Minutes of meeting on Monday 13th January 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Held at Secondary School

PRESENT: Ann Laird (Chairman); Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer); Laura Barnett; David Belcher, Bob Brown, Maire Kennedy, Sheila McCubbin, Loretta Primrose, Oliver Van Helden, Ruth Wallace, Jon Pope.

EX OFFICIO: Wendy Rattray (minute secretary)

IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Ken Andrew Steve Rolfe – PhD research student, Urban Studies, Univ of Lionel Most – prospective member

APOLOGIES: Roy Parkin (Secretary); Riccardo Lazzarini (Vice Chairman); Patsy Dewar-Gibb, Carol Martin; Cllr Franny Scally; Drew Smith MSP

1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES Chairman Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting,


a. COMMUNITY POLICE- No police present for report.

b. RESEARCH PROJECT INFO – Steve Rolfe: Mr Rolfe introduced himself as a PhD student at Glasgow University and is doing research into the impact of Community Involvement and what it achieves, and asked if the members were willing to take part in two workshops he would like to organise in the next few weeks. He had read some of the past Minutes online, and would come back to us with his results of the first two workshops. There would then be a further two meetings in about a years’ time. A date was organised for the first meeting.

c. COUNCILLORS: Cllr Ken Andrew :- • Consultation on Restricted Parking Zones proposed for DHKCC area to ease parking problems here, although excluding Hughenden. Question is should this be included? Maybe it actually should be. Part of problem is that car ownership has increased over the years. • Complaints regarding leaf and leaf mould and the need to get this cleaned up. • Martin McKelvie LES says he has to work within street cleaning budget to tackle this. • Novar Drive Nursery – fitted shutters not right for conservation area. • Work on Old Station Park in final phase. More money needed. • Suggestion for Senior Pupils from Hyndland Sec to participate in City Chambers. Cllr Martha Wardrop:- ! Hyndland Traders had a meeting ! Council Parks – ‘peace pole’ will send on details ! Bird feeders and garden planters from community service housing project for sheltered housing, care homes etc.; ! Upgrade entrance to Old Station Park at Lauderdale Gardens ! Large puddle at Novar Drive Nursery – generally gets missed out by LES maintenance groups. ! Meeting of Air Quality at Community Council – changes needed to deal with this. Again, taxi’s idling causing problems with this.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING: • Minutes were read and approved. Matters arising resulting from the resignation of Nick Mayes and Alison Main, which leaves us with 2 more members to be found. Mr Lionel Most would like to apply to be a member, with the further view to possibly replacing Roy Parkin (who has resigned as secretary) as Secretary. • A decision was taken to hold an election for new members. 1 4. TREASURER’S REPORT: (Kristeen Barnes) Balance of £84.65, still waiting for Grant and will give them 10 days before chasing it up. Also in process is grant for admin cost of £165.00

5. CHAIRMANS REPORT: a. Hyndland Gulls – a pilot scheme for spiking the roofs to deter the gulls from nesting is to be put in place. These gulls have become a noisy and messy nuisance. b. Bus Stop, Hyndland, at former bank – the distance between bus stops on Hyndland Road, particularly outside ‘The Rock’ to top of Queensborough should be investigated, as customers finding it too far between them. c. Planning Enforcement, B Listed house, Victoria Crescent Rd above Bowling Green. Had PP/LBC to replace a large tree just inside the entrance. The replacement however has died. When we asked for a new replacement, i.e. for the terms of the PP to be enforced, ENF section said it did not have to be replaced, as it was not big enough to qualify. This strange anomaly occurred apparently based on the new definitions of Trees etc in 2010 legislation. Further questions will be asked.


291 PP Change of classification, from Class 1 to Class 3

#88 Highburgh Road Modify Erection of residential development at 88 Highburgh Planning Road, application 11/01914/DC – discharge of section Obligation 75 agreement.

Flat 2/2, 6 Turnberry Road PP Installation of replacement windows to flatted dwelling.

Flat 6, 15 Princes Gardens LBC Internal alterations to listed building

Flat 1/1, 3 Athole Gardens LBC &PP Replacement windows at listed building.

Flat 0/1, 13 Huntly Gardens LBC Internal and external alterations to listed building.

Flat 0/1, 29 Westbourne Gardens LBC & PP External alterations to listed building.

# Information Requested *Objection

7. SECRETARY’S REPORT Correspondence: ! Police – feedback from local residents. Set of priorities added to Action Plan ! Douglas Briggs letter to Martin McKelvie, LES with cleaning issues and lack of communication. ! Handrail wanted in Hughenden Lane to Lauderdale Gardens (via Riccardo Lazzarini). ! Christmas Card and Calendars Ann McKechin MP ! Newsletter from Bob Doris

8. GCC Land & Environmental Services: No report.

9. AOCB: a. GCC Parks Rules Consultation: Worry over proposals to be able to levy a charge on groups for using city parks, groups such as walking groups, nursery groups and dog walkers. Should we let this happen? How is such a charge to be enforced? We will prepare a response after further consideration.

DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: *Mondays at 7 p.m.at Hyndland Secondary School unless otherwise stated*

2014 - ***17 February; 10 March; *14 April; 12 May; 9 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept; **6 October (incl AGM); 10 November; 8 December

*Relocated at Russell House, 81 Hyndland Road ** date changed to 1st Monday *** Date changed for school holidays

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 21.00 hrs. 2 Minutes of meeting on Monday 17th February 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Held at Hyndland Secondary School

PRESENT: Ann Laird (Chairman); Kirsteen Barnes (Treasurer); Roy Parkin (Secretary); David Belcher, Bob Brown, Pauline Bourhill; Douglas Briggs; Patsy Dewar-Gibb, Jon Pope; Loretta Primrose, Lionel Most, John Hood.

EX OFFICIO: Wendy Rattray (minute secretary)

IN ATTENDANCE, Steve Prince – Broomhill Sports Club 2 Police Officers from Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Pauline McKeever; Cllr John Letford

APOLOGIES: Riccardo Lazzarini (Vice Chairman); Laura Barnett; Oliver Van Helden; Ruth Wallace; Cllr Ken Andrew; Cllr Mohammed Razaq; Cllr Martin Rhodes; Drew Smith MSP; Hanzala Malik MSP.

1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES Chairman Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting,


a. COMMUNITY POLICE- 2 Police Officers attended from Maryhill Police Station and reported on the new template they have been to make all reports easier to follow. The report consisted of crimes in the area from drugs use and dealing, assault, drunk and disorderly, house breaking and theft such as shoplifting. Most theft was of bicycles. They have been asked to look into the speeding on Kirklee Road, Bellshaugh Road and Cleveden Drive, particularly between 4 and 6 pm, also evenings / weekends. b. Steve Prince – Broomhill Sports Club: Mr Prince gave us a run down on his plans for the sports pitch next to the school. He hopes to build a pavilion with facilities for changing, storage, toilets etc. This he feels could also help reduce youngsters using the area as a ‘drinking den’. Funding could come from various sources including Sport Scotland, National Lottery and the Robertson Trust. Although parking could be an issue he said parents park here in any case, to watch and pick up their children. It would also feature a ‘function area’ for community groups, etc. DHKCC to consider, & respond in March. c. Lionel Most – Red Light Speed Camera at Great Western Road/Cleveden Road: Mr Most highlighted the problem at this junction, having been anomalously fined for going through a red light on Hyndland Road. Some of the other members admitted that they tend not to use this junction (a later comment from the police in attendance said he should have contested the fine as they felt it wasn’t valid). d. John Hood – Saltoun St/Ruthven Lane Obstructions: Mr Hood reported on the problems with this Private lane – where drivers often ‘abandon’ their cars as free parking, blocking the lane for residents. Police can’t move the cars as the Lane is private. GCC say it is not their remit to solve this. Also Fly tipping is a problem. DHKCC along with Cllr Martha Wardrop felt it would be a good idea to organize a meeting with the residents and the tenants of the business premises to try and find a solution. e. Hillhead Area Partnership: The meeting was given a report on the Byres Road Traders Association, and the proposed “BID” research to be carried out on the economic viability of Byres Road. Also discussed was the Licensing Policy, overprovision, award profile and the neighbourhood management of the Byres Road Area. Wider things like Education provision and youth employability were also discussed.

f. COUNCILLORS: Cllr John Letford:- A quiet month, but still plenty to report on the LES problems of leaves on the pavements, etc; some areas such as Kirklee, North Great Western Road and had been given a mechanical sweep which helps alleviate the problem. Trees had been taken down in the conservation area. The house-breaking event had gone well and needs to gather in notes from all who were there. Cllr Pauline McKeever:- Dealt with housing, pavements, etc; Northcote Surgery, and sheltered housing. Cllr Martha Wardrop:- Had attended the Hyndland Traders Association and Old Statiion Park meetings. She had done a walkabout Kingsborough and Queesborough etc noting the problem with leaves again. Note the handrail at Hughenden next to Nursery needed an upgrade – all under review. Cllr Ken Andrew:- apologies for 17 Feb, & Report • Parking in Saltoun Street and generally around Athole Gdns, Marchmont and Bowmont continues to be very problematic. Residents in these streets are generally in favour of the proposed RPZ. • Problems with the one way system in Dundonald Rd and while we’re told the signage is in the correct position it is still being ignored. Residents want the ‘No Entry’ road markings refreshed. • I continue to receive a large number of complaints about the state of the pavements and gutters. With the sweeping machines back in action I hope we’ll start to see improvements over the next month or so. 1 • Problem outside Cottiers with the development on the site and across the road. The builder’s vehicles are being parked on the pavement forcing mothers to have to use the street when pushing buggies. I have reported this to the police and have asked Community Safety Glasgow [CSG] to see if they can do anything. - FOSP have successfully bid for HAP funding for the final phase of refurbishment at Lauderdale Entrance.

3. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING: Minutes were read and approved.

4. TREASURER’S REPORT: (Kristeen Barnes) £ 586.32, which included Grant, slightly more as the insurance was less. Discretionary Grant no word yet.

5. CHAIRMANS REPORT: DHKCC – Membership – the need for new members had resulted in nominations of Mr Lionel Most and Mr John Hood. Ann Laird nominated Lionel Most as Secretary seconded by Patsy Dewar Gibb – Lionel elected unopposed. Minute Secretary New min.sec. needed to replace Wendy Rattray. Wendy warmly thanked for her time with us. Meeting Place – At the school in March, but Hillhead Sports Club thereafter. Glasgow Univ Research on CC’s: Steve Rolfe workshop was Mon Jan 27th. Second of two will be Mon 3rd March. Neighbourhoods: Hughenden - after meeting, things have improved. Hyndland - the monumental task of getting rid of the seagulls progresses. Byres Road - Improvement Group – still no Place Making Report, should have had by end of Jan. – Problems of houses being broken into discussed. Dowanhill – Parking problems discussed. Consultations – a list of the numerous Consultations taking place and being responded to, was circulated.

6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: (Kirsteen Barnes) Flat 1, 1 Bowmont Terrace PP & LBC External alterations to listed building to form door in existing window opening. 22 Devonshire Terrace Lane PP Formation of window and French doors to dwelling house. 76 Hyndland Road PP & AD Alterations to shop front. 11 Cleveden Drive Pp Installation of 2 dormers to attic rooms and installation of slate vent terminal to gable roof pitch to rear of dwelling house. 5 Redland Terrace LBC &PP Demolition of existing garage and erection of new double garage within curtilage of B listed building. Flat 0/1, 6 Huntly Gardens LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to listed building 5 Cleveden Road LBC Installation of metal handrail to existing steps 27 Athole Gardens PP Installation of replacement windows to rear elevation. Flat 1/1, 5 Cleveden Gardens LBC & PP Installation of replacement sash and casement windows to listed flatted dwelling. 2 – 3 Lancaster Terrace LBC Internal alterations to 2 town houses to form 8 self- contained flats – amed cond 0/1 of listed building consent 11/01331/0 to amend internal layout. # Information Requested *Objection 8 Novar Drive: Plans for this property remain up in the air. Property owner seems not to be pressing council for a decision. Thoughts are that community could help suggest suitable “use” for this site, possible Engagement event. City Development Plan: - Draft consultation document due April – very important we respond to this.

7. SECRETARY’S REPORT: No report available. Correspondence: Patricia Ferguson MSP – letter supporting new Leaflet for Owners, re- Home Security. Glasgow 2014 - Cultural Celebrations Update Glasgow Disability Alliance Bulletin Patricia Ferguson MSP – Newsletter Sandra White MSP – Parliamentary Report Bob Doris MSP – Parliamentary Report. HMO’s – object on basis of overprovision Royal Garden Party – several members elected to attend (Lionel Most to Organise)

8. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: 2014 - 10 March; *14 April; 12 May; 9 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept; **6 October (incl AGM); 10 November; 8 December

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 21.00 hrs. 2 !"#$$%$&'()*+,+-&'(%.%,(%,+%/0%1234),45%67/8% ! 9&*-:2%;:&+*,'<%=>*,(?&@%9&*-:5A%B,'),45%67/8% ! "#$%%!&'()*+,',!'()-!&'!#*.('/&'012+3(-! % ;:&++-(C%>&D+%$&EE)'-+5%FEG&@24E2'+%H-**I%68%B,'),45%67/8% !"#$$%42(G&'(2%:-4:)*,+2;0++2+3! o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inutes of meeting on Monday 10th March 2014 at 7.00 p.m. Held at Hyndland Secondary School

PRESENT: Ann Laird (Chairman); Kirsteen Barnes (Treasurer); Carol Martin, Maire Kennedy, Loretta Primrose, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Ruth Wallace, Oliver Van Helden, Bob Brown, Douglas Briggs, David Belcher, Roy Parkin, John Hood, Sheila McCubbin, Laura Barnett.

IN ATTENDANCE: 2 Police Officers from Maryhill and 3 from Police Station ie G Starkey, T Heaney, C Brady, S Oxhard, S Campbell (Official Partick Contact = David MacAlister) Cllrs Ken Andrew, Pauline McKeever.

APOLOGIES: Cllrs K Andrew; M Razaq; M Rhodes; M Wardrop; also Drew Smith MSP; Hanzala Malik MSP; Riccardo Lazzarini (V. Chair); Lionel Most (Secretary); Pauline Bourhill.

1. WELCOME & APOLOGIES: Chairman Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes to be recorded by Chair: we anticipate appointing a new Minute Secy by April meeting.


a. COMMUNITY POLICE: 5 Police officers attended. Discussion about a range of points took place, including thefts, antisocial behaviour, road traffic offences, and also further discussion about the transition process to Police Scotland structures. Once again, DHKCC asked for continuity of personnel. DHKCC reported a traffic problem: Dudley Drive @ Clarence Drive: Bad parking / visibility at junction. b. COUNCILLORS: (summary of headings) Cllr Andrew: Red Speed Camera, Bus Lanes Gt W Rd & Efficiency, Clarence Dr Stair – Rubble, Hillhead RPZ. Cllr Pauline McKeever: Road resurfacing in Dowanside Road; S1 Hyndland Sec pupils engage with current issues; Cllr’s visit to Eamont Lodge shelt. housing (Victoria Circus); also to Trust Residence (Crown Terr); Hillhead RPZ; Hughenden Multiagency; Old Station Park update; Red Speed Traffic Light - Jamie Rodden.

3. MINUTES & MATTERS ARISING: Minutes read & approved. Several points of accuracy: Corrected in this version. Zero Waste Scotland – 3 members had attended. Very interesting, not immediately relevant to CC. 4. TREASURER’S REPORT: (Kristeen Barnes) Current Balance: £ 502.82. 5. CHAIRMANS REPORT: a) DHKCC admin – Chair to contact Steve Rolfe re offer of Minute Secretary Post; b) GCC Education Estate Review; c) Scot Govt Dog Chipping Consultation (3 members to undertake); d) Chair sent map of Dowanhill showing outstanding Potholes + Terrace Access Road repairs to GCC LES; e) Reports: Hughenden M-Agency, Hyndland Gulls, Ruthven Lane, Byres Road; f) Neighbourhood Mgt (HAP).

6. PLANNING APPLICATIONS: (Kristeen Barnes) 2/1, 9 Belhaven Terrace LBC Int and Ext Alterations 2/1, 12 Crown Gardens LBC + PP Flue to front elevation 0/1, 6 Queens Gardens LBC + PP Int and Ext Alt 337 Byres Road, Charlie Rocks AD CON Advert Consent (after being in place for 1 year) 17 Mirrlees Drive # LBC + PP Enlarge window to rear, and stonework repairs 0/1, 4 Cleveden Road LBC + PP Install 2 extract fans, Replace windows to rear 50 Cleveden Drive LBC +PP Ext Alterations # Information Requested *Objection 7. SECRETARY’S REPORT: HMO Existing Licence Parduman Kohli 38 Athole Gardens 7 Occupants / 7 rooms HMO New Licence Advantage Ltd 3/1, 229 Byres Road OBJECT Overprov. HMO/02950 Correspondence Patricia Ferguson MSP – Anniesland to Queen St via Maryhill Sunday Train Services: will be 10/day Bob Doris MSP – Train Services on Sundays Maryhill; also Police Counter Service ScotRail – Letter re new Franchise Get Ready Glasgow 2014 - Newsletter “Post Offices Ltd” - Hyndland Post Office April 2014 Modernisation. Details to be circulated. GCC CC support Stewart Burns - Agenda for Community Council Discussion Forum 29 March

8. DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS: 2014: 14 April; 12 May; 9 June; 14 July; 11 Aug; 8 Sept; 13 October (incl AGM); 10 Nov; 8 Dec.

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Monday 14th April 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Lionel Most (Secretary), Laura Barnett, Pauline Bourhill, David Belcher, Douglas Briggs, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Riccardo Lazzarini, Roy Parkin, Loretta Primrose, Oliver Van Helden, Ruth Wallace

In attendance: Cllr Ken Andrew (part meeting), Cllr Martha Wardrop, Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary)

Apologies: Bob Brown, Jon Pope, John Hood, Stewart Curran, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Drew Smith MSP, Maryhill Community Police (Steven Hart)

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained that the clash with another meeting in the same room is a one-off mistake by the Sports Club.

New Minutes Secretary. Ann Laird explained that Steve Rolfe had agreed to be the new Minutes Secretary. Steve Rolfe explained to the meeting that he would maintain a boundary between his roles as researcher and Minutes Secretary. Whilst he will obviously be gaining a useful insight into the workings of the Community Council by attending meetings, he will not be using specific quotes from meetings as data for his research.

2. External reports

a. Community police: No report (apologies received from Maryhill)

b. Glasgow Community Councils Liaison Group & Discussion Forum Ann Laird explained that the Liaison Group brings together around a dozen reps from Community Councils across the City to communicate with the City Council. There is no need for a rep from DHKCC on this group at present. The Discussion Forum meets around once a month on a Saturday morning and is open to all Community Councillors from across Glasgow, providing information on a range of issues relevant to Community Councils. Ann Laird and Roy Parkin have generally attended from DHKCC and it was confirmed that this would continue.

c. Local Councillors Cllr Ken Andrew: • West End Festival. Brochure to be launched 5 May. Unlikely to be a Parade again this year, due to costs of security, road closure, cleansing, etc. Concern was expressed about this and Cllr Andrew agreed to raise these concerns with the organising committee. • Friends of Old Station Park. Final refurbishment being completed. • Novar Drive/Lauderdale Gardens group. Organising children's summer fete. Applying for road closure, which will cost around £1600 for traffic order. • Louden Terrace building. Cllr Andrew has been pushing for enforcement action to be taken on this issue, along with Cllr Wardrop. Ann Laird reported that Friends of Glasgow West reported this issue earlier and an enforcement notice was issued in late 2013. • Dowanside Road resurfacing. Patch repair has been completed, but this is inadequate in Cllr Andrew's view. He is raising the matter again with LES. • Vehicles on pavements. Issues in Bowmont Terrace raised with police, but they have stated that they are not prioritising this at the moment. • Bus lanes. Being reviewed – e.g. Traffic flow efficiency issues, high level of fines.

Cllr Martha Wardrop • Speeding on Sydenham Road. Reported to police. There appears to be a new box on a lamp post, which may be monitoring traffic. • Meeting with residents re cleansing issues. New volunteers for neighbourhood improvement have been recruited ( eg Airlie St, Falkland Street). Any cleansing issues should be raised with Cllr Wardrop. • Awareness-raising event on anti-sectarianism in Maryhill Community Centre attended. • Louden Terrace. As per Cllr Andrew's report. • Air pollution. PM10 monitor at corner of Byres Road and University Avenue is broken – Cllr Wardrop is pushing for its repair/replacement. • Dowanside Road resurfacing. As per Cllr Andrew's report. Contractor has apparently been asked to resurface. Other roads needing to be resurfaced have been raised by Cllr Wardrop and Ann Laird. • The issue of transport links to the Southern General was raised with Cllr Wardrop – lack of parking, poor public transport connections, issues with pedestrian and cycle access via Clyde Tunnel.

3. Minutes of last meeting Amendments to sederunt: Lionel Most and Cllr McKeever added to list of apologies; Laura Barnett, Oliver Van Helden and Ruth Wallace deleted from list of apologies; Ruth Marshall deleted from list of those in attendance. Amendment to Treasurer's report: Balance was £502.82. Amendments to planning applications: First address is 2/1, 9 Belhaven Terrace; second address is 2/1, 12 Crown Gardens. Minutes approved.

4. Treasurer's report £502.82.

5. Chair's report: a. Area Partnership substitute rep: Ann Laird is the DHKCC rep, Roy Parkin confirmed as substitute rep.

b. Locality Working Groups: • Hughenden: No meeting. • Hyndland: Hyndland Environmental Action Plan. Focus on gulls, with particular issue around schools e.g. a food supply re food dropped in playground, also issues around food shops etc • Byres Road. Officer now employed by Improvement Group to work on BID feasibility study. SCIO to be formed. • Ruthven Lane: John Hood raised issues of lighting. Planning application for renewed permission for arcade to replace non-brick/stone buildings.

c. Glasgow University Campus Consultation stage 3 Ann Laird distributed booklets for this consultation and encouraged all members to respond individually, in addition to the DHKCC response, which she will draft and circulate for comment. She emphasised the quality of the consultation and the significant opportunity this represents to influence the shape of the University expansion, which is particularly important given that the two other large employers in the West End (BBC and Western General) will both have left the area.

6. Planning applications

0/1, 3 Huntly Gardens LBC Internal and external alterations to listed building 170174 Hyndland Road PP External alterations to include stone repairs 42 Westbourne Gardens LBC Internal alterations to listed building 2/3, 3 Caledon Street LBC & PP External alterations to listed building 111 Dowanhill Street LBC & PP Formation of door and stairs at window in listed building Hyndland Bowling Club CAC Part demolition of unlisted building # 4 Cleveden Gardens LBC & PP Resiting of existing stone gatepost to enlarge access at driveway 4 Devonshire Terrace LBC External repairs to listed building * 351-355 Byres Road PP Use of shop units (Class 1) to form composite coffee shop and retail unit (sui generis) 17-63 Ruthven Lane PP & CAC Demolition of garage and buildings. Erection of mixed-use development including office, retail and Class 3 restaurant. Renewal of permission 08/02614/DC # 6-7 Lowther Terrace PP & CAC Demolition of 12 lock-up garages and erection of mews houses, new access road and car parking 2/1, 12 Crown Gardens WITHDRAWN. Installation of flue to front elevation of listed building. # Information requested * Objection

7. Secretary's report

a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence • Newsletter from Bill Kidd MSP • Letter from Sandra White MSP re Queen Street Station redevelopment • Letter from dated 28 March re Council contact for enquires • Further letter from Glasgow City Council dated 4 April re Council contact for enquires • Letter from dated 10 April re passenger satisfaction survey • Letter from Bob Doris MSP re Sunday service on Maryhill train line

Emails • 12 March from Pauline Ann McKeever re traffic junction information (Hyndland Rd/Gt Western Road) • 28 March from John Hood re request for reinstatement of lamp post in Ruthven Lane • 28 March from Councillor Martha Wardrop re request for reinstatement of lamp post in Ruthven Lane

b. Licensing applications Liquor • Confirmation of grant of licence for Hillhead Sports Club dated 25 March • Application for grant of provisional licence for 37-39 Clarence Drive (post office)

HMO • Renewal of HMO licence for flat 6a Roxburgh Street

Street Trader • Application for street trader’s licence on the north side of Queen Margaret Drive, 40 meters from the entrance of the Botanic Gardens

8. GCC Land & Environmental Services A number of issues were raised by different members regarding problems with bin emptying. Ann Laird asked each member concerned to email her with evidence, in order to produce a formal DHKCC letter to LES.

9. AOCB None

10. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 12 May, 9 June, 14 July, 11 Aug, 8 Sept, 13 Oct (including AGM), 10 Nov, 8 Dec

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00.

Minutes of meeting

Monday 12th May 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Pauline Bourhill, David Belcher, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Riccardo Lazzarini, Loretta Primrose, Bob Brown, Jon Pope

In attendance: Cllr Pauline McKeever, Cllr John Letford, PC Steven McCooey, PC Cowan (Maryhill Police), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary)

Apologies: Lionel Most (Secretary), Laura Barnett, Douglas Briggs, Roy Parkin, Oliver Van Helden, Ruth Wallace, John Hood, Cllr Ken Andrew, Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Martin Rhodes, Hanzala Malik MSP, Drew Smith MSP

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. External reports a. Community police: Report from PCs McCooey and Cowan of Maryhill Police. 7 thefts and 4 vandalism incidents reported in the last month from the part of the Community Council area that overlaps with the Maryhill station's area. The Police officers stressed the importance of preventative security: keep storm doors closed, as well as report incidents, so Police can respond with additional patrols where appropriate. Ann Laird raised the issue of an appropriate leaflet regarding security, to distribute in the area. There are some issues with the transition to Police Scotland, as Strathclyde Police leaflets can no longer be used. However, the issue will be raised with the Community Police Sergeant. Patsy Dewar Gibb raised a question of where to take stray dogs out of office hours, when the Council dog warden is not available. Maryhill Police station has a kennel, although the police office is shut from 12pm.

b. Local Councillors Cllr John Letford: • White grid lines at Cleveden Drive. Should now have been replaced. • Bulk recycling and street bins. Issue raised with Martin McKelvie at LES – seems to be some improvement. • Weekly resurfacing reports. No work done in the area recently. Any issues regarding resurfacing can be passed to Cllr Letford. • Speeding at Bellshaugh Road/Kirklee Road. Ongoing issue – Cllr Letford to ask for analysis of the problem. Maryhill Police reported that they do use a speed gun on Kirklee Road at times. It was suggested that they move this operation closer to Bellshaugh Road. • Fewer issues being raised in Kelvinside. • House-breaking. From the experience of walking the streets in recent months, Cllr Letford echoed the Police comments regarding lax security in many houses. • Litter in Lowther Terrace. Issue raised.

Cllr Pauline McKeever: • Hillhead Library refurbishment. Cllr McKeever has met with Glasgow Life. There will be a consultation in the autumn, but the early messages are that the amount needed for heating and lighting improvements may leave a limited budget for other work. The issues with disability access, inappropriate meeting rooms and lack of investment were raised. Ann Laird raised the particular question of whether Glasgow Life is attracting external funds, as had been promised at its inception. Cllr McKeever to raise this issue with Glasgow Life Chief Exec. • Victoria Crescent Lane. Evidence of people going through bins, apparently for identity theft. Cllr McKeever has written to residents to highlight importance of shredding personal information and reporting any such incidents to the police. • Notre Dame launch of 'Starter for 10'. Cllr McKeever attended the launch of this scheme at Notre Dame, which will enable all S1 pupils to open a Credit Union account, to encourage saving and hopefully avoid loan companies. • Novar Drive Nursery. Cllr McKeever encouraging application to Area Partnership for gardening project. • HMOs. Meeting held with university re security issues. Review of licensing may result in some tightening of conditions to try to tackle over-provision in the area. • Loudon Terrace ENF: Decking has been removed, but blue netting remains. • Hughenden Neighbourhood Watch. Issues re parking obstructing entrance / exit of Hughenden Rd at Hyndland Rd. Roads to investigate. Forthcoming RPZ parking scheme consultation may provide a way to extend double yellow lines. • Important consultations forthcoming on Local Development Plan, City Centre Transport Strategy and Public Processions.

c. Hillhead Area Partnership Meeting of Tues 6 May 2014 (report from A Laird) • Report on Licensed premises. Issues of anti-social behaviour. • Southern General Hospital. Useful presentation given at AP. Agreed to invite them to give presentation to DHKCC. (Action: A Laird) • Neighbourhood Management. Covering Police ward plan, Local Operational Working Group (LES), Neighbourhood Management Action Plan. • Community Engagement. Training on deliberative methods available. • Area Budget. Suggestions welcome for organisations to apply.

Maryhill / Kelvin Area Partnership: Neighbourhood Management Action Plan Ann Laird raised the concern re input for Kelvinside, as DHKCC does not qualify for a representative despite overlap in CC area. Cllr Letford offered to facilitate input to the Neighbourhood Management Action Plan for Maryhill / Kelvin.

3. Minutes of last meeting • Item 2(c). It now appears there may be a parade as part of 2014 West End Festival. • Item 5(c). Members had made individual responses to the Campus Consultation. • Item 6. Individual objections to the Cafe Nero application were made, alongside the Community Council objection. Minutes proposed by Loretta Primrose, seconded by Riccardo Lazzarini.

4. Treasurer's report £477.33

5. Planning applications 215 Byres Road (Nardini’s) PP Use of shop (Class 1) as cafe (Class 3) with ancillary cold and hot food take-away and associated part use of footway as external seating area (retrospective). * 351-355 Byres Road PP Use of shop units (Class 1) to form (Caffe Nero) composite coffee shop and retail unit (sui generis) Flat 2/1, 22 Dowanside Road LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to listed building Flat 1/1, 4 Princes Terrace LBC Internal alterations to listed building Hyndland Bowling Club, 56 PP Internal alterations, demolition of existing Lauderdale Gardens extension and replacement with new-build extension to form new locker rooms and extend bar. 19 Kensington Gate Lane PP Erection of 2 mews houses. Variation of condition no. 17 of 04/02634/DC for conversion of garage to habitable room. # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent

6. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence To / From Subject Action Bob Doris MSP Sunday service on Maryhill train line Noted

Emails To / From Subject Action Bernie Mitchell, Confirming all 2014 dates of DHKCC meetings booked. Noted Hillhead Sports Club Derek Mackay MSP Confirming update of Scottish Govt website to include Circulated role of community organisations in the planning system Bob Doris MSP Ditto: Forwarded letter from Derek MacKay MSP Noted Patricia Ferguson MSP Ditto: Forwarded letter from Derek MacKay MSP Noted Network Rail Community Engagement – Invitation - Friday 6 June L. Most Bob Doris MSP Friends of Maryhill Train Line meeting on 13 May – L.Most report promised to DHKCC. Broomhill Resident Hyndland Station Right of Way signage – when Replied & told platform restricted to Ticket Holders. Br’mhill CC. GCC City Plan Team Local Development Plan Consultation ends 27 June Noted DHKCC to GCC DRS Erroneous information on planning application Noted Neighbour Notifications re Ruthven Lane Sarah Shaw GCC DRS Reply to the above – DRS will not re-notify neighbours. Noted DHKCC - Planning Obj Additional info re Caffe Nero and 4 Cleveden Gardens Noted Resident - Planning Grosvenor Terrace Lane Site Visit by Issues A Laird DRS – Planning ENF Hyndland Café, 96 Clarence Dr – query hours to 9pm, Noted increased ext seating & advertising etc: All OK. DRS – Planning ENF 65 Saltoun Street - final form of this block of flats, does Reported to not match that granted permission. 3 main points. ENF LES - MACH Cycle Initial List Locations (Cycle Scheme) via Cllr McKeever. Noted Scheme LATER Detailed info re Locations from Aidan O’Meara. Major Lack Consultation LES Roads Permits Unattached Trailer Sydenham Road / Prince Albert Rd Ongoing O V Helden re LES Street Bins not emptied, more evidence, poor response Noted Street Bins Hillhead RPZ (Parking) ACK received for DHKCC Submission Noted Nimpactacote issues Dowanside Road: 6 May Meeting: Outcome: BETTER OnSite A Laird resurfacing LES Roads communic where issues can be easily predicted. M Wardrop & Mr Frew LES Scottish Audit Comm. Audit Report: Glasgow Community Planning Partnership Circulated Strengthening Local Scottish Report Circulated Democracy Community Councils CCLG being re-launched - Draft Terms of Reference – Noted Liaison Group issued for comment by all CCs Glasgow Electoral Survey of all Glasgow Polling Stations (DHKCC: Notre Members Registration Section Dame High School, Hyndland Sec & Cleveden Sec) gave views Anne Russell, Hillhead Hub Community Capacity Building project – AL met AR to Glasgow Life progress on main outcomes. discuss CWG 2014 Arrangements CWG 2014 Cycle Road Race through Circulated West End same route as 2013. Evening Times Streets Ahead Champions – seeking Nominations Members to submit noms Glasgow Centre for Peter Seaman – re date for proposed DHKCC 7pm, Mon 2 Pop Health Workshop. A Laird to arrange. June, HSC Hyndland Env. Action Minutes 28 April 2014 Noted Project (HEAP) Hughenden MultiAgency Minutes of 24 Feb 2014 Noted Kelvinside Request for Public Meeting again soon. Noted WalkGlasgow HealthWalks Summer 2014 brochure – Hyndland (2) & Botanics (2) Handed out West End Festival 2014 Events Brochure Handed out Botanics Tree Trail Leaflet – to go with the forthcoming Tree Hub. (VAT) Handed out

b. Licensing Liquor • Confirmation of grant of licence for Hyndland Post Office dated 2 May 2014 • Confirmation of grant of licence for Peckhams, 41-43 Clarence Drive dated 7 May 2014

HMO - none

Street Trader - none

7. GCC Land & Environmental Services No additional issues raised.

8. AOCB None

9. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 9 June, 14 July, 11 Aug, 8 Sept, 13 Oct (including AGM), 10 Nov, 8 Dec

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00.

Minutes of meeting

Monday 9th June 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Lionel Most (Secretary), David Belcher, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Riccardo Lazzarini, Loretta Primrose, John Hood, Ruth Wallace, Oliver van Helden, Sheila McCubbin, Roy Parkin, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett.

In attendance: Cllr Ken Andrew, PSgt Jeff Harper (Partick Police), PC Steven McCooey, PC Jacqueline Cowan (Maryhill Police), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary).

Apologies: Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Drew Smith MSP, Hanzala Malik MSP, Bob Brown, Carol Martin.

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. External reports a. Community police Police Sergeant Jeff Harper (Partick Police) • Sergeant Harper reported that he should be the main contact from Partick Police station for the Community Council. • Statistical return on incidents within the DHKCC area in the last month: 82 in total, with 44 crime reports and 15 detections. This total included 3 assaults, 4 house- breakings and a range of other incidents. • A question was raised about drinking dens in Hughenden. Sergeant Harper recently undertook a walking tour of the area with Cllr Wardrop in relation to this and other issues. However, no calls have been received and no issues spotted by police. • Previous advice regarding shredding personal information before disposal was emphasised, as there are continuing reports of people searching bins in the area. • A question was raised about muggings. Sergeant Harper reported that such robberies are high on the Police Scotland agenda generally, but there are very few such incidents in the area. PCs McCooey and Cowan (Maryhill Police) • House-breakings are still an issue, but the number has fallen recently. Previous advice about keeping storm doors and windows closed and locked was reiterated. • Ann Laird suggested that a sub-group may be required to produce appropriate leaflets regarding security, to distribute in the area. Police Scotland do not provide hard copy leaflets, but there is a lot of relevant advice on their website, as well as Twitter and Facebook feeds for up to date information. • PC McCooey emphasised the benefits that could be gained if the Council were to replace the existing yellow street lighting with more modern white lighting, which is also cheaper to run, although expensive to install. Cllr Andrew agreed to take this issue back to Cllr Letford.

b. Local Councillors Cllr Ken Andrew: • Parking consultation. Currently in process in Hillhead and generating substantial correspondence to Councillors. Consultation will soon start in Dowanhill. Cllr Andrew suggested that the move to one parking zone for Hillhead, Dowanhill and Partick 1

may cause some issues for some residents. A question was raised as to whether the proposals might include Hughenden. Chairman noted that DHKCC has already submitted this request to the LES Officers. Cllr Andrew will re-iterate this. • Residential care home in Burnbank Gardens. The residents from this facility are shortly to be moved into new accommodation and the proposal is to reuse the building as a homeless unit for 40 men. Woodside CC have complained about this proposal. • LES to look at flooding in Lauderdale Gardens. There appears to have been some progress in getting LES to coordinate the Nimpactacote treatment with gully clearing, so that cars only have to be removed once. • Flood at Queens Gate Lane exit on Highburgh Road, apparently caused by bus stop development. New drain planned to solve the problem. • Observatory Road and Dundonald Road resurfacing – relining has now been done after a considerable delay. • Consultation re bus lanes – no information received by DHKCC. Cllr Andrew will chase this up. • West End Festival went very well, with particularly good weather. Some very minor concerns were raised about the limited information provided re road closures.

Cllr Martha Wardop (report received by email): • Dog fouling at Kensington Road and Prince Albert Road and the surrounding area and these areas have been added to the hot spot list for attention during the next period of Enhanced Enforcement in WARD 11, Hillhead • Raised road safety concerns with LES Roads about parked vehicles on the corner of Sydenham Rd/Kensington Rd which obscure the visibility for car drivers and pedestrians on this route. • Arrangements are in place by LES Roads to undertake repairs to both the footways and the dislodged kerb at main entrance to Hyndland Secondary, Kensington Road and Kensington Gate. • Contacted Glasgow Life seeking prioritised reinstating of Wi-fi services, at the 6 community libraries including Hillhead. • Followed up residents concerns with factor about grounds maintenance contract for the landscaped “mound” adjacent to sub-station site at Hughenden Gardens.

c. Hillhead Area Partnership – Neighbourhood Management Action Plan Plan has not been finalised, so no update. d. Changes to Community Planning Governance Framework A number of minor changes have been proposed to the workings of Local Area Partnerships, none of which are controversial. e. Glasgow Centre for Population Health DHKCC Workshop 2 June A very interesting workshop, with 10 DHKCC members present. Focus was on ways of finding out what makes people happy and tackling the 'Glasgow Effect' on health outcomes. A point was raised regarding the unhealthy options on GCC menus for children in public venues. Ann Laird will pass this on to the GCPH researchers. f. GCC Processions Consultation A range of specific measures have been proposed by GCC to tighten the restrictions on parades, to reduce their impact on the wider community and any tensions that may arise. Whilst it is important to maintain a balanced approach, in order to protect the right to protest by marching, the proposals were considered entirely reasonable. Ann Laird to respond to consultation, supporting the proposals.

3. Minutes of last meeting • Item 2(a). Patsy Dewar Gibb to provide written comments on issues relating to stray dogs, for consideration at the next DHKCC meeting. 2

• Item 2(b). HMO review – Cllr Andrew reported that this review has led to no tightening of the HMO policy. He also raised a concern that the increased provision of dedicated student accommodation may lead to a 'race to the bottom' in terms of standards for the existing HMOs. There was some discussion of the position of families in relation to HMO status – Lionel Most will check whether children count as separate households in this regard. Hillhead Community Council have great expertise in this, having focused heavily on HMOs, as this is a particular issue for them. • Item 2(b). We are awaiting the response via Cllr McKeever re Glasgow Life sourcing external funding due to its ALEO status. • Item 3. We are awaiting A Laird to arrange the presentation re Southern General. • Item 5. Mathilda's on Byres Road (former Heart Buchanan) has a new sign across both units, but no PP to formally join the two units visually. Ann Laird has reported to ENF. • Item 5. Caffe Nero's planning application has not yet been decided. • Item 6. Network Rail: Hyndland Station signage & disability access issues raised by email • Item 6. MACH cycle scheme – Ann Laird attended FGW Byres Road Improv. Group meeting with Cllr Wardrop and GCC officers, to address issues about specific sites for the cycle parking locations, esp. not to be on the new “apron” at Hillhead Subway. • Item 6. Hughenden Multi-Agency Group. Recent meeting discussed issues around dogs (especially those brought in numbers by commercial dog-walkers) in Old Station Park. Minutes proposed by Patsy Dewar Gibb, seconded by Loretta Primrose.

4. Treasurer's report Current balance is £432.33 Discretionary grant application was not received by GCC and has apparently been lost in the post. Kristeen Barnes to resubmit application.

5. Planning applications 6 Devonshire Terrace PP External repairs to listed building Flat 0/2, 78 Novar Drive PP Installation of extract vents 5 Princes Garden PP & LBC External alterations to listed building Flat 6, 3 Marchmont Terrace LBC Repair work to retaining wall of listed bldg. 76 Hyndland Rd (was Top Tier) AD Display of new signage # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CA = Conservation Area Consent AD = Advertisement Consent

GCC Planning Applications Committee to decide the 8 Novar Drive planning application, at meeting on Tuesday 17 June. Ann Laird will ask Cllr Wardrop to request site visit and hearing.

6. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence NONE

Email Correspondence FROM ABOUT ACTION Clarence Drive Missing Collection Time plate, Repair in Delivery Office Royal Mail Pillar Box, at 2 Dudley Drive progress NHS GGC Health Centre facilities – Info Pack noted Philip Spain, resident Noise: Coloursfest Festival, Braehead, Sat 31 May noted LES + Cllr Wardrop Repairs: 4 separate footways/kerbs, Hyndland/D’Hill In progress Ann Fehilly, CSG Complaint Dog Fouling, Kensington Rd, Pr Albert Rd Usual measures


Jamie Rodden, LES Parking on corner of Sydenham Rd / Kensington Rd To await RPZ Hillhead CC Secy, Enquiry re WEF Parade Road Closures – lack of MK Report re Jean Charsley prior info – same as DHKCC residents. Roxburgh St Cllr Andrew, John Lack of progress on getting drains & gullies cleaned AL requested Carmichael, resident in Polwarth St etc, LES contact David Russell. site visit with David Russell DHKCC Green Mazda abandoned in Dudley Dr reported GCC Educ Dept Hillhead Primary Catchment Area –Consulation soon noted DHKCC reported to Hughenden Lane sign re changed road layout – No progress fixmystreet.com facing the wrong way. yet

b. Licensing Liquor - none HMO - none Street Trader - none

7. GCC Land & Environmental Services • New blue bins have now been delivered. There was some discussion regarding the different approaches to recycling bins available in tenemental and non-tenemental areas. Lionel Most reported refuse collection service in Hughenden is generally good. • Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers. Some concern that the previous freephone number for NIVs to report issues is to be replaced with a charged phone number.

8. AOCB City Plan. Additional meeting to be held to discuss in detail, the DHKCC response to the Proposed City Development Plan - hopefully within the next week. Ann Laird to confirm date and venue details and circulate draft Plan.

9. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 14 July, 11 Aug, 8 Sept, 13 Oct (including AGM), 10 Nov, 8 Dec

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00.


Minutes of meeting

Monday 11th August 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Riccardo Lazzarini, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace, Roy Parkin, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Pauline Bourhill, Bob Brown

In attendance: PSgt Jeff Harper (Partick Police), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary)

Apologies: Lionel Most (Secretary), John Hood, Oliver van Helden, David Belcher, Carol Martin, Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Cllr Ken Andrew, Cllr John Letford, Sandra White MSP, PC Steven McCooey, PC Jacqueline Cowan (Maryhill Police)

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ann Laird made a point of congratulating Glasgow on a successful Commonwealth Games – a sentiment which was supported by the meeting.

2. External reports a. Community police Police Sergeant Jeff Harper (Partick Police) • From a policing perspective, the Commonwealth Games went well. • Since 1 July, there have been 69 incidents in the part of the Community Council area covered by , resulting in 17 crime reports. Of these, 16 were for theft, 6 of them from the petrol station at Gartnavel. • Sergeant Harper highlighted 3 particular incidents of note: o 7 July – two individuals spotted trying letterboxes in the Hughenden area, clearly looking for mail. Residents are advised to ensure that their letterbox does not get full, particularly if it is separate from the front door of the property. o 13 July – attempted house breaking in Novar Drive through an insecure window. Sergeant Harper emphasised the importance of ensuring windows are closed when leaving the property, which is easy to forget in the hot weather. o 5 Aug – garage broken into in Regent Court. • There has been no disorder reported to police in Old Station Park over the period. b. Local Councillors No reports this month.

3. Future meetings Ann outlined plans for three future meetings: • Speaker from Southern General Hospital to explain changes to hospital provision in Glasgow. It was agreed to hold this as a public meeting, as there is likely to be wider interest. Provisionally booked for 20 October, 7pm, Hyndland Secondary School. Lionel Most to circulate details in due course. • Byres Road BID manager to be invited to September Community Council meeting. • October Community Council meeting is also the AGM, although there are no elections this year.


4. Minutes of last meeting • Item 2(a). PC McCooey has been in touch with Ann Laird regarding the possibility of running a project in Kelvinside using 'smart water' as a means of putting a unique identifier onto household goods as a theft deterrent. Possible initial meeting, joint with CC – Ann to confirm date and circulate details. May progress to a public meeting at a later date. Minutes proposed by Roy Parkin, seconded by Riccardo Lazzarini.

5. Treasurer's report Current balance is £387.33 The Sports Club have agreed to an annual payment of £100 for the room hire.

The meeting agreed to submit a discretionary grant application for the following items: • £5 – Treasurer's expenses • £25 – Examination of accounts • £10 – Website maintenance • £20 – Public meeting re Southern General (see item 3 above) Total application would therefore be for £60.

6. Planning applications 223 Byres Road Advert Display of internally illuminated fascia and consent box signs, and window vinyls. 351-355 Byres Road PP Alterations to shop-fronts to form a single unit (application from owner) Flat 3, 3 Dundonald Road PP & LBC External alterations to listed building Flat 0/1, 5 Westbourne Gardens PP & LBC Repair works to retaining wall to include demolition and rebuilding, and removal of 3 trees at listed building. Flat 1/1, Stoneleigh, 48 LBC Internal alterations and installation of roof Cleveden Drive vent to A-listed flatted dwelling. Flat 3/2, 94 Hyndland Road LBC Internal alterations to listed building 2-3 Lancaster Terrace PP Conversion of 2 sub-divided townhouse properties to form 8 self-contained flats – amendment of condition 01 of PP 11/01333/DC to include conversion of outbuilding to form mews dwelling, associated external alterations and stone repairs. Flat 2/1, 6 Queens Gardens PP & LBC Internal and external alterations to listed building Flat 0/1, 6 Hughenden Terrace PP & LBC External alterations to listed building to include erection of extension and rear dormer 1 Lancaster Crescent PP & LBC Use of residential care facility (Class 8) as a children's day care nursery (Class 10) and formation of car parking with erection of fencing and part removal of boundary wall 9A Cleveden Drive PP Improvements to hard landscaping, timber cladding of existing wall and construction of bin store 311 Byres Road (Cup) PP Use of retail unit (Class 1) as cafe/restaurant (Class 3). Retrospective. Opening hours 09:00-18:00, 7 days/week.


Flat 6, 3 Marchmont Terrace PP Repair works to retaining wall at listed building 20 Balcarres Avenue PP Conversion of integral garage to form habitable accommodation and assorted external alterations Flat 2/2, 1 Beaumont Gate LBC Internal alterations to listed building Flat 2/1, 47 Westbourne PP & LBC Internal alterations to listed building Gardens # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent • 8 Novar Drive – site visit agreed, no date set yet. • City Plan – supplementary guidance now out, with responses due by 15 September. Ann Laird to arrange sub-group meeting to consider.

7. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence Evening Times Community Champion Nominations

Email Correspondence includes the following: FROM ABOUT ACTION Local Sorting Pillar Box Removed from Byres Road @ Cllr Andrew. Office Specsavers Royal Mail & Regional Maybe due to damage, big trucks, supermaket intransigent Manager (Tesco) Local Resident 1 Lancaster Cres Nursery, objecting re Access Obj made Traffic Local Resident 2/3 Lancaster Terrace, re proposed new Mews Obj made Local Resident Disabled Ramp at Surgery, 91 Hyndland Rd Advice (has PP) Cup, Byres Request for Support for Planning Application Noted Road John Lack of progress on getting drains & gullies AL Site Visit + Carmichael, cleaned in Polwarth St etc, LES contact David Map of all resident Russell. Gullies GCC Educ Dept Hillhead Primary Catchment Area – noted Consultation

b. Licensing applications Licensing - none

Liquor - none

HMO: • 5 Kirklee Gardens, 9 rooms, 9 occupants: Dawliffe Hall Education Foundation - A charitable educational / residential centre. Supports families, women, young people, young professionals. • 0/2, 18 Highburgh Road, 4 rooms, 4 occupants, Applicant Rachel Abbott • 2/1, 19 Dowanside Road, 5 rooms, 5 occupants, Applicant Reidsville Estates

Street Trader or other: Q Marg Drive, Moveable Kiosk, Applicant Ahsan Subbani, (not Maggies). It was agreed to object to this application.


8. GCC Land & Environmental Services • Parking. Hillhead TRO nearly complete. Plans for Dowanhill and Hyndland do not yet include Hughenden. Ann Laird to write requesting inclusion of Hughenden. • Extreme flyposting – KAM Removals. Ann Laird has reported this to Clean Glasgow and Community Safety Glasgow, with a request that they pursue a prosecution, given the large number of stickers and the difficulty of removing them. • Commercial bins in Dowanside Lane. Ann Laird to meet with Martha Wardrop. • Polwarth Street flooding. Appears to be a combination of factors, including failure to clean gullies and grit washing down from unmaintained back lane above Polwarth Street. • Issues of dog fouling at Kensington Road and Prince Albert Road, and road safety concerns regarding parked vehicles on corner of Sydenham Rd/Kensington Rd have been resolved, thanks to the intervention of Cllr. Wardrop. The Community Council expressed their thanks to Cllr. Wardrop for resolving these previously intransigent issues. • Kingsborough Gardens weeds. Two members of the Community Council (Roy Parkin and Riccardo Lazzarini) had cleared weeds from a significant stretch of the road, with the waste being collected by GCC.

9. AOCB None

10. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 8 Sept, 13 Oct (including AGM), 10 Nov, 8 Dec

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00.


Minutes of meeting

Monday 8th September 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Lionel Most (Secretary), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), John Hood, Oliver van Helden, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Pauline Bourhill, Sheila McCubbin

In attendance: Cllr Martha Wardrop, Cllr Ken Andrew, PSgt Jeff Harper (Partick Police), PC Steven McCooey (Maryhill Police), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary)

Apologies: Roy Parkin, Riccardo Lazzarini, David Belcher, Bob Brown, Carol Martin, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Drew Smith MSP

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Ann Laird made a point of congratulating the organisers of the Hyndland Commonwealth Gala held on Saturday 23 August – a sentiment which was supported by the meeting.

2. External reports a. Community police Police Sergeant Jeff Harper (Partick Police) • There have been 18 crime reports in the area over the last month. • Of these, 12 were for theft, including three thefts of motorcycles, apparently lifted onto a van. • Sergeant Harper explained that this will be his last meeting, as he is moving on to a new role. However, he will be replaced by another officer from Partick station. PC Steven McCooey (Maryhill Police) • There have been 11 crime reports in the area over the last month. • The majority of these have been thefts, largely from motor vehicles. PC McCooey emphasised the importance of not leaving items such as bags visible in parked cars. Smartwater project • PC McCooey outlined the Smartwater security system, which enables households to invisibly mark valuable items with a substance uniquely identified with their address. This substance will rub off on people handling the items, providing evidence that they have entered the address and therefore acting as both a deterrent and a detection system. • If the Community Council are happy to promote the system in partnership with Police Scotland for a pilot in the Maryhill station area (i.e. covering the Kelvinside part of the Community Council area), the Smartwater packs will be available for £15 per household. • It was agreed to hold a public meeting with the Police and representatives of the Smartwater company in late October, to build public interest in the scheme. • As the issue of improved (i.e. white) street lighting as a deterrent is likely to arise at such a meeting, Ann Laird will contact GCC regarding a possible timescale for installation in the area. Douglas Briggs will investigate possible additional costs in relation to refurbishing heritage lighting as part of the upgrade in Cleveden Crescent.


b. Local Councillors Councillor Martha Wardrop Cllr Wardrop listed a number of issues which she has been engaged with over the summer: • Commercial bins on Dowanside Lane • Walkabout on Prince Albert Road • Old Station Park issues • Raising questions re colleges cycle route • Airlie Lane clean up • BID steering group • Circulation of info regarding the RPZ • Site visit re 8 Novar Drive

Councillor Ken Andrew • Cllr Andrew highlighted the increase in email traffic arising from the RPZ and colleges cycle route proposals. • LES have agreed to work in Queens Gate Lane to stop flooding, rectifying poor pavement work. • Novar Drive/Polwarth Road flooding – Cllr Andrew has visited the site and has been pushing LES re cleaning the gullies. In addition, he has been asking for a more permanent engineering solution to the problem, which appears to be exacerbated by grit running down from the private lane above. Cllr Wardrop noted that she had managed to secure a similar solution elsewhere.

Kelvinside Councillors Patsy Dewar Gibb raised a concern about the over growth of plants on Kirklee Road and the amount of litter getting caught in it. Ann Laird to raise with LES.

c. Area Partnerships Hillhead Meeting held on 1st September, covering issues including: • Bulk uplift. Plan to pilot a 'pull out' project whereby GCC will collect all bulk items on a set day if residents pay for them to be pulled out to the kerb. • Primary school catchment changes. The DHKCC part of the catchment area is not proposed for any changes, so it was agreed to write in support of the proposals. Maryhill/Kelvin DHKCC is not a member of this Area Partnership, as each CC is restricted to one Partnership. However, there are concerns that DHKCC needs to be able to represent the views of Kelvinside in the Partnership, so a request has been sent to be added to the email list. This action was supported by both Councillors present.

3. Minutes of last meeting • Item 3 – future meetings – matters arising: o Southern General Hospital meeting has been confirmed for 20 October, 7pm, Hyndland Secondary School. o Byres Road BID manager could not attend this month's CC meeting, so has been invited to the October meeting. o Environmental Health have been invited to the November CC meeting, to discuss issues re stray dogs.

The minutes were proposed by Loretta Primrose, seconded by Maire Kennedy.


4. Treasurer's report • Current balance is £342.33. • Discretionary grant application to be submitted now minutes of Aug meeting approved. • Ann Laird has requested via Shaw Anderson, that GCC undertake a survey of all CCs to ascertain how many of them consider a formal review of the level and method of calculation of the Admin Grant, is necessary. • BACS – GCC will now make grant payments direct to the DHKCC bank account.

5. Consultations Dowanhill and Byres Road Park Zone TRO • Generally members in this area are reasonably happy with the proposed scheme. • Sheila McCubbin raised a significant concern about the proposal to ban all parking in lanes 8am-6pm, on the grounds of ensuring access for rubbish collection vehicles. Such access has never been an issue in the past. Sheila McCubbin to put her concerns in writing to GCC and to pass to Ann Laird for inclusion in DHKCC response. • The option of adding cobbles to the grass areas on the Great Western Road terraces (Belhaven, Kew, Grosvenor) was discussed, as an option to increase the available parking spaces. Cllr Wardrop will ask GCC for costings.

Colleges Cycle Route TRO • A number of concerns were raised re these proposals, but it was agreed that it would be better to consider in more detail after the RPZ proposals have been responded to. • Cllr Wardrop will request a public exhibition of the proposals in early October (deadline for responses is 13 Oct), or a special meeting on 6 Oct if not.

6. Planning applications • 8 Novar Drive – Despite site visit and hearing, the application for change of use has been approved. Restrictions have been placed on the permission, so that the floor space cannot be extended and a mezzanine cannot be added. Also, a Loading Bay must be approved in front of Hyndland Shops (consulted via the Cycle Route TRO). • City Plan Supplementary Guidance– Ann Laird to arrange further sub-group meeting to prepare DHKCC response.

Flat 1/1, 16 Huntly Gardens LBC & External alterations to listed building to PP install flue Flat B/1, 6 Kensington Road LBC Internal alterations to listed building 38 Westbourne Gardens PP External repairs to stonework at listed building Flat 3/2, 129 Novar Drive PP Installation of replacement windows to front and side elevation of flat # Flat 0/1, 1 Grosvenor LBC & Internal and external alterations to listed Crescent PP building to include erection of single storey side extension 3 Beaconsfield Road PP Replacement of existing garage & erection of boundary fence to rear of B-listed prop. Flat 1/1, 23 Cleveden Road LBC Internal alterations to listed property # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent 3

7. Secretary's report a. Correspondence

Hard Correspondence Patricia Ferguson MSP Organ and Tissue Donation Bill GCC Payment of Grant by Bacs (handed to Treasurer) Robert Park, Police Scotland Out of hours arrangements for stray dogs Glasgow Life Annual Report & letter. Report to be circulated by email

Email Correspondence includes the following: FROM/TO ABOUT ACTION Alistair Brown – LES Offering visit by Officer to explain Invited to Nov GCC about stray dog process meeting Hillhead Sports Club New Spectator Stand Open 6 Sept Circulated Community Safety KAM Removals Flyposting Legal Action needed Glasgow against perpetrator. Bid Manager, Byres Rd Attendance at DHKCC At Oct DHKCC Hughenden MultiAgency Minutes of Meetings: July & Aug 2014 Progress Noted Royal Mail & Cllr Andrew Loss of Pillar Box: Byres Rd @ Tesco J Hood Scotrail Reinstate QBGardens Railings Completed (CWG2014)

b. Licensing applications

Liquor: None

HMO: • Existing HMO, 98 Hyndland Road: decided on 3 Sept • 0/1 and 2/2 Ruthven Street. Objected re “overprovision” as three HMO’s already in this close (i.e. five, if both of these approved).

Street Trader or other: • A third Kiosk proposed at Q M Dr at Botanics. Hot/Cold/Food/Drink. DHKCC Objected

8. GCC Land & Environmental Services • Polwarth Street flooding – covered under Councillor reports above. • Commercial bins Dowanside Lane – covered under Councillor reports above. Removal of unused BT cabinet from Dowanside Road may enable some bins to be moved there.

9. AOCB • John Hood expressed his thanks to Cllr Andrew for the successful improvements to the pedestrian crossing on Byres Road.

10. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road:

13 Oct (including AGM), 10 Nov, 8 Dec, 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21:00.


Minutes of AGM

Monday 13th October 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Lionel Most (Secretary), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), John Hood, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Pauline Bourhill, David Belcher, Bob Brown.

In attendance: Lauchlan Macneill-Weir (local resident), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary).

Apologies: Maire Kennedy, Jon Pope, Sheila McCubbin, Riccardo Lazzarini, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Cllr Ken Andrew, Cllr Martha Wardrop.

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. Minutes of the last AGM The minutes of the last AGM, held on 7th October 2013, were accepted as a true and accurate record of proceedings. Proposed by David Belcher, seconded by Patsy Dewar Gibb.

3. Chairperson's report Ann Laird gave a summary of the Community Council's activities over the preceding year, as set out in the attached report. The Chair's report was accepted by the meeting.

4. Treasurer's report Kristeen Barnes distributed the Income and Expenditure account for the year ending 30 Sept 2014, showing a final balance of £269.09.

It was noted that this final balance appears somewhat higher than would otherwise be the case, since the Sports Club have agreed to accept the full year's letting fee of £100 for the meeting room in January. Hence around £50 of meeting room costs incurred in the year to 30 Sept 2014 have not yet been debited from the balance.

The Treasurer's report was proposed by Ann Laird, seconded by Douglas Briggs and accepted by all present. The meeting gave a formal vote of thanks to the Treasurer.

5. Stepping down of current Office Bearers All existing Office Bearers stood down.

The current members of the Community Council are:

Kristeen Barnes, Laura Barnett, David Belcher, Bob Brown, Pauline Bourhill, Douglas Briggs, Stewart Curren, Patsy Dewar Gibb, John Hood, Maire Kennedy, Ann Laird, Riccardo Lazzarini, Carol Martin, Sheila McCubbin, Lionel Most, Roy Parkin, Jonathon Pope, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace.

Oliver van Helden has resigned from the Community Council due to work commitments. Ann Laird noted that a resident of Princes Gardens has indicated an interest in joining the Community Council. An election will be held if other individuals put themselves forward. 1

6. Election of new Office Bearers (with Ruth Wallace acting as temporary chairperson) Douglas Briggs proposed that all the previous Office Bearers be re-elected en bloc. Seconded by Bob Brown and unanimously approved. The Office Bearers are thereby elected as follows: • Chairperson – Ann Laird • Vice Chair – Riccardo Lazzarini • Treasurer – Kristeen Barnes • Secretary – Lionel Most

7. Examiner of accounts for the coming year David Boddy has agreed to continue as the external examiner of the 2014-15 accounts. Proposed by Kristeen Barnes, seconded by Douglas Briggs.

The meeting gave a formal vote of thanks to the examiner of accounts.

8. Appointment of Associate Members Associate Members can be appointed by the Community Council in a non-voting capacity, if specific expertise is required. There have been no proposals for Associate Members and the meeting agreed that there is no particular need for expertise at the moment.

9. Review of inventory and additional resources A summary inventory was made as follows: 1. Display banners 2. Display stand 3. Website 4. Logo

10. Date of next AGM Monday 12 October 2015, to be held at 7pm in Hillhead Sports Club.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 19:30


DHKCC 2013-2014 Report for AGM

Ann Laird, Chairman, 13 Oct 2014

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games was outstanding success for the city. It began for us locally with the Queens’s Baton Relay in Hyndland Rd and Byres Rd. Many people from our community had “volunteered”, and gave their support to the organization of sporting events, and welcomed the vast crowds of visitors to the city.

CWG2014 Health Legacy inspired our DHKCC West End Health Walks via WalkGlasgow in 2009. Our team of volunteer leaders have led one-hour walks for groups of walkers: at Hughenden on Tue/Sun, 2pm and the Botanics on Thu/Fri, with a total of 5,600 walks to date (we count “1”, when 1 person does 1 walk). In 2013 alone, 1634 walks were taken.

MEMBERSHIP: Our full number, 20, was maintained as follows: Nick Mayes & Alison Main resigned because of other commitments. John Hood & Lionel Most were elected in their place. Secretary: Roy Parkin stepped down early in 2014, and Lionel Most was elected. Minute Secy: Wendy Rattray resigned due to other commitments, replaced by Steve Rolfe. Attendance (& submission of apologies if not possible) has been very good all year.

DHKCC MEETINGS: We had 11 meetings, on the “2nd Monday” of every month except July. In April we relocated to Hillhead Sports Club, 32 Hughenden Rd - very satisfactory. Hyndland Sec. Sch. venue less convenient as school closures on 2nd Mondays happened 2 or 3 times a year.

ADDITIONAL DHKCC MEETINGS: 27 Jan & 3 Mar: Wider Outcomes of Community Activity Glasgow Univ, Urban Studies 2 Jun: “Glasgow Centre for Population Health Workshop” & “Glasgow City Dev. Plan” HUGHENDEN MultiAgency Group – Several meetings, various issues. With Cllr Wardrop. HYNDLAND Environmental Action – Several meetings, gulls on roofs. Also Cllr Wardrop.

DHKCC PUBLIC MEETING: “Housebreakings in Kelvinside” 26 Nov 2013, held in QM Residences: with Police & CSG. 80 people attended. (28 October 2014: DHKCC/Police Scotland Partnership: “Kelvinside Smartwater Pilot”)


Key Committees of which A Laird is a member

page 1 of 2 DHKCC makes a particular effort to respond to Consultations…

ENQUIRIES from members of the public: DHKCC gets about 60 per year, and can usually help.

RESPONSES TO PLANNING & LICENSING APPLICATIONS Licensing: New or Renew a three-year HMO Licence: 21; Liquor: 5; Street Trader: 3 Planning Applications: 150 planning applications. All cases were examined, collaborating with Friends of Glasgow West, and representations submitted as required. Notable cases: a. 8 Novar Dr, April 2013. Conversion of former industrial premises into local supermarket. Major DHKCC campaign: 500 objections made in 3 weeks, mainly re conservation area, retail impact, and reduction in local amenity. Granted Sept 2014, after site visit/hearing. b. 351-355 Byres Rd Caffe Nero proposed to combine 2 shop units, resulting in loss of retail; 12 objections; Refused July 2014. Further application by owner, to combine the units for retail was Granted, but architectural features compromised. Complaint made re decision. c. 1 Lancaster Cres, proposed Nursery in end terrace house. Issues, eg terraced location, narrow access lane, adjacent to very busy Gt Western Road junction. Still Pending.

NUMEROUS REPORTS TO GCC LAND SERVICES Roads and Footpath Repairs, Road Marking, Signage, Blocked Gullies, Resurfacing, etc Flooding issues in Polwarth Street, Kensington Gate, Airlie Street, etc Cleansing: Domestic and Bulk Issues, Recycling, Commercial Waste, etc Street Litter Bins, Autumn Leaf Collection, Flytipping, Flyposting, etc

RESPONSES TO GCC CONSULTATIONS - PROPOSALS, POLICY ETC Parking Zone Hillhead, updating (Sept 2014) Parking Zone Byres Road / Dowanhill, new proposed, (Sept 2014) Mandatory 20 m.p.h. Zones (March 2014) Mandatory School Zig Zags (March 2014) Glasgow MACH Scheme - Boris Bikes – (May 2014) Colleges Cycle Route, new proposed, (Sept 2014) Glasgow Alcohol Licensing Policy, 5-year review, (Oct 2013) Library Opening Hours changes (Jan 2014) Parks Management Rules, new proposed, (Feb 2014) Neighbourhood Management Action Plan, DHKCC issues, in Hillhead Ward Electoral Polling Places Glasgow Review (May 2014) Hillhead Primary School Catchment Area and Kelvin Nursery (Sept 2014) Community Councils Administrative Grant (Oct 2014) Glasgow Proposed City Development Plan CDP (June 2014) Glasgow CDP Supplementary Guidance, 5 specific policies (Sept 2014) i.e. Residential – Commercial/Retail - Housing Needs – Industry/Business - Water

RESPONSES TO SCOTTISH GOVT CONSULTATIONS Scottish Planning Policy Review, and National Planning Framework 3 (Jan 2014) Community Empowerment Bill (Jan 2014) Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan (Feb 2014) Dog Chipping (March 2014) Boundary Commission Review (April 2014, Aug 2014)

RESPONSES TO OTHER CONSULTATIONS Police Scotland, Glasgow Police Stations Counters Review (Oct 2013) Scottish Fire & Rescue, National Policy (Feb 2014) Glasgow University, Campus Plan, Stage 3 (April 2014) Glasgow Community Planning Partnership Induction Handbook (June 2014) SPT Bus Stops in Hyndland Road (Queensborough Gardens) and Byres Road Arrangements for dealing with Stray Dogs (June 2014) End of Report

page 2 of 2

Minutes of meeting

Monday 13th October 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Lionel Most (Secretary), Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), John Hood, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Pauline Bourhill, David Belcher, Bob Brown.

In attendance: Lauchlan MacNeill-Weir (local resident), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary).

Apologies: Maire Kennedy, Jon Pope, Sheila McCubbin, Riccardo Lazzarini, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Cllr Ken Andrew, Cllr Martha Wardrop.

1. Welcome and apologies Chair Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. External reports No reports had been received from the Police or Councillors.

3. Minutes of last meeting • Item 3 – future meetings: o Southern General Hospital meeting has been confirmed for Monday 20 October, 7:30pm, Hyndland Secondary School. Mark McAllister from Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board will attend. o Police/Smartwater meeting has been confirmed for Tuesday 28 October, 7pm, Queen Margaret Residences lounge area. o Byres Road BID manager could not attend this month's CC meeting, so has been invited to the November meeting. o Environmental Health have been invited to the November CC meeting, to discuss issues re stray dogs. Minutes proposed by Patsy Dewar Gibb, seconded by Ann Laird.

4. Treasurer's report • Current balance is £287.37. • Balance includes Discretionary Grant payment of £19.28. Only the web hosting and room hire for the Southern General Hospital meeting were approved of the £60 applied for. • The survey of all Community Councils with respect to core grants is now being carried out by the City Council. It was agreed to submit a response suggesting a rise of 40% on the existing grant, to cover rising costs.

5. Planning applications • City Plan – response to Supplementary Guidance consultation has been submitted, following examination by sub-group.

Flat 5, 12 Sydenham Road PP External alterations 18 Kew Terrace LBC Internal alterations to listed building Flat 1/1, 43 Athole Gardens LBC Internal alterations to listed building Flat 0/1, 25 Dundonald Road LBC Internal and external alterations to listed building 3 Beaconsfield Road LBC Replacement of existing garage and erection of boundary fence to rear of B-listed 1

property * 16 Clarence Drive CAC Removal of chimneys * 994 Great Western Road LBC & PP Sub-division of dwelling house to form self- contained basement flat with associated external alterations including removal of chimney and erection of single storey rear extension # 1 Grosvenor Crescent Lane PP Use of ground floor garage/storage as residential flat with external alterations Glasgow Nuffield Hospital, 25 PP Enclosure of an existing balcony and Beaconsfield Road installation of a hoist adjacent to the balcony to/from which instruments can be directly transported to the operating theatres Flat 2/2, 179 Hyndland Road PP Change of use from a flatted dwelling to HMO # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent

6. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence FROM/TO ABOUT ACTION Community Safety Notification of 'day of action' to tackle specific Glasgow issues on 10 November 2014 Glasgow Life Hillhead library refurbishment – work to DHKCC letter commence in current financial year. Brief still listing needs, has being developed, consultation to follow. been sent Glasgow City Hillhead Primary School consultation. Revised Council proposal will keep Otago St nursery open and move P7 pupils into Hillhead High School. Scottish Pay day lenders and betting shops consultation. Lionel Most to Government respond Glasgow City Cycling in parks and Kelvin walkway Specific Council issues/areas forwarded to Stephen Egan.

Email Correspondence includes the following: FROM/TO ABOUT ACTION Marie McKay Psychology project on the 'Glasgow Effect'. Agreed to Request to host online survey on DHKCC website. circulate survey to members.


b. Licensing applications Liquor Occasional licence applications: • Vita Spuntini • Paperino's Both licences requested for late Oct – early Nov, covering Oktoberfest, Halloween and Guy Fawkes. No objections. But they were NOT in the Official “Occasional” list, only in Tell me Scotland.

HMO: • Existing HMO, 3/1, 219 Byres Road: No objection

Street Trader or other: None

7. GCC Land & Environmental Services • Dowanhill/Byres Road Parking Zone. Lauchlan MacNeill-Weir (local resident) asked the meeting for advice about how to raise concerns around the specific restrictions on parking in lanes. As discussed at the previous meeting, the current proposals would stop all parking in lanes from 8am to 6pm. Following a detailed discussion, Ann Laird advised that he and other residents ensure they provide alternative proposals when submitting their objections. She suggested that Mr. MacNeill-Weir could send draft proposals to her for comment before submission. • Extreme flyposting: KAM Removals. Posters have been removed, but there is no indication that LES will be pursuing a prosecution. • Polwarth Street flooding – Councillor Ken Andrew and Ann Laird have been pushing for the gullies to be cleared to resolve this issue. • A letter from Hughenden Resident regarding extreme traffic at the HSC Rugby festival in September will be followed up for action.

8. AOCB None

9. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 10 Nov, 8 Dec 2014, 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June 2015.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 20:35.


Minutes of meeting

Monday 10th November 2014 at 7:00pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Lionel Most (Secretary) Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Patsy Dewar Gibb, Maire Kennedy, Loretta Primrose, Ruth Wallace, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Bob Brown, Cllr John Letford, David Belcher, Linda Fleming (new member)

In attendance: PSgt Jeff Harper (Partick Police), Eddie Roscoe (Minutes / BID Project Manager), Jenny Gorevan, Frances Manley (Partick Community Council, observing), Jacqueline McKie (Woodside Community Council, observing), David McColl (GCC LES Public Health)

Apologies: John Hood, Pauline Bourhill, Oliver van Helden, Carol Martin, Sheila McCubbin, Roy Parkin, Jonathan Pope, Ricardo Lazzarini, Cllrs Martha Wardrop, Pauline McKeever, Ken Andrew; Sandra White MSP, PC Steven McCooey, PC Jacqueline Cowan (Maryhill Police)

1. Welcome and apologies Secretary Lionel Most welcomed everyone to the meeting. New member Linda Fleming welcomed. Ann Laird asked for round table introductions due to diverse range of people present.

DHKCC Vice Chairman: AL stated that Riccardo Lazzarini wished to step down as vice chairman, due to personal commitments. AL proposed Douglas Briggs, who had agreed to be nominated. Seconded by Ruth Wallace and agreed by all.

2. External reports a. Community police Police Sergeant(s) (Maryhill and Kelvin Police) • Since 13th October, there have been: o 2 Drugs incidents (2 reported) o 15 thefts (2 reported) and of these 2 were motor vehicles, 3 house break-ins. o 4 Assaults o 4 Vandalisms

• Q: What is being done to prevent assaults? o A: Figures not broken down into specifics, information not currently available for meeting. Figure also doesn’t detail convictions. • Issue Raised – 21st September sports event, no traffic assistance at Hughenden / Old Station Park with lack of police response. Elderly lady couldn’t get her car in and police didn’t arrive until 10.30am. Felt that cones necessary for the area. o Police explained about conflicting operational requirements o Lionel Most to raise at Hughenden Multi-agency meeting. b. Local Councillors Cllr John Letford • Issues over last 2 months have been related to roads, lights, hedges etc. • LES Roads Dept say: Roads would be prioritised over the coming months. • There is a two year cleaning cycle for gullies. • Cllr John Letford asked for suggestions of issues to the room: o Kirklee Road / Kirklee Quadrant / Bellshaugh Road – Bushes encroaching 1

o Julian Lane / Court – Potholes onto Cleveden Drive, major one Julian Lane o Leaves: collection problem in certain areas o Slippy in Great Western Road, Dowanhill, Highburgh Road etc. • Cllr John Letford to initiate a walkabout to find the problem areas (Ruth Wallace, Patsy Dewar Gibb, Douglas Briggs, Kristeen Barnes to be contacted). c. David McColl (LES: Stray Dogs) • Gave overview of his role & council department that deal with stray dogs for area. • 2 permanent dog wardens (8.30– 5pm Mon to Thurs, 8.30 – 4pm Friday). • A stray dog is taken to a private kennel and if not collected, in some cases the dogs are destroyed. • There were 34 collections in 2013 and so far 113 in 2014 at the last measure. • Q: Who should be contacted first if stray dog? o A: City centre contact centre: 0141 287 2000 o A: Contact police (101) out of hours if dangerous dogs (police won’t collect unless dangerous). 3. Minutes of last meeting Item 6: Planning applications i. 3 Beaconsfield Road – granted ii. 1 Lancaster Crescent - granted Minutes proposed by Ann Laird and seconded by Lionel Most.

4. Treasurer's report Current balance is £206.47 • Nicolas Mayes web hosting has been covered in that figure. • Copy of signed accounts have been sent to GCC and received acknowledgement. • Received copy of the community council insurance policy.

5. Planning applications

Notre Dame High School LBC Erection of kiosk within school grounds * 74 Victoria Crescent Road PP Erection of canopy associated with underground car park (retrospective) Grosvenor Hotel LBC & PP Alterations to existing telecommunications site including addition of 3 antennae and replacement cabinet * Flat 2/1, 6 Queens Gardens LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to listed building Flat 0/1, 25 Dundonald Road PP Installation of flue to side elevation of listed building 74 Victoria Crescent Road/1-7 LBC & PP Conversion of premises to form 81 flats, Bowmont Gardens access and parking (amendment of condition 01 of permission reference 11/01994/DC related to drawings) # 14 Grosvenor Crescent PP Use of dwelling house as Buddhist Centre * Flat 3/1A, 16 Ruthven Street PP Installation of replacement windows to front and rear of flatted dwelling

# Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent


6. Consultations a) Youth Justice Survey • A Laird had submitted a response.

b) CC Funding Survey Report and Training Needs • Admin Grant is based on a Standard Amount, plus a Per Capita element. • DHKCC has V. large population, but Per Capita has diminished over the years. • Out of 79 Community Councils, 34 responded with a 50/50 split on whether they were happy or not with current funding. • DHKCC – Have asked for 40% more funding. • Q: What should funds be used for? o A: Website, Copying, Newsletters, Flyers, Events, Training, Conferences. • Action: Ann Laird to complete report and submit.

c) Payday Lending • Douglas Briggs / Lionel Most making response to Scot Govt consultation re change Planning Legislation for payday lenders / bookies. • An existing Class 2 outlet – can change to payday lender without change of class. • Proposal is a special class for payday lenders to prevent creep. • DB / LM to circulate report.

d) Hyndland Bowling Club • Applied for fund to reduce carbon footprint (Climate Challenge Find) which will involve upgrading Bowling Clubhouse to make energy efficient. • Community Good aspect – they have chosen a promotional campaign aimed at in Hyndland and have asked for Community Council support. • Concerns over ensuring no unintended negative consequences to heritage of buildings of said tenements in Hyndland Conservation Area. • Actions – David Mullane and Ann Laird to meet with club treasurer and engage with expert from Historic Scotland for advice.

e) Nurseries Petition – Local Resident, Jenny Gorevan • Not enough nurseries or places for childcare in Glasgow. • Funding available and in place but not feasible and illogical for working parents as nurseries only offer 5 morning sessions instead of combining days. • Research has shown that 5 out of 6 nurseries are not providing efficient access. • Action: Ann Laird to circulate petition which aims to try and counter this trend.

7. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence FROM/TO ABOUT Education Estate Public Acknowledgement of our response Consultation Sandra White Newsletter Glasgow South Hospitals Leaflet (we had a successful meeting with 40 attending) Community Safety Letter. Note the KAM Removals flyposting . 20 or 30 taken down by Community Safety in Hyndland and Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers Youth and Criminal Justice Survey – Ann has answered Mrs La Combre Complaint about traffic during rugby event at Hughenden. LDM has spoken to Mrs La Combre and will take it up at Multi Agency meeting Consultation re pay day LDM met with Douglas Briggs and has put in a response lenders


Email Correspondence includes the following: FROM/TO ABOUT David Frew/LES The flooding on Kingsborough Lane East will be dealt with by the Housing Association Development Plan Acknowledgment of our representations Hyndland Bowling Club Promoting the tackling of limate change. Ann to comment Drew McWilliams LES Noting our points on parks/walkways

b. Licensing applications Liquor – None

HMO: • 3/1 64, Lauderdale Gardens; Spoke to 3/2; No problems, they had a moving in party but no noise and no mess. Beautiful close and back green – no objection • 2/1, 11 Kirklee Quadrant. Spoke to 3/1 – (Mrs) Adair Magnuson. No problems. They are nice people and keep quiet. They have the odd party abut Mrs M knows the owners and would contact them if there were any problem. The close and back green was tidy – no objection • 1/1, 8 Highburgh Road. Spoke to man downstairs. There is quite a lot of noise but the close and back green were tidy. However there is an over concentration in this area objection

Street Trader or other: There is a hearing for the van on Queen Margaret Drive on 19 Nov at 9.30. We cannot go but we think other interested parties will

8. Hyndland HEAP / Hughenden MultiAg / Ruthven Lane • HEAP – Met at Hyndland secondary school o DCC will be objecting to only 8 Town Houses being made to be stonecleaned with the end one now allowed to repaint. Makes the street look very disjointed. • Hughenden – There is a leaflet going out about this at Hughenden meeting next Monday (17th November).

9. AOCB • Flooding Kelvinside – AL identified points that were flooded – tabled her Map of these. • Hyndland Rd / Clarence Dr Lights: Flooding at kerb edge reported. New gully needed. • Clarence Dr at Dudley Dr: Scottish Water doing 5-day investigation road works which involved a one-way system, right at Pedestrian Lights… many School Pupils cross here. Announcement of work only being released day before (Sunday 9 Nov) • Byres Road BID – Eddie Roscoe gave an overview of work to date: a. Formal Consultation / Survey – Over 90 one to ones and 110 business survey responses achieved to capture what businesses / eligible voters perceived the problems to be on Byres Road. b. BID Steering Group – Made up of mixture of retail, professional service and hospitality businesses as well as Cllr Martha Wardrop, Keri Isdale (GCC – DRS) and Jennifer Russell (). c. Business Plan and BID Proposal – Currently being developed and will be available by mid – late December. d. Ballot Day – Explained that the funding for the BID is part financed by an additional investment from the businesses themselves. Businesses will get a vote on whether the BID goes ahead with final ballot day set for 26th February 2015.

10. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 8 Dec 2014, 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June 2015.


Minutes of meeting

Monday 8th December 2014 at 7:30pm

Held at Hillhead Sports Club

Present: Ann Laird (Chair), Lionel Most (Secretary) Kristeen Barnes (Treasurer), Maire Kennedy, Ruth Wallace, Stewart Curren, Douglas Briggs, Laura Barnett, Bob Brown, Jonathan Pope, David Belcher, Sheila McCubbin, Pauline Bourhill, Linda Fleming

In attendance: Cllr Martha Wardrop, Sgt Steven McCooey (Maryhill Police), Steve Rolfe (Minutes Secretary)

Apologies: Patsy Dewar Gibb, John Hood, Maire Kennedy, Cllr Pauline McKeever, Cllr Ken Andrew, Cllr John Letford, Cllr Martin Rhodes, Sandra White MSP, Drew Smith MSP

1. Welcome Ann Laird welcomed everyone to the meeting.

2. External reports a. Community police Police Sergeant Steven McCooey (Maryhill Police) • Sergeant McCooey stated that this will probably be his last attendance as a representative of Maryhill Police Station as he is moving to a different station, but that he will be replaced by another officer. Sgt McCooey will remain as the key contact for the Smartwater project. • There have been no particular spikes in offences, apart from a slight increase in road traffic offences due to a specific initiative to target poor driving in the Cleveden/Kelvinside area. Smartwater project • No house-breaking incidents in Kelvinside since the project was launched. Just one incident of an individual spotted in a garden, who was later arrested. • The Smartwater signs are now up in all relevant streets. • Significant media coverage was gained for the launch, including STV, Evening Times and Radio Clyde. • The Community Council are continuing to sell Smartwater packs, possibly including more sales sessions at QM Residences. • There was some discussion about the lack of appropriate promotional material from Smartwater for the domestic market, although there was a recognition that their primary focus is the commercial sector.

b. Local Councillors Cllr Martha Wardrop • Concerns continue to be raised about the Colleges Cycle Route improvement plans. Cllr Wardrop is going to meet with Go Bike and local businesses. • Restricted Parking Zone for Dowanhill – those who commented should be receiving responses around now. Concerns were raised about the issue of cyclists being able to cycle 'the wrong way' along 1-way streets, as proposed. • Nextbike are planning to install a station at . The station on Ashton Road/Byres Road has not yet been installed. • There appears to have been a spate of housebreaking and cycle thefts in Hillhead, which could be evidence of displacement from the Smartwater area in Kelvinside.


• Hughenden Multi-Agency Group is considering meeting less frequently, as initial priorities of ASB and maintenance issues have been largely dealt with. • Issues with Hyndland Secondary football pitch – agency which manages the pitch has installed spikes on top of fence, to prevent out of hours usage, but some individuals have cut the fence and continued to climb over the spikes. Cllr Wardrop is speaking to Education Services about these issues. Cleveden Secondary apparently operates a different policy, leaving the pitch open outside formal usage hours. Action: Douglas Briggs to contact Cleveden Secondary to find out more about their approach.

3. Minutes of last meeting a. Amendments • Item 1 – Sheila McCubbin was present at the meeting

b. Matters arising • Item 2b – Walkabout with Cllr Letford was undertaken. Cllr Letford took detailed notes of the issues identified and has passed them on to LES. • Item 6b – Action: Ann Laird to submit report regarding funding issues by 13 Dec. • Item 6d – Ann Laird and David Mullane met with Hyndland Bowling Club in relation to community engagement aspect of their Climate Challenge Fund project. They are largely targeting top flats (for loft insulation) and ground floor flats (for under-floor insulation). They are not promoting changes to windows, etc. Ann Laird highlighted a number of the complexities of individual v common ownership and responsibility to HBC. Cllr Wardrop highlighted the possibility of support to residents from the 'Future Cities' programme – Action: she will pass information to the Community Council. • Item 7a – Lionel Most submitted the Community Council's response to the pay day lenders consultation. • Item 7a – Lionel Most wrote to Community Safety with regard to KAM Removals, but has not yet received a response.

4. Treasurer's report Current balance is £911.47, of which £660 is Smartwater funds. A cheque for £540 has been sent to Smartwater, but not yet cashed. • The presentation of the accounts for 2013/14 was discussed and will be refined to reflect the accurate position of the Community Council's financial position over the year. • The GCC grant has still not been received.

5. Planning applications

Notre Dame High School LBC Erection of kiosk within school grounds Flat 1, 3 Princes Terrace LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to listed building # 11 Kirklee Terrace Lane LBC & PP Erection of single storey extension to rear, internal and external alterations to listed property (including formation of dormers to front and rear) and erection of boundary wall to rear # Site adjacent to 82 Hyndland PP Installation of telecommunications cabinet Road on footway # Flat 1/1, 11 Belhaven Terrace LBC Internal alterations to listed building # 14 Kensington Gate LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to form sub- division of dwelling house to form 2 self- contained residential flats # Site at Baxter House, 10 LBC (inc Amendment to planning permission 2

Lowther Terrace demolition) 11/00491/DC. Sub-division of listed care & PP home to form 14 flats, alterations, demolition of rear extension, erection of 8 flats and formation of basement car parking # 8 Bowmont Gardens LBC & PP External alterations to form external stairway and new door 3 Beaconsfield Road LBC & PP Demolition of detached garage and erection of railings/gates to rear of listed dwelling house 1 Beaconsfied Road LBC & PP Internal and external alterations to listed townhouse associated with proposed sub- division to form 2 self-contained dwellings and replacement garage Notre Dame High School, 160 PP Erection of kiosk within school grounds Observatory Road Flat 3/2, 129 Novar Drive PP Installation of replacement windows # Information requested PP = Planning Permission * Objection LBC = Listed Building Consent CAC = Conservation Area Consent

6. Secretary's report a. Correspondence Hard Correspondence FROM/TO ABOUT NHS Glasgow There is a new Health Centre called “Possilpark” but in fact located at Queen’s Cross near the McIntosh Church Ann Laird There is a map of Kelvinside showing where there has been flooding and the gullies have been cleaned. Royal College of Nursing We have been sent a petition to sign to increase the parking at the New Southern General

Email Correspondence includes the following: FROM/TO ABOUT Councillor Wardrop Restricted Traffic Zone consultation for Hyndland (including Hughenden) and Partick to commence early next year. Councillor Wardrop LES have promised to reinstate the gulley on Hyndland Road at Clarence Drive where there is flooding Lyndsey King – Glasgow Offer from Alex Byers to speak on the upgrade of the Hillhead Life Library. I have responded asking her to come to our meeting in January 2015. Councillor Wardrop The Licensing and Regulatory Committee of the City Council have considered a report on the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 on licencing of Houses in multiple occupation – outcome of discussions with the Scottish Government. The proposed new standard conditions of licence were approved by the committee (item 5.1)

b. Licensing applications Liquor – None



• 3/2, 3 Dowanside Road. James Renfrew; 4 Rooms and 4 Occupants – Objected. There are already two HMO’s in the building although the close was tidy and the back garden although a bit overgrown was in acceptable condition

Street Trader or other: Notice of committee meeting for street trader’s licence continued to 14 Jan 2015 at 9.30am

7. AOCB • Lighting boxes. The Victorian lighting boxes, containing controls for street lights, are gradually being removed and replaced with new boxes as the lighting is upgraded. Ann Laird has enquired about this, as the boxes form part of the historic nature of the area. The responsible agency will not keep them in situ due to maintenance costs, but are prepared to refurbish one and gift it to the Community Council if a suitable site can be found. A range of possible sites were suggested: Old Station Park, Riverside Museum, Dowanhill Park, Notre Dame High School, Cottiers, Botanic Gardens, Vinicombe Street, Mansfield Park. Action: Ann Laird will investigate further. • Park rules. Ann Laird to attend meeting in Council Chambers with regard to this. • Hillhead Area Committee. Has awarded £400 to Kelvinside allotments for raised beds. • Christmas lights. Switch on events were a success, with Notre Dame Primary and Hillhead Primary pupils singing at the two sites and Baillie Liz Cameron speaking. It was noted that Hyndland and Old Station Park also have Christmas lights on trees. • Hyndland community recycling point. Screening has been installed around the recycling bins, improving their appearance, although there was some concern about the quality of the screening. Concern was raised at the lack of consultation, although it seems possible that the screening was installed by a local business. Action: Cllr Wardrop to investigate who installed and paid for the screening. • Speed bumps. Concern was raised that some speed bumps are in need of resurfacing and repainting on their leading edge. Action: Douglas Briggs to raise with Cllr Letford

The Chair, Ann Laird, thanked the committee for all their hard work during 2014. The committee likewise thanked the Chair for all her hard work over the year.

8. Dates of future meetings: 2nd Monday of each month at 7pm at Hillhead Sports Club, Hughenden Road: 12 Jan, 9 Feb, 9 Mar, 13 April, 11 May, 8 June 2015.