ISSN : 2582-1857 Text - 72 Pages, Price : `50 nAIKS aad A Monthly Publication of

VOL XXX No. 01 January 2020

30 Years of Exile KASHMIRI HINDU GENOCIDE IGNORED (Special Issue) DESTROYED TEMPLES IN VALLEY Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 03 Mekhal Ceremony of Kavish and Shivank Wali

On the bright morning of 6 December 2019, Kavish and Shivank Wali had their heads shaved as part of a significant life-cycle ritual called mekhal. After conversations with their parents and grandparents explaining the importance of this ritual, both boys agreed to shave their hair and wear the sacred thread (yoniy in Koshur and Janeyu in Hindi). The boys' quiet cooperation in this matter added considerable value and meaning to this event. Among Kashmiri Pandits, Mekhal marks a male child's initiation into his family's genealogical line (gotra) and requires the participation of maternal and paternal relatives. Chaman Lal Wali This event involves a series of ritual celebrations conducted by a priest specially trained in Kashmiri Pandit rituals. It begins with the auspicious application of mehandi on the children and family members (sat maenz and maenz raath). During these two rituals, the children's maternal aunts (maasi) wash their feet. Then their paternal aunt (bua) applies some maenz (mehandi) to their foreheads, hands, and feet. On maenz raath, family members come together for a musical evening of traditional Kashmiri music and delicious food. The next day, ceremonies continue with a purification ritual called Devgon. As part of Devgon, the children are given a ritual bath by their maami (wife of maternal uncle) using yoghurt and water. Thereafter, the boys take a shower and their maternal uncles (mama) escort them back to the Devgon puja. Devgon is followed by the main event, the day-long yagna called Mekhal. As part of Mekhal, a local barber shaves the boys' hair under the watchful eyes of family members and loved ones. The boys then dress in orange robes, and receive the responsibility of wearing the sacred thread for the first time. Family members and all those invited to the Mekhal attend the ceremony and offer their blessings in the form of Abeed—a sum of money given to the boys and ultimately collected by the priests who conduct the whole ceremony. Abeed is dropped into a ceremonial plate after the boys recite a mantra which the priest teaches them. This process symbolizes the act of students collecting guru dakshina for their teacher. As per tradition, the first Abeed is offered by the boys' maternal aunts and the last one by parents and grandparents. A visit to the temple to seek the blessings of god marks the successful completion of the Mekhal. For Kavish and Shivank, these rituals lasted from 4 December to 6 December, and entailed a joyous gathering of extended family members. At the end of their mekhal, they visited Sharika Bhawan in Faridabad to seek the blessings of Sharika Bhagwati, the isht-devi of their family. In addition to shaving their heads as part of the Mekhal, both of them are now committed to observing the tradition of wearing the sacred thread. Although Mekhal is analogous to the Brahmanical ritual called Upanayana observed by other Hindu communities, this particular form of observation is unique to Kashmiri Pandits. Often considered as significant as a wedding ceremony, mekhal is as much about observing rituals as reaffirming family bonds. It is our fond hope those future generations will continue to value and observe the rich traditions that the Kashmiri Pandit community has inherited from their ancestors.

Chaman Lal Wali and Phoola Wali (Grandparents) Vishal and Karuna Wali (Parents of Kavish Wali) Ajay and Alka Wali (Parents of Shivank Wali) Shireen and Aarna (Sisters)

04 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) A I K S naad INSIDE Vol. XXX No. 01 January 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) 06-07 Editorial -Sunil Raina Rajanaka

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sunil Raina Rajanaka 08-09 From the President’s Desk - Col. Tej K. Tikoo

10 General Secretary’s Column - M. K. Pajan EDITORIAL BOARD Tej N 11-13 News Folio Bansi Pandit C. L. Kaul 14-16 Why I am not a Terrorist - Dr Rahul Magazine Prof. R.L. Shant 17-21 The Longest Night - Capt S K Tikoo

AIKS Secretariat, New Delhi 22-23 The Republic of Denial -Ashima Kaul 244, Sector - 3 R.K. Puram, New Delhi 24-26 Genocide of a Civilisation - Jyoti Koul 110022

27-30 Jihadi Subversion in and Kashmir -Dr. Mahesh Kaul Circulation Manager Hony Capt. Virender Rawat 31-33 Uprooted Kashmiri Hindus in - Ajey Bharti 9410619883 the 30th Year of Exile

Circulation Feedback 34 When Kashmir Smoldered - Dr. Sushma Shalla Kaul & Data Processing 35-38 Kashmiri Pandits – Unabated Exoduses - Upender Ambardar Bharti Raina Kaul 011-26107431 8130538867 39-41 Struggle of Employees After Exodus - Rajendra Razdan

42-44 A Crimson Leaf in the Wind - Riya Rozanova Layout & Design Pranav Koul Suman Kumar 45-46 The Fading Kashmir Connection - Sanchi Bhat M/s Print Orbit 47 Unsaid Pain of Kashmiri Pandit - Siya Bhat DISCLAIMER 48-50 Lost Angel - Rajiv Raina Articles and readers’ letters do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or AIKS, Editors do not take 51-53 The Muezzin's Call - Dr. Sunite Ambardar responsibility for any errors of facts that may have been expressed by the 54 In Search of Homeland-Kashmir - Shivani Koul Bhat writers.

THIS MONTH’S COVER 55-57 KOOTIHAR – the Tirtha of Kaptesvara - Er. Vinod Kumar Cover page Painting - Exodus is made by renowned artist 64-65 Naad Education Folio - Vijay Kashkari Sh.Bhushan Kaul which depicts the small group of people pushed away 66-67 AIKS Matrimonial Service from home. More on it on page 13. Telefax: 011-26107431 E-mail: [email protected] Visit us at : no two opinions that the Jihad in Kashmir undertake the analysis of secessionism From the was an Islamic war on hapless Hindus. On which led to the subsequent genocide. This 1st April 1990, the local newspaper, commission can be constituted like what Editor-in-Chief Daily Aftab carried the press release of was done post Jewish Holocaust inline with Hizbul Mujahedeen. It said, Nuremberg war crimes. This commission “The aim of the present struggle is should bring all the perpetrators to justice as was done few years ago for Gujarat victims. Dear Readers, Why Genocide of Hindus? supremacy of Islam in Kashmir in all walks of life and nothing else. Anyone If fails to protect its nationalistic 30 long years in exile is strangely Preceding 1990, a Sustained vilification who puts a hurdle in our way shall be people in Jammu & Kashmir then the compelling to think but terrible to campaign was launched against minority annihilated”. message to the jihadi enterprise shall be that experience. Our exile is undoubtedly Hindus from none other than the so called India does not care for its support base unhealable wound forced on us due to being secular leader, Sheikh Abdullah who Despite glaring evidences of genocide an which eventually shall encourage the terror expelled from our homeland - Kashmir. The himself referred to Kashmiri Hindus as attempt by ruling dispensations both at the enterprise to raise its network in different sadness of our exile cannot be surmounted; Indian agents and fifth columnists. It was state and center have tried to ignore the parts of country and shall put a question the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus is a saga of this hatred from political class which further persecution of Hindus and paint it as an mark on the secular, democratic credentials resilience in the face of insurmountable crystalized the public opinion against them aberration in order to hide it behind the veil of current nationalistic government. India odds. The hoary days of our exodus of secularism. The three decades of th and manifested in hatred against Hindus in must not allow the perpetrators to roam accompanied by the shrill and hatred of 19 Kashmir. The religious seminaries run by Kashmiri Hindu genocide has not yet woken freely while compelling the victims, who January are grim reminders of our genocide up the Indians as it seems their lives do not are nationalistic to the core, to languish in and the subsequent orgy of violence on our Jamaat-e-Islami and Ahl-e-Hadis openly preached that Hindus are infidel's who are matter to the countrymen. Attempt was exile. This shall lead to mockery of our community. It was on this day that Islamist made by bureaucracy which were hand in Jihadis publicly proclaimed genocide on sworn enemies of Islam. This hatred was judicial system and that of covenants of UN converted into physical violence against glove with separatists to convey to the world of which India is the signatory. Kashmiri Hindus from the pulpits of that the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Hindus, as Jihadis believed that they are the mosques. What followed was complete valley was only for economic reasons and Refoulment of Displaced Hindus only impediments in the total Islamisation ethnic cleansing of the oldest living voluntary. The denial of genocide was to There appears to be no serious attempt by of Kashmir. Hence, Hindus were branded as civilization from their own homeland as cover up the persecution of Kashmiri the governments to ensure return of inveterate enemies of Islam who need to be lakhs of Hindus were forcibly driven out of Hindus and to garner a sympathy for genocide victims to the valley whereas this obliterated. This dormant hatred was their homes and hearths under a well- perpetrators who were seeking separation ethnic cleansing have led to despair and orchestrated plan conceived by evil state sometimes xenophobic and sometimes from secular, democratic India for dejection among the Hindus due to their Pakistan and executed by Kashmiri chimerical which was displayed openly by theocratic evil state of Pakistan. Indian state three-decade long exile from valley. For any Muslims which was to ensure the merger of the majoritarian Muslims from time to time th made every attempt to secure the mythical return Government must address to the with Pakistan. and more so on 19 January 1990 where It secularism on the blood and bones of geopolitical aspirations of the community th was bloodlust, and “a willing complicity” of Since then, 19 January is the day of our Kashmir Hindus. Thus, a brand of so that there is no future refoulment of the collective remembrance and to show the the majority community which resulted in secularism that sustained itself on denial of the Genocide of Hindus. community from their cherished homeland- world that Hindus of Kashmir shall not genocide and inline with repugnant Islamic Kashmir. At the same time, it is to be made forget and forgive those who were Genocide Ignored State was forced upon the hapless victims. clear to the jihadi cabal that Kashmiri Hindu responsible for their persecution. The day The ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus is has not left its claim on their homeland. We also is a solemn occasion to commit Genocide Commission one of the dark chapters of secular It's been 30 long years that not a single shall return on our terms when the evil Jihad ourselves to protect our nation from further Independent India where the aborigines onslaught of Islamic Jihad and to resolve perpetrator for such a genocide is identified is convincingly defeated and demolished. I that our collective remembrance shall make were exterminated and eliminated based on nor any trial constituted to give justice to the sum up the feelings of every Kashmiri the nation aware about the impending their religious affiliations. This genocide on victims who are nationalist people and Hindu in the poetic lines of Tribubhuwan dangers of the regressive forces of Jihad Hindus was not a mere outcome of terrorist swear for the territorial integrity of India. Nath Sapru 'Hijar', which are now knocking in the country at the violence but an important design of evil Since last 30 years the hapless Kashmiri state Pakistan to destabilize the valley, Tailuk Wohi Quam Ko hei Watan Se, alarming rate. The overtaking of Kashmir Hindus have been petitioning the successive Ki Jo Hai Ruh Ko Tailuk Badan Se. by regressive Islamic Fascism and the stoic change the demographic balance to suit governments both at center and state to silence of the so-called liberals is not only their agenda and to stoke the secessionist constitute a genocide commission to intriguing but also questionable. agenda through their quislings. There can be

06 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 07 no two opinions that the Jihad in Kashmir undertake the analysis of secessionism From the was an Islamic war on hapless Hindus. On which led to the subsequent genocide. This 1st April 1990, the local Urdu newspaper, commission can be constituted like what Editor-in-Chief Daily Aftab carried the press release of was done post Jewish Holocaust inline with Hizbul Mujahedeen. It said, Nuremberg war crimes. This commission “The aim of the present struggle is should bring all the perpetrators to justice as was done few years ago for Gujarat victims. Dear Readers, Why Genocide of Hindus? supremacy of Islam in Kashmir in all walks of life and nothing else. Anyone If India fails to protect its nationalistic 30 long years in exile is strangely Preceding 1990, a Sustained vilification who puts a hurdle in our way shall be people in Jammu & Kashmir then the compelling to think but terrible to campaign was launched against minority annihilated”. message to the jihadi enterprise shall be that experience. Our exile is undoubtedly Hindus from none other than the so called India does not care for its support base unhealable wound forced on us due to being secular leader, Sheikh Abdullah who Despite glaring evidences of genocide an which eventually shall encourage the terror expelled from our homeland - Kashmir. The himself referred to Kashmiri Hindus as attempt by ruling dispensations both at the enterprise to raise its network in different sadness of our exile cannot be surmounted; Indian agents and fifth columnists. It was state and center have tried to ignore the parts of country and shall put a question the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus is a saga of this hatred from political class which further persecution of Hindus and paint it as an mark on the secular, democratic credentials resilience in the face of insurmountable crystalized the public opinion against them aberration in order to hide it behind the veil of current nationalistic government. India odds. The hoary days of our exodus of secularism. The three decades of th and manifested in hatred against Hindus in must not allow the perpetrators to roam accompanied by the shrill and hatred of 19 Kashmir. The religious seminaries run by Kashmiri Hindu genocide has not yet woken freely while compelling the victims, who January are grim reminders of our genocide up the Indians as it seems their lives do not are nationalistic to the core, to languish in and the subsequent orgy of violence on our Jamaat-e-Islami and Ahl-e-Hadis openly preached that Hindus are infidel's who are matter to the countrymen. Attempt was exile. This shall lead to mockery of our community. It was on this day that Islamist made by bureaucracy which were hand in Jihadis publicly proclaimed genocide on sworn enemies of Islam. This hatred was judicial system and that of covenants of UN converted into physical violence against glove with separatists to convey to the world of which India is the signatory. Kashmiri Hindus from the pulpits of that the exodus of Kashmiri Hindus from Hindus, as Jihadis believed that they are the mosques. What followed was complete valley was only for economic reasons and Refoulment of Displaced Hindus only impediments in the total Islamisation ethnic cleansing of the oldest living voluntary. The denial of genocide was to There appears to be no serious attempt by of Kashmir. Hence, Hindus were branded as civilization from their own homeland as cover up the persecution of Kashmiri the governments to ensure return of inveterate enemies of Islam who need to be lakhs of Hindus were forcibly driven out of Hindus and to garner a sympathy for genocide victims to the valley whereas this obliterated. This dormant hatred was their homes and hearths under a well- perpetrators who were seeking separation ethnic cleansing have led to despair and orchestrated plan conceived by evil state sometimes xenophobic and sometimes from secular, democratic India for dejection among the Hindus due to their Pakistan and executed by Kashmiri chimerical which was displayed openly by theocratic evil state of Pakistan. Indian state three-decade long exile from valley. For any Muslims which was to ensure the merger of the majoritarian Muslims from time to time th made every attempt to secure the mythical return Government must address to the Kashmir valley with Pakistan. and more so on 19 January 1990 where It secularism on the blood and bones of geopolitical aspirations of the community th was bloodlust, and “a willing complicity” of Since then, 19 January is the day of our Kashmir Hindus. Thus, a brand of so that there is no future refoulment of the collective remembrance and to show the the majority community which resulted in secularism that sustained itself on denial of the Genocide of Hindus. community from their cherished homeland- world that Hindus of Kashmir shall not genocide and inline with repugnant Islamic Kashmir. At the same time, it is to be made forget and forgive those who were Genocide Ignored State was forced upon the hapless victims. clear to the jihadi cabal that Kashmiri Hindu responsible for their persecution. The day The ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus is has not left its claim on their homeland. We also is a solemn occasion to commit Genocide Commission one of the dark chapters of secular It's been 30 long years that not a single shall return on our terms when the evil Jihad ourselves to protect our nation from further Independent India where the aborigines onslaught of Islamic Jihad and to resolve perpetrator for such a genocide is identified is convincingly defeated and demolished. I that our collective remembrance shall make were exterminated and eliminated based on nor any trial constituted to give justice to the sum up the feelings of every Kashmiri the nation aware about the impending their religious affiliations. This genocide on victims who are nationalist people and Hindu in the poetic lines of Tribubhuwan dangers of the regressive forces of Jihad Hindus was not a mere outcome of terrorist swear for the territorial integrity of India. Nath Sapru 'Hijar', which are now knocking in the country at the violence but an important design of evil Since last 30 years the hapless Kashmiri state Pakistan to destabilize the valley, Tailuk Wohi Quam Ko hei Watan Se, alarming rate. The overtaking of Kashmir Hindus have been petitioning the successive Ki Jo Hai Ruh Ko Tailuk Badan Se. by regressive Islamic Fascism and the stoic change the demographic balance to suit governments both at center and state to silence of the so-called liberals is not only their agenda and to stoke the secessionist constitute a genocide commission to intriguing but also questionable. agenda through their quislings. There can be

06 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 07 From the and faith in secularism. political friends, yet he did nothing. President's Desk The civil society, dominated as it was Prior to the happenings of this night, by the left-liberal intellectuals, would not Mufti's role in the communal riots of south pose any serious challenge. In the opinion Kashmir in 1986, in which a number of of the perpetrators of violence, the political Hindu temples were destroyed and idols Remembering Our Own ‘Kristallnacht’ parties in India, egged on by the media, desecrated, has by now been well were likely to get involved in the documented, including by those who knew 'communal'/ 'secular' debate; in the process, him quite well. y the time you receive your copy of terrorists, Salafists, Wahabis, even (in masking the news about the violence let The kidnapping of his daughter, Dr Naad (January, 2020), we would some cases),'mainstream politicians', were loose on Pandits in the Valley and our Rubaiya Syed by JKLF terrorists and Bhave just gone through the renewed fully met. Starting this date, over a period eventual exodus. release of five dreaded militants to secure pain of remembering the Nishkasan Day, of nine months, the Valley was almost Later events would prove that the her release while he was the Home Minister the Night of Jan 19/20, 1990. Those of us entirely cleansed of Pandits, the only assessment of Islamists was almost entirely of the country, is now considered to be a who where eye witnesses to the events of community with significant numbers that correct. The apathy with which all sections stage-managed affair by him to carve out a that night and who are still alive, must be professed different faith from the other of the Indian society reacted, encouraged political space for himself in Kashmir by wondering whether our countrymen and community whose overwhelming presence the radical elements and their armed endearing himself to the huge separatist women or the political parties that rule us, represented 95 % of the population. militants to increase the tempo of violence. lobby in Kashmir. Subsequent events of have drawn any lessons from the events of As we complete 30 years in exile, At the same time, indifferent attitude of the him forming PDP and its dalliance with that night- a night that proved to be a looking back at those events in the light of government, the civil society and the media separatists lends credence to this argument. turning point as we approached our seventh many revelations, few things stand out. towards the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, After the exodus of Pandits that saw exodus from Kashmir, ever since the arrival Why was our ethnic cleansing entirely made the latter aware of the illusion of them dispersed to various parts of the of Islam in the Valley in the 14th century. overlooked by the powerful institutions of Indian secularism. country and abroad, a huge segment sought Our community is quite fond of this country; the central government, Why did not the Army, stationed at shelter in refugee camps in Jammu and comparing our situation to the Jews, and for political establishment, the media, the civil Badami Bagh / airport in Srinagar or the Delhi. Many families spent days and nights right reasons. However, our similarities to society, academia, human rights groups BSF/CRPF intervene to save us that night. in shivering cold nights of north India, on their situation cannot be extended beyond a and everyone else who mattered? Some of Even hardcore militants have now accepted foot paths for days on end. Such was the point. Nevertheless, I would like to bring these institutions were mandated by the that a flag march of the central security apathy of the establishment. That these forth one situation which the German Jews constitution of the country as also by their agencies through the streets of Srinagar and refugees lived a pathetic life in torn tents suffered in 1938 at the hands of Hitler-led own ethical standards to protect us, report other threatened towns/ villages would and snake infested grassy rubble (where Nazis. On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazis about us and highlight our plight. But they have ensured the dispersal of tens of such camps had been established) till as late torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish did not do so. Why? thousands of who had as 2006, when Two room Tenements were homes, schools and businesses and killed ISI had correctly assessed the reaction poured on the roads. This would have constructed, is a sad commentary on the close to 100 Jews. History remembers this of the Indian State; its administrative instilled confidence among the Hindus who callous state of our bureaucracy and day as 'Kristallnacht', or the Night of Broken machinery, the civil society, political faced a life-threatening situation. political class. Glass. During the mayhem over two days, parties and the media. The muted reaction The role of Mufti Mohammad Syed, The present government at the centre some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and of the Indian State to the happenings of the first Muslim Home Minister of the has taken some bold decisions to address sent to Nazi concentration camps. This 1986, in Anantnag district, had convinced country (A Kashmiri too), has increasingly the complicated problem of Jammu and event reminds us of what happened to us on them that any Indian reaction could be come under the scanner. After all, as the Kashmir. Nevertheless, till Kashmiri Jan 19/20 night. However, the similarity to managed. undisputed boss of all central agencies, Pandits do not go back to Kashmir in a some extent, ends there. As far as the press was concerned, the including the IB and central police forces, secure environment with honour and Many factors saved us from total ISI was confident that their own well-crafted he could not have been unaware of the dignity, for us we would not have redeemed annihilation on this night, though the and finely orchestrated disinformation situation in Kashmir. His one clear our pledge to reclaim our ancestral land- objectives of the Pakistan-sponsored campaign, would neutralize any negative instruction to the officers of BSF/ CRPF Mauej Kashir. (Policy implemented by its notorious Inter- fallout in the media. Their disinformation would have saved the situation on the night Services Intelligence, ISI) Islamists, who campaign had succeeded in obfuscating the of Jan19/20 when KPs were close to being - Col. Tej K. Tikoo are known by various names in Kashmir, reality by projecting the orchestrated completely wiped out. What is worse, he Email : [email protected] i.e., separatists, militants, Jihadis, radicals, tradition of Kashmiri Muslim's tolerance was personally contacted by some of his KP Mob : 9899656400

08 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 09 From the and faith in secularism. political friends, yet he did nothing. President's Desk The civil society, dominated as it was Prior to the happenings of this night, by the left-liberal intellectuals, would not Mufti's role in the communal riots of south pose any serious challenge. In the opinion Kashmir in 1986, in which a number of of the perpetrators of violence, the political Hindu temples were destroyed and idols Remembering Our Own ‘Kristallnacht’ parties in India, egged on by the media, desecrated, has by now been well were likely to get involved in the documented, including by those who knew 'communal'/ 'secular' debate; in the process, him quite well. y the time you receive your copy of terrorists, Salafists, Wahabis, even (in masking the news about the violence let The kidnapping of his daughter, Dr Naad (January, 2020), we would some cases),'mainstream politicians', were loose on Pandits in the Valley and our Rubaiya Syed by JKLF terrorists and Bhave just gone through the renewed fully met. Starting this date, over a period eventual exodus. release of five dreaded militants to secure pain of remembering the Nishkasan Day, of nine months, the Valley was almost Later events would prove that the her release while he was the Home Minister the Night of Jan 19/20, 1990. Those of us entirely cleansed of Pandits, the only assessment of Islamists was almost entirely of the country, is now considered to be a who where eye witnesses to the events of community with significant numbers that correct. The apathy with which all sections stage-managed affair by him to carve out a that night and who are still alive, must be professed different faith from the other of the Indian society reacted, encouraged political space for himself in Kashmir by wondering whether our countrymen and community whose overwhelming presence the radical elements and their armed endearing himself to the huge separatist women or the political parties that rule us, represented 95 % of the population. militants to increase the tempo of violence. lobby in Kashmir. Subsequent events of have drawn any lessons from the events of As we complete 30 years in exile, At the same time, indifferent attitude of the him forming PDP and its dalliance with that night- a night that proved to be a looking back at those events in the light of government, the civil society and the media separatists lends credence to this argument. turning point as we approached our seventh many revelations, few things stand out. towards the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, After the exodus of Pandits that saw exodus from Kashmir, ever since the arrival Why was our ethnic cleansing entirely made the latter aware of the illusion of them dispersed to various parts of the of Islam in the Valley in the 14th century. overlooked by the powerful institutions of Indian secularism. country and abroad, a huge segment sought Our community is quite fond of this country; the central government, Why did not the Army, stationed at shelter in refugee camps in Jammu and comparing our situation to the Jews, and for political establishment, the media, the civil Badami Bagh / airport in Srinagar or the Delhi. Many families spent days and nights right reasons. However, our similarities to society, academia, human rights groups BSF/CRPF intervene to save us that night. in shivering cold nights of north India, on their situation cannot be extended beyond a and everyone else who mattered? Some of Even hardcore militants have now accepted foot paths for days on end. Such was the point. Nevertheless, I would like to bring these institutions were mandated by the that a flag march of the central security apathy of the establishment. That these forth one situation which the German Jews constitution of the country as also by their agencies through the streets of Srinagar and refugees lived a pathetic life in torn tents suffered in 1938 at the hands of Hitler-led own ethical standards to protect us, report other threatened towns/ villages would and snake infested grassy rubble (where Nazis. On November 9 and 10, 1938, Nazis about us and highlight our plight. But they have ensured the dispersal of tens of such camps had been established) till as late torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish did not do so. Why? thousands of Kashmiri Muslims who had as 2006, when Two room Tenements were homes, schools and businesses and killed ISI had correctly assessed the reaction poured on the roads. This would have constructed, is a sad commentary on the close to 100 Jews. History remembers this of the Indian State; its administrative instilled confidence among the Hindus who callous state of our bureaucracy and day as 'Kristallnacht', or the Night of Broken machinery, the civil society, political faced a life-threatening situation. political class. Glass. During the mayhem over two days, parties and the media. The muted reaction The role of Mufti Mohammad Syed, The present government at the centre some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and of the Indian State to the happenings of the first Muslim Home Minister of the has taken some bold decisions to address sent to Nazi concentration camps. This 1986, in Anantnag district, had convinced country (A Kashmiri too), has increasingly the complicated problem of Jammu and event reminds us of what happened to us on them that any Indian reaction could be come under the scanner. After all, as the Kashmir. Nevertheless, till Kashmiri Jan 19/20 night. However, the similarity to managed. undisputed boss of all central agencies, Pandits do not go back to Kashmir in a some extent, ends there. As far as the press was concerned, the including the IB and central police forces, secure environment with honour and Many factors saved us from total ISI was confident that their own well-crafted he could not have been unaware of the dignity, for us we would not have redeemed annihilation on this night, though the and finely orchestrated disinformation situation in Kashmir. His one clear our pledge to reclaim our ancestral land- objectives of the Pakistan-sponsored campaign, would neutralize any negative instruction to the officers of BSF/ CRPF Mauej Kashir. (Policy implemented by its notorious Inter- fallout in the media. Their disinformation would have saved the situation on the night Services Intelligence, ISI) Islamists, who campaign had succeeded in obfuscating the of Jan19/20 when KPs were close to being - Col. Tej K. Tikoo are known by various names in Kashmir, reality by projecting the orchestrated completely wiped out. What is worse, he Email : [email protected] i.e., separatists, militants, Jihadis, radicals, tradition of Kashmiri Muslim's tolerance was personally contacted by some of his KP Mob : 9899656400

08 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 09 N E W S Maharaj K. Pajan F O L I O

KSS, Faridabad Held Second AGM Ishwar Ashram Trust Conducted 7th General Secretary's Column Kashmiri Sewak Samaj, Faridabad, held second Workshop on Kashmir Shaivism AGM of its Collegiums on December 15, 2019 in J N Kaul Memorial Hall at Sharika Bhawan, Workshop Series Core Group Meetings residing outside NCR. Under the circumstances, Sector 17, Faridabad. The meeting was attended By the Grace of Guru Dev, a weeklong A number of meetings of the Core group members we were compelled to postpone the said meeting Workshop on Ahinka 1, Verses 107-244 from of AIKS were held to deliberate issues of concern till things normalised. Swami Lakshmanjoo's Commentary on for the organisation. These meetings were held at AIKS sincerely regret the inconvenience to Acharya Abhinavagupta's Sri Tantraloka was the headquarters at R K Puram under the president members consequent to this postponement. conducted from December 1 to 7, 2019at Delhi Col Tej Tikoo. With normalcy having returned, we are now Kendra, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. As is known, The meeting decided to hold the annual holding this meeting on 1st February 2020 after Tantraloka is considered as a masterpiece from Mother Tongue Day coinciding with the providing the customary notice period as regulated the great Acharya Abhinavagupta, and has been International Mother Tongue Day which falls by the constituted. recognized as the most outstanding teacher of st every year on 21 February. It was concluded to All members are requested to make it the Shaiva philosophy. Tantraloka means the convenient to attend the AGM as per revised invite Sh Roop Krishen Bhat along with other Light on the Tantra and is concerned with the notification. eminent community lovers of philosophy and practice of the monistic tradition like Sh Arvind Shah, Sh B N Koul Deep to discuss Condolence on Demise of Sh. M L Kaul by a large number of members. The chief guest and decide on the contours of the programme for An extraordinary meeting of the Executive th of the AGM was Professor Sudhir Sopory. The 2020 and decide a suitable date for the event as this Committee of AIKS was convened on 4 Jan at year Shivratri clashes with the specific date when AIKS Office to condole the passing away of Sh. M meeting started with traditional lighting of lamp. the IMT is held. L Kaul, former General Secretary of organization President KSS, Dr S K Handoo gave an The Core Group also reviewed the progress at New Delhi on 4th Jan. The meeting was presided overview of the achievements of the past two of the CWP being heard at the Jammu bench of over by its President, Col Tej K Tikoo (Retd). years for which the current General Council has Hon'ble J&K High Court, preparations for the Sh. M L Kaul was the General Secretary of been at the helm of KSS operations. He sought Annual General Meeting, future activities for the AIKS for nearly fifteen years and worked with active support of all the biradari members to period upto March 2020 and many other issues three Presidents of AIKS. During his long stint as make the community services more inclusive. In i m p a c t i n g o u r c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s . the General Secretary, Sh. Kaul shouldered this his report, the General Secretary, Mr Puran It was concluded to enhance the features of AIKS crucial responsibility with dedication and Patwari, ran the members through the past year's website to make it more vibrant and interactive. devotion of a very high order. He was instrumental activities and the milestones achieved by Samaj. called as the Trika System, also known as Postponement of Annual General Meeting in translating many crucial decisions into action at Many Collegiums members shared their views a time when the community was trying to find its Kashmir Shaivism by virtue of Kashmir having The AGM of AIKS was scheduled to be held on become the fountain head of this great 21st December 2019 at New Delhi and the feet after being forcibly displaced from Kashmir Valley. His sincere efforts in this direction helped philosophy. notification for holding the meeting was issued to A distinguished faculty organised by the affiliate organisations, Parton and Life members, the organization in rendering necessary assistance Trust to conduct the workshop included Dr. members of the executive committee and special to the community at the most opportune time. invitees along with the agenda of the meeting well AIKS would like to place on record its deep Navjivan Rastogi (Retd. Prof. Lucknow in time. sense of loss on the passing away of one of its University), Dr. Meera Rastogi (Lucknow), Dr. As the time for holding the meeting was stalwarts. It conveys its heartfelt condolences to Nihar Purohit (Varanasi), Dr. Rajneesh Mishra nearing, New Delhi witnessed series of agitations the bereaved family and prays to almighty to grant (JNU) and Prof. ML Kukiloo (IAT, Delhi) from students, general public and others against the peace to the departed soul. We also pray to God to and made valuable suggestions for improving This year 6 seekers participated from all CAA act passed by both houses of the Indian give strength to the near and dear ones of Sh. M L the activities of Samaj. There was a strong over India. All the seekers had a good Parliament. This resulted in disruption of normal Kaul to bear this irreparable loss with courage and opinion to engage with the Community background of Kashmir Shaivism and life and threat to safety and security of people. fortitude. members in Faridabad and seek their active participated very actively during the week. On We received a number of requests for Email: [email protected] participation. The meeting concluded with the inaugural day of the workshop, each seeker deferment of the AGM particularly from members Mob.: 9910166993 lunch served to the members. introduced him/her self followed by receiving

10 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 11 N E W S Maharaj K. Pajan F O L I O

KSS, Faridabad Held Second AGM Ishwar Ashram Trust Conducted 7th General Secretary's Column Kashmiri Sewak Samaj, Faridabad, held second Workshop on Kashmir Shaivism AGM of its Collegiums on December 15, 2019 in J N Kaul Memorial Hall at Sharika Bhawan, Workshop Series Core Group Meetings residing outside NCR. Under the circumstances, Sector 17, Faridabad. The meeting was attended By the Grace of Guru Dev, a weeklong A number of meetings of the Core group members we were compelled to postpone the said meeting Workshop on Ahinka 1, Verses 107-244 from of AIKS were held to deliberate issues of concern till things normalised. Swami Lakshmanjoo's Commentary on for the organisation. These meetings were held at AIKS sincerely regret the inconvenience to Acharya Abhinavagupta's Sri Tantraloka was the headquarters at R K Puram under the president members consequent to this postponement. conducted from December 1 to 7, 2019at Delhi Col Tej Tikoo. With normalcy having returned, we are now Kendra, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi. As is known, The meeting decided to hold the annual holding this meeting on 1st February 2020 after Tantraloka is considered as a masterpiece from Mother Tongue Day coinciding with the providing the customary notice period as regulated the great Acharya Abhinavagupta, and has been International Mother Tongue Day which falls by the constituted. recognized as the most outstanding teacher of st every year on 21 February. It was concluded to All members are requested to make it the Shaiva philosophy. Tantraloka means the convenient to attend the AGM as per revised invite Sh Roop Krishen Bhat along with other Light on the Tantra and is concerned with the notification. eminent community lovers of Kashmiri language philosophy and practice of the monistic tradition like Sh Arvind Shah, Sh B N Koul Deep to discuss Condolence on Demise of Sh. M L Kaul by a large number of members. The chief guest and decide on the contours of the programme for An extraordinary meeting of the Executive th of the AGM was Professor Sudhir Sopory. The 2020 and decide a suitable date for the event as this Committee of AIKS was convened on 4 Jan at year Shivratri clashes with the specific date when AIKS Office to condole the passing away of Sh. M meeting started with traditional lighting of lamp. the IMT is held. L Kaul, former General Secretary of organization President KSS, Dr S K Handoo gave an The Core Group also reviewed the progress at New Delhi on 4th Jan. The meeting was presided overview of the achievements of the past two of the CWP being heard at the Jammu bench of over by its President, Col Tej K Tikoo (Retd). years for which the current General Council has Hon'ble J&K High Court, preparations for the Sh. M L Kaul was the General Secretary of been at the helm of KSS operations. He sought Annual General Meeting, future activities for the AIKS for nearly fifteen years and worked with active support of all the biradari members to period upto March 2020 and many other issues three Presidents of AIKS. During his long stint as make the community services more inclusive. In i m p a c t i n g o u r c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s . the General Secretary, Sh. Kaul shouldered this his report, the General Secretary, Mr Puran It was concluded to enhance the features of AIKS crucial responsibility with dedication and Patwari, ran the members through the past year's website to make it more vibrant and interactive. devotion of a very high order. He was instrumental activities and the milestones achieved by Samaj. called as the Trika System, also known as Postponement of Annual General Meeting in translating many crucial decisions into action at Many Collegiums members shared their views a time when the community was trying to find its Kashmir Shaivism by virtue of Kashmir having The AGM of AIKS was scheduled to be held on become the fountain head of this great 21st December 2019 at New Delhi and the feet after being forcibly displaced from Kashmir Valley. His sincere efforts in this direction helped philosophy. notification for holding the meeting was issued to A distinguished faculty organised by the affiliate organisations, Parton and Life members, the organization in rendering necessary assistance Trust to conduct the workshop included Dr. members of the executive committee and special to the community at the most opportune time. invitees along with the agenda of the meeting well AIKS would like to place on record its deep Navjivan Rastogi (Retd. Prof. Lucknow in time. sense of loss on the passing away of one of its University), Dr. Meera Rastogi (Lucknow), Dr. As the time for holding the meeting was stalwarts. It conveys its heartfelt condolences to Nihar Purohit (Varanasi), Dr. Rajneesh Mishra nearing, New Delhi witnessed series of agitations the bereaved family and prays to almighty to grant (JNU) and Prof. ML Kukiloo (IAT, Delhi) from students, general public and others against the peace to the departed soul. We also pray to God to and made valuable suggestions for improving This year 6 seekers participated from all CAA act passed by both houses of the Indian give strength to the near and dear ones of Sh. M L the activities of Samaj. There was a strong over India. All the seekers had a good Parliament. This resulted in disruption of normal Kaul to bear this irreparable loss with courage and opinion to engage with the Community background of Kashmir Shaivism and life and threat to safety and security of people. fortitude. members in Faridabad and seek their active participated very actively during the week. On We received a number of requests for Email: [email protected] participation. The meeting concluded with the inaugural day of the workshop, each seeker deferment of the AGM particularly from members Mob.: 9910166993 lunch served to the members. introduced him/her self followed by receiving

10 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 11 the course material kit from the faculty. The day Sham Lal Sharma former Minister who Er. Vinod Kumar's Book “Sheen” Devotional Programme Held in concluded with a soul elevating Mantra chanting was guest of honor said “ We have witnessed by Swami Krishna Dev, one of the participants, tremendous onslaught on the nationalist forces Released Sharika Bhawan, Faridabad and an exhilarating Santoor recital by Shri Sunil in J&K and this was being done by the forces A devotional Program PAARZAN held in Raina Rajanaka. A vote of thanks was presented inimical to the unity and integrity of India’’, Sharika Bhawan, Faridabad by the YMA by Prof. ML Kukiloo on behalf of the Ishwar Ajay Bharti former MLC in his speech said Shehjar kids in collaboration with KSS Ashram Trust. “This book is an apt instrument to defeat the Faridabad & Save Sharda Committee on false narrative on Jammu and Kashmir. The December 15, 2019. More than fifty Kashmiri Mahesh Kaul's Book on J&K persecutor is being projected as the persecuted Pandit children, from Delhi and NCR, sang Subversion Hits Stands as lies are being repeated as truths when it comes bhajans, presented dance performances, played Dr Mahesh Kaul’s book titled Jammu and to J&K’’, he added. instrumental music, Quiz and also staged short Kashmir Breaking Subversion Web and A Way PK chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo in his plays. Before a jam packed hall of Biradari Forward hits the stands. The book was released address dwelt at length on subjects of the book members many elderly men and women, who by BJP State president Ravinder Raina at a and said neutralization of 370, scrapping of 35 A “Sheen”, a collection of short stories in came along with them, and also the ones who simple but impressive function held at Press and CAB will generate a new discourse of India Kashmiri hits stands. The book has been written came to attend the programme, were seen in Club here this afternoon which was attended by a for its renaissance and strengthen the cultural by author Er. Vinod Kumar. The book was their traditional attire. galaxy of intellectuals and prominent citizens. and civilizational India. released in a literary function organized by Addressing the gathering BJP president Dr S D S Jamwal, Director S K Police Young Writers Guild at K.L Saigal Hall here Ravinder Raina said “The Book is a Academy said first time the book has been today. There are fifteen short stories in the book comprehensive document that challenges the written that delves at length with the problem of “Sheen” that revolve round the incidents during false narrative on Jammu and Kashmir to give insurgency in J&K while author Mahesh Kaul and after the forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits illegitimate space to the subversives who were said J&K is the frontline of Indian nation that from the valley. The heart touching short stories being patronized by the State and allowed to has stood as the bulwark against the fissiparous touches the sensitive human relations during wreck the Indian nation from the State. The truth tendencies in dismantling of the Northern those turbulent times and even after the exodus. about the nationalist people of J&K was never Frontier of India. The stories also reveal the hardships which the told’’, he added. Poornima Sharma Deputy Mayor JMC, community people face in exile. The book has He said “What we witnessed in 1990 in Sanjay Arya, CEO Shubhi Publications been written in both Devnagri and Nastaleeq terms of the religious cleansing of Kashmiri Gurugram, Dr Kavita Suri, Director, scripts. Pandits is clear case of genocide. The selective Department of Life Long Learning University killings of nationalist leaders like Tika Lal of Jammu and Vikas Kapoor a researcher on Taploo, Prem Nath Bhat besides the inhuman J&K, Yurvaj Gupta, Yoginder Kandhari, Col murder of innocent people like Sarla Bhat (Retd) J P Singh, Rajan Gandhi an eminent exposes the communal and anti national agenda columnist also spoke on the occasion. The NAAD congratulates Adiv Soporee S/o Amit Soporee and Sonika of Jehadis and their mentors in Pakistan’’, he proceedings were conducted by Sakshi Raina. Soporee, Faridabad presently at Nagpur for his outstanding added. achievements in Rolling Skating Competitions, on winning Gold Medals in 57th National Championship organised by RSFI (Roller Skating federation of India) at Vizag in Dec 2019, three gold medals in the District level competition organised by NDRSA (Nagpur District Roller Skating Association) in Nov 2019, three Gold Medals in 30th Maharashtra State Championship in Nov 2019 organised by Skating Association of Maharashtra (SAM) at Nandurbar and a Gold Medal in the National Ranking Skating Competition held at Greater Noida in October 2019. We wish him good luck for his future endeavours.

Cover Page Painting : The pictorial elements in the painting titled 'Exodus' 4 x 5 feet in size are expressed in a very tangible form such as deep dark cloud stretched to maximum. A small unit of people pushed to the extreme in the space (minimizing their existence), faces and body partially engulfed by the deep shadow. All that is under light are fragile bare feet. The small house deep in landscape shows what is left behind. All, this fragile figure is carrying is some piece of paper (symbolizing tradition/knowledge), the total atmosphere created in the picture is painful and grim.

12 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 13 the course material kit from the faculty. The day Sham Lal Sharma former Minister who Er. Vinod Kumar's Book “Sheen” Devotional Programme Held in concluded with a soul elevating Mantra chanting was guest of honor said “ We have witnessed by Swami Krishna Dev, one of the participants, tremendous onslaught on the nationalist forces Released Sharika Bhawan, Faridabad and an exhilarating Santoor recital by Shri Sunil in J&K and this was being done by the forces A devotional Program PAARZAN held in Raina Rajanaka. A vote of thanks was presented inimical to the unity and integrity of India’’, Sharika Bhawan, Faridabad by the YMA by Prof. ML Kukiloo on behalf of the Ishwar Ajay Bharti former MLC in his speech said Shehjar kids in collaboration with KSS Ashram Trust. “This book is an apt instrument to defeat the Faridabad & Save Sharda Committee on false narrative on Jammu and Kashmir. The December 15, 2019. More than fifty Kashmiri Mahesh Kaul's Book on J&K persecutor is being projected as the persecuted Pandit children, from Delhi and NCR, sang Subversion Hits Stands as lies are being repeated as truths when it comes bhajans, presented dance performances, played Dr Mahesh Kaul’s book titled Jammu and to J&K’’, he added. instrumental music, Quiz and also staged short Kashmir Breaking Subversion Web and A Way PK chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo in his plays. Before a jam packed hall of Biradari Forward hits the stands. The book was released address dwelt at length on subjects of the book members many elderly men and women, who by BJP State president Ravinder Raina at a and said neutralization of 370, scrapping of 35 A “Sheen”, a collection of short stories in came along with them, and also the ones who simple but impressive function held at Press and CAB will generate a new discourse of India Kashmiri hits stands. The book has been written came to attend the programme, were seen in Club here this afternoon which was attended by a for its renaissance and strengthen the cultural by author Er. Vinod Kumar. The book was their traditional attire. galaxy of intellectuals and prominent citizens. and civilizational India. released in a literary function organized by Addressing the gathering BJP president Dr S D S Jamwal, Director S K Police Young Writers Guild at K.L Saigal Hall here Ravinder Raina said “The Book is a Academy said first time the book has been today. There are fifteen short stories in the book comprehensive document that challenges the written that delves at length with the problem of “Sheen” that revolve round the incidents during false narrative on Jammu and Kashmir to give insurgency in J&K while author Mahesh Kaul and after the forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits illegitimate space to the subversives who were said J&K is the frontline of Indian nation that from the valley. The heart touching short stories being patronized by the State and allowed to has stood as the bulwark against the fissiparous touches the sensitive human relations during wreck the Indian nation from the State. The truth tendencies in dismantling of the Northern those turbulent times and even after the exodus. about the nationalist people of J&K was never Frontier of India. The stories also reveal the hardships which the told’’, he added. Poornima Sharma Deputy Mayor JMC, community people face in exile. The book has He said “What we witnessed in 1990 in Sanjay Arya, CEO Shubhi Publications been written in both Devnagri and Nastaleeq terms of the religious cleansing of Kashmiri Gurugram, Dr Kavita Suri, Director, scripts. Pandits is clear case of genocide. The selective Department of Life Long Learning University killings of nationalist leaders like Tika Lal of Jammu and Vikas Kapoor a researcher on Taploo, Prem Nath Bhat besides the inhuman J&K, Yurvaj Gupta, Yoginder Kandhari, Col murder of innocent people like Sarla Bhat (Retd) J P Singh, Rajan Gandhi an eminent exposes the communal and anti national agenda columnist also spoke on the occasion. The NAAD congratulates Adiv Soporee S/o Amit Soporee and Sonika of Jehadis and their mentors in Pakistan’’, he proceedings were conducted by Sakshi Raina. Soporee, Faridabad presently at Nagpur for his outstanding added. achievements in Rolling Skating Competitions, on winning Gold Medals in 57th National Championship organised by RSFI (Roller Skating federation of India) at Vizag in Dec 2019, three gold medals in the District level competition organised by NDRSA (Nagpur District Roller Skating Association) in Nov 2019, three Gold Medals in 30th Maharashtra State Championship in Nov 2019 organised by Skating Association of Maharashtra (SAM) at Nandurbar and a Gold Medal in the National Ranking Skating Competition held at Greater Noida in October 2019. We wish him good luck for his future endeavours.

Cover Page Painting : The pictorial elements in the painting titled 'Exodus' 4 x 5 feet in size are expressed in a very tangible form such as deep dark cloud stretched to maximum. A small unit of people pushed to the extreme in the space (minimizing their existence), faces and body partially engulfed by the deep shadow. All that is under light are fragile bare feet. The small house deep in landscape shows what is left behind. All, this fragile figure is carrying is some piece of paper (symbolizing tradition/knowledge), the total atmosphere created in the picture is painful and grim.

12 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 13 forever. The atmosphere was tense, and each not react at all? Can't someone give an armed killing raised the sense of fear and helplessness response to these barbaric terrorists?” In a fit of that loomed over them. rage, I retorted, “If you allow me, I am ready to It was in this backdrop, one winter pick up weapons, and fight for my people.” He Cover Story - Dr Rahul Magazine morning, I and my family witnessed a scene was taken aback, not expecting this sort of which shook us profoundly, and was to reaction from his adolescent son. It took him a eventually upend our lives as well. We were moment to realise he should not have stoked the sleeping when my mother woke us up, and emotions of a youngster to such an extent. “No, called us over to the porch. The sight we saw on No, you don't have to do that, I was just taken the roads left us stunned―in fact, petrified! over by the swell of my emotions. You Why I Am Not A Terrorist There were hundreds of Hindu men, women and concentrate on your studies, your 11th standard children―holding suitcases and bags stuffed examination is round the corner.” I responded with whatever little belongings these could angrily, “This is the problem! How can we ife in the idyllic valley seemed to possess Shankaracharya hill, sharing of comics and hold― marching towards the bus stand, fleeing expect some other person to make the sacrifice a surreal quality―the locals leading a books ―are still fresh and vivid in my mind. the valley which had been the home to their that we ourselves are not ready to make?” He Lcarefree life, tourists from all over the The most cherished are the bear hugs his mother ancestors and cradle of their unique Sanatana just kept quiet and did not reply, his gaze world flocking in large numbers and filmmakers would give me, she treated me as her own son. heritage for five thousand years! Fear for their transfixed at the extraordinary scene unfolding from Bollywood making a beeline to shoot their Alas! All this did not last long, for fate had films at exotic locales. After independence of decided to deal a harsh blow to the peaceful India, the social and economic development of coexistence of different cultures. My friend's Kashmir valley was in full swing, the future mother would always tell me to keep him close seemed exciting and full of promise. There was to me, fearing he might fall into the company of communal harmony, barring a few stray radical elements, who had started raising their incidents ― which, though frightening, where ugly head in the peaceful valley. nothing compared to the horror that was to visit Over last seven centuries our unfortunate this ancient land of rishis. This sacred land, valley has witnessed innumerable episodes of which derives its name from Kashyap rishi, has a pogrom and consequent mass exodus of its long line of patron saints of yore, loved and aboriginal Hindu population. Notwithstanding

There were hundreds of Hindu men, women and children-holding suitcases and bags stuffed with whatever little belongings these could hold-marching towards the bus stand Painting oil on Canvas by Veer Munshi lives and honour of their women writ large upon before us. their faces, these hapless people were The turbulent events continued around venerated by all the communities. Among them this indisputable fact of history, there was abandoning their houses, shops, farms and us― loud speakers from Mosques blaring out Lalleshwari and Sheikh Noor ud-Din Wali absolutely no foreboding of the reign of terror temples. Little did they realize then, they were threats, central government buildings being (lovingly called Nund Rishi) being the most that was to be unleashed by the foreign- marching towards a permanent exile and a never burned down and so on ― but, in spite of all that, prominent names; their lives and sayings have sponsored local terrorists. In the name of ending refugee status―the safety of their I was made to concentrate on my studies by my deeply influenced the composite culture of the religion they were to once again violently tear families and the honour of their womenfolk parents. Finally the situation became extremely valley. apart the syncretic social fabric of this heaven on being their overriding concern. The deafening dangerous due to the wanton acts of violence Growing up in Kashmir I had quite a few earth. In 1989, when the terrorists started silence of the Muslim populace, to the ethnic carried out by the terrorists, and the rule of law friends, of all the communities. One friend, targeted killings and arson and rape, there cleansing being carried out, was more did not seem to exist anymore. Anyone could be belonging to the Muslim community, stood out spread a pall of fear among the Hindu distressing than the blood-curdling acts and the killed just by branding him a spy of the central amongst them. Being best friends we spent a lot aboriginals―though well aware of the dark venomous rhetoric of the terrorists. government. This anarchy forced us to leave our of time together. Notwithstanding the periods of history their ancestors had faced, the Seeing this depressing sight my father was home town Srinagar, for the city of Jammu, in intervening three decades, the memories of those gory events took them utterly by surprise. It deeply shaken, and something inside him the small hours of a spring morning. We took days ― the school, the picnics, the walks by the seemed like a nightmare but, sadly, it was for snapped, and he said angrily, “Are we going to with us just two iron trunks ―a small one famous Dal Lake, the climbs up the real―and it was to affect their way of life be mute spectators of this ethnic cleansing, and carrying few utensils and a big one my

14 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 15 forever. The atmosphere was tense, and each not react at all? Can't someone give an armed killing raised the sense of fear and helplessness response to these barbaric terrorists?” In a fit of that loomed over them. rage, I retorted, “If you allow me, I am ready to It was in this backdrop, one winter pick up weapons, and fight for my people.” He Cover Story - Dr Rahul Magazine morning, I and my family witnessed a scene was taken aback, not expecting this sort of which shook us profoundly, and was to reaction from his adolescent son. It took him a eventually upend our lives as well. We were moment to realise he should not have stoked the sleeping when my mother woke us up, and emotions of a youngster to such an extent. “No, called us over to the porch. The sight we saw on No, you don't have to do that, I was just taken the roads left us stunned―in fact, petrified! over by the swell of my emotions. You Why I Am Not A Terrorist There were hundreds of Hindu men, women and concentrate on your studies, your 11th standard children―holding suitcases and bags stuffed examination is round the corner.” I responded with whatever little belongings these could angrily, “This is the problem! How can we ife in the idyllic valley seemed to possess Shankaracharya hill, sharing of comics and hold― marching towards the bus stand, fleeing expect some other person to make the sacrifice a surreal quality―the locals leading a books ―are still fresh and vivid in my mind. the valley which had been the home to their that we ourselves are not ready to make?” He Lcarefree life, tourists from all over the The most cherished are the bear hugs his mother ancestors and cradle of their unique Sanatana just kept quiet and did not reply, his gaze world flocking in large numbers and filmmakers would give me, she treated me as her own son. heritage for five thousand years! Fear for their transfixed at the extraordinary scene unfolding from Bollywood making a beeline to shoot their Alas! All this did not last long, for fate had films at exotic locales. After independence of decided to deal a harsh blow to the peaceful India, the social and economic development of coexistence of different cultures. My friend's Kashmir valley was in full swing, the future mother would always tell me to keep him close seemed exciting and full of promise. There was to me, fearing he might fall into the company of communal harmony, barring a few stray radical elements, who had started raising their incidents ― which, though frightening, where ugly head in the peaceful valley. nothing compared to the horror that was to visit Over last seven centuries our unfortunate this ancient land of rishis. This sacred land, valley has witnessed innumerable episodes of which derives its name from Kashyap rishi, has a pogrom and consequent mass exodus of its long line of patron saints of yore, loved and aboriginal Hindu population. Notwithstanding

There were hundreds of Hindu men, women and children-holding suitcases and bags stuffed with whatever little belongings these could hold-marching towards the bus stand Painting oil on Canvas by Veer Munshi lives and honour of their women writ large upon before us. their faces, these hapless people were The turbulent events continued around venerated by all the communities. Among them this indisputable fact of history, there was abandoning their houses, shops, farms and us― loud speakers from Mosques blaring out Lalleshwari and Sheikh Noor ud-Din Wali absolutely no foreboding of the reign of terror temples. Little did they realize then, they were threats, central government buildings being (lovingly called Nund Rishi) being the most that was to be unleashed by the foreign- marching towards a permanent exile and a never burned down and so on ― but, in spite of all that, prominent names; their lives and sayings have sponsored local terrorists. In the name of ending refugee status―the safety of their I was made to concentrate on my studies by my deeply influenced the composite culture of the religion they were to once again violently tear families and the honour of their womenfolk parents. Finally the situation became extremely valley. apart the syncretic social fabric of this heaven on being their overriding concern. The deafening dangerous due to the wanton acts of violence Growing up in Kashmir I had quite a few earth. In 1989, when the terrorists started silence of the Muslim populace, to the ethnic carried out by the terrorists, and the rule of law friends, of all the communities. One friend, targeted killings and arson and rape, there cleansing being carried out, was more did not seem to exist anymore. Anyone could be belonging to the Muslim community, stood out spread a pall of fear among the Hindu distressing than the blood-curdling acts and the killed just by branding him a spy of the central amongst them. Being best friends we spent a lot aboriginals―though well aware of the dark venomous rhetoric of the terrorists. government. This anarchy forced us to leave our of time together. Notwithstanding the periods of history their ancestors had faced, the Seeing this depressing sight my father was home town Srinagar, for the city of Jammu, in intervening three decades, the memories of those gory events took them utterly by surprise. It deeply shaken, and something inside him the small hours of a spring morning. We took days ― the school, the picnics, the walks by the seemed like a nightmare but, sadly, it was for snapped, and he said angrily, “Are we going to with us just two iron trunks ―a small one famous Dal Lake, the climbs up the real―and it was to affect their way of life be mute spectators of this ethnic cleansing, and carrying few utensils and a big one my

14 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 15 books―leaving behind almost all other laws stay. Describing in great detail his sojourns belongings, and our ancestral house. I still at various beautiful locales he mentioned how vividly remember looking back at our dear home much he enjoyed his time there, during the one last time, something deep inside telling me summer months. I felt a tinge of sadness, sorely to soak in the moment — we would never be able missing my motherland―a longing of last three - Capt S K Tikoo to see our home again. decades! Here was a man from Lucknow Being flooded with refugees from enjoying the beauty of the valley —the land of Kashmir, it was very difficult to find a descent my ancestors— but an aboriginal like me was place to stay in Jammu. We ended up renting a condemned to forced exile just because I one-room accommodation without a kitchen or belonged to a different religion. Our toilet, for first few days. Life was difficult there, conversation drifted to what future holds for the The Longest Night my parents desperately looked for a better people of the valley. I tried to explain that those accommodation, which they managed to get in a who put a pen in the hands of their children will very far off location. While all this was going on, make them flourish and those who instead put a anuary 19, 1990. Thirty years have already passed I was preparing for my 11th standard examination gun will make them perish. I also gave him the since that dreadful day which turned into a never- and my parents tried to make my preparation as example of the current state of affairs in our Jending night, when dawn that ends the darkness of smooth as possible. Not bothering about their neighbouring country. Their establishment the previous night so very naturally, seemed to be a distant own comfort they made sure I had chose the path of confrontation, hate and dream. When you think of those agonising and tormenting essential facilities for my studies. violence but our nation chose peace hours of that night even today, your heart misses a beat and T h i n k i n g o f t h o s e and economic progress instead, if you do not come out of that nightmarish experience extraordinary and fateful days, and look what a difference immediately, there is every possibility of going into I realise why I am where I am Hindu refugees there is between the two convulsions that could lead to a catastrophe. Such is the in life today―it is the result now, even though both got impact of that day on our lives that you have to carry those of the sage advice and the from Kashmir valley, chose independence together. scary and torturous memories with you till you are alive. s a n e c h o i c e s o f m y to categorically reject the gun The distorted narrative of Chilai-Kalan (the most severe period of winter) was at its parents. Now I know, as history they teach in their worst. It had not snowed for quite some time and the sub- refugees, why my parents and instead picked up the pen, curriculum will only sow zero temperature was sending a chill down our spine. On carried that bigger trunk as our response to the seeds of hate and top of it, there was mounting tension in the air. Selective f u l l o f b o o k s , a n d anger, leading ultimately killings of Kashmiri Pandits had already started and we practically nothing else. At oppression. to self-destruction. The were still awaiting some miracle to take place that could that impressionable age how creator has given them the restore some semblance of normalcy. I, unlike other days, our parents handled our anger same hardware as us―the came home early at around 6 P.M. As usual, I parked my and how they channelized our human beings―but the type of car on the main road near the then Kani Kadal Fire Station, energies towards constructive software the two nations have upload just across the shop of the milkmaid, famous for her activities made all the difference. has made all the difference between the paneer (cheese) and then walked through the nine Eventually our generation took up various two. serpentine kochas (narrow lanes) leading to my home, professions, and contributed positively to the I am very proud of my people, they busted situated on the eastern bank of Kuta Kul, once a roaring communities which gave us refuge. Those of our the myth of terrorism being the inevitable Kashmiri Pandits, all across the tributary of Vitasta. All the houses on our side belonged to generation who wanted to resist the terrorists, desperate reaction of oppressed people. We, the city of Srinagar were waiting Pandits with the sole exception of the house belonging to worked hard and joined the army as officers― Hindu refugees from Kashmir valley, chose to Munnawar Sheikh, a well-respected trader of Kashmir not to fight for themselves, but for the nation. We categorically reject the gun and instead picked with bated breath for the Arts. The same was true on the western bank of Kuta Kul, feel profoundly grateful towards our parents' up the pen, as our response to oppression. The certain eventuality — death at though in reverse; everyone on this bank was a Muslim generation for choosing the path of sanity and fact we not only survived but also became with the sole exception of a house belonging to Moti Lal not one of mindless revenge. contributing members of the society is a slap on the hands of their one-time Bhan, who as a teacher had achieved a celebrity status in Recently, interacting with professional the face of those who wanted to exterminate us. neighborus, who were prowling his profession. colleagues at a conference, I was introduced to a No doubt, their violent actions adversely It will be interesting to recall my personal Muslim doctor hailing from Lucknow, who affected our lives but we choose to write our the streets, raising venomous experiences of the horrible day preceding the deadly night happened to be married to a lady from Kashmir own destiny, using the power of education. In anti-Pandit slogans. of the January 19, 1990. Mohan Chiragi, against heavy valley. We struck a cordial conversation, and he the end what becomes of a person depends on odds, had taken it on himself to bring out the Srinagar told me about his regular visits, along with his what he carries in that big trunk―hope or hate. I edition of the leading Urdu national newspaper Quami wife and four children, to the valley where his in- guess, now you know, why I am not a terrorist. Awaz, which was already being published from New

16 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 17 books―leaving behind almost all other laws stay. Describing in great detail his sojourns belongings, and our ancestral house. I still at various beautiful locales he mentioned how vividly remember looking back at our dear home much he enjoyed his time there, during the one last time, something deep inside telling me summer months. I felt a tinge of sadness, sorely to soak in the moment — we would never be able missing my motherland―a longing of last three - Capt S K Tikoo to see our home again. decades! Here was a man from Lucknow Being flooded with refugees from enjoying the beauty of the valley —the land of Kashmir, it was very difficult to find a descent my ancestors— but an aboriginal like me was place to stay in Jammu. We ended up renting a condemned to forced exile just because I one-room accommodation without a kitchen or belonged to a different religion. Our toilet, for first few days. Life was difficult there, conversation drifted to what future holds for the The Longest Night my parents desperately looked for a better people of the valley. I tried to explain that those accommodation, which they managed to get in a who put a pen in the hands of their children will very far off location. While all this was going on, make them flourish and those who instead put a anuary 19, 1990. Thirty years have already passed I was preparing for my 11th standard examination gun will make them perish. I also gave him the since that dreadful day which turned into a never- and my parents tried to make my preparation as example of the current state of affairs in our Jending night, when dawn that ends the darkness of smooth as possible. Not bothering about their neighbouring country. Their establishment the previous night so very naturally, seemed to be a distant own comfort they made sure I had chose the path of confrontation, hate and dream. When you think of those agonising and tormenting essential facilities for my studies. violence but our nation chose peace hours of that night even today, your heart misses a beat and T h i n k i n g o f t h o s e and economic progress instead, if you do not come out of that nightmarish experience extraordinary and fateful days, and look what a difference immediately, there is every possibility of going into I realise why I am where I am Hindu refugees there is between the two convulsions that could lead to a catastrophe. Such is the in life today―it is the result now, even though both got impact of that day on our lives that you have to carry those of the sage advice and the from Kashmir valley, chose independence together. scary and torturous memories with you till you are alive. s a n e c h o i c e s o f m y to categorically reject the gun The distorted narrative of Chilai-Kalan (the most severe period of winter) was at its parents. Now I know, as history they teach in their worst. It had not snowed for quite some time and the sub- refugees, why my parents and instead picked up the pen, curriculum will only sow zero temperature was sending a chill down our spine. On carried that bigger trunk as our response to the seeds of hate and top of it, there was mounting tension in the air. Selective f u l l o f b o o k s , a n d anger, leading ultimately killings of Kashmiri Pandits had already started and we practically nothing else. At oppression. to self-destruction. The were still awaiting some miracle to take place that could that impressionable age how creator has given them the restore some semblance of normalcy. I, unlike other days, our parents handled our anger same hardware as us―the came home early at around 6 P.M. As usual, I parked my and how they channelized our human beings―but the type of car on the main road near the then Kani Kadal Fire Station, energies towards constructive software the two nations have upload just across the shop of the milkmaid, famous for her activities made all the difference. has made all the difference between the paneer (cheese) and then walked through the nine Eventually our generation took up various two. serpentine kochas (narrow lanes) leading to my home, professions, and contributed positively to the I am very proud of my people, they busted situated on the eastern bank of Kuta Kul, once a roaring communities which gave us refuge. Those of our the myth of terrorism being the inevitable Kashmiri Pandits, all across the tributary of Vitasta. All the houses on our side belonged to generation who wanted to resist the terrorists, desperate reaction of oppressed people. We, the city of Srinagar were waiting Pandits with the sole exception of the house belonging to worked hard and joined the army as officers― Hindu refugees from Kashmir valley, chose to Munnawar Sheikh, a well-respected trader of Kashmir not to fight for themselves, but for the nation. We categorically reject the gun and instead picked with bated breath for the Arts. The same was true on the western bank of Kuta Kul, feel profoundly grateful towards our parents' up the pen, as our response to oppression. The certain eventuality — death at though in reverse; everyone on this bank was a Muslim generation for choosing the path of sanity and fact we not only survived but also became with the sole exception of a house belonging to Moti Lal not one of mindless revenge. contributing members of the society is a slap on the hands of their one-time Bhan, who as a teacher had achieved a celebrity status in Recently, interacting with professional the face of those who wanted to exterminate us. neighborus, who were prowling his profession. colleagues at a conference, I was introduced to a No doubt, their violent actions adversely It will be interesting to recall my personal Muslim doctor hailing from Lucknow, who affected our lives but we choose to write our the streets, raising venomous experiences of the horrible day preceding the deadly night happened to be married to a lady from Kashmir own destiny, using the power of education. In anti-Pandit slogans. of the January 19, 1990. Mohan Chiragi, against heavy valley. We struck a cordial conversation, and he the end what becomes of a person depends on odds, had taken it on himself to bring out the Srinagar told me about his regular visits, along with his what he carries in that big trunk―hope or hate. I edition of the leading Urdu national newspaper Quami wife and four children, to the valley where his in- guess, now you know, why I am not a terrorist. Awaz, which was already being published from New

16 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 17 Delhi, Lucknow and Patna. The paper was an Atmosphere was very eerie; as the entire city chorus singing by the militants, led by Ashiq you hear something...?” She sounded nervous instant success, and its office in the Khidmat had been taken over by ghosts. As we moved on, himself, moving in four abreast column towards and scared. House on the bund at Abi Guzar, Srinagar, was a the headlights suddenly lighted-up some creepy Habba Kadal (for obvious reasons, being a I could hear some sloganeering in the meeting point for all those who still had the movement far ahead of us. The passengers in the Kashmiri Pandit locality). They were singing: distance, through my receiver, but could not courage to talk differently; against the militancy. jeep said in one voice, Bisam-i-Allah and Allah- Jago! Jago! Subah huyee; make out what it was all about. It was scary The security of the staff of nearly 30 persons, all o-Akbar. Roos ne baazi hari hai, Hind pe larza taari hai, though. I tried to reassure my sister and wanted Kashmiri Muslims, consisting of reporters, The driver immediately used the dipper Ab Kashmir ki baari hai, her to give more details. All that she could say correspondents, copyists, katibs, photographers thrice to signal to the now visible crowd, maybe Jago jago subah huyee. was that huge crowds seem to be coming from and those on administrative duties, had to be 50 yards ahead of us, that we were a friendly lot. (Wake up! It is already dawn: Chhatabal area towards Karan Nagar and they taken care of. Working till late at night, these We slowed down as the hostile crowd of some Russia has already been defeated. were raising anti-India, pro-Pakistan slogans. employees were keen to have me with them, and 20 to 30 young boys surrounded us immediately. Now India is under attack The cause of concern was that they were raising it suited both Chiragi and me. Two or three of them were displaying AK-47 And it is the turn of Kashmir. anti-Kashmiri Pandit slogans too. Though they were all carrying out their rifles and a few were having pistols in their Wake up! Wake up!) She wanted to confirm if such slogans were duties as dedicated newsmen, yet you could not hands. Soura-i-Yaseen was continuously recited Those who were unlettered and illiterate in being raised elsewhere too. She was sure that her rule out the possibility of someone leading them by the staffers. Strangely, none seemed to be the crowd, (they formed the majority) would time was up and she bid me a tearful good-bye. I astray, if left alone. And why were the staffers worried about me, despite the fact that they reply : was at my wits end; not knowing what to do. I keen that I stay with them till they closed down wanted me to take care of them, even when Jago jago subahan vouthi houye again rang her up and she let me hear the loud for the day; usually 10.30 or 11 P.M. — a deathly confronted by armed militants. We identified (Wake up! wake up! it will be utter chaos in and clear slogans raised apparently by huge time those days? I was, in fact, their insurance. ourselves as journalists representing Kashmir the morning). crowds which were coming closer. I asked her to Tahir Mohi-ud-Din (then editor of very Times (considered their own newspaper by the keep calm and not to popular Urdu weekly Chataan published from militants). However, they singled me out and lose hope. I once again Srinagar) was the news editor and he had to be wanted me to step out of the jeep. I was assured her that all left at his residence in Natipora. He was scared of absolutely unperturbed, though the rest of my would be well within a few hours. But who could guarantee a few We prepared the women folk to lay down their lives by self-immolation. A can full of hours' of safety? Our kerosene oil was kept handy. It goes to the credit of my mother and her age-old friend area was still without commotion; but then a Rupavati, to volunteer for this kind of death. call came from Bana Mohalla. They too crossing the Ram Bagh Bridge, where the fellow passengers almost collapsed expecting to repeated the same but security forces would subject anyone at that late see the last of me. There was further shock in added that they had hour, to a thorough search, which meant that the store for my fellow passengers when they saw seen people coming out person had to stay out in the cold for quite and heard me shouting at the leader of this on roads, huddled up in sometime, no matter what profession one blood-thirsty crowd, “Haya Ashqa (O! groups and sort of belonged to. Morfat Qadiri, son of that legendry Ashiq)...” Before I could complete the sentence, conspiring in hushed journalist, Qadiri Saheb, had to be dropped at he came running towards me trying to hide his Imagine the plight of those of us (Kashmiri tones. Narsingh Garh. There were others who had to be AK-47 rifle, and responded, “Papa, Tse kya Pandits) going through this torture night after Gradually, it was the same situation all over dropped en-route at Tanki Pora, Dalhasanyar chhukh yeti karan (Papa, how come you are night. Nowhere did we ever see a policeman or the city. It seemed that the city had been taken and Bana Mohalla. here)? I knew Ashq; a young, twenty-year-old any other security personnel en-route. over by JKLF, the only terrorist outfit operating The real 'fun' would begin at Tankipora- six-footer, with an athletic build, since 1984, On January 19, 1990, Bahadur, our helper, then. It was 9 P.M. and we saw hordes of Zaindar Mohalla, I thought. Incidentally, I when he was a member of the youth wing of the was home too and so was my brother, Ashok. Muslims coming out on Guru Bazar bund, right discovered that the jeep we were travelling in Awami National Conference led by GM Shah. Bahadur lighted the coal Bukhari (stove) and we opposite us, on the other side of Kutta Kul. They was displaying Haz min fazal-i-rabi in bold He immediately ordered his crowd to get lost settled down to a hot cup of tea, exchanging were not raising any slogans, but their loud letters on its front bonnet. This legend was not and allowed us to go. However, he soon changed blank glances. My mother, who had lost her whispers were reaching us loud and clear. There there a few days back. Besides, Quami Awaz his mind. Within a fraction of a second, the vision almost completely in both eyes, was the was complete blackout on our side as all written on its windscreen had been very crowd re-assembled and we were told that we only one asking questions on current situation. Kashmiri Pandit households had put off their discreetly obliterated. Coming back to Zaindar could restart our journey only when we could Clock on the wall showed it was already 7 P.M., lights and all the family members were virtually Mohalla. It was pitch-dark by the time we not hear them anymore. With the engine of the and it was time to switch on the television for huddled up in complete darkness in a single reached there; no streetlights, no lights even in jeep resting, the silence of the graveyard was news. My sister from Narsing Garh, not far away room. On the other side of Kutta Kul, this was the residential houses on either side of the road. broken all of a sudden by the bone-chilling from our house, was on the phone, “Papa, can now reduced to a drain, and which could be

18 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 19 Delhi, Lucknow and Patna. The paper was an Atmosphere was very eerie; as the entire city chorus singing by the militants, led by Ashiq you hear something...?” She sounded nervous instant success, and its office in the Khidmat had been taken over by ghosts. As we moved on, himself, moving in four abreast column towards and scared. House on the bund at Abi Guzar, Srinagar, was a the headlights suddenly lighted-up some creepy Habba Kadal (for obvious reasons, being a I could hear some sloganeering in the meeting point for all those who still had the movement far ahead of us. The passengers in the Kashmiri Pandit locality). They were singing: distance, through my receiver, but could not courage to talk differently; against the militancy. jeep said in one voice, Bisam-i-Allah and Allah- Jago! Jago! Subah huyee; make out what it was all about. It was scary The security of the staff of nearly 30 persons, all o-Akbar. Roos ne baazi hari hai, Hind pe larza taari hai, though. I tried to reassure my sister and wanted Kashmiri Muslims, consisting of reporters, The driver immediately used the dipper Ab Kashmir ki baari hai, her to give more details. All that she could say correspondents, copyists, katibs, photographers thrice to signal to the now visible crowd, maybe Jago jago subah huyee. was that huge crowds seem to be coming from and those on administrative duties, had to be 50 yards ahead of us, that we were a friendly lot. (Wake up! It is already dawn: Chhatabal area towards Karan Nagar and they taken care of. Working till late at night, these We slowed down as the hostile crowd of some Russia has already been defeated. were raising anti-India, pro-Pakistan slogans. employees were keen to have me with them, and 20 to 30 young boys surrounded us immediately. Now India is under attack The cause of concern was that they were raising it suited both Chiragi and me. Two or three of them were displaying AK-47 And it is the turn of Kashmir. anti-Kashmiri Pandit slogans too. Though they were all carrying out their rifles and a few were having pistols in their Wake up! Wake up!) She wanted to confirm if such slogans were duties as dedicated newsmen, yet you could not hands. Soura-i-Yaseen was continuously recited Those who were unlettered and illiterate in being raised elsewhere too. She was sure that her rule out the possibility of someone leading them by the staffers. Strangely, none seemed to be the crowd, (they formed the majority) would time was up and she bid me a tearful good-bye. I astray, if left alone. And why were the staffers worried about me, despite the fact that they reply : was at my wits end; not knowing what to do. I keen that I stay with them till they closed down wanted me to take care of them, even when Jago jago subahan vouthi houye again rang her up and she let me hear the loud for the day; usually 10.30 or 11 P.M. — a deathly confronted by armed militants. We identified (Wake up! wake up! it will be utter chaos in and clear slogans raised apparently by huge time those days? I was, in fact, their insurance. ourselves as journalists representing Kashmir the morning). crowds which were coming closer. I asked her to Tahir Mohi-ud-Din (then editor of very Times (considered their own newspaper by the keep calm and not to popular Urdu weekly Chataan published from militants). However, they singled me out and lose hope. I once again Srinagar) was the news editor and he had to be wanted me to step out of the jeep. I was assured her that all left at his residence in Natipora. He was scared of absolutely unperturbed, though the rest of my would be well within a few hours. But who could guarantee a few We prepared the women folk to lay down their lives by self-immolation. A can full of hours' of safety? Our kerosene oil was kept handy. It goes to the credit of my mother and her age-old friend area was still without commotion; but then a Rupavati, to volunteer for this kind of death. call came from Bana Mohalla. They too crossing the Ram Bagh Bridge, where the fellow passengers almost collapsed expecting to repeated the same but security forces would subject anyone at that late see the last of me. There was further shock in added that they had hour, to a thorough search, which meant that the store for my fellow passengers when they saw seen people coming out person had to stay out in the cold for quite and heard me shouting at the leader of this on roads, huddled up in sometime, no matter what profession one blood-thirsty crowd, “Haya Ashqa (O! groups and sort of belonged to. Morfat Qadiri, son of that legendry Ashiq)...” Before I could complete the sentence, conspiring in hushed journalist, Qadiri Saheb, had to be dropped at he came running towards me trying to hide his Imagine the plight of those of us (Kashmiri tones. Narsingh Garh. There were others who had to be AK-47 rifle, and responded, “Papa, Tse kya Pandits) going through this torture night after Gradually, it was the same situation all over dropped en-route at Tanki Pora, Dalhasanyar chhukh yeti karan (Papa, how come you are night. Nowhere did we ever see a policeman or the city. It seemed that the city had been taken and Bana Mohalla. here)? I knew Ashq; a young, twenty-year-old any other security personnel en-route. over by JKLF, the only terrorist outfit operating The real 'fun' would begin at Tankipora- six-footer, with an athletic build, since 1984, On January 19, 1990, Bahadur, our helper, then. It was 9 P.M. and we saw hordes of Zaindar Mohalla, I thought. Incidentally, I when he was a member of the youth wing of the was home too and so was my brother, Ashok. Muslims coming out on Guru Bazar bund, right discovered that the jeep we were travelling in Awami National Conference led by GM Shah. Bahadur lighted the coal Bukhari (stove) and we opposite us, on the other side of Kutta Kul. They was displaying Haz min fazal-i-rabi in bold He immediately ordered his crowd to get lost settled down to a hot cup of tea, exchanging were not raising any slogans, but their loud letters on its front bonnet. This legend was not and allowed us to go. However, he soon changed blank glances. My mother, who had lost her whispers were reaching us loud and clear. There there a few days back. Besides, Quami Awaz his mind. Within a fraction of a second, the vision almost completely in both eyes, was the was complete blackout on our side as all written on its windscreen had been very crowd re-assembled and we were told that we only one asking questions on current situation. Kashmiri Pandit households had put off their discreetly obliterated. Coming back to Zaindar could restart our journey only when we could Clock on the wall showed it was already 7 P.M., lights and all the family members were virtually Mohalla. It was pitch-dark by the time we not hear them anymore. With the engine of the and it was time to switch on the television for huddled up in complete darkness in a single reached there; no streetlights, no lights even in jeep resting, the silence of the graveyard was news. My sister from Narsing Garh, not far away room. On the other side of Kutta Kul, this was the residential houses on either side of the road. broken all of a sudden by the bone-chilling from our house, was on the phone, “Papa, can now reduced to a drain, and which could be

18 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 19 crossed on foot in less than five minutes, we saw meantime, our immediate neighbours with some people pointing towards our house. We whom we shared a common wall stealthily could distinctly hear them say, “Look, they are walked into our ground floor room to feel little enjoying the warmth of the Bukhari (stove)... but more secure in a larger group. My calls to army for how long?” I, my brother and Bahadur too, did not mature and the blood thirsty, hostile failed to make out who they were. At this stage, crowd seemed to be knocking at our doors. we appeared to be out of the harm's way. But Death was imminent. Something had to be done suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse. and done very quickly. My brother and I chalked One of my two telephones (3223) got out a plan; plan to die heroically. There was one disconnected. The other one (5273), whose cable satisfaction: My brother's children, Anu and came from the Muslim side was, thankfully, in Chandan, were safe in Delhi. We had seen them working order. off along with photo-journalist Mushtaq at Now hundreds of Muslims came out of Srinagar airport only a few days earlier. their homes, braving the freezing cold. They S u r p r i s i n g l y, e v e r y b o d y i n o u r clarified that her neighbour, a senior politician probably waiting for a signal to attack the started raising threatening slogans at a hand neighbourhood was convinced that we had lots and a former minister had joined the militant Pandits simultaneously, all over the city. Why shaking distance. Time now was 11 P.M. Now of weapons in our home, though the fact was that processionists, and on his advice her husband else should they have not attacked us after onwards the time literally froze. I started my brother Ashok had just one double- too had joined the anti-Indian processionists, raising that battle cry. After all, it would not take receiving desperate calls; first from barrel licensed gun at home. We had some of whom were armed to the teeth. She more than a million strong agitating blood Bansi Parimoo; a little later from a box-full of cartridges too. We further said that they were convinced that Azadi thirsty mobs parading the city streets for almost Rageshwari, both from Sanat appreciated that the frontal was only a few days away and they could ill- nine hours, to decimate the already almost Nagar; later from Wanabal attack would come from afford not to be seen as part of this victorious frozen- to-death Pandits in a jiffy. I made another and then Rawalpora. End across the Kutta Kul. If that Death was imminent. procession. Incidentally, both these gentlemen call to that major in Udhampur. This time he seemed a few minutes happened; we decided to are living today; while one of them retired as gave me a telephone number of some other away as help was not Something had to be done and fire as many rounds as Chief Justice of a State High Court, the other officer in Badami Bagh cantonment in Srinagar. coming from anywhere. I p o s s i b l e , k i l l i n g o r done very quickly. My brother and I rose to be a cabinet minister once again. I called him and to my surprise, he responded called up 'who's who' of injuring anyone coming in immediately, assuring me that the column was Jammu and Kashmir chalked out a plan; plan to die our line of fire. In the The last to call me around this time was Inder Krishen Raina from Ishbar. He informed ready and they were awaiting the orders from the Police. Some did not pick heroically. meantime, we prepared the civil authority. “Where is the civil authority?” I up the phone and others women folk to lay down me that the hostile crowds had come out on the roads even at that late hour, to ensure that they retorted. But alas! He had disconnected the line. sheepishly expressed their t h e i r l i v e s b y s e l f - Waiting for the inevitable, the deathly silence inability and helplessness to immolation. A can full of were not denied their share of Azadi, now at hand. By now one thing was quite certain; was broken by the howling of stray dogs. provide any assistance. I called kerosene oil was kept handy. It My mother was the first to hear the Azan Mohan Chiragi in Delhi and got all goes to the credit of my mother and Kashmiri Pandits, all across the city of Srinagar were waiting with bated breath for the certain from a distant mosque. She said excitedly, “tala, the phone numbers of those who mattered. her age-old friend Rupavati, to volunteer gash ha aao” (look, it is dawn!). We removed a eventuality — death at the hands of their one- One of them was the then Home Secretary, one for this kind of death. Even Bahadur's wife and part of the curtain hesitatingly and could see the time neighborus, who were prowling the streets, Shiromani Sharma. He was sort of disturbed by her two young kids prepared themselves for the silhouette of huge crowds, now unbelievably my call and was shockingly surprised to hear that ultimate sacrifice. As a last attempt; I called an raising venomous anti-Pandit slogans. There silent, disappearing into narrow lanes. Within a the situation in Kashmir was so bad. He army phone number in Udhampur. I was assured was no news from rest of the Valley. The time few minutes, with better visibility, we could confessed that nobody had informed him about by an officer of the rank of a major that a column shown by the grandfather clock on the wall was hardly see anybody on the bund across the Kutta this looming tragedy. He promised help. of soldiers was ready and it would move out just past 4 A.M. But that hardly made any Kul. Was it a jumbo reprieve? We learnt later that I did not stop there. I traced Mufti from Badami Bagh Cantonment soon. We difference, as the menacing crowd just a few our house was the target. It was not attacked for Mohammad Syed in Mumbai, where he was waited, but no help came. metres away from our doors, was more restive the fear of heavy reprisals. After all, the Islamists addressing a public meeting, and got in touch The night seemed never-ending. It was at 3 than an hour earlier, even when the temperature were convinced that our house was actually an with him. It took me a lifetime to reach him. It A.M. that I called the Muslim lady in Rawalpora outdoors had dipped to around seven degrees arms and ammunition dump. They apprehended was just past midnight when he came on the once again. She sounded a little relaxed. I Celsius below zero. The battle cry of Ya Ali! Ya that we had the capacity to take on the ill-armed phone. He advised me not to panic as help was on connected the movement of the army column Ali! grew louder and closer. hordes, even if they came in large numbers. But the way. I repeatedly called some of my Muslim that I was just assured of, with her near positive As the womenfolk, huddled together, why did they not annihilate the rest of us? Who friends and soon discovered that it was a futile response. I calculated that the army would have started chanting Shiv Shiv Shambu, we loaded and what saved us that night? The answers are exercise. There was one Muslim lady of reached Rawalpora first through the by-pass and the gun. End seemed seconds away. But nothing still not clear. And look at our naivete; most of us Rawalpora, who sounded as worried and tense as hence the lady appeared less panicky. But my happened. Ashok looked at me and we continued to live there after surviving this we were; that was a big consolation. In the calculations proved ill-founded when she concluded that the marauding crowds were nightmare.

20 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 21 crossed on foot in less than five minutes, we saw meantime, our immediate neighbours with some people pointing towards our house. We whom we shared a common wall stealthily could distinctly hear them say, “Look, they are walked into our ground floor room to feel little enjoying the warmth of the Bukhari (stove)... but more secure in a larger group. My calls to army for how long?” I, my brother and Bahadur too, did not mature and the blood thirsty, hostile failed to make out who they were. At this stage, crowd seemed to be knocking at our doors. we appeared to be out of the harm's way. But Death was imminent. Something had to be done suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse. and done very quickly. My brother and I chalked One of my two telephones (3223) got out a plan; plan to die heroically. There was one disconnected. The other one (5273), whose cable satisfaction: My brother's children, Anu and came from the Muslim side was, thankfully, in Chandan, were safe in Delhi. We had seen them working order. off along with photo-journalist Mushtaq at Now hundreds of Muslims came out of Srinagar airport only a few days earlier. their homes, braving the freezing cold. They S u r p r i s i n g l y, e v e r y b o d y i n o u r clarified that her neighbour, a senior politician probably waiting for a signal to attack the started raising threatening slogans at a hand neighbourhood was convinced that we had lots and a former minister had joined the militant Pandits simultaneously, all over the city. Why shaking distance. Time now was 11 P.M. Now of weapons in our home, though the fact was that processionists, and on his advice her husband else should they have not attacked us after onwards the time literally froze. I started my brother Ashok had just one double- too had joined the anti-Indian processionists, raising that battle cry. After all, it would not take receiving desperate calls; first from barrel licensed gun at home. We had some of whom were armed to the teeth. She more than a million strong agitating blood Bansi Parimoo; a little later from a box-full of cartridges too. We further said that they were convinced that Azadi thirsty mobs parading the city streets for almost Rageshwari, both from Sanat appreciated that the frontal was only a few days away and they could ill- nine hours, to decimate the already almost Nagar; later from Wanabal attack would come from afford not to be seen as part of this victorious frozen- to-death Pandits in a jiffy. I made another and then Rawalpora. End across the Kutta Kul. If that Death was imminent. procession. Incidentally, both these gentlemen call to that major in Udhampur. This time he seemed a few minutes happened; we decided to are living today; while one of them retired as gave me a telephone number of some other away as help was not Something had to be done and fire as many rounds as Chief Justice of a State High Court, the other officer in Badami Bagh cantonment in Srinagar. coming from anywhere. I p o s s i b l e , k i l l i n g o r done very quickly. My brother and I rose to be a cabinet minister once again. I called him and to my surprise, he responded called up 'who's who' of injuring anyone coming in immediately, assuring me that the column was Jammu and Kashmir chalked out a plan; plan to die our line of fire. In the The last to call me around this time was Inder Krishen Raina from Ishbar. He informed ready and they were awaiting the orders from the Police. Some did not pick heroically. meantime, we prepared the civil authority. “Where is the civil authority?” I up the phone and others women folk to lay down me that the hostile crowds had come out on the roads even at that late hour, to ensure that they retorted. But alas! He had disconnected the line. sheepishly expressed their t h e i r l i v e s b y s e l f - Waiting for the inevitable, the deathly silence inability and helplessness to immolation. A can full of were not denied their share of Azadi, now at hand. By now one thing was quite certain; was broken by the howling of stray dogs. provide any assistance. I called kerosene oil was kept handy. It My mother was the first to hear the Azan Mohan Chiragi in Delhi and got all goes to the credit of my mother and Kashmiri Pandits, all across the city of Srinagar were waiting with bated breath for the certain from a distant mosque. She said excitedly, “tala, the phone numbers of those who mattered. her age-old friend Rupavati, to volunteer gash ha aao” (look, it is dawn!). We removed a eventuality — death at the hands of their one- One of them was the then Home Secretary, one for this kind of death. Even Bahadur's wife and part of the curtain hesitatingly and could see the time neighborus, who were prowling the streets, Shiromani Sharma. He was sort of disturbed by her two young kids prepared themselves for the silhouette of huge crowds, now unbelievably my call and was shockingly surprised to hear that ultimate sacrifice. As a last attempt; I called an raising venomous anti-Pandit slogans. There silent, disappearing into narrow lanes. Within a the situation in Kashmir was so bad. He army phone number in Udhampur. I was assured was no news from rest of the Valley. The time few minutes, with better visibility, we could confessed that nobody had informed him about by an officer of the rank of a major that a column shown by the grandfather clock on the wall was hardly see anybody on the bund across the Kutta this looming tragedy. He promised help. of soldiers was ready and it would move out just past 4 A.M. But that hardly made any Kul. Was it a jumbo reprieve? We learnt later that I did not stop there. I traced Mufti from Badami Bagh Cantonment soon. We difference, as the menacing crowd just a few our house was the target. It was not attacked for Mohammad Syed in Mumbai, where he was waited, but no help came. metres away from our doors, was more restive the fear of heavy reprisals. After all, the Islamists addressing a public meeting, and got in touch The night seemed never-ending. It was at 3 than an hour earlier, even when the temperature were convinced that our house was actually an with him. It took me a lifetime to reach him. It A.M. that I called the Muslim lady in Rawalpora outdoors had dipped to around seven degrees arms and ammunition dump. They apprehended was just past midnight when he came on the once again. She sounded a little relaxed. I Celsius below zero. The battle cry of Ya Ali! Ya that we had the capacity to take on the ill-armed phone. He advised me not to panic as help was on connected the movement of the army column Ali! grew louder and closer. hordes, even if they came in large numbers. But the way. I repeatedly called some of my Muslim that I was just assured of, with her near positive As the womenfolk, huddled together, why did they not annihilate the rest of us? Who friends and soon discovered that it was a futile response. I calculated that the army would have started chanting Shiv Shiv Shambu, we loaded and what saved us that night? The answers are exercise. There was one Muslim lady of reached Rawalpora first through the by-pass and the gun. End seemed seconds away. But nothing still not clear. And look at our naivete; most of us Rawalpora, who sounded as worried and tense as hence the lady appeared less panicky. But my happened. Ashok looked at me and we continued to live there after surviving this we were; that was a big consolation. In the calculations proved ill-founded when she concluded that the marauding crowds were nightmare.

20 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 21 asked the petitioners “Where were you for 27 Hindus is now being chanted by college students years?”. in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jadhavpur There are more than half a million University. Kashmiri Hindus in forced exile, who continue Popularized by mainstream Bollywood Cover Story -Ashima Kaul to live as refugees. movies like 'Haider' and 'Gully Boy'. The Kashmiri Hindu genocide was not a To add insult to injury, we Kashmiri one-time event that happened in the past. Hindus are routinely shamed and demonized for It's an ongoing onslaught that continues to not “empathizing” towards those who're this day. committed to annihilating us. From waging armed jihad, burning our If anyone dared to tell the Yezidi homes, banning separate Kashmiri Hindu community to empathize with the ISIS wives The Republic of Denial townships and terming the rehabilitation of who enabled and abetted the genocidal rapes and native Kashmiri Hindus as “demographic sexual slavery of countless Yezidi women and ow Kashmiri Pandit Genocide denial A l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y, t h e S t a t e invasion” to now blaming us for the revocation children, that person would be rightly has normalized the genocidal Islamist Government denied the genocide and released a of Article 370 and falsely accusing us of condemned. war cry of “Azaadi”! string of official reports where the scale of the exacting revenge for our “migration”. Kashmiri But, Kashmiri Hindus are told to humanize H Islamists continue to block our return. In the last few weeks, the country has violence and destruction was minimized. their persecutors. Because of the success of this witnessed widespread riots and mob violence Armed with these false Government As the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once aggressive campaign of gaslighting, the that started on the pretext of protesting against reports, the perpetrators insisted that “only 219” noted : narrative now has shifted from 'India is the Citizenship Amendment bill and quickly of Kashmiri Hindus were killed and that far “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the occupying Kashmir' to 'India is inflicting blew up into protests for “Azaadi”. more Kashmiri Muslims were killed due to victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never genocide on the Muslims of Kashmir'. Right now, many Indians listening to the counter-terror operations. This was done to the tormented.” This big lie has permeated the woke urban justifications presented for the use of “Azaadi” establish false equivalence between the victims Likewise for the last 30 years, this systemic Indian culture to such an extent that now Hindus slogans are experiencing what the survivors of and the perpetrators. and persistent denial of our lived reality has are expected to empathize with violent mobs the Kashmiri Hindu genocide have experienced For decades, the Indian Government and denied us access to justice, to our Gods, to our who want “kaffiron se Azaadi”. roots and our homeland. over and over again for the last 30 years. the judiciary also avoided recognizing the In a post on December 13, “Jamia Shero” This enforced silence has emboldened Their concerns are being mocked and Kashmiri Hindu genocide to avoid damaging LadeedaSakhaloon justified her slogans of Kashmiri Muslim secessionists and their dismissed. What they're hearing, seeing and the “secular” fabric of the country. "Allah Hu Akbar" during the protest at Jamia accomplices in the Government to celebrate and experiencing is being denied. Facts and truth is In a ruling pronounced in 1999, the and retorted to people objecting to it, saying: reward some of the most dreaded perpetrators of being discredited and reality is being erased. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) "You might be in a hurry to prove your Thus, rampaging islamist mobs who're became an open denier of the genocide of the Kashmiri Hindu genocide. When we see pictures of the ex-Prime secular loyalty, but we are not... We have burning public property, stoning school buses, Kashmiri Hindus and made several blatant abandoned your secular slogans long before." attacking ordinary citizens in trains and chanting attempts at gaslighting the survivors of the Minister of India Manmohan Singh smiling and “Hinduon se Azaadi” are nothing more than genocide. shaking hands with terrorist Yasin Malik, we But the newly discovered tenets of “peaceful protesters”. Violent extremists who're ''There can be no gain saying the acute recognize the message: truth doesn't matter, secularism demand that Hindus must chant “La publicly flaunting the ISIS salute gesture and suffering and deprivation caused to the your lives don't matter. illahaillalla” alongside Ladeeda. sharing pictures of gun-wielding Hijabi community. But against the stern definition of The physical violence or, the forced We Kashmiri Hindus have faced seven terrorists are “Sheroes”. the genocide convention, the commission is expulsion has caused infinite damage to our repeated genocides at the hands of Islamists. The media personalities, the intellectuals constrained to observe that while acts akin to community. On 19th January 2020, we will complete 30 and the appeasing politicians who're genocide have occurred in respect of the But, what made the damage irreversible years of the forced exile that began with the desensitizing people to the implication of the Kashmiri Pandits, the crimes against Kashmiri was the denial of the genocide and the seventh genocide that was unleashed on us in Islamist supremacist idea of “Azaadi” and Pandits, grave as they undoubtedly are, fall short normalization of the jihad against us. 1990. providing the cover of liberal legitimacy to this of the 'ultimate' crime — genocide,'' the As a result of this brazen normalization of As Kashmiri Hindus, who continue to be islamist jihad are the “brave Anti-fascist keepers commission said in its ruling. the jihad by the media and certain pandering denied justice, when we hear those shrill shrieks of secularism”. For Kashmiri Hindus, this is all Year after year, our community was politicians, the Islamist secessionist movement of “Azaadi” reverberating through the rest of too familiar. gaslighted as we recounted our experiences and in Kashmir has been successfully rebranded as a India, it feels like an already bloodstained knife Between 1989 and 1990, Kashmiri mourned the loss of our home. “freedom movement” and Islamist war cry of being twisted inside our guts. Islamists carried out a genocidal campaign of And yet, in 2017, when the Honorable “Azaadi” has become the slogan for “human To those who legitimize this assault on us, abductions, targeted murders, torture, rape, mob Supreme Court of India rejected our plea and rights”. you may have many powerful faces and popular violence and forced mass expulsion against the declined an investigation into the mass murder A genocidal death chant that led to the mass voices cheering you on, but who will speak for minority Kashmiri Hindu community. of Kashmiri Hindus, the Chief Justice of India murder and forced expulsion of Kashmiri you when they come for you?

22 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 23 asked the petitioners “Where were you for 27 Hindus is now being chanted by college students years?”. in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jadhavpur There are more than half a million University. Kashmiri Hindus in forced exile, who continue Popularized by mainstream Bollywood Cover Story -Ashima Kaul to live as refugees. movies like 'Haider' and 'Gully Boy'. The Kashmiri Hindu genocide was not a To add insult to injury, we Kashmiri one-time event that happened in the past. Hindus are routinely shamed and demonized for It's an ongoing onslaught that continues to not “empathizing” towards those who're this day. committed to annihilating us. From waging armed jihad, burning our If anyone dared to tell the Yezidi homes, banning separate Kashmiri Hindu community to empathize with the ISIS wives The Republic of Denial townships and terming the rehabilitation of who enabled and abetted the genocidal rapes and native Kashmiri Hindus as “demographic sexual slavery of countless Yezidi women and ow Kashmiri Pandit Genocide denial A l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y, t h e S t a t e invasion” to now blaming us for the revocation children, that person would be rightly has normalized the genocidal Islamist Government denied the genocide and released a of Article 370 and falsely accusing us of condemned. war cry of “Azaadi”! string of official reports where the scale of the exacting revenge for our “migration”. Kashmiri But, Kashmiri Hindus are told to humanize H Islamists continue to block our return. In the last few weeks, the country has violence and destruction was minimized. their persecutors. Because of the success of this witnessed widespread riots and mob violence Armed with these false Government As the Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel once aggressive campaign of gaslighting, the that started on the pretext of protesting against reports, the perpetrators insisted that “only 219” noted : narrative now has shifted from 'India is the Citizenship Amendment bill and quickly of Kashmiri Hindus were killed and that far “Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the occupying Kashmir' to 'India is inflicting blew up into protests for “Azaadi”. more Kashmiri Muslims were killed due to victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never genocide on the Muslims of Kashmir'. Right now, many Indians listening to the counter-terror operations. This was done to the tormented.” This big lie has permeated the woke urban justifications presented for the use of “Azaadi” establish false equivalence between the victims Likewise for the last 30 years, this systemic Indian culture to such an extent that now Hindus slogans are experiencing what the survivors of and the perpetrators. and persistent denial of our lived reality has are expected to empathize with violent mobs the Kashmiri Hindu genocide have experienced For decades, the Indian Government and denied us access to justice, to our Gods, to our who want “kaffiron se Azaadi”. roots and our homeland. over and over again for the last 30 years. the judiciary also avoided recognizing the In a post on December 13, “Jamia Shero” This enforced silence has emboldened Their concerns are being mocked and Kashmiri Hindu genocide to avoid damaging LadeedaSakhaloon justified her slogans of Kashmiri Muslim secessionists and their dismissed. What they're hearing, seeing and the “secular” fabric of the country. "Allah Hu Akbar" during the protest at Jamia accomplices in the Government to celebrate and experiencing is being denied. Facts and truth is In a ruling pronounced in 1999, the and retorted to people objecting to it, saying: reward some of the most dreaded perpetrators of being discredited and reality is being erased. National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) "You might be in a hurry to prove your Thus, rampaging islamist mobs who're became an open denier of the genocide of the Kashmiri Hindu genocide. When we see pictures of the ex-Prime secular loyalty, but we are not... We have burning public property, stoning school buses, Kashmiri Hindus and made several blatant abandoned your secular slogans long before." attacking ordinary citizens in trains and chanting attempts at gaslighting the survivors of the Minister of India Manmohan Singh smiling and “Hinduon se Azaadi” are nothing more than genocide. shaking hands with terrorist Yasin Malik, we But the newly discovered tenets of “peaceful protesters”. Violent extremists who're ''There can be no gain saying the acute recognize the message: truth doesn't matter, secularism demand that Hindus must chant “La publicly flaunting the ISIS salute gesture and suffering and deprivation caused to the your lives don't matter. illahaillalla” alongside Ladeeda. sharing pictures of gun-wielding Hijabi community. But against the stern definition of The physical violence or, the forced We Kashmiri Hindus have faced seven terrorists are “Sheroes”. the genocide convention, the commission is expulsion has caused infinite damage to our repeated genocides at the hands of Islamists. The media personalities, the intellectuals constrained to observe that while acts akin to community. On 19th January 2020, we will complete 30 and the appeasing politicians who're genocide have occurred in respect of the But, what made the damage irreversible years of the forced exile that began with the desensitizing people to the implication of the Kashmiri Pandits, the crimes against Kashmiri was the denial of the genocide and the seventh genocide that was unleashed on us in Islamist supremacist idea of “Azaadi” and Pandits, grave as they undoubtedly are, fall short normalization of the jihad against us. 1990. providing the cover of liberal legitimacy to this of the 'ultimate' crime — genocide,'' the As a result of this brazen normalization of As Kashmiri Hindus, who continue to be islamist jihad are the “brave Anti-fascist keepers commission said in its ruling. the jihad by the media and certain pandering denied justice, when we hear those shrill shrieks of secularism”. For Kashmiri Hindus, this is all Year after year, our community was politicians, the Islamist secessionist movement of “Azaadi” reverberating through the rest of too familiar. gaslighted as we recounted our experiences and in Kashmir has been successfully rebranded as a India, it feels like an already bloodstained knife Between 1989 and 1990, Kashmiri mourned the loss of our home. “freedom movement” and Islamist war cry of being twisted inside our guts. Islamists carried out a genocidal campaign of And yet, in 2017, when the Honorable “Azaadi” has become the slogan for “human To those who legitimize this assault on us, abductions, targeted murders, torture, rape, mob Supreme Court of India rejected our plea and rights”. you may have many powerful faces and popular violence and forced mass expulsion against the declined an investigation into the mass murder A genocidal death chant that led to the mass voices cheering you on, but who will speak for minority Kashmiri Hindu community. of Kashmiri Hindus, the Chief Justice of India murder and forced expulsion of Kashmiri you when they come for you?

22 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 23 Ilaha Illalla, Kashmir mein Agar Rehna Hoga Mother tongue among the younger generation of Allahu Akbar Kehna hoga? KP's. The vacuum created due to the bridges Diagnosis of the disease is the first step burnt between the community and its culture and towards its cure, but there has been a concerted traditions is going to push the Next-Gen KP's Analysis -Jyoti Koul and deliberate attempt to not deal with the basic into Identity crisis in the days of their dusk. The issue of radicalisation of a large section of loss of mother tongue among the young Kashmiri Muslims that led to the exodus of generation will push us further into oblivion. Kashmiri Pandits, unless the problem is A serious problem that confronts the confronted without any camouflage, the community even today is, availability of reconciliation is not possible. Purohits to do Kashmiri Karma Kanda. In Genocide of a Civilisation After 30 years of forced exile finally, the absence of new generation of KP's who would Government of India has shown spine and be trained in Kashmiri Karma Kanda is forcing defanged article 370 and 35 A, indeed a much the community to give away the rituals related to Is Cultural Genocide a Component of Genocide? awaited and necessary political move but do the Shodash Sanskars (16 Sanskars) related to things become hunky dory in the near future? Birth, Death, Yagyopavit etc. January 19, 2020, we will be completing three The concept of Kulpurohits (family priest) t has been a matter of socio political debate decades of exile forced violently on us. was for a purpose, the family purohit would for many decades, if cultural genocide or On doing reconnaissance of the past, we facilitate the ritualistic continuity of each family Icultural cleansing is a component of Owing to this political find that on the one hand there is a whole by maintaining records of traditions, lineage and genocide or not. In 2007, United Nations predicament, micro generation of Kashmiri Muslims who have been ancestry. The purohit's son would automatically Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people, fed venom of hatred towards the state they have inherit the yajmans and hence the continuity it was decided to incorporate the term minority like ours (Kashmiri seen violence and bile all around and the spirit of would be maintained. With the Exodus forced on “Ethnocide” for cultural genocide but failing to Pandits) has struggled to coexistence is completely missing. They have us that continuity has been broken and thus reach a consensus the term was dropped in the been misled into a utopian theocratic existence degradation of our traditions is complete. The final document. get justice post our multiple who cannot fathom the idea of living with non- records maintained by the family Priest are lost / Owing to this political predicament, micro “Ethnocides” latest being muslims. Burnt or left behind, we have become citizens minority like ours (Kashmiri Pandits) has in the 1990s. Recently, a well known artiste narrated a with lost passports. struggled to get justice post our multiple story from her visit to Kashmir where, 5 or 6 Adi Shankara travelled to Kashmir for “Ethnocides” latest being in the 1990s. I will not year old daughter of a Shikara owner asked her if Knowledge exchange and research in shy from using the term “Ethnocide” because KP she would do Namaz 5 times a day and the lady Vyavaharik and Paramarthic realms. Kashmir a genocide has all the elements of “Erasure of an generations to come. said no, she doesn't do Namaz as she was not a land of yogis and mystics was sought after by indigenous community” be it Physical, Cultural, The initial targeted killings of the eminent muslim, the innocent kid was shocked and asked Vedic scholars. Even in the recent past we have Linguistic or Traditional. United Nations may Kashmiri Pandits in broad day light was a signal then what are you? Younger generation of had enlightened masters like Swamy Lakshman never reach a consensus ever on issues like towards annihilation of our cultural identity by muslim kids are not even aware that other people Joo, Nand Lal ji, Gopinath Ji and many more Genocide and Terrorism for it suits the singling out people who upheld what we stood for exist! Pitfalls of extreme ghettoization of a who quenched the thirst for knowledge and expansionist state policies of certain of its as a community, Education, Honour and Culture. community are visible. These are the same kids seeking of masses and hence the community members and Racialisation of Global Politics. The subsequent stage of desecration of our who will grow up to be intolerant citizens, how remained a spiritually and socially cohesive Sans getting into legal complications, let us religious places, was a direct attack on our would they coexist with the other communities force, this aspect of spirituality too is dwindling examine how genocide can be understood and existence as Hindus of Kashmir. This naked is a cause for concern. due to dispersal of the community leading to how the ethnic cleansing of our community is a exhibition of hate and intolerance continued On the other hand, there is a generation of degradation of our spiritual values. classic case of “Ethnocide”. Concerted acts of after our forced exodus, sporadic news still Kashmiri Pandit kids who have faint or no Kashmir Shaivism, “Shaiva Siddhanta” Murder and Violent attacks on a social entity and trickles in of vandalism of temples in Kashmir. memories of Kashmir, the pain of exile is second unique to Kashmir now has very few actual /or fatally targeting a group belonging to an If this is not communal hatred towards a hand for them. They have lived cosmopolitan practitioners, disintegration of the community ethnic community, ensuring mass exodus and miniscule minority what is it? If refusal to lives after their parents were forced to move has made these deeply spiritual practices reduce abandonment of all their movable/immovable coexist with the 2% minorities in a 98% muslim them to safety to either camps in Jammu or to superficial academic discussions devoid of assets for personal safety is how a genocide can dominated state is not intolerance what is it?. scattered in various parts of India and abroad. any Sadhana. be defined. Genocide must also have a motive, Many argue fallaciously that the Kashmir They do not feel any connection with the It may well be argued that these traditions an intension and its repercussions on the future issue is political in nature, then what explains motherland and are partially or completely and practices can be kept alive anywhere but generations. Ethnic Cleansing of our community the venomous communal slogans chanted by the bereft of any feelings for the same. The greatest doesn't it tantamount to surrogacy? Traditions is a classic example of “Ethnocide”. It had intent, mobs emanating from the Mosques “Raliv, catastrophe that is not fully felt as yet by the culture and practices have a direct relationship violent action and repercussions on the Galiv, ya Tchaliv or Pakistan se Rishta Kya La community is loss of Culture, Traditions and with Space, Climate, Spiritual Vibrations of the

24 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 25 Ilaha Illalla, Kashmir mein Agar Rehna Hoga Mother tongue among the younger generation of Allahu Akbar Kehna hoga? KP's. The vacuum created due to the bridges Diagnosis of the disease is the first step burnt between the community and its culture and towards its cure, but there has been a concerted traditions is going to push the Next-Gen KP's Analysis -Jyoti Koul and deliberate attempt to not deal with the basic into Identity crisis in the days of their dusk. The issue of radicalisation of a large section of loss of mother tongue among the young Kashmiri Muslims that led to the exodus of generation will push us further into oblivion. Kashmiri Pandits, unless the problem is A serious problem that confronts the confronted without any camouflage, the community even today is, availability of reconciliation is not possible. Purohits to do Kashmiri Karma Kanda. In Genocide of a Civilisation After 30 years of forced exile finally, the absence of new generation of KP's who would Government of India has shown spine and be trained in Kashmiri Karma Kanda is forcing defanged article 370 and 35 A, indeed a much the community to give away the rituals related to Is Cultural Genocide a Component of Genocide? awaited and necessary political move but do the Shodash Sanskars (16 Sanskars) related to things become hunky dory in the near future? Birth, Death, Yagyopavit etc. January 19, 2020, we will be completing three The concept of Kulpurohits (family priest) t has been a matter of socio political debate decades of exile forced violently on us. was for a purpose, the family purohit would for many decades, if cultural genocide or On doing reconnaissance of the past, we facilitate the ritualistic continuity of each family Icultural cleansing is a component of Owing to this political find that on the one hand there is a whole by maintaining records of traditions, lineage and genocide or not. In 2007, United Nations predicament, micro generation of Kashmiri Muslims who have been ancestry. The purohit's son would automatically Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous people, fed venom of hatred towards the state they have inherit the yajmans and hence the continuity it was decided to incorporate the term minority like ours (Kashmiri seen violence and bile all around and the spirit of would be maintained. With the Exodus forced on “Ethnocide” for cultural genocide but failing to Pandits) has struggled to coexistence is completely missing. They have us that continuity has been broken and thus reach a consensus the term was dropped in the been misled into a utopian theocratic existence degradation of our traditions is complete. The final document. get justice post our multiple who cannot fathom the idea of living with non- records maintained by the family Priest are lost / Owing to this political predicament, micro “Ethnocides” latest being muslims. Burnt or left behind, we have become citizens minority like ours (Kashmiri Pandits) has in the 1990s. Recently, a well known artiste narrated a with lost passports. struggled to get justice post our multiple story from her visit to Kashmir where, 5 or 6 Adi Shankara travelled to Kashmir for “Ethnocides” latest being in the 1990s. I will not year old daughter of a Shikara owner asked her if Knowledge exchange and research in shy from using the term “Ethnocide” because KP she would do Namaz 5 times a day and the lady Vyavaharik and Paramarthic realms. Kashmir a genocide has all the elements of “Erasure of an generations to come. said no, she doesn't do Namaz as she was not a land of yogis and mystics was sought after by indigenous community” be it Physical, Cultural, The initial targeted killings of the eminent muslim, the innocent kid was shocked and asked Vedic scholars. Even in the recent past we have Linguistic or Traditional. United Nations may Kashmiri Pandits in broad day light was a signal then what are you? Younger generation of had enlightened masters like Swamy Lakshman never reach a consensus ever on issues like towards annihilation of our cultural identity by muslim kids are not even aware that other people Joo, Nand Lal ji, Gopinath Ji and many more Genocide and Terrorism for it suits the singling out people who upheld what we stood for exist! Pitfalls of extreme ghettoization of a who quenched the thirst for knowledge and expansionist state policies of certain of its as a community, Education, Honour and Culture. community are visible. These are the same kids seeking of masses and hence the community members and Racialisation of Global Politics. The subsequent stage of desecration of our who will grow up to be intolerant citizens, how remained a spiritually and socially cohesive Sans getting into legal complications, let us religious places, was a direct attack on our would they coexist with the other communities force, this aspect of spirituality too is dwindling examine how genocide can be understood and existence as Hindus of Kashmir. This naked is a cause for concern. due to dispersal of the community leading to how the ethnic cleansing of our community is a exhibition of hate and intolerance continued On the other hand, there is a generation of degradation of our spiritual values. classic case of “Ethnocide”. Concerted acts of after our forced exodus, sporadic news still Kashmiri Pandit kids who have faint or no Kashmir Shaivism, “Shaiva Siddhanta” Murder and Violent attacks on a social entity and trickles in of vandalism of temples in Kashmir. memories of Kashmir, the pain of exile is second unique to Kashmir now has very few actual /or fatally targeting a group belonging to an If this is not communal hatred towards a hand for them. They have lived cosmopolitan practitioners, disintegration of the community ethnic community, ensuring mass exodus and miniscule minority what is it? If refusal to lives after their parents were forced to move has made these deeply spiritual practices reduce abandonment of all their movable/immovable coexist with the 2% minorities in a 98% muslim them to safety to either camps in Jammu or to superficial academic discussions devoid of assets for personal safety is how a genocide can dominated state is not intolerance what is it?. scattered in various parts of India and abroad. any Sadhana. be defined. Genocide must also have a motive, Many argue fallaciously that the Kashmir They do not feel any connection with the It may well be argued that these traditions an intension and its repercussions on the future issue is political in nature, then what explains motherland and are partially or completely and practices can be kept alive anywhere but generations. Ethnic Cleansing of our community the venomous communal slogans chanted by the bereft of any feelings for the same. The greatest doesn't it tantamount to surrogacy? Traditions is a classic example of “Ethnocide”. It had intent, mobs emanating from the Mosques “Raliv, catastrophe that is not fully felt as yet by the culture and practices have a direct relationship violent action and repercussions on the Galiv, ya Tchaliv or Pakistan se Rishta Kya La community is loss of Culture, Traditions and with Space, Climate, Spiritual Vibrations of the

24 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 25 elements of nature and Sanchit Sadhana of past that we left and the future that is oblivious millions of “sadhakas” for centuries together, of Kashmir. there is a deep emotional and spiritual connect How I wish emotions especially pain could which when missing takes away the soul and be transferred so that my child could feel the vibrance of its culture. pain of exodus as us, then the next Generation Critical Analysis -Dr. Mahesh Kaul There are many other ingredients to culture would keep the “Hope” of home coming which includes traditional Cuisine , Music and burning in their hearts in order to not wilt and Performing arts. Our exodus has impacted all the wither like uprooted trees. Our genocide elements including these. Our kids do not know continued for 30 yrs now is the time to reverse it many of our traditional food items, with mothers and not let inertia set in. and Grand-Mothers gone our children remain If we do not organise and augment Jihadi Subversion in Jammu and Kashmir unawares of the traditional food and their ourselves now, we will lose our Identity and cooking methods. Many items are not even become soul less Zombies, our lives would be available, ours is a story of lost treasures. More like that Cake Shop simulation where people he worst form of subversion has penetrated In this game of genocide oriented we think about it more painful it becomes. Those will drag and drop ingredients of their choice the governance of the state in the last seven demographic change they targeted Kashmiri of us who are now in our middle ages are at the and the real recipe gets lost. decades as the policy makers of the Indian Pandits comprehensively rendering them cusp of our civilization the only link between the Arise and Awake! T state besides the central governments either refugees in their own state and own nation. didn't knew the malaise that was present in the Religious cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits is a state or are deliberate in their attempt to give the tragedy. It brings to the fore a very valid breathing space to the fifth column. argument. If India is a free nation and flourishes What made these so called mandarins in democracy and human rights then what led to indulge in procrastination in terms of nipping the violation of the human rights of a Hindu the veil of jihad in the bud is quite easy to minority in a Muslim majority state? Have the analyse? Being the Muslim majority state, the fruits of democracy not reached the grass root policy makers felt that to appease the level? Is J & K a Muslim sphere of influence communalism of jihad will enable them to where the writ of the Indian state is not endear themselves to the major section of the implemented? or Is there some tacit people especially the Muslim dominated valley. understanding to accommodate the Muslim sub This patronisation of communalism at the cost nationalism at the cost of the territorial integrity of the minority rights of the Hindus all over the and sovereignty of the nation that swears in the state made the things turn from bad to worse. public life by the principles of secularism? This can be clearly seen from the religious All these questions collide with each other cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits that was in the nationalist mind space. And prompt every engineered by the jihadis; both over ground and nationalist in the state to introspect. Why the under ground to pave the way for the realisation of Muslims in the rest of India have not spoken the Nizam-e-Mustafa.1990 witnessed the openly against the jihadi society of Kashmir that culmination of the well strategized exodus of the holds the nation to ransom? Muslims in India community that represented the civilizational enjoy the equal rights with their other and cultural basis of the valley as the centre of compatriots all over the nation in spite of calling Sanskrit learning and the laboratory of the Vedic themselves as minority but why the same rights and Agamic religion. Jihadis knew it well that to of minority are not applicable to the Hindus of unhinge Jammu and Kashmir; especially Kashmir and other parts of the state including Kashmir from the Indian nation requires the the Dogra Hindus of Jammu? dismantling of the Northern Frontier. And to It creates a genuine suspicion that the ;+ks{ materialise this they knew that they will have to jihadi penetration in the society and governance uproot the community of Kashmiri Pandits from cannot be possible in J & K without the tacit their homeland. As in future it will enable them to support of the Muslims in India. As being a so erase all insignias of Hindu civilizational values. called minority in the rest of India they indulge Moreover, the population density favoured them in plausible deniability by encouraging the and for that they had to just displace the original jihadis of Kashmir to continue their persecution inhabitants of Kashmir. of Hindus. The reason being that it is a Muslim

26 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 27 elements of nature and Sanchit Sadhana of past that we left and the future that is oblivious millions of “sadhakas” for centuries together, of Kashmir. there is a deep emotional and spiritual connect How I wish emotions especially pain could which when missing takes away the soul and be transferred so that my child could feel the vibrance of its culture. pain of exodus as us, then the next Generation Critical Analysis -Dr. Mahesh Kaul There are many other ingredients to culture would keep the “Hope” of home coming which includes traditional Cuisine , Music and burning in their hearts in order to not wilt and Performing arts. Our exodus has impacted all the wither like uprooted trees. Our genocide elements including these. Our kids do not know continued for 30 yrs now is the time to reverse it many of our traditional food items, with mothers and not let inertia set in. and Grand-Mothers gone our children remain If we do not organise and augment Jihadi Subversion in Jammu and Kashmir unawares of the traditional food and their ourselves now, we will lose our Identity and cooking methods. Many items are not even become soul less Zombies, our lives would be available, ours is a story of lost treasures. More like that Cake Shop simulation where people he worst form of subversion has penetrated In this game of genocide oriented we think about it more painful it becomes. Those will drag and drop ingredients of their choice the governance of the state in the last seven demographic change they targeted Kashmiri of us who are now in our middle ages are at the and the real recipe gets lost. decades as the policy makers of the Indian Pandits comprehensively rendering them cusp of our civilization the only link between the Arise and Awake! T state besides the central governments either refugees in their own state and own nation. didn't knew the malaise that was present in the Religious cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits is a state or are deliberate in their attempt to give the tragedy. It brings to the fore a very valid breathing space to the fifth column. argument. If India is a free nation and flourishes What made these so called mandarins in democracy and human rights then what led to indulge in procrastination in terms of nipping the violation of the human rights of a Hindu the veil of jihad in the bud is quite easy to minority in a Muslim majority state? Have the analyse? Being the Muslim majority state, the fruits of democracy not reached the grass root policy makers felt that to appease the level? Is J & K a Muslim sphere of influence communalism of jihad will enable them to where the writ of the Indian state is not endear themselves to the major section of the implemented? or Is there some tacit people especially the Muslim dominated valley. understanding to accommodate the Muslim sub This patronisation of communalism at the cost nationalism at the cost of the territorial integrity of the minority rights of the Hindus all over the and sovereignty of the nation that swears in the state made the things turn from bad to worse. public life by the principles of secularism? This can be clearly seen from the religious All these questions collide with each other cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits that was in the nationalist mind space. And prompt every engineered by the jihadis; both over ground and nationalist in the state to introspect. Why the under ground to pave the way for the realisation of Muslims in the rest of India have not spoken the Nizam-e-Mustafa.1990 witnessed the openly against the jihadi society of Kashmir that culmination of the well strategized exodus of the holds the nation to ransom? Muslims in India community that represented the civilizational enjoy the equal rights with their other and cultural basis of the valley as the centre of compatriots all over the nation in spite of calling Sanskrit learning and the laboratory of the Vedic themselves as minority but why the same rights and Agamic religion. Jihadis knew it well that to of minority are not applicable to the Hindus of unhinge Jammu and Kashmir; especially Kashmir and other parts of the state including Kashmir from the Indian nation requires the the Dogra Hindus of Jammu? dismantling of the Northern Frontier. And to It creates a genuine suspicion that the ;+ks{ materialise this they knew that they will have to jihadi penetration in the society and governance uproot the community of Kashmiri Pandits from cannot be possible in J & K without the tacit their homeland. As in future it will enable them to support of the Muslims in India. As being a so erase all insignias of Hindu civilizational values. called minority in the rest of India they indulge Moreover, the population density favoured them in plausible deniability by encouraging the and for that they had to just displace the original jihadis of Kashmir to continue their persecution inhabitants of Kashmir. of Hindus. The reason being that it is a Muslim

26 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 27 majority state and the constitutional concessions state have been left out of the benefits of nationalist struggle from the Congress to pave the complete legal and political control with the in the state give them immunity to indulge in democracy to bring them in the mainstream of the way for the entry of Mohandas Karam Chand Maharaja of the state who over the time had subversion. This long rope with a false hope by the society in the state. Gandhi, who had taken the mantle from the fortified the Northern Frontier and was the Indian state at the cost of human rights of the This subversion didn't prosper overnight. Gopal Krishna Gokhale a British loyalist and marching ahead in giving shape to the non-Muslim minorities in the state led to the The political history of the state is replete with supporter of the dominion status within the civilizational reality of Sanskritisation socio-political subversion. history of wrecking the demography, society Empire. It is proper to mention that the Congress consciously or unconsciously. They felt It penetrated the every sphere of and polity of the state with impunity. This was an imperial British creation as founded in repentant as the princely state that they carved governance and got entrenched so deep in the started from the pre-independence era and has 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume to take out the out of the domains of the Lahore Darbar to DNA of the erstwhile princely state that it been continuing post-independence. After the steam from the educated Indian elite and balance the power in their favour was proving became impossible to retrieve the national dissolution of the Sikh Empire with the demise neutralise their energy to pave the way for the as an obstacle in their imperial march .So they interests. It gave Pakistan and China a lever to of the Maharaja Ranjit Singh and subsequently continuity of the colonial rule in India. extended the terms of reference of the Great indulge in exploiting the situation ripe for w i t h t h e s i g n i n g o f t h e T r e a t y o f But visionaries as they were, Sri Game. And that is how the state got engulfed in subversion as the so called mandarins in New Amritsar.British left no stone unturned to Aurobindo, Tilak and Savarkar internalised the the politics of subversion and jihadi Delhi are even now inflicted with the instigate the Muslim populace of the princely intent and basis of the Congress and came out communalism that wrecked the state from Solzhenitsyn Syndrome. This syndrome leads to state to keep the pot of unrest simmering by with the clear cut nationalist plan to uphold the within from time to time. shying away from calling the problem by its sponsoring the subversive politics. As they Sanskritisation of India that defined it as a Another paradox that needs to be analysed actual name and continuing to give away the knew that to consolidate their hold on the sub- nation. It is pertinent to mention here that is that though the British understood and territories and sacrificing the nationalist people continent, they needed a lever to control the Swaraj and Swarajya are the terms originally internalised the importance of the Northern with a false hope of winning over the enemies of socio-political sphere of the Indian nation. With crafted, defined and operationalized by these Frontier. They both consolidated it and at the the nation. The end result being the shrinking the this in mind they were well aware of the strategic stalwarts, original thinkers and philosophers of same time kept option open to dismantle it. They nationalist space and hence forfeiting the importance, geography and resourcefulness of India. Gandhi later twisted these terms to suit his knew that to control not only India but the national territories. the Northern Frontier and the Himalayas. And in agenda as mandated by the imperial masters. It entire sub-continent it was imperative to control The result is so gruesome that the structure the Himalayas Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is well known that Gandhi was operationally the Himalayas and their sense of control of the of the erstwhile state of Jammu , Kashmir & constituted the frontline buffer to realise their part of the British war effort in South Africa and sub-continent lied in the fact that it was meant to Ladakh has developed as an asymmetrical and dreams of imperial Great Game. The same Great was under the complete influence of the keep the option of consolidation to rule and the paradoxical state. It has emerged as the Game later yielded the fruits of the artificial evangelists. option of balkanisation for their exit open and theocratic Islamic state but governed within the state called Pakistan that was meant to impose a It suited the colonialists to tame the they played well. And in this game they trained body politic of India by provisions that check on the nationalist struggle that was freedom movement through their chosen and co- opted the Congress that emerged after guarantee a Sharia state safeguarded by the realising its ultimate mote of upholding the proxies and arm twist the to suit their agenda of the split in 1907 besides the Muslim League progressive Indian constitution in the name of Sanskrit moorings. consolidation and not only that if they had being the another card to check mate the Indian secularism and democracy. Thus, trampling They knew well the nationalist struggle apprehensions about their hold then they had the freedom struggle so that it can't realise its true upon the human rights of the non-Muslims of the against the British in India was essentially a exit plan ready in advance and it was the goal of Hindu Rashtra that was essentially the state. It is a comical understanding of the law and civilizational Hindu upsurge to seek the course balkanisation of India.And in this colonial truth about the Indian freedom movement. democracy that envisages Muslims as minorities correction and reclaim the Hindu Rashtra that project the Muslim communalism was a shot in It is in this backdrop that we should see the in a state where they constitute a majority and what in reality India was. They were fully well the arm to realise this nefarious objective.It is emergence of Reading Room Party in Kashmir have been in the forefront of enjoying all the versed in realising that to check mate the Hindu not a mere coincidence but a well- planned and Young Men Muslim Association in Jammu rights that are meant for the non-Muslim nationalist renaissance and awakening; it was strategy that Muslim League came into that later synergised into Muslim Conference minorities of the state. essential to sabotage the march for the complete existence around the same time in 1906 when and after the split of the Conference into the so In the rest of India in terms of population independence that was the credo of the the split in the Congress was engineered by called National Conference to gain a cover to percentage Muslims constitute a minority nationalist avalanche. expelling the nationalists like Sri Aurobindo, operate the subversive agenda of de- though an appreciable one keeping in view the The frontline ideologues and leaders of this Tilak and subjecting Savarkar to immense Sanskritsing the state of Jammu and Kashmir. birth rate and as such they are qualified to be original movement to uphold and resurrect torture and apathy of all sorts. Not to forget the Ahmediyas and Ahrars who beneficiaries of the minority benefits in terms of Bharat were Sri Aurobindo, Bal Gangadhar It brings to the fore the Anglo-Muslim played a key role through the borders with socio-economic development. In the state non- Tilak and Swatantra Veer Savarkar. project to share the bounties of the Indian nation Punjab to indulge in sabotage in the socio- Muslims constitute the minority and as such can It is not without reason and comprehensive and squander the civilizational continuity of political landscape of the state. Role of Dr. be termed as a reverse minority but the preparation that the evangelical Church India that ultimately led to partition in 1947.This Muhammad Iqbal in these subversive activities subversion through provisions like Article 370 sponsored British Imperialism in India project was extended to Jammu and Kashmir is well documented in the political history and and 35 A patronised the human rights violations engineered a split in the Congress in the Surat when the British realised that the Treaty of documents who gave the ideological oxygen to of these minorities in the state leading to their session and 1907 witnessed a tremendous Amritsar had consolidated the state into a the Islamic homeland creating a space for the total disempowerment. Not only that even the upheaval in the Indian freedom struggle. It was powerful entity and where they had no say like communal Muslim politics in the Northern India scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of the meant to throw out these stalwarts of the other princely states in India keeping in view with a focus to balkanise India. Even Dr.Bhim

28 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 29 majority state and the constitutional concessions state have been left out of the benefits of nationalist struggle from the Congress to pave the complete legal and political control with the in the state give them immunity to indulge in democracy to bring them in the mainstream of the way for the entry of Mohandas Karam Chand Maharaja of the state who over the time had subversion. This long rope with a false hope by the society in the state. Gandhi, who had taken the mantle from the fortified the Northern Frontier and was the Indian state at the cost of human rights of the This subversion didn't prosper overnight. Gopal Krishna Gokhale a British loyalist and marching ahead in giving shape to the non-Muslim minorities in the state led to the The political history of the state is replete with supporter of the dominion status within the civilizational reality of Sanskritisation socio-political subversion. history of wrecking the demography, society Empire. It is proper to mention that the Congress consciously or unconsciously. They felt It penetrated the every sphere of and polity of the state with impunity. This was an imperial British creation as founded in repentant as the princely state that they carved governance and got entrenched so deep in the started from the pre-independence era and has 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume to take out the out of the domains of the Lahore Darbar to DNA of the erstwhile princely state that it been continuing post-independence. After the steam from the educated Indian elite and balance the power in their favour was proving became impossible to retrieve the national dissolution of the Sikh Empire with the demise neutralise their energy to pave the way for the as an obstacle in their imperial march .So they interests. It gave Pakistan and China a lever to of the Maharaja Ranjit Singh and subsequently continuity of the colonial rule in India. extended the terms of reference of the Great indulge in exploiting the situation ripe for w i t h t h e s i g n i n g o f t h e T r e a t y o f But visionaries as they were, Sri Game. And that is how the state got engulfed in subversion as the so called mandarins in New Amritsar.British left no stone unturned to Aurobindo, Tilak and Savarkar internalised the the politics of subversion and jihadi Delhi are even now inflicted with the instigate the Muslim populace of the princely intent and basis of the Congress and came out communalism that wrecked the state from Solzhenitsyn Syndrome. This syndrome leads to state to keep the pot of unrest simmering by with the clear cut nationalist plan to uphold the within from time to time. shying away from calling the problem by its sponsoring the subversive politics. As they Sanskritisation of India that defined it as a Another paradox that needs to be analysed actual name and continuing to give away the knew that to consolidate their hold on the sub- nation. It is pertinent to mention here that is that though the British understood and territories and sacrificing the nationalist people continent, they needed a lever to control the Swaraj and Swarajya are the terms originally internalised the importance of the Northern with a false hope of winning over the enemies of socio-political sphere of the Indian nation. With crafted, defined and operationalized by these Frontier. They both consolidated it and at the the nation. The end result being the shrinking the this in mind they were well aware of the strategic stalwarts, original thinkers and philosophers of same time kept option open to dismantle it. They nationalist space and hence forfeiting the importance, geography and resourcefulness of India. Gandhi later twisted these terms to suit his knew that to control not only India but the national territories. the Northern Frontier and the Himalayas. And in agenda as mandated by the imperial masters. It entire sub-continent it was imperative to control The result is so gruesome that the structure the Himalayas Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh is well known that Gandhi was operationally the Himalayas and their sense of control of the of the erstwhile state of Jammu , Kashmir & constituted the frontline buffer to realise their part of the British war effort in South Africa and sub-continent lied in the fact that it was meant to Ladakh has developed as an asymmetrical and dreams of imperial Great Game. The same Great was under the complete influence of the keep the option of consolidation to rule and the paradoxical state. It has emerged as the Game later yielded the fruits of the artificial evangelists. option of balkanisation for their exit open and theocratic Islamic state but governed within the state called Pakistan that was meant to impose a It suited the colonialists to tame the they played well. And in this game they trained body politic of India by provisions that check on the nationalist struggle that was freedom movement through their chosen and co- opted the Congress that emerged after guarantee a Sharia state safeguarded by the realising its ultimate mote of upholding the proxies and arm twist the to suit their agenda of the split in 1907 besides the Muslim League progressive Indian constitution in the name of Sanskrit moorings. consolidation and not only that if they had being the another card to check mate the Indian secularism and democracy. Thus, trampling They knew well the nationalist struggle apprehensions about their hold then they had the freedom struggle so that it can't realise its true upon the human rights of the non-Muslims of the against the British in India was essentially a exit plan ready in advance and it was the goal of Hindu Rashtra that was essentially the state. It is a comical understanding of the law and civilizational Hindu upsurge to seek the course balkanisation of India.And in this colonial truth about the Indian freedom movement. democracy that envisages Muslims as minorities correction and reclaim the Hindu Rashtra that project the Muslim communalism was a shot in It is in this backdrop that we should see the in a state where they constitute a majority and what in reality India was. They were fully well the arm to realise this nefarious objective.It is emergence of Reading Room Party in Kashmir have been in the forefront of enjoying all the versed in realising that to check mate the Hindu not a mere coincidence but a well- planned and Young Men Muslim Association in Jammu rights that are meant for the non-Muslim nationalist renaissance and awakening; it was strategy that Muslim League came into that later synergised into Muslim Conference minorities of the state. essential to sabotage the march for the complete existence around the same time in 1906 when and after the split of the Conference into the so In the rest of India in terms of population independence that was the credo of the the split in the Congress was engineered by called National Conference to gain a cover to percentage Muslims constitute a minority nationalist avalanche. expelling the nationalists like Sri Aurobindo, operate the subversive agenda of de- though an appreciable one keeping in view the The frontline ideologues and leaders of this Tilak and subjecting Savarkar to immense Sanskritsing the state of Jammu and Kashmir. birth rate and as such they are qualified to be original movement to uphold and resurrect torture and apathy of all sorts. Not to forget the Ahmediyas and Ahrars who beneficiaries of the minority benefits in terms of Bharat were Sri Aurobindo, Bal Gangadhar It brings to the fore the Anglo-Muslim played a key role through the borders with socio-economic development. In the state non- Tilak and Swatantra Veer Savarkar. project to share the bounties of the Indian nation Punjab to indulge in sabotage in the socio- Muslims constitute the minority and as such can It is not without reason and comprehensive and squander the civilizational continuity of political landscape of the state. Role of Dr. be termed as a reverse minority but the preparation that the evangelical Church India that ultimately led to partition in 1947.This Muhammad Iqbal in these subversive activities subversion through provisions like Article 370 sponsored British Imperialism in India project was extended to Jammu and Kashmir is well documented in the political history and and 35 A patronised the human rights violations engineered a split in the Congress in the Surat when the British realised that the Treaty of documents who gave the ideological oxygen to of these minorities in the state leading to their session and 1907 witnessed a tremendous Amritsar had consolidated the state into a the Islamic homeland creating a space for the total disempowerment. Not only that even the upheaval in the Indian freedom struggle. It was powerful entity and where they had no say like communal Muslim politics in the Northern India scheduled castes and scheduled tribes of the meant to throw out these stalwarts of the other princely states in India keeping in view with a focus to balkanise India. Even Dr.Bhim

28 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 29 Rao Ambedkar in his book Partition of India and Kashmir was reorganised into two union Pakistan has championed the cause of territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh balkanisation and terming the Northern India as with the abrogation of secessionist and the Muslim sphere of influence. It establishes the subversive Article 370 & 35 A that rendered this point that balkanising project was being state as a jihadi sphere of influence allowing the - Ajey Bharti formulated with utmost care to inject subversion jihadis from within and from Pakistan to act in the Indian society and politics that is showing with impunity against the Indian nation and the its malignancy in acute forms after the partition nationalist Hindu minorities of the state. and independence of the Indian nation. But mere constitutional change won't turn British sowed the seeds of balkanisation the tide for upholding the territorial integrity with their exit but at the same time left the and sovereignty of the state as the subversion of Uprooted Kashmiri Hindus Muslim communalists well equipped with the wrecking the nation from within by using the th tools of balkanisation to blackmail the future instruments of the Indian state has penetrated Indian state. Creation of Pakistan gave the into the DNA of the society entrenched deeply in the 30 Year of Exile Indian Muslims an ample lever to seek parity by the jihadis, who hold sway over the which was not actually existing and governance, jobs, polity, business, academia in strengthened the jihadi infrastructure. To ensure the universities. t was 1989-90, three decades ago, when that Pakistani state exists as a theocratic state T h e j i h a d i i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d the single largest religious minority of made India weak by allowing appreciable superstructure is intact and acts as the launching IKashmir valley, the Hindu Community of secessionist tendencies to exist within the so pad for these subversives. To bring the state into Kashmir was forced out of the place of their called free but truncated and partitioned India. the national mainstream, it needs the origin. This annihilation of a civilizational The Muslim politics was consolidated on comprehensive reorganisation of the state that continuity was organised under the watchful the basis of balkanising India with a hope of empowers the nationalist people of the state and eyes of all those who spent their lives pursuing creation of future Pakistan's if India accepted the hence the nation. The newly enacted J&K minority politics and making political fortune civilizational reality of Hindu India-the only Reorganisation Act of 2019 empowers the long out of the same. People, who claim to be the home and homeland of the Hindus world over. neglected West Pakistani Hindu and Sikh protectors of the Constitution of India, were its Thus, accommodating Muslim secession as Refugees and marginalised classes like worst abusers particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. secularism and de-Hinduising the Hindu land scheduled tribes and scheduled castes of the Clearly their love and concern for minorities became the definition of secularism. And the state. But the empowerment will not be same project was consolidated in Jammu and complete and decisive and can lead to further was because of two reasons; a) restrictive not Kashmir where a Pakistan was created that didn't disaffection among the neglected nationalist universal and b) matter of convenience not not exist outside the body politic of India but was population that includes the religiously cleansed conviction. well governed by the Indian laws and Kashmiri Pandit community of 1990,POJK constitution. Paradoxically, defending Muslim Hindu and Sikh refugees of 1947 and above all Brief Background communalism and jihad which otherwise it had the Dogras of Jammu who have been in the fore Kashmir was not only the land of origin of these to fight if seen in terms of the secular democracy front of Kashmiri Muslim jihadi onslaught in exiled Hindus but also place of their forefathers. that Indian state claims. Indian state over the terms of their share in the polity and business if Ancestors, who endeavoured really hard over years defended and has been defending even their human rights are not taken into account. millennia of years to turn the place into a valued, now a Pakistan within the constitutional domain Time has come to empower every segment illustrious and coveted global BRAND (Brand of India giving an impression that it is an of the nationalist population of the state by beyond economic terms). Kashmir, we know, is Experience in Exile unfinished agenda of governance. Which it is reversing the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits by identified with Knowledge/scholarship. This Today when we look back at these three decades not. empowering them with their own homeland identity of Kashmir as Sharda Peeth or the spent away from Kashmir, we have a mixed bag Recently, a new development has taken which the community has adopted unanimously Centre for Learning was not acquired overnight. of experiences. With a lot of pain, shock and place that signals a policy departure from the in the Margdarshan Resolution-1991, Jammu It took centuries of hard labour and carefully anguish we note that so-called Secular-Liberal existing norms that defined the governance in state for the Dogras, liberation of the POJK areas cultivated culture of identifying, grooming and humanist combinations along with their political th the state. On 5 August 2019,Jammu and from Pakistan to empower the refugees of 1947. training inquisitive minds. The displacement of masters remained indifferent to our forced 1989-90 was not mere extirpation of few million Displacement. This was true with almost every individuals, but banishing of the Soul of organ and institution of modern governance Excerpts from the recently published book titled Jammu and Kashmir Breaking the Subversive Web & A Way Forward (2020) by Kashmir, which was carrier of its civilizational model that prides itself in democratic values. Dr. Mahesh Kaul; published by Shubhi Publications Gurugram,Price:Rs.795. Author is a Post - Doctoral Fellow with Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), Ministry of Human Resource endurance. Within a short span of time Gun Self-proclaimed main stream media also Development(HRD),New Delhi. replaced Pen as identity of Kashmir. How sad! remained a distant speculator. In short while

30 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 31 Rao Ambedkar in his book Partition of India and Kashmir was reorganised into two union Pakistan has championed the cause of territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh balkanisation and terming the Northern India as with the abrogation of secessionist and the Muslim sphere of influence. It establishes the subversive Article 370 & 35 A that rendered this point that balkanising project was being state as a jihadi sphere of influence allowing the - Ajey Bharti formulated with utmost care to inject subversion jihadis from within and from Pakistan to act in the Indian society and politics that is showing with impunity against the Indian nation and the its malignancy in acute forms after the partition nationalist Hindu minorities of the state. and independence of the Indian nation. But mere constitutional change won't turn British sowed the seeds of balkanisation the tide for upholding the territorial integrity with their exit but at the same time left the and sovereignty of the state as the subversion of Uprooted Kashmiri Hindus Muslim communalists well equipped with the wrecking the nation from within by using the th tools of balkanisation to blackmail the future instruments of the Indian state has penetrated Indian state. Creation of Pakistan gave the into the DNA of the society entrenched deeply in the 30 Year of Exile Indian Muslims an ample lever to seek parity by the jihadis, who hold sway over the which was not actually existing and governance, jobs, polity, business, academia in strengthened the jihadi infrastructure. To ensure the universities. t was 1989-90, three decades ago, when that Pakistani state exists as a theocratic state T h e j i h a d i i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d the single largest religious minority of made India weak by allowing appreciable superstructure is intact and acts as the launching IKashmir valley, the Hindu Community of secessionist tendencies to exist within the so pad for these subversives. To bring the state into Kashmir was forced out of the place of their called free but truncated and partitioned India. the national mainstream, it needs the origin. This annihilation of a civilizational The Muslim politics was consolidated on comprehensive reorganisation of the state that continuity was organised under the watchful the basis of balkanising India with a hope of empowers the nationalist people of the state and eyes of all those who spent their lives pursuing creation of future Pakistan's if India accepted the hence the nation. The newly enacted J&K minority politics and making political fortune civilizational reality of Hindu India-the only Reorganisation Act of 2019 empowers the long out of the same. People, who claim to be the home and homeland of the Hindus world over. neglected West Pakistani Hindu and Sikh protectors of the Constitution of India, were its Thus, accommodating Muslim secession as Refugees and marginalised classes like worst abusers particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. secularism and de-Hinduising the Hindu land scheduled tribes and scheduled castes of the Clearly their love and concern for minorities became the definition of secularism. And the state. But the empowerment will not be same project was consolidated in Jammu and complete and decisive and can lead to further was because of two reasons; a) restrictive not Kashmir where a Pakistan was created that didn't disaffection among the neglected nationalist universal and b) matter of convenience not not exist outside the body politic of India but was population that includes the religiously cleansed conviction. well governed by the Indian laws and Kashmiri Pandit community of 1990,POJK constitution. Paradoxically, defending Muslim Hindu and Sikh refugees of 1947 and above all Brief Background communalism and jihad which otherwise it had the Dogras of Jammu who have been in the fore Kashmir was not only the land of origin of these to fight if seen in terms of the secular democracy front of Kashmiri Muslim jihadi onslaught in exiled Hindus but also place of their forefathers. that Indian state claims. Indian state over the terms of their share in the polity and business if Ancestors, who endeavoured really hard over years defended and has been defending even their human rights are not taken into account. millennia of years to turn the place into a valued, now a Pakistan within the constitutional domain Time has come to empower every segment illustrious and coveted global BRAND (Brand of India giving an impression that it is an of the nationalist population of the state by beyond economic terms). Kashmir, we know, is Experience in Exile unfinished agenda of governance. Which it is reversing the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits by identified with Knowledge/scholarship. This Today when we look back at these three decades not. empowering them with their own homeland identity of Kashmir as Sharda Peeth or the spent away from Kashmir, we have a mixed bag Recently, a new development has taken which the community has adopted unanimously Centre for Learning was not acquired overnight. of experiences. With a lot of pain, shock and place that signals a policy departure from the in the Margdarshan Resolution-1991, Jammu It took centuries of hard labour and carefully anguish we note that so-called Secular-Liberal existing norms that defined the governance in state for the Dogras, liberation of the POJK areas cultivated culture of identifying, grooming and humanist combinations along with their political th the state. On 5 August 2019,Jammu and from Pakistan to empower the refugees of 1947. training inquisitive minds. The displacement of masters remained indifferent to our forced 1989-90 was not mere extirpation of few million Displacement. This was true with almost every individuals, but banishing of the Soul of organ and institution of modern governance Excerpts from the recently published book titled Jammu and Kashmir Breaking the Subversive Web & A Way Forward (2020) by Kashmir, which was carrier of its civilizational model that prides itself in democratic values. Dr. Mahesh Kaul; published by Shubhi Publications Gurugram,Price:Rs.795. Author is a Post - Doctoral Fellow with Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR), Ministry of Human Resource endurance. Within a short span of time Gun Self-proclaimed main stream media also Development(HRD),New Delhi. replaced Pen as identity of Kashmir. How sad! remained a distant speculator. In short while

30 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 31 Jihadi terrorists forced us out of our homes and engaged in baseless denigration of the Way Forward hearths, callousness of the biased opinion Displaced community, we fought back and 30-year period in exile is not a inconsequential makers and policy planners along with decision made our case stronger and made every attempt time span. We may feel satisfied that in last leg makers further intensified our pain, to correct the perception of countrymen of these three decades, in particular after 2014, People, who claim to be the embarrassment and vulnerability. regarding situation in Kashmir. The community when a new dispensation under Narendra Modi During all these years we witnessed a used its meagre resources to challenge the fake ji took office in New Delhi several positive protectors of the Constitution of strong anti-India, Hindu-phobic and Islamo- narrative of perpetrators of the worst crime changes have taken place. Most important and India, were its worst abusers Leftist lobby with its tentacles spread through against Humanity in Kashmir valley. It was a historic being revocation of Article 370 and length and breadth of India which made every fight against all odds. It was like: complete annulment of discriminating Article particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. attempt to deny our victimisation. These Ravanu rathi birath raghubeera 35 A from the constitution of India besides regressive groups actually pushed a narrative Dekhi bibheeshana bhayau adhira reorganising the erstwhile state into two Union that made the community a villain. But, we also But the community fought it well. It was Territories. witnessed there was this Indian Nation-the because of us that a false shroud of But let us be very clear. All these changes people of Bharat who may not have been in respectability covering the armed insurgency/ which are historic in nature and are done in right 3. Retrieving Territory control of the institutions but are the real power terrorism and communal Jihadi movement was spirit of strengthening Indian nation are just the Reclaiming territory is the most important behind Governments which stood with the taken away and true nature of so-called struggle beginning of our struggle. These important aspect of our struggle. I realise that primary hapless Kashmiri Hindus. It was this section of in Kashmir exposed. It was and continues to be changes have created some semblance of level reasons for our displacement have not been Indian Nation which shared our agony, the knockout punch on the adversary. playing field after putting an end to totally one- addressed as yet. Also these issues are mostly to identified with us and wherever possible came Continuous violation of Human Rights in sided mechanism in Kashmir where we were at be addressed by the government only. Yet I will forward to help. Common Man in street of every the name of Jihad, killing of innocents, the receiving end. Now we can claim to have say that we cannot sit away from the land and nook and corner of India, led by nationalist outraging modesty of women, wanton equality of rights and opportunities. We are in hope to deliver on issues that are essentially organisation were in the forefront to ensure destruction of civilizational past of Kashmir, the fight now. Hence we have huge connected with the ground. We will have to find ways and means to make sure that our stay away instant relief and also to pressurise governments systemic distortion of History of Kashmir, responsibility. We cannot afford to be from Kashmir does not become a handicap. Our to take steps to mitigate problems faced by the vandalism of places of worship and internal complacent. Remember our struggle is to community. achieve what we are fighting for dignified, coming generations will have to interact sabotage by section of administration has also physically with the land to have that emotional Community Struggle been highlighted by the community in many s e c u r e a n d i r r e v e r s i b l e R e t u r n a n d Rehabilitation in the land of our origin. attachment and also to understand the nature of Kashmiri Hindu Community as a whole did not different ways. issues confronting us during & after return back. Community on the other hand also did I believe that we need to focus on surrender meekly to the Islamo-Leftists following core areas in coming days. Community leadership also needs to play more onslaught either in Kashmir or in displacement. attempt to preserve its rich traditions and proud active role in tracking cases of encroachments. Even after having lost everything governments civilizational past and was simultaneously 1. Cultural/civilizational ethos Repair, reconstruction and bringing back to life of the day were in complete denial about very working hard to transfer the same to the Our efforts to preserve protect and propagate our collective institutions socio-cultural existence of the community. Section of generation next. Though, it continues to be a rich cultural traditions and civilisational ethos symbols which are left back in Kashmir and are influential pseudo secular lobby actively serious challenge. needs to be refurbished. Reach and intensity has our link to valley. Immediate attention is required to be widened vertically as well as horizontally. for preserving temples and shrines which are in Effective viable and technologically updated dilapidated conditions so that they are protected institutions will have to be created. Care will be and preserved from any vandalism. In present needed in building consortiums to ensure condition's the community assets can be used for efficient use of resources avoiding overlapping generating employment opportunities as we of effort and making sure that all priority areas cannot make them a profit earning institutions. are covered. I understand in a small write up it is neither 2. Political empowerment possible nor desirable to elaborate on these Last 5-6 years have made us understand issues. It is what I feel must be direction of our the importance of political power. We collective responsibility for immediate future. have somehow ignored political aspect Joining hands in an environment of cooperation including the electoral politics for too long. We and collectiveness we can and will find the will have to stress political empowerment of the WAY. community at all levels. How we manage that asi aasy tu aasi asu, asav needs to be sorted out by sitting together and asi dor kar patuvath pooling ideas. But it needs to be done with a shivas sori nu zyon tu marun sense of duty. ravas sori nu atugath

32 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 33 Jihadi terrorists forced us out of our homes and engaged in baseless denigration of the Way Forward hearths, callousness of the biased opinion Displaced community, we fought back and 30-year period in exile is not a inconsequential makers and policy planners along with decision made our case stronger and made every attempt time span. We may feel satisfied that in last leg makers further intensified our pain, to correct the perception of countrymen of these three decades, in particular after 2014, People, who claim to be the embarrassment and vulnerability. regarding situation in Kashmir. The community when a new dispensation under Narendra Modi During all these years we witnessed a used its meagre resources to challenge the fake ji took office in New Delhi several positive protectors of the Constitution of strong anti-India, Hindu-phobic and Islamo- narrative of perpetrators of the worst crime changes have taken place. Most important and India, were its worst abusers Leftist lobby with its tentacles spread through against Humanity in Kashmir valley. It was a historic being revocation of Article 370 and length and breadth of India which made every fight against all odds. It was like: complete annulment of discriminating Article particularly in Jammu & Kashmir. attempt to deny our victimisation. These Ravanu rathi birath raghubeera 35 A from the constitution of India besides regressive groups actually pushed a narrative Dekhi bibheeshana bhayau adhira reorganising the erstwhile state into two Union that made the community a villain. But, we also But the community fought it well. It was Territories. witnessed there was this Indian Nation-the because of us that a false shroud of But let us be very clear. All these changes people of Bharat who may not have been in respectability covering the armed insurgency/ which are historic in nature and are done in right 3. Retrieving Territory control of the institutions but are the real power terrorism and communal Jihadi movement was spirit of strengthening Indian nation are just the Reclaiming territory is the most important behind Governments which stood with the taken away and true nature of so-called struggle beginning of our struggle. These important aspect of our struggle. I realise that primary hapless Kashmiri Hindus. It was this section of in Kashmir exposed. It was and continues to be changes have created some semblance of level reasons for our displacement have not been Indian Nation which shared our agony, the knockout punch on the adversary. playing field after putting an end to totally one- addressed as yet. Also these issues are mostly to identified with us and wherever possible came Continuous violation of Human Rights in sided mechanism in Kashmir where we were at be addressed by the government only. Yet I will forward to help. Common Man in street of every the name of Jihad, killing of innocents, the receiving end. Now we can claim to have say that we cannot sit away from the land and nook and corner of India, led by nationalist outraging modesty of women, wanton equality of rights and opportunities. We are in hope to deliver on issues that are essentially organisation were in the forefront to ensure destruction of civilizational past of Kashmir, the fight now. Hence we have huge connected with the ground. We will have to find ways and means to make sure that our stay away instant relief and also to pressurise governments systemic distortion of History of Kashmir, responsibility. We cannot afford to be from Kashmir does not become a handicap. Our to take steps to mitigate problems faced by the vandalism of places of worship and internal complacent. Remember our struggle is to community. achieve what we are fighting for dignified, coming generations will have to interact sabotage by section of administration has also physically with the land to have that emotional Community Struggle been highlighted by the community in many s e c u r e a n d i r r e v e r s i b l e R e t u r n a n d Rehabilitation in the land of our origin. attachment and also to understand the nature of Kashmiri Hindu Community as a whole did not different ways. issues confronting us during & after return back. Community on the other hand also did I believe that we need to focus on surrender meekly to the Islamo-Leftists following core areas in coming days. Community leadership also needs to play more onslaught either in Kashmir or in displacement. attempt to preserve its rich traditions and proud active role in tracking cases of encroachments. Even after having lost everything governments civilizational past and was simultaneously 1. Cultural/civilizational ethos Repair, reconstruction and bringing back to life of the day were in complete denial about very working hard to transfer the same to the Our efforts to preserve protect and propagate our collective institutions socio-cultural existence of the community. Section of generation next. Though, it continues to be a rich cultural traditions and civilisational ethos symbols which are left back in Kashmir and are influential pseudo secular lobby actively serious challenge. needs to be refurbished. Reach and intensity has our link to valley. Immediate attention is required to be widened vertically as well as horizontally. for preserving temples and shrines which are in Effective viable and technologically updated dilapidated conditions so that they are protected institutions will have to be created. Care will be and preserved from any vandalism. In present needed in building consortiums to ensure condition's the community assets can be used for efficient use of resources avoiding overlapping generating employment opportunities as we of effort and making sure that all priority areas cannot make them a profit earning institutions. are covered. I understand in a small write up it is neither 2. Political empowerment possible nor desirable to elaborate on these Last 5-6 years have made us understand issues. It is what I feel must be direction of our the importance of political power. We collective responsibility for immediate future. have somehow ignored political aspect Joining hands in an environment of cooperation including the electoral politics for too long. We and collectiveness we can and will find the will have to stress political empowerment of the WAY. community at all levels. How we manage that asi aasy tu aasi asu, asav needs to be sorted out by sitting together and asi dor kar patuvath pooling ideas. But it needs to be done with a shivas sori nu zyon tu marun sense of duty. ravas sori nu atugath

32 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 33 - Dr Sushma Shalla Kaul - Upender Ambardar

When Kashmir Smoldered Kashmiri Pandits – Unabated Exoduses

th Painful Recollections and Reflections he night of 19 January 1990 was the Suddenly, he seemed to have aged a lot & lines coldest, longest, & darkest night in the of worry & fear were clearly visible on his face. history of Kashmir. That was the night He told my mom, me & my kid brother to have T h e n i g h t o f actualized the idea of when the social fabric of Kashmir got totally early dinner & sleep in a room (a room for J a n u a r y 1 9 9 0 Indianness by their shattered & that night forced the aboriginals of storage of firewood for winters) which was in sends a shiver p r e s e n c e f o r t h e y Kashmir to leave their land of dreams for the basement. My father, uncle & his friend T down the spine of every r e p r e s e n t e d a unknown destinations. locked the main entrance of the house from th Kashmiri pandit as he microcosm of India in 19 January, 1990, the sky was gloomy& inside & dragged every piece of heavy furniture was subjected to the t h e o n l y M u s l i m there was an uneasy chill in the air, the Chinars & & put it against the closed door & while seeing most soul shattering majority state of the willows stood silently watching Kashmiryat all this brought about shivers in my spine. a n d f r i g h t e n i n g c o u n t r y. A l l t h e s e dying that night. The soil of Kashmir was cold in We went down into the basement & as we experience never seen streaks made us suspect anticipation of the bloodbath it was about to were preparing for sleep (which seemed elusive before In the recent in the eyes of those, who witness. as the loudspeakers were deafening our ears & times. It was the day subscribed to separatist when the Frankenstein and anti-national views. He handed me two kitchen knives & told me that in case there is a mob coming monster of hate, death , T h e y a c c o r d i n g l y our way, before the mob gets you, you kill yourself. plunder & destruction labelled him a Muskhbir was let loose on a minuscule, peace loving and or an Indian informer. The hateful label, defenceless people. The resulting exodus was no regretfully enough even found a reference in the We lived in Dist. Baramulla in a Sikh numbing our senses), my dad came & called me less than a deluge or a Pralaya as the entire autobiographical book titled "Aatish-a-Chinar", dominated locality. My dad (who eventually fell aside, as I followed him I saw his shoulders had community was forced to leave their native land authored by no other than Late Mr Sheikh to the bullets of Jihadi Terrorists) was posted in dropped down & his walk was that of a defeated and ancestor homes rendering them homeless Abdullah, supposed to be the tallest secular the border district of Kupwara, but for some man. He said “you are a brave girl & I know you and penniless overnight. It was more traumatic leader of Kashmir. The deportability of the then reasons he was in Baramulla that day. In the can do it”, saying so he handed me two kitchen as the indigenous inhabitants were forced to ruling dispensation can be calibrated by the fact afternoon, the loudspeakers in the mosques knives & told me that in case there is a mob abandon the land, which the legendary Rishi that it was given the highest literary Sahitya started blaring strange slogans that were not coming our way, before the mob gets you, you Kashyapa had made it fit for the habitation of Academy award, not withstanding the spiteful previously heard upon. Apart from churning out kill yourself. I could see tears in my father's eyes our ancestors, historically called the Swaraswat reference in it. The KP community is the most highly religious slogans like” Pakistan se kya & he seemed so helpless that time. Imagine what Bhrahmins and geographically knows as unfortunate religious minority not only in India rishta la illa iilailla”, direct threats were issued to could have been his thoughts & emotions telling Kashmiri Pandits, after the Satisar lake had but also globally as it has suffered repeated and Hindus of Kashmi, “Raliev, Galiev Chaliev” that his teenage daughter to embrace death to been drained by him. non-stop forced displacements and whole sum is either convert or die or leave. Highly shameful dishonor. How much courage he must had The present exodus is more dreadful and ethnic cleansings many times. The recorded slogans also came out”Ase gase Pakistan, batto mustered to tell me to kill myself. This must had gruesome as it happened in free India, where the history mentions seven forced expulsions and varei te bateno saan” which was a clear threat to happened in many pandits households rhetoric of secularism and co-existence is banishments. It is contrary to the oral history that the honour of pandit womenfolk & with every throughout the valley that night. drummed out day and night. The microscopic be-speaks of dozens of massive forced passing hour these voices became more louder & We survived that night only to lose our community was hounded out because they displacements and hundreds of smaller ones clearer. identity, houses, hearths & Kashmir forever & professed a faith contrary to the majoritarians during the medieval times. The spot of Batta My dad went to the local police station to became refugees in our own country, refugees living there. One more discomfort was the fact Mazzar, the graveyard of Kashmiri Pandits enquire what the matter is & when he returned from 30 years waiting for justice for our ethnic that they were fearlessly patriots. They existing in the near vicinity of Abhi-Nawpora, half an hour later he seemed to be a worried man. cleansing.

34 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 35 - Dr Sushma Shalla Kaul - Upender Ambardar

When Kashmir Smoldered Kashmiri Pandits – Unabated Exoduses

th Painful Recollections and Reflections he night of 19 January 1990 was the Suddenly, he seemed to have aged a lot & lines coldest, longest, & darkest night in the of worry & fear were clearly visible on his face. history of Kashmir. That was the night He told my mom, me & my kid brother to have T h e n i g h t o f actualized the idea of when the social fabric of Kashmir got totally early dinner & sleep in a room (a room for J a n u a r y 1 9 9 0 Indianness by their shattered & that night forced the aboriginals of storage of firewood for winters) which was in sends a shiver p r e s e n c e f o r t h e y Kashmir to leave their land of dreams for the basement. My father, uncle & his friend T down the spine of every r e p r e s e n t e d a unknown destinations. locked the main entrance of the house from th Kashmiri pandit as he microcosm of India in 19 January, 1990, the sky was gloomy& inside & dragged every piece of heavy furniture was subjected to the t h e o n l y M u s l i m there was an uneasy chill in the air, the Chinars & & put it against the closed door & while seeing most soul shattering majority state of the willows stood silently watching Kashmiryat all this brought about shivers in my spine. a n d f r i g h t e n i n g c o u n t r y. A l l t h e s e dying that night. The soil of Kashmir was cold in We went down into the basement & as we experience never seen streaks made us suspect anticipation of the bloodbath it was about to were preparing for sleep (which seemed elusive before In the recent in the eyes of those, who witness. as the loudspeakers were deafening our ears & times. It was the day subscribed to separatist when the Frankenstein and anti-national views. He handed me two kitchen knives & told me that in case there is a mob coming monster of hate, death , T h e y a c c o r d i n g l y our way, before the mob gets you, you kill yourself. plunder & destruction labelled him a Muskhbir was let loose on a minuscule, peace loving and or an Indian informer. The hateful label, defenceless people. The resulting exodus was no regretfully enough even found a reference in the We lived in Dist. Baramulla in a Sikh numbing our senses), my dad came & called me less than a deluge or a Pralaya as the entire autobiographical book titled "Aatish-a-Chinar", dominated locality. My dad (who eventually fell aside, as I followed him I saw his shoulders had community was forced to leave their native land authored by no other than Late Mr Sheikh to the bullets of Jihadi Terrorists) was posted in dropped down & his walk was that of a defeated and ancestor homes rendering them homeless Abdullah, supposed to be the tallest secular the border district of Kupwara, but for some man. He said “you are a brave girl & I know you and penniless overnight. It was more traumatic leader of Kashmir. The deportability of the then reasons he was in Baramulla that day. In the can do it”, saying so he handed me two kitchen as the indigenous inhabitants were forced to ruling dispensation can be calibrated by the fact afternoon, the loudspeakers in the mosques knives & told me that in case there is a mob abandon the land, which the legendary Rishi that it was given the highest literary Sahitya started blaring strange slogans that were not coming our way, before the mob gets you, you Kashyapa had made it fit for the habitation of Academy award, not withstanding the spiteful previously heard upon. Apart from churning out kill yourself. I could see tears in my father's eyes our ancestors, historically called the Swaraswat reference in it. The KP community is the most highly religious slogans like” Pakistan se kya & he seemed so helpless that time. Imagine what Bhrahmins and geographically knows as unfortunate religious minority not only in India rishta la illa iilailla”, direct threats were issued to could have been his thoughts & emotions telling Kashmiri Pandits, after the Satisar lake had but also globally as it has suffered repeated and Hindus of Kashmi, “Raliev, Galiev Chaliev” that his teenage daughter to embrace death to been drained by him. non-stop forced displacements and whole sum is either convert or die or leave. Highly shameful dishonor. How much courage he must had The present exodus is more dreadful and ethnic cleansings many times. The recorded slogans also came out”Ase gase Pakistan, batto mustered to tell me to kill myself. This must had gruesome as it happened in free India, where the history mentions seven forced expulsions and varei te bateno saan” which was a clear threat to happened in many pandits households rhetoric of secularism and co-existence is banishments. It is contrary to the oral history that the honour of pandit womenfolk & with every throughout the valley that night. drummed out day and night. The microscopic be-speaks of dozens of massive forced passing hour these voices became more louder & We survived that night only to lose our community was hounded out because they displacements and hundreds of smaller ones clearer. identity, houses, hearths & Kashmir forever & professed a faith contrary to the majoritarians during the medieval times. The spot of Batta My dad went to the local police station to became refugees in our own country, refugees living there. One more discomfort was the fact Mazzar, the graveyard of Kashmiri Pandits enquire what the matter is & when he returned from 30 years waiting for justice for our ethnic that they were fearlessly patriots. They existing in the near vicinity of Abhi-Nawpora, half an hour later he seemed to be a worried man. cleansing.

34 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 35 area of Lokkut Dal lake is evocative of Habba Kadal. The killers celebrated his death neighbour. His close door neighbour Shri S.N. ruthlessness suffered by our forefathers like us. by clapping and cheeringly dancing upon his Pandit later shared that all the KP families But the year 1990 exodus was horrific in body. Another KP boy of Sayed Ali Akbar area of subsequently moved out next day bare handed comparison to the medieval brutality as the Srinagar after having been killed had his body after letting free their livestock comprising cows present one was enacted in the civilized era of dumped in a downslide drain of a KP house in and horses. A reputed journalist Shri S.N Gorkha 21st century. The agonizing aspect assumes Purshiyar, Srinagar. A horror infusing case is of Rainawari , Srinagar got saved due to timely enormous intent as the free India, country men, that of a KP who reportedly was carried by his alertness by his grandson Lokesh after the civil society, human rights activists and the killers holding him by his arms and legs. He was terrorists had barged in his house with the media remained mute spectators and indifferent repeatedly thrashed on the stone steps of intention to kill him. Lokesh was later on to our plight and sufferings. It finds no parallel in Puorshiyar Yarbal Ghat till blood started oozing rewarded for this brave act by Govt of India with the documented history in the country and the from his eyes, ears and the nose. Not satisfied Baal Puruskar. One more painful incident world, wherein a single religious minority has with this Nazi style brutality he was shot at point revealed by one Mr Gulam Mohammad, relates suffered persecution umpteen times. The present blank range. One Shri Raj Nath Dhar, a resident to a KP family which was persuaded to stay back exodus is more ghastly than the proverbial of Rahbab Sahib, Ali Kadal Srinagar was at Rainawari. This house was often forcibly eleven KP households surviving in the medieval persuaded by his neighbours to stay back. He used by terrorists as a night shelter and one of times as they at least functioned as familial was latter killed at his home & bullets were them, a vegetable seller turned terrorist of houses. It is opposite the present mayhem, pumped into him by his killers. His immediate Jogilankar, forced one of the female members of wherein the tiny community has got dispersed neighbours remained indifferent and silent to house to marry him. The torturous and barbaric and scattered to unknown places everywhere mode employed in the killing of the reputed within the country and outside. It has also writer-poet Shri Sarvanand Premi and his young debased the family structure from the earlier son Virender is too painful to be described. His held joint family and extended family system to killing happened, in spite of his massive the nuclear ones. Agonizingly enough, the contribution as a teacher. A soul stirring incident nuclear families have further split with parents is that of Kanya Kadal locality Srinagar, where a staying out. The present exodus was not abrupt half burned body of a lady was recovered from but on the contrary, outcome of a deep rooted and the abandoned torched house. She is said to have calculated conspiracy hatched by the religious been kidnapped while on her way to see her residential houses having come up there. It is fanatics in close collaboration with the anti- parents. agonising to see that the revered spot of Sapth national masters across the border, devised She was taken to the said house, obviously Rishi has a private house constructed there. The under the notorious operation Topaz by physically abused, before being killed and the Kali Temple in Devi Aangan does not exist now Pakistani military dictator Gen. Zia-ul-Haq. The house set on fire to remove the traces of as it is said to have been destroyed after the gun communal onslaught on the community in the evidence. powder put in it was ignited. The hallowed villages of south Kashmir especially that of One more inhuman case relates to then Hanuman Temple near Pokharibal shrine no district Anantnag in 1986 was a part of the same casual artist of AIR Srinagar, Shri Ramesh more stands after it was burnt and dismantled. Its sinister plan and a prelude to the subsequent the wailing and cries. His son Shri Ramesh Dhar Marhatta, who was kidnapped from Sonwar and land measuring about 65 canals has a residential 1990 holocaust. Shockingly enough, the was forced to carry his bleeding father on his subjected to savage torture and barrage of colony having come up there. The holy spot of publication of warning messages to the back to the Maharaj Gunj police station where bullets which he fortunately survived. The Kurukshetra near Pampore having about 60 community in Kashmiri newspapers like Daily the SHO on duty was kind enough to provide beastly case of Nai Sadak, Srinagar also needs a canals can't be seen now as its sacred ponds were Aftab on 4/1/1990 and later in the Alsafa on him a police jeep for carriage to the hospital. mention wherein a KP, a driver by profession, filled up, paving way for a residential colony to 14/4/1990 where neither condemned by the Shri Bal ji Tutu , an agriculture officer and was made to see physical abuse of his spouse come up. The most depressing sight is the way majority community of Kashmir nor seriously resident of Sheshiyar , Srinagar, was like wise and his young daughter, before all three where the Raghunath Temple at Syed Ali Akbar area, taken note of by the state, central government killed in his home. Shri Dwarka Nath Bhat , a killed by terrorists. There are hundreds of Srinagar has been plundered and burnt down. and civil society of India. The indoctrination of chemist of the village was abducted , holocaust stories like this which are yet to be Likewise the temples of Drabiyar , Karfalli religious extremism and jihadi ideology pre killed and body was dumped at an undisclosed documented. Mohalla, Rainawari Srinagar and Kali temple, exodus was so alarming that apart from targeted site. His family failed to find his body and Desecration and encroachment of KP Tral etc stand either burnt or demolished .The killings, there were planned mass slaughter at cremate him. In the village Mahind, Anantnag , shrines and temples is another example of prime land of the famous Ramji's temple at Nadimargh, Wandhama and Sangrampora Shri Naerkak, a constable by profession was systematic campaign to erase the symbols of our Sathu Burbarshah has been sold off .The huge villages, where even the toddlers in the lap of the shot dead by masked men in his room in centuries old existence in Kashmir. The most courtyard land of Baab Dharamdasun temple at women folk were massacred. A specific brutal presence of his family after they had sneaked by depressing example is the holiest of the holiest Sathu has also met the same fate as most of its instance is that of young Naveen Saproo, who scaling the courtyard wall. He is said to have shrine of Hari Parbat. The entire traditional prime land stands disposed off. I am reminded of was inhumanly killed in broad day light at recognized one of the terrorists as his immediate Parikrama route is totally encroached upon with the painful sight of the Vitaal Bhairav, where

36 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 37 area of Lokkut Dal lake is evocative of Habba Kadal. The killers celebrated his death neighbour. His close door neighbour Shri S.N. ruthlessness suffered by our forefathers like us. by clapping and cheeringly dancing upon his Pandit later shared that all the KP families But the year 1990 exodus was horrific in body. Another KP boy of Sayed Ali Akbar area of subsequently moved out next day bare handed comparison to the medieval brutality as the Srinagar after having been killed had his body after letting free their livestock comprising cows present one was enacted in the civilized era of dumped in a downslide drain of a KP house in and horses. A reputed journalist Shri S.N Gorkha 21st century. The agonizing aspect assumes Purshiyar, Srinagar. A horror infusing case is of Rainawari , Srinagar got saved due to timely enormous intent as the free India, country men, that of a KP who reportedly was carried by his alertness by his grandson Lokesh after the civil society, human rights activists and the killers holding him by his arms and legs. He was terrorists had barged in his house with the media remained mute spectators and indifferent repeatedly thrashed on the stone steps of intention to kill him. Lokesh was later on to our plight and sufferings. It finds no parallel in Puorshiyar Yarbal Ghat till blood started oozing rewarded for this brave act by Govt of India with the documented history in the country and the from his eyes, ears and the nose. Not satisfied Baal Puruskar. One more painful incident world, wherein a single religious minority has with this Nazi style brutality he was shot at point revealed by one Mr Gulam Mohammad, relates suffered persecution umpteen times. The present blank range. One Shri Raj Nath Dhar, a resident to a KP family which was persuaded to stay back exodus is more ghastly than the proverbial of Rahbab Sahib, Ali Kadal Srinagar was at Rainawari. This house was often forcibly eleven KP households surviving in the medieval persuaded by his neighbours to stay back. He used by terrorists as a night shelter and one of times as they at least functioned as familial was latter killed at his home & bullets were them, a vegetable seller turned terrorist of houses. It is opposite the present mayhem, pumped into him by his killers. His immediate Jogilankar, forced one of the female members of wherein the tiny community has got dispersed neighbours remained indifferent and silent to house to marry him. The torturous and barbaric and scattered to unknown places everywhere mode employed in the killing of the reputed within the country and outside. It has also writer-poet Shri Sarvanand Premi and his young debased the family structure from the earlier son Virender is too painful to be described. His held joint family and extended family system to killing happened, in spite of his massive the nuclear ones. Agonizingly enough, the contribution as a teacher. A soul stirring incident nuclear families have further split with parents is that of Kanya Kadal locality Srinagar, where a staying out. The present exodus was not abrupt half burned body of a lady was recovered from but on the contrary, outcome of a deep rooted and the abandoned torched house. She is said to have calculated conspiracy hatched by the religious been kidnapped while on her way to see her residential houses having come up there. It is fanatics in close collaboration with the anti- parents. agonising to see that the revered spot of Sapth national masters across the border, devised She was taken to the said house, obviously Rishi has a private house constructed there. The under the notorious operation Topaz by physically abused, before being killed and the Kali Temple in Devi Aangan does not exist now Pakistani military dictator Gen. Zia-ul-Haq. The house set on fire to remove the traces of as it is said to have been destroyed after the gun communal onslaught on the community in the evidence. powder put in it was ignited. The hallowed villages of south Kashmir especially that of One more inhuman case relates to then Hanuman Temple near Pokharibal shrine no district Anantnag in 1986 was a part of the same casual artist of AIR Srinagar, Shri Ramesh more stands after it was burnt and dismantled. Its sinister plan and a prelude to the subsequent the wailing and cries. His son Shri Ramesh Dhar Marhatta, who was kidnapped from Sonwar and land measuring about 65 canals has a residential 1990 holocaust. Shockingly enough, the was forced to carry his bleeding father on his subjected to savage torture and barrage of colony having come up there. The holy spot of publication of warning messages to the back to the Maharaj Gunj police station where bullets which he fortunately survived. The Kurukshetra near Pampore having about 60 community in Kashmiri newspapers like Daily the SHO on duty was kind enough to provide beastly case of Nai Sadak, Srinagar also needs a canals can't be seen now as its sacred ponds were Aftab on 4/1/1990 and later in the Alsafa on him a police jeep for carriage to the hospital. mention wherein a KP, a driver by profession, filled up, paving way for a residential colony to 14/4/1990 where neither condemned by the Shri Bal ji Tutu , an agriculture officer and was made to see physical abuse of his spouse come up. The most depressing sight is the way majority community of Kashmir nor seriously resident of Sheshiyar , Srinagar, was like wise and his young daughter, before all three where the Raghunath Temple at Syed Ali Akbar area, taken note of by the state, central government killed in his home. Shri Dwarka Nath Bhat , a killed by terrorists. There are hundreds of Srinagar has been plundered and burnt down. and civil society of India. The indoctrination of chemist of the village Khrew was abducted , holocaust stories like this which are yet to be Likewise the temples of Drabiyar , Karfalli religious extremism and jihadi ideology pre killed and body was dumped at an undisclosed documented. Mohalla, Rainawari Srinagar and Kali temple, exodus was so alarming that apart from targeted site. His family failed to find his body and Desecration and encroachment of KP Tral etc stand either burnt or demolished .The killings, there were planned mass slaughter at cremate him. In the village Mahind, Anantnag , shrines and temples is another example of prime land of the famous Ramji's temple at Nadimargh, Wandhama and Sangrampora Shri Naerkak, a constable by profession was systematic campaign to erase the symbols of our Sathu Burbarshah has been sold off .The huge villages, where even the toddlers in the lap of the shot dead by masked men in his room in centuries old existence in Kashmir. The most courtyard land of Baab Dharamdasun temple at women folk were massacred. A specific brutal presence of his family after they had sneaked by depressing example is the holiest of the holiest Sathu has also met the same fate as most of its instance is that of young Naveen Saproo, who scaling the courtyard wall. He is said to have shrine of Hari Parbat. The entire traditional prime land stands disposed off. I am reminded of was inhumanly killed in broad day light at recognized one of the terrorists as his immediate Parikrama route is totally encroached upon with the painful sight of the Vitaal Bhairav, where

36 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 37 every idol has been vandalised and even the haath tae battae hai, akh akis paet hai…..". mulberry tree, the abode of the Bhairav Sahab Likewise, a painful recollect about the absence has been burnt down. Likewise, the sacred of feelingless can be gauged from the fact that Bahukhetrashor Bhairav shrine, Chattabal the looted household goods of KP'S were - Rajendra Razdan Srinagar stands gutted and destroyed. I am openly sold at Nowhatta, Babademb and Iqbal reminded of the agonising moment while at park areas without any trace of guilt or Srinagar, when I had to make calls to inform the condemnation. organisations and the individuals about the sell- Lastly, in the context of the prevailing out move of the Vitaal Bhairav shrine, when the conditions, it seems un-bearing that a fistful said information was received by me . I also persons are marketing the narrative of recall my conversation with the Rainawari reconcilement and rehab in the unchanged Struggle of Employees After Exodus butcher, who spoke about the intensity of the radicalized set up, which does not have an iota of poisonous feelings generated against the regret or remorse for our exodus and horrific ear 1990 would be treated as a big blot in in Kashmir. Besides more than 5000 Kashmiri the contemporary History of Kashmir, Hindus were also working in Central Govt Ywhen almost the entire Kashmiri Pandit depts/Banks and nearly 3 to 4 thousand were community, the original inhabitants of Kashmir working in private sector.Due to the were hounded out from their homes and hearths unprecedented situation in Kashmir in 1990 lock, stock and barrel by Islamic fundamentalist itself these employees too had to flee with their forces inimical to their very existencein families leaving everything behind. Kashmir. The whole exercise of extermination On arrival in Jammu these hapless Hindu of Hindus was fully aided and abetted by families had to face the pathetic conditions. We Pakistan, to further their nefarious designs of could see despair and despondency were Islamic expansionism of Ghazwa-e- visible all over these refugees. Many Hind. were seen weeping and wailing, On 19th January the which reminded some of those

clarion call was announced horrific days of Partition across all mosques in when millions had to flee community, which had resulted in his social killings. Furthermore, there is an element of valley which resulted in from their homes for the

ostracization on the plea that his buyers were silence by them on the question as to whether the leaving of Kashmir by safety of their lives. returning one's can celebrate the national There was open hostility Kashmiri Pandits. He also informed me that he Kashmiri Hindus. This Similar, situation was in was forced to flee to Jammu temporarily to beat festivals of Republic and Independence days ،towards displaced Hindus trickle finally resulted ، 1 9 9 0 w h e n H i n d u ، and unfurl the national flag without inviting the and all means were used the motivated accusation .The dreadful recall in a full scale genocide ، refugees spread all over makes me to remember the manufactured retaliatory endangerment. Moreover, it is also by Muslim bureaucrats to painful to expect the relatives of the community and forced exodus J a m m u a n d w e r e narrative ,with branded every KP as a Shiv Sanik when nearlyhalf a deprive, deny and struggling to find some and his house to be the storing place of the arms. martyrs to live and coexist with those, who are responsible for inhuman killings. The feel of the m i l l i o n K a s h m i r i discriminate s p a c e i n t e m p l e One more traumatic recall is about the pasting of Hindus comprising men, premises, Dharamshala’s, the hit list of the selected KP'S on the electric pain endured by them can be had, if the return proponents momentarily slip into the skin of women and children rented accommodations poles on the assumption that they are Mukhbirs. young andold were forced to and under construction The planned motivation was to kill one amongst those whose dear ones were killed in cold blood. Any talk of the return becomes meaningless flee for their lives from their governmentbuildings to save them and scare the rest to run away from their land of birth. These Hindus who themselves from extreme cold of homes. The act to randomly mark the outer doors without the recognition of the genocide, reversal of the genocide, steps to be initiated for the left valley finally took refuge in Jammu winter. of the KP houses during the night with the sign of and its adjoining areas. Meanwhile, those The immediate need at that time was to a cross was a part of the same design to install reversal, judicial trial and punishment to the culprits and restoration of all the holy shrines Hindus who were left behind were mercilessly provide basic food andtemporary shelter for fear amongst them. A recollection also comes to like Hari Prabhat etc to the pre exodus time. killed in the name of Jihad. The Hindus had to these refugees and it was Jammu’s valiantDogra me about a denigrating rhyme having a taunting The genocide is not yet over ,it continues as the eventually move out for safety from the valley, Community who tried their level best to intent articulated before the KP'S coming from community continues to live with unaddressed leaving behind all means of livelihood like jobs, accommodate and provide basic day to day Jammu to retrieve their belongings from their memories of the holocaust .I am reminded of a business,trade and Agriculture. needs to these refugees. Since it was herculean downtown homes. The selected spot was near Shakespearean quote "The fault ,dear Brutus ,is At the time of Exodus there were more than task it was immediately taken over by Barbar Shah bridge crossing and the rhyme not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are 15,000 Kashmiri Hindusworking in state theGovernor's administration, who took the would run as, "Ram Naam satya hai, paanch underlings" government and semi government departments charge to provide daily basic needs of food,

38 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 39 every idol has been vandalised and even the haath tae battae hai, akh akis paet hai…..". mulberry tree, the abode of the Bhairav Sahab Likewise, a painful recollect about the absence has been burnt down. Likewise, the sacred of feelingless can be gauged from the fact that Bahukhetrashor Bhairav shrine, Chattabal the looted household goods of KP'S were - Rajendra Razdan Srinagar stands gutted and destroyed. I am openly sold at Nowhatta, Babademb and Iqbal reminded of the agonising moment while at park areas without any trace of guilt or Srinagar, when I had to make calls to inform the condemnation. organisations and the individuals about the sell- Lastly, in the context of the prevailing out move of the Vitaal Bhairav shrine, when the conditions, it seems un-bearing that a fistful said information was received by me . I also persons are marketing the narrative of recall my conversation with the Rainawari reconcilement and rehab in the unchanged Struggle of Employees After Exodus butcher, who spoke about the intensity of the radicalized set up, which does not have an iota of poisonous feelings generated against the regret or remorse for our exodus and horrific ear 1990 would be treated as a big blot in in Kashmir. Besides more than 5000 Kashmiri the contemporary History of Kashmir, Hindus were also working in Central Govt Ywhen almost the entire Kashmiri Pandit depts/Banks and nearly 3 to 4 thousand were community, the original inhabitants of Kashmir working in private sector.Due to the were hounded out from their homes and hearths unprecedented situation in Kashmir in 1990 lock, stock and barrel by Islamic fundamentalist itself these employees too had to flee with their forces inimical to their very existencein families leaving everything behind. Kashmir. The whole exercise of extermination On arrival in Jammu these hapless Hindu of Hindus was fully aided and abetted by families had to face the pathetic conditions. We Pakistan, to further their nefarious designs of could see despair and despondency were Islamic expansionism of Ghazwa-e- visible all over these refugees. Many Hind. were seen weeping and wailing, On 19th January the which reminded some of those

clarion call was announced horrific days of Partition across all mosques in when millions had to flee community, which had resulted in his social killings. Furthermore, there is an element of valley which resulted in from their homes for the

ostracization on the plea that his buyers were silence by them on the question as to whether the leaving of Kashmir by safety of their lives. returning one's can celebrate the national There was open hostility Kashmiri Pandits. He also informed me that he Kashmiri Hindus. This Similar, situation was in was forced to flee to Jammu temporarily to beat festivals of Republic and Independence days ،towards displaced Hindus trickle finally resulted ، 1 9 9 0 w h e n H i n d u ، and unfurl the national flag without inviting the and all means were used the motivated accusation .The dreadful recall in a full scale genocide ، refugees spread all over makes me to remember the manufactured retaliatory endangerment. Moreover, it is also by Muslim bureaucrats to painful to expect the relatives of the community and forced exodus J a m m u a n d w e r e narrative ,with branded every KP as a Shiv Sanik when nearlyhalf a deprive, deny and struggling to find some and his house to be the storing place of the arms. martyrs to live and coexist with those, who are responsible for inhuman killings. The feel of the m i l l i o n K a s h m i r i discriminate s p a c e i n t e m p l e One more traumatic recall is about the pasting of Hindus comprising men, premises, Dharamshala’s, the hit list of the selected KP'S on the electric pain endured by them can be had, if the return proponents momentarily slip into the skin of women and children rented accommodations poles on the assumption that they are Mukhbirs. young andold were forced to and under construction The planned motivation was to kill one amongst those whose dear ones were killed in cold blood. Any talk of the return becomes meaningless flee for their lives from their governmentbuildings to save them and scare the rest to run away from their land of birth. These Hindus who themselves from extreme cold of homes. The act to randomly mark the outer doors without the recognition of the genocide, reversal of the genocide, steps to be initiated for the left valley finally took refuge in Jammu winter. of the KP houses during the night with the sign of and its adjoining areas. Meanwhile, those The immediate need at that time was to a cross was a part of the same design to install reversal, judicial trial and punishment to the culprits and restoration of all the holy shrines Hindus who were left behind were mercilessly provide basic food andtemporary shelter for fear amongst them. A recollection also comes to like Hari Prabhat etc to the pre exodus time. killed in the name of Jihad. The Hindus had to these refugees and it was Jammu’s valiantDogra me about a denigrating rhyme having a taunting The genocide is not yet over ,it continues as the eventually move out for safety from the valley, Community who tried their level best to intent articulated before the KP'S coming from community continues to live with unaddressed leaving behind all means of livelihood like jobs, accommodate and provide basic day to day Jammu to retrieve their belongings from their memories of the holocaust .I am reminded of a business,trade and Agriculture. needs to these refugees. Since it was herculean downtown homes. The selected spot was near Shakespearean quote "The fault ,dear Brutus ,is At the time of Exodus there were more than task it was immediately taken over by Barbar Shah bridge crossing and the rhyme not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are 15,000 Kashmiri Hindusworking in state theGovernor's administration, who took the would run as, "Ram Naam satya hai, paanch underlings" government and semi government departments charge to provide daily basic needs of food,

38 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 39 clothing, bedding, etc and started the registration employees faced lot of difficulties by them to get succeeded in getting deferment of payment of 1) Total Displaced Families registered at process of these thousands of refugees pouring even their salaries released on month to month Income Tax for the Displaced State Government Jammu - 43000 approx (comprising of into Jammu daily. Even some refugees went basis. An Apex body of all employees under the employees from Government of India year after 1,53,000 souls approx) straight to New Delhi to ease the load on Jammu, name of ADKEF (All Displaced Kashmiri year that continued till year 2011 -12. 2) Families under Monthly Ration and which had limited infrastructure. Employees Forum) came into being under the In the meantime,State Government issued Relief category -20,000 approx Here the exemplary role played by the then leadership of S/Shri S.K Gadoo, MK Tickoo, promotion orders to displaced employees who (65,000 souls approx) Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Shri Vijay ML Kak, Ajay Muju, VK Jinsi, TN Kalla, AK were working in various departments but with a 3) Out of 20,000 relief category Bakaya those days can't be brushed aside, who Kachroo, ON Koul, Vijay Kashkari, AK Sadhu, rider that these displaced employees have to join Kashmiri Hindus - day and night personally ensured that Ration and Raj Nath, InduKilam and Prof BL Zutshi not in their respective places in Kashmir otherwise 15,800 families approx Shelter is provided to these refugees who were only to regulate monthly salary for sustenance in the promotions would get forfeited. Few Kashmiri Muslims pouring in Jammu in thousands in the months of the first place but for settlement of other service volunteered to join back in Kashmir but majority -2,500 families approx January, February, March and April. related issues confronting the displaced didn't and they were denied the due promotions. Kashmiri Sikh To provide shelter to the displaced employees on day to day basis. In many State PSU’s the promotions were 1,700 families approx community some thousands of tents where The Governor's Administration , keeping completely denied despite clear orders from 4) Non relief category - 23,000 families procured from outside the state by the the deteriorating situation in Kashmir in view at government. One such organization was J&K approx. Administration and pitched on vacant lands in that time also proposed to utilize the services of Cements Ltd. where the muslim officers who (85,000 souls approx) Jammu, Udhampur and Kathua to house these some of the displaced employees in Jammu were helm of affairs from 1990 till year 2014 thousands of displaced KashmiriHindus region but this was opposed tooth and nail by subjected displaced Hindu employees With this ends the sordid saga of deceit, temporarily, in order to save them from vagaries employees of Jammu region who felt that it numbering more than 100 employees to great deprivation and denial of justice to the of nature in an alien land and dialect.It would not amounted to infringement of their rights. Hence, financial, harassment and mental torture and Displaced employees at the hands of Successive be out of place to mention here about the this matter of adjustment got shelved engaged them in many court cases. However, in State Governments and their hostile Muslim immense role played by RSS and BJP workers in forever.The difficulties of displaced employees some other state PSU’s the displaced employees Administrative setup in the State towards nearly Jammu region who day and night ensured that no were getting compounded month after month whose number being very less were adjusted in 15000 Unsung Displaced Kashmiri Hindu one sleeps without food and shelter in Jammu due to not only deterioration in the law and order Jammu region in their branches after manyyears employees comprising of brilliant Doctors, was highly appreciated and commendable. situation in Kashmir but by the hostile nature of of displacement. Engineers, Professors, Teachers and other As the situation was deteriorating day by subsequent Kashmiri Muslim dominated To conclude, by now much water has flown technical and non-technical staff from the scene day in Kashmir, the displacedpeople needed administration towards displaced Kashmiri down the river Jhelum and almost entire of State Government services in their own State long term shelter and means of livelihood. Hindus, that came into fore after unceremonious segment of Displaced Kashmiri Hindu of Jammu and Kashmir. The only sin they had Governor’s administration made immediate removal of the Governor Jagmohan from the Employees have attained superannuation. committed was that they were Patriotic Indians. provisions for monthly cash assistance tothese turmoil hit State, despite of the fact that the refugees. This monetary relief was being salary of these displaced employees as well as released to those people onlywho had no source the monthly ration and cash assistance to relief Cartoon Corner - Anil Nakhasi of income and were not in any Government/ holders was being paid by the Central Semi Government services. Simultaneously, it Government from security related fund account. was a gigantic task to release salary for The other discrimination by Muslim dominated sustenance of more than 15,000 State administration was denial of annual increments, Government employees at Jammu and Delhi due promotions, DA/HRA CCA, retirement to non-availability of their service records in benefits, leave encashment, medical facilities Jammu, a large number of Displaced Employees etc.There was open hostility towards displaced Associations of all the departments and PSU's Hindus and all means were used by Muslim came into existence, who devised various ways bureaucrats to deprive, deny and discriminate and means through proper legal procedures to against these hapless employees in all possible ensure that monthly salary is released to ways and means. These displaced employees all.Meanwhile the Displaced employees of had no other option but to knock the doors of Central Government Departments, banks etc. Justice from lower court to High Court to were slowly adjusted and posted in various Supreme Court, spending lot of money to pursue branches throughout the country. However, the the cases for years together. It would not be out private employees, traders, agriculturists, of place to mention here that after putting in shopkeepers etc. were covered under relief great efforts by dedicated team of employee category. leaders under the tutelage of Prof BL Zutshi, In due course of time the Displaced Shri Vijay Kashkari, Smt Indu Kilam, etc.

40 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 41 clothing, bedding, etc and started the registration employees faced lot of difficulties by them to get succeeded in getting deferment of payment of 1) Total Displaced Families registered at process of these thousands of refugees pouring even their salaries released on month to month Income Tax for the Displaced State Government Jammu - 43000 approx (comprising of into Jammu daily. Even some refugees went basis. An Apex body of all employees under the employees from Government of India year after 1,53,000 souls approx) straight to New Delhi to ease the load on Jammu, name of ADKEF (All Displaced Kashmiri year that continued till year 2011 -12. 2) Families under Monthly Ration and which had limited infrastructure. Employees Forum) came into being under the In the meantime,State Government issued Relief category -20,000 approx Here the exemplary role played by the then leadership of S/Shri S.K Gadoo, MK Tickoo, promotion orders to displaced employees who (65,000 souls approx) Divisional Commissioner, Jammu Shri Vijay ML Kak, Ajay Muju, VK Jinsi, TN Kalla, AK were working in various departments but with a 3) Out of 20,000 relief category Bakaya those days can't be brushed aside, who Kachroo, ON Koul, Vijay Kashkari, AK Sadhu, rider that these displaced employees have to join Kashmiri Hindus - day and night personally ensured that Ration and Raj Nath, InduKilam and Prof BL Zutshi not in their respective places in Kashmir otherwise 15,800 families approx Shelter is provided to these refugees who were only to regulate monthly salary for sustenance in the promotions would get forfeited. Few Kashmiri Muslims pouring in Jammu in thousands in the months of the first place but for settlement of other service volunteered to join back in Kashmir but majority -2,500 families approx January, February, March and April. related issues confronting the displaced didn't and they were denied the due promotions. Kashmiri Sikh To provide shelter to the displaced employees on day to day basis. In many State PSU’s the promotions were 1,700 families approx community some thousands of tents where The Governor's Administration , keeping completely denied despite clear orders from 4) Non relief category - 23,000 families procured from outside the state by the the deteriorating situation in Kashmir in view at government. One such organization was J&K approx. Administration and pitched on vacant lands in that time also proposed to utilize the services of Cements Ltd. where the muslim officers who (85,000 souls approx) Jammu, Udhampur and Kathua to house these some of the displaced employees in Jammu were helm of affairs from 1990 till year 2014 thousands of displaced KashmiriHindus region but this was opposed tooth and nail by subjected displaced Hindu employees With this ends the sordid saga of deceit, temporarily, in order to save them from vagaries employees of Jammu region who felt that it numbering more than 100 employees to great deprivation and denial of justice to the of nature in an alien land and dialect.It would not amounted to infringement of their rights. Hence, financial, harassment and mental torture and Displaced employees at the hands of Successive be out of place to mention here about the this matter of adjustment got shelved engaged them in many court cases. However, in State Governments and their hostile Muslim immense role played by RSS and BJP workers in forever.The difficulties of displaced employees some other state PSU’s the displaced employees Administrative setup in the State towards nearly Jammu region who day and night ensured that no were getting compounded month after month whose number being very less were adjusted in 15000 Unsung Displaced Kashmiri Hindu one sleeps without food and shelter in Jammu due to not only deterioration in the law and order Jammu region in their branches after manyyears employees comprising of brilliant Doctors, was highly appreciated and commendable. situation in Kashmir but by the hostile nature of of displacement. Engineers, Professors, Teachers and other As the situation was deteriorating day by subsequent Kashmiri Muslim dominated To conclude, by now much water has flown technical and non-technical staff from the scene day in Kashmir, the displacedpeople needed administration towards displaced Kashmiri down the river Jhelum and almost entire of State Government services in their own State long term shelter and means of livelihood. Hindus, that came into fore after unceremonious segment of Displaced Kashmiri Hindu of Jammu and Kashmir. The only sin they had Governor’s administration made immediate removal of the Governor Jagmohan from the Employees have attained superannuation. committed was that they were Patriotic Indians. provisions for monthly cash assistance tothese turmoil hit State, despite of the fact that the refugees. This monetary relief was being salary of these displaced employees as well as released to those people onlywho had no source the monthly ration and cash assistance to relief Cartoon Corner - Anil Nakhasi of income and were not in any Government/ holders was being paid by the Central Semi Government services. Simultaneously, it Government from security related fund account. was a gigantic task to release salary for The other discrimination by Muslim dominated sustenance of more than 15,000 State administration was denial of annual increments, Government employees at Jammu and Delhi due promotions, DA/HRA CCA, retirement to non-availability of their service records in benefits, leave encashment, medical facilities Jammu, a large number of Displaced Employees etc.There was open hostility towards displaced Associations of all the departments and PSU's Hindus and all means were used by Muslim came into existence, who devised various ways bureaucrats to deprive, deny and discriminate and means through proper legal procedures to against these hapless employees in all possible ensure that monthly salary is released to ways and means. These displaced employees all.Meanwhile the Displaced employees of had no other option but to knock the doors of Central Government Departments, banks etc. Justice from lower court to High Court to were slowly adjusted and posted in various Supreme Court, spending lot of money to pursue branches throughout the country. However, the the cases for years together. It would not be out private employees, traders, agriculturists, of place to mention here that after putting in shopkeepers etc. were covered under relief great efforts by dedicated team of employee category. leaders under the tutelage of Prof BL Zutshi, In due course of time the Displaced Shri Vijay Kashkari, Smt Indu Kilam, etc.

40 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 41 everywhere. Because it is like a wound that still cumulative quality (in particular, introducing bleeds. the so-called “survival” psychology into the A whole people have been expelled from masses, preference only for personal and family the land of their ancestors and left to fend for interests in everything). - Riya Rozanova themselves. A part of India's cultural heritage has been brutally destroyed. A whole Chapter of 2. Loss of Living Space the history of Indian civilization has been The regions and districts of Kashmir were not erased. How many lives have been destroyed! just a territory, but a five-thousand-year-old Why does the government not pay attention to homeland. The worst consequence of the the plight of Kashmiri Pandits caused by Islamic genocide is that Kashmiri Pandits were torn off A Crimson Leaf in the Wind terror? Why is this tragedy still not recognized and removed from their living space. Hundreds as “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”? Why are of thousands of Pandits from Kashmir left their movies with horrific titles not made about this? home and hearth and began to live as refugees in their country. People settled in fugitive's squalid ashmir valley is called one of the most Why is the Supreme Court of India silent? Why camps in Jammu and Delhi. Over the years, a beautiful places on the earth. Here the does the media not provoke a big fury, reporting whole generation of expelled Kashmiri Pandits towering Himalayas with their snowy tiniest details of this tragedy? So that people K has grown up without seeing their native land peaks are combined with wide meadows of know and remember. Why does everyone from where their parents fled to escape the amazing palette, magical transparent lakes and pretend not to know about it? Why should magnificent gardens. Here the great saints, brutality of Islamic terrorism, the native land to innocent people die? Why should entire cultural which they dare not return, although this land scholars and ascetics worked and attained the peoples be wiped off the face of the earth for the highest wisdom. For centuries Kashmir has been still remains a part of their country. Refugees in sake of political games? So that a bunch of their own country. the center of education and various spiritual ambitious politicians can implement their long- movements. The blessed land, where thoughts of standing plans? Both are human. Where is our 3. Cultural Losses great artists and poets were rushing… No one humanity? Humanity - that's what important. We Cultural losses are incalculable. These are not could have imagined that this blessed land are all brothers. We must always remember this. only individual temples, shrines, various unique would be stained with blood. We must not encourage fratricide. After all, what architectural monuments and structures, but also “The past is never dead. It didn't even has been lost is a part of India's Hindu culture, ancient educational centers created on this land pass”- recalling that famous aphorism, we what has been erased is integral to India's Hindu for centuries. Many priceless manuscripts in plunge into the ever-living time of the past, civilization. which unique knowledge of the Kashmir Hindu which reached us in the form of historical events, situation opens up before us. There is a past here, In order to understand challenges facing tradition was generalized were destroyed and artistic currents, musical trends, life-changing but this past is not accepted and almost nobody the preservation of Kashmiri Hindu culture sunk into oblivion. All this has deprived books that can convey the spirit of that time. doesn't talk about it... The tragic history of today, it is necessary not only to accept the fact Kashmiri Pandits of a significant part of the Looking back at the past, we are looking for Kashmiri Pandits is almost erased from public of genocide, but also to be clear about its spiritual heritage of their ancestors, tearing them lessons to better understand the present and memory. The whole world shamelessly pretends terrifying consequences: away from ancestors' thoughts and spirit. develop our future in right direction. But when that there is no problem. we talk about Kashmir, a completely different Until now, the genocide is not perceived 1. Human Losses 4. Material Losses by the world as a tragedy. And no one realizes Kashmiri pandits survived a terrible blow. On After making a painful decision to leave own true dimensions of this woe. This is a terrible that fateful January night, some were shot dead; homeland in order to save their lives, Kashmiri disaster. Nobody did anything to avoid it at that others were tortured and then brutally murdered. Pandits settled in various Indian cities. And time. And now, many years later, the authorities Women were abducted, raped, and then killed. some even fled the country. Many of them, once are not properly responding to the destruction of Many Pandits in immeasurable despair prosperous and proud of their rich heritage now carriers of such beautiful and distinctive Hindu- abandoned their homes and fled from Kashmir live in terrifying poverty, depending on state What has been lost is a part of Kashmiri tradition. This is our common to escape the terrible fate. It was the horrible benefits and charity. And instead of constructive India's Hindu culture, what has been problem, a world-class problem - the original massacre. We can't even imagine how terrible work in favor of strengthening and enriching the inhabitants of the Kashmir valley with a the number of lost lives is for small nation of collective national life, they are forced, each erased is integral to India's Hindu recorded cultural and civilizational history Kashmiri Pandits. The situation is aggravated by individually, with hard work to provide the civilization. dating back 5,000 years were subjected to emigration, which does not stop to this day. elementary physical existence of their families. terrible persecution. This is a common theme for Rehabilitation and recovery of people after such world newspapers, magazines, television grim events will require a lot of time. The human 5. Psychological Trauma programs. We must not be silent aside. We must losses during this tragedy affected not only the Psychologically, the loss of living space has discuss the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits number of Kashmiri Pandits, but also its deprived daily communication with natural and

42 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 43 everywhere. Because it is like a wound that still cumulative quality (in particular, introducing bleeds. the so-called “survival” psychology into the A whole people have been expelled from masses, preference only for personal and family the land of their ancestors and left to fend for interests in everything). - Riya Rozanova themselves. A part of India's cultural heritage has been brutally destroyed. A whole Chapter of 2. Loss of Living Space the history of Indian civilization has been The regions and districts of Kashmir were not erased. How many lives have been destroyed! just a territory, but a five-thousand-year-old Why does the government not pay attention to homeland. The worst consequence of the the plight of Kashmiri Pandits caused by Islamic genocide is that Kashmiri Pandits were torn off A Crimson Leaf in the Wind terror? Why is this tragedy still not recognized and removed from their living space. Hundreds as “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”? Why are of thousands of Pandits from Kashmir left their movies with horrific titles not made about this? home and hearth and began to live as refugees in their country. People settled in fugitive's squalid ashmir valley is called one of the most Why is the Supreme Court of India silent? Why camps in Jammu and Delhi. Over the years, a beautiful places on the earth. Here the does the media not provoke a big fury, reporting whole generation of expelled Kashmiri Pandits towering Himalayas with their snowy tiniest details of this tragedy? So that people K has grown up without seeing their native land peaks are combined with wide meadows of know and remember. Why does everyone from where their parents fled to escape the amazing palette, magical transparent lakes and pretend not to know about it? Why should magnificent gardens. Here the great saints, brutality of Islamic terrorism, the native land to innocent people die? Why should entire cultural which they dare not return, although this land scholars and ascetics worked and attained the peoples be wiped off the face of the earth for the highest wisdom. For centuries Kashmir has been still remains a part of their country. Refugees in sake of political games? So that a bunch of their own country. the center of education and various spiritual ambitious politicians can implement their long- movements. The blessed land, where thoughts of standing plans? Both are human. Where is our 3. Cultural Losses great artists and poets were rushing… No one humanity? Humanity - that's what important. We Cultural losses are incalculable. These are not could have imagined that this blessed land are all brothers. We must always remember this. only individual temples, shrines, various unique would be stained with blood. We must not encourage fratricide. After all, what architectural monuments and structures, but also “The past is never dead. It didn't even has been lost is a part of India's Hindu culture, ancient educational centers created on this land pass”- recalling that famous aphorism, we what has been erased is integral to India's Hindu for centuries. Many priceless manuscripts in plunge into the ever-living time of the past, civilization. which unique knowledge of the Kashmir Hindu which reached us in the form of historical events, situation opens up before us. There is a past here, In order to understand challenges facing tradition was generalized were destroyed and artistic currents, musical trends, life-changing but this past is not accepted and almost nobody the preservation of Kashmiri Hindu culture sunk into oblivion. All this has deprived books that can convey the spirit of that time. doesn't talk about it... The tragic history of today, it is necessary not only to accept the fact Kashmiri Pandits of a significant part of the Looking back at the past, we are looking for Kashmiri Pandits is almost erased from public of genocide, but also to be clear about its spiritual heritage of their ancestors, tearing them lessons to better understand the present and memory. The whole world shamelessly pretends terrifying consequences: away from ancestors' thoughts and spirit. develop our future in right direction. But when that there is no problem. we talk about Kashmir, a completely different Until now, the genocide is not perceived 1. Human Losses 4. Material Losses by the world as a tragedy. And no one realizes Kashmiri pandits survived a terrible blow. On After making a painful decision to leave own true dimensions of this woe. This is a terrible that fateful January night, some were shot dead; homeland in order to save their lives, Kashmiri disaster. Nobody did anything to avoid it at that others were tortured and then brutally murdered. Pandits settled in various Indian cities. And time. And now, many years later, the authorities Women were abducted, raped, and then killed. some even fled the country. Many of them, once are not properly responding to the destruction of Many Pandits in immeasurable despair prosperous and proud of their rich heritage now carriers of such beautiful and distinctive Hindu- abandoned their homes and fled from Kashmir live in terrifying poverty, depending on state What has been lost is a part of Kashmiri tradition. This is our common to escape the terrible fate. It was the horrible benefits and charity. And instead of constructive India's Hindu culture, what has been problem, a world-class problem - the original massacre. We can't even imagine how terrible work in favor of strengthening and enriching the inhabitants of the Kashmir valley with a the number of lost lives is for small nation of collective national life, they are forced, each erased is integral to India's Hindu recorded cultural and civilizational history Kashmiri Pandits. The situation is aggravated by individually, with hard work to provide the civilization. dating back 5,000 years were subjected to emigration, which does not stop to this day. elementary physical existence of their families. terrible persecution. This is a common theme for Rehabilitation and recovery of people after such world newspapers, magazines, television grim events will require a lot of time. The human 5. Psychological Trauma programs. We must not be silent aside. We must losses during this tragedy affected not only the Psychologically, the loss of living space has discuss the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits number of Kashmiri Pandits, but also its deprived daily communication with natural and

42 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 43 also man-made traditional symbols, thereby Stalin's genocide against his people. If it were destroying the very possibility of the natural recognized, evaluated, if it were included in spiritual development of Kashmiri Pandits. The history books, maybe there would not be such a consequences of genocide are psychologically serious conflict between two fraternal peoples - - Sanchi Bhat terrible. They can give rise to inferiority Russians and Ukrainians. The conflict which is complexes - disbelief in the future, in some cases filled with innocent blood… Therefore, the even self-phobia, i.e. denial of interests and genocide of Kashmiri Pandits is very important values of own tradition, worship of all foreign. It for any country and for any history. We must not can also lead to a phenomenon when a be silent about it! Because it will remain a significant part of the younger generation will terrible stain on the conscience of mankind. undergo cultural denationalization. It is natural and understandable that such The Fading Kashmir Connection territorial, spiritual, cultural, material and 6. Destruction of Organized human losses have affected the general Communities and Structures intellectual and moral potential of the nation. he question “Where are you from?” always During the genocide, not only huge masses of However, these deplorable facts should inspire makes me nervous. Calling Delhi my people were destroyed, but also the Demos us to unite. All Indians must respond in every Thometown seems unfair to the city because which was united and organized around its way to this terrible genocide. All Indians must I was only raised in the capital since I was 14 centuries-old structures. Communities, temples, accept this sad fate of their fellow men and join years old. But also, answering this question with schools, numerous and diverse structures and forces in resolving this issue as soon as possible. “Kashmir” seems hollow as I wasn't born in the valley, do not have a strong command over the Kashmiri language and wasn't raised as a part of the culture. I have understood what it means to be a Kashmiri Pandit as probably an outsider would, through second-hand learning. The genesis of this confusion about my identity can be traced back to January of 1990. Thirty years since the exodus, with no long-term solution to rehabilitate to the Kashmir valley has only worsened this confusion. The question, “where are you from?” forces me to think hard about the scattered few cultural and human connections that I have left with Kashmir as the child of a – and I always stutter at this word – refugee. When my beloved grandad, Shri Prem Nath Bhat, Simple things forge my delicate, thread- passed away on 28th December 2017, I lost an like connection to Kashmir as a second- important connection to Kashmir. generation Kashmiri Pandit: waking up at 4 am organizations, including the political, All together should commemorate the day of during Pann and helping my mom make roth, time he saw an old, black and white film called intellectual, cultural and spiritual elites, were these events in order to convince themselves and admiring my grandmother and my mother's the Dracula in 1931 (it scared him to no end), destroyed. The human masses without structures others: such madness should not happen again. dejore collection or snuggling in warm pherans when he bought his cherished radio after saving uniting them are no longer a people, but We can really change something only when we during Delhi winters. One of my most cherished up for months, sowing seeds of all varieties in individuals. respond to the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits connections to Kashmir has always been my late his garden and watching them grow into strong The situation of Kashmiri Pandits will with active actions. grandfather, Shri Prem Nath Bhat's fond stories plants, and about how he would travel from always remain a sore topic precisely because the Like a ray of sudden lightning of his pre-exodus boyhood and thereafter house to house delivering letters, each journey genocide has not found its completion and the Pain pierced hearts of those, adulthood in Kashmir. seeming like a new adventure. There were also government refuses to recognize the fact of the Leaving their native lands. There were many winter afternoons in stories tainted with darkness during the unrest genocide itself. It is very important to know and Like a sudden thunder from gloomy clouds Delhi when my sister and I would sit around him during 1989-1990; losing all his life's earnings, accept the truth, it is very important to speak and Their souls were darkened by tragedy forever... and listen to a colorful account of his life. including his precious radio and garden, at sixty- constantly remember about this truth, without it When? When will this darkness be dispelled? Orphaned at the tender age of nine, my grandad five due to the exodus. At an age where he there is no movement forward. An example of Light! Light a flickering lamp lived a tough life centered on surviving. Hard- should've been retiring and spending the this is the Holodomor, which Russia still cannot Light this lamp with your hope working and dedicated by nature, it wasn't long remainder of his life relaxing in Srinagar, he had recognize as the genocide of Ukrainians. Like And one day its shine will destroy before he got the job as a postman in Srinagar. to build his house, his earnings from scratch the most important genocide in Russian history, Shaggy paws of painful darkness... Many of his stories were happy ones; the first again in the unfamiliar city of Jammu.

44 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 45 also man-made traditional symbols, thereby Stalin's genocide against his people. If it were destroying the very possibility of the natural recognized, evaluated, if it were included in spiritual development of Kashmiri Pandits. The history books, maybe there would not be such a consequences of genocide are psychologically serious conflict between two fraternal peoples - - Sanchi Bhat terrible. They can give rise to inferiority Russians and Ukrainians. The conflict which is complexes - disbelief in the future, in some cases filled with innocent blood… Therefore, the even self-phobia, i.e. denial of interests and genocide of Kashmiri Pandits is very important values of own tradition, worship of all foreign. It for any country and for any history. We must not can also lead to a phenomenon when a be silent about it! Because it will remain a significant part of the younger generation will terrible stain on the conscience of mankind. undergo cultural denationalization. It is natural and understandable that such The Fading Kashmir Connection territorial, spiritual, cultural, material and 6. Destruction of Organized human losses have affected the general Communities and Structures intellectual and moral potential of the nation. he question “Where are you from?” always During the genocide, not only huge masses of However, these deplorable facts should inspire makes me nervous. Calling Delhi my people were destroyed, but also the Demos us to unite. All Indians must respond in every Thometown seems unfair to the city because which was united and organized around its way to this terrible genocide. All Indians must I was only raised in the capital since I was 14 centuries-old structures. Communities, temples, accept this sad fate of their fellow men and join years old. But also, answering this question with schools, numerous and diverse structures and forces in resolving this issue as soon as possible. “Kashmir” seems hollow as I wasn't born in the valley, do not have a strong command over the Kashmiri language and wasn't raised as a part of the culture. I have understood what it means to be a Kashmiri Pandit as probably an outsider would, through second-hand learning. The genesis of this confusion about my identity can be traced back to January of 1990. Thirty years since the exodus, with no long-term solution to rehabilitate to the Kashmir valley has only worsened this confusion. The question, “where are you from?” forces me to think hard about the scattered few cultural and human connections that I have left with Kashmir as the child of a – and I always stutter at this word – refugee. When my beloved grandad, Shri Prem Nath Bhat, Simple things forge my delicate, thread- passed away on 28th December 2017, I lost an like connection to Kashmir as a second- important connection to Kashmir. generation Kashmiri Pandit: waking up at 4 am organizations, including the political, All together should commemorate the day of during Pann and helping my mom make roth, time he saw an old, black and white film called intellectual, cultural and spiritual elites, were these events in order to convince themselves and admiring my grandmother and my mother's the Dracula in 1931 (it scared him to no end), destroyed. The human masses without structures others: such madness should not happen again. dejore collection or snuggling in warm pherans when he bought his cherished radio after saving uniting them are no longer a people, but We can really change something only when we during Delhi winters. One of my most cherished up for months, sowing seeds of all varieties in individuals. respond to the genocide of Kashmiri Pandits connections to Kashmir has always been my late his garden and watching them grow into strong The situation of Kashmiri Pandits will with active actions. grandfather, Shri Prem Nath Bhat's fond stories plants, and about how he would travel from always remain a sore topic precisely because the Like a ray of sudden lightning of his pre-exodus boyhood and thereafter house to house delivering letters, each journey genocide has not found its completion and the Pain pierced hearts of those, adulthood in Kashmir. seeming like a new adventure. There were also government refuses to recognize the fact of the Leaving their native lands. There were many winter afternoons in stories tainted with darkness during the unrest genocide itself. It is very important to know and Like a sudden thunder from gloomy clouds Delhi when my sister and I would sit around him during 1989-1990; losing all his life's earnings, accept the truth, it is very important to speak and Their souls were darkened by tragedy forever... and listen to a colorful account of his life. including his precious radio and garden, at sixty- constantly remember about this truth, without it When? When will this darkness be dispelled? Orphaned at the tender age of nine, my grandad five due to the exodus. At an age where he there is no movement forward. An example of Light! Light a flickering lamp lived a tough life centered on surviving. Hard- should've been retiring and spending the this is the Holodomor, which Russia still cannot Light this lamp with your hope working and dedicated by nature, it wasn't long remainder of his life relaxing in Srinagar, he had recognize as the genocide of Ukrainians. Like And one day its shine will destroy before he got the job as a postman in Srinagar. to build his house, his earnings from scratch the most important genocide in Russian history, Shaggy paws of painful darkness... Many of his stories were happy ones; the first again in the unfamiliar city of Jammu.

44 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 45 Realizing that my grandad After decades of disappointments: failed attempts to rehabilitate Pandits in the Kashmir was a Hindu, they beat him to Valley due to communal violence by Kashmiri a pulp, breaking and Muslims and empty promises from political - Siya Bhat permanently damaging his parties, the Kashmiri Pandit community saw a tiny beacon of hope in the abrogation of article nose in the process. 370. As Jammu and Kashmir becomes one with the rest of India, Kashmiri Pandits look forward If you would have ever met my grandad to a more efficient and safe relocation program you would have noticed that his typical, than before. However, with Jammu and Unsaid Pain of Kashmiri Pandit handsome Kashmiri features were marred by a Kashmir also under lockdown for the past five rather crooked nose. During January 1990, while months, the Kashmiri Pandit community is I shall never forget the nights that I spent in camp, living my life as migrant and seeking shelter in on his way to work, my grandad was confronted unsure of the “how” and “when” of the program. refugee camps. I shall never forget the term “Migrant” that was embedded on me right after my birth. by a mob of Kashmiri Muslims. A Kashmiri As the Kashmir valley slowly integrates Pandit had been shot in the day and in the middle into the fabric of India, I hope to answer the shall never forget the nights that I spent in community is a peace loving, how naive we of a rioting Srinagar, a mob had gathered on a question of “Where are you from?” with camp, living my life as migrant and were, that the world did know and remained bridge near the river Jhelum. Realizing that my something more culturally concrete than Iseeking shelter in refugee camps. I shall silent. I am raised in Delhi, hearing stories from grandad was a Hindu, they beat him to a pulp, second-hand connections. Even though never forget the term “Migrant” that was my parents and I swore never to be silent breaking and permanently damaging his nose in Kashmiri Pandits are now self-sufficient, a lot is embedded on me right after my birth. I shall whenever and wherever human beings endure the process. The horde of angry men and women riding on the center's initiative to bring us back never forget the life I have seen while I was suffering and humiliation. We need to take sides. were not satisfied by just hurting him. They to the valley: first and foremost ensuring the progressing towards teenage, maintaining Being neutral helps the oppressor but never the picked him up and decided to snub out his life by safety of rehabilitators and providing adequate dignity as well as sharing resources with other victim. Silence encourages the tormentor but throwing him into the river. If the Kashmir economic opportunities. Without these two families. I shall never forget those images, never the tormented. Sometimes it's necessary police hadn't intervened at the last moment, I pillars, it's impossible for Kashmiri youth to feel wherein a thin dupatta (piece of cloth) used to that we must interfere. When human lives are would have forever lost the joy of being his safe and earn their keep in the valley. serve as barrier for different families, how the endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, grandchild and, in the years to come, an My hope for second-generation Kashmiri ladies used to manage. I shall never forget those national borders and sensitivities become important connection to Kashmir. youth is that someday, when we think of home, moist eyes, those moments when my irrelevant. Penning down the thoughts are one of My grandad's life of trauma post the exodus our minds swiftly race toward the Kashmir grandparents used to pray endlessly to God for the ways, that can be shared among others. It's valley, and we have a variety of our own, came to an end in December 2017, when he their safe return to motherland. I have seen their not about gaining sympathy but a learning breathed his last. With the pain of losing him colorful stories to recount about our life in dreams turned to ashes along with them under a platform that how one can survive in worst came the agony of also letting go of one of the Kashmir, just like my beloved grandad. last few important ties to Kashmir. The answer to Until that time, we wait patiently. (The writer silent sky. I shall never forget those stories that conditions. Amidst the bad memories, I shall the question, “Where are you from?” seemed can be reached on @thesanb on Instagram or my parents used to say, how one of the peace- never forget those happy faces of my parents more elusive than ever before. email her [email protected]) loving community had to flee from their home. whenever they share details of the fashion in Someone has rightly said that life is not a smooth J&K. Those pictures, with bell sleeves, bell journey, Life of a Kashmiri Pandit may be best bottom pants and not to forget dark shades and ShisherEvents Sankrati Paancham of the Month 15 January related to this. For a moment life was blossomed haircut. Sahib-Satam 16 January like saffron, flower and next moment just as Alas! That's the fashion trend that everyone KP Exodus Day 19 January barren and dark as soot. used to follow that time. For the survivors, have Despite, these situation, Kashmiri Pandits, to witness the pain of loosing their loved ones Ekadashi (Krishna Paksh) 20 January never lost their hopes, they never stopped and to make efforts for living. Even if there were Amavasya 24 January praying to God, never forget their fasts- grim chances to recover from the loses, Gauri Tritya 28 January especially aatham (asthmi). They firmly everyone tried to muster strength and did not believed Violence is not the answer, their firm lose heart. With less resources and not losing Basant Panchmi 30 January faith on God was their strength. I remember: it courage, each and every Kashmiri Pandit Bhishma Ashtami 02 February happened just yesterday, or eternities ago. My overcame the troubles. Despite there were so Ekadashi (Shukal Paksh) 05 February friends asking are you migrant, what happened many hurdles, but Kashmiri pandit is rightly in 1990. Who would allow such crimes to be called as Pandit- who never misses their Yachne’ Chodah Chaturdashi 08 February committed? “How could the world remain intellect. The love and passion to learn more, Kaaw Poornima 09 February silent?”I have tried to keep my memory alive, made them successful in their later stages of life. th st that I have tried to fight those who would forget. They choose pen over any weapon to win battle Note Panchak starts on January 26 , Ends on January 31 . We would be guilty, if we forget, we are in life not with ammunition but with their Events of the Month accomplices. I made them understand that our intellect and wisdom.

46 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 47 Realizing that my grandad After decades of disappointments: failed attempts to rehabilitate Pandits in the Kashmir was a Hindu, they beat him to Valley due to communal violence by Kashmiri a pulp, breaking and Muslims and empty promises from political - Siya Bhat permanently damaging his parties, the Kashmiri Pandit community saw a tiny beacon of hope in the abrogation of article nose in the process. 370. As Jammu and Kashmir becomes one with the rest of India, Kashmiri Pandits look forward If you would have ever met my grandad to a more efficient and safe relocation program you would have noticed that his typical, than before. However, with Jammu and Unsaid Pain of Kashmiri Pandit handsome Kashmiri features were marred by a Kashmir also under lockdown for the past five rather crooked nose. During January 1990, while months, the Kashmiri Pandit community is I shall never forget the nights that I spent in camp, living my life as migrant and seeking shelter in on his way to work, my grandad was confronted unsure of the “how” and “when” of the program. refugee camps. I shall never forget the term “Migrant” that was embedded on me right after my birth. by a mob of Kashmiri Muslims. A Kashmiri As the Kashmir valley slowly integrates Pandit had been shot in the day and in the middle into the fabric of India, I hope to answer the shall never forget the nights that I spent in community is a peace loving, how naive we of a rioting Srinagar, a mob had gathered on a question of “Where are you from?” with camp, living my life as migrant and were, that the world did know and remained bridge near the river Jhelum. Realizing that my something more culturally concrete than Iseeking shelter in refugee camps. I shall silent. I am raised in Delhi, hearing stories from grandad was a Hindu, they beat him to a pulp, second-hand connections. Even though never forget the term “Migrant” that was my parents and I swore never to be silent breaking and permanently damaging his nose in Kashmiri Pandits are now self-sufficient, a lot is embedded on me right after my birth. I shall whenever and wherever human beings endure the process. The horde of angry men and women riding on the center's initiative to bring us back never forget the life I have seen while I was suffering and humiliation. We need to take sides. were not satisfied by just hurting him. They to the valley: first and foremost ensuring the progressing towards teenage, maintaining Being neutral helps the oppressor but never the picked him up and decided to snub out his life by safety of rehabilitators and providing adequate dignity as well as sharing resources with other victim. Silence encourages the tormentor but throwing him into the river. If the Kashmir economic opportunities. Without these two families. I shall never forget those images, never the tormented. Sometimes it's necessary police hadn't intervened at the last moment, I pillars, it's impossible for Kashmiri youth to feel wherein a thin dupatta (piece of cloth) used to that we must interfere. When human lives are would have forever lost the joy of being his safe and earn their keep in the valley. serve as barrier for different families, how the endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, grandchild and, in the years to come, an My hope for second-generation Kashmiri ladies used to manage. I shall never forget those national borders and sensitivities become important connection to Kashmir. youth is that someday, when we think of home, moist eyes, those moments when my irrelevant. Penning down the thoughts are one of My grandad's life of trauma post the exodus our minds swiftly race toward the Kashmir grandparents used to pray endlessly to God for the ways, that can be shared among others. It's valley, and we have a variety of our own, came to an end in December 2017, when he their safe return to motherland. I have seen their not about gaining sympathy but a learning breathed his last. With the pain of losing him colorful stories to recount about our life in dreams turned to ashes along with them under a platform that how one can survive in worst came the agony of also letting go of one of the Kashmir, just like my beloved grandad. last few important ties to Kashmir. The answer to Until that time, we wait patiently. (The writer silent sky. I shall never forget those stories that conditions. Amidst the bad memories, I shall the question, “Where are you from?” seemed can be reached on @thesanb on Instagram or my parents used to say, how one of the peace- never forget those happy faces of my parents more elusive than ever before. email her [email protected]) loving community had to flee from their home. whenever they share details of the fashion in Someone has rightly said that life is not a smooth J&K. Those pictures, with bell sleeves, bell journey, Life of a Kashmiri Pandit may be best bottom pants and not to forget dark shades and ShisherEvents Sankrati Paancham of the Month 15 January related to this. For a moment life was blossomed haircut. Sahib-Satam 16 January like saffron, flower and next moment just as Alas! That's the fashion trend that everyone KP Exodus Day 19 January barren and dark as soot. used to follow that time. For the survivors, have Despite, these situation, Kashmiri Pandits, to witness the pain of loosing their loved ones Ekadashi (Krishna Paksh) 20 January never lost their hopes, they never stopped and to make efforts for living. Even if there were Amavasya 24 January praying to God, never forget their fasts- grim chances to recover from the loses, Gauri Tritya 28 January especially aatham (asthmi). They firmly everyone tried to muster strength and did not believed Violence is not the answer, their firm lose heart. With less resources and not losing Basant Panchmi 30 January faith on God was their strength. I remember: it courage, each and every Kashmiri Pandit Bhishma Ashtami 02 February happened just yesterday, or eternities ago. My overcame the troubles. Despite there were so Ekadashi (Shukal Paksh) 05 February friends asking are you migrant, what happened many hurdles, but Kashmiri pandit is rightly in 1990. Who would allow such crimes to be called as Pandit- who never misses their Yachne’ Chodah Chaturdashi 08 February committed? “How could the world remain intellect. The love and passion to learn more, Kaaw Poornima 09 February silent?”I have tried to keep my memory alive, made them successful in their later stages of life. th st that I have tried to fight those who would forget. They choose pen over any weapon to win battle Note Panchak starts on January 26 , Ends on January 31 . We would be guilty, if we forget, we are in life not with ammunition but with their Events of the Month accomplices. I made them understand that our intellect and wisdom.

46 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 47 possible. He didn't have the keys. Soon he made insisted that he will ensure my friend also some silly noise and somebody threw a key in boarded the flight. I agreed after his long the alley. He opened the door and we went in to persuasion. That was my first flight of life at the our great relief. I was to witness a horrifying fact age of 18 years and I didn't like it. My friend was - Rajiv Raina of life. not with me. I came out of Jammu airport and There was only one very old man in the after buying an omelette nearby the main gate, I house. My friend explained to me that 'Tathae' as patiently waited till the other flights landed and they used to call their grandfather was reluctant the passengers kept emerging from the gate. My to move to Jammu so he was left behind locked patience diminished after I saw the passengers with enough supplies for six months till the coming out of last flight. I enquired from many Lost Angel family returned. The family had moved to passengers as to how many were still stranded at Jammu. The old man received us well. He got the airport. They said the last flight had many blankets and covered us and gave us Kangri to vacant seats could give me relief but not he times that have gone through secured distinction in graduation. Parents were warm ourselves. He cooked rice and baderwahi happiness that I would have got by physically displacement and restoration add to the reluctant and finally I could not resist anymore. I lentils and we had a sumptuous meal. During the seeing him coming out. Finally as it was getting experiences of human beings and many took my brother's employment papers as I pin drop silence of night we could here bullet late, I went to bus stand to catch the last bus to T ricochet from far away distance. The Akhnoor where my uncle had a small place to forgotten stories, scriptures, edicts, which thought these would be of some value than my continue to travel with them in the coming times. mother's jewelry. That is all which I could fit in grandfather was a brave man. He kept vigil as we start my refugee life in Jammu. Next couple of Such tales and questions are not new to the entire handbag. My mother handed me ten notes of slept soundly. He years were a saga of community of Kashmiri Pandits, who are hundred each for the airplane tickets and woke us up early at struggle. Getting desperate to return to their own homeland after miscellaneous expenditure with tears in eyes. four in the morning. parents and an almost forced to live displaced lives in their own We had an ailing grandmother at home which We just splashed a few dead grandmother country for last three decades after their heaven prevented parents from leaving besides we had drops of water on our Grandfather was reluctant to from Kashmir was became a slaughterhouse of its own flowers. Its enough land and orchards and all this kept my faces and relaying the move to Jammu so he was left planned by my elder beautiful surroundings still echo the unbridled father clinging on to his roots. keys after locking the behind locked with enough brother who sneaked front door over the in to our village at groans of hundreds of Kashmiri Hindu Travelling from Ganderbal to Srinagar supplies for six months till the daughters, who were victims of their own blood airport was an achievement those days due to fence to Tathae. I night in a small truck libel, there are many stories of torture which are extreme cold and hostile conditions. I hastily thought of once to family returned. d u r i n g h e a v y untold till date. The empty, burnt houses in the brought a ticket of Air India flight to Jammu but invite him to follow us hostilities, registering community scream on the flowing waters of the could not get it okayed as these used to be done to Jammu but couldn't as migrants in camps, Jhelum which witnessed unending stains to the those days besides waiting halfhearted, gather the strength. starting college in a heart of humanity and the poison being spewed watching the last flight taking off without me. We walked maybe 12 kms to reach airport to find tent while living in a 10x10 shack with hostile by the loudspeakers of the mosques. These There were a lot of people still stranded and the it already overflowing. I was happy to be with an temperature and insects is horrifying. I paraphrases still resonate in our ears , “what we local police warned us to leave the premises and angel friend that day as I had felt very lonely the constantly visited all camps to locate my angel want here, Nizam-e-Mustafa” What does try again the next day. This was my Waterloo previous day before meeting him. I was to betray but in vain. I knew his pet name “gasha” which freedom mean, “La Ilaha Ilallah, “If you want to moment. There was no place for me to go. All my angel is another fact of life. could not help me in finding him besides writing live in Kashmir, you need to say Allah- O- my relatives had already left Srinagar. I went We stood in the line confident that we about him in Orkut, Facebook and Twitter Akbar,”Asi Gacchi Pakistan, battav roas te pale. My paleness was suddenly observed by an would fly that day as an extra flight had been recently. My guilt of leaving him alone when he batnev saan”, which meant that we have to make angel, my friend who stood behind me in the line requisitioned due to heavy rush. We were talking needed me most forces me to go to the front gate our Pakistan here, with Kashmiri Pandit women for confirmation of flight. We both were the of the future events that would be reality once of Jammu airport frequently in case, he also is shunning Kashmiri Pandits, such poisonous losers but he seemed to have an opportunity left. we touched Jammu as I felt a hand on my trying to locate me. My angel had saved me that emotions dared to rob us of centuries of He had his home in Zaina kadal and he offered shoulder. Abdul Ghani Mir worked as a loader at night and it will remain embedded in my heart brotherhood. me to spend the night there. I agreed having no airport. He was taught by my father. He had for whole life. God willing, he may read this In this mayhem, I suddenly found myself other options left. recognized me. He took me away with him and I issue of Naad to come back to me. Till then I will with dad handing over a small handbag which We boarded a bus secured by the army told my angel friend that I will be back in a few continue trying. had a small towel and an undergarment. I had to personnel which dropped us at Zaina kadal. All minutes. Somebody had to secure the line. I was On the morning of January 19, 1990, a note wake myself up to come to terms what was of a sudden we found us walking through the never to see him again. was found affixed on the doors of Hindu homes happening. Parents were dependent on me as my alleys with people staring at us. It was late Ghani took my ticket and went inside. He and mosques in Kashmir, on which it was two brothers due to Jihadi threat had already fled evening. He reached his home and I was came after a few minutes and told me to written, “If you do not leave Kashmir, you will to Jammu. Elder brother had picked up a job surprised that the front door was locked. I accompany him. My ticket had been okayed. I be killed”. It is a matter of fact that earlier the outside an insurance company, though having wanted to enter in a shelter as quickly as refused to go inside without my angel friend. He separatist organizations had asked the Kashmiri

48 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 49 possible. He didn't have the keys. Soon he made insisted that he will ensure my friend also some silly noise and somebody threw a key in boarded the flight. I agreed after his long the alley. He opened the door and we went in to persuasion. That was my first flight of life at the our great relief. I was to witness a horrifying fact age of 18 years and I didn't like it. My friend was - Rajiv Raina of life. not with me. I came out of Jammu airport and There was only one very old man in the after buying an omelette nearby the main gate, I house. My friend explained to me that 'Tathae' as patiently waited till the other flights landed and they used to call their grandfather was reluctant the passengers kept emerging from the gate. My to move to Jammu so he was left behind locked patience diminished after I saw the passengers with enough supplies for six months till the coming out of last flight. I enquired from many Lost Angel family returned. The family had moved to passengers as to how many were still stranded at Jammu. The old man received us well. He got the airport. They said the last flight had many blankets and covered us and gave us Kangri to vacant seats could give me relief but not he times that have gone through secured distinction in graduation. Parents were warm ourselves. He cooked rice and baderwahi happiness that I would have got by physically displacement and restoration add to the reluctant and finally I could not resist anymore. I lentils and we had a sumptuous meal. During the seeing him coming out. Finally as it was getting experiences of human beings and many took my brother's employment papers as I pin drop silence of night we could here bullet late, I went to bus stand to catch the last bus to T ricochet from far away distance. The Akhnoor where my uncle had a small place to forgotten stories, scriptures, edicts, which thought these would be of some value than my continue to travel with them in the coming times. mother's jewelry. That is all which I could fit in grandfather was a brave man. He kept vigil as we start my refugee life in Jammu. Next couple of Such tales and questions are not new to the entire handbag. My mother handed me ten notes of slept soundly. He years were a saga of community of Kashmiri Pandits, who are hundred each for the airplane tickets and woke us up early at struggle. Getting desperate to return to their own homeland after miscellaneous expenditure with tears in eyes. four in the morning. parents and an almost forced to live displaced lives in their own We had an ailing grandmother at home which We just splashed a few dead grandmother country for last three decades after their heaven prevented parents from leaving besides we had drops of water on our Grandfather was reluctant to from Kashmir was became a slaughterhouse of its own flowers. Its enough land and orchards and all this kept my faces and relaying the move to Jammu so he was left planned by my elder beautiful surroundings still echo the unbridled father clinging on to his roots. keys after locking the behind locked with enough brother who sneaked front door over the in to our village at groans of hundreds of Kashmiri Hindu Travelling from Ganderbal to Srinagar supplies for six months till the daughters, who were victims of their own blood airport was an achievement those days due to fence to Tathae. I night in a small truck libel, there are many stories of torture which are extreme cold and hostile conditions. I hastily thought of once to family returned. d u r i n g h e a v y untold till date. The empty, burnt houses in the brought a ticket of Air India flight to Jammu but invite him to follow us hostilities, registering community scream on the flowing waters of the could not get it okayed as these used to be done to Jammu but couldn't as migrants in camps, Jhelum which witnessed unending stains to the those days besides waiting halfhearted, gather the strength. starting college in a heart of humanity and the poison being spewed watching the last flight taking off without me. We walked maybe 12 kms to reach airport to find tent while living in a 10x10 shack with hostile by the loudspeakers of the mosques. These There were a lot of people still stranded and the it already overflowing. I was happy to be with an temperature and insects is horrifying. I paraphrases still resonate in our ears , “what we local police warned us to leave the premises and angel friend that day as I had felt very lonely the constantly visited all camps to locate my angel want here, Nizam-e-Mustafa” What does try again the next day. This was my Waterloo previous day before meeting him. I was to betray but in vain. I knew his pet name “gasha” which freedom mean, “La Ilaha Ilallah, “If you want to moment. There was no place for me to go. All my angel is another fact of life. could not help me in finding him besides writing live in Kashmir, you need to say Allah- O- my relatives had already left Srinagar. I went We stood in the line confident that we about him in Orkut, Facebook and Twitter Akbar,”Asi Gacchi Pakistan, battav roas te pale. My paleness was suddenly observed by an would fly that day as an extra flight had been recently. My guilt of leaving him alone when he batnev saan”, which meant that we have to make angel, my friend who stood behind me in the line requisitioned due to heavy rush. We were talking needed me most forces me to go to the front gate our Pakistan here, with Kashmiri Pandit women for confirmation of flight. We both were the of the future events that would be reality once of Jammu airport frequently in case, he also is shunning Kashmiri Pandits, such poisonous losers but he seemed to have an opportunity left. we touched Jammu as I felt a hand on my trying to locate me. My angel had saved me that emotions dared to rob us of centuries of He had his home in Zaina kadal and he offered shoulder. Abdul Ghani Mir worked as a loader at night and it will remain embedded in my heart brotherhood. me to spend the night there. I agreed having no airport. He was taught by my father. He had for whole life. God willing, he may read this In this mayhem, I suddenly found myself other options left. recognized me. He took me away with him and I issue of Naad to come back to me. Till then I will with dad handing over a small handbag which We boarded a bus secured by the army told my angel friend that I will be back in a few continue trying. had a small towel and an undergarment. I had to personnel which dropped us at Zaina kadal. All minutes. Somebody had to secure the line. I was On the morning of January 19, 1990, a note wake myself up to come to terms what was of a sudden we found us walking through the never to see him again. was found affixed on the doors of Hindu homes happening. Parents were dependent on me as my alleys with people staring at us. It was late Ghani took my ticket and went inside. He and mosques in Kashmir, on which it was two brothers due to Jihadi threat had already fled evening. He reached his home and I was came after a few minutes and told me to written, “If you do not leave Kashmir, you will to Jammu. Elder brother had picked up a job surprised that the front door was locked. I accompany him. My ticket had been okayed. I be killed”. It is a matter of fact that earlier the outside an insurance company, though having wanted to enter in a shelter as quickly as refused to go inside without my angel friend. He separatist organizations had asked the Kashmiri

48 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 49 Pandits to revolt against the Indian government, hundred and fifty Hindu families lived, was but when the Pandits refused to do so, thousands named Sheikhpura. Under the rule of Farooq of Kashmiri Muslims started burning the Abdullah's father Sheikh Abdullah, policies Pandits' houses. The children and elderly were were made which made it difficult for Kashmiri - Dr. Sunite Ambardar killed on the street and women gang raped, saw Pandits to survive. Sheikh Abdullah passed the almost 5 lakh Hindu families displaced from oppressive policy 'Land Abolition Act' and Kashmir to Jammu and Delhi immediately. caused great harm. Under this law, without Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits were killed in giving compensation to the Pandith owners, this massacre and hundreds of temples were their arable land was snatched and handed over destroyed. The slogans of Raliv, Galiv and to the tillers. The government had abolished the Chaliv , Kashmiri Pandits convert, die or go loan given by Pandit to the Muslims under the The Muezzin's Call away resonates vividly in the hearts of every 'loan cancellation scheme'. The idea of Kashmiri pandith. Not only this, the names of secularism was basically shattered by (Excerpted from 'Days of Destiny:A Memoir of Kashmir', 300 Hindu villages were changed to Islampura, destroying places of worship and hospices. authored by Professor Shanti Swarup Ambardar) Sheikhpura and Mohammadpura. Names like January 19, 1990 is asking the world's largest Shankaracharya, Hariparbat and Anantnag have democratic country a question repeatedly as now been changed and are being called by names whether India has ability to restore Kashmiri he night of 20 January was a night saturated reappeared on her face. like Suleiman Teing, Kohimaran and Islamabad. Pandits to the Valley with the lost respect and with fear and verbal assaults, and one I am “Bei Pvew Taawan,” (Another havoc is in Uma Nagari in Anantnag district, where two humility. Maybe we all know the answer. Tunlikely to forget. It must have been around the offing) she hissed angrily. eight when the quiet of the night was rent by the She started relating how the options for her, slogans; a newly-wed bride, and for the young women “Musalmano Jago, Kaffiro bhago, Jihad Aa Raha Hai,” and girls in the household, had narrowed as the (Muslims arise, Infidels run away, Holy war is coming.) Qabailis advanced on Srinagar in 1947. Her “Aay Zalimo, Aay Kaffiro, Kashmir Hamara Chodh Do.” accounts of the killings in Muzaffarabad, Domel (Oh Tyrants, Oh Infidels, Leave our Kashmir.) and Baramulla were chilling. Tatha ji, my These slogans, in the Urdu language, grandfather, sometimes talked about the Qabaili seemed to be emanating from the loudspeakers invasion. However, I had dismissed these as of the mosques in our vicinity. Mixed in with fifty-year-old history, never to be repeated. But these was a more sinister slogan, in the Kashmiri Arundati's re-telling of the anxious and language: traumatic events of those days, in her strained “Asi Gacche Pakistan, Batav Ros Te Batnev Saan.” voice as she paused, searching for words, took (We want Pakistan, without the Pandit on a hard edge which could not be dismissed. men, but with their women.) Her distressed look, her odd silence and vague The hum of the loudspeakers reverberated phrases, hid something yet told it all. Would it KONG POSH in the cold air, playing the same slogans over and come to pass again? Would history repeat itself? over. The virulence of these announcements sent Each echoing wave of the scratchy slogans Group of Singers shivers up my spine. “Bhabhi, kya karav?” filled the winter night with fear. One slogan (Bhabhi, what should we do?) I asked Arundati stopped and another started sometimes in Complete arrangement for anxiously. “Wyen Cha Yim Baangh Boezni?” competition with each other. That day the Kashmiri Bhajans, Sufiyana, Chakri, Folk songs, Roff, (Do we have to listen to these rants?) She shot muezzin's calls from the mosques, were not back, but left my question unanswered. urging one to seek enlightenment and Hindi songs and also traditional Kashmiri bachkut dance The implications of the exhortations were emancipation. They, instead, were rousing obvious; Arundati strode to the front door to religious fervor, and instilling terror in the non- check that it was locked and barricaded. It was a Muslims' hearts. What used to be a call to prayer very cold night. We hurried up to the kainee, and had turned into a call for jihad. Never before had Please call us for locked ourselves in Satish's small bedroom. I heard such venom being exhorted from a Mehndiraat, Reception parties and other functions Prithvi Nath was panicking. Young Sachin was religious place. clinging to Santosh's pheran. Satish's easy smile To me, this Baangh-e-Raath (night of and boisterous laughter had been replaced by a rants) evoked echoes of the Kristallnacht of Contact person : Brij Naina look of wild-eyed terror. For Arundati, the November 1938. Windows of Synagogues and Ph. : 6006153863, 7889749173 Email:- [email protected] demons of the Qabaili invasion of 1947 Jewish shops had been shattered by Nazi Party

50 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 51 Pandits to revolt against the Indian government, hundred and fifty Hindu families lived, was but when the Pandits refused to do so, thousands named Sheikhpura. Under the rule of Farooq of Kashmiri Muslims started burning the Abdullah's father Sheikh Abdullah, policies Pandits' houses. The children and elderly were were made which made it difficult for Kashmiri - Dr. Sunite Ambardar killed on the street and women gang raped, saw Pandits to survive. Sheikh Abdullah passed the almost 5 lakh Hindu families displaced from oppressive policy 'Land Abolition Act' and Kashmir to Jammu and Delhi immediately. caused great harm. Under this law, without Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits were killed in giving compensation to the Pandith owners, this massacre and hundreds of temples were their arable land was snatched and handed over destroyed. The slogans of Raliv, Galiv and to the tillers. The government had abolished the Chaliv , Kashmiri Pandits convert, die or go loan given by Pandit to the Muslims under the The Muezzin's Call away resonates vividly in the hearts of every 'loan cancellation scheme'. The idea of Kashmiri pandith. Not only this, the names of secularism was basically shattered by (Excerpted from 'Days of Destiny:A Memoir of Kashmir', 300 Hindu villages were changed to Islampura, destroying places of worship and hospices. authored by Professor Shanti Swarup Ambardar) Sheikhpura and Mohammadpura. Names like January 19, 1990 is asking the world's largest Shankaracharya, Hariparbat and Anantnag have democratic country a question repeatedly as now been changed and are being called by names whether India has ability to restore Kashmiri he night of 20 January was a night saturated reappeared on her face. like Suleiman Teing, Kohimaran and Islamabad. Pandits to the Valley with the lost respect and with fear and verbal assaults, and one I am “Bei Pvew Taawan,” (Another havoc is in Uma Nagari in Anantnag district, where two humility. Maybe we all know the answer. Tunlikely to forget. It must have been around the offing) she hissed angrily. eight when the quiet of the night was rent by the She started relating how the options for her, slogans; a newly-wed bride, and for the young women “Musalmano Jago, Kaffiro bhago, Jihad Aa Raha Hai,” and girls in the household, had narrowed as the (Muslims arise, Infidels run away, Holy war is coming.) Qabailis advanced on Srinagar in 1947. Her “Aay Zalimo, Aay Kaffiro, Kashmir Hamara Chodh Do.” accounts of the killings in Muzaffarabad, Domel (Oh Tyrants, Oh Infidels, Leave our Kashmir.) and Baramulla were chilling. Tatha ji, my These slogans, in the Urdu language, grandfather, sometimes talked about the Qabaili seemed to be emanating from the loudspeakers invasion. However, I had dismissed these as of the mosques in our vicinity. Mixed in with fifty-year-old history, never to be repeated. But these was a more sinister slogan, in the Kashmiri Arundati's re-telling of the anxious and language: traumatic events of those days, in her strained “Asi Gacche Pakistan, Batav Ros Te Batnev Saan.” voice as she paused, searching for words, took (We want Pakistan, without the Pandit on a hard edge which could not be dismissed. men, but with their women.) Her distressed look, her odd silence and vague The hum of the loudspeakers reverberated phrases, hid something yet told it all. Would it KONG POSH in the cold air, playing the same slogans over and come to pass again? Would history repeat itself? over. The virulence of these announcements sent Each echoing wave of the scratchy slogans Group of Singers shivers up my spine. “Bhabhi, kya karav?” filled the winter night with fear. One slogan (Bhabhi, what should we do?) I asked Arundati stopped and another started sometimes in Complete arrangement for anxiously. “Wyen Cha Yim Baangh Boezni?” competition with each other. That day the Kashmiri Bhajans, Sufiyana, Chakri, Folk songs, Roff, (Do we have to listen to these rants?) She shot muezzin's calls from the mosques, were not back, but left my question unanswered. urging one to seek enlightenment and Hindi songs and also traditional Kashmiri bachkut dance The implications of the exhortations were emancipation. They, instead, were rousing obvious; Arundati strode to the front door to religious fervor, and instilling terror in the non- check that it was locked and barricaded. It was a Muslims' hearts. What used to be a call to prayer very cold night. We hurried up to the kainee, and had turned into a call for jihad. Never before had Please call us for locked ourselves in Satish's small bedroom. I heard such venom being exhorted from a Mehndiraat, Reception parties and other functions Prithvi Nath was panicking. Young Sachin was religious place. clinging to Santosh's pheran. Satish's easy smile To me, this Baangh-e-Raath (night of and boisterous laughter had been replaced by a rants) evoked echoes of the Kristallnacht of Contact person : Brij Naina look of wild-eyed terror. For Arundati, the November 1938. Windows of Synagogues and Ph. : 6006153863, 7889749173 Email:- [email protected] demons of the Qabaili invasion of 1947 Jewish shops had been shattered by Nazi Party

50 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 51 activists in the streets of Berlin then. Nearly fifty She seemed relieved. The bus drove off sometime after eight in packed with Kashmiri Pandits fleeing Srinagar. years later, the Kashmiri Pandits' brittle sense of Next morning, at around four, I was ready to the morning, a dove-grey winter sky our canopy. Many hours later we reached Jammu bus stand. security was being shattered in Srinagar. Just as leave. Arundati murmured a quick, “Bhagwanes Snowflakes were drifting about. The once Old men and women, some clad in pherans, the Kristallnacht marked the beginning of the Hawale,” (God be with you) and hugged me. I surging water fountains near Radio Kashmir others clutching small bundles, were squatting incarceration of Jews, so did the Baangh-e- stepped out wondering how she and her family Srinagar were silent. The bus rolled past Burn on the ground in the evening darkness. Their Raath of 20 January 1990, terrorise the Kashmiri would fare. She had coaxed, counselled and Hall School towards Badami Bagh. “Dedhwun faces, creased with anxiety, stood out in the Pandits to flee the Valley. The parallels, though chastised me, all in a motherly fashion, to leave Gaw Yeti,” (It is all burnt here) Prabhavati garish light cast by the petromax lamps, of vastly different scales, were unnervingly Srinagar. She was a doyenne of the Ambardar remarked wistfully. swinging from the fruit vendor's carts. Little similar. family, full of wit, tact and pluck. She ordered While driving through Anantnag, an angry boys and girls were walking around, awed by the Every noise, real or imagined, took on an Prithvi Nath, her husband, to accompany me. crowd was attempting to block traffic. The rumble around them. A young lady was arguing ominous overtone. I mentally prepared for the We walked past the familiar lane to the driver slowed down as he neared the group, but ferociously with a much older man. onslaught, trying to remember my NCC training municipal water tap and across the dried-out then roared past. Stones started hitting the bus. The terror of those cold days of January from years ago about how to handle a gun. canal, to the Dembi residence. The lights were Prabhavati was holding her face. A shard of glass 1990 lives in me. However, Arundati's motherly Ironically, I did not even have a surgical knife not on, but Kuldeep and Prabhavati were had gashed her right cheek. Blood trickled on to concerns, and Kuldeep and Prabhavati's ready with me. The hours passed fitfully, in sleepless waiting. She grabbed a shawl and we quietly her creamy-white shawl. Others were also hurt, assistance in facilitating my escape from anxiety. One had to live through that night to filed out to the main road. We trudged past but nobody called out for the driver to stop. Half Srinagar, helps me get over the memories of this comprehend the depths of fear it created. Kralyar, then Khanyar, and towards the Tourist an hour later he stopped at Qazi Gund, where I unforgettable period of my life. The slogans died down as dawn broke on Reception Centre. Occasionally, ice cracked applied first-aid to those hurt. (This is the account of Dr Sunite 21 January 1990. Arundati opened the window like a pane of glass under our feet. The walk was The road to Jammu was crawling with Ambardar Ganju, the author's daughter, who to let in some air. A bulbul perched on a mulberry exhausting Prabhavati, but she did not buses and taxis some with luggage and bedrolls was posted at Tangmarg Hospital. She was in tree branch was startled by the noise. The curl of complain. Prithvi Nath brought up the rear, his lashed to their roofs. Most likely, they were all Rainawari, Srinagar, during January 1990.) the black feathers on its head sprung back and teeth dug deep into his lower lip. Kuldeep, if he forth. It seemed so free and without a care. The was fearful, did not show it. I was very uneasy. elderly Jia Lal Raina, who lived directly across CRPF units were stationed on the road. Once our backyard, was walking towards Vital Sahib past Dal Gate, we hastened our pace. Prabhavati Temple. This boosted our morale. Santosh and I and Prithvi Nath were gasping. ran to the temple. Santosh tried to jangle the The Tourist Reception Center was temple bell. crawling with people clamoring for bus tickets. “Kya Chak Karan? Haalath Gayi Kharab. They were elbowing and jostling with each Vaen Paeyi Tchalun,” (What are you doing? The other to get to the counter. Some were thrusting situation is bad. We will have to flee) Jia Lal money at the ticket agents, willing to pay commented agitatedly. Santosh and I walked double, even triple the normal fare. Kuldeep back home, rather stunned by Jia Lal's somehow was able to purchase three tickets. We chastisement. Arundati accosted me. barely managed to get into a bus and occupied “Gus Vaeriw. Naukari Balai. Zuv three seats behind the driver's door. Prabhavati Bachav!” (Go home. Forget your job. Save your flopped into the window seat next to me. In the life!) she insisted. Arundati seemed to have commotion of the moment, I could not say assumed responsibility for my safety. Prompted goodbye to Prithvi Nath. He had fallen back in by her urgings, I went to see Prabhavati Dembi, the crowd and disappeared from view. my friend Girja's mother, who lived in Mengan The bus was filled with Kashmiri Pandits, Mohalla, across the dried-out narrow canal, by some clutching terrified kids in their laps, others our home. staring nervously at each other. Rita Jalla, and “Lookh Tche Tchalan. Vapas Kyazi her grandmother, who seemed as frail as a Aayekh?” (People are fleeing. Why did you parchment and who was shaking with the return?) Prabhavati questioned me, her face a tremour of old age, kept mumbling, “Vaelinj picture of anxious inquiry. Her son, Kuldeep Tcham Phatan.” (My heart is breaking). They Dembi, had just arrived from Ludhiana to were among the forty or so people in the bus. They evacuate his mother. I asked Kuldeep if I could lived in Habba Kadal. Their house had been accompany them. He agreed instantly. I rushed stoned repeatedly in the past weeks, although they home, stuffed a change of clothes into a had fixed a black flag on their door. Last night's handbag, and informed Arundati about my plan. exhortations had driven them to flee.

52 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 53 activists in the streets of Berlin then. Nearly fifty She seemed relieved. The bus drove off sometime after eight in packed with Kashmiri Pandits fleeing Srinagar. years later, the Kashmiri Pandits' brittle sense of Next morning, at around four, I was ready to the morning, a dove-grey winter sky our canopy. Many hours later we reached Jammu bus stand. security was being shattered in Srinagar. Just as leave. Arundati murmured a quick, “Bhagwanes Snowflakes were drifting about. The once Old men and women, some clad in pherans, the Kristallnacht marked the beginning of the Hawale,” (God be with you) and hugged me. I surging water fountains near Radio Kashmir others clutching small bundles, were squatting incarceration of Jews, so did the Baangh-e- stepped out wondering how she and her family Srinagar were silent. The bus rolled past Burn on the ground in the evening darkness. Their Raath of 20 January 1990, terrorise the Kashmiri would fare. She had coaxed, counselled and Hall School towards Badami Bagh. “Dedhwun faces, creased with anxiety, stood out in the Pandits to flee the Valley. The parallels, though chastised me, all in a motherly fashion, to leave Gaw Yeti,” (It is all burnt here) Prabhavati garish light cast by the petromax lamps, of vastly different scales, were unnervingly Srinagar. She was a doyenne of the Ambardar remarked wistfully. swinging from the fruit vendor's carts. Little similar. family, full of wit, tact and pluck. She ordered While driving through Anantnag, an angry boys and girls were walking around, awed by the Every noise, real or imagined, took on an Prithvi Nath, her husband, to accompany me. crowd was attempting to block traffic. The rumble around them. A young lady was arguing ominous overtone. I mentally prepared for the We walked past the familiar lane to the driver slowed down as he neared the group, but ferociously with a much older man. onslaught, trying to remember my NCC training municipal water tap and across the dried-out then roared past. Stones started hitting the bus. The terror of those cold days of January from years ago about how to handle a gun. canal, to the Dembi residence. The lights were Prabhavati was holding her face. A shard of glass 1990 lives in me. However, Arundati's motherly Ironically, I did not even have a surgical knife not on, but Kuldeep and Prabhavati were had gashed her right cheek. Blood trickled on to concerns, and Kuldeep and Prabhavati's ready with me. The hours passed fitfully, in sleepless waiting. She grabbed a shawl and we quietly her creamy-white shawl. Others were also hurt, assistance in facilitating my escape from anxiety. One had to live through that night to filed out to the main road. We trudged past but nobody called out for the driver to stop. Half Srinagar, helps me get over the memories of this comprehend the depths of fear it created. Kralyar, then Khanyar, and towards the Tourist an hour later he stopped at Qazi Gund, where I unforgettable period of my life. The slogans died down as dawn broke on Reception Centre. Occasionally, ice cracked applied first-aid to those hurt. (This is the account of Dr Sunite 21 January 1990. Arundati opened the window like a pane of glass under our feet. The walk was The road to Jammu was crawling with Ambardar Ganju, the author's daughter, who to let in some air. A bulbul perched on a mulberry exhausting Prabhavati, but she did not buses and taxis some with luggage and bedrolls was posted at Tangmarg Hospital. She was in tree branch was startled by the noise. The curl of complain. Prithvi Nath brought up the rear, his lashed to their roofs. Most likely, they were all Rainawari, Srinagar, during January 1990.) the black feathers on its head sprung back and teeth dug deep into his lower lip. Kuldeep, if he forth. It seemed so free and without a care. The was fearful, did not show it. I was very uneasy. elderly Jia Lal Raina, who lived directly across CRPF units were stationed on the road. Once our backyard, was walking towards Vital Sahib past Dal Gate, we hastened our pace. Prabhavati Temple. This boosted our morale. Santosh and I and Prithvi Nath were gasping. ran to the temple. Santosh tried to jangle the The Tourist Reception Center was temple bell. crawling with people clamoring for bus tickets. “Kya Chak Karan? Haalath Gayi Kharab. They were elbowing and jostling with each Vaen Paeyi Tchalun,” (What are you doing? The other to get to the counter. Some were thrusting situation is bad. We will have to flee) Jia Lal money at the ticket agents, willing to pay commented agitatedly. Santosh and I walked double, even triple the normal fare. Kuldeep back home, rather stunned by Jia Lal's somehow was able to purchase three tickets. We chastisement. Arundati accosted me. barely managed to get into a bus and occupied “Gus Vaeriw. Naukari Balai. Zuv three seats behind the driver's door. Prabhavati Bachav!” (Go home. Forget your job. Save your flopped into the window seat next to me. In the life!) she insisted. Arundati seemed to have commotion of the moment, I could not say assumed responsibility for my safety. Prompted goodbye to Prithvi Nath. He had fallen back in by her urgings, I went to see Prabhavati Dembi, the crowd and disappeared from view. my friend Girja's mother, who lived in Mengan The bus was filled with Kashmiri Pandits, Mohalla, across the dried-out narrow canal, by some clutching terrified kids in their laps, others our home. staring nervously at each other. Rita Jalla, and “Lookh Tche Tchalan. Vapas Kyazi her grandmother, who seemed as frail as a Aayekh?” (People are fleeing. Why did you parchment and who was shaking with the return?) Prabhavati questioned me, her face a tremour of old age, kept mumbling, “Vaelinj picture of anxious inquiry. Her son, Kuldeep Tcham Phatan.” (My heart is breaking). They Dembi, had just arrived from Ludhiana to were among the forty or so people in the bus. They evacuate his mother. I asked Kuldeep if I could lived in Habba Kadal. Their house had been accompany them. He agreed instantly. I rushed stoned repeatedly in the past weeks, although they home, stuffed a change of clothes into a had fixed a black flag on their door. Last night's handbag, and informed Arundati about my plan. exhortations had driven them to flee.

52 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 53 - Shivani Koul Bhat - Er. Vinod Kumar

In Search of Homeland - Kashmir KOOTIHAR – The Tirtha of Kaptesvara

xodus, strangely compelling to think native place is not easy. It is running away from about but terrible to experience. It is an in what was your comfort zone forgetting safety Ehealable rift between a person and a native issues that would come in the path and start place and the amount of sadness can never be relocating at the place you fear to live. Same was surmounted. You can ask a Kashmiri Pandit the with that Kashmiri Pandit family like so many pain behind exodus and its slow poisoning others who came over to a new place not effects that consumed him or her throughout knowing how to start and earn a livelihood for these years. A Kashmiri Pandit left his home their family. This situation gave space to killing with a life longing pain and was explicitly depression. Depression of not having a job, refused permission to return back to the roots. depression of watching their loved ones being I don't need to go into so much detailing brutally murdered in front of their eyes, because we all know how disheartening the depression of facing harsh climatic conditions, exodus has been and how it changed the whole depression of thinking about the career of their life of Kashmiri Pandit families. Just here to tell kids, depression of living in those suffocating you a story. A story of a person who was settled one room compartments and what not. The in his life, earning bread and butter for his count is endless. family, owning a beautiful house in a small The story has been same for thousands of village of Kashmir. His only source of income Kashmiri Pandit families who lost all their was that small shop where he used to go early dreams to the mass exodus. Starting from the morning, greet his friends there, earn a (Kapata) of pieces of wood floating on the water. basics, without any money in hand, make a History and Legends livelihood and return back home with a huge So Lord Shiva is worshipped here under the living for the family, raising kids in those tough Many pilgrimages lose their importance over a bundle of joy. period of time if not visited by the pilgrims due name of Kaptesvara. conditions, fighting with depression and those The sacred spring now rises in a circular Situations in the valley started worsening. 25 years of sacrifice by our parents and to one reason or the other. Such things have tank, about sixty yards in diameter. It is enclosed It was the time of 1990's when came an ill fated grandparents so that our community stands happened in Kashmir too. Presently pilgrimages by a massive stone wall. From the formation of day. Somebody came up with the news that his against all the odds. But the struggle is still on to the holy cave of Amarnath, the shrines of shop was burnt to ashes. The view of his with the hope to get back to our roots, where we Kheerbhawani and Martand have the greatest the ground, it is evident that this tank has been livelihood burning was not a big shock to him learnt to breathe. sanctity for Kashmiri Hindus. But visits to formed by closing artificially the gully in which but watching his own helper, whom he treated as Harmukh Ganga, Kounsernag, Bheda Tirtha, the spring rises on the hillside. The dam, which his son, setting fire to it was even more painful. Home is a word that resonates deeply. May Lukbhawan, Dumtabal, Trisandhya, Payar affected this, forms the western side of the tank. This has been a disheartening story of almost be for a common man it evokes family, Temple and Kaptesvara Spring (Kootihar Nag) Depth of the spring is quite considerable. The every Kashmiri Pandit where your close childhood and some vivid memories. But for us were highly reverred in ancient Kashmir. place has enjoyed a great reputation for sanctity associates stabbed you and then pretended as if it is a word that comforts our soul, that names a Located about 5 kms away from Achhabal in for many centuries in the past. Due to the they were the one who were bleeding. To make place we want to return to, that makes us feel District Anantnag, Kootihar is one of the importance and popularity of Kootihar spring, the situation even worse came out the slogans safe, loved and nurtured. Exodus, leaving prominent archeological sites of ancient the entire pargana is called as Kutehaar. “Just leave your roots or you will be behind your home is even more painful than Kashmir. The sacred spring of Kootihar is slaughtered”. That small businessman like leaving behind your soul and just hoping that devoted to Kaptesvara, which is an apellation of Legend of King Mutuskund thousands of others had to leave his home with a your body will find the soul again to live a happy Lord Shiva. According to a legend Lord Shiva The construction of the Kapatesvara tank and its hope to return back to his roots. Leaving the perfect life and breathe freely. has shown himself here under the disguise stone enclosure are credited to the legendary

54 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 55 - Shivani Koul Bhat - Er. Vinod Kumar

In Search of Homeland - Kashmir KOOTIHAR – The Tirtha of Kaptesvara xodus, strangely compelling to think native place is not easy. It is running away from about but terrible to experience. It is an in what was your comfort zone forgetting safety Ehealable rift between a person and a native issues that would come in the path and start place and the amount of sadness can never be relocating at the place you fear to live. Same was surmounted. You can ask a Kashmiri Pandit the with that Kashmiri Pandit family like so many pain behind exodus and its slow poisoning others who came over to a new place not effects that consumed him or her throughout knowing how to start and earn a livelihood for these years. A Kashmiri Pandit left his home their family. This situation gave space to killing with a life longing pain and was explicitly depression. Depression of not having a job, refused permission to return back to the roots. depression of watching their loved ones being I don't need to go into so much detailing brutally murdered in front of their eyes, because we all know how disheartening the depression of facing harsh climatic conditions, exodus has been and how it changed the whole depression of thinking about the career of their life of Kashmiri Pandit families. Just here to tell kids, depression of living in those suffocating you a story. A story of a person who was settled one room compartments and what not. The in his life, earning bread and butter for his count is endless. family, owning a beautiful house in a small The story has been same for thousands of village of Kashmir. His only source of income Kashmiri Pandit families who lost all their was that small shop where he used to go early dreams to the mass exodus. Starting from the morning, greet his friends there, earn a (Kapata) of pieces of wood floating on the water. basics, without any money in hand, make a History and Legends livelihood and return back home with a huge So Lord Shiva is worshipped here under the living for the family, raising kids in those tough Many pilgrimages lose their importance over a bundle of joy. period of time if not visited by the pilgrims due name of Kaptesvara. conditions, fighting with depression and those The sacred spring now rises in a circular Situations in the valley started worsening. 25 years of sacrifice by our parents and to one reason or the other. Such things have tank, about sixty yards in diameter. It is enclosed It was the time of 1990's when came an ill fated grandparents so that our community stands happened in Kashmir too. Presently pilgrimages by a massive stone wall. From the formation of day. Somebody came up with the news that his against all the odds. But the struggle is still on to the holy cave of Amarnath, the shrines of shop was burnt to ashes. The view of his with the hope to get back to our roots, where we Kheerbhawani and Martand have the greatest the ground, it is evident that this tank has been livelihood burning was not a big shock to him learnt to breathe. sanctity for Kashmiri Hindus. But visits to formed by closing artificially the gully in which but watching his own helper, whom he treated as Harmukh Ganga, Kounsernag, Bheda Tirtha, the spring rises on the hillside. The dam, which his son, setting fire to it was even more painful. Home is a word that resonates deeply. May Lukbhawan, Dumtabal, Trisandhya, Payar affected this, forms the western side of the tank. This has been a disheartening story of almost be for a common man it evokes family, Temple and Kaptesvara Spring (Kootihar Nag) Depth of the spring is quite considerable. The every Kashmiri Pandit where your close childhood and some vivid memories. But for us were highly reverred in ancient Kashmir. place has enjoyed a great reputation for sanctity associates stabbed you and then pretended as if it is a word that comforts our soul, that names a Located about 5 kms away from Achhabal in for many centuries in the past. Due to the they were the one who were bleeding. To make place we want to return to, that makes us feel District Anantnag, Kootihar is one of the importance and popularity of Kootihar spring, the situation even worse came out the slogans safe, loved and nurtured. Exodus, leaving prominent archeological sites of ancient the entire pargana is called as Kutehaar. “Just leave your roots or you will be behind your home is even more painful than Kashmir. The sacred spring of Kootihar is slaughtered”. That small businessman like leaving behind your soul and just hoping that devoted to Kaptesvara, which is an apellation of Legend of King Mutuskund thousands of others had to leave his home with a your body will find the soul again to live a happy Lord Shiva. According to a legend Lord Shiva The construction of the Kapatesvara tank and its hope to return back to his roots. Leaving the perfect life and breathe freely. has shown himself here under the disguise stone enclosure are credited to the legendary

54 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 55 King Mutuskund. This king was cursed by the skills of his engineers. He was a great There are recesses on the exterior of the other Haracaritacintamani, devotes the entire nature with a pair of buffalo ears. He was devotee of Lord Shiva. After knowing about the three sides of all the three temples which are fourteenth canto to the story of Kapatesvara. anxious to rid himself of this disfigurement. He sanctity of Kapatesvara spring, King Bhoja almost of the same dimensions as the open This has now become the official Mahatmya of visited a number of sacred sites for seeking vowed to wash his face regularly with the sacred doorway. The smaller temple measures 6' 4" the tirtha. In Ain-i-Akbari, Abul Fazl writes “In relief, but all in vain. At last someone advised waters of Kootihar spring. He sent heaps of gold internally. It faces west. Its lower part is buried the village of Kotiyar is a deep spring him to take a bath in the sacred waters of to King Ananta of Kashmir for construction of underground. There was also a much bigger surrounded by stone temples. When its water Kootihar spring in order to have his heart's round tank (kund) at Kootihar spring. He stone structure which is now in shambles and the decreases an image of Mahadeva in sandalwood desire. He learned about the miraculous powers deputed his man Padmaraja in Kashmir for foundation of which is quite visible. There is a appears.” R.C. Kak in his 'Ancient Monuments of Kapatesvara spring. So he decided to get rid dispatching the sacred waters in big glass jars long stretch of wall 246' long and about 12' wide, of Kashmir', has recorded the legend of King from the buffalo ears by bathing in the spring. from Kootihar to Malwa regularly. This on the north side of the area, which originally Mutuskund and has given detailed description When he reached near the Kapatesvara spring, continued till Raja Bhoj was alive. The stone formed part of the enclosure wall round the about the architectural aspect of Kapatesvara he noticed that a wounded dog was healed by basin built by King Bhoja is still existing temples and the tank. The fragment that is above spring and the surrounding temples. entering the water of the sacred spring. The King partially. Flights of steps lead down to the water ground on the east side shows that this By far the most detailed description about followed his example and had a bath in the level. surrounding wall is in reality a cellular peristyle. the origin of Kapatesva area is given in Nilmat spring with true devotion to Lord Shiva. There The top stones of the cells are visible. The Purana. It describes the sanctity associated with was a miracle. His buffalo ears turned into Legend of a Treasure architecture very much resembles with the taking a bath in Kapatesvara spring. Nilmat human ears after the bath. In support of this A curious local legend reports that a treasure lies temples of other places of Kashmir region built records that one attains the world of Rudra by sacred incident, there is a popular Kashmiri buried somewhere in or near the spring, and that during Samrat Lalitaditiya’s reign. taking bath in Kapatesvara. adage, there was a stone slab embedded in the wall of "Mutsakund razas manshihind kann the spring on which were inscribed directions Tirth Yatra Tim Kati tsalnas? Kootihar vann." for its discovery. This was meant as In the past, pilgrims used to visit Kapatesvara (King Mutsukund has buffalo's ears; where compensation for the person who would tirtha every year in the month of Baisakh. Now will they be removed ? In the forests of Kootihar) undertake the repairs and upkeep of the spring the pilgrimage has lost much of its importance In gratitude, King Mutsakund expended his and it’s dependent shrines. The same legend after the forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits treasures upon the upkeep of the spring. He also associates the name of King Mutskund with the from the valley of Kashmir. Before 1990 foundation of the temples. Sir Aurel Stein constructed some wooden temples at the site. Kashmiri Pandits used to organise an annual confirms the traditional reference to treasure. Later in 8th century Samrat Lalitaditiya festival here called as Achhen Trai (Akhshay He says that an inscription in various characters Muktapida, the great emperor of Kashmir Tritiya). Pilgrims used to have a sacred bath in had existed until Sikh times near a door in the the holy spring on that day. region, rebuilt the temples and fortified the area stone enclosure on the northern side of the tank. with stone work. It is believed that this inscription was thrown Recent Developments Since the information about the treasure of into the tank by a local Muslim Jagirdar during It is good to note that recently the kund (spring) King Mutsakund was written, the area round the the times of King Ranjit Singh. has been refurbished by the Tourism Department spring has been excavated many times. A Sultan Shahabuddin is also reported to of erstwhile J&K state (now UT). Stone/ cellular quadrangle and a number of shrines have carried out repairs of the tank and an concrete work has been done and the spring has belonging to the tenth to eleventh centuries have inscription relating to it was found by the State Historical Evidences been properly demarcated with metallic bars. been exhumed. Geological evidences shows that archeology department during one of its The importance of Kaptesvara tirtha has been Fencing has also been done around the entire there was an older stratum of buildings also, surveys. recorded in Nilmatpurana, Srikanthcharita of area of the shrine. But as on date most of the upon which the structures of the tenth to eleventh Mankha, Kitab-ul-Hind of Alberuni, temples at the site are in shambles with only centuries were superimposed. Archeological Remains R a j a t a r a n g i n i o f K a l h a n P a n d i t , plinths and stones visible. There are bushes and During Dogra rule, archeologists carried out Harcaritacintamani of Jayadratha, Ain-i-Akbari wild grass all around the spring. It is very Legend of King Bhoja excavation work in this area in 1932-33. It of Abul Fazal and by Ram Chand Kak, an difficult to walk through the area. Only Three There is another legend associated with revealed a cellular quadrangle and a number of outstanding archeologist. About Kapatesvara, temples and some fortified structures are visible Kootihar Spring. King Anantadeva (Ananta) shrines belonging to the tenth to eleventh Kalhana writes in the first taranga of but in damaged condition. It is painful to see that was the king of Kashmir from 1028 to 1063 A.D. centuries. It also showed that there was an older Rajatarangini. According to him, those who no idol is found anywhere in the area. All idols During the same period King Bhoja of Dhara stratum of buildings, upon which these touch the husband of Uma in wodden form are missing. It is learnt that a few idols of was ruling Malwa state in central India. He ruled structures were superimposed. Near the site of secure for reward of the pleasures of life and Kootihar Temples are preserved in SPS Museum over Malwa for four decades was a great patron the spring now there are three small temples liberation. The great Kashmirian poet Mankha Srinagar. The road leading to this heritage site is of litterature. He was a prince of uncommon which are made of stone walls. The larger was a contemporary of Kalhana. About narrow and in bad condition at many places. It ability and laid out Bhojpur Lake near Bhopal. temple measures 8' 4" internally and faces Kapatesvara tirtha, he says the temple is situated needs to be repaired. There is immediate need to This lake, once covering 250 sq miles was south-west. Its roof seems to have been in water and in it are present the wooden images protect and revive this place of tremendous formed by massive embankments and testifies to destroyed by fire. The entrance is 3' 8" by 6'. of Lord Shiva. Jayadratha, the author of religious and historical importance.

56 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 57 King Mutuskund. This king was cursed by the skills of his engineers. He was a great There are recesses on the exterior of the other Haracaritacintamani, devotes the entire nature with a pair of buffalo ears. He was devotee of Lord Shiva. After knowing about the three sides of all the three temples which are fourteenth canto to the story of Kapatesvara. anxious to rid himself of this disfigurement. He sanctity of Kapatesvara spring, King Bhoja almost of the same dimensions as the open This has now become the official Mahatmya of visited a number of sacred sites for seeking vowed to wash his face regularly with the sacred doorway. The smaller temple measures 6' 4" the tirtha. In Ain-i-Akbari, Abul Fazl writes “In relief, but all in vain. At last someone advised waters of Kootihar spring. He sent heaps of gold internally. It faces west. Its lower part is buried the village of Kotiyar is a deep spring him to take a bath in the sacred waters of to King Ananta of Kashmir for construction of underground. There was also a much bigger surrounded by stone temples. When its water Kootihar spring in order to have his heart's round tank (kund) at Kootihar spring. He stone structure which is now in shambles and the decreases an image of Mahadeva in sandalwood desire. He learned about the miraculous powers deputed his man Padmaraja in Kashmir for foundation of which is quite visible. There is a appears.” R.C. Kak in his 'Ancient Monuments of Kapatesvara spring. So he decided to get rid dispatching the sacred waters in big glass jars long stretch of wall 246' long and about 12' wide, of Kashmir', has recorded the legend of King from the buffalo ears by bathing in the spring. from Kootihar to Malwa regularly. This on the north side of the area, which originally Mutuskund and has given detailed description When he reached near the Kapatesvara spring, continued till Raja Bhoj was alive. The stone formed part of the enclosure wall round the about the architectural aspect of Kapatesvara he noticed that a wounded dog was healed by basin built by King Bhoja is still existing temples and the tank. The fragment that is above spring and the surrounding temples. entering the water of the sacred spring. The King partially. Flights of steps lead down to the water ground on the east side shows that this By far the most detailed description about followed his example and had a bath in the level. surrounding wall is in reality a cellular peristyle. the origin of Kapatesva area is given in Nilmat spring with true devotion to Lord Shiva. There The top stones of the cells are visible. The Purana. It describes the sanctity associated with was a miracle. His buffalo ears turned into Legend of a Treasure architecture very much resembles with the taking a bath in Kapatesvara spring. Nilmat human ears after the bath. In support of this A curious local legend reports that a treasure lies temples of other places of Kashmir region built records that one attains the world of Rudra by sacred incident, there is a popular Kashmiri buried somewhere in or near the spring, and that during Samrat Lalitaditiya’s reign. taking bath in Kapatesvara. adage, there was a stone slab embedded in the wall of "Mutsakund razas manshihind kann the spring on which were inscribed directions Tirth Yatra Tim Kati tsalnas? Kootihar vann." for its discovery. This was meant as In the past, pilgrims used to visit Kapatesvara (King Mutsukund has buffalo's ears; where compensation for the person who would tirtha every year in the month of Baisakh. Now will they be removed ? In the forests of Kootihar) undertake the repairs and upkeep of the spring the pilgrimage has lost much of its importance In gratitude, King Mutsakund expended his and it’s dependent shrines. The same legend after the forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits treasures upon the upkeep of the spring. He also associates the name of King Mutskund with the from the valley of Kashmir. Before 1990 foundation of the temples. Sir Aurel Stein constructed some wooden temples at the site. Kashmiri Pandits used to organise an annual confirms the traditional reference to treasure. Later in 8th century Samrat Lalitaditiya festival here called as Achhen Trai (Akhshay He says that an inscription in various characters Muktapida, the great emperor of Kashmir Tritiya). Pilgrims used to have a sacred bath in had existed until Sikh times near a door in the the holy spring on that day. region, rebuilt the temples and fortified the area stone enclosure on the northern side of the tank. with stone work. It is believed that this inscription was thrown Recent Developments Since the information about the treasure of into the tank by a local Muslim Jagirdar during It is good to note that recently the kund (spring) King Mutsakund was written, the area round the the times of King Ranjit Singh. has been refurbished by the Tourism Department spring has been excavated many times. A Sultan Shahabuddin is also reported to of erstwhile J&K state (now UT). Stone/ cellular quadrangle and a number of shrines have carried out repairs of the tank and an concrete work has been done and the spring has belonging to the tenth to eleventh centuries have inscription relating to it was found by the State Historical Evidences been properly demarcated with metallic bars. been exhumed. Geological evidences shows that archeology department during one of its The importance of Kaptesvara tirtha has been Fencing has also been done around the entire there was an older stratum of buildings also, surveys. recorded in Nilmatpurana, Srikanthcharita of area of the shrine. But as on date most of the upon which the structures of the tenth to eleventh Mankha, Kitab-ul-Hind of Alberuni, temples at the site are in shambles with only centuries were superimposed. Archeological Remains R a j a t a r a n g i n i o f K a l h a n P a n d i t , plinths and stones visible. There are bushes and During Dogra rule, archeologists carried out Harcaritacintamani of Jayadratha, Ain-i-Akbari wild grass all around the spring. It is very Legend of King Bhoja excavation work in this area in 1932-33. It of Abul Fazal and by Ram Chand Kak, an difficult to walk through the area. Only Three There is another legend associated with revealed a cellular quadrangle and a number of outstanding archeologist. About Kapatesvara, temples and some fortified structures are visible Kootihar Spring. King Anantadeva (Ananta) shrines belonging to the tenth to eleventh Kalhana writes in the first taranga of but in damaged condition. It is painful to see that was the king of Kashmir from 1028 to 1063 A.D. centuries. It also showed that there was an older Rajatarangini. According to him, those who no idol is found anywhere in the area. All idols During the same period King Bhoja of Dhara stratum of buildings, upon which these touch the husband of Uma in wodden form are missing. It is learnt that a few idols of was ruling Malwa state in central India. He ruled structures were superimposed. Near the site of secure for reward of the pleasures of life and Kootihar Temples are preserved in SPS Museum over Malwa for four decades was a great patron the spring now there are three small temples liberation. The great Kashmirian poet Mankha Srinagar. The road leading to this heritage site is of litterature. He was a prince of uncommon which are made of stone walls. The larger was a contemporary of Kalhana. About narrow and in bad condition at many places. It ability and laid out Bhojpur Lake near Bhopal. temple measures 8' 4" internally and faces Kapatesvara tirtha, he says the temple is situated needs to be repaired. There is immediate need to This lake, once covering 250 sq miles was south-west. Its roof seems to have been in water and in it are present the wooden images protect and revive this place of tremendous formed by massive embankments and testifies to destroyed by fire. The entrance is 3' 8" by 6'. of Lord Shiva. Jayadratha, the author of religious and historical importance.

56 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 57 MARTYRS OF JIHAD IN KASHMIR January List of Martyrs Team NAAD pays homage to the martyrs who were brutally killed by Jihadis in Kashmir which eventually led to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandit's from their Homeland. The list given below is not comprehensive. We request community members, friends and relatives of victims to share with us the details of martyrs so that a list is constantly updated. Due to the violent & disturbed conditions prevailing in Kashmir during the initial phase of With best compliments from militancy, there may be some discrepancies prevailing in the information given below.

Sr. No Name LOCATION KILLING DATE 1 Sh. Pawan Kumar Ziandar Mohalla, Srinagar 01.01.1989 2 Sh. RPN. Singh Killed at Anantnag 03.01.1990 3 Sh. M.L.Bhan Khonomoh, Srinagar 15.01.1990 4 Sh. P.K.Kotru Srinagar 19.01.1990 5 Sh. Satish Kr. Tickoo Karfali, Srinagar 22.01.1990 6 Sh. Omkar Nath Wali --- 02.01.1991 7 Sh. Baldev Raj Dutta --- 19.01.1991 8 Sh. Pradeep Kumar Bhat --- 28.01.1994 9 Sh. Akshay Kumar --- 25.01.1998 10 Sh. Badri Nath --- 25.01.1998 Sumo Group 11 Smt. Jyoti --- 25.01.1998 12 Sh. Kashi Nath --- 25.01.1998 13 Smt. Meenakshi --- 25.01.1998 14 Sh. Moti Lal Bhat --- 25.01.1998 15 Sh. Rakesh Kumar --- 25.01.1998 SUMO GROUP OF COMPANIES 16 Sh. Sanjay Kr. Bhat --- 25.01.1998 17 Smt. Sarika --- 25.01.1998 18 Ms. Sarla Kumari --- 25.01.1998 19 Ms. Seema Kumari ---- 25.01.1998 20 Smt. Choti ---- 25.01.1998 21 Smt. Dulari --- 25.01.1998 22 Smt. Neeru Ji ---- 25.01.1998 SUMO INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. SUMO HI-TECH MARKETING PVT. LTD. PCL-SUMO AIR TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD. 425, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 422-424, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 425, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 23 Sh. Sudarshan ---- 25.01.1998 Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. 24 Sh. Vijay Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Tel.: 0091 22 28449341 / 42 Tel.: 0091 22 42108888 Tel.: 0091 22 32108578 / 32107242 25 Sh. Vikas Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Fax: 0091 22 28819841 Fax: 0091 22 42108899 Fax: 0091 22 28819841 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 26 Sh. Vinod Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Web: Web: Web:

58 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 59 MARTYRS OF JIHAD IN KASHMIR January List of Martyrs Team NAAD pays homage to the martyrs who were brutally killed by Jihadis in Kashmir which eventually led to the ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pandit's from their Homeland. The list given below is not comprehensive. We request community members, friends and relatives of victims to share with us the details of martyrs so that a list is constantly updated. Due to the violent & disturbed conditions prevailing in Kashmir during the initial phase of With best compliments from militancy, there may be some discrepancies prevailing in the information given below.

Sr. No Name LOCATION KILLING DATE 1 Sh. Pawan Kumar Ziandar Mohalla, Srinagar 01.01.1989 2 Sh. RPN. Singh Killed at Anantnag 03.01.1990 3 Sh. M.L.Bhan Khonomoh, Srinagar 15.01.1990 4 Sh. P.K.Kotru Srinagar 19.01.1990 5 Sh. Satish Kr. Tickoo Karfali, Srinagar 22.01.1990 6 Sh. Omkar Nath Wali --- 02.01.1991 7 Sh. Baldev Raj Dutta --- 19.01.1991 8 Sh. Pradeep Kumar Bhat --- 28.01.1994 9 Sh. Akshay Kumar --- 25.01.1998 10 Sh. Badri Nath --- 25.01.1998 Sumo Group 11 Smt. Jyoti --- 25.01.1998 12 Sh. Kashi Nath --- 25.01.1998 13 Smt. Meenakshi --- 25.01.1998 14 Sh. Moti Lal Bhat --- 25.01.1998 15 Sh. Rakesh Kumar --- 25.01.1998 SUMO GROUP OF COMPANIES 16 Sh. Sanjay Kr. Bhat --- 25.01.1998 17 Smt. Sarika --- 25.01.1998 18 Ms. Sarla Kumari --- 25.01.1998 19 Ms. Seema Kumari ---- 25.01.1998 20 Smt. Choti ---- 25.01.1998 21 Smt. Dulari --- 25.01.1998 22 Smt. Neeru Ji ---- 25.01.1998 SUMO INTERNATIONAL PVT. LTD. SUMO HI-TECH MARKETING PVT. LTD. PCL-SUMO AIR TECHNOLOGY PVT. LTD. 425, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 422-424, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 425, Gemstar Commercial Complex, 23 Sh. Sudarshan ---- 25.01.1998 Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Ramchandra Lane Extn., Kachpada, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064. 24 Sh. Vijay Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Tel.: 0091 22 28449341 / 42 Tel.: 0091 22 42108888 Tel.: 0091 22 32108578 / 32107242 25 Sh. Vikas Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Fax: 0091 22 28819841 Fax: 0091 22 42108899 Fax: 0091 22 28819841 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] 26 Sh. Vinod Kumar ---- 25.01.1998 Web: Web: Web:

58 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 59 BECOME A LIFE MEMBER OF ALL INDIA KASHMIRI SAMAJ AND SUBSCRIBE TO NAAD MONTHLY JOURNAL

Application Form for Life Member All India Kashmiri Samaj (REGD.) 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110022, Telephone : 011-26107431 Web : E-mail : [email protected]

Application No. : ...... Date : ...... The President All India Kashmir Samaj 244, Sector-3, R.K. Puram New Delhi - 110022 Dear Sir, I hereby apply for Life membership of the All India Kashmiri Samaj. My Particulars are as under : Name (In full) : ...... Date of Birth : ...... Father’s/Husband’s Name : ...... Address : ...... Pin : ...... Tel : (Res.) : ...... Office : ...... Mobile : ...... Email : ...... I have studied the AIKS Constitution and agree to abide by the policies and programmes of the AIKS. With best wishes Yours Sincerely

Signature A Cheque of Rs 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand) only favouring All India Kashmiri Samaj is enclosed here with.

Cheque No. : ...... Drawn on (Bank) : ...... Amount : ...... Date : ...... AIKS Receipt No. : ......

(Life Members will receive a free copy of Naad for Fifteen Years)

60 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 61 BECOME A LIFE MEMBER OF ALL INDIA KASHMIRI SAMAJ AND SUBSCRIBE TO NAAD MONTHLY JOURNAL

Application Form for Life Member All India Kashmiri Samaj (REGD.) 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110022, Telephone : 011-26107431 Web : E-mail : [email protected]

Application No. : ...... Date : ...... The President All India Kashmir Samaj 244, Sector-3, R.K. Puram New Delhi - 110022 Dear Sir, I hereby apply for Life membership of the All India Kashmiri Samaj. My Particulars are as under : Name (In full) : ...... Date of Birth : ...... Father’s/Husband’s Name : ...... Address : ...... Pin : ...... Tel : (Res.) : ...... Office : ...... Mobile : ...... Email : ...... I have studied the AIKS Constitution and agree to abide by the policies and programmes of the AIKS. With best wishes Yours Sincerely

Signature A Cheque of Rs 5,000/- (Rs. Five Thousand) only favouring All India Kashmiri Samaj is enclosed here with.

Cheque No. : ...... Drawn on (Bank) : ...... Amount : ...... Date : ...... AIKS Receipt No. : ......

(Life Members will receive a free copy of Naad for Fifteen Years)

60 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 61 naadA I K S A Monthly Publication of Advertisement Tariff Subscribe Online!! Our Services * Facility Management Services * Comprehensive Housekeeping Subscription Charges Services Price/Issue – Rs 50/- * Provision of Janitors Annual – Rs 600/- * Provision of Office/ Pantry Boys * Provision of General Office Staff Back cover - Rs 20,000/- * Provision of Drivers Inside Cover (Front & back) - Rs. 10,000/- * Provision of Maintenance Staff Full Page Colour - Rs.8,000/- (Electricians, Plumbers, Full Page (B/W) - Rs. 5000/- Carpenters etc.). Half Page (B/W) - Rs. 2500/- * Shampooing of Carpets/ Centre Spread (Colour) - Rs.12,000/- Upholstery/ Blinds/ Partitions Matrimonial - Rs. 400/- Per Insertion and Pinup Boards * Crystallization and Polishing Half Yearly of Marble and Granite Floors Vaakh is an informative and compact literary half yearly in Kashmiri (Devnagri Script), containing very interesting material - prose, poetry, short stories and essays, of deep interest to our community members. * Pest Control Services Please subscribe to it for reading pleasure. Three year 500/- Modes of Payment

1. All Cheques/DDs favouring All India Kashmiri Samaj to be sent at 244, Sec-3, R.K. Puram- 110022, New Delhi. Tele: 11-2678 3427/ 4294 2. Subscriptions can also be remitted directly online to the following A/C Punjab National Bank : A/c No. 0151000100442202 Mob: 9810444413/ 9599444415 or 31 A/c Name : All India Kashmiri Samaj IFSC Code : PUNB0015100 MICR Code : 110024094 Address: FF-10 Paradise Plaza, K-4 Old Rangpuri Road, Mahipalpur New Delhi 110037 Note : After making the payment through Internet the subscriber must send intimation to AIKS on e-mail : [email protected] Mob No. 8130538867 through WhatsApp/SMS/Sending snapshot of the payment receipt.

62 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 63 naadA I K S A Monthly Publication of Advertisement Tariff Subscribe Online!! Our Services * Facility Management Services * Comprehensive Housekeeping Subscription Charges Services Price/Issue – Rs 50/- * Provision of Janitors Annual – Rs 600/- * Provision of Office/ Pantry Boys * Provision of General Office Staff Back cover - Rs 20,000/- * Provision of Drivers Inside Cover (Front & back) - Rs. 10,000/- * Provision of Maintenance Staff Full Page Colour - Rs.8,000/- (Electricians, Plumbers, Full Page (B/W) - Rs. 5000/- Carpenters etc.). Half Page (B/W) - Rs. 2500/- * Shampooing of Carpets/ Centre Spread (Colour) - Rs.12,000/- Upholstery/ Blinds/ Partitions Matrimonial - Rs. 400/- Per Insertion and Pinup Boards * Crystallization and Polishing Half Yearly of Marble and Granite Floors Vaakh is an informative and compact literary half yearly in Kashmiri (Devnagri Script), containing very interesting material - prose, poetry, short stories and essays, of deep interest to our community members. * Pest Control Services Please subscribe to it for reading pleasure. Three year 500/- Modes of Payment

1. All Cheques/DDs favouring All India Kashmiri Samaj to be sent at 244, Sec-3, R.K. Puram- 110022, New Delhi. Tele: 11-2678 3427/ 4294 2. Subscriptions can also be remitted directly online to the following A/C Punjab National Bank : A/c No. 0151000100442202 Mob: 9810444413/ 9599444415 or 31 A/c Name : All India Kashmiri Samaj IFSC Code : PUNB0015100 MICR Code : 110024094 Address: FF-10 Paradise Plaza, K-4 Old Rangpuri Road, Mahipalpur New Delhi 110037 Note : After making the payment through Internet the subscriber must send intimation to AIKS on e-mail : [email protected] Mob No. 8130538867 through WhatsApp/SMS/Sending snapshot of the payment receipt.

62 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 63 COUNSELLING Vijay Kashkari 11 Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh Assam 12 Maharaja Krishna Chandra Gajapati Medical College & Hospital Behrampur Odisha NAAD Education Folio 13 Christian Medical College, Ludhiana 14 Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune îî COUNSELLING Important Update released by NTA on NEET 2020 15% All India Quota seats 15 North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences Shillong National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued a notification regarding 'State of Eligibility' for 15% All India Quota seats in the NEET 2020 Application Form. îî ADMISSION ALERT The notice has been released to clear the confusion of the students irrespective of their state of IIM Indore announces 5 year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) Admission 2020 eligibility choice, as NTA has been receiving many queries regarding filling up of choice under State Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore, invites applications for the Five-Year Integrated of Eligibility (for 15% All India Quota) column in the Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2020. Program in Management (IPM) for the academic session 2020. The notification reads that the candidates from the Jammu and Kashmir now known as UTs of J & Important Dates K and Ladakh) are not eligible for the 15 per cent reservations, as it has been opted out of all India 1. Updation of the Admissions Procedure for IPM 2020 Batch: February 2020 scheme since its inception. In case the candidates wished to apply under 15% All India Quote required 2. Last date of submission of application: March 2020 to April 2020 to submit online self-declaration which will be generated and printed automatically along with 3. IPM AT 20 Test day: 30th April 2020 Thursday confirmation page for record and to present the same during counseling /admission. 4. Announcement of call for Personal Interviews: 2nd week of May 2020 “The above is applicable to 15% All India Quota seats only. For State/UT quota and other seats 5. Personal Interviews: last week of May 2020 falling under the ambit of States/UTs, the domicile will be governed by the respective State rules and 6. Announcement of Provisional Admissions Offers: 3rd week of June 2020 onwards will be required at the time of Counselling by the State/UT Authorities,” is also mentioned in the notice 7. Programme Registration: July 2020 (last week)/ August 2020 (first week) released by NTA . The notification also reiterates that, 'under various categories, state list category candidates who Selection Process are not in Central list must choose general”. v An entrance examination follows, to test the applicant's aptitude, logical reasoning and NEET 2020 is scheduled to be held on May 3, 2020 at various centres across the country. The proficiency in English we Application Process registration for the same is going on and the last date for registration is December 31, 2019. NEET The application form for IIM Indore IPM 2020 will be available in online mode only at website 2020 is the only entrance exam for admission into Undergraduate Medical courses in For more details please visit approved/recognized Medical/Dental & other Colleges/ Institutes in India including AIIMS, New BITS Pilani Admission MBA Delhi, JIPMER and all AIIMS like Institutions Specialization Which medical college to choose after NEET results? v MBA Specialization in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Operations, Engineering & Along with the worry of NEET results with good score lies the apprehension of which medical college Technology Management and IT Enable. to choose for best medical training. Well, here we try to lessen your burden of the best college hunt and bring you the list of top 15 Indian medical Colleges to take admission on the basis of NEET scores. The Important Dates below given tabular illustration will also guide you with the total number of seats available for Deadline for online submission of the applications17th February 2020. Candidates will be shortlisted admissions. based on their CAT (2019) / XAT (2020) / GMAT (2019) percentiles. For details about the MBA program please check Department website Sr. No. Name of college îî 01 Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College (G.S Medical College) Mumbai EDUCATION NEWS I DC launches two Initiatives to promote Design Education 02 Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune The India Design Council (IDC) launched the Chartered Designs of India (CDI) and the Design 03 King George Medical College, Lucknow: Education Quality Mark (DEQM) in New Delhi. These two initiatives of IDC and National Institute of design, Ahmedabad will help to address the 04 Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi: 5 challenges of scale, quality of design, quality of education for design, raising the priority for design 05 Grant Medical College, Mumbai in industry and design for public purpose. 06 Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Ahmedabad India Design Council is an autonomous body of the Government of India established under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. IDC is 07 Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi mandated to implement the NDP and is committed to work towards raising the standards of design 08 Kolkata Medical College (LHMC) Kolkata: education in India and ensure that it meets global benchmarks. IDC is working with other government 09 Patna Medical College Patna agencies, the design community, industry and educational institutions to promote design in business, society and public service. 10 Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Feedback : [email protected]

64 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 65 COUNSELLING Vijay Kashkari 11 Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh Assam 12 Maharaja Krishna Chandra Gajapati Medical College & Hospital Behrampur Odisha NAAD Education Folio 13 Christian Medical College, Ludhiana 14 Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Pune îî COUNSELLING Important Update released by NTA on NEET 2020 15% All India Quota seats 15 North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences Shillong National Testing Agency (NTA) has issued a notification regarding 'State of Eligibility' for 15% All India Quota seats in the NEET 2020 Application Form. îî ADMISSION ALERT The notice has been released to clear the confusion of the students irrespective of their state of IIM Indore announces 5 year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) Admission 2020 eligibility choice, as NTA has been receiving many queries regarding filling up of choice under State Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore, invites applications for the Five-Year Integrated of Eligibility (for 15% All India Quota) column in the Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2020. Program in Management (IPM) for the academic session 2020. The notification reads that the candidates from the Jammu and Kashmir now known as UTs of J & Important Dates K and Ladakh) are not eligible for the 15 per cent reservations, as it has been opted out of all India 1. Updation of the Admissions Procedure for IPM 2020 Batch: February 2020 scheme since its inception. In case the candidates wished to apply under 15% All India Quote required 2. Last date of submission of application: March 2020 to April 2020 to submit online self-declaration which will be generated and printed automatically along with 3. IPM AT 20 Test day: 30th April 2020 Thursday confirmation page for record and to present the same during counseling /admission. 4. Announcement of call for Personal Interviews: 2nd week of May 2020 “The above is applicable to 15% All India Quota seats only. For State/UT quota and other seats 5. Personal Interviews: last week of May 2020 falling under the ambit of States/UTs, the domicile will be governed by the respective State rules and 6. Announcement of Provisional Admissions Offers: 3rd week of June 2020 onwards will be required at the time of Counselling by the State/UT Authorities,” is also mentioned in the notice 7. Programme Registration: July 2020 (last week)/ August 2020 (first week) released by NTA . The notification also reiterates that, 'under various categories, state list category candidates who Selection Process are not in Central list must choose general”. v An entrance examination follows, to test the applicant's aptitude, logical reasoning and NEET 2020 is scheduled to be held on May 3, 2020 at various centres across the country. The proficiency in English we Application Process registration for the same is going on and the last date for registration is December 31, 2019. NEET The application form for IIM Indore IPM 2020 will be available in online mode only at website 2020 is the only entrance exam for admission into Undergraduate Medical courses in For more details please visit approved/recognized Medical/Dental & other Colleges/ Institutes in India including AIIMS, New BITS Pilani Admission MBA Delhi, JIPMER and all AIIMS like Institutions Specialization Which medical college to choose after NEET results? v MBA Specialization in Finance, Marketing, Human Resource, Operations, Engineering & Along with the worry of NEET results with good score lies the apprehension of which medical college Technology Management and IT Enable. to choose for best medical training. Well, here we try to lessen your burden of the best college hunt and bring you the list of top 15 Indian medical Colleges to take admission on the basis of NEET scores. The Important Dates below given tabular illustration will also guide you with the total number of seats available for Deadline for online submission of the applications17th February 2020. Candidates will be shortlisted admissions. based on their CAT (2019) / XAT (2020) / GMAT (2019) percentiles. For details about the MBA program please check Department website Sr. No. Name of college îî 01 Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College (G.S Medical College) Mumbai EDUCATION NEWS I DC launches two Initiatives to promote Design Education 02 Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune The India Design Council (IDC) launched the Chartered Designs of India (CDI) and the Design 03 King George Medical College, Lucknow: Education Quality Mark (DEQM) in New Delhi. These two initiatives of IDC and National Institute of design, Ahmedabad will help to address the 04 Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi: 5 challenges of scale, quality of design, quality of education for design, raising the priority for design 05 Grant Medical College, Mumbai in industry and design for public purpose. 06 Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College, Ahmedabad India Design Council is an autonomous body of the Government of India established under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry. IDC is 07 Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi mandated to implement the NDP and is committed to work towards raising the standards of design 08 Kolkata Medical College (LHMC) Kolkata: education in India and ensure that it meets global benchmarks. IDC is working with other government 09 Patna Medical College Patna agencies, the design community, industry and educational institutions to promote design in business, society and public service. 10 Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University Varanasi Feedback : [email protected]

64 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 65 Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 7th September 1991 (11.02AM) at Jammu, AIKS height (178cms). B.E (C.S.E). Presently working in MNC AS Team Leader in Gurugram (Haryana), earning handsome salary. Interested person may contact on MB- 8826008555. Matrimonial Service Email- [email protected]. vvvvv We are looking for MEDICO MATCH with MD/MS/DN working in DELHI – NCR match Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 2nd January 1991 (6.30PM) at Jammu, height for our Daughter, beautiful & tall , Born-June 87 / Ht.- 167 Cm qualified as MD in Obs. & (5’.11”). B.Tech (C.S.E) computer Science from VTU Bangalore, Karnataka University. Gynae. & Specialization in IVF & working as IVF Consultant with Hospital in GURGAON. Presently working as Senior Business Development specialist in Sales in Net Surion (USA) Interested may please contact on e-mail at: [email protected] Mob. +91 MNC at Bangalore, earning handsome salary. Parents are settled in Jammu & Pune. Interested 9873452557 / 9414012557. person may contact on MB- 7006171324, 9055272134, 8717090264. Email- vvvvv [email protected] Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born on 13th July 1991, 11.40 AM at Jammu. vvvvv Parents are presently living in Roop Nagar, Jammu. Height 5’11”, Qualified as BE in Seeking a suitable alliance for our daughter born on Aug 30, 1992 at 3.37 AM at Jammu. She is Computer Science. Working as Application Developer in Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. 180 cms tall. She has done B.Com & M.Com from H. L. College of commerce, Ahmedabad. at Vadodara, Gujrat. Interested may contact on MB- 941914151, Email id: Additional. Qualification Data Scientist. Presently working as Business Analyst in Tatvic [email protected] for Tekni & Biodata. Analytics, Ahmedabad. Interested may send tekni & kulawali on email id- vvvvv [email protected], Mob: 9419147374. Seeking suitable alliance for our son, born at Srinagar on 23rd July, 1988 at 11.59 AM, 173 vvvvv CMS. He is pursuing his own business at Valsad, Gujarat having a decent annual income in Suitable alliance invited for our son Bipin Wanchoo born on 22nd June 1990 at 08.15 AM in seven figures. The family is currently based in Faridabad. Interested may please contact for Jammu. Height 5'.9". Studied B.E from University of Mumbai. Working as a senior Consultant further details on email: [email protected] or Mobile/WhatsApp: 9810847376 with Capgemini in Pune, earning handsome salary. Parents living in Jammu. Interested may vvvvv contact with full Kulavali at [email protected] & MB- 7006410298/7889971482 Suitable alliance invited for our son Akshit, born 10 December 1991, 1410hrs at Jammu, vvvvv Height 166cms, B. Tech (software Engineering) from Delhi College of Engineering, MS/PhD Suitable alliance for our daughter born on December 9, 1991 in Faridabad (Time: 9.58 AM). in Electrical Engineering from USA, Presently Working With Intel Oregon, USA, Interested She is 5'.7" tall and has had done BBA from IP university, Delhi. She is an Asst. Manager may please Contact Bharat Peer mail Id - [email protected]/8146625401, Talent acquisition (Recruitment) in NCR. Parents belong from Habba Kadal Srinagar. Anita peer / 9872967824 Presently living in Faridabad. Interested may send CV & Kulawali along with snaps of the boy vvvvv on our email id- [email protected]. You can also contact us on mob: 8447956643. Looking for suitable qualified good looking alliance for our son slightly Manglik born on 22 vvvvv Oct.1990 at 3.50PM at Jammu, Height 169cm, Qualification BTech. EC, working as business Suitable alliance is invited for my daughter who is legally separated, issueless, born on analyst engineer in HSBC Bank, Pune. Interested may contact on mobile nos 7827427686, 22.4.1986 at 10.25 hours at Srinagar. She is BE (CSE) from MIET Jammu, through Jammu 8851887320 or [email protected] University and M.Tech (IT) through Karnataka State Open University, Mysore. She is vvvvv working as an Executive in a Govt. of India Enterprises, and presently posted at Jammu. Job Suitable Alliance invited for our Daughter Born on 14th November 1992 at 14.55 Hours at transferable anywhere in India. The previous marriage lasted for a very brief time due to certain peculiar circumstances which ultimately lead to legal separation. Interested may New Delhi, Height 164 cm, Qualification BBA (General) & MBA (Media Management). kindly send their tekni and Kulawali per return mail to R K Raina on email id Presently working at Gurgaon. Interested may respond with Biodata, Tekin & Kulawali at [email protected] or phone 7006003635 or can WhatsApp the details on 9419264309. [email protected] or Call on Mobile : 9810096064 vvvvv vvvvv We invite a suitable alliance, from respectable families, for our daughter, MBBS, currently Seeking divine matrimonial alliance from respectable KP families for our son, BE (E & TC); studying for MS [Ophthalmology] second year. Our daughter is 1992 born and is 163 cms. tall. Born: 29 June '89, Srinagar, Kashmir (Time: 9.12 am); Height - 5'.8”. Presently posted at Pune The boy should be an India based doctor [MD/MS]. Those interested may please respond with as 'Team Leader' in ACCENTURE (A fortune 500 Global MNC). Those interested may a tekni and a short bio-data on [email protected]. kindly contact our family ( now in NOIDA ) with relevant details on Mob : 9412224683 / 7982907003; Email : [email protected] / [email protected] vvvvv vvvvv

66 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 67 Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 7th September 1991 (11.02AM) at Jammu, AIKS height (178cms). B.E (C.S.E). Presently working in MNC AS Team Leader in Gurugram (Haryana), earning handsome salary. Interested person may contact on MB- 8826008555. Matrimonial Service Email- [email protected]. vvvvv We are looking for MEDICO MATCH with MD/MS/DN working in DELHI – NCR match Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born, 2nd January 1991 (6.30PM) at Jammu, height for our Daughter, beautiful & tall , Born-June 87 / Ht.- 167 Cm qualified as MD in Obs. & (5’.11”). B.Tech (C.S.E) computer Science from VTU Bangalore, Karnataka University. Gynae. & Specialization in IVF & working as IVF Consultant with Hospital in GURGAON. Presently working as Senior Business Development specialist in Sales in Net Surion (USA) Interested may please contact on e-mail at: [email protected] Mob. +91 MNC at Bangalore, earning handsome salary. Parents are settled in Jammu & Pune. Interested 9873452557 / 9414012557. person may contact on MB- 7006171324, 9055272134, 8717090264. Email- vvvvv [email protected] Looking for a Suitable Match for our Son Born on 13th July 1991, 11.40 AM at Jammu. vvvvv Parents are presently living in Roop Nagar, Jammu. Height 5’11”, Qualified as BE in Seeking a suitable alliance for our daughter born on Aug 30, 1992 at 3.37 AM at Jammu. She is Computer Science. Working as Application Developer in Dhyey Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd. 180 cms tall. She has done B.Com & M.Com from H. L. College of commerce, Ahmedabad. at Vadodara, Gujrat. Interested may contact on MB- 941914151, Email id: Additional. Qualification Data Scientist. Presently working as Business Analyst in Tatvic [email protected] for Tekni & Biodata. Analytics, Ahmedabad. Interested may send tekni & kulawali on email id- vvvvv [email protected], Mob: 9419147374. Seeking suitable alliance for our son, born at Srinagar on 23rd July, 1988 at 11.59 AM, 173 vvvvv CMS. He is pursuing his own business at Valsad, Gujarat having a decent annual income in Suitable alliance invited for our son Bipin Wanchoo born on 22nd June 1990 at 08.15 AM in seven figures. The family is currently based in Faridabad. Interested may please contact for Jammu. Height 5'.9". Studied B.E from University of Mumbai. Working as a senior Consultant further details on email: [email protected] or Mobile/WhatsApp: 9810847376 with Capgemini in Pune, earning handsome salary. Parents living in Jammu. Interested may vvvvv contact with full Kulavali at [email protected] & MB- 7006410298/7889971482 Suitable alliance invited for our son Akshit, born 10 December 1991, 1410hrs at Jammu, vvvvv Height 166cms, B. Tech (software Engineering) from Delhi College of Engineering, MS/PhD Suitable alliance for our daughter born on December 9, 1991 in Faridabad (Time: 9.58 AM). in Electrical Engineering from USA, Presently Working With Intel Oregon, USA, Interested She is 5'.7" tall and has had done BBA from IP university, Delhi. She is an Asst. Manager may please Contact Bharat Peer mail Id - [email protected]/8146625401, Talent acquisition (Recruitment) in NCR. Parents belong from Habba Kadal Srinagar. Anita peer / 9872967824 Presently living in Faridabad. Interested may send CV & Kulawali along with snaps of the boy vvvvv on our email id- [email protected]. You can also contact us on mob: 8447956643. Looking for suitable qualified good looking alliance for our son slightly Manglik born on 22 vvvvv Oct.1990 at 3.50PM at Jammu, Height 169cm, Qualification BTech. EC, working as business Suitable alliance is invited for my daughter who is legally separated, issueless, born on analyst engineer in HSBC Bank, Pune. Interested may contact on mobile nos 7827427686, 22.4.1986 at 10.25 hours at Srinagar. She is BE (CSE) from MIET Jammu, through Jammu 8851887320 or [email protected] University and M.Tech (IT) through Karnataka State Open University, Mysore. She is vvvvv working as an Executive in a Govt. of India Enterprises, and presently posted at Jammu. Job Suitable Alliance invited for our Daughter Born on 14th November 1992 at 14.55 Hours at transferable anywhere in India. The previous marriage lasted for a very brief time due to certain peculiar circumstances which ultimately lead to legal separation. Interested may New Delhi, Height 164 cm, Qualification BBA (General) & MBA (Media Management). kindly send their tekni and Kulawali per return mail to R K Raina on email id Presently working at Gurgaon. Interested may respond with Biodata, Tekin & Kulawali at [email protected] or phone 7006003635 or can WhatsApp the details on 9419264309. [email protected] or Call on Mobile : 9810096064 vvvvv vvvvv We invite a suitable alliance, from respectable families, for our daughter, MBBS, currently Seeking divine matrimonial alliance from respectable KP families for our son, BE (E & TC); studying for MS [Ophthalmology] second year. Our daughter is 1992 born and is 163 cms. tall. Born: 29 June '89, Srinagar, Kashmir (Time: 9.12 am); Height - 5'.8”. Presently posted at Pune The boy should be an India based doctor [MD/MS]. Those interested may please respond with as 'Team Leader' in ACCENTURE (A fortune 500 Global MNC). Those interested may a tekni and a short bio-data on [email protected]. kindly contact our family ( now in NOIDA ) with relevant details on Mob : 9412224683 / 7982907003; Email : [email protected] / [email protected] vvvvv vvvvv

66 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 67 REMEMBERING YOU ON YOUR 1ST ANNIVERSARY

Shri Brij Mohan Wanchoo (03.06.1933- 18.01.2019) Late Shri Brij Mohan Wanchoo, husband of Late Smt. Dulari Wanchoo, left us all for his heavenly abode on 18th January 2019. A source of inspiration, he has left behind a rich treasure trove of memories to cherish and high standards to emulate.

In remembrance by : Asha and Vijay Wangnoo l Krishna and Ramesh Raina Rishati and Chetan Wangnoo Veena and Rajinder Wanchoo l Harish Wanchoo and fondly remembered by many more near and dear ones.

68 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) OBITUARY

We are very sad to inform the passing away of our respected mother, Smt. Laxmishuri Kilam alias Kanta Devi Kilam, W/O Late Sh. Rugh Nath Kilam, originally resident of 198 Karan Nagar, Srinagar on 12th Jan 2020 at Laleshwari Apartments, Sector 21 D Faridabad. In grief: Laxmi & Dr. RK Khar (Kilam) 403 Laleshwari Vatika, 21 D, Faridabad - 9810508898 Indra & Dr. Inder Krishen Kilam 1224 / 37, Faridabad - 9810682512 Renu & Udhay Krishen Kilam 847 / 37, Faridabad - 9910747711 Nirmala & TP Mattoo Mahinder Nagar, Jammu- 9469169743, 9419107046 Sheela Mukoo Amar Colony Jammu - 9796630453 All Grand Children & Great Grand Children KILAMs, KHARs, KAULs, MUKOOs, MATTOOs

Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) VOL. XXX l NO. 01 69 Shraddhanjali

Surender Kachru (27 July, 1938 – 30 October, 2019)

Shri Surender Kachru, resident of Flat # 401, Sabzaar CGHS, Plot # 4, Sector 45, Faridabad left for his heavenly abode on 30th October, 2019 after a brief illness. He was the illustrious son of late Dr J N Kachroo, originally from Ghat Jogi Lankar, Rainawari Srinagar. Surender Ji lived a life filled with happiness, content, compassion, benevolence and humility. He held very strong views about the happenings around him and his community post displacement and would express them fearlessly at all forums. He remained an active member of Kashmiri Sewak Samaj, Faridabad and passionately worked for the upliftment of the people of his community. His love for the Sabzaar lawns and the flora in it is reflected by the imposing garden and green lawns that were very painstakingly being maintained by him till even a few days before he bid adieu to this world. Surender Ji has left behind him, a rich legacy and values for the community to imbibe and take forward. A life of his stature cannot be mourned but is to be celebrated as an inspiration and guiding torch! Sheela Kachru (Wife) +919311834818 Dr. Poonam & Dr. Siddharth Kachru (Daughter-in-law & Son) +6581380816 Neetu & Ayushman Kachru (Daughter-in-law & Son) +15635082788 Siddhant, Arush, Punav & Sheen (Grand-children) Kachrus & Razdans

70 NAAD îî JANUARY 2020 Aashwin-Kartik 2076 / 5094 (Saptarishi) Intra-Community Interaction in NCR


Y & OFFICE M.K.Raina : 9811795529 FACTOR or-63, G-310, Sect .p. Noida, U Sahil Raina : 9811434504 7872 0120 425 Manufacturers of : Electro Chlorination, Water Purification (R.O.) and Water Softening Equipments. We also undertake AMC. AIKS NAAD, JANUARY 2020 RNI Registration No. 53585/92 Posted on 17th/18th of every month Postal Registration No. DL-SW-17/4209/19-21

Printed and Published by Tej Kumar Tikoo on behalf of All India Kashmiri Samaj . Published at 244, Sector 3, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110022 Email: [email protected] Printed at Royal Press, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I, New Delhi -110020 Editor: Sunil Raina Rajanaka