FLAGSTAFF METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION CITY OF FLAGSTAFF  COCONINO COUNTY  ARIZONA DOT Office: 100 West Birch  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Mail: 211 West Aspen Avenue  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Phone: (928) 226-4849  Fax: (928) 213-4825 www.flagstaffmpo.org  [email protected] A G E N D A Executive Board 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 23, 2011 ______Flagstaff City Hall Staff Conference Room, 211 W. Aspen Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Regular meetings and work sessions are open to the public. Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting the City of Flagstaff City Clerk’s Office at 928-779-7607. The FMPO complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to involve and assist underrepresented and underserved populations (age, gender, color, income status, race, national origin and LEP – Limited English Proficiency.) Requests should be made by contacting the FMPO at 928-226-4849 as early as possible to allow time to arrange the accommodation. A quorum of the TAC may be present.

CALL TO ORDER EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Scott Overton, Chair Matt Ryan State Designee (Jennifer Toth), Vice-Chair Art Babbott Carl Taylor Coral Evans

FMPO STAFF Martin Ince, Multimodal Planner Meg Roederer, Administrative Specialist

I. PRELIMINARY GENERAL BUSINESS A. PUBLIC COMMENT (At this time, any member of the public may address the Board on any subject within their jurisdiction that is not scheduled before the Board on that day. Due to Open Meeting Laws, the Board cannot discuss or act on items presented during this portion of the agenda. To address the Board on an item that is on the agenda, please wait for the Chair to call for Public Comment at the time the item is heard.)

B. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Reconsiderations, Changes to the Agenda, and other Preliminary Announcements)

C. APPROVAL of MINUTES. Pages 4-13 Meeting of January 26, 2011 (note: February meeting was cancelled)

II. OLD BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. FY 2011 Safety Improvement Program & Projects PowerPoint Pg 14 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, MPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion and Possible Action Status update. Benefit/cost analyses completed and eligibility requests submitted. Safety program training scheduled for 3/23. Scope completed and ADOT consultant working on process and 5-Year program. Staff will answer questions regarding the program.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 1 of 28 RECOMMENDED ACTION(S): Discussion and Possible Action

2. Legislative and Regulatory Update and Review PowerPoint Pg 15 & Pgs 20-23 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion and Possible action Staff seeks Board direction as needed. Board may wish to report on recent trips to Washington. Staff may submit letter from Chair to delegation opposing permitting lapsed authorization of secure schools and payment in lieu taxes that impacts the County’s ability to maintain through the USFS. Staff will report on state legislation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and Possible Action

III. NEW BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. NAIPTA Update and Organizational Study Proposal PowerPoint Pg 15 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion and Possible action NAIPTA General Manager Jeff Meilbeck will be present to update the Board on NAIPTA activity including the Mountain Links Bus Rapid Transit project. Staff will seek Board approval for a NAIPTA- funded cooperative effort to develop a scope of work that would examine organizational relationships between NAIPTA and FMPO, including merger options. This effort is a follow-up to the retreat where discussions of organizational effectiveness, local funding options, and boundary issues were discussed. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and Possible Action

2. FMPO FY 2012-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) PowerPoint Pg 16 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion and Possible action The “Call for projects” for projects has been released. Staff will seek Board direction on use of surface transportation program funds to partner with ADOT on an ACS-Lite Demonstration Project (Adaptive Signal Control – part of the federal “Every Day Counts” initiative). The state has tentatively agreed to fund $150,000 and wants a stronger commitment from the region. The funding may eventually be set in the FY 10-14 TIP as it is the formally approved project and Manager may seek Board authorization to move the action into subsequent TIP’s as they are approved. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion and Possible Action

The Transportation Improvement Program includes Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority final program of projects for funding under the Federal Transit Administration, unless amended.

3. Doney Park Multimodal Transportation Plan Update PowerPoint Pgs 16-17 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion only Staff will give a status update presentation. This study is entering the program of projects of phase. Major issues identified by the public are the need for bike and trails along key routes and transit service. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only

4. US 180 Winter Congestion Study and Travel Time Study PowerPoint Pg 17 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion only HDR, Inc. received the contract. Notice to Proceed to be issued shortly. Looking for synergy with the Regional Plan 2012 effort. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 2 of 28 5. Regional Plan 2012 Planning Assistance for Rural Areas Grant PowerPoint Pg 18 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion only Staff will present information on data collection, contract award and status on this project. PARA grant is awarded. Scope coordination issues between ADOT, Core Team, Technical Consultant, Public Involvement consultant, ASU Decision Theater, Rural Policy Institute and modeling consultant is underway. Focus will be on asking the right questions and fashioning the scenarios accordingly. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only

6. FMPO Calendar PowerPoint Pg 19 & Pg 24 FMPO Staff: David Wessel, FMPO Manager REQUESTED ACTION: Discussion Staff will discuss a possible project retreat with the Board and future agenda items. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only

IV. CONCLUDING GENERAL BUSINESS D. REPORTS Pages 25-28 1) Technical Advisory Committee 2) Staff Report

E. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Informal Announcements, Future Agenda Items, and Next Meeting Date) TAC April 7, 2011 Coconino County Human Resources Bldg Management Committee April 8, 2011 ADOT, Conference Room Executive Board April 27, 2011 City of Flagstaff, City Hall Staff Conference


CERTIFICATION OF POSTING OF NOTICE The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing notice was duly posted at Flagstaff City Hall on ,at a.m./p.m. in accordance with the statement filed by the Recording Secretary with the City Clerk.

Dated this day of , 2011.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 3 of 28 FLAGSTAFF METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION CITY OF FLAGSTAFF  COCONINO COUNTY  ARIZONA DOT Office: 100 West Birch Avenue  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Mail: 211 West Aspen Avenue  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Phone: (928) 226-4849  Fax: (928) 213-4825 www.flagstaffmpo.org  [email protected] Draft Minutes Executive Board 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 26, 2011 ______Flagstaff City Hall Council Conference Room, 211 W. Aspen Avenue, Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Chair Overton called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.

Roll Call. Present: Chair Scott Overton, Councilmember City of Flagstaff; Carl Taylor, Supervisor Coconino County; Matt Ryan, Supervisor Coconino County; John Harper, Arizona Department of Transportation Designated Alternate Excused Absent: David Wessel, FMPO Manager; Coral Evans, Councilmember City of Flagstaff; Art Babbott, Councilmember City of Flagstaff; Jennifer Toth, Arizona Department of Transportation Others Present: Martin Ince, FMPO Multimodal Planner; Meg Roederer, FMPO Administrative Specialist



C. APPROVAL of MINUTES. Mr. Ryan made a motion to approve the Minutes of December 13, 2010 and Mr. Taylor seconded, which passed unanimously.

II. OLD BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. FY 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program & Projects Mr. Ince presented the details of this state run, federal program and received input on project priorities that can be obligated in FY 2011. Mr. Ince also requested an amendment to the transportation improvement program for the prioritized projects. Mr. Ince explained the background information on highway safety funds and stated in 2010 ADOT began administering highway safety funds and it is ultimately federal money that comes from the surface transportation act (SAFETEA-LU.) He stated the state then divides its share of the money up in a couple of different ways. Mr. Ince stated the state keeps a certain amount for state projects and then each local COG and MPO is given about $600,000 annually and MAG and PAG receive a slightly higher level of funding. Mr. Ince stated with our $600,000 it is a use it or lose it scenario and whatever we don’t obligate in any given fiscal year is returned to the state and it puts pressure on the locals to identify projects and get them into the pipeline and have them obligated. Mr. Ince continued, for fiscal year 11 we need to have projects

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 4 of 28 obligated by the end of June with a deadline of June 1st for projects to be ready for obligation and submitted to the state. We are working in a compressed schedule and we need to identify projects that are ready to go and can get obligated. Mr. Ince explained the $600,000 is an annual amount, so we are simultaneously working on prioritizing and identifying projects for fiscal year 12 and have more time and will not run into such a compressed schedule. ADOT is managing a lot of this program at the state level on behalf of the local COGS and MPOS. ADOT is in the process of hiring a consultant, Kimley-Horn, to prepare some administrative documents and review criteria for future projects. We are still waiting for them to come on board and as of yesterday (1-25-11) they are not formally under contract yet with ADOT and once that happens for FY12 there will be a more robust process for identifying projects and reviewing them. Mr. Ince stated for FY11 we have solicited projects primarily from the City and County. Mr. Ince directed the Board to pages 10-11 in the agenda packet for the list of projects. He explained at the last TAC meeting they went through the process of prioritizing the projects and they were based on the evaluation criteria on page 8 and reiterated it is an abbreviated process and in the future it will be more robust.

Mr. Taylor stated he went through the material and he was very unhappy with the action summary “recommendations do not include executive board member ideas on US 180 corridor” and “staff discussed the 180 corridor with ADOT based on accident history with no recommendations to do that.” Mr. Taylor stated he understands it is safety money but there are two situations with schools on 180 and does not think we should wait until “a kid gets run over” and he has seen some bad accidents on Fremont. He mentioned there is a mess at Sechrist school with people trying to get in and out and busses and the whole impact and in his opinion it is a mess at Fremont. Mr. Taylor stated again he is very unhappy with the report that says basically it doesn’t merit future consideration. He stated he doesn’t expect to be in this year or next year but the tone of this report would essentially say those areas are ineligible and he thinks that is a mistake. Mr. Taylor was unsure of the action and to regard it as a draft or whether we can amend it or remove that language but he states as someone who drives back and forth out there all the time that this is a problem area and does not agree with the policy that states we need a certain number of fatal incidents before we at least plan. Mr. Taylor recommended taking the $300,000 to fix the bad design on Woody Mountain, which affects almost nobody, and reallocate that to another area. He thinks the priorities are not correct and realizes the TAC went through it and realizes ADOT has it rules. Mr. Taylor stated when he looked at the report this is essentially business as usual to fix some old problems and doesn’t look at what are going to become serious problems. Mr. Taylor reiterated he is not happy with the report and will not support the report with the items of language in it. He would support it if we struck those discussions and does not expect to reorder the priorities. Mr. Taylor stated he thinks when schools are on state highways that it is more important than many of the projects that have been listed here in the priority list. Mr. Taylor stated he was quite upset about it.

Mr. Ryan commented that Mr. Taylor looked at it day-to-day and is looking at the issue associated with it. Mr. Ryan stated there has been money placed there with the work on the walkways and median associated with the school and it is not perfect yet. Mr. Ryan stated he sits on the NACO committee that deals with safety funding and the reason the money was set aside, and actually, if you push the federal criteria a lot of this could be easily thrown out because they want it specifically for safety because capital projects everybody is tight on money and does not have enough to do it and they keep getting knocked aside, so they set up this fund specifically to go that way and you need the crash data and then the listing of projects. Mr. Ryan stated how do we get it in there and get the study? And mentioned it is a valid concern, do we get associated with further evaluation. Mr. Ryan stated we have safe to schools doing SAFTEA-LU and setting up that federal fund and was one that we fought on both an MPO and COG level to try and get funding, as well as, rural road safety which were other pieces that are boarder line but we might be able to fit into that kind of funding and can we fit it into the appropriate category. He stated they are looking at safety based on the criteria they have. Mr. Taylor stated he respects his knowledge on this, which is superior to his but he has almost hit kids twice coming out of FALA because their classes go until after dark and they dash across 180 in the dark and they are difficult to see and between that and Sechrist school there is going to be a bad situation. Mr. FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 5 of 28 Taylor does not have a problem of going through the process the problem he has is the language in the report that excludes consideration of it and we may need to find another fund. Mr. Taylor reiterated when someone gets killed on a bike or dashing across the at night we are going to feel really bad about that and he has seen car wrecks and close calls with kids with the opening of the school (FALA) and the other one (Sechrist) is not as bad because they do have an officer and it is more of a controlled crossing. Mr. Taylor explained that the FALA area has a jumble of but Fremont is also a dangerous in his opinion with the opening of that school (FALA) with extended hours and extended programs. Mr. Taylor stated he does not care if it is a or traffic light but does not want a report that states it’s not bad enough yet. Mr. Harper stated they are addressing the corridor from Columbus to Hidden Hollow and is reviewing the draft. Mr. Harper stated it will take care of the corridor in terms of capacity and safety and they will be looking at all those issues and in that have decided to add in Fremont looking at that intersection with probably a roundabout. Mr. Harper stated at the TAC they probably looked at projects that would qualify under this funding. Mr. Harper stated he knows there have been accidents but not enough so that’s probably why it did not show up in this particular one. Mr. Taylor stated if there is some way to address it he will calm down but in this particular report where there are two different places that specifically exclude what he felt like was a problem from consideration. Mr. Taylor recommended to strike the last sentence of the action summary and strike the paragraph “staff discussed the 180 corridor” and leave that mute, not try to rewrite it and not put new projects in the list although he stated he personally has a problem with $300,000 for the Woody Mountain roundabout. Chair Overton responded we all do and stated it is a reasonable request. Chair Overton asked if Martin Ince or Dave Wessel wrote the report. Mr. Ince stated he wrote the basic report and it was updated for the Executive Board after the TAC. Chair Overton stated for full disclosure Mr. Taylor has a general concern for the area and has brought it up a number of times and advocated for it. Mr. Taylor agreed. Chair Overton stated they are not trying to highlight it saying we are not going to do it and believes they are highlighting it stating this is not the place to put these items and that is the way he interpreted it. Chair Overton stated he agreed and the language is fairly strong and does not know if it is a necessary sentence. Mr. Taylor stated it is not necessary and makes it counterproductive for finding a place for it. Mr. Taylor made a motion to amend the report to simply strike the references and Mr. Ryan seconded. Mr. Taylor wants to see Mr. Harper’s work and there may be other things we can do but does not want anything in our work that says we don’t have a problem because he believes we have a problem. Mr. Ryan stated there is also an evaluation they are going to do. Chair Overton confirmed the motion by Mr. Taylor of the language on the staff report for HSIP and the TIP amendment: 1) Strike the second sentence in the staff report action summary “the recommendations do not include Executive Board member ideas on the US 180 corridor.” 2) Strike bullet six on the second page of the staff report (page 7 of the agenda packet) “Staff discussed the US 180 Corridor issues with ADOT. Based on accident history staff supports ADOT’s conclusion that the intersections at Quintana and Fremont do not warrant further study under this program. However, the District is willing to entertain an expanded scope of an existing project assessment that includes this section of US 180 provided the FMPO or some other party pays for it. The expanded scope would evaluate the need for and effectiveness of a roundabout at Fremont to address high-speed approaches at that location.” Mr. Ryan seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

Mr. Ince added that Mr. Harper’s Study may identify specific project level improvements that might be eligible for future safety funding in future years. Mr. Ince stated in the evaluation criteria there is one that specifies existing crash history and the second one is a risk narrative and the idea of the narrative is to give projects an opportunity to explain why there are potential safety hazards even if there is not an existing crash history. For example, on pedestrian projects there may be a dangerous situation but there is not a real crash history at a site. Mr. Taylor stated it has really gotten scary there with FALA because they all need to get to the other side of the road to use the bus stop and you get three or four teenagers dressed in dark at twilight or later, and he has seen several places where people are dogging them and it is not a crash per say but it is a serious problem. FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 6 of 28

Mr. Taylor inquired about the double line in the table of the agenda packet on page nine. Mr. Ince stated it is the cut-off. Mr. Taylor confirmed that is where the funds run out, so the Woody Mountain Reconstruction is below the line and therefore a low priority. Mr. Ince stated he is correct and it falls below the line. Mr. Ince stated the last item on the list is County Sign Replacement and that amount takes up the remaining $600,000. Mr. Ince stated both FY11 and FY12 are listed and a number of the FY11 projects are studies or preparation of construction drawings and actual construction is in 2012. For example, the Kona Trail with $160,000 is for design in FY11 and $450,000 is for construction in FY12. If you add up the projects in FY12 we are exceeding $600,000, so the consequences of those projects will need to be prioritized again in FY12 and not all of them will be able to built in FY12 and wait for subsequent years, additionally if we identify other projects those will be thrown into the mix and be prioritized as well. Mr. Ince stated funding for the design in FY11 does not guarantee they will be built in FY12 and like anything there is competition for limited money. Mr. Taylor stated he is okay with the projects above the line priorities.

Mr. Ryan commented on the Woody Mountain Roundabout and acknowledged it does not get as much traffic especially in what was anticipated but the design was not good and it is unsafe. He stated part of the question is can the City’s Capital pick it up or the private sector capital pick it up if it goes through improvements. Mr. Ryan stated it is one of our more heavily used forest roads and that people come “whipping” in there and it has a small design and there is a safety issue associated with it. He stated it is a remote one and the subdivision didn’t occur and if there is still a question related to safety on it. Mr. Ryan suggested it have further review before we completely toss it out. Mr. Taylor stated he is curious and mentioned he comes from the world if there is a deficient design you fix it and if you don’t fix it you get sued. Mr. Taylor questioned if it was designed by ADOT or consultant. Mr. Ince stated it was a consultant. Mr. Taylor stated if the consultant designed it there should be another design done at no cost at the very least and does know how aggressive we have been in going back. Mr. Harper asked if it was part of the Presidio design. Chair Overton stated “yes.” Mr. Taylor stated there is design liability and is not warm with the idea that tax payer dollars do something twice. Chair Overton agreed and assured him there is a significant amount of council frustration as well on the intersection of the public improvement side of the house. Chair Overton stated they pulled the bonds to complete the public infrastructure in the subdivision and unfortunately it was completed and signed off and it’s not right and it’s an unfortunate situation but it has limits with bankruptcy and different land owners. Chair Overton mentioned he wished it was as simple to go back to the original designers and build it again and assured Mr. Taylor that City Capital staff has exhausted literally every option to try and resolve it with the private parties but to no avail and that’s why it’s in our program – we don’t want to fund it either. Mr. Taylor stated there is nobody out there left to be accountable is what Chair Overton is saying. Chair Overton stated we have pulled every bond to complete what we were responsible to complete as far as bonding. Mr. Taylor stated he is sorry about that and won’t comment about that one anymore. Chair Overton stated at some point there will be a private party again that is solvent and takes the property over and decides to move it forward and develop and it may not be next year but in the near future. Mr. Taylor stated they will see that as a liability to be fixed. Chair Overton stated they will want an egress an ingress into their property and may be willing to address some of that and we need to keep it on the radar but at the same time it doesn’t always rise to the top of the priority list. Mr. Ryan stated this is also a forest service road but does not know if it qualifies that far into the City or not.

Mr. Ryan made a motion to amend and approve the amendment of the FY 2011 TIP to include the TAC-recommended safety projects and priorities. Mr. Taylor seconded the motion, which carried as amended unanimously.

2. FMPO FY 2012 Unified Planning Work Program Mr. Ince explained the discussion was started with TAC and continued with the Management Committee. He stated the basic idea is the FMPO regular sources for funding are for planning and are being used primarily to support basic functions of staff and office supplies and it leaves very little in FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 7 of 28 additional monies for planning studies. Mr. Ince noted under key considerations (page 12 of the agenda packet) the FMPO has some recurring programs, some annual and some that occur less frequently; for example, the Trip Diary and Transit Plan Update are every five years. He stated of the recurring programs some require staff resources and some require hiring a consultant such as the Trip Diary Survey or Five Year Transit Plan, which takes money. He stated we also have one-time studies of various types and some are planned in advance and some come up at the last minute and funding becomes increasingly scarce. Mr. Ince stated the discussion that has been taking place is should the FMPO take some of its money in the past that we have typically applied to construction projects and brought money to other agencies ADOT, County and City to help construct projects and use that money instead to support some of our planning programs. Mr. Ince stated we are not alone in this problem and there are a number of COGS and MPOS in the same position. Mr. Ince stated it is legitimate per federal guidelines to use some of the federal money to support our planning program and what it means in the future is that staff time for the FMPO employees are charged to different projects. Mr. Ince mentioned the planning efforts in particular is Every Day Counts, which is a federal initiative that has sifted through a number of best practices for transportation planning and road construction and identified 15 initiatives. He stated these 15 initiatives are filtered down to the local level and implemented as basic good practices for transportation planning and road construction. Mr. Ince stated this is an effort the FMPO has been involved with and it take some time and FMPO funds and a project that could be subsidized with the FMPO’s planning monies. Mr. Taylor stated the administrative allocation of 43% and reducing general administrative costs and asked if the plan is to put an administrative component in each project and reduce the overhead number or was it the feeling of the group that staff is spending time on paperwork and administration and not enough time on projects. Mr. Ince responded that administration takes up a disproportionate amount of the FMPO Manager’s time and we are looking for ways to streamline things. Mr. Taylor stated he would really support that and stated he likes the reports but they are hugely time consuming for the size of organization and size of staff that needs to produce the packets. Mr. Taylor supports the idea of summaries and wants to see staff working on strategic and project issues. Chair Overton commented that it goes back to the days when Council Member Cooper wanted everything documented and that he supports general summaries as well. Mr. Ryan commented on federal requirement and if there is the opportunity to reduce it down and the fee concept of personnel. Mr. Ince stated we are not at a place to look for other personnel. He stated he understands that all of us that work in federal government and federal projects by their nature generate more paperwork and the FMPO is created by federal legislation, so there is a certain amount that will be necessary but there are always ways to look for efficiencies. Mr. Ryan commented that the FMPO serves a future piece and coordination that occurs with it but it is not a direct function of any of the one institutions and that it is hard to think from a sustainable nature. Mr. Ryan agreed with Chair Overton on the summaries and stated with two new Board members, if we can summarize well enough to explain the program but not create a whole report associated with it. Mr. Taylor responded that a new program gets a full descriptor and report and on-going gets a check-off. Chair Overton stated the Manager may need to meet with individuals and sees it as a short term issue. Mr. Taylor stated there is a need for effective collaborations and would rather see the administrative time to collaboration and less paperwork for the Board and Committees. Mr. Taylor stated there is an opportunity for a better use of time. Mr. Ince stated an example of that is each year we are required to prepare a local human services transportation regional coordination plan and NAIPTA is becoming more involved and has applied for some federal money for a mobility manager position and that position could do a lot of coordination and help us significantly with the plan. Mr. Ryan stated those discussions have been initiated.

III. NEW BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. FMPO FY 2011 Mid-Year Work Program Status Report Mr. Ince provided an update on work program tasks and received direction and input from the Board. He stated we expect projects to be completed, a PARA grant was received for Regional Plan efforts on the ASU Decision Theater, and in element 1000 we were successful with two enhancement grants for FUTS trails and another is in progress through Safe Routes to School to connect NAU with Lone Tree and provide better access to kids that go to Kinsey. Mr. Taylor inquired about element 200 traffic count FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 8 of 28 program “cancel fall, winter and spring counts to achieve data collection for winter congestion study”, if that is a reallocation of funds or time. Mr. Ince stated that is correct and goes back to the discussion earlier that in the past we have done traffic counts annually and that we hire a consultant for and it takes actual money. He stated there has been a discussion of going to a three year cycle for traffic counts. Mr. Ince mentioned we are mandated to do it minimally every three years and with our growth rate things may not change much to warrant traffic counts more than three years and we can do a combined approach by just targeting roadways that may have changed from specific improvements such as the Fourth Street . Mr. Taylor stated he is interested in anything that has to do with the Winter Recreation Planning Effort. Mr. Taylor stated it has sputtered along and this year he had hoped that by the time winter got here there would be a more effective grand plan in place and much was sidetracked in the County by the various catastrophes. Mr. Taylor stated there needs to be a regroup to get more effective action on it and stated an episode where he can sit at his house and see lights going out and beyond at Wing Mountain. He stated we are seeing it as a public safety issue and not an economic development opportunity issue and as long as we see it that way we are not going to be that effective. Mr. Taylor is disappointed we are not further along in terms alternative transportation to snowplay sites and it is the County’s problem. Mr. Ryan stated we may be progressing. Mr. Ince stated the blue tooth counters are out. Mr. Harper stated there have been traffic counts. Mr. Ryan requested a summary update on US 180 regarding recreation and counts. Mr. Harper stated there are counts scheduled through President’s weekend and will take the data and come up with ideas. Chair Overton stated he is guessing the report will state we are mid stream in the study, collecting data and will report in the spring. Chair Overton stated on the City side we have been working hard on traffic re- routes and thrown resources at it and have found it is a 6-8 day problem with holiday weekends or Sunday afternoons and have not had to post PD every weekend and it is fairly sporadic. Chair Overton stated he hopes the study will give us a better idea on how to control it and gives the PD and traffic staff credit for trying. Mr. Taylor stated we are still doing band-aides. Mr. Ryan stated it is done piece by piece. Chair Overton stated he would like to be further along as well.

2. Legislative Update & Outreach Opportunity Chair Overton explained MPO Manager, David Wessel, is in Washington, D.C. for a conference and meeting with the federal delegation and local officials. Mr. Ince provided an update on Mr. Wessel’s meetings and stated he met with Senator Kyle and Congressman Gosar with another meeting planned with the deputy administrator at FHWA. Mr. Ince stated the information that was brought forward was on the Lone Tree T-I and Beulah Blvd. Chair Overton stated he was in DC last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and met with the key stakeholders. He stated it is going to be a difficult year from the federal standpoint and we all recognize that. Chair Overton mentioned Congressman Gosar was open to listening and educated him on all the big issues and in particular covered the Lone Tree T-I and had Dave’s presentation and Dave was going to follow-up on Monday with the details. Chair Overton stated it was a brief overview with Gosar and he understands the significance but the continued stumbling block at the federal level is how the budget is truly going to function and that they are on a continuing resolution until March 4th, which is good news for some things such as surface transportation, reauthorization and anticipates working on CRs (continuing resolutions) through the end of the year. Chair Overton stated they are looking more at the state and scrutinizing what the buy-in is from the locals and state in particular. Chair Overton explained they are keenly aware of ADOTs financial outlook for construction years and are supportive but yet will wait for more players to come to the table and it is almost in a holding pattern. Chair Overton also met with Pastor’s Office and it was very similar and they are willing to start looking at the Lone Tree Project but they know it is a ways out. Chair Overton stated his trip was mainly on water and not a lot of time on transportation.

Mr. Ryan stated we are young as an organization and how do we optimize and handle the regional element of backing each other. Mr. Ryan stated transportation components may not be a high priority from the City or County but some pieces are, so how do we help mature our lobbying opportunity and bring the conversation back by talking to each other about it and explain what has shifted and when you go can you hit this element associated with it. Mr. Ryan explained the conversation with Lucy Murphy from Kyle’s Office was now they are having the non-earmark conversation and one is the FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 9 of 28 language has changed and it is now authorization. Mr. Ryan stated we probably need to get more sophisticated on how we deal with the administrative side and who do we go too administratively to make sure the projects are moving forward and help support each other in that kind of way. Mr. Ryan stated he is going to Washington DC soon and stated he sits on the NACO Transportation Committee and did not go last year to keep his travel budget down but they are going to start talking about the policy components of the reauthorization. Mr. Ryan mentioned these are pieces and how do we streamline, we need more emphasis on rural discussion or safety discussion or what elements do we need to throw in and push for. Mr. Ryan cited the threat to the FMPO in terms of population and that we need to keep bringing it back and can hit on them with the county but the NATO, NARC crossover with the COG component and then the administrative piece to push on. Chair Overton stated he thinks it works well when we all communicate and the FMPO is a good model for that. He sees it forming a lot like the water discussions of a few years ago and to get on the same page delivering the same message. Chair Overton stated he briefed the congressman and senator on these but the point of our (the City) trip was a lot of information and he was counting on Dave to cover the details. Chair Overton stated the message needs to be consistent. Mr. Ryan mentioned the state has their lobbyist and we need to focus on the rural component and help out the district.

Mr. Harper commented if there is a larger framework we can look at. Mr. Harper mentioned the I-95 corridor that travels from Maine to Florida and how all the stakeholders in the last twenty years have received a disproportionate amount of money to do improvements on the corridor. He stated they all agree it is their first priority and no one disputes it. Mr. Harper stated the same thing is happening in Vegas with an I-15 Corridor Alliance from Long Beach up to the Canadian Border and Arizona is a part of it for 25 miles. Mr. Harper suggested doing something similar that would help support the Lone Tree T-I in the bigger picture. Chair Overton suggested Los Angeles to New Orleans. Mr. Harper suggested the idea of a larger group to help support each other to bring attention to the region. Chair Overton stated we are struggling and can’t move forward on the funding side. He stated he thinks we will see it on the water settlement where there are multiple parties joining forces to make the legislation move forward because individualized they are to great of a price tag to solve the problem unless there are four regions or states participating in a large piece of legislation. Mr. Harper stated it is a larger voice. Mr. Ryan stated is it the I-40 discussion or megalopolis discussion of the West with big chunks that can’t compete because they are not coordinated and it makes sense that we need to start coordinating more and more such as the Eastern range with LA, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Salt Lake with the different megalopolis that have evolved but are not linked. Mr. Harper stated that is what Vegas is looking at the link from Phoenix, to Vegas, to Seattle and LA to Salt Lake. Chair Overton commented that the megalopolis idea is going to move forward whether we are there or not and thinks I-40 would be a better fit. Mr. Ryan stated it is in the long range plan but there is not a broader discussion that is recurring. Mr. Taylor likes the idea but is unsure how to get that going and mentioned Arizona is not in good standing nationally there has been wacky politics and a lot of people don’t pay much attention to Arizona and does not believe it will come from Kyle or McCain and is interested if we can connect a spoke to Las Vegas such as Albuquerque. Mr. Ryan stated it is an Eastern range discussion. Mr. Harper will send out a few links on the I-95 and I-15 to the Board or forward it to Ms. Roederer to email out. Mr. Taylor asked about a forum to talk about this to introduce the topic and suggested a community town hall. Mr. Ryan stated we have the MPO and COG and need to find out more about what Las Vegas is doing and can tie it into state politics from the MPO and COG piece but we do not have the interstate conversation happening and the ADOT lobbyist could but where they prioritize, which is probably with MAG, and its playing those pieces and bringing them together and seeing our opportunities associated with it. Mr. Taylor stated in general, we are surrounded by states that are more effectively managed for example Utah is more effective and politically we are weak. Mr. Taylor agrees that to be effective we need to be part of a larger scheme than by ourselves advocating. Mr. Ryan stated he needs to hear from David Wessel and tie it into the County piece before going back to DC. Chair Overton stated there are background talking point materials in the packet and then to contact Bob Holmes and to make sure you are up to speed because he sits in on all the meetings.

Mr. Ince asked if this is a continued discussion agenda item for the next meeting. Chair Overton stated FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 10 of 28 it plays into the FMPO goal discussed at the retreat of becoming more strategic legislatively and empowering the electeds to carry more weight and get off the technical aspects and pushing hard as we have tighter budget streams and one of the Board’s goal is to become more engaged legislatively. Mr. Ryan stated it would help him (Chair Overton) with the RTAC discussions. Mr. Taylor stated we would like a more effective briefing on the idea of the mega collaborations – how they work? Did they form an authority? How did they do that exactly? Mr. Taylor suggested with such an informational piece we should invite additional people to the meeting, so it is a more strategic briefing. Mr. Ryan stated we could get smart about how we coordinate with the district that it could be helpful in the long range perspective to know how to foster opportunities for the district itself. Mr. Taylor inquired who the new ADOT Board member is. Mr. Harper stated it has not been done yet. Chair Overton stated that person comes out of Navajo County. Mr. Harper stated the last he heard they were looking at people in St. Johns. Ms. Roederer clarified that Jennifer Toth is the primary Executive Board member and John Harper is the secondary alternate. Ms. Roederer confirmed to keep this as a standing agenda item, Legislative Update and Outreach Opportunity. The Board agreed. Chair Overton stated he does not need a lot of filler in the packet. Mr. Taylor stated an integrated knowledge base will make it more effective.

Mr. Harper revisited the Lone Tree discussion and stated there are a lot of stakeholders and potentially getting them in the room at one time that maybe there is a way to setup a framework and take it to the Transportation Board because right now we are stuck. Chair Overton asked if ADOT is looking for that type of direction. Mr. Harper stated “yes, we are right now, we are stuck.” Mr. Harper explained there was a visit from Juniper Point and suggested they get us all together in one room but that has been months. Mr. Harper stated that transportation is supportive of this project but wants something from us that states how are we going to move forward and make it happen financially, timeframe, who is involved and help finance it. Mr. Harper stated otherwise this will languish and the current chair will be gone in a year and he supports it and who knows what will happen after that. Mr. Taylor inquired if we all have the capacity to develop a planned strategy and that we need to do it right away. Chair Overton stated we do it at the FMPO and bring them all in the same room because we are in the holding pattern and the bigger question is how the federal government is going to fund long term. Chair Overton mentioned our senators have not participated in earmarks, which he respects, and what appropriation mechanism are they going to use and where does a project like this land, which will require their help, and believes they are stuck too and we take them the bullet points but they don’t know what to do with it. Mr. Ryan commented that we may need to get more sophisticated on the administrative side and they can get behind it because it is not an earmark and then start triggering our senators to step in and reinforce what we are doing. Mr. Harper suggested it is as simple as getting our foot in the door by getting three million in the five year program as a place mark and they see it in there and eventually fund it over time when money shows up but we are not even to that point. Chair Overton stated we need to initiate an FMPO stakeholder group that is project specific and the goal would be what is the message and how do we deliver what ADOT and the Board needs to make a good recommendation. Mr. Ryan added and then have the private players with the commitment and there long-term with what we need to do. Chair Overton mentioned City development, which are coming forward in the next year “to hold their feet to the fire” in the rezoning cases and that it will be a requirement of the development. Mr. Harper stated that NAU is involved. Chair Overton stated there is also CCC and the school district and mentioned Pine Canyon has two million set aside for improvement, which goes away in ten years and we are getting nervous. Mr. Ryan stated if we get the private players in there and see what we are doing long term by law they can pull the money back but if we are coordinated well enough they might be willing to spend down. Mr. Taylor stated this is not a technical problem but a political problem and need people in the room that really understand the political and financial processes and suggested inviting Joanne, Virgina Turner and some people that have functional knowledge on the political side. Mr. Taylor stated it is a financial and legal problem to move effectively ahead. Mr. Ryan suggested Bob Holmes on the executive side. Mr. Taylor stated it would be nice to have a piece of paper with all the potential availabilities, such as the $2 million Chair Overton mentioned, with the key persons listed and work backwards. Mr. Harper stated out of the $66 million there may be $12 million ready to go and it could add up real quickly and have it designed and sitting FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 11 of 28 on the shelf when all of a sudden money shows up. Chair Overton stated this will stay on the agenda as a standing item and he would like more discussion on it. Mr. Harper stated it is a big enough project to consider bringing in a facilitator. Mr. Taylor suggested setting aside a Saturday morning or bigger block of time than an hour or two to develop a game plan. Chair Overton stated to discuss just the project. Mr. Ryan stated this is the strategic piece with a specific project and “let’s do it.” Chair Overton stressed to do this sooner rather than later because of the simple fact that he perceives the status quo and continuing resolutions for the rest of the year at the federal level through the election 2012. Chair Overton stated this may be an opportunity. Mr. Ryan stated it is happening in California and the projects are so large the money could “drop out of the sky real quick” and somebody needs to use the money. Mr. Ryan continued and stated or on the other side of it is the part of the compromise, which is surrounded around infrastructure and if it goes toward highways and is unsure where the infrastructure element is but it is part of the compromise and that the republicans are pushing for infrastructure and the democrats are pushing for another piece of how to move the project through. Chair Overton stated this is a topic for the project retreat. Mr. Taylor stated hopefully we have learned from the stimulus experience we had before that “he who is ready gets the money.” Mr. Harper cited the example of the Munds Park Traffic , and that it showed up many years ago and we had it scoped and found the money to design it but no money to build it and it sat on the shelf. Mr. Harper stated there was another project in the state last year that wasn’t ready and they needed to spend the money and we got to build the Munds Park T-I. Mr. Taylor commented that our strategy is to advance it far enough where there is a designed project on the shelf and then we look for that opportunity. Chair Overton stated that is political. Mr. Taylor stated if we don’t have it we are back to surfacing.

Mr. Taylor inquired about population threshold for MPO designation and if that is that something to worry about. Chair Overton stated it is being discussed at RTAC as a rescissions issue and the FMPO threshold are the two talking points and it did not come up on his trip and believes it is an issue that is in a holding pattern depending on what President Obama moves forward with. Mr. Ryan stated we need as agencies and at the MPO keep it as an item of discussion but unfortunately, Victor Mendez our former administrator of the state, is an advocate for 200,000 or greater. Mr. Ryan stated if we can’t make the designation that we have a grandfather piece that allows us to remain and he stated it might even be better to be grandfathered because the new cities arising that are 50,000 or more within the state we would have more money pulled away from us because it would be distributed among the nuances. Mr. Ryan stated it makes sense to keep it in the packet and whenever we go to Washington DC say that. Mr. Taylor stated he wanted a sense if it is a crisis or a long term problem. Mr. Ryan stated it is the reauthorization and when they do a new bill for reauthorization we could suddenly not have the FMPO. Mr. Taylor inquired if NACOG is behind it. Mr. Ryan stated they are behind it and Chair Overton stated RTAC is as well. Mr. Ryan stated we need to keep the conversation going and reinforce the idea with elected or their staffers as a very important aspect happening regionally. Mr. Taylor asked if the potential Lone Tree strategy could be affected by this if the FMPO were decommissioned. Chair Overton stated all the long term planning efforts become derailed other than through the regional plan process and that is the significance of having a planning organization because you are looking out rather than reactionary. Mr. Ryan commented on the example of the FMPO and the Time Initiative that we were positioned well if that funding had come forward we were programmed well for all the plans and projects to go into it and without the FMPO we are competing against Maricopa and it would affect us tremendously.

Mr. Taylor commented on the importance of the Belmont Interchange to support an industrial park and asked if it is off the table. Mr. Harper stated “no” and it is part of the design concept report and is working on it. Mr. Taylor asked if it is to be designed will it sit on the shelf. Mr. Harper stated “yes, eventually.” Mr. Taylor suggested we have two key projects to discuss for the project retreat and have an integrated strategy because if had to choose between Lone Tree T-I and Belmont he would take the Belmont piece because it has more strategic economic potential and the other is more traffic impact. Chair Overton stated he would take the Lone Tree piece and sees the other players ready to move on Lone Tree. Mr. Ryan stated Lone Tree is further flushed out as far as going through the processes and analysis and it makes sense that is the higher priority. Mr. Ryan stated the Belmont piece could be FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 12 of 28 triggered rapidly but they are initiating the analysis. Mr. Ryan stated on Lone Tree we have worked further through and it has moved up over the years and if they don’t act on it they could lose the money, which is a critical piece and ties in well with the regional plan, movement, alternative corridors and building the grid. Mr. Taylor stated he wants to do Lone Tree but is thinking of the idea if we bring together all the stakeholders and brain power that Belmont has a huge long term potential for development.

3. FMPO Calendar Chair Overton stated he is unavailable on April 27, 2011 and Mr. Taylor stated he has a conflict on August 24, 2011. Ms. Roederer stated the County has budget meetings in May and we may need to do a special meeting in the spring. Chair Overton stated the City Council will recess in August instead of July this year.


E. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Overton announced he attended the RTAC meeting. Chair Overton stated it was the day the Governor released the budget and John McGee discussed funding but put up 25 obstacles and stated it would not work. Chair Overton stated it was disappointing but is glad we have representation and Kevin Adam helped him with DC material and that was great. Chair Overton announced the FMPO will be requested to weigh-in on the Steves/Fanning Closure Study (an element of the fourth street construction.) Chair Overton stated Kimley-Horn was the consultant on the $130,000 study and suggested no closures. The railroad disagrees with the recommendation and has requested it be vetted through the planning organizations, traffic commission, sub-committees, outside business groups and ped/bike commission. Chair Overton stated the importance of keeping a good, working and positive relationship with the railroad.

ADJOURNMENT Chair Overton adjourned the meeting at 9:31 a.m.

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FMPO Executive Board

March 23, 2011

II.1 Safety Program

• Projects total $600k, full allocation • B/C calculated, all qualify, and eligibility request sent to ADOT. No response yet. • Program and safety manual overview scheduled for 3/23 • CONTINGENCY?

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II.2 Legislative Update

• Federal – Current budggget: agreed to extension to 9/30 – Reauthorization: major differences on size of the program ($230B vs. $500+); major differences on high-speed rail; some agreements on streamlining programs • State – Likelihood of additional funding cuts in the range of $600 million more than the Governor’s proposal which essentially held transportation and local governments harmless or at least no worse than the previous year’s budget with the exception of a $25 million increased raid of local HURF revenues (RTAC) – See RTAC bill matrix (e-mailed 3/14/11)


• Ridership growth continues • Recent loss of Sedona system, sale of trolleys approved by NAIPTA Board • Mountain Links BRT on schedule for design with construction in summer • ACTION: Desire to investigate NAIPTA / FMPO synergy: administration, planning, boundaries, funding

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III.2 T.I.P.

• FY 2012-2016 “Call for Projects” released • ACTION: Informal approval of TIP addition or amendment to include $100k-$150k for ACS- Lite pilot project. – ACS is adaptive control system technology that may prove beneficial for regional corridors – ADOT tentatively committed to $150k – Staff rece ive d ITS arc hitec ture tra in ing 2/23 – Regional Systems Engineering Exercise on 3/22 – One of 15 nationwide initiatives for “Every Day Counts”

III.3 Doney Park Multimodal Plan

• Funded by ADOT PARA Grant • PlfbikddtitdtPurpose: plan for bike, ped and transit and set a list of projects • Status: – Phase I – Issues (complete) – Phase II – Program of Projects (draft) • Issues: – Non-motorized connectivity, including equestrian – Solutions: see map

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III.4 US 180 Winter Congestion Study • HDR, Inc. received contract • Early focus will be on model update to support Regional Plan 2012, then study related data collection and model development • Public outreach will commence after the data and tools are prepared • TAC recommends additional data including historical weather conditions and emergency service calls and inclusion of the Downtown Business Alliance in the list of stakeholders

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III.5 Regional Plan 2012

• Elements with draft policy complete: Energy, water, environment & conservation • Open space and recreation are in process • Land Use & Circulation in the summer and fall • Transportation issues to date: – Energy: alternate modes, shorter trips – Water: transpppqyortation impact on quality – Environment: wildlife impact, air quality, VMT limits – Open Space: location of facilities, access to lands – Recreation: demand for trails, access to parks

III.5 Regional Plan 2012

• PARA grant + FMPO funds – Technical Consultant • Land use scenarios, circulation element, model development • $225, 000 (PARA) – ASU Decision Theater • Facilitate decision-making, visualization, advise on data and models • $50,000 (FMPO) – Public Involvement Consultant • Support ASU DT in off-site effort, produce information campaign plan, advise on scenario development • $25,000 (PARA) – Core Planning Team • Remaining elements, data collection, model development, direct work with Citizens Advisory Commission • Transportation modeling (FMPO) • $ some local budget – Rural Policy Institute (not formal part of PARA grant) • Demographics production • $20,000 (FMPO) – HDR, Inc. (not formal part of PARA grant) • Transportation base model and supporting land use data • $22,000 (FMPO as part of the US 180 study)

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III.6 Calendar

• April Agenda – I-40 DCR – Steves/Fanning Railroad Crossings –TIP & UPWP • May Agenda – Corridor coalitions –TIP & UPWP • Special Events – Corridor retreat: local, state or multi-state – Wha t M oves You A ri zona • March 21, 2011 – release of video and survey • April 13, 2011 – focus groups – Intermodal Planning Group: March 28 – ADOT Dinner & 5-Year Construction Program: May 19 & 20,

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March 14, 2011 2011 Update #9

ANOTHER SHORT TERM CONTINUING RESOLUTION ANTICIPATED FOR FEDERAL BUDGET: Last Wednesday, the Senate rejected two budget proposals to fund the federal government for the remainder of the current federal fiscal year which ends on September 30th. The competing measures would have reduced spending by $57 billion and $6.2 billion suggesting that a compromise between the two will be the eventual outcome.

In the meantime, it is highly unlikely that such a compromise will be reached in time for the expiration of the current continuing resolution which expires this Friday, March 18th. It appears that a strong consensus has already been reached to enact another short-term continuing resolution, this time a three-week measure which would fund the federal government through April 8th. It is anticipated that the measure would cut spending by $6 Billion over that timeframe which is consistent with the current continuing resolution which cut spending by $2 Billion per week.

For transportation, proposed cuts continue to focus on high speed rail, unused highway earmarks, transit New Start and energy efficiency grants, TIGER grants and various transit and rail programs.

STATE BUDGET EXPECTED SOON: As reported the last couple of weeks, state legislative leadership has targeted the end of March for an enacted budget and are currently meeting with rank and file members to discuss a budget package that they have crafted. As the end of March approaches, the details should be released very soon and could occur this week. The initial feedback from rank and file members was opposition to the level of borrowing and deferred payments in the Governor’s proposal which sets up the likelihood of additional funding cuts in the range of $600 million more than the Governor’s proposal which essentially held transportation and local governments harmless or at least no worse than the previous year’s budget with the exception of a $25 million increased raid of local HURF revenues. The anticipated increase in cuts could very likely impact transportation and local governments. As state budget developments could occur very rapidly this week, please keep an eye out for additional updates.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 20 of 28 BILL# TITLE SPONSOR DESCRIPTION STATUS HB2318 Transportation Rep Jones Eliminates the 200,000 population requirement for counties to form Referred to House Transportation (TRANS) Cmte on Authorities; Regional regional transportation authorities which are required to implement 1/20, passed 8-0 on 2/10. Passed House Rules Cmte on & Public voter-approved regional transportation sales taxes. Authorizes 2/28, caucused on 3/2. Passed House 34-25 on 3/9. Sent community college districts and Indian Nations to become members to Senate on 3/9. Scheduled for 3/14 hearing in Senate of intergovernmental public transportation authorities. Natural Resources & Transportation (NRT) Cmte. HB2319 Counties; Primitive Rep Jones Authorizes counties to spend public monies for the maintenance of Referred to House Transportation (TRANS) Cmte on Roads; Maintenance public roads and that have been designated as primitive roads. 1/20, passed 8-0 on 2/10. Passed House Rules Cmte on 2/21, caucused on 2/22. Passed House 58-0 on 3/3. Sent to Senate on 3/3. Passed Senate Natural Resources & Transportation (NRT) Cmte 6-0 on 3/7. Ready for Senate Rules Cmte, scheduled for 3/14 hearing. HB2454 Tax Deed Land Sales Rep Was a technical correction bill, but a “strike everything” amendment Referred to House Transportation (TRANS) Cmte on Williams has been added that would authorize counties to sell county-owned 2/9, passed 9-0 on 2/17 with a “strike everything” property to municipalities and special taxing districts for public amendment. Passed House Rules Cmte on 2/23, purposes of transportation and flood control bypassing the current caucused on 3/1. Passed House 56-0 on 3/3. Sent to requirement of auctioning the property and selling to highest bidder. Senate on 3/4. Assigned to Senate Natural Resources & Transportation (NRT) Cmte on 3/8. HB2471 Federal Mandates; Rep Gowan Prohibits the legislature from enacting any laws appropriating state Referred to House Government (GOV) and Proof of revenues to comply with a federal mandate unless the mandate is Appropriations (APPROP) Cmtes on 1/24. Passed the Constitutionality accompanied with a document that determines that the mandate is a GOV Cmte 6-3 on 2/1. Withdrawn from the APPROP function of the federal government as specified by the Constitution. Cmte on 2/8. Passed House Rules Cmte on 3/3, caucused on 3/3. Ready for full House consideration, scheduled on 3/14 calendar. HB2577 Legislative Rep Olson Mandates that all noncustodial federal monies received by the State Referred to House Appropriations (APPROP) Cmte on Appropriations; are subject to legislative appropriation. 2/3, passed 9-4 on 2/16. Passed House Rules Cmte on Federal Monies * Presumably would include federal transportation revenues. 2/23, caucused on 2/24. Passed House 37-20 on 3/3. Sent to Senate on 3/3. Assigned to Senate Appropriations (APPROP) Cmte on 3/8, scheduled for 3/15 hearing. SB1270 Omnibus; ADOT Sen Nelson Was a technical correction bill, but a “strike everything” amendment Referred to Senate Natural Resources & Transportation was adopted that includes a wide variety of changes to ADOT’s (NRT) Cmte on 2/2, passed 5-0 on 2/14 with a “strike administrative authority including background checks for job and everything” amendment. Passed Senate Rules Cmte on license applicants, a repeal of ADOT oversight over areas regulated 2/21, caucused on 2/23. Considered & amended by full by federal standards, modifications to public-private partnership Senate on 2/24, passed Senate 29-0 on 2/28. Sent to authority, railroad crossing requirements for commercial vehicles and House on 3/1. Assigned to House Transportation revising penalties for driving commercial vehicles without the proper (TRANS) Cmte, scheduled and held for 3/10 hearing. license. Numerous amendments added on Senate floor including the Scheduled again for 3/17 hearing. expansion of eligible facilities for public private partnerships to include rest areas and ports of entry.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 21 of 28 SB1352 Photo Radar Sen Would prohibit state agencies and local authorities from using photo Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) Cmte on Prohibition Antenori enforcement systems to identify violators of traffic signals and speed 1/31, passed 5-1 on 2/16. Passed Senate Rules Cmte on limits. 2/22, caucused on 2/23. Failed the Senate 15-15 on 3/2. SB1353 Moving Violations; Sen Would repeal the state photo enforcement system. Adds a $10 Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) and Assessment; Antenori assessment to every civil traffic violation, misdemeanor, or violation Appropriations (APPROP) Cmtes. Passed GR Cmte 7-0 Enforcement; of any local ordinance related to the stopping, standing or operation on 2/9. Passed APPROP Cmte 13-0 on 2/23. Passed Equipment of a vehicle. Half of the revenue would be deposited in the Public Senate Rules Cmte on 2/28, caucused on 3/3. Passed Safety Equipment Fund and the other half would be distributed to the Senate 27-3 on 3/10. Sent to House on 3/11. agency issuing the citation. Revenues above the first $1.2 Million deposited in the Public Safety Equipment Fund annually would no longer be distributed to the State General Fund. SB1354 Photo Enforcement; Sen An individual receiving a notice in the mail for a speeding violation Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) Cmte on Violator Antenori or failure to obey a traffic control device would not be required to 1/31, passed 6-0 on 2/16 amended. Passed Senate Rules Identification; respond to the notice or identify the photographed individual. Cmte on 2/22, caucused on 2/23. Considered and Response amended by full Senate on 3/2, passed Senate 21-9 on 3/8. Sent to House on 3/9. Assigned to House Transportation (TRANS) Cmte on 3/10. SB1371 Revenue Allocation Sen Nelson Was a technical correction bill, but a “strike everything” amendment Referred to Senate Natural Resources & Transportation Authority was adopted that would authorize municipalities to establish revenue (NRT) Cmte on 2/9, passed 6-0 on 2/14 with a “strike allocation authorities within their boundaries with the consent of the everything” amendment. Referred to Senate owners of 51% of the land area proposed for the authority. An Appropriations (APPROP) Cmte on 2/16. authority would need to adopt a revenue allocation plan and capital projects within the authority could be financed with a variety of funding options including property and sales tax increment increases SB1393 Environment; Sen Allen Would authorize the state to regulate greenhouse gases Referred to Senate Natural Resources & Transportation Greenhouse Gases; notwithstanding and potentially preempting any federal law or (NRT) Cmte on 1/31, withdrawn from NRT Cmte on Legislative Authority regulation. Amended to add particulate matter to the gasses and 2/7. Referred to Senate Border Security, Federalism & substances that would be subject to state legislative authority. State Sovereignty (BSFSS) Cmte on 2/7, passed 4-1 on 2/10. Passed Senate Rules Cmte on 2/14, caucused on 2/21. Considered and amended by full Senate on 2/24, passed Senate 21-8 on 3/1. Sent to House on 3/2. SB1525 Municipal Sen Pearce Would reform municipal development fee statutes to include Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) Cmte on Development Fees authorizing fees for the costs associated with infrastructure 2/2, passed 6-1 on 2/9 amended. Passed Senate Rules improvements for a “development” rather than “necessary public Cmte on 2/14 and caucused on 2/17. Considered & services.” Requires the municipality to adopt an infrastructure amended by full Senate on 2/24, passed Senate 16-13 on improvement plan to assess fees and calculate the fee levels. 2/28, Sent to House on 3/1. Establishes a process for adopting and modifying a plan. Includes a list of prohibited uses for development fees. Amended to include technical changes.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 22 of 28 SB1538 Driving; Handheld Sen Melvin Would prohibit manual texting activity while driving. Establishes a Referred to Senate Judiciary (JUD) Cmte on 2/2, Wireless $50 civil penalty fine, increased to $200 if the violation involves an withdrawn from JUD Cmte on 2/9. Referred to Senate Communication accident. Natural Resources & Transportation (NRT) Cmte on 2/9, Devices passed 4-1 on 2/14. Passed Senate Rules Cmte on 2/23, caucused on 2/24. Considered & amended by full Senate on 3/10, ready for full Senate vote. SB1561 Legislative Approps; Sen Murphy Asserts that the Legislature has the authority to appropriate all Referred to Senate Appropriations (APPROP) Cmte on Federal Monies noncustodial federal monies including block grants and general 2/2, passed 9-4 on 2/15. Passed Senate Rules Cmte on revenue sharing monies. 2/23, caucused on 2/24. Passed Senate 20-8 on 3/9. Sent * Presumably would include federal transportation revenues. to House on 3/9. SB1589 Authorized Third Sen Griffin Would mandate rather than authorize ADOT to contract with third Referred to Senate Natural Resources & Transportation Parties, ADOT parties to perform various MVD functions including vehicle title (NRT) Cmte on 2/2, withdrawn from Senate NRT Cmte issuing & registration, and driver licensing functions. on 2/10. Referred to Senate Appropriations (APPROP) Cmte on 2/10, passed 9-3 on 2/23. Passed the Senate Rules Cmte on 2/28, caucused on 3/1. Ready for full Senate consideration, scheduled on 3/14 calendar. SCR1027 Statewide Initiatives; Sen Limits any future statewide ballot measures or those passed since Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) Cmte on Periodic Antenori 2006 impacting State General Fund revenues to ten years (amended 1/31, passed 5-1 on 2/16 amended. Passed Senate Rules Reauthorization to eight) after the year of passage. Measures may be referred to the Cmte on 2/23, caucused on 3/1. Passed Senate 20-8 on ballot for reauthorization. Measures approved between 1998 and 3/9. Sent to House on 3/9. 2004 must be reauthorized by the November, 2014 state general election. SCR1029 Photo Radar Sen Would place on the November, 2012 general election ballot the Referred to Senate Government Reform (GR) Cmte on Prohibition Antenori question of whether to amend state law to prohibit local jurisdictions 1/31, passed 5-1 on 2/16 amended. Passed Senate Rules from using photo enforcement. Cmte on 2/23, caucused on 3/1. Passed Senate 18-12 on 3/10. Sent to House on 3/11.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 23 of 28 2011 CALENDAR


JANUARY 2011 FEBRUARY 2011 MARCH 2011 APRIL 2011 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31

MAY 2011 JUNE 2011 JULY 2011 AUGUST 2011 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 c 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 31

OCTOBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011 NOVEMBER 2011 S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 5c 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 c 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 c 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 c 30 31

Office: 100 W. Birch Avenue Important Dates TAC Mail: 211 W. Aspen Ave Annual UPWP Approval Process May 2011 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Annual TIP Approval Process June 2011 Management Committee Phone: 928-226-4849 Annual MPO Dinner 5/19/11 & ASTB Flagstaff Mtg 5/20/11 Fax: 928-213-4825 Annual FMPO Retreat Tentative 9/28/11 Executive Board Website: www.flagstaffmpo.org Note: November & December, 2011 Executive Board Email: [email protected] Meetings may be combined due to the Holidays—Date TBD Holiday

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 24 of 28 FLAGSTAFF METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION CITY OF FLAGSTAFF  COCONINO COUNTY  ARIZONA DOT Office: 100 West Birch Avenue  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Mail: 211 West Aspen Avenue  Flagstaff, Arizona 86001 Phone: (928) 226-4849  Fax: (928) 213-4825 www.flagstaffmpo.org  [email protected] Action Summary Technical Advisory Committee 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Thursday, March 3, 2011 ______Coconino County Human Resources Building – Weatherford Room 420 N. Street, Flagstaff, AZ 86001 CALL TO ORDER Chair Feek called the meeting to order at 1:31 p.m.

TAC COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT Justin Feek, ADOT Senior Transportation Planner, Chair Jeff Bauman, City of Flagstaff Transportation Manager, Vice Chair John Dalby, ADOT Designated Alternate (for Audra Merrick Flagstaff District Development Engineer) Tim Dalegowski, County Designated Alternate (for Andy Bertelsen, Public Works Dir.) Jim Cronk, Flagstaff Development Services Director Heather Dalmolin, Sr. Manager Internal Services NAIPTA (1:30-2:50pm)

Excused Absent Andy Bertelsen, Coconino County Public Works Director Bill Towler, Coconino County Community Development Director Rick Barrett, City of Flagstaff Engineer Audra Merrick, ADOT Flagstaff District Development Engineer

FMPO STAFF & Others Present David Wessel, FMPO Manager Martin Ince, FMPO Multimodal Planner Meg Roederer, FMPO Administrative Specialist Brent Crowther, Kimely-Horn (telephonically 1:30-2:00pm) Michael Gorton, HDR (telephonically 2:00pm-2:30pm) Dan Nall, Phoenix Highway Products Francisco Yares, ADOT Candace Schroeder, NAIPTA John Aber, Coconino County


B. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. Wessel recommended rearranging the agenda discussing Item 3: Doney Park Multimodal Transportation Plan Update, next Item 5: Regional Plan 2012 Planning Assistance for Rural Areas Grant and then Item 4: US 180 Winter Congestion Study and Travel Time Study to accommodate those attending telephonically and Mr. Ince due to arrive after his budget meeting. Chair Feek agreed.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 25 of 28

C. APPROVAL of MINUTES Mr. Cronk made a motion to approve the February 3, 2011 Minutes and Mr. Dalegowski seconded, which passed unanimously.

II. OLD BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. Doney Park Multimodal Transportation Plan Update Mr. Wessel explained this is a verbal presentation and introduced Mr. John Aber, Principal Planner from Coconino County Community Development. Mr. Aber presented the background material and handed out the 2010 Doney Park Multimodal Transportation Plan Working Paper one. Mr. Aber and Mr. Crowther from Kimely-Horn described the project and responded to questions from the TAC. There was discussion only.

2. Regional Plan 2012 Planning Assistance for Rural Areas Grant Mr. Wessel presented information on data collection, contract award and status on this project. Mr. Wessel explained the ASU Decision Theater. Mr. Feek commented on public involvement. Mr. Wessel commented on scenarios and sought advice from the TAC. Mr. Crowther suggested a follow-up meeting with David Wessel and Justin Feek to develop questions. There was discussion only.

3. US 180 Winter Congestion Study and Travel Time Study Mr. Wessel explained the US 180 Winter Congestion Study and stated the City Council awarded the contract to HDR on Tuesday, March 1, 2011. Mr. Wessel welcomed Project Manager, Michael Gorton to the discussion telephonically. There was discussion only.

4. FY 2011 Highway Safety Improvement Program & Projects Mr. Ince introduced the topic and discussed the hand-out on FMPO Highway Safety Improvement Program Benefit/Cost Ratio Tabulation sets. There was discussion only.

5. FMPO FY 2012-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Mr. Wessel stated we are going for a motion to release the TIP call for projects. Mr. Bauman made a motion to release the TIP call for projects and Mr. Dalegowski seconded, which passed unanimously.

III. NEW BUSINESS (Continued, postponed, and tabled items.) 1. FMPO Calendar There was discussion only.



ADJOURNMENT Chair Feek adjourned the meeting at 2:55 p.m.

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 26 of 28

Memorandum – Staff Reports

Date: March 15, 2011 To: FMPO Executive Board From: Martin Ince, Multi-Modal Planner David Wessel, FMPO Manager

Re: Ongoing Transportation Projects

Federal Reauthorization The administrations’ outline greatly increases funding (to over $500 billion), combines many existing programs into several core programs to increase flexibility, pushes high speed rail and seeks to bund a national infrastructure bank to facilitate cash flow. It seeks to front load the first year (FY 2012) to stimulate the economy. It does not suggest how it will pay for any of this. Sources in D.C. continue to see possibilities for a late summer or early fall bill. Funding may be held to the more limited highway trust fund levels which could mean annual appropriations, would mean lower funding levels, and might inspire a three-year bill. The latter option provides opportunity to reevaluate funding availability and sources and possibly pass a larger bill sooner.

I-40 Design Concept Report – the Initial DCR is released and available for review. Staff has committed to informing county staff on issues being identified through city and FMPO staff reviews to date. The FMPO can take this up in April.

I-17 Design Concept Report. The draft environmental assessment is nearly complete. Upon completion the initial Design Concept Report will be issued, about two weeks. Staff followed up with the consultant and incident management design considerations are incorporated into both the north and south DCR.

Camp Navajo EUL – No update. Staff has placed a call to the US Army Corps on status.

Fourth Street North - Staff is working with city interests to evaluate impacts of proposed reduction in the number of lanes on Fourth Street.

Mountain Links BRT Design – design is moving ahead on schedule and budget with excellent cooperation from all stakeholders. Jeff Meilbeck will report to the Executive Board on 3/23/11.

Regional Plan 2012 See bullets in EB Powerpoint presentation

Doney Park Planning Assistance to Rural Areas Study (PARA) Kimley-Horn has been selected. Working Paper #1 – Existing and Future conditions has been released. There will be a Study TAC meeting on March 28 to review evaluation criteria for recommended projects. A public meeting to review projects is scheduled for April 28.

State Long Range Transportation Plan - What Moves You Arizona The next round of public outreach is scheduled for April 13, 2011. A WMYA Policy Committee meeting is scheduled for 3/15/11. Major issues to discuss are:  General lack of funds and strategies to obtain general funds  Given funding constraints and legal and political parameters, what is the best way to balance funds across and within the following categories: o Highway

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 27 of 28 . Preserve . Modernize . Expand o Non-Highway (primarily rail and non-rail transit and freight rail) . Preserve . Modernize . Expand  ADOT leadership is recommending a focus on preservation

FHWA Initiative - Every Day Counts  ADOT continues to move their priority issues forward. FMPO role at this point is primarily working locally on the ACS-Lite project.

Work Program Update (also see table below)  US 180 Winter Congestion Study – see EB presentation  Maintenance Cost Tool – No update. Staff has received input from ADOT and the City on budgeting processes and awaits Coconino County participation. Contacts and resources were identified at the TRB Conference in January. Preliminary estimation and projection model development is anticipated for late spring.  Regional Plan 2012/State Long Range Plan – see EB presentation, in addition, the NAU RPI work on demographics is about 50% complete.  Travel Time Study – Data is successfully completed. NAU is at 60% complete with their analysis.  Traffic Model Update see US 180 Congestion Study.  Safe-to-School Grant Application: staff completed an application for the Pine Knoll path. State Transportation Board decision tentatively scheduled for April 2011.  Miscellaneous – staff has conducted model runs using for an internal city review of a local project. The modeling was done to test an improved user interface.  The FMPO Manager will presented to the Flagstaff Leadership Program on 3/10/11 regarding future transportation improvements and the potential impact on the economy. 2011 Ongoing Projects Percent FY 2011 Work Program Task Completed Comment US 180 Congestion Study 1% Contract awarded to HDR. Inc. End date: October 2011 Regional Transportation Model Update 1% Contract included with HDR Congestion Study P.A.R.A. gr ant awarded to Kimley Horn. ASU Decision Theater will Regional Plan Update 40% be under contract soon. End date: Februar y 2012 Maintenance Cost Estimation Tool 15% Data and methodology collected. End date: June 2011 Transportation Improvement Program Development 25% Call for projects released. Rough draft TIP developed. FY 2012 Work Program Task 50% Budget prepared, layout complete, requires final adoption Travel Time Study 75% NAU under contract. Data collected evaluation underway

Projects identified, TIP amended, Benefit/Cost evaluated, eligibility FY 2011 Safety Program 40% submitted, Highway Safety Manual Training scheduled Title VI Plan and Report 100% available on line

Traffic Count Program/HPMS Submittal 80% Completed summer counts and winter counts. No HPMS submittal ADOT - What Moves You Arizona FMPO participating. Goals complete. Finance complete. State Long Range Transportation Plan 60% Investment choices to be presented to public in April Completed summer counts and winter counts. HPMS submittal by Traffic Count Program/HPMS Submittal 80% 3/21/11 Transit Programs: 5310, 5311, 5316, 5317 60% Workshop held, applications out, panel on March 22, 2011 Transportation Coordination Plan 5% Work plan developed

Grant applications submitted for enhancements and safe routes to school, budget for Division 75 (trails) complete, Every Day Counts - federal initiative supported, multiple trail projects scoped, traffic im pact analysis support for two major pr ojects, presentation to Miscellaneous N/A TRB, regional priorities submitted to congressional delegation,

FMPO Executive Board Agenda Packet March 23, 2011 / Page 28 of 28