Allan, William. The Army of Northern in 1862. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1892.

I. The Situation in Virginia in 1861 . . . 1 II. McClellan's Plans for 1862 4 III. ...... 7 IV. Williamsburg and Eltbam's Landing . . . .16 V. McClellan's Advance towards Richmond . . . 27 VI. The Action at Hanover Court House .... 31 VII. Seven Pines : the First Day 36 VIII. Seven Pines : the Second Day 51 IX. General Lee in Command 58 X. McClellan on the Chickahominy 65 XI. Jackson joins Lee . 70 XII The Seven Days' Battles : Mechanicsville ... 75 XIII. The Seven Days' Battles : Gaines's Mill (Cold Harbor) 85 XIV. The Seven Days' Battles : McClellan retreats to the James 95 XV. The Seven Days' Battles: Savage's Station . . . 101 XVI. The Seven Days' Battles : Frazier's Farm , . 106 XVII The Seven Days' Battles : . . .122 XVIII. McClellan retreats to Harrison's Landing (Westover) 139 XIX. Results of the Seven Days' Battles . . . .143 XX. Pope's Campaign 151 XXI. Cedar Run 165 XXII. The Rappahannock 181 XXIII The Problem before Lee 197 XXIV. Jackson marches on Manassas Junction . • • 202 XXV. Pope's Situation 206 XXVL Jackson at Manassas 213 XXVIL Pope's " Pursuit " of Jackson 221 XXVIII. The Battle of Gainesville 230 XXIX. Thoroughfare Gap 236 XXX. General Pope's Efforts to concentrate his Army . 239 XXXI. Groveton 244 XXXII. The Second Manassas 262 XXXIII. Lee's (Counter) Attack 285 XXXIV. The Second Manassas. — Numbers. — Losses. — Results 305 XXXV. Chantilly (Ox Hill) 311 XXXVL Review of the Campaign 319 XXXVII. The Invasion of Maryland 322 XXXVIII. Harper's Ferry 329 XXXIX. The South Mountain Passes 342 XL. McClellan approaches Sharpsburg 362 XLI. The Battlefield. — Dispositions of Both the Armies . 372 XLII. Sharpsburg. — Hooker's Attack 383 XLIII Sharpsburg. — Mansfield's Attack .... 391 XLIV. Sharpsburg. — Sedgwick's Attack . . . .399


XLV. Sharpsburg. — The Attacks of French and Richardson. — The " Bloody Lane " 410 XLVI. Sharpsburg. — Review of the Battle on the Left and Centre 421 XLVII. Sharpsburg. — Burnside's Attack .... 425 XLVIII. Review of the Campaign and Battle .... 438 XLIX. Lee recrosses the Potomac 445 L. Lee and McClellan 448 LI. Burnside moves toward Fredericksburg . . . 459 LII. Fredericksburg. — The Federals cross the Rappahannock 466 LIII. Fredericksburg. — Franklin's Attack . . . .475 LIV. Fredericksburg. — The Assault on Marye's Hill . 492 LV. Fredericksburg. — Burnside recrosses the River . . 510 L VI. Fredericksburg. — Review of the Battle . . . 516 Index 521