_0- ___ _ -r---~--Ef-----+ H 60 v¢ into all tb¢ worl4 H Rna 10, 1 am witb you al· and pr¢acb tbt gospd to to¢rv wav, ¢o¢n unto tb¢ ~na of tbt , " cr¢atur¢." world." Cbt ) J " Jllgoma miSsionaryn¢Ws tb¢ Offidal Organ of tbt Dfo(¢s¢ of }flgoma. , 3-ul~; 1902 '~/~ CONTENTS: I , ' , "God Save the King." I Diocesan Rules and Regulations. A Missionary for N epigon. , " Catholics." Our Algoma Associatjon In England I) i ' THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY PRESS ,,,-,,6 RICHMO ND' ST. WEST r ';,When you are desirous of. having Pure Wholesome Food on your table see that you have 160 to 164 A yen ue Road, . Toronto. TELEPHONE. NORTH 133. Successor to JAMES KITCHENER KITCHENER&SON House and Church Decorators Wall-Paper Dealers Phone Main 521: 418 Spadina Aven.ue, TORONTO Estimates for all kinds of decorating cheerfully furnished. The Continental Lifa Insurance Company Patroni.ze HON. JOHN DRYDBN, President. The Company's RepJrt for 1901 shows remarkable in­ creases in all items of business: 1. Increase in Policies issued ...... 0 •• • •••••••• $ 350,705 2. Increase in premium income . .. ............ 39,312 our 3. Increase in total income from p' emiums and interest ........ , . .. ••••.• • • . .. o' •• . 42 575 4. Increase in assets ..... ..... .. .. ·..... .. 43,959 5 Increase in ammnt of Ins'lrance in force o. o. 1399,466 6: Total available a.ssets fer security of Policy· Advertisers holders •.... 0.. • • •• ••• • •• • • • ••• •• 0 •••• • 1,120,663 Continental Life Policies are unexcelled Jor ~impliC1lY and liberality. Highest guarantees ; lowest rates. t Liberal c~ntracts to Agents. GBO. B. WOODS, CHARLBS H. FULLER, General Manager. Secrctflry. Head Offiee: TORONTO Bstabllshed 1884 Telephone Main 1137 W. C. CAMPBELL. W . J. TROTTER. COPELAND & FAIRBAIRN Union Dairy Co'. HOUSE and LAND AGENTS 421 ' Yl'lnge St •• Toronto. Milk, Cream, Ice ·Cream, and Ice FROM MAKER TO WEARER 24 Victoria Street, Cream Bricks. TORONTO. Money to " Tiger Brand" Clothing and Furnishing Goods Lend. Wholesale and Retail. Phone Main 2483 for men and boys-ready. made. "From maker" GARDEN PARTIES AND PICNICS SUPPLIED. -that's us-we're wholesale tailors-"to wearers" ::aBeT -'-that's you "-no middleman in the transaction -building business on a high quahty standard. Goal and Wood Your money back if you want it. ~~~D06.s WITH 1'tAN6t: . r,;yO CURt TH~M Wl1l15TANDARDOIlOF TAli, E. Boisseau &; Co . • oS ND FOR CIRCULARS. T['~TIMONIAU> AND f1IU MMPU ,CONGER COAL CO., Limited ..~ __"",-",,, ... Il THE WEST C.HEMICAL C.O. TORONTO.O><T Temperance and Yonge Branches throughout Head Office, the City. King St. East, TORONTO Superfluous Hair A Good Opportunity fer the Students Moles, Warts, Birthmarks of Scripture and Otbers. and all facial blemishes permanently re­ moved by Electrolysis A large supply of helpful Christian literature on hand at the Colportage Mission DepJt, 202 King Street East, The Foster Dermatological Institute corner of Frederick, Toronto, Ont., some of which have No.2 College Street, Toronto. been received at greatly reduced prices and will be sold in the same way. If you want to Buy or Sell Houses Among th~m Bibles and Testaments, Henderson Medical Missionary, Vital Questions, Questions of the Day, Chris­ or Far'm Property com­ tianity without Conscience, Adrift in the B:eakers, Let­ municate with ters of Marcus, To Rome and Back, C.H.Mo, Notes on Books of MJses, Protestantism of the Prayer Book, Paul Bert, Life of Spurgeon, Horre Paulinea, By and By, PARKER & co. Travels in the Orient, and m:my others. A, opportunity 61 Victoria St., TORONTO to make a good and ch °ap present. Colportage Mission, 202 King St. E. 4 Yz and ') per cent. money to loan. Toron.o, Onto I 1the Algoma itltlionar9 1ttW0~ The Official Organ of the Diocese of Algoma. New Series-Enlarged. Published Monthly VOL. XIV. No.7. Ton.oNTo, JULY 2, 1902. 50 cents,per annum. QI;l:t.e NOTICE Notes by the Way. ~lg.o-mlt l$ti1Y1Yi.o-ultrn ~.eW\\ The Rev. Charles Piercy, Editor EDITOR: and Manager of. the Algoma Mis­ l':OTEWORTHY DATES IN CHURCH HISTORY REV. CHARLES PIERCY, SAULT STE. MARIE WEST, sionary News, has removed to July 9.-Act forbidding payment of ONT. Sault Ste. Marie West. Ontario PUBLISHERS: first fruits to Rome, 1532. THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY PRESS, All communications should be ad 44 RICHMOND ST. WEST, TORONTO. dressed to him therefrom this time July 25.-Savoy Conference closed, forward. ' THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS is the official organ 1661. of the Diocese of Algoma. It is published for the Dio­ cese by The Algoma Missionary Press. 44 Richmond July 26.-Irish Church Act passed, Street West, Toronto. Bishop's Appointments for July. THE ALGOMA M1SSIONARY NEWS (New Series) is pub· 1869· lished monthly. The price for single copies is 50 cents English Bible set up in churches, per annum. ' I. Tues. - Travelling to N epigon. All items of news and communications of an editorial nature should be sent direct to the Editor, The REV. C. 2. Wed- " .' " Nepigon Station. 1547· PIERCY, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada. 3. Thur.-Start up the Nepigon River. 'Subscribers and friends are asked to bear in mind 4. Fri.-Travelling northward. I have made up my mind to try, that all receipts beyond what are necessary to defray the 5. Sat.-Negwanenang. bare cost of publication and management will,acprue to God helping me, to make the Diocese the Diocesan funds. This being so it is hoped that the 6. 6th Sunday after Trinity. friends of the missionary work of the Diocese every· Lake Nepigon Mission. of London the greatest missionarv where will not only send in their own subscriptions promptly, but also induce others to subscribe for the 7. Mon.­ " " diocese in the world.-The Bishop ~f ' paper. S. Tues.- 9. Wed.- " London. 10. Thur.- THE RIGHT REV. GEORGE THORNELOE, D.D., D.C.L., I I. Fri.-Returning southward. Bishop of Algoma, For the first time in the history of Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 12. Sat.-Red Rock. 13. 7th Sunday after Trinz'ty Schreiber Mission. Algoma the Bishop has been able to A. 14· Mon.- } V· . P '1 send a student to Byng Inlet. Mr. J. WORRELL, ESQ., K.C., 15. Tues.- anous POInts on "aI way. Hon. Treasurer (of invested funds) Diocese of Algoma, Westman has gone there to minister 18 and 20 King Screet West, 16. Wed.-Train westward. Toronto, Ont. to the Church flock during :he smH­ 17.IS. Fri.-Thur.-} orIver, an d'nelg hb'onng paces.1 H. PLUMMER. ESQ., mer. General Diocesan Treasurer Diocese of Algoma, 19. Sat.-Return to Fort William. Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 20. 8th Sunday after Trinz'ty. Fort William and Port Al thur. July 1st is our national birthday­ GEORGE LEY KING, ESQ., Principal of the Shingwauk and Wawanosh Indian 21. Mon.- Dominion' Day. It will be celebrated Homes, 22. Tues.-Train eas ward. Sault Ste. Marie, Onto 23. Wed.- } Whi,te River, and other points by Canadians in South Africa and in 24. Thur.- on C. P. R. man yother places. In London this Please Note. 25. Fri.-St. fames, Apostle and Marty?'. V:ctoria Mines. year there should be a glorious First 26. S,t.- of July. 1. Be prompt in remitting for renewal 27. 9th Sunday after Trinity. Sault Ste. Marie. or arrearage, and thus aid us in mak­ 2S. Mon.- Man y of our readers will regret to ing THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY NEWS 29. Tues.- " 30 . Vl,Ted.- " " learn that Mr. Harry Plummer, our better and belter. 31. Thur.- 2. Our rule is the same as that of the " Diocesan Treasurer, has had to leave great majority of newspaper and maga home for a month or five weeks in zine publishers, namely, to consider God Save the King. search of better' health. H e is ex­ each subscriber as permanent until he pected to return about the midd.le of Jus t before sending the last proof orders his paper stopped and PAYS UP. June. 3. No paper should be ordered stop· to press and when we were looking f0r­ ward to singing our national an them ped until all dues are paid. Miss E. E. G~een, the Secretary of 4. Refusing to take the paper from with hearts full of joy and thanks­ the Algoma Association in England, the office, or returning it to us, is not a giving on the occasion of the corona· sufficient notice to discontinue. tion of King Edward VII., the news hopes to pay Algoma a visit this 5. If a subscriber wishes his paper comes of the very serious and prQ b­ summer. No welcome can be too discontinued at the expil ation of time ably fatal illness of our gracious sov­ hearty to so loyal a co-worker in an ereign. Not now with shollt of joy paid for, n<;>tice to that effect must be is heard "God Save the [(jug." Bilt that concerns the Church in this dio­ expressly given. Otherwise, it is the same words are heard-in hushed cese. assumed that a continuance of the sub· and pleading tones of prayer. It is scription is desired. the prayer constantly ascending from In the statement this m~:mth of sub­ 6. Send money to Rev. C. Piercy, church and home in behalf of our scriptionS' to the Bishop Sullivan Sault Ste. Marie, either by P.O. Order, stricken sovereign. N or do we for­ Memorial Sustentation Fund, there is Express Order, or Postal Note. We get his wife and chj1dren. It is cannot be responsible for loose change "God Save the King." It is "Thy one worth noting: "Thank offering or stamps will be done." [or restoration of peace." A sheet of 50 THE ALGOMA MISSIONARY N'EWS Toronto, July, 1902 note paper with this inscription only .
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