Structural Differences of the Brazilian Stock Market

Shawn Leahy, Sary Levy-Carciente, H. Eugene Stanley, Dror Y. Kene Outline

• Purpose • Theorecal Perspecve • Methodology • Similar Analyses • at a glance • Results • Conclusion Purpose • Understanding the structure and dynamics of financial markets • We at the effect of the market index on the correlaons of its components and how they change over me • There are different types of markets with different types of connecons and relaonships so the results of one market do not necessarily hold for all • We use the Brazilian stock market as it has a beer behavior before, during and aer the most recent financial crisis • Can we find a way to disnguish stock market healthy growth from the formaon of a bubble? Theorecal Perspecve Brazilian Index Price and S&P 500 Price S&P Price IBOVESPA Price

Transform using: ri(t) = log Pi [ (t) ] − log Pi [ (t −1) ] M Stock Correlaons

I J • C(i, j) =<(r(i) − < r (i)>)⋅ (r(j) − )>

σi ⋅σ j

Without Index With Index Paral Correlaons • The paral correlaon (residual correlaon) between i and j given a mediang variable m, is the correlaon between i and j aer removing their dependency on m; thus, it is a measure of the correlaon between i and j aer removing the affect of m on their correlaon



PC(i, j |m) = C(i, j) − C(i,m)⋅C(j,m) √(1−C2( (i,m))⋅ (1− C2( (j,m)) Similar Analyses Correlaons over me of S&P 500 stocks in U.S.

Correlaons Among stocks

Paral Correlaons Excluding The index

Dror Y. Kene, Yoash Shapira, Asaf Madi, Sharron Bransburg-Zabary, Git Gur-Gershgoren, and Eshel Ben-Jacob (2011), Index cohesive force analysis reveals that the US market became prone to systemic collapses since 2002, PLoS ONE 6(4): e19378 • Similar results have been found for other markets such as U.K., Germany, Japan, and India • U.K. Germany, and U.S. all track each other closely • Japan and India are not as uniform, but sll follow me dependence

Kene DY, Raddant M, Lux T, Ben-Jacob E (2012) Evolvement of Uniformity and Volality in the Stressed Global Financial Village. PLoS ONE 7(2): e31144. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031144 Data for Brazilian Stock Market • 29 Brazilian Stocks from 1/03 - 12/13 1 ALL AMERICA LATINA LOGISTICA S.A. 16 CIA HERING 2 BCO BRASIL 17 TAUSA 3 18 ITAUUNIBANCO 4 BRF SA 19 LOJAS AMERIC 5 CCR SA 20 LIGHT S/A 6 CEMIG 21 OI 7 CPFL ENERGIA 22 OI 8 COPEL 23 9 SOUZA CRUZ 24 ROSSI RESID 10 SID NACIONAL 25 11 CYRELA REALT 26 SUZANO PAPEL 12 27 13 28 VALE 14 29 TELEF BRASIL 15 GERDAU MET Methods For Analyses of Brazilian Stock Market

• Adjusted stock daily closing prices  logarithmic returns

• A short me window, of 22-trading days used

• Correlaons of all stocks and paral correlaons between the stocks excluding the index

• At each window we calculate stock correlaon (paral) matrices, and average them to obtain a vector of correlaons (paral)

• Also we take another average of the correlaons (paral) to obtain the overall market correlaon for that window

Brazil at a Glance • Sao Paulo Stock Exchange Index (IBOVESPA) • 8th-13th largest stock exchange in the world

200 1200 20 20

195 1100

190 1000 10 10 Inflation GDP Per Capita

185 900 Unenplyment Popultion (Millions)

180 800 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 Time 0 0 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 Time

2000 1800 1800 1600 1600 1400 1400 1200 1200 1000 1000 800 800

Government Revenue (Billions) 600 600

’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 Governmement Expenditure (Billions) Time Results

0.4 5 0.3 10 0.2 15 Correlaons 0.1 Stocks Among stocks 20 0

25 0.1

0.2 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 Time Idencal

0.4 5 0.3 Paral 10 0.2 Correlaons 15 0.1 Excluding Index Stock 20 0

25 0.1

0.2 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 Time How similar are the two measures?

This market then cannot be said to be index driven, and the jump in correlaons are not being pushed by feedback from the index.

1 Before, During, and Aer Crisis 0.5 Correlaon of stock correlaons as a funcon of correlaon of stock returns for 0 pre-crisis period of 2003-2007 (top), crisis period of 2008-2009 (middle) and the post- Correlations of 0.5 crisis period of 2010-2013 (boom). 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Correlations of Returns Pre-Crisis

During Crisis

Post Crisis




Correlations of 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Correlations of Returns What does the structure of a non-index driven market look like?

A hierarchical tree 3.5 where the linkage 3 Pre to discern Crisis differences is the 2.5

magnitude of the Linkage 2 average 1.5 correlaons 1415 8 22 3 1718 6 29 9 2 1220102711 5 13232819242126 4 16 1 7 25 Finance Stock Ulies Telecommunicaons Construcon/Basic 2.4

Materials 2.2 Consumer Post Capital Goods 2 Crisis Oil Linkage 1.8


1.4 6 8 3 22 4 1415 7 17192129 1 1618 2 1023 5 2812202413272511 9 26 Stock Interpretaon • Not driven by the index, but due to an actual intra-stock correlaons.

Market correlaons and the daily closing price of the Index from 2003-2013


• We have found differences in the structures and dynamics of the Brazilian Stock market compared to developed stock markets • The Brazilian stock market has shown to not be driven by its index • Could be reason for beer behavior during and aer crisis, we could be in presence of a possible measure as an early warning signal for the health of stock markets and disnguishing growth from bubbles Further Research

• There are many types of markets in the world • Much more work needs to be done to look at the structure of other emerging markets End

• Thank You! • Quesons?