America&Apos;S Unknown Avifauna: the Birds of the Mariana Islands
ß ß that time have been the basis for con- America's unknown avifauna. siderable concern (Vincent, 1967) and indeed appear to be the basis for the the birds of inclusion of several Mariana birds in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (1976) list of the Mariana Islands Endangered Species.These brief war- time observationswere important, but no significant investigationshave been conductedin the ensuingthirty yearsto "Probably no otherAmerican birds determine the extent to which the are aspoorly known as these." endemic avifauna of these islands may haverecovered. Importantly, no assess- mentshave been made of the impactof H. Douglas Pratt, Phillip L. Bruner the military's aerial planting of the exoticscrubby tree known as tangan- and Delwyn G. Berrett tangan, Leucaenaglauca, to promote revegetationafter the war. This 'treeis known as "koa haole" in Hawaii. restricted both in their time for bird ß ß announcesthe signthat greets observation and in their movements on v•sitors to Guam. Few Americans realize the islands. Their studies were made in authorsURING THEvisitedSUMMER the islandsOF1076the of that the nation's westernmost territories 1945 and 1946 when most of the Mari- Saipan,Tinian, Rota, and Guam, and m he across the International Date Line in anaswere just beginningto recoverfrom 1978 Bruner and Pratt returned to Sai- the far westernPacific. Guam, the larg- the ravagesof war (Baker, 1946).Never- pan and Guam. We havespent a total of est and southernmost of the Mariana theless, population estimates made at 38 man/dayson Saipan,four on Tinian, Islands,has been a United Statesposses- s•on since Spain surrendered her sov- & Agrihan ereigntyover the island at the end of the Sparash-AmericanWar.
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