Linden: the Best Industrial Location on the Great Atlantic Coast
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LINDEN: THE BEST INDUSTRIAL LOCATION ON THE GREAT ATLANTIC COAST miiimiiiunumiiiHniimiiimmiumniimttiiiimiininiiniii jjiiiMiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiitiii iiinniiiiimitimiiiiiiiiíiiimiiiHiii ¡ A (Ümmmmtíg | I ÌFor ÌÌTtthrn I I Nnuspaper I I p r n p l r | ¡¡'iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiii ©hr Hinùrti (§bÿtxvxr iiimmiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiiiüiiiimiiiimunmiimuimiiiiim OD ESTABLISHED CITY OF LINDEN, NEW JERSEY- FRIDAY, MAY 5, 19ó ó PRICE 3 CENTS Stolen Car Recovered Card Party For First Ward Democrats I BOY OFFICIALS MOLSON BREAKS BOY OFFICIALS CONDUCT CITY BUSINESS j A sedan car belonging to Joseph Gutkin, ; of 1007 South Woo l a .enue, was stolen j Arrangements for a card party were made 1 from in front of his house Tuesday evening SUGGESTIONS ARE GAVEL AS YOUTH at the meeting of the First Ward Demo and recovered a few hours later by Eliza- j cratic Club, Inc., last Friday night. The i ' belli police, who found the car parked in affair will be held on the evening of M ay | WELL VOICED ACTS AS JUDGE | a side street. 20 at the clubrooms, 243 St. George avenue, i Collins Tries Cases In the Mayor and Council Display Spirit In Ready Observance of Boys’ COUNCIL AMENDS Week Program SCHOOLS TO GET Repartee SPECIFICATIONS j Displaying the poise and read, repartee A totally unexpected bit o f comedy was IMMUNIZATION 1 ° f veteran statesmen, th Linden High occasioned Wednesday evening when Boy ■ School boy's week officials assisted in con- Recorder George Collins mounted the dais Fairness to Contractors L Pre - School A ge Tots, Too, 1 ducting Tuesday nght's council meeting and in police court as part of Linden's ninth Aim of Governing Body May Receive Treatments j offered their views on current civic prob- annual Boys' Week program. I lems. Following the regular council re- It all happened when a whispering audi Several words within the specifications The schedule of toxin-antitoxin treat j ports, council president Arch D. Warren ence became so boisterous as to be unbe for the removal of garbage, the contract for turned over the gavel to Raymond Bauer, coming of the dignity of the court. Mol- ments to be given to local children at the wh'eh is being offered to the lowest bidder Boys' Week couni ilman-at-large, w ho o f son emphatically rapped for order, but the schools beginning next week has been an this year, precipitated a lengthy discus- fered a short talk and introduced the boy gavel, unused to rough handling, split in nounced by Health Officer Miss M. E. Noe .-.o.n at Tuesday night's council meeting. councilmen. two. The words in question were a part of as follows: The boy council man-at-large, in his ad The Judge dismissed the catastrophe by- paragraph thirty-one of the specifications, On M ay 8, 15, and 22, children at School dress, discussed the benefits to be derived requesting Councilman-at-Large Winetsky which read that the contractor must per- in adopting a second class classification for "to purchase a new gavel and charge it I, St. Elizabeth School, and School 5 will ; form his duties “ to the satisfaction of the the city of Linden. Linden's present sys to Supervising Principal Howell." be treated at ic A. M „ 10.30 A. M., and j council. " Councilman Winetsky, who ob tem of governmei t, he said, is modeled Amid laughter from the spectators, court II. 00 A. M. respectively. jected to the wording, said that in order to after that of the ci y of W ildwood and has continued, and Boy Recorder Collins found M ay q, 16, and 23— School 4 at 10 A. M. lie entirely fair to the contractor, whose ac- been adopted through a special act of legis Joseph Faldzinski, of 601 Woodlawn ave and School 3 at 10.30 A. M. M ay 10, 17, ! ceptance of the contract would necessitate lature, which grarted Linden its present nue, guilty of atrocious assault and battery and 24— School 8 at 10 A. M. and School tonsiderable investment, he should at least charter. It has ou grown its usefulness for and placed him under $500 bail to await 6 at 10.30 A. M. M ay 11, 18. and 25— Seated from left to right, the boy officials; Councilman Conrad Skladal, Benjamin Sheffman, Herb rt Brown, Leo lie guaranteed that disregard of specifica the conduct of Linden's affairs which, be grand jury action. School 2 at 10 A. M. and School 7 at 11.00. Eska, Raymond Bauer, Mayor Paul Archipley, Michael Woytowicz, EJward Nolan, Zigmund Wilchinsky, Louis tions rather than satisfaction of the indi cause of the incre; sed population, has be Faldzinski was charged with striking Foxman and Edward Krysiak; Standing from left to right, Councilman Hora, Kreidl, Warren, Vena, Winetsky vidual councilmen would be the only basis The injections will be made by D r.R. H. come more complex. Matthew- Malinowski, of 1701 Grier avenue, ¿or removal proceedings. The motion to Holland, assisted by the school nurses, Mayor McManus, City Attorney Cohen, City Engineer Cooley, City Clerk Sullivan, Councilman Hagin, Mahar. Following Raymond Bauer, Herbert on the head with a bottle in a street brawl amend the stxcifications to read as sug furnished through cooperation with the Kalish and Weinberg. Photo by Daily Photo Service of Linden, N. J. Brown, councilman from the First Ward, that took place early Monday morning gested by Mr Winetsky was finally carried Board of Education. suggested fencing off the streets for roller on Ziegler avenue, near the H oly Trinity- unanimously Parents of the children of pre-school age Church. A list of twenty volnteer and call fire-1skaters- Temporary repair of streets, clean- may also have their children treated in the CANDIDATES NIGHT Malinowski received a deep cut that re men. recommended by Councilman Frank I ,ng o f ,vacant Srojnds> removal ° f refuse schools at the scheduled times. Immuniz VEREIN CONCERT TO BE HELD BY G O P RULING TO CUT from West Brook, md converting the prop- quired seven stitches. The defendant, who Hora for exemption papers, was questioned 1 ation in early life is especially desirable be | erty in front of School 8 into a public was represented by Mr. Winetsky, pleaded oy Councilman Vena as to its accuracy. cause toxin-antitoxin injections in young park were the suggestions of Benjamin not guilty. WELL RECEIVED WATER CHARGES Vena saie! that he believes there are others1 children produce little local or general re The R. C. Archdeacon Republican Asso Sheffman. of the second ward. On the complaint of Steve Szota, of 760 (Coutinued on Page 8) action. Proper immunity probably lasts for ciation of the Seventh Ward will observe The third w ari councilman, Edward Grier avenue, Elizabeth; William Pittius, Annual Musicale Proves To life. its regular meeting Tuesday evening a:s !C ty Will Save $300 By Sur Krysiak, dwelt on the conditions of side 734 Eugenia place, Elizabeth, was tried on Be Great Success charge Abolition walks and streets within his ward and sug an assault and battery charge and held Candidates Night. Many party office- Y. P. CONFERENCE j gested their proper maintenance, using the under $500 bail for the grand jury. seekers will be present then and all mem An enthusiastic audience that jammed As a result of a ruling issued this week unemployed in tht work. Beautifying the Szota was a witness in a civil case against WARD CLUB FILLS the auditorium of School 8 Saturday night bers and friends of the club are urged to fourth ward, by planting trees and cutting- Pittius that was heard in the District Court by the Public Utilities Commission orderinr STARTS TONIGHT was treated to one of the finest musical attend. All local candidates are invited to shrubbery, was the topic of Conrad Skladal here Wednesday afternoon. After the trial the Plainfield I'nion Water Company L offerings held in this vicinity this year, be present. Refreshments will be served. of the fourth ward, who, in recognizance the two became involved in an altercation RESIGNED POSTS o f the Linden Deutscher Yerein, Inc. discontinue a ten percent surc'r.arai- add, Les Cowell Directs Recrea of present economic conditions, referred to in a City Hall corridor and Pittius struck The occasion was the annual spring concert to Linden's fire hydrant water b'lis, this tional Program the proposed bridg; across the Pennsylvania Szota in the face with his list. “ Candidates Night” Plans With Charles Young as concertmaster and city will save approximately >300 a year. Railroad on Hostile street, and said the F'ive cases, involving minor charges, were Miss Ruth Mock, soprano, as principal, the PLAZA EXHIBITS The Elt ■ enth Annual Young People's Made By Republicans The discontinuation is retroactive on water project should be deferred until warranted heard by the boy official and all received musicale proved one of the most successful Conference of Union County will open by conditions. consumed from April 15 and effective on tonight at th suspended sentences. T w o disordetly con ever held by the Yerein. Alex and Maria UNUSUAL MFM03 Elizabeth Y. M. C. A. and Consolidation o" Linden with RahtfSd'' bills to be mailed July 15. duct cases were adjourned anti two traffic Following the resignation of Recorder Kreutzer. violin and piano soloists, music con inue through tomorrow afternoon and and Clark Township was the topic of the .. , , Berlant Park, in the northwestern part .violation charges were held over by Boy John J. Molson from the presidency of the by the Elizabeth Concert Orchestra, and a evening. fifth ward councilman. Edward Nolan. Real Skins of i.f the city, is the only section of I.V.dcn Recorder Collins.