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JANUARY 25, 1960 THIRTY -FIVE CENTS C£Q N ROiY &ol G 9 es- .e,,4grsNDs THE BUSINESSWEEK1. '11°`3 apZu RADIO óq ta O,q Movement underway to establish seal of approval for tv ads Page 33 Tv network buying: Anacin top brand, P &G biggest spender Page 46 Networks consent to `Doerfer plan' for public service time Page 70 Everybody is going to have to face Magnuson's committee Page 72 SIORPINGSIDE COLLEG LIBRARY NOW... STORER RADIO cioTTX CITY IOW'. in LOS ANGELES the nation's second largest market KPOP You know where you're going with , KPOP .QT FR Inc. nsr, aOs n,tnr/ionn dVP N V 99 930 N. Michioan Ave.. Chicaco 1 WHEELING: ÍÏ1ßJORTV MARKET One Station Reaching The Booming Upper Ohio Valley No. 16 WTRF -TV Image Series MACHINERY BLAW-KNOX COMPANY, Wheeling and Warwood, W. Va. Slob Shear, one of the gigantic machines manufactured here in B -K plants. (Note how machine towers over man at left.) Producing massive machines for steel and aluminum manufacturers, The Blaw Knox Company employs 1000 skilled craftsmen earning a five million dollar an- nual payroll in their two WTRF -TV area plants. Blaw -Knox, another industrial giant, contributes to the progress of this rich and busy 36- county area covered by WTRF- TV from Wheeling. Why are alert advertisers interested? The two million people living in this Wheeling Market have an annual spendable income of over 21/2 billion dollars. They look to WTRF -TV for ways to spend that money! For labilìfan call Bob 316,000 watts network color Ferguson,s VP and Gen. Mgr., N B C or Smith, Sales Manager, of gusor 2.7777. National Rep., George F. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA Hollingbery Company. 61 t r ff reaching a market that's reaching new importance! PREFERRED BY THE FOLKS WHO KEEP THE REGISTERS RINGING P IN THE BALTIMORE- MARYLAND MARKET! *ADULT *LEVEL *PROGRAMMING . WCBM rings the bell where it really counts -at the cash register! WCBM's '`Adult '`Level *Programming is radio at its best --the kind of radio adults prefer according to Nielsen Adult Listenership Surveys. If you want to SELL in this huge market -schedule WCBM to reach the buying public -the people who really have money to spend in the Baltimore -Maryland Area! A CBS Radio Affiliate 10,000 Watts on 680 KC Baltimore 13, Maryland PETERS, GRI FFI N,WTOODWARD, INC., Exclusive National Representatives BROADCASTING, January 25, 1960 3 603,200 TV HOMES NET WEEKLY DELIVERED CIRCULATION (ARB Market Reports: Oct., 1959) The ARB report of KRLD -TV circulation ranks Dallas -Fort Worth as the 12th largest* Market in the United States! Of all CBS -TV affiliates throughout the nation, KRLD -TV net circulation is 11th largest ... and in 1st position throughout the entire South! These substantiated facts prove the "measured preference" for KRLD -TV in the big, booming, BUYING Dallas -Fort Worth Market. Ask any Branham man. *Net weekly circulation topped only by New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, St. Louis and Washington, D. C. represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS Clyde W. Rembert Gunte,e 4,DaPka President MAXIMUM POWER TV-Twin to KRLD radio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, January 25, 1960 CLOSED CI RCU ITS Mexican problem Mexico has jumped Campaign season NBC-1V is speed- for two weeks "in the sunshine" down gun again and staked claim for high - ing efforts to sell off political conven- south. Doctors ordered checkup after powered station on 530 kc-one chan- tion- campaign package. Network has his Rolex GMT -master wristwatch nel below existing am broadcast band. retained for special sales assignment which he had worn for year had been It used same tactic in 1948 on 540 kc Rodney Erickson, now running newly - determined to contain radioactive on which XEWA San Luis Potosi now formed Rodney Erickson Enterprises strontium -90. Doctors also have ordered operates with 50,000 w, pre -empting (BROADCASTING, Jan. 18), consultant to rest, because of rugged pace past few that facility except for secondary use Warner Bros. and former Young & months. in U.S. Notification received last week Rubicam executive. Package is being Code gains NAB will disclose to from Inter -American Radio office, Ha- offered in thirds, each of three adver- FCC's broadcast hearing this week that vana, cited Mexico's intention to use tisers to pay reported price of $1.88 station subscriptions to radio code have 530 kc in Mexico City for 50 kw sta- million (some 140 minutes of commer- doubled in last two months, now total tion (directional day and night) in next cial time on radio -tv with estimated 1,197 or 59% of all am -fm member exchange list among NARBA nations. cost per thousand of approximately stations (57% of am, members). Unlike Actually, under international agree- $2.08). CBS -TV has Westinghouse tv code, radio document is open only ment, this channel would become avail - signed for full sponsorship; ABC -TV to NAB members but association's for only low-powered stations w) has not yet announced any sale. (250 radio directors have informally shown in 1961. Boomerang This may never break willingness to admit non -members under Mexican exercise of squatter's right into open, but it's not only broadcast - some equitable formula. Action . ex- on 530 kc in 1948 caused furor. Pres- oriented executives who are becoming pected at next NAB board meeting, ently assigned kc to 530 area in U.S. irked at newspaper treatment of FTC probably in early March. NAB's radio are mobile and marine services but with complaints against advertisers and their code now includes practically all im- provision that there be no inter- shall agencies for production devices used in portant major- market stations belonging ference to 500 kc, international distress tv commercials. Print -minded agency to association. frequency. Some services, particularly people now talk of newspapers "hurt- radio alarm systems, use broad frequen- ing themselves" and of "killing the Stereo promotion To indoctrinate cy bands resulting in interference and, goose that lays the golden egg" because public on virtues of stereophonic repro- under International Telecommunica- of headline treatments which, they duction, Electronic Industries Assn. is tions Union provisions, reliability of charge, "blow up stories on FTC soliciting its membership for $300,000 such services must be improved. This actions." initial fund to be spent in two maga- accounts for the availability of 530 kc zines -Life and Saturday Evening Post. for low-powered stations in 1961. It's Bates talks back Ted Bates Inc., So far as known, no radio -tv is con- expected that FCC, through State Dept., New York, late last week was pre- templated. will raise question about new Mexican paring advertisements to break this pre -emption. morning (Jan. 25) in New York Times EIA Stereo Committee also would like to see FCC move swiftly, through Harris plans House Legislative Over- and Herald Tribune attacking FTC's TASO -like ad hoc group, to establish sight Subcommittee is going to restrict get -tough policy on "misleading" ads. standards for stereo for all services its probings, at least for some time to Reports had it that Bates' chairman of having made pitch last October. Noth- come, to payola in narrowest sense; i.e., board, Rosser Reeves, had described ing more has happened and RCA and to shenanigans involving d.j.s, recording advertising copy as "fighting back" at CBS remain out of ad hoc group ap- and publishing firms, stations, networks FTC. Bates has been under FTC fire parently because of possible antitrust and talent, all in field of music, rather in complaints filed against advertising implications in any joint move to es- than to such aspects as "free plugs" and handled for agency's clients. In past other types of alleged abuses. Pattern weeks, these have included Life cig- tablish standards. will be to conduct several phases of arettes, Blue Bonnet margarine and Small but select Extent to which im- probe, each to cover as many types of Colgate-Palmolive (Palmolive Rapid portant owners in broadcasting are abuses as possible of those listed in Shave). showing awareness of problems pre- staff memorandum revealed last month For the record Mysterious action of cipitated by Washington eruptions was (BROADCASTING, Dec. 21), with week FCC in first granting and then rescind- reflected last Thursday in informal of hearings planned about 8 Feb. to ing approval of luncheon in New York given by cover first phase and subsequent sale of KATZ St. hear- Louis, Mo., by Rollins Broadcasting Donald H. McGannon, president of ings to cover others. Co. to LaClede Radio Inc. (page 77) Westinghouse Broadcasting Co. and Witnesses at first hearing will in- may have more than casual significance. chairman of Tv Code Review Board. clude d.j.s and other station people, re- Reconsideration was asked by Comr. Guests were six top executives represent- cording manufacturing and distributing Bartley and was automatically granted ing WBC, Time Inc. (TLF stations). firms and ABC -TV star Dick Clark (Commissioner courtesy). Mr. Bartley Washington Post stations, Corinthian who, incidentally, has retained Paul refused explanation, but is believed stations and Whitney Communications Porter, ex -FCC chairman, as lawyer. concerned about applicants with stock- Corp. While nothing definitive emerged House unit isn't discarding some non - holders who have interests in record it was agreed there is need for expres- payola -type allegations, such as com- companies. sions from independent owners, totally plaints about "vilifications" of persons aside from networks, and necessity for and companies on air, station personnel Hot chairman FCC Chairman John their participation in informational flow with "long criminal records" and broad- C.