surface atmosphere impose a reasonable ΔV cost. Enceladus, on can be achieved. Entry and descent data can the other hand, possesses a very low mass also be used to perform upper and mid- (0.8% Titan’s mass) and orbits deep within atmospheric observations, in a similar way to Saturn’s gravity well thus demanding an orbit the Huygens descent. insertion ΔV that is prohibitively large. Efficient tour designs have been explored such as a leveraging tour with Titan, , and to reach Enceladus orbit. This was found to require less than half of the ΔV of a direct Titan-Enceladus transfer (Strange et al., 2009). Free-return cycler trajectories are also possible, where a spacecraft shuttles between Enceladus and Titan using little or no fuel (Russell and Strange, 2009). Numerous diverse Titan missions have been proposed in the last decade (Reh, 2009; Figure 9 – Impression of a ‘plunge diving’ Oleson et al., 2015; Barnes et al., 2012). A manoeuvre by an aerial-aquatic aircraft mission to the Titan-Enceladus system, inspired by the gannet seabird (inset). Inset TandEM, has been extensively studied as an adapted from Liang et al. (2013). L-class mission by Coustenis et al. (2009), 18

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

A Saturn orbiter with multiple satellite induced and fossil magnetic fields that may be flybys would also provide significant found on Titan. scientific return on the aforementioned Telecommunications themes. The Saturn orbiter would have state- Given the range of the proposed target, of-the-art payload that exclusively affords science data return will be limited by satellite science. bandwidth. Most deep space missions use X- S-class or F-class (Plume flyby) band links, while few also use Ka-band, to A flyby mission could provide transmit telemetry. Nowadays, NASA’s Deep significant scientific return, however this Space Network (DSN) 70-m radio antennas would focus on a single theme, namely provide the maximum rates. Since Cassini habitability. A spacecraft with focused relied on NASA’s DSN, a mission to Titan payload would fly through Enceladus’ plume and Enceladus would therefore require and conduct ultra-high resolution and similar capabilities to achieve the minimum sensitivity measurements of its composition science data return. Further studies of new or in search for biosignatures. upgraded telecommunications are welcomed. This includes both Earth- Enabling technology direct and intra-spacecraft (i.e. relay between Radioactive power sources probe and spacecraft) communications. Electrical power sources for outer Autonomous guidance, navigation and planet missions are a key enabling control technology. Electrical power and spacecraft Autonomous GN&C systems are heating are issues for any mission beyond the required whenever position and attitude must orbit of Jupiter due to the low be known precisely and updated quickly. at such distances. This is further complicated Proximity missions, particularly small body by the decrease in solar panel efficiency at proximity, will require onboard autonomous low intensities (LILT). To supply sufficient, GN&C to detect and avoid surface hazards long-term, and uninterrupted power, solar and especially to minimise planetary panels of an unfeasibly large area would be protection risks. This technology more required. This makes both Radioisotope broadly applies to flyby, small body Thermoelectric Generators (RTGs) and rendezvous and orbiting, landing, Radioisotope Heating Units (RHUs) and “touch and go” necessary to power and heat the spacecraft, 241 sampling, for example to cope with severe respectively. Within Europe, AM is and unpredictable contact forces and torques. favoured over 238Pu as a source of radioisotopes. Despite 241AM having a lower Mass spectrometry and dust analysis power density that that of 238Pu, its longer The surprise discovery of Enceladus’ half-life and more cost-effective production plume by Cassini meant the mass makes it the economical alternative. A spectrometer and dust analyser onboard were mission to explore Titan and Enceladus not specifically designed for such would greatly benefit from an independent measurements. The composition of the plume European power source. was determined using a low resolution mass spectrometer. A more detailed analysis of the Electromagnetic cleanliness plume in search for complex biosignatures EMC issues should be explored to would require a mass spectrometer with satisfy requirements imposed by some of the higher capability of measuring masses up to listed payload elements on the spacecraft, e.g. 1000 u, with a high resolution exceeding plasma packages and magnetometers. This 24,000 m/Δm and a high sensitivity of one would be especially crucial to resolve any part per trillion. The state-of-the-art mass spectrometer should not only be capable of 19

Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050 identifying complex organic chains, but also differentiating their chirality. Similarly, the dust and ice analysers should have higher capabilities, resolution and sensitivity to pick up individual ice and dust grains with micron and sub-micron diameters. These requirements have been studied in detail by the team [Lunine et al., 2015]. 7. Summary and Perspectives This white paper briefly describes outstanding questions pertaining to Titan and Enceladus - legacies of the successful Cassini-Huygens mission. We make the case that such questions are not merely specific to these two mysterious systems but have much broader and deeper implications for humakind’s outstanding questions at large of habitability in the Solar System. For these reasons, we recommend the acknowledgement of Titan and Enceladus as priorities for ESA’s Voayage 2050 programme and to combine efforts, in science and technology, with international agencies to launch a dedicated mission to either or both tagets, much like ESA’s key involvement in some of the most successful planetary missions like Cassini-Huygens. The core proposers fully support complementary white papers led by S. Rodriguez and G. Choblet advocating Titan and Enceladus science, respectively. Altogether, these white papers are a testament to the size, strength and diversity of the Titan and Enceladus community.


Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

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24 Enceladus and Titan: Diversity of science for Voyage 2050

Core Proposing Team

Ali Sulaiman Alice Le Gall University of Iowa, USA. LATMOS, Université Versailles Saint Quentin, France.

Nicholas Achilleos James McKevitt University College London, UK. Imperial College London, UK.

Sushil Atreya Michiko Morooka University of Michigan, USA. Swedish Institute of Space Physics Uppsala, Sweden.

Cesar Bertucci Go Murakami Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan.

Andrew Coates Leonardo Regoli Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK. University of Michigan, USA.

Michele Dougherty Elias Roussos Imperial College London, UK. Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Germany.

Lina Hadid Joachim Saur Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, University of Cologne, Germany France. Oleg Shebanits Candice Hansen Imperial College London, UK. Planetary Science Institute, USA.

Anezina Solomonidou Mika Holmberg LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, France Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et

Planétologie, Toulouse, France.

Jan-Erik Wahlund Hsiang-Wen (Sean) Hsu Swedish Institute of Space Physics University of Colorado, Boulder, USA. Uppsala, Sweden.

Tomoki Kimura J. Hunter Waite Tohoku University, Japan. Southwest Research Institute, USA.

William Kurth

University of Iowa, USA.