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and pseudo-arches

Miles Lewis beam behaviour J H Acland, Medieval Structure: the Gothic (Toronto 1972), p 27 the corbel

corbelled , Arpinum, Italy, 305 BC

Frank Sear Hattusas, chambers 1 & 2 (or Hieroglyph Chamber), ?c C13th BC Miles Lewis Governor's palace, Palenque, Mexico, AD c 600-800 Miles Lewis the triangular arch Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza, c 2600 BC: detail section of the burial chamber

G E Sandström, Man the Builder (New York 1975 [1970]), p 60 Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza, Dynasty IV (c 2,600 B C): entrance, showing the triangular span Miles Lewis at Delos, Greece, undated cistern, Monte Alban, Oaxaca, Mexico, AD c 300-700

Talbot Hamlin, Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century , I, The Elements of Building (New York 1952), p 487; Miles Lewis triangular arches at Kandovan, Iran Mary Lewis pseudo-vault form used in Middle Kingdom Egypt (2134-1786 BC) Jean-Louis de Cenival, Living Architecture: Egyptian (London 1964), p 134 Chapel of Anubis, Hatshepsut'sTemple, Deir-el-Bahari, c 1490 B Miles Lewis Pyramid of Amenemhet III, Hawara, 1859 BC: section of burial chamber

Sandström, Man the Builder, p 60 'Campbell's Tomb' from near the Pyramids of Giza

James Ferguson, The Illustrated Handbook of Architecture (2 vols, London 1855), I, p 252 arches in the substructure of the west of the Agora, Izmir, Turkey, AD c 178-180 Miles Lewis arch made of sandbags

Miles Lewis principles of the arch equilibrium of forces in a voussoir Miles Lewis, after F E Kidder & Thomas Nolan, The Architects' and Builders' Handbook (17th ed, Wiley, New York 1921 [1884]), p 311 elements of an arch

Lewis, Architectura, p 196 book arch, showing a possible catenary in blue

http://bit.ly/BookArch arches in the entry , Byzantine Mausoleum, Umm Qais [Gadara], Jordan, showing displacements caused by the spread of the main arch original drawing by Franz Riedel failing arch at the Kaisarîyeh, Shaqqa, Syria. Miles Lewis arch failure

movement at the springing

rotation of the voussoirs

J H Acland, Medieval Structure: the Gothic Vault (Toronto 1972), p 29 arch failure without spreading, by the formation of hinges

F E Kidder & Thomas Nolan, The Architects' and Builders' Handbook (17th ed, Wiley, New York 1921 [1884]), 312, 321 thrust of an arch in a

Hamlin, Forms and Functions, I, p 520 containing the spread arch in the of the baths at Termessus, Pisidia (Turkey) MUAS 13,787 arch stresses and deformations R J Mainstone, 'Structural Analysis, Structural Insights, and Historical Interpretation', Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, LVI, 3 (September 1997), p 326 the evolution of arched forms the ancient near east, showing the of brick in Mesopotamia Iranian square vault Michell, Islamic World, p 140 pitched vault under construction in Afghanistan Jean-Louis Bourgeois, Spectacular Vernacular: the Adobe Tradition (New York 1996), p 54 pitched vault under construction Minke, p 154 completion of a pitched vault

Minke, p 154 vaulted grave at Saqqara, c 3,000 B C: sections MUAS 14,544 Medeo-Elamite tomb with a pitched barrel vault at the donjon, Susa, excavations of R de Mecquenem, 1937 Pierre Amiet, Elam (Archée Éditeur, Auvers-sur-Oise 1966), p 449 pitched vault, Haft Teppah, Iran, c 1500 BC Miles Lewis storeroom at the Ramesseum, Thebes, c 1301 BC

Gargiulo & Bergamasco, ‘Earth in the Architecture’, p 1215 storeroom at the Ramesseum: side detail, showing leaning brickwork Mainstone, Developments in Structural Form, p 75 brick vaulted culvert at Khorsabad

Georges Perrot & Charles Chipiez, A History of Art in Chaldea and Assyria (2 vols, London 1884), I, p 232 pitched vault under construction, West Aswan Miles Lewis West Aswan: finished vault Miles Lewis A Nubian vault in a building by Hassan Fathy, Egypt Dethier, Down to Earth, p 60 a Nubian vaulted structure, New Gurna village, presumably by Hassan Fathy, 1940s Miles Lewis a Nubian vault under construction at Craterre, France

Jean Dethier et al, Down to Earth (New York 1983 [1981]), p 60 the Fathy compass

M R Gargiulo & Immacolata Bergamasco, 'The Use of Earth in the Architecture of Hassan Fathy and Fabrizio Carola: Typological and Building Innovations, Building Technology and Static Behaviour', in Malcolm Dunkeld et al [eds], Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History (3 vols, Cambridge 2006), II, p 1213 building a modern pitched barrel vault

Gargiulo & Bergamasco, ‘Earth in the Architecture’, p 1216 the catenary and the polycentric vault

Gargiulo & Bergamasco, ‘Earth in the Architecture’, p 1217 Palace of Ctesiphon, near Baghdad, Iraq, probably AD C4th Markus Huttstein & Peter Delius [eds], Islam Art and Architecture (Cologne 2000), p 33 detail of the arch at Ctesiphon

Nigel Rodgers, The Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome (Hermes , London 20108 [2004], p 232 radial and pitched above this level

corbelled up to this level

working platforms indicated by scaffold putlock holes the orthogonal barrel vault the orthogonal and the pitched barrel vault John Ochsendorf, Guastavino Vaulting: the Art of the Structural Tile (Princeton Architectural Press, New York 2010), p 21 the thrust of a barrel vault Hamlin, Forms and Functions, I, p 518 Palace of Sargon, Khorsabad, c 700 BC, reconstruction of the arched passages

MUAS 11,797 the genesis of the arch: a hypothesis

the pitched barrel vault

the orthogonal barrel vault

the arch Kurigalzu’s Arch in the north-east wall of E-Dub-lal-Makh at Ur

Pierre Amiet, Art of the Ancient Near East (Harry N Abrams, New York 1980 [1977]), p 540 interior of the E-Dub-lal-Makh at Ur Amiet, Art of the Ancient Near East, p 541 the ziggurat,Choqa Zanbil, Iran, C13th BC Miles Lewis Choqa Zanbil, passage and arch Miles Lewis plaque from Balawat showing a castle, c 700 BC Christine Flon [ed], The World Atlas of Archaeology (London 1985), p 193 Assyrian relief showing a palace, probably Nineveh, with a garden watered by an aqueduct on pointed corbelled arches Reade, Assyrian Sculpture, p 36 Palace of Sargon, Khorsabad, c 612 BC, gateway, reconstruction MUAS 14,622 Babylon c 605-563 BC

Ishtar Gate, now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin

gate in a wall at Babylon

MUAS 14,651, 14,650. Tomba della Cassetta, Caere, early C6th BC, interior

G M A Hanfmann, ‘Etruscan and ’, Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians, II, 1 (1942), p 11 reconstructed Etruscan house, Veii

G M A Hanfmann, ‘Etruscan Doors and Windows’, Journal of the American Society of Architectural Historians, II, 1 (1942), pp 11, 13 Porta Marzia, Perugia, Italy: Etruscan, c 106 BC Filippo Coarelli [ed], Etruscan Cities (London 1975 [1973]), p 66 Arch of Constantine, Rome, AD 312 Miles Lewis centering centering for a stone arch

Roy Pepperell, Stonemasonry Detailing (Builth Wells [Powys] 1988), p 82 centering for a modern concrete vault L C Lancaster, Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome (CUP, Cambridge 2005), p 27 centering for a small and a large arch

International Library of Technology. Masonry, Carpentry, Joinery (International Textbook Company, Scranton [Pennsylvania] 1907), Masonry continued, pp 62-3 St Peter's, Rome: 'flying centering for the construction of the principal arches‘ Fontana, Templum Vatican reduced span centering arch at the tepidarium, Shahba, Syria, possibly c AD 300 Miles Lewis construction of the arch at Shahba, according to Arce

Ignacio Arce, 'From the Diaphragm Arches to the Ribbed Vaults: an Hypothesis for the Birth and Development of a Building Technique', in Santiago Huerta [ed], Proceedings of the First International Congress on Construction History (3 vols, Madrid 2003), I, p 238 one of a pair of temples at Atil, southern Syria, AD C2nd Armin Hermann reduced span centering of a temple at Atil, and the final dressed-off arch Armin Hermann the aqueduct Pont du Gard, or aqueduct, at Nîmes, shortly BC Frank Sear Pont du Gard: detail of a pier

R J Mainstone, Hagia Sophia: Architecture, Structure and liturgy of Justinian's Great Church (London 1997 [1988]), p 171 Pont du Gard, conjectural reconstruction of the falsework and centring for the arches John Fitchen, The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: a in Medieval Vault Erection (Oxford 1961), pp 10, 12 Pont du Gard, conjectural reconstruction of the falsework and centring for the arches John Fitchen, The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals: a Study in Medieval Vault Erection (Oxford 1961), pp 10, 12 aqueduct at Segovia, Spain, AD C1st - C2nd Frank Sear the arched bridge Ballochmyle Viaduct, England, 1847: view of the centring Mainstone, Hagia Sophia, p 170 Waterloo Bridge, London, by Sir John Rennie, 1811-17 section of one span and its centering Ted Ruddock, Arch Bridges and their Builders 1735-1835 (Cambridge 1979), p 183 the flat arch House of the Great Doorway, Herculaneum

Miles Lewis the true arch within the flat arch flat arch, Shaqqa, Syria, undated

Miles Lewis major late antique and early Byzantine sites on the Adriatic

Miles Lewis Palace of Diocletian at Spalato (Split), c 300 reconstruction ærial view by Ernest Hébrard E Hébrard and J Zeiller, Spalato, le Palais de Dioclétien, Paris, 1912 Palace of Diocletian, the Porta Aurea or north gateway reconstruction view & detail of flat arch head

Axel Boëthius & J B Ward-Perkins, Etruscan and Roman Architecture (Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1970), p 528 R J Mainstone, Developments in Structural Form (Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1975), p 41 flat arches with joggled voussoirs

Palace of Diocletian, the Porta Aurea or north gateway,

the Andron, Deir Si'man, Syria,?5th century

R J Mainstone, Developments in Structural Form (Cambridge [Massachusetts] 1975), p 41 Miles Lewis Hall of Doric Pilasters at Hadrian’s Villa (AD 125-133): reconstruction of lintel construction L C Lancaster, Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome (CUP, Cambridge 2005), p 124 a flat arch vault Giuseppe Fallacara, Towards a Stereotomic Design (3D Pierre, Rome 2007), p 116 the joggled arch Mausoleum of Theodoric, Ravenna, c 526

Scala (1974) Cecil Stewart, Early Christian, Byzantine and Romanesque Architecture [Simpson's History of Architectural Development] (London 1954 [1905/8]), p 62 Mausoleum of Theodoric: arches with joggled joints

V I Atroshenko & Judith Collins, The Origins of the Romanesque (Woodstock [New York] 1985), p 18 Miles Lewis joggled arch from the Mosque of Ilyas Bey, Miletus, Turkey, completed 1404 Miles Lewis Fetiye Camii [H Theotokos Pammakaristos] , Istanbul, C11th, parekklesion &c C14th): joggled arch in the parekklesion, presumably from Seljuk redecoration Miles Lewis the relieving arch Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), Giza, c 2600 BC: detail section of the burial chamber

G E Sandström, Man the Builder (New York 1975 [1970]), p 60 Treasury of Atreus view during the initial excavation, and cutaway diagram

Spiro Kostof [revised Greg Castillo], A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals (New York 1995 [1985]), p 104 Talbot Hamlin, Forms and Functions of Twentieth-Century Architecture, I, The Elements of Building (New York 1952), p 308 Porta Rosa, Velia, Italy, ?3rd century BC, with a stone relieving arch over the gate opening

L C Lancaster, Concrete Vaulted Construction in Imperial Rome (CUP, Cambridge 2005), p 81 door with relieving arch from a Hellenistic tower, probably c 200 BC, Kanytela [Neapolis], Turkey

Miles Lewis relieving arch over a lintel: detail of the ?Romanesque of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli, Rome Paloma Pajares-Ayuela, Cosmatesque : Flat Polychrome Geometric Patterns in Architecture (Thames & Hudson, London 2002), p 69 Mausoleum of Diocletian, Spalato, AD 284 Robert Adam, Ruins of the Palace of the emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (London 1764) Kalybe, Shahba, Syria, possibly c AD 300: right hand arch Miles Lewis second relieving arch impost first relieving arch

repaired beam Tepidarium, Shahba, Syria, possibly c AD 300 rubble concrete vault Miles Lewis a doorhead relieved by a joggled keystone, at the Seraya, Qanawat, Syria, possibly C4th, Miles Lewis a doorhead relieved by a joggled keystone and a further keystone above:

Tomb of the Three Brothers, Palmyra, Syria, undated

Miles Lewis Mausoleum of Theodoric, Ravenna, c 526 relieving joggled flat arch and slot visible internally Miles Lewis Alahan Manastir, Turkey, AD 6th century relieving arch; relieving flat arch & slot Miles Lewis woolshed, Glencoe, South Australia, 1863: flat relieving arch Miles Lewis Qal’at Najm, northern Syria, principally C13th Miles Lewis Qal’at Naj: triangular relieving arch

Miles Lewis the monolithic arch and the revival of stonemasonry Mausoleum of Theodoric: vents and windows in the upper storey

Miles Lewis the Roman Empire in AD 230 McEvedy, Penguin Atlas of Ancient History, p 83 Arch of Constantine, Rome, AD 312 Miles Lewis the monolithic arch: the church of Sitt-er-Rum, Syria, 6th century AD Miles Lewis. Sitt-er-Rum

Europe in AD 650 Colin McEvedy, The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History(Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1966 [1961]) p 37

S Paul, Jarrow, c 685

S Pedro de la Nave, late C7th the monolithic arch: S Pedro de la Nave, near Zamora, Spain, late 7th century AD.

Miles Lewis Churches at the Monastery at Jarrow, Durham: eastern one, late C7th; western one c 685, and long since replaced: plan & C18th view

Webb, Architecture in Britain in the Middle Ages, p 4 M A S Hickmore, St Paul's Church, Jarrow (Newcastle upon Tyne 1974), p 12 St Paul’s church, Jarrow: view from the south

St Paul's, Jarrow no 1, ©1973 St Paul’s church, Jarrow

detail of the south wall

from inside

Miles Lewis St Paul's, Jarrow no 4, ©1973 Escomb church, window on south side Saxon monolithic (‘megalithic’) doorways Miles Lewis H M Taylor, Anglo-Saxon Architecture, III (Cambridge 1978), p 808 the Islamic arch Narein [or Narenj] Castle, Meybod, Iran, Sasanian and later: an arch Miles Lewis 1: minimal centering, subsequently removed 2: brick on edge, remains as permanent formwork 3: brick on the flat, remains as permanent formwork 4: brick voussoir arch construction of an arch with minimal centering

George Michell [ed], Architecture of the Islamic World: its History and Social Meaning (Wlliam Morrow, New York 1978), p 136 arch at the Anar Caravanserai, Iran, C19th Miles Lewis gypsum rib at the Anar Caravanserai Miles Lewis gypsum ribs at the Umayyad Palace of the citadel, Amman, Jordan, AD 7th century

Arce, 'Diaphragm Arches’, p 230 arch with precast gypsum ribs, Ukhaidir, Iraq, 774-5 O Reuther, Ocheΐdir [Leipzig 1912] cross ribbed vault, Qasr Harane [Kharana], Jordan, c 710 Ignacio Arce, 'Umayyad Arches’, p 197 setting out an arch in Iran Mohamadreza Bazldjou forming an arch rib in Iran Mohamadreza Bazldjou positioning a gypsum arch rib Mohamadreza Bazldjou construction an arch over gypsum ribs Mohammadreza Bazldjou the modern use of gypsum ribs at Meybod, Iran courtesy Mohammad Reza Bazldjou screwhead, keyhole, lobed and horseshoe arches arched gate in a wall at Babylon, c 605-563 BC

MUAS 14,650. screwhead arches, Palace of Ardashir, Firuzabad, Iran, AD C3rd. Miles Lewis screwhead arched recess in three orders, Palace of Ardashir, Firuzabad, Iran, AD C3rd [reconstructed]

Miles Lewis Citadel, Amman, Jordan, 7th Century AD, entrance hall

Ignacio Arce, 'Umayyad Arches, Vaults & : Merging and Re-creation. Contributions to Early Islamic Construction History', in Malcolm Dunkeld et al [eds], Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Construction History (3 vols, Cambridge 2006), I, p 200 the lobe and the horshoe as used in openings (in elevation) and apses (in plan)

the ancient world in AD 420 Colin McEvedy, The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History(Harmondsworth [Middlesex] 1966 [1961]), p 19 horseshoe arches in the Episcopal Palace, Poreč, Croatia, possibly 6th century Miles Lewis S Fructuoso, near Braga, Portugal, c 660-5: isometric diagram Stierlin, Encyclopædia of World Architecture, I, p 127 Fort Bobastro, near Ardales, Spain, 884-928 Huttstein & Delius, Islam, p 212 Mihrab of the Great Mosque of Cordoba, from al-Hakam II's extension of 962-966

Huttstein & Delius, Islam, p 225 Mosque of Sidi Bu Madyan, Tlemcen, Algeria, built by the Marinids, 1339, horseshoe arcading

Antony Hutt, Islamic Architecture North Africa (Scorpion Publications, London 1977), p 44 lateral nave in the prayer hall of the Great Mosque of Tiemcen, Algeria, founded 1082 colonnade of the Kutubiya Mosque, Marrakech, Morocco, from 1147 church of Santa Maria la Blanca, Toledo, Spain, built as a synagogue, first half of C13th Markus Huttstein & Peter Delius [eds], Islam Art and Architecture (Könemann, Cologne 2000), pp 255, 261, 267

Qal’at Najm, northern Syria, principally C13th: stereotomic realignment

Miles Lewis