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All the News of

All the Pointes Every

Thursday Moming Grosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointe, H~ of the N~,

------_ .. , Vol.3O-No. 19" Entered as Second Clau Mal~r at •. 00 Per Year '1\; the Post Office at Detroit. MlchI&.tD. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, May 8, 1969 ll1e Per CoP" 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One , .

IIEADLINES 'Beautification Council Awards Prizes For Posters Residents Divided Ask Citizens of the . To Contact WEEK Over Entrances At Legislators As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Officials Cite Dangers to System Unless Lawmak •. North High School ers Continue Fi- Thursday, May 1 VIOLENCE AT COLUMBIA nancial Aid Universit'l resulted' when 160 members of the. campus chap- Woods Council Refuses Request of 625 Residents for II ter of the Students for a Demo~ Pedestrian Gate at Wedgewood,. 77 Hidden Lane The entire community cratic Society (SDS) barricaded R d should be aware that events _ themselves inside two of the esi ents' Opposition En9ugh to Sway Solons currently taking place in school's b\,ildings. A profes------Lansing may greatly affect, sor, with his arms pinned be- The Woods Council chamber was filled almost to the future educational clio hind him, was struck in the capacity last Monday evening, May 5, with residents of mate in Grosse Pointe," Dr. face with a club by radicalstu- HIdden lane and representatives of Grosse Pointe North Theos I. Anderson, Super. dents. University officials have High School, who were there to present the Council intendent of Schools, Said :r~~~la~~g s~u~= ~~~r ~:~ with conflicting petitions. ~------I Monday. He urged an im. f .. The ffrst petition presented T G mediate grass-roots citizens! ace crllI~ma~c~nte,:nPt charges. was one with over 625 signa. , WO unmen campaign to contact legisla .. PRESIDENT NIXON ASKED ture.s signe~ by Woods residents tors in the State .capitol r~ Congress on Wednesdl!.Y for stating thl'.l1' concern over ~e Rob TV Shop garding pending school leg- broad authorl'ty m. consolidating safetySchool ofandstudentsthe atlackNorthof Highcon- . ..' islation . . ,. similar fedez:al aid programs. venient entrances to the grounds In'"GP Woods The S.upermtendent ~f SchoolS The President said that the of the schools. They asked the urged 11Iterested reSidents to overlapping is threatening to: council to allow, on a trial basis, take. advantage. of the local , I paralyze the effectiveness of another entrance to the grounds Use' Owne.r's Truck to machinery ~vailable through the overall aid program. Oppo- particularly at the end of the Legislative Committee of sition to the request is expected, Wedgewood drive. Load 10 Setsj Escape the.Grosse PointE; PTA Council, as its acceptance would give to . Afte L k' P chall'ed by CedrIc A. Richner, th "d .. ' Supenntendent !!f Schools,r OC Ing ro- Jr. 713 University Plac e Presl ent jurlsdl(ltion pres. T,heosAnderson, Ul a letter to prietor in Rear Room.', • e." ently held by Congress. the Council elaborated on this ' Our representative;s, who • • • request by asking the Council Tw blanket the eommUDlty;- are Friday, May 2 ' for approval to instlli, on a 0 men, one armed kn~wle~geable about curren~ ".COMMON COUNCIL PRESI- trial.basis a four-foot wide and with a revolver, held up the legISlation 8S they have been DENT Ed CareY'disc1osed tod8Y six-foot high pedestrian gaie ".t Carlson TV Shop, 20649 meetin~ regularly since Janu- that the Council plans to kill Wedgewood on the south side Mack avenue, on Tuesday, ary. to .Ulform themselves of the ::~eo~s~a~apgroh'pse$44rty.9m!l1coillim'one d ' .., . . :':' .• PhO!O_b1 MdJe McGrM.b. Jr. of North High School. AtPril 29, and forced dthe bgaa~cAltssouureslaCOstnfrgeonnertialngMi~hi- . , ,~ran Prize winners in. the "Clean-Up, Paint-Up, Montefalco. School; and VICKI CICHY, Grosse Pointe . Parenti Woald Belp S ore owner t 0 surren er " . . sessIon, and excise taxes and eliminate F' U" t . . .' 't d . He. asked that the. aate be the keys to hl'S .truck, after held edTutoesday.,.April 29, they 'ed. li..' lX- P pos er contest, mltlae b,y the Beautification N,o,rth High School. The top three Grand Prize winning.. • ....e lo. .. 1.. oth in ...- tlons.1 813 ~ JJ.~~w~h~e:.~ Council, were entertained',May 1 at a luncheon in the posters have been retained by the Council to be used open one h~ before school which the ban~~ts loaded on ;'hoot ~7~.d th: Councilmen met privately to Crystal Ballroom of the War'Memoriai. Winners pic. in its book presentation for the Cleanest City Award started, and an hour.and.a-hal! 10 color teleV1S1on sets and locu-imPact OfpeDding~ ... 'd th' t d b (1 ft' t .. ht ELLEN RENICK . W h" gt DC xt F b after school was dismissed, but escaped. The robbers1oek"l tion,", JIr~:'RlehUer:,""; , consl er .. e Mayors. proposed Mure a ave are, e 0 rig. .' l, ' ,In as In on, .. ne e ruary..' no. later .th n. "30 pm.• He ed th e prt:il)ne. tor In'.' a ~ar"'. ,.g"-¥o~...... ', . ,"v .'. . ,$~ ~n ,,~U~g~~ fO~i,e~,;;, .. ~,~B~~~~9.21;,~t"~REF;N WAGNE,lR,St. C,lare of .' , . . c'._:..... ' .added,tba~:ClUring ~ two- room before they drove "'A1~ih:'lt~~llneither ~~;~.>'r,~~_'i'b.':Wf"f~ts'.",'An.'~~~.7'P~i'nt~'M.'::'>~.;iifr~ip'~"a.~.r.(Jirr.'ks.:,0~:3i.)121.';Do.'..:.' nate..';,:,'~,~.:~!!:.~:=~'ay::'isitili':~:~~,~H8roldlL'reo.n~tht;xa::::1io:.e.~c~~ • •• '., .' ,><'. . ...• '. '.'. , ' .. '" '~ •.. ', , _:',:' ' intliearea. . McLaugJilln,57, of 14130 Avon- olU'~hools,ltthepreseZlttlm. 'PRES~~ay'N'Ytlit,'~ Are'd1Ntrded, ,Beibg ReadiedfotOfficial $60,~96.75to tr~c i==e:eaMC::P:: ~ld~::O~ ~ ::'t.ivc:;. :: ~~~8eal~1::Uv~e~u~~ po~, Friday a three-prop.ged F 'Slo' 0'. M '.. D C'. :. D' .•. - at Hidden lane, and at Sunning- ett Plumb, that he did 110t see ~ge passage ~ the Governor's ~ss~'fton .• mut material, say- . dale and'Wedgewood, should be tht: pair enter. the stOre~but Bill (~ouse ~,ill 2176 and Sen- lUg Al1'!erlcan.homes are being or. ~gans pemng, on emorlal' ay,., enter' nve based on' the' recommendatio11 believed that they came through ate B~ lOl~, he l!dded. bombarded WI~ the lu:ge~t' of the City Safety Director. Dr. the front door. ''We ~.tainl,Y hope that Gov. v~lume ,~f sex-orle~ted man m 'Five Pointes to New Beau- Marinas Made Available to Boaters on May I: Three Weeks. Remaining AndersonasIted that the gate be McLaugbUn told the officerw ernor Millike~ s Scllool ~orm hlsto~. The .presldent spelled ty' Selected as Winner ' Warm Weather Draws Crowds to Family to Reach $85,000 Goal installed no later than May 12 that he was sittill at his desk Co~missjon will develop mtoan ~~~g~ssP:d ~ai: ::;::.~~ in' Clean-Up.Cam-' Picnics at. Facilities by Mem.. ~.. rial, Day' :. All so the trial period could include about midway aIcfng the south ~~:~:-~~p a ~~k ~~~~ c:oos:: legislative proposal would be • Co t t .. 1 k' th P' t . d (CClDUnUed- Page 3) wall of the buUdiZlg, facing the velop recommendations as th; submitted for early consider- pal,gn_,_. ,_n es . All mumclpa par s lp. '. e am t: op~ne their Urged ''1:0,. Contribute . wall, when the men entered, but basis for his proposals to the ation The Grosse Pointe' Beau- marinas to accommodate boating enthUSiasts on ,Thurs- .'~ ~ Burglars Steal he was not aware they .were LegislatUre this fall" Mr Rich- . • •.• .' ". gay, ~ay I, although the oijicial opening day to the W~th. Jnst three. weeks. • there lZIltil one spoke. . "ner declared. ' • ONE THOUSAND,. white stu- }~~~atip~es Cf~~n~~ga~~f~r::' general public has been set for Memorial Day, May 30. IFeft ,milltsp 20~h.AI~ll1versary OffIce Eqmpment He I!aid one produced a blue William M. Day of Winthrop dents drove 200 militant black . t d' ,Picnickers,however, are taking advantage ~f warm days a:r:n. y . artiClpa~on Cam. __ ' _ , ,!teel revolver and :;aid "(;ell place, chainnan ~f th~'board students off the Queens College mlt. ed ~rm~ a. two-wee.k and enjoying family outings at alI the parks, it was dig.; palgn, .Gro~e Pomte War Three valuable pieces of of- up. Let's go into the back and chief executive officer of campus in New York City Fri- penod ,hlghlightmg thell' closed. E> . .. . IMemonal still h.as$25,OOO fice equipment, valued at a to. room." The ar~ed man'~ C0n;t- Michigan Bell. Telephone Co. day after the Negroes vandal- Clean-Up Drive. ,Forty-four The new facilities at the Wind. water the previous day for a to go to reach Its goal of tal of $1508 were stolen from panion he!d hIS hand lD his an~ former chA1l'manofthe edu- ,ized college buildings for the slogans entered in the con. mill Pointe Park,. the swimming final check, to deter. if '85,000 peeded to operate the Americ~ Data Processing pocket as thou~h he. also had a cation~l subcommittee. of New second consecutive day. Fist. test were judged by the pool, wading pool, bathhouse" there were any leaks, and to m the fiscal year beginning company, 19830 Maele avenue, gun, McLaughlin laId. DetrOIt, In,:.,. was picked by fighting and stone. throwing Publicity Committee of the mar!n~, lan~sc~ping, etc., w~ make sure the filtering system August 1. on. Sunday, May 4, !"bile a Tale Truck Keyll Governor Milliken t'? serve .OD. erupted and about 500 helmeted COuncil and awards given be flDlshed m time for the offi. was in working order. Follow.up letters have been woman employe of the firm was At the rear of the store the the panel ch~rged with making police surged onto ~e campus, at the Kick-off Luncheon, cial opening day, Par k City The' new marina was built received by all families in the eating an evening meal at a men forced McLaughlin to'give re~o~m~dations towar~ sol~ to the cheers o~ white students. Thursday May.1 at Fries M.anager Robert Slone said. The with fun d s from a $150,000 five Pointe for wbom the. Cen- restaurant. them the. keyS to his truck, Michigan s school fmancmg The'. collegethrough will'Uonday,be closedaccord-at Au d.t, 1 ormm..' . ' . Imp r 0 v erne n t s were ma de Revenue Bond Is$ue to be paid 'ter. has'a ddresses. It is hoped The woman name withheld par ked at the re8r of the problems . least [Q, Th through the sale of $570,000 in from well rental r~venue. they will include the Memor- told Woods p'atro1man Albert' building, then made him open Asked To Di1fer Action iDg to school• officials.•• by Mr.e first.Richardpnze ofKrajenke$25, gIVenof bonds, authorized by the city, He said that there .are 217 iars, return envelope in the Abend that she left the building the building door. The Governor has urged law.

Richard Buick Agency, was pre. voters early in 1968. . boat wells in 'the new, marilla, mailing. pile when they write at 9:45 p.m. to eat, and reo While the armed an T ma~ers to defer school action SPEC~~NMaYM~UNTED sented to Mr. and Mrs. Durell Part ~f the funds r~ali~ed with a few wells still available the family ~hecks thi~ month. turned at 11:15 p.m., to dis. him at gun point the ~o ri~~~~ until ~ft~r the Schooi Reform SATURDAY that some Ameri- Richards of Westcbester road. from .thiS general obligation ~or rent for boats uP. to 30 feet Gr~se Pomte's un 1que I Y cover that a window pane in a told Kensora and pfurrib the CommiSSion surveys the prob- Th,eir slogan was "Five Pointes ~nd Issue was used to make m length. The wellB will be rent. beautif1;l1 and much used War restroom at the rear of the other loaded 10 nable and l~m and makes r!!comm~d~. ~~~~s f.:~uldVi::.a:~ a:d to New Beauty.'" Mr. and Mrs. l1~prlJve!Jlents at. the. Three ed only to boat owners residing M~monal Cent:r has never place had be~ smashed and floor model color ~;vision sets tions. Governor 'Milliken m~. Richards are old-time Grosse Mile Dn~e Park, mc1~dmg the in the Park, he pointed out. failed to meet Its goal of one the window was open. valued at beteen $300 and ~ ca~d t!J8t he '!ill ~all a SpeCIal ~~sth;o~~g;~~~t=~~~~~i Pointers. Mr. Richards recalls construction of a wadmg pool. The city manager said that q~arter of th~ t~tal y~ar's oper- Det. cpt Gerald Kensora and each, onto the truck. ,....,.. lcgis1a.~ve sessIOn m Octo~er to first coming he.e 50 years ago New Pool Filled both Windmill Pointe Pari: and ~tionlll ~o~ts I.nIts Annual !am- Det. Everett Plumb, who were Before 1 vi . deal With school matters if the ~~~~a~~~" lfo:~~~;'::Ui~;while a student at Yale Univer.' Slone said on Tuesday, May 6, the Three Mile Drive Park are ily PartiCipation, C a I!!' pal g n. assigned to the case, said that tern ted :a ta~g, the pa1~ . a~- lawmake~s have adjourned the troop withdrawals met with sity to be in the wedding party that the new swimming pool open for picnickers. Three quarte~s' of Its' needs the owner of the firm Frank h- ~ ' t e McLllughlin s 1969 session before that. South Vietnamese President of the. late Ch~rles'P.arcells, Sr. was cleaned and filled with The Three Mile facility, he come from mvested. endow., Gille of Cook road w~s noti- tb~/ ~n: flo!e~an IbU:edc~~ng~d Asked for his reaction to the Nquyen Van Thieu for over an held III the little. vme-covered Isaid, has been extended to the me!1t;;.and' fees .for semces and fied of the break.in: the rer::~ s'tr oc IDl Ul Governor's Bill, Superintendent hour and a half and in Washing- ch~rch on th~ Site of Grosse S hiM. front lawn of the former Mc- actiVIties. Davl~ .W. Kendall, A check of the offices on the es. oom. • Anderson estimated that it ton White House sources said Pomte Memonal Church. C 00 eetlllg Millan estate grounds, now com- pr~sldent ~nd William J. C;oul, premises disclosed that the T!te bandits propped a chair (CoIJtinued on Page Z) that President Nixon woulti ac- "Be a Pointe Polisher," sub. S f M d pletely owned by the Park. dnve ~all'man,. are confident thief, or thieves, took a Royal agamst the doo~ knob anil ------cept a secret agreement with mitted by Mr~. Donna Ireton, et or on ay T6e inspection of the plumb- t!Jat this year will be no excep- electric typewriter valued at warned McLa~ghhn to not to Lig~ett Alumnae Hanoi on mutual trOOI' with. won second prize, a rose bush, ing of the bathhouse and swim. tion. BehiDd Last Year $327; an ffiM electric typewriter leave fur 10 !ffinutes. Then they '-' 't Aontal'ned given by Meldrum and Smith The regular monthly meeting ming pool at the Windmill worth $756 and a smaller ffiM drove away m the truck. drawal as long as I .. P . te P k will be fini h d b Receipts are coming in in the' , Ap ro' t I . te Support Merger tight safeguards against viola. Gllrd.en Supply ~ompanr.' of the 'Grosse Pointe Board of om ar s e y same pattern as previous years. valued at $425. p xlma e y one mmu tions. Third pnze Winner, Clean, Education will be held at 7:30 tomorrow, May 9, the city man- Sol" .tati l" tl I Kensora and Plumb said that later, a first.time customer en- • •• M a k e Green, Beautify the p.m. on Monday, May 12, in ager said. . let on .was a It e s ow get. the blood was found on the win- tel'ed the store, and seeing no The Associate Alumnae of the M d M 5 Scene," was offered by Miss the gymnasium. at Monteith Must Bave a Pass ~g out W1th results ~erefore dow where the glass was one about, called out, and was Liggett Schoo!, at the annual POLlCEon ;~OM .'BIRMING. Nancy Van Goethem, a student School. Admission to both parks is b#> ng about a week behind 1968. broken, indicating the possibil. answered by McLaughlin. The Founders' .Day meeting held at HAM, Bloomfield Hills, Troy at the School of the Society of The public is cordially invited by pass. only, and people using To. ~te h;S ~en re- ity that the thief might have customer released the store the Country Club of Detroit. r,~.~a m 1 voted overwhelmingly in sup- and Redford Township com. (ContiDued on Pag~ 4) to at«!nd. ' the swimming pool, must sur- celv dOmto '$63 19 7 50efrs as cut himself. (Continued OD Page 2) ______render their passes to the at- compa~e ,. om ------port of the trustees of Liggett Lined with State Police to break tendant at the pool. The passes 4,086 glyers as of the same date School in the matter of the pro- into the home of Emmett Bull, Th H -tals H ld will be returned when the users last year. . posed mer g e r with Grosse 11670 San Jose, Redford Town. ree. OSp". to O. quit the pool. Slone said. The Cen~r ~shes to. ack. Bicycle Safety Inspection Pointe University School. ship, at 7 p.m.,Saturday. They . . nowledge With smcere gratitude A motion that alumnae unani- arrested Bull, 34, and discov- Publ:L' Forums' on Health He pomted out that a reqwre. gilts received recently from the Underway in Pointe Area mously support the proposal ered more than two truckloads "'-' m~nt of the health code reo following donors: was made by Mrs. Charles W. of valuables. Included in the _.______qUIres that all persons must AprD :u The annual Bicycle Sa.'ety certainly enjoy riding bikes, Adams, past president of the haul were 37 rines, pistols, 4.s part of National Hospital Auditorium of Saint John Hos- shower before swimming in the Mr. and Mrs Frank J Dale ProgJ'8m in the Pointe and and it stands to reason that Alumnae Board, /lnd secolided shotguns furs, tape recorilers, Week, three East Side Commu. pital, in MoroSs road at Mack pool. This will be strictly en. (CClotinued'00 Page ill ' by Mrs. Edsel B. Ford, Alum. two outboard engines, lawn nily Hospitals - Saint John, in Detroit. Heading the panel forced, the city managei' ssid. Harper Woods is in full swing, only bicycles in good operating conditions should be used. nae vote was overwhelmingly in mowers jewelry, coins, type. Cottage and Bon Secours, have will be Panfilo Di Loreto, M,D., The swimming will be from according to an official release Suspect Arson by the respective school safety Each officer bas set specilled favor. J. Joseph Jennings, Jr., writers' binoculars, cameras joined together to co.sponsor Chiel of Obstetrics and Gyne- 7 a,m. to 10 p.m., with the president of the Board, skid, and a~tiques. Victims of bur- three public forums, The sub. cology at Saint John Hospital. early hour being reserved pri. officers. As in previous years, dates for each of the schools In Store Fire May has been declared "Bi- within his jurisdiction in which "The solid support of this sig. glaries were trying to identify jects (If these forums, which are Also appearing on the program marily for adults who would nificant group expresses the Farms firemen responded to cycle Safety Month." he will inspect every student's their belongings Sunday in the free and open to the public, are will be Warren E. Moore, M.D., like to take a dip before going loyalty. and unity which are parking lot of the State Police heart a Ua c k survival, drug Obstetrician; Wi 11i a m Rush, to' 'ork. The waler will be heat. an early-moming call on Tues- With the full cooperation of two.wheeler for proper brakes, the public, parochial and pri. pedals, seats, handle bars, tires, chancterisUc of Liggett alum. post where the merchandise abuse and hospital obstetrical M.D., Pediatrician; E u g ('! need throughout the day. day, May 6, to the Hughes- Hatcher.Suffrin stOre at 18920 vate schools, the safety officers light and reflectors, and espe. nae. We are grateful for their had' been transported. Police service from family planning Boy Ie, M,D., Al1esthiologist; Coin-operated lockers will be confidence and wholehearted declined to say. whether Bull through post.natal care. Mrs. Condon, Obstetric nurse, available in the bathhouse, for Mack avenue. are reviewing and lecturing on cially to make sure that each bike safety laws to children in bike has a license plate. support of this consolidation." was a gang leader or a front Specialists from the staffs and Mrs. John McHale, Dietl. 25 cents. The store had.been fire. It was pointed out that all for the transfer of stolen goods. of the three hospitals will dis. tian. Parking Atea Enlarged bombed ~th gasoline.filled beer sehool assemblies. Officers elected for the com- • • • cuss tlle medical and social Among the subjects present. Car parking spaces have been bolUesthrown through the The safety officers of the five bicycles should have license Ing year are Mrs. Jack W. Tuesday, May 6 aspects of these major heaU~ ed will be family planning, pre. incre8sed from 78 to about 200 front window. Either two or communities are: Sgt. George plates, not only because it is Wheeler, president; Mrs. Frank TIlE STATE SUP REM E concerns and the related h~~lI- natal care, labor and delivery, at the Three Mile Drive Park, three Mol oto v cocktail.type Blair, Park; Sgt. Duncan Mac- the law, but because this may S. Selchter, vice.president; M~s. Court Monday approved in ef- tal s~rvices. Following th~ pres. and por.t.natal services in a and an additional 60 spaces bombs were used. Eachern, City; Sgt.. Arnold Par. materially assist in the recov. Roger S. Tuttle, secretary; Mrs. fect the final route of highway entabons, the experts Will an. community hospital. have been made available at Damage to the building was sons, Fl1rms; Patrolman Ste. ery of a lost or stolen bicycle. Frederick F. Fordon, treasurer, 1-696 through Oakland County. swer questions submitted from The "Drog Scene - 1969," the Windmill Pointe Park, slight due to the prompt re. phlln Petrik, Woods; and Pa. Prizes will be offered in many New Board members are Mrs. The court upheld a 1967 law the audience. scheduled at 8 p.m. Monday, making a total of 360 within sponse of Farms firemen; i' is trolman William Maler, Harper of the schools in conjunction Paul F. Jerome, Mrs, Robert which gave a three.man arbi~a. The firs~, fo~m titled "Mater. May 12, in the auditorium of this park, and at the lot in not known at this time the ex. Woods. The Shores has no with the inspection through the J. Marantic, Mrs. R. cabell tion panel the ,power to set high. nity-1lH!9 will be held at 8 Parcells Middle School, will dis. Alter road. tent of dama,ge to the contants school within the Village limits. generosity of many local mer- Morris, Mrs. Gordon B. FJggs of way r/,lutes in the state. p.rn. Friday. May 9, in the (ContIDued on Page f) (Conftllued lID Page 3) of the store. Boy, and girls aU ages (CClaUDu. eD. Pile ') and Mrs, Sigurd R. Woodin.

.. '1 " Thursday. May 8. 1969 P.g.Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS pOllce and, treated for minor Two Girls Darllnto Car's Path. bumps and abrasions, then re- ,'>F~:'" Rob TV Shop' Public Sclwols Threatened leasee!.. Mrs. Kurzwas absolved Two lO-year-old girls were hit Feola, 3938 Bishop, were taken from any responsibility for the t..... 1OI NICI1 NO Lown FlGUll ANYPLACt to Bon secours Hospital by City . accident by eye witnesses. (c..tiiluetl frow Pa.e 1) by a car on Wednesday, AprU .~;1,'" 101 SIIVKf? WE GIVE THE FINEST. owner from his prison, and po. 16, across from 1'1150 Waterloo, .~.~. .'. . . lice were called. , '. as they dashed out into the AU. THIS • ~ • AND MORE, TOO AT Had Been ID Before litreet between two parked cars and into the path of a car driven McLaughlin said that he re- ~ •.TOM TAYLOR BUICK, INC. membored seeing one of the by Eunice Kurz, 1234 Audubon. men in his store several days The girls, Kathleen O'Keefe, BUICK-OPEL DEAUR before, which led Kensora and 1305 Buckingham and. Jody ..... tIi8a '""-1303<:'3 IS ~ ...u-I C.IS • 'om • Custom Collilioll ShOJI Plumb to believe the robber ---, , G_ TIOT LAkeview 6-3000 must have entered the place Night Service LA 1-9877 to look it over . The proprietor: described one MIch~mers man as being white, about 25 years old, six feet tall and weighing between 180 an'd 190 can=~_ po~nds, wit~ light brown lengthy a IosIIII hall' (po$Slbly a wig), and a brown mustache, which could tIIeIr car Insurance also have been false. He was wearing horn-rimmed glasses' because and had on a long black cloth of._ raincoat. This man beld his hand in his pocket as though oracc:icle& he had a gun, McLaughlin said. The man with the gun was described as being white, about ~k: NYLON Find cut how your car insurance can lut forever 2.5 years old, about 180 pounds, NAME JAC~ETS with Automobile Club of Michigan's unique new 61X feet tall with a b\ack hair (normal cut and narrow face 9 Members' Ufetime Automobile Insurance Guarantee, with a pointed chin. He was Specie I '5 • wearing dark blue or black, Join Today and Start Leading the Way Now! windbreaker, jacket, black trou- ~o_...... rrir seWN 011 sers and black shoes. Kensora and ~lumb said that YmRE as of the last report, McLaugh- Grosse Pointe Division lin's truck had not yet been PRO-HARDWARE recovered. ' 15415 E. Jefferson 15291 L $eYeft Milt let. H0 yes .IM! Mora,.. Phone 821-6300 You may not be able to judge o,.en , '.m. 7 p.m. dilly a man by tbe company he t. .George Measel, Manager keeps, but it's a good indicator. VE 9-4145 '

.' '

Our'MADISON Top.SrDlIl aportcoatt bTe a MOCCASIIf look of Hanckro~ec1 elk.fanMd c_hlde that dries soft. Moccllln comfort, Tap-Sieler s:fetyl Women's In IMPOR.TANCE Be,!a Iig spender! brown or smoked elk, 111m,4-,. Men's, brawn In wiele or 111m, DUllKIIIl aKOL ••• 1Io Mead, lpentl all your Imcked elk In wIde, 6-13. Petbaps Itcomes from shaling space ~t;me'" tIrJa handlOme pirtrraJe .oordurOJ' . SURE FOOTED ~' with the mostlumptuous sportcoats JeieareoOOltt, ••.• ~. ahowpiece of {allhion.. H.. ••• Perlsaps it's. the aum. of good . 'Comfcirt' On Any ,\, 8Twl coIIirtt. tlMb. pocht. an.d colorful Tallet. • gtOOiJ1iI1g ~aed in our establish •. \:. ~, AntI .. t."Ue ••• it'. welll.ble, Type Court matt • , • Weprefer to think it's our oIi'\~ Honey and Olive -.Sizes 40 to 44 $26 knowledge of ~ ..clothes that en. ~ ables lIStr)~:~'I;~ISON ~ ' clothes withlUi Uiil:lUStabblc"look" .~. ". _ ., . MEN'S WEAR, INe, you won't. find everywhere. 'i:',4~...".. 169~O Kerc~nl, MADJSON 8Po~cb~TS -_:"". 1 In the Village 0ptfI. Thu .... y Evelll",. UJdil 9 106 Kercheval. ,.ltI. frOlll on The Hill Ninery-day Charge Accounts are availib' TU 1.5262 $70


Woodward at Grand Circus Park Also in Chicago PENTH:O US.EPO P LI N ~ZflW~~rw~liIJr;3fP~M"~ by HASPEL




$NIUNER" f?iJlEfc=rN1~ Something new in fine shoes/ You feel the difference the minute you put them 60,00 on • • • they .follow your foot in. action ••• bend and (fa as easily CIS a supper. ~nd the iumdsOrM lIUIIculine 1tylin6 • Jut IIJIuIt ,oK .peot of' Frineh ShJinerI f/tc1

1" • • " . ,.-; .p.. ~ -,- '., .",' <' '. ,'. I'.' \ ~ i ' .. ' •~'..

Thursday, May 8. 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS FRESH All Pointe Municipal Parks Being Readied for Opening PIANOS WANTED FREE! Grands, Spinets and small AIR IS ••• (Continued from Page 1) Ihe pointed out. Boaters seeking up of the facility is still going Itrance gate, checking passes, he Why Not Tllkt Of It" This Summ.r By REPAIRING tr "lInnt.,. The Three Mile Drive Park I boat space must be Shores resi. on. Everything should be ready pointed out. A guard bas been Uprights. Higbest cash paid. will be open from 7 a.m. to 9 dents. . before the opening day, he said. at the gate since the boating I VE 7.0506 p.m.; and the Windmill Pointe The swimming pool is in the A watchman will be at the en- season opened, Hallman said. Park, from '1 a.m. to 11 p.m. pr.?cess of being painted and 'SCREENS' John DeF()l!, director of pub. ~mg made ready for the open AI r.TIc $Cruns fer ev.ry tYIM st.. I-WOtCI- lic service and head of the Rec- 109 day. The r e are 126 car .lumlnum wIndow or porch. AI50 bur,lar ,unlll ,It .. 1 ,AlumInum 'Bronn ,StalnllH St.11 ,Fllltrglass reation Department of Grosse spaces for parking. Pointe Farms, said that the The facilities will be in good 0 ,6 0 1m AIR-TEe W.II $!C. Call TW2.7800 council rec~ntly approved that shape by the time May 30 ar- . ".U iD la.' $Jd. Call the Municipal Pier.Park ma. dves, Jefferis said. AT 7 MILE EXIT CHRYSLER EXPY rinas be opened on May 1. In The park will open at 7 a.m. previous years the opening date and close at 11 p.m. A time was May 15. schedule for the u~e of the He said that the new date is swimming pool has not yet been ~or this year only, to d~termin.e II determined, it was revealed. WeseBthe If Far m s boaters '~lll ~vail Passes are being sent out as '"lIfeGalBroiled Steak~ themselves of the earher time. applications are received. A U acceptable to ~e boat o.wn. I valid pass. to be shown to the ers, the. new openmg date mIght gate watchman, is needed to TilKE-A-STEAK be retamed: enter the park, it was pointed 18499 MACK at OPAL DeFoe saId that there are ap. out. (1 blocks West of Mack.Warren IntersectIon) . ~~~:~ftiC:~:~~:m[*,a~~~-:.~:~;J.~;~:~x::~;;;~::t:::.%;~:*:::~~;;~~:*:m;:~~J:$~~;::s5:~Wproximately 200 boat wells in At the Woods Lakefront Park, the old marina, and about 128 located in st. Clair Shores, tlie nnconnnonmarket in the new section. biggest improvement l'nderway, •• ,the motorist who insists on CARRY OUT or DELIVERED I New Tennis Courts now, and expected to be com- styling .. ,economy of The only improvements being pleted before Memorial Day, is . TUxedo 4-3000 R done at the park, are the con- the $100.000 w 0 r t h of sheet operation .•• traditionally higher ~jtrR'Wtm~;m::m:~~T%:~~~~~~:~.;;m~r::~~f~~:~:~~~~::::::~::m::~x::m~ri struction of the four tennis metal piling b e i n g installed resale value ... and that little courts. and the landscaping of along 1,000 feet of the canal, re- 25c Deiivery Chorge something extra called quality-the Open Daily: 4:00.10:00 p.... $undays: 1:OG-8:00 p.m. the new area to the north of placing the dirt embankment, the park. The courts, which will it was annaunced by City Man. fine attention to detail and old world From the Charcoal Broiler be completed in tir,le for the ager Chester Petersen and Di. Memorial opening date, will be rector of Parks and Recreation craftsmanship you'll find in every DINN~RS paid mostly by the $12,000 do. Don Hallman. Volkswagen. BMW or Mercedes.Benz. (EACH DINNER INCLUDES FRENCH FRlfS, nated by th'e Roland Gray Youth The piling is being installed SALAD AND ROLLI Fund, ann the balance by th~ from the Jefferson Bridge to Make a move out of the Your Choice of Three Salad Dressings-- city. the Milk River outlet into Lake . ItlJlion, Blue Cheese Thousond Island hum-drum, and Into The public service director St. Clair. Approximately $lSO,OOO STRIP STEAK (8 os.) (Boneless) -- __$1.95 said that the 'park will remain more will be expended over a a fine imported automobile STRIP STEAK (12 oz.) (Boneless) 2,95 open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., period of about three years, on from the Woods, STRIP STEAK 06 oz.) (Boneless) 3.95 with swimming in the pool to a pay.as-you-go basis, to re- commence with the opening place dirt embankments with Join the uncommon market. FAMILY, SIRLOIN STEAK (2 Ib,) 6.95 time and cease when the park piling in the park on the water- (Serves four, boneless) is to be closed. Admission to the way, it was sai1. WOOD IMPORTS, INC./WOOD MOTORS, INC. BEEFBURCER (V4Ib') ----- 1.00 park is by pass. Last, fall, the Woods com. 1:Al.L5a1.8B11I SRATIOTAT ~ MILE.DETROITI CALL&2t-l. On Sesame Bun, Salad and French Fries Stoves and tables _will be in pleted the installation of water CHOP SIRLOIN OF BEEF- 1.75 place before the opening day, and electricity facilities for sev- and a general sprucing up of eral boat wells. as part of its the park is presently under contrnuing park improvement way. There are about 2SOpark. program. ing spaces for automobiles, De. Erected in the park was a 40- , Foe said. . foot by 6O.foot picnic shelter, ,!iF~~:~.::~. At 'the CIty's Nober! P. Neff donated by the Grosse Pointe Memorial Park, a watchman is Woods Kiwanis Club. Also coli for our wl"e c"oice of . already on duty, to check passes It was also revealed that a presented by residents, and new $20,000Little 'League Base- CHICKEN, RIBS & FISH boat owners, who muM be cit!- ball diamond is under construe. zens of the City, it was re- tion at Ghesquiere Park, behind vealed by City Manager Thomas the Municipal Building in Mack Kressbach. avenue. AL"O being built is a Personnel is busy painting the SO.ear parking lot in the park seawall and sprucing up the itself. park and putting up the stoves Little League is contributing .- and tables, preparatory to the $5,000 and the city $15,000 to. The Golf Shirt ,L.ii official opening. Minor repairs ward the cost of the diamond, are to he done to the swimming Petersen said. There are three You'll Forget and wading pools, Kressbach I other Little League and one added. ~ ' Babe Ruth League diamonds in He also said that flowers and I this park, be added. You Have O'l other plants are being placed at At the Lakefront Park, there different areas of the park as are approximatel! 500 spaces par! of the beautification pro. throughout the park area for gram of tbe facility. No major automobiles, as opposed to con- improvements are being made centration in only one section, , . in 'the T"8ereational'area, Kie~li. it was revealed by Hallma~. bach said.. Hallman said that the park '. There are 170 spaces avail- will open daily at 7 a.m .. and able for as ~any cars~ the city.rJ:?~fti{!,t,~Hp.m.; a.n~ !thflH",~mj manager saId, all WIthin the mmg I::;sclieduled from 10.a.m. confines of the park. until 10 p.m. N The Shores opened its 140- .He said that stoves, tables well marina at the George Osius and other equipment are being Park to local resident.boat own- erected, and general sprucing ers on April 15, according to ------information released by Village Superintendent Thomas Jefferis. There, are still a few wells, of Woo~s Fight Hathaway's varied sizes, still to be rented, (Continued from Page 1) Golfer one month of tile regular school year and one month of the sum- mer school period. 'Classlc' The petition {rom Hidden lane residents only, contained 71 sig. There's freedom in the sleeve - extra full. natures, representing 44 houses. ness under the arms . . . and no heat-build- Signers asked that the Council ing synthetic in the cloth-just pure cotton refuse permissiou for the in. lisle with a stay-neat finish. Besides, you'll stallation of access gates be. If look great in it! Cpoose yours this week in cause they felt it would increas,e traffic and create a neighbor- brown, .turquoise, hoppy, orange-blue, Rio hOod safety hazard since there you're looking for a good' return blue, or old gold ...... : ...... 10.00 are only two entrances into Hidden lane. for large safety vehicles, one from Vernier road, 'on a short-term*investment, WHAl,ING'S via Morningside drive'. and the other from Wedgewood. Jack Thorpe, representing consider this from D&N- men'S wear Hidden lane residents, spoke at length regarding a survey }le MAGICIAN had taken in the area and indi- cated that according to the reo TED JOHNSON sults of that survey the pro- Birminghom Slare Open Friday Evenings Unlil 9:00 Specializing in children's parties posed gate would not solve the For Information 911.3711 problem. He recommended that Over 10 years experience access gates be placed on the southw{.st corner" of Vernier road. He indicated that the residents of Hidden lane wanted to help Dr. Anderson, and North High School solve their problem, but that': Dr. Ander- son's proposal w,s not the answer. . SPRING Throughout the evening school representatives indicated a sin. cere desire to cooperate in any WEAVE SUITS way to make their proposal more agrMable to the Hidden lane residents and Council per annum insured, members. When lhe vote for approval of Designed with elegance ... dig- the gale :It Wedgewood was 6-month Investment finally taken, Councilmen Ken. nity . . . and character. Light neth W. Boerner. Marvin R. weight's,Jits for the man with Boutin, Thomas E. Leah. and Certificates of Mayor Kenneth R. McLeod. traditional tastes. voted against approval and Councilmen Donald D. Cook, $7500 or more. In Van Boven's traditional soft William F. Huetteman and Ben- shoulder construction with flap jamin W. Pinkos, voted for ap. *Automatically Renewable proval. Approval was denied. pockets, 3-button front and deep- hooked center vent. Choose one now from our broad selection. Or055t Detroit & Northern Pointe N~ws SAVINGS From Published Every Thursday by Home OffIce , Anteeoo Publishers, Inc. GROSSE POINTE WOODS HANCOCK, MICR. 99 Kercheval Avenue 19307 Mack at loumlmouth Grosse Pointe 36, Michigan 21 Offices & Agencils in Michigll Phone TU 2-6900 DOWNTOWN DETROIT Three Trunk Lines Sp.cnnd Clellll Postale Plld at D. 1133 Orlrwold at Stat. trolt Michigan. Subscription Rate. $5.00 Per Vtlr by Mall ($6.00 outside W" ..ne County). All New. .M Advartillng CoP!' Mutt Be In the News Orflce 41 EAST ADAMS AVE., at Grand Circus Park WO 2-1605 by TOIelday Noon to lalUn taAr- CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED lion. AddrUll aU MIU (8ub.ertptton.. STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sot.-9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Change 01 Addre.. Forms 85711)to 19 Kercbtval. Gro.n Polntt. 48231 .. G RO SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, May 8, 1969 PlQe Fc'ur stop the harrasJment of police Pointe Losing Three; IIospitals to Hold Forums on Health Republican. Club Meets May 15 officers. Four Prizes The public is cordial1y invited . ' . ' '" ' ..' , The Women's Republican speaks on behalf of a group of to attend the luncheon.meeting Rev. A.twood (Continued from Page 1) (CoIItullaed Irom Pace I) 'I w~l also be held. ~t ~arc.el!s ter. ~uJawskl,. M.J?, and Robert Club of Grosse Pointe is focus. citizens, many of whom are which will be held at the Grosse TI!e Reverend Bertram deH. Arts and CraftR. Her reward cuss drug abuse, Its effects and Middle. School. TopICS In \hls Gr1f~m, CardlOlog.lsts; ~athlene ing its attention on law this wives of Detroit Police officers; Pointe War Memorial, Crystal Atwood will be preaching for was a rose bush given by the treat.ment in the c~mmunity f~ru!D mclude hear~ a.ttack pre- Mulltgan and MIss. Shlela Le month by having Edward J. This is part of an offensive cam. Ballroom, at, 12:30 o'clock. the last time as Pastor of the William J. Allemon Garden Sup. hospItal. lnclud.ed will be a \entlO.". ~nd J!lod~lD treatment Sueur, R.N. - Cardl8c nur~e~, Soronen, attorney. as its speak. paign to help raise the alorale For reservatio:lS please phone Grosse Pain Ie Memorial Church ply Company. frank presentatIon on ::Drugs fo~ cardiac pr?bl~nfs. Featured a.nd Mrs. Joan McHale, DIetl. I er Thursday, May 15. of the Police Department and 884.5646 or 886.1386. 0I'l ,SUnday, May 11. He has "Is Litter Your Bag," fourth on the College Campus. Also Will b~ a des~rlphon~of the n~w Uan. Mr. Soronen represents and seek, through legal means to chosen for his sermon "On Re. prize winner, was sent in 1Iy featured will be \he film "Flow, coronary c~re ilnlts no\~ bemg These forums are part of an ' ers of Darkness." added rapidly. to hospitals to . . f\lsing To Stay Put." Miss Sharon Casey. wore.h Th .. k 'I b save the lives of heart attack lDcreusmg effort of your com. ceived a geranium plant from e prlllcipal spea er W1 I e I .. • 't h '1 I t .Mr. Atwood leaves next week the Grosse Pointe Florists. Inc. Caller H. Worrell. M.D., Chair. vlcbms., Said Dr. Hugh Hender. mum y OSPI a ? s.erve as ,a to become Pastor of the Swarth. The Beautification Council man of the Family Living Edu- son, Dlr~ctor of. the Corooary source of authorltattve health more Presbyterian C h u r c b, hopes all Grosse Pointers will cation Committee on Dr u g s C.are Untt. ~t .Samt .John H,~S' information. Further informa. Swarthmore. Penn. Swarthmore, J'oin in the spirit of these slo. and Alcoholism. Also appearin" pltal and prmcl.pal speaker, It tion aD these forums can be ob. under the care of the Phila- ill b Eu D b' k' h' i' has been estImated that as delphia Presbytery. has been gans and spruce up their yards w e gene em IC I. C Ie. many as GO 000 live c uld b tained by calling 881.82OG-Ext to keep our community the out. Pharmacy Service, Lafayette • . s 0 e 541 . without a pastor for two years. standing one it is. All five mun. Clinic, and David Craig, Yale saves) .an.Dulllly If all, heart at. • what's a The Reverend Ben L. ';allman icipalities are busy cleaning up University student. t~ck victims cpul~ ~eac.h.~ hoS- SUAVE at the meeting of the Detroit winter debris and readying The final forum will be pltal cor~nary ca~e l!-Wt. Diplomats never get in hot Presbytery on April 23 'said water front parks for summer "Heart Attack Survival--1969." Appearing on the program water-tbey have the ability of that under Mr. Atwood's lead. use. Extra rubbi~h pick.ups are Scheduled for 8 p.m, May 16. it besides Dr. Henderson are Wal. kIlowing bo.... far to go t.oo far. ership "Memorial Church came provided. I alive! Its lay leadership discov. Business associations are ini. funny . ercd that they were indeed the Hating special projects. "Ker. How to send your leaders of the people; and the cheval in the Park." that sec- people soon learned that they tion of Kercheval avenue be. are the Cburch-on either side tween Nottingham and Alter son to college- of Alter Road or wherever they road, has been planted with 35 are. beautiful flowering cherry trees without feeling the pinch! "The outward thrust of the by the business group thp.re. De. place for Church kept pace with an in. fer School and some of tbe resi. A college education is more than a matter of pride ward growth in spirit. To be dents have also,purchased these and accomplishment. In today's highly IIpe<.'ializ~ materialistic about it, Mr. At. trees. The Commer¥ and Civic and technical world it is an absolute neclllllli.ty.But wood has taught us that the Association of Grosse Pointe the question is how to finance it? Christian faith is a very ma- Village has purchased a new terialistic affair - the benevo. band operated vacuum type One of the surest ways of building a fund for the lence giving of the Church has street sweeper. higher ed!lcation of your IOn ia to plan ahead with a phone? grown from $69,755 in 1959 to To the homeowner wondering Manufacturers Life Insurance. $253.939through the year 1968." what he can personally do, the By investilig in a ManufactureJ:II Life Participa- "Lon" '.nl" ' That depends a lot on your sense of humor. If splashing During Mr. Atwood's pastor. following suggestions are of. ting Policy you get a double flafegulll'd. Your Il8vinga Repre.entative ate, Memorial Church under. fered: clean propllrty of trash accumulate on a planned basis-and' they grow DETROIT (EASn through the 'houSe to answer a telephone leaves' you -a EL.1..ooo7 &444-1460 went an extensive building' pro. and place it at the curb for through earned dividends and guaranteed interest. little cold, then perhaps there is nothing funny about an gram. The Barbour Chapel. the proper pick-up; repair fences. By the time your son graduates from high IChool, FiU Library, Fellowship Hall mailboxes, porche.;, steps, sid. your equity can be large enough to finance his extension telephone in the bathroom or dressing room. ' and cburcb school rooms were ing and gutters; paint or wash higher education. I Extension telephones save steps and let you do your added to take care. of the in. your home; and plant shrub. At the same time, you know that ,hould you die creased membership. bery, flowers, trees or grass. before your son enters university-there will be telephoning from where you are.' . , , Mr. Atwood is prominent in Other ideas include keeping sufficient funds available for thi1l purpoee. Call your Michigan Bell Business Office or ask your the United Presbyterian Church pets properly controlled; keep u Talk to a representative from Manufacturers Life about this important litter bag in your car. and use ambition of yours. He will be able to show you how you can accomplish telephone man. For as little as ninety-five cents a montl}. in the U.S.A. He Is presently it; and caution your children in serving on the Board of Chris. regard to breaking glass on the ~our goa! without feelini the pinch. Call him today! (plus tax) you can have an ex-@' tian Education, ill one of the sidewalks. nine original delegates to the tension ~lepho~einanyfunny Michigan Bell ,.....~, ~:s~~nw: ~~ud~teg~~o:; Let's ~ get in the al~t! UIIUrICI,. U,RERS .L.I'FE old place you'd like.' Put ofth. NationwideBellS" ~ I the World Council of Churches' Toss your budget away just • rA _ lv U ala S ed once-U's surprising what hap. AIBellly,b pps , w en. h d do t ••• U. A. C. .. A Y He is a Trustee of the American pens w en en Ii n' meet. ow 0 • p • Church in Paris and a member ------'-----+------...;...... :.------....:.-- of the Natiooal Missions and Ministerial Relations Commit, tees of the Detroit Presbytery. He also served on the Alma Col• . lege Board of Trustees and was aW8rded an horiorary doctor'li degree from that college. Mrs. Atw~~~rv~ as edifDr

i ' to: theW()me~: ..,:~~i:ltiOtl of MemorIal Chore.; .• Dd 'on the fC Board of DireclOnofthe Metro- politan COuncU:cif Churches as - secretar)r. She is .00 the Detralt , G~neral Hospital Chaplaincy Committee, a member of Dis. ,-I, trict Nursing Society, anda v .; Iu n te e r tutor at Keating Scbool. . -----"-' '-"- .... '., Bike Safety

(ContIJJued from Page 1) chants and civil; groups. Parents are urged to insure fhe present and future safety of . their children by making them v.ware of the importance of knowing the rules of safe rid. lng, and that the rules must be obeyed, not only during the month of 1(a)', but every day of every month of the year, the safety offleers 'stressed.

SPEEDER STOPPED James D. Christman, 21, of 571 Rivard, W8S issued a viola. tion for careless drivlDg on Sat. urday, May 3. by City police. Christman was traveling east on 51. Paul from University at a high rate of speed. He went south on Fisher then east on Grosse Pointe boulevard. He was finally stopped at Grosse Pointe boulevard and Lothrop after a chase of betwe(;n 60 and 80 mph. He was given a Tues. day. May 13 court date.

CRAM SESSION The Supreme Court says no. but as long as there are semes. tcr exams there'U be prayers.

If it's the only time you have to yourself, make the most of it. Now' 'au can Install an AFCO- Comforlmaker Cooling 'Jnil for whole mand the precise, sure response of Cadillac's vari- house Air ~nditioning at the lowest After a long business day, it's a wonderful feeling to of the big engine; in the isolatio;1 from road noise; price ever. enter the relaxing and luxurious world of Cadillac. in the surprisingly muted sounds of street traffic. able-ratio power steering and power front disc Install now and enjoy your refresh. For no other motor car so completely insulates its As you lean back, enjoying the comfort of the brakes. in&!1 cool home all summer. owner from unnecessary distractions and undue contoured cushions with the seat adjusted to the At the end of your journey you arrive home, pleas- antly refreshed and relaxed, ready to enjoy the Calf four AfCO demands. position of your preference, you experience a most Dealer now for I t1illlI ~ evening. And! chances are, you'll be looking for- The inherent quietness of a Cadillac is immediate- welcome release from the tensions of the qay. free estimate. I ly apparent. You sense it in the solid, precise sound And how reassuring it is, as you blend effortlessly ward to the advent of another day and to another -.-, ...,;.., ...... ' ....11..11.- of the closing door; in the whisper-quiet response into the flow of the freeway, to have at your com- quiet hour with your Cadillac. TonE 6' HERMAN'S H•• tin. 8nd Coolin. 779.2491 SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED CADILLAC DEALER'S ATl'RAC:nVE SELECTION OF NEW AND PREVIOUSLY OWNED CADILLACS TODAY, Your lIu!liorlud Sfngrr/IlFCO d~.I~r

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....i'1 1 , \ . "t , .... .',"','1' ~,.:'. )'~,\;~Jr~. I; f'

I ••• I' • ( -..

P'ge Five Thursd.y, May 8, 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS . .

lien DCwer grow old by living B S ' W ell C d F 1 D .ll -only by losing interest in it. on ecours J. on uct . u '.Sea.le Disaster' r't Charlie Rossie's ~ ¥ Bon Secours Hospital will Bon secours this year. How. since it has been demonstrated local residents Interested in ob. :1 • WIDE. marshal its forces to tryout ever, the first program was that such "staging" points up serving tbls Disaster Drill are • ' .. 'its full.scale Disaster Prograll) held on the 11.7 Shift and did the seriousness and incL'eases welcome to do so. DOWNTOWN FORD .... ~ next Wednesday, May 14. This not involve the magnitude of the the effectiveness of the drill. --.------will be the fourth in a' series impending one. The Scouts' performances are Invites You To Sea .... OVALS ~ f I "dr h' Is 0t*I IvnUl't u:tt t. 4:...... ~ 0 annua ess re earsa "to For the past several yurs, always startlingly authentic and ,. 'tItU .... IJHl ,tf. .TlIIt:tl P.M- Louis Anderson • . iC test. the pr!!paredness of, ~e Bon Secours has made it a prac. they elicit considerable praise For Your Next AA, •2 fer $. 25 .-« hospital's he~lth care team.m tice to conduct its major Disas. from the doctors, nurses and ob. WE DELIVER New or Used Car lti.tt'~i~' , , th.e ~ven~ this health care 10•. tel Drill during Nationlr.l Hos. servers present. 1, 0. Or." If SS Of M... • stitution IS called upon to ren. pital Week as one of the func- N b ered gth 1 • The Most COIIIplet. Facilities .... ~ der emergency care on a major tions of that week set aside to . ,utm t am°ten DeilpeloPilel .... F70.14 or G70.14 ~ scale h . . mVI e d 0 eva ual the r w in the Det,oit Area • wltitewall retread. • • to bo~or ~sp!tals as a vItal be observers from Wayne Coun. ROSLYN • Rellt.1 ad Leasing Progr •• s ".. plus tax & recOSlfHIbJe ~ The hospital's Emergency operation WltlllD each commu. ty Civil Defense Greater De. • Cha.." .. , Service t~,You, WO ~ tire.f same si~.. ~ Room copes with daily emer. mty. troit Area Hospit~l Council, the MARKET Louis Anderson gencies of all sorts. What de. Boy Scouts of Troop 399 will American Red Cross, Grosse DOWlLLtOWII Office or Down. 3-4700 • iC 0I4est ill ... w... * liRE. iC termines that a given set of participate in the exercise as Pointe Ministerial Association, A Cood Man town Shoppillg Ar... * iC circumstances be declared a "victims." Before arrival at and the mayors councilmen, II" MACK.. IIIIyI IL To Know tH:.J.. disaster at Bon Secours is de- Bon Secours, they will be made- Police and fire d~partments of 114-3601 1833 E. JEFFERSON • DISTRIBUTORS, INC. .iC fined as a community'situation up' with realistic.looking wounds the five Grosse P(lintes. Any • 17611 E. Warren iC which brings to the hospital .. TU 2-6522. seriously wounded persons in numbers greater than the ad. ~*********"'4. . mitting process is normally I lIT RlOII equipped to handle. THE Il£ARI . A major automobile accident, FOR an explosion involving anum. i ber of people, a large fire, a ~1~ nuciear disaster, a , or 9 a.racial disturbance all qualify. P The Joint Commission for by Hospital Accreditation, one of ~m t the main accrediting bodies for QtatNo or hospitals, requires that a hos. pital practice its Disaster Pro. gram at least twice yearly in' order to ass u rea smartly-

operating program. . , '';;.' Next Wednesday's Drill .,will be the second Disaster D~ for . i~ Lt. Com. John Weed Aboard .

Navy Lieutenant Commander Ita exQ.isile heart pAt, cus- Jo.hn W. Weed, son of Mr. and torn-seI: wiUl the birtllstones . Mrs. -William F. Weed of 534 tJI all her loved ones. Cadieux road, and husband of Mrs, Phyllis J; Weed of Bowden, BEAUTIfUlLY . N.D., is serving with Attack " GIFT BOXED S12.00 Squadron 215 aboard the nu- clear"powered aircraft earrier USS Enterprise in the Western Pacific. Prior to 'the ship's deploy- An old friend of the family ment, the Enterprise conducted operations off the coast of Ha- waii to 'i n sur e the combat 16835 Kercheval readiness of the sbip and its embarked Carrier Air - Wing can serve a.syour'ex.ecutor. in the Village .'. Open Thursday evenings. Nine. His squadron is a unit of the TU $-1232 I, air wing. - 0.' ~" .. . Allemon Florist on E.Warren f -17931EAST WARRE~ ;T\J'4~l20 J.


Large Selection .::CUr" FLOWERS ."POTTEDPLA'NTS Best .election - Come see for yourself , . ~ •••• m ••• _ •••••• ~

I ~ - '.I I 'WITH .Fres h Cut COUPON' But your family could lose an old.friend. C :DAISIES ..75 : ....I _ ...$1.00-.dozen-.-...--I Large Seledion of

CORSAGES To' assemble, inventory and prot~ft assets, In NBD's Trust Department you'll find many occasions. raise cash, take care of income and estate every skill and facility needed to serve your Talk over your choice of executor with for mot"er . .' . '.'\ and inheritance tax~s, and otherw.ir "settle" estate and your,beneficiaries well-together your lawyer and with us, Write or phone & daughter an estate of moderate value often takes two with an understanding that has earned Friend Edgar B.Galloway, Vice President (965-6000, years. Sometimes longer.:' , of the Family status for our trust officers on ext. 2182). Naming a friend or close rela~le to bear the burden is no kindness. ': He probably couldn't see the job through TRUST DEPARTMENT without neglecting his awn business. His Iflr,. Selection of inexperience could only heighten your fam. MOTHER'S ily's worries, And he'd face p'ersonalliability NATIONALBANKOF DETROIT. DAY for costly oversights or errors. WOODWARD AT FORT, DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48232 '=' PLANTS 99 $1 'P

SH Our II" IfIr" Ser,ctiolt of EVERGREENS ANNUAL II" SHRUBS PERENNIALS 99Q TREES $2 p. Six G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E.W S Thursday. May 8, 1969 . . - ~~'X:'~~31~;~ll>:~ __ . 'M~ .'.: •. .1 Permit Extended ',.-:''~l::m~~~~!~~~~_~~ .;"'. 'GmB~S..~ Obituaries , For Pool Bubble Ope~ Thunclay .nd Friel., Eveninp ...... ' . ., I I World. Wid~.Wines JOlIN W. BUSSELL Frank. She is. survived by a Funeral services for Mr. Rus. son, Albert F.; two daughters, The air bubble, which cOvers the swimming pool Irea at the IMp0rte4& AM"u. sell, 43, of. 844 Veru~r )'Old, Mrs. Brian Selden, ,of Hillcrest Lochmoor Club, will remain un- were held 011Wednesday, lIay avenue. and Loretta Neitzel; til May 26. The Woods Council WINES AND CHAMPAGNES FROM ALL OYER THE WORLD 7, in the Verheyden Funeral two grandchildreJi' and four Home. He died 011Monday. May great.grandchildren: grant~ the club another ex. tensi(ln of its present permit, iQ Harper Hospital. Interment was in Forest Lawn w•• ,edoliz. i" AIIIt~;ca'siillfst .If 'HI, .15' on Monday, Mal' 51 at the reg- . Born in Benton, m., Mr. Rus. Cemetery. ular Council Meeting . • II~ SJNCi.f i.,.",j (fGAlS ' sell was co-owner of .T.B. Simp. son Tailors, Inc. alid was in JAIlES S. SWAN This is the second extension Wines are a good investment if they are good wines. They business for 40 years. He was a Funeral services for former granted the club. The first one was granted afte,: a public increase in Value each year. Some of the great Bordeaux member of the Grosse Pointe Pointer, Mr. Swan, 75, of 2221 hearing on the matter, Monday, willes of a great year like 1961, Have increased about 25% ',Kiwanis Club. Newport, were held on Friday, February 3. in price in the last year .. Many of the 1964s will keep He is survived by his wife, May 2. at t he Verheyden Fun- well if kept properly. The 1966 if kept may sUrpass the Betty. eral. Horne. He died Tuesday, Members requested the exten. sion because construction work QUA'D SHOP quote: ,. quality of the 645, but 64s are expected to be longer lived. Interment was in ,W hit e p~f::~ 29. at Bon Secour Hos. is still in progres s on th e new . Th 1966 t Bord 'll 'bl k x Chapel Cemetery. it e grea elux WI pOSSJ Y eep a decade. We ' He was the, husband of the clubhouse and the bubble serves 1t have a very heavy inventory in the 19625 &: 1964 and are ~ ----- late Janet Swan. He is survived as a protection against debris flare boHom pints ~~ rated as great, and are a real good buy at GI'bb's World- l~~ EVELYN PETERSON and is a safeguard against van. •~ W'd W' , ll~I Funeral :;ervices for Mrs. by a daughter, Mrs. William dais. j..., I e. meso ' Buhler,' and two sons, James mike il big with long. "Iean *~ I'"'' Peterson,h ld 54, of 603d Neff road, S., Jr. and Jack G. A letter to the Council mem- 'I m,.,~...' 9999 Gratiot Detro.it, Mich. WA 14581 .~.were e on We nesday, May ,~ ' 7, in the Verheyden Funeral Interment was in Forest bers indicated that normally the pool is open to members for ~;~ Otller InformatIon-fellow rages ; Home and from S1. Paul Church. Lawn. use on Memorial Day and that ~, it will take three to four days ~?iW:M!f;;,;,%,.@@;m'~j@$ffd%m%,@!mm;'f;,,;;@m~~%i1ili,"~@%:jt%ii,W;MW.@)~ Mair-e-H-o-I-~-i-n-g ~~!~:~~~:E:::I~;~.:::~: to prepllre for the opening. II EYer driYen a eMnJac Eldorado! Iba!1d, Robert; three sons, Rob. Arts Carntval ert J. Jr., Norman and David; CRYING NEED BOWdid)'8llliketbefroatwhCe1driYe! a daughter. ~is Ann; th:ree sis. :'Ifaire School, corner of Ker. To save us all from destruc- v.ou'" &:-4~" ...... 1-:"';' on ters, Mrs. RI,chard Burgls, Mrs. cheval and Cadieux, will be the tion someone' must come up b~:::~::a::~~::S~IU.''II &. r 1& UD ~ WIIGQ 1U"1.'f1O Theodore GelS, Mrs. Ray. Cats. center of intere~t for art lovers with a way to civilIZe civiliza. "'1 theAustiDAmerica. JJ!an, and one brother, Lmn L. on Saturday, May 17, from 10 tion. Zimmer, Jr.. . a.m. to 4 p.m. Interment was m Holy Sepul- On that date, the Carnival of POlye:~;::o:I:;:;:: ·',f chre Cemetery. Arts will be held. It will have ANNQUNCEMENT two areas of flttraction. L~ MARI~ DAVIS The students vI Maire will We are pleased to announce or .polyester/rayon blends. F~eral serVIces ~or Mrs. have on display an exhibit of the appointment of DaVIS, 74, of 1355 Aline' roa~, their arts and crafts. They wiII 27 to 3i waist sizes. 8.00,. 'f'er~ held on Tuesday, April also' be demonstrating their Edward De Mercurio ,,9, In the Eppens Van D~Weghe skills during the bours of the • Funeral Ho~e. S~e died on Carnivat to oUr sales' staff • The shirt: cotton knit with . Saturday, AprIl 26, 1D her home, Als b'dd' ., th tt ti after a short illness. 0 I .mg ~or e a en on .. . . . of the public will be almost 25 PAUL McGLONE BOFn In OhIO, Mrs. DaVIS IS local artists who will be demo mock turtle neck. White, surVIved by her daughter, :M;rs. oDstrating their various skills CADILLAC Ernest B~yd; four grandchild- as well as having finished works I blue, navy or yellow'in.14 to. ren;. two sisters and three broth. for sale 20903 Harper 881-6600 ers. She was the wife of the _... . late Sterling V. Davis. A .partial !iSting. of the a.rts SAMPLE . on dIsplay mcludesportraIts, 20 prep sizes. 3.50 SPORT CARS In~rment ~as ill Roseland landscapes, water colors, cari. 12132 (if.tiat Park Cemetery. catures, glass blowing and folk White, navy or yellow in 371.7370 art. others are sculpture, clay VICTORIA M. NEITZEL modeling with wheel, wood Funeral services for Mrs. carving, Ukranian Egg Art, tex- 5, M, L student sizes. 5.00 Neiuel. 88" formerly of Hill. tile design, silk screening, crest road, more recently of weaving and mosaics. Although THE.HON~ RONALD REAGAN. . Fort Myer;Fla., will ~ held not definite, it is hoped that on Friday, May 9, in the Ep. the skills of a candle maker pens Van DeWeghe Funeral will be displayed. Home. ~he died on Monday, If the already.crowded exhi. May ~. In Fort Myers ,after a bition areas have the neCessary long Illness. space, it is expected that In- Born in Bay City, Mich., Mrs. dians will demonstrate basket CALL' VOBEL-RITT Neitzel was the wife. of the late making and grass weaving. FOR All PEST PRoBLEMS Also. Edith Porter, who owns lJo.il'JQurself pesl COlibol ell ... tbe Portecarr Gallery and An. dO.lt'Joulself troulfle. It life." sure. Call lhe experts. Vo.. I-lltt tique' Village in Clarkson, is en ;;;lri p~mml,Nr mort ,..u•. III OP hoping to show her knife and pal1ette technique by painting a ~a' complete landscape in 45 min. ~MICh',.,. Jaoobsorrs Saturday, U , utes. included, ber demon. .,1252$...... 11oo11I. _,._. 4-IIM "''''-1£ " · -, stratlon wlllbeginat 1 o'clock. ... 11T.,minb,-Tf oC-M02 orDIDgs Just to prove that there llre M • still places where you can get . : your money', wiJi'tI1Land then Governor of California To ~fftt' OU' e1Ientelellltt. some-admi.,slon to the Carni. Mmce.l.1I'ewill keep ~ o1!icee val of ArlI fll 10 cents Guest alHonor O1ld open- lSAturday mommp from • 9:30.tillttOOCl. ThiI ia an idee! ----' AGRICO'.FED TURF AT TI,GER,(: time to diIcua yolIE' portfolio. Featured Speaker check into the ~ facta Plan- Ar't 'Show abouteurrentislVlltmmtoppor- ,. S P l H. h tunitiea. Stop in • • • a ekiIled rJ. t t.. au tg registered repreIIIltatlve1rill ~ STADIUM CAN REALLY.TAKEIT .lad to UIiIt you. , " I . ." '...... ; "FORWARD TO 10"DINNER S1. Paul High School will hold its annual art show on Sunday, Tuetda" May 13, 7:00 P.M. FIRST OP MICHIGAN May 11. The'show' will be ex- COBPOJIATION hibited in the Parish House DHROIT LIGHT GUARD ARMORY 1~1 from 10 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock that afternoon. For Tlckr:t Information M,,.."',.N'(I J'i,i I,. CALL 9"".05'0 'A.If The tbemeof the' show will 171" DIlCHEYAL be "TImely Inspirations." There CROSSE POINTE • PHONE: .... 1. will be works done by students of the Art I and Art IT classes. The exhibit will include silk. screening, house interiors, posi. tive.negative pictures, mono- Charlie RossLe"s prints, collages and caricatures. DOWNTOWN: FORD CAR BURGLARIZED Invites You 'To"~e' - Beverly Ann Connor, 39816 ,i' , .... Sylvia. Mount Clemens, report. Ed Skalnek ed to City police 011 Saturday. For Your Next ,:";I.:'~~.. , ... : May 3, that persons unknown had entered her car. which was New or Used Car ' ,I, I. parked in the driveway of 600 • The Most (olll,let. Facilities ' ~ Lincoln, between 4:30 p.m., May in the Detroit Arell 2 and 9:15 a.m., May 3, and removed the stereo tape player • Rental alld Leasing Programs valued at $60. The culprits also Stadilm Manager Jess Walls says: took 10 tapes valued at $50. Ed Skalnek • Chauffeur Semce to Your WO Downtown Office or Down- 3.4700. "We haye used Agrico Grass Food at Tiger Stadium for 13 yean. town Shpping Are. ~ HANDOUT It has produced for us a rugged turf that. can stand punishment and A Good Man The man who waits for his !"aintain beau!y all lealon. Experts say Tir~!' Stadium hal the best turf To Know 1833 E. JEFFERSON ~::: ship to come in usually finds all .n the Learue.' . 5,000 sq, ft. .$49S Ihis relatives at the dock. This f!remiu"! grade. lawn food actually storel nitrogen in your si:lil and doles .t out b.t b, bit all sellOn, as your bwa .needs it. Agrico Grasl Food SA YIIO% III 2 bags is 60% organic and non-buming, 10 eYen your little leaguer can apply it. Ideal for both cool and warmlea.on grasses. Don't wait another 90 year-start your champi~nship lawn now and be a winner all season. 2 bags for. $8 ENJOY A. WEED-FREE LAWN THIS SEASON BY SPREADING AGRICO.- WEED CONTROL WITH FERTILIZER NOW. ING KNOCKS OUT BROAD-LEAF WEEDS AND THOSE HARD TO KILL CREEPING TYPES. ALSO FEEDS YOUR LAWN WITH LONG LASTING NON-BURNING TURf FOOD. arehousc Planning & Engineered Handling LARGE 5000 SQ. FT. BAG Sinee 1937 45 OILY SAVES YOU MONEV • SAVES YOU TIME • SAVES YOU SPACE '5 SIX CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Buy Agric:o at: Nelson c. R08ERr L. DEARY, Preslden! VIAENE'S MELDRUM ALLEMON nursery Sales TRUCKING 6' Garden Supply FROLUND GARDEN SUPPLIES 17727 MACK CORPORATION 1981S Mack Ave. 21807 Mack Ave. 17921 Mack Aye. at UNIVERSITY REEI'./I'TERM/NAL At Huntington At Sunl.,sid. Corner W.lhilltlOn 882.8877 TU 1-6233 777-2800 TU 4-2184 W. Deliver

'l:" •• StURt 77 S PSS 27 277 :rif , ,

Thursday, May 8, 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven Medallion Goes Mayors Trading Graduation Rites Held in Hospital r ~ ~ ~~ MEN'S GARDEN CLUB. OF GROSSE 'POINTE To Julie Harris Offices for Day Eugene SChulte, an Easter Schulte's academic standing m TWELFTH ANNUAL Sunday hit.and.run traffic ac. in his law classes was so high ~ Julie Harris will receive the In conjunction with Michigan cident victim, who doclors ex. that the faculty unanimously ii fifth annual Alumni Medallion, Week, the Pointes are partici. pected would di,e of injuries, voted to give him credit for I awarded to a former student of paling in Mayor Exchange Day graduated ahead of his Univer. the entire semester in spite of Geranium Sale the Grosse Pointe University to be held on Monday, May 19. sity of Delroit Law School his inability to attend the last m I AT School, or its predecessors, for City Mayor David Burgess classmates on Wed n e s d.a y, weeks of the term or take final W. ~ "0' IS EXCITED AIOUT . an outstanding contribution to and his wife will be traveling to the COmmunity or to the world, Lapeer, while Mayor Welling. AP~~a:~~tion came four days ex:~:~~~~;s'the .COnfer~ing of II .. "PISCES POINTE" I FROLUND'S on May 11 at the Country Club ton T. Rowden, of that city, early, with ceremonies taking the degree, beSIdes SChulte's ~ 19815 Mack Ave., jult North of Cook Roael of Detroit. and his wife will com(', to the place in a hospital room in SI. wife and mother, (his father ~ ~ Tropical Fish Sh~P. rI. on Miss Harris will be present City. John Hospital, M 0 r 0 s s and was unable to be present), was ill, Ii SATURDAY, MAY 17 - .:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to receive the medallion, and Farms Mayor William Butler Mack, during which he was his grandmother, Mrs. E~gene!i OPENING SOON • • .! '. I is coming fro m New York, will be accompanied by Coun. presented his juris doctor de. (Helen) Schulte of Detrolt.!i C f" k d FI twood MANY SHADES & COLORS-EXCELLENT PLANTS where she is currently starring cHman William Kirby and City gree, by the Rev. Malcolm I. orller 0 ... OC all ee We'll hold pllnh, too. CIII TU 5-8877 or TU 1-3139 in the Brolldway hit "Forty Manager Andrew BJ'emer and Carron, S. J., U.D president, ~ n:J1 'Eli 'Ill ~ Crosse Poi".t~ Woods " " ~ Carats." his wife when he goes to Grand hnd Brian Brockway, dean of 1JlmlJ! mIm ~ ~,~ ~ ~Ml ~ ,~~ II!lIJlIilI - ~ Proceeds From These Sales are Used for Miss Harris attended the Haven. Coming to the Farms the University of Detroit Law ~mr!'69(harge~r~ rm Projects Which Help Keep Our Community Beautiful Grosse Pointe Country Day will be Grand Haven Major En- School. He graduated magna ~ School until 1941. She spent a gleright and his wife as well as cum laude. year at Miss Mary C. Wheeler's a council member. Schulte, who resides at 3360 ~ V", aulo. trans., raelio, School in Providence, RI., be. The Park is exchanging with Collidge road, Rl>yal Oak, is tr.e m~~~:~ed$r,n2::9~'5r 6steerln~g. ~1lI1' fore going on to the Yale Uni. Hazel Park, Representing the son of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth versity School of Drama in Park will be Councilman George Schulte of 1447 Berkshire road. MOTHERS ,DAY ~ Boys 11Years & Older 1944-45. She also studjed act. Vecdonckt, who wiI be accom. He is a personuel administra. ~ ing at Miss Hewitt's classes in panied by his wife. Hazel Park tor of the Control Data Cor- Ii'! WEEK-END ~ Compin. and Exploring hpedition of the' Welt New York City, at the Perry Mayor James Gibson and his poration, Rochesler. Mich. ~ Mansfield School of the Dance wife will be journeying to the I;i and The ate r in Steamboat Park with councilman Dale Bur- The al;cident victim is mar. ro W . j JUNE 21 10 JULY 18 I Springs, Col., during the sum.' ley and his wife. ried to the forme!' Marilyn I '69 (oro net ' III HONEYBAKEDH~ mels from 1941 through 1943. Woods Mayor Kenneth Me- Johnson of Farmington, who, . ~. proud of her husband's aca. I She made her stage debut at Leod will trade places with demic achievements, arranged age 14 in Grosse Pointe Coun. Warren Mayor Ted Bates. the spec i a 1 ceremony wilh III try Day School's production of The Shores ie, not participat- I WestwlI,d No 1969 Father Carron and Dean Brock. "'. $2369 ~ "The Hunchback of Notre ing in the Exchange Day. way. The couple have'a daugh- ... Dame." She first appeared on In the moming of May 19. FUN-EXCITEMENT-ADVENTURE ter, Melissa, who is 15 months ~) Br08dway as Atlanta in "It's a the visiting mayors will tour the II Gift" in 1945. Since that time, cities they are visiting and meet ~~. I her appearances on the stage, the municipal staffs. , Schulle had attended night ~ 16th SUMMER .EXPEDIT,ION school for four year!!, five iii '68 (hal'Mr on television, and in the movies ' In the Pointe, the Woods is V nights a week. Hr was the only ~ . '!l , Would YOU enjoy, floating down a fast moving stream on an air are too nUmerous to mention, the host city for a noon lunch. member of the family injured Will! auloo tranl., pwr. I!I mattress In beautiful Yosemite NationalPark, California, or seeing but proof, enough of her skill eon at the GrossePfinte Yacht 10 nature's many wonders? by a hit.and."un drl'ver early steerIn., pwr. brlkes, '1 and her contribution to the per. Club. • nyl top, radio, hlal.r, 1 Easter morning, when return. III color: Mlroon only. Oth.r .dyentures are awaiting Jail at: f~rming arts is ~e i~pressi~e Weather permitting, the af. list of a,!ards w~ch.Miss !farm ternoon will find the visiting ing from a visit to :'lis family ~ $2595 OPENDAILY UNnL 5:30 P.M. SATURDAYUNTIL 2 P,M, YellowstoneNationalPark BriceCanyonNationalPark in his car. Surgeons did not ) . ~ TheGrandCanyon RockyMountainNaUonalPark has received begInnIng ~lth the mayors enjoying a boat ride Theater .World Award m 1949. along Lake S1. Clair and the expect him to survive his in- , I ••• SO COOD IT WILL MarkTwain'shomeand cave ZionNationalPark juries, but he is now Sllccess- iii YosemiteNationalPark She has received the Donald. Detroit River. HAUNT YOU TILL IT'S CONE D1meyland,Call1ornia Kinch>!loeAirBase son Award twice, fll'Jt for her In the evening each of the fully recuperating. ~' EI Knott'sBerryFarm, CaUlornia UpperPeninsulaof Michigan performance in "Member of cities will host its' own program . Nevertheless, it seemed un. I 68 Dodge I _ •• Because We've Planned It That, Way hkely that he would recover Pt.lara :l.Dr. H.T Auto. UnivenallStudios LakeTahoe,California the Wedding" in 1950 and then involving in most cases dinne~ ... By using only fresh hams from Iowa's corn.fed porkef5: our ColoradoNaUonalMonument GrandTetonNationalPar!, enough to take part in the reg- 1iI~' Trans., pwr. steering & slow, dry curing method, real Wisconsin.hickory and applewood for her role in "I Am a Camera" parties and buffets. J • U f D brakes, whil. WIthblack u.llr .. 0 . commencement yinyl roof, rldlo, huler, 19 smoking: 3D-hauroven baklog; honey 'n' spice IllaZing;and yu in ~952: She. ~eceived the Syl. Co,ordinating the day's activo even " Sliced if you wish (35c extra). We just woUldn't SPECIAL VISIT TO A HOLLYWOOD STUDio exercISes on Saturday, May 3, Factory air condltlonin.. ~ know how to Improve this product we have been making for tbe ~a~a TeleVISion A":~r.d for ities in the Pointe is Dick Kay, in the university's Memorial DrIY. In cool comfort. past 34. years. Nevor found a ham tbat even comes close to matcb. WInd from the. South In ~955 Director of Community Services. ing tbe Upsmacking goodness of our NUT.SWEETHoney Baked IHSOftobleFu-Regisler Now-Application and Information and four years later receIved Building, along with the other ~IBI ,$2795 Hams. Remember this for any special occlSlon, party, weddlll!i the first of two Emmy Awards 1,000 graduates. I!I reception, funeral gatberin, or jU5t a treat. CHET SAMPSON'S TRAVEL SERVICE for "Little Moon of Alban'" the Pvt. Canfield Ends His wife persuaded Father ' m . MAKE A NOTE OF OUR PHONE NUMBER 100 Kercheyol AYe., GrDSle Pointe TU 5.7510 second Emmy Award carr{e to Advanced Training Carron and Dean Brockway to 1iI COME IN TODAY m her in 1962 for "Victoria Re. gina." Army Private William B. ~;::::'.:":h:'r':i:~.h~ hu>. ~ POIN...IE s~ Most r~~e~tly, on April 20, Canfield III, 22, son of Mr. and television ..:viewers may have Mrs. WilliamB. Canfield Jr., Purse Dhieves m W seen Miss' I:Iarris receive the 38 Lakecrest lane, completed Antoinette Perry Award for advanced training as a combat Victimize Two W' iii the best Broadway actress of engineer recently at Ft. Leon. DODGE' the year. ard Wood, Mo. Farms police ..answered two m~'l 19391 MACK 3741 FEHKELL RETAIL Miss Harris is the daughter During his eight-weeks of ! ~,. 3 .Iocks Eastof Llnrnol. STORE UN~= of Mr. and Mrs. William P. calls to the Kroger store at 884-721 0 .~ training, he received instruction 18870 Mack on Friday, May 2. • • Harris, Jr. of Ellair place, * Splral-5Ucod111 a patented method. of aUclngthe meat around in combat squad tactics, use of Each of the calls concerned the Ell V'SIt Our New and around.tbe bone In a aplra1.manner; 110 that the aUces'remaln infantry weapons and engineer theft of a woman's purse., Used Car lot EI ~"se~I~e.v~ ~~~d~a~~a:~~~~"~~ed~~:,:I1::"""::{i ~~~r:~~r:~ Correct your faults: It's eas. reconnaissance. At 11:17 a.m., a 'woman re- ~ Splral-5Uced.35 centa extra per ham.. . " ier than trying to cover them He was also trained in the ported that her change purse III 18155 MACK CALL Otl WRITf: FOR OUR FRll'QLDER up. techniques of road and bridge * , . -'.', . * . , building, camoflage and demoli- had been taken from her basket iii '886 5410 purse.\~hile she was engaged in 1!!=l1!l~II~m~lli tion. exammmg the merchandise. Pvt. dmfield received his Contents of the lost 'purse .. B,A.,degree.in 1968.fromDeni- cluded a $5' bill, .two $1 bills,in'l 5i.3~1..ri~~~,~~~D son University, Granville, 0.'. assorted cbange, a ':house key and a gold friendship. ring .. Honest people seldom benefit At 11:45, a woman about to "Thou buyest from a technicality in the law. pay for her groceries found that her purse had been stolen. She told police that as slle was reo these hoots or moving her purchases from her shopping cart to be checked out, another woman had come up YE make thine own." N£W'69 behind her, apparently to look low-lower through the selections on a magazine rack. When the shop. OLDE Ye olde village shoemaker had it per asked the second woman if I I easy.. No competitive worries. No .J' HomBowners she would like to check out her fashion problems. No inventory "," two items fir~t, the other woman BOOT .OHEVYS said no, that she'd wait, but hang~ ups. No bookkeeping head- I I Insurance cosls then went immediately to aches. No employee difficulties. another line and checked out. SHOP We have these problems but our with ,MIChigan Mulual'S Stolen was a black oblong clutch purse containing $144 ill I quality and fitting hasn't changed bills, two dollars in change, a over the years. driver's license and miscella. .1995BUYS A BRAND NEW DlduClble ncous papers. "'9 CHEVY II Home-Gard POliCY. THIEF TAKES RADIO Park police are investigating MiChigan Mutualtak8s the theft of a citizens' band HORNUNG'S SHOES radio from a car owned by FOOTWEAR FOR CHILDREN NOVA Donald Tavoularis, 1178 Bea- consfield. The theft occurred care at 811' major between 8 p.m. on April 29 . and 7 a.m. of April 30. EntrY MICtIIGAII 8ANWD to the car had been made by , 114 KERCHEVAL - GROSSE POINTE Claim's and DaySlor unlocking the door on the driv. 245 PIERCE. BIRMINGHAM er's side. Mr. Tavoularis placed MI 4-0911 III TU 2.5968 8Vel'l dOllar otllr. a value 'of $300 on the radio.

and 10SSI Open Thur:sday Ind Friday Evening, YOU handle olher minor damage.

MALIBU SJ~:~T~~ CHEYELLE 2.D...S SA l E Worth lOOking inial $2297 $2169 American Tourisfer's 24" Pullman Case ALL PRICES INCLUDE: lililuillacis Dllu". Hoaler. lack.Up Lit ... SieleMirror. Heael Rlltrlints. Seat "Us. Shoulder Ha,rnesses. $32 P"e1dft1Dash and Full Flciory EqUIpmentI and save wllh Deductible Home-Gard. regularly 43.00 For a limBed lime, enioy substantial savings on the sturdy, lightweight case with wipe-clean cover, EASTLAND OFFICE color-ma!ched interior, stainless sleeJ 18121 East Eight Mile Rd. Phone 775.4700 closures and cushioned handle .•. 0 smart gift for every occasion. The 2.... pullmon case MICHIGANMUllJAL~INSUMNCE for men in dusk, alive or walnut, For women ~. Home Office D~lroil, Michigan 48226 tn blue, while, fawlI, red or spring green, ~ P~u:el$ Everylhlll!JYou Own-C". Homo- SUfiMD JaoobSons In the Village


..,...... ". ~ ... . ,.. .. '" .. ,. . , ~.. -- ~."' .. ,...... ~ ~.,,," " . ~"' .. '. . , , .'~ . . P.ge Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thur5day, May 8. 1969

suit of the motorist, Allan H. leased for a June 4. court ap.; ]3.yell'-oI4 abo,PIIfter were IlUTUAL TRUST Shoplifters, Bad Driver Arrested Taylor, 27, of 160 West Cam. pearanle after postinf bond of picked up later. Char,es a,ainst NaUoDl will neve!' dJsarm Family Edzreatwn Council. bourne, Ferndale, and stopped $100. tJle YOUDI trio were fUed with W1til a way bas been fouz~~ to u. . oJ..J- Cor PO' ' . r'''''...... Meetw.•ng Woods Patrolmen Leroy To. As the officers were search- him at Hampton. The two companiool of the .Juvenile Coun authorities. . ~ suspiQon. . 01 «.UJ UCiC' " bian and Donald Sabel, after ing on Mack, they heard the The patrolmen said that Tay. . .. '. tilting I 13-year-old shoplifter screec,bing of Ures, Ind saw a lor drove through 'the right turn fte t1rat annual eorporlte areas of psychlltry medicine . to stod . d lookin f motorISt Ittemptingto control only lane on Mack, and raced m~ of the Grosse Pointe psychology, religion,' law, busi: 10 cu, y, In . g ?r his car to preventhittillg sev. through ilie red light at the Fa=~ Life Education Council ness, social Ind' police work, the boy s two compa~~s, .WI~- e.r8l cars stopped for ~t.le red intersection. (FLEC) •was beld on Wednes- has already ~n organized and nessed a reckless drlVlng lOCI. ligbt at Mack and Ve11ller. Taylor was a r rea te d aDd diY, May '1, at the War Memo- will hold its first joint-meeting dent, and chased and arrested Toblan and. Sabel gave up taken to the statioo where he riaL 'Thursday, May 15. the motorist involved. their. search for the escaped was Issued a violation ticket for STUDIO CAMERA F~EC aclaJ(lwledged with Mr. Krattli invites allleadllrs On Friday, May 2, the of. shoplifters and took off in pur- reckless driving. Hi. was reo Il'atitude the recent $10,000 in the Inti-drug field from the ricers received a radio rua to Il'aat from the. Gr~e Poinle pollce, courts, churches, schools the Woods Beer Store, 20787 presents

Rotary Club which WIll be used d dr Mack avenue when the owner _ ... __ .-...,,;0 totlo imple~ent athprogram of ac. an 'I thug'uselersthemthselves,.~ ,William Ma~uk, called po1ic~ ___-" - ... ---c---_ ... n aglinlt e drug abuse aval .ems ves 0 ,f e assls... and disclosed that he was hold. problems in The Pointes. anee of his drug committee im. ing a young boy for stealing .An action plan, adopted by mediately. A new telephone beer from his place. FLEe, resulted in the appoint- "Hot Line F?r Dr~gs,". direct Matouk told the policemen ~~.~:J/U, "PHOTO REVIEW' 69" _ment, as of .May I, ~f a part- to Mr. Krattli ~t his. Nelgh~r- that he was waiting on a cus- ,-time prof~slonal (D Ire c tor. hood Club office will ~ 111. tomer, when he obser~ed the ?CUSTOM BUILDERS ::secretary) In the person of ~ stalled shortly. Meanwhll~ he 13.year.old, llnd two other young ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES .'Krattll, as head of the. Anti- asks ~at those people Inter. lads outside the building talk. ,:;Drug. Program and Chanman ested In help call the present. Th t' te ed th ' RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL MODERNIZATION MAY 9-10 :'Of The Youth Advisory Commit. Neighborhood Club n u m be r, mg,' e flO en restore,

, ,

•••••••• , I ••• ...,.... \" ..,., .. :,,:, ',:, . . . .,~ .... ': ~. ~ . .1f 4C: ", .•• ~ d.,., .. 'R;:".q,.-'1>f' ..... ,...... !.• "'., , ••••••• P •• > e us " .»•• a • » .p as. 'I • P p • p p p p p » > p p >. p P a • » » p g p P # UW g» .) A , @) P;:s.4PgD ....t¥P.;s is it p ,ss Wit¥l$CiSpt>POS;,. !¥ us !JI Z; .. P " W;PSi ... ';oat; .. ,.w. J:; " LJ9Ihi~"".~~'7,t.-;t~"f,"'.I'iJF."'~V' ...

Thursday, May 8, 1969 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN EW S P"g"e Nine Burglar's Visit Brownell Bands To Give Awards At Bon Secours Proves Costly Giving Concert One of the distinguishing fea. among members of the Medical PROTECT tures of hospitals and conva'i Staff. YOUR INVESTMINT YOUR ASPHALT PAVEMENT Sometime between 7 and 11 On Friday evening, May 9, le.scent bomes operated by the Mr. and Mrs. Semmes have Are p.m. on the evening of Saturday, at 8 o'clock Brownell Middle SIsters of Bon Secours is an ~ . S hoo!' ~ d rtm t 'n atmosphere of friendliness and been ,or many years mterested May 3, a residence at 1020 c s musIc epa en WI h . li . "d d d" . B S H 't I Th . We specialize in protective, seal. Buckingham was entered and present two bands in concert" osp!ta ty ~n. e Ication ~ In on ecours OSPIa . ey ing and repair of driveways and burglarized while the owner and at the Brownell gym, The 5erv.l~e to patIents and their are strong supporters of the parking lots ... We also Engineer his wife were away. school's newly-organized sixth famI!les. Doctors, nurses a~d program of making' available a[ld Construct Tennis Court... After several unsuccessful at. and seventh grade band will hOsPltal~ople ~ho c~me ~n to their fellow Grosse Pointe tempts to gain entry through perform, followed by the Con. contact WIth the ~Isters. In theIr citizens the advantages of highly first floor windows, the intruder cert Band. The young band, wo~k absorb their attItude of qualified doctors and :nurses and lor courlesy estimate contact: broke the glass in a side door, made up of 23 sixth grade and carIDg. " the latest of medical equipment. reached through to the inside 31 seventh grade instrumental. In recognition of this distin- Mr. Semmes was active in the and unlocked the door. ists, has been rehearsing before guishing feature of Bon Secours erection of the last addition to Surfac. Inlln.erinl, Inc. school on Wednesday with an Hospital in Grosse Pointe and the hospital in 1954, being in 15126 Mack Avenue Phone: 822.7127 The owner of the home estim. additional meeting in sections to stimulate Interns and Resi- constant communication with - Grot .. Pointe Park, Michigan ated the value of stolen goods during the week. Their part of dents, the Prewitt and Valerie the Sisters, advising and super- at $2600. the program will include the Semmes Fund has established vising the building and financing -. NationoHy AelvertiJiel PrMuetl. A Michilan Corp. Among the items taken were "Ballet Scene" from Swan the Semmes Awards to be given of the project. .. a rotisserie, a number of smali Lake, "The Lost Chord" by SuI. to tile Intern or Resident whose ------kitchen appliances, a mao's livan and several marches, overall performance of his or wardrobe, w 0 men's apparel. The second pOrtion of the her duties and whose genuine -. _.td ratbel'loed up the ear than the price. I~8 two portable TV sets, one type- evening's concert will feature interest in and sympathetic atti. writer and miscellaneous jew- the Concert Band of 63 eighth tude toward patients and their .1liGd basiDeeI. .. design cars the "ay we design jet elry. graders. This entire group re- families best exemplifies the piaDeL For maximum performance, comfort and safety. hearses twice weekly, with an spirit of the Sisters of Bon -- ...... 'UifIIUIMII....- ...... , _~ .. ~.o.LbltCo.\rll&: added sectional rehearsal, and Secours and Bon Secours Hos. Pierce School promises to produce an inter. pital. An award of $100 will be esting show for those who love given twice a year on Clinic We"include the ~iving Concert good band music. Selections in- Day and Fall Symposium Day. OP..tio~extras clude the classics and a Dixit!- Judges have been selected from others The talents oi over 100 stu- land Jamboree, With several charge dent musicians will combine on favorite marches interspersed. Friday, May 9, when the twenty- The Dixieland Band consists every 8uD4q a& extra eighth annu:.l Spring Concert of: Mike Slavik, trumpet; Neil ,for. will be pl'esented by the Pierce Williams, trombone; Chris Leh. Middle SchOOlInstrumental De. mann, tuba; ?dlll,'l.nne Dill, ten. partment. or sax; Susal Walkfr, clarinet; Unr:1er the direction of Dr. and Tom Ferslrttm on tile Thomas ¥oore, the Concert drums. All groups are directed ~ Band will open the program in by Mr. Dewey D,;Kalember. the school auditorium at 8 " . tamily.tyle o'cl?ck. They will play five se. Hospital Gives lecbons: "Prep Parade," by .• • Buchtel, "Palmar Overture," Scouts TraInIng 'CHI by Bennett, "Southern Roses Waltz," by Buchtel, "Sun Val. . '-- ley IIfountains" by Ogden and Thanks to Bon Secours Hos. DINNER' AN "Star M:arch,': by Delamater. pital, the St.C1are School Girl Tender, skillet"browned chick. ROSEVILLE SPORTS CARS . . Scouts of Cadette Troop 886 .en, snow-whipped pototOet, RADIO 29455 Gratiot Avenllll, Roseville, The Syo:ph.omc .Ban,~ will will be better able to cope with green vegetable, flltiv. reel Michigan 48066, Tel. 313"755.2010 follow, begmnmg With Power emergencies at home, camping cranberry louce, hot buttered 80% of all TV troubles are robes. March," by Bennett, "Allen.A- and baby' sitting. biscuits with plenty of honey, If you can change a light bulb, you can change TV tubes and ssw Dale," by H.anson,,, and "The Mrs. J. Woelfel, Assistant Dl. fa r e1elllert-you r choice of ice expensive service calls. . Reglm~nt, by Ander- recoor of Nurses, gave the girls cream, sherbet or lparkling Come in today and test your tubes 1be easy way ••• on our New ~Qn. The f1~te" IS the fe~tured an introduction to First Aid, gelatin. The cost is a moderate Deluxe Tester. $2.25 far aelults, iust $1.25 for lDstruo:ent ~, .Grand TrIO Op. how to meet emergencies. the chilelren. Everything in ElectrDnics at Fantastic Savings 87 (Fmale), by Beethoven. basic steps to takE.> and basic Students Debbie Makos, Joanne bandl'l1es and treatment. Foresman, Drew Beebe, M"rtha ~ . Sunday Cocktails SATiSFACTION" GUARANTEED Daser, Sue Peterson, and Dr. .They then followed thiS up 2 P,M. to 10 PoM, YOU CAN SHOP HERE WITH CONFIDENCE Moore have been rehearsing WIth a tour. of tile Emergency together for the flute por. R~m facilities conducted. by If you aren't completely satisfied, YQUl purchase price win be refunded. tions. Sister Clare Agnes, SupervIsor '11560 Harper of the Emergency Room. Under 19193 MACK AVE. The program will continue th~ able direction of their lead. . Conner Exit with ~,v?rak's, ':S I a v 0 n ie er, Mrs. Andy Welch, this plus 1.94 lf8adlo ... 7.Mack Shopp,ng Center JENZEN Dances, The 1nuslc Man," by a visit by a Red Cross instruc- Wilson, "Ghost Town," by Mor. tor and "R~cue Annie" will . American Building rissey, the rousing "Hey, Look enable them to complet~ their ib:press. Phone Me Over," by Coleman, and the First Aid Badge and Emergency Dinen Cillb ~T ....onlcs 881-2?2~ Beatles' popular "Yesterday" Preparedness. Gulf Com Div. of Home ElectronIcS tenters. lne. an~ "Mi~hele}' As a ~ale, the This is the'second year the Open Moft., !"",s.• Frl, &$lIt. 10 .... h ., ...... -T ..... WetIs. 10 .... ,. 6 ~ 1_.1::1J ADDITIONS, SymphoDlc Band will offer hospital has given the Girl "Sabo March," by Bennett. Scouts of St. Clare this 'first. ~..=::t REMODELING Friday's concert is the first step' training. It has proven public performance of the tWo so successful that Robert Maur. : ba~ .. 'rhere.ls no admillsiOll er, the Hospital Administrator, ~T..U'.4.a...... I";...."I SIftee ill."; charge. Everyone is welcome to said that. as a service to the attend. commtmity, they would include • ------this "oiCtJiil lIospitil".eaTliiaif • " ... CONCEIT annually "nd open the progr"m Some self-made men try toto aU Girl Scouts in the Gr05Se leave the impression that they Pointe District. District chair. "'._-_.to-all our .cu~tomers and"ln:ends have used up all the worth. men will be notified of the dates while material in the world. well ahead of time. whose patron'age won lor eacho! ll~ the coveted!.

JDJl.d rrf/p1JJJL. CJJJ1I/HUUJ., Village Market "TOP HAT" ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• award af}al'n this year 18328 MACK AVE'HUE This 'Week's

Bell Ringers ~~m PRICES EFFltTlVE MAY 8 to 10 i1~ ::::::-::=;:ii~ ~~~~~ 111 U.S.D.A. GOVT. INSPECTED It :-:.:.:.:-: New Zealand Spring l@ I!,~':1:, I LEG'0' I~M LAMB I I~m~~ I..o-u-r-O-w-n------. -FR-O-Z-E-N-,-O-V-E-N-R-E-A-D-y------I U.S.D.A. CHOICE ~~:~~~:~ I MEAT LOAF 2~~~139 I in foil pan-ready t. bake ;~~=$1~?1 BOb Maniere, (Jeft) and Dick Warner, salesmel'l at Downtown Ford Sales, 1833 E. Jefferson Ave., Detroit, Mich., were two of Ford Division's top sales- Extra Fancy-Washington ~ men in 1968. Mr. Maniere & Mr. Warner received Ford Division's coveted "Top Hatter" award from Lee Whltema.n, Detroit district sales manager. at I~:~f~ i"ll~i a banquet in Detroit's Latin Quarter restaurant. Fifteen men were named Top Delicious Hatters in the Detroit district and 455 nat ionalIy out of Ford Division' s 27,000 =@),@* member sales force. In making the presentation. Mr. Whiteman pointed out that Top Hatters each sold an average of more than one million dollars worth I of new cars and trucks to qualify for the award. ~~ USN 1 APPLES tm~ •• o. CharLie Rossie's DOWNTOWN FORD 1833 E. JEFFERSON WO 3-4700

• ~.. • • • ~' 1 • • .. • ...... , Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 8, 1969 UPHOLSTERING (0. Want To Rent Browllell PT A Will Face Trial Top Scholars KDtt"''s Wosse PoiRteL.sing CD. 14322 Mack A"a. PIIona VA 2.'660 A Boat Well? Meets May 14 On Drug Charges Named at MSU • Custom • • AUIO LEASING • Pa ..k City Manager Robert Brownell Middle School om. Three more youths, who were Michigan S tat e University ALL MAKES AND MODELS honored 390 students, including REUPHOLSTERING & R8mlNO Slone has announced that there dais have sent their monthly arrested as part of a widespread Wa Can Aodjutt are still available a few boat newsletter to parents this week Detroit area drug ring, were five from the Pointe, for out. • tree ~k up and deUVef'll (If' Our PI." wells in the marina at Windmill inviting them to attend the bound over to Circuit Court to standing 8cademic achievement 0... or Flee' • select fTom hundTeds of fine To Your N... Pointe Park (formerly Water. school's annual Open House and face trial on narcotics charges during the 1969 winter term. fabrics MOJlthly, Y.,rly front Park). PTA meeting next Wednesday on Thursday, May I, by Judge Each student must attain a Le.si". Daily, Weekly, • custom made slip coveTS Douglas L. Paterson. in the City • 91laT07Iteed • tenns avllilGbte The wells, available to resi. evening, May 14. Invitations grade of 4.0 or 4.5 (A or A. 15550 E. Warren 885-4770 dents of tbe Park, can accom. also beel! extended to parents of Grosse Pointe ,\Iunicipal plus) in every course to be Georlle Polosky, Mllr. FREE ESTIMATES - VA 2.'660 modate bOllIs up to 30 fert in of elementary school students Court. placed on the honor 1'011 offer. OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE ilenglh. The weil~ available for who will be attending Brownell The trio were among 12 ing "recogniOon of the highest rental are all brand new. next year, youths arrested April 10 after attainment in scholarship." Slone added that work is pro. Spec~al displays will be pre. a three.month investigation by The students were feted at an gressing satisfactorily at Wind. pared m all r?Oms, and a gI~ls' local, state and federal police Academic Achievement Dinner ~'** SERVING 3 GENERATIONS OF SMART DETROITflS ***. mill Pointe Park. The m'!chan. d~nce and SWlID demonstratt.on in all five of the Pointes, Harper on Monday, April 26, by MSU •* ical work ou the new pool will w.Ill also be presented. BegIn. Woods, Detroit, Royal Oak, Acting President Walter Adams, • be finished next week after the n~ng at 7 p.m., .paren~s ~ay Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor. and Provost Howard R. Neville. • pool ;s cleaned this week. vIew the rhythmic sWlf!lmmg, They included Juan Tenario, Those froro the Pointe who i Ciess AWNINGS • . I • DRAPES then move to dance routmes at 19, of 748 Van Dyke, Detroit were honored, are: Pamela S. : AIID SERVICIS ARI BIST • Boat ~wners .mterested in' 7:30 to be followed by room and Gary Sowinski, 19, of 16534 Molnar of 808 Littlestone, fresh. further J1)formation about the visitation until 8. Jlo • Julian, East Detroit. who was man; Linda S. Nissley of 17 lit Fast Service • Decorator FOld - Remove - boat wells are asked to c[:11VA Th t"ts If' d t Jlo Visit Our Showroom • 2.6'~ e mee mg 1 e IS ue 0 charged with selling, posessing, Berkshire place, senior; Exchange - Petroleum Solvent Cleaned • ~ . be called to order by president and unlicensed use of marijuana A. Rentenbach of 4 Beverly, • or Just Call • --_._-- Albert Dickson, and will in. and Robert R, Deresz, 18, of fresbman; Roger P, Klee of 658 • ••lit • II: Sizing Added Church Players elude election of next year's 4204 East Outer drive, D~troit, South Brys drive, jUll;;>r; and • LO 7.0890 officers, as well as a summary on charges of possession and Edward W. Knowlton of 28 • .lit• To Do Comedy of the year's highlights by Prin. sale of LSD. Westchester, junior. • lit cipal William Christofferson. • WINDOW S1'IASHED •• DENBY CLEANERS The Undercroft Players of Babe Ruth Loop S1. Phillips and St. Stephens St. Paul Student On Friday evening, May 2, OUR 26th YEAR will present a comedy. "Two Elizabeth Gartner of 1098 Bea. To Pick Queen consfield. heard a loud noise Pick Up and Deliv.r, VA 2.7055 Dates for Tonight," at Cannon Council Elects M e mol' i a I Auditorium, 5020 that she discovered the next 20081 Mack at Fairholme - 15029 Kerchnal at Maryland The Grosse Pointe Woods- morning was a rock thrown Cadieux near Warren, Friday, The results of the election of Shores Bape Ruth League will May 16, and Saturday, May 17, through one of the windows of St. Paul's Student Council om. hold its annual queen contest her upstairs flat. at 8:15 p.m. ters for the 1969.1!.'70school at the Woods C!ty Hall Council The comedy. which features year were announced on Friday, Chambers on Wednesday, May 111======i1 many young ~ople from neigh. May 2. . 14, at 8 p.m. borhood high schools, in addi. They are tbe following: presi. One girl, 13 to 15 years old tion to the regular players, is dent, Peter DeGalan; vice.presi- will represeht each of the lea: ROOM ADDITIONS family fare entertainment, suit. dent, Kathe Moran; secretary, gue's 19 teams, and a panel of Call cm~'!r able for the young and the Rosemary D'Hondt; treasurer, judges comprised of members by young.at.heart. Special rates Sue Smale; girls' social chair. of the Woods City Council will • FAMILY ROOMS will be given to students. man, Paula Shaheen; and boys' choose the girl most represent. Tickets will be on sale at the social chairman, Alan Weime. ative of the age group . • GARAGES door; for information, call Voting took, place earlier in the day and r(;sults were an. All the candidates will then eHAS ..F. IRISH 881-1553. CO. • GARAGE DOORS FRASER nounced that evening at the take part ,in the opening day Constitutional Ball. ceremonies on Sunday, May 25 • ELECTRIC OPENERS LUMBER CO. DID YOU KNOW? which will be touched off by ~ Michigan state law requires UNDERSTANDING parad~ down Mack avenue. led Models & Show loom by Miss Babe Ruth and the • ALUMINUM SIDlNG that studded tires be removed RellSQn things out with your to schedule the care of your 31471 Utica Road & M.97 from your car by May 1 of teenagers and see if domestic team she represents, each year. Are you complying? relations don't improve. ' All people interested in Babe • FREE ESTIMATE - PLANNING SERVICE Ruth baseball and the Queen' • TREES. EVERGREENS • SHRUBS contest are urged to attend on May 14 at 8 p.rn. pruning - spraying - planting - fertilizing - removals Phone 293.0100 Don Smith , Jim Coddeeris CARS DAMAGED DRIVE I On Saturday, May 3, the side. view of a car parked in front of 1006 Beaconsfield was broken. On the same date, at 527-2921 527-2922 A NEW BUICK! I 1043 Beaconsfield, one of the 2490.0 Grosbeck Highway rear windows of a car at that Warren, Mich. Immediate Delivery address was shattered with a Prices start at blunt instrument. $2.544

l,~fI ! BONUS M RICHARD BUICK I 15103 Kercheval PACK I~~ "'n the Park" BAGS ~ Limited Supply it TheNEWMower ••• " 21 SMALL BAG ID VA .1-5400' with the NEW ideas I Y. Coverage 5,000 Sq. Ft. I Carrier I 2 Bap of UlIWn Fertilizer Now Contains 6,000 Sq. Ft. I .FREE • With Your Purchase 95 I '4 ~ I' ~round LARGE J. NOW Invest now in Colonial Federal Savings Coverage 10,000 Sq. Ft. I~! Certificates. Earn a high 5V4% on Now Conlains 12,000 Sq. Ft. I HIGHER your savings. Savings certificates 9 5 hiding in are issued in.i,a.minimum ___ ~ EARNINGS amount of $5,000 and may _____ $_8_ be increased in $1,000 steps. Availabl~to mature the bushes. at either 12 months or 6 months. Stop in for com- Carrier's round condensing unit goes into hiding, plete details: Timing is very important for these BULBS I every year. The round one sends the hot air up, high yield Certificates! . not out to the sides like the square units. • CLADS • DAHLIAS I': Shrubs can grow up around it You can forget It • BECON IA • CANNAS ' Carrier's round one is better than the boxes Ready for Planting Now J. for other good reasons. The coil is curved to give you a larger cooling space area. ------~" You havemore efficient, more compact, more economical PET SUPPLIES :lE1> DOG & CAT ~ lir conditioning. Ol~:::;~;;~~:~ns .r~=~:s FOOD Igj..•..~ SUNFLOWER P~~:~:ts Assort... lIr..nds Can.rles .~~lrt~~ SEEDS Squirrels Letusplant BULK GRASS SEED CEE>AR & STRA.W All Irands BEDDING I.....~.: ______Any Quantity Fer ..nlm.ls Ind pllnt PERCENT RENTALS protecflon. yoursnow. PER YEAR SpreThlltch..den,RemoversRollers, LAWN & GARDEN Call nowfor a free, no-obligation survey of your Lawn Mowln, air conditioning needs. '.. ----I ..... TH~.". .... O'NAMENTS - FOUNTAIN, .;

Iiij. CUIS AI" IAIS YOUI IRASS ...... ~~ ~ I VACUUMS YARDS, DRIVlWAYS .ntI WALlS SALE ~ Take a look at tile Snapper V.21 •• , its a new concept ON 25.LB. BAG OF SAVINGS ARE INSURED TO $15,000.00 I in lawn mowers •• , with fresh new ideas of what a CARDEN - ROSE -. FLOWERS WilliAMS FERTILIZER REFRIGERATION & HEATING COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS _I: :.:.:;.~~~~t~~{1~n~;..;:~t~:F:~bf::r.~:~ and you get a level cut even when bag is full. 3V2 HP, 14711 Harper GROSSE PTE.WOODS 20247Mack at Hunt Club- TU 8-1080 . 4 cycle engine; ttlugh magnesium deck ••• dozens of SPECIAL PRICE bag .~ GROSSEPTE.FARMS13 Kercheval "On the HIII"- TU 8-6861 Ii features to make it the easiest handling mower you IYlr $1.19 372.5500 HOURS: 1:30 .m.lo 4:30 pm. ~rJd.YI 'm. pm. t'.< used. ~%~1,,~{;i;ru-;(.m;~W',B::it\~m;mWM;!:r,:mmw~wmim%.1~~Im~" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

COX and BAKER WITH CONFIDENCE 19511 MACK AVE, REMODEL GROSSEPOINTE, MICHIGAN PHONE 885.7900 ~ •. """""\;.,'J '," t"' ..' '1"', '"

Thursday, 'May 8, 1969 G R 0 SSE POI N T E NEW S P'ge Eleven Milk Fund Association p"dditional Donors to War Memorial Family Paricipation Campaign Listed Slates May 6 Session (QmtlDued from Pa~e 1 Miller, R. William Mitte, Dr. & Wardwell, Mrs. William Wat. A. Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Col. rice De Vuyst, Mr. and Mrs. The Milk Fund Association kins, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred T. Wi!. Brogan, Mr. and Mrs. William linson. Mr. and Mrs. Williiam A. C. Dickson, Jr., Mr. and will meet on Tuesd'ay, May 6. Richard S. Daley, Mr. aDd Mrs. Mrs. Thomas J. Morrison, Dr. son. Herbert J. Woodall. M. Browne, Margaret and C. P. ConwaY,Mr. and Mrs. Adam Mrs. Warren C. Dilloway. Mr. at 12 o'clock, in the Hillcrest Selden B. Dawne. Jr., Frank & Mrs. Henry T. E. Munson, April 28 JohnBurke, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Albert and Mrs. Everett F. Doten, Jane residence, of Mrs. Francis W. Donovan, Du Mouchelle Art Mr. " Mrs. E. R. Newmann, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arm. M. Burke, H. William Butler, E. CQOney,Mr. and Mrs. David George A. DuFour, Paul R. H. Bourke. Galleries, Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. D. Quinn, A. R. Ramsey, J. Clynton Scott, Mr. & Mrs. Tay. strong, Mi'. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. Frederick W. C"mpLeIl, M. Crocker, Miss Agnes Crow, Erickson, C. G. Eschenbach, BEFORE Ecksb'and, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. I AFTER lor H. Seeber, Mr. & IIIrs. R. W. Arndt, Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Carbone, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Cur- Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Fayad, Elliott, Mr. and MI'6. Aaron L. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ferdi. For Professional CHIMNEY SERVICE Baker, Mr. and Mrs. George I Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Caughey, ran, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred. •• Evans, Dr. and Mrs. Larry Semml~r, Mr. " Mrs. George Appraisols Rebullt-Jlepalred-Cblmlley COvers. Bashara, Sr., Mr. aDd Mrs. C. R. Chandler, Mr. aDd Mrs. erick H. Curtis. Victor Czerny, nand, Mr. and' Mrs. Otto lnclllerator 8creel"1 • VlolatJola Farnam, James C. Finney, E. SmIth, Mr. " Mrs. William Call C. Stopin. Erwin Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Chapin. William R. Gertrude Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Williiam Corrected-Tuck Poilltlnj: Judge Neal Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Suther. Joseph E. Bayne, Dr. G. Jan Chaplow, Albert Charles, Wil. Thomas Dasef, Toby S. David, S. Fiscus, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas AdY.1ICt Mahtt ..... Mrs. William Flaska, Frederick land, Mr. " Mrs. Donald E. Beekhuis, Mrs. Elmer Eenzin, !iam J. Chesbrough, Mr. and Mrs. William R. DeBaeke, Bev. Fitzgerald, Jack E. and Lesley LANCE REALTORS IIMS3t C. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dr. Edward D. Bober, Mr. and Mrs. ~orge A. Cblanda, Mr. erly C. DeMers, Mrs. William .:. Ford. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ford, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Venderbush, Mi' " Mrs. D. F. 777-1230 Waggoner, Mr. " Mrs. J. Otis Mrs. Clete Boyle, Mrs. Stephen and Mrs. Russell S. Collins. H. Denison. Mr. and Mrs. Mau- B. Fresard. ware J. Gendernalik. Mr. and Mrs. ~'rederick Ha.twig, Mr. aDd Mrs. Wesley H Hoffman, • Mr. and Mrs. L. D. ltolway. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Huette- man, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. HueJ.). ner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. James, Dr. and Mrs. Harold F. Jarvis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jerger, Jr. Mr. and Mra. Richard M. Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Jones, Michael M. Kaysserlan, Miss Eileen L. Kelly, Dr. J. W. Kingsley, Jr., Mrs. Loroe W. Knister, Mr and Mrs Milton J. Kodidek Mr. and Mrs. William Lakin, Mr. aDd Mrs. Marvin Larivee, William H. Ledyard. Mrs. Charles Lisch, Sr., Mr; and Mrs. James E. Long, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber H. Mack; Mrs. JOhD H. Marshall, James H. Mavius. Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Mc- .Any$6,900 car makes you feel secure Cracken, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ., McElheny, Mr. aDd Mrs. Waid H. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. Don. aId R. McPhail. on a country club dqvewa)'. The Mercedes-Benz'280S J. F. Mesritz, Kenneth Mor- rison, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. MozeDa.. H.Murray Northrup, Mr. and Mrs. Helge Nurmi, Mrs. Scott S. Oyler, Mrs. Lee makes you feel secure on a bustling turnllike. Pahner, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'E. Pear, Picard.Norton, Davi. \ son Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawson Potter, Mr. and MI'6. !. Remington J. Purdy, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Randall, Mr. and ,1 Mrs. Thomas R. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Look underneath, and you'll begin to see,~wh~ Edward C. Roney, Mrs. Hugo I Rosenbusch, Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,, ~ Roy, Mr. and Mrs; Bernard A. Schenk, Mrs. B. R. Sejfulla, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur 8eski, Mr. and Mrs. Micbael A. Shaheen, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. T. Snyder. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Tay- lor, Paul Terbrueggen, Mr. and MI'6. Emmet E. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. James D. Tracy, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vandriessche, Mr. and Mrs.L. F. Vollmer, Frank Voorwerk, Mr. and Mn. Walter .. : ".'painteQ, 1\anil-san'deil, ~ay,~ .•gabf" " J. Vukin, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald At MerceCtes-Benz, engineers ,. '~~,'t1\el\i'rnma~y~~ .Tob1~ ai\cl.. .11:. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Erbin -not styling genlUH& or D. Wattles, Allan and Norma J. IIW'ketins . ',pamt Nst FOtectiOnI over'," JKlund,i.. : Wear, Dr. and Mrs. Wesley J. ~ards-have the upper hanc:L As ~ final flQurishJn its tnI\~ Wicks, Mr. and Mrs. William .And these.stubbom purists in- ',' . ment: agamst road salt, Nst tmd rot, V. Wilkie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill sist that ii ..man.can.affOI:d, lQ,invest .~ the 280Sgets. 24-~ slathering of . Williams, Mr~,~ndMrs. ;Erank' . <.1$6;~1ri mjutOmo1iiJe:~fientit1ed'. Williams; .Mi~:Maiianc Ycfun'g.. " . ..' .. " plasticlzed;un4e'r'coaffli.t, ' " ':;,,' to get-more than a status symbOl. .~~~p~~~~~~'111F"ov~ead~~'slx.;cyliitd~' - April ~~If: .t~etl~Menz c ' engine equals the coachwork lor lon- Miss Marie Louise Ander. :BOS at tight bristles with sophisti- :gevity. Bearings are delicately ma- son. Dr. & Mrs. Robert T. Bar. cated, ultra-performance features that rett, Mr. & Mrs. Everett J. 1 d d d' , chined to within 4110,OOOths DE an Bauer Mr.' & Mrs .. Joseph . simp y onote%iston omesticse lll\I inch, and pistons arid connectiI)g rods . Black: Jr., Mr. & Mrs. Lang E. in the so-called "fine car" field. It are painstakingly matched and bal- Borden, Mi'. & Mrs. C. Helll'y tIS steers, mtlnf!Uf)ers and .tops if your anced. Yet this power plant lsabout'as . ~uhl, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Car. life depended on it. nere, Dr. & Mrs. Ned Chalat, . fragile as a bull. It's hu~t to c":lise .flat- Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cipriano. This is one reason why Car ~md out indefinitely-and, on Gennany'. Fred R. Delonnay, Ellanore M.,Vri-oer magazine, with a world of cars ~ide-opell. autobahns, it often does. Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. BurdetteE. to chooSe from, concludes that the cur- I An w:'co!,-v~~onal car? DeR:- Ford, John R. Gehlert, Mr. & . M' ed 1lI_.;. lin " Mrs. Daniel W. Goodenough .rent ete e5-penz; e represents lin tly so. Mercedes-Benz does not make Mrs. M. P. Graham, Dr. & Mrs: the present pinnacle in safe car engi- conventional cars-and nevel: wiU. .:ames H. Graves, ~rosse Pointe neering." News, Grosse Pomte Theatre, 24-page brochure Inc., Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Heller, John L. Herbert, Miss Racing car suspension If you'd like more fads on tl\1s ' Virginia Hoelzle, Mr. " Mrs. remarkable motor car-$6,900. com-' Kenneth Hollidge, Fred A. For a clue to the aJrn05t qn- Hood, Jr. canny lw\dlirig a~d evasive ability of plete with aut~matic shift, powee lIIr. & Mrs. J. Robert Jessup, the 2805, 'scrunch (lown and look be- steering and electric windows ($6,133. Dr. & Mrs. R. G. Jordan, Mr. neath the rear bumper-at the axle. )'lithout frills)-mail the coupon fora & Mrs. Edward Kay, Mr. & It's not the rigid "beam" axie of most color brochure. . Mrs. John 111.Kusher, Jr., lIIr: domestic cars. It is Of course, tl\e quickest way'to & Mrs. James A. Lafer, Mr. & articulated. Of 1111 cllr. in the "luzul'Jl CUl5S" field, the .;80S is rQted the safest, most roadworthl/. Relld why. Mrs. Ernest' P. Lamb, Mr. & This Mercedes-Benz low-pivot appreciate the car's virtues is sbilply , . Mrs. D. D. Lennox, Mr. & Mrs. swing axle permits each r~ar wheel to to arrange for a test driDe. Herbert 1. Lord, Miss Delma move up and down independently of Other models to mull over: Loyer, Mr. & Mrs. William H. McCoy, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. the other, just as the front wheels do. 280SE Sedan-the 2805 witlr Melican, L. William Moll, Mrs. The result is leech-like roadability. from orthopedic physicians. ~uel-injection engine, $6,461". Once more, Mercedes-Bc~ en- Driver as "unquestionably the ~ost The Marjorie R. Neale, Mr. &: Mrs. If you know what you're look- springs inside are tuned to the car's sus- 250 Sedan-a less costly, buE Donald Povlitz, Mr. & Mrs. John gineers draw on their experience with precise unit of its kind ever developed." ing for, you can also spot heavy-duty pension motions, cancelling out thou- unflappable, road car, $5,208" .. C. Prost, Mr. & Mrs. Robert World Champion racing ma~ry. L. Quigley, Mr. & Mrs. Howard thrust arms, individual coil springs If trouble comes 280SL Roadster-a sports car They employ the more expensive; but sands of tiring vibrations every mile. E. Riley. and shocks, and a hori~onbl hydro- Check the rear shelf. Carpeted. for grown-ups, combines soul-stirring clearly superior, type of brak~'ij.5ed The ~esponsiveness. which Mr. & Mrs. Fay Seeley, Mr. pneumatic load-Ieveling'device. Feel the underside of the dashboard. perfonnance with comfort, $6,802". & Mrs. H. F. Siewert, Brent almost universally on tOdaY'$prOfes- makes the 2805 such a joy to drive is All in all, suspension ideas There's no spaghetti tangle of wires. 220 Diegel-the only dlesel- M. Smith, Mr. & Mrs. George sional ra~ing circuits.,~ ; /~~ its best defense against blunderingmo- more common on 180-mph Grand Prix It's fully finished off. Finger the wood powered automobile Mercedes-Benz ~1Jroder & Family, Mr. & Mrs. D,sc br,akes. '.y i. torists. However, if the worst happens, Tohn C. Squiers, Mr. & Mrs. raC;ing cars than S-passenger sedans. makes, gives you small-car economy The engineers don'tstiIlt~'eHher the car is designed to shield you. Nat-' trim-real walnut, not plastic. .T. C. Streicher, Mr. & Mrs. John I Many cars are designed to win in a big, safe sedan that may well en- R. Strongman, Mr. & Mrs. I -by puttfug disc brakes only the urally, it meets all the U.S. safety reg- Engineering extrayaganc~f at dure for decades, $4,692-. Charles E. Stumb. Van Bever front wheels, and settling for coriven- ulations. But Mercedes-Benz safety admiration for their owners. Mer- Family, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Van 600 Grand Mercedes-the ul., A passenger car doesn't need a tional drum bra.kes on the rear.)11ey goes beyond the letter of these laws. cedes-Benz cars are designed to win Poele, Mrs. R. E. Venderbush. admiration from their owners. Quite a timate motorcar, $23,580", Mrs. J. Frazer Whitehead, suspensiol\ fit for a racer, argue some insist on attaching a !1'assive cahler- The entire passenger compart- George S. Williams, Mr. & Mrs. critics. Tnie, reply Merc",ies-Benz'en- type disc brake to l!:Dery wheel of eiery ment is built as a sturdy "safety zone." distinction. 'Robert C. Winter, Adelaide C. gineers. For everyday city driwng, this Mercedes-Benz. Doors are designed to stay shut on im- • •• A •••••••••••••••••••.••••• Wismr:r, Fred J. Wolf, Mr. & No shortcuts is :;heer engineering extravagance. pact. The front and rear of the car are . . Mrs. James T. Wright, Mr. & Someday, doubt1ess, 4-wheel Mrs. Albert Yaklin, Mrs. H. But some day. you might have disc brakes will be offered on a domes- '!'lgineered to crumple in a crash at a Your 2805 is built witll uncom- : Mercedes-BenzofNorlb ~. : : Amerlcl., Inc. : Haild Zeder, Jr. to get off the pavement, onto a stretch tic '1uxury" car. controlled rafe, absorbing shock and promising care, to make it a lasting : oo. Box 207ססof potholed back road. You might have Accurate steering is vital for reducing the threat of serious injury. investment. : Dept. 0 April 25 • (;IIrr..lde Park, N,J." • to enter a sharp curve or a turn-off maximum control, too. In an emer- "A fellow hit me when I was Every 2805 begins life in a •..07010 .• Mr. & Mrs. Perry G. Abbott, shower of sparks. is not into faster than you intended. You might gency, you don't have time for a stopped at a toll booth," reports one It bolted •. Please und me a U-page, full-calor .• Mr. & Mrs. MarviD L. Asmuz, heing, like a conv~ntional car, but so- Jr., Dr. & Mrs. C. S. Bogan, have to change course quickly while sweeping twirl of the wheel. The Cal Mercedes-Benz owner. "People in his : brochure on the new generation of : lidified by thousands of welds. After • motor car. hom Mercedn.Benz. • Mrs. Russell Carter, Mr, & Mrs. cruising at 6S mph on a busy turnpike. must respond instantly. car were hospitalized. But I just opened . . William B. Cudlip, Mr. & Mrs. And, suddenly, you realb:e that The 2805 does. Credit the in- my door and stepped out:' 50,000 miles or 50, you may start to . . Stuart E. Davidson, Wilfred E. • • this engineering extravagance is no ex- genicus Mercedes-Benz recirculating- wonder if it willl!:Der rattle. • • Dennis, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Showroom experiments When welding stops, (he body • NAME • Fox. Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. travagance at all. ball-type steering system. It eliminates .------.. . French. Theodore H. Fuger, Mr. sloppy play in the wheel-and blesses The 2805 \s as habitable as it is is gone over by hand with a soft glove. • • • ADDIIU. • & Mrs. Paul W. Gillan, Mr. & Sharp reflexes you with the "feel" of the road. Sud- road worthy and safe. Bumps and burrs are spotted and .------. Mrs. James Gilleran. W. H. . . Slip behind the wheel, and x smoothed away. Vital seams are packed • • Hagenmeyer, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Occasionally, it Is also neces- denly, you are a more confident driver. A.. .• C1TY------_.-ITAT'll m •. your back. This is no marshmallow with solder and buffed to oblivion. E. I1ey, Dr. & Mrs. William J. sary for a 3,40o-pound automobile Taut, sensitive steering is re- . The body is then dunked in a .II ••• II ••••••••••••••••••••• .Jev

.1 ,'.' , •• , ,. __ , •. .1 •• , .L., ••.• _ .. ." .1._ ... ,I ., ~.r Page Tweive GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, May 8, 1969 People know you as you are Try to get aloag 1rith the to~ is ~l •• Thomas E.' Bailey, DevilN ett.era . I I I Revenge is like I rusty gun- \ Drive carefully in. tra~ic _ -:aot. as you imagiDe yOU' ar,:', Other.feIloW-Dot ahead of him. I__ VIce PrmClpal of Studies and ~_~~!~.~._:'~~~_~_~~~!_~_:'!'_~_ it kicks hlrder thin it sboots. dQD't break the family Circle. Activities. . Get Two Wins ... ~ Wh• 81 k S' .... ,..... t A u_ to tb Iln I I th state Othe To prepare for leadership It.or ..ac - pnng ~.m ...e" .a USWl e a 0 e . r roles next year a number of The Blue Devil tennis team ~rep. are m fu~ 5W1IIg, iDclutl. students who won in the school, Austill juniors litended the reo completed a busy week last Enameled Aluminum lDg speech festivals, leaderShip and district level" and spoke in cent ~adershjp Conference at Thursday by winning their see. c~nferences, TV shows, Awards the District ForensiCs at Wayne Oakland Unive~sity Here they ond match in two day/: after a Dumer, dances IUld student di. " , . . d 'A to Ro 0 k Do d 1 t TRAP AND SKEET STORM WINDOWS ect d ct I State UniversIty were James heard the Governor an attend. wSS yal a nero as , r e one.a p IYS. Zakem Mike Maurice. Tim Gar- ed group seSsion on student Monday. After the Devils came . SHOOTERS 1;»00. , Ricbard Berschback. I sopb- vey, ~rge Shea, BrUce Grobb, leadership. Participants were back to upset Ann Arbor on RS, omore, traveled to Ann Arbor Terry Murpby, Mike Oliver, Cammell Hanna, Frank Leto, Wednesday, 4:3, and then de. on May 3 for the State Finals Mike Cooke, John Ricci, George G.eorge Shea, .Terry Murphy, feat Fordson In a BCL match, • Hear Protectors PORCH ENCLOS. URES ill Michigan Forensics. His area Daniels, Mike Cavanagh IUld J1lJI Zak~m, Mike Varty, .G8!Y also 4-3. . .. is Declamation and has won in LarrY Pfaff. Austin sent thir- Lombardi, and Paul Ventimlg- The only VIctOries agamst ALUMINUM SIDING, TRIM AND GunERS the school, district and regional teen' students in six categories Iia. . • Royal Oak were ~rovided by the • Shooting Glasses SCREEN PORCHES contests to enable him to move to the state regionals. Modera- Austin appeared on High number one s1llg'les player, • Gloves & Vests == School Bowl, the weekly TV Terry Crockatt, who won his show on Sunday. Representa- match 6,2, 6.1, and the doubles STORMS fOR snn CASEMENT WINDOWS BELLE ISLE tives on TV were steve Grob, team of Gene Turnbull and B.McDaniel GunShop IF7 R . S Hellry Chase. Captain; Dan De. John Eckenrode, who wo~ 7.~, DIners Ch.,•• "..e epaJr torm Sash and Scree". Clerq and Jim Z'ikem. Alter. ~.2. :B. of G~osse Pomte s 15102 KERCHEVAL VA 1.1100 Amer. 11I'p..... ecause Mich. "nk.rd FREE ESTIMATES AWNING CO. nate was John Cipriano IUld mab~ty th~ far ~ the sea~on Open Mon., Tue•., Wid., lit .. , to , p.m. Honorld Here sponsor was Mr. Thomas Bailey. to Win conslstantly lD the third OJltn Flfwy , un. t. • p..... POINTE SCREEN .. • • and fourth singles positions, May 9 will mark the date of Coach DonaJd Zysk said he was (Ac!'OR fnNl'l M... nt Jlhllllft'.) Canvas • Vinyl the sixth annual Austin Awards "going to shift. some p!aye~s Dinner at the Latin Quarter around and see if we C8llt WID ":".'(";1$8.1'.':', honoring all students who have more matches in those spots." 20497 Mack Ave. 881-6130 or 881-4600 Acrilan • Dacron achieved in scholastic, athletic The result was playing junior and activity levels. Parents, c...'urt Leibbrand i.D the fourth NOTICE OF BUY NOW-AVOID stud,~nts 8lId friends are invited singles spot against Ann Arbor SUMMER RUSH to attend this dinner-dance be. and shifting John Miller to tbe FREE ESTIMATES ginning at 6:30 and continuing second doubles team with Gary with dancing until 12:30. Tickets Hughes. . Although Leibbrand REGULAR VILLAGE Smi", Gross.'oi,," SillCl 193J' may be purchased at the ,main Jost 3-6, 3.6, Hughes and Miller City of Grosse Pointe office of the school. provided the de.:iding match • .. .• over the Pioneers by takIDg a LO 7-2293 • 7601 E. J.Herson The annual Senior Gift Dance close 9.7, 2-6, 7.5 victory. Also SPRING ELEatON MICHICAN will be held at Austin on Satur- winning fur the Devils against Iday, May .10, from 8 to 11 p.m. Ann Arbor were Terry Crockatt 'fhe band for the evening will (6.4, 6-2), John Williams (5.7, TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING be the Kandle. Admission is 6-3, 6.3), IUld doubles Scott $1.50 at the door. The dallce is Feringa and John Howard (6-2, VILLACE OF CROSSE POINTE SHORES, a benefit for the gift given to 6-3). Notice Is herehy given in accordance with the provi. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WAYNE AND MACOMB COUtiTIES, sions of Act No. 207 of the Public Acts of the State of the school by the senior class. Against Fordson the following MICHICAN. ' Michigan for the Year 1921, as am~Dded, and in accordance ON THE , • • • night, Crockatt was the player with Sec. 5.187 of Grosse Pointe City Code that a Public To conclude the eleventh most largely responsible for aJ. Hearing will be held on Monday, May 26, 1969 at 8:00 1969.70 BUDGET theatrical season of the Austin lowing Grosse Pointe to edge Notice is hereby given that the regular 'Village p.rn. E.S.T. in the Council Chambers at 17147 Maumee Players. studellts will present the Tractors, 4.3. All the match. Spring Election is to be held in the Village of Grosse Ave., in the City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, OF THE four student directed one act es had ended and both teams Pointe Shores, ,Wayne and Macomb Counties,Mich. concerning the following proposed amendment to the Zon. plays in competition on Sunday looked on as Crockatt won his igan, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May, 1969 for ing Ordinance of the- City of Grosse Pointe, enacted Febru. evening, May 11 at 8 'p.m. at match in three sets (4.5, 6.2, tbe purpose of electing the following officers: ary 20, 1967, as amended: CITY OF Pierce Auditorium. Tbe stl;- 6-4) to give th~ Devils the win. dents direct, produce and de. Other Devils winners were Wil. 3 Trustees for regular 2 year term Amend the Zonblg Ordinance District Map to show sign the shows themselves. M. Iiams, Eckenrode and Turnbull, R.T, Terrace District where R-lB, Single Family Residen. terthe program, criitc judges IUld Tom VanLockeren, who tial District now exists on the property de.Y.'ribed as the You are further notified that the polling places , will select the award for Best won the fourth singles match. soulherly 50 feet of Lot 114, and Lots B, C, and D of Cfif0S9t Joinft lBoob will be: Direction, Best Actress IUldBest Last night the team played Amended Plat of St. Clair Park Subdivision of P.C. 239 Actor. The directors are lLie a tough Monroe squad and on between Jefferson and Mack Avenues, City of Grosse MICHICAN Precinct 1: Vernier School, 36 Vernier Road Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, as recorded in Liber 19, Bolton and Rick Kobn, Tim Thursday the Devils will go to Page 21, Wayne County Records; and Garvey, Mike Maurice and Wyandotte for lUlother' BCL Precinct 2: Vernier School, 36 Vernier Road HI)Dry Chase. Tickets are avail. match. The League Meet is Lots A IUld B and South ¥.! of V81':'1ted public alley able at the door for $1.00. scheduled for Saturday at High. You are further notified. that the polls will be adjacent to said Lots A and B of C. Neff Estate Subdivlsion Notice is hereby given that the Council of land Park at 10 a.m. The next open from 8:00 o'clock"AM until. 8:00' o'clock Pl'¥[, of that part of the West If.I of P.C. 344 between Jefferson the City of Grosse Pointe Woods will meet SIGN DOWN home match will be on Monday Eastern Standard Time on Tuesday, May 20, 1969. Avenue and Mack Road, City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne Mrs. A. Conder, 843 Lakeland, against the Parkers. County, Michigan as recorded in Liber 15, page 23, Wayne on Friday, the 16th day of May, 1969 at 7 :30 called City police on Thursday, _ ,County Records; and the P.M. Eastern Standard Time at the Munici- May 1, to report persons un. GREED Clifford B. Loranger Portion of Lot 1 of P.C. 239 lying beween Jefferson known bad shot BB's at a realty In their search for dollars and Maumee Avenues, beinii more particularly described pal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, Grosse sign then threw it on the steps. Imen lose sight of YJings that Village Clerk as follows": Officers replaCed the sign. money WJll never buy. Beginning at the intersection of the Northerly line Pointe Woods, Michigan for .the purpose of ; of Jefferson Avenue (l00 feet wide) as .I1()W established With the Westerly line of C. Neff Estates Subdivirion IS conducting a Public Hearing on the 1969-70 . recorded in Liber 15, page 23, Wayne County Recorda; Budget of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods •. Thence Nonh 24 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East alGng the 'Westerly line of said C. Neff Estates Subdivision NOTICE OF a distance of 579.26 feet; Thence South 65 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds West GENERAL F,UND SUMM~RY a distance of 115.13 feet to a point in the Easterly line of Amended Plat of Sl Clair Park Subdivision as recorded in PROPOSED 1969-70 BUDGET lAST' DIYOF~j'EGIS'TUtIO. Liber 1», page 21, Wayne County Records; Thence South 24 degrees 58 minutes East along the REVENUES Easterly line of said Amended Plat of st. Clair Park Sub- division a distance of 584.99 feet to a point in the Northerly City Taxes _ __.. $1,187,090.00, FOR THE.QUALIFIED ELECTORS Une of Jefferson Avenue; State.Shared Taxes - _...... 513,686.00 Thence North 62 degrees 20 minutes East along the Northerly line of Jefferson Avenue a distance of 114,79 Inter-Governmental Fees & Charges 149,600.00 feet to the point of beginning. . , Violation Fines & Fees _ _.. 57,374.00 Permits & Licenses :...... 26,si5.00 OF THE GROSSE POINTE :'::j.I;4:~.i~ • iC MTUIoVV4" Wa!.!..~ . '. \CID"'AUIlolEE:' AVE: I, e I ~ $1,934,065.00 . .t ~~~~~o •• f.':".!J • r:r.:-;":':~""'''I~ TOTAL REVENUES :~:.. ..0.. It-II SINGL[ fAlIlLY ItElJDI!IIITIAU ,PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, .. ,.:'.:o. '/L'. 11-2 TWO fAlllLY 1tf:SIDI!NTIAI. , WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN •••• o. '4 .--, II.T TEIIIlACE ,' .. ~ ~ , EXPENDITURES -.....", .. ~...••• t fii"'iiiI'. !!!!Iji!iiiii~ Department of General Government $ 209,518.00 TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT: '.. Department of fublic Safety _ 762,179.00. :'.~.~. .... Department of Public Works _...... 651,340.00 Please take notice that the Annual Election of The Grosse' Pointe Public School Sys- te~, Wayne Couuty, Michigan, will be held in said School Dishict on Monday, Department of Parks & Recreation.... 140,768.00 June 9,' 1969. ~"j Municipal Improvements _ '100,000.00 ~~.;J Debt Service 34,870.00 Act 269, Public Acts of Michigan, 1955, as amended, provides as follows: . Contingency -...... 35,390.00 "The Inspectors of Election at any annual or special election shall not receive $1,934,065.00 the vote of any person residing in a registJ.{ationschool district whose name ~l".~... TOTAL EXPENDITURES is not registered as an elector in the City or Township in which he resides •.. " THE LAST DAY on which persons may l~egister with the Clerk of the Township 01' City ..~~.~ in which they reside in order to be eligible to vote at said Annual Election to be -.-. '~' . held on June 9, 1969, is Friday, May 9, 1969. Persons registering after 5 :00. o'clock t ."1 c.I • !~ ~II-'" .~ •.~ ~ PUBLIC SERVICES FUND SUMMARY P.M., Eastern Standard Time, on said Friday, May 9, 1969, are not eligible to vote at .... ~2,. •• :e ••~ " ...... ', _ said Annual Election. .. • 0 .' ..r• •••••••••• :( PROPOSED 1969-70 BUDGET t.' &.: ,I ~I." '...... ~ In .addition to all other scheduled times, the City and Township Clerks will be in :e.. ~ .t ..-, ~ REVENUES their offices to receive registrations on Saturday, May 3, 1969, between the hours ":.:.,. ~ ..: ~"t' . . of 8:00 o'clock A.M. and 5:00 o'clock P.M., Eastern Standard Time. .~ Water-Sewer $ .• 400,000.00 Under the provisions of Act. 269, Public Acts of Michigan, 1955, as amended, regis- '.- ., .;: 4.1.'" Parking "'.' . 84,500.00 trations will not be taken by school officials and only persons who have registered Concessions _ II SOH E _'.' .~~ •• , 15,500.00 as general electors with the Clerk of the City or Township in which they reside are Boat Docks . 15,000.00 registered school electors. Persons planning to register with the respective Town- ~.~~::-rir *';J1~:;::;T'h'll' ship or City Clerks must ascertain the days and hour on which the Clerk's office is ...... I' ~~.:~i.'...... • .~ u.. ~. ~:.... ''''. at _ $ 515,000.00 open for registration. Further, amenC: Section 5.122(2) of said Zoning TOTAL REVENUES Ordinllnce to read ,15 follows: Registration of unregistel'ed qualified electors of said School District will be received "(2) Terrace dwelling and apartment houses;" at the following places: Amend Section 5.12,1 to read as follows: "5.123. Speclfically Prohibited Uses. In order tt> EXPENDITURES 1. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Pal'k shall register at the office of the Clerk clarify the type of permitted uses in a R.T District, of the City of Grosse Pointe Park, 15115 East Jeffel'Son Avenue, City of Grosse the following uses, among othels, are specifically Pointe Park, Michigan. prohibited. Water.Sewer...... $ 400,000.00 (1) Rental offices, as accessory to a terrace Parking 84,500.00 2. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe shall register at the office of the Clerk of d~'elling unit project Or an apartment bouse Concessions 15,500.00 the City of Grosse Pointe, 17150 Maumee, City of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. project Boat Docks 15,000.00 3. Res~dents of the City of Gl'Osse Pointe Farms shall l'egister at the office of the (2) Tourist home, lodgiDg house, or boarding Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Fanns, 10 Kerby Road, City of Grosse Pointe bouse. $ 5J,5,000.00 Farms, Michigan, (3) Motel, hotel, or mobile home park. TOTAL EXPENDITURES (4) A residential structure {or a home for children 4. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, shall register at the office of the or other than those residing therein, or for Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, 20025 Mack Avenue, City of Grosse the aged, indigent, or physically handicapped; Pointe Woods, Michigan. , or a rest or convalescent home," Amend Section 5.176, SChedule of Regulations, to 5. Residents of the City of Harper Woods shall registe.' at the office of the Clerk of change the Minimum Floor Ares Per Dwelling Unit for Copies of the Budget are on file for public the City of Harper Woods, 19617 Harper Woods, Michigan, uses permitted in the R-T District from 1,000 to 1,800 inspection in the office of the City Admini- 6. Residents of the Township of Grosse Pointe shall register at the office of the square feet Clerk of the Township of Grosse Pointe, 795 Lake Shore DJive, Village of Grosse Amend Section 5,92, Item Ill, to read as follows: strator, 20025 .Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Pointe Shores, Michigan. Required Number Per Each Unit of "Use of Parking Spaces Messure &s Follows Woods, Michigan, dming office hOUl'S. This notice is given by order of the Boal'd of Education of The Grosse Pointe Public 15. Residential - School System, Wayne County, Michigan. terrace dwelling 0'1' 2 Each dwelling unit" apartment house LEONA D. LIDDLE, Dated: April 7, 1969. Thoml' W. KrellNck, City Clerk City CI.rk. BARBARA R. THOMPSON Pub. G.P.N. :5.8-69 CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS Secretary, Board of Education. Thursday, May 8, 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEVIS Page Thirteen SELF.CHECK I so TRUE Schedules and budg~ts have I It's middle age when a man · IGPUS Defeats D~vil Nine Wins One, Drops Two one thing in common-they both Igels sense enough to know he .' r~mind people in all walks of shouldn't do certain things' but LittLe League Results South Hi Twice Left. hander Bill Bailey two important BeL contests, On life how far behind they are. Istill young enough ,to try th~m. proved once again to be the Thursday they go to Wyandotte The week of April 28 was a stopper for Grosse Pointe's to face the Bears, and on Mon. GROSSE POINTE CITY the batting attack with two hits fortuitous one for the Grosse basebalI team as he fired a day play at home against High. Minor League as Don Chouinard, Dave Frear Pointe University SchOOlas its three.hitter last Thursday and land Park. EXPLORE OUR WONDERFUL The Phillies, managed by and Gil Kernan gathered other 't b ... b II d t . beat Fordson, 4-1, after the . varsl y ase a an enms Blue Devz'ls had lost to "oyal Tom Guthat, defeated the Ti- CUb hIts. For the Braves, Dave t 11m ach dJeated G' ., WORLD OF BUICK! e s e g' rosse Oak and GPUS in two previous gers, managed by John O'Hare, HiDks' pitcbing and Spence Pointe South High School. baames I'st week. , by a SCilre of 2 to 0 at the Gaarder's catching formed the Th b eball g 'm pI d t ... GOLDEN be as a e, aye a Larry ,Griffin led the Devils' B.ill A Very $podol NeighbOrhOOd Club Field, Mon- attery. The Bral'es gut hitting G.P .u.S. on April 30, was a ~., , ~ w. 1'69 Ii",;"" and day, April 28. This game was support from G a a r d e rand tension.filled '3.2 encounter. In attack against the Tractors by . . Gtlre h A the opening game for the 1969 George Magbjelse. the first inning, Marty Wiecorek belting a sixth.innin! two.run BUDDHA 'ie,y G P . te C' LitU Le . triple. and later scoring on an rosse OlD Ity e ague .. '" • op~ned the scormg for the error, to provide the winning Special P,icel Minor League schedule.' The Cubs spotted the Cards Kmghts when ~e trotte.d home markin. Until that point Bailey Chinese-American RESTAURANT j John CantwelI pitched the en. three runs and then came from on Ralph K~lek s booml~g dou- had protected a 1.0 lead on the Priced At . , • HOURS: COCKTAIL LOUNGE Equipped with: AM.nl radio, tire game with Web Hudson behind on April 29 'to take a hie to .Ie~t fle!d. South t!ed th.e strength of a first inning triple Fri. & Sot. 11 am. to 1 16340 HARPER rear speaker, w.s.w. tires, fac. handling the catching chores close well.played 4 to 3 victory. game m I~ h..Lf of the first. (It by Ken Rem and an RBI single tory ,lIr Olmd., ~inyl top, deluxe Mon.-Thurs. 1 I a.m. to 12 near Whittier for the Phillies and John Tul. Don Chouinard pitched out of IV~S South s home game, de- by Danny MenlO. The impor. wheel covers.. automatic trans., Sunday 12 to 12 Ample Pork.ng POwer liteer!nll ami brakes, elc, $4475 loch and Tom Bick shared the bases-loaded situations in the ~PI~e the locale) on a walk, an tance of GriHin's blllst was 'em- pitching duties for the Tigers last two innings to save the win. mfleld out~ and an e~ror. phasized. hy the fact that Ford- Featuring the very finest in Can- COMPLETI! .th D Kaufm tchi Frank Huxley and Paul Bauhof In the SiXth the Kmghts went son taUI'ed an unearned run I'n WI ave an ca ng. got key hi" for the Cubs with h fonese dishes for Luncheons and Corry Out Se,.,1ce '" a ead by a r~n as a result of the top of the seventh. TOM TAYLOR BUICK Jeb Shoemaker got a single Bob Holmes and Joe Cornillie four consecutive walks. They Grosse Pointe dropped an 82 Dinners, plus exotic Cocktails. 881-6010 and Paul Crane a double for assisting in the batting depart~ a~ded w.hat proved to be the j decision to Royal Oak in llOoth. 13033 Gratiot LA 6.3000 the Tigers. J 0 h n Cantwell ment. For the Cards, Jim Lin. WI.oner In the sevent~ when er BCL contest last Monday. struck out 15 Tiger batters.clau pitched a strollg game and Mike ~etz of 1119 BU~kmgham'l Ten errors proved to 1:le the The two Phillies' runs Were Chad Morris did the catching. and Jm~Bolton of 1511 Oxford downIalI of the Devils while Dance to the scored in the second inning ~ark ~ry led the Cards bat. road, slD~led, Dale McCarthy Grl)sse Pointe used foUr pitch. when John Dunaway hit a sin- ting attack. reached fir~t on an error, and ers in an unsuccess{ul attempt gle with the bases loaded scor. I .. • • Gary F.rancls. of 1.824 Hawthorne to halt the 'powerful Acorns. Billy Maxt~d Band I ing Alan Bradbury and Dave The Cubs ran theirwin streak walked, forcmg 10 .th~ run. On Wednesday the Devils IHein. to three games with a 6 to 2 win The [mal half IDIDng saw lost to GPUS 3.2 in a game in our Art Gallery in the Sky '" '" • over the Dodgers on April 30. South come ba~k to Withi.n ~ne that was up fur gr~bs {or seven

A I homerun by Bruce Erick. Bob Ho~m~ p~tch~'lithe Cubs rim, and th~ tYlOg ~nd wm.n~g innings. GPUS, though, finalIy son with F. K, Day and Tom to the Wln. ~ SPite of some. lusty runs w~re m scormg position took advantage of the situation Coles aboard in the bottom of ~er hitting. 'l'he Cubs bat. when. pItcher Getz bore down and scored a run on four walks He's at ~k~ now! He and the sixth gave the Pirates a ting attack was. led'~y .Holmes to strike out the last two bat. in the sixth to break a 1-1 tie, his band make great musit~for dancing, or listening. come.from-behind 4-3 win over and Don Chownard 'Wlth lwo ters.. and again in the seventh on the Senators iln April 30. Glenn hits each ..Neil ~londeJl handled ~e tenws matc~, played on two singles and an errol'. The Hear his famous rendition of "S~tin Don." Spend the Burton, the winning pitcher, the ca~hiDg aSSIgn,~fnt for the April~, res~ted In. a 5-2. G.P. Devils got a run back in the evening in our luxurious Cabaret atop tbe Hotel gave up runs to Clark Standish, Cubs. Don Crane !Ind. Steve U.S. Vlctol-Y.Competing WIthout bottom of the seventh on Tom PontehartraiD. Fine food and drink; superb servo Hemovich and Timmy Forrester ~ates shared the pltchmg d~. number one singlt!s player Reghanti's RBI single, but in the first two innings and ties for the Dod~ers. Chns T~pher Ware, the team had to couldn't. pus h another one Ice. Even valet parking. All that and Billy Max- then held the Senators score. Montague, Wyn Fisher and WID two three.set matches to across as the Devil's last two ted's music, too! Reservations 965.0200. Phone less. Pete Coles scored for the Crane led the Dodger sluggers. insure the victory. Craig Dick. batt.I.y gift she'll always remember. Sbe'11love the opening ,day doubleheader on oper~ijonal (base of a helD- (elsy courso plottlr) wheel' borne Marine Landini Force dPtI'rl' T&pIilf., April 28, the Cubs downed the Slfety BNt Shots 19605 Mack trUe beauty, the day-to-day conveIiienlZ her whose mission is to seek and OPtn ~lly ''', Brave!' 6 to 1 behind the strong destroy enemy infiltrators and • Binocular. FridayS 'tll • Quaker MaicP Kitchen will give her. Call us pitching of Joe Cornillie. Neil strongholds in South Vietnam. • Nautlel' LImps this week or come in for details on putting a B Ion dell mid Tom Fetters It is also equipped with a medi. • Clnldlan Charts shared the Cub catching assign. cal facility capable of handling :SHIP'S WHEEL FAMOUS NOitPOLE Quaker Mai~ Kitchen in your home. You can ment while Bob Holmes paced more than 300 wounded. Soilin, lockeh with the hidden hood Now midway throUgh its pres. thoa;e from 17 lovely cabinet styles and 38 ent combat deployment, the 24.50 VALUE $11,95 Okin.awa has participated in attract:iYe Wood finishes, several combat operations- the most recent one being largest amphibious assault in the Vietnam War. ' -2550 'l'be ship is,schedu1ed to re- ":"....., JUI'-"'''' turn to its homeport in Sail , :v•• 1U ' , '" Dielo. Calif. early this summer,

,..., ""'GAN~ PlEMlnr POIdeE,VaGE CAU'l10N ; ~ Maggie Smith - As warm weather approache.ii, Robert Stephell5 police are urging Pointe resi. dents to take extra precautiODS "THE PRIME ~ MISS in securing their bomes against JEAN BRODIE" intruders. Police suggest that in Color garage doors be closed when leaving your home. Pointing out Thiele Construction PIUJ Featurette--fD Color that a thief dislikes noise and light: they also suggest that if (Show Room It) ''WDILD Of FASHION" you are going to be away from 24145 Little Mack. St•. Clair Shores (ye.terday. Today bome, turn on a ralj.io, perhapis aDd Tomorrow) with a timer, and leave lights PR5-2323 on in your bome.

AUTO RENTALS MONTEGO You'll b. glad you waited for MERCURY • Daily COUGAR this new concept in mowersU $8 a Day • Weekly MERCURY Colon, Park .w. LA." S... • Monthly ~ 3 PIECE 'lIRa. WAGON .DUI ...... "-""'" WATCH 1tYI.•• PAlnY'" lHltnt (Ip to 3 yrs.) III ..... AM CoIMIitioRlll 110"''''' :leioz. C.U J_ J..... : TU 1.- $10a Day~: 49* a~ e~...... t11If __ 77*- 'I2!! GonlIIlitFt..- 1lM~""'''''' A.IocI .... ~r. JAanA fldam, DM. I.«.....,•• IiIf D&C LEATHER Q.EANERS' 9249 E.st Jefkrson - VAlley 2.1055 SPECIALIZING IN THE CLEANING, REFINISHING, ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRING OF FINE SUEDES AND LEATHEBS Solving Detroiters suede and leather prQblems WALL.'RROR MAKE.UP MIRROR MIRROit IIITH CAKIIY.' I:ASE since 1949 and now a new and exeluaive finishing 8 process developed by us which leaves that soft, 4~ 14.•• 4 • luxurient feel dnd new look. 1 :J3lb~.llecwlllJIl OlI"'llI' .1l~fr6.R.- ....d~"lI.Co",pb ~. perfect 'riew rt. tTnaqTa. .... ec.,J-18 'OIIkII"" r.blnglnt willi OIl.olfsvilcil.lfands_ conyillll c•••• Fold. flat "" storoge or for tRlveling. TIJe foDom, approved &op l(IAIUy drt deauen are DOW .1ItIIorfzecl ullOdatel eI D a C Leather Cleaaers oel e'.a professloul senlecs are ...., anDalll. tJaroagh the.. Glw •••••• , Y•• r •••• 1 I'e)MltabIedeuen. You ma, NIt CIlem.. aD for pick. up uel deUvery. Ie'dint CIeaers, 15139 I"'VI~ CUTS AND BAGS YOUR Groae ,1iItt VA 2.5100 GRASS AND YACUUMS Cnwa a•••,.,15323 .. Jefftl ... Grosse Poim VA'-7500 LAWN AT SAME T'ME Den., cftaHrr, 15029 r.rcIImIJ, Grosse .... VA 2-7055 DOES A SUPERB Jom DeMy CIeIMn, 20017 Mack Ave" Gay CItaMn, 16129 MGck Ave., GmM 'lilt. .'2.1976 Groat ,... V.... a.••n (Plant) 17.54 .1ICk, 8rInt TU~5'30 8rosIt ,.,. ,.1It a (Brandt) 21155 MacIr, Groat Pelwtt TO '.9770 Square Deal ChaMn, '20331 Mack, GrtsM ,titItI TU 104225 "OU' OilY 'IODUCT, QUAUTl', COUlnSy AIIt DfrEItOAIU IUrlC'" 19115 MACK AVE., GrOSI' Point. Wood! TU 1.6233 Grolll PoIntt 18 401111 - i

...... "•• t ...... , •. __ •. . I ~. .• . i .. '" ...... _. .... " ..•. '. • .. "," .,. " ,_~.~i / Thursday, May' 8, 1969 , Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS Grosse Pointe News What Goes On Wltalj new on . ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. Memorial Center Schedule' OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL at :GROSSE POINTE. FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 . May 8 - May 15. Open Daily 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. 5eeoDd C1asIl Posta,. Paid at DetroIt, llichilaa (Ticket office closed Sunday) Your ~ibrar,.. ~rrlE"Ult, By Sibyl FULLY PAID CIRCULATION * All Memorial sponsored adivides open to the Groase By VirCbda LeonanI Pointe pubIJe. Hospital equipment available for free . One Of The Nicest Ways ••. to spend a spring Phone TU 2-6900 , loan: crukhes, wheel chairs, heating lamps and hospital D9 you have any children? I '!.riseat this period in life such afternoon is to stroll on.the-hill. The charming dis- Member MlchlN'''l.ft OPreSI AaoelaUon and National Editorial AssoclaUon beds. 'Are they young? Are they ofl as rebellion and author\ty, con. plays in the stores make window shopping an .. JT HAL ADVIlBTlSING UP8KSENTAnVII theteen-age variety? Or do you fJict ~nd crisis.'.He offers. help' experience not just a habit. In the attractive block 604 Ftflh Avenue, ~e::ry:r~wW~lI'ae/~~:ntauve,lac.. BYl'IIlIt 8.7300 GROSSE POINTE GARDEN CENTER AND LEND. have some of each? If so, you ful hmts on how ta mamtam that runs from Hall Place to McMillan, you can find • CBlbAGO OFFICE ING LIBRARY. Mrs. Harry Frost on duty Tuesday, may want to reserve the eve- communication (and what par- 333 Norlh Mlebl& ..n A".lIue Phone F1IlaDeial 6-!214 anything from fresh :.;trawberries to cherry blossoms Wednesday, Thursday, 10 a.m ..4 p.m. Volunteer eon. ning of May8 to comeand listen ellt doesn't knowhow important within an atmo~phere of personal and friendly s~rv. ROBERTB. EDGAR EDITOR and GENERALMANAGERsultant on duty Friday, 2.4 p.m. TV 1.4594. to Dr. Haim G. Ginott, who, this is?). ice. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find walkmg WILLIAMADAMO ADVERTISINGMANAGER under the sponsorship qf the New approaches to praise, JANE'!, MUELLER _ _ FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY Thursday, May 8 Grosse Pointe Citizensfor Edu. criticism and the expression of on.the.hill a happy custom, JAMES J. NJAIM _ _. .NEWS *10:00 a.m. Braille Transcription-Mrs. John McNa. cation, will be speaking at the anger are also explored. Teen. • PEPPER WHITELAW _ _ _...NEWS Parcells Middle School at 8 agers are urged to express their A Springtime Special •.. : Elizabeth Arden's JAMES H. KERR...... NEWS mara, Instfllctor. o'clock. The title of his lecture feelings about their parents. Blue Grass kit at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kercneval. LILLIANKARR .ADVERTISING 12:00 noon Our Lady Star of the Sea Bridge. is certainly provocative: "How Social life sex education, driv- Beautifully packaged, it contains both cologne and MARYLORIMER c ADVERTI$NG 12:00 noon Detroit Commandary Knights Templar- to Drive Your Children Sane." ing, drinld~g and drugs are also fluffy milk bath ... a five dollar bargain at this JOHN MacKENZIE _ _ , BUSINESS Luncheon. We can't believe you haven't considered. OncE"again let me time of year only. ., JOANNE EASON...... ,.. ACCOUNTS* 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor. heard of Dr. Ginott, 'He's a quote the epilogue from Dr. Drop In . . . at DenIer, 77 Kercheval, and see ONNELLEE KOENIG CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING* 8:00 p.m. Yoga-Charles Friday, SRF, Instructor. of Columbia Univer- Ginott's new book. "Life is so one of the most unusual antique chairs around ... ALBERTAWILKE _...... CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre presents sity with a. B.S. in educationand daily. Parenthood is an endless KAY STOUGH CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING "Sound of Music." Adults $2.50; Children a Doctorate, Ed.D. in clinical series of small events, periodic a barber's chair handsomely made from glowing MARIE KREINER...... CIRCULATION psychology.He is adjunct asso. conflicts, and sudden crises wood of the yew and oak trees. It dates back to $1.50. ciate professor at New. York which call for a response. The circa 1800 and was really used for barbering. 9:00 p.m. Sacred Heart High School Prom. Uoiversity, Graduate Depart" response is not without conse. • erc ants Nee He p , Friday, iUay 9 _ ment of Psychology,and clinical quences; it affects personality Fashion Interview ... Margaret Rice S'lys, "We M h d I professor at Ad,elphiUniversity, for better or for worse. Our have big plans for our choice of . '" 4:00 p.m. Ballet-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor. postdoctoral program in psy- teenager's character I'S shaped . Th ere has by now been a sufficient passage of time 6 30 D t 't B'bl C 1'1 D' knitwear for l<'a11'69. Most im. smc th t . t d k' : p.m. e 1'01 I e 0 ege mner. chotherapY'He.has l~ctured and by experience with people and I e e res flC e par mg experiment was put into '" 6:45 p,m.-Ballroom Dancing-Mr. and Mrs. Ted For. led semmars In child psycho- situations. Character traits can- portant is the fact that knits have effe~t last November on Mack between Somerset and rest, Instructors. therapy and parent guidance In Inot be taught directly; no one found their place as a fashion CadIeux to see what its effects have been. 8:00 p.m. Grosse Pointe Children's Theatre presents the United States, and can teach loyalty by. lectures, must. This was accomplished by Banning parking between 3 and 7 p.m. was. instituted "Sound of Music." Israel. " courage by correspondence, or the soft styling and a very defi. by the Park Co.unci! in an attempt to cut down on the * 8 00 B 110m Da cI'ngs Every Other Friday It none pf this rings a bell up manhood by mail. Oharacter nite feminine look. The fashion : p.m. a 1'0 n -- to this poii\t, I think if we men- education requires presence number of aCCIdents .on Charlevoix by diverting traffic Class-Mr. and 'Mrs. Ted Forrest, Instruc. tion his BETWEEN PARENT that demonstrates and contact colors for Fall '69 will be winter white, bright to Mack. From the point of view of traffic safety it tors. AND CHILD (1965), you may that communicates. A teenager tomato reds, earthy browns and a brand new color wOl!I~ appear that the experiment has been a succ~ss * 8:30 p.m. Parents Without Partners. recall this.man. This book was learns what he lives arid be- combination of aubergine and wine which will blend as eVIdenced by the alleged drop in the number'of acci: on the best-seller list for some comes what he experiences. To . beautifully with contrast colors. Tweegs, stripes dents on Charlevoix. Saturday, May 10 tim!!. and has been translated him, our. mood is the message, and skinny rib designs ..• and many in mixmatch- . * 9:30 a.m. Ballei-Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor. mto many languages. Here Dr. the style ]'s the substance, the ing patterns. For our way. of life ... they are divine. From th e pomt .of view of the. businessmen in the * 93: 0 an d 11:15 a.m. Ch'ld'1 ren s Art - AngeIa Dads0n, Ginott explored the real mean. proces.s is the product." b t • area t eh ween odHarvardd 1and Cadieux, however, the experi. Instruc tor. mg~ 0f ch'ld'I ren s conversat'Ions, Dr. Ginottfinally concludesby A Perfect Companion . . '. to the delicacies of me;IJ as pr uce ess than desirable results. They, *10:00 and 11:00 a.tn. Children's French-Mlle. Henri. which t,he parent must learn .to 'snying that parents need more springti,me asparagus and strawberries is Harth's c!aIm anywher~ from a 15 to 35 percent drop in business ette LaCroix, Instructor. . a!1s~er,.problems s~ch ~s. dlS-1than love and insight - they ;May'Wine ... to be enjoyed in the gentle breezes slt:Ice the parking b~n ~t!1rted. Eyen allowing for a cere 12:30 p.m. Detroit Women School Administrators clpline, Jealousy,anxl~ty 10 ch~- need skill. The aul:horfeels that tam amount of preJudICIal figurmg, there can be little Luncheon..

The Grosse Pointe Farm. and Garden Club will meet on Mon. Of Allen F. Godin day, May 12, at 2 o'clock, at lb.e home of Mrs. Charles T. Coupl. Vacationing in Acapulco following afternoon Fisher, TIl, of '1& Lothrop road. • Is' S I' L-Lak S" Hostesses include Mrs. Fisher, nupha .In t. Pau S-on-tne- e- i10r. Mrs. William M. Walker, Jr. and II Yacht Club Reception, and Mrs. Donald A. Williams. ------Speaker for the day will be Vacationing in Acap~lco, ~ex., are the newlywe.d M.l's. Henry C. Kobring, who is Mr. and Mrs. Allen FranclS GO~lD, who e~changed thell' noted for her nature observa" marriage vows Saturday, May 3, m St. Paul s-on.the-Lake- tions in both bird and plant Shore. other sister of the bride, Mrs. life. She is particularly famil. The bride the former ~ichael Cooney, t!Je bride's ~ou- iar with.unusual plant life found S . El' b' th C . sm; Janette Godin, the bride- in the Grosse Pointe area. usan lza e ... erre, IS groom's sister, Mrs. Gordon . . f E t L the daughter of Mr. and Kerr of Norfolk Va and Mrs. WOMEN'S Commg In rom as an. MArth A C f' ,., sing to attend the meeting will • rs. ur. erre,. 0 John Youngblood. • be the Club's current scholar- Rathbo~e place. The brIde. ~e a~ndants wore nnporf:ed ship recipient who is a grad. groom IS the son of Mr. and white s~ped lawn gowns WIth uate student b1 the Department Mrs. Clifford A. Godin, of moire trlDl and covered bu~ns Short and To of Horticulture in the College Locbmoor boulevard. down. the back. They carrIed . . d N tural R cut Ii!a~s. From Another Pointe of Agncultur~ a.n a -: ..The Reverend Frank J. Mc. Best man was Albert Defev. 'The Pointe sour~es of MIchigan State Um- P,hillips officiated at t!Je 12:30 er. Michael Cerre. the bride's of View verslty. 0 clock ceremony which was brother James Godin Kenneth MRS. WILLIAM F. PISHAIr A candidate for his master's followed by a reception at the Godin ' both brother~ of the By Pepper Whitelaw EKI, of 'Ridgemont road, re- ~egree thi~ year, he ~ con. Grosse Pointe Yacht Clu.b. bride!Iroom; Robert Phillips, ~ cently attended the annual tiDu~ studym~ tow~rd ~ Ph.J;>. The bri~e wore an Emp~re James C I e a I'y and Richard meeting of the Interfr aterIJty He IS especlall,7 mte.esterl m gown of silk 0 r g an z a, WIth Colker of Siln Francisco were There was a time when art lovers would attend art and Research. and Advisory vegetable ctOps. Accompanying puHed Victorian sleeves •. and usherU;g. ' shows, walk away feeling a bit cheated, yet unable to Council, in Chicago, m. She is him will be his wife, who apppllquE'.d wit h embroidered The mother of the bride chose do anything about it, except feel disappointed. Well, the national president of Pro- shares his special interests and lace on the bodice, cuffs, and an original mauve dresl de. Dr. and Mrs. Vollard J. von Berg, of North Rosed~e fessjonal Panhellenic Associa. who has a science honors de- front of the skirt. Her lace cap signed by De Lonches. Shewore co~rt, decided it was high time individuals did some- tion, which consists of 17 wom- gree from the University Col. held a chapel length illusion a floral fall in her hair. lege of. North Wales. She is veil accented with lace flower The bridegroom's mother se- thing about that feeling. en's national profe~sional fra. ternities. Two other Pointers presently completing her mas- appliques. She carried a Vic. lected a champagne lace dress After attending a disappointing art show purported. are national presidents. They ter's degree -at Michigan state torian bouquet of. fresh spring and coat ensemble with a bead. ly representing the works of Michigan artists, most of are MRS. VIHGINIA DORIAN, University. flowers. w. mandarw. neckline. PIlote, by Paul Gacb which was Op Art, they decided they did not fairly rep- of Roosevelt pla~e, who isna- Elizabeth Cerre was her sis. After returning from tht!ir resent the talents in our state. None of the conserva- lional president of Phi Gamma St. Paul's~ri;the-Lake-Shore was the setting for MRS. BERNARD M. SFG. ter's maid of honor. Brides. wedding trip, the newlyweds tive type of art that the Vonbergs have always loved was Nu and EILEEN KELLY, of the Saturday, :M:ay S marriage of SUSAN ELIZABETH NER, of Westchester road, will maids were J~ie Cerre, an- will be home in Detroit. be installed as president of the r. represented. Neff road, who is national presi. CERRE and Mr; ..Godin. Parents of the couple are the dent of Kappa Beta Pi. Women's As5ociation to the open house on May 18, honor- BARRY E. KNOLL, JR., born So taking their cue from the Founder's Society Arthur A.Cerres, of Rathbone place, and the Clifford Goodwill Industrills of Greater ing their SOD, MARK A., who to MR. and MRS. BARRY E. Previews, they decided to present an art exhibit of their • • • A. Godins, of IAchmoor boulevard. BILL E. BROWNELL, son o~ , " Detroit in ceremonies following will graduate from Austin Prep KNOLL (Annette Mayer) of very own, with an artist that was more typical of the the annual Spring Luncheon on School cn May 25. Mark, who Maryland avenue, on March 19, art they and their friends enjoyed. DR. and .MRS. PAUL G. BROWNELL, of Berkshire road, DIANE COPTY .!lllmong the MR. and MRS. MICHAEL Wednesday, May 14. CLARA has plans to become a doctor, was chtistened on S~day,May * * * will be among the i30 Micbigan finaliSts for queen"of the 1969 DISER, of LitUestone toad, an- MEYERS of Maryland avenue, recently was notified of his 4. A party followed at the home , They decided on Howard Nordlund, lself.taught, Safety. Patrol ulembers who Military Ball at Michigan Tech- nounce the birth of a daughter, will become the organization's acceptance at GeorgetownUni. of the paternal grandparents, native Michigan artist, wh" according to Mrs. von Berg, will participate. in. the annual nological University: The win. ELIZABETH ANN, April 27. treasurer.. versity, Washington, D.C. He MR. and MRS. EDWARD' "puts his so~ into his work, painting not just a scene trip to sjtes of historillal in. n~r will be crowned at thr an. Patern8I grandparents are MR. • • • had been awarded an honorary KNOLL of M,aple Lane. Mater. but a feeling of that seene.". . . terest in the East. Tbe aU. nual ball the evening.of May 10. and MRS. RALPH DISER, of MR. ahd' MRS. William A. scholarship by the Committee na1 grandparents are th e . The von Bergs contacted Mr. Nordlund, who said expense paid tour>is offered Miss Copty;' 19,ai freshman St. Clair. Shores. Maternal PETZOLD (JANE GILHANE) on Scholarships at the univer. ALFRED J. MAYERS, JR., of. he would be delighted to display his work for. tb,em. school leaders in safety patrol majoring in electrical engineer. grandp8rents are the ARTHUR of South Oxford road, announc- sity. Neff road. acliviUes by the. Automobile mg, is sponsored by Army and G. TERHUNES, of Trombley ed the birth of a daughter, • • Then the vonBergs began ~tting the wheels in motion. Club of Michigan. Bill, who is Air Force ROTC. She is sec- ro,a d. Great.grandparents are MARGARET PATRICIA on • • • • They contacted a number of their Pointe friends 11, is Captain of thlf Safety cretary-treasurer of the Michi. the ~ERNARD KILBRIDES, APril 14. 'I1le paternal irand. ROBERT C. KO'rZ, son of MR. and ~S. EDWARD J. and enlisted their help in addressing' some 1500 invita- Patrol Boys at TrOmbly Ele- gan Tech Motorcycle Club.. Her of Anita roaq. parents are MR. and MRS. DR. and MRS. EDWARD A. KASSAB of _""naud road, were tions... Willing helpers included Mrs. ,Walter L, Van mentary School, where he is in interests include sewing, sail- • • • TEOMAS .T. PETOLD of South KOTZ of Lewiston road, has among. the ~ents. who attended Goethem, Jr.,' of Pear Tree lane, Mrs. Michael C. Burke, the fifth grade. The group ing, motorcycles, biking and MR. and MRS. BENJAMIN Deeplands; and the maternal been elected president of Delta ~,e Twtity.fir~ ~~ H:OM of Cloverly road, Mrs. Robert J. Jay, of LineOlnroad, leave... Detroit on Thursday, designing. She is 5'6" with G. CHAPMAN, III, of Fisher grandparents are MR. and MRS. Sigma Phi fraternityatMichi- onvoca.on ~ , a c • Mrs. Roger Rinke, of Woodland Shores drive, Mrs. James May 8 via Greyhound bus for brown hair and brown eyes. She road announce the birth of their WILLIAM J. GILBAJ.'iE of ga.. ,State University. lCotz, a gal!' Umverslty s Pease A~di. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Fol. is the daughter of Mrs. Julia second ~on and fourth child, Providence, R.I. . junior majoring in political torIUI14 followed by a ~eception K. Kennan, Jr., of Moran road, Mrs. Roland Rinke, of CLAYTON GRINNELL CHAP- • • • science, previously held the held at McKenny. Umon Hill. Barclay road, Mrs. WUUamUrbaneie, of IJgtnam place, lowing a full day at the Civil. D. C?pty, of S1. Clair avenue. War battlefield and in the ad- • • • MAN, in Hutzel Hospital on MR. and MRS. A. J. TOCCO offices of rush director and room. The occasion was the and 1\1rs.Keith Sbreve, of Westcbester avenue. jacent Pennsylvania D u t c h MRS. ROY M. TOLLESON, Friday, May 2. Mrs. Chapman of Lothrop road, will hold an sergeant-at.arms. (CoIltiDaed on Page 18) Still more were Mrs. James E. Fisber, of Anita Country, the youngsters went to JR., of Kenwood road, has been is the former LAUREN GRIN. ... avenue, Mrs. Frank Piku, of Woodland Shores drive, Washington, D.C., for a sight. named Detroit area chairman NELL EDG,AR. Maternal grand. Mrs. Paul Rizzo, of Warner road, Mrs. William Harrity, seeing tour. of the $8,000,000 developmellt parents are MRS. FREDERICK of Devonsbire road, Mrs. Robert Reisig, of Lakeland • • • program recently launched by W.,PARKER. JR. of Washing., MICHAEL F. IRVINE, son of Ben nett College,. Millbrook, ton road and ROBERTB. ED. court, Mrs. Ralpb Woodbury, of B~rmoor eourt, Mrs. GAR of tincoln road. Paternal Robert Borchak, of Renaud road and Mrs. Carroll Tre- the ERIC C.IRVINES, of Trom- N.Y. Objectives of the campaign bley road, recently received his are two new residence balls-; a grandparents are MR. and MRS. der, of Saddle lane. Master's degree in advertising science cehter, and six endowed c..'HARLES G•. CHAPMAN of • • • and marketing from Michigan faculty chairs. . Fisber road •. All the invitations have been sent. Everything's State UDiveIllityJ He will move ready:, to' go, a!1d Impressions by. Nordlund will be pre-: to ..Chicago, where be' ..will be sented by Dr. and Mrsd von Berg on Wednesday, May 14, associated with one of the na- and Thursday, l'411Y:J5,;~tweell fU1l1d...Q,p.'d,qcJt,iJ;I;.*he tion'. :largest advertising 8gen. >i" •• :, ,'I Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. The viewing will be preceded cies. by -a champagne reception. • • • (Continued on Page 18) , STEPHEN McNEW, son of MR. AND MRS. DONALD Me. NEW, of Oxford road, has been invited by the University of Cardiff, Wales, to participate in the archeological explora. tion of the 12th century village .Our Second Beauty Salon of West ,Whelping!on, Northum- bria, England, for eight weeks Bart Edmond Beaut) Salon is very happy with their this summer. Stephen isa jun. second location to serve you better. We have a wonder. ior at Bowling. Green Univer. full staff of hmdressers. Free parking in the l'e8r of sity, major'l11g in English his. salon. We are all new.and waiting for you. Like to make tory and geology. He is one of 30 students invited to particl. an appointment? AU you have do is sit down and give pate in this "dig" which was us a call. begun in 1958 and is sponsored by the Ministry of Public Works. • • • Bart Edmond JAN STURGES, sophomore HAIRDRESSERS at .Denison University, Gran. ville, 0., was recently tapped DOWNTOWN for membership in Pi Delta GROSSE POINT<: WOODS Phi, French language honorary 21316 MACK AVE. 45 E. ADAMS society. She is the daughter of 886-6060 WO 2-1112 MR. and MRS. W. E. STURGES, of Shorecrest circle.


" "

Kimberley's Dotted ~nit in 100% Dacron Jht shops of a//J;~~r ~alto1t~~r,~ 16822Kercheval 885-4430 Klre"'11 at St. Clair) ,GrosSI Pointe Open evenings Mon., Thurs., Fri. (tU 9 p.m. . ru,," ."" 1....."".~ 5S0 II. Woodward Birmiltlhelnt. 3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Road TU 1.1505 .. ' .. "", ." ' ~"-~' .~ . - . .~ -'- ~-., ...... ' . .. -.------

2------. " Page Sixteen G R 0 5S E POI N TEN EW S ',Thursday~May 81 :1969 r Society News GatheredJ~~,~;;,AIIof the Pointes

, ...... ;,~- , " David K. Fuger Mrs. Frederick A. Noble Park Garden Miss Steyer_ Bride To Claim Bride Club To Elect Miss Nancy ~ Hairdressers . Sp«lolizing In HaIr Coloring and Wigs 19877 MACK AVE •• 881-0161 • GROSSEPOINTE WOODS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. The Grosse Pointe Park Gar- Closed Mondays Moore, of New York City, have den Club will hold its annual Open Wed., Sot~ 8 o,m••4 P'!T!' • Tucs .•Thurs ••Frl. '111 9 Of Frederick Noble announced the engagement of meeting and elect new officers their daughter, Victoria Stuart, on Wednesday, May 14, at the ; Couple leaves for an Undisclosed Vacation Following to David .KiDg Fuger, son of Detroit Boat Club. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce G. Fuger : Candlelight Service in Grosse Pointe t Annual reports are due also. of Merriweather road. The luncheon will be at noon, WANTED WE WANT TO BUY OLD LEADED GLASS Woods Presbyterian Church' 'l'bey will be married Satur. hostessed by :Mrs. Frederick 20 old leaded glass lamps or day, August 9, at St. Thomas E. Gould. SHADES and LAMPS shades. They are usually found . Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church was the More's Church, in New York An interesting ema to be in attics and store rooms. When 'setling for the. Saturday, May 3, candlelight marriage added to the meeting and IUHeh. was the last time you looked City. in your attic? :of Lynne Dell Steyer and Frederick Alan Noble. Parents eon will be a field trip through . of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. George F. Steyer Jr., of Miss Moore Is .. gradua~ of the Belle Isle Conservatory • (AU US COLUCT the Dana Hall School, Welles. :Westchester road, and Mr. and Mrs. Grey M. Noble, of ley, Mass.; Bradford Junior Col- :Roslyn road. 1------DWIGHT HAVENS, of Robert "LILLIAN" lege, Bradford, Mass., and the John road, president of the er shade of green. They carried The Reverend Paul A. University of Michigan, where Greater Detroit Chamber of TtU! FLOOR SHOP :Winchester officiated at the May baskets with yellow spring her sorority was Collegiate Commerce,. was recenUy ap- 22a IllDbeth Like ItNcI Sorosis. She is a research tech. :6:30 o'clock ~ ere m 0 n y flowers. pointed as coo(:hairman of the 313.682-4421 '\\'hich was followed by a re- Best man was Robert L. nician at New York Hospital, Laoor and Business Board of . Ponfl11~. M1ct11!11ft4ftn ceplion at the Pompeiian Cavalieri. Ushers were W~ Cornell U~versit}'. Miss Moore's Michigan Week 1969. :Room of the W hit tie r Brown Jr., James M. ShirilJa. father .is vice. president of .Hotel' Roger Steyer, the bride's broth. marketing and public affairs : -. er; Glenn Wendela, J. Russell for the General Electrie Com. 'l'be bnde chose an Empire MacMullen, of Green Bay, Wis., pany. .gown of. ivory orga~ oyer taf. and Kenneth M. Czubay. Jetta, Wlth a wedding nng col. .. Mr. Fuger Is a graduate of '8he Complete lines of .Jar, a bodice of pearled Alencon For .he~ daughter's wedding, the Gow Sehool, South Wales, lace and a .ietachable train. Her the bnde s mother selected a N.Y., .md is preaently a stu. illusion veil was secured by • chiffon and silk coat and dress dent at the University of De- .cluster of pearled Alencon lace. ensemble of. multi shades of troit. He served three years in , . 'She carried a small nosegay of blue and yellow f)or~ print, the Army. His father is man- I ager of national accounts for Sahari A .Lily-of.the-Valley and w hit e and pale blue accessories. She , 'sweetheart roses. .wore blue flowers in her hair. the Wyandotte Chemieal Cor- poration. o Kathleen War n e r was the The bridegroom's, mot her :bride', bonor attendant. Brides. chose a light pink silk shan. maids were Maureen Ryan, of tung Empire dress and jacket Club To Install QUBttro, :Fremont; Sandra Bayer, of st. ensemble, and matching pink , P/1,to bY J. S. DeF~t 'Louis, Mo., and Sheryl Noble, accessories. She wore a corsage New Officers Exchanging marriage vows Saturday evening, May :the bridegroom's sister. of pink and white sweetheart 8 in Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church were are now on : Bridesmaids wore 8 p pie ros!!s. .. The Grosse Pointe Yacht -Club LYNNE DELL STEYER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs • .green dresses with linen skirts After an undisclosed wedding will be the letting, for the in- George F. Steyer Jr., of Westchester road, and Mr. 'and ehiHon bodices and sleeves. trip the newlywed! will make stallation luncheon of the Wel- .The maid of honor wore'a dark. their home in Ann Arbor. come Wagon Club of Grosse Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grey M.l'i9b1e, of Roslyn Pointe and Harper Woods, next road. ;; . Thursday, May 15, ,at 12 o'clock. Mrs. John Heamoil, president, .Gross-Peebles 'rows Spoken if3 Original, will turn her gavel over to in- MINIATURE OIL coming-president; .:Mrs. Richard 'In a candlelight ceremony on Susan Shafer, of Findlay. 0., Smith of Trombley road. other Friday May 2 in the Grosse served as maid-of.hoDllr. Brides- j ~ ) in :~~:I~:S_ officers include first vIce-presi. Pointe' Unitariail Church, Jane maids included Mrs. Rodger dent Mrs •• Georg~ Cameron, Ellen Peebles, daughter of Mr. Piehl, of Ann Arbor and Sharon Originally $J7 to $26 '. ~ /. do", by 1"01 ort... see 0 n d VIce-president, Mrs. and Mrs. Russell H. 1 eebles, Hoy, of Dearborn. Thomas Malloy, secretary,:Mrs. of Bedford road became the H. J. Morales, ~and treasurer bride of Ronald Howard Gross Charles Goodrich, of Hunting. While . c' • jJ $40:"" 'P 01'..". Mrs. Jerome Shulec. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M: ton, Va., served as best man. Pricod at , "I.. ------Gross, of Tewksbury, Mass. Ushers were Thomas Peebles, They t/iJ. • THOMAS 1. MERTZ, son of brothel' of the bride, and Mark MR. AND MRS. RICHARD C. The Reverend Dr. Harry C. 8ehalte of Dearborn Heights. Last MERTZ, of Hampton road, was Mesfirve. officiated at the 8 awarded his letter in swimming o'clock ceremony,' which was The newlyweds, both recent at the. University of Michigan \followed by a recepthlD in the graduates of the University of Michigan, plan a vacation in at a recent ceremony there. church gallel1' the Great Smoky Mountains. All sales final Upon ~eir return. they will If it's from Wright Kay, It's Dlstinctlve. make tlieir bome in Ann Arbor. SHOE SALON ., OF . . CANDY VANDENBERGHE, daughter of MR. AND. MRS. JULIAN VANDENBERGHE, of Notre Dame avenue and a jun- .W"itolt;rtt ..,i ior at Albion College, was Ke~che"al at St. Clair. Grosse Pointe among the five students recently initiated in Alpha' Omicron, The Salon that gives yo:£service with quality in the fit Home Economics Honorary So. ciety.

SILVERPLATED PIE pLATE HOLDE~ .~ For Mother on her day, May 11, or. fq,r a lovely wedding gift, this is an exciting ~e- lection. H and sam e, footed, beautifully pierced pattern, silverplated pie holder ,jA~- Now at with 10" pyrex plate insert. 12.00. Peter Mprri's Phone 885-5515 SALE! qo2clen Salon D'Elegance Wight Kay SUMMER -SPORTSWEAR 20902 Mack 1500 Woodwcrd, i7051 Kercheval in Gra5S8 Pointe, Northland and Birmingham. Grosse Pointe 0l'en Thurs. an( Fri. eves 'IiI 8:30 13l.l:i:t21"f1t TU 6-6530 Hundreds and Hundreds of Current Summer Fashions now at Greatly Reduced Prices SCRIPTS 'CULOTTES - SKOOTERS SKIRTS $lOR~I'$18 699 1199 PANTS-WAll SHORTS t. Dear Pat;

I ;>a5!>edthot dear, little church on Madison Ave., 50 99 just 05 a Dresden like bride ond gloom w*,re be- 3 3 t.8 SHIRTS and TOPS ing flowcr-petaled aboard a hOr5e-drawn coach iollowing the nuptials. She smiled demurely. He Ree. $5 to $15 in nylon, COlton and polyester blends • beamed broadly. I crjed loudly_ I'm a triple A 3 sleeveless, mort and long sleeve. 510b about these things. (Yesterday I shed a tear l- ot the bo",ling alley opening.) I immedIately en- visioned the pre-wedding festivitics - the guests deciding on the ab50lutely different something V) for the young couple. I do hope there was a T,O.E. handy for 5clecti00'l5. We do have some DRESSES, SHIFTS, PANT DRESSES nifty gifties for the "Oh Promise Me" set, Must dash - Laundram'lt on Second Ave. debuting 99 99 tonight. Ma5Ca,a already running. 9 t.19 o Best Love, 63 Kercheval in the Colonial Federal Building a.. Jo • Grosse poInte farms. michigan 48236 WINDBREAKER JACKEl REG. $5 TO $16

Kercheval on the Hill, Crosse Pointe Farms

886.3781 , ( , Thursday, May 8, 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seyenteen

Woman's Page • ' .• by, of and for Pointe Women MICHAEL J. MURRAY, son Library Friends I Liggett .School Fetes Founders of MR. and MRS. JACK MUR. Mrs. Charles M. Clute RAY, of Balfour road. 'will re- Fink-Clute Vows Dinner Tuesday Each year on the first Friday S. Tuttle, secretary; Mrs. Fred. ceive his BA degree from Mich • in May, the Liggett School erick F. Fordon, treasurer. New igan State University, Sunday, I c'.!lebrates Founders' Day, one Board members are Mrs. Paul May 8. Michael is graduating Donald Hall will be the fea'i I of the oldest and fondest tradi. F. Jerome, Mrs. Robert J. tured, speaker at the Friends magda cum laude. He will Join .Exchanged May 3 Ilions of its 91.year history. It Marantic, Mrs. R. Cabell Mor. the Publi," Relations division of of the Grosse Pointe Public marks the birthdays of Miss, ris, Mrs. Gordon B. Riggs, Mrs. Library annual dinner meeting Ford Motor Company upon his I I EUa and Miss Jeannette Lig. ':;igurd R. Wendin. graduation. Trip to Pompano Beach, Fla., Followed Morning Nup. to be held on Tuesday, May 13. gett. The occasion is shared at 7:30 o'clock, in the Fries equally by students and alum. tials in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church Auditorium of the Grosse Pointe nae combining the ceremonious A sitdown luncheon at the Georgian Inn with music War Memorial. crowning of the May Queen' and furnished, by Mike Quatro and Quartet followed the Mr. Hall, who i~ Associate the annual luncheon meeting ol CAMP TOSEBO Saturday, May 3 wedding of Lynda Anna Fink and Pr~fess~r of ~n~hsh ~t the Liggett alumnae. Manistee, Mich. 70 Boys, '.1S Charles M. Clute) Parents of the couple are Mr and Mrs Umverslty of Mlchlga~: IS well At this year's ceremony Vernon R F' k f EtA NY', . known as a poet, CrItic, short Openings for second session July 27 to August " . m, 0 as urora,..., formerly of Pe'!!- I story writer, and playwright. flower girls, Amy Bodman and berton road, and Mr. and Mrs. Mmton M. Clute, of WhIt- He is also much in demand as Lee Ford scattered rose petals Tosebo offers boys a sununer of fun and learning. Enjoy comb road.

78 Kercheval on the Hill Grosse Pointe

the.original Thumler'~ Tumbler rock

polisher for hobbyists. a professional

unit that polishes rocks to a gem.like

finish. Precision made, simply engineered

powerful continuous duty motor,

Completely assembled. Instructions Sw"!et Gift Suggestion for Mother's Day inc!uded. 6-lb. capacity, two can RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES barreis.22.00 12.lb. capacity, Remember Mom with a gift she is sure to enjoy ... delectable chocolates and molded rubber barrel. 35.00 delicious home fashioned candies by Russell Stover, famous everywhere for quality and freshness Mr. Richard Fisch, experienced Shown: Assorted chocolates including creams, in the fun and satisfactions nuts, crisp and chewy centers. of polishing your own rock 1 lb., $1.85 2 lbs.,$3,60 collection, will be in our Toy department on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 8, 9, 10 to demonstrate the easy operation of our Thumler's Tumblers.

Thursday and Friday 6:30 p,m, to 9 p.m, Saturday 1 p.m. 'til 5 :30 p.m, Jacobsons Home Decorative Shop Jacob SoIlS In the Village . --,.+ '-~ .. ,'-.,. -, ' •. " .. ' _, .._"" _ .,01&.'" _' .' ... • ... ~...... ' ~, ' .. , .. ' .. .'.: '., • '.' --':'," ,~~. '... ' .. , > .....

Thumlay, May 8. 1969 <; R os 5 E POINTE NEWS Society News'Gathered.from All of the Pointes

ertGibson bave been cbosen St. PaulEv. Women Busy to' represent the congregation Bride-Elect at the annual me~ting of the Mary G. Petz Wed From Another Pointe of View The Women of the Church of I Members of tbe church and Mlchigan Di~trictat Western St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church, their friends are invited. to MichlganUniversit)., Kalama. CbalIonte and LothrllP; will enroll in a golf league which zoo, May 11 to 14. Vicar Thom- (Continued from Page 15) present a Family Night pro. will play each Friday evening li:SAnderson and Pastor Charles To Dennis Aubert Here's To More Qualified Women In Public OHice gram tomorrow evening, May 9, at Oakridge Golf Course, Route Sandrock will also attend. For those of. us who have always thought that there at 6:30. Featured on the pro. 94 and 26 Mile road, from May Bride We~rs Mother's Wedding Gown For Evening should be more quaUfied women in public offiees, it gram will be Irene Burns and 9 to August 22. The tee-off time her bird act "The World's Fun- will be 5:30. was delightful to hear from Naney LaTouf, president Nuptials in Our lady Star of the Sea Church niest Feathered Hams." of the Inter.Group Councll F'or Women As Public Policy Memhers of the committee Pharmacy Wearing her mother's ivory wedding gpwn of im. Makers, laSt week.: Mrs. Arlene Nagel, 1748 Sev- are Lawson Potter, chairman; p0!ied ~talian l~ce and Venetian satin, a. matching ivory Nailcytold us that the aims and purposes of the ern is chairman assisted hy Steve Kapilla, Harold R. Matz, Topics Ellen Dern and Ruth Ritscher. veil, and carrymg a bouquet of gardenIa's, stephanotis Organization,. which is made up of delegates, both men members of the Mary Circle. A light dessert will be served. Elmer Herschelman and Rob. Sun worshipers who are on and ivy, Mary G. Petz he came the bride of Dennis M. and women, fl'om clubs around the Metropolitan Detroit medication must take care. Aubert Friday, May 2 in Our Lady Star of the Sea area, is to educate men Ind women t~ the need of hav. Side reactions include severe, Church. ~,>------I ing qualified women in public offices. To place women painful sunburn,.or an' i~CbY Parents of the couple are Iand James Aubert, the bride- in policy.making positions in government and in public eczema. Photosensitivity may groom's brother. ! agencies and to empbasze high standards for both men please note these dates ••• be created by some diuretics, ant i bactel-ials •. antibiotics, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Petz, '"h1 e bTl'de's mother seIected I and women in gOvernment pusitions with real regard to tranquilizers, coal tar deriva. of Ballantyne court, and Mr. a lime green dress, a mat.ching their ability, training, experience, and attitudes. ("Musts" MONDAY EVENING, May 12 al 7:30 p.m. and Mrs. Joseph Aubert, of pill bo.x hat, and mll;tching ac. tives, antiseptics, SUllScreen. in order to give good public service). ing or hypoglycemic agents, Holland Mich. The bride is IceSSOfles. The brIdegroom's The organization is planning an open luncheon mee.t. and antihistamines. Check , m'Jther wore an aqua coat and TUESDAY EVENING, May 13 at 1:30 p.m. also the granddaughter of dress ensemble with matching ing on Saturday, May 10, at The Hotel St. Regis, Provo with your doctor or your Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Morley, accessories. Both mothers wore Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bel- encal Room, West Grand boulevard at Cass, at 12 o'clock. in our GALLERIES pharmacist. anger, of Audubon road, an- Tickets are $5. Those attending will hear Irene Kamp- • • • founders of the Madey corsages of cymbidium orchids. Otologists (ear specialists) I\ounce the engagement of their den, noted author and journalist, speak on "Due To Candy Company. The newlyweds are now vaca- bav2 discoverde actual deaf- tioning in Florida, c1aughter, MARGIE ANN, to Lack Of Interest Tomorrow Has Been Cancelled}' Res- ness resulting from the rock The Reverend Father Ralph Gregory Jon Hall, son of Mrs. ervations may be made, by sending your check, payable Public AOCTI'ON 'n' roll sounds issuing from V. Barnn officiated at the 6:30 Clem Hall and. tht late Mr. to the Inter-Group Council, to Dr. Florence Williamson, eelctrical amplifiers! Ordi- ceremony which was followed Hall, of ~rys drIVe. . 3511 W. Jefferson, Detroit, Mich., 48218, or by calliJlg of the furnishings and the ar' nary conversation is about 60 by a reception at the Revere The brlde.elect and her fiance 259.2570 or TAshm90 6.lCJO. properties remowed from a~ decibels; a jet plane a hun. HaIl; bo~h gr~duated from Grosse Pointers planning' to attend are~-RObert Kales dred feet away is 140; rock Pmnte High School. . ~~. , . ' Maid of honor was Donna J. A late June wed din g is of Cloverly road, Mrs. Aaron E. Wile , :0£ Lorame ave. importan' GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN 'n' roll is about '125. Peu, sis~r of the bride. Brides- planned. nue, and past.president of Inter-G 'p Council, Mrs. . residence on C1overl, Rood • •• maids were Susan L. Petz, Jan. Whereas normal heart beat . Zaio Woodford Schroder, of Bishop road. ' is between '10.85 per minute, ice Petz, Julie J. Petz, all sis. Three Pointers are among the A Spring Offering from Carolyn. ,Hubbard Lucas . /lI A. SALE OF WORTHWHILE MERIT researchers have learned that ters of the bride, and JoAnn Concert P r el u d e Committee F T PER III Aubert, the bridegroom's sister. driving during rush hour in members who will be attending . ~JN . FUME. a metropolitan city can in. a reception and dinner prelude The da1.SY'IS a favcmte flower A partial listing of the hitlhly c1esiroble Items follows: The attendants wore orcbiid crease it to 140. followed by a free concert by Of gentle ,maids in love - . BALDWINProvincial spinet PIANO; Carved French \Juri dining * • • chiffon Empire gowns, trimmed the Military Airlift Command For it can tell at any hour table; Set of 6 French cane chairs in walnut; CURIO TABLE; with orchid lace at the neck French Provincial; serving table; SHERATON.Grandlatper's Since 1900, average lHe ex. Band in Ford Auditorium, May What swains are thinking of. chlme clock; Victorian. tufted ladles chair and side chairs; and waist. They wore picture LEADED grape design chandelier; Antique Louis XV serpenllne pectancy has increased al- 13. They include. co.chairman, Its brimmed hats and carried white first frail petal says "He loves"- cbest; Italian CARVED cabinet: BRASS BED; French beveled most as much as during the daisies in baskets, which were MRS. VICTOR WERTZ, of Its second "He loves not" I . cbeval dressll1J\mlrror: Heritage bow-front cbest. entire previous 2,000 years. Moross road, MRS. JACK A. Its ORIEN'l'AL. RUGS: 9x12 mauve CHINESE; 9xlZ c1nnamon trimmed in lavander. third "He cares all else agove" CHINESE;Blue CHINES!!runner and many more, Better diet, improved medi. TOM P KIN S, of Tonnacour Its fourth "He has forgot." ROSE QUARTZlamp: Antique French table lamp; Antique Coro cal care, and nuwly' discov- Lawrence Aubert served his place, and MRS. OSCAR . d' hid el! Mandel Screen; ..pair IMARI vases; Large Cloisonne jardlnler: ered drugs have contributed. brother as best man. Ushers OLSON, of Renaud road. The !t at ~ts poor ts ,~ve e en Elephant porcellWle stand. event highlights the 20th An. He loves ~e not .forsooth,. PAINTINGS: 18th cent. French Garden scene P MALFATTI; • • • were Donald Ireland, Lawrence Arabian Market Place, DOUGLASARTHUR TEED; Frencb Sot. Children can be immunized Busch, both of Roseville, James nual Armed Forces Week in De. The flower 'IS a fatr false fr2end diers, A.C.GOWB.A,: Pastoral scene Wm. HART. , ag8inst measles. As a result, troit, May i2 through 18. Who cannot tell the truth. Cut glass vases, bowls, cilshes; Decanter sets: QUEZAL irides- L. Petz, the bride's brother, MIlS. DENNIS M. AUBEK'f cent shades: Venetian goble15; 60 pC. crystal atemware set. this disease has come down in the past two years to Further Information, Telephone WO 3-6255 1/1Oth its former incidence. Short and to the Po'inte Attendant Parking on Both Evenings Nevertheless, seven million Bring the Family I unvaccinated infants and children remain susceptible. for Dinner on (ContiDuecl from Page 15) OL KOLLETH, who was killed • • • honoring of students who made in an automobile. motorcycle DuMoocheileART GALLERIESCO•. For modern service with old. the Dean's. List, to which their accident last fall. The Lannens, fashioned courtesy, b r i n g Mother's Day daughter, CAROL LEE, was in. who were friends of Miss Kol- 409 East JeHerson An. - Detroit, Michigan yow: prescriptions to cluded. ,TheKassab~ also reo leth's parents, the JOHN A. 1 Vi Blocks East of City.County Bidt. 2 BlockJ Wett May 11th ceived word that their son, KOLLETHS, JR., of Canterbur.y of Chrysler Expre_ay (1.75) ,.",,_!I APothecary."'.'" GREGORY E., hasbeeli tapped road, bad the painting commis- Lawrence F. DuMouchelle Ernest J.DuMolICltelle Jc.'ILL Sho • ~, for membership in" the Sigma sioned by W. Woodward, De- Auctioneeq and Appraiseq ~ , ". ".' Alpha Epsilon fraternity at troit artist. It bI entiUed "The 1~I.KERCHEVAL AVE•• 'On the Hill' Western Michigan University. Sou.n,dof Music" and will bang TU.I-5688 • • • in the formal lolinge in the resi. A midweek cruise to Nassau dence hall where Miss Koneth aboard the Norwegian cruise lived while she attended Ferris. ship MIS Sunward Was part of Accepting the painting on be. I recent vacation'for MR. and' halfi of'tbe" dormitory 'residents Je;j{jl'tJilt;on~"fo,.&rvia!' 'lJillage MRS. EDWARD KASSAB and was Sue. Miklaszewski, Grand TOMMY of Renaud road. They Rapids, president of the resi- NO "PltESckIPTtON"" .)(QJ.IOr spent three days in Nassau be- deuce hall. WILLIAMSBURG ROOM 685 S'taAIR. tween their cruise from Miami * *'. is too difficult at Meyer! 12 noon-2 p.m.-4 p.m.-6 p.m. GROSSE P01N1!: and back across the Gulf LOUIS PALOMBIT, son of MICHIGAN Stream. MR. and MRS. LOUIS P ALOM- ST. CLAIR ROOM TU.2.1110 • • • BIT, of Webber place, has been We are a prescription pharmacy and filling prescrip- MR. and MRS. ROB E R T awarded an honorary scholar. tions and dispensing professional service is our prim- p.m.-3 p.m.-5 p.m.-7 p.m. LANNEN of Broadstone road, ship to Georgetown University. ary concern, No prescription. is too difficult. We main- presented a painting to Clark He will receive his Phi Beta tain over 20,000 items in stock so that our patrons TUxedo 2-1110 Residence Hall at Ferris State Kappa certificate at the Honors can always be sure of Qbtaining the newest of medi~ College as a memorial to CAR- Convocation of the Detroit Me. cine as well as the old standbys, Where you have your tropolitan area at Ford Audi. prescription filled, does make a difference. Choose torium. Louis is a senior at Uni. versity of Detroit High School. your pharmacist as you would your doctor. Deeplands Club Meets Monday EYER ~ The Deeplands Garden Club will meet in the Shelden -road PHARMACIES home of Mrs. William H. Hos- j bein, on Monday, May 12, at ':,., : 12 o'clock. 19786 Mack (TU 1.1385) ; 1636J Mack (TU 2-1040) New ideas for spring gardens Ask .•• out our senior citizerrs discount plarr. I will be discussed.


our "look around" sunglasses capture

II rlttle brightness from the sun hang Ii flower pot on porch

in assorted cc!orful optical lenses or patio ... or brighten a kitchen framed to pay great compliments to window with its colorful the shape of your face. 10.00 charm. From a collection: A. '1..ook down" for the long face. A. Avocado metal candle with B. '1..ook in" for the round shape. , white plastic daisies. C. "loole up" for the square shape.

D. "1.ook out" for the 10119 shape. Wall bracket, glass CLIp with lO-hr. candle included. 4"xll" high. 7,00

B. Red plastic geraniums in red clay pot

with brass triple chain. 6"x 12" high. 6,00 Jacobsorrs Home Decorative Shop ThIiMIY, Mey 8. 1969 G R 0 SSE POI N TEN e-W S Plge Ninet.... Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women JOHN A. ,KENDALL, son of I Parents' Weekend, at Hillsdale MR. and MRS. JOHN B. KEN", College. He W8S selected for the .Mrs. Anthony Stocki DALL, of Balla~tyne road, was honor by facult~' vat e after Regina' Chojnowski Wed .To Mr. 5tocki named outstandmg man during nomination by the ~tudent body. Guests were seated by Thomas IDamascus during her last Eu. Newlyweds to Make Home in Warren Upon Their Stocki, another brother, Gary rope an trip. The bridegroom'. First Customer at New Grosse Pointe Salon Return from Bermuda Vacationj Lace Appliques Shafranski, of Memphis, Mich., mother selected a green A line and Seed Pearls Accent Bride's Gown Brian Evans, Mike Matuszak ensemble. Both mothers chO£6 Clnd Carl Jaworski. corsages of yellow roses. Exchanging rp.arriage vows Friday, May 2, were The bride's mother wore a For traveling to Bermuda, the Regina Chojnowski, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph bead-trimmed sheath of mystic bride selected an ecru knit suit Chojnowski, of Hollywood avenue, and AnthOny Stocki, blue silk brocade, bought in with orchid accessories. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Stocki, of Emmett, Mich. A reception and dinner at the VFW Hall in Nine streamers. Mile road, st. Clair Shores, Bridesmaids, in similar frocks floor sODlpl@sol@! followed the 6 o'clock rites featuring lace-trimmed yellow chilion trains, were Mrs. Carl in 81. Joan of Arc Church, Jaworski, another sister of the • SOFAS at which Father Harry S. bride, Carol Stocki, the bride- 1/ OFF • LOVE SEATS Benjamin presided. groom's sister, Barbara Mi. 3 The newlyweds, vacationing cheles, Marilyn Wayne, the Ask Abc ...' Ollr • CHAIRS ProgrelS;ye Sovings Pion in Bermuda, will return to bride's cousin, and Adele Stocki. • SWIVEL ROCKER mlfke their home in Warren. White and yellow ribbon Country House • CHERRY DINING The bride's long.sleeved cage ROOM dress of silk marquisette was streamers accented their yellow Furniture sn ac(,:ented with lace appliques daiSy-filled baskets. 14922 KERCHEVAL Plus ManY' Other (M" Aller Rd.) Suing. and seed pearls. She wore a Acting as his brother's best Phone 121.1166 ~ Open t. t Cathedral length silk illusion man was Raymond. Stocki veil and carried a cascade of wbite roses and ivy. Open Thlolnday and Friday Evenirlp E 1a in e Chojnowski, who served . as her llister's honor attendant, wore a floor length frock of yellow marquisette trimmed with white lace defiil- ing ber Empire waistline and lace bands tlccented her long, sheer sleeves. She carried a basket of yellow and white daisies with Yl'llow and white Photo by Co~wood Studio plan on pietfier Mils with Bart Edmond's first custouer at his newest Grosse Married to Mr. Stocki, son of the John Stockis, of ELLEN JUSTICE, daughter Pointe Woods Salon, 21316 Mack Ave., was Mrs. R. Emmett, Mich., at a Friday evening, May 2,ceremony of MR. and MRS. CLINTON Alexander Wrigley. It r p. nail conditioner br in Joan of Arc Church was REGINA CHOJNOW. JUSTICE, of Shoreham road, a r St. sophomore at Hillsdale College, Mrs•. Wrigley says:. "It is necessary.for me t~ have SKI, daughter of the Joseph Chojnowskis, of Holly- .a hall' style that will take me.. from a board meeting was inducted into Epsilon Delta Baistey •• .easy. dai¥ to a ball, with a minimum of time in the Salon. Bart wood avenue. Alpha honorarysocieo/. Edmond has always acromplished this for me suc- -~--- cessfully. He has made my hair one of my smallest application adds natural problems for the past 15 years. 1 am very pleased Church Ladies Meet Monday ..nth his Grosse Pointe location." ------,-\ j proteiA 10 stIeAgthen Ronald Kates, style director and a creative staff of The biennial evening meeting held at 8 o'clock Monday, May 'TO hairdressers to serve you better. of the Episcopal Churchwomen 12. It will begin with choral of St. Michael's Church, will be Evensong by the adUlt cboir, yotJr naIs. anows 1hem under the direction of Philip LaRowe. MOTHER to grow' long and IcHely ,GIVE YOUR DOG A VACATION IN THE COUNTRY Following the service in the church, 'members will adjourn widloUt d:IippiRg. peeing AT THE KERRY BANTS KENNEL to the parish house, where fol. WITH lowing a brief business meeting, or spitting. Wia "Whatever the season or the reason" Mrs; James F. Davis will turn over her gavel to Mrs. Edward LOVE O~ FEATURES: OWNER-OPERATED KENNEL Knoll, who will be president of appIicatof bnsstl. Heated Kennels .- Good Food, Air, Exercise and Attention the organization for the next Separate Indoor Quarters With access to Private Cement Runs two years. one-baI L oz. J 3.00 Pick-up and Delivery in G,:,osse Pointe area Monday throl'.gh Friday RoundTrip $2.00 Service Charge The program speaker for the RATES: $2.50 PER DAY evening will be Jane Towater, " ... " program coordinator for thf! OUR LOC~TlON: Metropolitan Detroit Y.W.C.A, '12120 DEQUINDRE ROAD, ROMEO, MICHIGAN Call the Kennel for reservations - 1-752-3686 Miss Towater Is a graduate of Lambuth College, and has . Your dog will be gJadyou did., •• done advanced work at bDth the 19849 MACK AVE. University of North Carolina. 884.6615 ALSO REMEMBER KERRY DANTS KENNEL FOR PUPPIES and Memphis State University. ENGLISH COCKERS.-: KERRY BLUE TERRIERS ::...,WHIPPETS ,Sbe~haSo,receivedtrainiDg, allKh OPEN 'THURSDAY at Michigan State. University, EVENINGS Eastern Michigan, United States Military Academy, the Office of Economic Opportunity, and at national and regional con- ~ 14InLHo. AtJuLTJr& WotltL! ferences, courses and seminars. . . ' Open Thunda, and Friday Eveninp Her current job experience was preceded by service with the GRAND OPENING U.S. Department of Labor, the Girl Scouts of (he U.S.A., the SALE Department of Parks and Rec- Fille Seledion of New GIKI Used Rugs SuOsIamioity reation, and as a secondary Reduced Kermans, Kazvins, SGrOl/b, Dergazines, . school teacher and a college Halrt

washable. quick-drying

voile for casual shaping. A. Deep-plunge nylonllycraa spandex.32.36 A, 8. 7,60 B. Cotton/nvton/lycrae voile, 32.38 B, C, 4.00 32-38 0, 6,00 C. Underwire lace bra of nylon/polyester/lyera.

ClUfor ' 32.38 B, C. 6.60 reselVlliona 32.40 0, 7.60 965-2600 SUNDAY,MAY 1" 19B9 AMI'LE PARKING NEARBY

Keep your furs safe and comfortable through the summer months. Bring them to the FurSalon at your nearest Hudson's store.* We'll give them the kindest care in our cool, clean vaults. Whell you're ready to show them off again-you can pick them up at the s~me convenient spot. .you may leave your furs for storlge, cleaning and replirs in the Fur Salon It Hudson'. Northlllnd, Ellstiand, Westlllnd, Pontile, Oa:

"I Pege Twenty' GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, M.y " 1969 Woman's Page • • • by, of and.for Pointe Women George Derr, Mrs. Walter Dro- Ryan-Neuchke Boat Club Plans Busy Weekend let, Mrs. Arthur En.gstr:om, Mrs. Mrs. Russell W. Knowles, III James Gibbs, Mrs. ~Henry 'Gild- Christina Anderson Troth Revealed Mother's Day will be stretched room. ThrJ£t-mlnded gardeners ner,' Jr.,' Mrs. Donald Henkel. out over the weekend at the may buy them by the flat after man, Mrs. Robert HOdge, Mrs. the party, Mrs. MiUer promises. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B: Ryan, Detroit Boat Club. Robert Kennedy and Mrs. ,Ste. Marries Mr. Knowles of BloolJ'.1icld Hills. announce On Saturday, May 10,. the A mountain of prizes - for ven Whittlesey. , the engagement of their daugh. club's Women's Committee will the oldest mother, ~the mother Carrying out one _of Mrs. J. Couple Will Be At Home in Grosse Pointe Following ter, Maureen Jeanne, to George stage I! "Boutique 'n Blossom" with the youngest daughter and, Ross Bush's innovations, there A. Netschke, III, son' of. Mr. and I luncheon and fashion show for the like-will be dispensed by will be a Friendsl:lip Table for Wedding ,Trip to Spread Eagle, Wis, Mrs. George A. Netschke, of mothers and daughters of all the committee, which in~ludes guests who plan to attend the Harcourt rOjld. . ages. Sunday, ma;king the offi. Mrs. Cham~ion, Mrs. David party alone. After all, as oce In an afterll:0ol) ceremony on Saturday, April 26 The bride.elect was graduated cial celebration, the club will be Courtney, Mrs. Harold D~l'is, mother pOinted out, some fami. at the Grosse Pomte .fdemorial Church Christina Irene from Marymount College, Ar- jammed again, with families Mrs. Eugene Dawber, Mrs. lies have only SONS; Anderson became the bride of Russell Windsor Knowles lington, Va. dining out to give mother a III. Her fiance was graduated reprieve from the kitchen. The bride is the daugh. ers, and she carried a bouquet from the University of Detroit, Mrs. William H. Miller, chair. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin of stephanotis and ivy. \\ 'Jere he affiliated with Pi man of Saturday's fete, has The Sigma Epsilon. done some talent scouting R. And e r son, of South Mrs. Kim Cook Anderson was An October 10 wedding in Deeplands road and Spread matron of honor. Maid of honor throughout the club roster and Holy Name Church, Birming- has come up with a member of Moth Hole, Eagle, Wis. The bride. was :l\lichele ~ood Fisher. Mrs. ham, is planned. I the Women's Committee, Mrs. groom's parents are Mr. S~ven ~ u r tIS Pruette was Roger K. Bailey, as pianist for and Mrs. R u sse II W bndesmald. They \~ore g~wns Needle' Po,inl graduates from Grosse Pointe I the style show. Knowles II, of University ~~:~:~oew :~~an:a c:U~na f:~:~~High School. The bride at- Boa t Clubbers, adult-sized,I' ORICINAL DESIGNS place. and a crown of ivy on their tended Miami Dade Junior Col. and mini.sized~ will do the lege. I modeling for Kay Baum's array CONTEMPORARY and TRADITIONAL The Reverend Ben L. TaU. Iheads. After a wedding trip to I ) man officiated at the 3 o'clock Gary W. Haberkorn was best of summertime fashions. They Spread Eagle, Wis. the couple I include Mrs. Earl G. Meyer, CUSTOM DESIGNING service which was folklwed by nian. Ushers were Jere Jay will be at home in G r 0 sse a recept.ion at the Grosse Pointe Hodges and Jeff C. Jones. Sue Henkelman, Leslie Dawber, Pointe. I Yacht Club. The bride's mother wore a Mary Ann Miller, Mrs. William Upstairs, at 81 Kercheval- oil the Hill J. Champion, Sue Champion, The bride wore aD Empire A. beige and white dress and coat TU 5-3770 HOUri 10-4 line gown of silk' organza, with ensemble. The mother of the Mrs. Andrew R. Basile, Holly Gorman, Lynn Engstrom, Mary a scalloped embroidered peau bridegroom \Yore a turquoise Doetsch, Mrs. Don, W. Miller d'ange lace neckline., bodice costume suit. Both mothers had and wrists. Hel' illusion veil fel! orchids pinned to their purses. . and Trudy Miller. from a headpiece of lafe flow- Both of the newlyweds were The only import for the day ------____ c will be Marji KUDZ, fashion columnist for the Detroit Fr~, Press, who has promised to be on hand with her breezy com: ments. -. , . .- . Pboeo;,)ly"BraDlby,Studla ~, . Speaking their vows Saturday, April 26 in Grosse Red' and pink geraniums have Pointe Memorial Church were CHRISTINE IRENE been ordered to light up the ANDERSON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs .. Marvin R. An- luncheon tables and wrought. derson, of South Deeplands road and Spread Eagle, iron flower carts in the ball- Wis., and Mr; Knowles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell 1 'beac.h-nl:l~.s' W. Knowles II, of University place. Ian road, on Thursday, May 22 at 9:30 o'clock. 7d B. hd P The Contemporary Literature AA UW To H O~I trt ~ay arty group will hold a pot-luck sup. . ------,.- <.- per and book sampling pro~ram The Grosse Pointe Branch of Folk Music members who will ,at the home of Mrs .. Robert the American Association of meet at the horne of Mrs. H. E. Snyder, 1361 Balfour road, at University Women will celebrate ,Mistele, 15500 Windmill Pointe 6:30 o'clock on Tuesd'lY, May its silver anniversary at a drive on Monday, May 12, at 1 21. Co-hostesses will be Mrs. Culotte Turtle luncheon meeting neXt Thurs- o'clock. Mrs. Thomas Arndt, 408 Albert Taylor, Mrs. E.Daw~n Pant Dress GERMAN STEIN FINDS' A WAY -TO DEARBORN Af~: and Mrs.,' 'Fr~erick day, May 15, at 12:30 o'clock Fisher road, will be hostess to Fisher, and Mrs. Edward Trow- Radtke{ of Lochmoorb9ulevard, at.the War Memorial Center. the Samplers on Wednesday, bridge. . Blue Stripe with FOR ROTARY'S ANTIQUE SHOW-SALE. have' . anitounce'd the. engage- A special, 25th birthday pro.. May 14. at 7:45 o'clock.. ------p . Red Turtle ment Ilf their daughter, PATRI. gi:amtwti~ be, Pfrese~ted b ruweY -. The grobuPstudY~h thedgrow~ LADIES! HDIA..vMEOYNODSUR .Melanie Lewis studies the inscriptio~ \In a signed CIA KATHRYN, to Norman D. resen aves 0 varIous AA . mg gap e weent rlc an poor ... MetUach 6-liter stein from',the 1890's. shown by Carriage Plumstead, son of Mr. and M's. creative study groups. Included nations for the past tWo years CHECKED IY 4-6X-$5.50 House Antiques of Rochester, N.Y., in the Dearborn Rotarv Clar~ ,Plu1,l1st~ad, of., J;Jerkley, will be origin81 works by the will meet at the home of Mrs. AN EXPlRT 7-12-$7.00 Antique Show.Sale, May 9 through 11 at Dearborn You\h Mich, Writers' Workshop members, a Frank Williams, 1488Cook road, I remodel old ;ewelTtl, into Center, Michigan at Greenfield. . . The bride.elect was graduated program of music by the Amer- on Wednesday, May 14, at 7:45 the finest, latest styles. Match'ing Bubble from' Ferris State College, ican Folk Music grouP,. a dis- o'clock. '. Great Values in Fine Dia. For Toddler $5.50 The show, Dearborn Rota~y's sixth annual, wilt pre. wh~ie-':she affiliated with Alpha play of ceramics done by the Members of the Values group monds, Watches .. d aU sent fifty leading antique dealers from seven states. There Xi 'Delta. sOrority. Her fiance Studio Arts' group, 'and Mrs. will end its study year with a Gtld Jewelry. . will be door prizes and the public is invited to come in, is cur rentI:y attending Ferris John Bradley will give the high- pot.luck dinner at the home of I ~ :' \.~ , browse and buy. Food service is available on the premises. State CoUege and is affiliated lights of four current books Mrs. Ronald Hill" 850 WeStches-. • Hi Grade W.lch Repfliftt and two of the area's outstanding artists, Nancy Dlvang with Tau Kappa 'Epsilon ira- recommended for summer read_ ter avenue, at 6:30 o'clock on ' _- • and Chuck Kohl. will be on hand to do portraits and cari- ternitY4 ing. Wednesday_ May 21. Mrs. WU~ Rings sized while you wait...... --. /.- catures in pastel. ' ..Proceeds of the annual Antique Show.Sale help make 'J:~~:'T~~~;~;:'~~;'i:~~::;t'~.:~:.[:.?d~:;;:i~::~i£:~~~':~!!~•.~.~...0. .~~ poSSIble Dearborn Rotary's support of many worthwhile PETER DOW, of Hillcrest road, past presidents. Reservations present a program to the Polio 16437 E. warn. II T.U 1~980 I . , ..... educational and youth-oriented projects. will represent the Junior League lor the luncheon should be tele. tics of Public Education group We buy old gold, jewelry . on the-Hilf- Tickets are available from Dearborn Rotarians or at of Detroit at tbe 47th Annual phoned by Tuesday, May 13, to outlining school finance tax diamo~s: . , the door. Antique show hours are from 1:00 to 10:00 on Conference of the Association 882-6940. structures and possible future ).' , Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 9-11. at the Dearhorn of The Junior Leagues of Amer- AAUW study groups bolding reorganization plans. This me~t- Youth Center. . 'ica, Inc., in Coronado, Cal., this their final meetings of the year ing will be at the home of Mrs. ) OPEr-iTHURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVEN 'rr..iGS' ' wcek. in May include the American John SchQnenberg, 264 McMil- ..I

; ,;( ... :~~' ':. :.K . ~"': .. f. ':.: . . ,~ {" 1" t', r j

" Simplicity I'.

i'{ Designer Touch I. f Pg"ern #8031 t ;; i i , f ~, ~ A Delightful Hill Top Location ( This is the I Plus Part Ownership In A Private Lakefront Park T•• '.. gatehouse that really housesthe.guards This outstanding EorlV American tVPll dweBing was designed bV John Poull' and who watch the built in 1953 of the best in workmanship and material. It is in i'Ylmaculate con- spoOed ditiQn and as modern today a~ when' originallv erected. at entrance at On the ht floor are 0 living romm-dining room with bov-paneled library (or Shoreline Easi bedrooml-bath-Flarida room-familv room with fireplace-kitchen with all ."oreliae Apartments built-ins-utilitv room-lavatory. On the 2nd are 6 bedrooms (all king sizel- Bait twenty hours small stldy-ond -4 boths. The basement contains a nice games room. a day. They'll dazzling whit. or priftt Other features include a time controlled lawn sprinkler, some Thermopane win- wave you in, dows, all carpet and draperies, and a 2 V2 cor ctloched garage. direct your cot.ton cloque Clftd pl•• IT WOULD BE A PLEASURE FOR US auem and keep TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT • n attentive fashion fabric, eyeoul Just part of,the., 250 to 500 a yard Spring is here extra $poilinz you'get at and that means house hunting Plan a crisp, time with lots of people in a buying mood. Shllreline East. coof, foJm,nabr. IF YOUR HO~IE IS FOR SALF,...... Studio, 0llI .nd SiJmmerwardrobe from our Why not give us a call We will thcn inspect J two I~raorn apartments il and advise the price we feel can bl' fram $175/mont!I collection of 45" wide white cotton obtained. Thcre is no chargc for this service. fabrics Wilh scalloping, paisley, roses, and windowpane raised designs •• .or random prints GROSSE POINTE 3 OFFICES ...., c'" and florols on textured white bac~grounds. _ ..... ~ f,..;~..._'_....~ , Ai. ;?;cmng_ --~ It's fashion's newest look•• ,and fun to sew. SHORlllNllAST REALTORS A"AJn'M.NT • •• 00• ....,.~...... _N TU 4-0600 Models open IlOOn.6:OOPoM, MEMBERS OF THE DETROIT AND GROSSI! POINTE REAL ESTATe BOARDS Call 567-1175 Hunch om"". In DETROIT - GROSSI! POINTE - ST. CI,AIR SHORF,s - FARMrNGTON Jacob Sorrs HOME DECORATING SHOP

...... " ~ • • • .. • • • ...... '\ '", ,. ;. ~ '. o4i J',. -..,I" .' .. ' l': tiI:" .. ~, •• , .' > 6 ,- h,h .•. hbb' b "e * '. lreii ... ,; S. bbhbhhb ••• bbhbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhn •••••• t.777P •••••• t •••• 777777772727 Thursday, May 8, 1969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-one

Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe WQmen

Christina D()natb, the bride's IHut~el Hospital Questers Plan Yearly Luncheon sister. Elise Schenk was flower- Mrs. Timothy A. 'Robert Mary Donath Speaks girl. League to Meet' Tbe Grosse Pointe Chapter Van Dagens, president; Mrs. The attenjants wore maize of Questers will hold its an- Thomas Pearsall, vice-presi. linen Empire gowns, accented nual luncheon on Friday. May dent; Mrs. Frederick Schu. with maize applique around the Tbe Volunteer League of Hut- Vows to.Mr. Robert zel Hospital will bold its Annual 16, at the Detroit Boat Club. mann, secretary; Miss Mary sleeves and collar, aDji with a Meeting on Wednesday, May 14, A, business mee~ing at 10:30 Mary Coyne, treasurer; ,and Recepfo t Th Old PI f II • I boy belt in tbe back. They wore o'clock, will precede the lunch. Mrs. Fred Studer, historian. I n a e ace. 0 ows evening nuptia S headpieces of daisies and ivy, at 11 o'clock, in the East Jef- I eon. Luncheon in the Island Room and carried colonial bouquets ferson avenue home of Mrs. in St. Paul's-on-the.Lake-Shore will be followed by an account of the same flowel'6. I Warren Wilkinson. President Mrs. Hazen Keith of "The Early Days in the . St.Paul's-on.the-Lake..shore was the setting for the Best man was Armin Ruff. New officers will be elected. will ask officers and commit- tee chairmen to give their filial White House" given by guest Fnday. May 2 marriage of Mary Ann Dolores Donath, Jerald Barker, Kenneth Teague Two checks, one for $20,500 for 40 electric beds, and one fo!' reports of the year at that speaker, Mrs. Dwiglit Struthers. d.aughter of .Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Donath, of Radnor and Keith Labenz were ushers. time. cucle, and Timothy Albert Robert. He is the son of Mr. The bride's mother chose a $2,500, for a kidney machine, , and Mrs. Albert Robert, of Hampton road. mint green floor length gown , will be presented to the hospital, The following new officers It's too late to learn when a fulfilling the League's pledge will be installed; Mrs. M. O. man decides he knows it all. Followm' g th 7 'I klS------with a jewel encrusted neck. , e . 0 c OC • line, and matching accessories. to the hospital a year ago. nuptials,. at which the ReV-' a fingertip veil. She carried The bridegroom's mother se. I Following the business meet. ere.n~ Leonard P. Wallace a colonial bouquet of white lected a floor length gown of ing I a complimentary hmcheon offl,~lated; was a reception roses and ivy. light pink with a cowl neckline, will be served. For reservations at The Oold Place. .. Kathleen Ann Woodhouse was and matching accessories. call Mrs. Vernor Davis, 881.7360. WATCH The bride wore an Empire the bride's maid of honor. The newlyweds will be gown with a lace bodice, a Bridesmaids were Marion Barn. home in Ann Arbor. John Snell, Jr. headbow with lace trim, and berger, Carol)'n Westhoff and ----- REPAIRING Sigma Kappa To Claim Bride Grads To Meet Mr. and Mrs. William Good. for all makes son, of Harper Woods, announce All Sigma Kappa Alumnae of the engagement o~ their daugh- Macomb County and Grosse ter, ~..Jmela Gr8ce, to John . . . done on our premises Pointe area, are invited to at. Manning Snell, Jr., son of Mr. tend the Grosse Pointe Alumnae .and Mrs. John Snell, of Loraine with ultrasonic cleaning meeting Wednesday, May 14, at avenue. 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Herbert Kusing, in Canterbury Both the bride.elect and her road. fiance attend Wayne State Uni. OMEGA & 11550T versity. The guest speaker will be Authorized AgeflCY Robert Orr of the Grosse Pointe An August 30 wedding in St. Public Library. He will review Michael's Church is planned. some of the current books. A social hour will follow his reo Speakinc their vows in St. Paul's-on-the-Lake. ,Valente gewelers view. Shore Friday, May 2 were MARY ANN DOLORES I'rospective members are Fine Jewelers Since 1934 urged to ~ontact Mrs. J. Dale DONATH, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Rolf W. Donath, Petrosky 881-6688for furtber in. of Radnor circle, and Mr. Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. 16601 E, Warren at Kensington Rd. formation. Albert Robert, of Hampton road. . TU 1-4800 Senior PAT PHILLIP, of St. '-,. Paul High School, ranked as a OI»ENDAILY 9 to 6-FRI. TILL 8 semi.finalist in tbe state tourna- ment of the Micbigan High Patrici~ Bahl Wed School IFor ens i c Association "No more at home ... 1'1/ held in Ann Arbor at the Uni. versity of Michigan, Saturday, call the Magic Touch May 3. Pat is among the top To John Anderson 12 in the state in the interpre- tation of serious literatu~e, a Couple vacationing in Northern Michigan following

" Beauty Salon" category that demands prepara. " noon wedding in St, James Lutheran Church: i tion of three different literary Reception at W ilr Memorial { works. Pat is the daugbter of 884-0661 MR. and MRS. GORDON PHIL. LIP of Fisher .road. In a noohttme ceremony Saturday, May 3, at St. James Lutheran Church, Patricia Ann Bohl and John Oscar Anderson exchanged wedding vows. Parents of the couple are the Frederick Osborn GROSSE POINTE WOODS Bohls, of Littlestone road, and the Oscar Andersons, of Lansing. " >------, The Reverend Charles mint green silk coat and dress Photo by Bransby Studio W. Sandbrook officiated at ensemble, and a .matcbing bow Dr. and Mrs. John E. Hos- l the ceremony which was and veil hatlet The bride- kins, announced the engage- followed by a reception at groom's mother chose a sea ment of their daughter DEB- the Grosse Pointe War Me- spray blue crepe dress with an ORAH LYNN, to Charles David ,Support the CoHage Hospital morial. imported crochet lace ~at, and Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. a matching hat trimmed with David' Charles Miller, of l'lew- Wome:l's Auxiliary The bride wore an A-line silk organza roses. Both mothers berry place, on Sunday, April gown of silk organza with a re' wore corsages of ivory' cym- 27, at a reception in their embroidered peau d'ange lace bidium orchids. Fisher road residence. ANNUAL bodice, a mandarine neckline The bride was graduated Deborah is a senior at Grosse accented with. crystal beading, from Michigan State Univer- Pointe South High School and and a lace.bordered chapel sity and is employed as an ad. js planning to attend The Arts train. Her illusion veil fell from ministrativc . assistant at the and Crafts Scbool of Wayne kitchen a cluster of peau d'ange lace Bank of the Commonwealth, De- State University this fall. with crystal beading and pearls. tro.it.. The bridegroo.m a.ttended Her fiance was graduated ofShewhitecarriedroses.a colonial bouquet M. IChIgan State UrIversl.ty and from Gr06se Pointe South High lour IS .pres.enlly en~~ed m the School and is a sophomore at Kathleen Bllhl, the bride's Umvers!ty of MIchIgan School Wayne St8te University. twin sister, was maid of bonor. of Dentistry. On May 15th -1 p.m. to 5p.m. Bridesmaids were S u z ann e After a wedding trip to north- Chase, of Chicago, and Lorn ern Michigan, the couple will JOHN H. FRENCH, JR. of Busby, of West Chester, Pa., be at home in Ann Arbor. Merriweather road, president of the bridegroom's niece. the City National Bank of De. Tickets Available At ... tr~it, bas been elected 'to mem- New price on our lovely New England 'frame home, makes this the best The attendants wore A.line buy in the area. 4 bedrooms, 2 V2 baths. Fine location. . gowns of ribbed cotton ottoman Kappa Alpha Theta Alums bersbip in the. Corporation of in a bright azalea, with a ruf- Babson Institute J a college of 19850.~ack Avenue ~Jan Dinner Meeting May 8 management in Well s ley, fled collar and a satin band Ii at Huntington, Grosse.Pointe Woods Massachusetts. Mr. French is a accenting the lifted waist. They Kappa Alpha Theta Detr-lit TU 4-6011 wore matching satin head bows area alumnae will meet today, member of the Babson graduat- Wm.W~ 'Queen with nylon veiling, and carried May 8, at the home of Mrs. ing class of 1933. culonial bouquets of azalea. Walter Ebling, 850 Sbady Ho!. 19846 Mack - 886-4141 tinted miniature carnations and low, Bloomfield Hills. Ibaby's breath. The 6:30 dinner will be fol. ------I Dr. Robert Colt, of Lansing, lowed by a program featuring served as his cousin's best man. Mr. Hicks from The Meadow. Lovely Early A.merican Ushers were First Lt. Fred L. brook Music Festival Theater. Bohl, of Weisbaden, Germany. Mr. Hicks will acquaint us with the bride's brother, Michael the Theater and tells us about Hutcheson and Michael Nasif, the summer program at Mea. both of Lansing. dowbrook. All interested area , The bride's mother wore a alumnae are invited to attend. . :: "

POTPOURRI with Two Bed,rooms down and Tw~ up RESTAURANT The arrangement is interesting. The Living Room OS'x23') is adjoined by a ponelled Fomily Roem (IS'x25'); and both face rear shaded gardens. There are 3 Y2 Both ,oems. Located' in Grosse Pointe Shores, this one-owner house has been ~1JP:Ju~{J~~A~ kept in excellent COndition. Gas AC heat. There ore many refinements including central cooling, lawn sprinklers, electric doer openers. Small floor plan on request , ~ SPECIALS ITP First Offp.ring , to compore to your requirements. 'nterior inspection by appointment.

Walter Mast's quality of the 1942 era is quickly recognized BREAKFAST, SERVING FROM 8 A.M, TO 1:30 P.M. Dimensions IIe/ieve" torrect IIut not guoranteelf throughout this attractive 3 Bedroom 21/2 bath French Colo- • Juice • Hot 8iscllits • Mllffins or Toast MR. AND MRS. HOMEOWNER nial located within easy walking distance to elementary and • Jams and Jelly Arc YOIl planning to move 10 another cityl • Two fresh E99s or French Toast As sole Grosse Pointe representativc of HOMER/CA, Illc. operated • Bacon, Hom or Sollsoges from New York. Chicago. Los Angeles and New Canaan, Conn. we middle schools. Large window walled Florida room. 16 foot • Coffee, Teo or Milk are in touch with reliable rea! estate brokers COVerillg more ihon SPECIAL person 4,000 prime residential distrids throughout this eountll and Canada. lung breakfast room, recreation room/fireplace, sprinkler Homerica will help 1I0U select the most suitable subkr/! of 1I0UT new citll. introduce your problem to a corefullll.chosen specialist system, 2 car attached garage, excellent carpeting etc. Be greatly simplify the finding of 1I01lr new home, and guide lIOU in DINNER, SERVING 1:30 P.M. TO 9:00 P,M, making 0 wise investment. sure to call on this one. Priced in the mid forties. W,hll don't 1I0U let us prepare your application mId statement of • Frui! Dish or SOIlP DII Jour Sped,,1 reqllirements? There is no charge for this service, Exclusive by • Cholt. of . • • BAKED CHICKEN BAKED HAM 2 SWISS STEAKS 69 • TOSSED SALAD, POTATOES Member of GrossI! Pointe Real Estate Board's VEGETABLE • ICE CREAM per Multiple Listing SlIstem Beverage Edra person ORl1\N9, Exclusive Agent .. • EARl I CH ILDREN UNDER TEN 1.69 JlCllitEAlTORS. MAXON BROTHERS, In.. TU 2-6000 ~ Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M •• closed McndOYI A conscientious pollC1 mates It. 0'''' frll.d. 19 KERCHEVAL TU 6.3800 CARRY.OUT SERVICE ON ALL FOODS. PHONE 882.1800 16624 ~ACK AVE. AT HARVARD '. G R 0 SSE PO J NT ENE WS ThursdlY, MIY ..8, 1969

:'." Woman's Page • • • by, of'and for Pointe Women ------7""", ------;------'--__ -l------Mary Pad.e.sky Br. -Ide IChurch C~rcles Mrs. William T. Beltz St. James Guild Engaged Cinema ..League .. , Slate SessIons Plans Luncheon Plan, Banquet Tickets are now available for Of William T. Beltz Cia~~:~~r~r~s:';~~~sw~O: The St. James Lutheran the Grosse Pointe Cinema Lea. Presilyterian Church will gather Women's Guild will conclude gue's banquet to be held 011 the season's activities with a ThurSday, May 22, at the Grosse Michigan Stat. Uniyersity students exchange vows in ~or their monthly Circle meet- luncheon on Wednesday, May Pointe War Memorial. The t J h Stud t p '_L E L mgs next Tuesday, May 13. S ,on. en arlHl, ast ansing Afternoon circles gathering 14, at 12:30 p.m. New officers meeting .is open to members will be elected. nd non.members. Mary Angela Padesky daughter of Mr and Mrs at 12:30 o'clock, include Abigajl, Dinner will be served at HId J P d k f L k' 13 '.. • at the North Duval road home Robert Orr, Director of the aro . a es y, 0 a e lld avenue and WIlliam of hostess Mr E C N th Grosse Poinle libraries, will 6:30 o'clock after which a pro. Thomas Beltz, son of Mr. ~d Mrs..Charles'Beltz, of Lake- iUtn, with' MrS~' ~th~ ~ru:: present the program, "New gram featuring the Photograph- lan~ aven.ue, spoke theIr weddmg vows Wp.dnesday, mond, 884-6168; Deborah, at the Books People are Reading." ic Society of America's 10 best Ap~il 2~, m St. John Student Parish at Michigan State Chalfont road home of hostess, pictures of the year will be Umverslty where both of them are students. Mrs. Frank Morgan, with co- Luncheon arrangements are presented. Following the 7 o'clock hostess, Mr~. Roy Blac!tketter, being directed by Mrs. Frank. Tickets may be obtained at Iin Quale. nuptial mass at which the ed a mist green AJaskin silk 884.2432; Elizabeth, at the Man- the War Memoria! or by call- Reverend Francis Zippi of~ dress trimmed with lace. Both chester roa~ home of Fayetta ing 371.2873. .. t d . . mothe"'s w b'd' MarteI\S, will co.hostess Irma fIClae , was a reception at chids.' ~ore cym J)Um or- Martens, 881-7042, and Esther, Her fince was graduated Tarpoffs. at the Kerby road home of IrIrs. from Austin Catholic Prepara- The bride wore a cage dresii Out of town guests included Uoyd Hulme, hosless, with tory School and St. Michael's of white Alencon lace, trimmed the bridegroom's grandparents, Mrs. George Coullard co-hastes. College, .Winooski, Vt. He ia with lieed pearls. A soort veil the Honorable Judge Homer sing, 882.0755.' , Photo by IIl'adlorcl Bachradl presently attending Army Offi. fell from he~ Dior be~d bow, Ferguson and Mrs. F'erguson, of More are Hanna, at the Mc. Planning a June 28th wed. ding are MARY PAULA FISH. cers Candidate School ill Fort and she carned a colomslbou. Washington, D.C., and Mr. and Kinley avenue home of hosless Benning, G,a. quet. of white roses and a white Mrs. John Hatch. the bride- Mrs. James AJexis, with co: ER, daughter of Mrs. William orchId, groom's sister and brother.in. hostess Mrs. Frank: Bromley, P. Fisher and the late Mr. Mrs. John Padesky, of Grand law, of Fairfax, Va. 882-4148; Lydia at the Roslyn Fisher, . of Lakeland avenue, Rapids, the bride's sister.in.law, The newlyweds will be at road home of hostess Mrs. and Neil Burgess Hayes, Jr., ANTIQUE served as matron of haacr. She home in East Lansing. Donald Marshall, with Mrs. R. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Bur. wQre a gown of white Alencon W. Turrill, co.hostessing, 886. gess Hayes, of Kerby road.. SHOW lace over blue, a Diar bOw in HUGH COF,TEVILLE, son of 2842; Martha, at the Roslyn The bride-elecl wu gradu. IASTLAND CENTER ated from the Academy of the AUDITORIUM her hair. and blue ~ccessorjes. the HUBERT CORTEVILLES, ro~d h~me of Mrs. George a MILl-KELLY AREA She carrIed a colouial. bouquet of Hollywood avenue graduated Miles, WIth co-hostess Mrs. AI- Sacred Heart, Grosse Pointe. be MAY8,',10 o~ sPI:ing flower. in sbade. of magna cum ~aude fr~ the Uni. bert B.ecver,. 7'7l-1073 .• She will gaduated from HOURS ,:31 A.M. TO 10 P.M. pink: .. I.... versity of Detroit last satur. ~venJDg. Circles meeting at Newton College of the Sacred DOOR PRIZES. DONATIONS $1 this HARPER was. IAIE RUTH . Michael E. Padesky, of East day. He received a degree in 8 0 clock JDclude, Mary, at the Heart. Newton, Mass., IASEIALL LEAGUE AUXILIARY Lansing, the bride's brother, Management Science. Hugh was Hillcrest road home of hostess June. was best man. . elected to ~eta Gamma Sigma Mrs. ~ndrew Bremer, Mrs. Dan For. her daughter',.wedding NatioDal Honor Society in Bus: S~h~leld,co.hostess, ~84.219a; A nuptial mass in S1. John Student Parish at the bnde's mother chose a mint iness Administration and re MInam, at the Brys dnve home Michigan State University was the., setting for the green dress and coat ensemble ceived the Dean Scholarshi~ of.hostess Mrs. Yeatman Vestal, marriage of MARY ANGELA PADESKY, daughter of aecellted witb a jeweled collar. Award. at the Annual Honors With Mrs. HU,1h McKee, co- Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Padesky, of Lakeland avenue, The bridegroom's mother select•. Convocations. hostess, 884-4806; and Naomi, and Mr. Beltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Belt~ at the North Oxford road home of Lakeland avenue. ' Mr. and Mrs. Nicholu S. ~#Ofde of hostess Mrs. Andrew Camp. Manteris, of Pear Ti-ee lane, LAKE ROSSEAU. MUSKOKA. CANADA bell, co~hostess, Mrs. James 9- . . aDJ;Iounced the engagement of Johnson, 881-2305. VFW ~uxiliary their daughter, ANASTASIA, to '. ontv!o'. RnNt Ftlmlly Ruort It'smodel Bride-Elect Dr. Unen DuHsu, son of Dr. CMJp1eifl Supe/Vislon of ./1 Children Presents Flag and Mrs. Tzan Yuan Hsu,. of E'icJdieI planzognd feauu:ing • Swimming pool • Ponies July.Bride Formosa, at a dinner party J.n • S1riltBs • SJida. Metty-Go-RolUld • Plal'~ouse. HoD5 .1'JallDed ea.lIeIII1ilmeD • Swimming 1CSIOIlI changeover . The Ladies Auxiliary to Gen. their home on Saturday, Maya • eral R. A. and Colonel F. M. The bride-elect was grad- Tb. naort that has Herytbingl rr Our 1J1othYear Alger Post 995, Velerans of uated from Grosse Pointe South time Foreign Wars, presented an DaIIcia& D.ightl, to hotel 0ldJesua High School and attended Our 0W11 9 hole golf coone At the' American flag to St: Clare de Northern Michigan University. Bo1IeW tidiJa • PisbiD5 • Beaatifa1 sandy beach Montefalco. School at a recent Pmlessiooal wallet ski school Statler Hilton ceremony •. Girl Scouts and Pa. She is the granddaughter of 1'ioest ttIIDiI Clll1ttI ill loWkoka .~. trol Boys lead the ceremonies. Mrs. Mary .Johnson, of Neff r()8d, and of the late Mr. and Deluxe llceominodations for RBOpeople ,011",. "'N.: ',,-~ Mrs.O. KeUer presented the .... IIGIIdJIlIall _II .., $S7 " lno WMll1)' (per l1llIIt-lIoUIt Mrs. Stephen N. ManterlJ, of . -.-,) c1I1ilha ..... 12 10011ntL 8IIIIoe_ f8lllOllS trader Yic:'s Remodeledlobby Area ' Hew Attradive Street flag to Sister Christ:lpher of St. Clare. . Detroit. IfB:IIL VACItIla ... I'UI PoIjnesiln .Rataul'lInt Autumllie Elevators Entrlnces . MIlb $90. CItlll1M "*" 3 JeIIa 145 (•• wII!IIJ) New Hilton TCIWIIt .Color Tlievislllft Redecorlted Meeti,ng Rooms Her fiance was graduated CIIl1dr1a under 3 ... frM. Willi for d,11S from the National Taiwan Uni. RlMvated 6IItst Rooms rtew Coffte Shop Service ~.J. R.ICHERT, of Beaupre "AJ RIa .. aa.-... IIOCIllWZ TOr ayenue, was recently honored versity and is currently a resi. dent at Harper Hospital. CLEYWIDS HDUSf,BOI G Mllm, ONTARIO,CWDA with a surprise 75th birthday n.bolt Re1JI"elM!DtaUn: Phone TO Z,1MO MAKE IEIERVATIONS FOR.YOUR SMOlA\. "UNCTJON party given by his wife at Stou. A December 14 wedding Is Oil sa YOUR TIlA VEL AGENT ~AT IQETIlQIT'8LUXURYHOlliL ffer's Eastland. planned.

THE DETROIT Ht ....TON... ." , , WASHINGTON BLVD.&< GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48231 PlIo to by Pall1 Gach 965.7aoo • AREA CODE 313 At a family dir.ner party at X the Detroit Athletic Club, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fabian E. and Mrs. William Harold Light. ',Here are luxurIous town- Bendel, •of Hawthorne road, body, of Trombley road, and "here we grow again" I hive •• have announced the engagement Boca Raton, Fla., announced houses. They tou. ... of their da\lghter, A NIT A the engagement of their daugl\. . rooms and flnlt quality fe.. LOUISE, to John William Du~. ter, Sharon Ann, to Robert -TO BETTER SERVE YOU , lUres; A gem af a garden. c.an, III, son of Mr. John Wil- Benson Trukenbrad;.'son of Mr. patto faces a canal or lagOOn. liam Dunean, Jr. andfue late and Mrs. WiUiain Karl Truken- They are located In en ex•. ,t' Mrs. Duncan, of Brockton, brad, of Glencoe, Dl. r, elusive and private srea on Mass. Th b'd el. ,. d The bride.elect at ten d e d . e. rx e. ect wa.s gra u- Pardon our pride, but we'd like to Icquaint you with : Leke Sf. Clair. W.t~r aporta Wayne State University where ated. from Grosse P0U!te Uni- our big, bright new location (pictured below). It's the ! ere youra winter and awn. she affiliated with KaNa Delta verslty School and receIved her newest of Schweitzer's 5 offices, staffed with over 100 , mer. A private yacht harbor sorority. She was .graduated Ba~h('l~r of Arts Degr~ fr~m ~ accommodates yaur boat. from Western Michigan Univer- Brxarcliff College, BnarcliH experienced people who are well versed in all real estate i There are only ~ 'of these sity and is now teaching in St. Manor, N.Y. She made her de. matters. We'r. a progressive firm who hlye the know exceptional dwell[ng~ So Clair 'Shores. bu~ at a Tea at . the Grosse how to help you. tI only 29 fortunate famIlIes can The prospective- bridegroom Pomte Yacht Club in June, t live thIs wonderful .life. ,Will ~ttended Brockton High SChool 1964. Buying or selling real estate we Ire equipped fo offer you be one of them? . and New man Preparatory Her fi~nce .was graduated I School in Boston NaSI. He was from Nutrier HIgh SChool, Nut- you the same progressiye action. You are welcome to graduated from Western Michl. ri.er Township, IlL, and received stop by at any time to discuss your real estate needs gan Univel'sity. hIS Bachelor of Arts Degree A July wedding is planned. from Yale University, New ••• while you're nere, pick up a complimentary gift ••• .. ...:., T:lr" Haven, Conn. He is presently there's no "bligaiion. ~ I • SELF-DISCIPLINE affiliated with N. W. Ayer and fOrtunate Constructive criticism. has its Son, Philadelphia, Pa. good points, but self.criticism An August 16 wedding Is people is the most profitable. planned. SCHWEITZER Reservations INC. Now Being REALTORS 2! 300 MACK AVE" Cor. Aline Accepted ... Grosse Pointe Woods-886-4200 r 8530 MACK AVE" .,.".,. Grosse Pointe Farms-882.2100

P. SchweitHr Vice President

Your 0P.l'Orfunity (0 join the exclusive Eastland Village commumty is here! Ntw deluxe 2-hedroom apartments with spacious floor plans and luxurious details are now under construction on Webber Dr: adjoining Easrland Center. Won'[ you call our rental agent for more of the exciting de(ails? _

Phone 8;9-24~~ t Rentals from $28.5 Include carpeting, gas heat and cooking, hot water ac!u."'" IlIIn..... '"

~ •.~ ojfi~e8 also in: Warren-Fraser and St. Clair S1wTe,

.... ' I

1:: #

Thursday,' May 8, 1969 GR 0 SS'E POI NT ENE W S Page Twenty-Three

I , 4-HELPWANTED SA-SITUATION WANTED 6A-FOR RENT 7-WANTED TO RENT I8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE (Furnilhecl) RESPONSIBLE highscbooler to WOMAN will1Jesgeneral, live-in. .YOUNG COUPLE with-infant BABY CRIB, 8 year. Buggy, TWO Antique Chests, $100 a. CLA.SSIFIED care for 3~ year girl d8Uy. References. 386-4S8O eveDiDgs. ROSEVILLE-fIimIshed kitchen. Wi5h~sto rent 2 bedroom un. 'dre~siog. table, walker, poUy piece. VAlley 1-0664. Prefer person with youngsters ettes 1D4- oae bedroom apart. furnIshed income or duplex. chaIr, high chair. 886-6959. in family. Commences imme. COOKING. Will live ill 5 days. BOYS 24" bicycle, good condi. diately through summer and VAlley (.3419. ments. We pay all utilities. .7734278. COSCO high chair white and tion, $15; 882-638'1. A.DS thereafter. Washington Road completely furnished and maid FORMER Grosse Pointe resi. stainless steel $10' Welsh DAYWORK. Wit h reference. and Kercheval. Excellent ref. service. Come and .see Man- dent would like to rent home teeter babe (~p chair), $5. PAIR twin custom bed spreads, Reliable and dependable. 822. Call TUXHO 2-6900 - 3 Trullk Lill~ To Serve y~ Qulckl, erences only; TUxedo 2.5262. ager at 32160 Gratiot acr~ss in Grosse Pointe for summer Both excellent condition. Only $20 each. Oval fruUwood din. Your A.tI Con .. Cho,t« 3092. from Macomb Mall Shoppmg months, June, through Au. one child in family. 925.1920 ing ta~le, $75. PRescott 6.2173. . Center, Mqtel Morocc:o. 1m. gust. 4 or 5 bedrooms. Please after 6 p.m. 4A-HELP WANTED \ CONY ALESCENT care or day NATIONAL Geographics, 1925 (Domestic) mediate occupancy, ideal tor call 881'3693. work. References. 821.5497. working couples, l>achelor, NEW single Harvard bed frame. to 1955. Ping.pong table, cot lA-PERSONALS '3-LOST AND FOUND WANTED -Experienced cooks, etc. Adults only. No pets. WORKING couple wishes 2 Stee). 881'()778. bookcase, two chairs, child's 2 BEDROOM furnished brick table and two chairs, rugs. wait res s e s and couples. bome with garage, available bedroom duplex, house or low. Vacation In Luxury at low Off. LOST: Small black and white 886-5521. Season rates at tha All New male cat - white ring on Grosse Pointe Employment June 1 to October 1. Adults 3 ROOM. upper income furn. er nat for occupancy June 22. DARE to be DIFFERENT with Agency. TUxedo 5-4576. ished, 190fi7Moross. Married Reasonable. Call after 4 p.m. UNCOMMON ACCESSORIES. "White Motel". Top neck and tip of tail. Family preferred. References, Secur. couple preferred. Security re- 886-8776. PINK prom dress, size 8-9. of Galt Ocean Mile, Ft. Laud. pet, Vicinity of NortbRose. CLEANING WOMAN, European ity deposit. $200 per month. quired .. By appoiotment - ANTIQUES _ OLDTIQUES _ Boys' blue blazer, size 17. LAkeview 6.7056. erdale, Fla. 33308. Brochure dale Court and Morningside. oorn, Monday and Thursday. PRescott' 5.7471. EXECUTIVE and family of JEWELRY and JUNKQUE at Excellent condition. Evenings. On request. Owned and opr. Reward. 886.3248. References required. Reply 8?.2-1996. by fol')Iler Grosse Pointe resi. HARCOURT 749, Lower 5 room HOUSE available June 24th.Au. three grown children desires THE GRIST MILL SHOPPE Box H8, Grosse Pointe News. 2 bedroom plus family room. three or four bedroom l'l)me 0 dent. LOST: Needlepolnt, blue. lni. gust 25th. Adults. Park, pool, in Grosse Pointe. One or two 21151 Mack 886.164 40.INCH Phil co electric range, Newly decorated, large rooms, white, double oven. $35,00. .tialed J.S.C.' on Middlesex HOUSEKEEPER wan t e d by 2 baths, 2.car garage. $285 privileges. 884.6462, evenings. year lease. Excellent ref. IMPORTED crystal sconce. 3 May 5th. Please return. Re- widower with 12 year old 885-7839. TRAVEL 2 ward. 821-1280. child. References required. lease. 962.7656. 3 ROOM single apartment near erences. 886.2218. candle $50. TU.'(edo (-9281 Air Ticket. to Rome-6.13 Whittier Hotel. ED 1-5832. YOUNG EXECUTIVE needs 2 after 5:30 p.m. PORCH furniture, 3 wicker Attractive situation for right 3 BEDROOM Lakefront home, chairs and table, $25.00. Mis. To London-4l-15 4-HELP WANTED person. No calls until Satur. Mt. Clemens area. $300 month, or 3 bedroom home in Grosse MASON - Hamlin baby grand 6B-.-ROOMS FOR RENT cellaneous porch chairs. Baby' $150. each day. TUxedo 1.5238. . year lease plus security de. Pointe, Harper Woods area. piano with bench, $700. Ethan crib and cehst, $35.00. Baby EXPERIENCED with pumps, NICE ROOM in Grosse Pointe Would like June 15th occu- Allen table and ( captains items. Reel type lawc mower, drain and clean pool. TUxedo LAUNDRESS to do work in her ~sit. 1-463-2478. Evenings 884-3493 for e m p I0 y e d gentleman. pancy. 772-0084. chairs. Excellent condition, $25.00. Floor polisher, $15.00. 2.2082. home. Live in Grosse Pointe area. Pickup and delivery. 6-FOR RENT- Good location. TUxedo 5-4881. YOUNG professional co up Ie $150. 882.9345. Upright freezer - free. Calf ENGLISH girl, 21, college grad- GARDENER for Grosse Pointe Recent Grosse Pointe refer- (Unfurnished) 881.6731- uate, travelling the States , with 2 small children desire 9.PIECE .Drexel dining room estate. $500 per month. Blue ences. TUxedo 5.3965. June- July, seeks fellow trav- CHIPl'ENDALE COURT Apart. 6C--OFFICES FOR RENT 3 bedroom jJome. Occupancy suite, mahogany, in excellent "CANDLELIGHT" s t e r I i n g," C r 0 s s and Hospitalization eler (s) for all or part of trip. July 1st. 884-0988. condition. 881-5716. Towle, service for 8; 5 piece paid. Send qualifications to EXPERIENCED cook. house. ment, Roseville. Fraser Rd. 500 TO 1,200 sq. ft. air condi. 881.1151. and Chippendale. New, 1 and settings. Excellent condition .. Grosse Pointe News. Box G81. ke'eper, live-in, every Thurs. tioned b u il din g. S1. Clair ED1CUTIVE'S family needs 3. WHITE ant ique preSkfront. day and every other Sunday 2 - bedroom, walk. in closet, Shores. 771.1870. bedroom house 0,' flat, prefer- Electric stove. Lamps. Tables. Save 30% on entire set; 20% 2A-MUSIC EDUCATION WOMAN to care for elderly off. Other help employed. your own private basement. on one or more settings,: LUXURIOUS office space avail. ably Grosse Pointe Park. 821- Garden tools. 886-8551. lady who is mentally alert References, $80 a week. TUx. Appliances, pool, air condi. Phone Pontiac 335-6205. able in desired location iv st. 6979. PUNCH AND JUDY edo 6-5660. tioning. Ap.llrtment, 712-8410. MATERIAL for Go Cart-Free. and recovering from hip frac- Clair Shores. Carpeted and TENT, 9x12, used one week~ MUSIC STUDIOS Office, LAkeview 1-284<1. 115520 Windmill Pointe Drive, ture. Live-in permanently. Ref. air. conditioned. Excellent ac. 7A-ROOMS WANTED $60. Complete aqua lung out> Guitar Piano erences required. 886-1285be. GOOD WOMAN, German pre. Grosse Pointe. 2 BEDROOM "partments start- cess to 194 expressway. 773- MIDDLE.AGE woman would fit. C8ll 884.6689. « Guitar Rental and Sales tween 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. ferred for light housekeeping ing. at $195. Only. a few left. 2500. like furnished room with bath and very light cooking. Only STAND UP crushed carpet with> 15 Kercheval 2 adults. 5 days a week. Must Brand new. Villa Du Lac, in Grosse Pointe. Call week. OUTFIT YOUR FAMILY HAIRDRESSER, EX PER 1- A'I"I'ENTION DOCTORS our new Racine. You'll love: Grosse Pointe Farms have A.I references. Write Marter Road Jiear' Jefferson. days between 10 a.m. and Largest of Resale TU 4-4440 Res. TU 6-3399 ENCED MALE. OR FEMALE, Selectlem results. Walker's, 20369Mack:, SALA R Y, COMMISSION. Box FSO, Grosse Pointe News. 771.{)9QO~ MODERN medical office. 1100 noon. 884.3694. CIothtDg In.Area. sq... ft. Good location and LESSONS on organ, piano, saxo- TUxedo 1-6190. PHOTOMIC meter for Nikon F~ CLEANING and laundry, 4 2 BEDROOM lower lIat on Ri. parking. Large enough for 2 OLDER WOMAN wants room phone,popular, classical, age with privileges. Grosse Pointe Clothing. Accesories and $25. 884-2536. • DEPENDABLE teen.age girl days week, 9 to 4, own trans. vard, Carpeted; garage, heat. TUxedo 5-1337 or TUxedo 1. Household Articles taken 14 or over. Saturdays, Sun. vicinity. 527-8051. for regular summer babysit. portation. TUxedo 1-3050. 885-4485 after 8 p.m. 6498. on consignment. ELECTRIC guitar, Fender Mus~ days. 821-83'38. tang, with case, excellent con- ting job. Must drive and swim HARVARD RD., Grosse Pointe, S-ARTICLES FOR SALE -' PIANO, THEORY: Pre-school- and be a non-smoker. Must S-SITUATIONWANTED AVAILABLE immediatel:7: Sev. dition. TUxedo 5.6502. • 3 bedroom home, available LEE'S FASHION MART be available on weekends and eral offices in Chet Sampson through university level. Wal. WANTED";'odd'jobs, yard work, June 1st. $250.00 per month. WANTED 20339 Mack TU 1-8082 KIRBY vacuum cleaner, all at~ able to stay overnight occas. Travel Service Building, 100 te! Mueller, 482 Colonial Ct. painting, exterior, interior, HO 8.7832. ' - 10 to 5:30 Daily; Fri. 'W 9 tachments, tised 6 times. Was sionally. 881-6562 between 4 Kercheval. Possible suite ar. Small Oriental rugs, chime N. TUxedo 6.1090. light hauling. References. 822- grandmother clock, oil paint. $331, sell for $250. VAlley and 10.p.m. or anytime Sat. FOR RENT OR SALE-Attrac. rangement $7D-$9G,including 1968. .. ings, decorator items. 821. 1-2153. - urday. tive, spacious face brick 2 utilities. TUxedo 5-7510. 2B-TUTORING 4911. RUMMAGE SALE IF YOU'LL Dame the job you bedroom bungalo\1{, fireplace, DOCTORS ..., .LAWYERS SOROPTIMIST CLUB ' BEDROOM SET, double bed, ENGINEERS want done, we'll do it • • • side drive, garage. TUxedo MERCHANTS WANTED: Old guns, any con. OF. GROSSE POINTE bookcase headboard, heavy COMMUNITY 4-3316. 1 Stokes Multiple Services, VA Choice space for. lease. dition. Call Monte at 884.2654. at American Legion 'Post, duty swing set., Single bea. TUTORING SERVICE Degrees in industrial, chemical 4-9172. VAlley 1-0656. or electrical,' to.$1,000 month. Available at once. PIANO baby grand,' chair, 18' 20916 Mack Ave., at. Holly. A'ITRACTIVE 1~ story. 2 bed. MRS. LOUIS MARICK DIREC- Fee paid. BASEMENTS washed, waxed "On The Hill" cornice board, ironer. Call wood, Friday, May 18, ~.p.m .• OUTDOOR 'adjustable chaise rooms, bath down. 2 bed. TOR TutoriJig by degree teach. and buffed. Bob, after 4 p.m. Bus line at door ..Ample parking 884-2458. 10,p.m. longue. with foam pad. 881. ers available in all subjects for Eastland Personnel .756-1748. rooms, bath up. Covered en. KARL DAVIES TU 5.3220 6456 • closed porch on secluded grades high school, college and 372.U49 UNUSUAL basket purses CHAR.BROIL grill, value $100. adult education .. Woods Court. $375 per month HAVE extra' office well suited dressy and casual. Custom SEARS Kenmore 500, automatic Your Girl Friday ..,..1 year lease. Vacant. Used 5 times, $45. TUxedo washer,: 8 months old, like .. NATIONALorgahization needs for small wig business, man. made and from stock.' VAl• 2-1621. 339 Merriweather general office girl, good typo Secretarial Service ley 2-2288 or VAlley 2.9743. new, $130. Leaving city. 886- Mimeographing ufacturers rep., etc. 884.5446. TUxedo 4-2820 ist, work your own hours. Higbie N A TI 0 N AL GEOGRAPHIC 8684. PRIVATE office. EasUand area. MOVING-5 piece, nearly new, MAGAZINE, U8 complete OPENINGS, FOR TEACHERS TUxedo 2-3886." Mrs. Coleman Realty 84 Kercheval 886.7100 Parking, complete mainte. wrought iron porch furnlture; volumes, 1906-1968 incl Fine 8A-OFFICEEQUIPMENT Grosse Pointe Farms DEPENDABLE teen.age boy TU 4-6442 nance to responsible tenant. 8 place settings. English Calyx condition, in sllp cases ~ Tre- for yard work and housepaint- Lease. 886.1800. Ware china, Carolynn pat. ADDRESSING machine, Script. JANITORIAL Service: Business 20401 EAS'l' 8 MILE RD. near " mendous reference value Ii. REMEDIAL ing. 881-8885.. tern, inc. serving bowls etc; brary in its field, Included omatic, inkless. 882-5453. READING oftices cleaned. Boh or Jerry. Harper. 2 bedroom apart. . openstock. 56 pieces FostoJoia _~-7030. . ment. Practically ne\": carpet. NEW BRICK BUILDING are V01s. 1 & 2.Cumulative DITTO MachiIfe and Dicta. Tutoring CAP.ABLE,ma~~ minded ~r' . • GROSSE POINTE WOODS - crystal,. R9mance pattern, Index. Best offer over $900. 'son, to,. assist jn accountin,g, ing, heat; air.conditiomng. 21312 Mack, comer ~e, open stock. 2 crystal fruit phone. 5415 Connor between All Age Leveis. BOATS cleaned inside and out- Cash only, no partial sales. II a.m. and 5 p.m. only. _ closing and mortgage depart- general upkeep. Can Jerry All appliances. Avallable June 2200 sq. ft. open. area, air. bowls and' cake plate. Cosco Testing and. Diagnosis Phone 882-4986. ments.. Experience in real after 6 p.m., 755-0093. 1. TUxedo 4.7657. conditioned, large rear area card table, ( chairs. Royal SB-ANTIQUES Prescribei1 Programs estate or mortgage fields pre. KENSINGTON Heated 5 room parking lot also-individual of. S~ndard ~ewriter, slim. R;-.BANTIEN, ED.S. ferred: We''OfferideBt 'WOrk- 'SECRETARIAL' SERVICES VIRGINIA'S upper, adults only. Security .fices available. Can be divided form reducing table, 100 day 2U390 Harper hlg con d 1ti0 n s, automatic Grace Brown clOck, 'cherrywood end table, ATIle TREASURES Phone TU 1-2170After (:00 depoliit. TUxedo 5-3999. '" to sui,t t,e!.1!u.!,t.. ,..Ar\rJ:tQU~,.sHOW merit increases. Opportumty Transcribing, general typjD" CB r'. d i0; '6 it, llrtlftciat 10:30 • 5 DaiJ,y Clo'sed Mali. .. AND .;)~LE to learn real estate. business. Mack-eadieux Area BUCKINGHAM - Eut Warren. MEDICAI,-:.PROFESSIONAL- Christmas tree.Clill after 6, PRIVATE TUTORING Grosse Pointe location. Salary 881-5350 We Buy and sen Delightful 5 room upper for 20867Mack. One 5-room SUite. TU 1.1050. 22418 ,Mack, bet. 8 and 9 Mile IN open. Call 886-4200. Mr. Yan' responsible adults, near bus Immediate occupancy. St.. Andrews Episcopal YOUR OWN HOME chuk. SChweiaer Real Estate MA.TlJRE woman will baby Bit. HANDPAINTED milk cans, 772-6606 Grosse Pointe area. 884.7727. and shopping. Security. $110 TU 4-1340 'I'U 6-1068 Church All subjects; all grades. Inc. plus heat. Please call Satur. basket and lunch hox purses, BARN SIDING - Autheutic I" 16360 Huhbard Rd. Adults and children. Cer- HIGH SCHOOL graduate de- day or Sunday only. TUxedo GROSSE POINTE "VILLAGE" Raggedy Ann IDd Andy key weathered, hand hewn, na. (S. of 6 Mile- CAPABLE secretary with var- chains. Mirrors with decor. tified teachers. sires summer typing job in 1.9194. Offices - desk space - parking tural tim~ •• 1-463-2179. E. of Farmington Rd.) iedskills needed for interest- ated frames.. TU 4-5392. can:. . .. Grosse Pointe area. TUxedo I Livonia, Mich. ing position 'with manufac- ONE BEDROOM duplex, separ. TU 5-6518 TU 2-7252 HAMILTON gO!! dryer, $20. 6" DETROIT AND SUBURBAN turers rep, either full or part 1-7527. CONTOURLOUNGE, with vibra. TUTORING SERVICE ate base.ment, garage, One GROSSE POINTE _ Medical edging mower, $5. Clay hird May 13, 14; 15-:-Noon to 9:30 time. 886-3740. tor. Good condition. 8&'i3745. 1m 7-4653 RELIABLE 18 year 'old girl de. block flom Village. Young suite available in modern bath $1.50. TUxedo 4-3208. ' 20 Dealers-Ann Thatcher, Mgr. ~s ~ummer employment. couple preferred, $175 per. clinic. Utilities, air-condition. PART .. TIME 'general office DECOUPAGE handbags fu! HAMILTON gas d"yer, i year WALNUT china cabinet, wal- TUTORING by qualified teach- Sales girl, baby sitter, chauf- 'month. Available end of June. ing an!!. janitor service pro. Mother's Day. Reasonablr.. er. Prefer chilli with educa- work, .4 hO\U's per day. $2.50 old. Excellent condl~0':1, $70$. nut dropleaf table with spool per hour. Reply Box L-7, feur, dog walker, etc. Will TU 2.5362. vided. Present long time eccu. 371-778'7. tional or emotional problems. Call after 5:30, TtJxedO:('8281. legs •. '~ commodes, sewing Grosse Pointe News. work evenings. TUxedo 1-9417 pants are general practition. machine .cabinet. r res sed B.A. M.A. References. Call after 5 p.m. WOODHALL near East Warren. BAKER (Britannia Collection) Attractive brick 2 bedroom er, dentist, .optometrist. For 2 SCHWINN girls bikes. in good' glass punch bowl set. TUxedo 823-6059. information calI Mr. Arnoldy, 2 occasional tables, French condition. $20 each. TUxedo 4.7581 evenings. , EXPERIENCED BOAT Make.Ready and clean~ house on large lot. $200 per walnut top. Cherry base, list FRENCH tutoring for grades, ing done by 2 high school month. Woodward 1.0321, 884-7268. 5-2688. can price $316, sell $200each, still 8 Antique Dealers high school, college and PHARMACIST boys, experienced. TUxedo extension 33, Proctor Homer, lSD-RESORT PROPERTY in packing box. 881-5125. LEARN the art Of be'ading. . JeffersOri House Antiques adult by certified and ex. Salary. to $13,000.Fee paid. 1-2966. Warren. Sweaters, dresses and gowns, FOR RENT BEDROOM SET, girl's, Dixie 34427 E. Jefferson perienced teacher. Call: 886- by certified teacher. Classes between '14 and 15 Mile Rds. HIGH SCHOOL girl desires 8151 WffiTTIER, near Harper, white furniture. Twin can. 1609. Eastland Personnel begin May 21. Register now Dolls, furniture, glass, primi. summer baby sitting joh. Bed room itpartment, 1st NEAR GAYLORD - Luxury opied bed, springs and mat. at 19147 Kelly Rd. For fur. tives, china, bollies, docks, 17 YEAR OLD "AU :;tudent, 372-1149 Good with children. 886-1153. noor front, large rooms, at. chalets, sandy beach, private tress, chest, vanity table and . beats. Wooded acreage. $125 ther information call 775-3248. Victoriana. willing to tutor children from tractive, air conditioned. bench, small chest with book- first to tenth grade in read- MIDDLE AGE widow desires and $140 per week. 777-3204. Closed Mondays GARDENER to take complete babysitting, 3 or ~ full days, GROSSE POINTE PARK - 7 case top, nightstand. Like PORCH mg, 7x10; porch lamp, ing, English, math, Fren~h cbarge and personal interest. SUMMER COTTAGE, Walloon new. 886-2851. fire side screen and tools, bird ANTIQUES from France and and history during summer m also evenings. References. room apartment with 2 full Can TUxedo 4-3270. Lake near. PetosKey, 4 bed. CHRYSLER Air-Temp air.con. cage, chest. 882-4016. Japan. Wooden Hibachis, Ba- my home. $3 for 2 hours. Ex. 824.-6707after 6 p.m. baths, $210 ~onth, heated. RECEPTIONIST for beauty sa- Crown Realty, VA 1-6500. rooms, paneled living room ditioner, 9100 B.T.U., $125. varian dishes, lamps, many perienced. Call TUxedo 6.2m. CHAUFFEUR, experienced, de. WHO can use a 72" printed lon Thursdays, Fridays and with fireplace, electric kitchen Can evenings only for appoint. smill items. new and old. Fri. sires full time e~ployment, 2 BEDROOMS, c:arpeting, stove, S cot c h guard contemporary PERSONAL tutoring by U.M Saturdays. Come in or Call with dishwasher, dock, boat. ment. ED 1.0436. day and Saturday, May 9 and will travel, references. Call refrigerator, washer and dry. sofa for $35? 884-2848. gr8duate for students - aU Dante's Coiffures, 19839Mack 881.1256. 10, 11 a.m. to .{ p.m. 15841 885-2135, . er. Evenings. 532-5146. HOME GROWN pansies and Saratoga near Kelly Rd. grade levels. Call 884.6462, Ave., 886.3088. 4 FAMILY garage sale. 273 COTTAGE for rent on Lake geraniums, tomatoes, Good Lakeland. Many new gifts. evenings. HIGH' SCHOOL boys desire UPPER INCOM'& - modern Huron in. Harbor Beach. Old Bonnie Best, many dif- "THINGS ANTIQUE" lawn work, experienced, reo kitchen, cedar closet, inciner- Household items, furnlture. Would like to rent by the ferent annuals. 76 Vernier Rd. Friday May 9, 12 to 4. Satur. ANTIQUE SHOP closing May' 2E-SCHOOLS FITTER liable. TUxedo 5-6726 or TUx. ator, etc. N e f f Road. TU season from May 1st to Oct. day May 10, 10 to 5. 10, stock liquidation sale. En. Full time position open for ex. edo 2.~1. 2.6077. 1st. call 1.517-479.6529 or G,RANDMOTHER'S A T TIC BETHEL DAY CARE CENTER tire inventory must be sold. perienced fitter. 35 hour week. write to Bock's, 1367 S. Lake TREASURES accepted on FREEZER, large chest.type, '21150 MOROSS RD. MALE nursing care-Pre.med Every item reduced 30%, Shore Rd., Harbor Beach, consignment for resale. $70; 8500 B.T.U. aircondition. (2 blks east of student will make daily or LAKEShore Road. Good view of 40%. Sale May 8, 9, 10 noon APPLY MANAGER er, $90; old wood rocking Edsel Ford X-way) weekly visit your home for lake. Five bedrooms, three Mich. 4844l. THE GRIST MILL SHOPPE 'm 5 p.m. 16525 Hamilton, to horse, $5; set golf clubs, 7 a.m. tbru 6 p.m. male care. Excellent refer. baths. $450 month. 2-3 year 3 BEDROOM furnished summer 21151 Mack 886-1640 Highland Park. For further HIMELHOCH'S, 17131 Ker. men's, $7.50. TUxedo 6.7452. Ages 2Ih thru 5 cheval, Grosse Pointe. ences. 372-9471. lease. home on Lake St. Clair near MAYTAG gas &tove, has deep information 864-5584. 881-4908 758-5438 Belle River, Can8da by week well cooker, dutch oven, beau. MAXON BROTHERS, INC. WORK BENCH, pink quited 9-ARTICLES WANTED SA-SITUATION WANTED TU 2-6000 or month. Only 40 minutes tiful condition, $60. TUxedo chest, miscellaneous. 886.1894. BERNIE FALK STUDIO COUPLE to live in. Carriage (Domestic) from Downtown Detroit. 881. 4-9281 after 5:30 p.m. 14940 Kercheval house apartment on Lake. FACTORY NEW• .{ton Typhoon URGENTLY NEEDED! Stamp A d u I t Exercise Program - 3046 evenings. LONG Bianchi gown, SiZe8;' collections, historical l,etters, shore, in exchange for gar. LADY wishes days, A.l refer. BEACONSFIELD, slx.room up- air condenser unit, in origi. Overcome fatigue and ner- perfect for proms; other aut 0 g rap h s, Presidential, dening, house maintenance ences. Grosse Pointe area. per, stove, refrigerator,ga. LODGE - Sleeps 16 comfort. clothes sizes 8.11; woman's nal carton. $200.00. 334 Ker. vous tension; plaguing aches statesmen, authors, poets, etc. and general. Retired prefer. 921-5221. rage. security deposit. Avail- ably. Adjoining l!lvatories, 4 bike man's golf clubs. 882. cheval, near Moross. lIl1d pains. Individualized pro- Correspondences, estates. TU red. 886,3388. able July 1st. Call after 4 p.m. showers, 2 refngerators, 2 8600' gram. EXPERIENCED - Cook. electric stoves, 2 living rooms '. . PICTURE, beautiful scene of " 6-G437. ED 1.2102 PART.TIME help needed in the housekeeper, small tamily. 822-8596. the sea, handsome gold VA 2-2778 ! fully carpeted. Electric wat) nNTIQ.UES - Jaco~ean couch. WANTED used pianos aDd or. Radio.Tronics S tor e. Appli. Live.in. References. Reply to UNUSUAL spacious seeon.! floor heat. 778-4082. Empire couch. Spmdle bench. frame; imported lamp, 41" 3-LOST AND FOUND c.'!Dts must be 21. 881.2720. Box K25. Grosse Pointe News. Carved, upholstered bench. tall, 821.2256. gans, musical instruments. of town.house, two bedrooms, guitars, amps" etc. Cash 0;: two baths, Indian Village }'ARM HOUSE, modem, sleeps Carved pedestai tabie. Miscel. FOUND-Man's trousers, new. OUTDOOR red woo d lounge trade. Artists. 14485 Gratiot, area. One block from Jeffer. ten. One mile from Boyne Mt. laneous, 961-2275. Mack-7 Mile area. Loser chair, rocker, footstool, ail DR 2-1500. son. must see to appreciate. Horseback riding, golf, arch- TRAIN TABLE 48x96", minia. identify 8nd }lay for this ad. with cushions. TUxedo 4-4422. Director of 231-8967. l!ry and fishing. $75.00 per ture ping.pong table, bookcase BOOKS, Art Objects Sought 886-5034. week or week.ends, until July 60" long, small crib with mat. LEAVING CITY. Must sell Browsers always welcome. BEACONSFIELD, upper flat, 2 CONTACT LENSES, black case, 1st. 88408910. I tress, director's chair, child's stove, rcfrigerator, tape rc. E. C. Claes Book Shop. Miss bedrooms. excellent for teach. vicinity Village. Lost May 3rd. plastic pool. TUxedo 5-2773. corder. portable stereo, maple Ethel Claes, 1670 Leverette er or middle.aged working Reward. 885.()33.'i. Communications 6E-GARAGES FOR RENT console TV, books. miscella. (48216). WO 3-4267. couple. VAlley l-l1191. ncous household items. Call LOST - Vicinity of Vendome. An opportunity for mature GARAGE-Will accept a car, Mother's Day Gifts TUxedo 4.2342 alter 5 p.m. WE BUY old gold, jewdry and UPPER FLA'f for rent Elderly boat or storage. 882.1262. silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 Kercheval, all black young are always exciting from 1388 Vernier. communication specialist to couple or retiree preferred. Moross Road. male cat, answers to "Raspu. Near Jesu Church on Baylis. CHALMERS.WARREN arca, 4 tin." Reward. 886-6067. 1 manage own department in 2 WOODARD wrought iron easy UN 4-0032. car garage for storage. 884. chairs, Mayfield grouP. olive WANTED: Maple bunk beds, a large organization. This 6909 after 3 p.m. THE BACK ROOM 100 KERCHEVAL gold floral cushions. 821-2497. chests of drawers, 22 ineb and "TUFFY COME HOME" position offers you prestige, HARTLAND MANOR 30 inch. 886.1891. Lost, our tiger cat who is circu. liberal employee benefits and 10010 CADIEUX 6F- TO SHARE- DUNCAN PHYFE drop leaf lar tabby marked, rather AUTOMOBILE OWNERS!-Ap- table and chairs. 3 oriental 2 bedrooms, air-conditioned, de. Livinl Quarters . large at about 15 to 20 Ibs., an equitable sala'Y. You must proximatelr';2() quarterly buys rugs. Used gas stove. 886. luxe G.E, kitchen. Excellent and has probably removed his . have superv:sory experience: FRESHMAN U of M mcdical $10,000/$20,000public liability, 7253. ANTIQUE red harness. He's 6 years old, know Bell Telephone equip- parking and transportation. student will share his apart. property dam age. TUxedo is missed by his two step Adults. TUxedo 5-8778. ment with same. TUxedo 1.2376. SHOW brothers, and probably will ment and have completed 2 5.8329. Upholstering Sale EASTI.AND CEN'l'ER ESTATES bought and sold. AUDlTORWM not Answer wheu you C8U his years of college or equivalent. 6A-FOR RENT -- EMPLOYED business woman Complete or odd pieces, An. Chairs $29 Sofa $69 8 Mn.E-KELLY AREA name. Tuffy went out the door Grosse Pointe News, Box 0.1 , (Fumf.hed} MAY 8,9, 10 some time on Sunday night. will share hcr lovely 5 room tiques, silver, china, fumi. F,ee pickup, restyling HOUSE for rent, July and Au. flat with same. Excellent. lo- ture. Oriental rug3. Hugh C. aod Scatchguordlng HOURS 9:30 A,M. TO 10 P,M. Please give us a call if you 99 Kercheval Ave.• Grosse DOOR PRIZES, DONATIONS $t I gust. Park privileges. TU cation. St. Clarc Parish. Call Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO HARPBR WDS. BABE RUTH find him aDd we will give you Pointe, Michigan 48236, 366-6100 1-173( 5 p.1D. after 6 p.m. TUxedo 4.9169. 6-2500. BASEBALL LEAGUE Auxn.rARY a reward. TUxedo 2-6443. after

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Thursday, Moy 8, 1969 P.g. Twenty.four GROSSE POINTE NEWS 12F-RESORT PROPERTY 9-AITICLlS WANTED 'I-AUTOS FOR SALE "-AUTOS FOR SALE l1-AUTOS FOR SALE 'l~UTOS FOR SALE' II-AUTOS FOR SALE lU-BOATS AND MOTORS FOR SALE 1966 CADILLAC Sedan de VUle. WANTED: Old leather furni. 1967 VW 1965 BUICK LeSabre, 2 door 1968 FIREBIRD Hardtop, 4 spd. PONTIAC Bonneville, 1966hard. hardtop,V-8, aut 0 mat i c, extra sharp " low mileaie. top. Fully powered, air con. Full power, air ,conditioning, 40' , Mackinac equipped, EXECUTIVE beach home, $37,' ture. VAlley 3.(J385. Dark greeD, deluxe beige in. 500. Permanent year round power steering, power brakes, $2,689, low as $189 dowtl • ditioned. Excellent condition. ebony black. A real clean $7,000 firm, good condition. terior. $1395. . 4 year old brick ranch style WANTED - Boys 16" or 20" Dark GreeD. $1095.$99 down. DICK SHALLA 886-6416. . car. See and driv,e this ODe! 886-4318. bike. 886-3065. FRANK ADAM home situated on 100' lake CHEVROLET 1964 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door COFFEY CADI L.LAC 1959 FOLKBOAT. Equipped for frontage at Port Franks, Can. WANTED - Boys' 26 inch bike. LINCOLN-MERCURY RICHARD 16700 HARPER TU 1.7600 sedan. V-8, automatic, power 3180 E. JEFFERSON racing. Asking $3,600. 886-1435 ada, Lake Hurons finest siD. Good condition. 885.7928. ~0777GRA'l'IbT, E. DET. s tee r i n g, power brakes. LO 7.61Ul or 886.3584. dy beach. Completely furnish. ed including 5 major electric PR 2-0200 BUICK Gleaming Gold. $895. $195 1966 MERCURY station wagong.' 1%8- TRAILnS AND lOA-MOTORCYCLES down. power br8kes and steerin appliances, 5 bedrooms, 2 FOR SALE '67 CORVAIR, standard trans. 16941 E. Warren nr. Cadieux BUT Air conditioned. 9 passenger. CAMPERS baths, oil heated. Brick gar- mission, radio, whitewalls, 886-3090 Clean. 42,000 miles. $1,650 age. Seen by appointment HONDA Sport SO.Excellent con. BEFORE RICHARD 110 hp engine, wife's car, 25,' TU 4-4435. RENTALS only. dition, $120. 886-5287. 000 miles, $950. 884.3907. '62 CHEVROLET station wagon, J. D.PAIEMENT $400. 277 Ridgemont, Grosse I YOU BUY 1969 PLYMOUTH Fury III, 2 1969 DODGE Family Wagon Realty Limited BUICK Vans fully equipped, sleeps II-AUTOS FOR SALt: CADILLAC, 1967, Sedan de Pointe Farms. 150(}()KERCHEVAL dr., hardtop. Demo, auto. 12 Stanley St. Ville, beige, air.conditioDing, BE SURE power steering, power brakes 2 adults and 2 .children. PONTIAC '65 Catalina converti. London, Canada power windows and locks, 6 822-7740 radio. Many more factory ex For information call 519-433-6171 way seat, radio with. foot ble. Low mileage. Power TO tras. $99 down. steering, brakes. Excellent 1964 PONTIAC Catalina con. 881-0861 519-232-4579, Barbara Conlon I FOR THE FINEST control, low mileage. Origirial vertible, bucket seatS, power owner. Excellent cODdition. condition, reasonable. TUxedo VISIT LOCHMOOR FAMLI.VANS, INC. 4-7726. steering, new tires. 821.(J348. 12G--FARMS SELECTION Only $3,5SO. Trombley Rd., CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH Michigan Bankard Honored. 18165 Mack 886.3000 OF PRE-OWNED WOodward 2-4330, V A 11 e y 1969 COUGAR hardtop. Power 1966 CORVETTE. Like new, 2 2-4330. steering, power brakes, V-8, tops, 300 h.p., 4 speed. You 1965 MUSTANG, vinyl top, auto HURON COUNTY CADILLACS automatic air conditioning. Di\LGLEISH CAMPER SALE 1969 BUICK Special Deluxe 2 must see it $3,199. Easy matic transmission, air, low 6,000 miles. Yellow, black top, 67 acres, house, barn and out IN TOWN door, radio, heater, V-8, auto- terms. miles. Owner. $1,100. 881.9763 NEW COBRA CAMPER black interior. $3195. CADILLAC buildings. 300 ft. on stream, matic, power' steering, yellow. DICK SHALLA 11968 TRIUMPH ROADSTER Sleeps 4, gas stove, heater, 110 small woods. Near Harbor $2,695. 5399 down. FRANK ADAM 6161 WOODWARD TR 5.0309 CHEVROLET SpitIire. A sharp one - owne; and 12 volt hook.up. Stainless Beach. On corner of Schock • • • L1NCOLN.MERCURY 16700 HARPER TU 1.7600 sports car. Special $1,899 sink, polyfoam mattress, pow. Rd. and McIntosh. Brooks, 20777 GRATIOT, E. DET. Michigan's Largest Cadillac 1961 CHEVY Bel Air 6 cylinder. $199 down. er range hood, 2O-gallon pres. Begg Representative. RICHARD \ Dealer sure water system with gauge, ROGER PR 2-0200 FREE PARKING DRIVE.IN Good condition, new tirtS, new DICK SHALLA 6-way camper to truck con- parts. $275. TUxedo 1-2255. CHEVROLET GEORGE PALMS BUICK i968 CORVE'M'E CO~~ertible'I' nection, cab over bunk, cny 16941 E. W8rren Nr. Cadieux 300 h.p., 4 speed. Like new. 58 F~RD 2 ~oor hardtop, auto. STATION WAGON, De Soto, 16700 HARPER TU 1.7600 water hook-up, gas regulator, REALTOR RINKE Relll value, $4199, terms. matic, T-Brrd !D0tor, power, camper jacks. 313-886-4444 886-3090 . 37,000 a~tua~ miles. Extended 1955. Kept in excellent me. '63 OLDSMOBILE 98 COUPE DICK SHALLA spare trre ill chrome. Abso. chanical condition, $150. TU Factory air 'conditioning, full ALSO 5-0097after 5 p.m. CADILLAC 1969 NEW YORKER, 4.door, CHEVROLET lutely new car condition. power, automatic, tinted win 1968 %-TON CAMPER Special, 12H-LAKE AND RIVER hardtop. Demo. Factory air 16700 HARPER TU1-7600 Make offer. Friday or week- 1965 CAD ILL A C Fleetwood dows, rear seat speaker, pre V-8, custom cab. fOR SALE conditioning, power steering, ends. 822-6932. Brougham. Forest G r e en. mium whitewalls, much more 25420 Van Dyke power brakes, power win. CHEVROLET '66 Caprice 2 . Outstanding condition, well $3,199. door hardtop, V.8, automatic, 1968CADI~LAC Coupe ?e VIlle. Low mileage, air conditioning. dows. Many more extras. $99 maintained. $7SO. TUxedo FULL PRICE ON LAKE HURON bet. 10 and 11 Mile Rds. factory air.conditioned, power Regal Silver, plack vt,nyl ~op, One owner. Full power. Only down. 6-3738. at Port Huron steering and brakes, yellow lull power, ~rr condl~0lJ1!lg. $2,495. J ED RINKE Several Choice year around and Telephone LOCHMOOR with black vinyl top. Ext1'8s. Only 5280 m"iles. Car 15 like 1966 CAD ILL A C convertible. COFFEY CADILLAC CHEVROLET Summer Homes - Excellent 757-0767 or 536.6260 CHRYSLER.PLYMOUTH Save $200. Private. 881.7183. new. 3180E .•TEFFERSON Arctic white, black top, black 18165 Mack 886.3000 leather interior, tilt telescopic VAN DYKE at 10~ MILE RD. Beach .,- $17,500. to $75,000. COFFEY CADI LLAC L07-6811 W. Bruce Keys, 1113 Military, 3180 E. JEFFERSON wheel. Stereo. Only 24,000 '68 PONTIAC Bonneville con- Port Huron. 985-9685. Eve- LO 7.6811 miles. JE 6-0255 1968 CADILLAC vertible, power, excellent con. nings 385-3133. CHEVROLET 1968 Implila Ca- dition.Warranty. $2,6SO.886. COFFEY CADILLAC TRUCK.CAMPER DEPT. 3180 E. J-EFFERSON COUPES (7 price Sport Coupe, teal blue, 7975. LARGE lodge on Torch Lake. LO 1.6811 Michigan's exclusive Cobra black vinyl roof, 396 cu. en. '63 CADILLAC Eldorado con. Dealer 131 ft. sandy beach. 11 sleep- COUPE DeVI LLES . gine, turbo hydramatic trans- vertible, loaded with air. New CHEVROLET, 1967, Imp a I a ing rooms. Suitable for a club. WOOD mission, power steering, PO',<\,- tires. $l,~OO.852-4448. hardtop, power steering, ra Complete restaurant equip. er brakes, monitoring system, dio, heater. Excellent condi. ment. tinted glass, whitewalls, push SAVE MONEY 1966 MUS*ANG convertible, 6, tion. VAlley 1-2153 Slinday. PHOENIX FORD REALTY, BELLAIRE button .radio. Sharp. $2,500. automa tic, power steering, NO AIR COND. \ 881.3828: . 17.ft. travel trailer. Sleeps 6. 16,000 miles, new spare. '67 CAMARO Rally Sport 327 Completely self contained. MOTORSINC. Gleaming Gold, black top, convertible, wide ovals, ex. Used only twice. CANADIAN LAKE LIVING .1968 CAMARO, all red, rally Chestnut Brown coupe. Power eellent con d i t i 0 D. VEnice LAKE ERIE wheels. Low mileage, war. black leather interior. $1495. 9.2028. windows. $4,195. ranty $1999. $199 down. ,FRANK ADAM $271. dn. Near beautiful Kingsville, only and USED CARS 1966 BUICK Wildcat 2 door 1/2 hour from Detroit. 148' of Mateo Red. Coupe de Ville. DICK SHALLA LINCOLN-MERCURY Lake frontage at a price you CHEVROLET 20777 GRATIOT, E. DET. hardtop. Turquoise, bl~ck Black vinyl top. Full power. vinyl top, power steering, won't believe. It's high ODa 16700 HARPER TU 1-7600 PR 2-0200 COBRA cliff overlooking the water in 60 To Choose From Only $4,395. power brakes, radio, heater, PANHARD, 1.960, French, 2 V-8, automatic, $1,595, $295 1968 Cobra 17 ft. travel trailer. a gorgeous subdivision. Half 1963 CHEVY II station wagon, 6 6 sleeper. 'Completely self down may handl~ so call now. Baroque Go I d C

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13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ~STATI 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE ll-REAL 15TATI U-REAL ISTATI FOR SALE FOR SALE . FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE I FOR SALE FOR SALE ROBERT. JOHN ROAD MANCHESTER FOR SALE BY OWNER 1~ BUCKINGHAM Colonial . . ,SUNNINGDALE, 1561- Excep. HUNT CLUB-This is an ex. Glen Arbor Lane CONVENIENT TO 280 STEPHENS ROAD OPEN SUNDAY, 2.5 Grosse Pointe Farms For the active family! 5 bed. tiona! custom built 4 bedroom ceptionally elegant 3 bed. 2 blocks south oJf Vernier Road, room COLONIAL with ~X26' semi.ranch, 2Y.1bath5, huge EVERYTHING room brick Colonial. Florida Price Reduced ])istinctive En g lis h Tudor. oU Morningside ~ Grosse 4 Bedrooms, 21h Baths - Less heated Pool, Large kitchen kitchen and breakfast area room, fireplace and garage Pointe Woods, New larger 4 Spotless 3 bedroom RANCH Beamed ceilings, rough pan. than 4 yrs.' old with built.ins, paneled family lovely family room with fire: and too much more to men. Grosse Pointe Farms Ranch. elling, brick walls, ? fire. bedroom COLONIAL. Latest room, first floor. lau~dry. All place, large living room over. with family room on lovely tion. Stop looking! THIS IS Large living room, separate features. $75,000. OpeD daily. landscaped site, 65x147'. Mod- places. Only a few of the fea. This Home Has carpets, draperies !Dcluded. looking L 0 c h moo r Golf IT. dining area, new carpeting, 2 turE's in tbis warm country Immediate occupancy. Owner Cour5e 2 car attached ga. ern kitchen, car~ts, draper. bedrooms and library Or third LLOYD MARKS Everything ies included. Attached garage. home. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, tran~erred. Priced for im. rage, ~any other extras. By RIVER ROAD - Price reduced bedroom, IIh baths, large and study up. New kitchen. TU 4.7411 886.5!'J8 Central air conditioning-Pan. mediate sale. TUxedo 1.6300. appointment. Queen of Peace pari!'h. Terri. on this bonus brick beauty! closets. enclosed porch, kitch- fic value. TUxedo 1-6300. den, family room, mud room, eled family room with beamed Ranch home with 3 bedrooms, en and breakfast nook, tiled .carpeted g a m e s room in Johnstone &- Johnstone and painted basement with ceiliJ)g and natural fireplace, TOllREY ROAD - Excellent 4 Johnstone &- Johnstone formal dining room, spacious basement. New furnace and Grosse Pointe Homes gas fired logs - U-shaped I' bedrooms, 3 full baths, formal kitehen and Florida room. Ask storage closets and lavatory garage. On large tree shaded kitchen with all built.ins, eat. dining room. Enjoy your hot to see this one! and recreation room, 2~ at- lot. Appointment Only ing area in kitchen, formal summer in this air-condition. GROSSE POINTE PARK tached garage, electric door size dining room and living Grosse Pointe t~ home and outdoor swim- TODAY'S BEST BUY! LAKESHORE ROAD AREA - opener. St. Paul's Parish; (Not Open on Mother's Day) room, all wool carpeting in ming pool. Don't wait - call 4 bedrooms, H~ bath brick The ultimate in living awaits Kerby.Brownell schools. Call every room except kitchen and BY APPOINTMENT now! single, 3 car garage. Very you in this 20 room estate. 881.1844after 6:30 p.m. GROSSE PTE. WOODS ROSEDALE. 681- See this eus.' entrance hall - partially fin- sharp. ,$24,900 full price; ap. Plush interior decorating and tom built 4 bedroom with fam-: ily room and library. Unique' ished' basement rec. room - WOODS LANE near Morning. KENMORE - Well maintained proximatel;; $2,500down, FHA available for immediate occu- 4.<:14HAVERHILL, 5.5 income. 19898 E. Williams Ct. Colonial. Two furnaces. For. Paneled walls and complete side. LjkE new custom built 3 bed roo m ranch. Large pancy. Let us tell you more! Beautiful interior, fine invest. Three bedroom Rancb, large the discriminating owner. sauna room-2-car garage- one owner home. Two bed- hreezeway which can be con- CROWN REALTY ment. Open Sunday 2-5. $31,' living room witu natural KAPPA (Clinton Township) - electric rotor T.V. antenn:l- rooms, one and one.balf baths, verted into family room and Tom McDonald and Son 500. 881-3385. fireplace, full dining room, PEACH TREE, 699 - Modified: stockade privacy fence. 51h% formal dining room, utility 2 car attached garage. Call "Captivating" is the word for kitchen with ample cup. VA 1-6500 this 3 bedroom brick ranch tri.level, custom built with' existing mortgage. room, family room, attached for appOintm..lnt. boards, counter space and very unique detail throughoui: with marble sills, kitchen two car garage, sprinkler sys- breakfast area, IIh baPJs, will please Mother with its; built.ins, double closets and By Owner 884-1788 tem. Owner moving soon. DEVONSHIRE, 5796. Ideal 3 T S MOTHER'S DAY screened and glassed ter. very functional floor plan and, bedroom home. Ilk baths, too much more to mention. race and 2 car attached ga. $48,500. See today. appan ays- Sure to catch your eye! SPECIAL exceptional family room and: ! s e par ate breakfast room, I rage. Star of the Sea Parish. kitchen. formal dining room. By ap- CONVENIENT to new North "Surprises we have, for those CHATSWORTH. First adver- tised. Close to Grosse Pointe. pointment. High. Sharp 3.bedroom, 1112 HAMPTON, 2150 - Frame, 3: who discern. Call us, make .\ "FOR MOTHER'S 1109 HAMPTON Well maintained income bun. bath Colonial. Sparkling new bedroom, carpeted, paneled' haste, or await your turn." FIRST OFFERING-Lovely 2 LASTING HAPPINESS Semi.Ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2 on the second floor. Close to: galow. Convenient to trans. SCHWEITZER kitchen with dishwasher and baths, living room with fire. portation, shopping, schools. bedroom ranch, faluily room, HOMES TO SUIT HER disposal, ample eating .ar.ea. schools and transportation. . separate dining room, 2 car place, dining room, kitchen ~> FIRST OFFERINGS Two car garage. Well priced. EVERY MOOD." 886-4200 Cozy living room and dIDlDg with table space, recrcati~n S. BRYS, 1059 - FIRST OF-; attached garage. Located in room. Handy to schools, excellent area of !:it Clair room with wet bar,' 2.car FERING on this exceptional' 'I'.~,l... BE THE FIRST to see this ever BALLANTYNE. High grade GROSSE POINTE shopping and transportation. garage and nice carpeting 3 hedroom ranch. Heated: .. popular three bedroom, two Shores. By appointment BY APPOINTMENT 5th % mortgage can be as- with many useful and ex- WOODS and drapes. family room, recreation room,' bathroom ranch on a cul-de- pensive appointments. One I sumed. brand new condition through.~ ~., sac in the Farms. Small lot, CONVENIENCE isn't every. and one-half story. Four bed. thing, but it sure helps! Good BRYS DRIVE near Mack .and GROSSE POINTE CITY out. large Florida Room and rooms, two 8nd one-half bath.s 8 Mile Road - Charming 3 BETTYVINGI 3 bedroom English in excel- BY APPOINTMENT Village Lalie - Charming Den. Walking distance to of which one bedtoom, bath bedroom oolonial with modern schools. St. Pauls Parish. REALTOR lent condition, S't. Paul's English Cotswold. L i v i n g Thinking of Selling? and lavatory are on first kitchen, s c r'e e n e d terrace, PRIZE LOCATION I ,: • _ Call us for an appointment parish. Located on 50 ft. lot room, dining room, kitchen floor. Paneled library. Activi- 20741 MACK 886.3210 close to transpOrtation and basement and garage. Close today. ties room ... Recreation room to all conveniences. See today. GROSSE POIUTE FARMS with eating space, family LET US OUTLINE OUR; schools. room and full bath on first with bar. Air conditioned. MEADOW LANE floor. Four bedrooms, 1% PLAN TO YOU .~ YOUR CHILDREN will have Good location in the Shores. SUNNINGDALE DRIVE 357 McMILLAN - Ideally lo- SOUTH ROSEDALE COURT their own professional soda cated in the Farms, 3 bed- near Morningside Drive - A UNIQUE center hall COLON. baths on second floor. Two fountain in this "first offer. Exquisite 3 bedroom, 31h bath room colonial with modern custom built 4 bedIoom brick IAL' Paneled living room and car garage. FAIRWAY. Good quality ranch, SEMI.RANCH with space for ing", in the Park. Five bed. built 1954 on 85 foot lot near kitchen and l"rge family Colonial and attached 2 car dining room, complete new CARTER&(O .. fourth bedroom. Large center garage, featuring a marble rooms, den, library, and .Fairford. Three bedrooms, room with beamed ceiling ldtchen, wall to,-wall carpet- entrance foyer, oak paneled floored entrance ball, a SWEENEY & MOORE out s tan din g recreation two baths. Family room. Rec. and parquet floormg. Close to ing. 3 bedrooms and bath on 881.6800 TUxedo 4-4400 room, are but-a few of 'its family room 25xl5, kitchen schools, shopping and trans. dream kitchen with built-ins, second floor, lavatory on reation room with fireplace. with all built.in appliances. fine features. Look fori the portation. St. Paul's parish. 2'h baths, a large family first, recreation room in Library, first floor laundry, ') room with a wall-to-wall fire. hlue awnings or call us for COOK ROAD. Very well builtin basement. Walk to schools, '"'garden house, fully air.condi. THE BEST ROOM IS ELBOW place and a sliding door wall directions. 1956. Fine colonial. Four bed. shopping and transportation. tioned. Sprinklers and tennis ROOM in spacious 7 bedroom, leading out to a beautiful rooms, two and one.half $42,500. 6;{.% mortgage can GROSSEPOtNTE court. Many lovely refine. 41h bath English in. the Park, patio and formal ga~;;en baths. Paneled library and be assumed. "THERE'S THE PLAY. ments. $100,000class. TUxedo situated on large 80 ft. lot. area. See this tOday. GROUND SUSIE"-in back recreation room. Walled patio 1-6300. Newly decorated, comJ;lletely CENTER HALL COLONIAL on HUNTINGTON - A step to: of this newy on Lincoln. A and glassed breezeway. Spe- new kitchen, new carpeting. Audubon - • bedrooms, 21h Mack. Small 2-bedroom BUN. Call three bedroom, two bath cial features .. Johnstone &- Johnstone Three fireplaces and 3-car ga- MARV baths, paneled library and GALOW on large well-land.' lovely. "By the Time you rage, two waterfront parks, games room, terrace. Lots of seaped lot. Ideal for retired get to Phoenix" it will he N. DEEPLANDS. High class co- GEORGE PALMS closets, excellent breakfast couple wbo like to garden.: St. Clare parish. At last you REALTOR gone. IQnial in. prime location. Four GROSsE POINTE Shores, Ih have found all this, and priced BOUTIN space, mint condition. $61,000. Can't be beat! $24,500. TU' bedrooms, three and one.half block off Lakeshore rd. En- under $60,000. May we teU TU 6-4444 PR 1.2300. 1-6300. baths. Library. Family room. glish Colonial brick. • large you more? 884-7733 . BY APPOINTMENT Desirable details. 120 foot lot Member, Grosse Pointe bedrooms, 3 fireplaces, fam. Real Bstate Board BEDFORD - St. Clare Parish. KERBY ROAD-Attraetive and ily room: Priced in the 60's. WINDMILL POINTE - Sum- 20559 Mack Ave. Good house for a large fam- roomy 3-bedroom COLONIAL, IN' THE FARMS and on Mt. Grosse Pointe Woods 'Vernon. You can't beat this S. RENAUD. Fine ranch. Three Owner. 886.7720. mertime is just around the ily. (.bedrooms, 2Y.t baths. 2 full baths, 2 half baths. for liveability with 2 bed- bedrooms, two and one.half corner, swimming season is Large modem kitchen with Builder's own home in e>'el'l-: rooms, full bath, and den b8thS. Special family room almost here - own a borne built.ins, den, games" room., lent conditioli~Large\ lot, beau- down, and large bedroom with fir e pI ice. Recrea,tion JUST THE FACTS where you and, your family Owner transferred. $41,500. tifully landscaped, property and bath up. Owner will room with bar and fireplace. can enjoy the convenience ofl rst Offering TU 1-6300. includes Carriage House with. Modem kitchen with ~ui1t-ins. the water and leisurely, lux. Fi 3 rooms and bath over ga- sell on FHA. Good condition BISHOP-New Offering-living Merriweather Road • . . Sharp 3 bedroom and well worth seeiD.g. urious living. Nearly new 3 BERKSHIRE - Desirable Eng. rage. Cboice "Farms" area. areas galore for large family. bedroom home. with pan. li 1'h bath Colonial -.yith a den. Very good HALL PLACE. Well designed Four bedrooms, three baths, lish TUDOR designed for TU 4-0600. one and one-half s tor y in brary, spacious living room, condition. 2 car garage. Kerby, Brownell, gracious living. Large living HEAD AND SHOULDERS great family room 8nd music and Paul schools. Priced at $37,500. prime location. Three. bed. dining room and Florida st. . room with fireplace, 15xlS' MANOR - Near ChaIfonte in. above all the l\ouses ..IOO1j1.. " . 'Quick possession. 6th % mortgage can be l'~c:!l .. ~~fI\!;"'[Wo 'J)1it1l!l~of 'wh'ii!1t . room. 'Yllu' will"enjot the Ie; dining rpom with hay, pan. Grosse Pointe F~rms. First for sale in the Farms. We assumed. Carpeting, stove and refrigerator cation and beautifully land- eled library, powde~ room, ( oHering of this well.maintaln. know of no other house b.edroom and ~ bath are on BUCKINGHAM _ Fun in the included. fll'st flO!'r. Built 1950. 60 foot summer wi swimming pool scaped lot, complete with bedrooms, 3 b:.Lths, kitchen ed 3.bedroom BUNGALOW. which offers two :naster s,rinkler system. bedrooms plus a large fam- lot. SprInkler system. fenced for privacy. Family with built-ins, games room Gas heat, 2-car garage. 1m. room, extra large kitchen with fireplace, attached ga. mediate oecupa~cy. TU14200 .. ily room, and the newest in LOTHROP. Very special one • kitchen gadgetry. Hidden plus den. ~,OOO. DETROIT Offering rage. Beautiful 100' garden and one.half story. Five bed- First site. TU 4-0600. THREE MILE DRIVE - Beau. back on a cul.de-sac with rooms, four and one.half baths Fresh as Spring! This 3 bedroom, 21f.zbath swimming pool and seclud- BEDFORD-New Orleans Colo- tifully maintained 5.l)edrcom including a bedroom and bath 263 EASTLAWN - Excellent 5 Colonial sets on a well proportioned 75x120 ENGLISH.2-Story with excel- COLONIAL. Large paneled ed yard. nial Dining room and family bedroom semi.ranch in good on l11'st floor. Family room site. Excellent condition, modern kitchen, lent accommod8tions for the library plus family room, room open.t9 super kitchen. condition, well located near sprinkler system, 2 car attached garage with and libr~ .. Many interesting 3 bedrooms. 11h baths. Cen. large family and priced for dream kitchen with built.ins, A BLOCK from the lake and featur€s. riverfront park. Will sell and electric garage door opener, and many, many the young married's budget. formal dining room, ,.lames the Pier Park is this center tral air conditioning. 51h% as- land contract. Call us for fur. eTtr8S. Make appointment tod8Y if the above sumable mortgage. • bedrooms, paneled third room with lav., 3 fireplaces. entrance colonial in the PEMBERTON. French Nor. ther details. facts create an interest. You'll be pleasantly floor playroom or fifth bed. Fully air-conditioned. Owner Farms boasting three bed- surprised. mandy design. Five bed. 9570 E. OUTER DRIVE - 1m. room. Price reduced to $35,- leaving state. Must be SOLD! rooms on the second floor rooms, thr~ baths. Paneled maculate custom.built 2-bed- 000. PR 1-2300. TU 1-6300. and two lJathrooms. The DEEPLANDS - Outstanding den. Family room. Recreation Farm Colonial in prime con- room brick bungalow with master bedroom has a fire- room with fll'eplace and bar. dition. Four bedrooms. 3~ large modem kitch~!.l, new BLAIRMOOR - Almost new 3. ROOSEVELT PLACE - Re- place and immense bath. $48,500. baths. Library, family room, roof, new furnace,' 2. car Kerby Road bed roo m air. conditioned decorated and updated Farm There is a fourth. bedroom glass enclosed terrace room garage. Ideal 2 bedroom brick home built in 1952. RANCH. Large kitchen with House with • bedrooms, den. on the first floor and full WOODS LANE near Morning- overlooking beautifully land- Requires a minimum of maintenance. Near built-ins, lovely covered patio, MUST SEE INSIDE, Price bath. side. Recently built model scaped garden. Price reduced. 7 - Mack shopping, bus line. 5t. Paul's parish, complete sprinklers, 2.car at. reduced to $21,900. PR 1-2300. ranch. Three bedrooms, two Possession at close. $2. ,500. !ached garage with opener., \ A SPACIOUS larger house on baths. Family room. Two car ON THE LAKE - Spectacular TAPPAN Owner Florida bound. TU SEVERN - Lovely 3.bedroom' Shelden ~vith four family attached garage. Central air view from all family rooms. 1-6300. center hall COLONIAL with: bedrooms and two haths on Ct>nditioning. Sprinkler sys- Fabulous panelling, beams, family room and 2-car attach. the second floor, is one you tem. Owner moving out of fir e p I aces, entertainment 884-6200 Washington Road BLOSSOM LANE - Attractive ed garage. Paneled games, won't want to miss. There town. see today. areas. Master suite plus 6 90 Kercheval On.the.HiIl near Kercheval. We are pleased to offer 2 setting for this 4.bedroom room with bar, sprinklers.' is an extra room, off the family bedroms and five fine family homes in this perfect location. CAPE COD on 90' site with Owner transferred. Priced in: BALFOUR. Charming colonial. living room, which catches baths. Carriage house. Member of Grosse Pointe One with 4 bedrooms, 2'h baths, and a 2.car attached garage. 2baths, low 40's, TU 1-6300. Five bedrooms, three and one. the morning sun, and would Real Estate Board den. Another with a total of 6 bedrOOms. family room. Priced to sell be an ideal place to stow. half baths. Library and' rec- 3112baths and a den. Both good value for $43,SOO.TU 1-6300. SHOREHAM - VERY AP-~ :I\yay the kids in the eve- reation room are paneled. THE VENICE OF DETROIT less than' $50,000. Quick possession. Inter- PEALING SEMI.RANCH on' ning. Superb kitchen. 82 foot lot HARBOR ISLAND esting financing arrangements. CalI for de- CRANFORD LANE - AUrae. SO' site with 2.car attached: near St. Paul. Large mort-I tails. tive COLONIAL double house garage. 2 baths, den or fourth- UNIQUE CONTEMP9RARY, in gage can be assumed. 14550 - Open Sunday 2:30-5:00 in very good location. Live in bedroom plus family room.; the Farms, built by Alexan. Buy now for a fun filled sum- HOME one unit & rent the other. 5 Fully air.conditioned, sprin-. der Girard .•. on Lothrop. RIVER ROAD. Sparkling ranch., mer! 2 boat wells with elcc. rooms each. Near bus and kler~. Barnes, Star of Sea: Room for all with space for Two goo d sized bedrooms. trie hoists. Extra special en. Moran Road stores. Priced right and very Schools. Ell: e e 11e n t value.: creative genius to flourish. F ami I y room, Recreation tertainment areas. Five bed. OWNERS favorable terms. TU 4-0600. $49,500. TU 1-6300. room with bar and lavatory. rooms two baths on Canal. Excellent value on this 3 bedroom, 1!h bath Complete guest house for YOU SUPPLY THE hrick Colonial. FHA commitment for a family, friend or foes - Early possession. 70 foot lot. DEVONSIDRE - Brick CO- WHITTIER-Builder's "dream": SCRIPPS - Three bedrooms, HOME, WE HAVE $30,000 mortgage. Requires only $500 down LONIAL with large entrance house. Quality features that: situated on a generous and plus costs. 17 foot paneled family room, good beautifully landsc&ped lot. STEPHENS near Ridge. Superi- bath - great condition. Swift THE QUALIFIED hall, large jalousied sun room, show. 3.bedroom brick CO" or Early American. Four bed- occupancy. $1,300. plus c1os. BUYERS. THE eating area in kitchen, uniqJe recreation den, breakfast room with lav LONIAL on one of Grosse. rooms, two and one.half baths. . ing costs. room, 2 car garage. Possession at closing . plus 4 large bedrooms with Pointe's finest streets. TU' THIS JEWEL SPARKLES and Paneled library. Activities FOLLOWING ARE Arrange an appointment to inspcct this home 2 baths, fifth bedroom and 1-6300. will bedazzle the viewer room. Recreation room with THEI R REQUEST. today. bath on third floor. Base. from the curb as well as HARPER WOODS fireplace. Fine appointments. GROSSE POINTE PARK mcnt game~ room and lav. 3- ST. CLAIR - N ear Village. from within. You'll enter Custom built in 1954 by high OPEN THURS. 1:00.3 car garage. TU 4-0600. shops. 3.bedroom 2-8TORY into a two-story entrance Older 5 or 6 bcdroom. Condi. grade builder for himself. Open Sunday 2:30.5:00 tion not important. 3 01' 4 with 26' living room, den, 1'h hall with a sweeping stair. Hillcrest NORTH RENAUD - BeautHul baths. Lots of house for the case leading up to two bed- COUNTRY.CLUB 20434 - Ex. bedroom, ~. bath, Colonial ST. CLAm SHOJtES, Statler cellent F.H.A. commitml'nt. with carriage house. This family flat located in Grosse Pointe RAN C H overlooking land. money! TU 1.6300. rooms and an adjoining Boulevard. On the canal. Farms is one of the 4 eV/lr built in this scaped grounds. 2'h baths, hath. The first floor has a Grosse Pointe schools. High GROSSE POINTE CITY Steel sea wall. Very good co- School North. Near Xway 4/1 area. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 Mutschler kitchen \vith built. LTKE NEW COLONIAL - .( spacious master suite, ~.est lonial. Four bedrooms, two Brick or frame Colonial, 3 or bedroom. bath, and a glasscd and sc~ecned bedrooms, 21h baths, terrific plus lav. Under. $30,000. 4 bedroom, 1st floor lav., ins. first floor laundry. fam- suite, family room, d1Rmg baths of which one bedroom porch in each unit. Owner will conSIder a ily room. Now VACANT. TU kitchen with built. ins, beau. and living rooms. A half under $48,000.00. and bath are on first floor. hmcl contract. Priced at $35,000. Good in- 16300. tiful family room, paneled block from the lake, on PICTURESQUE SKI LODGE- Recrcation room. Studio. Air Gaylord Area off old M.27. 66 GROSSE POINTE FARMS ve~tment. games room. popular location. Woodland Shore. conditioned. $43,500. acres. Exciting entertainment On ::. quiet street, 3 bed. I HARBOR HILL - Hill-top loca- Assume 5'h% mortgage. $52,- arca plus living room, dining. rooms, 1'h bath, under $39,' tion. Early American dwell. 900. PR 1.2300. 500,00. "He who livc~ to buy, loves to RADNOR CIRCLE. Sharp co- kitchen, two bedrooms and May each one of us he grateful for our own ~pccial can. ing with family room, dining live." lonial. Thrce bedrooms, two bath. Work to be done. GROSSE POINTE WOODS didatcs for "Mother of the Year" and pay her a wcll de. room, paneled library and VERNIER - Overlooking golf and one.half baths. Dressing 4 hedroom Colonial, $59,500. scrved tribute this year. Florida room. On second; 6 course. 3-bedroom COLONI. Clayton C. Purdy, Jr. room. Large activities room. JOHN S. Under six years old. '2 or 3 hcdrooms, and 4. baths. Base. AL. Large living room with Robert G. Edgar Recreation room. bedroom under $37,500 for mentgamcs room. TU 4-0000. fireplace, kitcheD with table family with pur c has i n g space, dishwasher, 2-car ga. Mary F. Schlaff d Richard E. Borland Margaret E. Sullivan Marian J. Bo e GOODMAN power. ROSEDALE COURT - Ncar rage. Good price $30,500. TU: THOROUGH COVERAGE 93 Kercheval 886-3060 William R. McBrearty James S. Barker Julia B. Tobin ON OTHER MISCELLANEOUS I Lee J. Grylls Rohert J. Welch Liggett School. Beautiful 3. 1-6300. Dorothy Meeker GROSSE POINTE HOUSES Ilh story Bungalow for eld. h e d roo m, air.conditioncd James P. Danaher erly couple with cash. RANCH on 90' site. Large UNIVERSITY PLACE - Eng- Sue Megowen Stop in for a time saving list NEW LISTING Exclusive by family room with fireplace. lish 2.STORY. Large living Don Perrie tailored to your requirements Your inquirie~ for evaluation kitchen bUllt.ins, first floor room with natural fireplace, 20846 Woodmont, and appraisal of your home fro m our comprehen&ive laundry. outstandin~ games 3 bcdrooms. breakfast room, will be taken carc of directly Grosse Pointc catalog of pho. Harper Woods room. Assumc 6'fJ% morl. screened terrace, gas heat" by the broker. BORLAND tographs and small floor OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I ~age. Immediate posscssion . 2-car garage. First floor car- .ooסס-. Purdy plans. This one has it 011: Custom TU 1-6300. peting included. TU built with 3 bedrooms, excel. RUTH • lent shopping ond schools. See &- o lot of house for 0 low ~rice. ASSOCIATES McBREARTY MAXON 19 Kercheval Realtors TU 6.3800 JOHNSTONE & MIDWESTERN REALTOR and BROKER (Nl'llt to Punch & Judy Theater) Edgar BROTHERS INC. 886-4060 SITES, INC. Member of: Grosse Pointc Real E~tale Board TU 6-6010 83 KERCHEVAL TU 2-6000 81 Kercheval on the Hill JOHNSTONE 63 Kercheval 886.3518 ," .. ,.... ,.,)0.0', • ..:<. ,.' ',"- ;'.' ..',':".' •.....~, .. , ~

Page Twenty-six Go R 0 S S'E POI N TEN E W S Thursday, May 8. 1969 U-REAL ESTATE I3-IEAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE 21E-SEWING MACHINE Zll-PAINTING AND FOR SALE FOR SALE / U--RfAL ESTATE 13A-Lon FOR SALE .. FOR SALI FOR SALE FOR SALE REPA.IR DECORATING Attractive Lot on Jefferson YOU CAN'T TELL Zoned 2 family S£RVICE CALL, tune-up, com- G.P. PAINTERS-Inexpensi' GROSSE PTE. MANOR GROSSE PTEPARK 342 MORAN For Further Information plete, $3.75. We repair all but expert jobs. Referenc. GROSSE POINTE WOODS A BOOK 3 bedroom siwable Colonial. PRICE REDUCED 1205 Bishop Rd. makes. TUxedo 2.1881. available. Cali now for imm BY IT'S COVER! CONDOMINIUM lIh baths, remodeled kitchen, 'CALL diate service, TUxedo 244- 594 CADIEUX CHARMING 3.bedroom ColonIal breakfast room, den. and rec GEORGE PALMS. 21 F-$IDING SERVIC£S or TUxedo 1.7820. HAMPTON ROAD, 1617 - A aDd living room with natural fire. room. all panelled, 2 natural relatively new brIck 3 bed. YOU CAN'T JUDGE Attractive 3 bedroom townhouse place, dining room, complete fireplaces. Low 4O's. By ap. TU 6-4444 ALL AROUND PAINTING u room Colonial close to both A HOME apartment. Living room, din- kitehen with built.in 0 ve n, pointment. TUxedo 5-6716. BRICK, AWNINGS, decorating. Wall washiDI public and parochial schooL~, ing room, 1st floor powder dishwasher, formica sink, dis. GROSSE POINTE ALUMINUM SIDING Insured. Jesse Page, VAllE shopping and transportation. BY IT'S FRONT! room. All new kitchen with posal. breakfast nook and BLAIRMOOR-4 bedroom Cape REFRESH the original beauty . 2-7348. Beautiful waterfront site> 136 x Includes built.ins, csrpeting formica counter top. Range, first floor bath with shower. Cod. Family room, 2'>2baths, of your home. We uncondition. Inspect these fine homes. 466. Solid breakwall. Deep. and draperies; house is in refrigerator and disposal. Fun Year round family room. Car. built 1965.Liggett school area. ally guarantee your brIck mint condition, water doc k age. Flexible basement, gas heat, air-condi. ,peUng and draperies. Full home will look like the day YERKEY & SON 55 SHOREHAM ROAD HAWTHORNE - Distinctive terms. TUxedo 1-6300, tioned, car port. Mortgage basement. gas heat, 2-car at. home for the growing family it was built. Prices from $100. WE SPECIALIZE - Exteric OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 OPEN SUN. 2.5 available. Full price $28,990. painting. 27 years' experienci 3 large bedrooms. 31h baths. tached garage, corner lot, which includes a beautiful We can also protect the beau. Open Saturday and Sunda)l. 5&'x1l9'. Excellent condition swimming pool. Johnstone & Johnstone ty of your brick by silicone (1 bedroom & bath down) 2.5, weekdays by appointment. DU PONT PAINTS Use, ROWE & GROVE throughout Priced at $47.- VACANT LOT. Kelly-9 Mile waterpro~fing. Beautiful pan e 1e d library. 8OxI75-Excellent building site. Reasonable. Call Evenings. TU 4-1000 900. Shown by appointment. area. 2 family zoning. $5,000. TW 1-5896 772.311 Tremendous screened porch. MICHIGAN CONDOMINIUM Berkshire S. off E. Jefferson. GOLD SEAL WASHING SERVo The Computerized Office Formal dining room. separ. SALES CO. M.S.C. CO. Not many like it left. PRescott 8-0874 ate breakfast room. Wen built William W. Queen SILLOWAY & CO. PAINTING, PLAsTER Patel and well maintained on 120' 886-4880 886.4880 19846 Mack 8864141 SOMERSET, 1047, four bed. sprinklered lot. TU 4-7000 l~~, Repairs. Wood~ork rl rooms, 2% baths, brick home. 2 J G-ROOFING SERVICES finished. 35 years experienci with 2.car garage, gas heat. Following By Appointmen~ ONE BEDROOM co-op apart. 1443 YORKSHIRE, G r 0 sse GROSSE PTE. WOODS GROSSE POINTE Reasonable. 822.4474. ment, Detroit River, $20,000 Pointe Park, by owner. 3 bed. IDA LANE WEST, 19783 - An Cameron Place _ Vacant Lot Shown by appointml'nt only. 5 bed roo m s, 31h baths. 4 room. Ilh bath, den, 1 car at. B ~ J Painting, J. M. Saylor, broker. 886.3668., BLOCKS TO SCHOOLS. Beau. cash. Monthly maintenance ex~ell~nt neigh~rhood where 105x126. View of Lake. $60. For information 777.3310. tached garage, excellent loca. thIS fme home IS iocated. 3 J. D. Candler Interlor i1nd Exterior tiful new kitchen with all Evenings 881-G430. tion. Good condition, $33,800. bedr?~ms, (ull dining room, I HARPER WOODS Free Estimates "built.ins." Separate break. Open Sunday 1.5. 884-6509. ROOFING co. 776-6890 A VISIT to this New . FlorIda room. Residential Lot on Lennon, INC. fast room. Attached heated . Sh 76x133. Grosse Pointe School England Atmosphere garage. Near bus line. Well St . CIair ores District. Michigan's Oldest Roofer BETIER LIVING EXTERIOR SPECIALTY will find you the home built home with copper gut. WOULD 10% THIELE DRIVE, 209{)1- Most Residential and Commercial ters & downspouts. $52,000. BEGINS WITH charming custom 3 bedroom Sweeney & Moore All types of Roofs and Decl'.s DIVIDEND House and garage painting. Ell of your choice. A NEW HOME ranch. Air-conditioned in fam. 881-6800 Gutters and Conductors. KARL DAVIES ON YOUR MONEY ily room, Ilh baths, 2% car Free Estimate Repairs. cellent references. Free esti ~ .• 3, 4 and 5.bedroom homes mates. Very reasonable. Fu! TU 5-3220 Our idea home at 12 Elmsleigb PLEASE YOU? garage. recreation room, car. 14-REAL £STATE No job too large • Grosse Pointe Schools Lane will be open daily and peting throughout, many ad. or too small. time professional painter~ Call anytime. 371-7478. SundlY from 2 to~:30. Elm. IF SO, HEREmmo IS___HOW ditional features. Immediate WANT£D • Hudson's EasUand-5 blocks CALL 899 ~100 • Edsel Ford Express-l block GROSSE PTE. FARMS sleigh Lane is south of Jef. Invest $1,000 or $2,000 with us possession. Open Sunday 2-5. -PR-IV-A-T-E--pa-r-ty-,-vill-p-a-y-t-o-p ferson and east of Cadieux. with a nice happy group of 329 TOURAINE RD. cash for good 3 bedroom house • Park. Playground-l block people who have invested ROOF repairs, gutttrs, decb, PAINTING. Experienced, neaf i, in Grosse Pointe. Will buy :&.JW OPEN SUNDAY 2 to 5 We also have other homes under $1,000 or $2,000 each in a chimneys. Do work myself. fully equipped, reasonable . " cOlll!truction and a limited 'SCHWEITZER for possession in June. Reply TUxedo 14807. TUxedo 1-5306, after 15:30. ': DANBURY PARK SUB. Frrst showm~ of this on~o()wn~r number of building sites. nice 25 fa mil y apartment TU 2-2100 to Box. A-45, Grosse Pointe building near Grosse Pointe, a development by custom built house ill thIS I News. ALL ROOF & GUTTER WORK prime Farms loc~tion. Practi. WALTER H MAST CO who are n~w receiving 10,% . KURT O. BAEHR cal floor plan WIth generOllS . . per year on the i r money. RANCH. HIDDEN LANE .. FAMILY needs fine 3 or 4 bed. Caulking,' ~imney repairs. CUSTOM Painting and Decoraf A. W. MILLER, r NC: Sprinkler fystem, central air. VA 2.2S90 sized rooms. Among many fine TU 2-1401 TU 2-1400 There is room for several room home. Cash. Private. Gutters cleaned. ing. Wall papering. Guaran ,- features are a modem kit. more investors. $2,000 is the conditiqning. Mio. 826.5886. Mr. Jay, TUx.edo 1-7609. ADVANCE MAINTENANCE teed. Free estimates. LAke • Open 9:00-5:00 week days; 2.00 chen, paneled library plus a limit for anyone person. For view 1.5716. 1150 N. RENAUD. Living room, PHILIP near Grosse Pointe. 9 TU 2-5539 5 SundaYfl. Closed Saturday. screened and glassed terrace more interesting information large units. 25% return. Hud. 15-BUSINESS overlooking the garden, at. dining l'll. 2 bedrooms and write to Box J25, Grosse SMALL JOBS


$ nr 77 nt •• ? 7 • r • r 7 ? ? t t ? b D t b t t e , p • ) ) e bet t ,I ThursdlY. May 8. t 969 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P.~ Tw.nty4ey.n 21 %-LANDSCAPING 11M-SEWER CLEANING 21R-IRICK AND Get your huncbes-It's better Have eonfidenc&-trouble. too ZIS-CARPENTER WORK Ial%-LAN-"'ING ZI%-LANDSCA'iNG SERVICE thall .itting on your hallDcbes. day will Ieem. trivial tomorrow. S-EWEBS---CLEANED---, -b-ro-k-en CEMENT WORK SlIVlCE SERVICE repaired. GUaraDteed. ------NEED lawn or garden work sewen done? Call TUxedo 4.5962. :ReuOllable ratel. 881-0063 or VITO CASTIGLIONE CHRISTOPHER Grosse Pollitt U.... THE GROSSI POINTI _~_122&_, Cema work. porcheJ, driJe., CONSTBt1C'lION co. SCHERVI5H ARE NO RAUCOUS GANG or ere", METHODIST CHURCH IAmST CHUte" ilItruding upon yOUI'privacy. ~ lIIiJe a& lIaS ADVANCE KAINTENANCE ways, garage noer. and rat CUSTOM modtndzatioD, add!. d Just one proficient man ex- 211 Mom. 1tocl4 Groll" Poin&e ,,_ EleetrioSewerClealliDgfor walL . tioD.-attb-Ddt_- Lan scape Co YOU pertly caring for your laWIL 886.2363 • Invite. you to WOl'Ihip with ' all drains and sewers. TUxedo 1-9988 Evenings Estate mainteunee. • 882.2832. MIn/stn 'us. Pm'II A. T1IOIIIGI 9:45A.M. ~ COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL JAMES BAlUtER .• ' 1'_.- d PROTECTED? 8:15FAJULY WORSHIP with CHURCH SCHOOL . WE DIG AND REPAIR !l23.8585 923-858'7 ~ete IoMWJl an , EXPERIENCED mGB. SundaY 8ehool c1aNP lor BROUN SEWERS REP}.lRS CiirPen Service ' . SCHOOL STUDENTS pre-lICbool, e1e1ll.1l&a17, YOlltb 11:00 A.M. and adu1ti. MORNING WORsmp All Work Guaranteed Waterproofing and brick work. pe DoeJ')'our 1aDdJc.pe "mCe of. DESIRE COMPLETE LAWN Land Oesl'gn 11:15 MORNING WORSHIP w1tb - 7:00 P.M. 884-95J2 We W1derpin footings, repair Md" t' fer you complete proteetion Ie: GARDEN MAINTENANCE, Sunday SChoolcl.... for EVEMNG WORSHIP caved.in basement walls or for you, your DeJghborll, your Also ' pre-school. Kindergarten and 0 ernlza Ion and ConstrUetio;'~ Dr, A. Dale Ihrie-Minfster 21Q-WATERPROOFING make replacemems. lDspee- MOREVALUEfor:JO'lD'DIODey. ' property aDd'the workers on • '!'hatch Remoyal 11'""1'" ------tion of completed wort in- Addltlolll, kitcbeDI, dormers._ • SPIl;DICleuup . your propertj7 • Fertilizing vited; we guarantee our basemeDta, batbrooml, wall RolliD, &Del 'l'hatch 1lemovlL Cbec:k tile fo11owin, before mat. • SoddlJJ, workmanship. FHA terms, removalr. No job too 11I1I11 FertWzatioJl ed Weed Con. ing urangemeota for the 1969 • Tree Trimming D. L. & W, licensed, insured, bonded. or too large. troL M'son. • Weed Control , Flm Inlli'" St. Paul Ev, ONTAIUO BIDI"'ARE BROS. INC. • Weekl,. Lan KainteDanee -Workmans Compen.satiOa to Reliable aod Reasonable WATERPROOF ING CONSTRUCTION CO. \¥\ . protect the workers. 885-4107,:, Ev. Lutheran Lutheran Ohureh CIIe1font. alld LetllrtIJI 881-4400 OffiCe 'l7M71lS ~ Soddin, ud 5eedin, -Public Liability to protect, Expert Craftsmanship EXPERIENCE SPEAKS TU 1-667. ------~ evenings till 11, TU 1.- • Garden you and your ne.lgbbors from Cburch W. Invite You to Worship All phases of Residential service FORITSELF ' With u. Waterproofing LAWRENCE VERBEKE • Patio. Wans PJanfinl1 ciamageaandpossibleiDjuries. 8 geoeratiOl1S of exparlenc., V.mia, Rolli at W.citewt04 Worship: 9:30 and 11:00 a,m. CEME~r CO. '-Ucensed by the State Depart- from Driy., Grot.. '.lIIttWood. Sunday School (Nursery.Adult) ."Brick pointing a specialty 9:30. CONCRETE-BR!CK Additions - Alterations • PeraoDa1i%edSer.vice at Rea. ment of Agriculture. JOHN C. LA. BELLE, Church WOl'lhlp 8:30 • Foundation leaks thru his grandson: Sunday School (Nursery. STONE-WATERPBOOFlNG New Homes lODable rates, -Qualified WOlters to give you & 11 •. M. 11:00) • Leaders and gutters Kitchens, Family BoomI reliability and a professional JOHN C. CARLISLE Ilev. Curlll W. IIndrock CONCRETE -Driveways, fide. We Alao S....,.;..1ize in Call Anytime Free Estimates job. Complete landscape servo $und., Church School ':30 Pater • Roofing and Shingling 'ft!0IIl'1 W. ArMltl'lOft walks, patios, garage floors, ~ 822.8839 or TO 2-t!21i 884-5040 \lie., Call for fre8 estimate cement patching of all types. JrlDdernJzinl BathrcoJPs Serving Grosse Ptes, , courteSY of: LAWN WORN: and odd job. by 882-6215 BRICK AND BLOCK-Porches, THIELE Construction. for Six Years EAST SIDE 2 high school boys, experienced. pre. cast steps, expert tuck [, Supply Co. 15139 MACK LANDSCAPE 882-5628. pointing and patching, chlm. Pll 5-2321 St. James CONTRACTORS St. Michael'. BASEMENT neys. / 882.7730 Lutheran Ohurell. Episcopal Church WATERPROOFING STONE-Patios, walkJ, flower - H. F. JENZEN :MEMBER OF EAST SmE K.rchlYlll of McMIII.n . SIDE OUTSIDE boxer, stone repairs, of all BUILDING LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS 20475 Su""IIIIII.I. P.rt, LL WORK guaranteed. We dig types. BILL' CROTHERS TU 4-0511 Home and indU6trlal repairs. Grosse 'oilt" Woods outside waterproofing; water WATERPROOFING - Bas e • AdditioDS. attie. completed. I LANDSCAPE CO, 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. ServIces TI!e Rev. Ediar ]I, YeollWl, draiDa broken or c..acked are mellt lew. • tl TREES IIid atum mo ed lleetor replaced. Free estimates. No 15 Years in the Pointes. Porch enc.O!Ul'eI, reerea OD . . ps re v , Landscape design and maiDten. Memorial (Nursery for sman children) job too small-just call ' rooms, garages repaired. trimming. Insured, winter ance. 15 years in the Pointes. 9:3() a.m. Sunday SChool SChedule of semeee FREi> NAVARRO ( FREE ESTIMATIi:S, LA 1-4693 ~ 1-9744 'lU 4-3011 rates. 293-4069. Call after 6 p.m. Church . Sundll?'l: 8:00. -=30. 11:1$ a.m. RoY. E. Kill'll,. ING CO NO JOB TOO SHALL , United Presbyterian Ge.". 'uti, ChW'ch School aile! NIUH1'7 care WATER~~~i8 • 'Ucensed _ Bonded. Insured JOHN REBERRY PR 2-1798 Rey. Alan P. Hon., PoltOl' dUrin' to two liter .rtices. INTERIORS 16 ~e Shore Rd. BASEMENTS WATERPROOF------DesignJog and Deeor.tInI LAWN SERVICE For iDformation, ED-Reasonable rates, work. ALL KINDS CEMENT Complete RemodeUnl • COMPLETE WEEKLY P.D.L;s LAWN SERVICE night or day, FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST manship guaranteed. 881-0063 886-8551 !lAINTAINENCE Grosse PoInte Farms (Clirlstlan Science) General outdoor maintenance. call 882-5330 Sunday, 10:30 a.m,-()hurob. Seda, ichool and Infan3' ROOIIl or 779.1225: AND BRICK \'VORK DOING all ~ carpen&er • DEPENDABLE SERVICE Free estimate, reasonable rates, Wednesday a p.m.. '1'est1IDoDlal Meetlnl 9:30 and 11:15 III CIIIHo/IJIA_ Garage floors, driveways, rat work, remOdMfiig aWe rooDlI, , 2.1P-fURNlTURE REPAIR 886-1923 TU 6-5995 Worship Service Be.dIu Boom. 18G1I ~ Ave. • , . walls, pre-cast steps, porches, porches. smau or biI jobs. and Church School. Ilally 10 to S excePt SUndaYs anI! Bo1ldaTl ELEGANCE IN rebuilt or repaired. Patios Ell tlmat II free. TUxedo , '1 to II Th~ IJld FridQ eVIIlIJlP UPHOLSTERING and Datura! stol18 plaDtus; ~5892. T.C. Lawn • Garden s.,nlice. The Rev. Experienced, dependable, stu. WILLIAM FREEMAN Bertram deH. Atw90d Custom made furniture; dee. All cement eracks repaired. LANDSCAPING orative fabrics; prof86Sional Basement waterproofing. ZIT-DKESSMAKING dents. Own equipment. Tom, preaching on GROSSE. POINTE WOODS DRexel 1.506U. needlepoint mounting, FREE ALTERATIONS and 'repairs. Experienced maintenance and "ON REFUSING tapes- ESTIMATES fair prices. Call 716-4037.. tries and yan,; chairs ud NO JOB TOO SMALL 1152 Maryland, Grosse Pointe TO STAY PUT' {/Jresbgterian' Church' stools in stock. EWALD, estal> JUST CALL Park. VAlley 1-263~. THOMPSON 1mO MACK: AVE.. at. 'J;'ORBEY B.D. 886.faOO lished 1926, 13929 Kercheval 7'13-4018 ALTERATIONS and teWing. LANDSCAPING CO. at Eastlawn, ~A 2-8993. Will pick up and deliver. TU Th. Grone Point. "OUR CRITICAL LIVES" Custom lawn 'and garden 1e!T- Dr. John oteri. Jr. CHAIR CANING and Rushing- FRED NAVARRO 1.3668. COftlrelational Grosse Pointe. ice. COmplete landscaping and Wonhip Se~e and ChUreh School 9:30 worn seats rewoven like new. <1esigning. Fflrlilizing, IoddiDg Church DRESSMAKER, fine garments Unitarian Church Worship Service 11:00 '1:00 p.m. Sr. Billh TUxedo 4-2432. for important occuions. and triJnmjng. Free estimates. 240 ChaIfonte at Lothrop l'U5O Maumee Ii Neff Bd. (Nanet7 semce.) OLD COUNTRY flU'niture re- BRICl{, BLOCK, cement work, QuaUty workmJDlhiP. SOme P.O. Box 5047, Grone Pointe, at Mich. TU 4-2'120. .:30 and 11 o'clock Dr. Be"" C. Mese1VC finishitlg and antiquing. Cus- . c~eys. ~chl!l, steps, alterations. 9El3.lI!538. Worship S6vlc:el tom reuPholstering. 527-3933; built and ~epaired. Basement Morning Servlce 521-4519. . waterproofing. 294-4074. SEWING: AlI'aatiolll, adults Church School; Crib Room and Church SChool 10:liD l.m. and children; heJDI, zippers, thm SeI4or. High both CITY OF pillowl, drape., Troulel'. COMPLETE 21Q--PLASTERING 21~ARPENTER ~ORK lervices "WHY I SHALT NOT cuffed. TUxedo 1-'1455. LEAVE THE CHURCH" LANDSCAPE erA FORK IN THE ROAD" EXPERT PLASTER and dry- CARPENTER wants small jobs, wall repairs: Licensed con- panelliJl.g, repairiDi, .screens, Z1U-PLUMIING AND DESIGN Sl:RVICES 101m William &tel, Jr.. 1IIInI.Iter DR. HARRY C. MESERVE traetor,' 20 'years. Free esti- porches, etc. PRescott 1-3729. HIATII:4G NOW ~ the time to plan your mates. 778.26'18. FOR CLEAN & dependable ..Jan.~f:lI-~.needs •. ,Qw.:~qualI.,. MICHIGAN ,.. -, PLASTER craCKS!epaired. Tile CARPENTEIt''Worlt';'"inodermza. service, .call ELMERS fied deslgner~ will analyze yoUr grounds and provide and drYwall repairs. PRescott ~~~es PLUMBING AND JD;\TING. CITY OF ~~=~.!::: professional plans for patios AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SEC';rJON 18(A) 1-4580. TUxedo 2-2795. TUxedo 4-488Z. \ and other front and backyard SPECIALIZING in repairs for plantings and conmuction: of, ORDINANCE Nit. ZIt endled"AN ORDI- 18 years. Cracks. eliminated. CARPENTER-All types repiIr CALL NOW for an appoint. NANCE TO LICENSE AND REGULATE THE Clean. Jim Blackwell. VAlley and remodeling. Carl Watson. SPRENKLE ment to meet with your COil' OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE or AU- 1-7051. LA 6.5501. venience. Grosse Pointe • PLUMBING • HEATING TOMOBILE PABKING LOTS. AND THE 2IR-BRICK AND REMODELING • SEWER CLEANING TU 4-4677 CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH TOE SAME CEMENT WORK Custom built kitchen cabinets, VA 2-1282 HEJLBER OF EAST SIDE MAY BE CONDuCtED IN THE CITY OF CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION recrj!atiop rooms. Additions Since 1916 t,ANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN", as ceMent and Brick Work and all types of porch en. NOTKE OF. Repairs and Ne..... closures, siding and roofing, amended, adopted OR AUflIIi 11, 1914 Basement Leaks FHA terms. We are inllured, LARRY'S CUSTOM No Job Too Small licensed and bonded. PLUMBING AND HEATING PROFESSIONAL Residential and Commercial 885-0612, Inspection of complete work SPECIAL. ELEalON ------invited; we guarantee our Repair and Remodel LAWN and GARDEN Water Heaters - A. o. Smith H. CHAUVI N }l'orkmanship. Permaglw and Rheem Glass- MAINTENANCE CEHENT CONTRACTOR ONTARIO line. And All TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION CO. TUxedo 1-7410 '.TO BE HELD ON CEMENT WORK 881-4401) EXCLUSIVE ALTERATIONS- DESIGN _ Walks • Drives _ Pordes By Marie Stephens. .Quick _ Patios. Waterproofing service on hems. (Furs.) _ Pre.Cast Steps TUxedo 5-7610. GENFS I _ Tuck Pointing CUSTOMCRAFT TUESDAY MAY 27, 1969 Construction Company No job too small . 21V-SILVERPLATING LA~~DSCAPE Free estimates • • SUver &: 6()ld Plating CALL BUILDERS & REMODELERS • Oxidizing and Repairing SERVICE TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS TU 2.6586 TU 2-5956 .- • Brass Polishing Ie: Lacquering Additions, Dormers, • Fireplace fixtures refinished FREE ESTIMATE OF THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE Rec. Rooms, nathrc:,;ns, • Copper polishing &: b~ng VA 1-2070 Masonry Specialist Kitchens, New Homes, Licensed Bonded Quality Masonry Repair Custom Garages Ie: Doors OUR 19TH YEAR LEEBERT Notice is herby given that a Special Election Work • SILVERSMITHS Custom Fireplaces and Free Estimates & Planning will be held in the City of GroSJe Pointe, Wayne 14110 CHARLEVOIX Stone Work LAWN MOWER repairs, and County, Michigan on Tuesday, May 27, 1969 at FINANCING •ARRANGED 3 Blks. West of Chalmers overbaulin, lny make. Rea. sonable pri':es. Call Steve, which time the qualified registered voters may R. A. Seefbinder VA 2-7318 Contractor • 886-2273. vote on the following: 5526 Lowe 264.3517 881-1024 21Z-LANDSCAPING Do you favor the confirming of a franchise to Licensed and Insured SERVICE THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY, for the pur- pose of the erection, construction and maintenance QUALITY WORK by carpenter J. W. KLEINER CHUCKS of towers, poles, mains, wires, pipes, conduits, CEMENT CONTRACTOR with 20 years experience in Four! Seasons Grosse Pointe. Cor.scientious, apparatus, etc., requisite for the transmission, trans- All types Cement, Stone and can do anything. Reasonable Landscaping Co. Landscaping forming and dititribution of electricity for public Brick Work-New and Repairs prices on recreation rooms Driveways, Porches, Walks and kitchens. TUxedo 4-5372. & Nursery Sales and private use. Patios, Tuck Pointing Lawn and Garden Pre.cast Steps 19720 MACK Service, (Old Findlay's Nursery) Waterproofing • Altics • Porch Enclosures YES ( No Job Too Small • Additions • Kitchens Complete landscape design, con- Complete • Garages SPECIALIZING struction and maintenance'serv. Home Maintenance NO ( IN • Commercial Buildings ice. Trees, shrubs, evergreens. Flagstone Walks and Patio~ Power raking, fertilizing, sod- Natural Stnne Planters JIM SUTTON ding, P.eliable and Reasonable 1677 Brys Dr. The polls for said special election will be LICENSED BONDED TU 4.2942 TU 2.2436 INSURED LICENSED opened at 7:00 o'clock A.M. and will remain open Free TU 2-0717 885.8881 until 8:00 o'clock P.M. of silid day of election. Top Value You are further notified that. the polling place Stamps SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES TOP SOIL, sand, peat, crushed for t:aid election is as follows: .I stone delivered. TUxedo 2. FOR OVER V2 CENTURY 0989. SO liAVE A BUCK THE MAIRE SCHOOL ------BY CALLING CHUCK 740 Cadieux Road Ev.ry Style of Fence COMPLETE landscaping servo (Between Kercheval & Waterloo) ice by Julius LaQuicre. Top TV 5-7102 TU 6.3940 erected for you dressing, cultivating, edging, shrubs. evergreens pruned, FOR ALL FOUR VOTING PRECINCTS WA 1.6282 Lawn cut tin g. fertilizing COLLEGE STUDENTS Section 2. F.FFECTIVE DA fE. This Ordi. Spring clean-up work. Hourly Including rates. Reasondble. Free esti- With four years experience nance shall take errect twenty (20) days after the Chain Link All-Steel 1IncI mates. 885.5659. dcsire: THOMAS W. KRESSBACH elate of its enactment. Rustic Style. • Lawn Culling TRIMMING. removal spraylog, • Spring Clean.Up City Clerk feeding ..nd stump removal. • Gardening Leo.na D. Liddle Free estlmates. Complete tree • Fertilizing CITY CLERK MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. scrvice. Cal Fleming Tree Call Kcn Christisn or Harry Pub. GPN 5.8.69 and 5.15.69 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL Service, TUxedo 1-6950. Lipski at FO 6.1000 (Ans. Serv.) , t • Thursday, May 8, 1969 Page Twentyo(fight GROSSE POINTE NEWS * * * * Feature Page * * * Pointers of ,I nterest Good Taste who, where and whatnot Favorite Recipes by ~:J.oozit 1J-Otnte oj Parents Without Partners (PWP) • • • you've un- People in The Know doubtedly heard of it. But did you know that Gros.se Counter Points' Pointe bas a chapter that meets at the War MemorIal by CHEESE SPBEAD the second and fourth Friday evenings of the month? Pat Rousseau Co~tribll&edby Did you know that it has 152 members? ••• While You're Enjoying Spring, •. the Walton.Pierce Mrs. Artbur C. Wendler * ...... buy~rs are in New York previewing Fall. The advance From the PWP has br.ancbes all over the United States and desIgner showings promise a beautiful season with iU.nitarianChurch Cookbook Canada.". all chapters have the same goals • • • to feminine fashions. The hemline is short. Sleeves for Two 3-ounce pkgs. cream help the single parent cope with the many problems that evening. Delicious peach i<; a favored color, used solid, 1 cancheese(5-ounce) small must be faced in asin~le-p~ren t...b ome, •• brocaded and in tweeds. Brown is "the" dark and there is a rich deep green running through the collections from shrimp (or fresh) . But ••. the approaches to these problems are handl- morning 'til night. It is fabulous in velvet and velvet 1 tsp. salt ed in a social atmosphere much like a "~amily." B~wl- is eve~ywhe!e. Pant costumes for day and evening are 2 Tbsp. cocktail onions, ing nights .. , picnics ... week-end campmg ..•. hohday at thelI zemth. They are very well done. Patch prints , chopp~d. . parties PLUS monthly educational programs WIth pro- are for sporting and partying . • • cozy country style 1 Tb.sp. JUIce from cocktail fessional speakers and panels discussing such topics as or in opulent tissue metalics. Ever aware of wear-now- ~lOns . til fI if th tw "Parent.Child Relations in a One.Parent Home," .•. fashions ... the buyers have Bor-Aired summer cocktail pack:;: '::; cr:a~ ~ees:' "H~w"t0 Live As a ~ingle Parent," "Understanding Your and evening . . prom and party • , travel and at-home Blend in at low speed on miJ:er Child •.. fashions to Grosse Pointe. They are arriving daily. Don't the rest of the ingrediellts. " .. * miss the fashion fun! Pour into .erving bowl and chill Discussion groups, often professionally-led, at which • * *, one hour to bIend f la v 0 r s. members share theil' own experiences are also held • • • Having A Hairpiece .•• has become a natural, even M:1kes abo~t 1~ cups. Serve and small, evening coffee clatches in members' homes •• essential, part of a woman's life. In only moments, a Wltb cocktail crackers. * • ... simple hair style can be miraculously changed into a , The Grosse Pointe Chapter recently formed a Teen glamorous and flattering style, perfect for those very In Mary street; ~r.and MI:s. Group that promises to be fun and educatio.nal for Teens George Mantho In Three Mile . h b' I f th special occasions .• . and just by adding a hairpiece. drive; MI'. and Mrs. D. w. of Smgle Parents. The ~oup as. 19 ~ ans or e Leon, 17888 Mack Avenue, has one that's sure to be Goodenough, in Lothrop road; future. • dances ••. outIngs .•• dISCUSSIOngroups. designed for you and for your pocketbook. And if you're and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loehr, * * .. lucky enough to own a hairpiece, let Leon arrange it Photo by Edd1e McGrath. Jr. in Greenbriar lane. PWP they may be, but without friends they are not in one of the season's latest styles ••• TUxedo 4-9393. MRS. JAMES E. ST. DENIS r\ND MRS. RICHARD J. LANGS OF HOLLYWOOD They noted that all Kitchen ••• for through membership in The Pointe Chapter mern- • • * AVENUE. . Tour participants are invited bers have found scores Of friends with similar interests A Red Letter Day, •• , Tuesday, May 13 ••• at By Janet Mueller ~.------to drop by at the Cq tt age to share their leisure hours • , • Michelle's Boutique'at Leon, 17888 Mack. On that day ThE!y live right across the street from one another. She's the S Lake Shore drive . . • and, of course, did the ful of trophies includ~s some Work stimulates her. "I've Clinic, As~15tance Lea~e,. the inl(. th,e. Single Pare.ntMa. gazine • , . chock ftill of help- Now for a 'few facts: We'll for basketball (he p1:J.~;;at the found the busier I've been,-the Grosse Powte. YHS Wives, kitchen with their usual skill and flair. Drop in and start with Beverly, for no better Neighborhood Club), baseball more I've gotten done" she e.g,), and thell'Lav.:frIends belong. fut articles and the chapter newsletter whicb announces see a truly country.style kitchen from now through May reason than that "L" comes be- (he's in Little League), and says. "I've baked,.imor~ pies.. They emphlisized that tickets coming local and city-wide events of interest. To get a 17, e'icept for Sunday, May 11 ... doors open at 11 a.m. fore "S" ill the alphabet. . • swimming (his "home pool" is spent more time in my garden WILLBE AVAILABLEat each membership form, J'ust call Jan Van Buskirk, member- and close at 4 p.m. • * ., Beverly and Richard (it IS the Grosse Poi n t e Yacht ... I'm always home when the home on the Tour the DAY OF ship secretary 'at 884-7123, Barbara Burke, at 881.1255 "- "Richard," never Dick), Langs, Club's). He's ,a ChampionFish- children are at lunch when THE TOUR, with the donation or Marge Damman, at 881-5010 .' .• they'll be happy to A Jewel For A Jewel ••• of a Mother. Stop in at an attorney, have two children, erman as well":His prize catch, they get out;" school . .' .It. remaining the !lame, $2, wheth- oblige. Orcorner,Jan at one of tbe meetings ••• th~ Sphere 19849 Mack .ave~ue, and Douglas, nine, and Priscilla, largest. fish brought in at the JllIl'.does hl'S share of child. er tickets are purcbas~d in ad. ,* * .* . Old Cltlb one day last summer, th T D choose a gift to give Mother on her day, • seven, b0th students at Ferry hangs mounted on the wall next related activities, incidentally. vance or on e our ay. An interesting note .•• a recent tabulation at. PWP May 11. You'll find a complete •.• ' TH. SChool. to his trophy f,helf. He's served on the Executi;'e Planned Innovations headquarters in New York revealed that the total Inter- and beautiful , • • selection of jewelry • . They met at'the University Board and is a past Chief of the They decided on a few inno. national PWP membership is J'u.st over 40,000 ... this of Michigan. Beverly's from . Priscilla:s gi..ento more ~rtis- Indian Guides at the Hannr.n vations to make this year's W h . • • whether it be earrings, a necklace New Jersey. Richard's a N8tive tic purSUits, sucb .as plan~. YMCA. Kitchen Tour easier than ever indicates approximately 120,000 children in P P omes or ,a pin. Son. They've bee n a Pointe S~e's an excellent little roUSI' Y M' h. I do 't h lor the Tour-ers. . • and PWP is only 12 years old! .. . . Couple six years' before that clan. oung IC ae esn ave 8. * ... • Raindrops May Fall • , , when you'rehandso~ely they lived in Lakeshore Vil:' If you want to REALLY pay trophy display to compare with . "We ;:ere tired of those 'long' PILFERINGS. .."',..,">, ' lage. Beverly a compliment, tell ber Do,uglas Langs'-but after all, ticke~'"BeVerly and Jo Anne. 'I el Levine' writes biogtaplilei{ of famo~)"'peOple. protected in a raincoat from Martha's Closet, 373 Fisher how much you like her yard, bes a year younger and has explain, We thought they were. sra. . ,. . • t hi'd s his Road. Se]p.ct one from a collection that includes solids Always A Teacher That yard's her baby: Beverly just ~tarted in Little Leag~e. awkward, hard to h\1Ddle... " fo~ teen-age readers and tr~es ou s 1 e!1 on own ... naturai, light pink or II blue trimmed in white •. ~ Beverly's a teacher, some. designed it, supervised the Ladylike Michelle's faVOrIte So the ticket has been reo ehildren. He aske~ his daughter, Carol if she thought and prints of course, a blue and white floral print, for times full-time, sometimes part- trucking in 01 volcanic rock; the hobby is her doll collection. designed, incorporated into a a biQgraphy of Lenm would be a goo~ idea. Sbe thought instance, or a black and white one. time. sometimes on a year's placement of a tiny pond, the Michelle's dolls come from six-by.-three.inch combined it was a great idea. Levin started work on the epi~. A ...... "baby sabbatical," b'Jt always arrangement of 15 magnUicent all parts of the world. Three ticket-program booklet, with a few davs later, be,heard Carol on the phone telling a a teacher. 'tin b k b t If You .' • '. hate permanent waves but y~ur hair azaleas, rhododendron . , . years ago, she got a windfall tear.off tab for each house at pal "Isn't it great? My father's Wfl g a 00 a ou She was full.time this school Many nei.ghbors ma.de con. when her: parents r.eturned.from the end of each page. . John' Lenuon."-Robert Sylvester, Chi,cago Tribune-New needs body, try the new Bodi End~ at Edward Nepi year from September. . .throughh tr.bI Utions, one donatin g f01'- a European vacation, brmgmg. Hostesses in every home wilI York News Syndicate ' Parruccchiere, 19463 Mack Avenue. Excellent for both Deeember, teachmg elg t sec. sythia, another a specialty iris, back boxes of dolls they lugged wear special ,Kitchen Tour' ~ * ... fine or extra curly hair and safe for tinted. It takes tionshandlingof Mathover 300per cbildrenday - that'sper another lili'es. dUllut u y across countr'les and\ Aprons, d.'eSlgnating them as F d F' dl addressing\ an audience, observed, just a balf-hour )onger than a normal. shampoo an~ set Path COnnectsHomes through customs. Tour "resource people," and re rlen y, l~d b' t 1 we were talking to apply. The cost is only $15 and 1t lasts for SIX to day! _ at Guylon Elementary There's a pebble path leading Wanted To Be Singer each hostess will have a com. "In my day, when we ta e a ou ove, seven weeks. Call 884-8858 for an appointment. llchool in Detroit (which, in- fronl the Lanl~s' property to Jo Anne originally pl&nneda plete run-down of "her" kitch- about marriage. But to y. whe~t~~_u AtalkF~bo~tl lOf~e, .. . cidentally, happens to be Jo their back neighbor's. Beverly, career as a singer. She studied en. you are talki:Jg about makmg ou...... s ~len y In- . I' ~~~f.:)~"old e 1erne n t a y told it would d~stroy,th~ "~ne" Music at the ~e~oit Conserva. All of which took much plan. ished, Walter Lippmann, who was ~n th~ audie~ce, can.::; Bring Spring In • , • with fresh and lively ideas in of her landscapmg, still inSisted tory before sWltchmgto Central ning many behind-the-scenes Up and asked "Fred, what does makmg out mean. custom draperies, slipcovers and accessories . '.' whe~her Now she's part-time, allowing on that path. "Onethin~ I Michigan University (it was hour's, And we haven't even Friendly relat~d the incident later to his teen-age daugh. your taste be traditional or contemporary ... It's Shore- .herself a Breathing Space to ~EVER ,~~nt," she explams, "C~llege,". then~, where. s~e mentioned the ~me involved.in tet who asked, "Daddy, who is Walter Lippmann?"- wood Interiors, 22604 Mack Avenue •. , 779-2882. concentrate on communitycom. Is fences!. maJored 1D Busmess Adnunls. lining up the kitchens, sendmg L ~lie Carpenter publishers-Hall Syndicate. . . .. mitments including (it's Top,of. ~o Anne St. Dems, born a.nd tration., ' .' out the patron letters, getting =-:e ~-.-:.., ------You're Sure To Find .• , just the right remem- her.List), the Kitchen Tour. raIsed here. (her parents live She still, enJoys smgmg, aI- a committee together .. ,. Ch She's cut her Guyton Days to in Ida lane, off Cookroad). dis. though she considers herself a How DARE Jo Anne and Vincent Massey apter brance for Mother on Mother's Day at Notre Dame one-two if she can manage it- covered Jim, a West Sider, bit rusty (Michelle doe s n 't Bl'verly still look so fresh!? Holds Card Party Today Pharmacy. Select her favorite cologne or other toiletry per week, t8king Auditorium through his resemblance to his though - "You're a good sing- ~'I feel," says Jo Anne, "that from a complete line of Chanel, Caron, Coty and Arpege. rather than Math classes, father, er!" she exclaimswhen Jo Anne a good chairman doesn't have The Vincent Massey Chapter,' And don't forget the fabulous Celebrity Line of gifts She's' never been a "sitter." "1 met Jim's father ~hen he tends to downgrade'her present to do everything herself. If Daughters of the British Em- whicl! includes terrific cas,es for travel. She's served on the Board of and, I were both workmg for musical ability), and would like there's any 'secret' to handling pire, will hold its Annual Pil- lowcase Card Party today, ... the Ferry Parent-Teacher As. the same com~any,",she smiles, to t a k e it up seml.seriously a chairmanship, it's in finding . . Th"rsday, May 8, at the Hospi- The Proper Attire . • . for the proper gentleman sodation for two years and is "Later, I ran .IDto~Im at a De- again, per1)aps join the Grosse good people to work with you. tality Center, in Kercheval,ave- ... you'n find it at Valente's, 17904 Mack ~venu~ ..Here its current secretary. troit News Hikers Club meet. P"inte Chorus. You','e got to learn to allocate nue. Dessert and coffee WIll be you can rent formal wear which jn~ludes, 10 a~dlhon to She's served two years on the ing; he looked s~ much like his She loves to cook (neighbor the work" served at 7:30 o'clock. a suit, a tie, cummerbund, multi-pleated ~hlrt, stud~ Board of the Assistance League father, I a~ked if they were re, Richard Langs can be counted And it doesn't hurt if one of Mrs, C. W, Todd is chairman There is nothing and cuff links and suspenders: Whet,her 1t be for a to the Northeastern Wayne lated .. !'. on to drop in for Jo Anne's those "good people" is a lady of the event. She ,vill be as. weddi,ng, a prom or a very. speCIal evenmg, call TUxedo County Child Guidance Clinic, Like t~e Langs, the S!,penis Caesar Salad any time!). She's with whom you've worked, suc- too. and two years on the Board es - he s a ,star electriCIan- fond of aUkinds of sports, espe- ce!:sfully, before, someone you sisted by Mrs. Stephen H. Ash. Wl'ong with our col- more Mrs. Frank J. Maddens, 6-5330 for the correct ~Utfl; • of the Grosse Pointe J"awyers' have two children, ]nth Ferr~ cia~ly Family Bicycli~g (the genuinely like, someone who Mrs, 'w. G. Robrecht, Mrs, Col. lege student storm '11b h ld Wives. School stu,dents. lo-year-old MI. Langses are Family BIcyclers, agrees to share the Top Spot troopers, but the A Traditional Dutch Folk Festival ••. WI e e Some Other Activities chelle and e i g h t. year. old too; often, on holidllYs,the two with you - and someone who in B.,Neal, Mrs, Austin Wheat- . ley, Mrs, Leslie D'Ath and Mrs. administrators. June 28 through July 5th at Kutztown, She's worked for the Junior Michael. families will bike out to the bappens to live tight acrosS the Arthur B. Hillegas, Penn. And Mr. Q Travel knows all Women's Association for the Pointers ~our Years , Woods Waterfront Par k to. street about it. Stop by at 19587 Mack Ave. p Detroit Symphony Orchestra, They moved mto The Pomte, gether, minus one husband de- Ed. Note: Two lines of nUt or call 'fUxedo 6.0500 and let ¥r. MR. She's a Cub Scout Head Re. to Hollywoodavenue. four years tailed to follow in the car with type inadvertently dropped in Detroit Garden Club jl freshment Mother (if this sounds ago, from ,Harper Woo~s', picnic provisions). last week's From Another Sets Luncheon Meeting Q tell you about the hay wagon tun like a "nothing" i?b, consider: Jo Anne s currently Ilr~tvIce- Like To Decorate Pointe of View column result. that includes square dancmg and dem- How would YOU like to be ~e- president of the Asslstallce She and Jim enjoy do,it-your- ed in incorrect identification The Detroit Garden Club will- _. onstrations of tole painting, hex sign . sponsible for regularly provld. League to the Northeastern 'I self home decorating projects, of some of the Kitchen Tour meet for luncheon.on Wednes- making and flax spinning and the famous Pennsylvama ing enough co?kies to satisfy a Wayne Cuunty Child Guida~ce They've remodeled their dining Committee. Serving with gen. day, May 14, at 12:30 o'clock, STUDIO. CAMERASHont\ . [ Dutch food. passel of growmgboys?). Clinic, a member of Ch r 1St room, "Our first piece of wall. eral co.chairmen Mrs. St. at The Women\, City 0ub. CARL JOYNER _ • • • She and Richard started the I Child Society, a Room Mother paper was a mural," Jo Anne Denis and Mrs. Langs are Mrs. John Murphy WIll speak. . • The Kaleidoscope . . • has t~at very. special gift Young Ma I' r i e d s Group at for Michelle's class and Camp. reminisces, with a smile- and tea chairmen Mrs. Robert A. on "Photographic Safari in 120229 MACK- Ul. thl' Wootls for that very special Mother. Stop In and pIck one that Grosse Pointe MemorialChurch, crafler for her Girl Scout Troop, a shudder • Post and Mrs. Beatrice Block; Africa." .Il please her and surprise her ..• 16135 Mack at Bed. A particular hIghlight of her She's been president of ~he They've done their front hall flag chairman Mrs. Edward Voluntel!r Career is a I,WO Harper Woo d s Co.Operatlve and they're looking speculative- A. Smith Jr.; and patroness wl ---_ _------_ _----.-1 ford. • years' ago chairmans,hipof the Nursery and a St. Peter's Altar ly at their kitchen, Obviously, chainna~ Mrs. Ralph E. • • Grosse Pointe Memorl]1Church Society Board membcr. [JO Anne's Kitchen Tour assign- Quinones. Grosse Pointe Studio ... is now safely. settled in Service Guild, working with She thrives on a crowded ment hMgiven hcr ideas , , ' ----- its new quarters at 119 Kercheval, ]ocate~ Jus.t above "wonderful" Edith (Mrs. Doug. schcdule, Considcr the present II Perhap~ the most surprising I t II t. S t Trail Apothecary. To celebrate, the StudIO will h~ve las D.) Smith. month: The first week in May, discovery Bcverly l.i