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H 60 v¢ into all tb¢ worl4 H Rna 10, 1 am witb you al· and pr¢acb tbt gospd to to¢rv wav, ¢o¢n unto tb¢ ~na of tbt , " cr¢atur¢." world."

Cbt ) J " Jllgoma miSsionaryn¢Ws

tb¢ Offidal Organ of tbt Dfo(¢s¢ of }flgoma.

, 3-ul~; 1902



, ' , "God Save the King." I

Diocesan Rules and Regulations.

A Missionary for N epigon. . ,

" Catholics."

Our Algoma Associatjon In England

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I 1the Algoma itltlionar9 1ttW0~ The Official Organ of the Diocese of Algoma.

New Series-Enlarged. Published Monthly VOL. XIV. No.7. Ton.oNTo, JULY 2, 1902. 50 cents,per annum.

QI;l:t.e NOTICE Notes by the Way. ~lg.o-mlt l$ti1Y1Yi.o-ultrn ~.eW\\ The Rev. Charles Piercy, Editor EDITOR: and Manager of. the Algoma Mis­ l':OTEWORTHY DATES IN CHURCH HISTORY REV. CHARLES PIERCY, SAULT STE. MARIE WEST, sionary News, has removed to July 9.-Act forbidding payment of ONT. Sault Ste. Marie West. PUBLISHERS: first fruits to Rome, 1532. THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY PRESS, All communications should be ad 44 RICHMOND ST. WEST, TORONTO. dressed to him therefrom this time July 25.-Savoy Conference closed, forward. ' THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS is the official organ 1661. of the Diocese of Algoma. It is published for the Dio­ cese by The Algoma Missionary Press. 44 Richmond July 26.-Irish Church Act passed, Street West, Toronto. Bishop's Appointments for July. . THE ALGOMA M1SSIONARY NEWS (New Series) is pub· 1869· lished monthly. The price for single copies is 50 cents English Bible set up in churches, per annum. ' I. Tues. - Travelling to N epigon. All items of news and communications of an editorial nature should be sent direct to the Editor, The REV. C. 2. Wed- " .' " Nepigon Station. 1547· PIERCY, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, . 3. Thur.-Start up the Nepigon River. 'Subscribers and friends are asked to bear in mind 4. Fri.-Travelling northward. I have made up my mind to try, that all receipts beyond what are necessary to defray the 5. Sat.-Negwanenang. bare cost of publication and management will,acprue to God helping me, to make the Diocese the Diocesan funds. This being so it is hoped that the 6. 6th Sunday after Trinity. friends of the missionary work of the Diocese every· Lake Nepigon Mission. of London the greatest missionarv where will not only send in their own subscriptions promptly, but also induce others to subscribe for the 7. Mon.­ " " diocese in the world.-The Bishop ~f ' paper. S. Tues.- 9. Wed.- " London. 10. Thur.- THE RIGHT REV. , D.D., D.C.L., I I. Fri.-Returning southward. Bishop of Algoma, For the first time in the history of Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 12. Sat.-Red Rock. 13. 7th Sunday after Trinz'ty Schreiber Mission. Algoma the Bishop has been able to A. 14· Mon.- } V· . P '1 send a student to Byng Inlet. . Mr. J. WORRELL, ESQ., K.C., 15. Tues.- anous POInts on "aI way. Hon. Treasurer (of invested funds) Diocese of Algoma, Westman has gone there to minister 18 and 20 King Screet West, 16. Wed.-Train westward. Toronto, Ont. to the Church flock during :he smH­ 17.IS. Fri.-Thur.-} orIver, an d'nelg hb'onng paces.1 H. PLUMMER. ESQ., mer. General Diocesan Treasurer Diocese of Algoma, 19. Sat.-Return to Fort William. Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 20. 8th Sunday after Trinz'ty. Fort William and Port Al thur. July 1st is our national birthday­ GEORGE LEY KING, ESQ., Principal of the Shingwauk and Wawanosh Indian 21. Mon.- Dominion' Day. It will be celebrated Homes, 22. Tues.-Train eas ward. Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 23. Wed.- } Whi,te River, and other points by in South Africa and in 24. Thur.- on C. P. R. man yother places. In London this Please Note. 25. Fri.-St. fames, Apostle and Marty?'. V:ctoria Mines. year there should be a glorious First 26. S,t.- of July. 1. Be prompt in remitting for renewal 27. 9th Sunday after Trinity. Sault Ste. Marie. or arrearage, and thus aid us in mak­ 2S. Mon.- Man y of our readers will regret to ing THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS 29. Tues.- " 30 . Vl,Ted.- " " learn that Mr. Harry Plummer, our better and belter. 31. Thur.- 2. Our rule is the same as that of the " Diocesan Treasurer, has had to leave great majority of newspaper and maga home for a month or five weeks in zine publishers, namely, to consider God Save the King. search of better' health. H e is ex­ each subscriber as permanent until he pected to return about the midd.le of Jus t before sending the last proof orders his paper stopped and PAYS UP. June. 3. No paper should be ordered stop· to press and when we were looking f0r­ ward to singing our national an them ped until all dues are paid. Miss E. E. G~een, the Secretary of 4. Refusing to take the paper from with hearts full of joy and thanks­ the Algoma Association in England, the office, or returning it to us, is not a giving on the occasion of the corona· sufficient notice to discontinue. tion of King Edward VII., the news hopes to pay Algoma a visit this 5. If a subscriber wishes his paper comes of the very serious and prQ b­ summer. No welcome can be too discontinued at the expil ation of time ably fatal illness of our gracious sov­ hearty to so loyal a co-worker in an ereign. Not now with shollt of joy paid for, n<;>tice to that effect must be is heard "God Save the [(jug." Bilt that concerns the Church in this dio­ expressly given. Otherwise, it is the same words are heard-in hushed cese. assumed that a continuance of the sub· and pleading tones of prayer. It is scription is desired. the prayer constantly ascending from In the statement this m~:mth of sub­ 6. Send money to Rev. C. Piercy, church and home in behalf of our scriptionS' to the Bishop Sullivan Sault Ste. Marie, either by P.O. Order, stricken sovereign. N or do we for­ Memorial Sustentation Fund, there is Express Order, or Postal Note. We get his wife and chj1dren. It is cannot be responsible for loose change "God Save the King." It is "Thy one worth noting: "Thank offering or stamps will be done." [or restoration of peace." A sheet of 50 THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY N'EWS Toronto, July, 1902

note paper with this inscription only .. At the mouth of the Whitefish certain of this-that unless the covered the contribution. River the Indians are preparing to Church keeps its mis'S\onary spirit we build a church, or rather, a smctll shall never convert our unconverted Is it not a reflee tin!! upon Olir school chapel. They have collected quarters at home at all.-The Bishop vaunted Onta~io system of education nearly $100 in money, procured all of Lundon at C. M. S . Anniversary, that our . youth may in s ~ hl)()l n'ad logs necessary for the lumber to be 1902 . and learn not a little about the his­ used in construction, and are willing tory of Rome and the songs of Hom­ The Church of St. Paul, Haileybury, to give their time and labor. Doesn't er, but nothing of the history of Israel has received a gift of an organ from such giving shame some white peop!e? or the PSialms of David. Mrs. Booker, of Cheltenhani, England. In some quarters of the DommiolJ, lVIr. P. A. Cobbold, of Haileybury, Rev. G. Prewer, who has been so dissatisfaction is expressed at the was the meditiln through which Mrs. successful in Gore Bay Mission, is name the Church has, viz.: The Church Booker made this most acceptable leaving it to go to Sheguindah, where . of England in Canada. Without gift to the Church. It is not the ficr: s t he will be chiefly engaged in minister­ doubt the "Church of Canada" would occasion the congregation at Hailey­ ing to the Indians. He is famniar better appeal to our budding nation­ bury have benefited through her gen­ with the Ojibway tongue. He goes ality. On the other hand, the llse of erosity and they desire to express to Sheguindah about July I st. the name "England" links us to a their gratitude. The organ was used glorious history of at least 1,700 for the first time on Sunday, June Some idea of our lack of workers years. r 5th. may be gleaned from the facts that while we have one clergyman and one The "Far West," a ohurch monthly Parry Sound loses a warm, active layman at work within a certain dis­ published in , B. C., gives Church worker in the person of Dr. trict in the western end of ' the Man;'-· evidence in its columns th:l.t · ~ the Walton, who entered into r est after toulin Island, the Presbyterians have Bible in the Public Schools" is hecom... a very brief illness. He only lived to one minister and six lay helpers 011 ing a live C{uest i.,) ll in the llacific see Rev. Mr. Chilcott enter 11pon his the same field. Province. The need of religious in­ uuties in Parry Sound. There is a struction day by day as a part of the melancholy pleasure in hoting- the I t is very pl!=asing to note the re­ education of the C0l1!.in1 genera.tion of good works of those who die in th;: newal of interest in the Church's \vork Can adians is generally met with Lord. To Mrs. Walton we extend in Gore Bay Mission. When the apathy. Yet there is lacking our sincere sympathy. Bishop lately drove all through the the force necessary to face the /l\!Jis'sion he was gratified to see mall Y difficulties of the question, even The prospects at Copper Cliff do not evidences of it. At Silverwater three among Churchmen, who have brighten. Many men have been dis­ persons, and at Gore Bay eight per­ been leaders in bringing the question charged. No statement is made con­ sons received the ' 'laying on of to the front. Tf \;y-e are right, ll,t 113 cerning the time when the company hands." struggle . to '3.chieve the end. Wh,. will aga!n give them work. It may will lead? Mr. F. Major, who came down from be six months hence, and then it is Michipicoten to Sault Ste. Marie, and not unlikely that operations will be The Bishop was in Toronto during is in the hospital suffering from a carried on to a smaller extent than the last week in June, taking part in form of myeliv~, has been rememhere,l of late. The situation is not cheer­ the ceremonies connected with the by the men among whom he worked rul for our missionary, Rev. J. Boy­ J 'ubilee of Trinity University. Thence all the winter past. From Grace dell, and his little band of Church he came north to his own diocese, Mine and Michipicoten Harbor thc people there. where he had planned to take part in Bishop has received about $100 from the services that were to commemor­ them for Mr. Major. Just as our paper was going to ate the coronation of King Edward. press last month we chronicled the It was not God's will that our King Among those who were present at destruction by lightning of the church should be crowned on June 26th, and the Algoma Association Festival in at ~ ovar. In another column ap­ our joy was turned to sad and anx­ London in May were Messrs' Evan s pears the Bishop's appeal for aid to ious care. The Bishop was in three and Kirby, both of whom have served erect a new building. In such a case stations of Elms-dale Mission on June as missionaries in the diocese, Mr. he gives twice who gives quickly, Mr. 26th. In each place there were goorl Dunn, a son of the Bishop of Quebec, M. Kinton, of Huntsville, inspected congregations, which offiered their and Mrs. Anderson (better known to the ruins for the insurance company, prayers to God for the recovery of us as Miss Day), a veteran worker in which will promptly pay the $400- our monarch. Algoma's interests. amounto{ insurance on building m;d furniture-if it has not already dvne Cock'burn Island is situated west oi The outstations of Manitowaning so. the Great Manitoulin Island, S(J111e Mission,-':""'Hilly Grove and The Slash twenty mines fr,?m Thessalon, Oli the ---1are e.x;hibiting a renewal of interest Why I have so often said that I will north shore of Lake H -uron. There in the church. At the last-mentioncr1 not allow my dear and aristocratic is a slight increase of population on place the Bis'hop, confirmed a class of quarters of Bethnal Green and White­ the island-there are 180 souls-ow­ four. Throughout the whole mission chapel to be used by people who do ing to work at the Clerguc yuarry. are signs of life that must be most not believe in Foreign Missions as Five or six families rightly belong t o encouraging to the missionary, Re" stalking-horses to ' draw people off -the the Church. We have had no regular Rural Dean Young. foreign mission field is because I am ministrations on the island. It was Toronto, July, 1902 mE ALGOMA MISSIONARY )lEws. 51 almost impossible to reach it hy ister all funds for the benefit of the White River, making it necessary, if means of a missionary in an :ldja\::en t Church from a central administration the Church is to do its duty, for a field. It took so long to go and for Canada. But there is one parti­ priest to be residen t at that poin t of come. There is but one mail a. wel~k cular exception our contempolary the mission. The labor of the whole to the island. The slimmer student seems to be unaware of. It is, that mission has long 'been more than the at Silverwater, in the Mission of the Missionary Diocese of Algoma is missionary resident at Haileybury Gore Bay, will visit it occasionally the one diocese in Upper Canada which ,could perform. Another missionary this year. was not given a share in the Comnm­ is required-not after a time, but now. tation Fund. There are some persons Our zeal needs the impetus afforded There is a large region at the Lack in this diocese and some in the other by such incidents as a woman walk­ of Gore Bay and westward on the and older dioceses who think Algoma ing twelve miles just to find out, if Manitoulin Island, which is not has now and always had a claim to a possible, when t'he Bishop, or other touched by any of our missionar,ies. part of the fund mentioned. missionary, would be in the neighbour­ N or can it be. In it there are a hood, as she had a child to bring in On June 3rd, at Manitowaning, the number of Church families scatter~d for Holy Baptism. Young men and Bishop consecrated the Church of St. here and there-families being lost to strong men, and women and children Paul. It is the most ancient church the Church. The same may be said are going into this unbroken country in the Diocese of Algoma, having been of Providence Bay and other districts. to carve out homes for themselyesj to erected many years ago in connection For this the Church is responsible. suJiler many hards'hips \'\ il1ingly in with the Church's missionary work People who know nothing of pioneer order that their ends may be accom­ among the Indians. It was erected life certainly know nothing of the sor­ plished. Will the Church compel us on Indian lands, and for that reason row and heartache felt by many of to look 011 and see these brave peo­ some difficul ty has been e:xperiencel.\ our brethren lefb-deserted----'by the ple starve for religious teaching? Church of their fathers. The state in procuring a proper title tf) t]:le cares for the ph YiSical life of the set­ land. However, it has been ()ver' tIer, and to some degree for the p.du­ come by the payment of a small sum Ordination. cation ' of his children. The Church of money. The church building, does not apprecia te her responsibili­ which possesses a fine interior, has On June 22nd, the fourth Sl!l1lday after Trinity, the Bishop held an or­ ties. b,een much improved. Within it has been sheeted and panelled. Erected ,dination in the Pro-Cathedral of St,. In the beginning of last Lent, four years ago, it is constructed of fine, Luke, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. The , little girls in New Jersey State start­ large timbers. In the graveyaxd gentlemen who were presented to the ed what they called "The Missionary there are many nameless graves, but Bishop w~re the Rev. Henry Robin­ Club." Let us quote' from a child's one dating back to I836 is that of son Codd, M.D., of the Temiscanling letter: "Every Saturday afternoon, Ben. Bailey, who died in St:ptember of Mission, who was advanced to the from 5 to 6, we met at our house and that year. He was probably a.n Iu­ priesthood, and Mr. Benjamin Phillip worked at fancy work...... Vie dian servant to some of the residcllt.s Fuller, who was ordained to the dia­ had the sale out 011 the verandah a at that time. Within the church a conate. The Bishop himself was the little while ago and sold fancy things memorial on the wall recor(ls the preacher. These missionaries are a;­ and candy. Mother kindly made the death of an Indian missionary, R ~V. sured of the prayers and good wishes candy to, help us. We wrote the Peter Jacobs, who died May 20th, of thett brother clergy in the diocese. following and left it at a number of I 864· houses:-'Four little girls have been An Urgent Appeal. working during Lent and will have a A letter from Hlaileybury tells us sale at ...... on Saturday. Work that Mr. Murray, until rec&ntly A lew days ago -our Mission of N 0- and home-made candy for sale. Kindly churchwarden of the Church at 'fhurn­ var, one of the poor missions ' of the loe, and the Misses Beavis have pur­ come and help us to raise money for. diocese, was visited by a grievous ca- missions:'" The money was sent tv chased and presented an organ to the lamity. Its little church was struck the Bishop, to whom it was said: "We Church at the latter place. A sub­ by lightning and totally destroyed by wan t you to please use the money as sequent cotnJlllunication from Thornloe fire, with nearly all its contents. Un­ you think bes t. ' , Wha t a . iesson is tells of the establishment of a week~y fortunately, owing to the li .i:fli.culty of here for parents! paper there. ~ In our new country the obtaining money to pay the premium, printer is among the pioneers. No. the amount of insur~nce on the prop­ In an article in "The Canadian I of the Temiscamingue Gazette is erty Was small. There were $300 on Churchman" of a mon th since, we dat'ed May 2Ist, 1902. The the building and $100 on the furniture. read: chimney for the church is not These sums will not be half enough to When the Commutation Fund in Upper yet built. Surely something seri- replace what is lost. The faithful Canada was given to the Church a man ous must have happened as it was missionary, the Rev. J. Pardoe, will upon it carried his right to participate in it to any part of the Province, but as thought last winter that Jack Frost do his best to raise ''\Y'hat is' possible new dioceses were cr,eated hiS' right under was the only obstacle. Now a wait among his own peoplej but "w:hat is it became diocesan instead of provincial, is to occur un til new bricks can he and consequently were greatly limited to possible" is very little. The case is his disadvantage and also to the disad­ procured from the, new brick yard. one of exceptional need and I trust vantage of the Church at large. Our correspondent notes that many that our friends far and wide will do This latter s'tatemen t is very pro b­ new settlers are going into the coun­ what they can without further urging ably true. It were better to adluin- try at that point and back to the to assist their ~ffiicted brethren. We THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY :NEW~ Toronto, July, 1902

need at least $500, a part of which, both to h1m and to the devoted wife be so good as to come again and possibly two-fifths, . we hope to raise who -. has nobly consented to accom­ speak to us at greater length. in our own diocese of Algoma. I re­ pany him. The proceeds of the evening were Mr. Fuller goes about the first of given to the Bishop Sullivan Memor­ main, the month, and he goes as Deacon. ial Sustentation Fund, and it is pro­ Very fai thfull y yours, The Bishop feeling the importance 01: . posed to have a sale of work at Clif-­ GEORGE ALGOMA. his having Orders, arranged for his ton in the autumn, D.V., for the same P. S .-Oifrerings towards the new admission to the piaconate on Sun­ object. ch urch may be addressed . to the day, 22nd of June. By rights, none but a priest should enter upon such Bishop of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, Huntsville. isolated work. But as we cannot or the Rev. J. Pardoe, Novar, Ont.- send a priest, we must be glad that TH EVEN. T. LLWYD, RECTOR. G. A. he who goes will at least be in Sault Ste. IVlarie, Ontario, Deacons' Orders. The seventh annivers'ary of the open­ May 28th, r902. ing of All Saints' Church was held on Sunday, June 8th. The Holy Com­ Wanted- Indian Missionaries. munion was celebrated at S a. m. Nepigon. 'Morning Prayer was said at r r a.m. The Bishop is now seeking one or by the Archdeacon. The Rev. W. A. A t last a man has been found who two yOlmg men for the Indian work. J. Burt, Rural Dean of lvluskoka, preached a most practical and effec­ is willing to take up the arduous At first they would be required to tive sermon. work of the far-off mission field on the teach Indian clay schools. But while A special Sunday School service shores of Lake N epigon, where the thus engaged, they would prepare for was held in the church at 3 p ,m., Rev. Robert Renison did such long missionary work. They should he with an address by the Rural Dean. and heroic service. qualified teachers, having some kiwt The oft1ertory was in aid of the of certifi:cate. They should have the School Building Fund. Mr. Benjamin Fuller, who has been Evening Prayer was said by the teaching the Indian da y school (1 t instincts of the true missionary. No Archdeacon, the Rural Dean, again Sheguiandah for several years, and for personal ambition should hinder their preaching the sermons. The offer­ the past two years has been attend­ giving themselves unreservedly to the tories were for the Working EXipenses. ing Huron College, London, is the work. They should be lovers of the On Monday evening a garden party was given by the W. A. at the resi­ man. souls of men. dence of Mr. Duncan, churchwarden. Disorganized ' by long neglect, reduc­ Moreover, they should be strong in ' The attendance was good, considering ed in numbers, its parsonage destroy­ body; not afraid of outdoor life and the unsettled state of the weather. A eu by fire, its services for years in solitude; accustomed (or capable of capital programme was gone through, becoming s'O) to canoeing ~nd tramp­ mcluding an address by the Rev. J. abeyance, the Nepigon Mission is al- ing 011 snowshoes; and last, but n e> t Pardoe, of N ovar. most a new work! Its missionary ' least, they. should have some kno\.\/­ will need unbounded courage and al­ ledge (or the ability and will to ac­ Burk's Falls Mission. most apostolic zeal to support him in quire it) of the Ojibway tongue . .For without a knowledge of the languag~' so trying a position. He will nee(l, of his people a missionary can do REV. A C. MACINTOSH, INCUMBENT. above all, the prayers of the Church at very little. The Bishop would be It is now six months since the ar­ large. And these, we trust, will not glad to hear of such men. rival of Mr. MacIntosh among us, be denied him. His first duty, after during which time the work has taking up his residence and beginning steadily gone on amidst many draw­ his ministry at the Lake Mission of Algoma Missionary Association. backs and discouragemen ts. The Ningwenenang, will be to build a mission has had several unfortunate small log house for the shelter of his On Tuesday, May r6th, the Clifton occurrences diUring the present year family. In this he will, no doubt, Branch of the English AssociaHon for Last fall a new stone foundation WJ.S have the ready he1 p of the men of his Prayer and Work in behalf of the built under the parsonage at a cost of flock. But it will be no light task, nearly $I 25. This was practically for many things necessary for build­ Church in Algoma, gave an evening ruined by the frost during the winter, ing and furnishing this house will ha've entertainment at St. J olm's Parish and, of course, was very discouraging to be carried over the weary miles of Rooms (by kind permission of the to the congregation, who had so water, and of rough portage road, Vicar, the Rev. A. N. Scott,) which nobly, and with much self-denial, which intervenes between the mission was very well attended. An excel­ worked so hard at the foundation. . and civilization. But when a meeting was called and Then when he is housed the mis­ lent programme of music-vocal and the whole affair discussed-the Bishon sionary will make it his business to instrumen tal--was gone through, the being present and encouraging u s~ lead and teach his flock, and to seek members of the Branch being much the congregation, there and then in recruits by roving far and wiele indebted to those ladies and gentle­ the church, raised the sum of $80 through the forests and across the by voluntary subscription, and also wide stretches of water, where his men who so kindly gave their assist­ manfullv asserted its determination to mission lies. As he proceeds we hope ance. wipe oft the debt, which there is, by he will gain a mastery of the Ojibway An interval was arranged between next Easter. The W. A. has also tongue, without which he can do lit­ the parts, during which Miss Eda suffered, not one member of the tle with the roving bands to whom Green, the Central Secretary of the branch being able to do anything he will seek to minister. But it wlll Association, delivered a most inter­ since Christmas, on account of sick­ be hard, slow, trying work. And only esting address, which was listened to ness. However, with the warm God's grace, quickening in his breath with the greatest attention, the time weather and the return of health, we a love of souls and a burning desire for refreshJments coming all too quickly hope to see quite a good showing by "to seek and to save the lost" can to many who would gladly have heard them before Christlmas. The Youllg make Mr. Fuller, or any other mis­ more. We hope ' that at no distant People's S ocial Society gave a "Coro­ sionary successful in it. Let us all future Miss Green, whose presence nation Social," clearin!! $ro, whi,;h ask that this blessing, may be given, amongst us was most welcome, will sum goes towards the the liquidation of Toronto, Tuly, 1902 l'HE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS. 53 the debt. Our new organist, Miss G.race I 'fire sometimes, ' at any rate, and it is Our English Co-workers Sharpe, has given entire satisfactioll, in this way that the damage is done. and is most devoted and painstaking So, as I was saying, it was resolv­ in her work. The Young Ladies' ed to remedy this and to build a sub­ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ALGOMA ASSO­ Sewing Party hope to hold a sale of stan tial brick chimney and so arrange CIATION. work later on in the sum,mer. Thev the matter as to preclude the possi­ The annual Festival of this Associa­ have been working quite hard sinc~ bility as far as could be of the de­ Lent and have done quite a nunliber uf struction of the building in this way. tion. was held on May 16th. There valuable and fancy articles. 1he miS­ I t was remarked by some of the was a celebration of H 'oly Communiun sion owes a debt of gratitude to iis people, at a meeting we held, that at All Saints', Ennismore Gardens, two- efficient lay-readers, Messrs the insurance company seemed satis­ and in the afternoon a meeting was Bazett and Irvine, upon whom lVIr. fied.But this remark was considered MacIn tosh has had to depend for the out of place by the majority, because held at 19 Arlington street, by the rendering of the services twice a we did not want to consume the kind permission of Lord and Lady month during his absence at Sand building by fi're, whether insured or Zetland. Lake. We welcome Mr. James not. The Bishop of Newcastle, who pre­ Sharpe, ex.-1VLP.P., back into offLce It is now thoug~t that we have sided, said that his presence was due, as People's Warden; and with Mr. sufficient money m hand for both Bazett, minister's warden, we confi­ these objects, i. e., the shed and the first, to . his ~riendship with the late dently look forward to a very bright chimney, and our friends will proceed Bishop Sullivan, and secondly, to his and successful year. Since Christ­ to . the accomplishment of these pro­ having stayed at Sault Ste. Marie mas the number of cOlnmunicants ha<; jects as sO'on as possible. last autumn. On that occasion, by increased in a very satisfactory man­ I t is well to know that people are ner. moving. Our good Bishop told us travelling about the country he gained once at Garden River that the work considerable insight into the condi­ of God is as m!Uch helped on by work tions of life in Canada. During the Garden River Mission. of this kind as by direct spiritual twenty-four hours he spent at "The work, such as preaching the Gospel Sault" he preached il;1 the Cathedral, REV. F. FROST, MISSIONARY. and so on. F. F. visited the Indian schools and learned The Church people in tbe outstations June 10, 1902. a good deal of the work which tIle of this mission are moving in the Bishop of Algoma supervised. Algoma right direction in the matter or Woman's Auxiliary Notes . covered the ground between the older Church work; using their best efforts Canada and the new. From the rapid::;. to promote the in teres-ts of the In response to a statement made by Church in their neighbourhood. It the Bishop, at the Triennial Meeting called Sault Ste. Marie, which divided has been the wish of a great majority of the W. A. of the Diocese, at Sault Lakes Huron and Superior, he of the people to have a shed built Ste. Made, last August, that the See travelled westward 300 miles and near the church as a shelter for the House was in great need ot repair, was still in the Diocese, west and horses who bring people to church. A some of the branches have contribut­ s.outh of the Sault round Lake Huroll good many of the congregation live ed to this purpose., at a distance from the church and As the result of a garden party and and the Georgian Bay he was still in fiild it most convenient to bring a organ recital given last autumn, St. Algoma---.some 600 miles of coast al­ conveyance, and as a matter of hu­ Luke's, Sault Ste. Marie, Branch sent together. In N o l rt~umfberland he had manity, as well as Christianity, they in $127.00. The sale held by the two parishes, each larger than Rut­ need a shelter for the beasts who same branch last Easter, brought in draw them to the service of Almighty profits amounting to $190.00, which tandshire, and he knew the difficulty God. They say they cannot worship sum was also devoted to these most of working these, but in Algoma the with comfort and edification while needful repairs. popula tion was far more scattered they are thinking of their beasts ex-­ In January, Magnetawan Branch and the distance greater than we in posed to the storm or cold, poor sent a donation of $10, which ha'S al­ England could realize and to say animals which might possibly break ready been acknowledged in these loose and run home or anything. So pages. there were 80,000 white settlers and to this end and with this object in RecogniJzing that the other branches 8,000 Indians gave no fair idea of the view, they · are resolved, God helping in the Diocese would like to share in difficul ty of ministering to people them, to build a shed for this pur­ this gift to Bishophurst, the Secre­ scattered over so enormous an area. pose, and as they had some money­ tary wrote early in the spring to all The Diocese, when cut out of the low­ but not enoughr----they held a gather­ the W. A. branches. The Fund now er part of Ontario, was known to be ing for the purpose of. increasing the stands as follows: very poor, and till recently,. Algoma amount of money, until it should be had no trade except lumbermg and S. Luka's, Sault Ste. Marie...... , ... $3I7 00 sudlicien t for the object in view. At fish. It was impossible that it could Magnetawan,...... , ...... 10 00 a meeting held, the s

54 , lHE ALGOMA MISSIONAR~ )iEW~ Toronto, July, 1900 .

Church by , the ,Eastern. The Bishop Body of Christ. Before our Lord as­ words, "All things come of Thee, 0 referred to the reduction of the S. P. cended He gave His Father's work Lord, and of Thine own have we given G. grants, which was right and fit for into the hands of His Chureh, into. Thee," brings home to' those prescnt Lower Canada where Quebec, all honor our hands-the work of helping to the true principle of the offertory. to it, had voluntarily given them up, save not our own souls only, but all Why in the vast majority of our but the great Northwest had only men throughout the world. churches the duty of systematic and lately come into settlement, and until Mr. Harry Moody, who was pre­ proportiona te giving is systema tica1- tha t coun try had developed" the vented by illness from being present, 1y ignored is inexplicable to the lay Church at home m.ust , do what t.he sent a paper, which was read by the m ,ind which sees in it the solution of Church ' out there can not, and as Rev. W. G. Woolsey. lIe called Al­ nine-tenths of the financial difficulties Bi$hop' Wilberforce said, "Put water goma a "distressrfu1" country, which of the Church. He described a back­ in to the pump before . you turn the hitherto no one had known what to country mission, with its 10 or 20 handle." There were great possibili­ do with. The railway had to go houses of wood, a "hotel" or shop ties for, Algoma in, the future. , lVlr. through it on its way west, and had perhaps, but no comfort or picturcs­ Clergue, a man of remarkabl~ brai~l spent J. 500,000 on dynamite alone to queness. ; The clergyman who comes power, came to the country and saw blast the line round Lake Superior. hunts up his congregation and relies the minerals, the forest lands, and the In 1873 the separa te Diocese was on them for help". He may establish [a11s wIth' their possibility of electrical formed, and Bishop Fauquier, broken­ 4 or 5 outstations where he gives ser­ power, and he saw ' how all these hearted, after a gallant struggle of vice once a month. In these, after a coUld be utilized. Big factories were some years, laid down his life for the time, the wish for a church is felt, one established. for paper and other pro­ cause there of Christ ,and His Church. man will give a quarter of an acre on ducts and ' the foundation of a large But the commercial prospects of AI­ his farm, another will, as the Ameri­ business was laid, but" the present te­ 'goma are brighter to-day than ever can s chool girl said of Hiram, "do­ bUlt 'was the rapid growth of Sault before. The district must eventually nate the lumber for the Temple," :md Ste·. Marie" and other parts by the in -· benefit enor'mous1y by the developmclit so the little bare building is raised. Hux. of settlers, of m~n work:ing in -the due . to the enterprise of Mr. Clergue The missionary receives some £120, mines, ill the lumber camps and on and . his friends, in opening up mines partly from his people "in kind,') the 'railways. Clergy and churches and building rail ways to them. , Jus t partly from Diocesan Funds, and out are wan:ted for ' these men, and if the at p:resent, however, it but adds to, of this he has to pay rent, keep a Church does not do her Dart now, it the d~fficu1ties and responsibilities of horse for his long journeys and pro­ will 'be terribly hard to. ~ake , up the , the Bishop, who, without increased vide for his · wife and family. He leeway l~t,er. If the Church of Eng­ m'eans, has to meet, if the Church is urged practical, continuous support land does not come in, the Roman to hold her own, inr;:reased demands. fQr the Bishop in his exceptionally dif­ Ca t'holics and' the Pres byterians will. ,Large numbers of , men are being ficult position, and for the clergy, The 1a -eter ate ' far the strongest body brough.t in . dir:ect1y by the capitalists, their wives and children, books and in Canada. In their mission work others are going in on. their own ac­ ,"pretty thin~s," and for the churches they: are . helped largely from Lower count. Country, w.hich ten years ago altar 19ifts. Can~da, Scotland and the north . of ,was an almost uninhabitated wi1der­ General Lowry, in moving a vote of freland, and , theYI work with far .ness .is now overrun by prospectors. thanks to the Marquis and Marchion­ greater - cohesion and greater sense. oJ Why are we , in England asked to help ess of Z'etland, spoke of his early the needs of the poor than we do. It the Canadian Church to grapple with knowledge of AlgOlma, when there waS" necessary that , . we should difii,cu1ties arising from circumstances was no Diocese. He had been a strengthen the hands of the, Bishop of from which they and . their country member of every Diocesan Synod but AIgqma with bot,I: men and means_ ,will .derive enormous advantages? The one -in Canada, and knew how the The claim would not be a permanell t . first answer is that England ca,nnot Church needed the support of the one, and some ' day the Diocese will repudiate ,all responsibility for the fu­ Motherland. The S. P. G., S. P. C. lnaintain itself and · show its apprecia­ ture welfare of those nominal Church K. and C. C. C. S. do what they can, tion for what we do for it .now. peopl~ with whom she is flooding her but it wants all we can do, too, and The Rev. B. G.Wi1kinsoll, 1ate,Pro­ colonies, for thi!" among other rea­ it is incu~bent on people at home to tess()r of .-Pastora1 Theology at Lenox- . sons-that at least 99 per cent. of do far more than they have done. ville, Q., said he knew the Bishop of ,them have never been taught t.he The Rev. W. Evans, in seconding Algoma well, and knew that as a good rudimen tary principle oj giving to the motion, said he had worked for financier he could make the best u:::;e 'God of their substance and the duty 12 years in the Diocese and knew of , the help given him, and would not and principle of supporting their own what a help the interest taken for let the water rUll to waste out of the Churck. , It is one of the most heart­ them in England was to the clergy in pu~p; but he had known the Bishop breaking difficulties with which the .their isolation. He paid a warm 3.1&0 in Sherbrooke as a successful 'colonial Bishops ; and clergy have to tribute to the, Bishop of Algoma and parish priest, and that meant he was contend, that English immigrants, claimed that Canada had repaid all a lover of souls. The question wa.s nominally Church people, are so abso- we had done for her by the way she sometitnes aSlked, Why do n,Ot the ' lutely uninstructed on this point. had given her best sons to fight for Eas,tern ,dioceses do more to provide They exp;ect, as a matter of course, us. for Algoma? Having lived there, he to find their "Church" there. How A vote of thanks to the Bishop of knew, that the Eastern Church had it gets there, how.it is to be support-:­ Newcastle was proposed and seconded done ,its best, but '. they were con- ' ed they no more consider than they by the Rev. W. J. McKain and the stantly losiug men who moved on to did in the country village where they R.ev. S. P. Smith-Heriz. _ try their fortunes in the Northwest. :merely knew that a 13th or 14th cen­ It was difficult to depend on figures, tury Church has met the needs of but in Quebec, out of a popUlation of their forefathers and themselves, Let us turn this festival to account 500',000, only 60,000 were English, where there is a "parson,)J who llt)t by taking it as the memorial day of and of these only 19,000 were Church only conducts the services, but has a Christ's visitations. Let us lay up peopl'e. Last year that Diocese raised purse at the disposal of all who need; deep in our hearts the recollections-­ ,£16,400, ' provided for themselves en­ and, of course, the emigrant begins by how mysteriously little things are in tire1y,and 'sent £1,493 for outside resenting having i (' lJ a y in Canada for this world connected with great; how work.,' Speaking of mission work in that for which he was never asked to single moments', improved or wasted, general, he said, \.ve were not ,meant pay at home: The ceremonial com­ are the salvation or ruin of all-impor­ only "to take an 'interest in missions" monly used in Canada, that when the tant interests. Let us fear to miss but to be missionaries ourselves by 'offertory is presented the whole con­ the Saviour, while Simeon and Anna the fact of our incorporation in the gregation chant with the choir the find Him.-Newman. roronto, July, 1902 IHE ALGUMA l\1ISS.IONAR v: N~WS S5

Diocesan Rules and Regulations. . office for one year, or until their suc­ sacred character, of the church, on no cessors are appointed. Persons non;­ accoun t allowing it to be used for inated or appointed to fill a vacancy feasts, plays, entertainments, or. any TO THE CLERGY AND LAITY OF THE DIO­ shall hold office until the next annual secular purpose. " CESE OF ALGOMA: Vestry meeting, or un til their succes- (II) 'To, collect subscriptions! alms, My Dear Brethren:- 90rs are appointed. . and offerings of the congregatioll, and to keep a faithful a'ccount of the re­ The following Diocesan rules _ an~ (d) It shall be in the power of the regulations, which are almost ldentI­ Clergyman, or of the vr ardens, to call ceipts and disbursements of the same. cal with those published in the J ul:v a Vestry meeting when he or they (12) Immediatel y after any. ser.vice number of the Algoma Missionary shall think fit; and in any case it having anofiertory, t() proceed to the News in IS97, Jhe first year of any shall be their duty · to do so upon re­ Vestry, and, in the presence of the In­ Episcopate, are hereby re-enacted. I ceiving a written , application, signed c11ll1bent or the officiating Minister, to commend them to your careful con­ by at least six members of the Ves­ count and enter the amount oJ the try. same, with the date, in, the Serv;ice sideration and believe that your loyal Register. . observance of them will tend to pro­ lV. DUTIES OF THE CHURCHWARDENS. mote the best interests of the Church (13) 1'0 notify the Incumbent of any in our midst. The Churchwardens'in' any parish or grievous sickness or destitution among Yours faithfully, mission are hereby required: the members of the congregation, and . generally, and so far as in them lies, GEORGE ALGOMA. (I) vrithin fourteen days after ap­ to promote -the comfort and the wel­ Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., pointment or re-elec.tion in: eac~ year, June 16th, 1902. to make a faithful mventory, m dup­ fare of the Clergyman and congr~ga­ licate, of all the movable property of tion. I. ERECTION OF CHURCHES, ETC. the church. The Clergyman and Churchwardens No church or parsnnage may be (2) To insure the church and. other are jointly respohsible for the expen­ erected in the Diocese until the site of buildings belonging to the pansh or diture of church moneys, and for the the proposed building has been deed­ mission with the movable church general welfare of the congregation. ed (for which purpose blank forms property contained therein, at the~r These instructions shall be read will be forwarded on application to fun assurable value, making the policy, aloud by the Chairman of the Vestry the Bishop), and the plans, speCifica­ or policies payable to the Bishop of at each annual election of the Church­ tions, statements of local o~ . other the Diocese. . wardens. contributions have been submltted to (3) To send all po~icies for .s~fe v. CLERGYMAN' S STIPEND . him. This rule will also apply to all keeping, to the CUs~odl~n of poh.cles Local contributions towards the proposed alterations or improvements appointed by the Tnenlllal Council: maintenance of the church and its in churches or parsonages, and rear­ (4) At the close of each financial services shall be collected by the rangement of church or chancel furni­ vear to present a cardully prepared Churchwardens, as far as possible, ture. ~nd accurate statement of accounts through the medium of the offertory, II. VESTRIES. and balance sheet to the Vestry of the envelope system being recom· the church, and on the appointment mended. The Clergyman's stipend All male persons shall be en titled to of their successors, to hand over to shall be a first charge and shall . be a seat, and vote, in the vestries of such successors any balance of paid directly and promptly ever v the several congregations of the moneys remaining on hand. month. Church of England in the Diocese of (5) To provide for the. due ca~e .and VI. SPECIAL OFFERTORI ES. Algoma, who (I) are baptized, ('2) preservation of the vanous bUlldmgs are of the full age of twenty-one of the parish or mission and of all the The followihg special offertories for years, (3) are habitual at~end.ants ~~t church property contained therein; to the days or seasons assigned tl}e,m Divine Service in connection wlth sald act as guardians and administrators respectively shall be made in every congregations, (4) have contribu~ed. to of the church's real estate; and gener­ organized congregation. the funds of the parish or mlSSlOn I. Sunday after Epiphany-Foreign ally to t::ansact all. b~siness 'ir: con­ Missions. during the year immediately preceding nection wlth the furmshmg, repalr and and (5) three months before the date preservation of the church and parson­ 2. Ash vrednesday (or vrinter Mis­ of any meeting at which they claim age and with the due care and guard­ sionary Meeting! >-Algoma Mission Fund. the right to sit and vote have signed ianship of the burial ground and their names in a book, kept for that glebe. 3 · Good Friday-The Jews. purpose by the Churchwardens, as (6) To secure the warmth, cleanli­ 4· Sunday after Ascension Day-Do­ members of the Church of England, ness, and ventilation of the church, Inestic Missions .. and of no other religious communion and the supply of a sU'rplice, comm,:n­ S· Fourth Sunday after Trinity (or "IV ha tsoeyer . ion linen, books, and bread and wme St. Peter's Day)r----Bishop Sullivan for the celebration of the Holy Com­ Memorial Sustentation Fund. Ill. ELECTION, QUALIFICATIONS, E'lC., OF 6. vreek following Twelfth Sunday CHURCHWARDENS. munion. (7) To provide (a) a Service :aegis­ after Trinity (a house to house col­ (a) At the Annual Meeting of the ter in which are to be entered the lection)-AlgQma Mission Fund. Vestrv (due notice of the same having da dates and hours of services held, I· Thanksgiving Service-Superan­ ~s, nuation Fund. been ~iven on the Sunday previous) names of officiating ministers, number one Warden shall be nominated by the of persons present, number communi­ S. Christmas Day-The Clergyman. Clergyman, and one elected by a. ma­ cating, and amount of offertory at Week day offertories on the occasion jority of those present, and entltled each service; (b) a Parish Register for of the Bishop's visitation are to be to vote. Should either the Clergy­ recording marriages, baptisms, con.. applied to Diocesan expenses. man or Vestry decline or neglect to firmations and burials. All these O'fllerings, except the Christmas Day Offering for the appoint a vrarden, then the vacancy (S) To afford the Incumbent every Clergyman, are to be forwarded wi/h­ shall be .filled by the other party, i. c, assistance in their power in the super­ Oltt delay, to the Diocesan Treasurer. by the Vestry or Clergyman, as the vision of the sexton, the organist, the case mav be. choir, and other inferior o'fficers of the VIJ. EPISCOPAL ACTS. (b) N ~ person sh~ll be eligible to church. The Bishop will not baptize, . marry, the office of Churchwarden unless he (9) To provide seats for all who at­ administer the Holy Communion to be a member of the Vestry of the tend Divine vrorslhip, in 5'0 far as the the sick, or bury, -in any organized church which he habitually attends, capacity of the building will allow. mission where t here is a resident posses~ing all the five qmi,1ifications (10) -To main biin g-ood order ~nd Presbyter, save in very exceptional enumerated in Section II. quiet in and about the church dUl"mg cases, and at the special request of (c) The Churchwardens shall hold Divine vrorship, and to preserve the such Presbyter. -

THE ALGOMA MIS~10NAR Y )i~Ws. Toronto, July, J902

" Catholic." Difficulties may surround our path, a church in N ovar in place of that but if ,the difficulties be not in our­ recently destroyed by fire: At the recent meeting of the Gen­ selves, they may generally be over­ A. C. and B. S., Hamilton, Ont .. $ 6 00 , eral Synod of the Church of Ireland, come.-Dr. Fowett. Mrs. W. ,T. Eccleston, Little Current 2 00 St. Mark's Church, Emsdale-Of- the following declaration by the Arch­ * * "" A Christian needs to be alarmed fertory on St. Barna bas Day­ biS'hops and Bishops was issued to per the incumbent and church- when he has a great deal of good feel­ wardens...... 12 00 the Synod: ing and but little of good works. Mr. Thomas Ayres, Morriston, Onto I 00 "The Archbishops and Bishops call the flo * "" St. James' S.S., Gravenhurst, Onto attention of members of the Church to Adversity i:!t the mint in which God per Mis's Suttleby, Treas...... 3 40 the increasing misuse of the term 'Cath­ stamps upon man His image and sup­ lVIFs. Alex. McLeanJ Rocklyn, Ont. · I 00 olic,' to describe, without any qualifying erscription. designation, that body of Christians only who acknowledge the supremacy of the * * * Bishop of Rome. Members of the Roman The Lord gets His best soldiers out Catholic Church are now commonly des­ of the highlands of affliction. Acknowledgments ignated as ' Catholics,' while members of our Church, and others who hold all the Schreiber Mission. Contri~utions received by Principal di­ doctrines of the H oly Catholic Church as rect, dunng May, 1902, on account of the Shillgwauk Hotne:- defined in the ' ancient ,creeds, are fre­ REV. ] P SMITHEMAN, MISSIONARY. quently described as 'non-Catholics.' St. John's Church S.S., Cornwallis, " This is not a mere q,uestion of 'names A camp of seventy-five men was per Mrs. Helen Smith, $8; York Mills and w ords.' The Catholic character of \ isited by Rev. J. P. Smitheman at S.S., $3 ; Bayfield S.S., $4.88 ; Toronto, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and of the Red Sucker Bridge, near Port · Cald·· s,t. Mary Magc1 elen,e S .S., $9.80; Orillia, Society which He fou;nded is one ' great well, the other day. The C. P . R. St. J a mes' S.S., $[0 ; Toronto, St. Phil­ ip's S.S., $14.48; Lachine, P.Q., St. feature which distinguishes Christ,ianity line is being st,raightened at that from all other religious systems. Christ's Paul's Br. W. A., $15; Petrolea S.S., point and the work mav take two Church is univ€rsal, or Catholic., in the $25; Stratford, St. ·James' S.S., $15' fullest sense of the term ; its mission is years. The men were ve~ry g-lad ,to St. Thomas, Trinity Church S.S. $32: to all; its membership ind udes persons see the minister and he was very ghd Receipts by Diocesan Treasurer : ~ of ' all nations, and kindreds and people, to find two men who actually had BISliOP SULLIVAN MEMORIAL SlJSTENTA and tongues.' Prayer Books. Englishmen from Corn­ irON FUND " If we now surrender our, title of mem­ wall and Staff'ords'hire, Swedes, Finn;", Manitowaning, $1 ; Nova Scotia, $II.76. bership in the Catholic Church, and con­ Scotchmen, Irishmen and Frenchmen ~ UPI(R :\N NU ATION FUN I). cede it to those only who accept the au­ Manitowaning, $1.00. thority 0f a particular Bishop, we give comlP;osed the motley crowd. The I u,p an important point in that faith Cotlllshman expressed his pleasure at lJOMESTIC AND FOREJ(~N i\IISSIONS which was once for all delivered to the having an opportunity to join in di- , For Indian Schools-Falkenberg, $1.40; saints. So important was this point vine service and said, "God knows we Brace~ridge, $3.12; Webbwood, $1.45; held to be in early Christian times, that need all the help you can give us." Sundndge, $2.50. belie1 in ' the Holv Catholic Church' was Arthur Langston, from Bilston, Staf­ FuREIGN MISSIONS Powassan, $2.20. made an article of faith by those who fordshire, said, "You have come when com,piled our creeds. be a ' non­ THE ][WS To I Catholic' is to be outside the Body of am in trouble. Yesterday a rock £ell on my hand and crushed three of . Marksville, 75·; Webbwood, Soc. ; Sund­ Christ; and to be described as ' not a ndge, $3 j South River, 50c. my fingers to a jelly and to~day news Catholic' is equivalent to being describ­ SPECIAL PUHI'O<;E~. ed as ' not a Christian.' cal?e from home telling me my moth- Collected by Rev. Mr. Mockridge for " It is probable that in many cases er IS dead." Windermere Church, $380. these terms are used thoughtles,sly, with­ Bishop Sullivan: ·Memorial Susten­ GENERAL EXPENSE ACCOUNT out considering their signHicance and im­ portance ; but we cannot consent thus to tation Fund. Little Current, $5; Sheguiandah, $3 ; Sundridge, $5.00. I narrow the Church of ChriS't, or to ac­ oept the position of aliens from the com­ Present condition of Fund ...... $3,8,823 75 MISSION FUND. Amount required to secure the monwealth of the Israel of God.)) Birch Island, $4.J9; Diocese of Hurol1 j remainder of. English grant... 9,677 25 C. L. 0., $4.05; Diocese of Montreal . The sincere thanks of the Synod $158.38 ; Biocese of Niagara, $II .02 . Dio~ were conveyed to the Bench of Bishops The following sums have been added to c~se of Ottawa, $170.87 ; Diocese of Onta­ for the above pronouncement. the Fund during the past month: - rlO, W. A., $26.35; Diocese of Ontario S.P.C.K., part of grant...... $968 88 Indian Missions, $15.64; grant, D. and Marguerite Elkins, Orange, N, J. 9 50 ' F. M. Board, $400, for Indian work, "Out of tribulation" to heave.n; but $30 0. not the. same tribulation for every Miss Huxtable, Sault Ste. Marie '5 00 Euron W. A. :- INDIAN HOMES. one. There is to be borne for God­ A Thankoffering...... , ,, .$491 22 Dioces,e of Montreal for Simon Jacobs, bodily pain and ~piritual pain of our Woodstock, St. Paul's... I 50 $75 ; Diocese of Niag~ra, $40.72 : 1Hoccs~ own-and the unselfish pain in which Brantford, Grace Church, of Nova Scotia, $0.00. ' the saints grow like their Saviour.­ Life memterships...... 25 00 DOMESTIC MISSION S \ Ta·ughan. Chath!ll1), Holy Trinity.... 7 00 Gravenhurst, $2·99 ; Sundridge, $3 ; Galt, Mrs. Tvler's Life Eagle Lake, 95c. ; South River, 45c .· My Lord and* God,* take * from me all membership .. :'...... 12 50 Huntsville, $1.80; Richard's Landing; that may keep me from Thee! Give Miss Weir's Life memo 10 00 $4.60; Jocelyn, $2.22 ; Marksville, $1.20' me all that ma y take me to Thee! 547 22 Raysville, $r .37; Little Current, $2.55; From a Parson's hens ..., ...... $2 50 Sheguiandah (white,) , 90c.; Sheguiandah Take me from myself ~nd give me to From a Parson's garden ...... 2 50 ( India n ), $1; Sucker Creek, 75c.; Bid­ Thee! 5 00 well, $r ; St. John's, Sault Ste. Marie, * * * A Thankoffering for the restora- $8.28; Sudbury, $10.16; Port Arthur, The day will come, it will come tion of peace...... 5 00 $8.20 ; Uffington, $3; Purbrook, $1.06 j quickly, when it shall profit us more Sherbrooke W.A., Quebec ...... 25 00 Va nkoughnet, 94c.; Nairn Centre, $1 ; to have 5ubdued one proud thought 1'., Huntsville, bal. of dona tion Webbwood, $.1 ; Emsdale, $2.05; Spruce­ than to have numbered the· host of of $25 ...... , ,, , ...... IS 00 dale, $1.17; Kearney, $2.45; Garden heaven.-Dr. Johnson. River, $3; Ilfracombe, $3-47; Novar" $1,580 60 $2.25 ; Ravensc1iffe, $2.01 ; P ort Sydney" * * * $3; Trout Creek, 55c.; Nipissing, 45c.; Nothing can work me damage ex~ N ovar Church Building Fund, Copper Cliff, $3.61; Haileybury, $4; rept myself; the harm that I sustain 1'hornloe, $3.67; Dawson's Point, 59c.; I carry about with me, and am never Rev. Pardoe, of Novar acknow­ F ort Willia m , $9.10; Victoria Mine, J. $3.05; Broadbent, $1.45; Dunchurch, a real sufferer except by my own ~edges with many thanks the follow­ fault.-St. Bernard. $1.55 ; Magnetawan, 70c.; Midlothian, lllg sums towards a fund for building $1.06. 'UIJ" T L 68 Church Street, ... . aeon Toronto, Ontario G~ R. BYFORD & CO. First·class, Hand Sewed Bookb§nders ------BOOTMAKER Bookbinding cf Every Description. Special attention given to bindlOg sheet music. Call in or write for price list. I send wor~ to Choir Books, Library Books, etc. , Western Canada prepaid. Gold Lettering on Pocket Books, etc. 42 Ohurch St., Toronto We want to Catch Your Trade Importers of and Dealers in all kinds of En~Ush an

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