TThhee EEDDCCFF GGuuiiddee ttoo DDIIGGIITTAALL CCIINNEEMMAA MMAASSTTEERRIINNGG August 2007 The European Digital Cinema Forum The European Digital Cinema Forum – EDCF was EDCF General Secretary, formed in June 2001 as the result of an initiative John Graham between the CNC/CST (France), the DTI/BKSTS (UK) Hayes House, Furge Lane, and the SFI (Sweden). Henstridge, Somerset, BA8 0RN UK This association of professionals interested in the pro- email:
[email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 7860 645073 gression of digital technology in cinema was formalised Fax: + 44 (0) 1963 364 063 as a non-profit making foundation - a “Stichting” - under Dutch law in June 2004 THE EDCF GUIDE TO EDCF has subsequently played a major role in collect- ing requirements, issues and concerns for collective DIGITAL CINEMA MASTERING consideration by public and commercial entities. has been created by the EDCF Technical Support Group, which is EDCF is the leading networking, information sharing & chaired by Peter Wilson. The aim of lobbying organisation for Digital Cinema in Europe this guide is to provide a tutorial, and for 5 years has been the most important link preliminary information and guide- between Europe and the US Studios. lines to those who need to under- Its business is managed by a Board, which is elected stand the processes involved in bi-annually by the Forum’s members. assembling the components required to produce a Digital Cinema Master There are three working groups within the Forum – the Digital Cinema Package or • Technical Support Group DCP. This booklet cannot pursue all • Exhibition Support Group and the systems architectures but the • Distribution Support Group intention is to do so in a subsequent publication.