NOTE: This is a SAMPLE syllabus/itinerary and may not be the most up-to-date version. Please contact the faculty leader of this course for more recent information. NASC 130 – 4 cr -- Syllabus Fire and Ice: Principles of Geology in Iceland – May 13-26, 2017 Three pre-departure meetings: 6:30-9:00 pm, March 22, April 5, and April 19 -- 112 Jennison Instructor: Robert P. Ackert Spring Semester Office Hours: 106 Jennison Hall email:
[email protected] Weds. 11:30 am – 3:00 pm, and by appointment Course Description: Geology is the study of the Earth, its origin and structure, the materials that comprise the earth, and the internal and surficial processes that shape its surface. In this course we will explore the foundations of Earth Science through pre-department classroom meetings and field-based activities in Iceland in order to understand the dynamic nature of the earth. We will learn first hand about Earth processes, Earth materials, and the human impact on Earth’s climate. We will also learn about some of the methods that scientists use to investigate the geologic record of Earth evolution. Course Goals: The overall goal of this course is to introduce non-science-major undergraduate students to fundamental principles of Earth Science and to build and apply that knowledge through hands-on field-based and classroom activities. An additional goal is to increase Earth science literacy of students, citizens, and future business leaders so that they can make more informed decisions about Earth resources, natural hazards, and the relationship between humans and their geologic environment.