Shoaib.M 0000(17) Senate. 266th Session

1 (266th Session)


to be asked at a sitting of the Senate to be held on

Thursday, the 24th August, 2017


(i) [Questions Nos. 7, 23, and 90 deferred on 11th April, 2017 (261st Session]

(ii) [Questions Nos. 153,202, 204, 215, 133, 156, 6, 12, 16, 17, 32, 37, and 39 deferred on 19th April, 2017 (261st Session)]

(Def.) *Question No. 7 Senator Nisar Muhammad: (Notice received on 26-01-2017 at 10:00 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the details of compensation granted to the heirs of students and employees martyred during terrorist attack in Army Public School Peshawar?

Mr. : As per Special Compensation Package, approved for shaheed students and employees of Army Public School, Rs. 2.0 Million was paid to each bereaved family by Government of KPK ( Annex-A).

Similarly Rs. 191.000 Million has been disbursed among 86 legal heirs of 22 Shaheed teaching and administrative staff by Ministry of Defence (Annex-B). 2 Annex-A 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B - x e n n A 10 (Def.) *Question No. 23 Senator Farhatullah Babar : (Notice received on 22-02-2017 at 09:00 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the name of authority or agency responsible under the National Action Plan to watch the banned organizations in the country including those resurrected under different names;

(b) the role of the Ministry of Interior in keeping an eye on the activities of the said organizations; and

(c) whether it is fact that recently a UN move to impose sanctions on the chief of a banned organization was thwarted, if so, the role played by the said Ministry in this regard?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) It is the responsibility and authority of the provincial governments to take action in each case under the law. Intelligence agencies are mandated to keep regular watch on the activities of proscribed organizations.

(b) Ministry of Interior regularly receive reports of Intelligence Agencies on the activities of prescribed organizations and share the same with NACTA and the Provincial Governments.

(c) It is requested that the Honorable Senator should be specific in his question in order that the same be replied in clear and categorical terms.

(Def.) *Question No. 90 Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan: (Notice received on 01-03-2017 at 12:20 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the employees and pensioners of the Heavy Mechanical Complex, Taxila are not being paid their salaries and pensions, if so, the reasons thereof indicating also the number of affected employees & pensioners and the time since which they have not been paid their salaries and pensions; and 11 (b) the steps being taken by the Government to pay salaries and pensions to the said employees?

Engineer : (a) “Salaries and pensions are regularly being paid to employees of Heavy Mechanical Complex;

(b) Strategic Plans Division has been directed by Ministry of Defence to clear the outstanding dues on account of gratuity to the 149 pensioners of HMC amounting to Rs.187.145 million; and

(c) In the next couple of years, it is hoped that HMC will generate profits. It is, therefore, planned that 50% of outstanding dues to retired employees will be paid out of the profit earned during 2017-18, whereas, remaining will be paid by the end of FY 2018-19”.

(Def.) *Question No. 153 Senator Ahmed Hassan : (Notice received on 17-02-2017 at 09:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Simli Dam road, Bara Kahu, Islamabad is in dilapidated condition, if so, the time by which the same will be repaired or reconstructed?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: It is a fact that Simli Dam road is in dilapidated condition due to existence of various private housing societies and movement of heavy vehicular traffic. The repair work is in progress 80% repair work has been completed while the remaining repair / maintenance work of the said road will be completed upto 31-07-2017.

(Def.) *Question No. 202 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati: (Notice received on 18-08-2016 at 01:05 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the number of persons posted / deputed for the cleanliness and maintenance of Fatima Jinnah Park, F-9, Islamabad with shift wise break up;

(b) whether it is a fact that work of cleanliness and maintenance in the said park is not up to the standard, if so, the action taken 12 against those found responsible for the same during the last one year; and

(c) the steps taken / being taken by the government to improve the condition of that park?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) Thirty (30) Sanitary Workers are working in two shifts of 15 each and 90 Gardeners are deputed for maintenance of Fatimah Jinnah Park, F-9 Islamabad.

(b) No, the work of cleanliness and maintenance of the developed portion of Fatimah Jinnah Park F-9 is upto the required standard.

(c) Apart from regular maintenance on daily basis, a photovoltaic Solar Electric Project is constructed to light developed section of the park. The project is in test phase. Now improvements have also been made in different areas like plantation of seasonal flowers, maintenance of jogging tracks, grassy lawns and construction of cycling tracks etc.

(Def.) *Question No. 204 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati: (Notice received on 23-08-2016 at 12:10 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the steps taken being taken by the Government to stop dumping of Garbage in the open areas of ICT?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: No garbage is dumped in open areas in Islamabad.

(Def.) *Question No. 215 Senator Rozi Khan Kakar: (Notice received on 24-01-2017 at 11:00 a.m.)

Will the Minister Interior be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to control the pollen allergy in Islamabad?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: MCI has taken the following steps:—

i. Paper mulberry trees are being removed from the residential sectors in a gradual manner. 13 ii. The complaints regarding removal of Paper Mulberry trees are attended swiftly. Paper mulberry trees coming in the alignment of different works are also being removed.

iii. ICT Administration and Capital Hospital, CDA organize Medical Camps at various places during the pollen allergy season for free-check up and free-medicine. Information regarding precautionary measures to be adopted by allergy patients is also provided at Hospital / Medical Camps.

(Def.) *Question No. 133 Senator Samina Abid: (Notice received on 30-03-2017 at 01:35 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that there is shortage of supply of potable water in Islamabad, if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government to resolve the said issue?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) Yes, there is a shortage of potable water in the Islamabad Capital Territory due to the following reasons:

a. Ever increasing population.

b. Development of new sectors.

c. Less rainfall.

d. Depletion of water reservoirs.

e. Non-development of new resources.

(b) In order to prolong the usage of available water, drawl of water has been reduced. The defective tube wells, leaking lines, connections, tankers etc are being repaired on war footing to tackle the situation. CDA is working on a sustainable source of water by bringing water from Indus River at Tarbella in different phases to address the issue. First Phase of the project is likely to be completed in four years and shall bring 200 MGD from Indus River. 14 (Def.) *Question No. 156 Senator Farhatullah Babar: (Notice received on 21-02-2017 at 09:00 a.m.) Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) the details of pension and other benefits admissible to the officers of the rank of Major General and above of the Army, Navy and Air Force on their retirement; (b) the details of law or rules or executive order under which the said pension and benefits are allowed to those officers; and (c) whether any officers(s) in the said ranks of those forces has or have availed the said benefits over and above those allowed by the law or rule during the last ten years, if so, the details and reasons thereof? Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan: (a) Answer to the major part of the question regarding pension has already been submitted before the house on 11-04-2017. Information regarding “Other Benefits” admissible to Officers in the rank of Major General / equivalent is still awaited from the quarters concerned Ministry is making utmost efforts to get the said information. As soon as it received the same shall be placed before the House. (Def.) *Question No. 6 Senator Najma Hameed: (Notice received on 25-01-2017 at 03:30 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that completion of the scheme for construction of Service Road, North I-10/2, Islamabad has been delayed, if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) whether it is a fact that substandard construction has been carried out on the section of the said road from I-9 to Chambeli road, if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) whether any quality check or examination of the construction material used in the said section of that road has been carried out, if so, the results thereof? 15 Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) No. (b) No. (c) Yes. Quality Control Tests have been conducted by Material Quality Control (MQC) Civil Engineering Laboratory, CDA during the execution stage. (Def.) *Question No. 12 Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: (Notice received on 31-01-2017 at 09:30 a.m.) Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the details of ongoing projects and development schemes which are being undertaken by Pakistan Railways out of its own resources? :  The major development projects of Pakistan Railways are executed through Public Sector Development Program (PSDP), funded by the Federal Government.  However, Pakistan Railway undertakes small development/ improvement schemes under the head “Improvement and Welfare Expenditure”. Funds to the tune of Rs. 474 million were allocated during the financial year 2016-17 under this head. The detail of projects / schemes, being executed through these funds, is attached as Annexure-A.  It is also worth pointing out that Pakistan Railways has undertaken up-gradation of old rakes during last three years out of Revenue budget at a cost of Rs. 500 million.  The year-wise allocation is as under:—

 Total Allocation durihg (2010-2013) = 368.38 million  Total Allocation during (2013-2017) = 1374 million 16 17 18 19 (Def.) *Question No. 16 Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: (Notice received on 08-02-2017 at 09:35 a.m.) Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National Histort and Literary Heritage be pleased to state: (a) the amount allocated for developmental and non-developmental expenditures of the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage, its attached departments, sub-ordinate offices, autonomous and semi- autonomous organization and corporations during the fiscal year 2015-16; (b) the details of projects on which the said developmental expenditures were made; and (c) the steps being taken by the Government to reduce the non- developmental expenditures of the said Ministry, its attached departments, sub-ordinate offices, autonomous and semi- autonomous organization and corporations?

Ms. : (a) Development and current budget of Information and Broadcasting Division, its attached departments, subordinate offices, autonomous and semi autonomous organization and corporations for financial year 2015-16 is attached at Annex-A.

(b) Detail of projects is attached at Annex-B.

The Federal Government, the Finance Division, issued following austerity measures to be observed by Ministries / Divisions / Attached Departments:

(i) Complete ban on purchase of all types of vehicles. (ii) Ban on creation of new posts. (iii) Restriction on entitlement of periodical, magazines, newspapers of officers. (iv) Restriction on serving of official lunches / dinners. (v) Rationalization of utility bills remaining within the allocated budget.

The Information and Broadcasting Division is fully implementing these austerity measures introduced by the Federal Government. 20 A - x e n n A 21 Annex-B 22 23 I I - x e n n A 24 25 26 27 (Def.) *Question No. 17 Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: (Notice received on 10-02-2017 at 10:15 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the amount allocated for developmental and non-developmental expenditures of the Ministry of Railways and Pakistan Railways during the financial year 2015-16;

(b) the details of projects on which the said developmental expenditures were made; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government to reduce the non- developmental expenditures of the said Ministry and Pakistan Railways?

Khawaja Saad Rafique: (a) The amounts allocated for development and non-development expenditures to Ministry of Railways and Pakistan Railways during the financial year 2015-16 were as under:—

(b) The detail of projects on which expenditure was made on account of PSDP is annexed.

(c) The following steps have been taken to reduce the non-development expenditure. This is why, no excess expenditure has been incurred over and above the sanctioned budget during the financial year 2015-16:

1. After allotment of funds to the spending units, the non-development expenditure is being regulated by allowing cash releases. Thus, all non-essential expenditures are being discouraged on case to case basis. 28 2. The procurement of vehicles from non-development budget has been banned except vehicles of Security Departments (Railway Police.

3. Creation of new posts has been banned except those required for development projects.

4. Complete rationalization of staff is in process and only essential (technical and operational) staff is being recruited against the vacant posts.

5. Overtime of labour in workshops and factories has been reduced.

6. Travelling and daily allowance to technical and operational staff is being allowed only where inescapable.

7. Non-productive procurements are being discouraged.

8. The system of distribution of gas and electricity of residential buildings is being shifted to the distribution companies for direct billing.

9. All in-candescent lamps have been replaced with energy-savers. The use of solar is also being encouraged to reduce expenditure on electricity.

10. Idle working of machinery in workshops has been discouraged.

11. The dispensers at filling-points in locomotive sheds are being improved to avoid spilling over/spoilage of operation fuel.

12. Special campaign is launched every year for saving of operation fuel by celebrating a month for “fuel economy”.

13. The running staff laid off from private trains has been shifted to railways own operating trains instead of making fresh recruitment.

14. The use of air conditioners in offices before 11.00 am has been stopped to reduce the electric billing.

15. Entitlement of periodical, magazines etc. of all officers have been restricted to only one daily newspapers.

16. Subsidy by Federal Government has been capped at Rs.37.00 billion for the last three years. 29 Annexure 30 31 (Def.) *Question No. 32 Senator Sirajul Haq: (Notice received on 01-03-2017 at 03:30 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the amount of financial assistance received by the Government from foreign countries for controlling terrorism in the country since 2013 indicating also the names of the countries which provided the same; and

(b) the expenditure incurred by the Government on controlling terrorism in the country during the said period?

Reply not received.

The Ministry of Interior has transferred this question to the Ministry of Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs but the Ministry of Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs has not accepted it so far.

(Def.) *Question No. 37 Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh: (Notice received on 08-03-2017 at 03:20 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Narcotics Control be pleased to state:

(a) the estimated number of drug addicts including those using hashish in the country at present with average age count and province wise break up; and

(b) the number of the said addicts registered in the country during the last three years with year wise break up?

Lt. Gen. (Retd.) : (a) The estimated number of drug addicts including those using hashish in the country at present with average age count and province wise break up is attached as Annex-A.

(b) According to Section 52 (1) of CNSA 1997, “Each Provincial Government shall register all addicts within their respective jurisdiction for the purpose of treatment and rehabilitation of addicts”.

The Provinces have been asked to provide the aforesaid information. As soon as it is received, the same shall be submitted to the Senate. 32 33 34 35 36

(Def.) *Question No. 39 Senator Rozi Khan Kakar: (Notice received on 15-03-2017 at 04:15 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the criteria and procedure laid down for selection or appointment of Chairman NADRA?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) The selection of Chairman NADRA is carried out in accordance with the section 3, sub section (3) of NADRA Ordinance 2000.

a. 3 (3) “The Authority shall consist of a Chairman, also to be called the Registrar General of Pakistan, and [not less than] five members to be appointed by the Federal Government.....” 37 7. “The Chairman shall be an eminent professional of known integrity and competence with substantial experience in the field of computer science, engineering, statistics, demography, law, business, management, finance, accounting, economics, civil or military administration, or the field of registration”.

The Federal Government appoints Chairman NADRA according to the criteria laid down as above.

*Question No. 70 Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi: (Notice received on 09-06-2017 at 12:45 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the bridge leading to the Quaid-e-Azam University from Bari Imam, Islamabad, is in a dilapidated condition at present; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to re-construct the said bridge, if so, when?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) Yes, due to increased volume of heavy traffic during the last two decades, the said bridge / culvert was not in good condition, however, CDA has recently repaired the damaged bridge and side railing.

(b) No.

*Question No. 71 Senator Col. (R) Syed Tahir Hussain Mashhadi: (Notice received on 09-06-2017 at 12:45 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the steps being taken by the Government to provide potable water at public places including parks and bus stops in Islamabad; and

(b) the funds allocated for the said purpose in the budget 2017-18? 38 Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) The following steps have been taken to provide portable water at public places:

(i) The MCI has installed thirty-seven (37) Filtration Plants in all Sectors at various locations:

(ii) The portable water is also available in all parks except small parks. However, no water connection is available at Bus Stops in Islamabad.

(b) Rs. 20.830 Million were allocated for the operation and maintenance of the Filtration Plants in FY 2016-17.

*Question No. 72 Senator Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir : (Notice received on 12-06-2017 at 02:35 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the number of passport offices in the country with province wise and district wise breakup;

(b) the number of persons working in the said offices with province wise breakup; and

(c) the number of posts lying vacant in those offices with province wise breakup?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) The detail of number of passport offices in the country with province wise and district-wise breakup and number of persons working in said offices is given at Annex-“A”.

(b) As Above.

(c) Presently, 103 regular posts meant for direct quota are lying vacant in IMPASS. Detail is given at Annex-B. 39 40 41 42 Annex-B 43 44 *Question No. 73 Senator Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir: (Notice received on 12-06-2017 at 02:35 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the number of NADRA registration centers established in the country with province wise and district wise break up; and

(b) the number of persons presently working in the said centers and the number of posts lying vacant therein with province wise break up?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) A total of 539 x NADRA Registration Centres are established throughout the country. Province wise and District wise list is attached as Annex-A.

(b) A total of 7642 employees are serving in NADRA centres. The hiring is carried out on need basis. Hence, concept of posts lying vacant does not exist. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

*Question No. 74 Senator Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan Nasir: (Notice received on 12-06-2017 at 02:35 )

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) the number of girls schools in FATA with Agency wise and level- wise break up; and

(b) the number of the said schools destroyed or damaged during the war against terror in FATA and the number of the same reconstructed or repaired so far?

Lt. General : (a) There are a total of 2248 Girls Schools in FATA and 2 co-education schools which are also admit girls on merit basis. Details at Annex-I.

(b) A total of 1195 schools were affected by war on terror in FATA. Out of these 555 were fully destroyed and 491 were partially affected. So far 895 such schools have been repaired/reconstructed so from various sources. Details is at Annex-II. 53 54 55 *Question No. 75 Senator Karim Ahmed Khawaja: (Notice received on 13-06-2017 at 09:10 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the salaries, allowances and other fringe benefits admissible to serving four star General, Lieutenant General and Major Generals in ?

Reply not received.

*Question No. 76 Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan: (Notice received on 13-06-2017 at 09:20 )

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the location and present status of the OGDCL Employees Cooporative Housing Society;

(b) the number of members of the said society;

(c) the number of plots in that society and details of prices thereof; and

(d) whether it is a fact that development work of that society has been delayed and possession of plots has not been handed over to a large number of its members inspite of making payment for the same, if so, the details thereof?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) The OGDC Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad has been launched in village Karlot near Chattar Park, Tehsil , Distt Rawalpindi and the development work of the scheme is in progress.

(b) 2021.

(c) Total number of plots is 2418. The detail of prices is as under:

Plot size 30x60 = Rs.600000/-. Plot size 40x80 = Rs.10,70,000/-. Plot size 50x90 = Rs.1500000/-. 56 (d) Yes, the basic reason for delay of development work and possession of plots to members is that a large number of its members i.e. 1440 out of 2021 have not made the required payment to the Society.

*Question No. 77 Senator Syed Shibli Faraz: (Notice received on 13-06-2017 at 12:55 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state:

(a) the amount collected as TV license fee during the last five years with year-wise breakup; and

(b) the amount earned by PTV through production, commercials and other activities during the said period with year-wise breakup?

Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: (a) The amount collected as TV licence Fee during last five years with year wise break up is as follows:—

(Rs : in Million) —————————————————————————————— Year Amount —————————————————————————————— 2013 5,526

2014 4,940

2015 5,277

2016 5,544

2017 (Prov) 6,441 —————————————————————————————— (b) The amount earned by PTV through production, commercials and other activities during the said period with year wise break up is as follows:— 57 Rs : in Million —————————————————————————————— Year Amount Amount earned earned through through commercials other sources —————————————————————————————— 2013 3,467 506 2014 3,502 389 2015 3,601 762 2016 3,450 711 2017 (P) 2,626 460 —————————————————————————————— *Question No. 78 Senator Farhatullah Babar: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a Pakistani CNIC and Passport was recovered from the Taliban leader Mullah Mansoor Akhtar who was killed in a drone attack in Balochistan last year; and

(b) whether any inquiry was conducted to know that how the said persons got those Pakistani documents, if so, the findings thereof and the action taken by the Government in the light of those findings?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) It was reported in Media that Mullah Mansoor holding Pakistani Passport end CNIC has been killed in drone attack. NADRA was provided CNIC number by law Enforcement Agency to verify the data against this number. Data revealed that this card has been issued to Mr. Muhammad Wali s/o Shah Muhammad.

(b) NADRA has conducted departmental inquqiry to unearth involvement of its officials in issuance of fake CNIC to Mullah Mansoor Akhtar with the name of Muhammad Wali s/o Shah Muhammad. As per the recommendations of inquiry ERP # 9690, Mr. Faisal-uddin, Deputy Assistant Director of RHO Karachi has been imposed major penalty of Removal from Service. 58 FIA also registered case under Section 3,13/14 Foreigner Act 1946, 419, 420, 468, 109 PPE, 6(1) Passport Act 1974 r/w 5(2) PCA 1947, which is pending trial in the Court. Detail is placed at Annexure-A.

Annexure-A One Page Brief 59 60 *Question No. 79 Senator Farhatullah Babar: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Government has constituted a Committee for reforms in Gilgit Baltistan, if so, the date of its Constitution, composition and terms of reference, if any, of the same;

(b) the number of meetings of the said Committee held so far with date wise break up indicating also the details of participants of each of those meetings; and

(c) the time or date by which the said Committee is supposed to submit its recommendations?

Mr. Muhammad : (a) During the visit of Prime Minister to Gilgit-Baltistan on 14th April, 2015, he announced the constitution of a Committee, for making recommendations on ;Constitutional and Administrative Reforms in Gilgit-Baltistan. Subsequently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a summary to the Prime Minister’s office suggesting the composition of the Committee and terms of reference to carry out the task.


1. Mr. , Adviser to the Prime Minister on Convener Foreign Affairs 2. Mr. Ashtar Ausaf Ali, Special Assistant to the Prime Member Minister on Law, (Now Attorney General of Pakistan) 3. Kh. Zaheer Ahmed, Special Assistant to the Prime Member Minister 4. Mr. Hafiz Hafeez-ur-Rehman, Chief Minister, Member Gilgit-Baltistan 5. Mr. Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, Secretary, Member M/o Foreign Affairs 61 6. Mr. Abid Saeed, Secretary, M/o Kashmir Affairs and GB Member

7. Mr. Tahir Hussain, Chief Secretary, Gilgit-Baltistan Member

8. Major General, Sahir Shamshad Mirza, DGMO Member Representing the Ministry of Defence

9. Dr. Mohammad Faisal, Director General (South Asia) Member

Terms of Reference:

(1) Review the current constitutional and administrative arrangements in Gilgit-Baltistan and analyze any shortcomings or inadequacies in relation to the aspirations of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan.

(2) After studying the historic record and relevant treaties, examine Whether the existing internal boundaries of the territories that constitute Gilgit-Baltistan overlap with the territories that formed part of the State of Jammu & Kashmir. And if so, make recommendations for corrective measures.

(3) Recommend Constitutional and Administrative Reforms for Gilgit­Baltistan, keeping in view, the implications of these recommendations vis-a-vis the United Nations Resolutions on Kashmir.

(b) The committee started its work on 12th November, 2015 under the chairmanship of Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, and held six formal meetings and numerous informal sessions. Last meeting was held on 6th March, 2017. The final report has been submitted to the Prime Minister on 10th March, 2017.

(c) The final report has been submitted to the Prime Minister on 10th March, 2017.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan on 03-07-2017 constituted another 10 Members Committee to formulate proposal for the further empowerment of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan with the framework of the GB (Empowerment and Self Governance) Order, 2009 under the convener-ship of Mr. Sartaj Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Committee had to submit 62 its report for consideration of the Prime Minister within ten days. Later on 28- 07-2017 the Prime Minister of Pakistan extended the purview of the Committee to include Azad Jammu & Kashmir, include the Prime Minister and Chief Secretary of AJ&K as its Members and allow an additional ten days to the Committee w.e.f 28-07-2017 to submit its report. The first meeting of the Committee was held on 13-07-2017 and second was scheduled to be held on 28-07-2017 while on the eve of the decision of the Supreme Court, the Cabinet was dissolved.

Since the emergence of new set up along with the Cabinet/Adviser, Mr. Sartaj Aziz is not in place as Adviser to the Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs. The present status of the Committee is being obtained from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is pertinent to mention that the Government is fully aware and committed to further empower the people and Assembly of Gilgit-Baltistan in the wake of present geopolitical situation.

*Question No. 80 Senator Syed Shibli Faraz: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:35 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the amount spent on repairing renovation and reconstruction of railway stations in the country from July, 2013 to December, 2016, with province-wise breakup?

Khawaja Saad Rafique: Pakistan Railway has incurred Rs. 554.214 million on account of repair, renovation and reconstruction of stations in the country from July, 2013 to December, 2016, with province-wise breakup as under:—

—————————————————————————————— Punjab Rs. 330.270 million

Sindh Rs. 189.981 million

Khyber Rs. 23.608 million Pakhtwunkhwa

Balochistan Rs. 10.355 million —————————————————————————————— Details are at Annexure-A. 63 In addition to above

 Rehabilitation work of track, bridges and stations on Sibi —Khost Section is in progress which includes rehabilitation of 8 stations on this section at the estimated cost of Rs. 200 million.

 The up-gradation / renovation of Kohat Cantt railway station at an estimated cost of Rs. 51.679 million is in progress, out of which work of Rs. 10.980 million has been completed so far.

 A PC-I for up-gradation / renovation of station buildings is under process which includes up-gradation of stations in Balochistan at an estimated cost of Rs. 243.49 million and up-gradation of stations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa at an estimated cost of Rs. 442.71 million. 64

*Question No. 81 Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:40 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state whether the Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is acting upon the Corporate Companies Governance Rules, 2013, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons thereof?

Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: PTV observes Public Sector Companies (Corporate Governance) Rules, 2013 except the rules governing reconstitution of Board of Directors and its dependent rules/clauses which involve jurisdiction of Govt. of Pakistan, M/o Information Broadcasting & National Heritage, which detail is attached at Annex-A.

(Annexure has been placed on the Table of the House as well as Library.)

*Question No. 82 Senator Ahmed Hassan: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:50 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that registration of a number of Madrassas have been cancelled in the country during the last three years, if so, the details and reasons thereof?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: Yes it is fact that following provinces have cancelled registration of Madrassas as under: 65 66 *Question No. 83 Senator Ahmed Hassan: (Notice received on 14-06-2017 at 09:50 a.m.) Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) the details of ongoing schemes under the Bajur Area Development Project; and (b) the amount allocated, released and spent on the said project during the fiscal year 2016-17? Reply not received. *Question No. 84 Senator Farhatullah Babar : (Notice received on 15-06-2017 at 09:00 a.m.) Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that Fortress Stadium, is under the administrative control of 4 Corps, Lahore; (b) the date on which the land of the said stadium was allotted to the Army indicating also the purpose for which the same was allotted; (c) whether it is fact that the land allotted for that stadium is being used for commercial purposes, if so, whether it conforms to the land usage policy of the same; (d) the details of income generated from the said stadium during the last ten years and the details of its utilization; and (e) whether any audit is conducted of the said income and its utilization, if so, the name of authority which conducts the same? Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan: (a) Fortress Stadium, Lahore is under the administrative control of 4 Corps, Lahore. (b) The land in question is A-1 land under the active use of Army at Lahore, since independence. (c) Fortress Stadium Lahore is built on A-1 Land, which is being used for commercial purposes partially under the policy of use of A-I land (Annex-A).

(d&e) Concerned quarters have been approached for the reply.. 67 Annex-A 68 69 70 71 72 *Question No. 85 Senator Karim Ahmed Khawaja: (Notice received on 15-06-2017 at 09:05 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the details of pension and other benefits admissible to the officers of the rank of Captain, Major, Colonel and Brigadier of Pakistan Army on their retirement?

Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan: The details of pension benefits admissible to Captain, Major, Colonel and Brigadier in Pakistan Army are as under:

a. Pension Benefits —————————————————————————————— Rank Svc / Age Commutation Monthly (years) (Rs.) Pension (Rs.) —————————————————————————————— Brigadier 31 / 52 5,656,008 80,500 Colonel 29 / 48 5,588,823 68,783 Major 25 / 44 5,482,550 59,049 Captain 23 / 42 5,075,629 51,372 —————————————————————————————— b. Monetary Benefits:- Special Additional Pension in lieu of Orderly Allowance @ Rs. 12,000/- per month is admissible to Brigadiers vide Finance Division (Regulation Wing) letter No. 1 (3) Imp/2015-630 dated 7th July 2015.

*Question No. 86 Senator Mian Muhammad Ateeq Shaikh: (Notice received on 15-06-2017 at 01:40 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the names of rural areas in Islamabad Capital Territory where the facility of gas supply has not been provided so far;

(b) whether it is a fact that the residents of the said areas meet their energy demands by cutting trees; and

(c) the number of new trees planted by the Government in those areas during the last five years with area wise break up? 73 Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) Detail is placed at Annexure-A.

(b) The resident of rural areas meet their energy demand through purchase of firewood being sold at wood stalls.

(c) Land in Rural areas is private land and government does not plant in those areas. Annex-A 74 75 *Question No. 87 Senator Sehar Kamran: (Notice received on 15-06-2017 at 02:30 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the names and locations of shrines under the administrative control of the Federal Government;

(b) the amount of nazrana collected from those shrines during the last three years and details of its utilization with year wise break up;

(c) the amount spent on maintenance and other related matters of those shrines during the said period with year wise break up; and

(d) the names of the said shrines to which Government is providing funds to run their affairs indicating also the amount provided to each shrine during that period with year wise break up?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) At present four Shrines are under the administrative control of the Auqaf Directorate, ICT Administraton, MOI. The names and locations of these shrines are as under:

i. Darbar Hazrat Bari Imam (RA), Badshah, Islamabad.

ii. Darbar Hazrat Sakhi Mehmeod Badshah (RA), Aabpara, Islamabad.

iii. Darbar Hazrat Sakhi Dervesh Badshah, Miani Thub, Near Sihala, Islamabad.

iv. Chillah Gah Hazrat Barri Imam (RA) at Lohe Dundee (Margalla Hills), Islamabad.

(b) The amount of nazrana collected from these shrines during the last three years wise break up are as under 76 —————————————————————————————— S.# Year Nazrana/ Utilization in Rs. Income in Rs. —————————————————————————————— i. 2013-14 26,103,060 17,389,252

ii 2014-15 26,764,110 25,715,799

iii. 2015-16 39,312,575 19,614,406 —————————————————————————————— Total Rs: 92,184,745 62,719,457/- —————————————————————————————— Detail of year wise break up of expenditure against each shrine on account of salaries of staff, utility bills/ pay of security guards, religious functions, long term advances of staff & misc. Expenditure is given under:— —————————————————————————————— Name of Shrine Year Amount —————————————————————————————— Hazrat Barri Imam 2013-14 17,240,277

2014-15 25,575,466

2015-16 19,404,407 —————————————————————————————— Total 62,220,150/- —————————————————————————————— 77 (c) The amount spent on maintenance, Sanitary Items, Electric Items, CCTV Cameras, Utility Bills and other related matters of these shrines during the said period with year wise break up is as under:—

Detail of amount spent on account of above mentioned heads, Shrine- wise, during the period under report, with year-wise break-up is as under:—

(d) There are no shrines in Islamabad to which Government is providing funds to run their affairs. 78 *Question No. 88 Senator Sehar Kamran: (Notice received on 15-06-2017 at 02:30 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the details of law or regulations which regulate the feed especially the ingredients of the feed given to chickens in poultry farms in Islamabad;

(b) whether the chicken of those poultry farms are fit for human consumption; (c) the steps taken by the Government to ensure that substandard feed is not given to the chickens in those poultry farms; and

(d) the details of action taken against those poultry farms which violated those regulation or law during the last three years?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) There is no law or regulations to regulate the feed given to the chicken in poultry farms in Islamabad. However, Livestock & Dairy Development Department, ICT is working on a draft bill to the effect.

(b) As per data available with Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi, there is no complaint against Poultry Farms operating in ICT and same are getting feed from Registered Feed Mills. Regular sampling and Inspection of Registered Feed Mills is being undertaken by District Livestock Officer under section 12 of Act ibid.

(c) Since ICTA is working on a draft law, therefore, in the intervening period inspections of poultry farms in ICT are made to check / verify whether feed is being procured from registered feed mills or not.

(d) As above.

*Question No. 89 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati: (Notice received on 19-06-2017 at 10:05 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state:

(a) the amount allocated and released for development projects of the Ministry of Defence in the budget for fiscal year 2016-17; and 79 (b) whether any additional funds were also allocated and released for the said projects during that fiscal year, if so, the details thereof? Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan: (a) An amount of Rs.2526.658 M was allocated for 10 development projects of Ministry of Defence under PSDP 2016-17 out of which an amount of Rs.309.997 Million was released for four on-going projects and one new project. (b) An amount of Rs.4.133 million was provided to one project through re-appropriation within the approved grant as per following details: (Rs. Million) —————————————————————————————— Name of Project Original Additional Remarks Allocation Funds Allocated —————————————————————————————— Development of - 4.133 Additional funds provided Training Area & through re-appropriation Boundary Wall from the allocation of project for Survey of Pakistan “Construction of Office Training Institute Complex of Survey of H-8/2, Islamabad. Pakistan, Lahore” —————————————————————————————— *Question No. 90 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati: (Notice received on 19-06-2017 at 10:05 a.m.) Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the print and ink being used on the front page of official passports is substandard and get disappeared after some time, if so, the reasons thereof and the action being taken by the Government in this regard; and (b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase the number of pages in official passports? Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) The Official passport booklets are being printed by Pakistan Security Printing Corporation (PSPC) as per required International Standards which contain specific security features. The front page of passport containing the data information of applicant is being printed by using German made. Passport printers with special security ink which is designed for passport printing. After printing, these passports are being laminated with Special Security Lamination 80 imported from France After Personalization of the booklets Post Quality Control (QC) is being done which include Visual and Data QC through specialized equipment. (b) Pakistani Official Machine Readable Passports are categorized as follows with respect to the number of pages:— i. MRP Official booklets (35 pages) ii. MRP Official booklets (72 pages) The Official passports containing 36 pages are issued to all entitled persons who fall under Para 9 of Passport & Visa Manual 2006. However, Official passports containing 72 pages are issued to those entitled persons who are frequent travelers and who justify their need of 72 pages booklets on receipt of their special recommendations. However, case has been taken up with PSPC for printing of officials booklets of 100 pages for issuance of passport to entitled category as per travelling history of such entitled person. *Question No. 91 Senator Mohammad Azam Khan Swati: (Notice received on 19-06-2017 at 10:05 a.m.) Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the amount allocated and released for ongoing and new development projects of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting separately during the fiscal year 2016-17 indicating also the details of the projects and the present status of work on the same in each case? Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: * An amount of Rs.335.405 million was allocated for total 23 PSDP projects of Ministry of Information, Broadcasting & National Heritage and its allied entities, of which Rs.229.807 million have been released for these projects by Ministry of Planning, Development & Reform during Financial Year 2016-17. The detail of allocation and releases of ongoing and new development projects are as under: (Rs. in million) —————————————————————————————— Total Nos. Allocation Releases Ongoing 21 321.209 225.611 projects —————————————————————————————— New 02 14.196 4.196 projects —————————————————————————————— * Project-wise details are at Annex-I. 81 Annex-I 82 83 84 85

*Question No. 92 Senator Dr. Jehanzeb Jamaldini: (Notice received on 19-06-2017 at 10:15 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state the number of Pakistanis who deported from other counties during the last five year indicating also the name of countries and the reasons for deportation, if any?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: Total 5,44,105 Pakistanis were deported from 2012 to 2017 (upto 30 June) as per following details:—

—————————————————————————————— Years Number of Pakistanis deported from abroad —————————————————————————————— 2012 71723

2013 79539

2014 78409

2015 116185

2016 111084

2017 87165 ——————————————————————————————

 Country wise break up of deportees is placed at Annex-A.

 Reasons for deportation are stated at Annex-B. (This information is 86 87 88 89

Reasons for Deportation 90 91 92 maintained since 2014). *Question No. 93 Senator Sehar Kamran: (Notice received on 19-06-2017 at 12:40 p.m.)

Will the Minister for National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the present Government for the protection and restoration of cultural heritage sites in the country; and

(b) the amount allocated for the said purpose during the tenure of the present Government and details of its utilization with year wise and site wise breakup?

Minister for National History and Literary Heritage: (a) Since inception, the Department of Archaeology and Museums (DOAM), has taken necessary steps for the protection and preservation of Archaeological sites in the country and protected 405 historical sites and monuments under Antiquities Act, 1975. However, the Administrative control of all the protected sites and monuments has been transferred to the concerned provinces under Constitution (18th Amendment) Act, 2010 (Act No. X of 2010) w.e.f. 5th April, 2011. The concerned departments of the Provinces have taken necessary steps for protection of major archaeological sites in the country.

2. Presently DOAM, under its mandate is responsible for protection of archaeological sites / religious monuments within ICT region. After devolution, DOAM has declared following four sites for protection under Antiquities Act, 1975:

(i). Paharwala Fort, Kahutha, Islamabad

(ii). Rawat Fort, Rawat Village , Islamabad.

(iii). Buddhist Stupas Ban Faqiran, Village Shah Allah Ditta, Islamabad.

(iv). Shah Allah Ditta Caves, Village Shah Allah Ditta, Islamabad.

3. Following steps have been taken for the proper protection and preservation of above four sites. 93

(i). Rawat and Paharwala Fort have been taken from the Government of the Punjab by DOAM for their protection and Preservation;

(ii). Indication and history boards have been displayed on the sites;

(iii). Necessary watch and ward staff have been deputed on the sites;

(iv). The Archaeological Excavation have been carried out and Ban Faqiran Stupa and the remains have been exposed and opened for the visitors;

(v). DOAM has started survey and Documentation to explore the archaeological sites/ monuments, in the ICT Region.

4. Brochers/ informative material on archaeological and cultural heritage sites/monuments have been published to project the rich cultural heritage of Pakistan.

(b) An amount of Rs. 10.000 million has been allocated for “preservation, restoration and Presentation of Rawat Fort” during current financial year 2017-18. The PC-1 of the said project is being prepared by the Department of Archaeology and Museums, Islamabad and the same will be put up for approval of competent authority as soon as received from DOAM and the current year’s allocation will be utilized in accordance with approved plan.

*Question No. 95 Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: (Notice received on 20-06-2017 at 09:15 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Information and Broadcasting be pleased to state the names and designations of the officers of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting its attached departments, sub ordinate offices and autonomous and semi autonomous corporation, bodies and authorities who were sent abroad on official visits during the last three years indicating also the name of country visited, purpose and duration of visits and the expenditure incurred in each case?

Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: Main Ministry 29 Officers visited abroad 94 during last three years. Names and designation of the visitors are at Annexure-I. External Publicity Wing

The requisite information is attached at Annexure-II

Press Information Department (PID)

The requisite information is attached at Annexure-III

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTVC)

The requisite information is attached at Annexure-IV

Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC)

The required information may please be seen at Annexure-V.

Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA)

The required information may please be seen at Annexure-VI.

Shalimar Recording & Broadcasting Company (SRBC)

The required information may please be seen at Annexure-VII. Associated

Press of Pakistan Corporation (APPC)

The required information may please be seen at Annexure-VIII .

Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA)

The required information may please be seen at Annexure- IX.

(Annexures have been placed on the Table of the House as well as Library.)

*Question No. 96 Senator Chaudhary Tanvir Khan: (Notice received on 21-06-2017 at 09:25 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state the steps, being by the Government to reorganize and improve the infrastructure and performance of PTV to enable it to compete with private TV channels 95 in the country? Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: Following steps have been taken by the present management of PTV to improve infrastructure and performance of PTV;

Improvement in infrastructure

Pakistan Television Corporation is striving hard to improve its performance with available resources. Technical infrastructure of Pakistan Television needs up gradation due to obsolete technology and ageing.

In view of financial constraints, PTVC cannot upgrade equipment with its own recourses. A PC-1 for up gradation of equipment worth Rs 255.370 Million for PTV News and Rs. 156.807 Million for PTV Academy has been considered in PSDP allocation. PTVC will initiate procurement process soon after release of funds to improve its infrastructure and performance. Following seven (7) Rebroadcast Stations (RBSs) are near to completion and will be operational by December, 2017. i. RBS Kotli Sattian ii. RBS Mian Channu iii. RBS Badin iv. NNB Larkana v. RBS Buneer vi. RBS Pooran vii. RBS Astore To expand PTV transmission in remote and far-flung areas of the country, 96

following PSDP Projects are under consideration; In the field of IT , PTV has improved its infrastructure to enable to compete with the private TV channels;

 Connectivity of PTV News Centres/bureaus through multilingual News Information Management system (mNIMS)

 State of the art IT broadcast equipment for quality output like VizRT and virtual studio

 State of the art nonlinear editing for 24/7 news environment based on OMNEON tapeless video servers and playbacks

 Interactive PTV Web portal and social media interactions with web users

 Updation of official PTV YouTube channels for web users

 Live webcasting of PTV Family for web users 97

 PTV mobile apps for IOS and Android users and TSTV services

 Remote news gathering through the use of modern IT based Technologies like FTP and live web streaming of national and internal events

 Replacement of traditional physical sets with virtual sets

 Provision of Reuters Video Services for visuals of global coverages

 Provision of AFP news wire services for news updates on 24/7 basis

 Launching of creative media campaign, Program fillers, titles, promos, graphic material for all the major national and international events like information conferences, 23rd March, 70 years of Pakistan, Ramadan, Youm-e-Takbir etc. to enhance and uplift the image of Pakistan nationally and internationally

Improvement in Performance


 Special committees of media Professionals for better programming.

 Maintenance of event calendar.

 Sensitization of general masses.

 Regional content on national network.


 PTV News has adopted new technology at steady pace in different fields including news gathering as we have shifted from satellite to internet for domestic and international coverage, thereby saving tens of millions of rupees.

 Central newsroom is now paperless as well as tapeless with all post production facilities under one roof where OMNEON hardware is 98 installed.  FTP (file transfer protocol) is being used for sending and receiving short duration visuals over the internet.

 TVU backpacks are used as an alternative to DSNG for live coverage inside and outside Pakistan.


 Adoption of several SOPs to maintain performance level.

 Regular review of content monitoring of programmes.

 Up-gradation of technical sides.

 Balance coverage to both government& Opposition parties.

 Live coverage of “Question hour” of the both house of the Parliament.

 To ensure due coverage to the Parliament.


 By enhancing around 60% in-house productions, efficient utilization of PTV’s human and technical resources, PTV is saving huge amount on large scale purchase of private content.

 Special Ramadan transmission in progress, from which a handsome Income is expected.

 By reducing the TV FEE commission from Rs. 5 per month/per paid consumer to Re. 1 per month/per paid consumer, PTV is now earning an additional amount of Rs. 500 million per year.

 Repaid working over DTH Licensing to PTV.

*Question No. 97 Senator Karim Ahmed Khawaja: (Notice received on 21-06-2017 at 10:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state: 99

(a) the present status of Railways line and Stations from Hyderabad to Badin; and

(b) whether any train has been plying on the said route, if so, the details thereof?

Khawaja Saad Rafique: (a) At present Railway track about 99 Km between Hyderabad-Badin, having 8 Railway Stations and sectional speed of 65 Kmph is fully operational.

(b) A passenger train (Badin Express) is plying twice a week (Monday and Thursday) between Hyderabad and Badin.

 Prior to 12-6-2017 Badin Express (179/Up 180/Dn) used to run on daily basis.

 Being commercially not viable, this service was curtailed twice a week to keep the section alive.

 PAF Base at Badin creates defense requirement to keep the train running.

 There is a parallel road network with high frequency of public transport which takes much less travel time comparing train.

 On short distances people like to travel by public transport being more flexible and accessible.

*Question No. 98 Senator Sitara Ayaz: (Notice received on 22-06-2017 at 10:55 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state whether it is a fact that rate of crimes against women is high / on the rise, if so, the reasons thereof?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: No, it is not a fact that crime rate againsi women is high in Islamabad. 100

*Question No. 99 Senator Muhammad Mohsin Khan Leghari: (Notice received on 12-07-2017 at 12:00 p.m.)

Will the Minister for Information, Broadcasting, National History and Literary Heritage be pleased to state the procedure laid down for appointment against the post of Member, PEMRA indicating also the educational qualifications and experience required for the same?

Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb: The procedure for appointment against the post of Member, PEMRA is laid down in Section- 6 of PEMRA (Amendment) Act- 2007.

2. Section-6 (3) of PEMRA (Amendment) Act-2007 states that:

Out of twelve members one shall be appointed by the Federal Government on full time basis and five shall be eminent citizens chosen to ensure representation of all provinces with expertise in one or more of the following fields; media, law, human rights, and social service. Of the five members from the general public, two members shall be women.

3. Section- 6 (4) of PEMRA (Amendment) Act-2007 states that:

Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Secretary, Interior Division, Chairman, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and Chairman, Central Board of Revenue shall be the ex-officio members.

4. Section -6 (4-A) of PEMRA (Amendment) Act -2007 states that:

The remaining two members shall be appointed by the Federal Government on need basis on the recommendation of the Chairman.

5. It may be noted that PEMRA (Amendment) Act does not specify detailed procedure for appointment of provincial members of PEMRA Authority under Section-6 (3) of PEMRA (Amendment) Act- 2007. However, as per Prime Minister’s instructions a panel of 3 is submitted for each appointment to be made by Prime Minister.

6. Section -7 of PEMRA (Amendment) Act- 2007 specifies the tenure of PEMRA members as 4 years.

7. The composition and classification of PEMRA Members Authority 101 Annex-I 102 is given in tabulated form at (Annex-I). *Question No. 100 Senator Sirajul Haq: (Notice received on 18-07-2017 at 10:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the steps being taken by the Government for the up-gradation and extension of Railways line from Peshawar to Torkham; and

(b) the steps taken by the present Government to make the railways line operational upto Dargai??

Khawaja Saad Rafique: (a) Ministry of Railways is working on Peshawar Jalalabad (Afghanistan) connectivity through rail link. In this connection a feasibility study titled -Provision of Rail Link from Peshawar to Jalalabad(Afghanistan) through Loi Shalman Velley(145 Km)” is under process. likely to be completed by December.2017.1t will be known only after finalization of the said report whether existing track from Peshawar to Torkham is also included in the proposed scheme or not.

In this regard,it is further pointed out that the matter was raised in 5th JCC meeting to include this connectivity project in CPEC which was not agreed. As a follow up action the same will again be raised in 7th JCC meeting.

(b) Nowshera to Dargai is still an operational section as freight trains are allowed to run. The only passenger train (P - 477 UP / P - 478 DN) which used to run on Nowshera- Dargai section, was suspended w.e.f 31-01-2000 being un-remunerative.

Pakistan Railway is studying the feasibility of restoration of passenger trains on this section considering commercial viability of the same. Furthermore, Pakistan Railways is planning to conduct a feasibility study regarding extension of rail track from Noshera to Dargai and onwards to Gilgit via Kalam.

*Question No. 101 Senator Sirajul Haq: (Notice received on 18-07-2017 at 10:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state:

(a) the details of railways accidents took place during the last four years indicating also the location of accident and the number of 103 persons died and injured in the same in each case; (b) whether it is a fact that the ratio of the said accidents has increased during the tenure of present Government, if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) whether the present Government has taken any steps to control the said accidents, if so, the details thereof?

Khawaja Saad Rafique:

The location/division wise break-up of the said accidents is given below: The list of exact location of the accidents is attached as annexure A (2013), B (2014), C (2015) , D (2016). During the period from 01-01-2013 to 31st December 2016, 118 persons died while 467 were injured as a result of Railway accidents. The year wise break- up of the said casualties is given below; —————————————————————————————— Year Killed Injured —————————————————————————————— 2013 14 26 2014 14 72 2015 44 203 2016 46 166 —————————————————————————————— 104 Total: 118 467 —————————————————————————————— (b) While comparing the four year tenure of present government (2013-2017) with the previous government (2009-2012), it is clarified that a total of 338 accidents occurred during the tenure of present government compared with 397 accidents during the similar tenure of last government. As such there is a reduction of 59 accidents in the tenure of present government.

(c) Pakistan Railways has taken following measures to prevent accidents and ensure safe running of trains.

1. Pakistan Railways conducted a joint survey with collaboration of all concerned District authorities during 2013 and indentified 550 un-manned level crossings as vulnerable over the entire network.

2. Pakistan Railways proactively took up this issue with all the provincial governments to fund conversion of these un-manned level crossings to manned level crossings. As a result of this follow up 75 un-manned level crossings out of 550 have been converted into manned level crossings during 2015-16 in the province of Punjab at a cost of Rs. 610 million provided by the Government of Punjab.

3. Whereas only seven (7) unmanned level crossing were upgraded during last five years (2008-13).

4. Efforts are underway for up-gradation of remaining vulnerable level crossings. In this regard, the help of respective provincial governments is being solicited.

5. Government of Punjab has committed funding of Rs. 1250 million in two phases for up-gradation of another 150 vulnerable unmanned level crossings during financial year 2016­17 & 2017-18.

6. Sindh Government has provided Rs. 104 million for up-gradation of 15 most vulnerable level crossings.

7. An amount of 177.96 million is demanded from the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for up-gradation of 18 unmanned level crossings. 105 8. An amount of 80 million has been demanded from Government of Balochistan for up-gradation of 10 unmanned level crossings. 9. Pakistan Railways is also in process of conversion of busy/dangerous level crossings into under pass/flyovers on BOT basis with the help of provincial governments. In first phase 05 level crossings have been identified in Punjab for consideration on trial basis.

10. Road surface of all level crossings is being improved together with improved warning boards.

11. Provision of reliable communication (VHF radio) between ground staff and locomotive crew has already been provided.

12. The Directorate of Public Relations has produced video messages for circulation over Social Media to inform the public about the dangers associated with railway crossings.

13. Tracking/monitoring of trains through GPS/Iocation devices is under process.

14. Provision of audio visual warning to the road users (Red & Green signals with Bell) and the Train Driver while approaching a level crossing is under process with the help of local technical company.

15. Training, refresher courses, medical/ psychological test of operating staff including station staff are conducted regularly at the Pakistan Railways Academy, Walton, Special attention is being given to the training of the locomotive crew, guards, station master and other concerned staff with train operations.

16. Regular inspections in accordance with prescribed standards and quota are conducted by the officers and officials of Pakistan Railways to maintain safety standards. This process is being constantly monitored at appropriate levels.

17. Special bulletins/instructions are issued regularly for guidance of staff.

18. Inquiries into accidents are held, responsibility fixed and remedial measures on the basis of their findings are promptly taken. 106 19. Inspections of all manned or unmanned level crossings is being carried out by all concerned in accordance with laid down schedule regularly. 20. Special attention is being paid to the surfacing of roads, clearance of check rails, maintenance, cross level track, clearance of visibility zones and maintenance of the level crossings.

21. Warning signs in Urdu vernacular have already been erected which are clearly visible from the both sides of unmanned/manned level crossings.

22. Instructions have been issued to all operating division for introduction of LED based light in tail lamps.

23. Conversion of old age kerosene oil based signal have been undertaken replaced with LED’s on main line.

(Annexures have been placed on the Table of the House as well as Library.)

*Question No. 102 Senator Sardar Muhammad Azam Khan Musakhel: (Notice received on 25-07-2017 at 11:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to refer to the Senate starred question No. 174, replied on 19th January, 2017 and state:

(a) the names of the persons who deposited an amount of Rs. 850000 in 2013 and were allotted plots measuring 30 x 60, in Jinnah Gardens, Phase-I, Islamabad but possession of the same has not been handed over to them, so far; and

(b) the reasons for not handing over the possession of those plots to the said persons so far and the time by which the same will be handed over to them?

Mr. Ashan Iqbal: (a) 1097 plots were allotted by the FECHS in Jinnah Garden to the members of National Assembly Employees Cooperative Housing Society, Islamabad in 2013 @ Rs.850,000/- in the light of Joint venture executed between both societies (list attached at Annex- “A”). So far 413 plots have been handed over to these members whereas possession of remaining members is under process. 107 (b) The reasons of delay of not giving possession of plots to all said members are as under:— i. Delay in consolidation of purchased land by the National Assembly Secretariat Employees Cooperative Housing Society (NASECHS), Islamabad.

ii. Resolution of land disputes with different land owners even their own disputes within their families.

iii. Disputes over purchased land by FECHS and the same is in the possession of Naval Anchorage a housing project Pakistan Navy.

iv. Purchase of pockets by the Naval Anchorage (Pakistan Navy) in the purchased area of FECHS.

v. Delay in exchange of land purchased by the previous Managing Committee in different Mouzajat such as on Japan Road, Gagri, Bhindar and Darwala etc.

Presently an administrator with limited powers is appointed and elections of new Managing Committee are under process.. After elections of new Managing Committee the possession of plots will be handed over to the remaining members of NASECHS.

(Annexure has been placed on the Table of the House as well as Library.)

*Question No. 103 Senator Nawabzada Saifullah Magsi: (Notice received on 01-08-2017 at 11:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Interior be pleased to state:

(a) the number of water filtration plants installed in the Islamabad Capital Territory with location wise break up indicating also the number of plants functional out of the same at present;

(b) the schedule laid down for cleansing and maintenance of the said plants; and

(c) whether it is a fact that a number of those plants, including the one installed in Shahzad Town, are out of order at present, if so, the reasons thereof and the time by which the same will be made 108 functional?

Mr. Ahsan Iqbal: (a) Thirty seven (37) Nos Water Filtration Plants are installed in Islamabad City and are functional. Location-wise detail is at Annex-‘A’.

(b) The operation and maintenance of 37. Water Filtration Plants is being carried out through a rate running contract on annual basis. Carbon media, sand media, cartridge filters Ultra Violet (U.V) Lamps, Water taps, etc are being replaced as & when required. To ensure quality, water of each plant is got tested regularly.

(c) Three (03) new filtration plants, including the one being installed in 109

Shahzad Town, are at present non-functional due to non-completion of work and the same shall be made functional within one month’s time.

*Question No. 104 Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar: (Notice received on 08-08-2017 at 11:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the time by which the work for laying railway track and construction of a bridge on Sibi-Harnai-Khost section will be completed?

Khawaja Saad Rafique:  The work of laying of track, rehabilitation of 17 bridges, and allied structural works on Sibi­Harnai-Khost section is scheduled to be completed in 24 months as per contract agreement i.e by 21-03-2018.

 Efforts are being made to complete the rehabilitation work of Sibi – Harnai section (92 Km) by December 2017 and Harnai – Khost section (42 Km) by March 2018

*Question No. 105 Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar: (Notice received on 08-08-2017 at 11:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the names of private persons who have illegally occupied the land of Pakistan Railways in the country during the last three years with province wise break up?

Khawaja Saad Rafique:  No fresh encroachment of permanent nature on railway land was reported during the last four years. However any fresh encroachment of temporary nature if found during the said period was removed and land retrieved immediately. 110  Land measuring 1055 acres encroached in the past has been retrieved during the last four years. Following steps have been taken by the Pakistan Railways to retrieve the encroached land:—

 Detailed survey was carried out to identify and work out the details of encroached land, un­authorizedly occupied by the individual encroachers and under illegal occupation of Government Departments.

 The campaign is being monitored by the Divisional Superintendents, Headquarters office and at the level of Ministry of Railways.

 A comprehensive policy has been Prawn to prevent further encroachments. This policy makes the concerned Pakistan Railway Officers/officials and Railway Police officiate jointly responsible in case of any new encroachment.

 Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and joint Procedure orders have since been issued for strict implementation of this policy. F.IRs are being lodged and cases are registered and sent to Railway judicial Magistrates for expeditious trial.

 During the current campaign 2023 cases were registered and 2152 accused were arrested during the anti-encroachment operations. The accused involved in 1348 cases were convicted whereas 35 were acquitted.

 The issue regarding illegal occupation/possession of Railway land by Government Departments/Institutions has also been taken up with concerned departments.

 A project for computerization of railway land record was initiated during April 2015 with the assistance of Urban Unit in order to harmonize the railway land record with the record of all the provincial revenue departments. This project is near completion and will ensure 111 to safeguard railway land through a computerized monitoring system and will render total transparency in land management. *Question No. 106 Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar: (Notice received on 08-08-2017 at 11:45 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Railways be pleased to state the number of persons appointed in the Ministry of Railways and its attached departments under the Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan programme in addition to the normal prescribe quota of Balochistan since the launching of that programme with grade wise and district wise break up?

Khawaja Saad Rafique: 25 Persons have been appointed by the Ministry of Railways and its attached department under the Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan 112 113 Programme in addition to the normal prescribed quota of Balochistan since the launching of that Programme. Details are attached as Annexure-A. *Question No. 107 Senator Muhammad Talha Mahmood: (Notice received on 09-08-2017 at 09:30 a.m.)

Will the Minister for Defence be pleased to state the names and designations of the officers of the Ministry of Defence, its attached departments, sub ordinate offices and autonomous and semi autonomous corporations, bodies and authorities who were sent abroad on official visits during the last three years indicating also the name of country visited, purpose and duration of visit and the expenditure incurred in each case?

Engineer Khurram Dastgir Khan: The details of visits abroad conducted by the officers of Ministry of Defence and its Attached Departments during last three years are placed at Annex-A. A summary of these visits is as under:—

—————————————————————————————— S# Name of Department Total visits —————————————————————————————— 1. Ministry of Defence (Main) 28

2. Pakistan Armed Services Board 01

3. Survey of Pakistan 31

4. Pakistan Military Accounts Department 15

5. Military Lands & Cantonments Department 04

6. Pakistan Maritime Security Agency 27 —————————————————————————————— 114 Annex-I 115 116 117 118 119 120 121

ISLAMABAD, AMJED PERVEZ, the 23rd August, 2017 Secretary.

PCPPI—4140(17) Senate—23-08-2017 —275.