Great Basin Naturalist

Volume 36 Number 1 Article 3


New records and species of Tetranychidae and Tenuipalpidae (Acarina) from Utah and Idaho

Donald M. Tuttle University of Arizona, Yuma Branch Station

Edward W. Baker Systematic Entomology Laboratory, USDA, Beltsville, Maryland

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Recommended Citation Tuttle, Donald M. and Baker, Edward W. (1976) "New records and species of Tetranychidae and Tenuipalpidae (Acarina) from Utah and Idaho," Great Basin Naturalist: Vol. 36 : No. 1 , Article 3. Available at:

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Donald M. Tuttlei and Edward W. Baker^

ABSTR.^CT.— Twenty-three species of spider (Tetranychidae) are recognized for Utah and Idaho; tliree of these are described as new: Bryobia neoribis, Pseudobryobia knowltoni, and Schizo- tetranychus agropyron. Eleven species of Tenuipalpidae are recorded.

Spider mites and false spider mites are 24 Oct 1973; Chrysothamnus nauseosus relatively well known in only a few re- (Pall.) Britton (rabbitbrush), Logan gions of the United States such as Arizona Canyon, Utah, 5 Jun 1973 and Paradise, and California where economic and native Utah, 6 Jun 1973; Chrysothamnus sp. plants have been carefully surveyed. ex duff, Snow^'ille, Utah, 15 Nov 1972 Therefore, it was believed opportune to and Nortli Logan, Utah, 14 Nov 1972; publish the following records of tetra- grasses (not determined), 10 collections nychoid mites from Utah and Idaho. (some include duff) from Idaho and Utah, These records were compiled from nu- Feb-May 1973; Juniperus sp. ex duff, merous collections made by George F. Black Pine Mt. (Curlew Valley), Idaho, 3 Knowlton, Professor Emeritus of Entomol- May 1974 and Juniper, Idaho, 15 Nov ogy at Utah State University, 1972-1975. 1972; moss. Blacksmith Fork Canyon, Information on species other than these Utah, 30 Apr and 2 May 1973; was taken from Pritchard and Baker inerme Rydb. (gooseberry), Tony Grove (1955 and 1958) and Knowlton and Ma Canyon (Cache Co.), Utah, 30 Jul 1974; (1950). and Sarcobatus vermiculatus Torr. A total of 24 species of Tetranychidae (greasewood) ex detritus. Wildcat Hills were determined; Bryobia neoribis, (Box Elder Co.), Utah, 18 Apr 1974. It Pseudobryobia knowltoni, and Schizotetra- was reported by Knowlton and Ma nychus agropyron are described as new. (1950) in Utah on , sweetclover, Eleven species of Tenuipalpidae were re- and rabbitbrush. corded. Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten)

Tetranychidae Donnadieu, 1875 Sannio rubrioculus Scheuten, 1857:104. Koch Bryobia rubrioculus: Tuttle and Baker, 1968:7.

Bryobia praetiosa Koch, 1836:8; Pritchard and Collections were made from Juniperus Baker. 1955:26; Wainstein, 1960:102; Tuttle sp. ex duff, Black Pine (Oneida Co.), and Baker, 1968:6. Idaho, 3 May 1973; Lonicera sp. (honey- The {B. praetiosa) is one suckle), Hyde Park, Utah, 16 May 1972; of the most common species and occurred Populus tremuloides Michx. ex duff, as follows: Aesculus hippocastanum L. Monte Cristo, Utah, 21 Jun 1973; Salix (horse chesnut) ex duff, Logan, Utah, 15 sp. ex duff, Mantua, Utah, 17 May 1973; Apr 1973 and 2 May 1974; Agropyron and Sarcobatus vermiculatus Torr. desertorum (Fisch.) Schult. (crested (greasewood) ex duff. Wildcat Hills wheatgrass), Duck Creek Camp (Kane (Box Elder Co.), Utah, 18 Apr 1974. Co.), Utah, 5 May 1973 and Holbrook, Idaho, 19 Oct 1972; Agropyron smithii Bryobia neoribis, n. sp. Rydb. (western wheatgrass), Reese Val- ley (Chicken Creek Canyon), Utah Figs. 1-7 (7,500 ft.), 19 May 1972; nova This species is related to Bryobia ribis A. Nels., Logan Canyon, Utah, 2 Jul Thomas, a European species, but differs 1973; Artemisia tridentata Nutt. (big in having more slender body setae, in sagebrush) ex duff, Logan, Utah, 14 Nov having the inner coxal I seta about twice 1972; Chrysanthemum sp., Logan, Utah, as long as the outer serrate seta, in having

^Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Arizona, Yuma Branch Station. ^Systematic Entomology Laboratorj-, IIBIII, Agr. Res. Serv-., USDA, Beltsville, Maryland 20705.


Figs. 2-4. Bryobia neoribis, n. sp.: 2, femur, trochanter, and coxa I; 3, tarsus III; 4, tarsus IV.

Fig. 1. Bryobia neoribis, n. sp.: 1, dorsum of female.

24 setae rather than 16 (as illustrated by Mathys 1957), and in having a long, slender seta on trochanter I.

Female.-— Body oval, rounded; ros- trum of moderate length and width. Sty- lophore longer than wide and slightly in- dented anteriorly; peritremes broadly an- astomosing distally. Propodosoma with anterior projections, inner projections longer than outer and distinctly incised to almost a single unit (Fig. 1). Dorsal setae elongate, serrate; dorsum covered with broad tuberculate ridges. Leg I slightly longer than body; other legs shorter; inner seta of coxa I long, slender, outer seta short and serrate; seta of tro- chanter slender with few serrations; femur I with 24 setae (Fig. 2); duplex setae of Figs. 5-7, Bryobia neoribis, n. sp.: 5. anterior tarsi III of length (Figs. and IV equal propodosomal projections; 6, anterior dorsal body 3-4). seta; 7, seta. March 1976 TUTTLE, BAKER: ACARINA 59

HoLOTYPE.— Female USNM No. 3720, Pseudobryobia filifoliae (Tuttle ex Ribes cereum Dougl., Willard Basin, and Baker) 9,300 ft. Box Elder County, Utah, 28 Aug Bryobia filifoliae Tuttle and Baker, 1968:10. 1975. Pseudobryobia filifoliae. Baker and Tuttle, 1972:2.

Paratypes. — Thirteen females with the A female of this species was collected above data in the U.S. National Museum. from duff of Artemisia tridentata Nutt. Eleven nymphs were also collected at (big sagebrush). Wildcat Hills (Box the same locality. Elder Co.), Utah, 2 Oct 1972. Additional collections were made from the same host at Monte Cristo, 9,000 ft. Pseudobryobia knowltoni, n. sp. Rich County, Utah, 27 Aug 1975; and Figs. 8-9 Logan Canyon, Utah, 30 Aug 1975. This species is similar to Pseudobryobia curiosa Summers (1953) but differs in Pseudobryobia bakeri McGregor having the peritremes anastomosing dis- Pseudobryobia bakeri McGregor. 1950:366. tally, in having the stylophore not deeply Bryobia bakeri: Pritchard and Baker, 1955:19. cleft anteriorly, and in having the dorsal Pseudobryobia bakeri: Baker and Tuttle, 1972:2. body setae with many more spines than A female was collected from moss ma- those of curiosa. terial beneath Artemisia sp. (sagebrush), Female.— Body broadly rounded; ros- Holbrook, Idaho, 17 May 1972. trum elongate; palpal femoral seta short, lanceolate-serrate. Stylophore broadly rounded anteriorly or only slightly indent- ed, about as long as wide; peritremes an-

Figs. 9-10. Pseudobryobia spp.: 9, P. knowl- toni, n. sp., stylophore, peritreme, and propodoso- Fig. 8. Pseudobryobia knowltoni, n. sp., dor- mal setae; 10, P. curiosa Summers, peritreme, and sum of female. propodosomal setae. 60 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST Vol. 36, No. 1 astomosing distally. Propodosoma without Hardup, Utah, 14 Apr 1973, and Ephraim anterior projections; anterior propodoso- Canyon, Utah, 19 May 1972; Chrysotham- mal setae not set on strong tubercles, inner nus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. (rabbit- pair smaller than outer pair; dorsum of brush), Holbrook, Idaho, 17 May 1972; propodosoma covered with small tubercles. Elymus canadensis L. (ryegrass), Malad, Hysterosoma with few transverse striae; "Ida," Idaho, 10 Apr 1973; Juniperus sp. dorsal setae broadly clavate, longer than ex duff. Black Pine Canyon (Oneida Co.), wide; striae in area of D., setae either Idaho, 23 May 1974; and Tetradymia

completely transverse or longitudinal lat- canescens DC. ( horsebrush ) , Holbrook, erad of setae as in curiosa; no distinct Idaho, 17 and 25 May 1972. Pritchard and dorsal aperture between setae D4 as in Baker (1955) report it from Utah and curiosa; D4 setae same distance apart as Idaho. Knowlton and Ma (1950) recorded D3 setae. Empodium simple pad, with it from and rye in Utah. single pair of tenent hairs; claws strong and curved, each with single pair of ten- Tenuipalpoides dorychaeta Pritchard ent hairs. Length of body 547 p., including and Baker rostrum 667/x; width about 670ju,. Tenuipalpoides dorychaeta Pritchard and Baker, HoLOTYPE.— Female, USNM No. 3721, 1955:99; Tuttle and Baker, 1968:83. from Atriplex nuttallii Wats, (salt sage) This species was collected in Utah from (duff), NW Cedar Hill, Curley Valley, an unknown host by G. F. Knowlton and Idaho, 6 Oct 1972 by G. F. Knowlton for Shi Chun Ma (Pritchard and Baker whom the mite is named. 1955). Paratypes. Three females with the above data and one female with the same data Eurytetranychus admes Pritchard but collected 12 Oct 1972 in the U.S. Na- and Baker tional Museum. A single female was col- Eurytetranychus admes Pritchard and Baker, lected from the same host at Snowville, 1955:110. Utah, 12 Oct 1972. This species was collected in Utah on Petrobia (Petrobia) latens (Miiller) juniper by G. F. Knowlton (Pritchard and Baker 1955). Acarus latens MuUer, 1776:187. Petrobia latens: Pritchard and Baker, 1955:51; Wainstein 1960:134. Panonychus ulmi (Koch) Petrobia {Petrobia) latens: Tuttle and Baker. 1936:11. 1968:71. Tetranychus ulmi Koch. Metatetranychus ulmi: Pritchard and Baker, The brown wheat mite is a common spe- 1955:128. Panonychus ulmi: Wainstein, 1960:202. cies in Utah and Idaho occurring partic- ularly on several grasses and other low- Knowlton and Ma (1950) reported it growing plants: Artemisia tridentata from , pear, plum, and poplar in Nutt. (big sagebrush). Curlew Junction, Utah. Utah, 16 Dec 1969, Wildcat Hills (Cur- 17 1972, and lew Valley), Utah, May Schizotetranychus agropyron, n. sp. Holbrook, Idaho {ex duff), 25 May and Figs. 11-14 2 Nov 1972; Artemisia sp., Samaria, This species is similar to Schizotetra- Idaho, 2 Nov 1972; Agropyron desertorum nychus eremophilus McC^iregor and S. (Fisch.) Schult. (crested wheatgrass). celtidis Tuttle and Baker in having the Chicken Creek Canyon (Juab Co.) and first three pairs of dorsocentral hystero- Ephraim, Utah, 19 May 1972, Duck somal seta shorter than the dorsolateral Creek Camp (Kane Co.), Utah, 16 May setae, but differs in having a U-like strial 1973, Curlew National Grasslands (Cur- pattern in the dorsocentral area of the lew Valley), Idaho, 19 Oct 1972, Hol- {)ropodosoma. brook, Idaho, 25 Mar 1972, 12 and 17 May 1972, and Woodruff (Oneida Co.), Female.— Body elongate; rostrum Idaho, 2 Nov 1972 and 24 A[)r 1973; long, reaching base of tibia I; terminal Agropyron smithii Rydb. (western wheat- .sensillum about 2 times as long as broad; grass). Chicken Creek Canyon (Reese Val- peritremes gently hooked distally. Dorsal ley), Utah (7,500 ft), 19 May 1972, striae of propodosoma U-shaped in central March 1976 TUTTLE, BAKER: ACARINA 61

shorter than segment; tibia III with five tactile setae; leg IV similar to leg III with some setae longer. Striae transverse on genital flap and area anterior to flap. Length of body 422/i; including rostrum 460/Lt; width 250/a.

HoLOTYPE.— Female, USNM No. 3722, ex Agropyron desertorum (Fisch.) Schutt., Logan Canyon, Utah, 26 Apr 1973.

Paratypes.— Two females with the above data in the U.S. National Museum.

mm^^''^'' Schizotetranychus elymus McGregor i«i»\ Schizotetranychus elymus McGregor, 1950:310; Pritchard and Baker. 1955:254; Tuttle and Baker, 1968:104.

This species was collected in Utah on unknown host by G. F. Knowlton (Pritch- ard and Baker 1955).

Platytetranychus libocedri (McGregor)

Tetranychus libocedri McGregor, 1936:771. Eotetranychus libocedri: Tuttle and Baker. 1964: 20. Platytetranychus libocedri: Tuttle and Baker, 1968:106.

Specimens were collected from Thuja occidentalis L. (arborvitae), Logan, Utah, 24 Aug 1973. It was also collected by G. F. Knowlton in Utah on juniper and cedars (Pritchard and Baker 1955). Fig. 11. Schizotetranychus agropogon, n. sp. dorsum of female. area and longitudinal laterally, transverse on central area of hysterosoma and ir- regularly longitudinal laterally. Second pair of propodosomal setae slightly longer than first and second pairs; first three pairs of dorsocentral hysterosomal setae about three-fourths as long as dorsolateral setae and one-half as long as distance be- tween their bases; fourth and fifth pairs of dorsocentrals as long as dorsolaterals

L] - L4; L... one-half as long as Lj - L^; humeral setae longer than others. All empodial claws split and strong. Tarsus I with slender solenidion about as long as { 1\ segment, with four tactile setae proximal to duplex setae; tibia I with eight tactile 14 setae and one shorter solenidion. Tarsus II with one dorsal proximal seta; tibia 11 with five tactile setae; genu II with five Figs. 12-14. Schizotetranychus agropogon, n. tactile setae, femur II with seven tactile sp.: 12, tarsus I; 13, tarsus II; 14, terminal seg- setae. Tarsus III with dorsal solenidion ment of female palpus. i


Eotetranychus perplexus (McGregor) Pritchard and Baker (1955) record this species from Scots Pine, Logan, Utah. Tetranychus perplexus McGregor, 1950:298. Eotetranychus perplexus: Pritchard and Baker. Tetranychus (Polynychus) canadensis 1955:175. (McGregor)

McGregor (1950) records this species Septanychus canadensis McGregor, 1950:319. Tetranychus canadensis: Pritchard and Baker, from Cercocarpus sp. from Idaho. 1955:393; Tuttle and Baker, 1968:130.

Specimens were taken on Fraxinus sp. Eotetranychus uncatus Garman (ash), St. George, Utah, 9 Jul 1958. Eotetranychus uncatus Garman, in Pritchard and Baker. 1952:183; Pritchard and Baker, 1955: Tetranychus {Polynychus) polys 183. Pritchard and Baker Pritchard and Baker (1955) record this Tetranychus polys Pritchard and Baker, 1955: species on white birch, Utah. 396. Tetranychus {Polynychus) polys: Tuttle and Baker. 1968:131. Eotetranychus sp. This species was collected on Artemisia Three nymphs were collected from Ar- tridentata Nutt. (big sagebrush), Logan temisia tridentata Nutt. (big sagebrush), Canyon, 4 Sep 1972 and Atriplex nuttallii Cedar Hill (Curlew Valley), Utah, 17 Wats, (salt sage). Wildcat Hills (Curlew May 1972. Valley), Utah, 17 May 1972.

Oligonychus (Oligonychus) ununguis Tetranychus (Armenychus) pacificus (Jacobi) McGregor ununguis Jacobi, 1905:239. Tetranychus Tetranychus pacificus McGregor. 1919:657; Baker. 1968: Oligonychus ununguis: Tuttle and Pritchard and Baker, 1955:388; Tuttle and 118. Baker, 1968:131. species is a of conifers This This species is an important pest of throughout the world. It was collected in agriculture in the far western areas of the Knowlton juniper, Utah by G. F. on United States. Pritchard and Baker (1955) Crystal Springs, and arborvitae at Farm- report it from Idaho (no hosts listed) ington, Colorado blue spruce, Smithfield, and Knowlton and Ma (1950) list plum 1933 (Knowlton and Ma 1950); red ce- and rose as hosts from Utah. dar, Beaver, 4 Aug 1954, ornamental juni- per, Provo, 9 May 1957, and on Pfitzer Tetranychus (Armenychus) mcdanieli juniper, Provo, 9 May 1957 (Pritchard McGregor and Baker 1955). Tetranychus mcdanieli McGregor. 1931:13; Pritchard and Baker, 1955:386; Tuttle and Oligonychus (Reckiella) pratensis Baker. 1968:131. (Banks) This species is a pest of deciduous Tetranychus pratensis Banks, 1912:97. fruit trees in the northwestern United Paratetranychus pratensis: McGregor, 1950:350. States. Pritchard and Baker (1955) and Oligonychus pratensis: Pritchard and Baker. 1955: 349; Tuttle and Baker, 1968:122. Knowlton and Ma (1950) report it from Utah on apple. This is a common species on grasses. It was found in Utah on aspen by G. F. Tetranychus {Tetranychus) turkestani Knowlton (Pritchard and Baker 1955). Ugarov and Nikolski Knowlton and Ma (1950) reported it on corn at Magna, Utah and on "grass" at Eotetranychus turkestani Ugarov and Nikolski, Franklin, Idaho, during November. 1937:28. Tetranychus nllanticus McGregor. 1941:26, Pritchard and Baker. 1955:424. turkestani: Baker and Pritchard, Oligonychus {Wainsteiniella) miller Tetranychus 1953:213; Wainstein. 1960:154; Tuttle and (McGregor) Baker, 1968:128; Baker. 1968:1080. Paratetranychus milleri McGregor. 1950:343. is widespread throughout Oligonychus milleri: Pritchard and Baker, 1955: This species 280; Tutth" and Baker, 1968:119. the world and had been known in North March 1976 TUTTLE, BAKER: ACARINA 63

America as T. atlanticus. It is more com- A female was collected from Thuja Oc- mon on low-growing plants but may oc- cidentalis L. (arborvitae), Logan, Utah, cur on some fruit trees. It has been found 24 Aug 1973. The species was also col- in Utah and Idaho (Pritchard and Baker lected on juniper in Idaho (Pritchard and 1955). Knowlton and Ma (1950) reported Baker 1958). Knowlton and Ma (1950) it from strawberry, alfalfa, ragweed, and reported it from several evergreens in celery in Utah. Utah and Idaho.

Tetranychus (Tetranychus) urticae Brevipalpus aeolus Pritchard and Baker Koch' Brevipalpus aeolus Pritchard and Baker. 1952:32; Tetranychus urticae Koch. 1836:10; Boudreaux Baker and Tuttle, 1964:60. and Dosse. 1963:353. Tetranychus telarius (Lirui.) of various authors. A long series of males, females, and Tetranychus {Tetranychus) urticae: Tuttle and nymphs were collected from Artemisia Baker, 1968:129. ludoviciana Nutt. (sagebrush), Green Can- These mites are found throughout the yon, Utah, 2 Aug 1973. temperate areas of the world feeding on many hosts. It was found on Agropyron Brevipalpus homalus Pritchard desertorum (Fisch.) Schult. (crested and Baker wheatgrass), Holbrook, Idaho, 25 Mar Brevipalpus homalus Pritchard and Baker. 1952:25; 1972 and Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Baker and Tuttle, 1964:54. Nutt. (rabbitbrush), Holbrook, Idaho, 17 collected from Artemisia May 1972. Pritchard and Baker (1955) 'Mites were nova A. Nels. (sagebrush), Logan, Utah, also report it in Utah and Idaho. It oc- Cristo, Utah, 21 curs on numerous crops and plants in 2 Jul 1973 and Monte Utah (Knowlton and Ma 1950). Jun 1973.

phoenicis (Geijskes) Tenuipalpidae Berlese, 1913 Brevipalpus Tenuipalpus phoenicis Geijskes, 1939:23. Aegyptohia baptus Pritchard and Baker Brevipalpus phoenicis: Pritchard and Baker, 1958: baptus Pritchard and Baker, 1952: Pentamerimus 233. 21. Aegyptobia baptus: Pritchard and Baker. 1958: A female was found on Salix sp., Logan, 181; Baker and Tuttle. 1964:21. Utah, 4 Jul 1973. Four females were collected from Chry- sothamnus viscidiflorus Nutt. (rabbit- Brevipalpus porca Pritchard and Baker brush), Idaho, 1972. Holbrook, 17 May Brevipalpus porca Pritchard and Baker, 1958:208.

mistletoe Aegyptobia pseudoleptoides This species has been taken on Utah. (Baker and Pritchard) on Douglas fir at Bryce Canyon,

Pentamerismus pseudoleptoides Baker and Pritch- Pritchard ard, 1953b: 357. Brevipalpus punicans Aegyptobia pseudoleptoides: Pritchard and Baker. and Baker 1958:180. Brevipalpus punicans Pritchard and Baker, 1952: This species is known only from Utah 24; Baker and Tuttle, 1964:38. on Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. Twenty-seven females were taken from (grama). Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. (rabbitbrush), Holbrook, Idaho, 17 Aegyptobia aletes (Pritchard May 1972. and Baker) Pentamerismus aletes Pritchard and Baker. 1952:9. Dolichotetranychus carnea (Banks) Aegyptobia aletes: Pritchard and Baker. 1958:183. Siteroples carnea Banks. 1906:140. This species was collected from red ce- Dolichotetranychus carnea: Baker and Pritchard, dar in Utah (Pritchard and Baker 1952). 1956:361; Pritchard and Baker. 1958:251. Pentamerismus erythreus (Ewing) Dolichotetranychus carnea has been Ewing, 1917:152. Tenuipalpus erythreus taken on Muhlenbergia and grass in Utah Pentamerismus erythreus: Pritchard and Baker. 1958:188; Baker and Tuttle, 1964:30. and Idaho. 64 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST Vol. 36, No. 1

Dolichotetranychus cracens Pritchard Jacobi, a. 1905. Eine Spinnmilbe (Tetranychus and Baker ununguis n. sp.) als Koniferenschadling. Na- turw. Zts. Land. Forst. 3:239-247. Dolichotetranychus cracens Pritchard and Baker, Knowlton, G. F.. and S. C. Ma. 1950. Some 1958:253. Utah mites— 1949. Jour. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 23 (2): 74-76. This species was found in Utah on Koch, C. L. 1836. Deutsche Crustacea, Myrio- Bouteloua gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. poda. Arachnida, Fasc. 1:8. Mathys. Other Species of Tetranychoid Mites G. 1957. Contribution a la connais- sance de la systematique et de la biologie du The following species were reported by genre Bryobia en Suisse romande. Bull. Soc. Knowlton and Ma (1950) but have not Entomol. Suisse 30(3): 189-284. McGregor, E. 1919. been verified or seen by us: Oligonychus A. The red spiders of America and a few European species likely to (Oligonychus) viridis (Banks), Eotetra- be introduced. Proc. USNM 56:641-679. nychus willamettei (McGregor), and . 1931. A new spinning mite attacking Pentamerismus nr. oregonensis McGreg- raspberry in Michigan. Proc. Entomol. Soc. or. Wash. 33(8): 193-194.

— . 1936. Two spinning mites attacking in- cense cedar in California. Ann. Entomol.

Literature Cited Soc. Amer. 29(4) : 770-775.

. 1941. A new spinning mite attacking B..\KER, E. W. 1968. Change of name of the strawberry on the mid-Atlantic coast. Proc. strawberry . CEIR 18 (47): 1080. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 43(2):26-28. Baker, E. W., and A. E. Pritchard. 1953a. . 1950. Mites of the family Tetrany- Spider mites of cotton. Hilgardia 22(7) :213. chidae. Amer. Midland Nat. 44(2) : 257-420. . 1953b. A key to mites of the MuLLER, O. F. 1776. Zoologiae Danicae Pro- Pentamerismus, with descriptions of three new dromus. Copenhagen. 282 pp. species (Acarina: Phytoptipalpidae). Was- Pritchard, A. E., and E. W. Baker. 1952. The mann Jour. Biol. 1 1 (3): 353-366. false spider mites of California (Acarina: 1956. False spider mites of the genus Phytoptipalpidae). Univ. Calif. Publ. Ento- Dolichotetranychus (Acarina: Tenuipalpidae) mol. 9(1): 1-93. Hilgardia 24(13): 357-381. . 1955. A revision of the spider mite Baker, E. W., and D. M. Tuttle. 1964. The family Tetranychidae. Mem. Pac. Coast En- false spider mites of Arizona. Univ. Ariz. tomol. Soc. 2:1-472.

Tech. Bull. 163:1-80. . 1958. The false spider mites (Acarina:

— . 1972. New species and further notes Tenuipalpidae). Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. on the Tetranychoidea mostly from the south- 14(3): 175-274. western United States (Acarina: Tetranyci- Scheuten, a. 1857. Einiges uber Milben. dae and Tenuipalpidae). Smithsonian Con- Arch. Naturg. 23(1 ): 104-1 12. tributions to Zoology 116:1-37. Summers, F. 1953. Bryobia curiosa. a new spe- Banks, N. 1905. Descriptions of some new- cies, from the Mohave Desert in California mites. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 7:133-142. (Acarina: Tetranvchidae). Ann. Entomol.

Soc. : 290-292. . 1912. New American Mites. Proc. Amer. 46(2) Entomol. Soc. "Wash. 14:96-99. Tuttle, D. M., and E. W. Baker. 1964. The spider mites of Arizona. Univ. Ariz. Tech. BouDREAUx, H. B., AND G. DossE. 1963. Con- Bull. 158:1-41. cerning the names of some common spider . 1968. Spider mites of southwestern mites. In: Advances in acarology I. Cornell United States and a revision of the family Univ. Press, Ithaca, N.Y. 480 pp. Tetranychidae. The Univ. of Arizona Press. EwiNG, H. E. 1917. New Acarina. Part II. 143 pp. Descriptions of new species and varieties from Ugarov, a. a., and V. V. Nikolski. 1937. 'K Iowa, Missouri. Illinois. Indiana, and Ohio. sistematike sredneaziatikogo pautinnovo 'Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. : 149-172. 37(2) Kleshchika. Pages 26-64 in: Voprocy Zach- Gemskes, D. C. 1939. Betrage zur Kenntnis chitv Khlopchatnika. Sredneaziatskoi Stantsii der europaischen Spinnmilben (, Tetra- Zashchify Rastenii, Trudy. (In Russian.) nychidae), mit besonderer Berucksichtigung Wainstein, B. a. 1960. Tetranychoid mites of der niederlandisheii Arten. Mededeelingen Kazakhstan (with revision of the family). van de Laiuibouwhoogeschool te Wageningen Kazakh. Akad. Sel'sk. Nauk. Nauch. Issled. (Nederlandj 42(4): 1-68. Inst. Zash. Rast. Trudy 5:1-276. (In Russian.)