January 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E73 I know that I am not the only one who is Alan has been head football coach, athletic number of practical trainings and formal edu- heartbroken by her passing. director, women’s track coach and teacher for cational programs specializing in wildlife and My thoughts and prayers are with her the Monett Cubs sports program for nine zoological veterinary medicine are also insuffi- friends and family during this difficult time. years. During that period, the Cubs football cient to allow graduates to make significant f teams have gone 58–36 and won or shared contributions. championships in the Big 8 Conference in My bill will directly address these issues SUPPORTING THE INITIATIVES OF 2004, 2007 and 2008. Under his nine years of which prevent and dissuade veterinarians from CHICAGO WILDERNESS leadership, the women’s track team captured practicing wildlife and zoological medicine. It will participate in the national job creation ef- SPEECH OF Big 8 Conference crowns five times. Alan’s career began as a coach at Neosho fort by funding new positions for wildlife and HON. BETTY McCOLLUM High School in 1975. His first head coaching zoo veterinarians and will ensure that veteri- OF MINNESOTA job was at Nevada, Missouri in 1980. From nary students find jobs upon graduation. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES there Alan coached at Springfield Parkview bill will also limit the amount of educational Wednesday, January 13, 2010 High School, Springfield Central High School debt for students while providing incentives to and at Rogers, Arkansas before going to study and practice wildlife and zoo veterinary Ms. MCCOLLUM. Madam Speaker, I rise medicine through the establishment of scholar- today in support of H. Res. 860, a resolution Monett in 2002. Alan has been recognized many times for ships and loan repayment programs. Lastly, supporting the Leave No Child Inside initiative his hard work for students and teams. This my legislation will advance education by help- and the Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights. For year, he will be inducted into Missouri’s Foot- ing schools develop pilot curricula specializing our children’s physical, emotional and intellec- ball Coaches Hall of Fame. He was named in wildlife and zoo veterinary medicine and by tual growth, it is important for them to spend the 2008–2009 Missouri Interscholastic Ath- expanding the number of practical training pro- time outdoors and in nature. Unstructured letic Administrators Association’s Athletic Di- grams available to students. playtime nourishes childhood development by rector of the Year for the Southwest District. In Madam Speaker, we have reached a point stimulating imagination and creativity and 2004 and 2008, Alan was named Big 8 Coach in our history when we cannot ignore the im- building healthy habits. portance of protecting America’s wildlife. Wild America’s children are spending less time of the Year. animals are a very important part of our com- outside, and more time in front of the tele- Alan plans to spend time in his retirement monly held natural resources and contribute to vision or computer. This loss of exercise and with his family and friends while enjoying fish- maintaining a balanced ecosystem. With an in- exploration negatively affects their physical ing and hunting. I know Coach Spencer will creasing number of endangered species, the health, and it causes problems later in life. continue to find ways to use his talents as a introduction of invasive non-native species, Nearly 119 million American adults are cur- motivator to inspire other young people to the and more infectious disease threats, wildlife rently overweight or obese. Childhood obesity highest standards of service to their school, and zoological veterinarians must be placed at has doubled since 1980, costing Americans their community and their country. the core of our efforts and be given the re- more than $117 billion per year. We simply f sources and recognition necessary to protect cannot afford to leave our children inside. ON INTRODUCING THE WILDLIFE both animal and human lives. The Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights is a AND ZOOLOGICAL VETERINARY I urge my colleagues to extend a helping call to fight obesity and to provide and pro- MEDICINE ENHANCEMENT ACT hand to America’s veterinarians by supporting mote quality outdoor activities for our children. OF 2010 this important piece of legislation. For these reasons, I urge my colleagues to f support H. Res. 860. HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS f HONORING THE SERVICE OF HIS OF FLORIDA EXCELLENCY ABDULAZIZ RECOGNIZING ALAN SPENCER OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES KAMILOV, AMBASSADOR EX- MONETT, MISSOURI Thursday, January 21, 2010 TRAORDINARY AND PLENI- HON. ROY BLUNT Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Madam Speaker, POTENTIARY OF THE REPUBLIC I rise today to introduce the Wildlife and Zoo- OF TO THE UNITED OF MISSOURI logical Veterinary Medicine Enhancement Act STATES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of 2010. This legislation will develop affordable Thursday, January 21, 2010 opportunities for well qualified individuals who HON. ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA Mr. BLUNT. Madam Speaker, I rise today to are seeking to become wildlife and zoological OF AMERICAN SAMOA honor an educator and coach who has helped veterinarians, spur job growth and promote ro- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mold, inspire and motivate young men and bust public health policy. Thursday, January 21, 2010 women for almost four decades in Southwest Wildlife and zoo veterinarians are the pri- Mr. FALEOMAVAEGA. Madam Speaker, I Missouri. I am proud to recognize Monett High mary source of essential health care for and rise today to honor the distinguished service of School coach and educator, Alan Spencer, management of wild animals in their natural my friend, His Excellency , upon his retirement at the end of the 2010 habitat and in captivity. Not only do they pre- Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary school year. serve natural resources and animal lives, but of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United For 35 years, Alan has had a number of they help protect human health by preventing, States. considerable coaching accomplishments. How- detecting, and responding to exotic and dan- With distinction, Ambassador Kamilov has ever, his higher calling is to teach and instill in gerous diseases. represented Uzbekistan in the United States young men and women the traits of a strong With the intensification of globalization and for the past seven years. Before he accepted moral character. He has taught that success in climate change, along with a growing interface his assignment to come to the United States any endeavor is marked by hard work, re- between humans, livestock, and wildlife, the in 2003, he was a State Advisor to the Presi- spect, and dedication in working as a team to threat posed by emerging infectious diseases dent of his home country. accomplish a common goal. to humans and wildlife keeps increasing. Con- Some three years after the collapse of the In his retirement letter, Alan demonstrated trolling pandemic and large-scale outbreaks of , Mr. Kamilov became the Min- his philosophy of success as a coach and re- disease has become more problematic. How- ister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan, the high- spected mentor. He wrote, ‘‘Our coaches and ever, the United States faces a shortage of est diplomatic position in the newly-formed student/athletes have gained more than just positions for wildlife and zoo veterinarians. Republic. He served in this prestigious post for skills and knowledge of the activities they On average, veterinarian graduates owe nine years. compete and coach in. They have learned $130,000 in student loans. Upon graduation, Mr. Kamilov holds a Ph.D. in the History of about loyalty, accountability, responsibility and professionals practicing wildlife and zoological International Relations and Foreign Policy. He trust. They understand that a team cannot be veterinary medicine earn relatively low sala- was President of the University of World Econ- successful without pride in your performance, ries, compared to companion animal medicine. omy and Diplomacy for almost a decade. effort to make yourself and the team better, Lower salaries, combined with high edu- Ambassador Kamilov spent much of his determination to overcome all obstacles, en- cational debt and the small number of posi- early career in rigorous study of the Middle thusiasm for the game and respect of your op- tions available discourage students from be- East. He held numerous positions in the Mid- ponents and teammates.’’ coming wildlife and zoo veterinarians. The dle East Department of the Ministry of Foreign

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:27 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21JA8.039 E21JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E74 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 21, 2010 Affairs of the USSR. He is fluent in English HONORING SIDNEY SINGER HONORING SGT. KIMBERLY and . MUNLEY His Excellency Kamilov is an experienced HON. TIM MURPHY diplomat who understands that the U.S. and OF PENNSYLVANIA HON. TED POE Uzbekistan have mutual interests, and our re- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS lationship has been immeasurably enhanced Thursday, January 21, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES by his professionalism, intelligence and friend- Thursday, January 21, 2010 ship. Mr. TIM MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Madam Speaker, the veterans community in South- Mr. POE of Texas. Madam Speaker, today At times when relations between our country western Pennsylvania lost a dear friend last we honor one of our nation’s bravest women, and Uzbekistan were uncertain, Ambassador Wednesday with the passing of Sidney Singer. Sgt. Kimberly Munley. Sgt. Munley responded Kamilov remained steadfast, becoming a key While we often talk in Congress about the vet- within three minutes after gunfire was reported figure in strengthening and rebuilding our se- erans who have fought for our country and at Ft. Hood, Texas. If it was not for her quick curity and economic alliance. freedom, Mr. Singer fought for veterans. A vet- and heroic response, many more could have Ambassador Kamilov is to be commended eran himself, having served in the Army Air been killed. Sgt. Munley was shot during the for his loyalty in discharging his duties to his Forces from 1942 to 1945, Sidney dedicated exchange, but continued shooting at the gun- President, His Excellency , and his life to helping homeless veterans. Many of man even after being wounded herself. Her the people of Uzbekistan. who suffered from drug and alcohol addic- bravery serves as a stark contrast to the cow- tions. ardly actions of the shooter. Sgt. Munley por- As Ambassador Kamilov moves on to new Because of Mr. Singer’s vision and tireless trayed the real courage that all of our men and responsibilities and assignments, I extend to efforts Veterans Place of Washington Boule- women in the Armed Forces embody that we him and President Karimov my highest re- vard was built for Pittsburgh’s veterans. First are all grateful for. gards and best wishes. opened in 1992, it started as a transitional f housing project. Due to enormous success f was expanded in 2003. The units provide a HONORING SEVEN AMERICANS home for veterans as they recover and transi- KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN ON DE- EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES FOR tion back into society. CEMBER 30, 2009 GOLDYE LEVI Sydney knew that Veterans Place had to be more than just a place to live, but also a place SPEECH OF for veterans to get back on their feet. This is HON. GENE GREEN HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON why Veterans Place has a Service Center to OF TEXAS OF TEXAS give veterans job training, life skills, and alco- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hol and drug counseling. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Even in his final moments, Sydney’s Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Thursday, January 21, 2010 thoughts were with his fellow veterans. On his Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Madam deathbed, Sydney described his vision to ex- Speaker, I rise today in strong support of Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. pand Veterans Place right down to the details House Resolution 1009, which honors the Madam Speaker, I rise today to express con- of the kitchens. seven Americans who died in the bombing dolences and honor the life of my dear friend, While Sydney is no longer with us, his leg- that took place in Khost, Afghanistan on De- political activist, and Dallasite, Goldye Levi. acy will live on in Pittsburgh. He will continue cember 30, 2009, and the families of those Mr. Levi, a life-long Democrat, gave so to be with every veteran granted a new lease patriots for their service and their sacrifice to much of his time and energy supporting his on life at Veterans Place. our country. party by serving in national and local leader- f These men and women were on the front ship positions. He had a front-seat to one of lines of the battle against terrorism and OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL the most intriguing points in American history worked tirelessly on a daily basis for the safe- DEBT as the Treasurer of the Democratic National ty of the American and Afghanistan people. Committee during the 1972 break-in of the Their absence will be greatly felt throughout Watergate building. He brought his expertise HON. MIKE COFFMAN the intelligence community. of the political process to Dallas County as a OF COLORADO In 2008, I had the opportunity to visit Khost Democratic Precinct Chair, and through the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army along with a Texas Reserve Unit based years he encouraged countless Democrats to Thursday, January 21, 2010 get out and vote. As a candidate for Dallas in Pasadena, Texas in our district. There, I County Tax Assessor, he also sought to use Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Madam Speak- saw these men and women working under er, today our national debt is harsh conditions, away from their loved ones, his experience as a certified public accountant $12,327,380,804,696.82. and in the face of great risks. Our entire na- to serve his community. Mr. Levi dem- On January 6th, 2009, the start of the 111th tion owes a great debt to all the men and onstrated the ultimate in civic duty and Dallas Congress, the national debt was women working to protect our country and sta- has lost a great advocate. $10,638,425,746,293.80. bilize Afghanistan. Our government, ‘‘by the people,’’ rests This means the national debt has increased Again, I would like to express my deepest wholly on the willingness of citizens to actively by $1,688,955,058,403.02 so far this Con- condolences to the families, friends, and loved participate in the political process—citizens gress. ones of those killed in the bombings and also like Mr. Levi. I urge my fellow colleagues to This debt and its interest payments we are offer my support and hope for a full recovery join me in expressing condolences and hon- passing to our children and all future Ameri- to the other six Americans who were wounded oring the life of Mr. Goldye Levi. cans. in this tragic bombing.

VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:27 Jan 22, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A21JA8.043 E21JAPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS