STARGATE ATLANTIS "THE SIEGE" PART 3 EPISODE #201 DIALOGUE CONTINUITY SCRIPT July 4, 2005 Prepared by: Line 21 Media Services Ltd. #122 - 1058 Mainland Street Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2T4 Phone: (604) 662-4600
[email protected] STARGATE ATLANTIS – "THE SIEGE PART 3" – Episode #201 1 TIMECODE DIALOGUE START TIMECODE 01:00:00:00 AT FIRST FRAME OF PICTURE RECAP 01:00:00:20 TEYLA (V/O): Previously on Stargate Atlantis... 01:00:03:07 BECKETT: You have some Wraith… 01:00:04:11 BECKETT (CONT'D O/S): DNA. 01:00:05:16 SHEPPARD: She can actually see what's happening? 01:00:06:16 TEYLA: I am on a ship. 01:00:07:20 MCKAY (V/O): Receiving an IVC. 01:00:08:21 SHEPPARD (V/O): Who is it? 01:00:09:21 MCKAY: Stargate Command. 01:00:10:28 EVERETT: All we have to do is hold out until the Daedalus gets here. Then we can use the ZPM to power the city shield. 01:00:16:13 AIRMAN: Multiple signals, Sir. STARGATE ATLANTIS – "THE SIEGE PART 3" – Episode #201 2 01:00:17:13 AIRMAN (CONT'D): We couldn't see them until they were right on top of us. 01:00:21:01 (MISSILE FIRE) 01:00:22:18 EVERETT: Colonel Marshall Sumner was a very good friend of mine. 01:00:25:02 EVERETT (CONT'D): You admit… 01:00:26:09 EVERETT (CONT'D): To firing the shot that killed him. 01:00:27:22 TEYLA: The Wraith. They are in Atlantis.