Desktop Publishing Guidelines for the California State Department of Education
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 311 923 IR 052 918 AUTHOR Smith, Theodore R.; Wobschall, Marguerite TITLE Desktop Publishing Guidelines for the California State Department of Education. INSTITUTION California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento. REPORT NO ISBN-0-8011-0797-0 PUB DATE 89 NOTE 49p. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (055) -- Legal /Legislative /Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Authors; *Board of Education Policy; *Desktop Publishing; *Editing; Grammar; Guidelines; Illustrations; Layout (Publications); Microcomputers; Printing; State Departments of Education; *Word Processing; *Writing for Publication; Writing Skills IDENTIFIERS California ABSTRACT These guidelines have been developed to assist Callfornia State Department of Education staff members in organizing a manuscript so that it is clear, and will require a minimum of rewriting, editing, and keyboarding before it is sent for publication. The intention is to give staff members a better idea of what is expected of them as authors, and to teach them to prepare their manuscripts more efficiently and economic--lly by avoiding delays caused by improper utilization of their electronic publishing ecuipment. The guide is divided into four major sections: (1) "Guidelines for Writing and Editing," which includes general and specific tips about points of style and organization; (2) "Guidelines for Using Desktop Publishing," which discusses issues to consider before using desktop publishing and general instructions for designing, keyboarding, and illustrating the manuscript, as well as srecific instructions about how to prepare word processing files for editing and electronic page layout; (3) "Laws, Regulati:ns, and Adopted Procedures for Publishing," which is a collection of excerpts from "The Department of Education Administrative Manual"; and (4) general and final production checklists for documents preparation drawn from "The Chicago Manual of Style." Three appendixes contain sources of training and information; a guide for compounding and hyphenating; and bibliograpl.ical and footnote forms for a variety of situations. (SD) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********/************************************************************* U.S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION of Educatanat Research and improvement EDUCARONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTE IA. Th.s document has been ,egyopced as tecewed Item the oetson o. otgamtat,ou ongmatmg .1 C Ni,rtnr changes have teen made to .motove ,eotoduchon duahty ponsrnt,eworownonsstateclntrsdoeu rnent 00 not neCessahly represent othoat OFRI Dos..oh orr 3TiCy Desktop Publishing Guidelines for the California State Department of Education "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL IN MICROFICHE ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY T. Smith TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES ti INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." Bill Honig 4TiVir Superintendent of Public Instruction ,aZ4311rrl Sacramento, 1989 2 bbi cOPY AVAILABLE Desktop Publishing Guidelines for the California State Department of Education PREPARED ON ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING EQUIPMENT BY THEODORE R. Sm.' r AND MARauERrrE WOBSCI LAU, BUREAU OF PUBLICATIONS t.) Publishing Statement TheDesktop Publishing Guidelineswas composed by Theodore R. Smith, Editor in Chief, and Marguerite Wobschall, Senior Graphic Artist, of the Bureau of Publications, working in cooperation with the Desktop Publishing Task Force (see the Acknowledgments). They were assisted in their work by Tracie Haase, Secretary, and Jeannette Huff, Word Processing Technician. Several pieces of electronic equipment were used in preparing theGuidelines,including a Tandy 102 portable computer, the COMPAQ Personal Computer, a Macintosh Plus personal computer, and an Apple LaserWriterPlus printer. To prepare theGuidelinesin camera-ready form, Ms. Wobschall used Aldus Page Maker 3.01. This document was published by the California State Department of Education, 721 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, California (mailing address: P.O. Box 944272, Sacramento, CA 94244-2720), and it was distributed under the provisions of the Library Distribution Act. 0 Copyright, 1989, California State Department of Education Copies of the publication are available for S4 each, plus sales tax for California residents, from the Bureau of thiblications, Sales Unit, California State Department of Education, P.O. Box 271, Sacramento, CA 95802-0271. ISBN 0-8011-0797-0 Contents Page Page Preface iv Word Processing Services 14 Acknowledgments v 3821. Availability 14 I. Intmduction to the Desktop Publishing 3822. Type of Service 14 Guidelines 1 3823. User's Guide 14 3824. Job Requests 14 Major Purpose of the Guidelines 1 Definition of Desktop Publishing 1 Departmental Duplicating Service 15 Relationship to "Statement of Values" 1 3831. Jobs of 20 or Fewer Impressions 15 II. Guidelines for Writing and Editing 2 3832. Current Duplicating Policy 15 General Guides for Writing and Editing 2 Approvals for Printing 15 Importance of an Outline or Plan 2 3841. Procedures 15 StandaWs to Be Maintained 3 3842. Required Approval 15 III. Guidelines for Using Desktop Publishing 5 Special Instructions for Publications 16 3851. Introduction 16 Issues to Consider Before Adopting Desktop 3852. Requesting Unit's Instructions 16 Publishing 5 Generalizations About the System 6 3853. Bureau of Publications's Instructions17 Guidelines for Preparing Material Through an Distributing, Pricing, and Reprinting Electronic Publishing Process 7 Publications 17 General Instructions 7 3854. Distribution of Publications 17 Designing the Manuscript 7 3855. Pricing of Publications 18 Keyboarding the Manuscript 8 3856. Reprints 18 Illustrating the Manuscript 8 Other Specialized Printing 18 Special Instructions for Preparing Word 3861. Pusiness Cards 18 Processing Files for Editing and Electronic 3862. Envelopes 19 Page Layout by the Bureau of Publications 9 3863. Memorandums 19 N. Laws, Regulations and A'opted Procedures 3864. Letterheads 19 for Publishing 10 3865. Postal Cards 19 Printing and Publications, Including V. Checklist for Persons Preparing Documents Desktop Publishing 10 on Desktop Publishing Equipment 20 3801. Responsibilities of the Bureau Production Checklist for Desktop of Publications 10 3802. Definitions 10 Publishing 21 3803. Manuscript Review and General Appendix A. Sources of Training and Information 23 Directives 11 Production and Dissemination of Appendix B. Guide for Compounding Education Information Material 12 and Hyphenation 24 3804. Approval for Disseminating Appendix C. Bibliographical and Footnote Form Information 12 for Publications Cited in Manuscripts of the 3805. Credits and By-lines on California State Department of Education 28 Publications 13 Bibliographical Form for Publications Cited in Priorities for Work in Process 13 Manuscripts of the California State 3806. Criteria for Establishing Priorities 13 28 3807. PrioritiesState Printer's Work 13 Department of Education Funding 14 Footnote Form for Publications Cited in 3811. Limitations on Use of General Manuscripts of the California State Fund Appropriations 14 Department of Education 31 3812. Requirements for Requests Glossary of Terms 35 for Services 14 3813. Fiscal Year Deadlines 14 Selected References 39 iii 0 Preface We touch more people every day with our printeddo not materialize because some edict is issued; messages than we do in any other way. And they occur because you want them to occur and are when those messages are clear and precise and ty- willing to give your best efforts to that end. At the pographically appealing, we are looked upon with same time, we know that standards must be set, and favor. And not only that, but when we prepare guidelines for achieving such standards must be quality materials, we save our many publics valu- prepared. These Desktop Publishing Guidelines able moments of their time. For example, if one of represent our latest effort in providing you with us prepares a well-written and well-designed manu- standards and a guidebook that we hope you will script that every school principal and superintendentfind helpful in the important work before you. in California must read and understand and as a We also believe that issuing these Guidelines result of our efforts, we save each of those adminis-signals our intent to use the most advanced technol- ators just three minutes of their valuable time, we ogy available in the most efficient manner possible have saved approximately $10,000 in salaries fulfill our mission and to meet our goals. Clearly, But perhaps even more important than the saved we are in the word business and, certainly, we must dollars is the fact that we have achieved clearer continually seek the best means for achieving communication with those who direct our schools, perfection in the documents we produce. We be- and we have provided better service that will ulti- lieve that desktop publishing and the advanced mately result in better and more clearly defined edu-word processing programs now available can help cational programs. us improve the quality of our services. And we Each of us in the Department of Education must believe the adoption of the standards reflected in be committed to achieving levels of excellence in these Guidelines will help ensure our commitment what we do, for our actions serve as examples for to the highest possible levels of quality in language the whole educational community in California.