".. glebe repart6, 21 7 August 19931 f Vol. No. Tree's removal a challenging task on the banks of the west eering and Works was on site allow for safe access from pond near Ralph Street. taking photographs. the shore. Though neighbours were sad- "It's the first time we've "We weren't totally sure dened by its loss, luckily ever done anything like this, this would work ourselves, no one was hurt, and hydro he explained. "People would but we felt we had to try it." lines were narrowly missed have a hard time believing it At $300. an hour to rent, the as it fell toward the was possible. And we've never crane was still the most sen- water. worked with a crane this sible option for removal. On the morning of large before, so we're docu- The operation,which took July 29th, residents menting it." about 21 hours went smoothly. were again astonished Supervisor Tom Carling said to find themselvés they had opted to use the Broadway Avenue residents, and their homes crane because sending staff Gail and Greg MacDonald, dwarfed by a giant in with chainsaws in boats, whose fence was collapsed by crane blocking to cut up the tree and float the falling tree, had nothing Broadway Avenue. it out to the west end of but praise for all City As they watched the pond would have been too staff involved with the oper- in awe, its dangerous and time consuming. ation, and subsequent repla- boom rose The tree's location did not cement plantings. over their homes, 250 feet Join Central Park in the air and tree planting Oct. 2 its line BY MURIEL FLANDE organizational meeting on Polish off your picks and Tuesday August 24th, starting pruners! It's planting time in the park, at 7:30 p.m. Or just was again at our own Central Park. appear, if you have any inter- dropped Please plan now to help with est in horticulture, to the the next phase of the restoring beautification, conservation, water's edge. and replanting, organized or our community. Photo: under the auspices of The meeting will take place Berg A short time lat- I. er the huge, main Community Association. at 1 Renfrew Avenue after we branches, weighing over Circle Saturday October 2nd have viewed last year's effort. 3,500 pounds apiece, were on your calendar and consider All are welcome to stay for raised, raining water down getting involved at the coffee. BY INEZ BERG as they went, high over the In July, residents near street, and down to the Brown's Inlet witnessed two We need waiting City crews the deliverers! at sights they won't soon for- intersection of Broadway and Is there anyone able to assist the Driveway get. (First Ave. to Ralph streets. They were us? The Glebe Report still Fifth Ave.) The first occurred during and the Driveway followed shortly by the mas- needs delivering along (Pretoria to a severe thunder storm July Linden Terrace). sive trunk. Bronson Ave. from Fifth Ave. Please call 20th, when gale-force winds Christian Hurlow Mark Remisewski, with the to the bridge. We also have at 238-3572. brought down a magnificent City's Department of Engin- routes on Second Ave, 90 year-old weeping willow (O'Connor to the Driveway), INSIDE

Lionel Britton Park dedication The Ex'93 4, 6, 9, 12, 25 honours Little League founder Capital Column....6 Art 13 On Thursday, September 9th ciation and the local business - at 6:30 p.m. Glebe residents and community. Features 14-17 City officials will gather at Lionel Britton was born in School News 19 Fifth Avenue and O'Connor Shawville in 1907, and moved to Street to honour Lionel the Glebe as a child, attending Business 20 Britton, a long-time Glebe Mutchmor Public School and Observation resident, by naming the park Glebe Collegiate. He worked at that location after him. for Canada Bread, leaving to Post 22 Though he passed away in enter W.W. Il at age 32. After Books 23, 24 1978, Lionel Britton is well the war he joined the Civil remembered as one of the Service until his retirement in Kidspace 26 founding members of the 1966. He passed away at age 70. Glebe Little League, where he Ted Britton, Lionel's son, spent 20 years assisting League continues to operate the Quote of the Month activities, 10 of those years as business at 844 . its president. Holmwood Avenue resident As owner of Britton's Smoke Ken Bryson originally "Art does not reproduce the Shop, which he purchased in suggested that the park be visible. Rather, it makes 1966, he was an active member dedicated in Lionel Britton's visible." Paul Klee of the Business Asso- honour. Lionel Britton NEWS Girl Guides living in harmony at Guelph '93 camp 1/3


Guides Canada Ri Guides Canada Brownie & Guide

Left to right Andria Greene, registration Margaret McCarthy and Wendy BY SUSAN JERMYN Jermyn leaving for Guelph '93 Hi-jinks at the international camp Fall registration for new For 12 days in July three Brownies, Guides and Lansdowne girls and two "When I arrived at Guelph '93, vities was mind boggling. The Pathfinders will be Wednesday leaders joined more than 3000 boy, was I surprised! The place kids came with the nicest September 15 at 7 p.m. at girls and women at Guelph '93 seemed covered in tents and attitudes; the international Glebe-St. James Church Hall. If International camp. Here are girls, a real rainbow of colour you like the sound of the Girl some of their comments. and action. Activities were fun guests especially were Guide programme, why not Wendy Jermyn, 13, reports: and continuous; we woke up at determined to do as many volunteer as one of the "My mission was to seek out 6:30 a.m. and sank, tired out, activities as possible. The girls leaders? Our hard working, new friends and guides from into our sleeping bags much at Guelph '93 were a silly, sassy fun loving team of leaders all over the world, to boldly go later at night. I really enjoyed bunch and very good fun." needs your help, and training where no Girl Guide had ever the water skiing and rappel- Other local participants were is provided. Without new gone before! ling and making new friends Pathfinder Andria Greene and leaders there will be few I The activities liked the best from around the world. If I leader Carole Fraser. openings for Guides--girls were orienteering, ethnic was offered another chance at aged 9 to 1 1. Call Sué Jermyn at dancing, bird watching and participating in an inter- 236-2790. my day trip to Black Creek national camp again you can Pioneer Village. I saw friends be sure I'd take it!" from previous camps and met Louise Struthers, of the 25th new ones from all over the Brownie Pack, was a leader of DflOttawa world. In fact, I now have a the Tiger Site on the continent pen pal in Lebanon." of Asia. "The organization vas Margaret McCarthy says: amazing...the range of acti- Ottawa porch sale to 1?tb tic T benefit Rideau River invitation BY BART ST. JOHN-SMITH to the Rideau River will be Ottawa South is planning its overflowing, so plan to be first annual community-wide there. Jacquelin porch sale for September Ilth The proceeds of this porch Mayor Holzman from 9 am to 5 pm. The title has sale will be directed by OSCA and members of been chosen to celebrate the towards improving the quality Council of the beautiful porches of Ottawa of the Rideau River. Often South. Most of these gracious considered to form the City of Ottawa porches have welcomed southern boundary of Ottawa invite you to the visitors for 70 or more years. South, the Rideau is viewed by What better place to hold a sale many residents to be an Official Dedication which will help recycle those integral part of the Ceremony overlooked treasures, and also community. They feel it's time contribute towards to provide more care for the of Lionel Britton Park. improvement of a vital part of river and plan to "adopt" the Ottawa -- the Rideau River. section from Hog's Back to the The Ottawa South Road bridge. A new local group 19 Fifth Avenue, Corner of Community Association (OSCA) called "Riverbank Project" has Fifth Avenue and O'Connor Street on is sponsoring this event and been formed in order to carry Thursday September 9, 1993 at 6:30 p.m. with the support of local out this work. They plan to businesses and organizations, work in conjunction with will be welcoming Ottawa area regional groups to improve garage sale fans onto water quality and to act locally residential porches to find to improve wildlife habitat, LOEB those bargains you really develop a nature walk and need. Porches from Bronson to promote recreational canoeing Main Street and from the canal on the Rideau. August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 2 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CULTURE N EWS Try English country dancing BY NIGEL M. KELLY done to specific tunes. s. English Country and Contre No experience is needed as all dancing classes will be offered dances are h. 1,111111 explained or 1 at the Glebe Community Centre "walked through" and the this September. Starting teacher will call the steps as September 28th the class will needed by the dancers. 1.1 take place Tuesday evenings. Partners are not necessary 1%,;1141 110 People of all ages who would and these dances are suitable Yea' like to do something active, but for all ages (eight to eighty or FM not too strenuous, will enjoy older!) so just wear comfort- .,. this activity that is fun. able shoes and come along for English Country dancing has a relaxing, fun filled evening. been popular for many Some of you may already be centuries and vas the basis for familiar with the English the North American Square dances as they have been and Contra dances which were BUCKLANDS offered at the Glebe Centre, or developed by the early may have danced some Contra FINE CLOTHING immigrants. Researchers dances with the Old Sod's band usually cite the dances when they played in different collected and written by community centres in Ottawa William Playford and other over the last few years. SUMMER SAVINGS dancing masters in the 18th For further information century. These dances of the please call Nigel M. Kilby, Court and the commonfolk are Convenor and Caller, Ottawa OFF still enjoyed all 30-50% over the world. English Country Dance Club Invariably, the dances were 836-2233. Anne Klein II Nautica Apriori Tommy Hilfiger Ellen Tracy Alexander Julian J.J. Farmer Adrienne Vittadini Debbie Shuchat Polo Ralph Lauren Wilke Rodriquez "Another great reason to visit the Glebe" 722 Bank at First Avenue 238-2020 Free Parking 9 Open Fridays until p.m. 612935 Canada Trust Realty CI Canada Trust Realty Inc. / Realtor





BASIC MECHANICAL PACKAGE INCLUDES: Danny Heating system (up to 2) Water Heaters Cooling system (up to 2) Central Vacuum J. Plumbing system Garage door opener Electrical system Exhaust fans Duct work Ceiling fans Grimes Sales Representative APPLIANCE PACKAGE OPTIONAL (238-1347) TOP TEN REASONS TO LIVE IN THE GLEBE!! () Watch for them starting in the next issue!

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 3 Views expressed in the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. EDITORIAL NOTES We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Summer changes TWO VIEVVS OF THE EX gjibcrpori This issue features two views of the Central Canada Exhibition. The first focuses on all that is new at the fair, P.O. E3(»c 47941, the changes that have been made to create a friendlier, Station EE family appeal. The second, focuses on the old, the tried and Ottawa, , K1S 51-19 true, namely St. Giles Restaurant tent, the last church booth at the Ex. Be sure to check out the old and the new at Established 1973 this years Ex. And don't forget to take advantage of Glebe - Ottawa South Day, Monday, August 23rd. (See ad inside for Telephc)ne 236-41955 free midway ride coupons.) The Glebe Report is a monthly newspaper. We receive no government grants or subsidies. CONGRATULATIONS COUNCILLOR WATSON! Advertising from Congratulations to our Capital Ward Councillor, Jim Glebe merchants pays our bills and printing costs. Watson, for making it into Maclean's list of "100 Canadians 6000 copies are delivered free to Glebe homes and copies are available at to Watch," (July 5, 1993, pgs. 25 & 42). many Glebe shops. Way to go Jim!! EDITOR: Inez Berg, 233-6063 ADVERTISING MANAGER: Meredith Olson, 236-5967 BEAM US UP MACINTOSH BUSINESS MANAGER: Sheila Pocock-Brascoupé 233-3047 In recent days a shiny-, new presence has ensconced BOOKKEEPER Margie Schieman itself with us at the Glebe Report. CIRCULATION MANAGER Christian Hurlow, 238-3572 You may have guessed by the look of this issue that this EDITORIAL ASSISTANT' Sue Jermyn new presence is, in fact, a new computer. STAFF THIS ISSUE: Sally Cleary, Anne Donaldson, Christian We've been speaking to it, (We won't say what we've said) Hurlow, Sue Jermyn, Wendy Jermyn, Meredith Olson, Ellen but so far it speaks to us only in dialogue boxes. Schowalter and Susan Thomson. Some of the more technologically challenged among us had high hopes that this new-fangled gadget would cook COVER PHOTO: Fishing at Brown's Inlet. Photo by dinner. However, now that we know for certain that it doesn't, we are hoping that our spouses (and significant Inez Berg. others in our lives) will, so that we can get right down to assuming our position on that computer learning curve. LEGAL ADVISORS: Russell Zinn, Peggy Malpass We',.Te nowhere to go but up. Hopefully, you will all be the DISTRIBUTION STAFF: Courtright Family, Mary Glen, beneficiaries of our new look, our new technology and our Geoffrey Gordon, efforts. Carolyn Harrison, Brian and Marjorie Lynch, Deborah McNeill, Rose Family, Kevan Shantz, Williams Family, and Nancy Yank. WERE YOU TRAGICALLY HIP? In the aftermath of "Another Roadside Attraction," the ADVERTISING RATES ARE FOR CAMERA-READY COPY. day-long rock concert held at on July The GZebe Report is printed in Renfrew, Ontario 23rd, we have received no letters of praise or complaint. by Runge Newspapers Inc. One person called the day of the event asking where to direct their complaint about the noise level. If you have opinions on this, or any other issue of concern, we The next Glebe Report will be out September 3. welcome your letters. Monday, August 23 is our deadline for Enjoy the rest of the summer! We'll see you in September. copy and advertising. OUR CARRIERS MANY THA1VKS FAREWELL TO: Christine Acton, Jennie Aliman, Peter Devin Jenkins, Nicholas and Nils and Leigh Schieman-Widdowson, Archer, James and Amy Avila, Luke The Jensen, Paul and Leigh Jonah, Faith and Gerd Schneider, Ellen Chouchani Family and Koby Banks, Lara and Ryan Johnston Family, Kennedy Family, Schowalter, Scott Family, Kevan Belwa, Dorion and Julia Berg, Inez Amanda and Jessica Kenny, Heather Shantz, Mrs. K. Sharp, Short Family, Mary Glen D Family Berg, Erica Bernstein and Family, King-Andrews, Emily Kisk, Matthew Tim Siebrasse, Vern Murrin; Sobriety Emily Bertrand, Adam Bevis, Sally and and Brendon Koop, Mary and Imre House, Denise and Lucas Stethem, Jenny Bitz, Emma and Zoe Bourgard, Tyler Kruspe Kovacs, Glenda and Jan Krusberg, Kathleen Terroux, Jean Thomson, Bowie Family, Marie-Noel Bradet, Amy Bonnie Kruspe, Ulla Kubasciewicz, Robby Thomson, Ben Tomlin, Brandon, Brewer Allison and Jennifer Centennial Pool, Lady Evelyn P.A.S, Dont and Roni Trudeau Family, Dominique Turgeon, Mollie Buckland, Hannah Burns, Lyra Lapid, Lindsay Family, Melanie and Allison Van Koughnett, Lisa and Mary Lahey and Hartley Butler-George, Monica Danielle Lithwick, Gary Lucas, Lyons Warner, Jim Watson, Vanessa Wen, Caldbick, Rachel, Mary, and Tom Family, Mia MacDonald, John, Findlay Stephan Wesche, Nathan Wexler- Anne and Tate Cameron, Brian and Graham and Graham MacNab, Ashley Majmu- Layton, Jennifer and Matt Williams, McLeod Cameron, David Cano, Katherine and dar, Malpass Family,Sarah McGee, Andrea and John Wins-Purdy, Kevin Matthew Carr, Jessica Carson, McGuire Family, Diane McIntyre, Ellen and Kelly Wyatt, Yank Family, Delores Christina and Alexandra Chowaniac, and John McLeod, Jodi, Jennifer, and Young. Kit Clancey, Jeremy Clarke-Okah, Karrie Miller, Jesse and Anna Millest, Veronica Classen, Cochrane Family, Christine, Jonathon, and Nicholas Marylin Deschamps, Amy and Mary Monaghan, Julie Monaghan, Zachary, WELCOME TO: Deshaies, Pat Dillon, Bruce Nathan, and Jacob Monson, Andrew Donaldson, Heather and Sarah Don- and Katie Mosley, Murdock- Th- nelly, Bill Dowsett, Sean and Harry ompson Family, Mutchmor School, Amy Brandon Dunlap, Dwyer Family, Judy Field, Zak Sana Nesrallah, Jessie and Lonnie and Noah Firestone, Brian Foran, Nodleman, Lauren and Merrill O'Mal- Ross and Laurette Glasgow, Nigel and ley,, Amanda Olson, Michael Pettit, Bonnie Kruspe Sebastien Goodfellow, Brendan Matthew and Laura Pieterson, Claire Greene, Daniel and Michael Harga- Prentice, Natalie and Marc Raffoul, Ellen and John don, Michael and Christopher Harri- Jonathon and Andreanna Rene de McLeod son, Jake and A.J. Hirsch-Allen, Cotret, Colin and Tim Richards, Hooper Family, Horan-Lunney Family, Robertson Family, Fraser andToby Benji & Gilli Hurlow, Chris, Caitlin and Robinson , Rutherford Family, Margie Julie Monaghan August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 4 N EWS Unfinished camp ...

BY BILL VERNON On June 4, the Thursday cub lunch time came it started to pack left from Glebe-St. James rain. We went into Smiths for our annual spring camp at Falls to visit the chocolate Murphy's Point. Scouters factory. We also visited a Larry McCulloch and Bill Railway Museum. Then we Vernon left before the rest of headed back to our camp site. the cub pack to set things up. It was still raining. By the time we got our tents We had supper and then we up the rest of the cubs and decided to break camp because parents were there. The all our tents were wet. The Scouters helped them put up scouts who walked the Rideau the cub tents. Then we made a Trail had supper with us. We small camp fire and went off to all left together from bed. Murphy's Point. I hope we Saturday we woke up and have better weather next year had breakfast. By the time for our spring camp. Photo: Susan Thomson Left to right Ross Glasgow Bill Vernon, Joe Hill, Larry McCulloch, Bob Cano, Joe Courtright and friends. IC PERFECT INe. COMPUTER SALES & SERVICE SOFTWARE, HARDWARE & Acc. SPECIAL OFFER 386 DX-40 MHz W/ 128 K CACHE 4 MB RAM 105 MB HARD DRIVE 1.44 MB 3.5" FLOPPY DRIVE 512 KB VIDEO CARD SVGA 14" 0.39mm (1034x768) 101 ENHANCED KEYBOARD 2SERIAL,1PARALLEL,& 1GAME PORTS M I NITOWER CASE W/ 200 WATTS P/S 1YEAR PARTS, 3YEARS LABOUR

Photo: Susan Thomson %M,A1-'% Cubs try out their handmade bamboo fishing poles 1\

Register for Beavers, ALL TE/ammossmiIllS nimumaimapa:

B HARD DRIVE Wolf Cubs, Scouts .44 MB FLOPPY DRIVES Enroll your boy in Beavers involve a few hours of your DEO CARD (ages 5 to 7 ), Wolf Cubs time each week. Training will 24x768) MONITOR (8 to 10), or Scouts, (11 to 15) be provided. KEYBOARD for an exciting, instructive, IVIE PORTS fun-filled year with Scouts Register your boy or ATTS P/S Canada's 36th Ottawa Group. volunteer as a leader at Fraser / IVIANULS Hall, Glebe-St James United OUSE The boys will participate in Church, 650 Lyon Street South, RS LABOUR ON HARDWAR indoor and outdoor activities on Thursday September 9 or including games, sports, crafts, Friday September 10 between 7 779 BANK St. 2nd FLOOR camping, etc., in accordance and 8 pm. Parents must with programs established by register their own children as ON SITE AST SERVICE Scouts Canada. consent signatures are AUTHORIZED required. 594-3983 .4,00X 70R IFS... ItIE'RE AseROSS ?Rowe .easT O We also need several new For more information, please iiliX'tg sseaïtv APPsiors. leaders this year to help run call Doug Selley at 234-9274. the programs. That will Scouting news BY BILL VERNON GENERAL PRACTICE OF LAW On June 2, the annual of the Group Committee. The AND MEDIATION SERVICES awards for scouters were Thursday cub pack is losing its presented. Scouter Bill husband and wife team of Peggy Malpass, B.A., LL.B. Vernon of the 36th Scout Troop leaders--Diane and Greg Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public received his pin for twenty- Merritt. They have worked five years of service. Joe hard and will be missed a lot. 440 Laurier West, Suite 330 phone: 235-8274 Courtright and Larry If you know of anybody that Ottawa K1R 7X6 fax: 230-7356 McCulloch of the 36th Troop would like to become a cub received their ten year pins, leader call Bob Cano at 234- as did Doug Selley, chairperson 4598. August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 5 CAPITAL COLUMN Mon., Aug. 23 Glebe Day at the Ex years. A tax cost of only $10. each. There is DONATIONS freeze however a limit of one Glebe Cooperative Playgroup will mean some cuts to tree per property services, and all requests must be made received a donation recently but we have asked in writing. The trees will from the Dominion staff not to further reduce be basic available for pick-up late Bank at Billings Bridge. I services such as snow October, so order now because attended a ribbon cutting operations, street sweeping, By they are on a first come first ceremony to commemorate the grasscutting, tree planting etc. Councillor served basis. Please write for official opening of a branch at At this time the full impact Jim Watson an application: Do-It-Yourself Billings Bridge and was asked of the Provincial Govern- Tree Planting Programme, to suggest an organization for ments's Social Contract is not THE EXHIBITION 1600 Scott the known. We do know that we Street, 2nd Hoor, donation of $100. Thank will A reminder that the 1993 Ottawa KlY 4N7, or call you Diane have to find $10 million to 564- Lupinska for the give back to the province. Central Canada Exhibition 1111 for more information. idea! A second $100 was sent to takes place from August 19-29 If a community group is Empathy House in Ottawa PARKING CONTROL at Lansdowne Park. interested in a minor tree South. Parking control officers on Don't forget that Monday planting project, the deadline LIONEL BRITTON PARK bicycles, an idea I proposed at August 23 is Glebe and Ottawa for the fall is August 30. The The official opening of the Council last year, has come to South Day at the Ex. Look for City needs about three weeks to tot lot realization! Between June and in issue of on Fifth Avenue at special coupons this process applications, to allow O'Connor will take place September some PCO's will be the Glebe Report.. Any sufficient time to review the September 9th at 6:30 p.m. patrolling the area bounded by parking complaints please call proposals and discuss ideas Thanks to Island Park Drive, the at Jim McKeen of Loeb Parking Control 564-1457. with the applicant. Glebe who will be donating Queensway, the Rideau River For other Ex related problems GRASS CUTTING refreshments for this and the Ottawa River by you should call the Super Ex Residents of Monk and ceremony. Please plan to bicycle. They will end up office at 237-7222. Noise Monkland Streets should be attend this special event. saving the City thousands of complaints: the Ottawa Police dollars in gas, aware that this year they will WELCOME insurance, and 236-0311 be responsible for grass vehicle leases and payments. I'm pleased to announce that I would like you to welcome I've been told that this bicycle cutting on the outer boulevard Rita Assabgui who will be the Central Canada Exhibition that abuts "green hornets" program is has made their property on working in my office Tuesday arrangements to use these streets. Due to the first of its kind in Ontario a parking lot at Carleton budgetary and Thursdays. Rita has restraints, the City is no the Ex longer extensive experience with all WATER CONSUMPTION University during for a able to maintain these park and shuttle service, for aspects of the City and Region During the summer months, boulevards. I just $6 (a lot less than a $20 apologize for as she has worked in different water consumption increases any inconvenience this may municipal offices and ticket) you can park at cause, substantially. Choosing water Carleton and take a Picadilly however this procedure departments for the City of efficient toilets, showerheads, is in keeping with Council's Ottawa. Bus to Lansdowne Park. The $6 policy and faucets will reduce the is per car so if you have 4 for similar streets SENIOR'S TEA amount of water you throughout the city. consume. people in your vehicle it will I will be hosting a senior's This is The Spring Yard environmentally cost you only $1.50/person to Waste tea at Abbotsford House, 950 friendly and will save you park and shuttle. Program offered by the City is Bank Street on September now complete. 21 money on your water bill. Tell your friends about this The Fall Yard from 2 to 4 p.m. My thanks to You may be Waste and Leaf interested to new service! It, together with Collection Bea Ross who has agreed to know that 75% of water use our parking and traffic begins August 23, again on a play the piano for this event. bi-weekly occurs in the washroom, 35% restrictions, should help ease basis to September All the seniors in the ward are of which goes to showers and some of our parking problems. 24 and on a weekly basis at the invited to come out, meet your beginning of October until baths, and 40% to toilet KIRBY REPORT neighbours and enjoy the flushing. Of the remaining November 5. You can also afternoon. The Provincial Government bring your yard waste to 25%, 20% is used doing laundry the CITY and 5% has announced its Regional Trail Road Landfill Site, or BUDGET 1994 dishes and for Government reform plans. In better yet, compost it. City Council has approved my drinking and cooking. motion If y ou would like tips on how essence Regional Council will TAX RELIEF to have staff come back be cut 33 UPDATE with to save on your water bill, call from Councillors to The options for cuts that 18, and City Council will drop tax relief forms have would see a budget increase the Region's wise use of water from 16 to 11. The been mailed out to those who held to information line at draft ward have between 0-2%. My 560-2050. boundaries are good news for requested an application hope is to push for a CAN I HELP? for tax tax freeze our community. All of Capital relief, as a result of given that so many residents Jim Watson, Ward has MVA. You may still request an of Ottawa Ill Sussex Drive, Ottawa been kept intact and application have had their it is proposed that we absorb by calling 564-3666 salaries frozen for two or more Ontario, KIN 5A1 and leaving your name, Ottawa East, part of Alta Vista address and and part of Riverside Wards. phone number on the message machine. This is Regional Police will also the one time grant program become a reality under the for proposal, as well as people on a fixed income. APPEALS eliminating duplication in the DAVID BRAULT fields of Congratulations to those economic devel- residents opment. My hope was that the who have won their GENERAL CONTRACTING province would be bolder and appeals with the assessment LTD. support one tier government-- office. The assessment office an opportunity to save money, will now send your new reduce duplication and assessment to the City who will increase efficiency. Having in turn adjust your property one Regional and one City tax bill and send you a cheque Councillor per ward will create in the amount of the greater confusion for the difference. I know that the public. appeal process was extremely complex and stacked against TREE PLANTING the individual The City ratepayer-- is encouraging another reason why we property owners to plant trees must by overhaul the current, unfair offering to supply them at a assessment system. August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 6 N EWS Skate's Beat Tips for home security During warm summer nights it is common practice to go to SELECTED CRIME STATISTICS FOR THE GLEBE FOR A SIX WEEK bed leaving the patio door PERIOD ENDING JUNE 24TH 1993 open with only the screen portion of the unit secured. GLEBE WEST GLEBE EAST GLEBE SOUTH This will only prevent AREA ONE AREA TWO AREA THREE prospective insects from BREAK ENTER 1 3 2 entering your home. Thieves COMMERCIAL can cut through the thin wire screens of open windows and BREAK ENTER 2 6 11 patio doors in seconds. Unless RESIDENTIAL your home is equipped with what are often expensive THEFT OVER 2 10 7 alarm systems, you will not be $1000 aware you have been the victim of a break in until the THEFT UNDER 36 12 26 next morning when you $1000 discover your property is in the unlawful possession of THEIP OF 1 2 another. MOTOR VEHICLE Summer is the most popular time for family vacations. The INDECENT ACT 2 O BY SR. CST. GARY SCHUITEBOER secret to returning to a home NS WAY Home security is often not that is as secure as when you much of a concern to the left it is to ensure that your home does not indicate from GLEB.E GLEBE EAST. homeowner until after the AREA ONE. AREA TWO house has been the target of its appearance that you are the break and enter artist. The 900 miles away. victim's initial reaction is Give your property the CARL;NG A'1F. either one of shock or anger appearance of being occupied. Automatic timers that activate R;..:EAU and a sense of personal OC`.,6 CANAL violation. Your space has been individual lighting units ;_AKE violated by someone unknown around the home will act as a GLEBE SOUTH. to you. Your belongings have deterrent to the thief, unlike a AREA THREE been searched through for home that is in total darkness. valuables and cash. That Maintaining your lawn by TUDEAU feeling of being totally at ease employing an enterprising CANAL and comfortable in your home youth to cut the grass is has been diminished and your another suggestion. Have a awareness of improving your relative or a trusted neighbour home's security has been pick up your mail. The over stuffed mail box is a beacon increased. ASK SKATE Warm weather usually gets signalling that you are not or write to Skate's Beat, c/o the home and the prospective My purpose is to become Ottawa Police, Community people out doing outdoor thief more involved with the activities; tending to will target your home for a Services, 474 Elgin Street, back yard concerns of the I break in. community Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 2J6. gardens, cooking the burgs on patrol. If you have a concern that new barbecue or Having a good neighbour So until next time ... See you playing you think could be of interest on the beat! catch with the kids. Home policy where homeowners to others, stop me on the street security is the farthest thing watch each other's property from a person's mind when and report to police any engaged with these fun suspicious activities is also activities. The "bad guys" are very important. Judging from banking on this laid back the attitude of Glebe home attitude. They take advantage owners this should not be a 111 The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa-Carleton of people who do not lock their problem. This observation is La Société de l'Aide à l'Enfance d'Ottawa-Carleton front and side doors while they confirmed each May at the are in the back yard occupied premier community event, the The Children's Aid Society of Ottawa-Carleton is looking for a with carefree activities. Great Glebe Garage Sale. responsible, flexible, dynamic couple or a single person to live- This was precisely what Everyone makes the effort to in and operate a Society Receiving Foster Home. In this family get out to look for those happened to a Glebe family. A up to 4 adolescent thief entered the home bargains and to meet each setting, you will provide 24 hours care for through the unlocked front other. Afterward, previously girls between the ages of 12-17. door, fully expecting no one to organized street parties are interrupt his activities. attended by friends and We are looking for one of you to have a professional back- However, the home owner's neighbours. Establishing a ground such as a Child and Youth Counsellor diploma or son - who should have been good neighbour policy is not at equivalent and 5 years experience in the direct care of children. practicing piano but was all a difficult task when such watching television in the an event is held each year. We provide relief and support, and a generous back room, confronted the The majority of what I have accommodation, intruder who then escaped written here has been compensation to cover your expenses as foster parents. You back out the front door. This suggested by our Police service will be treated as partners with CAS staff in caring and situation had a happy many times in the past but it planning for the children in your home. conclusion in that the thief did never hurts for the excited homeowner going away on not succeed in his original For more information, contact Jim Humphrey at: intent of theft, but more vacation, to be reminded of the importantly, his response to importance of home security being confronted was flight during the summer months or (613)737-1704 rather than fight, and no one for that matter any time of the was hurt. year. August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 7 N EWS A friend indeed at Abbotsford House

BY PAM VAN HAEFTEN relatives. In many ways she is an Friendly Visiting--just what inspiration to me; I only hope does it mean? It means adding one more bit of interest to your that I have, even in a small life, especially if you as way, added something to her are life. fortunate as I have with been The program at Abbotsford my new friend. I got involved with the Friendly Visiting House is part of Seniors' Outreach Services. It program at Abbotsford House has been Senior operating for ten years and Centre earlier this year. there are currently 10 Because care is taken to matches. match people according to If you would be interested in their interests it is quite learning more about this probable that you too could get to know and enjoy the program contact Doritt Crosby company of a person whose or Sandy Airey at Abbotsford life experiences give you House, 230-5730. Two Abbotsford members enjoy a friendly chat. further insights. Though my friend is over twenty years my senior, and I'm a senior citizen, we find many topics to discuss. On my ROYAL LEPAGE = JUDY FAULKNER, e.sc. first visit to her I noticed a Associate Broker large map on her sitting room Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd. Number 1 in Ottawa wall and immediately thought, "Oh good here's a kindred Realtor 769-0668 (Car) 238-2801 (Business) spirit." It was a map of her 165 Pretoria Avenue, Ottawa homeland, the Ukraine, and on PROUDLY PRESENTS: it she had marked with coloured pins various places of interest about which she talked to me. Being a bit of a globe trotter myself this was "just up my street." Having been a teacher for many years my friend has a lively mind, an opinion on most things, a sense of humour and is an avid Scrabble player, 21 - 2 MONTCALM STREET 321 JAMES STREET $214,900. 271 FLORA STREET $219,900. so my visits are never dull. $149,900. A Unique 2 Storey Main Floor Family Room, Private Drive Main Floor Family Apartment. Fireplace, 1-1/2 Baths, Room and Laundry, Amongst her former students and Lovely Garden. OVERLOOKING 2-1/2 Baths, High Garage. YOU'LL LOVE THE DESIGN! Basement. A TOTAL she numbers some of the McNABB PARK! RENOVATION! present-day politicians, not that I blame her for that! We do not have a firm visiting schedule; we both feel that a rigid schedule would take away from the friendly nature of our visits. So far I have been to visit her approximately once a week 403 - 130 QUEEN ELIZABETH DRIVE 15 FIFTH AVENUE $279,900. and we have had several chats 135 THIRD AVENUE $237,900. $269,000. Canal Views from Every Main Floor Family Room With Fireplace. on I have also Totally Renovated! Super Family Room the phone. Room! Fireplace and Lovely Terrace! Luxurious Master Suite and Double and Yard! RADIATES HOSPITALITY! taken her shopping once and RETIRE IN STYLE! Garage! STYLISH RENOVATION to her church once, which was STEPS TO CANAL! another experience! She has been to my home once and was full of good advice about my garden. Recently this feisty lady travelled on her own to the Ukraine where she still has

24 THIRD AVENUE $314,900. 316 THE LUNG ASSOCIATION 243 ECHO DRIVE $279,900. SECOND AVENUE $339,000. Renovated for the Perfectionist! High Nicely Situated on the Avenues! New Garden Patio and Master Suite Balcony. OTTAWA-CARLETON REGION Ceilings, Large Windows, 2 Decks. Kitchen, 3 New Baths, Garage. ALL Enjoy Sunset and Canal View! CREATE OUTSTANDING LOCATION! SUN- THE WORK'S BEEN DONE! NEEDS ITEMS FOR ITS SATIONAL! SECOND ANNUAL GARAGE SALE Please drop items off at 3 Raymond Street, from 9 am to 4 pm by September 4th

GARAGE SALE SEPTEMBER 18th 30 MUTCHMOR ROAD $379,900. 714 ECHO DRIVE $389,000. 360 THIRD AVENUE $459,000. A 3 Distinctively Modern in Every Way! Two Deceivingly Spacious 4 Bedroom! Main Perfect Combination of Old and New! 9 to Fireplaces, Main Floor Family Room. Info: Floor Den, 219 Lot! IMPRINT YOUR Pool, Sauna, Fabulous Master Suite! IN 230-4200 ARCHITECTURALLY UNIQUE! OWN STYLE! A CLASS BY ITSELF! August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 8 NEWS Discover the difference 1993 Ex The Board of Directors of the SHOWCASE OTTAWA! - Central Canada Exhibition Surrounded by an open air PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS: Association invites all resi- Food Court, this daily theme International Promenade dents of the Glebe to "Discover will International Shopping Plaza stage feature many Bizarre Bazaar the Difference!" at this year's popular performers from International Stage Central Canada Exhibition! Eastern Ontario and Western Daily Theme Stage The sweeping changes in the Kids World Quebec! Discovery Pavilion layout and format of the KIDS' WORLD - A castle Food Fair annual 11 day event promise Animal Kingdome entrance leads the way into a Dare Devil Corner an irresistible atmosphere in a unique setting for parents and Midway midway setting! The overall young children. Featuring an Casino aesthetics of the 105 year old assorted cast of mascots and Grand Stand Shows fair have been greatly performers, theme music, enhanced with the devel- shaded picnic area, baby rest opment of one central and diaper change, and a free boulevard to guide visitors playground, all highlighted by through the entire site; the a children's theme midway and placement of tree planters to lots of colour and surprises! help green the overall grounds; the implementation DISCOVERY PAVILION - of a major signage programme colour the new and unusual, to assist visitors around this featuring the excitement of year's Exhibition; and the Virtual Reality, daily stage design and installation of a entertainment, Youth Talent formal entrance gate to Show, a children's Make Music welcome visitors to the fair! Studio, Bombardier Ski-Doo Between August 19th and August 29th, discover the Simulator, the Leonardo da many new attractions Vinci Exhibit and a special CBC including: Display celebrating 40 years of television programming! CENTRAL BOULEVARD - Stroll along the tree lined boulevard FOOD FAIR - A brightly which guides visitors decorated indoor food area through in our entire site! Stop and rest on dressed a 50's setting! ANIMAL KINGDOME - our new park benches or at any one of our outdoor Operated in conjunction with licensed cafes conveniently the Bowmanville Zoo, this situated throughout the showcase of exotic animals will grounds. For a relaxed tour of include lions, tigers, monkeys, our new site, hop parrots, zebras, pythons, and CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION aboard the our own free Giant Tiger "Ex"press at resident elephant one of its offering daily rides! On the AUGUST 19-29, 1993. many train stops! domestic side, experience first DAILY PARADE - In Disney- hand A Day On The Farm! like fashion, a lively and colourful cast of Participate in the daily '42._11331022ElEgrjir characters demonstrations which explore and floats will weave their way along the Central Boulevard the unique relationship serving as the focal point of between animals and humans! each day's festivities! Parade MIDWAY. - Over 60 of the most commences daily at exciting rides presented in an 2:00 pm. all new format! "I've been driving a long time... INTERNATIONAL PROMENADE DAREDEVIL CORNER - why should I attend a 55 ALIVE course now?" Visit some of the world's most Featuring high flying, thrill a beautiful countries without minute action entertainment having to leave the city! Over including the Aerial Acrobatic 400 feet of streetscapes and Ski Stunt Team, and High Dive famous landmarks enhanced Comedy Act with a nighttime by an energetic crew of street fire stunt! performers and a wide variety of international foods. Browse ARENA INLINE SKATING - through the International Experience the latest craze in Plaza featuring crafts, gifts, inline skating! Bring your and souvenirs from around the own, or rentals available! world! Featuring daily demonstrations ROGERS OTTAWA INTER- and instruction as well as NATIONAL STAGE - By day over public skating in a musical "Because... you can teach a 40 performing groups setting! representing almost as many Monday, August 23rd is mature driver new tricks!" countries; by night a setting dedicated to residents of Ottawa for upbeat music featuring the South and the Glebe! ASK ABOUT THE hottest sounds in Latin, CANADA SAFETY COUNCIL'S rhythm and jazz! MIDWAY TICKETS - Find the 55 Alive Refresher CASINO - An authentic ad in this issue of the Glebe Driving Course setting for the adult fairgoer Report and clip your including an expanded format complimentary tickets valid 55 ALIVE For information contact: and betting limits for the for 2 midway rides and join us TAKING CONTROL serious player! Monday, August 23 to A DRIVERS REFRESHER COURSE 523-4075 BAZAAR BIZARRE - Features experience first hand all this FOR MATURE DRIVERS. over 80 traditional Exhibition year's Central Canada treasurers in a theme setting! Exhibition has to offer! August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 9 N EWS MN IMIIMI IIINIMM Come to RA Friday Hey Neighbour! As a finale to Carleton University's Orientation morning interest group I '93, the Graduate Students' Association would I WHAT Guests will give a brief talk followed by an informal like to invite you and your family to their question period. first-ever WHERE R.A. Centre, west wing, 2451 Riverside Drive WHEN Fridays at 9:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.; Sept. 17-Nov. 12 WHO Sept. 17 Peter Trueman, former anchorman of 'Carleton Community Day' Global News, "40 years of Canadian Jour- nalism" Saturday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m. Sept. 24 Dr. Katherine Moses, Dermatologist "Caring for the Aging Skin" a children's stage Oct. 1 Mark Berlin, Adjunct Professor of Law, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. University of Ottawa, "Current Human Rights Carleton's soccer in Canada" fields Oct. 8 Doyne Ahearn, Manager of Publi- (located next to Bronson) cations, National Parole Board, "The Parole live local music bands System of Canada" Oct. 15 Marcelle Lapointe, Psychologist, (5 p.m.-11 p.m.) "Relaxation" 'Capital Foods sponsored BBQ Oct. 22 Dr. Karsh, Rheumatologist, MD McGill, Post graduate, Washington U., "Arthritis and lots of 'getting to know' You" 'and Oct. 29 Dr. M.B. Lambert, Department of Earth your neighbours Sciences, "Volcanoes and the World" Carleton Nov. 5 Mary Cook, CBC Radio, "Old Stories of 5 UNIVERSITY the Valley" 116 Nov. 12 - Tracy McCann, B.A., LL.B.., M.A., MacMaster & Western U., specialization with women in trouble with the law, "Battered Wife Syndrome" CCST Admission: $1.00 For information on this series call Pushpa at 231-6583.

SPILL YOUR BEANS at the cTea G-Party- ADM 103 Fourth Avenue 238-5031 ON MIRTH PENH NAIIR AVENUE. Alibi Sunset BARBERING Travel

107 - Fourth Avenue Ottawa, Ontario, KIS 2L1 613-233-2850 SAPRE AUDE BOOKS USED & RARE Personal Service for: Honeymoons MICHAEL COO & PAT DURISH, PROPS. Sports / Cycle Tours CHILDRENS 107, 4-TH AVE MYTHS TRAVEL OTTAWA, ONT. LEGENDS Vacations WOMENS K1S 2l1 RADICAL ABORIGINAL (613) 594-2805 All Inclusives POLITICS 101 FOURTH AVE. Business (613) 567-4859 OPEN 7 DAYS Last Minute Specials COMPLETE HAIR CARE 12:00 - 17:00 Europe/Greece FOR MEN & WOMEN

limmEmle August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 10 N EWS Sidewalk cycling unsafe at any speed Arbour RECYCLED PRODUCTS The single biggest cause of the roads. Pedestrians can stop car-bike collisions involving or move sideways suddenly, children aged 5 to 14 in Ottawa- without warning. Signposts, Carleton is sidewalk riding. guardrails, benches, garbage MEXICAN FOOD ENVIRONMENTAL This was the finding of a 1990 cans and man)' other objects SHOP study by the Ottawa-Carleton on sidewalks are serious Cett4044 Stite Safety Councilbut how many collision WATER hazards for cyclists. GLEBE 236-9499 parents still tell their children Less than CONSERVATION 20% of cycling 895 Bank St. Ottawa to ride on the sidewalk because accidents involve a motor DEVICES it's safer than the road? vehicle. Fifty percent are due DOWS LAKE 234-8156 AVAILABLE Adult on the sidewalk cyclists to falls. PAVILION, Ottawa recycled paper eco gtfts are also the cause of a signi- erwironmental printIng ficant number of collisions WEST END 722-4692 with cars. 975 Richmond Rd. Ottawa 800 Bank St. IN THE GLEBE Accident statistics For Printing Other Inquiries show that twice as many Call 567-3168 or fax 567-3568 cyclists are hit while riding on DOWNTOWN 234-7044 sidewalks than from behind 207 Rideau St., Ottawa RECYCLED PAPERV while riding on roads. A famous study from the US found that the vast majority of car-bike collisions--nearly 80%happen at intersections. A ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE MINI STORAGE Cyclists riding on the sidewalk create an intersection at every Hume Trading Company Limited drivevvay they pass, increasing MINI STORAGE SPACE In You endanger the risk of an accident. your own From $20.00 per month. Security fenced outside addition, their movements are safety and the safety of storage hidden from motorists because legitimate sidewalk users when also available from $15.00 per month for cars, boats, and they are riding in an unex- you ride on the sidewalks. trailers. pected place. An average Because you are silent, moving Call A Acceptable Alternative Self Storage at 822-7666. quickly, and you are cyclist rides nearly ten times unpre- 4863 Bank St. Serving the Glebe for over 36 years. as quickly as a pedestrian dictable, pedestrians may feel walks. Even if the motorist threatened or alarmed if you checks the sidewalk before suddenly appear beside them. turning or backing up, the Children, the elderly, the chances are good that the)' do disabled--leave them their not check far enough down space and take to the streets! the sidewalk to spot a fast- In Ottawa-Carleton, it is not moving cyclist. Motorists legal even for children to ride LOEB Glebe almost never drive into on sidewalks. Bicycles are cyclists they can see, but they vehicles, and belong on the do drive into cyclists they roads. aren't watching for on Finally, a special message to sidewalks. motorists: Bicycles are traffic There are other hazards on too! Yield to bikes as you would sidewalks that don't exist on to cars. Citizens for Safe Cycling LOEB Cola or



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August 6, 1993- Glebe Report - 11 I=3.44 I L V 11 1=. c I in1/4 IL_ OF FE R .:;;Z-Haturing: FOR 1 GAcr. Gate Giveaways ** Admission coupon with CENTRAL BOULEVARD KIDS' WORLD - A unique setting for Daily Performances geared to each 25k fill up at any participating One route guides visitors through the parents anti their young children! Days Themes! Shell Stations! entire site! -Attl tl I ring, Special Attractions! )4'atn ring: An assorted cast of mascots I * Tree lined boulevard! & performers! NA i=:vv Picnic Area! August 19: SPORTS DAY II> * Rest areas! PAY Orva WIR I STIESA NJ Baby 20: ROMANCE THE FAIR DAY Licensed outdoor cafes! Rest & Diaper Change! August Monday to Friday: Noon 6 00pm $ 9.00 * Free Playground! August 21: FAMILY DAY Fridays: Noon closing $14.00 * Giant Tiger "EXPress Children's Themed Midway! August 22: VALLEY DAY (free train rides around the site!) Added Value- McDonald's August 23: KIDS WORLD DAY ** DISCOVERY PAVILION - special offer on each day's DAILY PARADE - Disney styk SENIORS & VETERANS DAY Ey2Eimsizing the nez:' and the unusual! August 24: wristband! parade commencing daily at 2:00 pat! August 25: COLLEGIATE DAY V*ial Reality! August 26: FRANCOPHONE DAY INTERNATIONAL PROMENADE Stage Entartainment! MI I 11:, vv.ek fs4 (=> NJ v August 27: TEEN DAY Visit the world without leaving the City! YOUth Talaht Contastl ** Availal)h! through The Ottawa Sun Children's Make Music Studio! August 28: FAMILY DAY and participating Giant Tiger Stores t tiring: * Over 400 feet of Streetscapes from Bombardier Skt-Doo Simulator! August 29, FAMILY DAY around the world! Leonardo daVinci Exhibit! * Replicas of Famous Landmarks! CBC Display celebrating 40 years las -r- * Street Performers! of Television Programming! NJ international Food! 1:3S-r A. c) * ANIMAL KINGDOME - A live zoo ** Free Admission to Grounds * International Plaza (crafts.ziftsniki*,,,,,,,,$) featuring exotic and domestic animals! with Concert or Football Ticket INTERNATIONAL STAGE - >c 1-1 I Lions, Tigers, Monkeys, Parrots, **Ticket Information: IFlNJ Over 65 performances representing Zebras, Pythons, and our own Ticket Mast,' 755-1111-Concert IF'A FR PK I r G almost as mapry countries! reaident Elephant! Rough Riders: 563-1212 -Football ** Park and Shuttle Service from ,/eaturing: "A Day On The Farm" Exhibit! with Carleton University * Ethnic 8, Cultural Performances! Barnyard Animals and Petting Zoo $6.00 per vehicle includes shuttle * Nighttipie Festival & Dance On Going Demonstrations! Eritetiainment! FOOD FAIR - Decorated in a 50's 1-1 llUlcDNJ stwle setting! CASINO - A uthcnticsetting pr the /caturing,,: casual fairgoer or the St,1011S platter! j'a gate Music & Videos! ** Included with all id y(riaturing,: Licensed Lounge! admissions! A fun gaine to play! * Rapid Blackjack An easy way to win great prizes! * Off Track Betting MIDWAY - Over 60 rides in an all * Nevada He/1' format! !GATE ADMISSION * Money Wheels ( I - 54 $ 7.00 ADULT EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION ARENA INLINE SKATING - ASSOCIATION SE VA7POSITION SENIORS (.15 & ()VER) $ 5.00 BIZARRE BAZAAR - Over SO The latest craze in inline skating! Bring YOUTH ( I 3-17) $ 5.00 exit ibits in a !limped setting! your own or rentals available an site! CHILDREN 16-12) $ 3.00 . Xeitturing: Daily Demonstrations & Instruction! CHILDREN (5 & LINDER ) $ 1.00 SHOWCASE OTTAWA! new up every day Public Skating to Music! INFANTS FREE THEME STAGE A line geared tO each dais theme! DAREDEVIL CORNER - High Zeaturing,: flyiLig, thrill a minute action performances! Outdoor Food Court! ,/i-at tiring: Over 50 free shows featuring Aerial Acrobatic Ski Stunt Team! performers from Eastern High Dive Comedy Show with Ontario and Western Quebec! Nighttime Fire Stunts!

Special Offer As a special offer to our neighbors in the Giebe, CLIP the attached complimentary tickets valid for 2 Midway Rides and join us Monday, August 23rd to experience first hand ail this year's Exhibition has to offer! r Complimentary Ticket I Complimentary Ticket I Valid for one Free Midway Ride Valid for one Free Midway Ride I I Monday, August 23rd .1: Monday, August 23r-d es , I I ..------. I ''''' AL--. . V.:..=..,,. % :.7.7.,,,..0. n'?:=7-44.:1,"°.". : WM..2X.,P4,14.'°'...." Amusements of America If Amusements of America I LI:., 11 J

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 12 FEATURE ACROSS DOWN Cryptic L O'Reilly's reading on a L Going over and over it Crossword plane (?) (5) (7) 4. Puzzler who could have 2. Another puzzler of many Light Summer Reading done it (7) a 4a (9) Fate with a salty wife (3) I Upgrade of liner type by David E. Rose Ed fails if unexpectedly (5) corrupted (9) 4. Lady I'm impressed with 10.Urged to make a dent right (6) here in Rimouski (7) May be fiction but not 1 3 4 5 6 7 12 11.Something new to read (5) if the chemistry is 13.Small problem about the right (7) limit of a glen ditch (6) He's lost in 8 9 15.Fear of mistake after the deliberation (3) start of thriller (6) Ye old plain song (5) 18.He takes any odd chance 12. Sorts of ties I rave to laugh but not in the over (9) 10 11 12 humour section (5) 14. A grinch in a rueful 19.Hesitates at loud changes state of mind (7)

(7) 16.Thieves, not cowed by

13 14 15 21.Popular form of summer the law (7) 111116 leaf (?) (9) Recently orphaned (?) 23.Bad part of illuminated (2,4) 1117 manuscript (3) Excessive before active 18 19 120 24.Popular form of 21 for use (5) the hearty (7) 20. Inclined towards what 25.Cleans those shirty studs 1000 lied about (5) 21 22 23 (5) 22. She read map wrong (3)

24 25 HIGHLAND DANCING IN THE GLEBE ! Solution on Words page. LESSONS - AGES 5 & OLDER for more information call: KAREN BLAIR 563-2585 Blair School of Highland Dance

1993-1994 Season Theatre Arts for Children, Youths and Adults STUDENT PROGRAMME Dramatic Education Speech & Drama Theatre Audition Programme Creative Drama ADULT PROGRAMME Musical Theatre Acting Techniques Voice Improvisation Contemporary Scene Study Introduction to Directing Director: Natalie Stern Act. Cert. G.S.M.D. To register call: a (613) 789-6999

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 17 NEWS New bills introduced by MP BY MP MAC HARB issues they must face on a daily Although education is strictly The latest session in the basis. a provincial matter, this bill was House of Commons a busy In March, I had the pleasure would offer the federal one for all members of government a greater op- Since the new of introducing private Parliament. member's bill C-416, an act to portunity to play a role in year I have introduced three amend the Income Tax Act. ensuring a strong educational private member's bills and also system. a This amendment would ensure had previously introduced Most recently I introduced a assent and that taxpayers who, due to an bill be given royal impairment, cannot perform private member's bill, C-435, become law. housekeeping activities would an act to establish national Mark it in your calendar, be eligible for a tax credit to literacy standards across November 20th of each year cover a portion of the cost of Canada. This bill came as a Harb, MP / Député will now be designated as a person result of the many Mac National Child Day in Canada. having another Centre I generated in Ottawa With the help of many local perform such activities. recommendations believe that this bill will be the three previous literacy Working for you! and national children's vous! particularly helpful to senior forums sponsored by my Travaillant pour organizations, my private office. The purpose of this bill Bill An Act citizens who require assistance 4-4Gnstituency / Comtés member's C-371, is to promote cooperation Respecting a National Child on a day to day basis. 710 Somerset W/O In April I introduced a between all levels of 992-7/91 Day was given unanimous government, literacy and approval by both the House of private member's bill calling for an amendment to federal- education groups, Commons and the Senate. I representatives from business this bill is of great provincial transfer payments believe that to ensure that money trans- and labour, representatives of importance as a means of the media, and literacy recognizing the youth of our ferred to the provinces for the Sun safety purpose of education is used students, to ensure literacy society, and the problems and solely for its intended purpose. programs are accessible and did you .,0c ' i. Glebe effective across the country. know? : '-ilk Co-op Playgroup If you have any questions or ! th Il_rerA comments regarding these bills or any other issues which (NC)The skin can 'incIurb eofr Picnic ends great year are of concern to you, please damage in childhood. In fact, one of the conditions that put people most do not hesitate to contact my at risk for skin cancer is two or BY SANDRA KEARNS the Blue Heron Mall, Loblaws office. more blistering sunburns as a child Playgroup families and at Isabella and the Senators or addlescent. friends gathered at the Hockey Club. They helped arboretum June 18 for our make our picnic a wonderful annual year end picnic. success! Everyone enjoyed the face This picnic was a time to say painting, bubble making, hat goodbye and thanks to a decorating mural painting and number of "graduates" Diane family races. Lots of laughter Lupinska, this year's president could be heard as a very funny and picnic clown, was not only PROTOCOL clown took pictures with a a wonderful leader but special camera. It looked so provided us with lots of realistic, no one expected the laughter too! Diane was little squirt of water that shot presented with a gift which we out as it clicked, LINE hope she enjoys as much as we There were prizes at the end enjoyed having her as part of The start of a new academic of the races, loot bags for all our playgroup. Goodbyes were year brings new residents to the the children and refreshing also said to Darlene, who is communities of Ottawa South treats including watermelon, returning to Carleton to and the Glebe. As in the past, We thank the following for complete her BA. She has the Carleton University generous support and promised to visit. We hope all Students' Association (CUSA) donations: Loeb Glebe, Tiggy "graduating" playgroup will be holding its Orientation Winkles, Moyers at members will return for a visit session from September 4th to Carlingwood, Play and Learn at once we start again in the fall. 10th. In an attempt to create better relations between Registration for September Carleton University students The Glebe Co-operative Play- and the permanent residents of Monday/Wednesday/Friday the Ottawa South and Glebe group is now accepting morning program. The hours registration for September '93- communities, CUSA will be are 9 to 11:30 a.m. We offer an sponsoring a community June '94. The Playgroup offers afternoon program for muSn a licensed preschool program hotline called the PROTOCOL preschoolers who will be LINE. for children aged 18 months to entering Kindergarten the 5 years. following year. This includes a The hotline will be o erational during Orientation from Toddlers enjoy our Tues- variety of field trips, classes 7:00pm to 2:30am. If there are any questions or day/Thursday morning such as dance, as well as concerns about any activities in your neighbourhood, program which offers sênsory having 'special visitors' come activities, art, sandbox, please give the PROTOCOL LINE a call at 769-3000. blocks, to playgroup. The afternoon Someone will respond to your concerns and help to dress-up area and stories. Our program operates Monday program offers time for gross bring about a solution. For any further information through Thursday from 1 to please contact Richard or Kristine at 788-6688. motor activities such as 3:30 p.m. playing with balls , bikes or cars, a climber and slide as The Glebe Co-operative well as a wide variety of table Playgroup is located in the top toys. Glebe Community Centre 690 769-3000 2 Lyon Preschoolers, aged 1/2 to 3 Street South. For Cut out this notice and keep it near your phone... years of age, enjoy similar information contact our ,activities in our- registrar Pam at 733-2350. August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 18 SCHOOL NEWS Corpus Christi School Earth School Award Corpus Christi School behind the award, attended the recently received the Earth ceremony at Regional School Award for Headquarters. She is proud of environmental initiatives for the concern for the the second consecutive year. environment that has been To win the award the school created at Corpus Christi had to meet specified criteria School and was pleased with laid out in a twelve step plan. the work her enviro-club has Mrs. Burns, the teacher force accomplished. Father honours The Enviro-Club displays the Earth School Award children's future recently received by Corpus Christi School. BY ALBERT DUMONT On April 9th, I celebrated five years of sobriety. I did more than my share of drinking and therefore got into more than my share of trouble. I decided one day that I would not allow the past to destroy my future, my children's future, or indeed, the future of those who cared for me. I mark my anniversary with this poem. THE PATH MY CHILDREN TRAVEL Year by year, I walked my trail of tears, My spirit slept, during my drinking years, Then one day, when I stood barefoot, on a road of gravel, It came to me, that I make the path my children travel. I asked myself, who has a life to be thrown away? Who would want the heart of their children to hurt someday? The examples we set deserve no cries of cheer, When our spirit sleeps, year by year. Albert Dumont is a parent of children at Corpus Christi School. He has agreed to have his poem reprinted in the hopes it might Sign language class at Corpus Christi School receives their help someone. certificates from signing interpreter Karen Irwin. Local store supports school Dressing Children of All Ages McKeen-Willis I.G.A. has intended to enable the always supported local children to purchase items for is a programs for children, says the Science Fair. The highlight Jim Iv1cKeen. Recently the was the special treats provided. Senior Kindergarten class at In addition to class visits, the Corpus Christi School was I.G.A staff put on a Bar-B-Q given a grand tour. The sponsored by the P.T.A. this students were introduced to the June. Jim McKeen was the supermarket and its lay out. chief chef. Such involvement Mrs. Chambers, the teacher, in the local community is Event was truly impressed with the admirable, said principal John courtesy of the staff and their Shaughnessy. We are truly Best Selections for Fashion, willingness to interact with fortunate to have such an the children. The children involved business. Quality, Value & Service loved the trip which was Many Name Brands Bravo Mexx No No No Hansel and Gretel Stayed Home Elvira Vali and Played Video Games. Alfred Sung Or at le,ast they might have if the story were written more recently. The world our children live in is a lot different from the Mousefeathers one we grew up in. That's why Puggwash Children's Books carries a wide variety of contemporary children's books - your E.N.U.F. child's classics. and many more Visit your child's imagination. Visit Puggwash Children's Books. Summer Clearance *) Up to 60% off

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August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 19 BUSINESS NEVVS J. D. Adam under one roof BY MEREDITH OLSON Sundays. Glebe Fashion Cleaners You may have noticed the The moving sale at their 860 flurry of activity between the Bank Street location (near 37 Years in the Glebe J. D. Adam Kitchen Company Fifth Avenue) will continue (that's the store near Fifth until the merger, with some Avenue) and their second store items up to 50% off. J. D. Adam Home Accessories at So John, Jennifer and the Third Avenue. Well it means newest Adam, Alexandra, six that by mid-September both months, hope to see you soon at stores will have merged into their enlarged kitchen one store at 795 Bank Street at specialty and accessory store. Third Avenue. The new location is a bigger space, so there will be room for the specialty kitchenware J. D. Adam has always carried plus BUILDING TOMORROW the eclectic mix of practical and funky kitchen and garden ...TODAY accessories. The move by the five-year- Please contribute to: old Glebe store will mean more concentrated shopping for uscO 56 SPARKS ST their many loyal customers, CanadOTTAWAa K1 P 5B1 more knowledgeable staff, and 1 Hour Drycleaning Same-Day Laundry longer opening hours. After TEL: (613) 234-6827 Monday through Saturday Tableclothes the merger, J. D. Adam will be FAX: (613) 234-6842 open Thursday evenings and Have your clothes professionally cleaned at Glebe Fashion Cleaners

wow A member of the International Fabricare Institute, ANNE SCOTTON IhrI the association of professional drycleaners and launderers. Ottawa Board of Education Zone Two 829-831 Bank St. 235-9776 We accept Visa, Master Card & American Express Have a happy, healthy summer. Play safe! Pieuse support Ottawa Board of Education 330 Gilmour Street our advertisers Ottawa, K2P 0P9 231-2778 Ad paid for from Trustees Personal Communication Budget

Classical Ballet Cecchetti Syllabus Pointe Studies Repertoire Character Dance RETIREMENT LODGES A friendly neighborhood residence in the heart of the Glebe...a short walk to Bank Children's Street.. .bus service at the door. Ballet Our dedicated staff are committed to providing quality service and care. We promise you a secure lifestyle that supports your independence and overall DISCOVERING DANCE! well-being. Watch for the events in your area TRIAL STAYS NOW AVAILABLE; CALL TODAY FOR A PERSONAL TOUR. Creative Movement Ij ages 4, 5 and 6 1 I j 234-0590 Fun for 174 Glebe Ave. boys and girls Registration information Ottawa, Ont. K1S 2C7 Artistic Directors 238-7838 Joyce Shietze The School of Dance Merrilee Hodgins 203 Celia Franca Catherine Street, Ottawa August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 20 IF YOU HAVE NEWS Call the Editor at 233-6063 or write to the GLEBE REPORT P.O. Box 4794, Station E. Ottawa ICIS 5H9 WORDS Ottawa Public Library Solution to Cryptic Crossword

Programmes at South Branch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RA DA R M Y Y BY PAMELA ROSOLEN ST EP The following are the top ten requested titles in the Ottawa 0 E E I C L 0 Public Library system: 8 9 T 1. The Client John Grisham LO FALSIFIED 9, The English Patient Michael Ondaatje L E I 3. is for Judgement Sue Grafton A E E 4. Pleading Guilty Scott Turow 10 11 12 INC I TE D NO V E L 5. Scorpio Illusion Robert I.udlum 6. I'll Be Seeing You Mary Higgins Clark N T Y C A 7. Gai-Jin James Clavell 13 14 15 16 8. The Bridges of Madison County Robert James Waller GL IT CH TER P0 R 9. Headhunter Timothy Findley O 10. Suitable Boy Vikram Seth V H I U 18 19 20 At the time of writing, there are request lists of at least one N A hundred people waiting for each of the above titles. Please feel HYE FA LT ER S free to add your name to our lists. If, however, you are looking Y G L I T T for immediate summer reading, why not browse our special 21 22 23 interest displays located next to the photocopier. pA pE RB ACK IL L CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMES E A I T E E E August 1? Thurs. 12:00 p.m.: The Marvelous Marsh; find 24 25 out about wonderful wetlands with Jane Topping, of ROMA NC E DUSTS the Field Naturalists Club. Ages 7 to 12. Pre- registration. (50 min,) August 13 Friday 2:00 p.m.: Freaky Friday. Celebrate (formerly FOIllall'S) Friday the 13th by dressing up for mysterious films. Ages 6 and up. Pre-registration. (45 min.) INNISS PHARI'vlACY August 17 Tuesday 2:00 p.m.: Flip Out! Make your own 769 BANK STREET PHONE 235-4377 book. Ages 5 and up. Pre-registration. (45 min.) (AT SECOND AVE.) PICK UP A_ND DELIVERY SERVICE August 19 Thurs. 2:00 p.m.: Egg-oh! Ivlake an egg carton INTRODUCING game from recycled treasures. Ages 5 Pre- and up. NEW LINE registration. (45 min.) OUR OF GORDON FRASER GREETING CARDS, 6:30 p.m.: Slumber Party. Put on your TO TOUCH YOUR HEART OR TO MAKE YOU SMILE pyjamas and don't forget your bear. Sleepy tales for HISMANAL SELDANE CLARITIN 4 to 7-year-olds. Pre-registration. (45 min.) August 20 Friday 2:00 p.m.: Friday Films: have a whale 18+2 BONUS TABS 12 of a time with Humphrey the Lost Whale and other 24 TABS fishy tales for ages 6 and up. (45 min.) 10MG 10MG August -23 ivIonday 2:00 p.m.: John, John, How Does Your 60MG. Garden Grow? Garden tour and tips from our master gardener John Lubrun. Ages 6 and up. Parents $14.99 $10.99 $10.99 welcome also. Pre-registration. (45 min.) B & L OXYSEPT II CURAD August 27 Friday 2:00 p.m.: Friday Films: It's Tough to be a Bird and other funny facts about our feathered friends. Ages 5 and up. (45 min.) SALINE NEUTRALIZING DINOSAUR August 31 Tuesday 2:00 p.m.: Party Time! Our end of SOLUTION BANDAIDS Summer Reading Club party. Food and flics for all SOLUTION ages! Pre-registration. (45 min.) 480MLS 360MLS $5.99 30 $2.29 TIME FOR TWOS. Storytime for 2-year-olds. Mondays at 9:30 a.m. $2.99 August 9 to 30 inclusive. Pre-registration begins July 26. dr#GILLETTE REVLON LUBRIDERM STORYTIME FOR 3 TO 5-YEAR-OLDS. Mondays at 10:30 a.m. to S ENSOR RAZOR August 30 and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. and 2:15 p.m. to August 25. FOR WOMEN OUTRAGEOUS LOTION UV Pre-registration required for Wednesdays. No Saturday Storytimes during July and August. $3.99 450MLS $3.49 300ML $6.99 Please note that our August 23 programme features our gardener, I-HIS PHARMACY LOCATION HAS SERVED THE GLEBE John Lubrun. If you have been wondering about the blaze of FOR ALMOST A CENTURY, THAT TRADITION CONTINUES... colour in the garden this year and would like to identify some of OPEN FRIDAYS SALE PRICES UNTIL AUG.31 /93 the plants, John extends a special welcome. Iris an UNTIL 7:00 PM opportunity NIO N.- FRi. 830-6-00PM to learn both the botanical and the popular name for many of FOR THE SUMMER WE ACCEP T the annuals and perennials growing in the heritage gardens in SAT.9 00-6-00 our neighbourhood. ALL MAJOR DRUG PLANS CLOSED SUNDAY C= Lc:ZZ 1 ACCEPTED TO ALLOW STAFF FAMILY TTME . .'.ir C^..'. REUPHOLSTER Constituency Office YOUR FAVORITE FURNITURE FOR LESS! Bureau de Circonscription 25% OFF FABRICS (Suggested Retail Price) 407 rue Queen Street We will come to your home with fabrics to give you a FREE quotation. Ottawa, Ontario Ontario K1R 5A6 Free Pick-up & Delivery Guaranteed Workmanship Repair & Refinishing (613) 237-0212 SUPPORT UPHOLSTERY CANADIAN REUSE] BUSINESS RECYCLE] FAX: (613) 237-3067 o OTTAWAI-- UPHOLSTERY REDUCE YOUR COST, CALL NOW 798-7161 o Evelyn Gigantes, MPP/Députée, Ottawa-Centre I McCormick Street, north off Wellington, one block east of Parkdale August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 21 OBSERVATION POST An art tour of Centretown shuks, perhaps expressing the diversity of mankind. In Place Bell Canada at 160 Elgin Street, is the painting Unity by Tamara Jaworska. Filling the block between Slater and Queen streets, and Metcalfe and O'Connor streets, stands the World Exchange Plaza. Even though, because of financial stringency, this nobly con- ceived structure is somewhat truncated, lacking its high executive hotel and depart- ment store wings, its form nonetheless presents pleas- ure to the eye, expecially from the northeast corner of Metcalfe and Queen Street. The decorative Colonel By BY COURTNEY BOND bridge on the roof of the Some major buildings in westerly (Canada Trust) tow- Centretown contain interest- er, with its great, shiny ing art works, which are time-marking ball, is visible worth a visit. Here is a from . The walking or bicycle tour of agora at the east end is recently-built structures strewn with rather unsettling Photo: C.C.J. Bond suitable for a sunny late triangular stone slabs. Ice. Constitution Square Phase I. summer or early autumn Sat- At 50 O'Connor in the lob- Chiselled urday when, in the absence by is a beautiful, colourful Marsh Verge by Brent tapestry by Jack Shadbolt, joining the East and West of the workaday hurly-burly, McIntosh. Susan Warner you can enjoy the art at The Choice, woven by Pinton. Memorial Buildings, is the Keene's Pattern of Growth leisure. In Esplanade Laurier's First World War memorial in fibreglass is striking. Start at the Regional Mun- O'Connor Street lobby is an- sculpture, Canadian PhaZanx Another painting of a marsh, icipality of Ottawa-Carleton other Shadbolt, the older by the Yugoslav Ivan a mysterious scene, is hung headquarters at 111 Lisgar Summer Threnody. In the Mes trovic. unlabelled by the Slater Street, just east of Elgin. Laurier Avenue lobby of the At Bay Street in the Street entrance. High over the entrance lob- same building hangs an Inuit National Library/National Make your way to Kent by is Paula Murray's tapestry by Auaalagiag. No Archives Building, near the Street and go north to NautiZus, a swirl of sail- use looking for art in the entrance, is Henry Moore's Wellington Street. Just to shaped porcelain vanes on a new Standard Life Towers, sculpture, Three Way Piece - the east, take time to exam- metal chassis. Through the 333 Laurier West: nothing. Points, rather small for ine the high-relief panels easterly windows we see a In Minto Place, 407 or 433 this creator of more monumen- on the façade of the old small, campy lion, divided Laurier Avenue or Slater tal works. High in the main building on down his mid-line, half Street, there are two works floor lobby, and in the sec- the south side of Wellington, silver, half black, glaring worth a visit: the fanciful ond and third floor lobbies sculptured figures by through a metal frame, Daliesque Forest Tale by Ken (which are not easy to ac- Jacobine Jones. It might be Trevor Gould's Sable Seven. Lochhead and the huge, ultra- cess) are 36 engraved glass useful to have a pair of The great central hall bears realist beach scene, Dawn- panels by John Hutton, who field glasses along for this decoration overhead: Warren breaker, by Ron Bolt. is responsible for the glass examination. On the Sparks Carthen Sachi's Isochron, Constitution Square, at east front of Coventry Street side see the 31 ton the gift of the building's 350 Albert Street, the app- Cathedral, and is buried Yap Stone, said to be a coin architects, fills the ceil- earance of which I have lik- beneath it. carried on a pole supported ing. In the north lobby ened to sculptured ice, now The current exhibition, by several men." (!!) Jim Thomson's three cryptic consists of its westerly Face to Face with History, To the west, on the south ceramic columns, On Top Phase I and the newly opened Portraits from the National of side of Wellington under the the World, are topped with central block, Phase II. Collection, runs overhead ornamental passage Archives a dog, a turtle and a dish- The six-storey office build- until the end of September. that crosses Lyon Street shape. Outside the westerly ing that stood on the north- entrance David Ruben west corner of Kent and Piqtukin's Visiting Edmonton, Albert Streets has been re- tall, craggy rock-chunks, moved and a park created on represents his ,childhood im- the site, where Constitution pression of the city. Square's Phase III is inten- From here a long avenue ded to go. Some new and 25% extends to Elgin Street, beautiful vistas have been presenting an excellent view created. OFF west down the canyon of Constitution Square is Nepean Street. At Elgin, in lavishly provided with art. front of the preserved Entering from Albert Street SALE Teachers College, stands Mel we encounter a towering Selected Make-up Charney's Monument to Human Constructivist, untitled Rights. An Egyptian-style bronze by André Fauteux. To pylon-gateway bears the in- the left stands another af tit ()PI alaty scription "All Human Beings sculpture, We are One, hum- Esthetics & Electrolysis are Free and Equal in Dignity anoid forms, by Colin Gibson. 94 Fifth Avenue (at Bank) 238-3236 and Rights." Six humanoid There are paintings that are shapes pointing in various definitely realist: City Facia,s Manffcures Peocures Massage Waxng MaKe-uo and More directions stand like inuk- Sunset by David Wright and August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 22 BOOKS Walking tours describe Ottawa history CAPITAL WALKS: WALKING a 3-5-page section about the book of walks, as so many OTHER THOUGHTS TOURS OF OTTAWA , by neighbourhood and a nice map other cities have, but she has In fact, I would suggest that Katharine Fletcher of each with the route mapped, made the book thoroughly all of the other 150 neighbour- McClelland & Stewart, 252 most text is tied to specific fascinating with historical hoods should have walks de- pages, $18.95, (paper) buildings. I found it more information. I can see a high signed for them, by one or interesting to learn about who percentage of the people more local residents. Someone REVIEW BY CHRIS BRADSHAW designed which house or living in these eight neigh- then could organize them in This fine book was released at edifice for which client, than I bourhoods wanting to have the some way, perhaps posted in the beginning of the summer, did the information about book, both to use to walk their FreeNet, so they could be just in time for the tourist and architectural details and styles. own and the other neighbour- available to everyone. Otta- outdoors seasons. As editor of One highlight was the history hoods, and to loan to visitors walk, which is exploring the Ottawalk News, I received a of the Victoria Museum, now for their own ramblings. idea of an annual walking review copy. housing the Museum of Nature. That's a lot of home libraries to festival starting in 1995, would I have taken two of the walks We are given an appreciation equip. love to include walks for every in the past two weeks, first the of the many uses the building It is hard to review this book neighbourhood in its schedule. Canal walk in the Metcalfe- has had during its long life. as a person who has walked so Finally, it would be fitting if Golden Triangle section of And since names of people many of the same streets with the Glebe Report scanned Centretown and downtown appear several times, a his- my pedestrian-activist orien- through past issues for "street- (with four fellow Ottawalkers torical continuity begins to tation. I think of so many level" perspectives and joining me), then the Glebe appear. If the book included a things I wish she would have commissioned a few more, and walk by myself. Both, typical chapter or annex on architec- included. Although I think the published a volume for its 25th of all eight walks, take two to tural terms like terra-cotta and book would have benefited anniversary, which would two-and-a-half hours Edwardian or Queen Anne, I from more input from long- probably nicely coincide with stretching over 4-5 kilometres. would have enjoyed the time residents of these neigh- the 100th year from the That puts them in exactly the architectural descriptions bourhoods (the acknowledge- founding of the neighbour- walking niche that Ottawalk more. She does have an ments mention none, nor even hood. specializes in. A good choice. extensive index and two pages people with Heritage Ottawa, Glebe resident, Chris You don't have to be parti- of additional reading, mostly which has developed a few Bradshaw,, is editor of Otta- cularly fit to handle the about Ottawa history and heritage walks of its own), the walk. To join, ($10), write to distance, and the constant architectural heritage. book does its task admirably. It Ottawalk, Box 52036, 41 York St., stopping to view the buildings She also appreciates the will be up to those of us with Ottawa, K I N 5S0; or call and other features she des- importance of vista and views. our own stories to share to get Marjorie Fulton, Pres., 235- cribes and discusses, allows Like her first book, her maps to work at the word processor; 3007 (evenings & answering breathers. Since all walks, are clearly show both the point Ottawa could benefit by more machine). in the older parts of town, where one would stand and the walking books. there are many opportunities, direction in which to look. She no matter what day or hour, to hardly missed an opportunity, stop for a snack or restroom although she must have done break at one of the many cafes most of the legwork during the or corner stores, even though seven months when the deci- neither get much mention duous trees are bare, since from her. many of her vistas during my Fletcher's walks, although two walks were blocked by designed for generalists, are foliage. She also is not not general walks. A heritage sensitive enough to the need to to buff through and through, she view architectural details from spends most of her book on the further back than the sidewalk Do you compost? Why not become a "Certified Com- older architecture of the in front of the building. This Would you like to share poster Volunteer"? venues, not their commercial could be fixed by giving more your time and life, not their natural specific instructions as to knowledge? hands-on training, environment, nor much on where to stand to get the right Receive parks and view and reordering the text to a comprehensive manual, their landscaping. and an This still makes for a very match the progressive route, a certificate interesting book written for e.g. Confederation Square. opportunity to truly the average person, but the Fletcher, who was approa- make a difference in title should reflect this fact. ched by the publishers to write your community. I found her book most fas- the book--she self-published For more information or cinating when it told a story, her first one--has found a to receive an application very lucrative market. Not usually about a person. Al- package to become a though each walk begins with only did Ottawa not have a "Certified Composter Volunteer" call our Composting Hotline ROYAL LEPAGE IAN HASSELL at 560-6098. sales representalive flea' Estate Services, Ltd., /lender 725-1171 769-1789 1335 Carling Ave., Otlawa, Ont. K1Z 8N8 Office Portable N IAN SPECIALIZES IN BUYERS


AND * FINDING BUYERS FOR EMI HOME Ottawa-Carleton \rAN... A PARTNERSHIP IN PROGRESS kit'S- EASY TO TALK TO! NO SONG. NO DANCE. Cumberland Gloucester Goulbourn Kanata Nepean Osgoode Ottawa Rideau Rockcne Park Vanier West Carleton h

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 23 BOOKS Stories dedicated to Holocaust survivors baffles this reviewer of these history at the university in relentless. Still, it's mild, reworked and polished stories Halifax." demanding a deeper By to realize how much he hovers J. J. Steinfeld was the winner understanding of Hitler, Sharon at the edge of what he des- of the 1990 Creative Writing reminding readers that the Abron perately is trying to say. Award from The Toronto best answers for his unique Drache In contrast, Bashevis Jewish Congress Book madness can also be found in Singer's short fiction endings Committee, Toronto being one fiction. David Gurr did just are often O. Henry crystal of the most conservative that in his novel The clear. For example in Gimpel Jewish communities in Canada. Ringmaster (McClelland and DANCING AT THE CLUB the Fool, the townspeople get Their endorsing Steinfeld's Stewart, 1987). While Gurr was what they deserve from the work is a mighty compliment obsessed with the psychology HOLOCAUST poor, wretched baker. There is which is particularly of the perpetrator, his by J. J.Steinfeld a sense of divine as opposed to transparent when one henchmen, and the greater Ragweed Press, 281 pages a legalistic justice--right examines a story such as Germanic culture, Steinfeld is $14.95 (paper) triumphs over wrong. Not for Butchie and the Garbage Man. stuck with the suffering of Only from survivors and Steinfeld, for whom God is A thirteen year old boy is victims and their progeny. their children do we gain obviously having a long bored with the traditional Pain can only be exploited so firsthand knowledge of lunch. A survivor has no Passover service celebrating far--if we are to truly come to Holocaust tragedies--this is the choice but to punish him or the exodus of the Biblical terms with the Holocaust's pervading theme of J.J. herself, inflicting personal Hebrews from slavery. He horrors we must cover all the Steinfeld's writings. Even pain to equalize his status with suggests: "Let's discuss the bases. Steinfeld is heading in autobiographical memoirs and that of the victim. Nazis instead of this Egypt the right direction but he has oral tapes along with historical The Apostate's Tattoo is a stuff...there was a great deal of not arrived as Gurr has; he accounts fail, relating frac- classic example of such self- sexual dysfunction among the has yet to stare the tiously the brutal realities. For mortification. A young man Nazi hierarchy, especially the monumental monster in the total and redemptive explora- tells his wife he's about to get a Fuhrer himself." eye. tion, Steinfeld must resort to very special tattoo. His "Don't spoil the Seder, Hillel," Sharon Abron Drache's most fiction. deliberate attempt to shock Butchie's mother pleads, but recent collection of short A tall order, and it is no works when she discovers he Butchie's repartee is fiction is The Golden Ghetto. wonder that this collection is had his dead mother's dedicated to Holocaust concentration camp number survivors and their children. etched into his forearm. Dancing at the Club Holocaust Throughout the collection, is a sampling of stories both the transcending theme is the old and new, previously victims' legacy, mostly sur published from four viving children of parents collections: The Apostate's who perished during or Tattoo (Ragweed, 1983); Forms shortly after the war. Here, of Captivity and Escape Steinfeld adds a macabre twist (Thistledown, 1988); Unmapped and his course is as straight Dreams (Crossed Keys, 1989); and tedious as the singular pceeeet The Miraculous Hand and Other path of the Trans-Canada Stories (Ragweed, 1991). Highway. The children are in Steinfeld has also written one Canada, they are not suffering novel, Our Hero in the Cradle directly but they are dancing of Confederation (Pottersfield continuously in the Club Men's, Women's Press, 1987). I note that this Holocaust, mere actors and reviewer wrote then in The actresses wallowing in the Globe and Mail: "Steinfeld is a pain of their dead mothers and and competent craftsman with a fathers. rich imagination obsessively This is the progress that recording every experience Steinfeld has made with his touching him... blessed with an magnificent obsession. Let's Children's imagination as dark as examine a typical euphemism: Kafka's..." I could elaborate A history professor in Halifax and say that Steinfeld is cannot comprehend why his magnificently obsessed with students don't know what the the Holocaust. In fact, the strange sounding word FRAMES, genocide of six million ZTIWHCSUA signifies. Not one European Jews is the prism member of his class on the through which he currently history of the Third Reich CONTACT LENSES and always has viewed the realizes that the word is world; no use trying to escape AUSCHWITZ spelled backwards. when one chooses to be caught The story Baruch 's Undying AND and confined by rage and Love offers a special Steinfeld guilt. zinger: the fictional refusal to Still I know of no fiction let the victim die, in this case SUNGLASSES writer who has as defiant a the mother of the professor. A grasp on exploiting survivors' colleague says as guilt without becoming too compassionately as he can: maudlin. What I seriously "Your mother is buried in 779B Bank Street question is Steinfeld's ability to Toronto, isn't she?' Between 2nd and 3rd Ave. 232-8586 say as much as he wishes to 'She lives in Toronto, you within the short story medium. ignorant fool...my mother lives Isaac Bashevis Singer was in Toronto and I'm going to master of both story and novel. visit her,' Baruch said slowly I am not certain that Steinfeld and then cried the way his Please support shares his talent. Besides the mother had cried for so many short story doesn't always years after the war, until she our advertisers deliver for him. It truly died of cancer that year before Baruch started teaching August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 24 CHURCH NEWS Visit the last church THE GLEBE CHURCHES at the Ex WELCOME YOU CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT (Roman Catholic) BY REV. D. S. KENNEDY and volunteers back and forth Fourth Avenue at Percy Street 232-4891 Whatever your name for it; via the Adelaide Street Parish Clergy: Msgr. David Corkery, Pastor Central Canada Exhibition, entrance, a few feet from our Rev. Patrick Connolly In Residence Ottawa Ex, SuperEx, or however booth. Rev. Dr. Leslie Laszlo, 233-8603 foi often you attend, be assured Volunteers are the heart and Hungarian Community that one thing remains soul of the operation. Rev. Leo Charlebois Weekend Associate constant. The St. Giles Running from early dawn to Masses: Saturday: 9:00 AM 4:30 PM restaurant tent, at the Adelaide midnight requires many Sunday: 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:15 (Hungarian) Street entrance, has stood firm, 'person hours' of dedication at (Loop System for the hearing impaired). two welcoming diners and locations. EGLISE CHRIST-ROI snackers for 36 years. Three types of volunteers take 254 rue Argyle 233-3202 Originally the business was part: the 'every day except Pasteur: Jacques Faucher purchased to Sunday' worker who finds provide mortgage this Messe:.dimanche à 10h00 to be payments for the St. Giles either a break from a Café-recontre: premier dimanche du mois Christian education building desk job or an annual event; on First Avenue. In time, the the person who takes a shift FIFTH AVENUE FREE METHODIST CHURCH mortgage paid, the restaurant now and again, often with Fifth Avenue at Monk Street, 233-1870 tent continued to operate friends, and the teen servers Minister: Rev. J.W.David McMaster, M.A., M. Div. every August. who work for tips in the Assistant: Rod Bennett. Hon. B.A. Fund raising is the primary dining area. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30 AM purpose of the booth but other St. Giles' booth has been Worship Service 11:00AM factors emerge. For example, featured by local newspapers Evening Fellowship 6:30 PM the dedication of long time and television stations. It has FOURTH AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH volunteers is an inspiration to withstood rumours of an Ex Fourth Avenue at Bank Street 236-1804 younger church members. move and last year survived Minister: E. J. Cox Also, though the heat of the the loss of loyal farm and Sunday Services: Morning Worship 11:00AM action and the kitchen horse show customers, and the appliances do not offer the lunch time crowd, due to GLEBE-ST JAMES UNITED CHURCH best environment, a changes in Ex policy. Heavy Lyon Street at First Avenue 236-0617 camaraderie and sense of fun rain and lightning storms Pastors: Ann Woodland and Jack Nield can develop. Newer members have not yet blown the tent Sunday Services: New Ventures in Celebration 9:30 AM do establish closer ties to the away, but the future is clouded. (Family. Service) congregation as they meet in There will be a new Ex this Worship 11:00 AM the casual atmosphere of an year, with many changes. How Christian Development PrograM (3-13) "off-site event." will the booth be affected in ST. MATTHEW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH (handicapped accessible Time changes all things. the future? And the Glebe Ave. near Bank St. from the parking lot) Once other booths were volunteers? The modern Holy Communion - 8 a.m. situated along Church Row but church member has a Holy Communion - 12 noon (2nd & 4th Sundays) for the past decade St. Giles has changing view of fundraising Choral Eucharist & Church School 10:00 a.m. stood alone. Location and and expenditure: stewardship Choral Evensong - 7:00 p.m. (first & third Sundays) technique have been the as the church calls it. This too Weekday Eucharist - Thursday 10 a.m. secrets of our survival. In the will affect the future of the Rector: The Rev. Canon Lydon McKeown kitchen of St. Giles Church (at booth. Asst: The Rev. Wes Maultsaid Bank and First) a lot of the food Are you planning to attend Counselling by appointment - 234-4024 (Loop System) is prepared and back-up the Ex? If so, drop by and see THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) supplies are stored. A an established institution. 91A Fourth Avenue 232-9923 continuous shuttle brings food Visit the last of the churches. Clerk: Dana Mullen Sunday Service: 10:30 AM OTTAWA CHINESE BIBLE CHURCH Member by invitation: Bank Street at Fourth Ave. (Fourth Ave. Baptist) CANADIAN-INDEPENDENT group of funeral homes. Pastor: David Pan 232-5211 Sunday Services: Worship 9:00 AM KELLY FUNERAL HOMES Sunday School: 11:00 AM Yo.7764j -owner OTTAWA CHINESE UNITED CHURCH 600 Bank Street 594-4571 Minister: Rev. Wing Mak Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:30 AM Bilingual Service 11:00 AM OTTAWA DEAF FELLOWSHIP Fifth Avenue at Monk Street Minister: Pastor Dick Foster Sunday Services: Morning Worship 11:00 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Total Communication ST. GILES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bank Street at First Avenue 235-2551 Minister: Rev. Duncan Kennedy 585 Somerset Street, Ottawa Youth Coordinator: Robyn Loughrey Sunday Service: Worship 11:00 AM Serving the National Capital Region Church School 11:15 AM since 1954 ANNUNCIATION TO THE THEOTOKOS/ ST. NICHOLAS ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CATHEDRAL 235-6712 55 Clarey Avenue 236-5596 Canadian-Independent Parish Clergy: Bishop Seraphin (Storheim) 233-0999 Note: Members must be Canadian Owned and Operated Independent Father John Scratch 1-658-2901 of International Funeral Industry Conglomerates. Vespers: Saturday 6:30 PM (English) Divine Liturgy: Sunday 10:00 AM (English & Slavonic)

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 25 KIDSPACE How I spoiled my summer drive though) and I sobbed all BY MARK JOHNSTON AGE 6 the way. Saturday, July 10th, we were When we got there two just coming home from a camp doctors put my arm on a splint. and we were going to my They sent me to another Mum's boss at work. They were hospital and we met another just making supper and eating doctor who put me into a wheelchair and they wheeled crackers and cheese while I climbed a tree. When my Mum me around the building. At came over to tell me to get one point they stopped the down, so I tried to get down, wheelchair and opened a door but my foot slipped and instead where we met a fourth doctor I fell down. I started to fall who took x-rays of it and sent down backward but I managed me to a big room where they to turn around and put my took me off the wheelchair and hand out. I hit the ground on put me on a special bed. my arm and broke it. Then we waited for about an I started screaming and my hour until a doctor took me Mum and Dad ran forward into a room that was a place leaving my sisters behind with a thing that measured my them. As soon as my Dad saw blood. That took about 3 my arm (the one I hit) he said minutes. Then he took me into "Oh my God! Look at his arm!" a room where he fixed up my By Mark Johns ton, age 6 So me and my Mum looked at it other arm. He fixed it up by to the room with the machine was just a shock. Then he put and I just started screaming, putting 3 needles into my where he set my arm and that my arm in a cast. and my Mum practically other arm (the arm I didn't fainted. So one of the people break) , so that when he set that were there took me to the the bone it wouldn't hurt very hospital (it was a 20-30 minute much. Then he took me back

GET SERIOUS ABOUT GARBAGE. TAXE WASTE ACTION NOW! When you need to do more than just think about protecting your environment and you have countless ideas and experiences to share with others or you want to influence municipal decisions that will affect your environment...you know it is time to become a member of the City of Ottawa's Waste Reduction Citizens' Committee (OWRCC).

The OWRCC is looking for new members that will assist in advising staff on City of Ottawa Waste Management issues. As a representative of the general public you will provide insight regarding the climate of the residential sector. Your time and energy will help shape future programs. Water! Water!! Photo: Christian Hurlow Meetings take place every six weeks at City Hall in the evenings and members volunteer between 4 - 6 hours of their time per month to the Committee.

Interested? Send your curriculum vitae and letter of interest by August 31, 1993 to: GLEBE PET Department of Engineering and Works SERVICE Operations Branch, 591A Bank Street Waste Reduction Citizens' Committee 1600 Scott Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4N7 233-8326 For more information please do not hesitate to call 564-1119. Veterinary Care for Your Pet

Dr. Richard Seccombe LA Dr. Terry Zarkesh QUESTION DES DÉCHETS C'EST Dr. Jeffrey Kup L'AFFAIRE DE TOUT LE MONDE ! PRENEZ LES CHOSES EN MAIN DES MAINTENANT! Mon - Fri 9 am. - 7 p.m. Vous en avez ras le bol des beaux discours sur la protection de l'environnement et rêvez Sat. 11 am. -3 p.m. de passer à l'action; vous avez une myriade et d'idées d'expériences à partager avec vos 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE AVAILABLE concitoyens ou encore vous souhaitez influencer les décisions municipales qui ont une Associated with Brittany Animal Hospital incidence environnementale... il est grand temps que vous joignez les rangs du Comité 603 Cummings Avenue, Ottawa, Ont. (749-2143) des citoyens sur la réduction des déchets de la Ville d'Ottawa (CCRDYO). Le CCRDYO est a la recherche de nouveaux membres pour conseiller le personnel sur des questions en matière de gestion des déchets à. Ottawa. A titre de représentant du grand public, vous pourrez donner le point de vue du secteur résidentiel. Le temps et l'énergie que vous investirez contribueront a façonner les programmes a venir. Les réunions se tiennent toutes les six semaines en soirée a l'hôtel de ville, et les mem- bres consacrent au comité de quatre à six heures de leur temps libre par mois. Cela vous intéresse? Faites parvenir votre curriculum vitae et une lettre de présentation avant le 31 août 1993 à l'adresse suivante Service du génie et des travaux publics Far 2 to 6 yearofds Direction des opérations A creative program to foster tfu love of music Comité des citoyens sur la réduction des déchets and deverop tfie mate a6iaty of di chifdren. 1600, rue Scott, Ottawa (Ontario) K1Y 4N7 Register now Pour plus d'information, n'hésitez pas a composer le 564-1119. G[e6e; AtmVista : Phone

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 26 This space acts as a free community bulletin board. To get your message in the GRAPEVINE, please drop off your written information to the Glebe Community Centre including name, address, phone no. before the deadline date. EV1NE FOR SALE WANTED NOTICES LESSONS * WANTED TO BUY PUNCHING * TWIN (2-SEATER) BABY "STRO- FIRST ANNUAL WOMEN & GIRLS * ESTABLISHED TEACHER, pia- bag &/or stand &/or speed LEE" STROLLER, ex. cond. SPORTS MORNING- an invita- no & theory. Janette Winter, bag. Call 230-1974, $120. Infant baby car seats Natalie. tion to women & girls (6 BA, ARCT. 236-2585. $20. ea. 724-1114. * WANTED, 2 bdrm apt. in yrs-18 yrs), to play soft- * LISTEN, LIKE, LEARN, mus- * BOY'S 20" FREE STYLE BIKE Glebe by 2 clean, quiet, non ball, basketball & teach ic programme for pre-school- Hocus Pocus 20- smoking females, for Oct. 1 ($55.00), volleyball, Sat. Aug. 21, ers. Registration from Aug. trick magic set (8 Call 563-3460 evgs. yrs & up) 9a.m. to 1.30p.m. at McNabb 25 for Sept. 234-2040. $5.00; Sweet Valley twins EMPLOYMENT WANTED Com. Cen. (cor Percy & Glad- * PRESCHOOL MUSIC ACADEMY & Valley high paper back stone). Register by Aug. for *HANDYMAN/GARDENER will do now booking fall, books, $1.00 ea; Min. my 13: 564-1096/97. painting, tilling, 739-7531. little pony house w. fur- gardening TWO CHILDREN IN NEED - The or lawn maintenance. For VOLUNTEERS niture & 6 ponies $3.; Children's Aid Society of free estimate - 232-6840 *KIDS ON THE BLOCK" Puppet Little mermaid dolls w. ex- Ottawa-Carleton is looking Troupe needs trainees to tras $9.; Mermaid doll w. NOTICES for a francophone couple operate large puppets at hair accessories $5.; Barbi OTTAWA INTERNATIONAL HOSTEL who have experienced deal- daytime performances in clothes w. sleeping bag, 4 20TH ANNIVERSARY CARNIVAL ing with challenging be- Ottawa-Carleton schools, outfits, $4; phone: 594-0139. Aug. 14, 11 AM - 4 PM, family haviours, to take into their Sept. - June. Ph. Donna *NORCO "MONTE CARLO" 12 fun, games, rides, clowns, home two pre-adolescents Roney, 737-0871. SPEED ROAD BIKE, 19" frame, prizes etc. Free Adm. At who need a stable and lov- red & wht. exc. cond. $95. 75 Nicholas St., Also Evg. ing environment. Call VOLUNTEER FRIENDLY VISITORS 233-6063 KARAOKE from 9 PM - 1 AM Hêlène Guindon at 747-7800, greatly needed to visit sen- *WEDDING GOWN & VEIL, elegant $5. Adm. I.D. required. ext. 2724. iors at home. Help brighten Italian raw silk, impeccable. Info: 235-2595 WANTED: PEOPLE WITH DEBT up the life of somebody who Tall size 10-12. Worth $2,500 PROBLEMS. Gall the Action needs your companionship. *OTTAWA BLACK ARTISTS' SHOW- Will take $750. 230-4310 Centre for Social Justice Call Seniors' Outreach Ser- CASE at Gallery 101, Origin- at 729-2900 to help us ev- vices, 230-5730. FOR RENT al works reflect rich Afric- aluate collection agencies. *GARAGE FOR RENT, reason- an & Caribbean cultural roots VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES. bailiffs, etc. able 234-8810. OPENS: Thurs. Aug.12 to Aug. Do you have time on your HOSTELBOAT HOLIDAY to ex- 27. 319 Lisgar St. Hours: hands? Feel like you could CHILD CARE plore the Rideau waterway. Tue. Wed. Sat. 10-5 p.m., be more involved? OXFAM Can- *NANNY POSITION WANTED, I Fee $250. per person & in- Thu. Fri.: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. ada is seeking several in- have 5 yrs. exp. & am a cludes breakfasts and one Info: 241-0669/235-5419 terested people to fill mother of one. Ph.237-5264 night's accommodation at volunteer positions in their *EXP. CAREGIVER, avail, for either the Kingston or the * PSYCHIC CARD READINGS at busy national office. Res- full or part time work from Ottawa International Hostel your home. Call ponsibilities include: Aug.9 - 728-7281. 20. Ph. Eileen 234- A group of nine gets a reception, mail, general 8647 or 235-1214 $250 discount. .or one per- office duties, correspond- son goes free. Departures ence, interaction with pub- are Mondays from Ottawa. lic, assistance to office Information '& WEST COAST CARPENTRY reservations, coordinator and staff. Call 230-1200. Lucy, 237-5236. ClOESCHMIE! SUBSCRIBE TO OPERA LYRA. Imaginative Designer, Master-Builder Call 233-9200 or fax OTTAWA CHILDREN'S TREAT- (Semi-Retired) 233-5431 for info. MENT CENTRE needs helpers VARIETY 1 AAA_ Consult and Advise on Major -- or Repair NAVAL RESERVE day per wk from Sept. to at June -lost Minor -- problems, related to your CONCERT Centrepointe in the following areas, Home's improvement. Fine Finishing. Theatre, Fr. Aug. 20, tick- preschool, toy lending lib- Quickly, Efficiently, and Reasonably. ets: $10. Box Office 727- rary, aquarium, clinic wait- 6650. Proceeds to assist ing area, medical records or the volunteer St. John the library. Ph: Volunteer Call DAVID 745-8782 Brigade. Services, 737-0871.

UNIVERSITY Swim Tip PAINTERS GLEBE REAL ESTATE LAWYER Swimming: Fun and Fitness RECIPIENT OF THE MINISTERS AWARD for all Canadians. FOR OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT - FULLY QUALIFIED AND INSURED, (NC)-Here is a helpful hint on how Interior/Exterior TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE to improve your swimming and get Reiiable Service - COMPETITIVE RATES, NO GST more enjoyment out of your aquatic Quality Workmanship - VOLUME OF TRANSACTIONS workout. Fully Insured KICKING Two Year Guarantee RESTRICTED TO ENSURE for a more efficient kick in freestyle PERSONALIZED ATTENTION and backstroke, rotate your feet in- FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE CALL: JAMES CLEARY - "HOUSECALL" APPOINTMENTS ward a bit, this increases the surface area ALSO AVAILABLE EVENINGS AND WEEKENDS 722-3375 This Swim Tip has been you by the PLEASE CALL OR FAX RICHARD WEBB AT 238-6665 brought to er31KINETTE Kinsmen & Kinette Clubs of Canada

.1 111.7Awire CLEANING PARTY SERVICE HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZERS HOME REPAIRS Watch For HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZING Children TIME TO TACKLE THE HOUSE Let us help with the Basement, the Kitchen Cupboards, the Windows, perhaps a coat of Paint! EST. 1993 DMVECAMMUY Specializing in early pine 292 MacKay lovi OFF for Cleaning Only Laurel 789-2246

August 6, 1993 - Glebe Report - 27 Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group 690 Lyon Street, South City of Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3Z9 Ville d' Ottawa Tel: 564-1058

After Four Programme Fall Employment Registration The Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group is Registration for the After - Four Programme will take now accepting resumés for the After Four Pro- place at the Glebe Community Centre during regular office hours any time throughout the school year. Our large gramme. Deadline is Friday August 20 1993 recreational space allows us to avoid limiting spaces. Reg- Positions available are: istration for the new school year begins August 3rd. 1 Coordinator position Children can attend the programme on specific days only, on a weekly basis, or fullLtime. Registration fees are 6 counsellor positions charged accordingly.

Registration is required only once yearly, but we ask that you provide monthly post-dated cheques for each of two programme sessions (Sept. - Dec. and Jan. - June). The fee 1PlislAoa 0°0; structure for the 1993 -1994 school year is as follows. Nsia

$7.00 per day Anyone from the Glebe area wishing to send $75.00 monthly for 3 days per week their child (5 to 12 years) to Day Camp from $90.00 monthly for 4 or 5 days per week August 30 to September 3, please contact $80.00 monthly for a second child of the same family. Ottawa South Community Centre at 564-1064.