Instamatic Memories : the Beatles in Minnesota

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Instamatic Memories : the Beatles in Minnesota InstamaticInstamatic MemoriesMemories The Beatles in Minnesota Lm^o^gK'Ah__[^\d I pZm\a^]ma^;^Zme^lpa^gma^jnZkm^mfZ]^bml maZmeho^pZlbg]^^]ZeeZ[hnmahe]bg`aZg]lZg]Z]hkbg` ]^[nmhgma^>]LneeboZgLahpbg?^[knZkr*2/-%Zl rhnklp^^ma^Zkmink^er' ]b]0,%0.)%)))hma^k:f^kb\Zgl'Beho^]ma^lhg`ÊLa^ Ma^;^Zme^laZ]Z]^^ibg×n^g\^hgma^[Z[r[hhf Eho^lRhnËZli^k_hkf^]hgebo^m^e^oblbhg[rma^_hnk `^g^kZmbhg%bmlfnlb\%Zg]bml\nemnk^%ghmhgerbg@k^Zm fhi&mhii^]fnlb\bZglÉma^ÖklmpZo^h_ma^;kbmbla ;kbmZbg[nmZelhbgma^Ngbm^]LmZm^l';hrl\aZg`^]ma^bk kh\d&Zg]&kheebgoZlbhgh_ma^NL:';^bg`Zefhlm**r^Zkl aZbklmre^l_khf\k^p\nmlmhho^k&ma^&\heeZkÊ;^Zme^;h[l%Ë he]%bmpZlZMOfhf^gm_hkf^mhk^f^f[^k%Z\a^^kr Zg]`bkellphhg^]ho^kma^?Z[?hnk%lbg`bg`;^Zme^l \hgmkZlmmhma^]Zr&ehg`_ng^kZeh_Chag?'D^gg^]rZ erkb\l%chbgbg`_Zg\en[l%Zg]mZibg`fZ`Zsbg^iahmhlh_ _^pfhgmal^Zkeb^kbg`kZrGho^f[^k'Hnkm^e^oblbhg ma^bk_Zohkbm^lhgma^bk[^]khhfpZeel'Pabe^ik^obhnl l^mhger`hmhg^\aZgg^e%D>R<&MO%Z<;LZ_ÖebZm^bg `^g^kZmbhglaZ]Zghbgm^]ma^bkhpglmZkl%ma^bgm^glbmr% FZgdZmh%[nmbmpZlma^kb`amhg^mh[kbg`Chag%IZne% l\hi^%Zg]fZllZii^Zeh_ma^;^Zme^lia^ghf^ghgbgZn& @^hk`^%Zg]Kbg`hbgmhma^ebobg`khhfh_hnk_Zkf& `nkZm^]Zg^p^kZbgihi\nemnk^'BgpaZmebm^kZkrl\aheZk ahnl^g^ZkFhk`Zg%Fbgg^lhmZ'* Kh[^kmIZmmblhgaZl\Zee^]Êma^mkbnfiah_one`Zkbmr%Ë Frlblm^kCZgb\^aZ][hn`amma^-.&kifk^\hk]pbma kh\dfnlb\khl^mhlnik^fZ\rho^kab`a[khpmZlm^l' ÊBLZpA^kLmZg]bg`Ma^k^Ëhghg^lb]^Zg]ÊBPZgmMh FZgri^hie^_hng]ma^bk^o^kr]Zrebo^lmkZgl_hkf^]bg Ahe]RhnkAZg]Ëhgma^hma^k'La^Zg]Zghma^khe]^klbl& ma^Lbqmb^l%Zg]ghmhgerbgma^pZrmaZmm^^gZ`^klmZed^]% m^k%:g^FZkb^%ieZr^]mahl^lhg`lho^kZg]ho^kZ`Zbghg ma^bkebmme^ihkmZ[e^k^\hk]ieZr^knilmZbklbgma^bkkhhf' BieZr^]ma^lhg`l%mhh%pa^gB`hmZ\aZg\^%mabgdbg` =k'Ah__[^\d%ikh_^llhkh_ablmhkrZmFbgg^lhmZLmZm^Ngbo^k& lbmrFhhka^Z]%blma^`^g^kZe^]bmhkh_%Zg]Z\hgmkb[nmhkmh% <Zf^kZlbgaZg]%;^Zme^_ZglÉp^Zkbg`;^Zme^[nmmhgl% Lpbg`bg`_hkma^?^g\^l3;eZ\d;Zl^[ZeebgFbgg^lhmZ!FAL lp^Zmlabkml%Zg]\ZilÉZpZbmma^ZkkboZeh_ma^bka^kh^l Ik^ll%+))."' 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