VOL V, ISSUE 5 OM // KArwANSArAy PUbLIShErS KArwANSArAy OM // .c www.MEdIEVAL-wArfArE NOV / DEC 2015 US/CN $10.99 €7,50 05 fighting on the 3 high seas Naval warfare in the Middle Ages 25274 80639 7 Theme - The VicTual BroThers // roger of lauria saVes malTa // raid on Thessalonica specials - roBerT The Bruce’s ploT againsT The english queen // The firsT firearms mw_5-5.indd 1 17/09/15 18:24 mw_5-5.indd 2 17/09/15 18:24 mwMEDIEVAL WARFARE Publisher: Rolof van Hövell tot Westerflier Managing director: Jasper Oorthuys Editor: Erin van der Pijl Proofreaders: Christy Beall and Marc DeSantis Design & Media: Christy Beall Design © 2013 Karwansaray Publishers Contributors: Erich B. Anderson, Arnold Blumberg, theMe: Naval warfare and piracy in the middle ages Ian Brandt, Scott Forbes Crawford, Ronald Delval, Filippo Donvito, Robert Holmes, Sean McGlynn, The medieval era is not usually known for its naval battles, but the Vikings, Lucas McMahon, Alex Querengasser, Paul Walsh, William E. Welsh, Thomas Williams Byzantines and many others showed the value of taking to the waves. Illustrators: Shen Fei, Luke Forwoodson, Carlos García, Julia Lillo, Mirco Paganessi, Giuseppe Rava, Fabrice Weiss 6 Yesterday pirate, today privateer 24 aragon’s naval hero Print: Grafi Advies Historical introduction Roger of Lauria’s victory at Malta Editorial oce iron-studded dragons 29 Besieging an island-city PO Box 4082, 7200 BB Zutphen, The Netherlands 8 Phone: +31-575-776076 (NL), +44-20-8816281 The viking war-ship The Viking siege of Paris, 885-886 (Europe), +1-740-994-0091 (US) E-mail:
[email protected] 13 The Victual Brothers 36 floating citadels Customer service:
[email protected] Website: www.medieval-warfare.com God’s friends and the world’s enemies Medieval ship castles Contributions in the form of articles, letters, re- 18 The hand on the rudder 38 smoke on the water views, news and queries are welcomed.