Chapter 17

Expanding the Propagule Pressure Concept to Understand the Impact of Biological Invasions

Anthony Ricciardi1 , Lisa A. Jones1,2 , Å sa M. Kestrup1,2 and Jessica M. Ward 1,2 1Redpath Museum, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2Department of , McGill University, Montreal, Quebec Canada

Fifty Years of Invasion : The Legacy of Charles Elton, 1st edition. Edited by David M. Richardson © 2011 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd

225 226 The nuts and bolts of invasion ecology

17.1 INTRODUCTION been previously recognized. Although there has been a surge of experimental and modelling studies that Most introduced species fail to establish sustainable explore the intricacies of the relationship between populations, and many of those that do become estab- propagule pressure and establishment success, to our lished invaders do not cause strong impacts knowledge no study has examined the specifi c links (Williamson 1996 ; Parker et al. 1999 ). Others can between propagule pressure and the ecological impact displace native species, disrupt ecosystem processes, of an invasion. There are no hypotheses that explicitly threaten human and animal health and generate relate these concepts, beyond the obvious expectation large economic costs. Why some introduced species that the frequency and diversity of impacts will increase are more successful or more disruptive than others are with invasions (Lockwood et al. 2005 ; Catford et al. central questions of invasion ecology. Exploration of 2009 ). Here, we consider mechanisms by which prop- these questions has identifi ed propagule pressure – the agule pressure can modulate impact and how a predic- quantity, richness, or frequency of individuals or life tive understanding of this relationship would be stages of a species released into an area – as the most valuable to the management and risk assessment of important determinant of establishment success invasions. (Williamson 1996 ; Lockwood et al. 2005 ; Simberloff 2009 ). The basis for this relationship is the greater risk of extinction that small populations suffer because 17.2 PROPAGULE PRESSURE AND of intrinsic and extrinsic factors including random IMPACT DEFINED changes in birth and death rates, small- scale catastro- phes like extreme weather events, inbreeding depres- Propagule pressure encompasses variation in the sion and reduced effi ciency in mate location and quantity, composition and rate of supply of non- foraging. Indeed, when individuals are introduced in indigenous organisms resulting from the transport greater numbers or greater frequency they are more conditions and pathways between source and recipient likely to form sustainable populations (Sakai et al. regions. Therefore, measures of propagule pressure 2001 ). generally involve (i) the number of individuals intro- Although Elton (1958) and others before him recog- duced (‘ propagule abundance’ ), (ii) the number of taxa nized the role of the dispersal of propagules in the or genotypes introduced (‘ propagule richness’ ) and (iii) global distribution of and animals, the concept the total number or frequency of introduction events of propagule pressure did not develop until many years (Table 17.1 ). Lockwood and colleagues (2009) argue later. As Simberloff (2009) noted, propagule pressure for a distinction between the number of introduced was not considered in the key research questions high- species (which they term ‘ colonization pressure’ ) and lighted in the mid- 1980s by the international Scientifi c other forms of propagule pressure, to better under- Committee on Problems of the Environment, whose stand the processes that account for variation in non- agenda spurred the growth of invasion ecology during indigenous species richness. For our purposes, we the subsequent two decades (Richardson & Pyš ek consider as a single form of propagule pressure the 2008 ; Simberloff, this volume). Research interest in entire richness of introduced propagules, from geno- the concept began to grow exponentially only during types to higher taxa. Thus our defi nition of propagule the past decade (Simberloff 2009 ). pressure incorporates colonization pressure as well as A burgeoning number of studies (reviewed by genetic (intraspecifi c) variation among propagules. Lockwood et al. 2005 ; Simberloff 2009 ) have shown The importance of genotypic variation to establish- propagule pressure to be a consistent predictor of ment success and post - establishment spread is becom- establishment and spread of non - indigenous species. ing increasingly recognized (Sexton et al. 2002 ; Furthermore, recent research points to an overwhelm- Roman 2006 ; Lavergne & Molofsky 2007 ), and here ing infl uence of the pattern of dispersal and non - we discuss how it may also play a signifi cant role in random variation in propagule supply on the outcome impact. of an invasion (Colautti et al. 2006 ; Wilson et al. A widely used synonym for propagule abundance is 2009 ). However, propagule pressure may play an even ‘ propagule size ’ (see, for example, Forsyth & Duncan greater role in the outcome of an invasion than has 2001 ), which is also used by ecologists to des- Propagule pressure as mediator of impact 227

Table 17.1 Forms of propagule pressure that are commonly studied. Studies have examined either a single form or proxy variable of propagule pressure, or an aggregate measure of multiple forms. The relative importance of each form to the successful establishment and impact of an introduced species varies among recipient systems.

Form Defi nition Proxy variables Examples of recent studies

Propagule The number of individuals of Vector activity (e.g. volume Forsyth & Duncan 2001 ; abundance a non - indigenous species of ballast water released) Ahlroth et al. 2003 ; introduced to an area Colautti 2005 ; Verling et al. 2005 Propagule The number of non- Vector richness; Number Ahlroth et al. 2003 ; Verling richness indigenous taxa (e.g. of pathways or donor et al. 2005 ; Roman & species, genera, families) regions; Number of Darling 2007 ; Chiron or genotypes introduced to source populations et al. 2009 an area Propagule The total number, or rate, of Vector activity (e.g. Forsyth & Duncan 2001 ; frequency discrete introduction events number of ship visits; Colautti 2005 ; Verling number of tourists) et al. 2005 ; Drake et al. 2005 ; Drury et al. 2007 ; Roman & Darling 2007

cribe the physical dimensions of and other webs result from its fi lter - feeding activities, whereas its plant reproductive structures, regardless of whether effects on benthic communities are largely related to the plant is non- indigenous; therefore, we adopt the its gregarious attachment and structural transforma- former term to avoid confusion. Although propagule tion of submerged surfaces (Ricciardi 2003 ). An abundance involves population - level processes and invader ’ s impacts may differ considerably across propagule richness involves community - level proc- regions as its abundance and functional role are esses, these forms are correlated: a greater input of altered by local abiotic conditions (D’ Antonio et al. propagules increases both the number of individuals 2000 ) and by interactions with resident species and the number of taxa introduced, in a non - linear (Robinson & Wellborn 1988 ; Simberloff & Von Holle manner (Lockwood et al. 2009 ). Two added dimen- 1999 ; Ricciardi 2005 ). If the invader is a novel organ- sions are the physiological condition of the propagules ism that uses resources differently than the rest of the upon release and human cultivation of introduced community, then resident native species are more individuals, both of which can infl uence establish- likely to be naï ve and sensitive to its effects and less ment success (Mack 2000 ; Verling et al. 2005 ) but are likely to offer resistance to its population growth not considered here. Finally, it should be noted that (Ricciardi & Atkinson 2004 ). Finally, the size of the herein propagule pressure refers exclusively to the invaded range determines the absolute scale of the introduction of non - indigenous species to an area, invader’ s impact; over a larger range, an invader can rather than the propagule release (fecundity) associ- have a greater impact on biodiversity by affecting a ated with invaders after they are established in the larger number of native species and a greater propor- area. tion of the area occupied by those species (Parker We defi ne ecological impact as a measurable change et al. 1999 ). In summary, impact can be described as to the properties of organisms, populations, communi- a function of three principal mediators: the invader ’ s ties or ecosystems. Several factors generate variation abundance, its functional ecology relative to the recip- in impacts (Parker et al. 1999 ; Ricciardi 2003 ). ient community and its range size in the invaded Different impacts arise from different functional roles region. Here, we consider how different forms of prop- of the invader within the recipient community; for agule pressure can infl uence impact through each of example, the zebra mussel ’ s effects on pelagic food these mediators (Fig. 17.1 ). 228 The nuts and bolts of invasion ecology

Propagule Propagule Propagule abundance frequency richness

Population Interactions Interactions expansion with other with native and dispersal introduced species species Fig. 17.1 Interactions between three forms of Facilitation; propagule pressure (propagule abundance, inhibition frequency and richness) and population- level and Abundance; Naïveté of range size recipient community- level processes that mediate the impact community of introduced species. Major processes are circled. Ecological Specifi c mediating factors or processes of impact importance are indicated beside the arrows leading to impact.

17.3 INFLUENCE OF PROPAGULE individuals released (logistic regression of ranked high - PRESSURE ON MEDIATORS OF or low - impact species versus log - transformed prop- IMPACT agule abundance, P > 0.05; A. Ricciardi, unpublished data), although the most damaging species, red deer, The i nvader’ s a bundance and Cervus elaphus, had received the greatest introduction p opulation g rowth effort. In the Great Lakes, invading fi shes deemed responsible for native species declines tend to be those Propagule pressure affects the post - establishment that have been introduced frequently through stock- abundance of an introduced species (see Blackburn ing programs (six of nine stocked species versus four of et al. 2001 ; Marchetti et al. 2004 ; Drake et al. 2005 ; 16 non- stocked species; Fisher ’ s exact test, P = 0.053), Britton - Simmons & Abbott 2008 ). Logically, a popula- but this result is confounded by a taxonomic bias: most tion will establish and grow more rapidly – and cause stocked fi shes are salmonids (Crawford 2001 ). impacts sooner – if a large number of individuals are Frequent introductions over time increase the likeli- introduced at a given time or if there is a high fre- hood that a species will be introduced when abiotic quency of introduction events. An increase in prop- variables are optimal for reaching high abundances agule abundance can accelerate population growth (Drake et al. 2006 ), which ultimately affects the onset and establishment by supplying colonists with suffi - and magnitude of impact. Propagule pressure could cient numbers to overcome Allee effects (Sakai et al. also restore non - indigenous populations that have suf- 2001 ) or suffi cient genetic variation to adapt to local fered a severe decline (Gotelli 1991 ), and insure that conditions (Ahlroth et al. 2003 ), thereby reducing the the invader will have an opportunity to recolonize an time available for native species to adapt to the stresses area after a disturbance. A suffi ciently high frequency imposed by the invader (Schlaepfer et al. 2005 ). Despite of releases could allow the non - indigenous species to these probable outcomes, the data available for testing become established and dominate native species before correlations between impact and propagule pressure the latter recover suffi ciently to provide resistance (see, are scarce and yield ambiguous results. For non - for example, Altman & Whitlach 2007 ). Moreover, in indigenous ungulate mammals established in New rare instances, propagule pressure can maintain an Zealand (see Forsyth & Duncan 2001 ) there is no rela- unsustainable population of a non- indigenous species tionship between their ecological impact (reviewed by at a level of abundance suffi cient to exert a signifi cant Lever 1985 ; Long 2003 ) and the minimum number of impact. For example, a frequent supply of propagules Propagule pressure as mediator of impact 229 can erode a population of a closely related native On the other hand, founder populations with low species through hybridization or reproductive interfer- genetic diversity can also evolve rapidly (Dlugosch & ence, as shown by the cumulative negative effect of Parker 2008 ) and produce major impacts. A notable multiple releases of domestic dogs and cats on the example is the Argentine ant Linepithema humile intro- genetic integrity of native canids and wildcats, even duced to California, where diminished genetic diversity where the natives are more abundant (Simberloff in the invading population has reduced intraspecifi c 1996 ; Pierpaoli et al. 2003 ). aggression, allowing the formation of dense colonies that have expanded rapidly and replaced native species (Tsutsui et al. 2000 ). These examples underscore the The i nvader’ s f unctional e cology r elative important but poorly understood role of propagule to the r ecipient c ommunity pressure in the post- establishment evolution and impact of invaders. A single transport vector, such as transoceanic ship- Theoretical modelling reveals a potentially strong ping (Carlton & Geller 1993 ), can deliver hundreds of infl uence of propagule abundance and introduction taxa simultaneously, and vectors from different source rate on the impacts of invasive organisms that create regions can carry multiple genotypes of a given species or modify habitat (ecosystem engineers). Non - (Roman & Darling 2007 ). Variation in the supply of indigenous engineers affect the broadest range of different taxa or genotypes of the same taxon has species within the recipient community and can several consequences for recipient communities (Fig. enhance both their own invasion success and impact 17.2 ), including the possibility of introducing an on resident species by modifying selection pressures in aggressive genotype (Fry & Smart 1999 ) or producing their new environment (Byers 2002 ; Gonzalez et al. invasive hybrids (Ellstrand & Schierenbeck 2000 ; 2008 ). Their impact on native species will increase Facon et al. 2005 ). Such events may account for some with the number of individuals initially released, if of the observed long- term changes in the impacts of their rate of habitat transformation is density depend- invaders (Strayer et al. 2006 ). Given that rapid evolu- ent. Furthermore, multiple introductions of engineers tionary change in invaders is a common phenomenon that fail to establish sustainable populations but persist (Whitney & Gabler 2008 ), the introduction of addi- for a short period of time may nonetheless exert impacts tional genotypes could increase functional diversity in on the native community through cumulative trans- populations of an invader (e.g. behaviour, morphol- formations of habitat (Gonzalez et al. 2008 ). ogy, physiological tolerances) so as to broaden its inter- Finally, an increase in propagule richness raises the actions with, and impacts on, native species by probability of introducing a novel predator, competitor allowing it to invade new habitats (Sexton et al. 2002 ). or . Functionally novel organisms are more

Interaction with naïve Introduction of native competitors, functionally novel taxa prey or host species

Addition of new Rapid spread, (invasive, pathogenic) affecting more Increased genotypes native populations propagule richness Introduction of species Competitive or predatory that facilitate current advantage against or previous invaders native species Fig. 17.2 Potential pathways by which an increase in propagule richness (e.g. through Introduction of enemies an increase in vector or source region Reduced impacts on of current or previous diversity) can alter the impact of an invader native species invaders on native species. 230 The nuts and bolts of invasion ecology likely to disrupt recipient communities (Ricciardi & (Ellstrand & Schierenbeck 2000 ; Facon et al. 2005 ). Atkinson 2004 ; Cox & Lima 2006 ). Owing to ballast On the other hand, continuous propagule pressure water transport from Europe, North American inland (gene fl ow) could also reduce local fi tness and impede waters have been invaded in recent decades by several adaptation (Holt et al. 2005 ); the recipient habitat marine- like animals originating from the freshwater could become fl ooded with an inferior genotype, result- margins of the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas, includ- ing in inferior hybrids or detrimental genetic swamp- ing several species (e.g. the zebra mussel Dreissena poly- ing. These examples illustrate how frequent morpha , quagga mussel Dreissena bugensis and round introductions of a species from different source popula- goby Neogobius melanostomus) whose unique func- tions can alter its invasion potential and the area over tional ecology has contributed to strong impacts on which its impacts occur. native communities in the Great Lakes that lack evo- lutionary experience with such organisms (Ricciardi & MacIsaac 2000 ). Before reaching North America, each 17.4 SYNERGISTIC OR of these Ponto- Caspian species became abundant at ANTAGONISTIC EFFECTS European ports from whence originates the bulk of OF PROPAGULE RICHNESS? shipping traffi c to the Great Lakes. This example is one of many that show how propagule richness is strongly Propagule richness, as numbers of introduced geno- infl uenced by the transportation vector activities and types or species, can have varied effects on the recipient pathways between the donor and recipient regions community (Fig. 17.3 ). For a given species, the number (Wilson et al. 2009 ). of genotypes introduced may have a positive or nega- tive effect on the probability and magnitude of its impact. As noted previously, propagule richness can The i nvader’ s r ange s ize elevate impact by (i) producing invasive hybrids, (ii) increasing an invader ’ s functional diversity (e.g. physi- Both propagule abundance and frequency of introduc- ological tolerances, morphology or behaviour) so as to tion can have positive effects on an invader’ s range size give it a competitive advantage, or (iii) enabling or (see, for example, Duncan et al. 1999 ). Through the accelerating range expansion. However, high genetic delivery of multiple genotypes, propagule pressure can diversity might also increase intraspecifi c aggression increase the potential for a non- indigenous species to or competition, or cause detrimental genetic swamp- adapt to local selective pressures (Sexton et al. 2002 ; ing or the production of inferior hybrids when incom- Novak & Mack 2005 ; but see Dlugosch & Parker ing genotypes are maladaptive (e.g. after rapid 2008 ), and thus governs the range of habitats in which adaptation of the invader). native populations and communities are affected by Given that impacts are expected to accumulate with the invader. Furthermore, a delay in the arrival of the number of invaders in an area, there should be a these genotypes can cause an invader ’ s impact to positive relationship between propagule richness (as change over time (Strayer et al. 2006 ). Secondary species) and impact, but different situations may arise. introductions from various sites in Europe raised the An increase in propagule richness provides more adaptive potential of canary grass Phalaris arundinacea , opportunities for the introduction of natural enemies allowing it to invade a broader area of North American of a previously established or future invader, which wetlands (Lavergne & Molofsky 2007 ). Even a long- can constrain the invader’ s spread and population established species can suddenly expand its range in growth (and hence its impact); but they might instead the event of an infusion of genetic variation; multiple facilitate the invader if they harm resident species in ballast- water introductions added genetic diversity to the invaded range (Colautti et al. 2004 ). Multiple European green crab populations on the Atlantic coast invaders can interfere with each other in such a way of North America, apparently causing them to sud- as to attenuate their impacts (Vance- Chalcraft & Soluk denly spread northwards into colder waters to which 2005 ; Griffen et al. 2008 ). Conversely, through a they were thought to be intolerant (Roman 2006 ). variety of positive interactions, multiple invaders can Variation in the source of propagules released in a produce synergistic effects (Simberloff & Von Holle given region may also lead to the creation of competi- 1999 ; Richardson et al. 2000 ; Ricciardi 2005 ). For tive hybrids that can rapidly expand their range example, the establishment of functionally diverse Propagule pressure as mediator of impact 231

(a) Positive (b) Negative Impact Impact

Number of genotypes Number of genotypes

(c) Synergistic (d) Linear (e) Asymptotic Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact Impact

Number of species Number of species Number of species Fig. 17.3 Hypothesized relationships between propagule richness (numbers of introduced genotypes and species) and the probability or magnitude of impact. For a given species, increased numbers of genotypes can elevate impact by enabling or accelerating range expansion (a). However, they may reduce impact when high genetic diversity increases intraspecifi c competition or genetic swamping with maladaptive genotypes (b). An increase in the number of species can produce a synergistic relationship (c), if the impacts of one or more invaders are amplifi ed in the presence of other invaders. A linear relationship (d) is expected when impacts are additive and could describe a proportional sampling effect. An asymptotic relationship (e) is expected under at least two situations: mutually negative interactions (e.g. competition, interference) between introduced species may diminish their respective impacts; impacts may also attenuate through source pool depletion, if high- impact invaders colonize more rapidly than other species.

predators may increase the extinction risk of resident Finally, an infl ux of non - indigenous species can species through a nonlinear accumulation of deleteri- alter the potential impacts of a previously established ous effects (Blackburn et al. 2005 ). However, in aquatic invader, even after a long time period during which it systems, the number of invaders causing severe was relatively innocuous. An example is the European declines in native species populations is a linear func- weed Pastinaca sativa that rapidly evolved an increase tion of the total number of introduced species in an in toxicity in response to the introduction of one of area, after controlling for species– area effects (Ricciardi its natural herbivores, two centuries after the weed & Kipp 2008 ). This correlation likely refl ects propor- became established in North America (Zangerl & tional sampling and suggests that the probability of Berenbaum 2005 ). The consequences of multiple receiving a high- impact species increases predictably invaders may also depend on the order of their intro- with propagule richness. duction (Robinson & Dickerson 1987 ). Clearly, the Furthermore, an increase in propagule richness pro- effect of the delivery of multiple invaders to an area is vides opportunities for reassembling co - evolved mutu- one of the least understood elements of the relationship alistic, predator – prey or parasite – host combinations between propagule pressure and impact. that produce synergistic impacts. In Western Europe, multiple vectors drove sequential invasions that com- pleted the parasitic life cycle of a Ponto- Caspian trema- 17.5 IMPLICATIONS FOR THE tode, Bucephalus polymorphus . The introduction of the MANAGEMENT OF INVASIONS trematode ’ s fi rst intermediate host (the zebra mussel) and its defi nitive host (pike- perch Sander lucioperca ) The linkages we have highlighted here demonstrate allowed it to establish and cause high mortality in how vector activity can affect the magnitude and scope local populations of cyprinid fi shes, which serve as of impact. A few predictions follow from these case secondary intermediate hosts (Combes & Le Brun studies. First, a change in the vector or pathway deliv- 1990 ). ering propagules of a given species to a region can alter 232 The nuts and bolts of invasion ecology the impact potential of the species long after it is estab- agule abundance and the number of introduction lished. The delivery of new genetic strains can impede events in infl uencing the impact of invasion (see also the effi cacy of management strategies by supplying Colautti et al. 2006 ; Wilson et al. 2009 ). potentially adaptive variation to a non- indigenous population that previously may have been benign for many years. Enhanced genetic variation promotes 17.6 EXPANDING THE CONCEPT OF adaptive evolution that reduces vulnerability to PROPAGULE PRESSURE: NEW AND enemies (such as biocontrol agents (Burdon & Marshall EMERGING RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 1981 )) and can trigger rapid growth and spread that make control unfeasible (Roman 2006 ). Therefore, To advance invasion ecology as a predictive science, even after the establishment of a non - indigenous we advocate the extension of the propagule pressure species, efforts should be made to prevent repeated concept to unite disparate research foci on the estab- introductions, particularly from new source regions. lishment, population dynamics, adaptation, range Second, an increase in the diversity and intensity of expansion and impact of invaders. By explicitly includ- vector activity over time will lead to a rise in the ing impact, the revised concept would provide the number of high - impact invaders (primarily through context for addressing questions that have both theo- sampling effects (Ricciardi & Kipp 2008 )), which will retical and applied value, such as the following. render ecosystems increasingly diffi cult to manage. 1 How do different forms of propagule pressure (Table Third, vector activities that transfer species across dif- 17.1 ) vary in importance with respect to the establish- ferent biogeographical regions will generate greater ment and impact of introduced species? This might be impacts than those that transfer species within the explored through the manipulation of the number, fre- same biogeographical region, because the former is quency and richness of propagules introduced to more likely to introduce organisms that are function- experimental mesocosms (see, for example, Drake et al. ally novel within the recipient community (Ricciardi & 2005 ) and relating these variables to subsequent Simberloff 2009 ). However, this may not apply to changes in the structure of replicated recipient freshwater species, because the na ï vet é of freshwater communities. communities is manifested on a much smaller spatial 2 Under what conditions does sustained propagule scale (Cox & Lima 2006 ). Finally, the risk of receiving pressure result in a reduction of invasions and their highly disruptive invaders will not be proportionally associated impacts versus a rapid accumulation of diminished by a simple reduction in propagule abun- invaders and their synergistic effects? Frequent intro- dance, if the number of source regions or vectors is not ductions of a given species have been observed to over- reduced simultaneously. whelm biotic resistance from the native community to The few cases for which long- term data are available invasion (Von Holle & Simberloff 2005 ; Hollebone & do not reveal any straightforward empirical relation- Hay 2007 ), but introductions of multiple species could ship between impact and propagule pressure for a generate resistance (Case 1990 ). Several hypotheses given system. In the Great Lakes, most invasions over predict cumulative negative interactions, suggesting the past half century are attributable to shipping an attenuation of impacts among elevated numbers of (Ricciardi 2006 ). However, the number of ship - borne invaders (Catford et al. 2009 ). An alternative hypoth- invaders that have been implicated in population esis ( ‘ invasional meltdown ’ ; Simberloff & Von Holle declines of native species is not correlated with inten- 1999 ) predicts an increased frequency of synergistic sity of shipping activity (A. Ricciardi, unpublished impacts with additional invaders (Ricciardi 2005 ). data). Most of these invaders are Ponto - Caspian 3 Is the introduction of propagules of co- evolved species, which were discovered in the Great Lakes from species more likely to generate synergistic impacts the mid - 1980s to the late - 1990s (Ricciardi & MacIsaac than propagules that do not share an evolutionary 2000 ), as much as two decades after the peak in ship- history? If co - evolution reduces the intensity of nega- ping activity; it seems unlikely that there was a 10 - to tive interactions (Case & Bolger 1991 ; Levin et al. 20- year lag between the introduction and detection of 1982 ) and promotes positive interactions, then invad- these species, given their high reproductive capacity ers with a common evolutionary history may be more and conspicuous populations. This case suggests that facilitative and thus more likely to generate an inva- propagule source is at least as important as both prop- sional meltdown. Propagule pressure as mediator of impact 233

4 How does propagule pressure interact with other duced and native passerine faunas of New Zealand. abiotic variables (e.g. disturbance, resource availabil- Diversity and Distributions , 7 , 209 – 221 . ity, habitat fragmentation) to mediate impact? Blackburn , T.M. , Petchey , O.L. , Cassey , P. & Gaston , K.J. Anthropogenic disturbance can alter or exacerbate the (2005 ) Functional diversity of mammalian predators and impacts of introduced species (Byers 2002 ); habitat extinction in island birds. Ecology , 86 , 2916 – 2923 . Britton - Simmons , K.H. & Abbott , K.C. ( 2008 ) Short - and fragmentation, for example, can magnify the effects of long- term effects of disturbance and propagule pressure on propagule pressure on hybridization (Simberloff 1996 ). a biological invasion. Journal of Ecology , 96 , 68 – 77 . Complex interactions among the various forms of Burdon , J.J. & Marshall , D.R. ( 1981 ) Biological control and propagule pressure (Drake et al. 2005 ; Drury et al. the reproductive mode of weeds. Journal of Applied Ecology , 2007 ) or between propagule pressure and disturbance 18 , 649 – 658 . (Britton- Simmons & Abbott 2008 ) pose a challenge to Byers , J.E. ( 2002 ) Impact of non - indigenous species enhanced experimental and statistical analysis. by anthropogenic alteration of selection regimes . Oikos , 97 , 5 How does variation in different forms of propagule 449 – 458 . pressure affect time lags and long - term changes in the Carlton , J.T. & Geller , J.B. ( 1993 ) Ecological roulette: the impacts of an invader? What are the mechanisms by global transport of nonindigenous marine organisms . Science , 261 , 78 – 82 . which a change in propagule pressure can cause a pre- Case , T.J. ( 1990 ) Invasion resistance arises in strongly inter- viously benign invader to become ecologically disrup- acting species - rich model competition communities . tive? These questions stem from an increasing Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA , recognition of temporal variation in the effects of 87 , 9610 – 9614 . invaders (Strayer et al. 2006 ). Case , T.J. & Bolger , D.T. ( 1991 ) The role of introduced species Such questions offer fertile ground for research that in shaping the abundance and distribution of island rep- can inform management, even if general predictive tiles . Evolutionary Ecology , 5 , 272 – 290 . models of impact remain elusive. Given its potential to Catford , J.A. , Jansson , R. & Nilsson , C. ( 2009 ) Reducing enable a more comprehensive conceptual framework redundancy in invasion ecology by integrating hypotheses for understanding and managing invasions, the infl u- into a single theoretical framework. Diversity and Distributions , 15 , 22 – 40 . ence of propagule pressure on the short- and long- term Chiron , F. , Shirley , S. & Kark , S. ( 2009 ) Human - related proc- effects of established non - indigenous species merits far esses drive the richness of exotic birds in Europe . Proceedings more attention than it has received. of the Royal Society B , 276 , 47 – 53 . Colautti , R.I. ( 2005 ) Are characteristics of introduced salmo- nid fi shes biased by propagule pressure? Canadian Journal of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences , 62 , 950 – 959 . Colautti , R.I. , Grigorovich , I.A. & MacIsaac , H.J. ( 2006 ) We thank Dave Richardson, Hugh MacIsaac and two Propagule pressure: a null model for biological invasions. anonymous referees for commenting on the manu- Biological Invasions , 8 , 1023 – 1037 . script. Funding support was provided by NSERC Colautti , R.I. , Ricciardi , A. , Grigorovich , I.A. & MacIsaac , H.J. Canada and the Canadian Aquatic Invasive Species (2004 ) Is invasion success explained by the Enemy Release Network. Hypothesis? Ecology Letters , 7 , 721 – 733 . Combes , C. & Le Brun , N. 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