AFFAIRS - 'A Critical Voice of the Black Community" Vol. 2, No. 8 Athens, Ohio 45701 Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Les Morrow In Justice BLACK POLITICAL By Antar S.K. Mberi and Ron Johnson Riding on a tidal wave of in the long run, and Captain Cochran CONVENTION anti-Cochranism, Les Morrow was found that his reign of tyranny and acquitted last week of abusing and fascist style of American justice was not obstructing an officer in the line of duty. as impregnable as it was in the "riots" of Ever since the non-academic 1970. meets in Gary, Ind. employees' strike of fall quarter, Athens Les Morrow commented, "I felt that I police Captain Charles Cochran has been was in the right. I would have taken the By Ron Tyson losing the respect of people who have case all the way to the State Supreme lived and worked around him. Court to win it." As a result of this GARY,IND..-The first Angela's Freedom Urged The prosecutor stated that the jury victory, Mr. Morrow feels that, "Now, National Black Political Convention The 3,730 or so delegates from 43 would have to take Cochran's word over they (the people of Athens) may examine closed leaving' many questions states voted to adopt a resolution offered that of Morrow's. But the jury tended to the police department's actions more unanswered and generating an air of by the California delegation calling for believe Morrow. This is a significant closely." apprehension, but giving the more than the freedom of Angela Davis and all phenomenon in Athens. For the first time When asked whether he will now file a 5,000 delegates, alternates and observers political prisoners. in recorded history, the word of a counter suit against Captain Cochran, Mr. an insight into the critical situationfacing student , black at that, was regarded as Morrow said that he will take legal action (continued on page four) 25 million black citizens of the United the truth, in a case against Cochran. against Captain Cochran. He also expres­ States. Perhaps it was the skill of the lawyer sed that during the trial he had doubts One thing is certain: Despite claims of which finally decided the outcome of the about his being found not guilty when a "Black Convention split" and "Blacks trial. Morrow's lawyer, Ronald De Veau, Captain Cochran's, store manager's can't agree" propagated by the monopoly a former business law professor of testimonies were identical except for a establishment press, every man and Morrow's presented the defendant as a couple of words. woman who attended the convention left human being, while the prosecutor Mrs. Morrow, commenting on the trial Gary's West Side High School on Sunday characterized Morrow as an animal . in retrospect, had this to say, "I was very night with a feeling of accomplishment Michael- Nolan, Athens assistant happy and relieved at the verdict. I was and a hopeful future. prosecutor tried to defend the rights of a pleasantly surprised." Over the course of the two days of the policeman to do anything, as long as he The immediate task in the aftermath of Convention's life, delegates voted on a got the job done. DeVeau convinced the the trial is the need to raise $400.00 to number of proposals and resolutions, jury of the contrary. pay for the court costs, which rests on adopted a "National Black Agenda" and He also raised objection to the method Mr. Morrow's shoulders. engaged in heated debates and of questioning by the prosecutor at least Morrow commented that if he had discussions. twelve times, only to be overruled once. pleaded guilty to the charge of "resisting The convention voted not to endorse a The jury selection began at 9:20 A.M. a lawful order," it would have cost him candidate for President. A majority of the with prosecuting attorney Nolan $50-$ 100. We are calling on the delegates expressed the feeling that there's questioning the twelve prospective jurors University and Athens community to "more important business to take care and finding them all amenable. Defense in the raising of this money. Money of." attorney, Ronald DeVeau, like a superb is being collected by the various A move was made by a minority of the dramatist charged several of the fraternities and interested parties at the delegates to have the convention endorse prospective jurors and had them removed. college gate. Al D'Ettore is also collecting the Presidential candidacy of New York This went on the entire morning and part mailed contributions at Route 1, Box 9, Democratic Representative Shirley of the afternoon. Finally, the jury was Athens. Chisholm. But the proposal was defeated selected and the trial began; Captain Support this giant step in Athenian by a voice vote called by Sunday's Cochran with his best "clean, boyish justice. It is a vital and progressive session's chairman, Imamu Amari Baraka, look" grinned at the jury, confident of cause." head of the Congress of African Peoples. his victory. But Athenian justice prevailed

A view of the National Black Political Convention in Gary, Indiana, which was attended by 7,000 delegates and observers from across the nation. photobyJAGOSYSIMS m Afro-American Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Page 2

Editorial wWMasssswsv Letters To The Editor Black America's An Open Letter Presidential Platform To WATH-FM Re: Letter to WATH Mrs. A.H. Kovlan, president Radio Athens Incorporated BoxC Afro-American Affairs agrees with the be employed in proportion to the black Athens, Ohio statement of Rev. Ralph Abernathy that population. Greater expansion of the free "Blacks should be for the man with the breakfast, free lunch and food stamp This letter is to formally protest the I personally resent the presentation of plan" for president of the United States. programs are needed. Yearly, 10,000 airing of "Amos & Andy" on Tuesday such material. I feel that you are With political games occurring, it is too Americans die of malnutrition. Funds out afternoon, March 28, 1972. I understand performing a great disservice to your early to actually endorse a candidate. of the public treasuries for private and that this program was requested from a listeners both Black and white. What can be done is for blacks to support parochial schools must halt. This should previous airing, but I fail to see how you It is my hope that you will refrain the political party which adopts concrete move towards a mass quality educational consider such a derogatory presentation from airing such derogatory programs on goals which will better the living program. This money can be put to better as serving the public interest of Athens, your radio stations Just because only 1 % conditions in the United States for all use, where it can aid the public. Free Ohio. of the population in this area is Black people. access to birth control information will In 1957, the NAACP asked that does not give you the right to exploit t< them in the name of nostalgia. Afro-American Affairs sees fit to offer be given. People should have the right to "Amos & Andy" be removed from such a program to make all black people make up their own minds. School network radio and television and this was Yours truly, aware that concreteness in policy can be integration should be achieved. It can done. The reasons given were that the attained, if we work for it. come through busing, redistricting and program was derogatory in nature and it Eric N. Moore public housing. But the ultimate aim did not portray Blacks realistically. The must be quality educational institutions program even uses whites (on radio) to cc: Federal Communications in every community. As a service to all portray Blacks in an obviously racist Commission black youth, the drug traffic should and perspective. Afro-American Affairs 1. More money should be spent each must be stopped at every level of society, Athens Messenger year on housing, education, including government officials. The Ohio University Post transportation, health care and child care. At the present time when these needs of all poor people are overlooked, the 4. Black women must not be negated. military and other related programs Free child care centers must be receive $120 billion annually. (The entire established. Priority in hiring should go to military budget should be spent on the women who are the heads of households. needs of blacks, other oppressed There must be equality in hirings, nationalities, and the poor people of this promotions and equal pay, for equal country work. What's Going On 2. A strong labor program must 5. A new form of law and order must be adopted. Government programs should be set up. The death penalty should be be set up to provide jobs for the abolished. In proportion to the Ann Walker, community services Explore the black woman as a worker,., unemployed plants shut down by private population of the area, black women and director of WLWC TV-4 Columbus, and a woman and as a black tonight at 7:30 in industry should be reopened and run men should judge cases as jurors seated to producer and host for "Focus on the Boyd Hall Recreation Room. This under government supervision, thus pass verdict on their peers. Included will be the first in a series on the black Columbus" and "Doctors on Call", two providing jobs. All industries must should be an entire revamping of the woman for spring quarter. The program Columbus television programs, will be in employ blacks and other minority prison system. Prisoners must be treated will consist of a panel discussion. Athens, Wednesday, April 5. She will be peoples in an amount equal to their like human beings. Prisoners' unions must addressing Professor Robert Coe's history Panelists include: Sara Fabio-Quest, numbers in the immediate be allowed to be legalized. There should of broadcasting class . There will be an Carol Barnette, Karen Reese, Barbara community. All families should have a be guaranteed unlimited correspondence informal session at 3pm in RTVC 460. guaranteed income of $6500 annually. and reading rights. Visits should become Masakela, Katherine Reed, MargoBohannon More public housing units should be more liberalized, if the prison system's The Black Resource Center is planning built. This would provide jobs as well as purpose is to rehabilitate prisoners. All an out-door spring festival to be held this homes for poor people. Also, medicine persons guilty of propagating racist ideas quarter. Ideas and student workers on committees are needed for such areas as should be nationalized, allowing free care and policies should be tried and AFRO-AMERICAN AFFAIRS music, food and refreshments, poetry, and benefits for people who otherwise prosecuted as criminals. could not afford them. dance and art displays. Anyone who is The Nixon "New Economic Policy" interested should contact Mr. Andrew must be abolished. Government policy at 6. For international interests • for all Love of the Resource Center at Co-Editors - Phillip Steele all levels must be aimed at ending the black people, economic and political 594-4261. Antar Sudan Katara Mberi power of the main enemy of black support for South Africa, Rhodesia and Business Mgr. - Charles Patton people: state-monopoly capitalism and Portugal must be severed. The United Managing Ed. - Ron Johnson States will pull all troops out of U.S. imperialism. This includes ending The Angela Davis Library is now open Production Mgr. - Karen Gray IndoChina in order to promote peace subsidies and tax giveaways to big on the following days: MWF 1-4 and TTH Graphics Mgr. - Fred Benson among those peoples. The United States business. 8-12 and 1-4. The library is located in Sports Ed. - Robert Moran government must cease its support of all The political process must be altered to Lindley Hall, fourth floor. Cultural Ed. -Antar Mberi guarantee the widest democratic reactionary, puppet regimes. American Photo Ed. - Charles Patton support for Israeli aggression against the participation of blacks, other oppressed Arab peoples must be withdrawn peoples and the working masses of this immediately. The UN declaration against Any questions, letters to the country. Only in this way can the A public lecture focusing on African racism, colonial oppression, and genocide Editor or other comments may interests of the American public be literature will be presented at 8 p.m. must be ratified and carried out by the April 7 in the Math Auditoriu,. The topic be directed to the fourth floor attained. United States. of the lecture will be "From Negritude of Lindley Hall, The Resource To Realism: An Analysis of Center of the Center for Afro- 3. Black youth and their rights must The above program is an example of Contemporary African Literature." The American Studies. be respected. The draft should be ended. concrete planks to be included on any lecture will be led by Mr. Kofi Awoonor, For so long, future black leaders of their credible political party's platform. Blacks associate professor of Comparative communities have lost tb-ir lives fighting must strive for and support only those Literature at the State University of New Afro-American Affairs is for something elsewb-:e which they have political forces which will act in the best York at Stony Brook. published bi-monthly by The The lecture is being sponsored by the yet tn receive ai home. fIn our schools interest of the American working people, Resource Center of the Center black administrators and teachers should black and white. African Studies department. for Afro-American Studies. ^fro-American Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Pag>3 »*wmm Black Liberation Unite For A Common Goal This article on Angela Davis appeared the fight against oppression and injustice. Meeting at its 19th Biennial in "SEE HERE", publication of United Now the victim of a political frame-up Convention in Honolulu, the Auto Workers Local No. 1112, aimed at quelling her growing populatiry International Longshoremen and Lordstown, Ohio. and pounding her into silent submission, Warehousemen's Union resolved to she is locked in one of the most terrifying defend Angela Davis. Their resolution prisons of the country; charged with read in part: "There is a concentrated and Some of us, white and black, know kidnappimg and murder, and facing death relentless crusade to kill Angela Davis how great a price has already been paid to' in the gas chamber. Prejudice and frame up is now employed John Cluchette bring into existence a new consciousness, Will she get a fair trial? My answer- It to crush black militancy. The same device a new people, an unprecedented nation. is a very slim possibility. Many of us have has always been used against labor when If we know and do nothing then we are been prejudiced by the statements of her the powers of big businesses and worse than the murderers hired in our political enemies, who are also our own. government decided that organized name. WE have been gullible to the distortions workers are getting out of line in their If we know, them we must fight for of the news media. Here are the struggle for a better life." your life as thought it were out statement of some Labor Brothers and Sisters, let us not own-which it is- and render impassable Representatives: continue to be the victims of oppression with our bodies the corridor to the gas Paul Shrade, Executive Board Member and exploitation. We can withstand the chamber. For if they take you in the UAW, issued this statement following forces of suppression only if we educate morning, they will be coming for us that Angela's arrest, "This society has and unite for a common goaL We are night. (James Baldwin) centered at this period, everything on the brothers in an unpopular family. Our race Our current encounter with G.M.A.D' name Angela Davis, to hide undercover of is colorless, our creed is humanity, our has given the word " suppression,' this massive witch hunt the needs of the struggle is survival. significance common to us all This poor people, the blacks, the workers, experience has shown us members of the which she as an outstanding educator and working caste that the news media is black woman leader had brought to By Willie Fant, instrumental in suppressing and distorting light...I see in this a wide attack on a Chairman F. E. P. C. the reality of the way things happen. women, on the black people, and the Local 1112 Fletta Drumgo To suppress means to put down by academic rights of an individual I force, and this is the case with this young supported her right to teach at U.C.L.A. UAW Local No. 1112 (7800 members Black former professor at U.C.L.A. and I support her against Governor of Local No. 1112 had struck the huge Angela Davis. She has devoted her life to Reagan and will do what I can to help." General Motors-owned plant in Lordstown, Ohio GMAD stands for 'HI General Motors Assembly Division, the GM management that took over the icfflER Lordstown plant last fall.) I Jazz composer, pianist Soledad George Jackson Brothers Win Acquittal

SAN FRANCISCO-Fletta Drumgo and Before her imprisonment, Angela Davis John Cluchette, the two surviving had participated in defense activities for Soledad Brothers were found not guilty the Soledad Brothers. The prosecution in last Monday of conspiracy to kill a prison her trial is basing its case on a love affair guard when they were at Soledad Prison between her and Jackson's younger Appearing in January, 1970. The jury had brother, Jonathan. It is alledged that deliberated all of last weekend. Jonathan tried to free the Soledad In Concert Brothers with guns purchased by Miss The late George Jackson had been Davis. charged along with the other two. He was Along With In nearby San Jose, news of to death by San Quentin guards last acquittal was announced to supporters of August. The circumstances under which Miss Davis, who had lined up outside of he died have yet to be fully explained. her courtroom during the lunch hour. This leads many persons to believe that Larry Coryell Loud cheering went up as the news was Jackson was murdered, during the triaF's heard. opening days. Controversy surrounded the trial from For the extent of the thirteen weeK the start after Jackson's death. During the April 7 8:00 PM Mem. Aud trial, Clutchette and Drumgo were held same incident, Clutchette and Drumgo under the tightest security a trial has ever were beaten without mercy. Authorities had in the United States. Every day the claimed that it was an escape attempt. prisoners were flown by helicopter to court from the San Quentin Adjustment Relatives and spectators at the trial Center. All individuals entering the displayed their shock. When complaints Al! seats are reserved. Admission price is $2.00. courtroom were searched for weapons or were registered by the audience to the Concert sponsored by the Black ResourceCenter §§ other illegal materials. The defendants judge, courtroom guards waded into the •• (CAAS) and Campus Entertainment Committee. were even placed behind glass walls. audience clubbing innocent women. (Photos courtesty of MUHAMMAD SPEAKS) Scenes From Black Political Convention

population, women, youth and working Probably the poorest representation Hatcher of Gary, and Imamu Amiri (from page 1) class people. was in the area of labor. Baraka. Few of the state convenors for the convention were women. In the The adoption of the National Black Although he did not support a Black African-Americans are overwhelmingly a planning sessions Saturday and Sunday, Agenda, including resolutions and political party, he stated that "we are working people, with 96 percent of the few women spoke. proposals sponsored by various through trusting in the two major white Black community being working-class. A This reflects the damaging presence of delegation, was the highlight of the political parties." And he further stated high percentage of Black workers are male supremacist ideas within the Black convention. Included in the 12-page that he would give the Democratic and employed in basic industry-steel, auto, liberation struggle. Many in the struggle document were the following proposals Republican Parties one more chance. transport, communications, electrical. have resurrected the disproven idea that which the delegates approved: Jackson, on the other hand, called for As it was, the participation of Black Black women serve to emasculate Black A minimum of 15 Black Senators and a new Black political party and stated labor was minimal. A resolution that the general push of the Black sponsored by a labor caucus which met men and should therefore take a "back 66 Black Representatives in Congress. seat" in the struggle and project the Black A guaranteed minimum income of Liberation struggle should be "toward during the convention criticized the building a nation." man. This vicious idea fostered by the REV. JESSE Jackson found $6,500 for a family of four. convenors of the convention for their Over all, many delgates felt that the exclusion of Black workers from establishment and abetted by Daniel Illinois delegation more A call for the FBI to cease its Patrick Moynihan, is unfortunately Stokes stayed surveillance and repression of Black convention was bureaucratically handled participation in the discussion and from independent than he may have and that there was not the fullest supported by some within the Black background. people and to turn its energy towards positions of leaderships in the parley. thought. Illinois unsuccessfully opportunity for debate. Attempts by liberation struggle. cleaning up the drug traffic in the Organized labor at the convention was many delegations to address the bucked top officers' attempts to nation's Black community. poorly represented and Black trade convention were often blocked by the The convention was slanted bypass delegates in adopting Establishment of free public education unionists called the convention's chairman of Saturday's and Sunday's attention to the fact that there was an disproportionately towards ideological Black Agenda. for all Black people up to the highest session, and delegates reacted to these trends embracing nationalism, separatism attainable level attempt to "prevent organized Black developments in various manners. labor from participating in the and"nation building". In many instances A finalized version of the National delegations were equally divided between Black Agenda will be presented May 19, The convention has its positive and convention." MAYOR HATCHER was among key figures who tried to make sure democratic methods prevailed, negative aspects, but overall it shifted the Black youth were also missing from the nationalists and "non-nationalists" and the anniversary of the birth of Malcolm several delegations were chosen at t the CK he had mixed success. Here he talks with Rep. Charles Diggs whose role in and plan for new Black liberation struggle to a higher level. convention. Fewer than 30 percent of the GARY POnrfo "AT' X. state and local conventions with the C L In attempting to develop such a delegates were under 30 years of age, yet **__ * cor grouping remains unclear at present. The convention elected a committee intention of assuring that half the composed of the three co-chairmen, program, it was important to obtain the statistics indicate that almost one-half of fullest, broadest cross-section of the delegates were nationalists. Gary's Mayor Richard Hatcher, Rep. the Black population is under 30 years of African-American community to reflect Charles Diggs (D-Mich) and Baraka, and age. The intent of the convention should^ the overwhelming working-class nature of the state convenors from each of the state A youth caucus met several times have been to find out what the feelings of the African-American community. It was delegations. This committee's during the convention. The major feeling Black people are by gathering together important to include Black youth, Black of youth was that the convention was the most representative cross-section responsibility is to analyze, consolidate elderly people, the middle-income strata and present the finalized form of the bogged down in bureaucracy, that youth possible, including "integrationists," in the Black community, and to reflect were not given a chance to participate nationalists, Democrats, Republicans, National Black Agenda. the ratio of male-female among Blacks. Heated debate was an ever-present and that militant action had to be taken. Communists, assimilationists and others. One of the major weaknesses of the TV coverage was nationwide. ROBERT Brown, top Black Nixon facet of the convention. On Saturday A striking imbalance was the small Because the nationalist elements were Gary convention was that it did not meet aide, was reportedly carrier of afternoon the first indication of proportion of Black women. Considering overrepresented many of the resolutions these goals and did not fully reflect the 'heavy Republican bread.' disagreement came to light in the keynote 25 or more million African-Americans in that Black women comprise 52.34 % of and the National Black Agenda itself had addresses of MayorHatcher and Rev. Jesse the nation. the Black population there should at least a nationalist, separation-oriented tone. Jackson, national director of People The delegates were chosenby state and have been 50% Black women delegates. United to Save Humanity (PUSH). local conventions. Each state had been No official figures were available but Hatcher, in a relatively positive assigned a specific number of delegates most observers agree that women African-Americans all over the country statement, spoke of a need for the according to the concentration of Blacks delegates constitued 30 to 40 percent. will await further developments with struggle against the monopoly in that state. For example, New York had Further, the role of Black women at hope but with a critical approach, corporations which were at the root of 339 delegates, Illinois 237, California the convention was minimal. The considering that the mainstream of the oppression of Blacks. He also called 212, and Michigan 246, while Maine had meetings were co-chaired by three Afro-Americawas not at Gary's West Side for unity between the nation's Black 5 delegates and Arkansas 36. men-Rep. Charles Diggs, Mayor Richard High School on March 11 and 12.

(Courtesty of the DAILY WORLD)

Black Journal's Tony Brown • •e towards a black agenda for justice and equality Following are sections of the II. THE DIRECTION: and local governments. thousands more that will arise from without radical transformation of the cent and savings transferred to 2. Proportionate Black employment economic system which has so clearly programs of social, economic and Black Agenda which convey The plight of Black people is the the specific conditions of our people CONFERENCE was stirred by Mrs. M. L. Kings result of the workings of the American and control at every level of the are the evolving power, hope, and exploited us these many years. political development. presence. the progressive aspirations of system. Our political agenda then federal government structures. future of the Black political agenda. It is against the background of such the Convention spokesmen. must transcend this system; must ...5. Home rule for the District of For them to become real, we must realities that we move to a BLACK RECOMMENDATION: That mass ONE seed for convention was planted by Rosa Parks, heroine of speak boldly and without reservation Columbia. A Black majority in the organize to demand them, not as Agenda for economic empowerment. transit systems, so vital to Blacks in Alabama bus boycotts. BOTH PARTIES HAVE to the problems of Black people in the Nation's Capital is now controlled by a temporary protest or pressure group reaching jobs in the suburbs, be BETRAYED US '70*s. white -demonated Congressional factions, but as a new political force in RECOMMENDATION: That there be subsidized to permit lowering of fares The Black politics we need goes far Committee and a set of presidential American life whose time has come. established a presidential commission, to token levels, or to permit free public HERE AT Gary, let us never forget beyond electoral politics and far appointees. We must have Black self- with a majority of Black members transportation. that while the times and the names and beyond 1972. We need a permanent determination in Washington, D.C. as ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT (chosen by the Black Convention or political movement that addresses well as in every other hamlet, town the parties have continually changed, The economic impoverishment of the its successor body) to determine a RECOMMENDATION: That one truth has faced us insistently, itself to the basic control and and city in the nation. procedure for calculating an loopholes in the federal tax law be reshaping of American institutions 6. The establishment of local control Black community in America is never changing: Both parties have clearly traceable to the historic appropriate reparations payment in closed and its provisions thoroughly betrayed us whenever their interests that currently exploit Black America over the police, and the establishment terms of land, capital and cash for reformed so as to render the overall and threaten the whole society. The of residency requirements for all enslavement of our people and to the conflicted with ours (which was most racist discrimination to which we have exploring the ways in which the Black tax structure favorable to the Black of the time), and whenever our forces unifying objective of this political neighborhood police forces. community prefers to have this community's development, abolishing movement must be the empowerment 7. A Bill of Rights for all Black been subjected since "emancipation." were unorganized and dependent, Indeed, much of the unprecedented payment implemented. tax obligations for those whose income quiescent and compliant. of the Black community, not simply people caught in the iniquities of falls below the $10,000 year level, and its representatives. It must offer basic America's "criminal justice" system economic wealth and power of That is the truth that we must face at American capitalism has obviously RECOMMENDATION: The creating insuring that all those whose income Gary. If white "liberalism" could alternatives to all the existing including: the right to a speedy trial, exceeds $25,000 per year must bear American political, economic and the right to fair bail procedures, full been built upon this exploitation of of a new urban-based Homestead Act, have solved our problems, then Black people. to make use of the billions of dollars some part of the federal tax burden. Lincoln and Roosevelt and Kennedy cultural systems. human rights while in jails and prisons due process in the parole Therefore, an incalculable social worth of urban housing projects and would have done so. But they did not WE WANT: land now owned by the Federal HUMAN DEVELOPMENT solve ours nor the rest of the nation's. process, and full restoration of all indebtedness has been generated, a rights after imprisonment ends. debt which is owed to Black people by Government. This property must not If America's problems could have 1. The establishment of Black move into private hands when there is Establishment of a system of been solved by forceful, politically Congressional representation in 8. The Federal Bureau of the general American society. So, while the moral horrors of slavery and such drastic need for human housing National Health Insurance for all skilled and aggressive individuals, proportion to our presence in the Investigation to cease its political and land use where Black people live. surveillance of Black people and shift the human indignities visited upon our citizens from birth until death, with then Lyndon Johnson would have national population. We are at least IS free medical care for all families with retained the presidency. If the true its attention to ending the drug traffic people by racial discrimination can per cent of the population. Through never be compensated for — and RECOMMENDATION: That Black incomes of less than 10,000 dollars. "American Way" of unbridled Constitutional amendment — or any- in the United States in the next two years — or to be phased out of certainly never with money alone — consumption patterns be directed monopoly capitalism, combined with a other means necessary — we ought to A minimum increase of 100 per cent ruthless military imperialism could do existence as an irrelevant and we must not rest until American away from conspicous channels and have a minimum of 66 representatives, society has recognized our valid, excessive frivolities and toward in Social Security benefits for all it, then Nixon would not be running in and 15 Senators; that until such time worthless tax liability. persons with the availability of full panic around the world, or making historic right to reparations, to a modest but adequate consumption in as the House and Senate represent THE RESPONSIBILITY: massive claim on the financial assets keeping with the straggle in which we benefits at age 50. speeches comparing his nation's Black people fairly, our due seats are decadence to that of Greece and We advance these programatic ideas of the American economy. At the same are ei«ag«d. to be filled by persons elected at-large with no real notion that wmte politics time, it is necessary that Black people Rome. RECOMMENDATION: That the ILLINOIS State Sen. Richard Newhouse demands democratic rules, by the national Black community. The can endorse their direction. That is up realize that full economic be followed by chairman Baraka. same principle shall obtain for state to us. These ideas and the many development for us cannot take place defense and space budgets be curtailed by a minimum of fifty per NORTH Carolina delegates discuss resolutions. Atro-Arrerican Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Peoe 6 National Black Black Media Communications Society By Karen G. Gray blacks training for the field of By Eric Moore white-ownership means more than Right in Une and "right on" time with communications. negro-orientation. the recent emergence of a National Black Later in the conference, subscription Some very heavy things have been The National Black Network (NBN) is Political Assembly came the National TV (where all who subscribe get a going on across the country as far as now attempting to get affiliates across the Black Communications Society which decoder) was offered as another Black people and the media are country and has offered its services for a evolved from a Howard alternative for blacks in getting a concerned. The first was a meeting of nominal fee to college radio operations University-sponsored Black substantial piece of the media. Black communicators at Howard interested in minedia from a Black Communications Conference. The Consequently, if blacks could get a University in the beginning of March to perspective. It should be interesting to see conference was held March 3-5 in share, signals could be beamed out to the how many of the 119 "soul" or Black form a National Black Communications Washington, D.C. as an attempt to black community and thereby avoid the Society and to begin to deal with the Last week, the people of Athens were encourage an effective communication cable route. "treated" to "Amos & Andy" over radio establishment of credible Black media to link for the black world beginning at the In order to circumvent racist editing station WATH-FM. This program was serve the Black community. The college level In conjunction with the and censorship the convention proposed banned from television and radio back in establishment media has proven that it is conference were congressional hearings documentary filming as a vehicle for 1957 because of its derogatory nature. not interested in Black folks, so now exposing racism in communications. communicating the truth. brothers and sisters are establishing But WATH chose to run it anyway. The There has never been a black member message is becoming very clear that the The conference's theme "Unity, alternative media exclusively for Black Ideology, Organization" suggested the of the FCC (Federal Communications people. establishment media is not interested in Commission), however, presently there the realistic presentation of the Black means to deal with America's racist With this pledge on the part of Black practices in the media. Milton Coleman, are several candidates for appointment: communicators at Howard, the following perspective. As a result, brothers and Judge Ben Hooks, Ted Ledbetter, and sisters are doing their own thing in the editor of the "African World" stressed as weekend at Gary, Indiana saw the Revius Ortique. The convention upheld name of Black unity. The current slogan part of that ideology the need to inform establishment media laid out over the fact Ledbetter as the best candidate of the is "Communicate to Liberate." and educate the black masses. that they had not presented a truthful Speaking on the black media Coleman three and suggested that blacks across the picture of what went on at the National Moving to the present, tonight at 7:30 country send President Nixon a telegram on Channel 20, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis noted a tendency of some black Black Political Convention. Only the newspapers to lean towards opinionated in support of him. Public Broadcasting Service (which also will dramatize the poetry of Robert Throughout the conference, which Cornell Kaufman on SOUL. Brother articles and contended that in using the brings us SOUL & BLACK JOURNAL) black media the black press must also be served also as congressional hearings on saw fit to spend some time looking into Kaufman's work is powerful but virtually racism the white media was consistently unknown and Sister Dee and Brother able to deal with events. "Don't what actually went on by showing a denounced as racist. One instance in Davis interpret the poems in a series of specialize," were his instructions to one-hour special on the convention. The particular surrounded the testimony of vignettes. The Davises will also discuss other networks saw fit to show division Bailey of "Ebony" magazine will recount Ed Brown, brother to the infamous H. their experiences in the theater and their and discontent, and implied that nothing some of their personal and professional Rap Brown who was apprehended by the concern for Black theater with host Ellis experiences with Dr. King and discuss the police for alledged armed robbery of a was going to come out of the convention. Haizlip. The following week it was announced void created by his assassination four New York bar. Ed Brown testified that in New York that three brothers had At 9:30, BLACK JOURNAL will years ago today (April 4). Questions bpfnrp his arrest, H. Rap was piloting an obtained $1.5 million in finances to begin present the first of a two-part special on concerning the character of Black anti-drug1 program which entailed, not the first Black-owned, Black-operated and the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King's leadership in general will be raised as the rehabilitation, but elimination of drugs in Black-oriented national radio network, life and death on the condition of Black newsmen analyze whether it is charisma the community. The Red Carpet lounge, stations choose to use NBN. Since most people in America. Gerald Fraser of the or the white press that created a Black the purported victim of the robbery, is of these stations are white-owned and New York Times, Chester Higgins, senior leader. (continued on page eight) negro-oriented, Black folk may find that editor of "Jet" magazine, and Peter Athens Office Supply Sudan & Co. Bookstore

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From calculators to erasers Up By The Armory Posters, Albums, 17 West Washington St. 593-3328 II Books, Patches, Pipes Afro-American Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Page 7 Yevgeny Yevtushenko Don't Deal With Anything Else Ending his show with a poem for a By Antar Mberi steel mill worker, Yevtushenko left the general university community in attentive. BUT, All myths about Russian poetry were But among the allayed beneath standing ovations and black populace, there flowed an air of cheers. With the first few lines of his disappointment. Why didn't this Russian poetry Yevgeny Yevtushenko evidenced brother who signs his autograph with the rhythmical power and music of his three marks ("The first stands for the native tongue. Wooing the audience with power of the proletariat and peasants, or the drama of his body motions and the revolution; the second stands for woman, cadences of his intonations, Yevtushenko or angel; the third is the sign of the made it plain why he is ranked with the crucifixion.") make some mention of the best poets of these times-Russian , and person who fitted his three marks to the world-wide. hilt-Angela Davis? When asked if he had However, in translation, he suffered written anything for her, he replied with the same fate as the Blue Ribbon cow a curt, "No". He did say in passing that who met up with a cleaver in the he thought Nikki Giovanni, whom he neighborhood butchery. The music of his considered to be a great poetess, having native language was stripped like the read with her in Harlem, and Angela earth of a strip mine after the coal is Davis were fine examples of the U.S. gone. His lyricism turned into an army woman. We, in the black community, feel obstacle course. But such is the fate of that if such is the case, then why didn't mc?'t translation. and doesn't he take a forthright position on the ideological struggle revolving around the Davis question? Such should be the task of the artist today. Particularly since the Soviet people have Be A Brother held countless demonstrations showing their solidarity with the position taken by And Sister Angela. Help One!

By Cynthia Martin Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Demoralizing filth, brutality, and ...and i heard the sweet song despondency have been the trademarks of of you America's prisons. Despite these New Russia circumstances, some prisoners are still like a lowsung melody able to contribute their time and energy in Hannahs ears for the benefit of other prisoners. Some services in prisons are even run free of^ cost to consumers. ...and i thought of America Schiltz black Such a service is operated by Clarence red Campbell at the Ohio State Penitentiary yellow in Columbus. Free of charge to inmates, Malt Liquor Clarence will snap pictures of inmates brown with members of their families. white Mr. Campbell started this service after he acquired a camera. Everything went ...and i thought of China well for a while until it was realized that our wayward sister the film could not be replaced free of spreading her legs charge. for slick dick Nixon The inmates appreciated this free ...and i heard the sweet song photography work, for when a man is locked behind bars the only thing he may of you .decide to live for is his family. New Russia on stage-dramatizing The problem facing Mr. Campbell was leading the serenity brought to the attention of Harry Morgan, Dean of the Center for of warm winds Afro-American Studies. Dr Morgan suggested that Mr. Campbell notify the ...and i thought of Africa Polaroid Corporation of the siuation. New Africa That was a month ago. One would think slipping from the reddened that an American corporation would seize thighs of liberation this opportunity to improve its public like you did in 1917 relations. But Polaroid has yet to respond to this brothei's call. ...and i heard the sweet song of you While the inmates are waiting for a Yevgeny Yevtushenko "miracle" from business, it might be strong basso profundo of love more realistic to assume that black students at Ohio University have a bigger ...and i thought... heart. Of course an individual's contributions could not match a won't you croon a tune corporation's, but with a combination of a sweet song these funds, Mr. Campbell should be able in solidarity to reinstate the photo service. for our comrade for Angela? Between operating the photo service you don't have to, and manufacturing auto license plates, be a politician, Mr. Campbell has little leisure time. But either. what time he does have he enjoys meeting and writing to interested people-namely black sisters. Any students interested in helping this brother out financially, or - Antar Sudan Katara Mberi just acquiring a postal companion can write to: Mr. Clarence Campbell 124-777, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, Ohio 43216. Students who do not wish to mail the money directly to him can bring it to the fourth floor of Lindley Hall to Miss Diane Jenkins in the B.S.I. !«:«»

••••••••••••••• Afro-American Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Paoe 8 SPORTS Lakers, Colonels To Win Championships

e e e By Robert Moran Sam Jones. And Dave Cowens, last of the Donnie Freeman and Steve Jones. But white players at Florida State is rapidly their big men cannot match Utah's. The The should win the developing into a good center. Stars' Zelmo Beatty and NBA championship this year. The Celtics face the red-hot Atlanta should give them the nod in this series. Led by Wilt the Stilt Chamberlain, who Hawks and their flashy guard Pete The final opening round playoff in got cheated out of the MVP award, the Maravich. The Celtics are supposed to run professional basketball pits the Indiana NBCS (from page 6) Lakers won 69 games including away from the Hawks but if Walt Bellamy Pacers and the Denver Rockers. The thirty-three in a row. is motivated, if Jim Washington is hot, if Pacers have outstanding players in Roger The Lakers have speed, rebounding, according to Brown a big drug drop on Lou>. Hudson stops Havlicek and if Pistol Brown and . The Rockets the best backcourt in the NBA and one of the coast. Brown said these facts were Pete can blind pass the Celtics to death, have Ralph Simpson the hardship case the best coaches. deliberately left out in white press then the Hawks will win the series. from Michigan State. That gives the Forwards Hap Hairston and Jim coverage of the incident in an effort to But that is too many ifs and besides Pacers a 2 to 1 advantage and a meeting discredit a radical black community McMillian give the Lakers rebounding with Utah for the West championship. strength and scoring power. The guards history and tradition are on the Celtics' leader. are all-pro Jerry West and Gail Goodrich side. This series will be a dandy. Beatty and Finally, the conference outlined a who both carry 26 scoring averages. Yes, that rumor that those Celtics are Daniels will cancel each other out. So will tentative program for participants back, is true. Wise and George McGinnis and Red But the man who holds things together interested in establishing National Black The other playoff series matches the Robbins and Bob Metolicky. for the Lakers is Chamberlain, the Communications Societies on their local up and down New York Knicks and their greatest center the game has ever known. That leaves the whole series resting on college campuses. Benefits would include old nemesis the Baltimore Bullets. On the shoulders of the guards where Wilt is only averaging 12 points, but 1). communication with blacks on other paper the Bullets are not good Indiana's Roger Brown and Rock Mount leads the league in rebounds, is playing campuses; 2). an NBCS newsletter and even though all-stars Jack Marin and have a clear edge over Utah's Jimmy mean D and starts those well-drilled local level decisions. Campuses interested Archie Clarck are present. But somehow Jones and Glen Combs. Laker fast breaks. in establishing chapters must send a list of the Bullets seem to play like supermen However, Utah finished 13 games in applicants and a $25.00 fee per chapter The Lakers opened their quest for the against the Knicks. front of Indiana. So, after all this illogical to the national organization in NBA crown with a best of seven series deduction we rate this series a toss-up. Washington, D.C. by April 15th. with the tough Chicago Bulls. The Bullets will not beat the Knicks this year, though not because of shooting Whoever wins the West crown will lose The Bulls have outstanding forwards in Here at Ohio University, Eric Moore, or rebounding, because they traded the easily to the Colonels. The Colonels had Bob Love and Chet Walker and they have producer of WOUB radio's "Soul only man in the NBA who can personally the best record in the ABA so they will a big muscleman center in Tom Vibrations", who went to the recent r beat the Knicks himself-namely Fred have the home-court advantage. This Boerwinkle. But the Bulls' hopes for an convention is seeking to form a chapter "Mad Dog" Carter. advantage coupled with their superior upset. will depend . on the guards, on campus. Interested blacks should frontline will give the Colonels their first especially Norm VanLier. If VanLier can The Knicks vs. Celtics series will be a attend the next meeting at 4 p.m. ABA championship, and the beginning of penetrate and score, the Bulls could upset dogfight. Bill Bradley and Havlicek will Wednesday in room 390 of the Radio-TV pro basketball's next dynasty. the Lakers. try and run each other to death. Dave Building. Cowens and Jerry Lucas will decide who The winner of the Laker-Bull series is the best white center in basketball. plays the winner of the Golden Dave DeBusschere and Satch Sanders will State-Milwaukee series for the Western decide who plays the roughest D and Don crown. Chaney will see if he can use his bird-like The defending champion, but 84" wingspand to freeze cool Clyde injury-riddled Bucks will face a team that Frazier. is tougher than most people think. Center Nate Thurmond is capable of handling The key though will be the turnovers MVP Kareen Abdul-Jabbar. Forward and which team has the hot hand. Watch "Jazzie" can throw in fifty out for that cagey, sleepy-eyed veteran points if he is hot and guard Jeff Mullins Dick Barnett. He is usually tough in the is one of the better ones in the league. playoffs. The key to a Warrior upset is how well The Celtics will beat the Knicks, say their bench and other starters do. Black 4-3, then lose to the Lakers in the finals. coach Al Attles continues to prove to the Over in the ABA the will be power structure that blacks can coach dethroned as champions by the Kentucky major league teams. Colonels. The Colonels feature an awesome front The Bucks are hurting. Guards Oscar line of highscoring , 7'2" (7'5" Robertson, Jon McGlocklin and Wally with his 'fro) and Cincy Jones are injured. Lucious Allen has been Powell. Issel leads the ABA in scoring and playing for Robertson lately but although Gilmore ranks high in rebounds. he can score, he does not have the playmaking ability Robertson has. The The Colonels will first play the Bucks should win the series, but it will fast-rising New York Nets. The Nets will not be a cakewalk. give the Colonels a run for their money because of ability of and the A Laker-Buck series will be a classic of rapid improvement of rookie and former fast break vs. pattern basketball. The South Carolina All-American John head-to-head matches of Chamberlain vs. Roche. Abdul-Jabbar and West vs. Robertson will be interesting to watch. The Nets went on a tear late in the season and if they can keep up the The key to this series will be how well momentum they could beat the Colonels. the Bucks can slow-down the Lakers and In the other Eastern match the Charlie how well Buck garbagemen John Scott-less Virginia Squires will battle the and Toby Kimball do. Floridians. With Scott, the Squireswere a Over in the East, the word is out that contender for the championship, but those green giants in Boston are back without him they are just a bunch of after a short two-year absence. John one-on-one basketball players. However, Havlicek one of the two best forwards to they should take the Floridians because ever play the game according to Bill will outpoint Warren Jabali Russell, is leading a team that has an in their meetings. It's really academic as excellent blend of youth and experience. to who will win this series because the Although their front line is only .6'5", East champion will emerge from the 6'9", and 6'6" the Celticsmake up for Net-Colonel series. their lack of height with • speed and positioning. Guard JoJo White will soon In the West, Utah faces the Dallas 17 N Court St. Athens, O. 593-6855 make Boston fans forget there ever was a Chaparrals who have two good guards in