LAMP Honors 2020

AT INDIANA UNIVERSITY what's inside...

3 Letter from the Director

4 Note from SAB President

5 Student Profiles

7 Asawchatroj, Batsaikhan, Block

8 Blundell, Boice, Bourkland

9 Castano, Chougule, Crabtree

10 Cunningham, Dawson, Dolniak

11 Eudy, Geimer, Harants

12 Hardesty, Heist, Hornsby

13 Hunter, Isch, LaRue

14 Liu, London, Martinez

15 Masharib, Meyer, Moher

16 Norman, Obermaier, Parker

17 Patel, Patel, Petchsen-Ibarra

18 Saberi, Sasso, Seigel

19 Shoemaker, Singhal, Szymanski

20 Telthorst, Theobald, Torgan

21 Van Dyke, Yaqub, Yu

22 Zhai

24 Highlighted Student Work

from director Rebecca Spang

For thirty years, the LAMP Honors Certificate Program has graduated some of Indiana University’s finest and most accomplished undergraduates. Our alumni are cancer scientists and architects, business professors and journalists; they are market researchers, attorneys, managing directors, and so much more. All around the world, LAMPers build, analyze, argue, create—and most of all (I have found) they care. You and the alumni you join are distinctive in the intensity with which you care about work, about people, about the world, and about the great public university you attended and the wonderful niche program you all share.

Graduations are always emotional times. Happy times, proud times, sad times, hopeful times. I have a little secret to tell you: I didn’t actually attend my own college graduation. I was too scared thinking about the future, too gloomy about leaving my friends, too worried about how the whole thing would go. But nonetheless I graduated. I sometimes think the main effect of having missed that ceremony decades ago is that I cherish such events all the more today. A loss in one column was offset by a gain in another. I love celebrating others’ accomplishments—especially yours. This is hardly a typical Commencement weekend, but I know its very strangeness means you will go forward even more grateful for your health, your friends, your family, your education. You will make sense of whatever the future hands you with resilience and poise. And of course you know: One perspective is never enough!

Page 3 a note from student advisory board president Willa Sasso

At the beginning of the semester, most LAMP professors begin by having students go around the room sharing their name and why they chose to participate in the LAMP Honors Certificate. Through my 6 semesters of hearing responses, I’ve concluded that most of us had the same basic reasons for joining. We had some sort of interest that we felt was impractical for getting a job after college, yet felt too passionately about the field to choose something else. So we decided to add this business certificate program to be able to tell our parents and future employers about the concrete skills we gained in college. The Kelley courses we all took certainly provided us with those skills: accounting, computer fluency, business law, and statistics. But what we all ended up gaining through these past few semesters as LAMP students summed to be much more than skills on a resume. In our LAMP community, we participated in discussions on luxury, black markets, meat, and fashion with each of us drawing on a diverse bank of outside knowledge. We attended seminars, heard from visiting employers, swapped experiences, and traveled abroad. Through the past three years, we likely got to know the classmates around us more than we did the students in our own majors, whether we intended to or not. We succeeded in the one piece of advice everyone gives a new student at a school like IU: we made a big school small.

An article in the IU Alumni Magazine from the fall of 1989 featured the new certificate program, calling LAMP “an innovative, award-winning program.” The article told readers about LAMP’s impending start up. The conclusion of the article summed up the program and defended its necessity at the university by stating: “In an era of specialization there are no , but LAMP is illuminating the way to liberal learning.” Now, as we graduate as the 30th LAMP class, we’ve continued down that illuminated path as a testament to how beneficial LAMP still is today. I couldn’t be more thankful for the past three years of studying alongside my fellow LAMPers. I know we will continue to serve as examples of the greatness LAMP instills in its graduates, and I can’t wait to see how allof us carry our newfound knowledge into our chosen fields. Congratulations to all, and never forget: One Perspective is Never Enough! Sales Report and Expenses: Total sales: $1,800 Event expenses: $350 Total donation to HHF: $1450

Page 4 student profiles Page 6 Liberal Arts + Program Class of 2020

Gem Asawchatroj Bangkok, Thailand

Gem is graduating with a major in Economics and a minor in marketing. On campus, Gem danced for HipHopConnxion dance company, was Co-Captain of IU's Collegiate Gaming team, played badminton for Indiana University's club, was affiliated with Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, and was a member of the Thai Student Association. Gem has spent his summers interning as a law associate, and as a consultant for Deloitte in Bangkok, Thailand. Gem has used these various experiences to push himself into the consulting world and to look for careers with big companies. After graduation, Gem will be deciding upon continuing his consulting career in Singapore or in Thailand.

Bayasgalan Batsaikhan New Albany, Indiana

Bayasgalan is graduating with majors in International Studies and Political Science along with the LAMP certificate. During her undergraduate studies, she was a D1 varsity athlete with Indiana Rowing and was part of the Athletic Director's Diversity Council. She was a member and sustainability chair of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. She also volunteered in Vietnam during her freshman year and studied abroad in South Africa during her sophomore year, focusing on diplomacy and security. Over the past four years, Bayasgalan enjoyed her time on campus and off-campus. She will miss all the restaurants, the auditorium shows, the plays, and her friends being so close by. Tears in her eyes as she leaves Bloomington, she plans to pursue law school after a gap year.

Josh Block Dallas, Texas

Josh is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in English along with his LAMP certificate. During his undergraduate studies, he took an interest in writing and went on to study the craft of several creative writing forms in Dublin during the Spring semester of his junior year. His experiences in the English department, juxtaposed with those of his fraternity, serve as the basis for his senior honors thesis project - a coming of age story in the form of a fictitious novella. After graduation, Josh plans to do service work in Colorado.

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Nick Blundell Cloverdale, Indiana

Nick is graduating with a major in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. In the summers between his undergraduate semesters, he worked at the Yale School of Medicine studying reward centers in the brain when affected by addiction. He serves on the LAMP Student Advisory Board, and fondly remembers hosting LAMP Camp for new inductees with his fellow SAB members. After graduation, Nick plans on working in either a lab or in a hospital setting, so that he can gain experience and bolster his medical school application. Some of his favorite classes and people were found in LAMP, and he hopes to stay in touch with the friends he made from the program.

Justuss Boice Fort Wayne, Indiana

Justuss graduates with a major in Biology. Justuss is the first college graduate in his family. Outside of LAMP, he was actively involved in the Demas Lab studying animal behavior and endocrinology. He was also involved with the Minority Association for Pre-Medical Students and was on the executive board of the LAMP Virtu Project. The highlight of his college career was studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa for six months during the second semester of junior year. Although his plans are to one-day attend medical school, he is planning to first pursue a gap year of service through AmeriCorps, or obtain his master’s in finance through the Kelley School of Business. He is unsure what the future may hold but is very optimistic and excited for the journey that is to come.

Julia Bourkland Bloomington, Indiana

Julia graduates with BAs in Political Science (Honors) and Economics and minors in Feminist Politics and Political Analysis. Her time spent at the university revolved around research on political behavior and institutional response along with advocacy work on campus. Aside from her departments, she is affiliated with the Ostrom Workshop for Political Theory and Policy Analysis. Julia loves data, research methods, and puzzles. She will spend time working before entering a doctoral program in political science. She hopes to become a political scientist and professor while working as an expert consultant to government bodies around the world.

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Diego Castano Guayaquil, Ecuador

Diego is graduating with an Economics degree and the LAMP certificate. Over the past four years Diego has gotten to explore the cultural diversity present on campus while working for ISA (International Student Ambassadors). He very much enjoyed getting to see what the “American College Experience” is all about during his time in Bloomington. After graduation, Diego plans to move to Ciudad de Panama and is excited about traveling Central America.

Khushboo Chougule Fishers, Indiana

During her time at Indiana University, Khushboo has been grateful for the tight-knit, intellectual community provided by her Cognitive Science major and for the mentorship received in the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience lab. During her junior year, Khushboo was given the opportunity to call England a second home through a year-long study abroad at the University of Oxford. Amongst her most cherished memories at IU are captaining her dance team, HoosierRaas, in a legendary season and creating a family out of the team, and she’s excited to see how HoosierRaas continues to grow and build on the legend. While her plans are yet to be finalized, Khushboo will likely be returning to the University of Oxford to pursue an MSc in Social Data Science, building on her minor in Computer Science. She wants to thank the LAMP program and community for providing her with practical skillsets and a wonderful network.

Jordan Ross Crabtree Mount Vernon, Indiana

Jordan is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, along with his LAMP certificate. During his four years at IU, Jordan was a member of the LAMP Student Advisory Board, a brother of Beta Sigma Psi, the president of the Indiana University Biology Club, and an undergraduate researcher in Dr. Armin Moczek’s lab. Some of his fondest LAMP memories came from his “Perspectives on American Consumerism” seminar with Professor Metzler, where he felt all of his LAMP curricula finally clicked into application in the real world. Jordan will be attending medical school in the fall with the aim of becoming a surgeon, and looks forward to applying the management and critical thinking skills LAMP has emphasized the past four years to the field of medicine.

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Jenny Cunningham Western Springs, Illinois

Jenny graduates with a major in Media Advertising, specialization in Public Relations, and a minor in Psychology. She spent her spring semester of junior year in London, England, drinking lots of English Breakfast tea and visiting Platform 9 3/4. Jenny also spent last summer interning for McDonald's in digital accessibility, working to help make their app and website accessible to those with visual and physical disabilities. As she bids a tearful good-bye to Bloomington, she would like to thank Siam House and Social Cantina for all of the good food and times they brought Jenny and her friends. She plans to move back to Chicago after graduation to spend lots of time giving pets to her dog, Ozzie, and her cat, Luna.

Celia Dawson Paxton, Massachusetts

Celia is graduating with a major in Political Science and a minor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Celia spent a semester studying and a summer working in Iringa, Tanzania, where she was able to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, visit the island of Zanzibar, and complete a research project about rural female land ownership and participation in local government. She spent a semester as the president of the IU Feminist Student Association and has been a volunteer at Middle Way House in Bloomington since 2018. During her senior year Celia began hosting a weekly beer pong tournament at Brothers Bar and Grill and loves challenging her friends to games in her free time.

Sam Dolniak South Bend, Indiana

Sam is graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Media Advertising along with his LAMP certificate and a minor in Marketing. His favorite things about Bloomington are the endless number of trails and outdoor experiences that the area has to offer. Upon graduation, he plans to head out east to Boston to begin his sales career at Oracle. Sam is optimistic for what the future holds and that no matter wherever it takes him, he will always remember and cherish the memories he made while at Indiana University.

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Bryn Eudy Columbus, Indiana

Bryn is graduating with a degree in Journalism and a concentration in Public Relations. During her time at IU, she's been involved with the Indiana Daily Student, serving as the Student Marketing Manager. She's also been deeply involved in IU's chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America, serving as a co-director of communications, vice president, and president. This past year, she's served on the Board of Aeons while completing a fellowship at VOX Global. Bryn hopes to pursue a career in communications or public affairs following graduation. Her favorite memories at IU include studying abroad in China and England, and making the many close friends she's found in The Media School and beyond.

Kathryn Geimer Bluffton, Indiana

Kathryn is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience along with her LAMP certificate. On campus, Kathryn worked as a research assistant in the Newman Memory Lab under Dr. Ehren Newman for four years as a Cox Research scholar. She also worked as a Seating Facilitator at the IU Auditorium for 3 years, and as an undergraduate teaching assistant for Dr. Martin McCrory in Business Law for two years. Kathryn has spent her summers working full-time in her research lab and at the IU Auditorium. Her experiences on campus and through LAMP have led her to her passion in administrative work, and she plans to move to Charlotte, NC in the fall to pursue a career in Healthcare Administration.

Valerie Harants Fort Wayne, Indiana

Valerie is graduating with a major in Psychology and minor in Italian. During her time at IU, Valerie devoted herself to a variety of organizations and experiences, with some of her proudest including serving as President of ADAPT Consulting and working as a Student Manager at the IU Auditorium. She is grateful to LAMP for not only providing her with meaningful coursework, friends, and memories, but also for partially funding her study abroad in Milan, Italy. During her semester abroad, she interned for a non-profit organization dedicated to building leadership among Italian youth and co-authored a children's book. While she is heartbroken to leave IU under such unusual circumstances, she is excited to move to Salt Lake City to work as a Product Specialist at Qualtrics—an opportunity she had access to because of LAMP connections. Valerie knew LAMP was right for her from the start, and will always be thankful for the lifetime of opportunities it has given her. Page 11 Liberal Arts + Management Program Class of 2020

Juliet Hardesty Indianapolis, Indiana

In addition to receiving a LAMP certificate, Juliet will graduate with a BS in Neuroscience, and minors in Spanish and Chemistry. During her time at IU, Juliet traveled abroad to Santiago, Chile, served on the executive board of Alpha Chi Omega sorority, and conducted research for a pulmonary physician in Indianapolis. She has especially enjoyed getting to know students in other majors through thoughtful conversations in the LAMP seminars. This fall, Juliet will begin her first year at Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis, but plans to return to Bloomington often for football and basketball games.

London Heist Noblesville, Indiana

London is a multidisciplinary visual artist, and is graduating with her Bachelors in Fine Arts this spring. She has successfully completed her studio residency with the BFA program at IU, and was nominated for the Yale Norfolk Summer Residency as well as the Windgate Fellowship in 2019. She will be attending the Arrowmont School for Craft on fellowship before relocation to Indianapolis this summer. London has spent her time at IU taking advantage of the connections she’s had the opportunity to make with art professionals, and feels her LAMP certificate helped prepare her to understand the business world of buying and selling her work.

Katie Hornsby Saint Louis, Missouri

Katie is graduating with a Bachelor of Sciences in Retail Merchandising, along with her LAMP certificate. Katie studied abroad in Milan, Italy and spent the past summer working for a sustainable innovation group in Lisbon, Portugal. She will especially miss attending Indiana basketball games and being a member of Indiana University's Dance Marathon's Logistics Committee. After a tearful goodbye to Bloomington and her home at Evolve, Katie plans to move to a new city to start the next chapter of her life working in the startup industry. Bloomington and IU will always be on her yearly list of travel destinations.

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Heather Hunter Frankfort, Indiana

Heather came to IU from Frankfort, Indiana with several plastic tubs and a lot of dreams. Along with her LAMP certificate, she majored in English and minored in Creative Technologies in Art and Design. Outside of class, Heather served as Vice President of Operations for Kappa Delta sorority, played collegiate Quidditch, and volunteered with Be The Match and Habitat for Humanity. She spent a semester abroad in Dublin, Ireland, interning with the Irish Cancer Society and sharpening her writing prowess through the IES Writers’ Program. Heather has packed her years at IU full of happiness, and will remember them fondly as she transitions into a professional career. She looks forward to visiting her younger brother – and Social Cantina – on future visits to campus.

Calvin Isch Bluffton, Indiana

Calvin graduates with a major in Cognitive Science and a minor in Math. Calvin has spent the past two summers studying abroad in China and interning with the Data Science for Public Good program in Arlington, Virginia. On-campus he is involved in research, studying human behavior and decision making in cognitive science and network science. He also has served in many student organizations including the Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference, TEDxIU, and the Board of Aeons. His favorite LAMP memories consist of the lively discussions he was able to be a part of in all of the seminars. After graduation, he will be teaching Middle School Math at the Indiana Math and Science Academy as a part of Teach for America.

Nicole LaRue Fort Wayne, Indiana

Nicole graduates with a major in Biology and minor in Chemistry, along with the LAMP certificate. Nicole raced in the Little 500 with the SKI team, sponsored by the Ski and Snowboard Club. During her junior year, the team placed 3rd – the highest placing for her team yet. Nicole’s love for the Little 500 led to racing at the velodrome this past summer and representing IU at the USA Cycling Track Nationals this past fall. Through her studies abroad in Costa Rica, research for the Indiana Geological and Water Survey, and work at Parkview Hospital, Nicole realized the need for restructuring the healthcare system in the . Next year she is continuing her education through the Kelley MSIS program in hopes of gaining skills to change the healthcare system.

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Yuki Liu Shenzhen, China

Aside from LAMP, Yuki is graduating with a major in Philosophy and Religion. She is an international student who has been studying abroad for six years. She participated in Zhongheng debate club at IU over the last two years. She is also the Vice President of IU Dream Corps, a non-profit organization devoted to increasing the literacy rate in rural China, and has organized many fundraisers and a large concert to raise money for the cause. She plans to go to graduate school, but has not yet decided on a course of study. Maybe she will take a break after graduating and try to start her own business.

Noah London Birmingham, Michigan

Noah is graduating with a major in Media with a concentration in Creative Advertising. During his time at IU, Noah was heavily involved with the IU Swim Club where he swam competitively and served as the director of communications. He loved the education, opportunities, and friendships he was afforded by LAMP. Whether it was chatting about jazz music with Professor Elmer or food sustainability with Professor Metzler, he found the connections he had with LAMP faculty to be incredibly rewarding. In his free time, he loves to study piano and guitar. Additionally, he enjoys collecting bones with his LAMP friend, Nick Blundell.

Lara Martinez Indianapolis, Indiana

While at IU, Lara majored in Anthropology and minored in Marketing. Outside of her classes, Lara was involved in activities at La Casa (including the Latino Enhancement Initiative), and was a peer coach at the Walter Center for Career Achievement. During her time at IU, socializing and decompressing on the the E- route bus was a daily ritual that became a fond memory. Lara was lucky to have wise mentors who helped guide her through a diverse and rewarding education, and she realized along the way that helping others navigate their education and future was her passion as well. Starting this summer, she plans to pursue a fellowship program in Indianapolis to become a teacher for underserved students in the urban community.

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Munib Masharib Indianapolis, Indiana

Munib graduates with a major in Political Science and a minor in Law and Public Policy, in addition to his LAMP Honors certificate. One of the most rewarding experiences he has had as an IU student was his semester spent studying and working abroad in Barcelona. On campus, he has served on the executive board of his professional pre-law fraternity, Phi Alpha Delta, for two years. Munib is extremely grateful for his years at IU and in LAMP, and for the many friends and memories he has made along the way. He plans to attend law school and eventually practice law, but for now he is taking a break to gain some experience in life, business, and whatever else comes his way.

Sean Meyer Schererville, Indiana

Sean graduates with a B.S. in International Studies with a concentration in the Jewish Diaspora, and minors in Comparative Education and Arts Administration. Sean has always loved working with people, as well as selling his favorite school – IU – so he focused his extracurricular involvement on recruiting Indiana University's future classes of Hoosiers. He served as a campus tour guide and Recruitment Student Intern, as a Hoosier Scholar Ambassador, and as a Student Visit Coordinator in the Hamilton Lugar School. Sean’s most influential college experience was interacting with prospective students and families, with his study abroad experience in the summer of 2019 in Berlin, a close second! After graduation, he hopes to continue finding his passions and traveling the world - oh yeah, and maybe becoming a full-fledged adult with a career, too!

Erin Moher Greenwood, Indiana

Erin graduates with a Psychology degree and the LAMP certificate. She has worked as a teaching assistant in the psychology department for two years. Erin began working for the consulting services firm “netlogx” following junior year, and she has been working for them remotely since then. The project from her internship that she is most proud of is the creation of a financial dashboard that the CEO will use to get a high-level view of the company's financials. She will continue this internship for the summer following graduation and afterwards she hopes to work in Chicago in consulting or operations. Erin is a member of the sorority Gamma Phi Beta and is very sad to leave Bloomington, but takes her cherished memories with her as she goes. The tight-knit LAMP classes and family will always be one of the highlights of her college years. Page 15 Liberal Arts + Management Program Class of 2020

Calla-Marie Norman South Bend, Indiana

Calla graduates from IU this spring with a major in English, certificates in Food Studies and LAMP, and a minor in Spanish—a combination which melds her passions for words, food culture, and horizon broadening. At IU, Calla wrote an honors thesis for her English degree and studied abroad in Canterbury, England. On campus, she served as president of Food Education at IU, a student organization dedicated to educating undergraduates on cooking and creating a campus community centered on food. She also worked for three years as a student manager at the IU Auditorium, where she grew immensely personally and professionally and made lifelong friends. After a too-soon goodbye to Bloomington, she plans to move to Pittsburgh and pursue a dual MBA/Masters in Food Studies at Chatham University.

Kendra Obermaier Indianapolis, Indiana

Kendra is graduating with degrees in Biology and Environmental Sustainability, in addition to LAMP. Kendra was especially influenced by her off-campus travels, including internships in Washington, D.C. and Chicago where she worked at the intersection of technology, policy, and sustainability at XLabs AI and the Center for Neighborhood Technology, respectively. While in Bloomington, her work with Middle Way House shaped her focus on social justice and women’s health, which she hopes to incorporate into any future career. After graduation, she will pursue intersectional work pertaining to environmental policy and technology, also with a focus on conservation and climate change mitigation.

Jack Maxwell Parker Georgetown, Indiana

Jack graduates with a Bachelor of Arts in Biology alongside the LAMP certificate. On campus he was a member of the Pi Kappa Phi social fraternity and enjoyed attending Indiana Athletics and events. Throughout college, he interned at the biomedical companies Medacta and Arthrex. After graduation, he will be entering the field of Orthopedic and Sports Medicine in a marketing role in South Florida.

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Neal Patel Fishers, Indiana

Neal is a Neuroscience major. During his undergraduate studies, he participated in research with the Pikaard lab in molecular biology and genetics. He also was a member and the President of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity, where he engaged in many philanthropic activities with other members. Neal joined Timmy Global Health his sophomore year and this organization inspired him to pursue a career in global and public health. He currently plans on attending IU School of Medicine in the fall as a Bicentennial Scholar.

Neha Patel Brownsburg, Indiana

Neha is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience along with her LAMP certificate. On campus, Neha enjoyed her time serving as the Director of Student Health for RPS, guiding students in the Women in STEM LLC, and serving on the LAMP Student Advisory Board. One of her favorite and most impactful summer activities has been interning for Senator Joe Donnelly in D.C., where she focused her efforts on the opioid crisis. After graduation, Neha will be attending medical school in Indianapolis, in the hopes that one day she can help bring about systemic change with her medical knowledge.

Nicolas Petschen-Ibarra Orono, Minnesota

Nic will be graduating in December 2020. Along with his LAMP certificate, Nic is graduating with a degree in Political Science. Because of this, he is fairly certain that he would like to avoid politics altogether for the next few years. On campus, Nic was part of the Hudson and Holland Program and acted as a teaching assistant in the Political Science department. He was also wildly successful in his adventures as an introverted college student, sometimes going many days in a row with no social contact at all. While Nic has yet to decide if his future will consist of graduate school or immediate employment, he can guarantee he will be cozy, well- fed, and spending time with his rad fiancé during whatever comes next.

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Shahin Saberi Fishers, Indiana

Shahin graduated with majors in Biology, Neuroscience, and Spanish and a minor in Chemistry. During his time at IU, he conducted research in Dr. Andrea Hohmann's lab, where he explored novel treatments for pain and opioid addiction. Additionally, Shahin served as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the IU Journal of Undergraduate Research and President of Timmy Global Health. Shahin also studied abroad in Spain, where he had the chance to attend an El Clásico soccer match while Ronaldo was still with Real Madrid. Shahin plans to become a physician-researcher and has an interest in global health. His favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption and his favorite pastime is playing/watching sports (although he’s very mediocre at every sport that he plays).

Willa Sasso Carmel, Indiana

During her four years at Indiana University, Willa paired her LAMP certificate courses with undergraduate majors in Biology and Chemistry. Her position on LAMP’s Student Advisory Board helped her gain all she could from her LAMP experience. Leading LAMP Camp and attending LAMP brunches will remain some of her fondest IU memories. Aside from her involvement in LAMP, Willa was Vice President of IU Student Foundation where she helped plan the greatest Little 500 race that never was.

Courtney Seigel Granger, Indiana

Courtney graduates with a BS in Neuroscience, her LAMP certificate, and a minor in Spanish. Courtney worked in the Sensorimotor Neurophysiology lab as an undergraduate researcher leading multiple experiments and performing TMS (a form of non-invasive brain stimulation). Courtney spent each summer doing something different and exciting: working as a CNA, studying Neuroscience in Denmark, and helping with IU's Girls with Nerve summer camp. Outside of school and lab work, Courtney spent much of her free time trying new food in Bloomington, attending comedy shows, and hanging out with her great group of friends. Courtney is also an avid runner who enjoyed running as a way of exploring Bloomington. After graduation, Courtney will be moving to Indianapolis where she will continue her journey to become a physician at IU School of Medicine.

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Olivia Shoemaker Muncie, Indiana

Olivia graduates with a major in International Studies with a focus in Development, a minor in German and her LAMP certificate. On campus she served on the pilot student advisory board to Dean Lee Feinstein in the Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies, and spent a semester as a Resident Assistant in Briscoe. Olivia studied abroad in Berlin, Germany, where she developed her interest in sustainable food studies and completed a six-week research internship at a hydroponics startup. Since returning to Bloomington, she has worked at an organic farm and closely follows the IU Food Institute. Olivia hopes to carry this passion beyond graduation and is considering gaining further food cultivation experience in places like Oregon, Italy and Ecuador.

Ahaan Singhal Columbus, Indiana

Ahaan is graduating with a BS in Biology. Over the past four years, some of Ahaan's most cherished memories came on a bike, exploring the Bloomington countryside and racing alongside his teammates in the Little 500. He plans to return to Bloomington every April to cheer on his team, 3PH Cycling. Ahaan's interest in sports and fitness led him to research the efficacy of vegan diets for improved athletic performance as part of his LAMP senior seminar. After graduation, Ahaan will be headed to Indianapolis where he will begin Medical School in the fall.

Susie Szymanski Crown Point, Indiana

Susie is graduating with a major in Mathematics and minors in Music and Informatics. Susie is passionate about all thing’s music and Indiana University. She can be found giving campus tours to prospective students or at IU sporting events, playing clarinet in the Marching Hundred and basketball band. Some of Susie’s favorite memories are being awarded 2019 Homecoming Royalty and discovering music in her History of Rock and Roll classes. She also made many memories during her summer abroad in Florence, Italy studying Renaissance Art. Her favorite part of her study abroad experience was exploring museums with her loving friends and eating gelato every night. After graduation, Susie plans to either be a technical engineer at Epic or serve a year with AmeriCorps.

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Julia Telthorst Bloomington, Indiana

Julia graduates with a major in Media (specialization in Cinema Production) and an individualized major in Art Direction for Entertainment. She complements those with her LAMP certificate and a certificate in Global French. As a sophomore, Julia art directed an adaptation of an episode of The Twilight Zone, where she discovered her passion for art direction. During summer 2019, she interned at AYN, an art gallery in Paris, France. Julia was lucky enough to live with her four best friends for the past three years and treasures this part of her college experience. She hopes to work in the entertainment industry upon graduation and will be leaving in August to intern in the Los Angeles entertainment scene.

Chelsea Theobald Fortville, Indiana

Chelsea graduates with a major in Psychology and certificate in Clinical Science. Her two studies abroad (a summer in the and semester in Canterbury, England) allowed her to explore over 20 countries throughout her college career. She loved serving the Bloomington community through Middle Way House, Head Start, and Milestones Clinic, as well as leading in her campus ministry, the Navigators at IU. Chelsea took part in research projects exploring topics of identity, mindset, and clinical interventions with the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. She is proud to complete her senior honors thesis which investigates how faculty mindsets affect students’ experiences and mental health. Combining her love for culture and psychology, Chelsea hopes to become a psychologist and specialize in multicultural approaches to treating internalizing disorders like depression and anxiety.

Alec Torgan Los Angeles, California

Aside from LAMP, Alec graduates with a major in Economics. In 2017 Alec joined the IU Ski and Snowboard Club, National Society of Leadership and Success, Hillel, and Phi Eta Sigma National Honors Society. Over the past four summers, Alec has worked for various real estate companies in both Los Angeles and Chicago, along with attending Birthright through IU. Alec will especially miss the beautiful walks around campus, Bloomington Bagel coffee in the mornings, and watching IUs amazing sports teams. After graduation, Alec will start his training at Matthews Real Estate Investment Services.

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Antoine Van Dyke Munster, Indiana

Antoine is graduating with a major in Political Science and a minor in History. He was a member and officer in Lambda Chi Alpha. During his time at Indiana University, Antoine was fortunate enough to study abroad in both India and France, two of his most formative experiences. After graduation Antoine will return to Bloomington to earn a Master of Science in Information Systems. Following graduate school, he hopes to work developing blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Antoine believes these technologies can revolutionize how we live and wants to create something that will change people’s lives for the better.

Amna Yaqub Westfield, Indiana

Amna is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and a minor in Biotechnology in addition to the LAMP certificate. During her time at IU, Amna has been an active member of the Harry Potter Society and the Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS), as well as a Co-Director of the Hutton Honors College Ambassadors Program. Amna has also participated in undergraduate research on the endocannabinoid system and studied abroad in London and for a comparative public health systems program in the summer of 2018. Amna is pursuing a career as a physician and will be attending IU School of Medicine beginning in August 2020.

Kindjal Yu Beijing, China

Kindjal is graduating with a BS in Psychology and her certificate in LAMP. She hopes to attend a Ph.D. program in clinical psychology, and to eventually help those experiencing trauma-related mental illness. During her four years in Bloomington, she was deeply involved in campus and the local community. She loves to share her passion for her various hobbies as a tutor, and has helped other students with topics ranging from psychology course materials, Chinese Calligraphy to Ballroom Dance. As an orientation leader in 2019, she was honored to share her love and passion for IU to the incoming first-year students.

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Xinyang (Sally) Zhai Kunming, China

Sally graduates with a major in Mathematics and minor in Economics. On campus, Sally worked as a UGI for the math department for two years. Dancing is also one of the biggest parts of Sally’s life, so she joined the Ballroom Dance Club and D-Force Dance club at the beginning of her freshman year. During her service as the competition manager, Sally successfully held the first IU Ballroom dance competition with other council members in 2019. Sally has been studying in the US since her junior year of high school, and she will join the MSIS program in the Kelley School to get her master’s degree after graduating.

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Khushboo Chougule: HoosierRaas Routine

Khushboo captained HoosierRaas through a legendary season. As one of the captains, she and her team were responsible for creating the set, orchestrating the choreography, training dancers, and incorporating ideas from the team into the design of the set. She is proud to have created a family out of the team, and is excited to see how the group grows in the future.

Nick Blundell: L-416 Essay

Nick's essay is titled "A Critique of Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret" and was featured in Food, Fiber, and Fashion Quarterly, a magazine created by Nick and his classmates in LAMP faculty member Eric Metzler's Fall 2019 L-416 course "Perspectives on American Consumerism." In his essay, Nick explores his concerns with advocacy journalism installing new sources of information asymmetry in the pursuit of dismantling the original asymmetry.

Xinyang (Sally) Zhai: L-416 Essay

Sally's essay is titled "Dying to Survive" and was featured in Black Markets: Supply and Demand, a magazine created by Sally and her classmates in LAMP faculty member Michael Morrone's Fall 2018 L-216 course "Perspectives on American Consumerism." In her essay, Sally explains the emergence of medicine black markets, considers the reasons for the high cost of production, and reflects on moral ambiguity of the medicine black market.

Olivia Shoemaker: L-416 Essay

Olivia was also a part of Eric Metzler's Fall 2019 L-416 course "Perspectives on American Consumerism." Her essay was titled "Beyond the Burger: Alternative Meats." She chose to write Beyond the Burger because of her experience working on a local organic farm. Working on the farm sparked her interest in sustainable agriculture and food accessibility, leading to her desire to pursue the idea of alternative meat, its implications, and its opportunities.

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Susie Szymanski: L-316 Class Project

For their L-316 course, Susie and her team completed a project and presentation examining factors that influence maternal and neonatal birth complications.

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Calla-Marie Norman: Senior Thesis

For her English Honors senior thesis, Calla wrote "Crowded Table: The Periperformative in Food Writings by Queer Female Authors." Calla's goals for her thesis were pretty simple: to have fun writing, to involve food, and to explore concepts of queer studies. She presented her thesis with the following PowerPoint.

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Courtey Seigel: L-416 Essay

Courtney's essay is titled "Closets of Memories." It was written in LAMP faculty member Eric Metzler's Fall 2019 L- 416 course "Perspectives on American Consumerism."

In my apartment in Bloomington, there are five pairs of running shoes. In my bedroom at home, there are another five. I buy running shoes like my life depends on it, researching online and doing test runs before I dare commit to purchasing a new model. I go through running shoes absurdly fast, needing a new pair at least two or three times a year. Yet, I haven’t gotten rid of a single pair in the past six years. Each set sits neatly at the top of my closet, taking up space I should really use for something else, but each time I try to get rid of a pair, I simply cannot. Every time I look at my shoes, memories of the runs, of the people I ran with, and of the emotions I was feeling (or escaping) consume me. Running is a form of self-medication, it is an escape, it is when I feel invincible, it is when I feel free. Every time I go to toss out an old pair, it feels as if I am also sacrificing all of those emotions and memories

Asics Gel-Kayano 21: aqua and coral. This pair of shoes held my hand, or should I say foot, as I transitioned to being a college student. As the homesickness and anxiety took a toll on my mental health, I took a toll on my Asics. As I tried to cope with gut-wrenching feelings of being away from everything that was familiar, I took to running as an attempt to outpace my already racing thoughts and emotions. My Asics, used to a few miles at a time and more gym work, were beaten to the midsole as I ran more and more miles, staying out for hours at a time. It wasn’t until I got home and my mom saw my shoes, that I realized just how much I had put them through. Holes on each shoe corresponding to where my toe-in gait sometimes results in shoe rubbing. The outsole completely worn away. I ran with my mom one more time in these Asics and then, after much convincing, placed them in my closet at home, not knowing that a collection was about to begin, and set out to find a new pair.

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 17: silver, pink, and coral. These were my first of many Brooks and they won out after two months of trying new shoes, all of which I promptly put holes in. At this point, I had a year of college under my belt and my mom and I set out to train for our first official marathon. These shoes made it up until one month before the marathon, making them one of my favorite pairs. When I see these Brooks, I think of sunrises in southern Michigan, long conversations with my mom, aching muscles, and the feeling of achievement as we gradually worked our way up to 20+ mile runs on the weekend. For the bulk of our training, my mom and I were four hours apart, but we never did a 20-mile run without each other. I drove home or she drove to Bloomington. No questions asked. When I look at these Brooks, I long for those long summer days filled with runs with my mom, as much food as I could eat, and comfort of finally feeling at peace with myself.

Brooks Adrenaline GTS 17: pixelated black and gray. Same make and model, but in a much cooler color scheme, these Brooks lasted only a month and half, and I was genuinely distraught that I could not stretch them longer. But they were the shoes of the Tecumseh Trail marathon and as brutal as that trail run was to my body, it was deadly to my shoes. By mile 23, I was already covered in mud from the waist down and shivering from the cold, but the rain from the previous day had left a surprise that the trail markers were not aware of: a once small creek that was now knee deep with a slick bottom and quick current. There was no way around it, so we had no choice but to go through it. Needless to say, the next 3.2 miles were less than enjoyable. Despite my best efforts, my Brooks that I loved so dearly, could not be rid of their stench nor the many holes and tears left from my training and the trail.

Since that first marathon, 4 more shoes have entered my life: two Brooks Adrenaline GTS 18s, a 19, and a regrettable attempt to try and run in a Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 35 (Nikes are notoriously not a favorite amongst distance runners). Each set holds memories like morning runs along Lake Superior or the time my mom and I mooed at a herd of cows and they took off running. I could effortlessly write about each pair for pages, but each page would hold the same idea. These running shoes are not just shoes to me, they are the embodiment of some my most vivid memories, both bad and good. They are a constant reminder of the dreams I have had, the goals I have accomplished, the conversations I will never forget, and the relationships I cherish. They are something physical, something tangible, that I can see and touch when reality becomes too much and I need to escape to a time when the sun warmed my face, my feet hit the ground running, and my mom kept me company. I don’t ever want to give up those memories, and since the shoes are part of the memories, I can’t give them up either.

Humans buy things and keep them because they attach memories and emotions to the object like I do with my shoes. A shirt can become a memory of confidence, a necklace a memory of love, a pair of shoes a memory of roads traveled and adventures had. I used to think of consumerism as a negative thing, and it definitely has that potential, but I have begun to see it for more. Sometimes people so strongly associate a memory to an object, that it is almost as if the object itself becomes the memory. They are one in the same. The memory would be nothing without the object and the object nothing without the memory. This realization made me wonder how strange and boring our world would be if consumerism were not a part of it. I wonder if some memories would just disappear as time progresses without the tangible reminder. Those random stories parents tell when they find an object from their past and the memory just comes back to them. Would those moments just cease to exist? I am not saying that we, as a society, need to keep consuming the way we do. But, to some extent, consumerism adds a beautiful layer of complexity and depth to how we maintain our memories and emotions and how we share those with others.

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