The SMU Campus, Volume 45, Number 14, October 30, 1959
FIRST H U M t i- V MTNX* HOMECOMING DECOR —Page 5 Published Weekly by SMU Students' Publishing Company No. 14 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Friday, October 30, 1959 1959 Homecominj ueen Jm#?.. , .* s ' sssss wmm MARTHA NYSTROM VIVIAN HUGHES inw PAULA HAYES CARYL ENNIS WM iHH ?¥S?>;S: DOTSY BEAUCHAMP PAT DAWSON mm®: DEE ANDERSON by SUSAN HERRING Parties, publicity and practice have been the prelude to the se lection of the 1959 SMU Homecoming Queen, who will be se lected "from the 14 SMU coeds pictured on the following pages. WHA Climaxing a week of luncheons, parties, publicity pictures, in terviews and presentation practice, the Queen will be crowned at the SMU-Texas Game, Saturday, Oct. 31, by SMU President Wil lis Tate. All nominees will be escorted to the game by their fathers. The Queen will then reign over the Homecoming Dance Satur day night in the Grand Ballroom of the Umphrey Lee Student mmm DEW ANA PRICE Center following the game. JOAN BAKER ALYS PRICE Alpha Delta Pi's nominee for queen is their president, Alys Price, a senior from Italy, Texas. She is a key member of the Ar- den Club, cochairman of the Student Center Dance Committee, and an AWS Colt-Wrangler cochairman. She was an officer of Panhellenic, and a member of the Dolphin Club, Leadership Con ; J.'.vkV'S.v.wJ/m mmm ference, Rally Committee and the Social Council. Her honors in clude, Summer Beauty Nominee, A&M Cotton Ball Duchess, Cos mrnm mopolitan Queen Nominee, Junior Class Favorite Nominee, Miss Football Nominee and a Royalty Nominee.
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