United States Patent (19) 11 4,260,645 Kerr Et Al
United States Patent (19) 11 4,260,645 Kerr et al. 45) Apr. 7, 1981 LATENT FINGER PRINT DETECTION 54 OTHER PUBLICATIONS 75 Inventors: F. Michael Kerr, Ottawa; Alan D. Sharp, D. W. A. et al., J. Chem. Soc., Part II, pp. Westland, Chelsea, both of Canada 1855-1858 (1956). 73 Assignee: Canadian Patents and Development C.A., vol. 63,9729d (1965). Limited, Ottawa, Canada C.A., vol. 48, 13520d (1954). 21 Appl. No.: 508 C.A., vol. 61, 6894g (1964). C.A., vol. 48,5704i (1954). 22 Fied: Jan. 2, 1979 C.A., vol. 53, 6866a (1959). 51 int. Cl.......................... B41M 5/00; C09K 3/30; C.A., vol. 48, 3080i (1954). C09K 3/00; G01N 33/16 Primary Examiner-Teddy S. Gron 52 U.S. C. .......................................... 427/1; 106/19; 106/21; 118/31.5; 252/182; 252/408; 422/61 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Alan A. Thomson 58) Field of Search .................... 106/19, 21; 252/182, 57 ABSTRACT 252/408; 422/61; 118/31.5; 427/1 Latent fingerprints can be detected and visualized by 56) References Cited application to the suspected locale, of a solution, in a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS volatile organic solvent of selected silver salts soluble in said solvent. Suitable salts include silver perchlorate 2,235,632 3/1941 Heinecke ............................... 106/21 3,075,852 1/1963 Bonora ..... ... 8/31.5 and silver trifluoroacetate. The solution is preferably 3,148,277 9/1964 Lewanda .. ... 8/31.5 applied as a spray. This non-aqueous solution minimizes 4,182,261 / 1980 Smith et al.
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