International Registration Designating India Trade Marks Journal No: 1964 , 07/09/2020 Class 1
International Registration designating India Trade Marks Journal No: 1964 , 07/09/2020 Class 1 4551571 02/03/2020 [International Registration No. : 1533612] LIFE TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION 5791 Van Allen Way Carlsbad CA 92008 United States of America Address for service in India/Attorney address: ZEUSIP ADVOCATES LLP C-4,Jangpura Extension, New Delhi-110014 Proposed to be Used IR DIVISION Reagents for scientific research and diagnostic purposes, namely, clonal isolates adapted to serum-free culture for the transfection, expression and production of recombinant proteins. 9963 Trade Marks Journal No: 1964 , 07/09/2020 Class 1 Priority claimed from 14/01/2020; Application No. : 4614031 ;France 4596149 10/06/2020 [International Registration No. : 1542565] BIO SPRINGER 103, rue Jean Jaurès F-94700 MAISONS ALFORT France Proposed to be Used IR DIVISION Yeast proteins (raw materials), proteins used for beverage production, food protein used as raw material, proteins for the food industry, proteins for fermentation processes. 9964 Trade Marks Journal No: 1964 , 07/09/2020 Class 1 4604587 25/05/2020 [International Registration No. : 1544507] Celotech chemical Co., Ltd Room 101, Complex Building North, Second Floor, No. 48 Zoumatang Road, Mudu, 215000 Wuzhongqu, Suzhou, Jiangsu China Proposed to be Used IR DIVISION Cellulose ethers for industrial purposes; starch for industrial purposes; cellulose; cellulose esters for industrial purposes; cellulose derivatives [chemicals]; glucosides; celluloid. 9965 Trade Marks Journal No: 1964 , 07/09/2020 Class
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