DATE: 30 June 2016 TIME: 7.00 pm The Village Hall, Buckland LOCATION: Village, HP22 5HU


Item Time Page No 1 Apologies for Absence / Changes in Membership 19:00

2 Declarations of Interest 19:05 To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

3 Action Notes 19:10 3 - 10 To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 4th February 2016.

4 School Places Update 19:15 Paula Campbell-Balcome and Steve Chainani to provide a presentation on school places.

5 Question Time 19:25 There will be a 20 minute period for public questions. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their questions in advance of the meeting to facilitate a full answer on the day of the meeting. Questions sent in advance will be dealt with first and verbal questions after.

6 Petitions 19:45 Petition | Worlds End Lane, | Speeding and Vegetation

Sue Brown / Clifford Marshall to respond

7 Thames Valley Neighbourhood Police Update 19:50

8 Transport for 19:55 11 - 32

9 Flooding Issues in Weston Turville 20:05

10 AVDC Update 20:15 33 - 38

Visit democracy.buckscc.gov.uk for councillor information and email alerts for meetings, and decisions affecting your local area.

11 RAF Halton 20:20 Update from a representative of RAF Halton

12 BCC update 20:40 39 - 46

13 Local Priorities Budget 20:45 47 - 52 Paul Hodson, Area Manager


14 Active Bucks 53 - 56

15 Donate-a-Gate Scheme 57 - 58 Information will be provided on the North Bucks Donate-a-Gate scheme.

16 Date of Next and Future Meetings The next meeting will take place on Thursday 22nd September 2016.


Chris Adams, Bucks County Council Steve Bowles, Vale District Council (Vice-Chairman) Bill Chapple OBE, Bucks County Council (Chairman) Marion Clayton, Parish Council Michael Collins, District Council Nigel Hayward, Buckland Parish Council (Chairman) David Hillier, Weston Turville Parish Council Jenny Hunt, Parish Council Meryl Nodes, Drayton Beauchamp Parish Council Carole Paternoster, Aylesbury Vale District Council (Vice-Chairman) Tom Ross, Drayton Beauchamp Parish Council Andrew Southam, Aylesbury Vale District Council Peter Strachan, Aylesbury Vale District Council Brian Thompson, Halton Parish Council Tom Walsh, Wendover Parish Council Stephen Worth, Wendover Parish Council

Member Services Contact : James Batt, Tel 01296 382745, Email [email protected] If you would like to attend a meeting, but need extra help to do so, for example because of a disability, please contact us as early as possible, so that we can try to put the right support in place.

Agencies : Buckinghamshire County Council, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Parish Council, Buckland Parish Council, Drayton Beauchamp Parish Meeting, Halton Parish Council, Wendover Parish Council, Weston Turville Parish Council, , Bucks Fire and Rescue, Voluntary Sector representatives