tylFRO AMERICAN AFFAIRS - 'A Critical Voice of the Black Community" Vol. 2, No. 8 Athens, Ohio 45701 Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Les Morrow In Justice BLACK POLITICAL By Antar S.K. Mberi and Ron Johnson Riding on a tidal wave of in the long run, and Captain Cochran CONVENTION anti-Cochranism, Les Morrow was found that his reign of tyranny and acquitted last week of abusing and fascist style of American justice was not obstructing an officer in the line of duty. as impregnable as it was in the "riots" of Ever since the non-academic 1970. meets in Gary, Ind. employees' strike of fall quarter, Athens Les Morrow commented, "I felt that I police Captain Charles Cochran has been was in the right. I would have taken the By Ron Tyson losing the respect of people who have case all the way to the State Supreme lived and worked around him. Court to win it." As a result of this GARY,IND..-The first Angela's Freedom Urged The prosecutor stated that the jury victory, Mr. Morrow feels that, "Now, National Black Political Convention The 3,730 or so delegates from 43 would have to take Cochran's word over they (the people of Athens) may examine closed leaving' many questions states voted to adopt a resolution offered that of Morrow's. But the jury tended to the police department's actions more unanswered and generating an air of by the California delegation calling for believe Morrow. This is a significant closely." apprehension, but giving the more than the freedom of Angela Davis and all phenomenon in Athens. For the first time When asked whether he will now file a 5,000 delegates, alternates and observers political prisoners. in recorded history, the word of a counter suit against Captain Cochran, Mr. an insight into the critical situationfacing student , black at that, was regarded as Morrow said that he will take legal action (continued on page four) 25 million black citizens of the United the truth, in a case against Cochran. against Captain Cochran. He also expres­ States. Perhaps it was the skill of the lawyer sed that during the trial he had doubts One thing is certain: Despite claims of which finally decided the outcome of the about his being found not guilty when a "Black Convention split" and "Blacks trial. Morrow's lawyer, Ronald De Veau, Captain Cochran's, store manager's can't agree" propagated by the monopoly a former business law professor of testimonies were identical except for a establishment press, every man and Morrow's presented the defendant as a couple of words. woman who attended the convention left human being, while the prosecutor Mrs. Morrow, commenting on the trial Gary's West Side High School on Sunday characterized Morrow as an animal . in retrospect, had this to say, "I was very night with a feeling of accomplishment Michael- Nolan, Athens assistant happy and relieved at the verdict. I was and a hopeful future. prosecutor tried to defend the rights of a pleasantly surprised." Over the course of the two days of the policeman to do anything, as long as he The immediate task in the aftermath of Convention's life, delegates voted on a got the job done. DeVeau convinced the the trial is the need to raise $400.00 to number of proposals and resolutions, jury of the contrary. pay for the court costs, which rests on adopted a "National Black Agenda" and He also raised objection to the method Mr. Morrow's shoulders. engaged in heated debates and of questioning by the prosecutor at least Morrow commented that if he had discussions. twelve times, only to be overruled once. pleaded guilty to the charge of "resisting The convention voted not to endorse a The jury selection began at 9:20 A.M. a lawful order," it would have cost him candidate for President. A majority of the with prosecuting attorney Nolan $50-$ 100. We are calling on the delegates expressed the feeling that there's questioning the twelve prospective jurors University and Athens community to "more important business to take care and finding them all amenable. Defense assist in the raising of this money. Money of." attorney, Ronald DeVeau, like a superb is being collected by the various A move was made by a minority of the dramatist charged several of the fraternities and interested parties at the delegates to have the convention endorse prospective jurors and had them removed. college gate. Al D'Ettore is also collecting the Presidential candidacy of New York This went on the entire morning and part mailed contributions at Route 1, Box 9, Democratic Representative Shirley of the afternoon. Finally, the jury was Athens. Chisholm. But the proposal was defeated selected and the trial began; Captain Support this giant step in Athenian by a voice vote called by Sunday's Cochran with his best "clean, boyish justice. It is a vital and progressive session's chairman, Imamu Amari Baraka, look" grinned at the jury, confident of cause." head of the Congress of African Peoples. his victory. But Athenian justice prevailed A view of the National Black Political Convention in Gary, Indiana, which was attended by 7,000 delegates and observers from across the nation. photobyJAGOSYSIMS m Afro-American Affairs Tuesday, April 4, 1972 Page 2 Editorial wWMasssswsv Letters To The Editor Black America's An Open Letter Presidential Platform To WATH-FM Re: Letter to WATH Mrs. A.H. Kovlan, president Radio Athens Incorporated BoxC Afro-American Affairs agrees with the be employed in proportion to the black Athens, Ohio statement of Rev. Ralph Abernathy that population. Greater expansion of the free "Blacks should be for the man with the breakfast, free lunch and food stamp This letter is to formally protest the I personally resent the presentation of plan" for president of the United States. programs are needed. Yearly, 10,000 airing of "Amos & Andy" on Tuesday such material. I feel that you are With political games occurring, it is too Americans die of malnutrition. Funds out afternoon, March 28, 1972. I understand performing a great disservice to your early to actually endorse a candidate. of the public treasuries for private and that this program was requested from a listeners both Black and white. What can be done is for blacks to support parochial schools must halt. This should previous airing, but I fail to see how you It is my hope that you will refrain the political party which adopts concrete move towards a mass quality educational consider such a derogatory presentation from airing such derogatory programs on goals which will better the living program. This money can be put to better as serving the public interest of Athens, your radio stations Just because only 1 % conditions in the United States for all use, where it can aid the public. Free Ohio. of the population in this area is Black people. access to birth control information will In 1957, the NAACP asked that does not give you the right to exploit t< them in the name of nostalgia. Afro-American Affairs sees fit to offer be given. People should have the right to "Amos & Andy" be removed from such a program to make all black people make up their own minds. School network radio and television and this was Yours truly, aware that concreteness in policy can be integration should be achieved. It can done. The reasons given were that the attained, if we work for it. come through busing, redistricting and program was derogatory in nature and it Eric N. Moore public housing. But the ultimate aim did not portray Blacks realistically. The must be quality educational institutions program even uses whites (on radio) to cc: Federal Communications in every community. As a service to all portray Blacks in an obviously racist Commission black youth, the drug traffic should and perspective. Afro-American Affairs 1. More money should be spent each must be stopped at every level of society, Athens Messenger year on housing, education, including government officials. The Ohio University Post transportation, health care and child care. At the present time when these needs of all poor people are overlooked, the 4. Black women must not be negated. military and other related programs Free child care centers must be receive $120 billion annually. (The entire established. Priority in hiring should go to military budget should be spent on the women who are the heads of households. needs of blacks, other oppressed There must be equality in hirings, nationalities, and the poor people of this promotions and equal pay, for equal country work. What's Going On 2. A strong labor program must 5. A new form of law and order must be adopted. Government programs should be set up. The death penalty should be be set up to provide jobs for the abolished. In proportion to the Ann Walker, community services Explore the black woman as a worker,., unemployed plants shut down by private population of the area, black women and director of WLWC TV-4 Columbus, and a woman and as a black tonight at 7:30 in industry should be reopened and run men should judge cases as jurors seated to producer and host for "Focus on the Boyd Hall Recreation Room. This under government supervision, thus pass verdict on their peers. Included will be the first in a series on the black Columbus" and "Doctors on Call", two providing jobs. All industries must should be an entire revamping of the woman for spring quarter. The program Columbus television programs, will be in employ blacks and other minority prison system.
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