Ecial Cqwttee Qn Palestine Reportto
UNITED NATIONS OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE SECOND SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SUPPLEMENT No. 11 UNITED NATIQNS Sl?ECIAL CQWTTEE QN PALESTINE REPORTTO THEGENERALASSEMBLY VOLUME II. ANNIXES, APPENDIX AND iVIAl’S Lake Success New York 1947 0 ’ UNITED NATIONS OFFICIAL RECORDS OP THE SECOND SESSION OF , THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SUPPLEMENT No, 11 UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL CQMMITTEE' ONIXLXSTINE REPORTTOTHEGENERALASSEJMBLY VOLUMEIf ANYEKES, AWENIXX AND MM’S Lake Succese New Pork 1947 TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEXES Page @6@ 1. Letter dated 2 April 1947 from the United 17. Resolution adopted by the Special Com- Kingdom delegation to the Acting Secre- mittee concerning acts of violence . I4 taryGenera1 requesting a special session 18. Report of SubCommittee 3 on its visit to of the General Assembly on Palestine ,........ 1 certain assembly centres for Jewish rtfu- 2. Requests from the Governments of Egypt, gees and displaced persons in Germany Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Saudia Arabia and Austria .. t . 14 for inclusion of an item in the agenda of A@enclix I. Duppel Centre-IRO Cen- the special session ..,........ .. 1 SUB .. ..~.......................................... 17 3. Provisional rules of procedure oE the Spe- A#xmGx II. Copy of verbal answers to cial Committee ,I,,I,,..., ~~.. ~I ,.,...., ~,,,..,., ~.. ~ .. 2 questionnaire . .,,,,......,,,,...,.17 4. Itinerary of the Special Committee in 19. Text of the Balfour Declaration .. .. 18 - Palestine .. .. ...I .. .. .. 4 20. Text of the Mandate for Palestine ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,18 5. Transmission by the Secretary-General of ‘21. Article 22 of the Covenant of the League a cable dated 13 June 1947 from the Arab of Nations . .. .. 22 Higher Committee to the Secretary-Gen- eral concerning collaboration with the APPENDIX Special Committee ,....~..,.
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